#the caretaker cares about living weapon Whumpee more than living weapon Whumpee themselves
thewhumpcaretaker · 2 days
omg pleaseeee make the living weapon comfort prompts
Okay I will! ^_^
Living Weapon Hurt Prompts, from last time
💥 Living Weapon Comfort 💥
So, how do you comfort someone who has been taught not to even view themselves as anything more than a tool for violence?
Caretaker shows whumpee the everyday parts of life - going to the movies, baking cookies together, going grocery shopping, etc. This is especially important if they never had a childhood.
Caretaker encourages whumpee to get a regular, civilian job, or better yet, pursue the dreams were forced to give up.
Caretaker reminds whumpee that their own pain matters. When they get injured or sick, they can take a day off. They're allowed painkillers. It's not about whether they can stand up and keep fighting efficiently, it's about their comfort.
Whumpee confesses the full extent of what they were forced to do. They've never told anyone this before and break down while talking about it.
Caretaker reframes what happened, points out the abuse that they couldn't see at the time, and reassures them that it was not their fault.
Caretaker praises whumpee for showing emotion, for acting gentle, for singing, for showing weakness. In those moments, Caretaker protects whumpee from anyone who would judge them.
Caretaker is very careful about how they move and how they touch whumpee, because whumpee can panic if it feels like someone is about to put them in a chokehold, pull a gun, etc.
Caretaker supports whumpee through nightmares and flashbacks, even if whumpee becomes aggressive in that half-aware state.
Whumpee visits the people they've hurt or the families of those they've killed, and tries to make amends in some small way. It's not enough, nothing could ever be enough, but they are forgiven anyway.
"I love you no matter what you've done. You want to know the honest truth? Even if you were really, deep down, responsible for all of it...I'd still love you."
Caretaker trusts whumpee with tasks that require gentleness, like babysitting, teaching, healing, or leadership roles.
When someone expresses that they don't trust whumpee or that whumpee should be punished, Caretaker chews them out privately. "They're not dangerous. They were being controlled. The things they did...that's not who they are."
Whumpee is afraid that their conditioning is too strong to break, so Caretaker promises to restrain whumpee if they act dangerously. "But I know you won't. I trust you."
Whumpee DOES get triggered and get violent, but Caretaker assures them that they haven't lost their progress. They are still getting better, it just takes time.
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shrimpwritings · 17 days
Finally throwing my hat into the ring of whump prompts with Living Weapon Whumpees!
If you wanna use any of these prompts, you’re more than welcome to! Just please tag me so I can read what you came up with!
Whumpees who used to have normal lives being altered by a person, magic or other force that leads to them becoming something to use for protection, combat, etc.
Whumpees who have been tasked to protect one person by any means necessary, sometimes using whatever enhancements gifted to them for much more destructive purposes. As long as their loved one is safe, they don’t care what happens.
Whumpees with invulnerability or an accelerated healing factor covered in scars, not knowing where they came from or how old they are. They never worry about themselves, only about their loved one or whoever they’re trying to protect.
Whumpees who have to play caretaker to comfort the person or loved one when times get too hard for them.
Whumpees feeling immense guilt and fury when the one they’re protecting is captured or injured. Whumpees who will burn the world to the ground just to get them back or avenge them for being injured.
Whumpees bandaging their own wounds because they don’t have anyone to do it for them. They hide injuries from their loved one so they don’t worry.
Whumpees who work themselves to the bone, fight after fight, never stopping to rest because they’re scared to fall asleep. What if someone attacks their loved one/the one they’re protecting when they’re vulnerable? What will happen?
Whumpees who learn that their trauma is meaningless; the enhancements, bad guys, everything they went through was for selfish entertainment. Having to start fresh, not knowing how much they missed out on their lives, and being forced to create an identity for themselves based on things they aren’t sure are true. They begin to doubt even their loved one is real.
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serickswrites · 1 month
Lonely Place of Longing
Master post here (includes character bios, summary, and chapter links)
Warnings: restraints, blood, cut, wounds, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee, captivity of sorts
“Welcome to Scutus, Halle Corvus,” Samuel Rex, spokesman of Scutus, said, his hazel eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity,” Halle said enthusiastically. Halle had always wanted to make a difference with her life. She knew that Scutus—with their unprecedented efforts to keep the world safe—was the best way to do so. Though she had limited military training, and absolutely no background in technology management, somehow Halle had managed to get the job.
“Let me take you to your team. You’re going to be assigned to Alpha Team. They’re our most active. I’ll let Thomas Petri fill you in on your duties. He is your direct superior, team leader, and you are to report to him.”
“Understood. Thank you, Samuel.” Halle hurried along to follow Samuel. Though Samuel’s hair was grey and thinning, he was surprisingly spry for a man his age.
“There are several teams. But Alpha has the most unusual members. Ah, Thomas, there you are,” Samuel stopped in the hallway as he almost collided with a hulking figure. Thomas easily stood a head taller than Samuel. And a head and a half taller than Halle. He looked down at Halle with warm, dark eyes.
“You must be my new medic.”
Halle nodded vigorously. “Yes, sir! I won’t let you down.”
“I’ll introduce you to the rest of the team. They’re in our portion of Tectus. What has Samuel told you about our team?” Thomas walked quickly. Halle had to half jog to keep up.
“That you are very active as a team. And that you have…” Halle’s voice trailed off. How would Thomas take to having his team called unusual?
“We have a pretty big team. I’ll introduce you to them all in time. But I have to warn you. We have something assigned to our unit that makes us indispensable. Your job will be to manage and take care of that thing.”
“I won’t let you down. I promise,” Halle said eagerly.
“Do you know what a living weapon is, Halle?” Thomas asked, completely ignoring Halle’s promises.
Halle stopped walking. A living weapon. She had heard of them of course. But never in her wildest dreams did she think she would ever see one, let alone work with one. They were supposedly the most dangerous assets Scutus had at their disposal. Their enemies, of course, also had living weapons. A great number of them. Weapons were allegedly easily corruptible. Weapons were typically very, very evil. They had to be kept under lock and key at all times. Halle nodded. “They’re a human, well they were human to start with. And they’ve been imbued with…”
“With powers that make them more dangerous than an army of regular soldiers.”
Halle swallowed. So it was true. Living weapons really could level a city by themselves.
“We have one. He’s called Dylan. Your job is simple, Halle. Keep Dylan alive. Patch him up when we bring him back. And keep him in his quarters. He isn’t to be trusted with any freedom. No matter how much he asks, you can never let him out of our quarters unsupervised. Do I make myself clear?”
Halle nodded.
“And, Halle, please remember he is dangerous. He is deadlier than any gun, knife, or projectile you will ever see. Please remember that.”
Halle nodded again and continued to follow Thomas. She half heartedly listened to Thomas introduce her to Alpha Team. Over a dozen names and faces to memorize. But none of them were the weapon. And Halle’s mind kept drifting to the weapon. What was he like? What were his powers? Would he hurt Halle? Would he try to escape and hurt the rest of the team?
After what felt like hours of introductions, but Halle realized it may have only been half an hour, Thomas was leading her away from the rest of the team. “Dylan’s room is down this hall. I hope you don’t mind, it’s where we had to put your room.” Thomas looked a touch embarrassed. “No one wants to stay down here near him. I’ve put in a work order to repurpose our library into a living quarters. Once that’s nearly ready we can convert your room to the library and then you can move. I’m sorry.”
No one even wanted to sleep near the weapon. How evil was he? “It’s ok. I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Thank you.” Thomas knocked loud and hard on a door at the end of the hall.
“Dylan! Open up!” Thomas called gruffly. “You have a new keeper. Come meet her!”
The door swung open to reveal a small, spartan room. A bed was tucked into a corner, blanket neatly tucked in. A desk was not too far from there, a small stack of books and papers in the center. Halle could see a small balcony, opposite the door, that overlooked Tectus’s grounds. Halle swallowed as she realized the balcony was caged in. The other window had bars. There was no escaping this room.
Thomas strode into the center of the room and turned to face the door. “Dylan, meet Halle Corvus. Halle this is Dylan.”
Dylan leaned against the wall. His pale blonde hair curled softly at his collar and he watched Halle with icy blue eyes. He was tall and lean, though his build didn’t betray the power that lurked beneath. His clothes were plain—black shirt tucked into black pants, with black boots. The only thing adorning him were the silvery cuffs at his wrists—cuffs that Halle knew kept him from accessing his power.
“Nice to meet you, Halle,” Dylan said, his voice surprisingly soft. Halle fully expected his voice to be low, grating. She didn’t expect a soft, pleasant sounding voice.
Halle swallowed twice before replying. “Nice to meet you, too.”
“I’m going to leave you two to get acquainted. Dylan you are to give Halle a run down of your medical history and what she may need to know to be better than your last keeper. Actually, you can also let her patch up that cut from our mission this morning. It’s a small one, Halle. Won’t take you that long. I’ll check back in with you, Halle, in,” Thomas looked at his watch, “an hour. I have a briefing with Delta Team to get to.”
Before Halle could protest, Thomas left. Halle stood in the center of the room, her heart in her throat. Thomas left her alone. With a living weapon. A being so dangerous he was kept in a room that was essentially a cage. And he had his powers suppressed at all times.
“Are you afraid of me?” Dylan asked quietly. He hadn’t moved. Hadn’t attempted to get closer to Halle. Hadn’t tried to run out the door behind Thomas.
Halle licked her suddenly dry lips. “Yes.”
Dylan nodded. “Good. You should be.” He crossed the room and flopped onto his stomach on the bed. Halle could see a long, still bleeding cut, running the length of the weapon’s back from his left shoulder to his right hip.
The weapon propped his head up on his arms. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you unless Thomas tells me to.”
“Do you always do as Thomas asks?”
The weapon lay his cheek on his arm. “Yes. I am to always listen to Thomas.” The weapon sighed. “The last one didn’t last long. There’s no shame in quitting. I won’t blame you.”
“My last keeper. He quit after three days. It’s ok if you are too scared. You can quit. Everyone does eventually.” The weapon seemed to say the last more to himself than Halle.
“Where’s your first aid kit?” If she got to work she could ignore the weapon and his ice cold eyes.
“In my med bay.”
“You have your own?” This unit was much fancier than Halle thought. Each member got their own private med bay. Just how large was this space?
The weapon closed his eyes as though he was suddenly very weary. “No one wanted to share with me.”
Halle was silent. What do you even say to that? She looked around for the door to the med bay.
“You don’t need to dress it, Halle. It will clot soon. Probably.”
“You’ll ruin your sheets.”
“Isn’t the first time. Won’t be the last time.”
Halle very much did not want to be alone in the room with the weapon any longer. But she had a job to do. So she crossed the room to a door that she thought might lead to another room. She was right. The med bay was well stocked. She grabbed some gauze and anti septic so she could dress the wound.
Halle worked in silence. And the weapon was silent. Halle expected him to fill Halle in on his medical history while she worked. Expected him to say anything. But the weapon merely lay there and let Halle clean and dress the wound. “I don’t think it needs stitches. But I could glue it if—“
“It’s fine, Halle.” The weapon pulled his shirt off and over his head. His back and chest were littered with scars, some older, some newer. “Here’s my medical history. I can’t get sick. I can’t remember if I did before…before I came here.”
Halle marveled at the scars. How was the weapon still alive? Some of them were serious, grievous wounds. “Anything else I should know?”
The weapon shook his head. He opened another door to reveal a small closet. He tossed the soiled shirt into a bin. He pulled another shirt from the drawer and put it on. “I am glad to meet you, Halle. No matter how long you stay here.”
Tags: @beomsstudio @mousepaw @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @eyehartart @corbytheking
@seysposts @cosmic-butterflys @wormjerky @godnessofmagic
@thatlittlefirestarter @defire @jthecalmone @shook-skull @sagencrafts
@theforeverdyingperson @bilightningwhumper @cryptid-potato @fox-fox234 @deepfriedpan
@4-err0r-4 @half-duck @bigmiki @amberconnverse636 @penguin4473-blog
@abbyreader23 @lateuplight @firelan @octafi @paingoes
@xo7-parad0x @whumpandcomfort @kazekunai @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe @soul-of-a-local-bard
@dragonkales @kitarajy-kari @carosbee @celestialsoyeon @knightinbatteredarmor
@kay-kayxb177 @alwaysjaywalking @decayanddie @demetercabingreen-thumb @never-enough-novels
@whump-a-bear-workshop @sizzlingtigerwerewolf @urmum-11 @velcrostrip @rattypop
@lexiebiss-blog @whumplump @geozone430
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whumpy-daydreams · 2 years
Following Orders
Writing Masterlist
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CW: forced to kill, electrocution, living weapon whumpee
327 stood in front of Whumper ignoring their pounding heart. Two days since they'd got back to base. Two days spent in a grey concrete cell, thinking about the training they'd have to do for a month with Whumper.
They knew it wouldn't be easy. Whumper had always been the harshest when it came to training - pushing them until they couldn't go anymore and then pushing some more.
Whumper’s favourite training exercise was a virtual shooting exercise. 327 wore a headset that put them in a crowd and signalled the targets they had to eliminate. They also wore a vest that delivered electric shocks any time they missed a target or got shot themselves.
The first five minutes went well. Six targets, all eliminated promptly and accurately. And then one of their teammates appeared, labelled as a target. 327 faltered. Their knees hit the floor hard as electricity burned across their body, stronger than usual. Shaking slightly, they lifted their arm and shot team mate in the chest. It’s not real.
They repeated the phrase over and over in their head, convincing themselves that they weren’t systematically killing their teammates, seeing them collapse and blood pour out of their lifeless bodies.
But when Caretaker’s face appeared 327 turned away. Over and over they screamed, as the bullets from virtual Caretaker hit them again and again, until they were seizing on the floor from the electric shocks that spasmed across their torso. It seemed like hours before it stopped.
Whumper peered down at them, trying not to look too pleased. “An order is an order, 327. I don’t care if it’s your teammates - they are not your friends. You are weapons. You do not falter. All you should care about is doing what you’re told. Anything else and the enemy will win.” They pushed 327 onto their back with their foot. “But you are defective.”
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