#the carcus one kills me every time
TEEHEE IM BACK (i hope me spamming you ((i know this isnt spamming but shh)) is okay) I WANNA SEE YOUR HEADCANNONS FOR TIM AND MASKY and also maybe eyeless jack? i don't remember if you write for him IM SORRY IF YOU DON'T, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HEADCANONS FOR TIM RA|IGHT NOW: he would so paint, like it makes sense to me that he would, and i think he would be good at it too!!! he would at least be okay at it yknow?
Characters: Tim Wright, Masky and Eyeless Jack
S/O: No
CW: Semi realistic
Tags: SFW (Sexually)
Headcanons below!:
Tim Wright:
Ok expanding on that painting headcanon,, he would totally paint! And he would 100% be decent at it, though I can imagine it sorta being like Alex Kralie's pages, but like,, more deranged if that makes sense. Like to an average person who doesn't know what happened during canon/pre canon would probably find it drawings/paintings off an insane person. But I feel like the paintings would just be like, the operator and the events that happened but like, he has really terrible handwriting + I feel like he shakes a lot so it all combines into a mess. But I also can imagine him painting like really nice landscapes as well, of forests, swamps, mountains etc.
I have a feeling that he still visits Brian, Jays and even Alex's graves every month or so, even if it does bring up bad times and makes him emotional I feel like, he would still want to visit them and just update them about life
Remember how very shortly in early marble hornets how Alex mentioned his dog? (Not Seth's) I believe the dogs name was Rocky, yea, definitely adopted the dog after Alex died
I don't know how much he'd really be social after Marble Hornets, he'd probably stay mostly to himself and just try to stay alone
On a brighter note,I think he would try to quit smoking and I believe the medication has helped him a lot now.
Definitely doesn't even utter A single sound now, he mostly just wanders through the woods and occasionally kicks rocks. I don't see him being too murderous nowadays, if he does kill he tries to keep it short and painless, he doesn't want anyone to suffer and definitely sometimes has breakdowns after.
Finds the tapes sometimes, watches then on an almost broken player
Sometimes will try and apologize to Jessica but will run away before being able to
Eyeless Jack:
Hobie Brown but cannibal basically
He definitely is a stalker-ish type, not a "One day and done type of guy" no, he'll stalk his victim for weeks, making sure they're perfect
Stalks from the trees and alleys type, once he figures out that it is the right person, he'll plan a,perfect time and date, he's already memorized their schedule and such
Scalpel? Yea, maybe usually just uses thought animalistic talons and teeth of his though, the police usually can't find any evidence of what had happened cause either he'd: 1 burn the place down, 2 kill the people investigating the crime or 3 hide the body somewhere it'll decompose fast enough for it to be hard to trace
Seedeater was merely an accident, just a random deer, dog and bison carcus merged together into the demonic entity today that Jack happened to meet
A/N: Tim is my favorite, can you tell?
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lucifer character’s as john mulaney quotes
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honorable mentions…
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Father Frank
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Father Kinley
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Cain/Chloe - Cain/Lucifer
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Charatcter Descriptions and Summary 2.15
This is the "short" version of descriptions. I have a much MUCH longer one with lots of quotes that I might have to split up to fit. As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: multiple blood mentions, torture, imprisonment, violence, stabbing, gun violence, canon typical violence, injuries, burns, homophobia and bigotry, gore mention, horror (including body horror), beheading, violence against animals, 69 mention, and disrespecting a mummy
Bad Kids
Fandrangor stats: +2 to attack and damage. Finesse, one handed. 1d8 piercing. Burn a spell slot on a sucessful hit to add an extra d6 of damage per level.
Wrapped Alistair's foot in his sheet to trip and flip him up before deeply stabbing him in the abdomen
Held his sheet out to further protect Adaine.
Slashed Dayne with a reposte (while also burning a 1st level spell slot on his sword) as he yelled "Toxic masculinity is dead! I dance now!"
Closed in on Penelope using an athletics check that involved jumping and running across the deck. His mobile flourish pushed her to the edge of the deck before he kicked her off the ship.
Took out Alistair and Penelope (details in their section)
Stood at the helm after Bill fell off, turning the ship over due to the gravity being off
Hissed at Vraz
Got so sweaty and nervous over a terrible line ("You attacked the wrong guy!") that he missed the greesers
Shot Dayne from hiding while saying "You missed spring break" before hiding again (Fabian responding "Classic The Ball. Always shooting from hiding").
Had no clue where his father actually was, telling Bill the little thathe knew.
Got sleepy while he was hiding
Was shot out of the cannon and blasted off into the city (taking some damage). Shouted "I'm the ball!" as he flew away before smashing through a dark red and black stained glass window 200 feet below the ship, tumbling into a strangly familiar building. The room was empty due to all the devils hearing the alarms and fleeing. He rushed down a familar dark hallway.
Witnessed his father being tortured and saying that he didn't care about his son, but still misty steped into the room with the unconscious Pok the minute the devils left.
Tried to scoop his dad up into his Briefcase of Holding, but the two barbed devils came back (snarling as they saw him), one grabbing his briefcase and the other grappling Riz to restrain him. He kept trying to save Pok anyway even while restrained and fought against the devils over his briefcase (see Pok area for more)
Rolled up sleeves over Daybreak attacking Tracker
Walked up to Daybreak with anger in her veins (over him hurting Tracker), said "Hi Daybreak. It's so great to see you. I've been PRAYING FOR YOU!", and slammed her staff down, using distructive wave. Light radiated out of her as every enemy was hit but Penelope (due to Globe of Invulnerability) and Johnny Spells and took out 3 Scarecrows. She then spat on Daybreak which hisses on his cheek as he yelled "Ah! Love! Love wins!"
Was knocked out by Daybreak and was back in Silvar looking at a nice tree
Used a 4th level mass healing word before her and Tracker dimension doored away from Daybreak
Arcane Hand works like a claw machine with a controler in her hands
While prone, shot a lightning bolt at Dayne, Penelope, and a Scarecrow (after counterspelling Penelope's counterspell). Took out the Scarecrow.
Hit Daybreak with a 4th level Cromatic Orb (cold damage).
Smacked Johnny's fire spell out of the air with a counterspell after calling him "a predator who didn't fuck" and then ignored Johnny completely to go after Daybreak by hitting him with a 4th level (cold) chromatic orb
Used Forceful Hand to grab Bill to keep him from falling (two of the devils stayed grapped to Bill)
Tried to shake Gilear awake
Fig The Unfaethable
Her insignia burned in her head when she used psionic blast (took out two Scarecrows)
Winked at Ayda
Used Healing Word on Kristen
Attacked Daybreak with Bombing Blade (adds bardic for extra and if he moves willinging before her next turn he takes thunder damage)
Took out Daybreak (details in his section)
Was tossed by Gorgug towards a plummeting Bill like a missile before backpacked onto Bill, snatching a scroll from Vraz's pocket (Vraz: No no no no no! / Bill: What's yours is ours.), and Dimension Dooring back to the ship with Bill.
Stood over Kristen's unconscious body to protect her
Used Reckless Attack twice on Daybreak, the first time dealing 50 damage and the second time ("I'm just so tired of you") another 48 damage.
Took out Dayne (details in his section) and two Scarecrows
Grabbed some holy oil to take with him to coat his weapon with.
Familiars and Companions
Boggy: Hit by Penelope's Cone of Cold which caused him to freeze, crack, and fall apart (can be brought back by Adaine)
Gaf: Made incorporial by Ayda to protect him/her/them during the battle
Baby: Was made invisible by Fig. Tried to pickpocket Vraz, but just got a scrap of some kind. Did a very indecent celebration dance while invisible (when Penelope was "killed").
Hangman: Freaked out over seeing Johnny before siding with Fabian. Leapt to attack Johnny Spells, but couldn't make it and settled for slamming into the greeser Sorching Ray. Frozen and knocked down by Penelope's Cone of Cold.
Hirelings and Partners
Stayed behind on Goldenrod
Held up a hand with her holy symbol to summon Twilight Sanctuary (gives everyone a d8 of temp hit which they can choose to replace or keep each round).
Cast Beacon of Hope
Knocked out by Penelope's Cone of Cold (which also ended her two spells)
Hit Kristen with a max level cure wounds, yeling at everyone to look away as she jumped onto an unconscious Kristen who was lying between Gorgug's legs (Kristen started touching his leg thinking it's Tracker's). Everyone assumed they were 69ing, but Tracker actually just gave Kristen a very sweet kiss on the mouth and said "Double clerics baby. Nobody can keep us down for long."
Went into flying wolf form to catch Kristen when she fell off the ship.
Took out two Scarecrows, goring one before tossed them the ship and spartan kicking the other off the deck.
Ran up to a prone Dayne chanting hoot growl and yelled "I've done a lot of shit in my life because of you asshole!" as he bodied into him (nat 20).
Walked up to Fabian and Gorgug crying after Dayne was killed.
Instigated a three way chest bump with Fabian and Gorgug, not noticing Adaine who was forced to duck ("Oh god! The jocks are being fiesty!")
Was yelled at by Daybreak which he used as an opportunity to confront Daybreak both verbally and physically.
Cast a spell that poured out massive amounts of water over Avernus in an attempt to flood hell (in retaliation for them taking Fig) before checking on Fig
Touched both of Fig's arms as she checked if she was okay before casting Protection From Evil And Good on her.
Flew off Goldenrod to help Sandra Lynn protect the ship from incoming fire by throwing up abjurative wards, but came back and landed on the deck before the ship left Avernus.
Flew towards Daybreak and Penelope, teleporting multiple times per second to create a flickering group of 10 of her before slashing out with her talons to damage them both.
Cast clairvoyance to find Riz, pointing at the building he was in.
Used her portent to save Fabian when Goldenrod lost gravity (allowing him to hold on) before flying to catch Adaine.
Sandra Lynn
Left the Goldenrod to cover their tail, doing a swan dive off deck (which looked likes she flew up from the upside down deck) and landing on Baxter before knocking a teleportation missile out of sky with her arrow.
Smashed back down onto the deck with Baxter before healing a down Tracker (Kristen: Thank you Sandra Lynn!)
Hit Daybreak with arrows.
Jumped on Baxter when the ship lost gravity and went to help catch Kristen.
Was immediately killed by Bill Seacaster who shot him in the chest.
Brought back by Kristen with 1 hp, a bleeding chest wound, and covered in cenders and fire
Was told by Gorgug (who stood in front of him) to lie on the ground
Hid in the golden sarcophagus (somehow lifting the massive lid to do so)
The Pirates
The Goldenrod
The still "living" transmogrified body of Kalvaxus turned into a flying ship against his will
Kalvaxus has to swallow down the cannon coming from his mouth to talk and turning always hurts him
Shot by Bill for calling himself a boat instead of a ship
Captained by Bill Seacaster, crewed by cender zombie pirates, and the flagship of Bill's rebel armada of dragon carcus ships
The ship has it's own gravity and can sail in any direction (including upside down), but the unsecured barrels on deck are a hazard during fast turns.
Able to breached through to Dis, Bill having some way to travel through the levels that the other devils couldn't find
Broadsided The Iron City, firing tons of gold, holy water, and saints finger bones wrapped in old parchment out of it's cannons.
Captain Bill Seacaster
An enormous devil with one cender eye, a devil bone hook, and a floating skull and crossbones insignia over his head
At the helm of Goldenrod after rescuing Riz, Fig, Gilear, Hangman, and Baby/Wretchrot (via being yanked up on rope ladders to the Goldenrod).
Part of his multi level marketing scheme was to have pirates steal holy relics for spell slots and then use the holy relics as ammo against other devils and their ships.
Shot Gilear throught the chest on sight
Got a chain wrapped around his neck by Kystrona
After Gilear was brought back to life by Kristen, he said nice things to Gilear and gave him a massive glowing sword (which was too big for Gilear to wield). The bad kids were all deeply confused by how quickly he went from one extreme to another.
Offered Kristen snuff powder
Ordered his crew to shoot Riz out of a cannon to "help" him look for Pok
As his hook hand was stabbing into one of the three devils he was fighting, he took a legendary action to shake his fist and yell "That's my darling boy!" over Fabian "killing" Penelope. He corrected himself to yell "He's his own his darling man boy!"
When the gravity on the Goldenrod was dispelled, he told Fabian to take the helm before letting go on purpose, taking the three other devils with him (rescued by Adaine and Fig).
Alistair Ash
An intern on the Goldenrod
Skull is cracked open like an egg with part of it fully missing. Inside the socket is roiling fire. His eyes are rotted out, the fire shining through his sockets.
Attacked Fabian exclusively due to being left behind by him
How he was finished off: Fabian stood up, his body very bloody and burned from the beating he's took. Fire enshrouded his sheet as he wrapped Alistair in it in order to spin him like a top. As Alistair twirled in the air, the Hangman hit him in a flash. As Alistair popped of the wheel of the Hangman, Fabian took out Fandrangor (which was rippling with his own inner light and magic) and pierced Alistair's ribcage up through his heart. Silver motes of light burst out of Alistair's mouth, "eyes", and the empty socket of his skull. Bill cried a single tear out of his non ember eye as he said "It be beau-ti-ful". Fabian told his father "I'm my own man now." to which Bill answered "The story keeps getting better!" Meanwhile, Alistair changed his opinion on Fabian, seeing him as chosen one and (since he had to die for Fabian to become who he was) himself as chosen in a way. Fabian asked if Chungle Down Bim was still alive, but Alistair only yelled "He's gonna shit in your mouth!" before being destroyed. One of the many bottles on Bill's belt filled with a red mist that was Alistair, now even more in debt to Bill with another 2000 gold added to his tab to bring him back in another form later.
Cinder Pirates
The crew of the Goldenrod, most (if not all) of which being victims of Bill's pyramid scheme
Assended from ropes to their respective ships after raiding The Bottomless Pit, yoinking up crates and boxes filled with treasure (like books and weaponry) as they went.
Loaded the cannons of The Goldenrod with holy relics, books, golden reliquaries, holy water, and even the body of a dead saint (who was unceremoniously dumped out of his golden sarcophagus). All the relics almost looked like they were from other worlds.
Bill doesn't do the best job putting his followers back together, so most are in worse shape than Alistair. One was missing his entire jaw!
Most were finished off by Penelope's Cone of Cold
Bill's Pursuers
Devil Crafts
Iron zeppelins piloted by devils in pursuit of Seacaster.
Shoot ground to air missiles that shot spinning pentagrams of fire teleportation that glowed when they hit, teleporting in reinforcements.
Vraz The Mean, Lorzug The Impaled, and Kystrona The Chained
All appeared through a dimension door at the helm of the ship before the three devils began fighting Bill.
Vraz (after Fig denied a direct order) released all warlocks under Gortholax by making all his contracts null and void.
All of them (including Bill) do tramendous amounts of fire and poison damage, but all of them (including Bill) are immune to fire and poison, so the fight devolved into a bunch of very dangerous people who can't hurt each other just slapping the hell out of each other.
Johnny Spells
Appeared via teleportation missile with his crew
Roiling in flame with veins glowing in a red light, using a snap comb to brush his hair back and wearing a black leather jacket with a clean white tee.
Hit Fabian with Ray of Fire and then was IMMEDIATELY tossed off the starboard side of the ship by Adaine using her Arcane Hand.
Was saved by Kystrona (via animate chain) before he fell to his "death"
Spent an entire turn to get back on the ship only to have his fire spell dismissed by Adaine.
How he was finished off: Flew off the ship (again) when it lost gravity, saying "No! I had stuff. I had plans. I had-" as he fell to his "death".
Johnny's Crew
Six teiflings greasers who appeared via teleportation missile wearing black leather jackets with clean white tees.
Two trampled over a dead Gilear to get to the teens.
How they were finished off: One was gored by Ragh before being tossed off the ship, one was spartan kicked off the deck by Ragh, two were killed by Gorgug, and two were destroyed by Fig's psionic blast
Harvestmen & Friends
Penelope Everpetal
Got to Goldenrod via teleportation missile with Dayne, Daybreak, and four Scarecrow Harvestmen.
Had sunken deep pools of darkness for eyes. She wore a burnt prom queen dress. Jagged shards of metal were stabbed into her skull like a crown (which caused blood to trickle down).
Was protected from magic most of the fight due to casting Globe Of Invulnerability
Stepped forward with a corny line ("Oh I'm so sorry guys. It's time to chill out.") before casting Cone of Cold which took out Tracker, Boggy, Hangman, and most of Bill's crew.
Was knocked off the ship by Fabian and fell down into the sky over the Iron City of Dis, shreaking and wailing as she went. Saved herself by using Misty Step to get back to the ship.
How she was finished off...
Penelope: *appeared in a twirl of magic and hit Fabian with a Firebolt, knocking him down to 4HP* I'm so sorry that you had like... some sort of collapse and appear to be fighting with a blanket now, but I just wanna tell you something. We are gonna drag you and all your shitty stupid little- what? Bad kid friends to hell. Forever.
Fig: I actually already live here. I'm an arch devil.
Fabian: Yeah! Did you hear that? She already lives here!
Kalvaxus: Again if we [re con noise] it later. This fight seems mostly lost. Use reason!
Penelope: Now. It's time for you to go bye bye Fabian *starts casting another spell*
Fabian: (crit, mobile florish, plus 2nd level spell slot with Fandrangor) *throws up his sheet so it blocks her field of vision (like how people trick their pets) and then grabs her and tango swing dancing spins her off the ship as she yells and is destroyed as motes of silver light shoot out*
Dayne Blade
Burning ember flaming vains with a hellish gleam to his eyes
Doesn't know how long he's been there
How he was finished: Begged Gorgug to not "kill" him due to him being an Owlbear, but was ignored. He tried once more, saying "Dude dude dude we're both Owlbears!" but Gorgug simply answered "You're not an Owlbear anymore" before he chopped off Dayne head. Gorgug then pretended his head was a ball and that he was going for a pass.
Coach Daybreak
Burning ember flaming vains with a hellish gleam to his eyes, a whistle, a silvered halberd, and regenerating health
Aggressively targeted Tracker and Kristen (even as Gorgug literally stood over Kristen) and knocked Kristen out at one point
Yelled "No!" while flames shot out of his ears at the thought of ending toxic masculinity
Freaked out over Gorgug being an Owlbrear
Not a true devil, just a soul trapped in hell that was powerful enough in life to fight for the devils, punished to never understand why he was there (Brennan "He cannot find peace, but he can find you").
How he was finished: Daybreak shouted "I'm gonna kill you all. All of you deserve to be here, not me. I was a holy man! *points to Fig* YOU ARE A LITERAL ARCH DEVIL!" Fig answered "Yeah bitch it's fun!" before she used a 4th level psionic blast on him. He screamed as he was knocked off the ship and eviscerated by both Fig's psionic blast and the after effects of her booming blade* (Fig also steals his visage)
Scarecrow Men
The transfigured bodies of four former harvestmen who died
Burnt charred skin, flannel button up shirts, and heads of burlap sacks with scarcrow eyes, which were slightly aflame
How they were finished off: one was killed by Adaine's lightning bolt and the other three were gone in a flash of light by Kristen's destructive wave
Dis and Pok
Iron City of Dis
Choking smoke and freezing rain
Endless sprawling cast iron metropolis of dread, misery, and torture
Alarms (clacksaws I think Brennan said?) rang as the devils shouted "It's Seacaster!"
The city was lit up by Goldenrod (while the other ships in the armada caught up)
Building Holding Pok
At least one dark red and black stained glass window (which Riz crashed through). The room within was empty due to all the devils hearing the alarms and fleeing.
Dark hallway leading to a light coming out from under a closed doorway. A slightly ajar door was next to it and a possible third door with steal thrones was next to that. The slightly ajar door had a somewhat reflective marble wall (where a reflection of Pok could be seen from the hall) and a two way mirror that showed an interrogation room.
A goblin who was strapped to a chair and had a swolen eye. A pit fiend also splashed acid in his face
Was interrogated by a pit fiend flanked by two barbed devils
Kept a good poker face around the devils, at one point was snarling and growling as he had (what appeared to be) a goblinoid frenzy come over him
Was lacerated by barbed whips handled by the barbed devils until he collapsed, asking why he was there as he coughed up blood and appeared to go unconscious.
Shot both barbed devils in the head with his gun (which he picked off of Riz) as they were restraining Riz
Reached up and slapped his right ear to call for an extraction as a halo appeared behind his head. He reached out to grab Riz (Kid, I can't believe you made it here) before a beam of celestial light smashed through the ceiling. He confirmed that he was an undercover angel before raising his fist up in a superman pose as the beam made a loud sound and took the pair away.
Questions and Thoughts
How does Lorzug move, much less fight?
Fig shouldn't have told Vraz to eat her ass. She might have taken her up on it and tried to take a bite out of her ass. O_O
What IS a potentate?
How will Fig use her warlock abilities after being released? Was her insignia burning in her forehead how she's still able to do it?
Is Dayne's curse to never know how long he's been there?
How short is Adaine that our three Owlbears (all over 6 feet tall) didn't notice her when they went in for a three way chest bump?
Destructive Wave is the power of pissed off protective girlfriend energy.
When Kristen was knocked out, she was back in Silvar looking at a nice tree. Possible connection to the unknown goddess?
Adaine still has Johnny's warlock switchblade comb.
Will we get updated Pok art now?
Where is Riz now and how will he get back in time? Was this Kalina's plan all along (blow Pok's cover and delay the party longer to give them more of a lead)?
I am well aware that I spelled Alistair several different ways because I have no clue how to spell it and don't have it on my list of how I might spell it.
Please somebody teach Bill how to not suck at making bodies. I mean, I'm over here feeling sorry for those cinder zombies and between the crippling debt and unpaid internships, he could at LEAST give them working bodies with jaws and stuff.
Really paying attention made the 69 scene so much funnier and makes Ayda's confusion over it being a sex act so much more priceless. The couple was fully clothed, Kristen caressed Gorgug's leg while she was unconscious and being healed by Tracker, and (according to Brennan) Tracker just gave Kristen a sweet kiss. Part of me wonders if Tracker was messing with the group while Kristen came to thinking something dirty happened and just went with it, the other teens too inexperienced to know otherwise (save Ayda who must be so confused! XD).
The uselessness of Johnny Spells was one of my favorite parts of the stream.
Anybody else super happy Bill was so supportive of Fabian coming into his own, being supportive of his friends, and embracing dance?
Bill/Vraz. Nuff said.
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Loving The Alien (Part 15)
(Out of three options, Ao3 commenters chose to bring in Hal)
Rating: T, with threats of violence.
The apartment feels different.
It’s missing something that had become vital in the natural essence of the environment. Now it feels like some kind of void, a black hole.
Well. Maybe not so dramatic, but as Roxanne sat on the couch, snapping her cell phone off, leaving her in the dark, all she could hear was the silence.
Trusting him to return to her, she laid there and fell asleep before she could really realize she was still tired.
The next time she opens her eyes, though, it’s not to a bubbly blue face hovering over her. It’s to the midday light shining in her face through the balcony window.
Groaning, she sits up and tightens her robe. It’s cold, but the cable box under her TV is flashing, letting her know the power is back on.
She calls out Megamind’s name but there’s no answer. Glancing back at the clock, she finds it’s nine in the morning. Quelling her suddenly worry about being late to work, she remembers she’s off “sick”, and she deserves a little time to herself.
The thing is, that’s the last thing she wants at the moment.
It is hard to ignore the silence of her home. Before, weeks ago, she relished it, especially after coming home to a long day at work (including being kidnapped). It gives her a few blissful moments of peace that she is unable to have outside, it seems.
Yet the only thing she wants is to hear Megamind muddling about. Even when he was conked out, healing, it was something.
So, to stop the sucking silence around her, she turns the TV on to channel eight. James Phillips, an older reporter she’s talked to on a few occasions, is going on about some new bookstore opening. Maybe she should go… Would Megamind want to, as well?
The young reporter tinkers about in her kitchen until she’s brewed a few cups of coffee and a made herself a bowl of cereal, because it’s one of the last few edible things she has left. It was unavoidable; she had to go out today for errands.
Roxanne cracks her neck, stretching and thinking. She should get a shower and ready herself for the day; days spent lounging around doing nothing but eating, talking, and sleeping had pasted. Time to return to the real world.
Making up her mind, yet reluctant to leave incase Megamind leaves, she pulls out a slip of paper out to use once she’s ready to go to the grocery store.
Right as she’s preparing to go upstairs, there’s a knock on her door.
It’s not the loud pounding of a robotic gorilla paw, so she gives a skeptical glower as she goes to peak out the peep hole.
Standing at her doorway is none other than Hal, her cameraman. She frowns, unlocking the door and opening it.
“Hey!” The short ginger-haired man greets, grinning from ear-to-ear. “I heard you were sick and stuff!”
“Yeah, I was ac—“ she doesn’t get a chance to finish talking, as he’s stepping closer as if to come inside. She opens her mouth to protest, because, if she’s sick he shouldn’t want to come inside.
“I’ve got you some medicine!” He announced, pushing past her through the apartment anyway, eyes hungrily eating up her home.
“Hal, you sh—“
He slaps some bag on the table, some common over-the-counter cold medicine, accompanied by a little box of chocolates.They spill onto her marble counter, clacking as they go. She hovers a few feet away, midway to Hal in her kitchen and to the door.
“So, like, I was thinking,” he starts, waddling over on too-skinny legs in proportion to the rest of him. “We could go get that pizza or like, whatever.”
“Hal, that’s sweet b—“
“Awesome! Do you wanna go now—oh wait, you’re probably still sick, right? Haha, I know what that’s like! I had this like, toe fungus the other day and—“
“Hal, you need to lea—“
“What time do you want to go?”
She’s just about ready to pull her hair out. She did not want Hal to be here. She did not want to be having this damn conversation. She just wants to go out to the store and restock in goods so she can cuddle up with Megamind because some weird internal instinct says it’s a great fucking idea to forget the world a little longer.
“Hal,” she says forcefully, once he’s about a few inches away. “Look, you’re sweet, but I can’t go out with you.”
“Well, yeah, you’re sick right now but we can still plan ahead—“
“No,” she snaps, “I mean, never. Ever never. I’m seeing someone. It’s serious.” I hope it’s serious.
His face falls. “Oh. Right. Metro Dude.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
Hal’s face scrunches up. “Wait. So. You have a regular guy?” A weird twinkle in his eyes makes her insides shiver. “Then forget him! Let’s go out!”
“No, Hal!” She’s shouting now. “I happen to love my boyfriend very much, so I’d appreciate it if you left! He’s coming back soon.”
“God, Roxie,” he frowns. “Don’t be such a harpy. I’m trying to be all nice and you’re like yelling at me and stuff!”
Don’t you fucking dare turn this on me.
She’s about ready to demand he leave, to get off the building’s premises, but—but out of the corner of her eye, she sees—
Megamind. He’s finally, finally back, hovering over her balcony on what looks like some black and blue motorcycle but without wheels. There’s a large engine on the front, roaring like a car. She is careful not to stare, as Hal’s back as to him. And Megamind isn’t wearing anything to hide his more alien-likeness. His tail, looking at least an inch longer, wags to the side in caution. She shakes her head.
“Look, babe, all I’m trying to say is ditch this douche. Let’s hang out! I’m a great guy!”
“I’m sure,” and I have three eyes, “but you need to leave—“ Megamind presses his face against the glasses, eyes wide like some puppy that’s been kicked outside after pissing on the rug. Her heart breaks. “You need to leave. Right now.”
Hal steps closer to her. He’s—not usually this assertive. He’s mostly a calm guy with a few flirtatious or slightly creepy comebacks. But—
She smells the sharp tangy scent of alcohol. And realizes he’s been drinking. He’s drunk. His eyes are dilated. Fuck. She glances to Megamind, and he’s still on the balcony, clearly confused and it hurts her to leave him there but they both know he’d rather die than have someone see his actual face. He staggers up to her and grabs her wrist. “Come on, Roxie, it’ll be—“
She pulls her hand out of his grasp. “No, Hal. I already said, I have a—“ He makes another go at her.
Roxanne miscalculates her steps and she’s—falling, falling on her back and Hal is right behind her, grunting as his weight collapses atop her her.
The balcony door flings open and before she knows it, Hal is being yanked off her.
“How dare you!” Megamind shouts, the pitifully honed expression he once had long gone from this feral look he had now. He bares his sharp teeth, wide green eyes ablaze with fury. “You dare force yourself upon a woman that doesn't want your advances!?
With a loud scream, Hal is thrown against the wall, hands up in surrender. "Please don't kill me!"
"Oh, how lucky you are I left the villain busy-ness!" Megamind snarls. "I would have torn your intestines out to decorate a Christmas tree!"
"And rip our your eyeballs so you can watch me tear your carcus apart!"
Megamind opens his maw, god he actually looks terrifying, and hisses like some dying big cat, tongue curling and all. Hal is finally let go, and he collapses on the floor in a violently shaking heap. On all fours he scampers to the door, stumbling to his feet and whing all the way as she leaves.
Roxanne, unable to move, sits there and stares at the empty doorway in shock.
She she turns to Megamind, he's heaving, staring at the floor like it's takening every nerve in his body not to chase after the fucker. Finally, after what feels like a million years, he fades away from his vicious intent. When he looks at her, all thoughts of blood and gore seem to fall away. Instantly, she has her tender Megamind back, and he's scooping her up in his arms to tightly she can't properly breath.
"Oh, my dear!" He cries into her hair, clutching at her like she's the only thing in this world worth fighting for. She hugs tight, too, but not as shaken as he is, apparently. "I'm so sorry I left you alone!"
"I'm never leaving your side again!" He picks her up bridal style.
“Megamind!” She laughs. “I’m okay!”
“He touched you,” he seethed.
“I would have taken care of it,” she explains, cupping his worried face. “But I’m a klutz and I just tripped.”
He turns his head to bury his face in her left palm. He kisses her skin as if she was a queen. In his presence, she feels like one. “I should have intervened anyway.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” she kisses his cheeks, his nose, his goatee, his forehead, and finally, his lips. “You are perfect as you are. Granted you did overreact a bit, but you are fine.”
He snorts. “There is nothing fine about me. I think your eyes need to be checked.”
“Have you looked in a mirror lately? Your sexy as hell, honey.”
“Have I? Have you? I am hideous as far as humanity goes.”
She smacks him in the chest and struggles to get down. Once he sets her on her feet, she grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him lightly. “Let me shake some sense in you, Megamind. I find you very attractive. Even if you’re not human, you are more human than half the population.” She leans closer to him. “I would not have fallen in love with you if you weren’t who you are in here.” She puts her hand over his rapidly beating heart.
His eyes go glassy. “Roxanne...”
“I love you, Megamind. I have for a while. It just took me a while to realize it.”
She gives him a real smile.
But as they embrace in a tight hug and kiss, they are unaware of the camera flash going off.
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fallen029 · 7 years
He watches me.
That’s his thing. Watching me. Waiting for me. Feeling for me. Because I hardly ever feel good anymore, leaving the emotion as one for him to handle. He does well enough with it, but sometimes, the longer this has all gone on, it seems hard for even him to muster up happiness.
I just lay there though, on my stomach, stretched cross my bed so my head is near the end, eyes on his as he lies on his stomach as well though he’s on the floor, head between his paws, just staring. His tail had wagged at me, when I first opened my eyes, but when it got no response, he followed my suit of silence and just laid there.
It reminds me, in a weird way, of that blinking game, from when we were kids. Where whoever blinked first lost. Only, rather, he and I were playing more of a staring game and the first to look off didn’t necessarily lose as, inevitably, it would be him and my eyes would still be waiting for his to fall on once more when whatever caused him to look away stopped being such a distraction.
I should do some work. That’s what pops into my head. I have to get something done and soon or my ass is dead at work, but…
Dunno where I heard it, seems like just one of those things I’ve always known, but I’m not too sure you’re supposed to look a dog straight in the eyes. Something about an aggressive trigger or something. A dominance thing? I consider this as dimly as I consider my work before letting both flutter from my mind, emptying it once more.
It’s not like something was upsetting me. That someone that was bothering me. I wasn’t holding anything in. I was just…
People were starting to worry about me. My sister especially. She came by the apartment the other day, to check on me, when I didn’t answer her calls. She seemed to relieved when, after I didn’t answer the door, she found me inside after using her own key to get in. And my father called to bitch at me, the other day, about how flaky I’ve been recently and how I need to get my shit together and don’t I know any better than to act this way?
But that was the thing. I wasn’t acting any way. Not that I felt, anyways. It was almost as if one day I just woke up and it hit me; I’m fucking dead.
We’re all fucking dead.
And even if I make the deadline at work or if I don’t, at the end, my body still ends up beneath the earth.
It made me laugh, I think, the first time I thought of this. When I woke up. I was making coffee and had the news on in the background and my dog was whining, about having to go out, and I just…
Does no one else know this?
That’s what it feels like. They keep asking me what’s up, the people at work, because I’ve been turning shit in late and the boss is on my case and my friends outside of that place are still calling and texting, but why should I answer back?
What difference does it make?
What difference does any of it make?
Once, in high school, I had to do a whole project on depression. This big poster board, I made, with a partner, about all sorts of stupid facts and shit and I still remember a lot of it, because we had to give a report along with it and I memorized it and some of it’s still up there, in my brain, rattling around.
But no, I honestly don’t feel like that’s what I am. At all.
I don’t wanna say that I feel above everyone else. Because I don’t. I just feel above...this. All of this. Like, if I’m only going to die, what should it matter to me when it is? If my time is limited, why should I spend it doing other things beside what I want?
Selfish. Maybe that’s what I’m becoming? But I don’t feel so.
Everyone always says that we’re working for the better of the world. Of everybody. I think the point is that it’s important for me to go into work and contribute to society because it affects others. Even others I don’t know. And somewhere down the line, yes, we all will be gone, but what about the others that come after us? Do we not want to keep the world headed in a correct path for them?
Maybe that’s what I’m missing. Somewhere in my sleep, somehow, someway, someone broke in and stole my empathy. Sympathy? Or did they just fill me with apathy?
Because, honestly, I could give less than a shit about literally everyone around me recently.
If I don’t turn in my work, it screws things up for the others at work. It ruins the business. If that closes, then people lose their jobs. And their kids starve. Because they lost their job. Because the business crumbled. Because I, and anyone who felt like me, held it back by not caring what happened to it.
That’s bad.
But what if it’s not?
If the kids starve to death, what difference would it be if they died thirty, forty, fifty years down the line? That the kids they might have had, the other people they might have somehow helped, the diseases they found the cures to, none of that happens.
But...if the kids they might have had will die anyways, the people they would have saved would as well, and the without one disease others will still die, what’s the point?
Is it just experience? Are we just pushing along for the experience of it?
My dog just exists.
I mean, yeah, he probably has wants and desires, albeit primitive, they’re still there. But so what? He could chase as many cars, bark at as many strangers, and howl at as many full moons as he wants; in the end, I’m still taking his carcus to the vet and just leaving it there.
Why did we go through the whole thing?
Was it for my benefit? Because fine, I like him. I like him a lot. But would I have not continued had he never entered my life? And even if I didn’t, aren’t I slated for death eventually anyways?
If we all end up in the ground, what are we pushing for? The eventual discovery of some sort of Fountain of Youth serum that gives us eternal life?
Because if I’m living for that, fuck it; I don’t give a shit if my great-great-great-great-great-great nephew gets to live forever if I’m in the fucking ground.
Is that selfish?
And if that was the point, to live forever, then what would be the point following that? Right? So they live forever. Great. Now what? What do you work towards?
And if the answer to my answer is nothing, don’t I ultimately also have nothing?
So if we’re here for absolutely no reason at all, then why the fuck should I get out of bed? Why should I give my dog food? Why should I feed myself? Because my stomach growls and I’ll die without it? I’m already dead.
We’re all already dead.
It doesn’t matter if it’s predestination or freewill; in the end you all die. So why should we give  damn what happens in the interim?
Is it for the feelings that you get? The happiness? The love? That stupid shit that’s shoveled down our throats since we’re kids to make us believe there’s something higher calling us, but really only, like, a tenth of us because if we were all actually special then none of us would truly be?
Is that it that?
I’m not saying that I want to hurt somebody. Or hurt somebody else. But if I said this aloud, to anyone, I’m afraid that it’ll come off that way.
If it doesn’t matter and we’re all going to die in the end anyways, if we’re all already dead, then why do we keep going?
My brother’s pissed at me. I know that he is. But my sister told him to leave me alone. I think he and my father think this is all over some guy or something. That I skipped my nephew’s boyfriend to get drunk or wallow, but it’s not that.
I really just didn’t give a shit about going.
Since that day when I woke up and just laughed because it’s all fake and stupid and...I just can’t. I push into work and to the store to buy food or stuff for my dog, but short of that, all I’ve wanted for the past month and a half is to get back to my house to just sit there and…
I don’t do anything.
And it doesn’t make me feel better.
But none of my old enjoyments do so either.
I try to watch the game, but why should I give a shit who wins? When every single person on the team I want to will one day die and be forgotten and just be names in some stupid record book? And not even all of them. Most will be as forgotten as I’ll be and that’s just it. That’s that. I don’t like listening to my music anymore because it just feels void. I’ve tried every genre I frequent. I don’t care anymore, though, about how shitty this person feels or how unfair life is. Who hates who. Who wronged who. Who’s better than who.
They’re all dead.
So no. This isn’t over some guy that I was seeing. It’s not about the fact I haven’t been seeing someone new. It’s not about someone old. It’s not about the prospect of someone new.
But fuck, wouldn’t it be easier if it was?
Because that passes.
But...I’ve a sick feel in my stomach that this isn’t going to. How do you just put it out of your mind? That you’re dead and your families dead, and oh, go to your nephew’s fifth birthday party and give him a gift and say, “Hey, kid, another year closer to fucking resting in the damn ground with the rest of us, right? Cheers!”
He’s just as dead as the rest of us.
Isn’t he?
And what was the point of him? What was the point of me?
Why do we keep having more of us if none of us knows why we’re here?
If I could suddenly snap my finger and make bread, would I just keep making fucking more of it until I knew what to do with it?
The point is to survive, but in the end, you can’t.
You just can’t.
Nothing will ever permanently be okay because you’re dead. It’s already been decided. Should I keep watching a basketball game I’ve seen the score to? Should I keep reading a book when I know the end? Not if it won’t change. Not if I don’t like it.
I’m dying.
I’m dead.
We all are.
And there’s nothing we can do about it.
My sister was relieved to see me because she thought I killed myself. When she keyed into my apartment and found me there, just killing time instead of my shell. Relieved. She honestly thought that something horrible had happened to me.
And I wanted to tell her, as she spoke around the fact that she’d feared this, that it wouldn’t have mattered if I was or if I wasn’t.
Eventually, one of the two of us was going to have to watch the other get put into the ground.
Even if we die on the same day, someone else will have to watch.
We don’t win.
No one wins.
Even if a win is just the continuation of life, eventually, someone has to lose.
Eventually, it all has to fall apart.
So why not go ahead and do it?
There used to be this prank that people would do that was so stupid, but my siblings and I tried it on my mother once. You just fill a bucket with water and you get on something, like a table or whatever, and press it up against the ceiling. Then the other person takes a broom and holds it up against the bottom, right? To keep the bucket from crashing down and spilling water everywhere?
So then you call and unsuspecting person in, hurriedly have them grab the broom handle, and, once they have it, you let go and run off and at some point, because there’s no other option, they let go of it. And water gets everywhere.
It’s really not that funny.
Especially when you get the belt after.
And I don’t wanna be too introspective, but...is it not the same. Are we not all holding the broom and waiting for the next person to grab the handle? Keep it up for us?
Bu why? The longer it goes on, the longer the poor schmuck holding it does so, the less funny it all becomes. To them and to you. Eventually they have to let go Eventually the water has to get all over the place. Eventually you’re just left with a mess?
So why not just let go of it already and get a start on that?
Or better yet-
Why just not play it from the very beginning and saving us the whole ordeal?
My dog is happy. When he’s not trying to reflect what I’m feeling (or what I’m not), he just is. He doesn’t know why he exists, but he’s glad that he does. He doesn’t think about it. He’s told to sit, he sits. I get out the leash, he knows we’re going for a walk. The water bowl has water in it, the food bowl has kibble. When I turn out all the lights, we go to bed. When I turn them all on, we get up.
We’re all born. We all die. We all go to school. We’re all told what to do following that. We either do it or we don’t. Our lives play out in accordance. Sometimes, you do everything right. Sometimes, you do everything wrong. Sometimes, even though you did the right thing, you get the wrong outcome. Sometimes, even though you did the wrong thing, you get the more favorable one. Sometimes, when you do nothing at all, either happens to you.
But you know what happens at the end?
We all die.
If without fail someone will absolutely flush a toilet, before it’s flushed, is it not already, in the eyes of the universe flushed? It’ll happen eventually. It’s already been decided. So why would we count it as unflushed?
You wouldn’t. Nd we’re all alive, but it’s already been decided that soon, we won’t be.
So what does that make us?
Everyone I know is already dead. Everyone I care about has already left me. And in a blink, I’ll be gone too.
So why should I prolong it? Why should any of us? Just whose rules are we playing by and why do we continue to? If the advantage will never be in our court?
Shouldn’t we all just quit?
Or is that against the biased rules?
Is it unsportsmanlike for me to bring to the attention of all the other players that the rig is on and the game’s outcome might change by distance between, but the house still wins?
This isn’t an abdication for self or mass harm, but rather a question of why? Every reason that I can thing of can be refuted and deluded with the simple fact that it does not matter. That none of it matters.
Does it make you feel good? To live? To be alive? Do you keep doing it because you get to be around people you care about? For the human drive? Greater good? For those you might touch? Might keep going?
If they’re all dying in the end too, then is that not more selfish?
Yeah. Who’s really selfish then? Someone who sees through the facade or someone who pretends to be ignorant and wants to keep going, only for their own personal confirmation that, yeah, they did good. To feel vindicated that you were here for nothing? To further the line of people that need this vindication?
Is that it? Am I not depressed or suicidal or any of that shit at all? I’m just secretly zero population masked in emptiness and loss of self worth?
Because, honestly, I don’t know which is worse; to realize you have no reason to be here or to come to the conclusion that there never was one and everyone’s just compounding this situation.
My dog finds a way around my contest as, instead of just looking off to eventually look back, he stands up and leaves the room. Leaves me.
I don’t blame him. I hear him in the kitchen, lapping up water.
Pushing out of bed is no easy feat, though I do it only to go and fall into the little bench in front of my keyboard, in the corner of my room. In the month and a half of my realization, I’d tried a lot to play. To play something from memory, to learn some new songs, to even compose one. But each key I hit sounds dull, even though it’s electric, and all my cords sound muted, no matter how load I turn my headphones up.
I’m going to get fired. Soon.
My basic, neutral chord that I strike more than signifies my response to this.
My friends will stop calling eventually. Everyone does. They won’t text anymore. Maybe one or two with genuine concern will stick around, but for how long?
Because I’m going to feel this forever and I can’t give back to you what you’re giving me if I know that ultimately caring is worthless and what you’re putting in is having no affect.
My dog finishes with the water and starts on what was left of his dinner from the night before, the sound of his bowl skidding around on the floor as he pushes it, ever the eager eater, letting me know this.
How long before my brother and father realize this isn’t a joke? And my sister comes to the conclusion that her relief was short lived? Not because I’m killing myself, but because I’ve unlocked the secret of fucking life.
There is none.
My niece has some sort of stupid middle school graduation that I couldn’t give a shit about anymore because how can I when she can do everything she wants in the world and still lose.
Will they hate me even more for ditching out on that?
Do they even hate me at all?
Should I care?
The dog’s back because the headphones aren’t plugged in and the same chord I keep playing is sounding aloud and that means he has to bark at it a few times before going to hide under the bed and hope I hurry up and plug in those headphones.
I just keep hitting it.
It doesn’t sound any better.
But it doesn’t sound any worse.
One day, even my dog won’t care anymore. One day, he’ll either die or, if I lose my job and never find my empathy again, so I’ll never get another one and hopefully I’ll at least have the sense to give him away, to someone who’s still as blind as he is, or if I don’t, then so what?
So what?
I mouth the word, but no sound comes out and, defeated again, I decide to blow work off completely, today, and lay my head back down on the keyboard, flicking off with one hand and tossing the other over my head.
Maybe if I sleep forever, the man that sneaked  in and stole my caring will return it to me, realizing what a horrible deed he’s done. What a horrid calamity he’s opened human eyes to. And he’ll know that I can’t go on this way.
Or maybe he won’t.
And I won’t go on.
And I’ll die.
It wouldn’t matter; I’m already dead anyways.
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Me: I feel so Shakey. My entire body is Shakey FBI: well don't tell us Me: is that reverse psychology? Because that doesn't really work on me, you just think it does because I do whatever I want so what do you really mean? FBI: it's Dejoria Terri Chandler: DEJORIA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Dejoria jumps and screeches: it's Jesse!! Jesse told me to do it!!! Me: that excuse is only going to work so long. So you better quit doing it for the better of you. You're going to get into big trouble Because I already told you he's a manipulator. Stop listening to him for the better of you!!! Dejoria: I got a call... Me: stop doing what he says!!! You're going to go to jail!!! Dejoria: I got a call and he said that he's going to kill you if I don't do it Me: he's not going to kill me. He's a LIAR. YOU NEED TO STOP LISTENING TO HIM. Hes not going to kill me. But what he's making you do is going to be worse than what he told you he was going to do. That's what he does. It never worked on me but he still thinks he can find someone it will. And he's going to twist it around and put every single bit of the blame on you! So stop doing it!!! Terri Chandler: he's a liar! A no good very rotten person! Me: Jesse. I already know what you're doing and it's not going to work so find some thing else to do. Some other way to feed your homicidal rages. Because this isn't happening. I'm not putting up with this shit. Shaking like some drug addict coming off some crazy shit. No. Matt: she's going to have a dam heart attack is that what you want? Me: you ain't gonna get the satisfaction of me dying if you can look into my eyes and feel my blood and stick yourself inside my body in every crevice over and over again until I get maggots. You won't be able to break into the morgue or cemetery just like when I was in the hospital having the Annabelle Angel. No one could get in and do any harm, including you. You'll never be able to touch my dead body. Not my ashes or my carcus. Not a dam thing. That's what you want? You'll never have that satisfaction you crave. And you know you can't kill me without Matt because you want to play with us like we are human barbies. I know you Jesse. This is between you and me. Keep the rest of the humans out of it. You and me. Not even Matt. I go first. Stop being a coward. You and me. Mano ye Mano. Matt: I understand Me: you're going to let Matt show you up in the intelligence field?! Fucking serious?? Man up. Be smarter. Be calmer. Think. What? Do you agree? Jesse: no. It's between you me and the dead Me: show me up on intelligence. Good for you. I accept those terms. What else? Let's set the rules. Jesse takes a deep breath and closes his eyes: I'm going to die. Me: forewarning? Hope? Wish? Cause I'm like why wait? We can hook up your death immediately. How you wanna die? Where? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Jesse: idk why but I want to hate you Me: because I care. Yet I don't. And maybe you feel the hate I project onto you. Rules. Name them. Jesse: no guns. Only love. Me: doesn't make sense. Jesse: well I love you too! Me: but I don't love you. I control my hate with my breath. Rules what are they? Jesse: don't you feel like you're going to pass out? I do. FBI: it's the altitude Me: no he does it at home all the time, too. I suffocate him with truth and he grabs my right arm and tries to drag me down with him FBI: so basically he's just going to drop dead? Me: I guess. It feels that way but I never believe he will... FBI: Maybe in jail. When he learns the truth. When you take the stand with all you remember Me: that is what it feels like. But I always still think he needs a physical like injury to die. But it reeks of him just dropping dead and his soul falling into the hole/vortex. I've seen it, when I've visited heaven. I can see it when Jesse falls weak.. just the opening. I've never been in the vortex. I've seen it. Literally behind bullet proof plexiglass.... Like not for real.. because it's heaven stuff.. I think we compared it to a huge thick sheet of diamond... Some thing like that. Beautiful and shit. Strong to protect us. Anyways Someone: you're going to kill him??!?! Me: God is. Not me. Jesse: are you an angel of death? Me: you know how Fanny makes me dizzy? Jesse: no don't tell me that. You can't push me into hell. Me: I've seen you push souls out if bodies by physically injuring them. You always said I could do it better but I never tried. You promised me I could. And you jokingly said I could even kill you. You promised Jesse: you need to stop right now im not kidding you Me: I get to watch you go into the vortex behind the shield. That's why you grab me and try to suck the life out of me. I'll go. I'll go with you just like you wished and God agreed. I can watch you leave me forever. I then get to come back and live my life, a life God wants me to have. Jesse: are you scared of me? Me: no. But I can't be alone when I die FBI: you'll need oxygen, just like usual. Me: are you afraid of me Jesse? Jesse: no. No you're not going to do that to me. Me: but you promised me I could kill someone from across the room. You promised me I could kill people better than you Jesse: I... I don't hate you anymore Me: it doesn't matter. You're still going to die. It's between you and God and God already decided. Jesse: why don't you do it to me now? Me: I don't have an oxygen tank and I need someone to put it on me after I leave my body, not before because the oxygen could possibly pull me to stay. Jesse: it doesn't work that way stupid Me: really? Okay. So you have to suffer Jesse: what? Me: you have to suffer. You have to see what you've lost. Jesse: what? I don't want to. I don't want to see you happy without me Me: well. That is only part of your hell. If you watch me happy with out you and you suffer then you can stay alive linger Jesse: shut up you just want to be with Matt Me: ask God don't talk to me about it. The bitchier your mood the heavier your body is so it pulls me more into your death circle so you're more likely to die when you're bitchy and especially scared. You get so scared the vortex sucks you in just like the bad guys in Superman into the glass. FBI: how do you know that? Benjamin: see it's reversed. The bad guys look back but that's not how it is the good guys look in like when someone is being put to death by injections on the death penalty FBI: Sabrina you know that? I just said it. We stand behind the diamond window. God showed me and Jeremyuh after Jesse shot him in the head and I died of shock. FBI: oh no shit. Man it was all in Superman I should had known. Me: pretty cool stuff huh. Benjamin: let's talk about the trouble Sabrina can be in if she "kills" Jesse like she said. She's done it before. Killed him like that. After he killed Jeremiah. There's no Godly rule that you can't do that. Obviously. So theres no man-made law either. She can't get in trouble, it's illegal. Plus she's only using truth and her brain and the power God gave her. To punish her for her death will result in the death of the punishers that's the God Rule. FBI: Well that's okay we were not going to get her in trouble anyways. We can't help her. God knows we have tried she's done this all on her own with a little luck. She is untouchable in intelligence, I'm trying to say you're a genius, and in spirit. She teaches us amazing things. We would relocate her but we don't know how or where. We don't want to mess her up. We are scared to, to be honest. And I'm just a rookie but I understand that deeply. Benjamin: well stop doing stupid stuff like she said and listen to what she is saying. Sabrina stop writing and we will talk.
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thegnasticious · 6 years
I grew up hunting. My Father taught me first with crude means, of how to go out there and more or less hunt to eat. From shooting to navigating the forest, he’d help me, but he never made it easy. I’d have to use an old BB gun with bent sights and every five shots or so succession would send it about 20 degrees off mark. Later, if it was a good night, I’d find myself cleaning the BB’s from the carcus of a squirrel or bird in an old shed out back of my Father’s house. I did most of my hunting alone as my Father reached an age where he no longer felt well enough to, he gave me his gun. I would leave at the break of day and he would sit at a bonfire that would be smolders by the time I returned. Reaching at that time, an age where I was meeting people through school, some classmates gathered a curiosity in what I was doing after school. I told three of my closest friends who sat with me at lunch, while they were eating cafeteria bred goops of something, that I hunt to eat my dinner at night. Instead of being revolted, they wanted to know how I did it. I described the whole process, from gutting to skinning, and the mounds on their plates seemed to stay the same size. My best friend in the group, Kevin, asked, “Could we join you on a hunt sometime?”, I replied, “Anytime”. 
The forests around where I grew up were thick and filled with all sorts of trees. Being Alaskan forests, there is expanses where man has never set his foot. The particular spot I liked was about 40 miles from the house, I’d take my Dad’s old station wagon down there and spend the whole day, hunting ducks and deer. It was a quiet place, formed completely by nature. There was a lake in the middle surrounded by thick forest, with one peak at the North end, I’d use this as a vantage point to scout out prey.
I decided to take Kevin and the other two there. It was a grey Saturday, kind of cold, you could see your breath fog with each exhale. We had one gun between the 4 of us, so we were going to switch shots. We had a point system worked out in the time of the drive, different types of animals, would be worth more points, with smallest creatures and bucks being the main game. Most of the meat we would cook at my Dad’s place after. Winner was supposed to get the best meal. 
Kevin grabbed the gun first, claiming he called shotgun, so that enabled him to have the best seat in the car and a gun, I guess. I took him and the other two up to the vantage point. He set up shop right at the peak as something caught his eye right away, “I see something!”, he exclaimed and readied. He fixed his sights on a mound about 20 yards away, laying on a rock. I cocked the gun for him, and he pulled the trigger right away. The gun blasted louder than a hammer-strike, luckily I caught the blowback instead of Kevin’s face. 
From afar the thing seemed to flip over, and it exposed a beige type of flesh. The snow began to fall heavily, and it was hard to make out if it was even trying to get away. We went down from the point to scout the kill, as we neared, I could make out the red of blood dripping from the furry mound. Kevin was the first to approach it, he looked at the rear of it from our perspective and gasped. Time seemed to freeze for a second. 
“I shot someone”, he said.
I ran to him, and looked on the other side, and saw an old woman’s face, she was wrapped in the carcuses of animals all throughout the woods. From afar it was impossible to tell the two apart. The shot was clear through her head, and her eyes were still open, white as the coldest day’s sky. I told Kevin to calm down and hand me the gun, but he wouldn’t. It was my Father’s heirloom and I knew it had an energy. I told him Kevin, please give me the gun, and he strapped it closer to his chest. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to make anything worse, so I told him he could hold the damn gun. I had to get rid of this lady he just blew the brains out of. No one could see this. He sat down with the gun, the other two staying completely silent and afar from him. Something in him seemed to change when he shot that lady, I saw a Green glow from his eyes, like something entered him. I grabbed the lady by the feet and she was heavy, I motioned for the other two to help me, Kevin was still indisposed in the corner, toying with my gun.
A crimson trail followed us from Kevin as we dragged the lady through the fresh laid snow. I could feel the weight of her, the nearest lake was way too far, I didn’t know how we were going to do this. I closed my eyes for a second and another shot rang out. I felt something wet cover my shoulder and in my peripheral I saw the red of blood again. I ducked behind the old lady’s corpse. I could see the 2 others dropped to the ground with a shot clear through one’s head. I’ll never forget seeing that the other held him as a shot blew threw his chest, Red blowing out on the snow all over. I swear the old lady’s eyes rolled back then, and a voice told me to “RUN!”. 
I got up and took off, the gun seemed to jam like it always did on my Dad and I. 
I tried to think of anything but Kevin following my trail and killing me. The snow was falling real heavy now and any footprints would be covered in seconds, so I had nature on my side. The negative was that I had no clue where I was at this point. I was deep in the thick of the woods. 
The cold started getting to me, I had ditched my heavy coat a couple of miles back to help put speed on my side. 
The sun went down and I still couldn’t find the old trails I took. Snow completely obscured any recollection I would of had and I was becoming a bit delirious. I though I was finding my way out, but then something kept leading me in circles again and again. I finally gave up and rested against an old tree. As I touched it’s bark, a voice started in my head, “Look to the North Star”. I looked in the sky and saw that bright cross in the sky, It looked as if it was gleaming to me. I looked down in the direction of the Star and a little Orange light lit up in the distance. I approached it and could see it was the glow of a lantern. An Old lady with long White hair and a face like the one I had seen dead earlier, stood beckoning. I approached her and as I did, I swear that her age went back, and the grey in her hair turned to a bright blonde. The wrinkles faded to show a pristine, almost glossed skin. 
“I’m the apple of the forest, and I’m sorry for my sister you met earlier, do you want to go home now?”, she said.
“Yes”, I said. My stomach grumbled with the hunger of a million days. All I could see was a nice stew back at my dad’s place. 
She glowed green for a second and held her hand to my head
I closed my eyes and opened them. I was in bed. That day I went to school, and I ate all by myself. I tried to tell people about my dream and my friend Kevin, but they looked at me like I was crazy and told me there was never anyone named Kevin. Nonetheless I never returned to that forest and I never hunted. My Father never asked about why or where his rifle went. 
One week he just started getting me dinner and that was the last we talked of hunting
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