#the cambion mod is so much fun
tobuo · 4 months
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baldy gate 3 is just a dress up game for me at this point, anyway look at my lil cambion bambino. bonus of him and his lil gremmy
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 5 months
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love love love the whole act 2 romance scene and everything, but they just looked so uncomfortable sitting side by side with the book…. like let me hold him please
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zydrateacademy · 8 months
Current Activities in Warframe #6
Apparently my last Warframe post was in... 2014?! Fucking hell. And I was bragging about hitting for a few thousand damage. My couple of first impressions posts were complaining about not understanding systems. Which to be fair, I am still constantly asking questions to my clan or having four tabs of the Warframe wiki open. Still, it's very amusing how far I've come. It's actually still a meme about how nobody really ever understands what's going on in Warframe at all. I still have to google how to make a lich and sister, despite having done so several times. I just posted my List O' Frames and I see why Ember Prime, despite not having played her in years, is still locking down my second place. She was effectively my main frame for a while years ago, and my first prime frame (Bolter being my first prime weapon, which still has my third most used weapon locked down). Ember Prime dominates a lot of my early, 9-years-ago posts. (also fuck me I've been on this platform for like 12 years or some shit).
It was a cute blast to the past.
This game is pretty rough in the sense that there's no real catchup mechanics. My brother and a friend from discord, both at separate times, have trouble progressing certain things because people don't play the Cambion Drift open zone anymore. Probably because in the game's attempt to curtail the viral meta, they made the infested there resistant to it (instead you need to mod for corrosive). The result is nobody ever fucking goes there anymore, but you still need to farm up a Necramech to continue down the path to better shit (like the sisters of Parvos).
Generally I've been trying to work my way up to hunting certain mods but it's been difficult. A few arcanes are locked behind reputations, like the one on the Zariman. It's an active enough zone on its own right but hunting those crests are a pain in the ass to get.
Other mods are behind Kahl's missions which I frankly don't like doing that much but really need to put on my big person pants and just get through some. It's a wierd thing in my brain, because playing as Kahl is clunky and doesn't feel like I'm working towards anything in the main game; But I am! There's gear in there!
I've been playing quite a bit more of Mesa. I did a 25 wave fissure with her to crack open some Baro food and to level up a couple of guns and since I rebuilt her a little bit, her 4 carried the entire game. I did 72% of the group's damage and ended with over 1700 kills, the next in line being 300 or so. She did some work, but that was still a lower level mission. I'm not sure how she performs on Steel Path but I'd like to try that some day as well. Throw her in a couple of those dailies, see how her 4 does. Apparently she's an S tier frame and it's probably because her defensive ability is pretty good, making her effectively immune to ranged damage. Which is indeed, most enemies.
But I've largely just been building her towards a "fun" build. I discovered the Lex is basically just a fucking glock which amuses me to no end. So I got Aklex ("ak" just being a prefix for akimbo weapons) so my Mesa is essentially running a John Wick build at some point.
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Funny enough this screenshot was taken with the Lex Prime, which I don't like the look of as much. So I've been forma-ing the base Aklex for shits and giggles. I'm modding it for reload speed and fire rate with anything else an afterthought. Not a secondary I'll likely bother taking in SERIOUS missions but basically anything that isn't Steel Path, Arbitrations, or anything else high end like that is fair game.
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margridarnauds · 3 months
So, my Honour Mode Anathematisma Run, aka "How Many Ways Can I Fuck Up This Run Without Dying"
So, I got the Friends cantrip, which I've never really used before on this difficulty level. This is important for down the line.
Ana is RIDICULOUSLY powerful because I installed a cambion mod because it's what Hell's Little Princess deserves.
We easily demolish most of the early Act 1 things that can end an Honour Mode run easily, even getting the Everburn blade.
Then...we get to the Grove. I'm not able to prevent Zevlor from being punched by Aradin, but it's *fine*. Kagha's there, wants to speak with us, etc.
Ana goes to talk with her with her bardy powers
Because this is Honour Mode and redos are MUCH more expensive (and I don't want Arabella to die), I use. The Friends cantrip.
It succeeds, Arabella runs free.
Then...it runs out. Kagha and co. turn hostile immediately.
Worse, when I try to run out as a way of getting RID of the temporarily hostile buff, the druids decide that's the time to start the tiefling genocide party. I'm able to take down Kagha and the remaining druids, but then I have to take down the rest outside.
It's...not pretty.
I'm able to put them down, but there are a lot of casualties. Including Wyll and Dammon. Wyll...who is Ana's canonical love interest.
Okay, fine, this would make me reload another game, but we can move ON from this. It'll be *fine*. Especially once I resurrect Wyll. We're back on track.
I still have to give Rath money in order to make him like me again even though he turned on Kagha.
...I go to recruit Karlach. She shames me for killing everyone in the Grove. Calls Wyll a rat.
...well, she's not joining our side AND was rude, so she's gotta die.
Okay, so a lot of people are dead AND Karlach's dead, but we can move on from this.
I go to the Owlbear cave after convincing the expendable Absolutists to avenge their brother. The owlbear cub stays hostile after I kill both of the older owlbears. I have to knock it out. (I'd been hoping to trigger Wyll Approval Points by sparing it in the cutscene)
I go to the Zhentarim locked in the cave. Unfortunately, even though I succeed in convincing Flind to kill all her pack mates, I'm not able to get her to eat herself. So she's gotta go.
I'm not able to win this fight because my team's exhausted after everything else, so I'm able to book a retreat with Astarion.
I get everyone resurrected, do a long rest, go back, kill Flind. Rugan and his buddy are dead, but they're Banites (albeit hot Banites), so I don't care about them.
Go to Waukeen's Rest, save everyone there, go to the Zhentarim hideout, hand over the chest. I go to negotiate for the painter's release. And I use. Friends.
I have to fight the Zhentarim.
At least I got a Titanstring bow out of it.
Astarion is lagging behind in approval, so I decide to go to the swamp. He kills Gandrel instantly because he hasn't revealed he's a vampire.
I go back to the Goblin Camp, prepared to kill the leaders + make it to the Underdark (it's...going to be fun giving Halsin the news). I go to Priestess Gut, especially since she's USUALLY the easiest to kill.
...some combination of my dialogue means she isn't willing to even talk to me and tells me to go away. So I have to initiate combat. I cast Silence so she won't call for help, but she runs outside of it and does it anyway.
She then DRAGS Roah Moonglow, aka One of the OTHER Best Merchants In Act One, into the battle. I have to put MORE Zhentarim down as well as deal with Priestess Gut.
Eventually, I kill all of them.
So, at the moment, Ana has a relatively poor relationship with Astarion (even though she allows him to munch on her), not NEARLY as good a relationship as she could have with Wyll (even though she's making him worse now that Karlach's gone), Gale has been asking for magical artifacts freakishly fast, we've lost a total of four merchants, the druids are dead, and Karlach is McFucking Dead. And I honestly have no idea whether the Owlbear Cub will spawn, especially since Korra is too focused on me poisoning her friends to want to play Chicken Chase.
And we still haven't had the chance for the Family Reunion with Raphael.
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At least Ana's new design is hot?
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asks for 08/29/18
Anonymous asked:
Um hey, is there a way I could contact those assassin guys in your world that take out humans that find out about the existence of creatures? There's an issue that a memory wipe can't solve over here and is too dangerous to leave be. - MWT
Tom: how urgent is the situation? it can take some time to get into contact with them but if it’s really important i have a couple favors i can call in.
Anonymous asked:
Group of humans too big to wipe the memories of are targeting and attacking anything that's not human. - MWT
Tom: … i’ll call Jacklyn…
Anonymous asked:
Thanks, I'll start working with Matt and 3301 to make something that'll bring them here. - MWT
tom nods in understanding as he dials the number. jacklyn is pretty hard to reach at times but she’s your best shot.
Anonymous asked:
Hopefully, we can get something set up soon. These jerks tried sending someone to recruit me and I don't think the guy coming back with a broken nose and a 'no' will make them leave me alone. Or they might realize I live with whatever Tom is, a witch, and a cambion and attempt to harm them. - MWT
Tom: Jacklyn managed to get a hold of one of them but she says they need a name. A code name or alias will do, they just need a starting point once they get there.
Anonymous asked:
They called themselves the Reborn Templars or something similar. - MWT
Tom: … that sounds bad… i’ll tell jacklyn to put a rush on this,
Anonymous asked:
It might take a couple days to get something to bring them here set up. At least with Matt's help it'll be a bit easier. - MWT
Tom: when ever you’re ready.
Anonymous asked:
I'll be sure to keep you updated on the transporter and anything this group tries. 3301 and his men are gonna try and keep them from hurting anyone for as long as they can. - MWT
Tom: don’t forget to watch your back okay?
Anonymous asked:
I am. If I spot any more recruiters I'm breaking more than a nose. And if I catch them trying to hurt someone for not being human, I'll break every bone in their body. - MWT
Tom: … i don’t doubt you will.
spooncryptid asked:
Hewwo!! (Im also here, existing and everything)
Tord: hello… come here.
(you confuse him still -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
//trots over and jumps into Tords lap// (I honestly don’t even know which one of us you were referring to.. oh yea, sorry about disappearing again yesterday, Existing is weird and I can’t seem to do it for very long)
Tord: you make absolutely no sense… *pets*
(give an explanation already! tord is dying of confusion! -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
(You can call me Mo or Spoon, whatever fits your fancy, I really don’t care all too much. I’m usually off in the void watching things from a distance but now I exist, so that’s fun. Just ask if you’re confused cuz I’m just about the farthest thing from a mind reader)
Tord: … mo then… how are you related to cryptid? you’re only here when he’s here and you wanted to be called by his name… why?
spooncryptid asked:
(Well it’s a bit confusing, you see, I was him but then he was him so I stopped being him and got lost, but now I’m here and I’m me)
Tord: … i’m going to attempt to translate that, tell me if i’m right. you were a part of him, or all of him at a time, then he became something more then just you, then you separated, then you existed again but as someone or something new. did i get that right?
spooncryptid asked:
(Yeah! I’m surprised you understood that, I thought it’d just be gibberish, the only language I’m fluent in..) it was gibberish! Nonsense! (Hon even if it made sense you wouldn’t have understood it) //offended cat sounds//
now that you make some sense tord finds you funny. he likes you.
spooncryptid asked:
(So what’s happening today?)
Tord: nothing much. tomorrow the first troops are supposed to enter Denmark so the base is in a bit of a flurry.
spooncryptid asked:
(Ooh, exciting, what’re Tom and Matt up to?)
Tord: Tom went to make a call for mayhem, Matt is hanging from the ceiling.
spooncryptid asked:
(Oh, hey there Matt didn’t see ya there)
Matt: *squeak*
spooncryptid asked:
(So.. we’re just hanging out?)
Tord: for some of us literally.
spooncryptid asked:
(Ah, yes.... so, has anything interesting happened on base recently?)
Tord: one of the labs exploded… We still don’t know what caused it so the area has been quarantined.
spooncryptid asked:
(Oh no, did anyone get hurt?)
Tord: no, and that’s what makes it so suspicious…
spooncryptid asked:
(Suspicious eh? Well what’re your suspicions so far? Any suspects?)
Tord: unfortunately no. it was one of the most open labs we have, basically a science class room with how often soldiers would just pop in to see what’s being made.
spooncryptid asked:
(Hmm, have you found any leads? Collected any evidence?)
Tord: all we know so far is that it was caused by some kind of chemicals and that it created some kind of poisonous gas. Tom is the only one allowed near the lab right now since he’s immune to all known poisons.
spooncryptid asked:
(Has he found anything?)
Tord: he says it reeks like a rotten soul, which is not a good point of reference, and that it’ll take him time to even get past the smell.
spooncryptid asked:
(Interesting... dyou have any idea what the motive is?)
Tord: the culprit or culprits were probably trying to cover up something they used army resources to make. I’ve shot down ideas before, some of which were passion projects unfortunately, and because of how volatile the scientists reactions to my presence can be I don’t check their work as often as I should.
spooncryptid asked:
(That must narrow down the suspects, right?)
Tord: it would if i had any evidence towards my theory being right.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well if that’s the case then do you even have any evidence that it wasn’t just an accident? Or does it just seem suspicious?)
Tord: no one knows what caused the explosion though. none of the projects they were supposed to be working on were that volatile.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well passively investigating scientists you believe more likely to have been using unauthorized chemicals isn’t going to hurt anyone, even if it ends up not being them it still narrows things down a bit and gets you closer to figuring things out)
Tord: maybe it wouldn’t hurt anyone but that’s not the kind of man i am. i don’t presume anything when it comes to a person, no matter the situation. i can’t just single people out based on their preference of activity.
spooncryptid asked:
(But How are you going to find anything if you’re not investigating??)
Tord: we ARE investigating. tom’s just the only one who can gather the evidence we need, and at the moment he’s unwilling to even enter the room!
spooncryptid asked:
(Darn, could anyone else get in with a gas mask or something?)
Tord: I wish. The gas doesn’t need to be breathed in, it just needs contact with the skin.
spooncryptid asked:
(.. How exactly was no one hurt by this??)
Tord: supposedly a fire alarm went off. They know not to stay if there’s a fire no matter how important the experiment was. The weirdest part the alarm wasn’t even triggered, tom would have heard it but all the scientists swear they heard it.
spooncryptid asked:
(It’s a conspiracy! All the scientists are in on it!! Or it was probably a fake alarm or something..)
Tord: i’d think that too but tom said they were telling the truth. they heard something they thought was a fire alarm.
spooncryptid asked:
(Mm, so we’ll just have to wait till the smell dissipates before we can investigate?)
Tord: unfortunately yes.
Anonymous asked:
Maybe I could try and come over? I think your Tom brought me into your world once. So he could do it again. I'm sort of a detective so maybe I could figure out what happened? - MWT
Tord: … i don’t see why not.
spooncryptid asked:
(That sucks, I wanted to help solve the crime)
Tord: you wanna help mayhem?
spooncryptid asked:
(Sure!) him!? He’s back???
Tord: yes. *calling tom* if you want matt could take you to the nearest town?
Tom: *over the phone* matt can do what now?
Tord: sorry, i was talking to cryptid. do you think you could come here for a second? mayhem want’s to… “visit” and see if he can help figure out what caused that explosion earlier.
Tom: *over the phone* sure, i’ll be right there.
Anonymous asked:
I'll start looking into it as soon as I'm there. - MWT
Tom: *entering the room* good. *holds out hand*
Anonymous asked:
He managed to come through without falling on his face this time. Victory to Mayhem! "So where's the lab that blew up?" - MWT
Tom: this way. follow me, don’t talk to anyone, don’t use my real name, don’t say your real name, and do NOT touch anything without checking with me first. it’s not only for your safety but ours as well.
Anonymous asked:
"Okay, I'll just stick with Mayhem while here. Anything I should call you?" - MWT
Tom: designation null, or just null. the soldiers recognize that name so they won’t ask questions.
spooncryptid asked:
//hisses// (hi Mayhem, it’s nice to meet you!)
matt takes cryptid in the opposite direction that tom mayhem and mo are going. tord stays in his office, contemplating the chaos his life has become.
Anonymous asked:
"I'll keep those in mind. Anything in particular in the lab I'll be investigating I shouldn't touch?" - MWT
Tom: most of the machinery is safe but who knows what was in those flasks before the explosion, keep to the machines and blueprints and do not touch anything that could have come into contact with unknown chemicals.
spooncryptid asked:
(So Tom, I was wondering, uh, what exactly does ‘rotting soul’ smell like?)
Tom: the suffering of worlds… not good.
spooncryptid asked:
(Ah, very descriptive, I can almost imagine it. what exactly would cause soul rot, or the smell of soul rot, to be so abundant in the lab?)
Tom: i don’t know… and i don’t like it.
Anonymous asked:
"Right, blueprints and machines only. Don't touch what might have some kind of dangerous substance on it. I'll let you know if I find anything suspicious." - MWT
tom leads you past the quarantine tape into the blackened and ruined lab. there were metal shards littered across the floor and broken equipment everywhere. tom desperately covered his mouth and nose trying not to vomit. the room is distinctly scent-less.
spooncryptid asked:
(Mm, at long last, the scene of the crime... interesting..)
Tom: … *muffled* you don’t have any idea what you’re looking at do you?
spooncryptid asked:
(No, I’m honestly somewhat surprised you guys let me in here at all)
Tom: *muffled* sometimes the simplest things can be overlooked. you’re job is to look for the stupid, pointless observations that no one else thinks are important.
Anonymous asked:
"Something feels kind of off about this room." He shudders a bit and starts looking through everything. - MWT
tom stays as close to the door as possible, his senses are over run by that fowl odor. he has to wait for his nose to adjust before he can go any further.
Anonymous asked:
He's just carefully going over every bit of machinery and metal he can for now. Though he looks pretty uncomfortable in this lab. - MWT
if tom wasn’t so focused on not vomiting he’d feel sorry for him.
Anonymous asked:
He moves a bit closer to one area and visibly shivers. Why does he want to just run away? "I don't know why, but something over here is making me feel really freaked out." - MWT
Tom: any idea what? *gags* i can’t exactly get any closer.
spooncryptid asked:
(Ok, I can do that, but I’ll also probably ask stupid questions because I’m an idiot, so uh.. I don’t know, I guess I was just imagining a gas build up instead of a flaming smoking explosion, so the scorch marks kinda stand out.. actually, why doesn’t it smell like smoke in here?)
Tom: considering all i can smell is rot, i don’t know what your talking about.
Anonymous asked:
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
(Well I don’t smell any smoke, but everything’s covered in burns and stuff, so like, that’s weird right?)
Tom: yeah, it kinda is.
Anonymous asked:
"I'll take a closer look, even though everything in me is saying run away." He moves closer and seems to notice a bit of twisted metal that is making him feel so freaked out. "Might be this thing here. Not gonna touch something that's actually freaking me out." - MWT
Tom: mo was it? do you think you could get that thing for us?
Anonymous asked:
"I would definitely appreciate Mo grabbing it. I have never had a piece of metal freak me out like this before and I've gotten into a shouting match with a banshee." - MWT
Tom: … how do you exist? *gagging*
spooncryptid asked:
(Huh? Oh, sure, this uhh, metal thing? That looks like junk?)
Tom: yeah *gag* let’s go look at it outside.
Anonymous asked:
"Pure luck most likely." He just shrugs. - MWT
Tom: at least you recognize it…
spooncryptid asked:
(Ok, //picks it up and walks towards the exit//)
tom is glad to be out of that room, he can finally breath.
Anonymous asked:
He's almost running out of that room himself. - MWT
tom completely understands and quickly guides them away from the room.
spooncryptid asked:
(This really just looks like a piece of shrapnel or something, you sure this is it?)
Tom: like i said sometimes it’s the stupid shit that’s important.
Anonymous asked:
i’m not gonna do it… why are you even doing this?
(you are now updog anon… enjoy your new title)
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
(Hm, I guess.. I just have no idea how exactly this thing fits in to being so important)
Tom: who knows what it was before the explosion. let me see it.
Anonymous asked:
"That bit of shrapnel is making me feel like I need to get as far away as possible. That is not normal." - MWT
Tom: it has a bit of that rancid smell on it to. whatever that is it’s suspicious.
Anonymous asked:
seriously, i’ve never found this joke funny. i’m not doing it.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
(//hands it to Tom// Any theories?)
Tom: *gagging* oh god! fuck! it’s covered in it! *chokes* fuck! take it back! *gives back to mo*
Anonymous asked:
"Maybe we should let, uh, Red? look at it? Is that the right thing to call him?" - MWT
Tom: yeah, that’s his title and we should definitely let him look at it. *gags* considering neither you nor i can stand to be near it.
spooncryptid asked:
(Oh fuck- //takes it back// you ok??)
Tom: i will be *cough* just keep that a bit away from me.
Anonymous asked:
"Please give it to him. I can't stand being near that think. It's making my skin crawl!" Looks like he's got a few unusual lines on his face, almost like eyes squeezed shut. - MWT
Tom: … mo don’t say anything about what just happened…
Anonymous asked:
Yo, fellas! Updog.
if you keep going like this i’m just gonna start deleting these. the joke isn’t funny and you’re breaking one of the rules for asks.
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
"Sorry if I seem like I'm over reacting. Just never felt this kind of fear before, and it's just a bit of metal causing it." Well the lines are gone after taking a deep breath - MWT
Tom: you’re afraid, i’m nauseous, mo’s the only one not without issues…
spooncryptid asked:
(ok, I’ll get it to To- uh, Red? You guys go.. not be around this thing anymore)
Tom: thank you!
Anonymous asked:
Knock, knock? -updog anon
… “oh who could possibly be there”
(what ever you’re doing, i won’t be fooled)
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
(Hey Red, I got a, uh, thing for you to look at)
Tord: hm? alright bring it here.
spooncryptid asked:
(//hands it to Tord// we found it in the lab)
Tord: … it looks like a ripped up cog from an alarm clock. strange, normally the scientists use stop watches.
Anonymous asked:
I have a dream, okay?! -updog anon
and that dream would be?
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
"Glad that thing isn't near us anymore." He looks a bit shaken still. - MWT
Tom: if i’m being entirely honest… god yes! that was fucking horrible!
spooncryptid asked:
(Mayhem was really freaked out by it and Tom said it smells like the lab..)
Tord: that does not sound good… i’ll have to lock this up so tom doesn’t have to smell it.
Anonymous asked:
Updog, my dream is updog and I tired.
is that supposed to say tried? what ever, look that joke feels too much like a pun to fly on this blog. you have to have noticed a certain person’s absence. he’s not here for a reason and this joke would not be good for the boys. sorry but that dream isn’t coming true here.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
(...Dyou think it was some sort of time bomb?)
Tord: it was probably part of some kind of timer at the very least.
spooncryptid asked:
(Hmm... why is it so, uh, strong? Like, why does it smell like rotten soul and freak Mayhem out so much?)
Tord: … those are questions i don’t have the answers to…
spooncryptid asked:
(Mm, this is all pretty confusing.. oh yea, the lab doesn’t smell like smoke, which is also kinda confusing)
Tord: this just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Anonymous asked:
What, did you guys kick him out of your little hoodie squad for making puns? Shame on you. -updog anon
… he mentally abused tom and matt for years before directly and intentionally leading to their capture and experimentation (read torture) by the British government…
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
Why don’t the guys answer? -updog anon
cause i don’t wanna put them through that! i can be cruel but i’m not a monster! the mere thought of him could send tom into a panic attack and matt into a flashback!
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
And why about Tord, dose he have anything to say? -updog anon
… tord… he deeply misses edd, the old edd he used to live with, but with how deeply tom and matt have been affected by edd’s actions he can’t see the same person when he thinks of him anymore. as far as tord is concerned his old friend is dead and has been replaced by a monster.
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
Well damn. A bit edgy aren’t we? -updog anon
… this entire au is based in the various mental traumas of the characters, coping with said traumas and the idea that the “good guy” can turn out to be the bad guy behind the scenes… if you think that’s edgy that’s fine, but it means a lot more to me.
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
Did you find out anything about that bit of metal Tord? - Glitchy anon
Tord: it does have some form of residue on it but i haven’t managed to figure out what it is yet.
Anonymous asked:
So Edd is the bad guy then... -updog anon
you think an abuser CAN be the good guy?
-mod x
Anonymous asked:
Whatever that stuff is, it smelled horrible to Tom and freaked that Mayhem guy out a lot, but didn't seem to affect Mo. Is there anything they'd have that Mo wouldn't that could cause those reactions? - Glitchy anon
Tord: well tom isn’t human and mayhem… it’s not my place to say…
Anonymous asked:
Maybe living with other beings did something to make me affected by that stuff like how it smells horrible to Tom, only it creeps me out. - MWT
Tom: it was almost like you were experiencing your own uncanny valley affect…
Anonymous asked:
Wait did I miss something? who is Mayhem? -updog anon
mayhemworld tord… it’s a blog… that’s what MWT stands for. he drops in every once in a while.
Anonymous asked:
Maybe it affects people from other worlds and those that aren't human? - Glitchy anon
Tord: … that is a theory…
Anonymous asked:
If that's what people feel around me I can understand why some of them get so freaked out by me now. - MWT
Tom: you still kinda have the opposite affect on me…
Anonymous asked:
Wait did I miss something? Who is Mayhem? *gasp* Is HE the bad guy? -updog anon
mayhem is my friend… really, just look up the blog, you’ll get the idea.
0 notes