#the bremin four
erickmatsuno · 3 months
Al principio crei que Andy iba a estar demasiado interesado en la ciencia/magia como para pensar en romance. Aveces pienso mucho en él siendo arromantico sin saberlo.
Como sea, por fin pude tener la serie y con ello poder empezar a editarlos.
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Yearly reminder that The Bremin Four disappeared on this day, Friday the 3rd of May, 11 years ago!
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nameofthetrees · 9 months
Nowhere Boys third-wheeling
Jake: disgusted
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Felix: unbothered
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Sam: their biggest supporter (also a goofball)
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Andy: sad that he’s not making out with Jake
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librathefangirl · 7 months
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Febuwhump 2024: Day 9 - Bees
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froginamoodboard · 1 month
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Felix Ferne moodboard
Requested by: me/anon
x x x x x x x x x
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froginabogg · 2 months
might write some fic about nowhere boys and the family dynamics in it, or else i'll make like,,, five other tumblr posts, cause it's really interesting to me
i understand it's a kids show, and those generally either choose family or romance to focus on, but these dynamics are SO intriguing
there's felix who loves his brother more than anything on this earth, to the point he'd literally rather cancel himself out of existence than let anything bad happen to his brother again, meanwhile his mum doesn't like him and he thinks his dad is a loser, and he can't even fathom them wanting him to stay for dinner, he is convinced he is making his family's life so so so much worse with every second he spends with them and he still can't tear himself away from them, probably because he needs to SEE them doing well without him to believe it, this is a kids show by the way
jake has a single mother who was married and divorced, with a no good ex who doesn't pay his child support, and yet jake tries to extend endless grace to loser-dad even when it's clear he won't really change, that one little scene in season one where he pulls out the picture and says "this is the only proof i have that they were happy together", yeah that haunts me. and then in season two his TEACHER starts hooking up with his mum? and even though it's a background plot it's so interesting and does so much for his character because he's still so devoted to her to the point he'll stomach this drama because it makes her happy, and she still sacrafices parts of this relationship for jake
sam's relationship with his family is the MOST interesting to me and i can't really put it into words, he is clearly a golden child, he has loving parents and a playfighty but good relationship with his brothers, he learned art from his mother and sports from his father, he clearly has a wonderful homelife and it did not necessarily do him favours, and then he's thrown into the deep end of alternate universes and he realises that they have replaced him, and THIS is so interesting to me because (as people have pointed out before) he is literally the only planned kid and that's fascinating, but also it twists his world view upside down and makes him less full of himself, and also makes him value his relationship with his family that much more, because they love and care for him so much and they wanted him and that's so beautiful
and andy !! andy's family dynamics make me go insane !!! first of all i always find it interesting to see chinese families portrayed in media because there is so much to unpack in the sheer expectations of immigrant parents in another country, he's the only one with a grandma and she is literally the only one of literally every single relative (except of course for oscar) that immediately believes him and actively helps and supports him in the alternate universe even though she comes off as horrible, the thing that reminds him of his mother is a picture of his grandfather, the way they specifically are all so interconnected i'm OBSESSED, he's under so much pressure from his genius sister and his genius father and when he goes missing that second time you can see the shift in all of them when they realise how valuable andy is just for being him, he wants to prove he's worthy of being loved by being the smartest but he just had to be there and that really gets hammered in when viv is the one to greet him at the end of season two
this is a KIDS SHOW by the way, and all of this shit is technically background plot, it's never lingered on that much, and when they do linger on it !!! i go crazy !!! the mums episode and the dads getting them back at the end of season one,,, ,a auooohhgghghgh
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katjohnadams · 1 year
The urPoyn Ambassador snarled out a greeting in the most sarcastic way it could. The Faenaran translator paled some, but translated the words, with a less... Aggressive tone.
The human Ambassador, an exceptionally tall woman with a muscular body, smiled. "Greetings to you, as well, Ambassador Kh'chtag. Thank you for meeting us during this cease fire. We were told you had plans to negotiate a permanent settlement about the planet we call Spite?"
Kova translated the human's words in urPoyn. The human pronunciation of the Ambassador's name was admirable, but the language was too utterly even for the famed human mimicry.
Kh'chtag grinned widely, showing their double rows of teeth as their mouth hung open. They virtually spat their response out.
In shock, the translator thought furiously. There was no way the urPoyn thought *humans* of all species would accept this. Another Federation member, perhaps. But not this one. Regardless, she mustered herself to translate the response.
"Yes. You can leave or let your flesh feed out broodlings." There was simply no way to translate that politically. They waited in fear of the human's response. The species was known to be highly aggressive when pushed and this? This was a "*push*".
Ambassador Ruiz kept smiling though, and replied almost sounding tired, or bored. "Ah, but that doesn't work for us. You see, our people are very fond of this planet and did all that work terraforming it into a home. Spite was a nasty little thing but it's cleaned up nice. And we're not willing to let it go."
The Faenaran stared for a moment. Was she serious? Kova translated the gutteral and relax reply to the urPoyn Ambassador and the response was as expected, angry.
"Do you mock us? This world is ours by right of conquest! We have taken most of the world and you are to surrender!"
The soldiers of both sides tensed. A lack of weapons meant nothing. Both Humans and urPoyn were known to be vicious in hand-to-hand combat.
The human Ambassador laughed. *Laughed.* She grinned back, her teeth not as intimidating but something about her eyes made up for it. "We will not. We understand that is your cultural norm, but it is not ours. Ours is simple, the planet is ours and we said no."
The quick, growling translation infuriated the urPoyn. They stood as tall as their legs allowed them and looked down on the otherwise impressively sized human. Kova rushed to translate as she could, trying to keep up with the angered urPoyn.
"'No' is unacceptable. We have split your blood and sanctified this world. It is ours now! Your children will weep, your civilians will be used as food, your soldiers will be ripped apart by our claws!" They smashed their fist on the table, send a crack into the wood.
The human Ambassador grinned viciously. She casually tugged her shirt over her head and threw it free. A simple undershirt covered her torso but her arms, her arms were magnificent, gleaming, deadly looking artificial limbs, with synth skin only covering her wrists and hands.
"I've already been torn apart by soldiers like yours. On ETN62590. We call it Bremin. Beautiful place before the urPoyn landed. I was in the first shock wave that went to push them back. The urPoyn that took of my arms were blown into very small pieces. Bremin, I remind you, is also *still ours*. How many urPoyn did we kill booting you off? Was it three or four million?"
Kova didn't get a chance to translate. The urPoyn Ambassador had understood this was no longer a negotiation but a challenge, and they accepted, leaping across the room.
In what looked like a practiced maneuver, all the human soldiers shed their jackets, revealing various prosthetic limbs of varying types, all previous victims of urPoyn victory rituals. The urPoyn and humans met in a rush and the humans produced hidden weapons, mostly small knives and small capacity repeaters. The urPoyn were eliminated suddenly and violently and the humans stood, congratulating each other, covered in the bloody, pink, hairy remains of their enemies whom they'd just cut, shot, and ripped apart.
Kova shook in fear and horror. The urPoyn were known to be the most violent of sentients, and they'd been annihilated by these wounded soldiers who, instead of being lessened decided to turn themselves into weapons and keep fighting.
The human Ambassador smiled at he Faenaran. "Sorry you had to see that."
The translator stammered before finally croaking out, "You aren't actually an Ambassador, are you?"
The human tipped her head to one side and chuckled. "All fleet Admirals are Ambassadors as well, by default. I was just best equipped to 'negotiate' with the urPoyn. Speaking of which..." She pulled her communicator off her belt and flipped it open. "This is Admiral Ruiz. All force authorized."
High above, the human ships attacked again, taking the urPoyn by surprise. Kinetic slugs and nuclear x-ray warheads lanced across the sky of the little planet called Spite. On the ground, human forces advanced suddenly and with renewed violence. The urPoyn lines broke immediately.
Later, as the Federation civilians began reclaiming their world, there would be stories told of how the humans had simply smiled at the urPoyn and said, "No."
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meeks-with-a-b · 8 days
5 and 21 for the fandom asks? ❤️
thanks for the ask <33333333333
5: Favorite platonic pairing?
i can and will make anything platonic just watch
idk if i have a fav pairing tho cause i lean more towards big found family vibes most of the time
i really love Witchers, specifically the wolves Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert being a family
ooo also the Bremin four from Nowhere Boys and the knights from Merlin
21: Favorite fic trope?
according to my ao3 bookmarks its fluff lol
but i love some good whump and outsider pov
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 9 months
CH.1.1 Roomates Issues
November 13, day 7.
Mom, I swear I’ll kill one of these guys soon!
Felix leaves his fake piercings and clothing everywhere, Jake can’t speak without swearing every two sentences, and shoves around like it’s going out of style. And Sam is just so full of himself! Constantly!
It’s like they don’t even care that there are other people living right besides them now!
I’ll have to have a talk with them, or only one out of four kids get back home. And it’s not gonna be them.
With love and currently putting Felix’s lipstick where it belongs,
CH.1.2 A Good Day
November 16, day 10.
Hi, mom!
Today a fish tried to eat one of Sam's toes. He screamed like he was actively getting murdered.
Today is a good day.
CH.1.3 Expedition
November 18, day 12.
Mom, I’ve been exploring the outskirts of the cabin. Mostly following the river.
I hadn’t realised how beautiful Bremin’s fauna and flora really is. I promise I’ll show you my favourite spots when we get back.
If you let me out of the house ever again, of course.
<- Ch.1
Ch.2 ->
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awsteb · 2 years
the bremin four would be 24 rn *explodes
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justmoreocs-edits · 8 months
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No Matter What Story Introduction
Arriving late to the school trip wasn’t exactly Emie’s proudest moment, but unfortunately it was one of those things that just sort of happened. Thrown into the first group Bates saw, Emie finds herself with a jock, an idiot, a goth and a nerd. If she wasn’t so irritated by her group’s lack of cohesion, she might have seen it for the joke it might have been the opener for. But when their trip takes an unexpected turn, Emie is a little glad that she has the boys with her; that she isn’t totally alone in learning the truth.
The story of the Nowhere Boys – plus Emie – is a legend amongst Mal’s classmates. A legend that Mal has learnt the truth about from each of those present. Not that she can share the truth with anybody else. However, when she finds herself in a Bremin empty of all but four other people, she quickly realises that perhaps Emie and her friends weren’t the only ones destined for adventure in their small town. What she didn’t expect was the fear of not getting everybody back. The fear of losing the people that always mattered the most to her.
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erickmatsuno · 2 months
Olvide que hice este video, pero como sea.
Realmente aveces quiero hablar de Felix siendo gótico, me recuerda a los góticos de South Park
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I can so easily imagine Felix, every once in a while, coming to school or going to hang out with the other boys and just, giving them gemstones (whether from Arcade Lane or a similar sort of place).
Sometimes it's an elemental thing, sometimes one of the boys is going through it and it's a little thing to help or make them feel a bit better and sometimes it's just the vibe™.
For example, the boys hanging out, Felix rocking up and placing a stone in front of Jake.
"Petrified Tree."
"or Petrified Wood. It's known by both."
"Okay, why?"
"Reminded me of you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I was looking for an earth element crystal. I was originally going to get Aventurine, green in colour, magnifies balance, but then I saw that and just went "Oh, yeah, that's Jake."
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justmoreocs-writing · 8 months
No Matter What Story Introduction
Arriving late to the school trip wasn’t exactly Emie’s proudest moment, but unfortunately it was one of those things that just sort of happened. Thrown into the first group Bates saw, Emie finds herself with a jock, an idiot, a goth and a nerd. If she wasn’t so irritated by her group’s lack of cohesion, she might have seen it for the joke it might have been the opener for. But when their trip takes an unexpected turn, Emie is a little glad that she has the boys with her; that she isn’t totally alone in learning the truth.
The story of the Nowhere Boys – plus Emie – is a legend amongst Mal’s classmates. A legend that Mal has learnt the truth about from each of those present. Not that she can share the truth with anybody else. However, when she finds herself in a Bremin empty of all but four other people, she quickly realises that perhaps Emie and her friends weren’t the only ones destined for adventure in their small town. What she didn’t expect was the fear of not getting everybody back. The fear of losing the people that always mattered the most to her.
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librathefangirl · 2 years
My Writing Year in Review - 2022
I only joined ao3 in July and I've definitely haven't written as much as I've wanted this year, but I figured I'd celebrate the new year with looking back at the writing accomplishments I did manage in 2022. @LibraTheFangirl.
(Continue reading for my personal favorite posted stories of 2022 and why, as well as resolutions/plans and WIPs for 2023).
Stories posted: 6.
Fandoms posted:
Stranger Things (3 stories).
Nowhere Boys (1 story).
9-1-1: Lone Star (1 story).
S.W.A.T. (1 story).
Pairings posted:
Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler (3 stories).
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand (1 story).
Word count: 3, 249.
Longest story: TK Vs Tomatoes (9-1-1: Lone Star) - 944 word, 1/2 chapters.
Completed stories: 5 out of 6.
Most common tags:
Hurt/Comfort (4 stories).
Hurt Steve Harrington (2 stories).
Triple Drabble (2 stories).
Most popular stories:
Hits: Warm Hands (Stranger Things) - 1, 897 hits.
Kudos: Warm Hands (Stranger Things) - 196 kudos.
Comment threads:
Warm Hands (Stranger Things) - 3 comment threads.
Trust and Needles (Stranger Things) - 3 comment threads.
I Think I Love You (Stranger Things) - 3 comment threads.
Bookmarks: Warm Hands (Stranger Things) - 3 bookmarks.
Subscriptions: TK Vs Tomatoes (9-1-1: Lone Star) - 17 subscriptions.
Total hits: 5, 815. Total kudos: 568.
Total comment threads: 13. Total bookmarks: 78.
Total story subscriptions: 26. User subscriptions: 4.
My personal favorite stories posted:
Warm Hands (Stranger Things)
Jonathan’s gaze softens as he uses his free hand to lift up the blanket. Steve blinks at the sight underneath. His chest is almost completely covered in bandages. Yeah. Not good. “Oh.” Jonathan places the blanket back down. His hand gently gracing over Steve’s chest. Jonathan gives him a warm smile. Nancy still looks angry. Steve gives her an uncertain look, and she sighs, “You scared the shit out of us, Steve.” “Sorry.” “It’s fine, just- Don’t do it again,” Jonathan says and Steve smiles. “Not making any promises.” “Of course you won’t,” Nancy scoffs half-heartedly. “Next time, I’ll kill you myself.”
I feel like what I really like about this story is more about the circumstances and what it meant to me than the story itself, if that makes sense. This was not only my first Stranger Things and Stoncy story, but also the main reason I finally got an ao3 and Tumblr account in the first. Mind you, I've wanted to get those for years now, but Stoncy Week 2022 and with it this story was what finally pushed past the anxiety and whatnot. This was also the first time in a really long time I just sat down and actually wrote. This story's signifies my way back to writing.
The Bremin Gang (Nowhere Boys)
“... Still, try finding another four kids in Bremin who could have solved the mystery of why that demon wanted an apple tree.” “We never figured out why it wanted the tree.” “Why do you have to ruin my fun, Jakey?” For a moment the two boys just stared at each other, then Jake sighed. “Okay, I’ll bite. Who’s who?” Glancing over his shoulder at the other two teens, the earth element then added, “Andy’s Velma, right?” “Of course!” Sam agreed. “And you’re Fred, except instead of traps you think brute force is the answer to everything. Your method is about as successful as his traps.”
This technically wasn't written in 2022, but it was posted then, so it still counts. I mostly just write Hurt/Comfort and Whump, so I take a little extra pride whenever I manage some more lighthearted/humor-esque. This is also something I've wanted to share for a while. And who doesn't love a good Scooby-Doo comparison? 😂
New year writing resolutions and plans for 2023:
Writing more regularly for the sake of writing and my own enjoyment.
Participate in Febuwhump and Whumptober.
Complete at least SOME of my too-many-to-count WIPS 😂
Cross-posting my FF-stories on a03? (Not without spell-checking though, my god, my old works have som brutal errors 😂)
WIPs I'm most excited about (so many but here's a selected few):
Tarlos Timer AU (9-1-1: Lone Star; current word count: 1k+ words)
Carlos had grieved for a man he’d never know for a few months when TK Strand came crashing into his life.
This is one of my WIPs i'm most excited AND most frustrated with (the writing just isn't coming along as I wish it was). It's a Tarlos soulmate AU where everyone's born with a timer on their wrist, representing their soulmate's (remaining) life. The story takes off at the beginning of the show (and probably will include a somewhat rewriting/changing of season 1) when Carlos is faced with the sudden horror of the timer on his wrist hitting zero, signifying the death of his soulmate. Everything just gets more angsty and chaotic after that as the Strands arrive in Austin. (Read a sneak peek from chapter 1 here!)
Meliodas Tortured in Hell Three-Shot (Nanatsu no Taizai/ The Seven Deadly Sins; current word count: 700+ words)
“Oh…” Meliodas’ gaze finally finds his. “An illusion.” King’s blood runs cold at the statement. “Captain, no. I-”
Originally planned for Whumptober 2022's prompts: "No one's coming" + "Are you here to break me out?" + Carried to Safety + Tears. A non-canon compliant story where Meliodas, shortly after the Sins find out he's a demon, is taken to Hell on order by his father. There's lot of angst and whump, from both Meliodas and the Sins part, some torture, as well as King being forced to confront his feelings regarding Meliodas (a classic trope in my 7DS WIPs).
The Curious Case of Stoncy (Stranger Things; current word count: 200+ words)
It all started for once not with Dustin, but with Will and Mike. Of course, the real start had happened between Steve and Nancy and Jonathan and a quiet house months prior. But the kids didn’t know any of that. So, for the kids it all started with Will and Mike and a broken lamp.
Originally planned for Stoncy Week 2022 Day 7: Secret Relationship. To sum it up: Jonathan, Steve and Nancy are dating, but nobody knows. The kids don't get their relationship, especially since Jonathan and Steve apparently "can't be friends" yet are suddenly hanging out together. This all leads to the them launching a whole investigation. Things get as chaotic as you might think with that.
When the Spell Breaks (Nanatsu no Taizai; current word count: <100 words)
It was a startling realization for a king to make, but while the Seven Deadly Sins had always served him, their loyalties had never been his to claim.
Okay, not sure if this even counts as a proper WIP because this sentence is all I have so far. But this is one of the two 7DS AUs I'm most excited about (the other I wanna develop a bit more before sharing though). Basically, it's an AU where the Sins were never framed. Somewhere along the years, the Sins found out about Meliodas being a demon and agreed to keep it within the group. Then some Stuff™ happens and the secret is spilled. The kingdom reacts badly and the Sins are like screw that. They pretty much chooses Meliodas over the kingdom and willingly becomes fugitives of Liones to protect their captain. Then it goes from there.
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steampunkedemon · 2 years
just remembered that both sam and jake call felix dracula at some point which someone else pointed out is 1000% percent flirting and what i’m getting at is the bremin four are all dating
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