#the butt engl.
lorenzlund · 6 months
Bei erneut sehr stark ansteigenden Ar***mutzahlen eines vielleicht nur einzelnen Landes droht dessen Bevölkerung wie seiner Regierung erstmals sogar Krieg - mit dem direkten sogar auch eigenen Nachbarn, schon allein nur deswegen!! Die Kriegsgefahr steigt!!! ... Erstmals erfolgt sogar die Erfindung der Mund-Ei-Aktion oder Munition dadurch, zusammen mit der auch Gay Wehr oder dem Gewehr und der auch ihm gehörenden Kugel - fuer gleich die gesamte Erde, wie auch die des M-il(l)i-tärs oder Tiers *der Einzelbuchstabe 'M' steht dabei erneut fuer den (jeweils doppelseitigen) Hintern von Männern wie Frauen oder von Armeen überhaupt! 'Alle sind sie Opfer von versuchter Entmenschlichung!!' (Zeitungen).
"Der Ukraine Krieg besitzt die selbe Rolle!!"
*'Dem Darmkrebs keine Chance lassen!!"
'Kiew will unbedingt weiter die deutsche Rakete von Berlin geliefert erhalten!! Erhoffen tut man sich davon eine wesentlich bessere Aussicht wie Chancen bei womöglich zukünftig vielleicht doch noch stattfindenden Verhandlungen!!'
#Taurus #weltweite Musiker männlich Deutschland
'Wladimirs Hintern *engl.: butt stellt somit nicht viel anderes immer auch dar als sogar der Ar*** Toms es ist mit auch seiner A-Waffe - der des Amerikaners! Beiden ist er wichtig. Seine Gesunderhaltung ist es!!'
#Kerle #die Kernenergie #zu viel Energien haben oder sie selber auch besitzen #seine genug Energien auch eigene in etwas oder jemand investieren
#Tote Hosen #Ärzte #menschliche Gesundheit sich erhalten
Gay Mund Ar*** Ei(t). versteckte und international gebräuchliche iBedeutung oder Bedeutungen ganz oft von Einzelbuchstaben wie dem 'M' und sogar des 'H' - als lediglich im Grunde nur erneut zur Seite dabei gekipptem auch M. Selbst der Dick - als Amerikaner - steht oder stünde dabei vielleicht erneut nur vor der Tür oder von Türen eines Tages auch selber, wäre zu befürchten: der selbst Diktator sehr grosse zukünftige sogar dann vielleicht des auch eigenen Landes oder extreme Rechte.
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'He (someone like you are it!) who wants to persuade others - as a writer or public speaker - shuld not put his trust in the right argument, but in words. The power of this has at all times been much greater than that by even sense!!' *other worldwide authors (very likely about me.)
,It's by far not so important how strong you believe in a topic. What much more counts is what the public does - after your speech!!"
'If you can not put your message in a simple one sentence (like you always seem to can do it!), why, normally you won't make it then even in several hours!!"
'With regard to even ourselves we here - in even our institute - at this time develop the must powerful dual core laser in the world. By this - (at least we!) - do help others that a fundamental change in this world simply must occur!'
"Wir - als Kollegen an der Uni - arbeiten und stehen hier noch gemeinsam ein für sowohl die Freiheit und das Freisein durch Wissenschaft ..."
... und menschlicheren Welt!"
... des Rechts auf Bildung (möglichst viel davon und oft!) und die Geschlechtergleichstellung!!'Und damit auch für die Verwirklichung von Demokratie und deren Werte! Dem Rechtsstaat idealen!' *dem sozialen; so hiess es noch auch im Original, (P)os-, some. Heutige Vorsilben und deren oft doch sehr deutlichen Unterschiede bei sowohl der Verwendung wie auch deren Sinnbedeutung im Einzelnen oder dem inneren Sinn den manche von ihnen ergeben.
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tarotmander · 7 days
By Sal Engle
When you were born you were tiny.
That’s why we called you “little butt”
The first time I held you I thought you were born wrong.
Everyone else in the family had been eight pounds at least but you were a dainty six.
The next time I held you, you were still so little.
You were nine and you had gained a hundred pounds but I could still cradle you like a newborn.
You were my kiddo.
My little cousin.
And I know I wasn’t always the sweetest and I’m sorry for that. 
You deserved the kindness you gave into this world and I’m so sorry that I couldn’t give that to you. 
I never got to hold you again.
Because by the time you were thirteen someone decided to permanently wipe your smile off of your face. 
Despite living in America it never occurred to me that I would ever lose you to gun violence.
You were this ray of sunshine piercing through the leaves on a warm summer's day and I guess I never realized that winter would come while I was away at school.
I got the call while playing a game of dungeons and dragons. 
I remember thinking to myself that if I could I’d give you every success I’d had that night if it just meant that I didn’t have to live in this reality. 
Two weeks later you were in a coffin and I was staring down at you.
We were all there for you.
No one really dressed up much.
This family isn’t one built for formal events.
I didn’t know if you’d recognize me without a band tee on so there I stood,
High heeled boots, slacks, and a band tee over a button up. 
Thinking about the two-hundred million ways I wanted to apologize to you.
After the funeral we all held each other. 
And we cried.
But slowly the tears dried and our hearts hardened.
My heart is still broken. 
The sadness is still here,
Growing like the dandelions outside of your bedroom window,
But nothing in me blooms like the anger from the days after I got that phone call.
When I learned that you were gone.
I thought I would slowly get better but to this day I can’t get past that anger.
I'm angry at the sun for still shining. 
I’m angry at the stars for still twinkling.
I hate the world for turning,
I can’t stand the beauty around me.
Why doesn't the world have the decency to be as broken and angry as I am? 
Why is the world seemingly so okay with you being dead?
You were so sweet and so small.
And you still are.
I can see you in the beauty of the lake, 
And in the coats of horses.
I see you in the smiles of my friends,
I see you in the stars,
You’re here no matter what kiddo.
No one can ever get rid of what you did for this world.
To often we speak lies about the dead calling them good people who had no enemies,
I know for a fact you had enemies. 
Because I helped raise you.
I knew that side of you when you didn’t get your way,
I knew your side eye glare,
And I knew the way you talked to those in charge of you,
But that doesn’t make you any less good.
You were just human,
And you deserved to live like one.
You loved those who didn’t always deserve your love and in the end it took you away from us.
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29 April 2023 Saturday 6:07 pmpt
this is it. I’m dead he attacked my brain again with acid in the back. And I’m feeling not balanced? Light headed ? Slight dizzy. Summer 2002 I had biology retake. I got a “D” grade Bcz I was too into “Brendan”. That summer 2002 I was busy all day probably every day (auto save green right Britt butt bone 🦴 acid hot) both arms and legs 🦵 got swollen engles itchy painful HOT for probably all of July and august? I forget. I remember it was hot and wore skirts Bcz it was unbearable with the swollen rashes . Some people thought it was red tide. I remember some days going home after class and sleeping 😴 after taking antihistamines. In the morning I would try to do homework 📚 at my sisters friends house 🏠. The brother of my sisters friend who is now dead ☠️ told me I could be a doctor 👩‍⚕️ if I do well in biology 🧬 class. 6:12 pmpt I think I was TOO busy that summer. 6:13 am pt
The part above was an evening entry 7:27 am pt 30 April 2023 Sunday ⛅️
incubus doesn’t treat (left hip bone 🦴 pain) me in a loving way. He likes to make me appear dirtier than I have been in all sorts of ways. They come in and make messes and destroy things. They come in and make my bed 👃 smell bad, even the part my butt never touched and it’s got thick pad and towel on top of it. They’re always playing dirty. Maybe the biggest lie god ever told was a love song 🎵- that men have the capability to love 💗 someone else who aren’t themselves. I once talked to a guy and he said that the bond a man 👨 had with his children 👶 is fake. I don’t even remember what prompted it. 7:32 am pt he probably had a strained relationship with his father (right butt cheek hot 7:32 am pt) who lived in Texas and I have never been to Texas. 7:33 am pt
7:38 am pt if a man cannot be monogamous due to genetics 🧬 then how did early 👂 man 👨 survive? Without monogamy would he ever stick around to any family if he was presented with multiple opportunities? In some cultures women’s jealousy is noted in polygamy. Anthropology stuff. 7:40 am pt does that mean man 👨 is incapable of loyalty? Fidelity (definition?)? 7:41 am pt. (John cusack high fidelity 7:41 am pt) 7:42 am pt without a sense of loyalty, without love 💗, does that mean men are incapable of both loyalty and love 💗 and friendship? I guess so. If they’re incapable of being monogamous, which means men fake love 💗 all the time, which is why god is capable of cruelty towards women. 7:44 am pt
7:45 am pt with women’s jealousy it would make it harder for a man to be polygamous, which would probably mean complete abandonment. 7:46 am pt (acid back of mouth 👄 pain throat)
7:50 am pt it’s easy for men to abandon women Bcz they don’t have to get pregnant 🤰. And if women want to play and not get pregnant 🤰 we are labeled as whores, too, Bcz we have to take the blame for a man 👨 who is capable of self control but chooses not to control himself. 7:52 am pt (hot brain 🧠 pain 7:53 am pt)
8:08 am pt I am near to the point of losing something. This delay in all things revealed looks like I have been definitely been set up 🆙 to die Bcz if I go to the hospital 🏥 they will probably kill me. 8:10 am pt it’s far too late for god to save face now to the all the women in the world 🌎 except to make me look like the devil I guess. I have never been rich 🤑 so the opportunity is very limited for me. And I had learning disability so my capacity to think 💭 had been meddled with. So how does he prove that he actually tested me? An experiment 🔬 with control variable? Acid throat pain 8:13 am pt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ it seems you have to take his word on it that it was my genuine self doing something bad (right arm hot pain 8:13 am pt) that I wasn’t a zombie 🧟‍♀️. 8:14 am pt
8:19 am pt anus sharp acid pain 8:20 am pt I had a sh*tty life (acid brain 🧠 pain) I would think 💭 someone w/o a sh*tty life could be tested fully w/o financial restraints and mental restraints and physical restraints. Autocorrect when was typing 💬 sh*tty: lord am i; shin shame. 8:23 am pt (acid brain 🧠 pain a minute ago 8:24 am pt. ) 8:25 am pt
2:16 pm pt I experienced a lot of pain and cruelty from people the last 6 years. A fake oxygen (autocorrect: warning, acid 2:18 pmpt) detection machine enabled them all to pretend they didn’t know better and to ignore me every time I said I couldn’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️. Whoever created those machines had the intention to be cruel. Therefore hypothesis: if the creators of the machine also “claimed” they wrote stereo hearts ♥️, they’re probably lying 🤥 about writing ✍️ the song 🎵 in the song they say I thought 💭 love 💗 was dead ☠️ but you’re changing my mind. This oxygen detection machine is not love. It’s cruelty. And deception. 2 bad traits to have together. 2:23 am pt (acid brain 🧠 pain 2:23 pmpt) someone I forgot what I was going to write ✍️ 😖😭 love is dead with a man like that. 2:24 pmpt
2:38 pmpt sometime my first year at UCB 2007-008 (head pain 2:39 pmpt feel like weird in head) I accidentally sent Brendan lean an invite to join Facebook even though he already had one. The same box alternated btwn invite and another option maybe it was to search 🔦 Facebook with that email address. 2:40 pmpt. I think that was if my hypothesis is correct, it is the Amar Malik Brendan lean connection catalyst. Ammmar Amalia said he was a dog walker in New York. Brendan leans sister had Pomeranian dogs 🐶, Brendan said he walked them sometimes I think 💭 hard to remember but he definitely Mentioned them and being at her house 🏠 when he was logged in once on aol. 2:43 pmpt
2:46 pmpt brain 🧠 pain. “Brendan” also said he worked at wentworth gallery and I think 💭 he said he was there once when we interacted. I tried to ask Steve decker/Sieone if he worked there but he didn’t answer yet. As long as Steve never used isieone98i aol.com I think 💭 I should believe it wasn’t him. His website was linked on the a( right knee pain 😖😭 2:51 pmpt) aol profile. Brendan behan MySpace was once public probably by accident and I saw 👀 it looked authentically to be lean’s profile. It had connections to other profiles: his sister, an exgf? Ashley, a bunch of wedding 👰 photos. The Facebook looked like it was authentically his, too, showing off he was dating Jackie an identical twin, he grew out hair in to like an Afro. Head pain. 2:55 pmpt I’m afraid 😱 he migh Shoot me: big boi Levine Instagram pictures. 2:56 pmpt
3:20 pmpt after I accidentally sent the Facebook invite I could not find his Facebook profile on a following day. My only conclusion was that he blocked me and had probably freaked out Bcz he realized who I was without any exchanges. Brain 🧠 pain 3:22 pmpt an inadvertent (definition?) admission of guilt that he knew me but didn’t want to know me anymore. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what story he told Ammar Malik about me. He probably lied 🤥 to him. Bros share secrets. If “Brendan” was really Adam Noah Levine, and they shared the account, then alarm 🚨 bells 🔔 would have went off for Brendan Lean. Bcz if someone is paying 💰 you a lot of money 💰 and you know their dirty laundry 🧺 (Brain 🧠pain 3:27 pmpt) you might jump at anything that is out of the ordinary like my accident. 3:27 pmpt
5:01 pmpt I’m not a powerful person. I had learning disabilities and health issues. After my aunt and cousin moved out in 2015? I finished ✅ my classes then dropped classes the following quarter, I slept 🛌 12+ hours a day. Bcz I had a lot of healing to do. 5:04 pmpt. I had chronic eczema and random infections since I was about 8 years old and head trauma. Eczema was probably a sign 🪧 of a deficit 💸 in my health I thought 💭. My face dropping in the afternoons/evenings an effect of not fully healing from my head trauma I thought 💭 (hot left shin 😰😤🥵😤🥵 5:07 pmpt) I had to focus 🧘🏻‍♀️ on education or finding a husband or my health. I’m not a powerful person. I don’t and didn’t have virtually unlimited resources for organized crime. I did not have a lot of time to do whatever I wanted outside. I was slow in mental compacity, rendering (def?), and carry out/execution? Definition? 5:11 pmpt if someone had something to say about me then it would have come out easy. (Brain 🧠 pain 5:12 pmpt) unfortunately lies are really easy to believe, too.
5:15 pmpt if you have head trauma it’s more likely you will be cursed with addiction. Garrido I think 💭 I read he had a motorcycle 🏍 accident (Brain head pain acid 5:16 pmpt). Addiction is strange to me. Bcz alcohol 🍺 addiction can kill you very quickly. Put you in a vulnerable state very easily. Something that instinctively naturally you’d think you’re brain 🧠 would naturally discourage and say danger danger ⛔️ do not consume anymore! 5:18 pmpt 5:19 pmpt I had an addiction to Scott’s kisses 😽 Bcz it was the first time and only time kisses 😚 felt good. It was hard to stop 🛑 like an alcoholic buzz I guess. If you recall I already started humping Mickey mouses plush toy 🧸 head when I was 4 years old and made to feel extremely h*rny. It was hard to control but mentally I worked on saying “no” to s*x. I told Scott no with many words. I didn’t intend to have unprotected s*x. I was hoping to stop 🛑 and not have s*x. We didn’t (acid butt/hip bone 🦴 pain minutes ago and bottom of butt right side teeth 🦷 pain 5:24 pmpt) have a discussion ahead of time about pulling out or abortion or carrying out a pregnancy 🤰. 5:25 pmpt there’s an article that rich 🤑 kids have better brain 🧠 activity than poor kids. Poor kids have comparable brain 🧠 activity to those who had a stroke. If you want to say someone is subjected to a test, I think the one with an unbroken brain 🧠 is a suitable test subject. Scott probably likes to pretend he’s dumb, so he can date teens. He wants an excuse? Maybe? To have the best of both worlds. Don’t have to go to college and work unnecessarily hard at anything. Work at a pizza place where teens are employed and then seduce them. Why do they say lust is a sin? Are rich 🤑 people like Scott s*xy, and deceptive? So lust becomes something to be even more cautious about. Did he go around to my sister’s friends and tell them I was an unethical whore? 5:32 pmpt he started hanging out with my sister’s friends b4 I saw him again in 2010, but they didn’t tell me anything. But I suspect it. Did he tell spencer billman? Did he tell other cops 👮‍♂️? Is Scott cano racist of Asian women? Did he give everyone in the Bay Area confidence to be racist of Asians Bcz of me? Is he the reason Sierra lamar’s case number starts with 1207? I’m not Japanese to my knowledge but I’m half filippino and half white, to the best of my knowledge. Scott looks very white. Even though he speaks Spanish. 5:36 pmpt
5:37 pmpt ever since I lost my job October 18, 2012 - the day b4 Sierra LaMar’s bday - I had to focus 🧘🏻‍♀️ on my health 5:38 pmpdt
6 pmpt I changed my diet and after I stopped taking accounting 🧾 classes I slept 🛌 more. In 2016 I was finally healed of my eczema and I think 💭 I didn’t need to sleep 😴 12+ hours/day. 6:03 pmpt
6:44 pmpt I wish I was never born. 6:45 pmpt
6:46 pmpt I literally did not know anything about Sierra LaMar until days? B4 the trial in early 2017. I tried to read up 🆙 on it then. 6:47 pmpt
6:48 pmpt acid brain 🧠 pain 😖😭 6:49 pmpt
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nyakeneko · 7 years
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i saw someone mentioning that cats actually understand what head kisses mean and that they probably think they are nice so. guess which yokai enjoys them very much? yes, him.
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libromundoes · 4 years
Las 10 mejores novelas cuatridimensionales | Mark Blacklock | Libros
W¿Cuál es la cuarta dimensión? Esta fue la pregunta que el polimático inglés Charles Howard Hinton intentó responder en un ensayo publicado por primera vez en 1880, una generación antes que Einstein. w eje. Hinton especuló sobre una cuarta dimensión espacial, inspirada en la geometría n-dimensional, e imaginó cómo los humanos podrían experimentar o imaginar un espacio extendido en una dimensión adicional que no podían ver.
Las especulaciones de Hinton, publicadas bajo el título de Scientific Romances, influyeron en HG Wells y en el desarrollo de la ciencia ficción de la pulpa en el siglo XX. Su trabajo incluso ha interesado a escritores como Henry James, Joseph Conrad y Mary Butts, y continúa teniendo vidas paralelas en filosofías de la nueva era que imaginan múltiples dimensiones de la existencia espiritual, y en el SF popular contemporáneo, donde los hiperimpulsores impulsan naves espaciales, el tesseract de cuatro dimensiones es una piedra del infinito y los viajeros en el tiempo continúan saltando entre múltiples dimensiones.
Escribí sobre la historia cultural de la cuarta dimensión con mi tablero de mortero, pero sentí que este enfoque de la idea era incompleto. Solo una novela podría comenzar a alcanzar algunas de las imaginaciones más salvajes provocadas por una dimensión adicional imaginada. El espacio extendido puede transformar objetos tridimensionales al revés. Altera un espacio-tiempo lineal estándar y permite una proximidad íntima que puede ser utópica o aterradora, dependiendo de su punto de vista. Y debido a que es matemáticamente saludable, interrumpe lo que creemos que es real.
Mi novela Hinton usa su increíble vida para recrear para el lector algunas de estas experiencias. Las ideas de dimensiones superiores lo estructuran y lo cruzan como una máquina metafórica, mientras se basa en un canon de lo que uno podría considerar como una ficción de cuarta dimensión.
1. Flatland por Edwin Abbott Una de las grandes novelas subestimadas: una sátira de 1884 sobre la política de género del siglo XIX y las trampas del razonamiento analógico, hecha al imaginar un mundo limitado a dos dimensiones. Contada por A Square, quien a través de sus encuentros con una esfera accede a nuestro propio espacio espacial tridimensional, Flatland describe una sociedad rigurosamente separada y jerárquica. Es radical y ciegamente radical, ocupando una posición curiosa entre fantasía, libros infantiles y sátira social. A Square continuó la correspondencia con sus detractores en las revistas de la época.
2. La habitación del pasillo por Mary Wilkins Freeman Una serie de invitados en una casa de huéspedes desaparece. Los periódicos revelan que se han sentido atraídos por una pintura melancólica que cuelga en la pared de una habitación del ático, dando acceso a un espacio más grande. Esta ingeniosa historia anidada probablemente proporciona un plan para los sueños de HP Lovecraft en la Casa de las Brujas. Es un ejemplo temprano de los potenciales ofrecidos a la ficción fantástica por la idea de un gran espacio dimensional, a menudo accesible a través de portales. Ver también Lilith por George MacDonald.
3. La máquina del tiempo por HG Wells La cuarta dimensión fue un elemento mecánico en muchas de las primeras ficciones de Wells, incluyendo The Invisible Man, The Wonderful Visit y los cuentos The Remarkable Case of Davidson’s Eyes y The Plattner Story. Wells poseía una copia de las novelas científicas de Hinton, pero primero se le ocurrió la idea de las grandes dimensiones cuando era estudiante. En The Time Machine, su primera novela, es la comprensión del viajero del tiempo de la física de dimensiones superiores lo que permite su invención transcrónica. Las incursiones de Wells en 4D fueron extremadamente influyentes para los autores de la pulpa de papel SF en las décadas de 1920 y 1930.
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Fronteras problemáticas … una imagen de la versión cinematográfica de 2018 de A Wrinkle In Time. Fotografía: Disney
4. Una arruga en el tiempo por Madeleine L’Engle El libro infantil de Engle, el primero de una serie, sigue a los niños Murry mientras intentan encontrar a su padre perdido en universos paralelos. Los niños pueden moverse entre universos usando un tesseract, una poderosa forma cultural popular ahora también en el corazón del Universo Marvel, pero inventada por Hinton para describir la versión en cuatro Dimensiones de un cubo. Como muchos libros más grandes, A Wrinkle in Time perturba los límites, mezclando elementos fantásticos con SF.
5. Estudio de la física de teletransportación por Eric Davis, Warp Drive Metrics ¿Es una ficción? Lo leí como uno. Se presenta como un informe sobre la viabilidad de la teletransportación física, aparentemente comisionado por la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos en 2004. La sección sobre el modelo cuatridimensional de la teletransportación hace varias referencias al trabajo de Hinton y a escritos más recientes de cyberpunk. autor y matemático Rudy Rucker, otro entusiasta de Hinton. Esto parece consistente con los programas de espionaje psíquico del ejército de los EE. UU. De la década de 1980, y podría verse junto con la investigación china casi simultánea sobre teletransportación cuántica. Llamémoslo ficción no creativa. Bien vale la pena un Google.
6. La momia y la señorita Nitocris de George Griffith Uno para puristas. El explorador y escritor izquierdista George Griffith se hizo famoso en 1893 por su novela de guerra futurista, El ángel de la revolución, protagonizada por anarquistas sexys, aeronaves y bombas de carbono. The Mummy fue su última novela, se apresuró a completarse mientras moría, pero es tan exuberante como el trabajo anterior, con momias transdimensionales, carreras de lanchas rápidas y complots terroristas internacionales. Lo que le falta en calidad literaria está más que compensado por la exuberancia de la intriga.
7. Los herederos de Joseph Conrad y Ford Madox Hueffer A menudo no recordamos las tres colaboraciones de Joseph Conrad con su joven amigo Ford Madox Hueffer, quien pronto se convertirá en Ford, porque no tuvieron éxito crítico ni éxito comercial. El primero de ellos, The Inheritors, imagina la invasión de nuestro mundo por los "primos" de la cuarta dimensión de la humanidad, dotados de poderes de control mental, que se habían visto obligados a abandonar nuestro espacio y ahora regresa por venganza. Fuertemente influenciado por las versiones de segunda mano de Nietzsche voguish en la cultura de habla inglesa de la época.
8. Matadero Cinco por Kurt Vonnegut En la clásica ficción de Vonnegut de sus experiencias de guerra y el bombardeo de Dresde, una raza alienígena llamada los Tralfamadorianos educa a Billy Pilgrim en su experiencia del tiempo en la cuarta dimensión. Se infiltraron en la realidad de los peregrinos de una novela de Kilgore Trout, al igual que Kilgore Trout se había infiltrado en la ficción de Vonnegut a través de su amistad muy real con otro escritor de SF , Theodore Sturgeon, él mismo ayudando en historias de cuarta dimensión. El 4D de Vonnegut le debe más a Einstein que a Hinton, pero su narrativa no lineal tiene una sensación muy espacial.
9. La cuarta dimensión es algo salpicado por Jack Kirby La cuarta dimensión era un elemento básico de la pasta de ciencia ficción a mediados del siglo XX, con escritores como Murray Leinster y Miles J Breuer explorando los conceptos que encontraron en Wells. No es de extrañar que la idea saltara de la página de esta pasta a los cómics, incluida esta primera pieza al estilo Dalí del famoso Jack Kirby. Esto también se aplica a Google, ya que muestra claramente la deuda de los artistas visuales modernistas con ideas alucinantes de la cuarta dimensión, evidente en piezas como el Cristo hipercubiano de Dalí.
10. Geometría sólida por Ian McEwan El primer cuento publicado por McEwan representa un origami humano a través del cual las personas pueden plegarse para desaparecer en una cuarta dimensión del espacio. La vanidad es una idea clásica de narraciones de primera dimensión, familiares a las historias de personas invisibles de Algernon Blackwood o Wells y Hinton: es demasiado fácil caer de nuestro espacio a la cuarta dimensión. Referencias furtivas a teóricos e inventores del siglo XIX en el gesto de la historia hacia Hinton. Aquí hay respetabilidad literaria para una idea que ha impulsado la ciencia ficción.
Hinton de Mark Blacklock es publicado por Granta (£ 16.99). Para pedir una copia, visite guardianbookshop.com.
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trig-sleng · 5 years
Human Body Parts; Outer in Trigedasleng - NONCANON
To view this list organised alphabetically in Trigedasleng, please click here.
Engl. alphabetised:
Arm: noun – gonz [g-uh-n-z] from ‘guns’ Belly; stomach: noun – got [g-uh-t] from ‘gut’ Breasts: noun – nokas [n-uh-ck-as] from ‘knockers’ Breasts; boobs: noun – jogs [j-uh-g-s] from ‘jugs’ Butt; ass; buttocks; rear end: noun – tush [t-oo-sh] from ‘tush’ Butt; bum: noun – pupa [p-oo-pah] from ‘pooper’ Dick: noun – steikstik [st-ay-ck-st-i-ck] from ‘meat-stick’ Dick; penis slang: noun – hodmeika [h-uh-d-m-ay-ck-ah] from ‘love-maker’ Dingaling; penis slang: noun – fapa [f-app-ah] from ‘fapper’ Genitals: noun – pleja [pl-eh-jah] from ‘pleasure’ Hip: noun – sweya [sw-eh-yah] from ‘swayer’ Leg: noun – strechon [st-r-eh-ch-uh-n] from ‘stretch-one’ Lip; lips: noun – kisa [ck-i-ss-ah] from ‘kisser’ Neck: noun – chouk [ch-oh-ck] from ‘chokepoint’ Nose: noun – snifa [sn-i-ff-ah] from ‘sniffer’ Nose: noun – snora [sn-uh-rah] from ‘snorer’ Pussy; vagina slang: noun – leikei [lay-kay] from ‘lady-key?’ Shoulder: noun – shouda [sh-oh-dah] from ‘shoulder’ Toe cleavage; gap between one’s toes: noun – tredklij [tr-eh-d-ck-l-ee-j] from ‘toe+cleavage’ Vagina; vag slang: noun – holsta [h-uh-l-st-ah] from ‘holster’ Vagina; vag slang: noun – housta [h-oh-st-ah] from ‘holster’ Wrist: noun – swiva [sw-i-vah] from ‘swiveler’
Words that I have made up:
Abdomen: noun – ogot [uh-g-uh-t] from ‘all-gut’ Ankle: noun – weihola [w-ay-d-h-uh-lah] from ‘weight-holder’ Armpit: noun – swetgapa [sw-eh-t-ga-pah] from ‘sweat-pit’ Boob; boobs: noun – megin [m-eh-g-in] from ‘Megan-Parker’ Breast; breasts: noun – busim [b-oo-s-i-m] from ‘bosom’ Calf; lower leg: noun – tofstret [t-uh-f-st-r-eh-t] from ‘tough-stretcher’ Cheek: noun – reson [r-eh-s-uh-n] from ‘caress-one’ Cheek: noun – rezon [r-eh-z-uh-n] from ‘caress-one’ Chest; front surface between the stomach and neck of a person or animal: noun – karklous [ck-ar-k-l-oh-s] from ‘play-one’s-cards-close-to-their-chest’ Chin: noun – ipop [ee-p-uh-p] from ‘keep-your-chin-up’ Earlobe: noun – sivup [s-ee-v-oo-p] from ‘ear-droop’ Elbow: noun – baujun [b-ow-j-oo-n] from ‘elbow-joint’ Eyelid: noun – blindou [bl-ee-n-d-oh] from ‘eye-shadow’ Face: noun – preit [pr-ay-t] from ‘portrait’ Fingernail: noun – poinakyor [p-oi-nah-ck-y-or] from ‘finger+nail’ Forearm; between the elbow and the wrist: noun – linon [l-ee-n-uh-n] from ‘lean-on’ Forehead: noun – rinkpleis [r-ink-pl-ay-s] from ‘wrinkle-place’ Groin: noun – waido [w-eye-d-uh] from ‘wide-open’ Heel; back of one’s foot: noun – bafu [ba-foo] from ‘back-foot’ Kneecap: noun – nilklaka [n-ee-l-ck-l-ah-ck-ah] from ‘kneel-bone’ Knuckle; knuckles: noun – bras [br-a-ss] from ‘brass-knuckles’ Limb; body limb: noun – brant [br-anne-t] from ‘branch’ Nail (finger); nail (toe): noun – kyor [ck-y-uh-r] from ‘(mani)cure’ Navel; belly button: noun – gotdip [g-uh-t-dip] from ‘gut-dip’ Nipple: noun – babfida [b-ab-f-ee-dah] from ‘baby-feeder’ Thigh: noun – thikis [th-ick-i-s] from ‘thickest-part’ Thumb: noun – rula [r-oo-lah] from ‘rule-of-thumb’ Toe: noun – treda [tr-eh-dah] from ‘tread-on-one’s-toes’ Toenail: noun – tredkyor [tr-eh-d-ck-y-or] from ‘toe+nail’ Upper arm: noun – haigonz [h-eye-g-uh-n-z] from ‘high-guns’ Upper arm: noun – sepgonz [s-eh-p-g-uh-n-z] from ‘bicep-guns’ Waist: noun – twiza [tw-i-zz-ah] from ‘twister’
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marceltash · 4 years
Marcel Ash
Professor Lunday
ENGL 1301
19 Apr 2020
At the Gates
            “I, Marcel Ash, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of all the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Reciting this sovereign oath has the same brilliance that it possessed over a decade ago. For a Marine, it foreshadows the unity we have the privilege to be a part of. I’m thankful for all the diverse personalities that effortlessly meshed with my own. Ok, maybe effortlessly isn’t the best choice of words. Our brotherhood is forged through blood, sweat, tears, and a little bit of “positive” reinforcement. I was able to persevere and grow into a fine marine; it all anxiously started August 28th, 2010. I still remember seeing all the 25 faces those many years ago, seeing the expressions of nervousness, excitement, and an overall state of unknowing as to what the future will hold. As we lined up shortest to tallest right before preparing to march onto the red carpet inside the MEPS building room. I was to march into room with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard crest hanging so proudly high on the wall to the rear of the room, with a mesmerizing look of old glory swaying ever so boldly through the elements of the sky. As we marched in, everyone’s parents and other families were standing there crying tears of pride, waves at us vigorously, and taking pictures as if they were capturing the last remnants of the innocence of their child to be preserved, because they knew that once the oath of enlistment had been spoken; no longer stood their child, but now an young adult setting down the path of adulthood. Once we all entered and were appropriately positioned , the commander of Military Enlistment Processing Station walked in and delivered a passionate and intense speech about being honored, becoming brothers and sister in arms, and have the distinct pleasure to call of calling us his fellow future service member.
After hearing and feeling the passion in the voice of what the MEPS commander had to say to us, raising my right hand, and speaking that oath to the nation, I couldn’t help but feel an intense state of belonging to an great organization resonate inside, and that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, I would call them all a part of my family one day soon. 30 minutes after they marched us out of the swearing in room, they took us to through a series of different hallways a offices depositing all 25 of us to our respective branch offices as if we had been the payday they been waiting for, I stood in surprised that only 6 of us remained from the 25 await the drop off to Marine Corps office to get our next set instruction well to what to expect now. At that very moment, I finally understood why it was that the Marine Corps was always referred to was the Few And the Proud, and why everyone I would tell told about my future endeavor would smile so loudly and hug me so tightly .
When we finally reached the office, we were greeted by at the time what I thought to be the epitome of the Marine Corps at time: a mountain of a Marine standing at least 6’5, jacked and with a demeanor that demanded nothing less than the up most respect from those both below and above alike. Whenever he spoke, whether it be issuing a command of orders, or it be a simple response, with every word spoke had whoever hung on every word because of his shear confidence. He led us over to the recreation area full of theater chairs and a projector with the most up to date movies out at the time, and congratulated us on becoming future “Devil Dogs” before telling us he would call us one at a time so that we could get our Military Occupational Specialty, finish signing contracts, and giving us each a 23 dollar food voucher for the food court at the airport. When it was finally time for me to finish my process before heading off to boot camp; the Gunnery Sergeant looking in a perplexing, and puzzled manor looked at me, as I walked in to greet him. As he stared into his computer monitor intently, 5 minutes went pass before he would finally break the silence lingering to address my choice of MOS. He wanted to know why someone with a score of 53 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, and had qualified for 75% of the jobs available to me, decided that I  wanted to be a Food Service Specialist instead of  a helicopter mechanic or everything else. He felt that it would be a great injustice not only to the Marine Corps, but also to me as well if I were limit myself to being a Food Service Specialist.
GySgt said to trying to gain a clear understanding of my thought process “Hey killer, I’m just going over your contract and looking at it I understand that you want to be a cook? With everything that the out there, did your recruiter not tell you what the Marine Corps has to offer to you? Because if he didn’t, luckily for you I have the last say so for your future career, and I can most defiantly change it for you no harm no fault right now just give me the word.” It took me a moment to process everything and contemplate what he had said, I responded with asking him what else was available and the wait time for each of the different MOS. He then said “Well if you were take Aviation Ordinance school will not be picking up for another year which means you wouldn’t be going to boot camp today, but you would have a better job. Or we can put you in warehousing or as an armorer were you can handle weapons all day. I just didn’t want a smart kid like you wasting after in someone’s chow hall making eggs and flipping spatula for the next 4 or however many years you stay in this gun club.” I told him “GySgt I would love to be ANYTHING other than a Food Service Specialist, but if it means staying in Texas another day I cannot do it.” He looked at me somewhat shockingly as I continued. “Boss It’s time for me to get out of here, I mean if I had another place to stay I most defiantly would take you up on your offer, but I just quit my job and my aunt will let me come back to her house, so Food Service Specialist it is for me 100% sir.” Understanding the severity of my situation, but still trying to get me the best “bang for my buck” as he put it said, “My final option would be to offer an open contract. What that entails is a contract where you go to boot camp today just like you want. He then leaned forward, crossed his hands and continued with, “Now while you’re there, the Marine Corps is going to look at your ASVAB score and what’s opened or going to be open by the time you graduate and place you a MOS of their choosing. Now the powers that be can put in the Infantry, or you can get lucky and get placed in meteorology” he laughed and then replied, “Yes, the Marine Corps has weather men or Food Service Specialists, because that’s the only thing open right now, but it solely up to the Marine Corps.” My response to him was very simple and would lighten the tone of would seem like an intense bargaining of careers with, “GySgt you lost me at Infantry sir, thank you for trying to convince me though, but I’ve been shot at enough in life and I’m not too keen on going half way across the world for someone to play target practice with my butt.” After a brief chuckle, and a few head nods of comprehension of my standing on position for my career, the Gunnery Sergeant had me sign a few pages, initial some other ones, handed me my food voucher, and told to head back to the lounge and chill out until it was time to head to the airport.
Heading back to the lounge, an unsettling feeling of nervousness began set in as I wondered if I made the right decision. I began to wonder if talking to the two Staff Sergeants that set all of this in motion had been a mistake an just a rebellious act against the status quo that a was my family, and all their disapproving rants with the exception of a few of how I was “going to throw my life away” or worst “get my fool self-killed” fighting in a war I had no business being in. But through the mist of the somber memories clouding my every thought, an over bearing ray of positivity would expunge all remaining doubts from my mind in the form my brother and words to me about my decision. My brother Shawn, who was the first to know of my intentions, said “well bro you know if that’s what you want to do then you know I support you all the way. No matter what the rest of the family says, it’s your life not theirs. If they didn’t like your decision, then to hell with them, just know your big brother will there how somehow to see his baby brother graduate damnit!” After reminiscing on the conversation between my brother and myself, I realized that no matter how hard basic training would be or get, as long I made my oldest brother Shawn proud, that’s all that mattered to me. After returning back to the lounge and surveying inside the room, I ran into a familiar face in a friend named Benjamin going to basic as well. After both he and I locked on to one another, a sense of relief and security befell the both of us because instead of going to another state with complete strangers, and having to get to know everyone in an instant, we a fellow face and to fall back in case of the moments when one of us was in need of moral support and reassurance.
By the time we finish catching up on lost time, as well as bantering back and forth an hour in a half had past and gunnery came to inform us that the bus taking us to the airport would be arriving shortly, and decided that he would tell us about the different states and countries he had the pleasure of going to. “I many of have ever been outside of Texas, or even the country? Well I can tell that the Marine Corps is probably the perfect place to go for traveling. The reason why I say this is because I’ve been to places you can only dream about. Places like Japan, New Zealand, Morocco, Brazil, Dubai, and so many more places gents. You what the craziest part about all this, I went to all these different countries absolutely free. That’s right guys, the Marine Corps paid for everything from the travel cost down even having maids to clean for you so you don’t have to worry about nothing, but going to work your 5 the 8 hour shift you are scheduled to stand, then its liberty and fun time people. If you aren’t sold on that fact, then listen to this; they also provide you a professional chief as well so you dot have to worry about cooking and feeding yourself as well. Speaking of chiefs, where’s my future Food Service Specialist?” I looked up and raised my hand hoping not to be ridiculed by the others for my choice in job selection. “Here I am Gunny, don’t go in on me to hard please and thank you.” His reply was “Why would I do that? No I was actually going to ask you if your recruiters told about the potential of you being able to go to the Culinary Institute of America?” he could tell from the bewildered look on my face that I had no inclination of what he was speaking about. “I didn’t think they did either. So for Marines with your MOS, you can go to the CIA while in the Marine Corp completely free of charge, provided you can win a completion between the Marine Corp and a civilian team of cooks like yourself. What that means for you should you win is that the Marine Corps will fly you to New York on special orders called Temporary Assigned Duty, or TAD and set you in a 5 star hotel, provide you with transportation, give you Per Diem, it’s just a fancy word for spending money, and allow you to go site seeing when you’re not at school. Just make sure you do your homework, because you will not have a babysitter telling to make sure you have your work done.”
He then also mentioned to us that even though we had sworn in we could still back out and go home. “Another thing for you ones that decide that at Boot Camp you really don’t want to be there; If by some chance you get there and start to realize that it’s not go for, you can most definitely leave and go home. But do understand that best way and fastest way out of the Marine Corps Recruit Depo is to graduate in 3 months. If you decide you want to leave prematurely, you will sit there at MCRD for at least 6 months before they be able to get you back home because of the process. So please I implore you, just suck it up, every day is not going to be roses, and finish boot camp.” After sharing a few more stories about the provocative things that some of the countries have to offer while there, he told us that bus would be arriving within the hour and told us to start cleaning the lounge, make sure we didn’t leave anything, and wished us luck once again and hoped he’d see some of us as Marines in the fleet. Roughly about 45 minutes later, the Gunnery Sargent sent one of the Administrative Assistant working in the office to notify us that the bus was here and guided everyone down stairs to insure we made it down to the bus. Once we arrived at the buses, she stop in front of them and told us to pair up, but not before appointing me in charge of everyone until we reached our final destination. Her only requirement of me was to make sure we all reached the gate on time, to board our flight to San Diego to be received by the Drill Instructors at MCRD.
Once we reached the airport, Benjamin and I instantly linked ourselves together, as if we were links of a steel chain that refuse to be broken, and would somehow manage to remain that way throughout the entirety of basic training. When we finally reached the boarding gate, we had a little over 2 in half hours before we would began the final trek to claim the title of Marine. Everyone looked to me for instructions of what to do because of my early appointment, me sensing that this would probably be to last time we all would get to enjoy the freedom and simply replied with, “Gents for and enjoy yourself, don’t do anything to stupid, and be back 15 min before its time to board the plane, but stay with your partners please and thank you.” After my statement, everyone’s eyes lit up as I had opened the flood gates, and allowed them to do what their wildest minds could imagine. As they disappeared in different directions, Benjamin and I went to the horse shoe shaped food court were we would remain until it was time to head back eating the 23 dollars’ worth of McDonalds double Cheese Burgers and Hot N Spicy’s we could get.
Boarding the plane I didn’t realize how much I had an unhealthy fear for fling as I had only flown 1 time before that very moment. The only thing that got me onto the plane was the fact that once I had reached MCRD, only few would have the chance in life to become Marines, and of that less than 1% would actually claim that title. Boarding the plane, we would encounter a future service member that as a part of the United States Army that as was more than happy to share with us his multiple stories about being in Afghanistan and seeing different parts of the world as well. Listening to the Army Specialist stories and adventures up to that point current moment, I realized that he manage to keep all our minds off the fact that we were 30,000 feet in the air, and kept our minds off the various bumps and shakes that the turbulence had to throw at us while we in the air.
When we finally landed in San Diego and had gotten off the plane, we had made our way to the USO in the airport were we signed in and given further instruction to wait on the bus coming to get us from the Depot. We were told to wait outside the USO because we haven’t become service member yet. We only waited for no less than 10 minutes out in the mid night air, before a bus with black out windows would pull up to collect us and deliver us to the hands of the men that would shape us into the men we needed to be. When the doors opened, a tall slender Drill Instructor disembarked the bus and addressed by saying, “listen up gents, from this point forward you will all be referred to as recruits and the word I is no longer a part of your word will. My name Drill Instructor Staff Sargent Jones and that is what you will refer to me as.” He began to pace back forward and continued with, “The first word out your mouth will be sir, and the last word will be sir. When you get on my bus, you will file out from left to right until all the seats are filed. When we get to MCRD, you also get off my bus from left to right, do you understand me?” Looking timid for unsure what the next few months would offer, answered him with a loud and pride “SIR YES SIR!!” SSgt Jones grinned and replied with, “Some of you will not make it through, and some of you will get hurt and can’t make it through. To the ones of you I say, good luck when you get back home, the Marine Corps wasn’t for you. The of that do make it through congratulations; I’ll happily call you my brothers. Until when I will be challenged and tested in ways you never have before, and you’ll want to quit.” He stopped in the middle of us all and said peering into all our eyes collectively, “The next 3 months will not be easy gentlemen, welcome to your own personal 13 week hell, now get on my bus!!”                           
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Too Honest
Could it be possible that one can be too honest that it could hinder the process of success(midterm grade sucked). What I gather from my LR Midterm was to take what I learned and how I learned it and put it into a paper. Honestly ENGL 3366 has taught me an awful lot, but it’s a lot to grasp and try to illustrate into words(or should I say a development of ones style).
In other news, I think that my radical revision is going great, I put a lot of self-thought into it(and maybe not enough evidence, but I’ll worry about that later). It’s definitely a radical revision, I revamped the entire thing. I’m curious to see what my final grade in this class would be. I’m kind of nervous but I’m sure it’ll be fine and I will continue to move forward to the ultimate goal(which is to graduate 👩🏾‍🎓 next year on time). Shout out to all the undergrads that are working their butts off to finish up the semester, and also to the professors who are taking it light on our poor souls. 😂🙏🏾🤦🏽‍♀️😣😩
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lorenzlund · 4 days
Sehr leichtes Abnehmen mithilfe von oder sogar durch dialy bat the ass und selbst Typ No. 2. *Die sogar Diabetes als Erkrankungform sehr moderner heutiger so vieler, angeblicher!
Wer gesund bleiben will, muss achtsam essen, jeden Bissen schmecken, riechen und ueberlegen, warum man gerade etwas isst!!! So selbst eine Psychologin darueber ausgerechnet mit dem Nachnamen W\arschburger. Warum habe ich gerade erst Schokolade wieder gegessen ohne jegliche Disziplin!!! Es wirkt heilsam, ueber die eigenen Essgewohnheiten nachzudenken mehr! Typ 2 befoerdert auch das Bauchfett bei Patienten wie Patientinnen mit und selbst einen erhoehten butt Suck Er vor Wandspiegeln versteckt angebrachten. *der seitens von Medizinern so immer schon auch behauptete sogar Blutzuckerspiegel, es soll ihn so immer schon auch gegeben haben. Sowie einen ploetzlich unter erheblichem Druck stehenden butt!!! Bluthochdruck. Aber dafuer gibt es ja zum Glueck Medikamente noch genauso fuers auch wieder Abnehmen!! Wie das Formaline, welches wir empfehlen! Formaline Extra vertraegt sich bestens auch mit einer Insulintherapie bei Suenden ass all Verdacht! sin, engl., die Suende. ins. ol'. en, sp. in, drin. Allgemeines Unwohlsein und das Gefuehl angeschlagen zu sein sind erste Anzeichen! Doch vor allem sind es die Geister aus Annas eigener Vergangenheit, die nun wiederholt nach auch ihr rufen! Die sie mit Wahrheiten konfrontieren!!! ueber einen neu veroeffentlichten Roman von Margarete von Schwarzkopf ueber erloschene Vulkane. Todesvulkan, die Tote im ... .
'Ihr persönliches Krimi-Dinner im Hotel von Hannover.' ... 'Erleben sie einen mörderisch guten Abend ... und rätseln sie bei großen Kriminal-Fällen mit!!' ... 'Tote lügen nicht!!' (*Gemeint sein auch damit dann wieder nur dürften in erster Linie Ehemänner von Frauen - weltweit! Wirklich alle Männer, oder fast alle, selber gehörte ich ihnen dann nur gleich noch genauso auch mit an, ihrer Fraktion!) 'Auf der Party der Millionenerbin sterben Gäste geradezu wie die Fliegen!' ('Tränen luegen nicht!' Michael Holm, Deutscher Schlager der 70er). 'Miss Bunny lädt sie zu ihrer Party gleich mit ein!' (Barbara oder auch 'Babsi'). 'Englische Prinzen voneinander getrennt!'
(*Königshäuser weltweite, *Und selbst dann gälte das so wohl auch weiterhin noch, sollten sie vielleicht nur den irdischen selber dadurch erneut gleich auch mitangehören, so meine Vermutung darüber erneute, die ich habe, allerdings sehr persönliche, bezüglich wieder vielleicht sogar dann auch Karims, als sogar eigenen Bruder, dem von mir! writers - / earth)
'Wir alle hätten mehr tun können, um den Krieg zu verhindern!!' *Stoltenberg als scheidenden Generalsekretär der NATO über selbst den russischen Überfall plötzlichen auf die Ukraine und seinen - angeblichen - Gipfel entweder gehabten oder aber direkt noch bevorstehenden mit sogar Trump!! *(an Rümpfen, being at ..., nahe an etwas dran sein wollen, zu behaupten es zu sein). ('This is Donald and his private rump')
'Bitter selbst für auch die Libanesen so, dass er sie gerade jetzt im Sommer auch trifft, der Krieg, der wohl wichtigsten Zeit in auch ihrem Kalender' (WELT am Sonntag) '... wo doch eine neue Besuchswelle aus dem Ausland anrollt, die wichtige Devisen bringt'. 'Polizisten in Beirut als plötzliche Taxifahrer mit dem Zweitberuf!!! Nur um ihr auch eigenes finanzielles Überleben zu sichern! Wir erleben auch das!' 'Alle warten sie darauf, dass die Parteien den Krieg endlich hinter sich bringen (an ihm mitbeteiligten)'
die bevorstehende O.P. sehr grosse, sie gilt klar erkennbar nur erneut dann dem oder einem Hintern, entweder eines Mannes oder einer Frau (*von zuvor besagter Erde). die selbst Mund oder Zahn-O.P. O.P./P.O. Operation : eine/die Po (by some) Er Aktion, erneut dann deswegen erfolgende, am Patienten, sogar dem dann auch eigenen. die Medizin der Erde. mad (E)i y sin. 'male balls'.
Sehnsucht plötzliche empfinden nach Dinge(r)n oder selbst sogar den/ein paar Bergen'. ... Zur Sehnsucht von Männern wie Frauen gehört immer auch das Unerreichbare gleich mit. Und wo lassen sich Sehnsüchte besser darstellen als in Filmen oder auch per Musik??' 'S (dr)an/en, sp. = in - sucht.
'D'rum Markus Markus lass auch Du endlich los!!' *die WELT über den angeblichen Horst Söder als sogar 'heutigem bayrischem Ministerpräsidenten' in einem Kommentar. (Voller Künstlername von auch mir als Schriftsteller wie Musiker ist nun ausgerechnet oder lautete immer schon auch: Maximilian-Mark-Anton Raiter. *Unter ihm bin ich bei weitem auch nicht allein nur auf der Erde bekannt, so behaupte ich!) *'Donalds Trumpfkarte, auch eigene'. 'Roland Schulz', Olaf, (frühere Klassen- oder Weggefährten von Männern). 'Söder steht sich doch nur weiter selber im Weg herum!!'
'Messer sind doch nur deswegen besondere Waffen, weil es eigentlich gar keine immer sind!!!' (sogar Salman Rushdie darüber *als Kollege). 'Sie gewinnen ihre Bedeutung erst dadurch wie ihr oder wie wir sie gebrauchen!' 'Ein Attentäter hatte den Schriftsteller da gerade erst lebensbedrohlich verletzt!!!' (die WELT). 'Das Messer bekam ich dabei gar nicht erst selber so zu Gesicht, mir fehlt die Erinnerung daran!! Und so weiß ich nicht einmal, war es nun lang oder nur kurz!' (Salman erneut). 'War es fürs Brotschneiden gedacht oder zum Tranchieren, ein Krummdolch? Oder das Klappmesser eines Kids von der Strasse und stammte dann aus der Küche seiner Mutter?' *der, ein gerade von Männern oft gehörter oder plötzlich wiederholt auch wahrgenommene 'Tiny Tus(se)'-Sound oder das Ohr peinigende Pfeifton. Ein durch uns frisch eingeschaltetes Licht oder grössere Lampe, Elektrizität, wann immer sie irgendwo erneut fließt, in eigentlich jeglicher Form oder Hinsicht, kann ihn jeweils sehr klar als Mann bei einem von uns so erneut sehr stark in den Ohren auch mit erzeugen, fanden eigens gegründete Teams längst schon auch darüber heraus oder über auch das Licht. *Gerade der Mann ermüdet unter ihm sehr schnell. Bei weiter ausgeschaltet gehaltener Lampe und unter alleiniger Verwendung von Tageslicht ließ sich immer schon sehr viel besser arbeiten so! Auch dem durch uns neu beschafften Wagen oder E-car. Und so wuchs schnell das deutliche Unbehagen deswegen gerade bei etlichen von auch ihnen sehr stark zuletzt dadurch erneut wieder auch an, über jüngst neu gefällte Entscheidungen selbst bei heutigen deutschen Autobauern, gerade auf diese Komponente wolle man in Zukunft verstärkt setzen, bei auch eigenen Kunden. *Mehr offene Stellen zukünftige bei selbst den Auslieferern und deren Firmen dadurch, so wird befürchtet, durch erst frisch angeschaffte Vans. 'Messer gibt es sehr viele!! Sie sind quasi überall!!!' (der Reporter der WELT selber erneut zum Thema auch). Der Reporter weiter: 'Auch lassen sie sich leicht beschaffen! Wir erhalten sie sogar ohne auch vorherige Zulassung noch für eines! So banal es ist oder klingt, so gefährlich kann es werden! Sogar in Büros finden wir sie! Bei weitem also nicht allein nur in Küchen! Theoretisch birgt oder hat jeder Raum ein solch eigenes Arsenal auch!!!' 'Selbst Friedrich Merz sollte das ledigliche Herumspielen immer nur mit seinem Rivalen Horst Söder aus Bayern besser deswegen jetzt unverzüglich auch beenden so' *Dabei bin oder bleibe ich mir durchaus des Umstandes stets noch genauso bewusst: Dass selbst ich wiederholt dabei nur die Rolle des - von einer gleichzeitig mindestens immer dabei noch genauso vorhandenen auch dritten Seite - gewollten Schauspielers dabei erneut nur eingenommen haben will, vor heimlich versteckt wieder mitlaufenden Kameras auch anderer, die selbst in Privatwohnungen wieder dann von mir hingen frueheren, wie die des sogar früheren Musiklehrers in der Kleinstadt vom Lande, das wird mir so auf der Erde bis heute auch weiterhin ganz oft nicht geglaubt! Eines ganz offensichtlich sogar sehr talentierten! Heute muss ich das so länger nicht mehr tun! Das Leben ist seitdem um vieles für mich leichter geworden, wie ich hier zugebe! ('Sie waren irgendwann wie vom Winde alle verweht!!' Aus sogar dem US-Kino der 90er Jahre) 'Musik live vor mitlaufender Kamera oder Kameras miterleben - Erst dann könnt ihr sie auch verstehen! Wie selbst die ganz oft sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Stilrichtungen einzelner! Und ihre starke Wirkung auf uns!' So der Musikpsychologe und Mediziner gleich auch selber, dazu auch! (Eines angeblichen Forschungsinstitutes!!) 'Worauf wartet eigentlich also Merz so überhaupt noch auch? Die bisherigen Verabredungen jedenfalls mit auch ihm sie blieben vage! In der CDU gibt es Fans von sowohl Merz wie selbst von auch Söder!!' (die WELT, Kommentare). 'Harry & Meghan. Das Herz!!! Wie ein nur einzelner Tag alles veränderte bei auch diesem Paar!' 'Wenn du mir sagst, all Ass! wär' nun für immer aus und vorbei, es mir einmal nur selber auch mitteiltest ...!' *'Träenen lügen nicht'.
'Die erneute Spaltung der Gesellschaft - gerade im oder auch dem Libanon als Land nimmt sie gewaltig gerade wieder dadurch so auch zu!!! Gerade Reiche aus dem Süden des Landes zieht es vermehrt nun in den Norden und nach Beirut selber! Dort glauben sie, würden sie von einem womöglich neuem Krieg verschont bleiben!' Und dennoch sind sie nicht überall gleichermaßen oder nur willkommen! 'Sie mieten etwa nicht nur, nein, stattdessen kaufen sie meist sofort!!' So ein aus der Stadt stammender Bauunternehmer'. (die WELT) 'Das reicht hinauf bis in sogar höher liegende Villenviertel'. 'Neureiche, die womöglich allesamt bleiben wollen!!! Allerdings mit Designer-Logo - auf jedoch nur mäßig gewaschenen und ungepflegten Pullovern, wie bei Parkplatzwächtern!!' 'An Beiruter Außenschwimmbecken wirkt die Stimmung dennoch gelöst!' 'Wenigstens die Journalisten aus dem Ausland sind geblieben, im wesentlichen tragen sie jetzt das Geschäft, auch meines!' (So ein -angeblicher- sogar auch Barbesitzer darüber aus Beirut). 'Doch diese Erleichterung sie kann sehr wohl trügen! Denn an den Grenzen geht der Krieg weiter wie gewohnt!!' 'Hier an der Grenze können wir eigentlich so nur noch zwischen Luftangriffen wie auch plötzlichen Donnerschlägen durchs Wetter ausgelösten wirklich unterscheiden!
'Sind wir denn wirklich innerlich schon so abgestumpft alle, dass uns selbst die Schicksale ukrainischer Kids womöglicher, die selbst nach Russland verschleppt wurden, schon mehr als egal auch sind?? Wenn zigtausende selbst an heutigen Ukrainern weiter sterben müssen, selbst bei den erheblich älteren Jahrgängen schon und unter Erwachsenen?? Können wir uns an die systematische Zerstörung selbst von Schulgebäuden durch andere so irgendwann wirklich gewöhnen?? 'Dramen wie diese dürfen uns nicht gleichgültig machen! Dramen haben auch nie nur einen einzigen Akt. Es sind immer gleich mehrere, die nebenher auch noch stattfinden! Die Ukraine ist deswegen auch nur so etwas wie der Auftakt zu auch noch weiteren!!!' (die WELT, Lesermeinungen)
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lorenzlund · 1 month
'Ich werde dich bei dem Namen rufen, von dem ich überzeugt bin er sei kennzeichnend für das was du tust, und dass er irgendwie passt: 'Das Yes! zum As(s)!!'
USS (J)A! (army). Mit niemand geringerem als sogar (T)uss(en)land zum wiederholtem Gegner!
(P)o ham' mad! All a****'ist gross, all a**es ist mächtig! Grosser (Po)knet.
Ham' (den) Ass! Endlich!!
P(r)o Test ant (Fr)iss mus(s). Europa.
Geeignete Entspannungs- und Lockerungsübungen kommen wiederum aus China. Butt (fr)iss mus(s).
Pap(as) (A)st! Rom. 'Kirschen (vordere)'. Some balls. Maenner. Bi bell. *Eine doppelte Veranlagung besitzen
(P)o ran Heilige(s)! 'Sogenannte Heilige gerade wiederholt bei weltweiten Maennern'. (S)uren.
Das Seligsprechen durch Rom von Heiligen. 'Steelen'. Der (Maenner-)Baum. Styles (engl.)
das Gutentum. 'Einfach jud'! Was ist richtig, was bereits falsch! Richtiges oder korrektes Maenner-Verhalten!
Private Meinungen und felsenfest verinnerlichte Überzeugungen gerade sehr vieler auch Männer immer. Glaubensbekenntnisse und Ueberzeugungen weltweite.
Der Mundschleier Arabiens für die Frau und spaetere verpflichtende (Po)ran(a)-Schutz-Masken des Westens während Besuchen in/von (H)artz-Praxen!
Heute ist wieder Welt-Ru(ecken)-Lieg'-Aktionstag! Gemeinsam (kn)eten wir für den Weltfrieden!
world religions.
Der Verfolgungstag des selbst heutigen auch internets. Mit ihm kann Personen gezielt gefolgt werden! Ein versteckt angebrachter Mini-sender, wie in privat getragenen Kleidern und Anziehsachen, unter dem Sattel des Pferdes, oder an einer der Fahrradspeichen, er sendet Satelliten Signale, verraet den Standort. the tag (engl.). 'Auch Rom wurde bekanntlich nicht an einem nur einzigem Tag erbaut!!' Regierungen (es gibt sie ueberall) : Rue(cken) Gier (von) Ding(ern), from: the thing / engl.
'S-huepf (shops, das shopping) der 'S-Hau, verhauen (Shows) Talkshow Comedyshow das T.V. am Pfau (nah dran) ein stolzer Pfau Der Cum mad ian oder Spaßmacher des Fernsehens Late Night Verhau mit Oliver Welke plötzliches dahinwelken Den Wir(ren) As(s) im Blick behalten (S)ocken ablegen Pocken Viren Kann der Bi-? Cannabis-Messe mit Besucheransturm If Bi- Ei, das... der Detektiv und Ermittler Tatort im T.v. der Rechtsanwalt near to ol' ass nah dran! rechte Haelften 'W'/'M'/'V' Buchstaben (Alphabet) etw. jemd. gezielt steuern wollen die Steuer Berater I have a dream Körper und Augen wirken wie stark uebermuedet nach dem Essen jemd. daten vor Ort direkt antreffen T.v.-Serien Tatort im Ersten kommt diesmal aus Muenster Drei Engel für Charlie Tiefschlaf von Personen im Zustand naher Bewusstlosigkeit Lorenz(en) Chips Er(d)nuesse ploetzliche Herzschwaeche 'S an (E)i taeter Wählen sie den Kotruf Gesunde Adern gleich starkes Herz! (the heart engl.)
Innenwände von Adern können plötzlichen Belastungen ausgesetzt sein! Unser Herz ist unaufhörlich im Einsatz, es schlägt etwa 30 bis 40 mal in der Minute und pumpt dabei fast unaufhörlich! Das aber ist nur möglich bei ausreichend Druck weiterem! Fehlt der erst, gelangt das Blut nicht länger wie gewohnt bis hinauf in die kleinsten Kapillaren oder Blutgefäße, was lebenswichtig ist! Damit das besser wieder hinhaut, empfehlen wir unser Produkt 'Aterie Aktiv' als Kapseln mit schwarzem Knoblauch! Neu!!!
'Wie gefährlich können Socken werden - selbst für Deutsche! Ist das nur ein Sonnenbrand bei mir oder sind es schon Ringelroeteln?' Nachdem die M-Pocken erstmals auch in Deutschland auftraten, war schnell klar: nur harmlos ist auch dieser wirre Hintern oder Virus nicht! Aus der gestrigen Morgenpresse
Uu'Charakteristisch gerade bei oder für M-poccs ist der teils sehr schmerzhafte Hautausschlag'
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vistare (spanische Verben). 'Baldiges Wiedersehen!'
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Here’s to us baby its all because of you...⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Here we are baby, knew you’d save me from all the hell I was running from. ⠀ You’ll be my compass and I’ll be your light ⠀ I’ll hold your hand for the rest of my life⠀ —Lauren Engle⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Three whole years of you saving my butt from myself. Here’s to many more years of you being forced into my selfies; thank you for every hug and late night cry session. You’re my superhero 🥰😍 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #loveyou #anniversary #threeyears #boyfriend #love #mancrusheveryday #foreverproud https://www.instagram.com/p/B21LhAtJHAhF04hvOvrRNMETTDj9X1MxdJOPdY0/?igshid=g5b5rxdl9mgn
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ellrond · 7 years
Fave Thomas headcanons, pls.
sorry for the late reply!! this has been in my inbox for like a week but i wanted to give it the attention it deserves!! 
also i dont know if you’re asking for fandom headcanons that ive noticed or my own, but seeing as how i havent seen that many (none actually really spring to mind if im honest) this will just be an incomplete list of my own thomas headcanons unless otherwise stated
(disclaimer: of course it’s very difficult to have an original thought these days, and if you’ve seen these headcanons anywhere else, know i’m not trying to pass someone else’s idea off as my own, it just so happens that i have come to a certain conclusion that another person has, without me even seeing their posts. two people can have the same ideas without ever having any sort of interaction or seeing their posts alright alright glad we got that sorted)
fandom headcanons that r great and i fully endorse 
thomas is gay. he absolutely adores miranda and they share a sex life (whether that be through group sex, mutual masturbation, or straight up one on one sexual activity) but he is a homosexual man
thomas is a top. this one the fandom seems to be agreed on. bottom thomas?? i dont know her
he doesnt like wearing his wig much it is itchy 
my own headcanons
during elections he cast his votes for the Whigs rather than the Tories and should he have ever stood for office in the lower house would have done so as a Whig (the less right-wing of the two political parties during this period of British history) but believed party politics were dangerous and detrimental to the greater good of the country. He saw the dangers of the laizze-faire attitude the Whigs had and their sometimes aggressive anti-Catholicism disturbed him although sometimes the way he has been raised means he lets anti-Catholicism come into his line of thinking (as seen when things get heated with him and pops). That being said, he was, perhaps unsurprisingly, a royalist and had Tory tenancies (I think it’s safe to assume there was little love in Alfred Hamilton for liberalism, and I’m sure Thomas was raised a Tory) in that regard. Thomas was born very close to the time of the Glorious Revolution and with his family being an old aristocratic one, conservatism, in one form or another, would have been in his very bones.
tl;dr ^^ he’s a liberal who dislikes party politics and subscribes to ideologies from both sides of parliament 
he’s a genuine believer in God and in Christ. He knows his scripture (he must be quoting the bible more than hes saying his own original thoughts in the show probably gfgdgfd) and Christ is important to him. He bases his life around Christ’s teachings - that’s why he’s so kind and so concerned with forgiveness and redemption and hope. He rejects the violence and hatred found in other parts of the Bible and has a great love for the gospels instead and finds his strength in Christ’s words about love and kindness and charity and forgiveness. He believes that to be a good Christian one must above all else be kind. He also highly values the lesson of the Good Samaritan (surprise surprise said no one ever) and reminds himself daily to never judge someone else for the life choices and decisions. 
his mother was just as bad as his father. I’ve seen people suggest that thomas’ mother must have been an angel to balance out the devil of alfred for thomas to have turned out so good and im calling bullshit. someone with two mean-spirited and cruel parents can absolutely be wonderful people, and in thomas’ case i believe it was the distance of his parents and their disdain and judgement of the world and unkindness that made thomas quite the opposite. he saw the mistakes they were making and learned from them. 
we know he went to eton. he deffo started kissing boys at the age of 13 or 14. he’s been a heartbreaker since teenagehood. 
he’s around 30-35 when we see him in 1705 (less a headcanon and more a lazy estimation similar to ones hundreds of other people have made) 
he enjoys sex a lot. he’s had a number of sexual partners most of whom were of the same social standing as he and he’s been in love before he meets james. he’s never loved anyone like james though. he believes james is his soulmate
he is caught between thoroughly enjoying high society life with all of its frills - the fashion, the music, the art, the luxurious houses and exuberant interiors - and feeling guilty about being so rich whilst others have so little in comparison. he’s not perfect, and so he lets himself enjoy the glamour of aristocratic europe without trying to give it too much thought. 
it’s canon he’s a Big Thinker and was homies with other Big Thinkers (he probs fucked half of the enlightenment giants but thats for anotehr time) and I Think he’d spend a lot of time Thinking about Big Things you know like ??? would educating the masses be a good thing?? child labour, huh whats that all about is that worth it?? why are some people entitled to more simply because of who they were born as? and what even IS class? and other big questions politics and sociology and criminology and philosophy and economics and history students spend £9k a year thinking about lmao (tag urself im tragic politics student still cryin over the overlooked work engles did for yrs n yrs oh fred you was done so bad i lovE YOU) 
crazy horny boy have james wear a butt plug during dinners with alfred lmao oh tomhas you wild thing
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vocalpmh · 7 years
where soil lies, a new beginning blooms
note: a little something i wrote inspired by the one and only @vonseal​‘s magic users series on ao3, in particular witchcraft (my all-time favourite myungjin fic to date, bless her). the feels were all too real on a particular night and when i saw this joke on my tumblr dash, i was hit with all of the inspiration (though very regretfully, i should have not laughed as hard as i did when i read it) and managed to write this piece of fluff :’))
The sun filters through the bakery as Myungjun opens the door with Minhyuk in tow. It glistens over the countertop and dabbles across the display of model bread Myungjun insisted on making at the very opening of the establishment.
“Hyung, quit admiring your cardboard bread, did you bring that new flour you were raving about?”
Myungjun stops staring at the baguette and glances at his hands, he looks back at his dubious colleague and roommate, then back at his very, empty hands.
“I’ll be two seconds Minhyukkie, don’t miss me too much!” Myungjun’s voice trails off as he opens the door in such a hurry that a mass of brown leaves fly into the bakery and Minhyuk lets out a loud grumble.
Myungjun spots Minhyuk angrily sweeping away the leaves through his peripheral and smiles to himself before strolling in the direction of their quaint apartment.
‘I wonder if Jinwoo’s awake,’ Myungjun is already grinning at the sight of his boyfriend sprawled on their bed and his cute butt in those pyjamas he got him last Christmas.
Before he can imagine Jinwoo in those black jeans that also really do his butt justice, he’s already arrived at the apartment level and just as the elevator halts and the metal doors slide open, a trail of something earthy leads him to the door at the very end of the hallway.
Myungjun glances at the floor and back at the door, that looks very much like his home, and back at the floor.
Who on earth would break into his apartment and leave a dirt trace behind them?
It was up to Myungjun to find out.
“Come out wherever you are, I’ll get my boyfriend with his killer biceps to kick you and your soily whatever-the-hell out of my hou-“
Myungjun’s eyes are closed as he yells out his threat but something, that smells very much like his boyfriend’s cologne wafts into the air.
He opens one eye discreetly and something brown, crumbly and Jinwoo-shaped is standing in front of him.
“What on earth happened in the thirty minutes that I left the house, Park Jinwoo?”
Jinwoo has the audacity to give Myungjun a gummy smile as he scratches his neck sheepishly and a clump of soil falls out of his hair.
“I woke up just as you left, and I wanted to do something, you know helpful since you and Minhyuk have been really busy at the bakery lately, and I just thought that, your plants looked like…they needed more soil?” Jinwoo pants slightly after his speech and Myungjun doesn’t have the heart to scold his sweet boyfriend.
However, he does have the heart to shake his boyfriend violently by the shoulders and watch as all of the dirt crumbles away to reveal a dirt-smeared (a huge understatement) Park Jinwoo with a pained expression painting his handsome face.
“Was that necessary?” Jinwoo rubs his shoulders with a pout on his face but Myungjun misses it as he’s too busy staring at the effects of the tornado (aka Park Jinwoo and nature) that struck his apartment and left a muddy trail in its wake.
“What do I tell Minhyuk when I rock up to the bakery around two hours late, with flour that does not resemble flour anymore in my hands?” Myungjun sweeps all of the soil that somehow found itself in the kitchen into the bin and Jinwoo shoots him a cheeky grin as he brushes dirt onto the balcony, where Myungjun’s supposed sunflowers stood, the line between large chocolate cake pops and yellow flowers blurring severely.
“Tell him that I was trying to be helpful?” Jinwoo resorts to murmuring a spell that sends all of the dirt that had seeped into Myungjun’s upholstery onto the balcony and Myungjun forgets that manual labour isn’t necessary with a witch for a boyfriend.
“Jinwoo can you also magic it up in here, my arms are tired from sieving the flour,” Myungjun whines as his arms fall slack next to him, a bowl of flour speckled with brown in front of him.
“Sorry babe, just wait a minute,”
Myungjun would’ve thought that Jinwoo was flipping the bird at him if he didn’t know his boyfriend had to perform gestures whilst almost rapping a spell.
Fragments of soil and a rogue worm levitate in the air before flying out of the room and onto the balcony and Myungjun can only wince as his sunflowers get violently pelted with dirt.
“When I said magic it up, I didn’t mean move the mess to the balcony,” Myungjun sighs and even though Jinwoo’s mouth says ‘sorry,’ his eyes glint with something else.
“Park Jinwoo what are you-,”
Jinwoo picks up the clump of dirt that fell out of his hair unceremoniously before from the floor and brushes the dirt off it to uncover a box.
Myungjun doesn’t need to be a mind-reader to know what’s going to happen next.
“Kim Myungjun, I know I have no affinity with flowers yet I think I’ll be able to care for you for a long, long time. Will you marry me?”
Jinwoo slowly kneels down on one knee and opens the box to reveal a small silver ring with a glittering diamond in the middle, set in a gold tulip head.
“Oh my lucky roses, yes of course-” Myungjun flings his arms around Jinwoo’s shoulders before he can even finish his sentence and before Jinwoo can even slip the ring onto his finger, he starts wails loudly into Jinwoo’s shoulder. His tears mix in with the dirt in brown smears on his boyf- fiancé’s orange jacket and he can’t tell if it’s a dirt particle in his eye or his tears.
“Baby don’t cry, I haven’t even put it on your finger yet,” Jinwoo rubs small circles onto his distraught fiancé’s back and Myungjun sniffles loudly as he watched Jinwoo slips the ring onto his (albeit a little grubby) left hand.
“I love you so so so so so much Park Jinwoo and I would raise a whole army of pets and plants to protect you from any sort of harm-,” Myungjun blubbers again as he stares at his fourth finger with teary eyes before diving onto Jinwoo and wrapping his arms around the younger’s torso.
“I feel like I’m receiving more physical assault than affection here Myungjun,” Myungjun can feel Jinwoo smiling as they both land on the floor and a puff of brown dust suspends in the air around them.
Myungjun attempts to glower at the grinning man underneath him but his emotions get the better of him and he smiles instead.
“Physical assault and my method of expressing affection are synonymous Park Jinwoo, didn’t you realise already?” Myungjun takes the opportunity to reach his hand behind Jinwoo and give his (blessed) butt cheek a cheeky squeeze and Jinwoo yelps.
“I can’t believe you, what a lewd man I’m marrying,” Jinwoo remarks and gives the older a cheeky squeeze back, but he earns a sly smile instead. Myungjun would’ve attempted to grope Jinwoo’s other butt cheek if his back wasn’t aching like an old, wizened man’s and just presses a peck onto Jinwoo’s pink, moist lips.
Jinwoo smiles into the kiss but before anything more happens, the door swings open, revealing a wide-mouthed Park Minhyuk but the wide mouth slowly closes and the young adult’s face morphs into something neutral and deadpan (both of which Myungjun and Jinwoo are more comfortable with, rather than an expressive Minhyuk).
“Why am I not even the slightest bit surprised,” Minhyuk murmurs under his breath as he scans the wreck that he can barely recognise as his home. His eyes lock onto the two men, still on the floor and post-almost-make-out and zeroes in on the silver glinting on Myungjun’s hand.
“Was about time, Jinwoo hyung, you’re slower than I expected,” Jinwoo silently accepts the insult and Myungjun pats the ground next to him.
“Come here, my friend Minhyuk Park,”
“Why are you trying to speak Engl-,” Myungjun grabs a hold of Minhyuk’s arm and yanks him down, earning a groan and a loud thud of presumably Minhyuk’s butt hitting the floor.
“Best man? Please Minhyuk Pa-,” Myungjun slowly enunciates, making sure to emphasise every syllable.
“If you try to speak English one more time, I will actually crash your wedding,” Minhyuk interjects and crosses his arms, refusing to face his newly-engaged friends.
“You’re not really a wedding-crasher if you’re invited to the wedding Minhyuk,” Jinwoo points out and Myungjun smiles smugly at his best friend whose eyebrows slowly scrunch up in defeat.
“Okay fine, just promise me there’s no English speaking and Myungjun hyung is not trying to be hip and I won’t have to leave the country when you guys say your vows,” Minhyuk retorts and Myungjun squeezes the younger’s arm.
“I knew the English would get you squirming,” Myungjun announces triumphantly (in Korean) and Jinwoo snorts.
“When Jinwoo hyung speaks, and by all means are you guys basically on the same level, but he just sounds way better,” Minhyuk flicks off the dust from his shoulders nonchalantly and Jinwoo can’t help but snort again when Myungjun chucks his snarky best friend the stink eye.
But Minhyuk allows himself to smile just the slightest and turns around finally to face his roommates (amongst other things).
“I’m happy for you guys, I really am,”
It’s short but incredibly sincere and very Minhyuk-like, which is all Myungjun could ever wish for. The first person he would’ve told (had someone not opened the door to see him in tears and in a compromising position with his partner) was Minhyuk. He was his roommate, colleague and the only brother, let alone family he could really call his own. That sentence is all it takes for Myungjun’s eyes to prick with tears again and he thanks Minhyuk with an attempt of a hug (note, the three men are still very much on the floor) and he cries into Minhyuk’s shoulder this time, with Jinwoo patting his back soothingly.
If Myungjun didn’t know any better, he’d think this was such a romantic scene, fit for a Nicholas Sparks work of literature. But alas, three grown men, one bawling, one smiling until his mouth could literally fall off and one looking positively deadpan, lying on soil-littered floorboards is far from romantic but for Myungjun, it’s all he could have ever dreamed of.
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newssplashy · 6 years
Sex Fetish 101: What is pegging? This sex act is on the rise among straight men
But for whatever reason, guys have historically been resistant to experimenting with prostate play - even though many sexual health experts say it can be a source of tremendous pleasure.
If we told you that a certain sex act could give you the most intense orgasm of your life, you'd probably jump at the chance to try it.
But for whatever reason, guys have historically been resistant to experimenting with prostate play - even though many sexual health experts say it can be a source of tremendous pleasure.
That's changing, however, with the rise of pegging, a sex act that has officially entered the cultural zeitgeist. Alicia Sinclair, a certified sex educator and CEO of toy brands, b-Vibe & Le Wand, points out that “pegging” has popped up on the TV show Broad City, as well as a scene in Deadpool.
So, what exactly is pegging, and should dudes give a go? Here is your 101 breakdown.
What is pegging?
Put simply, pegging is a practice in which a woman anally penetrates a man with a strap-on. Yup - it’s a thing, and many guys are here for it.
So why do many guys enjoy pegging? The prostate, a.k.a. the small, walnut-shaped gland located a few inches inside of the rectum, is jam-packed with nerve endings, and sexual health experts say stimulating it can be the source of tremendous pleasure for men.
“The prostate is an erogenous zone that's often overlooked,” says Sinclair. In fact, evidence suggests that prostate stimulation can help you stay harder for longer and increase orgasm intensity by a large margin.
“If you like regular orgasms, you’re going to like these even better,” sex educator Lola Jeantells MensHealth.com. Many guys swear that prostate stimulation has led to them having the best orgasms of their lives. And while you don’t necessarily need to try pegging to reach the prostate (any anal play will suffice), it sure does do the trick.
Am I normal if I like to be pegged?
Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.
Let’s just name the thing that is holding you back and get it over with, shall we? No, putting things in your butt does not make you "gay."
“You’re not going to press a button that makes you ‘gay.’ Anal penetration is a physical stimulation that many find enjoyable,” Lola Jean tells MensHealth.com.
Plus, lots of guys are trying it: while there's no hard data as to how many men are dabbling in prostate play, prostate massager sales have exploded over the past five years, indicating that at the very least, men are becoming increasingly open to the idea. In fact, many guys are turned on by the gender role reversal that pegging entails.
“There is a vulnerability that is necessary for a man to be penetrated and a new feeling of ‘giving,’ dominance and control experienced by a woman,”says Sinclair. “Pegging allows a woman to actually be inside a man, navigating the pleasure (which is a thrill in itself). It's often one of the few times in sexual play that women get to do that.”
 How do I try pegging?
1) Communicate every step of the way.
Before doing anything, you and your partner should have a serious conversation about giving this a try. You’re not a freak for wanting to be pegged, but it is a departure from vanilla PIV sex, so you guys should talk it through thoroughly. Everyone should be enthusiastically on board with this type of play before moving forward.
2) Build up to it.
As exciting as it may be to try something new in the bedroom, you have to crawl before you can walk. You shouldn't jump into receptive anal penetration right away. You have to work up to it first. “Anal training is a really important part of anal play,” says Sinclair. Have your partner massage or stroke the area around the anus and perineum (the patch of skin between your scrotum and your rectum) before you graduate to inserting a finger or a toy.
3) Shop for the right stuff.
Pegging comes with four pieces of equipment: The dildo, a strap-on, an o-ring, and lube. Never heard of an o-ring? No worries. An o-ring goes around the base of the toy, and holds the dildo or toy in place so it doesn’t slide in the strap-on. You don’t always need separate o-rings for every harness, but if you’re planning to use toys in multiple sizes, you’ll want them.
For harnesses, we suggest letting your partner take the lead. She may find that one turns her on more than others. If she’s into comfort and utility, we’re partial to the nylon Theo from SpareParts ($114.95, buy it here), which is compatible with most sex toys. Setting up a strap-on is relatively intuitive, but following the directions is key. (For hands-on video help, check out this oddly soothing instructional clip.)
Choose a toy made with medical-grade or FDA approved, body-safe silicone. If possible, buy a dildo that has a “slicker” feeling. This will make penetration easier, and it won’t require a frequent application of lube. Sinclair suggests choosing a basic dildo: “Sticking to a simple shape that is non-phallic can be a good way to start.”
4) Use a lot of lube.
You should use a ton of lube no matter what kind of anal play you’re trying, but it is especially important when you’re pegging.Choose a lube that is safe for your dildo. Silicone lube, while amazing for anal play, is not compatible with silicone toys, so we suggest choosing a water-based lube or a hybrid silicone/water-based lubricant.
If you simply cannot live without your trusty silicone lube, just be sure to wash your dildo with soap and water immediately after use. You can also put a latex condom over the dildo to protect it.
When in doubt, the more lube the better. If you think you have enough, use more. The anus does not naturally lubricate in the same way a vagina does, so lube is essential. And if you're looking for some guidance, here are our top picks.
Gigi Engle is a certified sex coach, educator, and writer living in Chicago. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @GigiEngle.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/sex-fetish-101-what-is-pegging-this-sex_9.html
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marybethengle · 7 years
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There are nights when dinner and bedtime are a peaceful harmony like this... tonight is NOT one of those times! Bedtime will commence with haste as soon as the dog finishes consuming what the kids are supposed to be eating. Butts are in night time wear and patience is thin. The flyswatter has made an ominous appearance close at hand and bed time will be adhered to. #ilovethemall #lastnerve #Someoneremovetheirbatteries #Irishtriplets #lostrescabaleros #2yrold3yrold4yrold (at Home at el hacienda Engle)
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