#the caledonian twins
raiku44-tttecatter · 8 months
Finally after all this time:
I did it...
The art is finished
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This took me like a week or so all thanks to school.
Also that hands is D5's hands and i tried my best to gave that dramatic light
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duskstargazer · 1 month
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Merlin sighed as he stopped for the signal. He’d been making good time, and had been enjoying the chance to stretch his wheels. Nevertheless, he stopped near the main line. He perked up, hearing the clattering of trucks, yet no engine could be heard to accompany them.
To his horror, a rake of trucks came clattering past. He noticed the lack of a coupling gear on the lead truck, and was able to piece together what had happened. Before he could decide his next course of action, however, a pair of whistles made his boiler run cold. Donald and Douglas were coming the other way, and he didn’t know which track they were on.
There was only one thing Merlin could think to do - blow his whistle as loud as he could and hope for the best. ---
Donald and Douglas were double-heading a heavy goods train down the main line. This had become far less common over the years, with stronger engines like Murdoch joining the fleet, but the need still arose every once in a while.
Suddenly, the two heard a shrill whistle.
“Och,” Douglas huffed, rolling his eyes. “Yon’s Mr. Invisible.”
“Invisibility oon!!” Donald mocked, and they both laughed.
Donald stopped laughing abruptly.
“Donnie?” Douglas asked. “Ye alright?”
But Donald didn’t answer. Douglas soon saw why - a goods train hurtled past, with no engine in front. It rolled by on its own - as if by magic!
The two then heard Merlin’s whistle again, and shared a terrified look.
“Ye dinnae think…” Douglas began.
“Aye. Fook this.” Donald grunted.
Nothing more was said. The two unanimously doubled their speed, neither having an explanation for what they’d just seen. If they hadn’t rushed by so quickly, they might’ve noticed a bright, silver engine waiting at the junction.
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kenora-pizza · 7 months
My Thoughts on "Emily in the middle"
Based off a conversation I had w/@mean-scarlet-deceiver in the comment section of this post of theirs, because Tumblr comments have a word limit that I wasn't aware of, and I'm in the mood to speak my mind on this.
Alright. So. Emily in the middle. The last appearance of Donald and Douglas in the TV show, and imo, a pretty crappy one too. The Caledonian twins, (Donald in particular) are my favourite TTTE characters for multiple reasons, and there are many things in this episode which irritated or straight up pissed me off. And I've been holding these feelings in for months.
Now, to be fair, I did like some things about this episode. The visuals are gorgeous, and I love how they brought back the twins' season 20 theme from 'Love me tender.' They also carried over this thing introduced (and heavily featured) in 'Love me tender' where Donald acts like he knows better than Douglas, much to the latter's frustration. I REALLY wish they could elaborate further on this in another episode. Like maybe this behavior has been a constant but only now is it getting worse. Maybe this behaviour is related to the fact that Donald had to smuggle Douglas into Sodor, and started thinking of himself as the one who had to take charge and keep them both safe. Maybe it's from some sorta paranoia Donald developed regarding their status on Sodor, and for some time after the events of "Deputation," he still felt the need to protect and ensure that Douglas would remain on Sodor. (I don't know, I just came up with this). And the episode concept itself can be considered humorous, but imo, it would have been better with Bill, Ben and maybe Boco, Mavis or Edward.
First off, might as well get the obvious out of they way. The twins are HORRIBLY out of character in this episode. From the get-go, they're arguing about anything and everything, to the detriment of them and the engines around them. The TV show, especially in the CGI era, unfortunately started shifting them towards the very overdone trope of "They're twins and they argue a ton," but they went the whole way with it on this episode and it's flipping awful to watch. Especially at the end, when poor Emily got derailed by a snowball (while we're on the subject of that how the flying fuck did that thing get so big so quickly?) and they started blaming each other for the accident instead of helping or apologizing to her. Also doing seriously irresponsible things like stopping a HUGE ASS train on the main line and blocking the Express, and stopping the same train on a steep incline and leaving Emily to hold it while they bickered and chased each other up the hill. I mean honestly, they were acting more like Bill and Ben: Indistinguishable twins who frequently argue with each other over petty bullsh!t. The Caledonian Twins are absolute badasses who get sh!t done and clearly love each other very much. So why ruin them like this, Mattel?!
Second off.....this is something to do with a specific event (Brace yourselves for a long-ass explanation). In "Break Van," one of the notable events is Donald ramming a signal box (I'll explain). It's played off as an accident, but the book HEAVILY implies that this was intentional, with the line "But Donald didn't say what he was sorry for. We know, don't we?" and Douglas saying "Anyone would think, that Donald had his accident on purpose!" That's a huge wink wink from the book to the readers. And when you stop and think about it, Donald's motivation for this becomes clear. Think about everything that has happened to them thus far. Smuggling Douglas onto Sodor gave both of them a lot to lose, Douglas especially. By the time "Break Van" happens, Douglas has screwed up twice. And then the cherry on the top comes in the form of that motherf%^king Spiteful Brake Van making him late. At this point, the twins KNOW that Douglas is in TFC's black books and would be the one sent home after the trials if nothing is done. So to make TFC's decision more difficult, Douglas would either have to do better, or Donald would have to do worse. Donald chooses the latter option and it works, with TFC explicitly confirming this.
Now, In EITM, Douglas has been telling Emily about various incidents involving Donald from past seasons, and eventually start talking about the signal box incident. And given the significance of that event........it felt pretty darn scummy to hear them making light of that. That made me feel uncomfortable. Like... it's less "heehee, Donald is clumsy" and more "Donald purposefully injured himself and destroyed NWR property in an effort to keep his brother safe." I can see why Donald would be especially angry about this. It couldn't have been painless ramming into that signal box or fun getting lectured by Sir Topham Hatt, only for his brother to make light of it by laughing about it behind his back with another engine. And while we're on the topic, considering the bond between these brothers you cannot, in ANY WAY, convince me that Douglas would EVER talk sh!t about his brother behind his back to another engine. EVER.
Last off.....god, I REALLY feel for Emily in this episode. She may not be one of my absolute favourite characters, but she didn't deserve this, at all. I actually do like the idea of Donald, Douglas and Emily being a fun little trio, and I wish that it could have been done here.
Ok wow, this turned out way longer than I expected for my first written Tumblr post. I hope people actually read this. If you reached the end, thanks for reading.
Also, if you wanna see something funny related to EITM, @jammyjams1910 did a fan dub of some scenes from the episode which had me laughing my ass off.
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
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ITS been way too long, but the Caledonian 812 arrives, aka Donald and Douglas.
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str33tydr1ft · 11 months
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, But do you still do the character bingo? If so, Can you do my favorite twin's?
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Holy shit yes
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Im insane about them and im not ashamed to admit it
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trainsandkitties · 14 days
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Happy 9/9 fellas Name: Donald McIntosh Age: Appears 30, is actually 81 Height: 175cm/ 5'9 Sexuality/Gender: Cisgender/Queer Pronouns: He/Him Extra: -Donald and his twin were born and raised in Glasgow -Before moving to Sodor he worked for the Caledonian Railway -He helped his brother Douglas escape from scrap when they were withdrawn and Donald was hired by the NWR -They initially lived in a rented room in Knapford and later bought a home by the sea in Arlesburgh -Donald has dated Montaque, but they're currently only friends -He has a duck named Dilly, who lives in a pond near Tidmouth Halt
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brick-boats · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
Time to share all of my completed builds that will (hopefully) get painted up in the coming year Starting off with my oldest ones, Toby and Henrietta! Thanks to
@LarrysLego for Toby’s base design
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Next up we have the Queen of Sass, Daisy!
She’s the longest model of my fleet so far, and her bogies handle curves very well
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The pride of the North Western Railway, Gordon!
I am very pleased with his design. And a big thanks to Big Ben Bricks for his drive wheels which I painted up to match his colors.
Unfortunately, his wheel base is too long to handle curves, but he still is an impressive sight!
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And lastly but not unexpectedly, the Caledonian twins Donald and Douglas!
My first ever double build, and nonetheless very happy with their turnout! I did have to raise their overall height by one plate just so they’d be in scale with the rest of my engines. They look fantastic!
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esperfruit · 2 months
Preview of the adaptation for Escape in my AU
Another day of autumn has arrived on Sodor and a pair of enthusiastic twins prepared themselves for another successful day of work. Donald, the older twin, was eating a slice of bread for breakfast when he looked at the calendar. It had been over a year since the twins were employed to work for Sir Topham Hatt after a month of hardship and confusion to make sure his younger brother Douglas was hired alongside him so they could stay together. 
Donald’s roommate Montague Collett, or better known as Duck, entered the kitchen to put his lunch for work into his bag. Duck put his green jacket on he had carried over his shoulder. Looking at Donald he noticed, “Hey, Donald your tie is sloppy.” and went to him to fix his red tie for him,
“Ah, ta, Ducky.” Donald replied in his signature thick Scottish accent after swallowing the rest of his bread. “If ye hadn’t clocked, a’m sure Dougie wid hae.”
“And he would’ve teased you about your occasional sloppiness with your clothes.” Duck chuckled, “Now hurry up, or Douglas will tease you for being late.”
“Ah ken, ah ken. it isnae mah fault th’alarm failed. Juist wake me up neist time whin ye git up, Forordinar a’m th’earlie yin, dinnae forgoat.” Donald quickly got his own lunch and rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth and short black hair and came out not even five minutes later, looking completely flawless. 
“A’m finished ‘n’ duin tae gang!” Donald saluted with a wide grin.
In the time he knew the 21-year old Scotsman, Duck learnt to love his weird combination of being chaotic but reliable and professional at the same time. Duck felt weirdly nostalgic because of it despite only being one year older.
After saying their goodbyes to their pet duck, Dilly, the duo left their shared apartment and when walking across the hallway, they noticed a very familiar figure.
“Dougie!” Donald called out for his younger twin, who left his neighboring apartment shortly before them. Douglas looked identical to Donald, the exact same face and same black and red suit. The only way to tear them apart is their slightly different styled hair.
“Guid mornin’, dear brother.” Douglas greeted him calmly in his own thick accent, “‘N’ ye tae, Duck.”
Unlike Donald, Douglas was not chaotic at all, he was calm, avoided confrontations and was a bit clumsy but just as reliable and professional as his older twin. Douglas usually did not talk very much so the trio's walk to their workplace was mostly accompanied by the chatting of Donald and Duck with Douglas only joining in when directly addressed. 
It was a day like any other and everything went just perfect as planned, much to the joy of the three, who each took their work very seriously and accepted nothing but perfection. Duck was talking about the Great Western he was so proud of again and Donald teased him about how he should make that his certified trademark with how much he would not shut up about it with Douglas just laughing about it in the background.
It was past 8 PM when it was finally quitting time. Donald, Douglas and Duck wanted to meet with some other colleagues at the pub in Arlesburgh until Donald received a call. He picked up and when he finished, he looked disappointed. 
“What’s the matter?” asked Duck, who already headed to the car.
“‘Twas Sur Topham Hatt.” Donald sighed, “He wants me tae bring important documents that juist arrived ‘ere tae Haultraugh. Whit a pity, ‘n’ ah juist brought mah Caledonian intae th’shed…”
“Let me dae it.” Douglas suggested on the spot.
“Really?” Donald asked.
“No problem fur me. Ye ‘n’ th’ others make yersel’ a guid evenin. Ah wasn’t really feeling lik’ goin tae th’pub tae begin wi’.” He then turned to the man in green, “Aye, Duck kin ye len’ me yer car fur th’ hurl?”
“Sure thing, lucky I just refueled yesterday. If it gets too late, you can stay at a hotel, just call us when you do so Donnie doesn’t get a heart attack.” Duck approved.
“Ta, ye’r an angel.” Donald thanked his accommodating twin.
Douglas soon picked up the aforementioned documents and hopped into the car to head to Haultaugh so his brother and friends could have a good time.
It was already dark when he drove along a road that ran right next to an infamous forest. Douglas hated that forest despite never being in it. That forest had some suspicious rumors about it, on how time freezes in it, people going missing and never returning and a ghost woman in gold. And Douglas hated everything related to superstitions and the supernatural after his highly superstitious grandparents tried to kill him for being the younger twin as twins supposedly were a bad omen. If it weren't for Donald saving him, he would’ve been drowned in the bathtub by their heartless grandfather.
He couldn't help but scowl at such foolishness. Killing a child over such nonsense…you have to be a malicious person from the very start to even consider that. And right at this moment he scowled at this wretched forest and wanted to drive past it as soon as possible. 
As if he had jinxed it, not long there were troubles with the car and it broke down. “Damn it, Duck! Should’ve made a full check up as weel” Douglas silently cursed when he exited the car and pulled out his cell phone to call his brother. But before he could do the latter, he saw something inside the forest.
It was a light, golden, mysterious and captivating. 
Douglas thought he was tired and imagining things so he closed his eyes and rapidly shook his head to make it go away. But when he looked again the light was still there and brighter than before. it somehow felt like it was calling for him. to come into the forest to reach it.
Was that the myth of the golden ghost woman that kidnapped people? Nonsense. That was just a myth and myths aren’t real, they were just made up from human imagination. It was not real. It was not real! It was not real? But if it was not real, then why did he see it? Why was it calling for him? Why did it make him feel he was needed there? He did not understand and he denied, he denied and denied and denied even more. He did not see anything. He just wanted to call his brother and do his job. This light. It needs to stop calling for him! It needs to leave him alone! It does not exist! This light. This light. This light. This light. This cured golden light! 
Douglas felt like he was losing his mind until something snapped in him and he returned back to reality but something was wrong, the moment his head was clear again, he found himself in the midst of the forest.
“Sin whin did ah gang ben ‘ere ‘n’ why?” he quietly asked himself as he looked around and realized just how deep inside the forest and completely and utterly lost he was. 
He had no idea how he ended up there and was genuinely questioning his sanity when he urgently grabbed his chest as the feeling of lacking oxygen came over him. Douglas leaned on a tree for support when he was bathed in cold sweat and gasping for air, realizing he was having a panic attack.
He did not want to become one of the many people that went lost and never returned, he wanted to go home. He did not care if his brother might tease him a bit for getting in a situation this ridiculous, he just wanted his brother.
He felt his sight fading black and gravity dragging his body to the ground, his consciousness fading away, until he felt someone catching him. Douglas was positioned to sit down and felt someone’s hand on his forehead. The hand’s gentleness helped him calm down and soon he could breathe steadily again.
“He’s calming down, Mr Oliver.” Douglas heard a man’s voice saying.
“Thank God.” The other man, the one holding him replied with relief.
Douglas finally managed to open his eyes and was able to see two men standing in front of him. The one in the background was a slim and small man with dark gray unkempt hair. The man right in front of him was taller than Douglas with a broad build, and also unkempt hair that was dark brown and reached over his shoulders. His eyes were green, a few shades darker than Duck’s, more emerald green-like. Both’s clothes were very shaggy and they had many stubbles as if they hadn’t had any chance to shave in a while.
“Are you alright?” The taller man asked in a smooth deep voice. “Yes…I think so..thank ye so much.” Douglas tried to be as polite as possible in his situation.
“You’re welcome,” he answered gently, “I was actually considering leaving you behind due to our circumstances but seeing how genuine your distress was, I just could not look away.”
This answer confused Douglas a bit as he did not know about said circumstances but he appreciated the help regardless.
“You are from here?” he was asked.
“Nae completely. Ah moved ‘ere ainlie a year ago. Ah wirk fur Sur Topham Hatt ‘n am proud o’it.” he forced a smile when he explained.
“I see, I see…you’re originally from Scotland, aren’t you?” the large man concluded with Douglas confirming it.
“Figured. That was the thickest Scottish accent I’ve ever heard in my life.” The man chucked, which made Douglas chuckle himself. 
For a moment the Scotsman completely forgot about his dire situation and thought it would be better to learn more about the two individuals that found him before acting any further, “Douglas McIntosh is th’name. Wha urr ye twa?”
“I am Tyler Swindon! But you can call my Toad, Mr Douglas!” The smaller man introduced himself politely.
“And I am Oliver.” the taller man replied, Douglas noticing a slight grimace at the moment Oliver mentioned his name.
“Ne lest name?” Douglas raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t really want to talk about it.” Oliver sighed and Douglas changed the subject, “Ah git lost ‘ere oot o’ a moment o’ unexplained lack o’ common sense. How come urr ye ‘ere?”
Oliver hesitated for a moment, thinking of a proper response.
“I think we can trust him, Mr Oliver.” Toad said sincerely, “He’s from here and he seems to be a very nice and trustworthy person.”
Oliver agreed with Toad and took a deep breath before responding with a serious glare:
“Fae whit?”
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etherealstrike · 1 month
While I was away in romania,,, I made some comics about my ocs... enjoy
A comic about my ttte oc Dallas, he's a 55 class caledonian engine and is the scottish twins cousin.... he's the peacemaker between them and can SENSE when their about to start arguing from a mile away.. also he rarely gets angry... which is definitely not shown here
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(Read from the bottom up right to left)
Next comic is about my other ttte oc Estelle, she's based of a CFR 324 951,,,, she's literally a gentle giant but if you piss her off or if you do something to one of her friends.... pray
(This comic is actually unfinished,,, I'm too lazy to finish it)
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(Same as the other, read from the bottom right to left on the bottom panels, on the top panels read left to right)
ALSO... some bill art I don't think I ever posted.. based off something in a discord server
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galinneall-dearg · 3 months
Hi Dearg, hope everything is going well on your end!
Just wanted to say that I really love your content, especially the mood boards, they’re so cool ✨
I also really like that whole “Donald w/out Douglas” concept you introduced with that one Traintober art (I think it was “smoke”). Like it’s so damn sad, but in a good way. It might be like 4 years old but it has a chokehold on my brain, mainly cause Donald is my favourite TTTE character and I like seeing my faves in negative situations and watching them work through them. Also, my favourite kinda relationship in media is Platonic Siblings, so no wonder the Caledonian Twins are my faves 🤣
Thank you for dropping in the lovely message ^^ Things are goin' good for me at the mo'
Eyyyyyy the separated Caledonians AU! Oh wow it has been four years hasn't it? Damn I was 18 when I drew that and now I'm turning 22 tomorrow..
The fun part of the whole thing was definitely everyone who chipped in with ideas, and had their own interpretations. The ever-wonderful @/mean-scarlet-deceiver wrote a brilliant little ficlet, and over on AO3 TheWhiteShellMermaid actually went ahead and wrote it all out in a fic (the fact that this exists still BOGGLES MY MIND XD. Never ever thought this would happen)
I'm not a writer so the fact the idea got so much traction was definitely unexpected... But the fact that it resonated with people still holds a special place in my heart <3
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meanscarletdeceiver · 6 months
Do you have any crackships/crack dynamics that you like?
One of mine actually came as a post nap thought. I conked out in my desk chair and woke up to my brain being like “Psssst. Hey. Hey, Kenora. What if James and Donald were a thing at one point?” And me going “?? Why is this literally my first thought after waking up from a nap and where did it come from?!”
See, I like that thought. I would listen to elaboration on that idea.
At one point way, way back, I explored James/Douglas but I can see this dynamic too.
Much like I can see James being Everbody's Ex, it's also very easy to see Donald and Douglas having some interesting flings...
(Even apart from shipping, the way the Caledonian twins interact with all the other characters is just GREAT. They really did usher in something new to the series and it's always such a joy to see them bouncing off the others.)
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scotianostra · 5 months
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Remembering the entertainer and actor Jimmy Logan born James Short who passed away on April 13th 2001
Logan received his first round of applause when he was carried on stage as a baby, his parents were the music hall act Short and Dalziel, his aunt (from whom he took his surname) was Ella Logan, star of Broadway musicals and his sister jazz singer Annie Ross
Educated at Gourock High School, in his teens he had left school and was performing in pantomimes and summer variety shows and became the comedy lead in his parents’ show ‘The Logan Family’.
He was soon known for the catchphrases: “Sausages is the boys” (derived from Tommy Lorne) and “Smashin’, isn’t it?”
Logan was a versatile performer, equally at home as a comedian, cabaret artist and straight actor. In 1964, just as television was becoming a powerful medium, he bought the Metropole Theatre in Glasgow where for almost ten years he staged variety, farce and revue shows. Logan was most proud of his tribute show to Sir Harry Lauder, which he toured internationally.
Logan was awarded an honorary doctorate by Glasgow Caledonian University, an OBE for his charitable works and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. His personal life was traumatic; three of his four marriages ended in bitter divorce and he faced humiliation when it was revealed that twins by his third wife were not actually his.
Logan died of cancer of the oesophagus in Clydebank nine days after his 73rd birthday. Jimmy had earlier said that he wanted his funeral to be in Glasgow Cathedral and his coffin draped with the flag of Scotland.
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viktuurishipper96 · 5 months
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I have an important announcement to make: thank you all so much for loving my humanized Donald art from the other day and it makes me happy. And also, thanks so much for loving my tasteful pin up Douglas and the duality of the Scottish twins art. Y’all guys have inspired me to draw the humanized Scottish twins(TV series) or Caledonian twins (in the railway series) and I shall draw some more of these precious beans and I grew up with these two ever since when I was 3 years old. Also, I want to do an art trade with one of the very best ttte fanartist etc or a collaboration. I hope you’ll guys have a nice day😊😊😊
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kenora-pizza · 4 months
TTTE x Genshin Impact
Alright. So. Genshin Impact is easily one of my favourite games (if that wasn’t obvious already lol). I love the exploration aspect, the music and the lore go hard and the characters and the regions they inhabit are visually stunning. So naturally, I’ve been playing with the idea of a TTTE x Genshin Impact AU. I haven’t got much, just a list of some possible Vision/Weapon combos, in this post, a concept which uses the Caledonian twins in a sorta “dual DPS” configuration (I’m STILL mildly peeved that the actual twins in Genshin, Lyney and Lynette, don’t have kits that sync up), and some other kit fragments for the other engines which I might include in a later post.
Vision/weapon combos
Thomas: no element / sword (male mc)
Edward: Anemo / sword
Henry: Anemo / bow
Gordon: Geo / claymore
James: Cryo / catalyst
Percy: Dendro / bow
Toby: Geo / polearm
Duck: Electro / sword
Donald: Pyro / claymore
Douglas: Hydro / polearm
Oliver: Pyro / polearm
Emily: Dendro/ sword
Rosie: Pyro / sword
Mavis: no element / sword (female mc)
Lady: Unknown God / Sustainer of Heavenly Principles
One thing I can see in this AU is Bill and Ben possessing and resonating with a single Vision……but nobody, including themselves, knows which twin it actually belongs to, since both of them were present when it appeared. It is a constant source of conflict between the two of them, and any and all fights over it end with Edward or Boco confiscating it before the twins can explode each other or cause serious damage. Just like popping it on top of the fridge where the gremlins can’t reach 🤣
A friend of mine, who goes by feather902 on TikTok, also has a TTTE x Genshin Impact AU (she calls it Engine Impact). And she’s drawn some really cool signature weapons for her Vision/weapon headcanons. Go check her out, they’re really cool!
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hazel-of-sodor · 4 months
Something Holy This Way Comes
Ch.1 Of Snow and Little Sisters
Other Stories
Other Chapters
Screech stretched lazily in the morning light, chuckling lightly as Una pulled up alongside her, cursing the cold. Una glared until Screech tapped her boiler gently, warming her instantly.
"Thank you," she grumbled.
Screech rumbled in amusement, "One would think your fire was out from the way you were shaking."
"Not all of us have a type 7 boiler keeping us warm." The 14xx snapped.
Screech laughed, startling birds from the trees. 
"It would help if you were taller than the snowbanks."
Una rolled her eyes, "Not all of us can be giants like you lot."
She looked around with a frown, "Speaking of... where's Tyto?"
"Off playing snowplow." Screech stretched. "She's always loved the snow."
"She's welcome to it," Una muttered.
Abbey chuckled as she pulled alongside, snow covering her running board. "I passed her at Henaint," she glanced at Screech, "she was chanting something about showing up the Scots?"
Screech flicked a tendril to displace the snow off Abbey, "I would assume she's referring to someone on the North Western."
"Donald and Douglas." 3219 called as she pulled up with Becca. Ceri, as Screech had learned the North Western had named her, had been double-heading with her sister since her arrival. The pair had even taken the Morning Pike to give Screech a break.
"They're twin Scottish goods engines, former Caledonians. They handle clearing the mainline of snow, much to Tyto's disappointment." 
Abbey raised an eyebrow, "Is there any railway the North Western doesn't have locomotives from?"
Ceri snorted, "Not really. From what Edward and Thomas say they've been in a locomotive crisis on and off again since they arrived, so the railway takes what they can get."
Becca recognized what Ceri wasn't saying, "how many of those were legally obtained?"
Ceri snorted, "very few."
Gwyn and Freda walked up.
"Screech I hate to cut your break short but we're needed at Draethell," Gwyn called.
"Whatever for?" Una asked.
"Screech's little sister managed to bury herself and Avon in snow and can't get out.Screech sighed, "Of course she did."
AN:Hello Loves! The Uman and Din is back with a new installment. Chapters will be up Tuesdays (or Monday nights). I hope y'all enjoy, Love Y'all!
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elefsina · 2 years
15 days of deity devotion: Artemis
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Day 1: Basic Introduction
Artemis is the goddess of many great things and incredibly important to me - and I want to use the next 15 days putting her in the spotlight she so very much deserves.
Who is Artemis?
In literature she is listed as goddess of...
the wilderness, animals & hunting; [1] includes: of the wilds, wild beasts and hunting, forest fires, lakes & springs, fishing, roads, and harbors
dawn & frost;
births, infants, children; includes childbirth, protector of the nursing infant, and protector of young girls
maidenhood & marriage;
maiden dance & song;
disease & sudden death; also includes sickness in dogs (rabies)
healing & good health;
ritual purification;
ancestral goddess and protector of the fatherland;
goddess of the Amazons and Hyperboreans. [2]
As you can see, this includes a great many more aspects than you'd expect. This does not even touch upon her connections to human sacrifice (see: Taurian Artemis), fertility (see: Ephesian Artemis), nymphs (in her retinue, along with other mortals and hunters), and many more that I will touch on these next two weeks.
Famous myths
Artemis’ mother Leto was hounded throughout her pregnancy by the jealous goddess Hera but eventually found refuge on the floating island of Delos. There she gave birth to Artemis who assisted her mother as midwife with the birth of her younger twin-brother Apollon.
Kallisto (Callisto) was a handmaiden of the goddess who Zeus seduced by assuming Artemis’ form. When Artemis discovered the girl was pregnant she transformed her into a bear and exiled her to the wilds.
The handsome giant Orion was a companion of the goddess but her jealous brother Apollon tricked her into killing him with a distant bow-shot. In her grief Artemis placed him among the stars as the constellation Orion.
When the Aloadai (Aloadae) giants tried to storm Olympus, Artemis assumed the form of a doe and raced between them, causing the pair to cast their spears, miss, and strike each other dead.
The hunter Aktaion (Actaeon) spied upon the goddess as she was bathing with her nymphs at a spring. Angered, she transformed him into a stag and had him torn apart by his own hounds.
The giant Kalydonian (Caledonian) Boar was sent by Artemis to ravage the lands of King Oineus as punishment for neglecting her in his sacrifices to the gods.
As the Greek fleet were preparing to sail for Troy, King Agamemnon offended Artemis and she becalmed the waters, preventing their departure. To appease the goddess, the king was forced to sacrifice his own daughter Iphigenia. [3]
[1]: Homer, Iliad; Homer, Odyssey; Homeric Hymn 27 to Artemis; Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite; Pindar, Dithyrambs Heracles the Bold; Aeschylus, Agamemnon 140 ff; Aeschylus, fragment 188; Aristophanes, Frogs 1358 ff; Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 144 ff; Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis; Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1.21; Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica; Ovid, Fasti; Seneca, Hercules Furens 406 ff; etc., etc.
[2] rest of the sources can be found here; link
[3] summary as found on theoi.com
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