#they were all reading off their little royal prompt cards....
junk-culture · 1 year
dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of god to anoint charles our parasite in chief with his most idiot hat.
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huramuna · 8 months
downpour - oneshot.
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modern aegon ii targaryen x nanny reader minors dni, you will be smited.
this is for @targaryen-dynasty sleepover challenge 🤭 i got the babysitter au + the prompt 'why so shy?' i had so much fun with this, modern aegon is a menace and also a sopping wet cat.
word count: 4.5k
content: smutty smut smut (specifics under cut), aegon being a little shit (we love it), saltburn spoilers (lol), allusions to drug / alcohol abuse and rehabilitation, mullet aegon, jaehaera and jaehaerys are hel's kids but they have an unnamed / unrelated father, gratuitous use of song lyrics, probably a touch of power imbalance because of her job
murder on the dance floor - sophie ellis-bexter
warnings: oral (m receiving), face slapping w/ cock, degradation, dirty talk (this man never shuts up), face fucking / deepthroat, cum on face
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“Jaehaerys! Jaehaera! Please don’t run in the house with muddy boots!” you called fervently, trying to collapse the umbrella with one hand, two teddy bears slung in the other. 
“We won’t!” they both called in unison, followed by the unmistakable sound of muddy galoshes squeaking over the marble floor. You suppressed the urge to groan as you entered the exquisite home through the french doors that led to the backyard. 
“Boots off, little ones!” you called again, kicking off your own shoes in a haste to catch the gremlins before they tracked grime all over madam Alicent’s home. You had been working at the Targaryen estate for the better part of a year as a live-in nanny for Lady Alicent’s two grandchildren– twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. It was a wonderful job for the most part, as the twins were a delight and you had grown to have a strong friendship with their mother, Helaena. She was a bit dreamy-eyed and wistful, but was a wonderful mother nonetheless, even if she did have her melancholic days. 
The estate was huge and ancient, passed down from generations through Helaena’s father’s side, which was apparently a near royal bloodline from days long foregone. Viserys Targaryen, the father in question, was hardly ever home. He managed the family business (whatever it may be, you didn’t find it in you to ask– all you knew is that they were dirty rich) with his other daughter, Rhaenyra, from his first marriage. He had four children with Alicent, Helaena being the only one of the brood to still live at home.
 You’d met two of the others as well; Aemond, a lawyer in the family business who was, in short, all business and no play. He never regarded you, really, besides a quick glance or stiff nod. He had, however, slipped you a eight-thousand dollar bonus at Christmas time with a simple card that read;
Thank you for taking care of the twins and my sister. And keeping my mother sane.
- A.T
The other sibling, Daeron, was the youngest of the bunch, visited usually during holidays, as he constantly was studying abroad. ‘Sowing his wild oats’, as Helaena had put it. He was cordial to you and very much had a boyish charm, and Helaena loved to joke that he had a crush on you. When he had come home for New Year’s, he brought you a souvenir from Iceland, an authentic lopapeysa sweater, made from wool and sewn with a beautiful geometric design. 
“Awh, Daeron wants you to stay warm, lovey,” Helaena teased. 
“I-It’s just– her hands are always so cold, a-and the wool is supposed to help keep warm! The inner layer is insulating.” Daeron had stammered, the tips of his ears growing red. 
“Uncle Daeron has a brush!” Jaehaera squeaked, her words whistling through her tooth gap, she’d lost her first baby tooth just the week before.
“A crush, he’s got a crush!” Jaehaerys corrected softly. 
Alicent thought the whole thing very amusing.
That left one child you hadn’t met. You didn’t know much about him aside from small bits of conversation you’d picked up on between the rest of the family. Aegon. The eldest of all of them, and apparently the troublemaker of the bunch. You knew what he looked like from the portraits– blonde hair like the rest but with severely more bags under his eyes. Upon entering the home, one would see the chronological order of family portraits. 
It starts with Viserys, Alicent, and baby Aegon; the latter of whom is happy and chubby and bubbly. 
Then, it moves to the three of them, plus baby Helaena, with her wide blue-eyed stare at the camera. Aegon is still happy.
The next one adds the addition of baby Aemond– there is a glint of sentience in Aegon’s eyes, but he hasn’t experienced the crushing blows of reality yet.
You weren’t exactly sure, but as he got older, he became more morose– more bags, less light in his eyes. Then came the ear piercings, the tattoos, the head shaving, the bloodshot in the whites of his eyes. The portraits ended with this past year’s Christmas photo. Aegon was noticeably missing from it. You’d heard during one of Alicent’s phone conversations with her father that Aegon was in rehabilitation for a myriad of issues, and looking at his photos, you could only guess which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
A particularly harsh clap of thunder broke you from your thoughts, coming back to yourself. You scooped up Jaehaera before she stepped on the carpet with the muddy shoes. “C’mon, let's get cleaned up for lunch, yeah? What do we want for lunch today, lovies?” 
“Grilled cheese n’ tomato soup.”
“No! I want mac n’ cheese.” 
The squabbling ensued, the twins arguing back and forth for a few moments before you butt in. “Alright, how about– whoever gets the floor the cleanest and puts their galoshes by the washroom the fastest gets to pick?” 
The twins squealed in delight as they absconded from your sight, effectively going to do your bidding for you. You would, however, just end up making both meals anyway. As you moved to the kitchen, the sound of the doorbell rang. You bustled to the door, not sure who to expect– there weren’t many roving visitors in and out of the estate unless Alicent was explicitly expecting company– which you had triple checked the calendar when you woke up that morning.
You opened the door, expecting to see a debutante or someone of Alicent’s social circle– ‘twas not the case. You recognized him immediately, seeing his mother’s face in his own. Aegon. He was muddy, dirt flecks splashed on his face as he stood under the stoop trying to get away from the pouring rain. His face was a bit healthier than you’d seen it, the dark circles were still there, but not as prominent. It was like a gloomy day, rather than a full blown storm under his eyes. He had the wisps of a beard starting on his jawline, and his hair was cut into a makeshift mullet, longer in the back.
“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, hands in his pockets. 
“Erm– the… the nanny. For the children.” you stammered, his tone catching you off guard. You glanced behind him, seeing a beat up dirt bike caked in mud– that was probably how he got here. 
“A nanny? You’re a bit young for that, yeah? My nanny’s were all wrinkly old prunes.” 
“Oh– uhm, come in, Mr. Targaryen.” 
He perked a brow at the name, but didn’t say anything. He beat the bottom of his boots on the doormat, which didn’t accomplish much. He immediately began to track mud on the floor. “Mum home? Hel?” 
“Lady Alicent is… upstairs,” you offered, following behind him at a quick pace. “Helaena is taking a nap– the storm–” 
“Yeah, I know ‘bout Hel’s issues with storms. Don’t need to tell me twice. So, you got a name, or are you just the nanny?” 
You gave him your name as you glanced at the clock– it was almost time for the children’s lunch and you hadn’t even put it on the stove yet! 
“Got any food around here? Fuckin’ famished.” he added then as he nosed around the kitchen, hands still in his pockets. 
“I’m just about to make lunch for the twins– uhm, I can make you something too if you’d like.” you walked past him, quickly putting some pots on the stove and starting the gas. You and the twins were on a strict schedule, and if they didn’t get their lunch on time, they would turn into hellions. 
“Sure. Whatever the kids are having. I’m not picky.” Aegon waved his hand behind his head as he disappeared from the kitchen and clomped up the stairs, likely to speak with his mother. You fretted for Alicent’s mental state once that was done, and you felt even guiltier for not giving her a heads up.
As the tomato soup heated on the stove and the water began to boil for the macaroni, you unlocked your phone– you were curious about Aegon and why he’d come back, exactly. Well, of course, besides the fact that he lived here (or did, at some point) he was still supposed to be in rehab for another three months. You went to instagram, rolling your eyes as you saw that his profile was on ‘suggested for you to follow!’ 
You clicked to his most recent photo, the first that he’d posted in over a year.
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“Jesus christ,” you muttered under your breath as you put down your phone on the counter to stir the soup. 
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Aegon teased behind you. When the fuck had he gotten there? “Soup n’ mac and cheese?”
“Tomato soup and grilled cheese for Jaehaera, mac and cheese for Jaehaerys.” you responded plainly, trying not to notice that he was practically breathing down your neck. You glanced over as he leaned on the counter, where you had left your phone. Unlocked. Like an idiot. On his instagram page.
“Curious about me, are you? I’m surprised you haven’t heard enough about me from my mum.” 
“I don’t like to pry into Lady Alicent’s affairs–” 
“I wouldn’t consider myself an affair, more like a one time fling, eh?” Aegon snorted, grabbing your phone. It took every fiber of your being to not break all sense of decorum you held to snatch it back from him. “You’re not following me– let’s change that,” he mused, beginning to scroll through your page now. “Lots of pictures of the kids here– ooh, a trip to the seaside. There’s no pictures of you on here, eh? Only of… my family n’ other stupid shit, like the ocean.” 
“I’m a live-in nanny, sir,” you grit out, stirring the soup with more force than necessary. You consider yourself a patient person, and have become accustomed to how people in the Targaryen’s circle made their jabs. High society and filthy rich people had their own language of insults– ones that you wouldn’t realize they were insulting you until much, much later. It was like a game with a slow burning poison. But Aegon, apparently, was different. There was nothing meticulous about his jabs, no filter, no slow burning poison. It was all punch and sting, like a bite from a rabid dog rather than a viper. “I usually attend family trips.”
“Live-in, huh?” he drawled, his arm leaning over the counter in such a laissez-faire manner that you could feel yourself scowling. “Don’t get much action then, I take it? Let’s see if there’s any nudie judies on here, then…” 
“N-no!” you broke then, all sense of manners flying out of your body as you struggled to take back your phone.
“Why so shy? Got something on here you don’t want me to see?” he staved you off, a hand planted firmly on your shoulder as he scrolled through your photos, making all sorts of gaudy faces. You didn’t really have anything overtly scandalous, maybe a few lingerie shots for an old boyfriend.
“Aegon, leave her alone. Give her back her phone.” Alicent’s voice cut through the room like a knife, stunning both of you.
He sheepishly gave you back your phone as she crooked a finger to her son, ushering him to a room on the farther side of the house. 
As you fed the twins their lunch, you overheard some yelling, arguing and heated voices. You only saw Aegon later when going to your room to get ready for bed. His eyes were teary and red. 
The next few weeks went by with some normalcy— everything was as usual, except it was like you had a third child to care for; Aegon. Except this child didn’t listen at all and had terrible habits. He was constantly flirting with you, but also would weave in jabs at the same time— you couldn’t quite tell if he even liked you or not. Not that it mattered, anyway.
You were sneaking in your own lunch one afternoon, eating scraps from the twin’s lunch while they napped— basically just the crust you cut off of the grilled cheese and the small bit of soup left in the pot. 
“You eat like a mouse.” Aegon said, always managing to be there to annoy you. 
“Too much food makes me tired— I won’t be able to keep up with them if I’m sluggish.” 
“Could always drink a red bull or a monster, instead.” he offered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it in the kitchen. 
“You shouldn’t do that inside. It’s bad for the children’s lungs. Lady Alicent says—,” 
“Well, it’s my fuckin’ house too, innit? I can smoke in here if I well and bloody like,” he growled, exhaling a puff of smoke into your face. “My mum must be paying you extra to be my nanny too, then? The way you’re up my ass all the time.” he flicked ash in your direction. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest. He was goading you, baiting you into a reaction. He was being insufferable on purpose. You could tell by his pearly white smile he currently had plastered to his face, like a smug little— 
“Never had a nanny so pretty, though,” he continued. “If I asked real nice, would you feed me soup? Dress me up? Give me a bath if I’m real dirty?” he got closer and you could smell him— the smell of marlboro reds and cheap aftershave that had become synonymous with Aegon blew out your senses until it was all consuming.
Your mouth parted as you tried to think of some witty response, some barb, some jab— but nothing came out. You just huffed and turned away from him in an attempt to hide your red cheeks. Why were you blushing? 
You could practically hear the cockiness ooze from him, his mouth perked into a cheeky smile as he stole one of the crusts. He knew he’d gotten to you. 
It’d now been over a month since Aegon moved back home and the building tension between you two hadn’t let up a bit— you constantly felt trapped and elated all at once. When you saw him, your chest fluttered slightly in anxiety and anticipation. What was wrong with you? 
It was a dark, gloomy day. The seasonal storms were in full swing, pelting the estate in rain and hail. Alicent, Helaena, and the twins were out on an escapade to Alicent’s father’s house— you guessed Aegon hadn’t gone. But, it was a huge house, so surely you could enjoy some of your time off without seeing him? 
A rumble of thunder shook the house, rattling its constitution— and then the lights flickered. Flickered… flickered… then… out. It was dark, then, even with your window shades open. You turned on your phone flashlight and tiptoed out of your room, going to see if perhaps you could smack the backup generator into working. 
You hadn’t expected to work today, nor see anyone, as Alicent had given you the day off. So, you were subsequently dressed in your pajamas— a hilariously oversized Bass Pro Shop shirt (a gift from your dad in America) and cat-patterned sleeping shorts. Your toes cracked and creeped on the floorboards with each movement, and to your chagrin, as you passed Aegon’s door, it opened. He was wearing a shirt that said “MILF: Man I love Fishing”, with just his boxer briefs on, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. 
“Oh. You’re still here.” 
“Sorry, thought you were gone with the rest. Sad, I can’t do the Saltburn thing now.” 
“The… what?” 
“The Saltburn thing? Dance around the empty mansion to myself with my cock out.” 
“What.” you responded with the most deadpan tone.
“Dance… with my cock out?” he repeated.
“No– I know what you said– but why?” 
“Why not?” 
You rolled your eyes, shifting the conversation. “So, the power is out– uhm, do you know where the backup generator is?” 
“In the wine cellar. Nifty, huh?” 
“... the… wine cellar. I can’t say I’ve been down there yet.”
“I know it like the back of my hand, c’mon then. I’m sure I can kick the old gen in the nads and get it to work.” Aegon said with surprising confidence, turning on his phone’s flashlight and half blinding you. 
You followed behind him, to which he hummed ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ while doing a half-assed dance, apparently from some movie that was definitely something you hadn’t watched– you don’t remember the last time you watched a movie that wasn’t geared towards the twins. 
“So basically… he had the whole mansion to himself, and then he dances through it with his cock out, hanging massive brain, y’know? It's murder on the dance floor, you better not kill the groove,” he imitates the dance, sprawling his arms out in the doorway to the wine cellar and shaking his bottom a bit, which was, admittedly, nicely fit in his snug boxer briefs. You felt a strange heat flush to your cheeks.
“And this… is a… what? Comedy?” 
“Well, categorically no– I’m not a film aficionado. I guess it could be considered a psychological thriller, but I thought it was pretty funny,” he stopped before continuing into the cellar. “It gets pretty hairy in here, so stick close, okay? Ever seen The Conjuring?” 
“... yes, actually. Horror movies are kind of my favorite.” 
“Ah, a girl after my own heart,” he mused. “Well, think of the basement in that movie, but instead of a bunch of old useless shit, it’s a bunch of old wine.”
“And… instead of ghosts?” 
“Oh, there’s definitely ghosts.” 
“... what.” 
“Yeah, estate is haunted. You haven’t noticed?” 
“Shut up.” you murmured. You were a huge fan of horror movies while simultaneously being a huge chicken shit when it came to scary things– you were prone to hiding your face before the big jumpscare or running up the stairs from the kitchen when it was dark, just in case something was chasing you– and your feet had to be covered by the blanket at all times when sleeping.
“Aww, you scared?” Aegon teased, turning to you.
“I mean– ghosts are scary. Of course!” you offered sheepishly, pulling up the collar of your oversized shirt to cover your nose and mouth in an almost hiding manner– a nervous habit of yours. 
“I’ll keep you safe, love, no worries about that.” 
“... that’s what they always say, right? Then they totally leave behind their girlfriends to get stabbed by the killer or… eaten by the monster.”
“You my girlfriend now?” he asked, that stupidly annoying and somehow charming smug energy exuding off of him in waves. 
“Shut up.” you grumbled as you both approached the generator. It was covered in dust and hadn’t been touched or tended to in a long time, it looked like. “Do… you know what you’re doing?” you asked Aegon tentatively, watching as he inspected it.
“Me? Oh, fuck no. I never know what I’m doing, honestly,” he shrugged, giving the metal box a kick and haphazardly pressing some buttons. “No dice, sweetheart. ‘Spose you’ll have to dance in the dark with me for a bit longer, huh? But, if there's a ghost, you'll be... ghost food, or whatever.” 
You pinched your brow in annoyance. “I don’t understand you.” 
“What’s there to understand? I’m a pretty open book, you know.”
“No– you aren’t. You flirt with me but also… insult me? I don’t get it.”
“It’s called teasing– picking? Picking on? Getting the goat?” 
“What? So, like a little boy pulling a girl’s pigtails on the playground because he likes her? That makes absolutely no sense, Aegon.” 
“If you spend your time trying to find a reason for it, you’ll go insane. Why not just enjoy the point of it? I like you.” he breathed, suddenly very close to you. He set his phone aside on top of the generator, flashlight up. It illuminated the walls of wine and cast shadows of cobwebs and dust all around the both of you.
“Are you deaf– I. Like. You.” he repeated, his knees bumping yours as you were practically glued together, your back now against the ancient stone wall.
Your lips parted as you inhaled a breath– okay, you weren’t exactly expecting him to say that, or even like you at all– you figured the flirting was all hot air, a defense mechanism, something for fun, not… real. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you became all too aware of the fact that you hadn’t been touched since you got this job, maybe even before that– and your previous boyfriends never made you feel… flustered like this. You couldn’t form words as he, uncharacteristically cautiously, put his hand on your cheek. He was so close, so close– his body heat mingled with your inherent coldness and warmed you instantly. You weren’t sure what came over you, but you leaned forward, slotting your lips against his. What the actual fuck were you doing– you were kissing your boss’ son, her notoriously bad mannered, foul mouthed, sloven slob of a son, and you liked it. Your hand instantly went to the back of his head, fingers grazing through his choppy curls– even giving them an experimental tug, which he seemed to enjoy, by the indication of something poking you in your thigh. 
His lips moved against yours like a dance, and you couldn’t get the fucking song he was singing earlier out of your head– It’s murder on the dancefloor– you grasped at his hip, it was fleshy and pleasant, the tips of your finger slipping under the elastic of his briefs– But you better not kill the groove– his hands were exploring, too, under your stupid Bass Pro shop shirt, groping at your breasts with reckless abandon – If you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong – the heat rose in your body until you couldn’t take it any longer, the two of you were practically eating each other alive in this dank, dusty cellar and it was undoubtedly the hottest experience of your life – I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along – your lips parted for a moment, still connected by a string of saliva, bridging the gap between the two of you – Hear me when I say, hey –
“On your knees for me, love?” he asked, his voice suddenly so deep and husky, his thumb skimming over your collarbone. 
You fell to your knees for him so quickly– how pathetic. He wriggled down his briefs, already leaking at the fat tip of his cock. He wasn’t overly long, but he was girthy, like a beer can. Your eyes widened, which he must’ve noticed, as his face was plastered with a shit-eating grin. Your mind immediately went to an image of a so-called ‘American delicacy’ (your father’s words, not yours) called Beer can chicken, in which a can of beer is shoved in the ass end of a chicken and grilled. It is apparently as delicious as it is horrifying. Your throat bobbed as you surveyed it, a tentative hand around the base. He shook his head, prying your hand from him.
“Nope, mouth only. Open up, be a good girl.” Aegon muttered, looking down at you, the light of his phone flashlight illuminating him from below– he looked like a God. Or maybe a devil. 
Your mouth parted as his hand guided you forward. You wholly expected him to nestle in your mouth, but he surprised you with a slap to your face with his cock. It didn’t hurt, just caused you to yelp in surprise. He smeared some of the pre-come across your cheek, then slapped the head of his length on your waiting tongue. It was somewhat degrading, what he was doing– but it lit a goddamn fire under your ass, the neurons of depravity in your body, wherever they may lie, were alight with each nasty little gesture Aegon gave you, before he finally slid home. It stretched out your mouth, prodding at the back of your throat. 
“What would everyone else think, hm? If they knew you were such a fuckin’ slut.” he growled, gathering your hair in his fist like it owed him money, beginning to fuck himself into your mouth, careful to pay attention to your body language to make sure he wasn’t working you over too much. He made sure to be extra careful with his toys, rather than break them.
Tears welled, spilling down your face as you let him use you, degrade you– and yet, he also praised you.
“–such a good girl for me–”
“–you can take a little more, there you go–”
“–prettiest throat I’ve ever fucked–”
You felt like you were on fire, set ablaze by arousal you’d never experienced before– was this what they sang songs about? Dirty, borderline pornographic songs but the point still stood.
You had to chalk it up to the barometric pressure of the storm, right? Aegon wasn’t your type— your type was… well-adjusted, non-addicts, non-bad boy, non-troublemakers. Aegon was the antithesis of what you were into. 
And yet— you were into him. You were into him in a pathetic, pitiful way. It made you cringe to think about but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes, nor could you forget the way he was whimpering— fucking whimpering! You squeezed your thighs together slightly at the sound of it, at the blurry-eyed, teary sight of him looking down at you on your knees, eyes half lidded. 
He pulled out with a particularly throaty grunt, painting your face in his unnaturally warm seed, somehow careful enough not to get it in your eyes– small mercies. Your lungs inflated with oxygen once more as you caught your breath, trying to gather yourself. You felt the swathe of cloth over your face as Aegon cleaned you up with his ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing’ shirt, which he had apparently taken off. 
“You good?”
You nodded slowly as he helped you to your feet, brushing off your knees with the clean part of his shirt. 
“Um– so,” he still held onto you, as if he was afraid you’d run away. “Do you want to watch a movie with me later, when the power is back on? Like, actually watch it– I won’t fuck your face, I promise.” 
“... are you asking me on a date?”
“Umm… yeah. I think.”
“Maybe we could watch Saltburn?” you offered with a shrug.
“Your mum texted me,” you whispered. “The bridge is temporarily washed out from the storm, they won’t be back ‘til tomorrow.”
“Do you know what that means?” Aegon said, suddenly giddy. You both had just finished watching Saltburn, and you finally understood what the ‘Saltburn thing’ was. 
“You know your mum has like ten security cameras set up around the house, right?” 
“Okay… and?”
“I’m not dancing naked in the hallway, Aegon.” 
“How about just in my room? Please?” 
You gave a sigh, beginning to take your clothes off.
“Siri, play ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor.”
‘Okay. Now playing ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, as featured in Saltburn.’
It's murder on the dancefloor!
But you better not kill the groove, hey-hey, hey-hey!
It's murder on the dancefloor.
But you better not steal the moves.
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down.
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queenlua · 20 days
Prompt: Sanaki and Naesala and... hmm, "aesthetics"
When Sanaki enters the parlor where Naesala's lurking, garbed from head to toe in her new royal regalia, she's not sure how exactly Naesala will react.
But she was expecting something a little less... monosyllabic.
"It looks fine," he says, with an indifferent shrug, glancing up for only a moment from the armchair onto which he's slumped.  Then turns right back to the book he's reading.
Fine.  Just fine, says Naesala, who's constantly mouthing off about the aesthetics of everything in Sienne.  Naesala, who thinks Mainal's narthex is too drab but its side chapel, too precious.  Naesala, who rolls his eyes at the famed columns and great vaulted dome of the ancient temple on Westover Hill ("dated even in its own time," apparently), but sneers at Mainal's redesigned eastern wing as so much modernist pretention ("did your architect run out of gold before he managed to buy a single shred of color?").  Naesala, who paused, the first time he ever entered Sanaki's chambers, just to call the crown molding tacky.
But Sanaki's currently wearing an entirely new wardrobe for conducting royal business, and all he has to say is looks fine.  Really.
For over a year, Sanaki's royal draper, Ariadne, has slaved over the design of this new regalia.  A special assignment, quite possibly the work of Ariadne's lifetime.  Since Sanaki was no longer apostle and empress, but instead serving as empress alone—she needed attire to match.  Something to project her authority, and her unbroken connection to Begnion's past, all the way back to its founding, while also discarding all traces of religiosity, any symbols of the goddess.  "Can you do it?" she'd asked Ariadne, and the woman's eyes had glittered, then.  She'd pushed up her glasses, pulled a pen from her hair, started sketching at once.
Ariadne was good.  The best.  All the ladies at court, and the aesthetes in their forums and parlors, said so.  And Ariadne herself had not even bothered affecting false modesty: "My greatest work yet," she'd said, the day of the unveiling.
All of that, and yet, looks fine is all Naesala says.
That can't be the whole of his opinion.  So Sanaki waits.
And sure enough, after a few minutes, Naesala glances up from his book to ask, "Who's your draper, again?"
"What is it," Sanaki snaps.
"Nothing, nothing."  Naesala laughs.  "Just might have a word with her, is all."
Sanaki waits again.  And after a moment Naesala sighs, rises from him chair, and crosses the room to give Sanaki a looking-over.  He paces around her slowly, pausing at every step to look closer, sometimes reaching out to touch a bit of fabric, rubbing it between his hands, feeling for the thread count.  When he's behind her, he grazes a few fingers down the back of her neck, and then a little ways down her spine, to just above where the back of the dress dips down toward her waist, and hmms warmly.  That detail, at least, he finds fetching enough.
"It's not a bad effort," he says, once he's in front of her again.  He tugs at the adornment on the edge of her sleeves.  "Very... lacey."  Then he sighs, as though finally goaded into honesty: "It's just that it looks a touch grandmotherish, don't you think.  I mean, Nealuchi'd find it charming, I'm sure, but he's not the one you're trying to impress—"
"It's historic," Sanaki sniffs, with renewed confidence.  He's only revealing his own ignorance.  He's not appreciating all the subtleties that Ariadne explained to her: "These buttons," she says, gesturing toward her sleeve, "are from the very same outfit that that Apostle Yilanti wore at her coronation.  They symbolize—"
"Right, see, I remember when your great-grandmother Yilatni was on the throne," Naesala interrupts.  "Back when filigreed plaster was 'in.'  And back when I hadn't yet learned how to out-cheat my cousins at cards.  Tulips were all the rage, everywhere south of Daein.  And you beorc had just come up with that dreadful little instrument that was going to make my ears bleed in every tavern between here and Melior for the next forty years, the one with the little hand-bellows, what's-its-name—"
"The accordion?"
"Yes.  That."  He shudders.  "Would've served better tending to fires.  Or chucked into those fires.  Anyway."  Naesala steps close again, gesturing at one of her sleeves.  "Those brass buttons have the same little insignia on them as the accordions back then did, all from the same awful maker.  Rather tarnishes the effect for me, personally."  He tilts his head.  "That and.. most of the other little flourishes, really."  He frowns.  "The lace especially.  Are you sure about that bit?  Seems rather unlike you."
Dully, Sanaki notes that this is the most tactful she's ever heard him when it comes to aesthetics.  She'd be touched if she weren't so annoyed at it all.
"Fortunately," Naesala drawls, stepping away, "I imagine the median age of your citizenry runs a fair bit younger than all that.  So probably it's fine."  He flashes a patronizing smile: "Since you asked."
And with that, he turns to leave.
For a moment Sanaki just watches him go.  Watches him close the door behind him.
And then she motions for one of her servants to come closer.
"Fetch me Ariadne," she whispers.  "Quickly.  Before that crow gets to her."  A few adjustments wouldn't hurt.  Sanaki had had a few in mind, after all, even before asking Naesala.  She's not changing it because of him, she just—happens to have agreed with one of his points.  A few of his points.
But she'd be putting in the request herself, thank you very much.  No need for any more meddling on his part.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
can i request shinichiro and waka (and others) being …..military…..?? wearing uniforms like Ghost (COD)???
I know very little about call of duty (pew-pew), but I just know Ghost has this deep ass voice and mysterious allure. So I'm gonna do a fluff prompt with how the 1st Gen Black Dragons would be if they were in the military and had a S/O waiting for them back home.
Also yes, military uniforms be schmackin' *chef's kiss*. I wish I could draw them in one... Oh, well.
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Watch Your Six: Takeomi Akashi/Keizo Arashi/ Shinichiro Sano/ Wakasa Imaushi x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.4k
tw: nsfw, fluff, angst
Takeomi Akashi - The Mail Man
"Mail for you, Akashi!"
"Fuck yeah!" Takeomi rises from his seat at the small cards table, walking over to the officer holding his mail slip between his fingers. Takeomi takes the time in his hands and tears it open, not even glancing at who may have written him the prized item.
"Come on," Keizo encourages Takeomi to sit and read his letter with them, all leaning in to hear his reciting. "We want to hear it all, old man."
"She's telling me about the dog," Takeomi laughs after a while, his face breaking into a smile. "Sounds like she's finally getting the hang of ol' Dega."
"Anything else?" Shin wonders, his eyes wide as Takeomi scans the letter once more.
"Well... she seems to be getting along fine on the base. The other girls are fine. No news is--"
"Good news," they all recite, some sighing and leaning back in their chairs. Takeomi folds the letter back up and looks at his playing cards. For a brief second, he seems to consider the amount of money waiting to be claimed, but then he decides against it.
"I fold," he mutters. Everyone watches as he stands up, holding the letter in his hands as he rises from the table. "Anything you all want to share?"
"Nah," Waka replies. Keizo and Shinichiro echo the same sentiment, and Takeomi wanders off, thoughts of what he wants to write back bouncing around in his mind.
"He always does that," Shin notes.
"If I got letters this often, I would be eager to write back, too," Keizo adds, putting his cards on the table. "Royal flush, motherfuckers. Pay up."
Keizo Arashi - The Calling Card
Keizo stands at the phone station, his arms crossed as he waits for the line to pick up. It's night over where you are, but that doesn't stop him from giving you a ring.
"Hey, baby," you purr on the other line, no doubt rolling out of bed, evidenced by how sleepy you sound. It reminds Keizo of the good days when you would wake him up with a kiss and whisper his name until he cracked an eye open.
"Mrs. Arashi, sorry to disturb you during your sleep."
"No," you giggle. "No, you're not."
"You're right, I'm not," he replies, leaning on the wall. "How is everything going?"
"Everything's fine around here. It's been really normal lately."
"Yeah?" Keizo thinks about all of the ordinary things you could be up to. It'd been only a few months, but he wondered if you'd changed even a little.
"Yeah. How are you doing, love?"
"I'm alright." Keizo scuffs his feet on the concrete floor. "Missing you."
"I miss you, too." There's a brief silence in which Keizo wishes he could say something to reassure you, but he comes up with nothing. "Is Shin still getting those pictures from his girl?" A laugh builds in Keizo's throat, but he tries to stifle it.
"He is," he chuckles. "I've never seen someone more excited on mail day than him. Like a kid in a candy store." You laugh, possibly leaning on your elbow to soften the angle your head is at. He drops his voice low to avoid anyone overhearing. "What are you wearing right now?"
"Wearing?" you question. Then you hum, the sound stirring Keizo's blood. "I'm wearing my usual... one of your t-shirts. No underwear." Keizo stifles a moan by lifting his other hand to his mouth.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Mmhmm. You in your uniform?"
"Sort of," he admits, looking down at his clothes. "I'm sure you're thinking about..."
"Shh..." Keizo hears you shift around in the bed. "Don't want the Commander hearing this, do we?"
"No, ma'am," Keizo responds, smirking. "You're such a good girl."
"I can be even better for you." The words you say next are not fit for anyone but Keizo to hear, each one making him pray his deployment will end sooner rather than later.
Wakasa Imaushi - The Stoic Sniper
"Waka," a voice calls through his headset. "You've got two on your left." Wakasa points his gun to the left, peering through his sights before fingering the trigger.
"Hold." The others patiently wait for him to call the shot. Two figures loom into Waka's sight, and he exhales once, inhales once, then fingers the trigger again. "Hold." Wakasa's mind tries to shift to happier times, less devastating moments in his life, but his training fights every single memory back. Memory is a weakness I can't afford right now.
Your voice floats to him over the crackling of the comms, and the image of your sweet face claims his mind eye.
"Waka, you're cold." He shivers instinctively, suddenly noticing the biting chill that's crawled over him for hours.
"I know, baby," he whispers to himself, trying to silence your tender voice before it took over his mind and drove him insane. "Be patient."
"Waka?" He flinches at the sound of your voice lifting at the end of his name, your doe eyes turning to him and rendering him useless. "Waka, you need to come inside."
"Not right now."
"Come inside and warm up with me, my love."
"Stop talking to me."
"Hold!" Ghost fingers float over his arms, raising the hair there. Goosebumps flush his skin, but he has to concentrate. No hallucinations, not right now. They would only--
"Take the shot!" Waka's finger pulls down, but seconds before the gun fires, your face flashes before his eyes.
"Waka?" Wakasa startles, his finger instinctively lifting off the trigger.
"Not now!"
"Take the shot, Imaushi!"
"Baby, what are you doing?" Waka wants to wave you away, to spin you out of his head and right into the phone where you were undoubtedly safe, but now it's too late and--
"Imaushi, take the fucking shot!" The gun rattles off right through your visage. And like dust in the wind, you dissipate.
Two thuds echo in the valley, and Wakasa gets up, takes off his tactical headset and balaclava, then stomps over to the water barrel and sticks his head in it. He screams as loud as he can before resurfacing and heading toward the barracks, only one thing on his mind.
"I'm taking my phone call now."
Shinichiro Sano - The Portrait Pocketer
Shinichiro lays under the sheets with his flashlight, eyeing the polaroid you'd sent with a devious grin. His hand snakes down to his pants as he imagines you coming out of the photo and wrapping your arms around his neck. You'd kiss him leisurely, slowly, savoring every second of his touches in case you'd never feel them again.
For Shin, it meant that each time might be the last time. So he'd better make it count.
He can practically feel your hot mouth roaming over his neck and leaving hickies that would last for days. Shin gasps, trying to hold the sounds in his chest, but his cock hardens so much that he can't possibly wait to pleasure himself.
He imagines your hips smacking against his while you ride him, your beautiful hands on his knees. If he closes his eyes really tight, he can even feel your cunt slip over his cock and down to his balls, drenching his dick in your slick. The sound comes to him, too, like popping and moans and...
Shin's fingers work quickly over his cock.
The shy man remembers the way your mouth feels and how much he enjoyed watching you gasp for air before going back down on him. Trails of spit would connect his dick to your lips, and you'd struggle for air but - ever the trooper - go back down on him without complaining. Shin recalls fucking your throat as you hung over the edge of the bed, an experience he looked forward to enjoying once more.
That's what he'd do.
As Shin cums in short bursts of pleasure, the plan manifests in his mind. He'd walk in the door, drop his bags, kiss you like you'd never been kissed before, then clamp a hand on your pussy while walking you back to the bedroom. The door would shut, clothes would come off, and he'd fuck your face before doing his due diligence and eating you out for as long as you wanted. Once all that was said and done, he'd sink his cock into your sopping wet cunt with that lustful look in his eye and fuck you seventy ways to Sunday.
In the morning, after Shin wakes with a start and cleans up all of the photos he'd fallen asleep with, he turns to Takeomi and mutters,
"I can't wait to go back home."
"Oh, hell yeah," Takeomi replies, sighing deeply. "You and me both."
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xviruserrorx · 8 months
Title: "Braiding Thoughts"
Here we go! This fic is for @merlinmicrofic for one of the prompts for this month.
Merlin Microfic - Tumblr | Ao3 - [-> Next]
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt(s): "Your Turn"
Relationship(s): Gwen & Sefa
Character(s): Gwen, Sefa
Important Tag(s): Episode 0501: Arthur's Bane Coda, Worried Gwen
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): None, No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 500
“Actually…” She brushed her hand. “If I may speak freely, your majesty?” “Of course.” Or
A small little Coda to Arthur's Bane 5x01 of some words and thoughts before it's revealed about Sefa's betrayal.
Continue reading below or over on Ao3
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Gwen shook her head and dropped all the loops of thread. The array of colors tangled more than the aimless mess she had already made. She couldn't find her mind to stay in place knowing that Arthur and Elyan were out riding right towards Morgana's grasp. 
“My Lady?”
She turned towards the voice and found Sefa stood at the threshold of the door, hands clasped and shoulders lowered in her normal manner.
“May I?” Sefa gestured to the mess of weaved thread. 
The braid was already falling apart from lack of tension but Gwen nodded her head. “Please.”
Sefa kneeled, carding her fingers through the threads and detangling it all back to the start.
Gwen rested a hand on her shoulder when she pulled to get back up. “Join me? Meant for two people after all.”
She nodded and picked up the threads all while Guinevere slotted her own hands into position. She freed her fore finger and weaved it through before pulling the opposite thread across. 
Sefa gave her a fleeting smile as she reached through the threads around her fingers and pulled the farthest to her side. The both of them reset.
“Did your old maidservant used to help you?”
“No.” Gwen pulled and tightened the threads. “I wasn't always the queen.”
“Surely you were just as fine a princess?”
She brushed Sefa's hand and pulled the thread through. “Neither a princess,” she said. 
“Oh.” Sefa stopped before tightening her own threads.
“I was The Lady Morgana's maidservant.”
She pulled her part through and nodded. “Yes, of course.”
The slow start grew quicker as they let repetition take over. The braid formed a start before Sefa slowed and spoke.
“Actually…” She brushed her hand. “If I may speak freely, your majesty?”
“Of course.”
Sefa took a breath and kept her head down as she continued. “I just want to thank you. Most of all for taking me in.”
Gwen stopped and looked at the girl, finding nothing short of earnest on her face as she spoke.
“Not everyone would do such a thing, much less with a position in the royal house.” Sefa looked up with a content smile. “I am indebted to you.”
Gwen shared her smile but shook her head. “Not me,” she said. “I'm the least in the crown of judgment.” She transferred the thread over the others and pulled it through.
“Perhaps the kingdom is only as kind as its queen.”
She started off at the knot at the top of the formed braid, holding everything together. She tried to hold longer onto Sefa's words but found her head flooded quicker with her previous thoughts.
“My Lady?”
“Hm?” She hummed, another plastered smile of courtesy on her face.
Sefa moved her hands and gestured to the threads. “Your turn.”
“Yes.” She weaved her finger through the threads, pulling the nearest one to her other hand. She felt Sefa's hand brush hers again as she tried to let muscle memory take over for any thought.
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Beboptober Day 3: Royal Flush
Thanks to @thestarlightsymphony for the prompt list! Also, my idea accidentally turned out to be pretty similar to that of @mx-sinisters....
The ace. Prodigious, high-quality, the most valuable card in the deck; showing incredible amounts of talent and luck, whether in shooting or flying or sleight of hand. But not quite the golden child. Mysterious. Enigmatic. Phlegmatic. Didn’t so much bend the world to his whims as float through it, burdened by things no other could quite understand—after all, who can read the true emotions of a card without a face? “Black as the ace of spades,” one might say—about his morality, his history. Someone who was no stranger to death; someone who was a symbol of death. Solitary, closed-off, individual. The ace worked alone.
The king. A ruler. Brimming with strength, power, authority. A ruler not by birthright, but by the circumstance of his position, the place he held among the others in their little hodgepodge of a palace. Although, perhaps, he was always meant to be so, with the caring that he couldn’t help but carry with him, the fondness he couldn’t help but show. Even when he did his best to hide it, guard his heart. Even when it hurt him in the end. A ruler, but not a tyrant—or at least he tried not to be. Reliable, principled. The leader, the glue that held all the rest together, whether they wanted it or not. Whether he wanted it or not.
The queen. Royal, regal, also a ruler, but not quite in the same way as the king. Feminine, beautiful—someone who knew this, who claimed it like a weapon—but by no means matronly, domestic, subservient. Intelligent in her own right, claimed her own power. Because no way in hell would she claim anyone else’s. Not defined by her relationship to the king, or the ace or the jack or to…anyone, really. Independent. Self-assured. In chess, not cards, the most powerful piece—able to go wherever she desired, conquer nearly whatever she pleased. But this wasn’t a game of chess.
The jack. Called a “knave,” in the olden days. A youngster, inexperienced, unskilled, but clever—too much so for their own good. A jack of all trades, whose name echoed with the old fairy tales—Jack Frost, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack the Giant Killer—that were retold over and over on the Earth of the past. Who loved tricks and mischief, solely for their own sake, their own fun. Unpredictable. Mercurial. Naïve. Who made mistakes and got into scrapes, but—through their own wit and ingenuity and a little bit of luck—always emerged victorious.
The ten. Underestimated, overlooked, since it wasn’t a face card like the others. But of the non-face cards, indisputably the most powerful, the most intelligent. And in conjunction with them all—sitting unassumingly at the end of the hand, loyally at the heels of the jack—could make something truly powerful.
The five of them. Ace, king, queen, jack, ten. A royal flush.
The rarest hand in all of poker.
The luckiest.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
The Promise: What they stole from us (g)
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Books: The Royal Romance 1
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Pairing: Liam & Jessica (MC)
This week’s wackydrabbles takes a serious turn with this miniseries that complements my ongoing series  The Promise. The prompt is “You’re gonna get us busted”
Triggers: ✋️🛑  Drug and alcohol misuse, gun violence, OC death mention of gambling and double con (trying to be a little generous in trigger warnings and filters to cover bases)
Series Playlist
Detailed disclaimer
Catch me here
Chapter summary: The scandal conspiracy explained
A/N #1: Applewood revisited in the Agent Phoenix: Forged In Fire A/U canon divergent series.
Word Count: 2,000 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
Reading time: 8 minutes
*I suppose you can read this on its own but the story below is related to the promise as a whole. Once completed part four will pick up. This story is central to the plot *also this story has been in my drafts for two years so I wanted to give it its own moment so consider this a story within a story*
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He had a long night and he helped orchestrate an egregious violation. In the past, as a young guard, he made mistakes and compromised his morals for money one act caused the death of a guard. He looked after his family as his penance. However, at one point he hoped to take the man's place. He was approached for misdeeds from time to time but nothing as serious as what was asked of him all those years before until this. This misdeed was a reminder of how far he had sunk he tried to justify it by saying no matter what happened she would be alive and she would just have to move on from what happened in that room and no one would once again be killed to clear up this new gambling debt.
He was directed to remove the lock from her door and look out the window in the hallway. As he passed her room, he noticed she was dancing with the Crown Prince, and it didn't take a Nikon long-range lens to know they were in love, but it would take a good enough picture to cast doubts that she was loyal to the council that needed to approve her. Later that evening, he was called upon again; this time, he was to drive Tariq to the royal hangar with unknown flight plans.
As he drove, Tariq snickered at him from the back of the SUV, reminding him his hands were just as dirty as theirs. Tariq spared no detail in telling him what he had said and done to Jessica and Drake, who he considered a son. To Bastien, the incident sounded like it was thirty minutes of pure hell. He returned to his room and called his bookie from the Cordonian Derby to let him know he could pay his debt in full and with interest. Then he drank half a bottle of vodka and took a few Klonopin before passing out to numb the little part of his conscience that remained.
He held an envelope in his hands, and Madeleine curtly said, “Well, hand it over.” It snapped him out of his thoughts. A husky voice added, “Bastien, hand it to her. What’s done is done. There is no moral high road to take here. It was an order, that you were compensated for after all. If it helps, you did worse. Let's not forget Jackson.”
His grip on the envelope weakened, and Madeleine snatched it, “Bastien if you think I don’t carry a grudge for Leo’s little escape, you are wrong. Don’t cross me again; it’s clear I have friends in high places.”
She smirked over at the older man that helped make this possible. She used her manicured nails to open the envelope; a wicked smile curved her lips as she flipped through the pictures in her hand. The trump card would be saved for just the right time.
“Perfect.” She purred to herself.
A man’s voice sounded behind her, “May I?”
She handed the envelope to him, his signet ring reflected off the silver tea service tray in the dimly lit room. He scanned the pictures, “Well, these certainly look compromising… No way the people or press would want her now.”
Another snatched them with scrutiny, “I will be the judge.”
He raised a brow, “Lord Tariq? That’s all you could get?”
Madeleine glared at his nitpicking. “Believe me, if I could use his brother or the commoner friend, I would have.” She continued, “My ex-fiance is meddling, and Liam holds him in high regards despite being a complete deserter. Liam would never believe Leo or Walker would be involved with her.”
The man said, “All that matters is the council the press will do the rest.”
The older man said, “It would be nice if he wiped his hands clean of her. For that, a bigger name was needed.”
A woman said, “A bigger name?” she snickered then continued “Bigger impossible. His friends and his brother are loyal. They cannot be bought. So, she got a fool that could be.”
The other man chimed in, “She has a point. Leo is a fool, and I’m quite frankly ashamed of him and his actions, but Liam holds him close to his heart. Drake is unshakable as well. ANY man in these photos would have satisfied the hungry media.”
He sighed but nodded, “Lackluster choice but the execution is adequate enough. This House would fall apart without me. Make sure you don’t get caught because I will go against you to the press if you do. I will not have our House tarnished because you were sloppy.”
Madeleine frowned, “Of course. It’s the strategic choice. But I assure you, I will not fail our House name.”
The woman said “Offer him a Cordonian arrangement at the very last possible minute. They love each other we can't risk another abdication. He will ascend the throne and be able to keep her just not as a wife then ultimately they will part. I can't imagine someone so in love would want to be a mistress forever especially when you are carrying an heir.”
The older gentleman glared at the photo in hand and addressed the other man, “It’s positively ridiculous she has gotten this far. She is becoming more and more popular. Everyone loves this little love story. I will not leave this to chance. Madeleine is incapable of winning without assistance, so I needed to ensure there is an ace up our sleeve.”
Madeleine rolled her eyes at the apparent dig, but she knew it was true. To win Liam’s hand in marriage, she would have to find a way to tarnish the reputation of his choice, who was now favored by members of the council and at the very last minute so that he would have no choice but to name her as the next Queen Regent.
She looked at her bare left hand and said, “I have my eye on Liam’s mother’s engagement. It would be great in all the pictures. Who doesn’t like a good piece of heirloom jewelry?”
The man smiled at the trio with certainty, “Once he is married, he is buried in the law. Everything is as it should be. I’m sure Liam will come to his senses.” He felt the grooves and curves of his signet he wore for years, and soon he would remove it. He would no longer be the King, but he found comfort in knowing that the Rys line of succession remained intact. Constantine always believed it was a duty to the crown above all else, even if it meant betraying his youngest son in one of his final acts as King by stealing his happiness alongside the woman he loved and who loved in return.
Two Weeks later…
Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Tariq laughed as put his arm around the waist of his female companion for the evening. “I hope you have no further commitments for the evening.”
“You can have me for the night you just need to pay me upfront.”
“I am good for it.” Tariq laughed as slapped her ass.
“Business before pleasure.” Angelina laughed out loud as she put her handout.
“Angelina, not so loud you're gonna get us busted and it's completely unbecoming. I am but a guest; I wouldn't want to wake my seafaring companions on this yacht.”
“Just pay me.”
“I will but maybe I can-”
Angelina curled her lips “Back door is extra.”
“You drive a hard bargain.” Tariq took out a stack of bills and handed it to Angelina who counted them. And said, “This is business.”
As the door opened he was surprised to see her there, her lapel pin shining against the crystal wine glass she pressed to her lips.
“Is this a threesome because you didn’t include this in what you paid me.”
The woman said, “Darling, I can assure you that if I wanted a ménage à trois I wouldn’t need to pay.” She walked to a table and said, “My husband and I are swingers we just had a party, not too long ago.” She sat down at the table and crossed her legs then looked at them as she said, “Tariq, I thought we should talk in person. I really don't like threats, especially when there is so much at stake.”
“Well, it seems that I made a deal not reflective of my value. I underestimated how important my role would be and I want to renegotiate with each party individually. My silence and discretion are now more valuable.”
“I see, let's discuss...have a seat and please bring your friend.” gesturing to the chairs in front of them.
Tariq sat down in front of the woman with Angelina by his side.
The woman poured them each a glass of wine. “It's delicious, I promise. Argentina's Malbec is the best.”
Tariq picked up the glass and swirled it taking in its scent, surprised that Angelina was not doing the same but rather gulped down the wine and smacked her lips and said, “Ahhh.”
The woman quirked her brow at the obnoxious sound.
Tariq smiled at the woman and said, “I apologize for Angelia's tacky display. She isn't used to the finer things in life.”
“Tariq, I wouldn't be so concerned with that.”
Angelina rolled her eyes and said, “Fine.” She took Tariq’s wine glass and mockingly swirled it and said, “Fruity notes… ah screw it you are worried about me while you pay for sex.” Angelina gulped the wine down again, smacked her lips, and loudly said, “AHHHHHHHH.”
The woman looked at her watch and looked at Angelina.
Tariq gave the woman a smug look and said, “You are on my time. You need to make a deal with me, so let's start with what I would like from you.”
The woman smiled and said, “You don’t know how to negotiate.”
Tariq said, “Perhaps and maybe that is because I should be demanding. I could destroy you with the information I know. Not only will you be a social pariah but a royal one and we can't have that now can we?”
The woman said, “Continue.”
“Now let's start with you giving me this yacht, apartments in France, Rio de Janeiro, Spain, part of your fine art collection and I don't mean the forged ones you specialize in. I always knew the Caravaggio in your dining room hall was a fake. You should pay your staff more, the dowdy folk here are restless and a drunken sailor always tells the truth.”
The woman drummed her nails on the table in annoyance.
“I want to also acquire some controlling shares of a few companies I'm rather impressed with this quarter and  - ”
Angelina began to convulse violently at the table, bloody foam forming at her lips.
“What the fuck?!” Tariq shouted as he stood up and stared at her as fell to the ground. All the while the woman in front of him is calm at the table.
“Sit down.” the woman urged in a cold and direct manner as Angelina continued to seizure on the floor in front of a panicked Tariq. Her head hit the floor continuously as she convulsed the vibration causing the table to shake and still the woman in front of Tariq didn't flinch and said, “Why pay for your silence when I can have your silence indefinitely.” She stood up and looked at Angelina's body and sighed “What a mess she urinated on herself. Don't worry, I have a cleaning crew for these things.” She smiled at Tariq then shouted to the door “εισαγω”(Enter)
Just then a man with a gun and silencer walked into the room and said, “ναι, σπαθί” (Yes, Sword)
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Hey first off. Love your Encanto works. There very good reads. They make me feel a lot better when I read them. So here’s a writing prompt/request that I had in honor of Isabela’s birthday. When asking what she wants for her birthday she would like clothes for gardening and won’t be hard to clean up and could work in. Also it would be nice if their were some hats (some similar to her concept art) and she decorates with all her flowers. Thanks.
So much of that concept art was gorgeous 💕
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Usually, Isabela's birthdays were...Very pink. Fit for a princess. Always utterly perfect, ladylike and beautiful.
This year, she finally got to celebrate with just her family and could be honest about what gifts she wants.
No piles of impersonal cards from the villagers, no cloying perfume, no pink accessories, no chocolates she didn't even like (she preferred dark chocolate; funnily enough, Mariano knew that). No pressure to perform for the villagers and dance with everyone, and absolutely no frilly dresses.
Her family was happy to celebrate with her. They stayed in Casita, simply enjoying the sunshine made by Tia Pepa. She, her sisters and her cousins messed around in the garden: she turned her plants into an obstacle course and they spent most of the afternoon trying to get through it.
And the presents were all stuff she actually wanted. When her family asked, Isabela finally felt like she could tell them what she really wanted.
Mirabel bought her a pair of dungarees for gardening and embroidered them brightly with many of Isa's new flowers.
Luisa got her a pair of gardening gloves and comfortable boots, while her parents bought her a pile of books on plants, fruit and vegetables.
Tia Pepa and Tio Félix got her a dress, but it was in line with her new style: it was looser and shorter, the hem only brushing her shins. It was a bright royal blue with a striking green and orange pattern on the sleeves and bodice.
Tio Bruno bought her so many different types of bulbs and seeds, because Isabela said she wanted to try gardening the normal way. Dolores got her ribbons and hair ties for her hair, to keep it off her face, and gardening supplies like shears and a trowel.
Antonio gave her a hand-drawn card of herself in the jungle, surrounded by bright spiky plants and big vines.
Camilo sarcastically presented her with a bouquet of roses, but when Isabela threatened to shove it down his throat, he gave her the real present: a pair of earrings shaped like leaves and a matching bracelet.
It was surprisingly sweet.
And finally, there was Abuela. Looking a little shy, Abuela presented her with three new sun hats. One was plain, but the other two had simple ribbons on them: one blue and one yellow.
"To keep the sun off your head," Abuela said, stroking Isabela's hair. "We can't have you burning to a crisp, amor."
Smiling, Isabela waved her hand and flowers appeared on the hats: lilies on the first, daisies on the second and carnations on the third. There were sprigs of herbs on each one, poking out between the flowers.
Some colour never hurt anyone. And Isabela could always shake it up and change them depending on her mood.
As always, Julieta's baking was superb and Isabela treated herself to three slices of her birthday cake, lounging in the hammock in the courtyard.
All in all, it was the best birthday she'd had in a long time.
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Family Time
good morning/afternoon/evening/night. hope you’re all doing well and staying safe!!!! i have a rowaelin fic that i wanted to post before rowaelin month started since im focusing on those prompts atm
i cant wait to see what everyone has in store for rowaelin month, im very much looking forward to it!
enjoy! :)
1835 words
The day that Aelin had been looking forward to was finally here.
She and Rowan were going to spend a week in their spot in the forest. A week was longer than usual, but it was much needed. Not only had she and Rowan been working extremely hard to the point where they weren't going to bed until the middle of the night, his family was arriving to Orynth to visit for a few weeks in a week and a half.
And not just a few members of his family, almost the entire Whitethorn family was coming, with the exception of a few—namely Sellene, who would be gifting them with personal letters and presents, and those that were too old or just didn't feel like making such a long journey.
Aelin was looking forward to it, to meeting those she hadn't, to hearing others perspectives on Rowan's childhood. Her mate, however...not so much. Rowan was looking forward to catching up with the cousins that he liked, but not so much for the meddlesome ones. He warned her that whatever secrets that people were hiding wouldn't be secrets anymore, that the nosy ones liked to make a game to see who could learn the most secrets.
Aelin admitted that could be a problem, but in his letter, Enda claimed that everyone would be on their best behaviour.
Rowan wasn't entirely convinced. And not just because of that, he was worried that the conversation of when Aelin and Rowan were going to have children was going to be brought up as Rowan had written that they were forbidden from doing so.
Months ago, only several weeks after the war, after a meeting with the Lords and Ladies of Terrasen, Aelin and Rowan came to the decision to wait for a while to have children after Lord Gunnar had brought up the topic of heirs. Aelin could still remember the silence, at her speechlessness of how suddenly it was mentioned. How Rowan had turned to Lord Gunnar and demanded not just to him, but to everyone around them, that it was a private matter between the Queen and himself, and that it was not up for public discussion.
It wasn't a very long conversation—they both wanted to have a family, but Aelin wasn't ready. She was having nightmares from her time with Maeve and Cairn, and throwing pregnancy in the mix just screamed disastrous.
Rowan took her hands in his large warm ones and promised that he would wait for as long as she wanted. Whether it was one year, five years, or one hundred, he would wait until she was ready and willing.
Aelin had never loved him more.
Since then, Rowan was taking a contraceptive tonic. It hadn't taken very long for it to spread around the castle, but neither Aelin or Rowan would let others opinions change their minds.
And it wasn't like they were completely without family. They had their friends and Fleetfoot, with the canine joining them on their week long getaway.
Aelin and Rowan helped the servants set up the Royal tent and the square wooden table where they would be eating and playing chess and card games. There were a few books that Aelin was very much looking forward to reading, too.
Aelin was excited for this week away, to forgo her corsets, dresses, pants and breast-bands. She was determined to stay in Rowan's shirts and her slippers the entire time.
So the moment that everything was set up, the trays of sweet and savoury foods on the table, and the servants and guards were gone, Aelin stripped down to nothing, swaying her hips the way that Rowan liked when she spotted him drinking her in and slipped on one of his shirts and put on her well loved slippers.
Grabbing the picnic blanket from one of the chests, Aelin turned to see Fleetfoot sniffing hungrily at the trays of food, moving closer with each second that passed. Just as she was about to inhale the food, Rowan took the pup out of her misery and feed her a handful of sliced fermented sausage.
Aelin smiled at the sight. Rowan might grumble about the mess Fleetfoot made and how she kept slobbering on his pillow but Aelin knew he loved her—even when she ate his socks.
Aelin set up the blanket and pillows against a thick oak tree, ready for her week of relaxation.
Aelin's stomach was near to bursting. She hadn't intended to eat that much food, since there was a leg of lamb and chopped root vegetables roasting in the cauldron above the fire, but everything was just too good to have just the once. She ate and ate until there was nothing but crumbs left.
She didn't regret it, however.
She was close to sleeping as Rowan ran a free hand through her scalp as he used the other to read. Her head was on his lap, the sun was warm, and from the happy yips that were coming from the woods, Fleetfoot was having a fun time running around.
Aelin glanced at her husband, his face relaxed as he read his book. And she had no idea why, but she found herself saying: “What would you look like with a beard?”
Rowan blinked, the only surprise he'd show at the question. “Like an old man,” he answered after a moment.
“You are an old man.”
He flicked her ear, and then went back to running his fingers through her scalp. “I grew a beard, once, when I was young. I looked like my father.”
“So you looked very handsome, then.” Rowan had taken up sketching in the quiet moments. He had drawn his parents and they were a very attractive couple. Rowan inherited his fathers hair, eyes, nose and sharp jawline, but got his mother's lips, cheekbones and eyebrows.
They had died long ago, but Aelin would have liked to have met them. Rowan said that they would have liked her, eventually, as he believed that they wouldn't have known what to do with her at first.
Aelin gave Rowan a big smile as the question formed in her mind. And since Rowan knew her so well, he said, “No.”
“You don't even know what I was going to say!” She protested, but it was a lie.
“I am not growing a beard.”
“Please, for me? Just a little one?”
“How about some stubble?”
He sighed, exasperated, knowing that there was no point in arguing. “Fine. I'll grow some stubble and that's it.”
“Mm-hmm. Whatever you say, buzzard.”
He sighed again, but there was a small smile on his lips. He returned to his book, and telling her what it was about when Aelin asked. It made her heart swell that her warrior found time to read, as he admitted to her months ago that he never really had the opportunity when he was sworn to Maeve.
Not wanting to ruin today with thoughts of her, Aelin grabbed her own book by her pillow and read, luxuriating in Rowan's warmth and love and in the company of a good book.
Aelin was losing, but she made sure that the irritation that was coursing through her didn't show on her face. Playing chess with an experience strategist was an absurd idea, but she was determined not to quit.
Rowan had been wanting for her to make her move. Had been waiting for fifteen minutes. Fleetfoot was by her feet, but she was just waiting for the roast lamb to be done.
Five minutes later, Aelin finally made her move. Her eyes flicked up towards Rowan, but his face was stone. He made his move in a blink of an eye. “Checkmate.”
Fire coated her throat as Aelin screeched in frustration, which just made Rowan laugh. Fleetfoot howled and ran off.
Aelin grumbled under her breath as she put away the chess board (for now, they would definitely be playing again once Aelin had more food in her stomach) while Rowan put their dinner on the plates, smiling all the while. Behind him, his mate vowed that she would beat him one day at chess. His smile widened.
Rowan knew that if he said he could beat her even with a blind-fold on, she would go on about how big his head was.
Fleetfoot came back, getting in the way of his feet as he put his and Aelin's dinner down. He gave Fleetfoot the plate reserved for her, using his powers to cool it down, not missing Aelin's soft smile as he did so.
They ate dinner in companionable silence, with Rowan's thoughts on his cousins. He was sure that he wasn't going to get a single thing done while they were visiting. Or if he did, he knew that some of his cousins would want to intrude.
Thinking about it more, he knew that they were going to intrude. Enda had written in-between the lines that there were some cousins that didn't really believe that Rowan was King-Consort and would only believe it once they saw him in action.
That they would actually believe once they saw him in his crown.
And even then, he was sure that there'd be at least one or two that still wouldn't believe it.
Rowan would let them think whatever they wanted about him, it wouldn't matter to him.
Maybe he should have just invited Enda and his mate—but Aelin was looking forward to meeting his family, so he would just deal with it.
It would only be a couple of weeks, possibly three. At best, four, since it was a long journey. He could last.
Rowan could do it, he would just have to block them out if they became too much. He had done that in the past.
“If you keep furrowing your brows like that, they'll replace your eyes,” Aelin said, slathering a fresh slice of bread with butter and running it through the left over gravy on her plate.
Rowan grunted but tried to relax his forehead. It took him a minute longer than it should have.
Later on, they went for a late night swim. Which was slowly turning into something more, up until Fleetfoot jumped into the water with them, saturating them further.
It was the best first day that Aelin could have asked for, and was very much looking forward to the rest of the week.
Aelin woke up to one of her favourite sights. Rowan shirtless, sleeping on his stomach, his tattooed arm curled around Fleetfoot who slept between them all night. The hounds golden head half on Rowan's pillow, her paws stretching towards Aelin, her furry face soft in sleep.
Smiling, Aelin shuffled closer, and wrapped her own arms around the pup, her fingers just touching Rowan.
Joyful, Aelin fell back asleep, a smile still on her face.
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rebrandedbard · 3 years
If you are still writing 14?
Okay so this one accidentally went from a drabble to an actual fic whoops. The cure is totally inspired by the Rapunzel fairy tale, spoiler alert, where the prince falls in the thorn bushes around the tower and Rapunzel’s tears fall into his eyes, curing him.
14. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
wc: 4444 which is an awesome number I’m so happy lol
Robbed Blind
Someone botches a spell to steal Jaskier’s artistic vision and he’s cursed with blindness. Thankfully, he falls into the company of Ciri and Lambert. They journey safely to Kaer Morhen, but what could be the cure to his affliction?
She had found him, tripping over the strings of destiny, in Drakenborg. He’d been on his way to Oxenfurt when the curse took hold, and he had gone no further. Jaskier was haggard, gaunt, and looked quite worn. His hair lay flat from constant fussing. It was a habit Ciri remembered well from his visits, always combing a nervous hand through his hair before a performance. She had never seen it look so lifeless. He needed a mirror, she thought. She would soon realize that a mirror would serve him no purpose.
He was blind. He startled when she ran to him, throwing her arms around his waist. She’d been so relieved to see a friendly face that she’d run right into his arms, nearly knocking him from the stool in the corner of the tavern. Why should he not catch her as he’d always done? He’d been looking directly at her; she thought he’d merely not recognized her beneath the mud and hood.
“Let me go! Who are you? Stop—stop this now or I’ll give you such a wallop, I’ll—!”
“Jaskier!” Ciri cried, shocked. She flinched away from him as he elbowed her roughly against her temple. She rubbed the spot, standing out of reach.
Jaskier straightened up at once. “Is that—? Little cub, is that you?” he asked. He turned his head as if searching for her and reached out a hand, feeling the air. It was nowhere near.
Ciri took his hand. During their long weeks of travel, she refused to let it go again. She became his eyes, and together they started for Oxenfurt and the safety of its halls.
He’d woken up blind one day, he explained. No warning or explanation. The mage had told him what magic was at play. Someone had tried to steal his artistic vision and the enchantment had gone wrong, stealing from him his very sight.
“Is there not a cure?” Ciri asked.
Jaskier shook his head. “The mage said it was a botched spell. There’s no telling what will fix it, only that it must have something to do with artistic vision. The mage suggested it might be cured by the old methods: kisses and the like; gazing upon true beauty.”
He squinted and took her face between his hands. “I’m looking and looking at you as hard as I can, and I remember you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen when you were first born. So what do mages know? Have you become a pox-faced adolescent or scraggly Medusa? Ah,” he chuckled, “but you’d still be a fairytale princess in my eyes if you had the face of a basilisk.”
She laughed and squirmed out of his hands. “You were always very good at Blind Man’s Bluff. Do you remember when we used to play it? Back then, you were always stumbling; you aren’t stumbling as much anymore.”
“I’ve grown used to it, I suppose. But you are a princess—do you suppose a kiss from you might cure me? How are you with frogs? Ever wake a sleeping prince?”
“No, but we may try it. There’s magic in me of a sort, I know. Here, kneel a moment.”
Jaskier knelt on the dry road and closed his eyes, tapping the lid. “Right here. Give it a go,” he said encouragingly. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll practice on a frog and work our way up.”
Ciri kissed both eyes to be sure. “Alright. Open them. Do you see anything?”
She tried not to get her hopes up, watching Jaskier squeeze his eyes tight. He opened them, blinked several times, and gave her a sad smile.
“Not to worry, we’ll find a pond in no time,” he joked, trying to keep the mood light.
“Well! I go to find a cat and find a lioness instead. And a songbird. Must be my lucky day.”
Ciri put herself between the stranger and Jaskier, waving a large branch in warning. “Keep away,” she growled. “If you come any closer, I’ll scream.”
The scruffy man put his hands up and grinned. “I’ve heard what sort of screaming runs in your family. Trust me, I would rather not be around for one of them. Heard it knocked pretty boy flat on his back at your mother’s little Surprise party.”
Jaskier put a hand on Ciri’s shoulder. “Wait a moment,” he said. “I know that moniker. Geralt complained of it before.” He was quiet a moment, stirring up a memory. Then, he lit up, asking excitedly, “Did you say you were looking for a cat? A cat witcher, by chance?”
“Why? Find one up a tree?” the stranger pressed.
Jaskier patted Ciri’s shoulder and strode forward, extending a hand. “You must be Lambert! I’ve heard—” his hand buckled against Lambert’s chest, his stride clearing the distance too quickly “—oh, my apologies. I’ve heard about you before. I was hoping to see you under better circumstances if I ever got the chance. Or to see you at all, really. Damnable timing.”
Lambert looked at him, then took his hand. Ciri watched as the understanding settled in, for Jaskier was staring straight at the man’s forehead, a near lucky guess of his eye line. Lambert wore an expression of pity freely, knowing Jaskier could not see it, though his tone was light and cocky as before. “I always wondered what you saw in that sourpuss, following him as long as you did; now I know you didn’t see anything after all,” he joked.
Jaskier snorted. “It’s new.”
“Ah, so you’ve been blinded by love, have you?”
Jaskier flapped his hand until he felt the brush of Ciri’s sleeve at his side, then he tugged her forward and presented her. He cleared his throat, a tad flushed. “May I introduce Her Royal Highness, Princess Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, the Lion Cub of Cintra. Geralt’s child Surprise.”
Ciri tossed her branch aside. “You know Geralt,” she said.
“They’re brothers.”
Lambert sneered. “He got all the looks, Eskel got the talent, but I got the brains.”
“What little there were to be had,” Jaskier added.
“Oh, ho! You’ll fit right in at the keep, talking like that.”
There was a pregnant pause between the three of them. Jaskier nudged Ciri gently forward. “She’ll be safe there. And her wit is more cutting than mine.”
Ciri turned at once to protest. “But what about Ox—”
“And so would you,” Lambert cut in. “A dull knife and a dull wit can be sharpened, and I’d rather keep two knives in my belt than one, whatever their make. Don’t start that maudlin shit with me; you’re coming along.”
Jaskier opened his mouth to protest and Lambert raised a hand. Then, realizing how ineffective that was against one who could not see it, he recovered and smacked the side of Jaskier’s head to shut him up before he started.
“Come on; it’s a long and dull road we have ahead of us, and you’re my entertainment. I want to hear every embarrassing story you can supply. I’ve long run out of blackmail and I’m in need of fresh material. Besides, what better bait for a cat than a twittering bird? If you sing loud enough, we might pick him up along the way.”
They were all together in the great hall when at last he came. The figure stood in the doorway, a black dot against the stark white of winter outside. A pair of bags dropped with a thundering bang upon the floor, the sound echoing throughout the room, and the figure bundled up by the fire started awake in fright.
Jaskier patted the blanket beside him, made frantic by his sudden awakening. “Ciri? Ciri!” he called, for she had been asleep next to him what seemed only moments ago.
She paused only a moment to stare at the imposing figure in the light. Something in her shouted, compelling her to go to him. But Jaskier called for her in that voice wrought with panic once more. She flew from the circle of wolves to his side, abandoning her hand of cards, disregarding the man of destiny at the door.
“I’m here,” she said, taking his hands. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always. I’m not going anywhere.” She and the others looked at each other, looked at Geralt, and said not a word.
Jaskier settled and took a deep breath. “I heard something crash. I dreamed—but never mind that.” He sighed, pressing his head to their joined hands. “I’m sorry. I know it’s safe here. I’m just not used to you wandering off just yet.”
“I know.” She stroked his hair gently. It was soft again, though not as silky as before. Lambert and Eskel had drawn him a bath for the first time in a long while, but he had not his customary soaps and oils. He was … less bright, his appearance dulled with his mood.
Vesemir had examined him. Countless hours, the wolves had huddled together in the old library, trying to find a cure for Jaskier’s condition to no avail. As time went by, the reality of his situation weighed on Jaskier. He could no longer read his notebook, nor write his music to be remembered. Ciri read his notes aloud and studied the art so she might transcribe them for him, but it was obvious how he felt.
“I don’t want to be a burden,” he’d said.
And now he gave her that same false smile, the one that failed to meet his eyes. She missed the lines in the corners and wished they might come back. Perhaps they’d flown off with the crows, frightened of the winter snow.
“Go back to your game,” he whispered. “I’ll head up to bed.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” she offered.
He shook his head. “I know the way now. If someone will take me to the stairwell?” he prompted, raising a hand.
Ciri looked at Geralt. There was so little she knew of him—stories and songs … words spared in rumors and stolen from conversations where she lingered unnoticed to listen. What she knew of the wolf and bard she had pieced together with care. For all the tales Jaskier would tell, he would not disparage Geralt before her, and he would not tell the story of the dragon hunt. But dwarves talk. Stories travel and lesser bards would imitate the songs of greater. Witchers collect news of other witchers, and two adults would speak as adults when ale made easy speech. Jaskier had confided in Lambert those tearing words once flung at him upon the mountain. And thus she had put the final piece into place of the great mystery between them.
‘If life could give me one blessing…’
“Who will take him?” she asked. She kept Geralt’s eyes as she rose to her feet. “Who will take him into his hands?”
It was only the barest movement, but she swore she saw the wolf of legend flinch.
Jaskier sat up with a huff. “You make it sound so dramatic. Are we playing at a quest now? Very well, who is my knight errant? The princess has thus decreed a quest is in order: a quest up the perilous tower steps, my-my! Such a task!”
“I should think a white knight is the one suited best for the task,” Vesemir grunted. He shuffled his hand, eyes narrowed at Geralt.
The white knight in question let his cloak fall. He shook the snow from his arms and dusted them slowly, looking at each watching face in turn. His hesitation was clear. When none moved to claim Jaskier, he stepped forward cautiously. Without a word, he took Jaskier’s hand and lifted him to his feet.
Jaskier clapped an arm around his shoulder, hands patting the edge of his long hair. “Ah, thank you, Vesemir,” he said. His hand slipped from Geralt’s armour and he made a face, flicking his wet hand in the air. He prodded the armour curiously. “You’re soaked; I thought you said you’d sent Eskel for the firewood.” He prodded again and bumped against Geralt’s shoulder pad. He pinched it between his fingers, figuring out its shape. He hummed curiously. “What are you wearing? Did you go hunting?”
Geralt stared. Jaskier was not looking at him. Geralt looked at the circle of men by the fireside and there sat Vesemir in silence, watching. He was struck dumb. What … game was this?
“A knight needs a knight’s armour,” Lambert called.
Jaskier laughed. “Oh, of course. Such a soft touch; did you get all dressed up for Ciri? Have I woken in the middle of a game?”
Eskel tossed a card in the middle of the circle. “Yes,” he answered, “but we’ve just started on another, different game.”
“Very cold and calculated,” Ciri agreed.
“Cold and calculated. So a snowball fight has become a snowball war, no doubt born of the most complicated strategies. Shame on the lot of you. You ought to let your elders warm themselves before sending them on tasks. You’re young; you’ve got legs,” Jaskier scolded.
“It was his idea,” Eskel replied.
Vesemir nodded, keeping silent as the game unravelled.
Jaskier looped his arm through Geralt’s and stood straight and tall in an affected manner. “Come, my good knight,” he said, “and let us bid good night to these slacking youths.”
He started to walk in the general direction of the stair, Geralt turning them with truer aim. Geralt looked over his shoulder at the others, frowning. This was not the sort of confrontation he expected when next he saw Jaskier. If he ever saw him. And here was his child Surprise in their midst without a word of greeting or explanation, and the bard, the two of them together and settled within the walls of the keep.
It was too perplexing for him to puzzle out. And Jaskier was acting strangely. Where were his speeches? Geralt had expected him to argue on sight, or else to pretend all was right and greet him, “Geralt! How good to see you,” or, “Fancy meeting you here,” and play off the mountain like it never happened. Or at the very least to ignore him. But to call him Vesemir and take to his arm? What joke was he playing at?
The answer came as Jaskier dodged the first step and nearly fumbled upon the stair. He clung to Geralt’s arm with a cry and his other hand shot out to grope the wall. He flailed for it, feeling his way from the step outward, then sliding his hand up the side of it. He turned his head, looked at Geralt and laughed. “I’m still not used to these uneven steps,” he said. “Give me time and I’ll be able to find my way around unassisted. By next week, I’ll be able to navigate every pool in the hot springs, then you four will never see me fully dressed again!”
Geralt raised a hand to Jaskier’s face. He rested a thumb just beneath his eye. They were as blue as ever, nothing seemed amiss, and yet …
Jaskier’s smile weakened. He closed his eyes and pushed the hand away. “I know the three of you are working hard to find a cure. I know the jokes fall flat. But I must make them. If I don’t … Vesemir, if I can’t make light of it, the darkness I see will be all I have left.”
He turned toward the stair again, hand firm on Geralt’s arm, the other on the wall. “Right then. Up we go. Just one at a time,” he said. He stepped tentatively forwards, prodding his foot before him until he nudged the base of the first step. “Got it. First is always hardest, isn’t it?”
They carried on. Two steps, three, one after the other slowly. They were uneven by design: a final defense against those who would try to invade their stronghold. The spiral stair favored those who walked it every day, gave advantage to the men who would be at the top, swinging their swords to fight back those who would dare trespass unwitting. It was difficult enough for any stranger with sight. With Jaskier, it was a quest in itself.
Midway up, Geralt thought to carry him. They were going so slowly; it would have been easiest that way. He nearly offered, but stopped. If he spoke, Jaskier would know him. He began to reach an arm out to simply lift him, but Jaskier fumbled once more, his knee hitting the step with a mumbled curse. And Geralt heard him muttering through his teeth as he crouched upon the stair.
“I will learn,” he hissed. “This will not stop me. I refuse to be a burden to anyone. Never again.” He touched his forehead to the step and Geralt put a hand to his back. He was trembling.
When Jaskier rose again, he did not take Geralt’s arm. He reached out and took hold of the wall on either side, arms stretched wide to hold himself up. He proceeded to climb the stair alone. When Geralt reached out to help, Jaskier waved him away.
“No,” he whispered. “We’re nearly at the top. Just let me do this much. Please.”
And Geralt let his hand fall away.
Jaskier reached the landing with a powerful stomp, expecting a final step. He breathed a sigh of relief and sagged against the right wall. Geralt followed behind and patted his shoulder. Small congratulations. From there, Jaskier walked down the corridor, tapping when he came upon a wooden door. He passed three, tapped each with his knuckles, counting. When he reached the forth door, he opened it. In this space, he walked with ease away from the wall. He flopped confidently upon the bed and rested a moment as one does after a long journey.
He shucked off his doublet and loosened the laces of his boots. He set these aside at the very foot of the bed where they might easily be found again. He undid the back lace of his trousers, paused, and inclined his head toward the door.
“Are you still there, Vesemir?” he asked.
Geralt did not know how to respond. He stood fixed in the doorway, but dropped his eyes to his feet modestly. After a moment’s wait, Jaskier finished undressing and climbed beneath the heavy furs. A memory stirred—that was not the final task of the evening. What was the last of their routine each night? What was left undone that made this finality seem so abrupt? Geralt realized it in the darkness of the room. He had no candle to blow out.
The truth struck Geralt sharp as a blade to his gut. He stole through the door, walking quietly toward the bed. He sat on the edge, the furs rumpled beneath him, and listened to Jaskier’s breathing. He was not yet asleep—would never be, so soon—but he did not stir.
Geralt took his hand gently.
Jaskier squeezed it back.
“I only wish that had not been the last I’d seen of him,” Jaskier whispered. “I try to remember his smile now. For all my poetry, I can’t remember it clearly. His smiles were so rare, but I don’t suppose you need me to tell you. Or perhaps you do. I don’t know if he smiled here; I know nothing his life in this place. Were you so fortunate that they were commonplace?”
Silent footsteps creeped up the stair. Ciri had waited long enough to follow. Geralt heard no sign of her under the ringing words of Jaskier’s speech. Though he spoke no louder than the breath of the wind, every last syllable echoed like a clap of thunder in his ears.
Jaskier slipped his hand free and turned on his pillow, hugging it close. “I wish I might at least see Ciri now, know how she’s grown. They change so quickly at that age. Does she look like her mother? Does she look like him? Destiny makes strange things of those it touches. She was beginning to look like him, I once thought.”
She saw him well enough, looking through the open door. She crouched behind the wall, listening as she always did in secret, for the things he would not burden her with.
“I always did wonder what you looked like. Geralt spoke once to me of his brothers, his mentor. You’re still stories to me in ways. I know you have long hair, grey with age. I know Lambert is shorn, Eskel is shaggy. I know your voices, your height, and a hundred other things. But do you share his eyes? What color is the armour you wear? How does the sun set over the mountainside? The carpets before the hearth—what pattern is woven there? What thousands of stories do you keep in that library? What do the monsters look like illustrated in the great bestiary?”
He buried his face in his pillow. His voice was muffled, but both Geralt and Ciri could hear the husk in it. “I won’t feel sorry for myself. It doesn’t mean anything—just idle curiosity. It doesn’t matter how the carpet is woven or if you wear brown shirts or red. I’ve seen a lifetime of sunrises and sunsets and stars. I don’t want them!” he barked. He writhed on the bed, his face falling from the pillow, stained with tears. “I don’t! I never needed them, not one! I don’t care—I don’t! None of them are important!”
Geralt rushed forward and took Jaskier in his arms. Jaskier struggled, beating at his chest, and refused to be coddled. “No!” he wailed. “Don’t comfort me, I don’t need it! I don’t want it! I will not be pitied!” But for his hard words, he clung to Geralt’s armour, sobbing against his shoulder. “It’s unnecessary. It’s just a bunch of poetry. Useless poetry and songs.”
Jaskier pulled away, Geralt’s hands trailing from his back to his shoulders as he sat up. Geralt held him there before he could retreat more. Before he could think twice of it, Geralt leaned in, his hands cupping Jaskier’s face on either side.
Something warm and wet fell onto Jaskier’s lashes. He heard a shaky breath, felt the warmth of it upon his face. Another hot tear fell into his other eye and he blinked in surprise, for it was not his own. He sat perfectly still in shock, blinking the falling tears away.
“They were never useless,” Geralt said. “They were always important—all of them.”
Jaskier twitched, raising his head by instinct up to look at the man who held him now. “You were—!”
“I’m sorry. For not speaking before. For … not speaking then. After. And for saying what I did that day.” He wiped the tears beneath Jaskier’s eyes away, an expression of pain twisting his hollowed features. “If I’d not sent you away—I don’t know what’s become of you, but I might have—I could have tried to prevent it. You would still have your sight.”
Jaskier covered Geralt’s hands. “No, Geralt. This is none of your doing. You can’t—”
A loud bump from the hall startled him. Jaskier turned at once to look.
“Ciri,” he breathed.
Ciri had a finger to her mouth and was glaring up at a tall man. They both cowed back, being caught. Jaskier looked between them as Geralt’s hands slipped away. He stood, walking toward them. He looked at Ciri, gaping, their eyes perfectly aligned. Jaskier fell to his knees before her and took her hands without fumbling.
“Ciri,” he said. “You’re so … my good gods, you’ve grown.”
All were still as he reached out, touching her face as though she were made of glass. He smoothed her hair away, taking all of her in. He laughed, new tears falling as he pulled her close and crushed her in his arms. “You’re so beautiful!” he cried. He stroked her hair, cradling her against him as tight as he dared. “And you!” He looked up at the witcher in the hall, reaching out to him and taking his hand. “Which one are you? Say something now, quickly. Let me hear your voice and know you.”
“Eskel,” he answered. And then Jaskier was up on his feet, pulling him into another embrace.
“Eskel!” Jaskier cheered. “Eskel, you look even more heroic than I ever imagined! Oh, let me look at you. Oh, oh! Lambert! Vesemir! Where are you, come forward!”
He dashed into the hall, only to turn on his heel for another look at Eskel, for just one more eyeful of Ciri. Over her shoulder, he saw Geralt sitting there on the bed, his yellow eyes wide, the tears still clinging to his chin.
“Oh,” Jaskier whispered. “Oh, I see. I see.”
He walked forward, gliding a hand beneath Geralt’s jaw. He touched his eyes with his other hand. Carefully, he wiped the last of Geralt’s tears away. It dangled, a little drop at the tip of his finger and he brought it close. He closed his hands around it, cradled them to his chest.
Geralt stood slowly before him. And he smiled.
Ciri tugged at Jaskier’s shirt, her head turned away politely. She cleared her throat and said, “Jaskier? Lambert and Vesemir are on their way up. And you’re … well, you’re not at your most presentable.”
Eskel averted his eyes, his back turned to the scene, however touching. “You might want to get a bit more dressed. And quickly,” he added, for Jaskier was standing in his smallclothes.
Jaskier snorted. “All of you, turn away for decency’s sake! We’re having a moment, here.”
“And what about me?” Geralt asked. “Shall I look away?”
It was nothing but empty jest and Jaskier smiled. “No,” he replied. “No, you’re looking where you’re needed. But I suppose to be fair …”
He clapped a hand over Geralt’s eyes. He leaned forward, whispering against Geralt’s lips. “There. Now no one can see. No one … but me.”
There were no witnesses to that first kiss. It was a secret Jaskier kept for himself.
However, the second, third, and forth had quite a startled audience, as Geralt and Jaskier both fell deaf to the clatter of footsteps in the hall. Ciri took it upon herself to usher the others from the room, explaining on the way. After all, with the curse lifted, she no longer needed to be Jaskier’s eyes. His mouth, however, was currently occupied.
Send me a drabble prompt!
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esmealux · 3 years
Hi there! For the two-part drabble, may I request Deckerstar in situation 13 (someone does something stupid) with sentence 6 ("Do I love you? Yes. Do I like you? That's still up for debate.") Thank you, and I've really really been enjoying your the updates on your Planning a Hell of a Wedding fic!
Hey! It took me two months (including more than one month of writing) but I've now finally finished your prompt. Another anon had requested 25 (being somewhere you're not supposed to) + 6 and dear @my-crazy-awesome-sox had requested 26 (a very cheesy date) + 6, so I've merged all your prompts into one 7K+ long 'drabble'. Hope you don't mind!
And I'm glad you like the updates on PHW! I'll try to write some more now that I've finished this.
Hope you like this!
Also, an immense special thanks to @my-crazy-awesome-sox for helping me with this fic. She truly has been a godsend, and a lot of the wording (especially in the later parts) is kindly and almost directly borrowed from her mind. Thank you again, babe!
Also thanks to @lightbringer-666 for assisting me with some French. If all the French isn't perfect, it's because I also googled my way to a lot of it. Apologies in advance (and please do let me know if there's anything I should change!)
Someone does something stupid + being somehwere you're not supposed to + a very cheesy date + 'Do I love you? Yes. Do I like you? That's still up for debate.'
Rated M. Post 5B - contains spoilers!
Read on AO3 (includes list with English translations)
It’s ridiculous, really. The butterflies fluttering in her stomach like she’s a schoolgirl waiting for her prom date. It’s not even their first date. It’s not even their second. The thing is, between becoming God and Consultant, revising a few laws of the cosmos, fixing some bugs in humanity, bringing Dan to Heaven, and going to therapy, she and Lucifer haven’t had much time for, well, each other. At least not in ways that didn’t involve discussions about the redesign of the afterworld and how to sate world hunger. So yes, she is a little giddy with excitement at the thought of having a whole evening to themselves—no celestial craziness. Just the two of them and a bottle of the restaurant’s finest.
If Lucifer would just show up.
She checks her phone. 06:14. Unlike last time she anxiously waited for him in a restaurant, there’s a text.
Running a bit late. Please forgive me. Can’t wait to see you ❤
And one more.
Sorry. Can’t wait to see you naked*
Chloe shakes her head, a stupid smile spreading across her face. She resists typing back a flirty reply—he’ll be with her in a minute, and she is nota schoolgirl—and puts her phone back in her clutch. Hands trembling a little, she smooths out invisible creases in the dress he’s bought her. It’s short and tight, of course, but perfectly so. Reaching mid-thigh, with a small slit revealing a bit more of her left thigh. Black, unsurprisingly; he still hasn’t gotten over how delectable she looked in the LBD she wore on their last ‘date’. And this one makes her legs look even longer, which is undoubtedly the primary reason Lucifer picked it. Still, it isn’t skimpy. He could have opted for a deep neckline and cold shoulders—she almost expected him to when he said he’d bought her a dress—but he didn’t. Instead, the short and skin-tight skirt is perfectly balanced with a high neck and long bell sleeves that are cut open just above her joints, making the soft fabric flow around her bare underarms. She likes it—would probably have bought it herself if it weren’t crazy expensive. Likes how it makes her feel both sexy and classy and most of all comfortable, likes that he knows her so well.
She fidgets with her earring and traces the rim of her empty wine glass with her fingertip, watching people as much as she can from their semi-private corner. She spots an Oscar-winning film director, a retired NFL player, that pop star Lucifer pretends to hate, and just how expensive isthis place?
She’s immediately distracted by the shift in the air and the sound of Italian loafers approaching her.
‘My me, Detective!’
His brown eyes roam her figure as she stands to kiss him. Their lips meet in a soft peck that could easily have turned into more if Lucifer hadn’t pulled away to look her up and down.
‘You look like a goddess.’
Chloe snorts and chuckles, not yet used to the title he insists is hers if she’ll have it. She puts a hand on his chest, gazing up at him with a smile.
‘You don’t look too bad yourself.’
He hums and leans in for another kiss, but something comes between them this time. They both look down—at a dozen red roses.
‘Those for me?’ she asks, warmth spreading in her chest.
Lucifer hands her the bouquet with a nod and that soft smile she loves more than anything. He pulls out her chair, a gentle hand on her shoulder as she sits down, and sits down himself.
There’s a card nestled between the velvet petals: ‘For the Detective & Consultant’, her old and new moniker scribbled side by side in his annoyingly elegant handwriting. The latter nickname, however, is written in smaller, cramped letters—an afterthought. She smiles.
She turns the card, expecting to find a dirty, eye-roll-deserving comment on the back. But there’s no lewd joke or naughty promise.
It simply says, ‘I love you.’
Her heart swells, filling her chest till it aches. It’s all so new still. Not the love between them, but how it’s uninhibited now. It’s not like they don’t have their obstacles—just yesterday they had a fight—but there’s no doubt anymore, no voices telling them some dreams simply cannot be. They might have a whole universe to deal with, but for the first time ever, things between them are easy. No words are left unsaid. No feelings are squashed. No time is wasted. Every day is spent wrapped in each other’s love. Finally.
‘I love you too,’ she tells him, and he lights up, amazed. Confident. Their hands find each other on the table, fingers intertwining.
A waiter comes by with two menu cards and a vase for the flowers. Chloe reads through the menu carefully, pretending to know what kind of food hides behind the fancy French names. Lucifer sees right through her, sighs, and orders some hors d’œuvres, two of something she couldn’t pronounce if she tried, and a bottle of red.
‘So, were you stuck in traffic, or…?’ Chloe asks him with a glint in her eye as the waiter pours her a generous glass of wine. The celestial being with the supernatural metabolism can drive home.
The being in question looks confused for a moment before he answers, ‘Ah, no. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.’ For a brief second, he looks at her as if he’s apologising for more than tonight, but she strokes his knuckles and smiles at him, you’re here now, and he moves on to explain himself. ‘I just couldn’t find this bloody suit. Only when I’d ransacked the house did I realise it was still at the penthouse, so I had to make a detour.’
He is a little excused; so many things are impossible to find right now, with more or less unpacked boxes spread out between her apartment, Lux, and their new home. In hindsight, moving in together while taking over the almighty family business probably wasn’t the best idea, but they’ll get settled soon enough. Besides, right now, what’s important is that Lucifer was late because of a wardrobe crisis, and she will not let that slide.
‘You couldn’t just wear one of your three hundred other suits?’
A flicker of hurt and sheepishness flashes across Lucifer’s face.
‘Well, this one is special.’
Chloe takes in his suit: the navy jacket, the matching waistcoat, the royal blue shirt.
He smirks at her as heat creeps up her cheeks (so much for not being a schoolgirl).
‘You remember?’
She does. Of course, she does. She remembers vividly—how shocked he’d been at first, how new and soft his lips had felt against hers. How they’d held onto each other until the sun was setting and she really did have to go home and feed Maze and Trixie.
She also remembers how she, later, behind closed lids, had ripped off the shirt and waistcoat in desperate need. How it’d earned her a husky chuckle and a breathy ‘D’tective!’, and the sinful Heaven that was his hot and open mouth.
‘You okay, darling?’ Lucifer looks at her, his expression somewhere between concerned and amused. His thumb brushes the back of her hand.
Chloe takes a sip of wine and clears her throat. Adjusts her necklace.
‘Yeah, just, you know. Reminiscing.’
He studies her flushed face for a second before his curious smile spreads into a full-blown Cheshire grin.
‘You had a wet dream about me, didn’t you?! After our first kiss?’
Chloe glares at him. ‘Say it a little louder for the people in the back, will ya?’ He opens his mouth, and she immediately feels the need to clarify, ‘Do not say it a little louder for the people in the back.’
His smile doesn’t falter. ‘I’m just ecstatic to know our first kiss left you all hot and bothered. I mean, not that I’m surprised.’ He brings his wine glass to his lips and lets go of her hand to gesture down himself.
Chloe rolls her eyes. ‘Yeah, like you didn’t go home and wanked yourself blind that night.’
He laughs, surprised by her bluntness, and shamelessly answers, ‘Why, of course I did. That night, other nights. Before and after that kiss. This morning. You serve as quite the spank bank, my dear.’
She definitely doesn’t blush at that. But she does glance down at his waistcoat, at the soft skin and hard muscles she knows hide beneath it. She gives him a slow and dirty smirk, appreciative.
‘You too, baby.’
Lucifer raises an eyebrow, his eyes darkening. Much to Chloe’s satisfaction, his neck and cheeks redden a little. Then he gives her a lopsided grin, smug and impressed.
‘Pray tell, Detective.’ His eyes glide down her face, her chest, her stomach, and slowly back up again.
In another time, she would have given him a stern look and told him it was none of his business, but she doesn’t. She also doesn’t tell him about lonely nights and long showers and crying his name into her pillow when they were still just friends. Instead, she leans across the table and half-whispers—
‘If you behave yourself tonight, I might show you.’
He gulps. Squirms a little in his seat, and—when he’s regained his composure and quite indiscreetly adjusted himself under the table—leans forward till there’s only mere inches between their faces.
‘Is that a promise?’ His voice is low and husky, his breath hot against her face. His eyes drop to her lips.
‘Pardon, monsieur, mais l’entrée est prête.’
They lean back in their seats and turn to the poor, young waiter, who’s balancing two seemingly heavy plates, a carafe of water, and a basket of crusty bread in his arms.
‘Lovely!’ Lucifer’s eyes follow the food as the waiter puts it down in front of them. ‘Merci beaucoup, Olivier.’
Olivier smiles at Lucifer, shy but with a look in his eyes Chloe knows all too well. She doesn’t blame him.
‘Ça va?’ Lucifer asks, his voice lined with genuine fondness.
Olivier nods. ‘Oui, ça va. Et toi?’
Lucifer looks to Chloe, beaming. He takes her hand on the table and interlocks their fingers again.
‘Tout va très bien,’ he answers, looking back up at Olivier with a dazzling smile.
Olivier’s eyes drop to their hands and, probably, to the ring, white and pearlescent, on Chloe’s third finger. His lips tug up at the corner.
‘Je peux voir ça. Félicitations!’ Before Lucifer can respond to that, whatever it means, Olivier gestures towards their food. ‘Et bon appétit.’
Lucifer replies with a friendly ‘merci’ and calls out something like ‘Salue ton père de ma part!’ as Olivier walks off.
Chloe stares at Lucifer, twirling the smashed bullet around her neck between her fingers.
‘What?’ he asks, curious.
She tilts her head, smiling. ‘French suits you.’
He smiles back, lasciviously. ‘Yeah?’
The look he gives her leaves no doubt that, sooner or later, he’ll be whispering foreign phrases against her skin.
But right now, they have other appetites to sate. They dig into the first course, and the (assumedly) insanely high prices suddenly make sense, because it is frigging good. The main course is even more delicious—divine, actually, to the point where Chloe has to ask Lucifer if he accidentally spiked the food with a blessing or two. He assures her it’s all Olivier’s father, no holiness involved, apart from Chef Beaumont’s heavenly cœeur de filet de bœuf. Chloe moans in agreement, savouring every bite.
He watches her with a smile, jokingly apologising for not serving her grilled cheese, and she makes a bad joke about this date being cheesy enough as it is. Because it is cheesy. Him buying her a dress, bringing her red roses, the love note, the candlelit restaurant, the French food, not to mention the suit. It’s like a rom-com parody.
But it’s also perfect. It’s everything she’s longed for, an over-the-top romantic date night with her- with her partner. A date that isn’t cut short by a horny stewardess (may she rest in peace) or a failed attempt at exorcism; where Lucifer actually shows up and isn’t just trying to outdo another man; where Chloe isn’t trying to make him ‘do something good for a change’; and their parents aren’t tagging along on a headache-inducing surprise double date that is also a sting in disguise.
So, in some ways, it is kinda their first date.
And it’s a really, really nice date.
They laugh—they laugh so much. More than they’ve done in the past few months combined. Or so it feels, at least.
They laugh, and they talk. About movies they cried to, favourite drinks, and how they’re gonna paint the living room. About the summers spent under the plum tree in Nana’s garden, and all the pranks pulled in the gilded meadows of Heaven. About chasing Amenadiel through the clouds, and how Chloe always wanted a sibling. About her short-lived Hollywood experience and that one time she may have gotten a little high at a Backstreet Boys concert. (He seems impressed by that, her ‘abhorrent’ taste in music aside.) They exchange secrets they never told anyone, stories of bad kisses—Jed used too much tongue; Will was always better with words—and tales from drunken nights out. They reminisce on the first time they met—how annoying she’d found him, how compelling he’d found her—and the many, many cases, some really weird, that first encounter led to.
They talk about Dan.
About missing him, even though he’s making waffles with Charlotte now.
About Trixie, and how therapy seems to be helping her, too. How she still sometimes breaks down crying, but no longer crawls into their bed in the middle of the night, shaking and gasping for air. How she’d laughed the other day, and it’d made them both cry. How incredibly strong she is, that little urchin.
They talk about going to Paris one day, all three of them—the French do make excellent chocolate cakes—or maybe somewhere else she wants to see, once everything is calmer. They talk about some of the prayers Lucifer has been hearing, about faith and free will, what they miss about solving crimes together, what they don’t miss, and how they’re still very much partners, even more so now—in every corner of life.
They talk till their cheeks hurt from smiling and Chloe’s half-drunk on expensive Burgundy. Lucifer asks for the cheque, their food long gone, and pays with cash, making sure to leave a tip possibly the size of Olivier’s monthly salary.
They leave the restaurant giggling about a stupid joke Lucifer makes, his hand splayed out on the small of her back. Her own hand is placed much lower than what is decent for such a fancy place like this, practically cupping his ass, but she’s tipsy enough not to care, and he doesn’t seem to mind the attention. It’s his own fault, anyway, for having his pants tailored to hug his butt like this.
Naturally, Lucifer drives. He doesn’t hold back his comments on how slow and boring her car is, but at least he stays somewhere close to the speed limit. She wishes he’d also wear a seatbelt, and keep both hands on the wheel, but his palm is nice and warm on her thigh, and she trusts he’ll get them home safely. She leans back in her seat, her head comfortably buzzing from wine and him, and watches the blurry city lights through the window. He’s turned down 2ndStreet.
‘Where are we going?’ She looks over at him, curious.
He smiles in the shadows, his fingers stroking the skin left exposed by the slit in her dress. His touch leaves hot, tingling paths on her thigh.
‘I thought we’d go for a second desert.’
Chloe is beyond full, her dress stretched over her now slightly rounder belly, and she can think of other things she’d rather do (things that include pinning Lucifer to their bed and making him groan and beg and laugh), but she’ll never say no to a freshly brewed latte and watching Lucifer obscenely enjoy some Sicilian pastry.
She turns up the radio, fumbling a bit, and closes her eyes with a smile, more content than she’s been in… a long time. His hand stays on her thigh as they move through the night, fingers tapping to the beat of the songs against her skin, creeping higher, teasing, just enough to make her breath hitch, but nothing more, and then back down again. Maybe they’ll just take that latte to-go.
The car comes to a final halt, and first then does Chloe realise they haven’t stopped outside the late-night café and bakery that’s opened down on Spring Street.
‘Lucifer, what’—she looks around, double-checking—‘what are we doing at the back entrance to the precinct? You said we were getting desert.’
He leans across the centre console, fingers spreading on her thigh, and brings their faces so close their noses touch. Chloe swallows.
‘We are,’ he assures her with a wolfish grin, his gaze lingering hungrily on her, and she could jump him right then and there. But he takes his hand off her body and clicks her seatbelt free, pulls the key out of the ignition and exits the car. He strides to her side and opens the door for her, gentlemanly as ever, and she watches him with narrowed eyes as she takes his hand and steps out, sceptical even in her cloud of lust and inebriation.
He heads directly for the back entrance and opens the black iron door with ease, rudely ignoring the state-of-the-art security locks. A part of her knows she should stop him right there and give him a stern talking-to about respecting human laws—he still can’t do whatever the hell he likes just because he’s God now. But another part, the part of her who helped him empty two bottles of French wine, really wants to step over that threshold, to intertwine their fingers and go on a late-night adventure. And that part of her must overpower the other, because she lets him snake his arm around her waist and lead her through the door and inside the familiar building.
She senses him grinning by her side, his fingers curling around her hip in a deliciously tight grip that only stokes the heat pooling low in her belly. He takes her down the corridor, around the corner, and then they’re there, in the middle of the precinct. Everything is covered in darkness, the wide, open space only illuminated by a never-resting info screen and the purplish glow from the vending machine. Still, she can make out the shape of their desk, the door to Ella’s lab, the interrogation room. The fridge in the breakroom still hums obnoxiously, and the air smells like strong coffee and sugary glaze—or maybe that’s just a phantom. Either way, it all tugs at her heart, beckons her down memory lane, and she lets herself be pulled. Through the good, the bad, and the crazy.
Lucifer is quiet beside her, probably lost in nostalgia himself, or maybe just letting her have this moment. But not for long. With titillating eagerness and a devilish smirk, he wraps his fingers around her wrist and pulls her by the hand—towards the evidence closet.
He presses her up against the door, his body hot and hard against hers, and pins her hand against the cold glass of the frosted window. His dark eyes sparkle with mischievous excitement.
‘There’s something we never got to try.’
Her pulse quickens, blood humming loud and hot.
‘Lucifer, we can’t.’ She tries to sound firm around her suddenly heavy breaths and dry throat, but he doesn’t seem discouraged in the least.
He leans in, closer, his smirking lips brush against her ear. ‘Can’t we, now?’
And as if he hadn’t done enough already, he takes her earlobe between his teeth and bites it.
Chloe smothers a gasp.
‘We shouldn’t.’ She puts her hand on his chest and pushes her head against his, nudging him away from her neck so she can thinkfor a second. He reluctantly obeys and settles for placing his hands on her sides, dangerously high, thumbs almost stroking the underside of her breasts. She pushes his hands down to her waist. ‘We shouldn’t have sex in Evidence—shouldn’t have broken into the precinct in the first place. I mean, do you want us to get arrested?’
He only laughs at that, of course. ‘I’m God, darling. I won’t get arrested.’
Chloe rolls her eyes. He would probably charm his way out of it if they were caught, God or not—but that doesn’t make any of this okay. She’s about to tell him as much when he adds-
‘But if you wanted to cuff me and tell me what to do, resisting would be the last thing on my mind. In fact, I’m sure we can find some cuffs lying about-’
‘Lucifer, no.’
Her tone is sharper than she’d intended. He pulls back a little, studying her face. His eyes flicker to her parted lips, her flushed, heaving chest, and then back to her determined gaze. His brows furrow.
‘Do you really not want to do this?’ His voice is soft, serious.
They stare at each other, hot breaths mingling. He’s still pressed up against her, a six-foot-three wall of muscle and love, and his scent—spicy cologne and smoke—floods her head like ambrosia, a dizzying fog of him. Her skin burns beneath his palms, his touch sending embers through the expensive fabric and down, flames licking at her inner thighs. Her heartbeat thumps in her ears.
‘We don’t even work here anymore,’ she rasps, deflecting his question. It’s a weak excuse, but she is fraying at the edges.
A salacious smile forms on Lucifer’s face. ‘We’ll just pretend we do.’
He takes a step back, putting a more ‘professional’ distance between them, adjusts his lapels and attempts at a neutral expression. ‘You wanted to show me something in Evidence, Detective?’
And there’s that word again, want—because she still hasn’t answered his question and her consent means more to him than anything. She loves him for that, she really does, but right now, it’s not that simple. She wants, every cell in her body wants, wants him to shove her into that closet and take her apart. Has wanted it for so long, thought about it for years—at her desk, in the shower, while sitting next to him during interrogations. Thought about it in the self-same evidence closet, as she was pressed up against the wall by someone else. Imagined tugging at his hair, feeling him between her legs—even had to swallow his name. She still thinks about it, thought about it the other night, briefly, wistfully, while making a cup of tea. Thought about how much fun they could have had, sneaking off to secret corners of the precinct like two horny teenagers—if it hadn’t been for, well, mostly Michael, and all the chaos he’d released upon their lives.
In fact, it’s only fair they have at least one reckless, semi-public rendezvous. Just one. To make up for the honeymoon phase they never really had. With all the hurt and heartbreak they’ve had to go through, alone and together, they deserve to have one night of stupid fun.
On the other hand, and this is why it’s not that simple, it’s a bad idea. It’s a really bad idea. And also, pretty illegal. If she asked him to, if she said no now, he would take her home and push her up against the nearest surface, bury himself in her faster than any of them could get their clothes off, bring her to ecstasy-
But it’s not the same. It just isn’t.
With as much innocence she can muster, she looks up at his anticipatory face and puts her hand on the doorknob. The cold steel is a soothing balm against her burning skin.
‘I do want to show you something in Evidence.’
He lights up like it’s a declaration of love, all unrestrained enthusiasm.
‘After you, darling.’
Their lips crash against each other before the door is even closed. He pushes her backwards in the semi-darkness, between shelves and boxes, hands low on her hips. His fingers dig softly into her ass as they stumble towards a sliver of wall together, panting and laughing against each other’s mouths. He doesn’t break contact with her lips as he quickly sheds his jacket on the way and throws it over his shoulder, for the moment uncaring of dirt and creases. Then her back hits the wall with a thunk and she’s instantly struck by déjà vu, until Lucifer grabs her thigh inside the slit of her dress, and the unwelcome memory quickly evaporates in the heat of their clashing bodies as he wraps her bare leg around his waist and pins her to the wall with the hard press of his hips. Their unison groans fill the cramped space.
‘We shouldn’t be here,’ she murmurs breathlessly against his lips before opening her mouth to let his tongue back in. He tastes like wine and crème brûlée.
He hums in disagreement. ‘We should always be here, Detective.’ With the hand still on her ass, he pushes their bodies impossibly closer together and rocks against her. She moans, despite herself.
‘We- I-‘ Chloe stammers, leaning her head back as he kisses his way down her neck, her mind and body pulling in different directions. ‘This is- why am I letting you get away with this?’
She feels him smirk against her throat. His hand slowly glides up her inner thigh—her pulse quickening with every inch—until his thumb brushes past damp fabric.
‘Because you like me.’ His beard rasps against her hot skin in the crook of her neck, a contrast to his soft lips placing slow, open-mouthed kisses from her jaw to her collar. ‘Because you love me.’
Chloe scoffs.
‘Do I love you?’ she questions, her breathing erratic, her eyes turned to the ceiling as he sucks a mark onto her neck. With the hand that is still between her legs, he pushes her underwear to the side and rubs against her, nice and slow. ‘Yes.’ Her gasped answer has a proud, almost victorious chuckle rumbling from his chest.
‘But do I like you?’—she bites her lip and stifles another moan as his fingers press just right—‘That’s still up for debate.’
He breaks off the assault on her neck and looks up at her, eyes black with desire.
‘Allow me to try and tip the scales, then.’
She’s bereaved of his fingers as his hand moves to the edge of her underwear, pulling it down as he sinks to his knees. She almost stumbles when he slips it over her feet, but he grabs her leg, steadying her, and helps her out of her stilettos. Once she’s barefoot, his warm palms slide up the side of her legs, pushes the hem of her dress up a few inches, and then his mouth is on her.
He licks her, slowly, tenderly. She reaches down to pull at his hair, commanding him to give her more, to take more, and he does. He starts feasting on her, all tongue and lips and-
‘God, yes.’
He chuckles smugly into her core. ‘I do love it when you moan my name, darling.’ Eyes fixed on hers, he gives her a nice, long lick before he dives back in. He kisses her clit, sucks it, circles it, laps at her like he can’t get enough, and she’s reduced to a quivering, whimpering mess. She bucks against his face, needing more, and he does that thing that she likes, tongue flicking her clit, warm and wet, as he pushes a finger inside her.
Her eyes clench shut, her head falls back against the wall. She doesn’t bother holding back her groan this time.
Lucifer hums against her, low and greedy, taking as much as he can, before he pulls away with ragged breaths. ‘Ma déesse, que tu as bon gout.’
The meaning is forever lost on her, but his hungry tone, the way his tongue wraps smoothly around the French syllables, the words dripping like sin from his glistening lips, sends warm shivers down her spine.
He slows down his pace inside her, places kisses on her lower belly, seeks her ticklish spots and the ones that make her breath hitch, and then trails down to her hips, studying her sharp bone with his lips and his teeth, before moving down to her thigh, stubble prickling her tender skin. As if he’s got all the time in the world, he lets his mouth travel to the insides of her legs, already spread for him, and kisses a path up her inner thighs, getting closer and closer to where she aches with need,but never quite there. His finger, still moving slowly—too slowly—curls a bit, reaches that spot deep inside her that usually makes her see stars, but he pulls back before she’s even done gasping.
‘Lucifer,’ she breathes, a threat and a plea.
He places one last kiss to her sensitive thigh, nuzzles his nose against her heat, before his tongue finally finds her clit again and his finger starts pumping inside her, fast and hard. Then faster, harder, and, fuck, deeper.
‘Baby,’ she begs him to continue, fire spreading through her body, from her curling toes to her already heated cheeks.
He slows down for a second, and she reaches down to scratch at his scalp in frustration but quickly forgives him when he adds another finger and resumes his perfect pace, thrusting up in her to the beat of her racing heart.
‘Je veux te faire jouir.’ His thumb replaces his tongue as he looks up at her, eyes sparkling with lust and determination, but also patience. Like he could do this for hours, the whole night, as long as she falls apart around his tongue and fingers in the end.
He doesn’t need all night, though. She’s close, so close, can feel the beginning of that blissful high burning in her lower belly, between her thighs, where his mouth licks and nibbles and sucks. A building warmth pumping through her veins. She grabs at his hair, wraps her leg around his shoulder and pushes his face closer into her heat, needing that last-
‘Fuck, right there,’ she gasps. Right there right there right there.
He smirks against her, always eager to please, and does as she says. As she’s teetering on the edge, he curls both fingers inside her, goes impossibly deeper, and reaches the same spot as before, except this time, he doesn’t stop, and she comes with a shudder and a gasped ‘fuck!’ as he licks her through it.
‘Tu es tellement belle, ma chérie,’ he tells her, voice soft with awe as she comes down from her high and opens her eyes. She understands enough of the words to smile down at him, at his dishevelled hair, his swollen lips, and warm, chocolatey eyes.
‘You too, baby.’
She still hasn’t caught her breath when he, after wiping his mouth on her thigh, slowly rises from his feet and starts making his way up her body. His fingers skate lightly up her dress, his knuckles brushing against her rising and falling ribs as his hands sneak higher and higher, closer and closer. With a feather-light touch, he starts tracing the curves of her breasts, deliberately avoiding her aching nipples. He teases her with his fingers, kisses her neck, lips trailing, hot and slow, up to her jaw and the sensitive spot behind her earlobe.
‘J’ai envie de toi,’ he says into her ear, his voice rough with want and determination.
Chloe can’t take it anymore. She fists his waistcoast in one hand and grabs him by the hair with the other to pull him up into a hard kiss. He tries to stay in control, to hold back his obvious desire for just a little longer, but he quickly loses the battle and lets a bit of hunger take over. They pour equal heat into the kiss, tongues pressing and teeth clashing as their mouths slide against each other. She threads her fingers through his curls, he bites her lip, and they both groan and gasp into the kiss.
Chloe’s the one to pull away, needing air sooner than him. They’re looking into each other’s eyes, both panting, when he says it again, ‘J’ai envie de toi.’ This time, breathy desperation shines through his voice. ‘Je veux être en toi.’
And then they’re kissing again and both of them are working at his belt and pants in a flurry of hands until he’s finally inside her with one quick thrust. He fills her to the hilt, deliciously stretching her inner muscles, warm and hard. For a moment, they’re both so overcome they can only pause and breathe, Lucifer’s forehead cradled in the crook of her shoulder as her hand gently strokes the short hairs on the back of his neck.
He pulls back to look deeply into her eyes, and starts off slow. Not teasing, just tender. He kisses her cheeks and neck, every inch of skin he can reach with his lips, and whispers sweet nothings against her skin. She can’t know for sure, of course, because it’s still in French, and she doesn’t catch all of it, the sounds alien and muffled—‘t’es incroyable’, she hears, ‘j’suis fou amoureux de toi’—but something about his tone tells her it’s not as dirty as whatever he was saying before. Still, it makes her just as wet, the words tingling across her skin.
He picks up the pace, wraps her legs tighter around him, and pushes her harder against the wall. His hand grasps her breast roughly, seeking purchase, then rhythmically strokes over her nipple in apology, and she moans her relief. The shelves on either side of them hit the wall with a consistent thump, thump, thump as he thrusts up into her, fucks her, their harsh pants mingling in the small space between their parted lips. Chloe claws at Lucifer’s shoulders and back, hands scrambling for something to hold onto. Even through the two layers of fabric, she can feel his warmth and muscles, and a sudden urge bubbles up within her. With desperate fingers, she starts undoing the buttons on his shirt, but it takes too long—she needs him—so she rips open both shirt and waistcoat and frantically pushes them off his shoulders. He pins her against the wall with a hard thrust, letting go of her thigh and breast to shake the material onto the floor, and Chloe scratches at his finally bare back and shoulders, nails digging into slick, freckled flesh. She arches back into the wall and bares her neck for him to nip and kiss.
‘Fuck, Lucifer!’ she whines. ‘Oh, God, baby, fuckyes!’
He growls at the sound of her noises and bites her ear.
‘J’adore baiser avec toi.’ One hand slides down to her ass, holding her and pushing her dress higher up as the other bites into the now bare skin at her waist. The sharp touch sends a jolt down to her throbbing clit, making her clench tighter around him. ‘J’adore ton corps. T’es vraiment une déesse.’ The last word is a groan against her lips as he kisses her.
It’s wet, messy, and so delicious they both grasp tightly onto each other’s mouths with lips, tongues and teeth, neither of them wanting to ever let go.
‘Je veux t’embrasser,’ Lucifer pants when they break apart for a second, his gaze fixed on her mouth as their lungs fight for air. His dark eyes soften when they look into hers. ‘Chaque jour de ma vie,’ he adds reverently as he leans in. ‘Pour toujours.’ And then he kisses her again, like he wants it to last for all eternity.
His thrusts turn slower and deeper as they kiss, harder, until kissing becomes panting into each other’s mouths and Chloe’s head falls back in sheer pleasure. He tightens his grip on her ass and runs the hand on her waist up her side, brushing his thumb over her nipple as he passes her breast, up her neck, and cups the side of her face. She lets their eyes meet, and the way he’s looking at her, with absolute awe and gratitude, makes her heart flutter and her hips buck against his bare stomach. Her hands slide from where they’ve been clutching his mess of a hair to his back, trailing down to where he’s most sensitive. She places her palms on either side of his spine and presses lightly, carefully.
‘Tu me-’ he cuts off with a gasp when her nails skim over his hidden wings, ‘Tu me rends- fucking hell, Chloe.’
She keens at the guttural sound of her name. He leans his forehead against hers with a grunt, the slight change in angle making his rhythm falter, one hand slamming against the wall next to her. She watches the rest of his control slip through glazed eyes. She did this to him. She rendered God himself lost to his own bliss. That knowledge itself is nearly enough to push her over the edge.
‘Close,’ she breathes.
He grabs both her thighs with strong hands and presses her flush up against the wall, going impossibly deeper inside her. She hisses through her teeth and sputters all kinds of incoherent, unholy prayers into the sweltering air between them. Every hard thrust pushes her closer to ecstasy.
‘You make me so happy,’ Lucifer whispers, sounding so wrecked and raw her eyes clench shut. ‘I want- I hope- fuck- I hope I make you, nnf, just as happy.’
‘You do, baby. You make me so- so-’
Heat floods her veins as she comes, the sweet tension snapping all at once. She cries out, arches her back, and moans long and low as he continues to fuck her through it. His thrusts are quick and inelegant, his arms and thighs trembling, and she knows he’s close. She intentionally clenches around him, whispers his name, and then he too is tumbling over the edge, the only type of falling she ever wants him to feel again.
They smile at each other as they try to catch their breaths, sweaty foreheads still pressed together.
‘I love you,’ he says. ‘So much.’
She hums with happiness, her heart pleasantly aching at the sound of the words he couldn’t say the last time they were here.
‘I love you too, babe.’ She reaches up to lazily nuzzle the hairs at the nape of his neck, still smiling.
‘Maybe you even like me?’
She lets out a breathy chuckle and slides down the wall to land on her bare feet. Her legs are… wobbly, to say the least. Lucifer smirks at her.
‘We’ll see about that.’ She smoothes out her dress as he tucks himself back into his pants and fastens his belt. ‘If anyone ever finds out about this, your chances are pretty bad, buddy.’
She collects his clothes from the floor and helps him into his shirt. Two buttons are missing, lost to the force of her hasty ripping. It gives her an odd sense of satisfaction, the fact that the shirt he wore when they first kissed—the shirt she dreamt of tearing off his body—now is marked by their little escapade. (At least until he gets his tailor to fix it.)
‘Well, I’ll just have to keep trying to convince you then, won’t I?’ He licks his lips and lifts his eyebrows as he offers her a hand to help her up from the floor once she’s put her shoes back on. Chloe bites her cheek so as to not smile at his suggestion and intertwines their fingers.
‘You can start by helping me assemble that new shelf system tomorrow,’ she tells him, waiting for him to groan in response, or mumble something about hiring some people to do it for them. But he doesn’t. He just opens the door for her and lets her go first with a soft smile on his still flushed face.
‘Anything for you, my love.’
The door shuts with a gentle click behind them.
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samstree · 3 years
hi dear!! what about 37 for the pining prompts?? only if you feel like it 💞💞
37. "Characters cannot touch for plot reasons." Thanks for the prompt Chrysa!! Here's more empath!Jaskier!
Unfinished Story
Empath!Jaskier, 2.4k, soft geraskier, ciri has a nightmare, hurt/comfort, mentions of past violence
Part of the Empath AU 
Read on AO3
Ciri’s scream pulls Geralt out of his doze.
He springs up immediately, knocking Jaskier’s arm out of the way. The bard grumbles something incoherent on the bedroll before fully waking. “G’ralt, what is… Oh, shit.”
The scream continues, Geralt’s medallion thrumming because of the chaos carried by the sound. The ember is dying but the moon provides enough light for him to see Cir in a fetal position, her face buried in the crook of her elbow. Her ashen-colored curls obscure the view.
Geralt half-scrambles to her side, familiar panic seizing his heart. It’s been so long since she had a nightmare this bad, so long that it’s taking him a second to react.
“Ciri.” He shakes her shoulder gently, but she flinches away. The smell of fear rolls off of her in waves. “Ciri, wake up. You are dreaming.”
The sharp wail trails off to a quieter one, but her eyes stay shut, her brows agonizingly knitted tight. Geralt tries to soothe her by stroking her hair, only to have her snatch his hand and holding onto it for dear life. He squeezes, hoping it’s a comforting gesture.
Each of Ciri’s cries sends a pang of regret in Geralt’s chest. If only he could go back in time. If only he had found her earlier, before the horrors of Nilfgaard—
“Hey, let me help.”
A hand falls to Geralt’s shoulder, and Jaskier meets his gaze in the dim light, the bleariness in his eyes completely gone.
Please, he wants to say. The word gets interrupted by the girl’s writhing.
Jaskier takes over Ciri’s hand, despite her reluctance to let go of Geralt. She clings to him during bad dreams, even when she can’t properly wake up, but the witcher knows it’s important not to touch either of them right now. The wolf medallion vibrates more as the empath works, calming her through the touch.
“It’s okay…” Geralt murmurs helplessly to the girl still asleep. “It’s okay, cub. We are here.”
The empty space around Geralt is excruciating. Under the clear night sky, his witcher senses allow him to see the two of them basked in the silver moonlight—Jaskier kneeling at Ciri’s side, one hand clasped around her wrist and the other carding through her curls. The girl’s pained expression eases slowly.
“Oh… Don’t be afraid, sweet girl,” Jaskier shushes her, the flow of chaos buzzing in the air. “Let me take your fear away, all right? Don’t fight me. Let me in, so you won’t be scared anymore…”
The bard continues to murmur sweet nothings to the girl, easing her resistance to his empathetic powers. At this point, Jaskier’s magic is like a second layer of skin to Geralt, gentle and warm and weaving around their hearts. Even when it’s not directly used on him, he feels somehow pulled to their connection.
To Jaskier and Ciri.
His empath bard and his child surprise.
Two halves of his world.
Jaskier’s eyes are closed to concentration, taming the waves of Ciri’s distress. The action exerts him, Geralt can tell from his elevated heartbeat and the slight slump in his shoulders. The witcher catches himself before he reaches out subconsciously. The gnawing urge to help almost makes him scowl in frustration.
Inaction has never been Geralt’s strong suit.
Finally, finally, Ciri’s eyes flutter open. She’s holding back the tears, as always, even when she’s confused from these dreams, even when she’s reliving her past and desperately searching for her family in the present.
Her voice is so small and he has to lean in to hear.
A relieved sigh escapes Jaskier’s lips as he lets go of the girl’s hand. With the magic dissipating, so does the stench of fear. The air settles. As soon as the medallion stills, Geralt surges forward to put a hand on her arm, so she knows he’s here.
On Geralt’s periphery, he senses bard stand and walk to the other side of the campfire—the empath usually needs a moment to collect himself after absorbing someone’s emotions—but right now Geralt’s focus is on his child.
“It’s okay. You are safe, Ciri,” Geralt whispers.
“I dreamed—”
“You are not there anymore.”
“It was burning…I—there was fire… and the man.” She sniffles, stubbornly refusing to cry. His child is tough, probably too tough for her own good.
“It wasn’t real.”
“Because you found me?” There’s a sliver of doubt in her voice that Geralt wishes more than anything to remove.
“Because I found you, Ciri,” he reassures. She’ll need reminding tonight. “You are my destiny and more. I’m here so you’ll never have to be lost again.”
A tiny smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. Geralt tucks away a strand of hair on her face and watches her eyelids droop heavily.
“I’m not. Not now that I’m awake.”
He returns the smile, although she can’t see it that well in the shadows. “That’s because of Jaskier.”
“Oh.” She searches for the bard. When Geralt looks back at the empath’s silhouette, he’s leaning against a tree, a few paces away from camp. “Thank you, Jaskier. Again,” she says.
“Of course, princess,” Jaskier says softly, “I know how scary nightmares can be, no matter how long it’s been. Those things may have happened a long time ago, but sometimes…they come back and haunt when you least expect it.” He pauses, looking to the distance for a moment. “I’d chase them away for you any time.”
She murmurs another thanks before her eyes close with exhaustion.
“Go back to sleep,” Geralt tucks Ciri’s blanket in, before taking her hand again, his thumb tracing a little circle on her skin. “Sleep, cub. We’ll be here. Both of us.”
It doesn’t take long for her to fall into a deep slumber, peacefully this time. Geralt sits next to her for a while longer just to be sure. When he finally leaves Ciri’s side to see to his bard, Jaskier is still standing with his back against the tree. He seems to be miles away, his expression hidden in the shadows, distant and inscrutable.
“Jask?” They are far enough from the girl but Geralt keeps his voice low.
With a surprised gasp, the bard notices him approaching and almost flinches. “Don’t—”
“Don’t touch you, I know.”
Jaskier rests his head on the tree bark. “Just for now.”
Geralt’s fists clench and unclench at his sides. Using those powers takes a lot out of Jaskier, and it leaves him unbalanced. The empath is so wary of hurting him by accident when he’s like this, with raw energy still rippling under his skin.
But in truth, Geralt doesn’t care. He wishes Jaskier could let him in, let him share the burden. Right now, with the space between them, he’ll have to rely on words instead of action.
It really isn’t his strong suit.
“Another nightmare… ” he decides to distract the bard while he recovers. “It’s been too long since Ciri had an episode. I thought it was all over.”
“Time doesn’t heal all wounds, Geralt,” Jaskier breathes. “We should all know better.”
Geralt frowns at the haunted look on his bard’s face. The tips of his fingers reach forward again, but he quickly hides the movement by crossing his arms before his chest.
“You sound like you are speaking from experience, Jask.”
“Do I?”
“Hmm.” Geralt’s stomach turns at the way Jaskier speaks about the girl’s trauma. “You know if you want to talk about it, I’m here.”
Jaskier squirms, chewing on his lower lip. Now he’s truly nervous, tense even. The witcher sees the way his posture stiffens and quickly adds, “Or not. Uh—it’s okay if you don’t—"
“No,” Jaskier interrupts him, shaking his head, “No, I want to tell you. I should tell you everything, at this point.”
Silence hangs between them as the bard adjusts his breathing. In and out, like he would before a performance.
“Years ago, when you first identified my powers” Jaskier chooses his words cautiously, the moon shining in his eyes. “I asked if you would use silver on me.”
Geralt’s heart sinks. “I would never, Jaskier. I—How could you ever think that?”
“Oh, relax, my love. I know.” the bard chuckles tightly. “Even back then, I knew you to be a decent man under all the gruffness. You wouldn’t even harm those confused monsters who drifted to human territory on accident, remember? You claimed that your life was just coin and contracts, but to me, it was clear that you were so much more.”
“You are not a monster,” Geralt argues.
“No, but someone else might think differently.”
The leaves rustle in the breeze, the air cooling as the night stretches on. Without the blanket, Jaskier shivers with only a thin chemise on his back. Geralt’s body gravitates toward him of its own volition. Fuck it, if he can just hold Jaskier right now…
“I was thirteen.” The bard is lost in memory. “This man, a magic user, came to our door. It was just me and my mother. He somehow knew about our identities and asked for her help. You see, she had been keeping it a secret for so long, so she couldn’t trust this man, this mage, who somehow just knew that we were empaths.”
He lets out a shuddering breath before continuing.
“His request was… weird. Something about a king or a royal court. I remember thinking that whatever he said sounded so sinister, it couldn’t have been any good. Mum sent him away on the spot, but afterwards she got so scared, like he’d come back again or something. That night, she barred the door and told me to hide in a storage chest. I refused, so she made me. She kept me obedient the entire time.”
Geralt frowns. “Her powers were the same as yours?”
“Stronger.” Jaskier starts pacing, a few twigs snapping under his feet. “She didn’t need contact to manipulate someone’s emotions like me, and she could influence many at the same time. I’m not as powerful—my father was human.”
“What happened next?” Somehow, Geralt knows the story will not end well. A mage usually means trouble. Or in this case, the shadow hidden behind Jaskier’s bright smiles and chirpy songs.
“She kept me calm the whole night, even when she wasn’t with me, but I could feel her fear. It’s was like an undercurrent beneath my skin. I could feel her emotions change. Then I heard the sound of fighting, but I couldn’t get out. I couldn’t go and help her…”
The salty tang of tears assaults Geralt’s nose, but they don’t fall. Jaskier looks up to the sky to hold back the grief that makes his hands tremble.
“Everything got fuzzy after that, but I still remember the pain and the despair. It was like a part of me was hurting with her. Part of me still does, during some nights.” Jaskier closes his eyes in agony. “When I got out the next morning, no one was there. Our home was wrecked, ruined. There was… There was so much blood, Geralt. I—I couldn’t…”
“Oh, Jaskier.” Geralt watches as Jaskier’s shoulders shake, whimpers choking in his throat. Under the night sky, the bard retreats into himself, making his frame look so much smaller. He sways a little and Geralt extends his hands again, hovering by his elbow. “Can I please touch you now?” he pleads.
With a sniffle, the bard composes himself. He flexes his hands to see if his magic is in check. “I think so, yes—oh.”
Geralt pulls Jaskier in for the tightest hug, his arms wrapping around the bard’s frame protectively. Through the thin fabric of the shirt, he can feel another shiver running down Jaskier’s spine, so he rubs small circles into his back to get some heat back in.
He breathes in Jaskier’s scent, not knowing if the lingering stench of fear is from Ciri or the bard.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Jask…” Geralt keeps murmuring into the soft hair by Jaskier’s temple. Gradually, the bard sags against his shoulder, letting himself be soothed and supported. Geralt then places his lips to the skin under Jaskier’s ear, and then his cheek, his chin, all the while holding him impossibly close. He’s ready to help the empath restore his energy with all the brimming love in his chest. “Do you want me to…”
“No,” the bard shakes his head. “I’m good. For now.”
They stand there for so long, swaying gently while the world sleeps, before the bard speaks up again.
“I looked for her, and him, at so many courts.” Jaskier’s slightly colder fingers rest on the nape of Geralt’s neck, buried into the hair there. “No mage fit his description. No trace of her either. I think that deep down, I already knew that she was gone, even back then. Otherwise, I would have felt her in there somehow. No matter how far away she was, but all I had was just this emptiness. I was alone since then.”
“You are not. Not anymore.”
“No,” Jaskier pulls away, the tears have dried. Geralt brings the pad of his thumb to trace those streaks anyway. Under his touch, Jaskier smiles. “You see, back in Posada, I met this witcher, a dashing and heroic one. He fell for me so hard that he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving without me, so he begged me to become his travel companion.”
“And you agreed?” Geralt chuckles.
“Not at first, but he wore me down eventually.”
The bard is the most ridiculous man Geralt knows, and yet here they are. Shaking his head in amusement, the witcher steers his bard back to their bedrolls. As they settle back into their usual position, Geralt can’t help but pull him closer, making sure they are touching from head to toe.
The cover sets heavily over Jaskier's body, slowly warming up his skin. His heart beats against Geralt’s ribcage steadily, showing with solid proof that the empath has survived those horrors.
“I found you too, Jask,” he says, pressing a chaste kiss between Jaskier’s brows.
“Good.” The bard's reply is muffled by Geralt's skin. Not far from them, Ciri is still breathing evenly, sound asleep. Geralt has everyone he needs to protect right here with him, tucked away from their separate demons.
And yet, his mind drifts to Jaskier's story. It’s a tragedy with no end and no closure. There was never a body to bury, no vengeance to seek either.
Somehow, he doubts that an unfinished story will stay unfinished.
Tagging: @rockysstupidity​ @flowercrown-bard​ @alllthequeenshorses​ @mothmanismyuncle​ @theultimatenerdd​ @percy-jackson-is-sexy-​
Please feel free to tell me if you want to be removed or added to the list <3
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mi6-cafe · 3 years
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Now, let’s refresh your memory.
For the second week of LDWS, our true l- our writers were asked to write a drabble between 150 and 200 words, based on the word deck from the point of view of an outsider.
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(this is a purely illustrative gif of an outside observer of the goings on at Q’s flat, not a prompt)
Read the drabbles & Pick three favourites!
Vote for them on this form!
Add some feedback for the writers!
That’s it! You have done your civic duty and voted!
Read the drabbles below the line.
Title: Eulogy for the Aston Martin Author: Misha / artsytarts Warnings: Canon Typical Violence (mainly directed at vehicles) Summary: Around 007, life and death go hand in hand.
The moment I leave solid ground and fly, pointed directly at the deck of the ship, I know my life is forfeit.
I realize now why the other machines pitied me after I was assigned to the man they call 007. I see his blue eyes blazing as he concentrates, gripping my steering wheel. They say he’s careless, but judging from the few days I’ve carried him, I know different. He’s not careless. His destruction is calculated. Only once I was obsolete, once he depleted my ammunition, blew my doors off, and pushed my motor to breaking point did he make his decision: To use me as his missile.
I count the milliseconds as the deck rushes towards me. Without a word, 007 pushes the ejector button and I fling him out into the open air, out into safety and freedom.
I am to be his sacrifice.
Before I hit the ship to perish in a blaze, I decide: I have no use for resentment. Like so many machines before me, I have granted him life.
That must count for something.
Title: All In Author: sorion Warnings: none Summary: Bond is handy with cards, and Felix likes to watch.
There are few things as satisfying as watching James Bond clean a table in poker. Felix has learned that pretty much the moment he's met Bond, and the entertainment value hasn't changed in the years that have passed.  
On the contrary: Felix has learned some of Bond's tells. Not the kind of tells that would let him win against the insufferably unbeatable agent, but Felix recognises the spark that lights up in Bond's eyes, only seconds before he wipes the confident smirk off an opponent's face with a winning hand.  
Another thing he can see is whether Bond enjoys the game for its own sake or just really hates one of the other players. He knows it's the latter when the opponent asks for a rematch and offers the deed to a hotel in lieu of liquid funds, and Bond agrees, provided that they use a new, unopened deck of cards.  
The opponent blanches near imperceptibly, and Felix smirks into his drink. Oh, yes. Very satisfying.
Title: Voyeuristic Displeasure Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: seeing everything is not so fun
Bond's hands were big and rough, stronger than they had any right to be.
He had been observing them with varying degrees of interest over the years, stuck behind his computers or out in the field - air straining in his lungs with the knowledge that the other's life depended on how fast and how smart he could be.
He watched Bond strut along the deck, hand poised low on someone's lower back, head tilted down in a way that suggested he was focusing on whatever he was being told, seemingly enraptured in them - Bond played the part well but he knew what signs to look for, to spot the seams of the almost perfect façade: he darted glances around, favoring his right side, trying to keep under the eye of the cameras that he knew to be in friendly hands.
The hand slipped lower, fingers teasingly dipping beneath the edge of the brightly colored bathing suit his companion was wearing - shameless.
Almost teasing.
He stood up with a weary sigh, empty mug held aloft: he was going to need a strongly brewed cup of tea, if he had to watch Bond flirt his way into another bed.
Title: International Man Of Mystery Author: Merc / moon_of_mercury Warnings: none Summary: Some players never make it to places like Casino Royale. Others... acquire nice cars on the way.
She has encountered many interesting characters in her career, some more remarkable than others. Poker tends to attract extraordinary people. It isn’t always easily definable: something about this man arrests her attention the moment he walks up to the table, asking to join the game even though she’s already cutting the deck. 
He flashes a cocky smile at everyone, reads his opponents like a professional, and pleads with her to let the unlucky Mr. Dimitrios bet his car to win his money back. She complies, amused. Such self-sufficient arrogance would be offending if not for his friendly politeness. The way he eyes the man’s wife is not mere casual interest either. Those intense ice-blue eyes have already seen every opportunity. His body language may seem relaxed, but there’s an awareness in his movements that hints at explosive potential underneath the calm surface. 
For an exhilarating moment, she revels in being a part of this man’s story. It’s as clear as day that he’s used to playing for much higher stakes. She wonders what the real prize here is.
Dimitrios has lost again even before this stranger shows his cards. Men like him bend luck to their will. 
Title: Crossroads Author: Hexiva Warnings: None Summary: James Bond visits a fortune teller.
The man’s cold blue eyes look past Serenity as he steps into her fortune-telling tent, and she shivers. His aura is like ice, a vast glacier with life frozen deep down inside it. He reminds her of a mobster from some old movie, wealthy but brutal. 
“What do you want to learn?” she asks.
“The future,” he says, distractedly. She follows his eyes to a bearded man standing at the high striker, speaking in Russian. 
She shuffles her deck. “There are two paths before everyone,” she says. “This choice is yours.” She draws two. “First path - The Lovers, the Star. Companionship and connection bringing hope. Choose the Lovers' path, and you will find a new beginning. A second chance.”
“And the other?” he asks. His tone is flat and apathetic. He doesn't believe in hope.
She draws again.  “The Emperor, the Hermit, both reversed. Rigidity and repression bringing isolation and misery. Choose the Emperor's path and you will end up alone.”
But the man is looking past her at the Russian, and he stands. “Thanks." A wry little smile. "But I think I already know what path I’m on.”
She watches him go. In his shadow, she sees the Emperor.
Title: Observation Deck Author: Anyawen Warnings: none Summary: Mallory and Tanner contemplate employee relations.
Mallory surveyed the scene before him, sipping his scotch and trying, fruitlessly, to tune out the horrid rendition of 'Deck the Halls' playing overhead.
"We should do something about that," Tanner said, coming to stand beside him.
"About what?"
"That," Tanner replied, gesturing in the direction of Bond and Q. "Them."
The Quartermaster, decked out in a horrible Christmas jumper, looked exasperated. Bond, naturally, looked smug. They appeared to have entirely forgotten the holiday party happening around them as they argued. Flirted. Whatever.
"Trying to stop that from happening would be an exercise in rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic," Mallory said with a bemused smile. "Utterly futile."
"I don't want to discourage them," Tanner protested as Q cracked an unwilling smile at something Bond said.
"What, then?"
"A little push? Mistletoe? Lock them in a closet?" Tanner suggested hopefully.
"That might be construed as stacking the deck in your favor," Mallory observed mildly.
"You know about the bet?" Tanner spluttered as Q stole Bond's champagne glass and drained it to Bond's mock outrage.
"Spy," Mallory explained succinctly.
Tanner nodded wry acknowledgement.
They continued their silent observations a few minutes more, then Tanner asked, "What day did you pick?"
"April first."
Title: Nighttime Invasion Author: SouffleGirl91 Warnings: vague references to blood, swearing Summary: Q’s cat is not impressed by 3am visitors
A crumpled heap hit the floor. She hissed, tail bushy, ready to pounce on the intruder.
Gunpowder Man was invading her space.
“Q?” Gunpowder Man whisper-shouted. He sounded different. “Are you awake?”
Something dark dripped from his nose.
She sniffed cautiously. He stank of copper and salt. Still, it was better than the strong, sour reek of last time.
A light came on in Father’s bedroom.
Gunpowder Man lifted himself up and wobbled to the sofa. Walking on two legs seemed harder for him than usual.
“Bond?” Father came traipsing up behind him, making the room light up. “What the fuck? It’s 3 in the bloody morning. You couldn’t wait?”
“What, you’re not happy to see me?” Gunpowder Man used the false-happy tone Father used when he tricked her into The Basket.
Another dark drip.
“Don’t be stupid,” Father tsked, petting Gunpowder Man softly on the shoulder. That should help; Father gave the best pets. “Why don’t I put the - Christ, Bond! What happened to your nose?”
“It’s not broken. She hit me when I told her I was staying.”
“I thought psychologists were meant to keep their cool,” Father sighed. “Come on, let’s clean you up.”
Title: A confession of a deck Author: scarytheory Warnings: none Summary: James Bond would be lost without me.
I'd like to think that James and I are not just colleagues, but friends.
You know, we’ve been through a lot together. Cottages in forgotten lands, first-class casinos, important fights – I’d always been with him and helped him along the way.
But this game is different.
“That’s not fair, James,” the opponent says, watching his stack of cards.
“I’m not cheating, Q.”
The opponent snorts. “You may be the best player the MI6’s ever had, but even you can’t be THAT good, 007. Aces again? That’s not very subtle.”
“You were the one who said poker is just basic math and all about the art of reading people. So stop whinging and take off your shirt.”
Beg your pardon?
There is something disturbing in the air. I don’t think I want to give the good cards to James anymore. “Happy?”
The shirt falls to the floor.
The next round, Q loses his pants. I’m starting to think that this isn’t even about poker!
“I won.”
Finally, it’s over and I can relax again. Even though I’m not sure what this young lad can have that James Bond would be interested in… oh.
Title: Camouflage Author: IrishWitch58 Warnings: None Summary: A certain agent and their partner are in the field. The local perspective.
Grace's eyes were drawn to her first customers on the deck overlooking the harbor. They were as unlike as could be but Grace would have known they were together with just a glance. The subtle leaning in, the eye contact, the briefest brush of a hand. Not honeymooners but the established kind of connection that took time and patience. The younger man was dark and slender and had a tan that was honey gold. The older one was broader and blond and that one sent tingles up her spine. Her brother and his military buddies were like that, poised and watchful. She didn't see a weapon but suspected he was armed. They'd arrived three days ago in a beautifully restored vintage sailboat, walking the less traveled portions of the island.
Passing Grace, Mimi muttered “Spies posing as tourists.”
Gracie scoffed at Mimi's imagination. What were they spying on here, conch recipes? Then a new boat dropped anchor. The blond saw it first and the dark haired one checked the tablet he always seemed to have before nodding and finishing his chowder.
The pretty sailboat pulled up anchor the next dawn and the new boat was found derelict two days later.
Title: Missing Him Author: Nana-chan Warnings: Summary: Austen the cat watches as her human pines for the Blond One
From her perch on the living room sofa, Austen looks disapprovingly at her bespectacled human. He is out on the deck again, smoking and no doubt pining for the Blond One. He is a relatively new addition to the household and has been gone for several days now, as is his habit. Keats—that dummy—misses him, too, as he meows and gazes forlornly at the front door.
She herself is unsure of the Blond One, but she doesn’t like it when her human is all sad and distracted, reeking of cigarette smoke and unresponsive to feline overtures of comfort. She feels powerless to help him. How did one man become so essential to her human’s happiness?
Then a key turns, the door opens, and there he is. The Blond One dumps his bag in the foyer and heads straight for the deck, pausing only to give her a brief head scritch. She watches as he folds her human into his arms and starts grooming him in that strange way humans have, with their mouths fused.
She hears her human laugh, gladness and relief evident in his tones, and finally, she makes up her mind about the Blond One.
Title: Origin of a Voyeur Author: stormofsharpthings Warnings: none Summary: There was a legitimate reason to start going through all the Q Branch security footage, dammit!
After the small accidental volcano destroyed lab 7b, no one could recall who’d last checked the fire suppression system. Exasperated, R pulled up the security videos in hopes of spotting someone. The recording of Q and 007 was entirely unrelated, but she just couldn’t look away.
Q had been helping Bond dress for some formal event, tuxedo carefully tailored to conceal the equipment Q was arranging around his body. The scene resembled a squire helping his knight, except...
R bit her lip at the way Q stroked his fingertips down the front of Bond’s suit to check the drape of the fabric, evading Bond’s hungry gaze with a sly little quirk to his mouth. Then Q leaned close, reaching around to run his hands over the back of the jacket, lingering a little over Bond’s well-proportioned backside before he sank to one knee and brushed along the sides of the trousers.
“There, all decked out,” Q murmured.
Bond reached down to cradle Q’s chin in his hand and Q looked up with a provocative lick of his lips, the heat almost visibly simmering between them. Bond took a deep breath, his fingers tightening, and Q ‘s eyes widened and then slid shut as he turned to brush his lips against Bond’s thumb. When Bond made a low rough sound, both Q and Rani swallowed at the same time.
Then the outer office door slammed and she hurriedly shut her computer down, blushing. But she saved a private copy first.
Title: The Bet Author: Venstar Warnings: none Summary: Bets are made, there will be blood.
Oh, yes. It was going to happen. The tension was palpable in the room, yes he said palpable in his interior monologue. Just fucking get closer. Do it already. He was going to win that bet today by fuck. He leaned forward in anticipation, eyes locked on target. Yes. Yes….Keep going...almost….
Fuck, goddammit. Not again! He narrowed his eyes. There was no way another attack by water was happening. Dammit. Fake or not they were going to have to clear the god damned building. He sighed heavily as he turned sad eyes back to where 007 and Q had been quietly eyeing each other. They were gone. “What the fuck?” Where? There! The orange of Q’s cardigan turned a corner.  He was not about to lose the 'THEY FINALLY MADE OUT DAY' be! He ignored the rest of Q’branch’s leads as they ordered the evacuation.
Fuck. It was R.
“And just where are you going? Exit is that way.”
He turned with hunched shoulders to find R smiling at him. Her eyes flitted past him to where Q and 007 had disappeared to. “THAT bet will only be won when it’s officially my day.”
Title: Specs and the Lady Author: solarmorrigan Warnings: None. Summary: Louis has been a bartender for a long time, but occasionally patrons can still surprise him.
The Friday night crowd seethes around the bar in waves, laughing and calling out their orders. Louis has been a bartender a long time, which means he can keep up with the steady roll of vodka-tonic-scotch-and-soda-bottle-bottle-pint and still keep an eye on the floor for trouble.
Trouble like the man in specs and a loud jumper bumping into an over-drunk man in a worn football jersey, spilling both their drinks.
Specs’ mouth forms the word ‘sorry,’ but Jersey isn’t having it. He grabs Specs’ jumper, but before Louis can even call for Paul—their unofficial bouncer-bartender—a lady slides in between them, curly hair and cunning eyes, and pulls Jersey’s hand away.
Jersey shoves the lady, and viper-quick, she decks him. Jersey goes down.
Louis lets out a surprised laugh. The lady looks quite pleased. Specs looks exasperated, though Louis doesn’t know why; if he had someone like that in his corner, all squared shoulders and terrifying heels, he’d be delighted. Then again, from Specs’ half-laughing attempt at chastisement that carries in the surprised lull in noise (“Really, Eve?”), this isn’t the first time it’s happened.
“Just take Jersey out,” Louis bids as Paul moves in, “Specs and the lady are fine.”
Title: Eyes on You Author: oldestcharm Warnings: n/a Summary: The Quartermaster is enjoying his afternoon and Bond is far too concerned about his garden.
She's good at her job. So good, in fact, that she's currently hidden from sight with her scope right on MI6's Quartermaster himself. He's sitting on the deck of his house, enjoying the sunny weather with a girly drink in one hand and a laptop resting on his thighs. He's typing furiously, paying no attention to his surroundings. All she has to do is take one shot.  
Then, the sprinklers turn on.  
She does her best to not make a sound even as her phone buzzes.
4:27 pm:
There are over twenty cameras on the property.
4:28 pm:
I suggest you get out of my hydrangea bush. James worked rather hard on the garden and he won't be pleased to find you there.
A click behind her — probably a gun. "You've ruined my garden."
She turns around and finds herself face to face with the legendary agent. She cringes. "I'm... very sorry?"
Bond does not look amused. "You're fixing this before you leave."
"You're not going to kill me?" she asks, heart pounding.
"Q wants you for his team." Bond sighs, looking more annoyed than anything. "Either you accept or I'll shoot you."
Well, it's not exactly a choice.
Title: Over It Author: MrKsan / starrboned Warnings: Canon-Typical language Summary: Tanner is nervous.
Ferrying through the maze of the Thames tunnels was often a nerve-wracking job. More so when his passengers were nervous. More so when it was the Chief of Staff who was sitting across from him, restless, tap-tap-tapping on his cardboard box.
Tanner gave Jack an awkward smile as they docked, climbing the narrow ladder just as the Quartermaster stormed into view.
“I’m going to skin the twat alive, Bill!“ he hissed, making Tanner stumble to a stop. “Didn’t even try to cover his tracks.”
Jack grinned. Only one man could piss Q off that much.
Tanner sighed, resigned. “I’ll inform M-”
“Already did,” Q huffed.
"Not risking my career for him again, Bill."
Jack dared a peek at the couple; the conversation was taking an unexpected turn.
Tanner blinked, once, twice, before seeming to come to a decision. He shoved the cardboard box at Q.
“Thought we could share breakfast, since our dinner last night was interrupted? Bad timing, of course- ”
"Bill,” Q said, and Jack saw the silver of a smirk. "I would love to."
Pulling a crumpled cigarette from under his heavy coat, Jack couldn't help but grin to himself.
MI6 and their drama.
Go vote!
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lacrimaomnis · 3 years
BRF Reading, 21/7/2021 (Part 2 of 3)
This is the second of three spreads.
Yesterday, after I posted my first spread, I came across a post saying that there is no birth certificate for a Lili Diana, but there is a birth certificate for a Diana Mary Mountbatten-Windsor issued in Los Angeles. Now, this significantly changes the direction of my readings, because if the baby is indeed named Diana Mary (which is proved by the birth certificate), then, of course, there is no Lili Diana in the first place because she was not named as such. As the result of that development (I am aware it is well known by this point in Tumblr, but for me, this is absolutely new since I first read it in a passing and had just gotten the full gist of it last night when I came across it again), I decided to redraw the two spreads I have had previously drawn, this time with two different questions.
I also decided to do the Celtic Cross spread since I wanted to get clarity on both the internal and external motivation of these two.
As written, this is merely a speculation and therefore must be taken with a grain of salt. This speculation is not true until proven otherwise.
My question has changed into if Lili and Diana Mary is one and the same, why did Meghan and Harry decide to publicise her name as Lili(bet) Diana?
Cards drawn: Three of Wands, Seven of Swords, Ace of Cups, Two of Swords, Justice, Four of Wands, Five of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Three of Pentacles, The Emperor
Remarks/Comments: Well, well, well. Would you look at that? We have 3 Three cards (sorry, did that throw you off guard?), which prompted me to look into the numerology of the cards because the Threes seem to be particularly important.
Summary: They decided to publicise the baby as Lilibet Diana in part to get their business opportunities ongoing, and in part, as an act of revenge against BRF for the perceived slight they had received from the royal family. This is just one sad reading.
First part: Three of Wands, Seven of Swords, Ace of Cups, Two of Swords, Four of Wands, Justice
First card: Three of Wands. This is the first card of the cross part, and this card indicates the "present situation". As the card of enterprise, cooperation, and future financial success, this card told me Meghan and Harry decided to publicise her name as Lilibet Diana in order to have future financial success.
This is in line with all the readings I have done so far or the circumstances as they are known to the public: Meghan and Harry are in debt, they have purchased domains of Lilibet Diana, they already have plans to merchandise her. This card is very important because this card sets the entire tone of the reading. When they decided to publicise her name as Lilibet Diana, at that particular time (the present), they thought that she would be able to get them those business partnerships and cooperations.
This card also told me that instead of being an 'idea pops in my head and let's do it immediately' plan, Meghan and Harry's decision to publicise this baby as Lilibet Diana is well-thought-of and was planned to be their long-term plan insurance. In my deck, this card is illustrated as a stag looking away into the distance, a representation of visualising a future and thinking of long-term plans.
Second card: Seven of Swords. The card of deception and hidden plans, this is the "problem" card. Harry and Meghan thought they could keep "Diana Mary" sealed from the public's knowledge forever, and that they can profit off the "Lilibet Diana". Or, this could also be a plan from their part: they would first publicise her as "Lilibet Diana", and then when people are coming at them, they could show off the birth certificate of the baby being "Diana Mary" and then go on into the victim narratives we were all too familiar with. The problem is, they will eventually be figured out, sooner or later. They might get away for some time, but they will be figured out. And they perhaps did not think of that.
Third card: Ace of Cups. This is the "past" card, the motivations leading up to the event. This card speaks about new opportunities and beginnings, and this card affirmed to me that Meghan and Harry thought that publicising this baby as "Lilibet Diana" would give them new opportunities and a new beginning to get those moneybags back into their pockets.
Fourth card: Two of Swords. This is the card of difficult decisions, and as the card of the near future, this may imply that soon, a difficult decision must be made. This could also be interpreted that instead of getting them those business opportunities and beginnings, the decision to publicise the baby as "Lilibet Diana" will force them or the royal family to make a difficult decision regarding the baby.
Fifth card: Justice. The card of law, karma, fairness, honesty, balance, and reason. This card represents the effects of one's actions and the consequences of their decisions. Looking at the position of this card, this card is in the "conscious" position -- to put it simply, this is the "I want to do this to get something" card.
This card tells me that the reason why Meghan and Harry took this decision was to "get back" at the royal family for "cutting them off". This is the "justice" they think they deserve -- after all, they are the victim and the royal family is a "hostile" institution where they were constantly denied of what they "need". Is it the "justice" they "deserve"? That is up to your interpretation, but honestly? I don't think they deserve this "justice".
Sixth card: Four of Wands. In three separate readings done on different days, this card likes to show itself, all in readings related to Harry and Meghan in any sort. The position of this card in the spread speaks about the "unconscious" part of oneself. This card speaks about the "why I want to do this" card.
Four of Wands, is again, a card closely associated with the elements of home and family. A card of celebration and happiness. This tells me that by deciding to publicise "Lilibet Diana", Meghan and Harry had hoped that they will get their "justice" over the royal family and that they perhaps wanted their way back in so the royal family can be "whole" again. They had hoped that the public will celebrate this baby's birthday and had hoped that the public's celebration will drive home to the royal family that they are not "whole", that Meghan and Harry are "needed", because look at the public's celebration! ...which is little to none. Rather than celebration, all they get was negative PRs and people being fed up with them.
Second part: Five of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Three of Pentacles, The Emperor
First card: Five of Pentacles. This card is about financial hardship, loss, and poverty. As the first card of the staff section, the section that rules the outside situation of the subject, this card once again affirms to me that yes, Meghan and Harry are in a difficult situation, money-wise, that they decided to take this step. They really think that parading the baby around as 'Lilibet Diana' would get them the money.
Second card: Three of Cups. This is the card of celebration, weddings, friendship, and parties. If we look at the first card, the Five of Pentacles, this card seems to tell me that Meghan and Harry were in a difficult financial position because they partied way too hard. They were not careful with their money. They perhaps had said yes to one too many opportunities to party; or to splurge on money to celebrate something, whatever the occasion is. A friend's birthday? A friend had a child? Someone bought a new house and invited them all over to a party? You name it, they spent money on it.
Third card: Three of Pentacles. I have 3 Three out of the four possible Threes, the only missing Three is the Three of Swords. What are they trying to say?
I looked up a little bit (I am not at by any means versed in numerology) -- threes are usually about imagination, about someone with great creative energy but little to no direction. Threes tend to speak about frivolity, lack of discipline, naivety, and egoism -- things we all have seen from Meghan and Harry.
Three of Pentacles speaks about future building, diligence, hard work, and teamwork. As the "hopes and fears" card of the spread, this tells me that by deciding to parade the baby as "Lilibet Diana", Meghan and Harry had hoped their decision would contribute to their "future building". Pentacles are all about anything material and wealth, so this could well mean that the "future building" they wanted was synonymous with "racking in the cash".
Fourth card: The Emperor. This is the card of authority or a father. He is the patriarch, the card that urges one to choose the mind over the heart, to make decisions based on available facts rather than feelings.
In this spread, the card that can be read as The Emperor's pair is the Two of Swords -- implying that the difficult decision must be made by using a fact-based approach with little to no room for sentimentality or feelings. This card comes across to me as BRF as the institution, and that because of Meghan and Harry's decision to publicise the name of the baby as "Lilibet Diana", BRF has to make a difficult decision: for me, that manifested in the palace's statement where the palace will not tolerate any mistruths spoken by Meghan and Harry -- for years, the royal family's motto is to "never explain, never complain", and for the first time in their long existence, they are now forced to speak up.
Conclusion: They really think of this baby, whoever she is, as a means to cash in the moneybags and as a weapon to get their "revenge" over BRF and to get their "justice". This is just sick. How could someone decided to have a baby (surrogate or not, it matters not) just so they can use the baby as a weapon to get back against a perceived slight? As a way to milk money? I am sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
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this was written very late at night when i was exhausted and procrastinating on multiple assignments. have fun reading it.
When the days are cold And the cards all fold And the saints we see Are all made of gold
hector will fold his cards for him. he will stab him, kill him, forces him to give up his life. this much patroclus knows as he lies curled on the ground, half-concious, the helmet fallen off to reveal who he is.
When your dreams all fail And the ones we hail Are the worst of all And the blood's run stale
this is what will finally prompt achilles to kill hector. their dream of letting achilles live as long as possible is ending. all because he wanted to save the greeks from annihilation.
I wanna hide the truth I wanna shelter you
patroclus has always wanted to shelter achilles from the loss of innocence that comes with war, ever since the war became an inevitable thing for them. at first it was because he didn't want to see achilles' face tortured with the image patroclus used to see every night, a dying person. now he wishes he could save achilles from the inevitable grief. wishes he can be there to soothe him.
But with the beast inside There's nowhere we can hide
achilles' anger over briseis is harsh, a flame burning under his skin, and he can't seem to do anything but feel it. he watches the battle from his station by the ships and wishes for patroclus to be safe. but then, somehow, he knows.
No matter what we breed We still are made of greed
achilles' destiny is finally coming for him. his greed for fame, his need to keep his demigod abilities. all of his wants and desires are catching up to him, and they're going to kill him. including loving patroclus. why is that such a crime? why do the gods have to curse him to this?
This is my kingdom come This is my kingdom come
achilles has his royal and god blood, that is true. it gives him status, a kingdom of his own if he were to survive the war. but the battlefield is his true domain, the one place where he is indisputably above everyone else. no one can see his flashing feet and powerful arms and not feel fear. none of the other kings inspire such awe. no one's rage is equal to his.
When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide
patroclus remembers being a child in phthia. recently exiled, a murderer with the broken skull of the boy he killed imprinted behind his eyelids, haunting him like a persistent ghost. the bits of achilles' touch he got helped the nightmares. achilles has always been like that, a bright spot of hope and light in the darkness.
Don't get too close It's dark inside It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide
achilles was so bright. patroclus always thought of him as a starburst of light and life in a dark tunnel. so bright, so brilliantly beautiful, scorching at the edges. and achilles truly is this. the prophecy is the scorching part. the peak of his excellence, a destiny so great that it causes pain for those around him. look where it's gotten patroclus.
At the curtain's call It's the last of all
patroclus feels hector's spear, the blossoming agony that comes with it. knowing what it will do to achilles almost makes him feel like an actor in a play, the curtain sweeping down to end this scene. ending his life. achilles, do not grieve, he thinks desperately, before everything goes black.
When the lights fade out All the sinners crawl
with patroclus gone, all the parts of himself that achilles has been able to keep under control come out. he rages, he screams, he kills more brutally than ever before. he is no longer full of delicate beauty. instead he's the weapon odysseus once said he was. a killer, born to cause destruction. and he does.
So they dug your grave And the masquerade Will come calling out At the mess you've made
as he's burning patroclus' body, everything suddenly seems clearer to achilles. he’s gone and made the mistake of letting patroclus get killed, and while it’s made the war take a turn for the better, it’s turned him into a grief-ridden wreck. he hates hector for killing patroclus, but now, with this realization, he begins to hate himself.
Don't wanna let you down But I am hell-bound Oh, this is all for you Don't wanna hide the truth
achilles arms, goes out to face hector in battle. he's hell-bent on avenging patroclus, and fuck if it brings his own doom. he doesn't care anymore. he has done so much for his own fame, and done so little for patroclus. patroclus, who loved him, helped him on his path to fame, and paid for it with his life. as he kills hector, all he feels is a sense of grim satisfaction and relief. finally, he can die and be with patroclus. finally, he can say how sorry he is, how stupid and cruel and hubris-ridden. he wants to say how much he hates himself for feeling such uncontrollable anger. how much he hopes patroclus still loves him.
No matter what we breed We still are made of greed This is my kingdom come This is my kingdom come
achilles is a greedy person. he's greedy for borrowed time, greedy for fame. greedy for the things that will lift his name to the stars. but perhaps instead of focusing on his future, he should have looked a bit more to the now, to the people closest to him. watched a little better. these are his thoughts as he slowly crosses the plain outside troy, scanning the walls. there is a figure high above him with a bow. he tilts his head, watching. the arrow comes for him with unerring purpose. achilles blocks out his body's screaming as he turns a fraction toward it. his body is so painfully mortal. even when most of it wants the release of death, it struggles away, desperately wanting to keep its heart beating for a few more seconds. but then. finally.
When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide Don't get too close It's dark inside It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide
they hold hands in the underworld for a moment as the golden glow fades. then they hug, and for a while that's all they can do. they can only hold each other close. there are tears on both their faces. achilles hadn't realized what exactly he was missing with patroclus gone until he has him back and the aching hole in his chest is finally filling up again.
Don't get too close It's dark inside It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide
after those first few moments, when they've stopped drinking each other's presence in, patroclus brushes away one of achilles' tears. he's trying to be the strong one as always. he turns away and wipes one of his own tears, hoping achilles won't see it. achilles cries as he remembers living without patroclus, tells the story of life without him. later, patroclus breaks down and cries too as he tells his side of the story, and achilles realizes that perhaps it was worse for him, because he was there all along.
They say it's what you make I say it's up to fate It's woven in my soul I need to let you go Your eyes, they shine so bright I wanna save that light I can't escape this now Unless you show me how
patroclus tells achilles about being a spirit, stuck in his body. he remembers the sheen of tears in achilles' eyes and sees it again as he tells the story. he misses when the brightness in achilles' eyes was from joy. maybe he can bring that back with the simple happiness of them being close, being together.
When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide Don't get too close It's dark inside It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide
they both have demons, memories of the past that stick with them. all the pain they shared over their years at troy. and then the final, most terrible agony that they had to bear alone. but they're together now, and they can hold onto each other as much as they need to, remind themselves that it's over. that they're both here. and maybe someday soon the tears and silent sorrow and guilt will fade. maybe someday soon patroclus will see the mischief in achilles' eyes again, be able to be kissed by him without remembering their final touch.
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thisbrokenmask · 4 years
Matching Pair
pairing: female reader x Kim Namjoon
genre: fluff, very light angst
word count: 2,266
warnings: brief mentions of struggling to conceive, hella fluff
summary: you return from a day of shopping with a surprise for your husband.
a/n: so, this fic is unbeta’d and was written on my phone, but I was too excited to write it after getting some very wonderful news today - I found out I’m going to become an auntie for the very first time next summer! I’m beyond excited, and it ended up giving me inspiration for how to finally use the ‘Fuzzy Boots’ prompt on my @btsholidaybingo​ card!
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“Joonie?” you call out for your husband as you close the front door of your home, already feeling the heat of the house warming you from the growing winter chill outside. Gently putting the shopping bags containing your few new purchases down to the side, you take off your shoes and your coat and put them in the closet by the front door. You don’t hear an answering call from Namjoon, but you do find his house keys still in the little cubby in the closet when you hang yours back up, so you know he’s home.  
Heart fluttering and excitement rolling in your tummy, you grab the handles of your shopping bags and head upstairs, your bare feet sinking into the carpet of the stairs with quiet relief. Even though you decided against heels today, the several hours you spent searching for the perfect items has still left them aching and you once again pat yourself on the back for choosing a thick pile when you decorated the house.
You bite your bottom lip to try and hold back your grin as you head to your bedroom to deposit all but one of your shopping bags, although you can’t help the slight skip in your walk as you once again go over what’s about to happen. Leaving your discarded purchases at the foot of the bed to sort out later, you clutch the most important one tightly as you seek out your spouse. 
Surprisingly, he’s not in his home studio, the small soundproof room normally your first port of call on the rare days Namjoon doesn’t head into the BigHit buildings to work. No, instead you find him in the little snug-come-library at the end of the hall, a slight dip in his brow from how concentrated he is on the words in front of him.
The library was a room you both insisted on having when you found this house, as you both needed somewhere to store your vast collections of books you had amassed over your lives. The custom floor-to-ceiling shelving had been fitted perfectly for the room, with a few open spaces left for artwork to break up the visual of hundreds of book spines. 
While your respective hoards of literature had combined, there were still traces of your individual hobbies nestled among them. Several small houseplants contributed pockets of green and, as Namjoon pointed out, a sort of poetic contradiction to the many books you owned; the living among the dead, as it were. He tended to them daily, whereas your offerings required much less attention. 
In your many years of travelling before and after meeting Namjoon, you’d developed the habit of collecting one small trinket from each country or city you visited. Whether they represented particular landmarks, native animals or cultural figures, you always brought home something to remember each place by, and now many of those trinkets filled the spaces left behind by oddly-shaped books or accompanied a bonsai as it grew between the shelves. 
In the centre of the room, on top of the plush mauve rug you’d fallen in love with at first sight, sat two armchairs. They didn’t match each other, but matched you and your husband instead. You’d gotten the idea from UP!, knowing when you’d first seen Carl and Ellie’s individual chairs that you wanted to do that with your future partner. And the library became the perfect place for these perfectly mismatched chairs, another way to show how the two of you had come together in this room that housed so many of your joint passions. 
Your chair, currently empty, was the plushest wingback chair you’d ever seen; a beautiful, royal blue velvet chair that made you feel like you were in a house that could be found in a Jane Austen novel. Your husband’s chair, in which he was now sat, was burnt orange in colour, square and simple in shape, with arms curled over to remove any harsh lines. You’d hated it, initially, but the more you’d seen it on the shop floor and then saw your husband lean back into its cushions, the more you decided that it suited him, and that was what mattered. Despite its simplicity, it was a bit too big for you to sit in comfortably, although you would often climb into it and burrow under several blankets when he was away.  
You’d now grown accustomed to the barrage of colours and styles in your little library, a fondness for the apparent chaos that still shocked newcomers, making you giggle every time. 
As you so often find yourself doing, you take a second to admire Namjoon in his studious reading pose: one leg resting across the knee of the other, his right elbow propped up on the armchair and his hand cradling his chin, index finger extended across his lips in contemplation. His left hand cradles his book seemingly effortlessly, his simple gold wedding band glinting in the warm orange of the afternoon winter sun that pours in through the window across the room. It’s still the only golden piece of jewellery he wears, and it still makes your heart bloom every time you catch sight of it. 
In the split second you’ve taken in his appearance, he’s become aware of your presence. Only his eyes move at first, flicking up from the page to the door to see who’s walked in. When he sees you standing in the doorway, however, he immediately slips his bookmark into place and puts the volume down on the little table between the chairs. The ease and immediacy with which he gives you his whole attention never fails to make you feel a little giddy. 
“Hey,” Namjoon’s expression melts into his warmest smile, all traces of his previous concentration vanished at the sight of his wife. His eyes briefly drop to the bag in your hand before returning to you. “Have fun shopping?”
You nod as he extends his hand towards you, slipping your palm into his and letting him gently pull you close. He sits you in his lap, one arm curled around the back of your waist and the other gently resting across your thighs, his hand melding to match the curve of your flesh. The warmth of his palm is noticeable even through your jeans, rippling throughout your body like a breeze kissing the surface of a lake. 
“Is that for me?” he nods towards the bag by his feet, pressing a gentle, lingering kiss to your temple. 
“Nope,” you smile, then pause. “Well, I guess it kinda is. Wanna see?”
If Namjoon is confused, he doesn’t show it. He loves the way you think, loves how you can see something completely different from him when you both look at the same art pieces on your gallery trips, loves how you can find even the loosest connections between two ideas in a way he’d never thought of. He doesn’t always understand you at first, but he loves that about you, so he waits patiently for you to explain. 
You lift the bag into your lap, the hand across your thighs moving to secure it in place while you open it. You turn it away from him as you pull out the contents, but he’s not even trying to peep inside; his eyes are focused on you, on the little ways your expression changes when you get thoughtful, or excited, or anxious, and right now you’re a bit of all three. 
“Ta-dah!” you singsong proudly, presenting him with a pair of fuzzy, light brown slipper boots. You try not to giggle as his expression falters slightly, although he quickly covers up his obvious confusion with bemused intrigue, gaze jumping between you and the boots as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on. 
“These… are for me?” he can tell just by looking at them that the boots are way too small for him, they’re definitely your size, and he’s struggling to figure out how they could be ‘kinda’ for him. 
“No, these ones are mine, silly!” you laugh, gently bopping the tip of his nose with your finger. The relieved sigh that falls past his lips only keeps your laughter rolling and he loves the sound, cheeks dumpling as he grins up at you. 
“Of course,” he agrees easily, smirking down at the boots as you gently run your fingers through the fluffy material, then cocks his eyebrow. “So how am I involved in this?” he pauses, then tilts his head to one side. “You’re not going to wear them to bed, are you? I know I said your feet are cold but I actually don’t mind it so much anymore-”
“These ones are mine,” you say, cutting him off, holding up your boots for emphasis before twisting in his lap to put them on the floor. His hand on your waist reflexively holds you tighter to keep you from toppling. 
When you then look at him with a smile he can only describe as mischievous, he knows he’s fucked: he’s a sucker for your playfulness, willingly walking into even your silliest pranks just to see your face light up and hear the melody of your laughter when you celebrate your victory.
His mind whirs through every option he can think of that could somehow relate those fluffy little boots to himself. Maybe you’ve bought him new slippers too, but like your mismatched chairs they’ll be different styles, perfectly suiting each of you in a way that makes them work together. Maybe you’ve actually bought him matching ones and he can’t decide what will be worse: having to wear them to please you or refuse to wear them to please himself. He feels the smallest flicker of heat in his cheeks when he considers fluffy handcuffs, but he dismisses that though when he remembers how your gaze darkens whenever you get out the pairs you already own rather than brightens, like it has done right now. 
He’s at a loss, but you don’t make him wait much longer before you grant him an explanation. 
“They didn’t have matching daddy boots, unfortunately, but-” he doesn’t have time to register the term when you pull out the remaining items in the bag with a flourish. “They did have these matching baby boots, and I just couldn’t resist!”
He stares down at the little pair of fuzzy boots, the same light brown colour as yours. They’re barely bigger than your palm as they sit side by side and he doesn’t know how something so small can knock all of the air from his body. 
He can’t speak, can’t swallow, almost can’t breathe. He can only stare. 
You watch as Namjoon’s features drop and give him a few moments to process the sight in front of him. You’re sure your lip is about to bleed with how hard you’re biting into it, desperate to cry and cheer and celebrate with him but wanting to give him his processing time. 
When he doesn’t say anything after a longer time than you were expecting, you begin to worry he’s upset rather than shocked. When he finally speaks, though, his tone is so level you genuinely think he’s angry. 
“Y/n,” he says, gaze lifting to meet your eyes and locking onto them. You feel his body grow tense beneath you, the grip on your waist tightening and releasing as he battles with the emotions building in his chest. “Who are these for?” His throat bobs with a dry swallow and you feel your stomach drop a little bit, suddenly realising how this may have come across to him. 
You and Namjoon got married nearly two years ago now, and you’ve been trying for a baby for just over a year. During that time, Namjoon has found more than one or two bags of baby clothes tucked away in your side of the closet, onesies and booties in varying designs and colours despite the fact that none of your attempts had been successful. His heart had broken for you every time, knowing how desperate you were to become a mother, but, despite his own deep-seated desire to be a father, he’d insisted you return the items each time and forbade you from bringing home anymore baby items that weren’t gifts for expecting friends or relatives. It was painful for him, too, to keep seeing the negative pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash, but he knew that it would only hurt more if you kept the clothes with no baby to fill them. 
It had been months since you’d last even looked at the baby aisles in any stores, but today was the day things changed. 
“They’re for us,” you told him gently, the words barely above a whisper yet filling the space between you. You see the tears begin to well in his eyes at the same time his grip on you tightens one last time. He stares up at you, eyes wide and watery and full of hope, and you let the widest grin loose on your lips. 
Leaning forward to touch your forehead to his, both yours and Namjoon’s eyes fall closed. Shuddering breaths push at the air between you, your hand pressing to his chest to feel the way his heartbeat gallops under your palm. Your own tears start to glide over the apples of your cheeks as you finally let the weight of your news overwhelm you, knowing that you’re both finally going to see your dreams come to life. 
“They’re for our baby.”
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