#the casual “oh shut up” MY BOY PHILIP HAS BEEN HERE BEFORE
mirrorbird · 2 years
my main problem with For the Future is that I got so used to seeing fanart Calebs that canon Caleb looks weird
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spiltscribbles · 5 years
Quiet Things
Alex doesn’t get jealous.
It’s just not a thing that he does, has never thought it worth while. For a majority of his life he was too busy with school and Lacrosse and plotting out his eventual path to the presidency, to ever even fathom caring too terribly if the girl he was seeing was flirting with some other guy, or was being flirted with. Besides, it’s not his place to get all angry about it. If she liked him more than Alex, well he  had no right to interfere in  that, there’s something called free fucking will. 
“Nah, ’S because you’re too obsessed with yourself,” Nora had told him three weeks after their first break up in that somewhat snide tone of voice that she can pull out as effortlessly as her future professor monotone. 
“Slanderous,” Alex had sniffed before taking a huge ass bite out his burrito— thank God that Chipotle’s a national commodity now, which means they could stuff themselves silly before the second national debate . 
“Accurate my friend,” Nora had retorted with a clucking of her tongue, stealing his side order of chips and  queso while Alex was to busy glaring a hole through the glossy photograph of Prince Henry of Wales that’s the front cover of Vogue Italiano’s newest spread.   “You’ll always love yourself most.”
“Well yeah babe, I’m the only one who could appreciate me in all the right ways.”
“The only one who can stand you for longer than an hour you mean?”
Alex had pouted, teasingly, and Nora had laughed, adoringly, and neither of them really took it to heart. It was a bit of a quirk, his self absorption that is. Nora and June had noted it fondly for an eon, it wasn’t some new revelation.
Though What was n entirely new revelation was how only a few short years later, Alex fell head first for the fucking pretentious— not actually pretentious— prince of Wales, realizing he was definitely bisexual all along, and being forcefully outted by the old fuck trying to oust his mother from the oval office before her destined eight years are up. All in that order. 
God have times changed.
Alex supposes that it’s only right that amidst all of that, he also changed along the way, that he found a guy— a literal Prince amongst men— that makes his heart thud out an uneven staccato with every glance. Someone who makes it so Alex’s ADHD wired brain goes still, goes hyper focussed on him. On Henry’s pretty pale eyes and lovely thin lips and the way one corner of his mouth tugs upwards before the other every time he smiles. He found a guy who he chooses every day to spend his forever with, the first person that makes his knees go weak and the first person that Alex admits is  probably his only match. Found the guy he loves more than any other— His person, the one he’d give up the world to be with. The guy who makes his analytical mind shut off in favor for the idea that in all probability soulmates can exist…? And if so, Henry’s more than probably his.
All this to say, Alex now gets it when June— his delightfully neurotic sister— starts asking him a thousand times over if she looks okay in whichever dress she’s got on after she sees an Instagram post with Pez, forever adventuring a new part of the world, tagging a different girl, or when Nora doesn’t realize she’s being flirted with at her new internship at the Brookings Institute by another grad student. “Just cause I fuck dudes now doesn’t mean I suddenly get what’s trendy~” “You’re fucking one dude and only one dude.” “I think you just proved my point?”) 
Suddenly Alex wishes June were here, even in all her craziness, at least then he could have an honest analysis on what’s playing out right in front of him, in the middle of fucking douchebag Phillip’s birthday party. Just there, out in public, right next to the table holding up the thirty four thousand dollar cake. And oh! Look! The fucking gross ass  prick just snuck a finger to lick off some of the frosting!
Desecrating stupidly expensive desserts is there thing damn it!
The aforementioned prick is all high cheekbones and long lashes and such big brown eyes. He’s Hassan Nair, “Call me Haz.” No Alex will fucking not, thank you very much.
The prick, as Alex will be referring to him here forth, is the son of some Dubai business magnate, worth probable billions and is so sickeningly pretty that Alex would feel bad if he wasn’t dating the literal prettiest man alive, he’s kinda accustomed  with  not being exactly the hottest guy in a room.  But fucking prick boy must concede the point if the way he’s been gazing down at henry since this shindig has begun is anything to go by, and Jesus Christ, is it actually fair that he’s like half a foot taller than Alex too! No it’s not! None of this is fair! 
Alright, okay. This is not cool. Alex should not be just lurking in the shadows like some sort of Twilight love interest, gazing hopelessly at Henry and letting this totally new and totally unwelcome feeling— a bit envious, a lot inferior, and just slightly worried— be eating him hole. He’s fucking Alex Claremont Diaz. He’s the son of the American President! He’s going to an amazing law school! He’s hot and smart and fun damn it. And Henry chose him! Henry chose him when he first plunged down to kiss him, this edge of frantic, the night of that New Year’s party. Henry chose him when they stood hand in hand facing the crowds with their chins tipped high and their love holding strong. Henry chose him when he bought that Brownstone in New York and adopted a dog with Alex’s name as the co owner. 
Truly? Who is Hassan Nair in the face of all of that?
Alex watches him wink at Henry for the third time in the past five minutes and he sees red.
God damn it the prick does look like a One Direction stand-in, doesn’t he?
Fully intending to just find Beatrice  and bitch about Hassan fucking Nair to her, Alex swigs down his Bellini, but stutters still when Henry pivots around, his ever alert eyes softening once catching on him. 
Damn it, Alex is a weak, weak man.
“Lost you in the crowds?” Henry asks in greeting once Alex saddles up to them, slinging an arm around Henry’s waste in a way that Alex prays comes off nonchalant.
“Didn’t wanna just intrude,” Alex corrects, brow kinked playfully. “I’m not so gauche.”
Henry rolls his eyes heavenwards, but Alex knows he’s reluctantly charmed when that ghost of a smile passes across his lips.
“You once dragged me out from a conversation I was having with President Macron because you wanted to compete over who could catch the most bugs.”
“Hey! They were fireflies not just bugs you ass!” Alex charges, fully indignant now. “And you’re only pissy because my jar was like a thousand times brighter than yours!”
“You started for like a quarter of an hour longer,” Henry says airily, pale head tilted, imperious. 
“Excuses don’t become you sweet cheeks.” Alex informs him, positively gleeful over the dusting of red that comes over his elegant features.
“Ahem,” the prick interrupts with a cough, eyes skewering Alex. “I don’t think we’ve met?”
“We have,” Alex corrects with a thin lipped smile. “At Phillip’s wedding— Erm ah before the incident.”
“I don’t recall,” the prick just shrugs, turning his full attention back to Henry, and yikes Alex has to give him props, he’s definitely mastered the cold dismissal thing down pat. “Henry we should grab lunch soon, it’s been ages since we’ve caught up.”
Did this guy just ask out Henry right in front of Alex? What the actual fuck?
“Of course,” Henry says in that blithe, detached sounding way he does whenever he’s trying to be polite and doesn’t know how to react. Fuck is Alex so happy he knows how to decipher his different moods. “But I reckon Alex and i best get going, we promised a friend that we’d meet them for dinner.”
The prick’s bright eyes dim and he just nods. “I’ll call you?”
“Sure,” Henry grabs for Alex’s hand and it’s the best fucking feeling in the world.
“Didn’t know we promised any such thing your highness?” Alex goads as they slip into the rental car, Amy and Shaan in a separate one tracking them back to the castle.
“I needed an excuse Alexander, and I never claimed to be above fibbing if it means I get to escape social situations,” Henry intones, lying back with his eyes shut. Sometimes Alex has to catch his breath when looking at him, sometimes forgets just how stunning he is. 
With a swallow, Alex forces his eyes back on the road and wills himself to sound normal.
“He seemed nice?”
Henry’s lip quirks and fuck, apparently he’s just as easy to read.
“You hated him.”
“Did not.”
“Did so.”
“I did not!”
“Lying doesn’t become you sweet cheeks,” Henry parrots in a nasally voice that Alex refuses to call an imitation of him.
“He looks like a privileged prick,” Alex finally admits, feels his heart swell at the casual way Henry clamps a hand against his thigh, squeezing lightly.
“I reckon you thought the same of me not too long ago,” Henry prods.
“Oh I definitely still do babe,” Alex snorts, winces slightly when Henry moves to pinch his side instead. “Ouch.”
“You’re rude.”
“I love you,” Alex soothes, picks up Henry’s hand and kisses the tops of his fingers dotingly. “’s Why I was so annoyed by his flirting with you so blatantly.”
Henry stiffens slightly before relaxing, flickers his gaze to Alex’s profile meaningfully. “He was not flirting.”
Alex scoffs.
“He was literally undressing you with his eyes the entire night!”
“We’re old friends,” Henry says weakly, pillar going pale. And Alex suddenly remembers what Henry had told him over a year ago now. That his first time was with one of Philip’s old school friends when he was only seventeen. That they were both firmly in the closet and understood how to keep things quiet. That Henry appreciates it for what it was but was still so confused and terrified  and lonely in the aftermath. 
And oh, it makes sudden sense now.
He wonders what different sorts of expressions must be playing across his face at this moment because Henry’s just goes sad, presses closer to him. 
“I think you’re my first love,” he says, and Alex can read the words that go unspoken that hug around the non sequitur. 
“Me too,” he assures him.
Henry nods, soft and slow, before he presses a kiss to the hinge of Alex’s jaw, the corner of his mouth, lands on the hollow of his cheek. “From the first moment Alex Claremont Diaz,” he says in the same voice he had right before their first kiss. “I knew you were it, no matter how hopeless it seemed or how much you evidently hated me. I new you were it.”
It’s Alex’s turn to flush, tries tempting down his smile.
“Shut the fuck up you dork.”
“You’re so witty and quick and too smart for your own good,” Henry just continues on, adjusts himself so that he’s got a better look at him.
“So help me.”
 “You are so beautiful and bright, like a supernova, you know that?”
“Henry I swear to God I will kick your princely ass out and make you walk.”
Henry shakes his head with a tsk, tsk. “Such pretty lips and such a dirty mouth.” 
“Now you’re sounding like a porno,” Alex laughs.
“Shall I move onto complimenting your ass or would that be too explicit for your mild sensibilities?” Henry asks, mock owlish.
“I literally despise you,” Alex groans before pulling over on the side of the road and kissing him senseless.
He’s not sure how much time passes but is forced to move off him when Amy and Shaan begin beeping their horns in a crass cacophony of sound.
“Promise to help you with the tent downstairs once we get to bed,” Henry guffaws, and in turn Alex just repeats the fact that he utterly hates him with as much feeling as he could muster, goofy grin splitting his face in half all the while.
Two weeks later they see the prick at one of Beatrice’s charity luncheons, and Henry doesn’t take his hand out of Alex’s back pocket the entire afternoon.
It’s fucking fantastic. 
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simmonsofshield · 4 years
Part 1/1
Pairing: none Characters: Kate Beckett, Kevin Ryan, Javier Esposito, Jemma Simmons, Philip Coulson
Summary: Amidst clean up after the Battle of New York, things happen and Officer Y/N ends up in the quinjet’s medical bay.
Words: 1900+
A/N:  Unplanned, but I guess in honor of my url change, Jemma has a small feature in this fic! This was originally gonna be a copy-paste of one of my fics from wattpad, but then I wanted to make it more accurate to New York so 98% of this is new writing. So much for trying to cut corners. 🤷😂 Loose tie-ins of Agents of SHIELD and Castle. (Characters, not really the shows..) Canonically, Skye (Daisy) wouldn’t have her powers yet, but my story my rules lol. So she does. Three weeks late (I was suppose to post this on the 1st), but at least I got it done, right? This is for @fanfictionaries​‘s classic trope challenge. I chose police au. Takes place after Avengers.
Police codes key: 12-David-19 [Precinct # - city section - police car id] used 9th precinct as reference 10-50 Disorderly (group, person, noise) non-crime 10-10 Possible crime (many tags, the one i use is P, suspicious person/prowler)
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“Here’s what’s going on today,” Captain Beckett begins, “it’s been almost six months since the Battle of New York. Midtown South is still asking for help with crowd control and patrol of the area, as most of their officers are helping with clean up. I told them the 12th Precinct is happy to help as long as it doesn’t interfere with our daily patrols. Today they’re only asking for two, so Ryan and Esposito, it’s on you today. Just make sure no weirdos or teens with sticky fingers try to get in the rubble.”
“Yes Captain.”
“L/N, my office, please.”
You look at her with surprise, then over to the boys. Ryan is the first to speak, rolling his eyes, “Of course. Little Y/N getting special treatment once again. I bet you’re getting put on a really cool case. You know, she’s basically training you to be a mini her.”
You roll your eyes back at him, “Sounds like you’re just jealous because I rose to this rank in half the time it took you.”
“Ooooo...” Esposito calls from his desk, “want some ice for that burn?”
“Shut up,” he mumbles as he slumps back in his chair.
You laugh as you walk to Beckett’s office, the door being closed behind you. You start to get worried when she starts shutting the blinds too. “Captain?”
She sets a file in front of you and begins explaining. “Though Kevin was joking, he wasn’t wrong. You have impressed me since you came here from the academy. You were the youngest to be promoted to detective, and your persistence hasn’t gone unnoticed. Which is why I think you’re perfect for this particular assignment.”
She nods to the file, and you pick it up, opening it. Your brows furrow at the first page and you look back up at her, “I don’t understand. Philip Coulson died on a helicarrier before the attack on New York even happened. Didn’t Loki kill him or whatever?”
“Originally, yes.”
“Most if it is redacted and classified, but what was released - specifically for you in this file, turn the page - was that some experimental tech was used and more or less brought him back to life.”
You read exactly that as she says it, but you’re left with more questions than answers with every page turn. “What do you mean specifically for me? How many people know he’s alive?”
She blows out some air, sitting down at her desk to look you in the eye, “Only SHIELD level 7 and above. We are of only a few civilians that know. This cannot leave this room. The only others that know are ones that will be a part of this team that Agent Coulson is putting together alongside Agent Maria Hill and Director Fury.”
Again, more questions. “But...I’m a homicide detective...not SHIELD...” You pause for a moment as you try to form a question with all the information that is now in your mind, “Why me?” is what you come up with.
She shrugs, “That’s a question for Coulson or Hill. I can’t answer it. You’ll work today but after that you’ll be with SHIELD and Coulson,” she nods back to the file, “I suggest you finish reading through that tonight.” She stands up and walks toward the door.
“I’m sorry, Captain, one last question,” she lets go of the door handle and turns around, “what does all this mean for this job? Am I like fired or something?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” she says with a smile, “Agent Hill and I already discussed the technicalities, but basically what will be said is that you’re going undercover with SHIELD for a big operation and you’ll be gone for a few weeks. Which, really, isn’t that much of a lie.”
You nodded, somewhat understanding, “Yes, ma’am. See you in a few weeks, I guess.”
She also nods, smiling, “Likewise, detective.”
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Nearing the end of your shift, you’re about to head back to the station when there’s an aggravated call on the scanner. “10-50. These crowds are getting out of hand. More officers needed in Midtown near Grand Central.”
You go back and forth in your head for a moment before deciding to respond, “Dispatch, add 12-David-19 to that 10-50 call. En route from East Village. ETA about 20 minutes.” You turn on your lights and try to get there as fast as you can.
Arriving on scene, you park about four blocks away, at Park and 38th, which is as close as you can get with all the rubble and destroyed buildings. This is the main drag of where most of the Avenger’s fight happened. It’s no surprise that half of New York is here to see the damage, even six months later.
Now on foot, you’re about halfway to Grand Central Station when you hear the breaking of glass and catch some suspicious activity out of the corner of your eye. You follow, talking into your radio, “This is 12-David-19. I’ve got a 10-10P. Kids breaking windows of businesses. It doesn’t look like they’ve stolen anything yet. I’m going to keep an eye on them. Requesting one or two officers for backup if anyone can leave Grand Central Station. 40th street, headed NorthEast.”
You casually follow at a distance until all of a sudden, “Whoa, dudes, check this out!” One of the kids picks up a weapon of some sort. Clearly not of this world and from the Battle, you’re 99% sure. He poses with it and one of his friends takes a picture of him with their phone. “I wonder what this button does.”
“Ahh!” Whatever came out of the weapon hits you directly in the shoulder and you fall to the ground. This is the first time the group of kids notice your presence. They fight for a moment, deciding whether to run or help. A groan from you cuts their argument short and most leave, while two stay.
By what you can tell with your blurry vision, they seem to be brothers. The one walking towards you is clearly friends with the ones that fled, while the other is younger. If you had to guess, you’d say early high school, 14-16, and 12ish for their ages.
You grab your radio and talk into it softly. Hopefully someone will be able to hear you. “Ambulance needed at location of 10-10. Officer down, shot with some sort of alien weapon.”
The older one kneels beside you and takes off his shirt, wrapping it around your wound, attempting to make a tourniquet. You let out a raspy laugh. It’s not quite right, but you appreciate the attempt. “You seem to know what you’re doing.”
You can see the fear still on his face but he smiles nonetheless, “I’ve seen a few medical shows. I think this is right.”
“Anything to slow the bleeding. You’re doing good. What’s your name?”
“Derek Saunders. Am I going to jail?”
“N-no, why would you think that?”
“My friend shot you. Aren’t I an accessory or whatever?”
You shake your head, “You watch cop shows too?” you joke.
“My dad’s a cop. He’s helping at Grand Central right now.”
You cough out another laugh. How convenient. You’re about to tell him to call his dad on your radio when you hear another blast. It feels like it happens in slow motion. You watch as the burst of energy goes up at an angle and hits the building next to where you’re laying. You hear the boy yell something in the opposite direction, you’re assuming at his brother, who most likely got curious and picked up the alien weapon. You see the huge pieces of building falling towards you and Derek.
You let out a scream, though you’re not sure how loud it is due to your blood loss and how tired you’re getting. You close your eyes, knowing the inevitable is going to happen, and just waiting for it. You feel the ground rumble and try to open your eyes to understand what's going on, but you can’t.
Your world goes black.
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You wake up to the sound of steady beeping. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the brightness of the fluorescent lights, but once you do you begin to panic. You know this is medical equipment and you’re in a room of some sort, but you’re not sure, something doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t seem like a hospital room.
You hear the whooshing of an automatic door sliding open. “It’s okay, officer. No need to panic. You are in great hands.” A pleasant British voice says to you. It does put you at ease a little.
The brunette seems to be taking your vitals or something at the moment, writing on a clipboard. You clear your throat, “Uh..where am I?”
“Oh of course,” she smiles embarrassedly, “welcome to the Bus. We’re with SHIELD. You’re safe.” she reassures.
“The Bus?” you raise an eyebrow.
“Yes,” your eyes shoot to the new voice, “welcome aboard.”
“Agent Coulson.” You try to sit up, but the pain in your shoulder stops you. You wince and lay back down.
“I assumed our meeting would be under better circumstances, but this’ll have to do.” he says with a smile. “Thank you, Simmons.” he nods at the girl and she leaves.
“What happened?”
“We heard your call on 40th.”
“Were you tracking me?”
“No,” he scoffs, “just making sure you didn’t get hurt before we got to meet you. Kinda failed at that, huh?”
You can’t help but chuckle a little, “Okay, but how the heck did I....” you trailed off, trying to think of how to word your question.
“Not die?” he looks at you, finishing your sentence.
“Uh, yeah.”
“You have Skye to thank for that. To avoid a lengthy explanation, she has the ability to ‘quake’ things apart and stopped the piece of building from falling on you and the young man helping you.”
“What happened to Derek and his brother?”
“They’re safe. And the weapon has been confiscated, now SHIELD property.”
You nodded, content with his explanations. There’s a lull in the conversation and you take the time to actually take in your surroundings. The room you’re in is glass on three sides, the fourth being a wall of shelves for medical items. You look down at yourself, not in a gown like a hospital, but someone’s tank top and shorts. You’d have to ask about that later. You focus on your shoulder, eyes going wide. It still hurts, but looks completely healed. 
“Pretty cool, huh?” you look at Agent Coulson, who is smiling like a proud dad, “you’d lost a lot of blood by the time we found you. We immediately put you in the tissue regeneration pod and got it going on your shoulder. It looks healed, but you’ll have to stay in here for a couple more days and be monitored.”
“Tissue regeneration? How long was I out?”
“From when we found you to getting you to the pod, only a few minutes, but we had to anesthetize you so you wouldn’t wake up during the regeneration, so you've been out for about 16 hours.”
“Oh.” is all you’re able to say, still taking it in. Tissue regeneration. How are you supposed to comprehend that? “Thanks, I guess.”
He nods, “So are you ready to discuss your new position with SHIELD?”
Besides the man being in front of you, you had completely forgotten about your transition from NYPD detective to possibly SHIELD agent? The two of you certainly had a lot to talk about. “Yes, sir.”
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doomedhowell · 6 years
Together, We Will Rule [PBB]
Summary: Phil is the prince and soon to be future king, and hasn’t found his soulmate yet. Everybody in the kingdom is on edge waiting to know who will be the future princess. But, plot twist, his soulmate happens to be Dan (aka a boy, and not a princess), and everybody is shocked because being gay isn’t accepted with most people in the kingdom. But, it’s not Phil’s fault his soulmate turned out to be a boy, so things have to change whether the kingdom likes it or not. He and everyone else in the kingdom have to get used to this new idea of there being two kings rather than a king and a queen.
Word Count: 12,584
Trigger Warnings: abuse, slight internalized homophobia, homophobic slurs, minor character death, mpreg, injuries/slight violence
ART LINK: x Thanks to much to @blockdedibujo for creating this beautiful art piece! (will link to art post when they’ve posted)
BETA: Thank you so much to the lovely @phandomhaven for beta’ing my fic for me!
Any day now, Prince Philip Lester would be finding out who his soulmate was. It’s the only thing around the kingdom people were talking about. They couldn’t wait to meet their new princess, and future queen.
Phil, however, is an absolute nervous wreck. He has no idea who the future queen is going to be. He’s already panicking about being the future king and worrying about failing or not.
What if he and the queen don’t get along?
What if the queen is absolutely horrible and everyone in the kingdom hates her?
There were so many worries and questions swirling around in Phil’s brain. He could hardly sleep.
It doesn’t take long before The King starts noticing Phil’s behavior. He can see how nervous Phil is, and wants to assure Phil that he has absolutely nothing to be worried of. He already knows no matter what, that Phil is going to make a great future king, and he’s going to have a great queen.
Phil looks over at the sound of his father’s voice, and smiles. “Oh, hey Dad…”
“You’ve been in your room all day. Your mother is worried about you…”
Phil chuckles. “She doesn’t need to be worried,” he says, sighing as he looks out the window. “I’m just… hiding. I guess. Every time I go out, people ask about my soulmate. I never know what to say to them.”
“You’re worried, aren’t you?” The King asks as he walks over to Phil. “You shouldn’t be.”
Phil blinks a few times as he looks up at his dad curiously. “Why not?” He asks. “This is my soulmate we’re talking about here, someone that I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Exactly. Your soulmate. You wouldn’t be paired with someone you don’t get along with,” he says.
Phil sighs. “I don’t know. I’m just feeling really stressed right now,” he mumbles. “It’s a lot of pressure.”
“Well, I’m sure sitting in your room all day isn’t helping. Why don’t you come out for a bit?”
“Fine, but I’m not going out to the kingdom. I don’t want to answer the same questions,” Phil says before standing up. “I mean no offense. I love the people. Just… not right now.”
The King chuckles. “As long as you’re out of your room so your mother will stop bothering me,”
Phil nods. “I’m gonna see what Louise is up to,” he says before walking out of his room. He walks around the castle for a little bit before finally finding Louise in the library, where she’s cleaning around. “Hey Lou!”
Louise looks over and smiles when she sees Phil. “If it isn’t the talk of the town,” she says, grinning.
“Ugh. Don’t even get me started,” Phil groans. “I can’t leave without anyone walking up to me!”
“Well, it is a big deal, considering you’re going to be the future king and this soulmate of yours will be the future queen. People are curious. You can’t blame them really,” Louise says, placing a book on the shelf. She turns and looks over at Phil. “How are you feeling? This must be nerve wracking for you.”
“You have no idea. I can’t stop staring at this freaking clock on my arm. I only have to wait two days before I finally find out who my soulmate is. I just wish there wasn’t so much pressure on me,” Phil sighs.
“I know, and I’m sure things are really stressful for you right now, but everything will work out,” Louise says before flashing a grin to Phil. “And, I know you’re going to make a great king.”
“Thanks,” Phil smiles. “You always know what to say when I’m stressed.”
“It’s a gift,” Louise replies with a shrug, before laughing. “I’m just kidding. You’re my best friend! So then, how much longer until you find out who your soulmate is? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Phil looks down at his wrist and sighs as the numbers counting down. “Sixteen hours. I’ll know tomorrow,”
“That’s exciting,” Louise smiles. “I mean, I’m sure you’re stressed. But, it’s still very exciting.”
Phil rolls his eyes playfully. “Are you busy right now?” He asks, looking over at Louise.
“I’m just cleaning. Better to clean than do nothing,” Louise tells him. “Why? Are you?”
“No. I’m just bored and Dad wanted me to do something other than being locked in my room, but I don’t want to go to the kingdom because people will just ask about my soulmate,” Phil says.
“You could always help me clean,” Louise offers, gently waving the book in her hands.
Phil chuckles. “I’m a prince, princes don’t clean,” he says, before he and Louise burst into laughter. “Yeah, okay. I’ll help you clean. It’s better than doing nothing I suppose.”
“Wow. That makes me feel great,” Louise says jokingly.
“Come on, shut up. You know I love spending time with you even if it does include cleaning,” Phil says, walking over to her and gently nudging her. “Now, tell me what to do.”
After spending a few hours with Louise, the two decide to head up to the kitchen for something to eat.
It’s nice for Phil to have something to distract him from finding out who his soulmate is for a little while. Although, it’s constantly in the back of his mind and he’s trying his best not to glance down at his wrist, still, it’s just nice to keep himself distracted by hanging out with Louise.
“Let me know if you need a cleaning buddy again,” Phil jokes before he and Louise part ways. He sighs, before turning and heading up to his bedroom. He gets himself ready for bed, before climbing into bed.
Tomorrow is finally the day he will find out who his soulmate is. He’ll wake up with a name on his wrist, and the wait will be over. Even though he is nervous, he can’t help but feel the excitement too.
When Phil wakes up the next morning, he instantly sits up in bed, and his heart starts pounding against his chest the second he realizes that the name of his soulmate is on his wrist.
Phil takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes, and glances down at his wrist, before slowly turning his wrist over. He curses out loud when he sees that there’s still two hours left on his wrist.
“God, dammit!” Phil shouts angrily, hitting his bed. He could just fall back asleep if he wants to, but now he’s too awake to do that. He’s going to have to wait two more agonizing hours to find out his soulmate.
Phil’s not surprised when he hears his mother’s voice. “I’m awake,” he says.
The door slowly opens, and in walks his mom. “Is there any news regarding your soulmate?”
Phil sighs and shakes his head. “Still two more hours left,” he replies as he turns his wrist around to show that there’s no name on his wrist yet. “Sorry for shouting. I know you don’t like that type of language.”
“Oh, sweetheart. That’s okay. I understand this must be hard for you,” she assures him. “While you’re up, why don’t we get some breakfast? I’m sure there’s something you can do to pass the time, yeah?”
“Alright,” Phil nods. “Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you in the kitchen, okay?”
Kathryn smiles before turning and shutting the door behind her, leaving Phil to himself again.
Phil takes a quick shower and dresses himself in a casual yet nice outfit. Today, he will be possibly meeting his soulmate, and he wants to look nice for her when he does finally meet her.
Having breakfast did not help. All Phil can think about is his soulmate, and it’s driving him crazy.
So, Phil decides to go sit in the garden once breakfast is finished. It’s peaceful, and no one but his family is allowed out in the garden so nobody will bother him out here.
Before Phil knows it, the two hours pass by quickly while he sits on the swing on his garden. He happens to look down at his wrist and his eyes widen when he sees that the clock has finally reached zero.
“Holy shit!” Phil squeaks as he stares at his wrist. He closes his eyes, taking deep breaths. It’s finally time.
Phil turns his wrist and sees the letters D A N I E L and he assumes that it’s going to say ‘Daniella’, but when he finishes reading the name, he’s shocked to find out that it just says Daniel Howell.
“Daniel?” Phil asks, frowning. That can’t be right. Daniel is a boy’s name. Phil’s not gay, so why would his soulmate’s name be a boy’s name? There can’t be a princess if his soulmate is a boy.
His father is not going to be happy when he finds out about this. Being gay isn’t totally accepted by most people in the kingdom. He’s afraid what will happen to him and his soulmate when the kingdom finds out.
How will they react to not having a future queen? It’s always been king and queen, not king and king.
Phil bites his lip nervously before standing up and making his way into the castle. It doesn’t take very long for Phil to find his father in his study. He hesitates as he walks into the study. “Dad?” He asks.
“Philip! I’ve been waiting to hear from you all morning. Surely you must have good news,” The King says as he looks up at Phil with a smile on his face, and Phil hates that he’s about to disappoint him.
“Dad, there’s something you should know…” Phil begins.
“What is it?” The King asks, raising his eyebrows at Phil. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m not sure,” Phil sighs. “I think there might be a mistake with my soulmate. It just doesn’t seem right.”
“There wouldn’t be a mistake. Your soulmate is your soulmate for a reason, Philip. Let me see,”
Phil frowns, before walking over to his dad and showing him the name. “Explain that then?” He asks.
The King looks at his son’s arm, and he also frowns. “Daniel Howell?” He asks, before looking up at Phil. “Is there something you’ve been meaning to tell me, son?”
“No, dad. I told you it was a mistake. That is a boy’s name on my wrist,” Phil tells him. “I’m not gay, nor have I ever been gay. I don’t why it says that name. Who even is Daniel Howell?”
“The Howell’s own a bakery in the village. They have two sons. Daniel and Alexander,” The King explains, shaking his head. “It wouldn’t be a mistake. I’m just not sure how this will change the future.”
“Wait, so… you’re not upset that my soulmate is a boy?” Phil asks, rather surprised to see his father’s calm reaction to the fact that his soulmate is a boy, and not a girl. He expected a lot more than this.
“No, it’s not your fault, Philip. It’s just something that we’re going to have to deal with,” The King says. “Will you be okay with your soulmate being a boy?”
“I… I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to meet him first, and then decide. How bad can he be?”
“We should go to the village and meet your soulmate then. I’m sure it will be a big shock to him. He’ll have to leave his family and come live in the castle,” The King explains. “I never thought that there would ever be two future kings. But, there’s no possible way for there to be a future queen, now.”
“I mean, I don’t have to marry this kid, do I? Can’t we break the rules?” Phil asks hopefully.
“No, Philip. That’s not how it works. This is your soulmate,” The King warns.
Phil groans and runs his hands over his face, already having a feeling that his life is about to be turned upside down, and he’s not exactly prepared for this change either.
An hour later, Phil is heading down to the village to meet his soulmate for the first time.
“Phil, I know this is a lot for you to take in. But I’m sure your soulmate is going through the same, so… please try your best to behave. We will discuss this more once we have your soulmate at the castle.”
“Dad, this isn’t fair. I’m supposed to be marrying a princess. Not some village boy,” Phil snaps.
“Philip Michael Lester, just because he’s from the village doesn’t mean that he’s any less than you are, that is not how your mother and I raised you to treat those villagers.” The King sighs. “Besides, one day, you’ll be the king and you’ll have to look over them..”
Phil huffs and sinks down in the seat, crossing his arms against his chest. He looks out the window, and sighs. He knows that his father is right overall, but marrying a boy just seems so… wrong, to him. At least, from his point of view. Everybody’s expecting him to marry a princess. So many people will be upset, and letting down the people in the kingdom is something he’s not looking forward to doing.
Finally, the carriage stops after what feels like hours of sitting in the carriage.
Phil slowly pushes himself up and looks out the window. Visiting the village isn’t something he does often, that’s more something the king does. Phil knows he’ll have to visit the village more once his dad passes, because his dad always makes it a point to make sure the village people are being taken care of.
“Come along, Philip. Your soulmate is waiting for you,” the King says as he steps out of the carriage.
Phil groans and slides out of the carriage as well. He looks around and sees that some of the villagers are already gathering around, as nobody from the village had been expecting a visit from the king today.
“Philip,” the King says before leading the way into the bakery, the bodyguards following behind.
Phil looks around once they’re inside the bakery. It’s quite a small bakery, but it’s nice and feels warm, very welcoming. This is definitely not what Phil had expected, but he’s not complaining either.
“Your majesty!”
Phil looks over when he hears a voice speak up suddenly.
“Your majesty, what an honor it is to have you visit our bakery,” the woman speaks kindly.
“Mrs. Howell, it’s lovely to see you again. Although, I’m sure you were expecting a visit from us?”
“Oh, you must be hear to see Daniel. Yes, my husband and I suspected we would be seeing you soon. We were all quite shocked when we saw the name on his wrist,” she chuckles nervously.
“Yes, it was quite a shock to us to. We were expecting Phil to be marrying a princess, but it looks like some things will be changing soon,” the King says. “We would like to meet Daniel, if that’s alright.”
“Of course, your majesty. Daniel is just in the back. Daniel! Please come out here!”
They wait a moment before a teenage boy with chestnut brown hair comes out from the back, and Phil’s a little taken back with how attractive the boy is. This is definitely not what he was expecting at all.
The boy, Daniel, looks up and instantly takes a step back once he realizes who’s in the shop. His eyes instantly flicker over to Phil. He’s too stunned to even say anything.
“Daniel, there you are,” his mom reaches over and then she gently pulls him closer. “Look who’s here. The King and Prince Philip are here to meet you!”
Dan’s heart instantly starts pounding against his chest. His soulmate is standing right there in front of him. The Prince is standing in front of him. This is all happening way too fast for Dan’s liking.
“Hello, Daniel. It’s nice to meet you. Mrs. Howell, would you mind if we borrowed your son for a moment?” The King asks. “There’s quite a few things that we need to talk about.”
“Yes, of course. I would like to join you for the conversation, if that’s alright?”
“Of course,” the King nods, and then he followed Mrs. Howell towards the sitting area, where they all sit.
Dan and Phil sit next to each other, suggested by Dan’s mom. Phil feels incredibly awkward.
Dan looks over at Phil, though he’s too shy and scared to say anything. He’s heard so many stories about Prince Philip. He’s never actually seen him in person due to having to work constantly at the bakery, but he’s always been curious about what he’s like in person. And now, he’s his soulmate.
“Okay,” the King begins. “Obviously, Phil is the prince. He’s going to be the future king. He was meant to marry a princess. Dan isn’t a girl. But, we think we can make it work with two future kings.”
“Wait, what?” Dan asks, looking over at the king with wide eyes.
“Daniel,” Mrs. Howell warns, giving her son a stern look. “Do not speak like that in front of the king.”
“No, it’s fine, Mrs. Howell. I understand that this must be shocking for Daniel. Dan and Phil are soulmates, so we need to make this work. It will be the first time in history where there won’t be a king and a queen,”
Dan blinks a few times and quickly shakes his head. “I-I’m only sixteen,” he says. “I can’t be a king!”
Phil rolls his eyes. “We don’t become kings until my father passes,” he says.
Dan frowns as he looks at Phil, not liking the way Phil talks towards him. “I’m no fit to be a king,”
“We have some people at the castle who will help you understand everything you need to know about becoming a king, do not worry Daniel,” the king assures him. He looks over at Mrs. Howell and sighs. “Now, I know this is personal to ask. But, is Daniel able to get pregnant?”
“Yes,” Mrs. Howell replies. “He’s one of the few rare males that are able to give birth.’
“Hm...” The King looks over at Phil. “Your soulmate is a Carrier. How lucky you must be.”
“So lucky,” Phil mumbles, looking down at his hands.
Dan is not happy about having to leave his home, to say the least. Most villagers would probably be thrilled about leaving the village to go live in the castle and marry a prince. But, not Dan. He is very close with his family and loves working at the bakery. Having that taken away from him, is not happy for him.
“We’ll make arrangements for you to come visit Daniel. He’ll be taken care of, I promise,” the king assures Dan’s mom as they leave the bakery. “There’s security surrounding the castle.”
“I’m just worried for him. I know people won’t be happy about a gay marriage,” Mrs. Howell says.
“Yes, it will be quite shocking. I don’t think anything too terrible will happen though,”
Mrs. Howell turns and looks at Daniel. “You be good, Daniel. You’re still sixteen, so don’t be reckless. We’ll try to write you a letter whenever we can, okay?”
Dan takes a deep breath and slowly nods. “O-Okay,” he mumbles. “Take care of Allie.”
Mrs. Howell chuckles. “Of course we will, sweetie. That is my son,” she says softly before gently kissing Dan’s forehead. “Now, go off and make me proud. I know you’ll make a great future king.”
“I’d hate to ruin this moment, but we must get going now,” the King says, motioning Dan to come forward.
“Goodbye,” Dan says before grabbing his luggage and walking over to the king, and then following him and Phil to the carriage. Dan looks up and blinks a few times. This is much more fancier than what Dan’s used to. His whole life is about to change right before his eyes. If only he could be excited about it.
The ride to the castle isn’t as exciting as Dan hoped it would be. They sit in silence, and no one speaks. Phil doesn’t even look him in the eye once either, and Dan doesn’t have to question if Phil hates him, even though Dan’s done absolutely nothing to deserve this.
Once in the castle, the king suggests Phil takes Dan up to his new bedroom, which is beside Phil’s.
“We’re not sharing a room?” Dan asks once he and Phil get to Dan’s bedroom.
“No,” Phil replies, surprising Dan by his coldness. “We’re not sharing a room, Daniel. Don’t even think about entering my room unless I say you can. We may be soulmates, but I’m not happy about it.
Dan looks up at Phil with hurt in his eyes. “D-Did I do something wrong?” He asks quietly.
“You ruined my whole entire future, that’s what you did!” Phil snaps before storming away.
Dan gasps with shock. He watches as Phil walks away from him, before he finally bursts into tears, unable to keep the emotions bottled up inside him any longer.
Dan knew things would be tough, but having your soulmate reject you… it hurts, and he can only hope that things get better, otherwise he’s not going to be able to survive this kind of treatment.
A few days pass since Dan’s arrival at the castle. Phil hasn’t really spoken to him, pretty much avoiding him at all costs. Everybody else seems to love Dan, unfortunately for him. He sees Dan already becoming friends with people like Louise, and Phil’s not sure he likes that.
Phil looks up as soon as he hears his mother’s voice, and sighs before replying with, “Come in!”
The door opens, and Phil’s mom walks into the room. “Phil, my boy! There you are.” Kathryn smiles.
“Here I am.” Phil replies with a sigh as he leans back in his desk chair. “Is everything okay?”
“Well…” Kathryn walks over to the bed and sits down. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
Phil blinks a few times as he looks over at his mom. “What do you mean by that?” He asks curiously. “Why wouldn’t everything be okay?”
“Your soulmate has been here for three days and you’ve not come out of your room since he arrived. Before, I thought you were pretty excited about meeting your soulmate. What’s changed?”
“What’s changed is that he’s a boy,” Phil says. “He wasn’t supposed to be a boy.”
Kathryn frowns slightly. “What matters if he’s a boy?”
“Mum, I’m going to be the future king soon, I mean… hopefully not too soon because I really don’t want Dad to die. It’s just going to happen. A king isn’t a king without a queen, you know that. There can’t possibly be two kings. Dad keeps telling me everything’s going to be fine, but I can’t see it.” Phil sighs.
“I understand your worries,” Kathryn says softly. “But, I don’t think it’s fair how you’re treating that boy. Daniel is a kind boy, and I think you would get along with him if you gave him a chance.”
“If I did that, then it would mean that I’m okay with this, and I’m not okay with this,” Phil says.
“Phil,” Kathryn warns. “You listen to me, alright? This is your soulmate we’re talking about. This is the boy you’re going to be spending the rest of your life with. There’s no way you’re going to get around this mess that you’ve created for yourself. Your father and I both agreed that we’re not allowing you to not marry Daniel. I can’t even begin to imagine how it must feel for him, He knows that you don’t want him as a soulmate and that hurts. You need to go find that boy, and talk to him. First, apologize to him for the way you’ve acted. Get to know him before you judge him. I understand you’re upset about him not being a girl. We were all expecting you to marry a princess. Unfortunately, things are going to have to change now. But, they don’t all have to be bad changes.” She lets out a sigh. “Do you understand me?”
Phil blinks a few times as he stares at his mom, shocked at her rant. “Y-Yes, ma’am,” he mumbles.
Kathryn chuckles, before standing up from the bed. “Glad we had this talk, Philip,” she says softly. “Oh, and lunch will be ready soon. Get yourself ready. I expect you’ll make an effort to talk to Daniel. I can’t understand why you don’t like him. He’s such a sweetheart.”
Phil looks up and frowns as he watches his mom walk out of the bedroom, before sighing.
Phil sits in his chair for a couple of minutes before finally getting up and leaving his room. He looks around before heading towards Daniel’s- or Dan, as he apparently likes to be called, room.
Phil stands in front of the door for a moment. Just as he’s about to knock on the door, the door opens, revealing a very surprised Dan. Dan looks up and blinks a few times when he sees Prince Philip.
“Prince Philip,” Dan mumbles, looking down at his hands. “Surprised to see you here.”
“Just call me Phil, please,” Phil says, letting out a sigh. “I came to… talk to you. If that’s okay.”
“Your mother talked to you, didn’t she?” Dan asks, surprising Phil. “She talked to me too, said she was going to try to knock some sense into you. I told her it was fine but, she didn’t want to listen to me.”
“But, it’s not fine. Is it?” Phil asks. “Can I come in?”
Dan steps aside and then allows Phil into his bedroom. He shuts the door and then walks over to his bed and sits down, watching as Phil sits down on the bed as well. “I’ve been hiding in my room all day today. It’s a bit overwhelming having people walk up to you constantly. They’re nice, but it’s still overwhelming. I’ve seen how people in the village are around you and The King.”
“You’ll get used to it. Just wait until you go down to the kingdom,” Phil says.
Dan looks up at Phil. “Will I get to go down to the kingdom? I’ve always wanted to know what it was like. I’ve been living in the village my whole life, never allowed to leave,” he frowns.
Phil stares at him for a second. “I’ll take you,”
“Really?” Dan’s eyes light up with excitement, earning a chuckle from Phil. “Oh, thank you so much, Phil! Wow. I promise I won’t be any trouble!”
Phil raises his eyebrows. “Daniel, you’re going to be the future king. You and I will be visiting the kingdom many times in the future so you’ll have plenty of time to explore everything,” he says. “Although, I’d ask that you not go to the kingdom by yourself, especially after we announce you’re my soulmate.”
Dan shrinks down, looking up at Phil nervously. “Are people going to be angry?”
“People in the kingdom don’t exactly gay people. But, we’ll have no choice but to change the rules now,”
“No choice?” Dan asks, sitting up again. “You realize I’m not the only gay person in the village. I had plenty of gay friends. We should have been given rights a long time ago. We’re just normal people!”
“Daniel,” Phil warns, surprised at Dan’s outburst.
“Don’t ‘Daniel’ me!” Dan yells before standing up from the bed. “The way we get treated is unfair!”
“Daniel,” Phil stands up again. “I understand what you mean, and I’m sorry that the gay community have been treated wrongfully for so many years. But, that is going to change after I’m the King. I promise that. While I may not be gay myself, I don’t support the way you’ve been treated.”
Dan looks over at him, frowning. “You’re not gay?” He asks.
Phil shakes his head, feeling sorry for Dan that his soulmate is straight. “Straight. I was expecting to marry a princess. You can understand now why I’ve been upset lately? It’s not you. I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted towards you since we met,” he mumbles. “But, I want to try and make this… relationship, work. We should get to know each other before we move forward with anything. We’re going to have to anyways at least. I mean, my parents are expecting a child out of us for when I become the king.”
Dan blinks a few times. “I have a few years to prepare for that, don’t I?”
“I don’t know. The King is getting older, and when he dies… I take his place, and we’ll need a child, but I’d like to have a child before my dad dies. I want him to see his grandchild,” Phil says.
Dan groans, and walks over to sit down in the chair. “I’m only sixteen! Not only am I going to have to become the future king, but now you’re expecting me to get pregnant and raise a child?”
“I’m sorry,” Phil apologizes. “I know this is not what you expected. But, it’s how things have to be.”
“Well, looks like we’re just as equally ruining each other’s lives,” Dan mumbles, crossing his arms against his chest, feeling defeated after learning all of this new information. “I was so excited about finally knowing who my soulmate is. Then, your name appears on my wrist. I knew things were going to change, but I had no idea it was going to be like this. Now, there’s nothing I can do.”
“Look, I don’t want either of us to be miserable, we both deserve to be happy,” Phil says, sighing softly. “You seem like a nice guy. I’m sure once we get to know each other, things will get better.”
Dan looks over at Phil, biting his lip slightly. “I’m willing to give it a try,” he says.
“Great.” Phil smiles. “My mother will be pleased to hear this.”
“When are you going to announce to the people that we’re soulmates?” Dan asks curiously.
“I’m not sure. If not today, then sometime in the next coming days,” Phil says. “My dad is dealing with it.”
“Shouldn’t you deal with it though?” Dan asks, raising his eyebrows. “You’re going to become king anyways, so wouldn’t it be a good practice? I’m not sure how well you are with crowds…”
“If I go up there and make the speech, you have to do it with me,” Phil tells him.
“What? Why do I have do the speech with you?” Dan asks, frowning.
“You’re going to be future king as well. For good practice,” Phil mocks Dan, smirking.
“No way in hell am I going up there in front of people who are against gays. That’s out of the question. Until I know that I’m going to be safe, I’m not going anywhere near the kingdom,” Dan huffs.
“Fine with me. My dad will do the speech then,” Phil says. “Lunch will be ready soon. We should go down and at least be seen together so people don’t think we hate each other, which we don’t. Not anymore.”
“Well for one, I never hated you until I learned you hated me so...” Dan shrugs, and then he leads the way out of the bedroom. The two make their way downstairs, where they run into Louise.
“Dan! Phil! What a lovely surprise,” Louise smiles.
“Lou, I see you’ve met my soulmate,” Phil says as he looks over at Dan.
“Yes. I adore Dan,” Louise says. “I’m so happy that you guys finally found each other. It’s amazing!”
“Louise is a romantic sap.” Phil chuckles, earning a playful hit from Louise on the shoulder. He pouts and rubs the spot where she hit him. “She’s also a lot stronger than she looks.”
Dan chuckles. “Yeah, we met each other. I learned you had a library and had to see it for myself,”
“The library is wonderful. I enjoy spending time in there. It’s quite peaceful and quiet,” Louise says, nodding. “And, not to mention, the library is filled with thousands of books so you’d be in there forever before you finished reading them all. Books are such wonderful things.”
“Well.” Phil chuckles. “We should head to lunch. You coming Louise?”
“Can’t. I’m on duty. No worries, I’ll make sure I’ll have something to eat later,” Louise tells him.
“Okay. See you later then,” Phil says, smiling at her, before leading the way towards the kitchen.
“Bye, Louise!” Dan calls before following Phil. “She’s really nice.”
“She is,” Phil agrees. “She’s my best friend, so don’t even think about stealing her.”
Dan chuckles at Phil’s protectiveness over Louise. “Don’t worry, wasn’t planning on it,” he says.
The two finally make it to the kitchen, where they’re met with the workers of the castle as well as Kathryn, though Phil isn’t surprised to see his mother already there.
“Dan! Phil! What a lovely surprise to see you two together!” Kathryn smiles as soon as she sees them.
“Are you really that surprised, mum?” Phil asks, raising his eyebrows.
“Well, I hoped our little chats would actually go somewhere,” Kathryn says. “So?”
Phil sighs. “We’re working on it, okay? That’s all I can tell you right now,” he says. “When is dad making the speech about Dan and I?” He asks, walking over to the table.
“Sometime later today. He wants to get it out of the way,” she tells him.
Phil nods. “Fair enough,” he says, glancing over at Dan. He can’t help but worry about Dan, and how the kingdom will react to there being two future kings with one of them actually being gay. He doesn’t want Dan to get hurt. He knows how brutal the kingdom can be sometimes when things don’t go as planned.
Phil eats lunch with his mother and Dan, relaxing for a bit before the chaos ensues. He and Dan actually talked with each other which was quite nice after the way their first initial meeting went, Phil has to admit. He likes talking with Dan a lot. Dan’s soft spoken, and listens well when others are talking. It’s nice.
Ultimately, Phil decides to go with The King to the speech. His dad suggested that Dan stay at the castle, just in case things got out of hand or went wrong in some way, which Phil hoped they didn’t.
Phil takes a deep breath as he stares at the crowd of people in front of them, knowing this is live on TV. Everybody is watching them, waiting for them to announce who the ‘future queen’ is going to be.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” The King begins as he looks around at all the people. “Well... as you all know by now, Philip as been waiting to find out who his soulmate is the past week. His soulmate is who he will be marrying and ruling beside him. The good news is, we finally know who Phil’s soulmate is. However, there’s been a change in tradition. Phil’s soulmate is Daniel Howell-”
As soon as The King speaks a boy’s name, there were gasps and people start whispering to each other, and Phil instantly gets nervous about how the rest of the speech is going to go.
The King sighs. “Yes, you heard me correctly. After I pass, there will no longer be a king and a queen, but a future king and king. If I had my way, it wouldn’t be like this. There would be a king and a queen. Unfortunately, this is Phil’s soulmate and who he’s destined to be with,”
Dan frowns as he sits in the lounge with Phil’s mother and a few other workers. “I knew he didn’t like me.”
“Dear, it’s not you he doesn’t like. The King isn’t too keen on changing the rules unless he has to,” Kathryn tells him. “This will be a big change for everybody.”
Dan looks over at her. “And what about all the other gay people?”
Dan stands up angrily. “No! We’ve been abused for years, treated poorly just because of who we love! It’s not fair that we have to hide who we are, and sit in silence, while everybody goes on living happily. Well, quite frankly, I’ve had enough of this treatment!” He storms out of the room.
Kathryn sighs and looks over at the TV as The King continues his speech.
“I know this may not please some of you-”
“There will be two kings!” Someone in the crowd shouts angrily. “It’s disgusting!”
“It’s a disgrace! Those fags need to burn in hell!” Another shouts.
Phil’s eyes widen as he looks over at his dad. “Dad,” he whispers. “Control them.”
The King sighs. “Enough!” He shouts, instantly silencing the crowd. “That’s my son, your future king, that you’re talking about. Phil will be marrying Daniel in just a few weeks, and he will take my place as king when I pass. The decision is final, and it’s something that we’ll all have to get used to. Goodnight.”
Phil frowns as he watches his dad walk away, heading towards the carriage. He starts following him, but he stops when someone walks up to him before he can.
“You’re one of them?”
“Excuse me?” Phil asks, blinking a few times. “That’s not how-”
“You’re a fag, aren’t you? This whole time, you’ve been lying to us all?” The man asks angrily.
“What? No!” Phil shakes his head. “I was expecting my soulmate to be a girl. I’ve always been straight, and it wasn’t easy for me either when I learned who my soulmate actually was. But, you know what? He’s still my soulmate. I will love him and treat him as if I would a girl, because that’s what he deserves.” He pushes the man aside and rushes over to the carriage, looking back nervously as the crowd gets angrier.
“That went well,” The King says once Phil is in the carriage.
“Dad, what’s gonna happen? What if they try to hurt Dan?” Phil asks, looking over at his dad worriedly.
“Do not worry, Philip. Dan will not be harmed,” The King assures him. “We will make sure he is protected, until this whole situation calms down. It’s a lot for the kingdom to take in. There will be a lot of changes.”
Phil waits a few days before approaching Dan again, after learning that Dan got upset during the speech. But, he still wants to try and make things work between them. This relationship is never going to work if they don’t even try. He doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life being miserable with his soulmate.
“Where are you taking me?” Dan asks as they step into the carriage.
“Have you ever been to the kingdom before?” Phil asks, looking over at Dan.
Dan shakes his head. “No, and… do you really think that’s a good idea? I mean, the people…”
“You’re apart of this family now. I know people are still upset but, they’re going to have to get over it, because you’re not going anywhere,” Phil assures him. “We have to make this work between us.”
“We have to?” Dan asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I mean-” Phil chuckles and shakes his head. “I want to make this work. I really do like you, Dan. I know that it doesn’t seem that way because of how I treated you before. But, I’m working on getting better.”
“Okay, if you’ll put effort into this relationship, then so will I, and we will make it work.” Dan smiles, and then gasps when the carriage starts moving. “I’ll never get used to these.” He holds onto the seat tightly.
Phil grins at him. “You will, trust me. We’ll be using them a lot in the future,” he assures Dan.
The two boys finally make it to the kingdom. Phil has a couple of security guards behind them, just in case something were to happen. Most people usually leave him be whenever he visits the kingdom, but because he has Dan with him, he wants to make sure they’re both protected at all times.
“Welcome… to the kingdom.” Phil smiles as he looks over at Dan. “Is it everything you imagined?”
��It’s what I thought it would be.” Dan looks over at Phil. “Way fancier, and a lot cleaner… than the village. It seems a little unfair that people in the village don’t get the same treatment. You know?” He shrugs.
“That’s not my doing, and you know that. I promise Dan, it’s definitely going to be one of my top priorities to take care of the village people once I become king. I never liked how poorly the villagers were treated.”
“At least someone cares,” Dan mumbles to himself, before looking around again.
“So, I was thinking we could go eat lunch at this really cute cafe that I know of,” Phil says. “My friend, Carrie, she owns it. She’s really nice. If you like Louise, you’ll love her.”
“Okay,” Dan replies with a shrug of his shoulders, before starting to follow Phil. He glances around as he and Phil walk together. He can’t help but notice all the people staring at him and whispering things. He feels weird and uncomfortable, which causes him to step closer to Phil.
“You okay?” Phil asks, instantly noticing Dan’s action.
“Um, y-yeah. I’m fine…” Dan tells him, not wanting Phil to worry. He just needs to be brave, and not worry about everyone around him. Phil’s here, and they have security. What could possibly happen to him?
Dan and Phil finally make it to the small cafe that Phil tells Dan about. They’re instantly greeted by Carrie.
“Relax, guys. It’s Carrie. You know she means no harm,” Phil tells the security, before turning to Carrie with a smile on his face. “Carrie! It’s so good to see you again!”
“Phil! I’ve missed seeing you at the shop.” Carrie smiles as she hugs Phil tightly. “You’ve been the talk of the town. Can’t go anywhere without hearing someone mention your name.”
“Which is exactly why I haven’t come in a few weeks. Sorry.” Phil chuckles.
“Oh, and you must be Prince Daniel?” Carrie smiles when she sees Dan standing beside Phil.
“Well, not yet. We haven’t gotten married. But, he will be soon enough. And, he likes to be called Dan,” Phil tells her. “Dan, this is Carrie. Aside from Louise, she’s one of my best friends. She’s the only one in the kingdom who doesn’t treat me like royalty. It’s refreshing.”
“Hi, Dan. It’s so lovely to meet you!” Carrie pulls Dan into a hug. “How are you liking the kingdom?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s great. I think it’s beautiful. It’s definitely not what I’m used to...” Dan chuckles nervously.
“Well, I’ve been to the village quite a few times myself. Your bakery is one of the best I’ve ever been to. The cheesecake is to die for,” Carrie says, smiling.
“Oh, thank you. My mum will be pleased to hear that.” Dan smiles.
“How about we get some coffee?” Phil suggests. “You know my usual.”
“Of course, and Dan? What will you be getting?” Carrie asks, pulling out a little notepad.
“Oh, uh… I’ll just get whatever he’s getting,” Dan tells her.
Carrie smiles and nods before walking away, leaving Dan and Phil alone.
“Come on.” Phil leads Dan over to one of the empty tables, where they both sit down. “Isn’t this great?”
“Yeah. Carrie seems really nice to. She reminds me a lot of Louise,” Dan says, looking at Phil.
“Yeah, she does. Lou and Carrie get along well with each other. Louise works at the castle so they don’t get to see each other. I hope to change that once I become king. My dad is quite strict with workers.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. He yelled at a poor maid yesterday when she dropped some plates!”
Phil shakes his head. “He’s just a perfectionist. Everything has to be perfect.” he sighs.
“Are you nervous about becoming the king?” Dan asks. “I can only imagine how difficult of a job that is.”
“Hey, you’re going to have to become king too.” Phil chuckles. “And yeah. There’s a lot of pressure, but… my mother has been telling my everything I need to know, and so has my dad. They want to make sure everything is ready for me when the time comes. We’ll need to get you trained as well.”
“I think I’d rather focus on learning about babies, since apparently I’ll be carrying one,” Dan says.
“Sooner rather than later,” Phil adds. “But yes, my mother can help you with that. It’ll be a few months until at least but it will happen. We need at least one child before my dad passes.”
“I understand it. I just wish that I had a little more time to prepare for this. I had no idea my soulmate would be the future king,” Dan mumbles. “It seems like everything is happening all too fast.”
Phil nods, and then he smiles when Carrie comes back with two coffees.
“For you-” She says as she hands a coffee to Phil. “And for you.” She hands the other to Dan.
“Thank you, Carrie. God, I’ve missed the smell of your coffee,” Phil says before taking a drink.
Dan and Phil stay at the cafe for about an hour, before getting up to leave. Phil tells Dan to wait outside while he says goodbye to Carrie, but he sends the security guards out with him.
“Hey! You’re the guy Prince Philip is due to marry!”
Dan looks over and blinks a few times when he sees an older man walking up to him. “Yes…?”
“People like you shouldn’t even exist,” The man snaps. “You should be hanged!”
“Hanged?” Dan asks, raising his eyebrows. “What century are you living in?” He laughs, and then gasps when the man shoves him harshly, causing him to stumble backwards.
“Hey, back up!” One of the security guards grabs the man, pulling him away from Dan.
“What’s going on?” Phil asks worriedly as he rushes outside after noticing the commotion from inside, seeing Dan being helped up by another security guard. “Dan, are you alright?”
“I’m-I’m fine.” Dan takes a deep breath as he looks up at Phil.
“What the hell happened?” Phil looks over at the man who shoved Dan. “Wait… I know who you are, and I will also be letting my father know about this incident. You don’t ever put your hands on Dan again.”
“Phil.” Dan places his hands on Phil’s shoulder. “Phil, I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me.”
The man smirks. “You got lucky this time.” he laughs, and Phil looks up at the security guard and nods. “Take him in. We’ll be heading back to the castle now.” He grabs Dan and leads the way back to the carriage. “Shit, I’m so sorry, Dan. I had no idea something like that would happen.”
“All he did was shove me. Nothing happened. I was just… a little shocked,” Dan tells Phil.
“Well, it still wasn’t okay what he did to you. He basically told us that he would have done much more had the security guards not been there.” Phil rolls his eyes and then opens the carriage and allows Dan to get inside first before following him in. He reaches over and shuts the door. “I hope you still had fun.”
“No, I really did. It was nice being able to talk to you alone, and… Carrie was really nice too.” Dan smiles.
Phil smiles. “That makes me happy to hear. I’m sorry that it ended on such a sour note,” he says.
“The day is still young. We can make it better.” Dan smiles.
“Yeah, we can-” Phil leans over and then he kisses Dan passionately yet sweetly, surprising Dan. It takes Dan a moment before he finally kisses Phil back. Phil pulls away after a moment and smiles.
Dan looks up at Phil, his eyes full of excitement. He never thought Phil would kiss him.
Phil chuckles and wraps an arm around Dan, pulling him closer. “Things are looking up, Dan,” he says.
The next few days, Dan spends most of his time at the castle, and mostly with Phil. There is still a lot of the castle he hasn’t seen so Phil’s been showing him around and telling him all these stories.
It isn’t until Dan is with Louise in one of the studies, helping her clean. “I wanna go back to the kingdom,”
“With Phil?” Louise asks, looking over at Dan with her eyebrows raised.
“No, by myself,” Dan tells her. “I know that’s a bad idea. But, I just… I don’t know.”
“I mean, I can understand why you do want to go back. A lot of stuff has happened since you were announced as Phil’s soulmate. People aren’t happy, and you have unanswered questions,” she says.
“Yes, that’s exactly it!” Dan nods. “But, how on Earth do I get out of the castle without Phil seeing me or without a guard watching me like a hawk? It’s like mission impossible!” He throws his arms up.
Louise chuckles. “It’s not that impossible. I can help you,” she offers.
“Really?” Dan asks, walking over to her. “But, how? I don’t want you to get in trouble…”
“Oh, please. It’ll be easy. I’ll make sure Phil is busy with something else and then all I have to do is distract the guards and you’ll escape. The guards outside are a little tricky though,” Louise tells him.
It’s still early in the day, so it’s easy to busy Phil with something that doesn’t involve Dan. And somehow, Dan and Louise manage to distract the guards by making a loud commotion outside the castle. Dan sneaks outside and runs towards the gate the moment the guards leave the gate, and he sneaks out.
Dan smiles, weirdly feeling proud that their plan actually worked.
It takes about twenty minutes for him to make it to the kingdom. He tries to act as calm as possible, though after his last visit to the kingdom, he can’t help but feel a little nervous about being alone.
Dan only walks around for a few minutes before he’s spotted.
“Hey! You’re Daniel Howell!” A man shouts as he points at Dan. He’s with other men as well.
Dan looks up and his eyes widen as the group of men start walking towards him. “I-I-”
One of the men grab him by the collar and pull him closer. “You’re the reason this kingdom is falling apart. Prince Philip should not be marrying a boy. He should be marrying a princess!”
“It’s not my fault!” Dan gasps and struggles to get out of the man’s grip, but he’s not strong enough.
“Who’s fault is it then? Huh? Nobody’s. It’s your fault, and you’ll pay for it!” The man shouts before throwing Dan onto the ground harshly, and then the group of men start kicking him.
It’s later that night when Phil is sitting at his desk in his bedroom, looking out the window thoughtfully, when the door opens. He looks over and is surprised when he sees Carrie standing in the doorway. It’s very rare when Carrie visits the castle. Usually she’s only around for special occasions like when Phil invites her over for big dinners. His parents allow him to invite friends which is usually Carrie and Louise.
“Carrie?” Phil asks as he stands up. He walks over and hugs her. “What are you doing here?”
“I wish I could say that I’m here for a nice visit, but… that’s not the case.” Carrie sighs sadly.
“What happened? Is everything okay?” Phil asks worriedly.
Carrie shakes her head. “It’s Daniel,” she says, looking up at Phil. “He got into some trouble.”
“Trouble?” Phil blinks a few times. “What kind of trouble are we talking about here?”
“Awhile ago, I was doing my usual evening walk around the kingdom, and… I found him. He was just… lying on the ground, beaten and bruised,” Carrie tells him. “It was a horrific sight.”
“Wait a minute, what was Dan doing in the kingdom?” Phil asks, confused.
“I’m not sure. But, you have to go see him. He’s in terrible shape!” Carrie grabs Phil’s hand, and then she drags him out of his bedroom and leads the way up to the hospital room. There are security guards surrounding the hospital room. Phil’s confused, and has so many questions swirling in his mind.
Carrie leads the way into the hospital room, where Phil sees his father and mother.
“Dad? What’s going on?” Phil asks, rushing over to Dan’s bed. His eyes widen when he instantly notices that Dan’s covered in bruises. He can only imagine how much pain Dan will be in when he wakes up.
“It appears that Daniel has sneaked out of the castle and ventured off to the kingdom by himself,” the King says as he watches Phil. “Carrie found him and informed us of his whereabouts.”
“That doesn’t make sense. How did he get out of the castle without the guards seeing him?” Phil asks.
“He had a little help from your friend Louise,” the King tells him. “She admitted that she helped him.”
“I just don’t understand why Dan wanted to go to the kingdom by himself, knowing how the kingdom feels about everything changing. It’s not safe for him to be out there alone. Clearly!” Phil points to Dan.
“Maybe he was just trying to get some answers.”
Phil blinks a few times as he looks over at Carrie. “What do you mean?”
“Like you said, Phil… people started hating the idea of you marrying a boy the second it was announced. They think it’s Dan’s fault, so of course they’re going to hate him even though he’s done nothing wrong. Believe me, I’ve heard what some of the people in the kingdom have been saying. It’s not nice.”
Phil looks over at Dan and frowns, hating that people are so upset by the idea of him marrying a boy that they would go as far as hurting Dan physically. He never wanted Dan to get hurt like that. It’s not right.
“Well, they’re going to have to deal with it,” the King speaks up. “I will not be having people in the kingdom hurting people close to me. Anyone who lays another hand on Daniel or Phil, will be punished.”
“Dad, do you really think punishments are going to fix anything?” Phil asks, looking up at him.
“Well, I’m not going to let anyone get away with this. They could have killed him, Phil.” the King sighs. “Stay here with him for now. The doctor said he’ll be fine, though it will take a few weeks of recovery before he’s back to his normal self. I’ve also contacted his family. They will be here tomorrow. Meanwhile, there are people I need to speak to. Carrie, you’re more than welcome to stay in one of our guest rooms for the night. It’s far too dangerous for you to go back to the kingdom this late.”
“Oh, thank you so much your majesty,” Carrie says with a smile.
“It’s the least we could do. You saved Dan’s life, after all,” he says before walking out of the room.
Phil looks back over at Dan and grabs his hand, sighing sadly.
Kathryn looks over at Phil and frowns, gently rubbing his back. “Dan will be fine,” she assures him.
Phil looks up at her. “Why did they do this to him?” He asks. “Is it my fault this happened?”
“Of course not, sweetheart. We could have never predicted this to happen,” she says softly. “Change is not easy. It will take a lot for everyone to get used to it, but… things will get better in the long run.”
Phil slowly nods, hoping that his mother is right.
Over the next few weeks, Dan slowly gets better. The King issued out a statement about the incident, warning the kingdom that punishments will be put out to anyone who hurts Dan again. They also decided that the wedding would be taken place sooner or later.
Unfortunately, while all this is happening, the king has fallen ill. Phil knew this was coming, but he expected it to happen a lot later. He’s terrified now, especially with everything that’s happening with Dan.
Phil looks over and smiles when he sees Dan standing in his bedroom doorway. “Hey. You’re up,”
“Yeah, I can finally walk now,” Dan chuckles. “I still ache in some places, but it’s not as bad.”
Phil stands up and walks over to him, sighing. “I just hate that this happened to you,” he whispers.
“It’s my fault. I’m the idiot who thought it would be a good idea to go to the kingdom by myself,” Dan says. “I just didn’t think I’d end up in the hospital. I mean, I was only there for like five minutes.”
“Yeah, people can be pretty horrible-” Phil gently grabs Dan’s and leads him over to the bed.
“How’s your dad?” Dan asks as he sits beside Phil.
“Resting.” Phil sighs. “I know it’s killing him lying in bed all day. But, the doctor said that he needs to rest, otherwise there’s no chance he’ll get better. Added stress to the situation won’t help either.”
“Do you think he will get better?” Dan asks.
“I don’t know,” Phil mumbles. “We didn’t expect him to get ill so soon.”
Dan takes a deep breath. “Well, we should talk about… babies, I mean… you wanted to have kids before your dad passes, right? He’s fine now, but, we don’t know if he’ll make it for much longer,” he says.
Phil looks over at Dan. “Yeah, but… it shouldn’t all be about what I want. You’re the one who’s going to be carrying the children after all,” he says. “We’ve only known each other for a few weeks,”
“I knew it was going to come. And, besides… it’s your dad’s dream to see you with kids, for him to know that the tradition will continue. He’s done so much for me, the least I can do is help make this dream come true. I wish I had more time to prepare, but, I’m not that upset about it.” Dan shrugs his shoulders.
“I’m sorry things are moving so fast.” Phil chuckles nervously.
Dan shrugs his shoulders. “That’s okay. We’re still young, after all. Things are moving fast now, but, hey… we have many years left to enjoy our time together,” he says.
“Wow, Dan. I’m actually really glad you can see it that way,” Phil says with a smile. He bites his lip slightly before slowly leaning over and kissing Dan. The kiss lasts for a few moments before Phil pulls away. “So, are we really doing this?” He takes a deep breath.
“I can’t think of a better time,” Dan whispers.
Phil stands up and walks over to his door, locking it. He definitely didn’t plan for his first time with Dan to end up like this. He wanted to make it more romantic, but there’s no time for romance at a time like this.
Phil looks over and sees Dan already sitting on the bed. He hesitates before walking back over to the bed and crawling over to Dan. “I’ve never done this before… but I know what to do.”
“Well, I’ve never done this before nor do I know what to do. I apologize in advance if I disappoint you.”
Phil chuckles and shakes his head. “You could never disappoint me, Dan,” he whispers.
“That’s good to know,” Dan replies with a blush.
Phil smiles, and then he slowly leans down and he captures Dan’s lips with his own in a sweet kiss. “Okay, just relax,” he whispers. “I promise I’ll take care of you.”
Dan looks up at Phil and takes a deep breath before slowly nodding. “I trust you,” he whispers.
Phil kept to his word, and took care of Dan their first time having sex together. He was gentle and slow, and made sure Dan was okay the entire time. Dan just hopes that what they did actually works, because he wants to be able to carry Phil’s child while the king is still alive.
A week passes, and Phil’s checking on Dan again for any updates. He finds Dan outside in the garden.
“Feeling anything yet? I know it’s only been about a week but…” Phil begins.
“Nothing, really-” Dan shakes his head. “I mean, I felt kind of sick earlier but nothing really happened. Kathryn told me it takes a few weeks for anything to really start happening. Like, morning sickness.”
“Oh. Sorry I keep asking you. I’m just… I’m so nervous.” Phil takes a deep breath.
“That’s okay, you have every right to be nervous. I am too.” Dan chuckles, and then he sighs. “I just… God, I just don’t want to let anyone down. A lot of people are looking to me for this to work. I’m the one who’s able to get pregnant and have a child. I really want to make your dad happy.”
“I know and I appreciate that, but… please remember that it’s not all about my dad. Yes, this is my dad main reason why we’re doing this, but like you said. You’re the one who’s going to be carrying the child. It’s about you too. I want you to be just as happy,” Phil tells him, gently pulling Dan closer.
Dan smiles, and wraps an arm around Phil’s neck. “I am happy,” he whispers before kissing Phil.
Phil chuckles as he pulls away from the kiss. “Wow. Who would have thought that we’d actually be here? After how we started? I didn’t think we’d get past that...”
“Hm. I wonder who’s fault that is,” Dan says, smirking.
“Shut up,” Phil laughs and shoves him playfully. “I was stupid. At least I’ll admit it.”
“True,” Dan nods. “Can we go get something to eat? I’m starving!”
Phil chuckles. “Sure. Come on,” he says, grabbing Dan’s hand and then leading the way into the castle.
“I just can’t believe that I, villager Dan Howell, get to the live in the castle for the rest of my life.” Dan sighs when they make it to the kitchen. “I was so sure that people would hate me because I’m from the village. Turns out they hate me because I’m a boy who also likes boys.”
“Things will get better. I promise,” Phil says, looking over at Dan. “Dad and I are making it our mission to stop this homophobic hate. After seeing what they did to you, Dad changed his views.”
“Oh, well I’m glad it took me getting beaten up to change his views,” Dan mumbles.
“Hey.” Phil reaches over and he gently pushes Dan playfully. “He’s traditional, like most royal families are. He, and myself, just needed some pushing. We want to make things equal for everybody.”
“Well, I’m glad something’s being done about it at least. Thank you.” he kisses Dan’s cheek.
Over the next few weeks, Dan starts noticing some changes. Morning sickness starts becoming a frequent thing for him. He knows what it probably means. Dan just can’t believe it’s real.
“Are you done yet?” Phil asks, knocking on the door. “What’s taking so long?”
“Stop rushing me!” Dan shouts from the inside of the bathroom.
Phil chuckles, and then he sighs. “Blame my mum. She’s the one who keeps coming in here and checking to see if there’s any news. Everybody’s on edge.” It goes silent for a moment. “Dan?”
The door slowly opens, and Dan looks up at Phil like he’s just seen a ghost.
“Dan?” Phil asks, taking a deep breath. “A-Are you…?”
Dan holds up the pregnancy test, which is showing positive. “First time. It actually worked,” he whispers.
“Oh my God,” Phil breathes, shocked. “Oh my God!” He laughs and then he flings his arms around Dan, spinning him around. “It actually worked! You’re pregnant!”
Dan laughs as he holds onto Phil tightly. “Phil! I’m going to get dizzy!”
Phil places Dan back on his feet and kisses him. “Thank you, Dan,” he breathes. “Thank you so much. Come on, we have to go tell Dad the good news. Mum is going to be so excited.” He grabs Dan’s hand and then he leads the way to the hospital. Once they get there, he sees his mom walking out of the room. But when Phil sees the look on her face, he knows that something is wrong. “Mum?”
Kathryn looks up at Phil and shakes her head. “He’s gone,” she whispers.
Phil stares at her, his eyes widening with shock. “Y-You mean…?” He asks. “No, he can’t be…”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. We knew he was going to make it for much longer,” Kathryn whispers.
“B-But… the doctor said that we still had a few more weeks with him. Wh-Why would they lie?”
Dan frowns and then he grabs a hold of his arm with one hand and gently rubs Phil’s back with the other. “I’m so sorry, Phil,” he whispers. His heart aches for Phil and Kathryn. He didn’t know the King very long, but he knew that the King was a great man. He did a lot to help him and his family.
Phil looks over at Dan before looking at Kathryn. “But, we were going to tell him. Dan’s pregnant.”
Kathryn looks over at Dan and smiles. “Dan, that’s great news!” She reaches over and hugs him, and then pulls away. “Even though you didn’t get to tell him personally, I know that he knows, and he would have been just as excited to hear that there will be a future prince, to know the tradition is continuing.”
“I just wish Dad would have been able to meet the baby,” Phil whispers. He takes a deep breath, and looks up at his mom. “Can I go see him? One last time? I-I just want to say goodbye to him.”
“Of course, sweetheart-” Kathryn reaches over and opens the door, allowing Phil to walk inside.
Dan bites his lip as he watches Phil. He wants to go in with him to comfort him, but he knows that it would probably be best for Phil to say goodbye to his dad alone.
It was hard to celebrate Dan’s pregnancy after the passing of the King.
While Phil has to deal with things back at the castle and kingdom, Dan decides to go back to the village, with Phil’s permission, to tell his mother the good news. Louise decides to tag along. There’s security, but Phil also agreed it would be better if Dan has a friend to go with him as well.
“Mum! It’s so good to see you again.” Dan smiles as he hugs his mom tightly. “Mum, this is my friend, Louise. She works at the castle.” He looks over at Louise and smiles.
“Ah, yes. Dan has told us all about you in his letters that he sent us.”
“Good thing I hope,” Louise jokes before hugging Dan’s mom. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Howell.”
“Oh please dear. You can call me Diana.” she smiles. “Please, come have a seat.”
Dan and Louise follow Diana into the lounge, where they sit at one of the empty tables. “So…”
“Mum, there’s something I need to tell you. Is Dad around?” Dan asks.
“Actually, he’s out now with your brother running errands, but he will be back very soon,” Diana tells him. “We received the news that the King passed away. It was so shocking.”
“Yes, we were all devastated. We were expecting it, but we thought we had more time.” Dan sighs sadly. “Phil’s handling it like a champ though. He’s going to make a great king.”
Diana smiles. “I’m sure of it,” she says. “I can’t imagine anyone better as your soulmate.”
“Speaking of, actually.” Dan takes a deep breath, glancing at Louise quickly before looking at his mom. “How would you feel if I told you that… you were going to be a grandma?”
Diana frowns slightly, and then her eyes light up with excitement. “Dan! You’re expecting?”
Dan smiles and nods. “Yes, me and Phil… we found out a few days ago when the King passed,” he says. “I wanted to tell you in person. Phil’s busy right now so, now was the perfect time to tell you.”
“This wonderful news, Daniel!” Diana exclaims. “I can’t wait to meet the little one.”
“Yeah, just nine months to go-” Dan laughs. “It’s gonna be a long pregnancy, isn’t it?”
“I’m sure these nine months will fly by, and before you know it… you’ll be holding your beautiful baby-?”
“We don’t know the gender yet. I’m only a few weeks in,” Dan informs her.
“Ah, well. Whatever the gender, I’m sure you’ll have him or her in your arms soon.” Diana smiles.
It’s a nice trip to his family’s home. He stays for about a day, wanting to see his brother and dad first before he left. He’s able to tell them the news about the pregnancy. They’re both shocked, but supportive.
“There’s my beautiful, pregnant husband!”
Dan laughs as Phil throws his arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Phil!”
“I’m sorry, am I hurting you?” Phil asks, instantly pulling away from the hug worriedly.
Dan chuckles. “No, I’m fine. I missed you too,” he says, kissing Phil. “Did you get any work done?”
“I’m proud to say that gay marriage is officially now legal, and anyone who harrasses gay people will be punished.” Phil grins, earning a gasp from Dan. See? Told you it was going to be the first thing I took care of once I became king. I know the people down in the kingdom won’t be very happy about this change. But, it’s time that things do starting to change around here.”
“Oh, Phil.” Dan throws his arms around Phil and hugs him tightly. “Thank you so much. Now my brother will be able to grow up without having to worry about being teased or picked on.”
“Your brother?” Phil asks, pulling away from the hug.
“He came out to us when I visited. Apparently he has a boyfriend but I didn’t get to meet him. So, yeah… another trip to my family’s home is a must before I give birth,” Dan tells him.
“We can arrange that, I’m sure.” Phil chuckles. “Well, I’m glad I decided to change that rule now.”
“Yes, and our baby will grow up without having any worries. That is, if he or she turn out gay,” Dan says. “We’ll love him or her no matter what, right?”
“Hey, of course we will. Who do you think I am?” Phil asks, offended.
Dan laughs and kisses him once before hugging him again. “We should celebrate!”
“I agree we should.” Phil grabs Dan’s hand. “We’ll have a dinner tonight in the ballroom.”
“But, I thought the ballroom is only used for special occasions?” Dan asks curiously, tilting his head.
“I think celebrating our rights is a special occasions.” Phil grins. “We must tell the cooks!”
Dan laughs as Phil pulls him throughout the castle until they reach the castle.
Dan knew Phil would make a great king. Phil had been so worried he would let so many people down. But, Dan knows Phil only wants the best for all of the people, including the villagers. Not that King Michael didn’t care about the villagers, because he did. It just wasn’t his top priority.
Dan knew that Phil would make an even greater father as well. He showed it the night the baby was born.
“Let me see him! My husband is in there giving birth!” Phil yells angrily at the guard. He looks over when the door opens and sighs in relief when he sees his mother. “Mum-”
“Would you keep it down?” Kathryn asks, a smile forming on her face.
Phil blinks a few times as he stares at her, before his eyes widen. “Oh my God. Did he-?”
“Come in. There’s someone who wants to meet you,” Kathryn says softly as she allows Phil into the room. She steps aside to give Dan and Phil a moment alone with each other.
Dan looks up from admiring the baby in his arms, and smiles when he sees Phil. “Your majesty.” he grins.
“Shut up. You know you don’t have to call me that,” Phil mumbles before making his way over to Dan, looking down at the baby in his arms. “Wow. That’s our baby?”
“Mhm. He’s so beautiful, Phil. I’m already so in love with him.” Dan smiles. “Would you like to hold him?”
“Yes. I-I would. I mean, are you sure? You’ve spent all night giving birth to him-”
“I’ll have many more years to be able to hold him. Please, he’s your son too, I want you to hold him, Phil-” Dan pushes himself up, and then he carefully places the baby in Phil’s arms. “Careful. Hold his head up.”
Phil rolls his eyes. “Have you no faith in me?” He asks jokingly, before looking down at the baby. “Wow. Dan, he looks exactly like you. Absolutely gorgeous.”
Dan smiles. “So, I finally decided on a name,” he says.
“Oh, yeah? And… what did you decide on? We’ve been trying to figure a name out for months,” Phil says, not taking his eyes away from the baby in his arms.
“So, what do you think of the name Lucas?” Dan asks, biting his lip slightly.
Phil looks over at Dan, and grins. “I think that’s a beautiful name,” he whispers, leaning down to kiss Dan, and then he looks back down at Lucas. “Prince Lucas Flynn Lester, welcome to the world little one. Together, we will rule and make this kingdom a better place.”
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kinkyteaa · 7 years
A Christmas in the Life of Dan and Phil
*please do not repost without my permission, though reblogs on tumblr are appreciated*
It was Christmas Day.
Phil stood over the festive dinner he’d made and studied it critically. It was perfect. Okay,so maybe the turkey was a little on the burnt side and the raspberry sponge cake was slightly lopsided,but Phil hadn’t had much time and he’d done the best he could. Besides,surely the expensive champagne and the plate of crunchy almond cookies from Zoe made up for them.
Phil looked up,surprised. Dan was back. Already?? Shit. He hadn’t started making the pasta yet.
He rushed to the door,ready to stall his housemate for as long as he could,when a chirpy female voice filtered through the intercom.
“Philip! Open the door will you, my arms are bloody full and the baby in me is extremely awake right now!” Phil gave a sigh of relief. Louise.
As soon as he opened the door, the blonde burst into the room,armed with dozens of colourful shopping bags and an enormous baby belly.
“Louise! Oh gosh, here-let me help,” Phil insisted, concerned that she’d been carrying so many heavy things while practically 9 months pregnant.
“Ever the gentleman, I see,” Louise winked.
“Oh Lord- thanks. I thought my arms were going to detach from my body,” she joked, immediately bustling into the dining room. Phil carefully put the bags on the couch before going after his miraculously energetic friend.
“Right,so the tinsel will have to go up by the counters and I figure we could hang the mini golden angels from those wall cabinet handles,” Louise rambled,pointing as she walked about, inspecting the floor,then the laid table.
Phil had no idea what was happening.
“We’ll need to polish the glass on that,then maybe stick some mistletoe up by that window,“she continued, completely unaware of Phil’s oblivion.
“And how ‘bout-”
“Wait!“Phil interrupted.
“What?“Louise whirled around, surprised.
“What are you talking about? What’s going on??” Phil asked,baffled.
“Decorations, of course! It’s Christmas ain’t it? And you’re proposing to Dan tonight,so obviously we need to spruce things up a bit. Don’t worry, I knew we needed to put red roses into the mix as well so I’ve ordered some already, they’ll be here any minute,” the blonde replied casually.
Phil’s mouth dropped open. Louise raised an eyebrow.
“You ARE proposing to Dan tonight, aren’t you?”
“Well-um..” Phil started. “I - not really, I just- I don’t think we’re ready,” he continued lamely, scratching the back of his neck.
Louise looked outraged. “Philip Michael Lester, you’ve been dating Dan for 7 years! Don’t you think it’s time you proposed? It’s not fair to the poor boy, he’s been waiting for you to ask him for ages!” she accused,then clapped her hands over her mouth when she realized what she’d just let slip.
“Oh shit,” she mumbled, as Phil’s eyebrows shot up.
“First of all,Dan is most definitely NOT a ‘poor boy’ ,” Phil scoffed ,remembering the price of Dans winter parka, “and second, he has? Why didn’t he say so?”
Louise snorted.
“That’s not how it works, Phil, and that’s besides the point. The point is, it’s been YEARS and you two are still perfectly happy living with one another. You know all about each other’s strengths,weaknesses, likes and dislikes,plus you’ve got some freaky telepathy thing- which I still don’t think is fair when we’re playing charades in teams. Then there’s the fact that you’ve written two books together and gone on bloody TOUR together for fuck’s sake!” Louise reasoned.
“But I don’t really think now is a good time to ask,I mean, we’re so busy with everything at the moment- especially with the second tour coming soon,” Phil tried protesting.
Louise stepped forward and put both hands on the man’s shoulders.
“STOP. BEING. SUCH. A. SCARED. LITTLE. BABY! ” Louise emphasized each word while shaking Phil hard, making him extremely dizzy.
She stopped abruptly and looked him hard in the eye.
“There’ll never be a perfect time, and you’ve stalled long enough. Listen to me,” she said firmly, when Phil attempted to protest yet again.
“What are you waiting for,Phil? What’s holding you back? Don’t you love Dan?”
Phil nodded ,looking at the floor.
“DO YOU?!” Louise screeched, shaking him some more.
“Y-yes!” Phil choked out. “I do!’
“Do you want to be with him for the rest of your life?”
“Then what the bloody cheesecake is stopping you??” Louise demanded, standing back with her hands on her hips.
“I- ” Phil began. He looked up at his friend,embarassed. Louise’s eyes softened.
“Go on,” she encouraged.
Phil sighed.
“I’m scared, what if I’m not good enough? What if I can’t make him happy? He’s the most beautiful boy I’ve ever met, he’s so caring and kind; he’s smart and funny, he’s articulate, he’s just so -so.. perfect.” Phil let out a harsh breath.
Louise frowned slightly but waited for him to continue.
“And then there’s me. I’m ugly. I’m stupid. People think my videos are dumb and childish. I’m not even funny, I don’t know why Dan is dating me. He’s been through godawful shit and he’s still so strong. He’s done so much for the online community, for people all around the WORLD, and I just- .. I’m useless.”
Finishing his little speech, Phil teared up a little then steeled himself. Willed himself not to cry. Like always.
Before he could react, warm arms enveloped him, squeezing him hard despite the large belly in the way.
“Group hug,” Louise smiled fondly at him. Phil smiled weakly in return.
“Look, Phil. I’ve known Dan for a long time, and I know for a fact that he was unhappy and lonely for a very long time. Until YOU came along. No matter what, you’ve always been there to help him through,” Louise hesitated, inhaling sharply.
“There used to be a time when Dan used to call me on the phone,crying and crying and telling me he was done, he was just so fucking DONE with everything, with the world, with himself, with his entire fucking EXISTENCE ; and he’d heave and choke on his own words. He’d sob and beg me to tell him everything would get better. That one day, everything wouldn’t hurt so much. That one day, things would CHANGE. And I would. I’d say everything over and over, wishing I could do more for him. But every time I tried, he’d more often than not, push me away, saying he didn’t want to trouble me further and I had my own life to live,” here Louise paused to breathe,closing her eyes briefly as the memories swam through her head.
Phil remained silent.
“Two years had passed and nothing had changed. The calls came more often now and I was honestly beginning to despair. The last time I’d told Dan it would be okay, that things would change, even I didn’t know if I believed what I was saying anymore. Then, Dan found you. The calls came just as frequently as before, but this time they were to talk about YOU. How ‘Phil replied to my comment, Louise!’, ‘Phil Skyped me, Louise!’,‘PHIL ASKED ME OUT, LOUISE!’ And he’s been the happiest I’ve ever seen him since then. Because of YOUR love and support, he’s grown to be a strong, confident ,HAPPY young man. And that’s thanks to you. It’d be a lie to say he’s become that person without even a LITTLE bit of your help and we both know it,” Louise folded her arms.
“So if you think you don’t make him happy, Phil, you’re wrong. As for the rest, that’s all bullshit. You’re an attractive, amazing guy, who’s helped millions of people from different continents overcome their fear, anxiety, depression and goodness knows what else but for some bloody reason, you can’t seem to see that. Not to mention, you’re creative and intelligent and the nicest person I know, and I’m 100% sure Dan would agree with me wholeheartedly.”
At this, Phil started to cry, moving forward to pull Louise into an embrace. “You’re right. It’d be stupid to let my fears and insecurities stop me from marrying the man I love. I promise I’ll propose to him tonight, it’s really taken me a ridiculously long time. And I’ll do whatever I can to keep him the happiest man alive.”
“I know you will,” Louise smiled. “Now grab that tinsel and let’s get decorating.”
~~~ Two hours later, Dan Howell came home to a beaming Phil Lester, a spotlessly clean house -with the exception being the dining room, which was very dramatically decorated- and a more or less edible (but lovingly-made) dinner.
“Phil,you spork! You didn’t have to put in so much effort. It’s just a Christmas dinner,” Dan laughed as his blue-eyed boyfriend carried him, bridal style, to the dinner table ,where several bouquets of deep, crimson-coloured roses had been tastefully arranged- Louise didnt half-ass things when it came to flowers.
“Oh my fucking gosh, I’m ACTUALLY gonna’ fall. Phil,put me down,” Dan giggled, holding on to the other boy for dear life.
“You’re not. Shut up, I’ve got you.”
Phil nuzzled his pale cheek into Dan’s soft snowflake-strewn curls, kissing the younger boy gently on the forehead, making him blush a pretty pink. He hummed quietly, savoring the moment.
A small gasp made Phil grin. Dan had spotted the food.
“Holy mother of frick, what are you trying to do,fatten me up and eat me like the witch in that fairy tale? What was it called again,Handel and Gothel? Handle and Goth Girl??” Dan mumbled, distracted.
Phil laughed at how quickly his boyfriend could get sidetracked.
“Hansel and Gretel, you turd. And no, I’m not gonna’ eat you. Not in that way, at least,” he added, hiding a smirk.
Dan flushed ,nearly choking on his macaroni.(Yes,macaroni. Because Phil insisted all pasta was romantic.)
Grinning,Phil continued to eat as if nothing had happened as Dan rolled his eyes, annoyed at how easily he’d walked into that one.
He perked up when Phil brought out the ice-cold luxury champagne though.
“Whoa- Phil, something’s up, isn’t it?” the younger boy asked,his eyes wide- ecstatic,then suspicious.
Swallowing, Phil closed his eyes for a moment.
Come on,Phil. You can do this. You love Dan and Dan loves you.
He began to think of all the moments they’d had together. The places they’d seen together. How they’d met. 2009. The problems they’d worked through. 2012. The gaming channel. Dil. The radio show. PINOF. 2016. TABINOF. DAPGO. TATINOF,the tour. Dan’s rebrand. His now curly hair and adorable freckles.
Dan smiling at him as they sang ‘The Internet Is Here’. Dan laughing at Phil after throwing a giant snowball into his face. Dan snorting with laughter as Phil tried to capture the praying mantis on the wall of their room. Dan giggling as they played Golf with Friends. Dan squeezing his hand quickly when things got too much for Phil backstage. Dan kissing him in the rain on Mount Fuji. Dan rubbing Phil’s back when he had really bad motion sickness. Dan cuddling up to him in the darkness of their room. Dan whispering a quiet ‘I love you’ in that same darkness.
You can do this, Phil. You love Dan. And Dan loves you.
He opened his eyes, certain.
“Phil?” Dan asked quietly as Phil got up and walked over to him.
The flames of Dan’s favourite scented candles flickered slowly as they bathed the room in a warm,pleasant glow,lighting up Dan’s beautiful brown eyes.
Snow was falling steadily outside when Phil Lester got down on one knee and took the small blue box out of his pocket, opening it and holding it up to his boyfriend.
“Daniel James Howell, will you make me the happiest man alive by- .. by marrying me?” he asked ,his heart beating wildly.
No answer. Phil looked up,terrified.
Dan was crying. Big, fat tears were leaking out of the corners of his eyes and rolling down his rosy, freckle-dusted cheeks.
“Dan- are you okay? Was it too early? I’m so sorry,” Phil babbled, embarassed and worried.
“No- no, shut up, you idiot!” Dan swatted the other man on the shoulder.
“Of course I’ll marry you, I’m just so happy, I’m fucking crying. Oh gosh, it took you long enough,” he laughed, pushing himself off his chair and into Phil’s waiting arms.
Phil pulled the brunette in for a long, loving kiss,feeling Dan’s smile against his lips.
“I love you,” Dan whispered in the semi- darkness.
“I love you too, bear,” Phil replied, sighing contentedly.
He loved Dan. And Dan loved him.
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crystaiskiess · 7 years
If the Crown Fits
AO3 LINK Summary:  “We would be like Romeo and Juliet if we dated.” Phil said absentmindedly.  Dan froze in shock.  “How so?” He asked with a forced casual air.  Phil shrugged, and turned the page, “Well forbidden love. Prince and servant aren’t exactly ideal.” He continued to read.  Dan was conscious of his mouth hanging open.
The Royalty AU nobody asked for in which Prince Daniel falls head over heels for his best friend and servant boy, Phil.
Author’s Notes:  Ok so I started this fic about 5 months ago and WOOP it's been a ride! From my beta Rachel (@diamond0604) constantly telling me OL OL OL OL OL etc. etc. (that means one line) to endless run throughs I feel as though this fic is my baby. Actually never mind this fic is MY BABY and I feel as though I'm sending him away and it's breaking my heart but whatever!So this is for the Phandom Big Bang therefore I have an amazing artist! (@alienenthusiast) And I've already mentioned Rachel who is sitting beside me to stop me from crying because that is likely oh god. Therefore without further ado I present my baby... If the Crown Fits!
Dan giggled as they ran through the courtyard, shoes and socks abandoned.
He turned his head around to face his friend, “You can’t catch me!” he laughed as he swivelled around a tree, only to find himself face to face with Phil.
“Or I can,” Phil grinned mischievously.
He tapped Dan gently on the arm before racing off.
Dan watched and groaned as his friend ran away, black fringe flying in the air behind him. With one more deep breath Dan chased after his friend who was easily faster than him. Dan gained ground on Phil which was a miracle and his hands skimmed Phil’s arm before a stick got in his way. He felt his feet fly out from beneath him and he crashed into Phil head first.
They both toppled over with gasps of shock, their limbs were tangled together and Dan started to giggle.
“What?” Phil asked with a confused look and brushed his legs off as they stood up.
Dan shot him an evil smirk, “You’re it!” He laughed before he raced off, only just catching the eye roll Phil aimed at him.
Dan was awful at maths.
All the endless numbers and equations gave him a headache. He ran his fingers along the sum he was attempting to work out but none of it made sense. Phil scribbled away beside him. Dan tried to catch his attention, but he wasn’t paying attention to him.
He turned to the question again.
3 + 2 = ?
6    6    ?
Dan groaned and buried his head in his hands. Finally Phil seemed to acknowledge Dan’s struggle as he chuckled.
“You right?” Phil whispered and Dan shook his head into his hands.
Their teacher glared at them over her laptop but said nothing.
“Need help?” He offered, Dan nodded against the table. “Alright where are you up to?” Phil asked as he scooted his chair beside Dan. Dan pointed to the question and Phil stifled a giggle into his palm.
“Hey!” Dan grumbled.
Phil shrugged, “That’s kinda pathetic Mr Dumb Bear.”
“It’s rude to insult a prince.” Dan attempted to find a way to defend himself but failed miserably.
Phil rolled his eyes, “Really? That’s the best you can do?” He smirked.
Whenever Phil smirked it looked like a smile but by now Dan knew the difference between a true smile and a smirk. They had grown up in the castle together after all.
“Help me please.” Dan begged, his lip stuck out in a pout.
Phil laughed at his false begging face but obliged anyway. Technically he probably wasn’t allowed to say no but Dan and Phil had never bothered with the servant’s rules.
As he poked Dan’s lip back into his mouth he pointed to the equation, “To start…”
“You have a banquet.” Phil mumbled over the top of his book.
Dan groaned, “I almost forgot!” He slammed down his book on the table with a loud clunk that made Phil jump in shock. He knew his mother, the Queen, would kill him if he was late.
Actually she would probably kill Phil, not that it was his fault but she would find a way to make it his fault.
“You should go get ready.” Phil added putting down his book as well.
Dan nodded, already getting ready to leave before he gasped, “Aren’t you helping set up?” He asked. Phil smacked his head and jumped to his feet.
“Your mum’s gonna kill me!” He groaned as he pulled on his vest.
Dan shooed him away, “If you go quick she might not notice!”
They both knew that wasn’t true but they could dream.
Dan sat on the rough chair, with a leveled glare at the wall as though it was forcing him to go the banquet. The wall of course had nothing to do with it, however it was the only thing in his line of vision, so it would have to do. His hair was being attended to by a new servant. Or should he say attacked by a new servant. She was spraying it so vigorously he was sure it would be a tough shell when she was finished. It was straightened out which was at least a relief.
“How about this one sir?” Ellen, his personal maid, asked as she presented a blue button up. Dan went to nod before he remembered that his hair was being attacked with a comb.
“Perfect Ellen thanks.” He mumbled.
She nodded before she marched out of his vision, her greyed hair pinned into her signature bun.
The banquet was just as boring as usual. Maria, the daughter of Duke and Duchess Maidon, was watching his with eyes wide the entire time. Dan avoided looking at her as she made him uncomfortable.
“Dan, how were your lessons today?” His father asked with a reassuring smile.
He felt Maria’s eyes burn into the back of his head as he turned to face him.
Dan shrugged mildly, “A little difficult but Phi-” he halted himself quickly, “I got some help and I understand it now.”
His parents nodded, his mother’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, unnoticeable to anyone who didn’t know her well, like Dan did. The servants smiled at him as they placed a plate of food in front of him. His parents and the Duke and Duchess of a nearby town began to discuss things Dan didn’t understand.
He swallowed a mouthful of his meal, and tried to avoid a conversation with Maria.
“In my opinion servants shouldn’t be friends with princes.”
Duchess Maidon scowled, her mouth twisted as she placed a piece of duck in her mouth with a pristine poshness.
Dan felt his cheeks burn but he didn’t comment. There was a pause before his mother replied,
“My opinion exactly.” She commented idly before changing the conversation to politics.
Dan didn’t stop glaring at his plate for the rest of the meal.
Phil bustled around Dan’s room dusting his shelves.
“How was the banquet?” He asked.
Dan felt his cheeks burn as he remembered the Duchess’ comment. He couldn’t tell Phil.
He shrugged, “Boring as ever.” He muttered, as he stared at the roof. Phil seemed to accept that, not that it wasn’t true. He grew quiet while he focused on polishing a vase.
“What do you want to do when you’re older Phil?” Dan asked.
He tended to ask Phil questions like that, as they made him feel more normal. Normal kids didn’t know for certain what they would be when they were only ten.
Phil laughed softly, “King’s Advisor. What else?” He muttered.
Dan nodded, he should have expected that answer. Phil’s father was the King’s Advisor and as his mother had died when he was young, it made sense that he would take the role.
“Ok… but do you have any things you want to do first? In the castle or out.”
Dan waited while Phil thought, as he moved to Dan’s TV and wiped it clean.
Eventually he nodded, “I want to wait the parties so I can see you forced to wear your fancy outfits and talk to snobby kids.” Phil poked out his tongue.
Dan rolled his eyes, “Ugh don’t remind me! I’ve got a party this weekend and I’m not looking forward to it.” He groaned.
Phil snickered, “I know.”
There was another lapse of silence before Phil sighed lightly.
“I do want to wait parties though. It seems like fun. Getting to be a part of it all.”
Dan nodded.
“It’s not fun, but I understand."
Dan stared at his shoes while his mother scolded him, and waited for it to be over.
“You are a prince Daniel.” She groans, “I allow you to play games, but not during your piano lesson.”
Dan sighed involuntarily, “I forgot it was my piano lesson Mum.”
She narrowed her eyes, “It was because of Lester the servant boy wasn’t it?” She asked calmly, although he knew she was anything but calm currently.
“No, it wasn’t Phil Mum.”
His mother let out a heavy breath through her nose at the use of Phil’s first name.
In her opinion it was correct to call servants by their surname and nothing else.
Dan of course disagreed.
“Lester,” she hissed, “Has had a very bad influence on you Daniel.”
Dan resisted the urge to scream, “No he hasn’t.” He growled under his breath, as he attempted and failed to be hostile.
The Queen shook her head in displeasure.
“If it wasn’t for your father, I would ban you from speaking to him.” She said coldly.
Dan met her steel glare with his own, “Lucky Dad’s here then."
Dan and Phil were playing an intense round of Mario Kart when his father knocked on the door.
“Can I speak to you Dan?” He asked with a smile, “Who was winning?” He added as Phil had begun to shut off the game.
“Speedy Bear, as always.” Phil grumbled, the King was very obvious in his liking of Phil, unlike the Queen who clearly wanted nothing to do with the boy. Dan grinned at his father while he laughed softly, “Well run along Philip, I’ll call for you to return when I’m done with Dan.” He said and shooed Phil out of the room
Phil bowed quickly before he scurried away, despite knowing The King would never get angry at him about the rules. Bowing was customary and Phil was trying to practise.
“I thought we could get lunch?” His father suggested, already indicating for Dan to follow him out of the room. Dan grinned, he knew that by lunch his father meant they would go to the kitchens to have a sandwich and sit in the small dining area. He enjoyed his time with his father anyway.
“Sounds awesome!” He exclaimed, and leapt to his feet in excitement.
They walked along the hallways in comfortable silence, Dan with a slight skip in his step.
He loved eating with his parents, especially his father as both of them were very busy. Barely having time for Dan except for dinners and banquets. He understood though, running the country was a difficult thing to do. A lot of their energy was focused on doing the right thing for their people, and that meant they didn’t have much time for their son.
It didn’t stop him from celebrating the occasional times like these.
“So what did you want to tell me?” Dan asked as they entered the kitchens.
His father smiled at him affectionately, Dan was known for being curious, “I'll tell you when we sit down.”
Dan sighed heavily but followed his father to the servants dining room. A couple of maids were eating there, and seemed surprised to see the King and the Prince. A few however knew that when they had time Dan loved to frequent the private dining room.
Either with Phil or his father, as it kept him feeling like a reasonably normal boy, unlike the giant church like dining room for the royals. In fact, Dan rarely went into the royal dining room if he could avoid it. It only served to remind him how different he was.
They sat down with a plate of sandwiches and some chocolate milk for Dan, and a coffee on the way for his father.
“So? What do you want to tell me?” Dan asked impatiently, as he grinned from ear to ear he dug into his sandwich. The King rolled his eyes fondly, while he wiped crumbs from the corners of Dan’s mouth, “Well would you like good news or bad news first?” He asked.
Dan furrowed his eyebrows at that question.
After a bit of thought he replied, “Bad. Get it over with quickly.” He said, as he took a big gulp of chocolate milk.
His father nodded, “Right, well then.” He paused, to think about how to word the news Dan assumed, “Your mother and I are going on a business trip so Nanny Madison will look after you.”
Dan groaned, and slumped over so his head knocked on the table.
“I should have said good news first.” He grumbled, voice muffled by his arm as he continued to lean on it. His father laughed gently, and pushed his head off the table.
“We won’t be gone long, besides you haven’t heard the good news.” He pointed out.
Dan perked up slightly, but not much. He hated when Nanny Madison looked after him.
She was even stricter than his mother, as she believed Phil would “taint” his prince qualities, so they didn’t get to spend much time with each other. She even believed Dan should learn boring skills like fencing, like the old prince days.
“Nothing like the good old days,” she would say, as she handed Dan a terrifying mask and a sharp thin sword.
“The party this weekend has been rescheduled, and Philip will take over for Ellen while we’re gone as she is accompanying us.” His father said with a knowing grin. Dan perked up considerably, Nanny Madison wouldn’t be able to stop him from seeing Phil after all.
“He’s not too young?” Dan asked joyfully.
The King shook his head, “It will be good training for him, Nikki will guide him of course, but mostly it will be Philip.”
Dan squealed with delight, wrapping his arms around his father, nearly knocking over their drinks in the process. His father chuckled into the hug but held Dan in his arms gently.
Dan waved to Phil from the window. Phil had been piled up with work recently for the upcoming party, (Dan was trying to forget).
Unfortunately, that meant the two boys hadn’t been able to spend as much time as usual.
Dan trudged his way back to the huge grand piano. He stretched his fingers over the cool white keys. Eventually he decided he would play his favourite piece, Fur Elise. The notes tinkled and filled the air in a way that even his piano teacher was impressed.
“You ‘ave have practised?” She said simply in her french accent, as though this was a new concept. Dan nodded despite the fact that he hadn’t practised since their last lesson. Piano came reasonably naturally to him, most of the time, “Of course.”
She smiled, while she adjusted her long brown hair so that it wouldn’t get in the way.
“Show me Symphony 40.” She brandished to the piano and he nodded.
Even though he hated Symphony 40.
Parties were in Dan’s opinion worse than banquets, as he hated to be looked down upon, and that’s what happened for the entire party.
Duchesses would smile stiffly at him, as though they couldn’t quite remember how to smile, exchange a few words. All the while they looked as though the last thing they wanted to do was talk to a small “child”, he was an eleven year old not a baby.
Nevertheless they barely had a conversation before moving on there way.
Dukes were no better.
Besides, just like at banquets, Phil wasn’t allowed to attend, which left Dan miserable and alone.
He hated the other rarities of young children who stuck their noses in the air and trod as though on smashed glass, one flat foot and they would be doomed.
God Dan hated them, more than words could express.
One girl, with a bony chin and huge brown eyes would stare over at him, her mouth pressed into a thin line and her dark brown hair curled into an elaborate updo.
Dan had never spoken to her though as she was always by the side of a tall prince who he wanted nothing to do with.
As the clock struck nine Dan began to wonder if he would be able to leave, after three hours of utter boredom he was ready to be out.
Suddenly he saw Phil emerge through a side door, black hair messy from the wrestling he and Dan had done earlier. Dan watched as his best friend went over to a waiter and begun to collect plates and crockery, until it was stacked to nearly the height of Phil himself. All Dan could do was watch in horror as more plates were added to the pile, this left Phil’s legs trembling and his mouth screwed up in concentration.
Dan already knew everything would go wrong before it did, it was like watching a movie in slow motion. One moment it was all fine, Phil was about to leave the room with his ridiculously tall pile of plates, the next there was a smash as Phil’s legs gave way beneath him.
Plates and crockery of every sort smashed to the ground, which left a maze of shattered glass and pottery around Phil.
Both Dan and his mother ran towards him at the same time, but for different reasons.
Dan could see his mother compose her ‘we will talk later face’ as they raced across the ballroom.
Phil sat amongst the rubble, crying silently, cuts in his hands and knees from the smashed plates that had cut into him, Dan reached him first as his mother tried to appear semi composed.
The entire ballroom watched them but Dan couldn’t care less, he was a kid after all, if they wanted to treat him like one he would be one.
“Phil,” he said when he was in earshot, stepping over smashed glass to reach his best friend who sniffled as Dan pulled him into a hug, “It’s gonna be okay.”
Dan was sat on the floor of the servant quarters, piles of spelling words spilt over his legs. He was testing Phil while he folded the royal family’s clothes.
“Rhubarb?” Dan asked being sure to hold the card out of Phil’s view.
Phil groaned reaching for a pair of trousers.
“I haven’t got a clue.” He muttered. “I’m going to fail.”
Dan shook his head, “That’s what I say every maths test, and what do you say?” He asked with his eyebrows raised.
Phil sighed, “You need to believe in your abilities.”
“Exactly!” Dan clapped his hands together, “Now, Rhubarb.”
Phil sighed, “R - H - U - B?” He paused and Dan nodded in encouragement. “A - R - B?” He finished.
Dan let out a whoop of excitement, “Correct!”
“Wait really!” Phil dropped the t-shirt he was folding in shock.
Dan nodded happily, before he picked up the next card.
“I knew you could do it.”  
“I’m bored,” Phil complained, and sprawled himself across Dan’s lap so that he couldn’t focus on his homework.
Dan groaned, as he tried to shove Phil off him, “Go away! I’m doing my homework!” Dan said with one final push.
Phil didn’t relent, staying on his lap as he continued to pout, “but I’m bored!” He repeated as though that would make Dan change his mind. “Come on grumpy bear!”
“Plus it’s hot and I don’t have any work to do! We can have a water fight.” Phil said and poked Dan in the side.
Dan’s ears pricked up despite himself, “Do we have water balloons?” He said, as he attempted to keep a calm air about him.
He must have failed because Phil smirked, “Yes,” he said with a shrug, “But I thought you wanted to do your homework so…” He trailed off and Dan groaned, before he slammed his laptop shut and turned to stare at his smirking friend.
“I hate you,” Dan grumbled as he stood up.
Phil let out a whoop of excitement, and began to drag Dan along by his arm.
As they entered the kitchen, Dan grinned; Phil had already gotten out a bucket of water balloons.
“Someone was prepared,” Dan turned to Phil who shrugged in embarrassment.
They walked over to the sink which wasn’t being used by anyone, “Well I figured you couldn’t turn down a water fight,” Phil explained.
Dan nodded, Phil had always known him better than he knew himself, and he was never one to turn down a water fight.
The King wandered out of the pantry, a cookie stuck out of his mouth. He glanced at the two boys who were stood in front of the sink, “What are you two doing?” He asked.
Dan started, he hadn’t heard his father walk into the room, “We’re going to have a water fight!” He replied excitedly.
The King laughed, the sound loud and booming, “Do either of you actually know how to fill up a water balloon?” he asked with a knowing raise of his dark eyebrow.
Dan turned to Phil who stared back at him with wide eyes, well this had created a problem. Phil shook his head sheepishly and the King laughed again, as he moved over to help them.
As he taught them how to correctly fill up a water balloon Dan couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed, the grin on his face physically hurt his cheek muscles. The King would laugh loudly whenever Dan or Phil accidentally burst one all over themselves (it was mostly Dan). Even Dan couldn’t help but laugh loudly as Phil accidentally slipped on water and ended up splashing a water balloon over Dan’s head. Dan retaliated by leaping on him which left both boys soaked.
In the end the water fight never quite made it outside.
Dan was well and truly sick of parties. The tape measure was cold against his bare chest and Phil laughed softly as he shivered.
“Oi!” Dan grumbled, Phil poked out his tongue but didn’t say anything. The seamstress clucked her tongue at him.
“Do not move Your Highness, it makes it far too difficult.” She scolded him gently, in her so-posh-it-must-be-fake British accent. Although Dan could hardly talk, he sounded like Winnie the Pooh. Phil snickered under his breath.
“Lester,” she turned her head absentmindedly and Phil jumped into straight posture, “Pass me the red silk dear.”
Phil nodded as he retrieved the bright material. She held it against the white material she was fitting Dan with and turned to Phil.
“What are your thoughts?” She asked with a tilt of the head.
Dan felt a swell of gratitude, she had gotten so sick of Dan asking for Phil’s opinions, she had begun to do so herself. Phil furrowed his eyebrows in thought before grabbing the white material and holding it against Dan’s chest.
“It really brings out his eyes, and the red is a strong comparison to his complexion.”
Dan felt his cheeks flush red.
“I agree.” The seamstress, Betty, nodded.
Betty had left them in private to discuss the material choices for his other garments.
They were sat on the floor of his bedroom (if it could be called a bedroom, it was more like a Dan’s wing) surrounded by various fabrics, embroidery and silks.
“This one would be nice?” Phil held up a blue silk. Dan watched the way the light danced on the blue fabric, perfectly reflecting his friends eyes.
“Nah, would be nicer on you.” He muttered, as he looked back down at the materials on his lap.
Phil raised his eyebrows.
“I won’t ever need it. The King’s advisor doesn’t wear silks.” Phil replied casually.
Dan wondered how strange their conversations would sound to normal twelve year olds.
Twelve year olds who didn’t grow up in a castle.
Twelve year olds who didn’t wear silks, or jewels.
Dan shrugged, “I’m just saying it would look nicer on you. Plus that type of linen scratches me.”
Phil nodded and put it down gently.
Phil held up a pale green material against Dan’s bare chest. His cold fingers made Dan shiver.
“Are you cold, Bear?” Phil smirked evilly.
He pressed freezing fingers against the bare skin. Dan shuddered and attempted to push the icy hands off him but Phil didn’t let up.
He poked his finger into Dan’s side, “Phil!” Dan exclaimed.
His mother walked into the room just as the word left his lips, of course.
“Lester,” she said curtly, “How is the material choice?”
Phil swallowed heavily and Dan felt himself sob internally.
“It’s going well Ma’am,” Phil was stood in front of Dan with his back as straight as a pole, all emotion drained from his face. Betty walked in and eyed him curiously before she saw Dan's mother.
“Your Majesty,” she curtseyed quickly, “Is everything alright ma’am?”
His mother nodded, before she turned to Phil, “Show me,” she waved her hand impatiently. Phil scrambled to hold the material against Dan yet again, this time Dan didn’t shudder at the cold. Or laugh at his friend tickling him.
His mother watched them warily, “Yes. It will do nicely.”
Dan pulled at his collar which was cutting into the skin beneath his neck. He glanced up at the large clock, three hours to go. He let out a sigh involuntarily just as a prince from a nearby country approached him.The boy was at least four years older than Dan but he had a name Dan couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Phil would remember, he was good at names.
“Hello Daniel, lovely party,” The prince smiled at him.
Dan nodded, he felt short and inferior compared to the tall teenager.
“Yes… lovely.” Dan glanced up at the clock again, only to be disappointed by a minute that had passed.
He restrained himself from groaning, and the boy raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Dan couldn’t blame him. Dan folded his small gloved hands behind his back, attempting to make himself look innocent.
“You don’t look as though you’re enjoying it,” The prince smirked.
Dan scrambled for a topic change, “I apologise but I believe I’ve forgotten your name,” he smiled politely.
“It’s James.”
Of course it’s James. Such a posh name for a posh person.
“That’s a very nice name.” Dan replied.
James laughed airily, as though he didn’t believe him.
He shook his head, “You’re a strange child Daniel.”
“There aren't many ordinary princes.”
Dan was hovering around the table, covered in various punches and wines. All served in glass goblets. People smiled and greeted him as he passed but nobody attempted to start a conversation, which Dan was grateful for. He hated the forced conversations and the polite exchanges. For not the first time that night, he wished Phil was at the party, so he could talk to someone normal.
“You look sad Daniel.” A duchess greeted him as she picked up a piece of bruschetta.
Dan shook his head politely, “Not at all ma’am. Just tired.” He gestured to the clock, which was proudly bearing 10:00 pm in large gold numbers. She nodded knowingly, most twelve year olds would be asleep by now after all, Dan chose not mention that Phil usually crept into his room around this time.
It was a perfectly acceptable lie for a twelve year old.
���You should see if you can totter off to bed?” She offered before gliding away. He hated the way posh people, like his parents, seemed to glide rather than walk, as though a simple walk was far too ordinary for them.
He glanced at the clock.
The news of him being “tired” would spread to his mother in the next ten minutes, who always listened in to conversations. He should be out of here within a quarter of an hour.
Sure enough, his mother approached him as the clock hit quarter past.
“You’re tired Daniel?” She asked with a kind smile. He loved his mother much more when she was in a good mood, she was so much more approachable.
“Yes,” he added a yawn for extra measure.
She glanced at the clock delicately and seemed shocked by the time.
“I’m not surprised either! Goodness!” She waved him away, “You go off to bed now.”
He nodded and dashed off before she could change her mind.
Phil was waiting in his room as usual.
They were used to the routine by now.
Dan would go to a party which he was unhappy about.
He would get out early by pretending to be tired
Phil would meet him in his room for the run down of Dan’s boredom.
Phil glanced at his watch.
“You’re earlier than usual.” He commented casually.
Dan shrugged, “It was an easy fake this time. Duchess Lendon was concerned.”
Phil nodded in understanding, Duchess Lendon had always been the most motherly of them all.
“Tell me everything.” Phil grinned.
Dan took a deep breath before he began his spiel, starting with Prince James who had talked to him for an hour.
“Are you positive?” Dan asked again as he followed Phil around and cleaned cabinets.
“Yes.” Phil replied without even a glance up from the glass he was scrubbing.
Dan bit his lip nervously, “But what if-”
Phil cut him off by finally meeting eyes with Dan irritably, “I want to wait the parties Dan. It’s never going to happen if I don’t ask your mum.”
“Yeah but-“
“No buts. I’m going to do it now.” Phil said as he completed the cleaning with a final wipe.
Dan huffed nervously but otherwise let him go without complaint.
“Good luck!” He called out.
Phil had been busy since the morning and Dan was dying to speak to him.
What did his mother say? He slammed his hands down on the piano keys. There was no way he could practise with this kind of stress. So he made the decision to give up and go find Phil, with a slam of the lid he got up to exit the room.
Jonathan, a servant, rushed into the room.
“Goodness Sir are you ok?” The thin balding man asked with a gasp.
Dan shuffles awkwardly, “Yes Jonathan sorry.” He scratched his head, “I’m just not in the right headspace to play.”
Jonathan nodded in understanding, “I understand Mister Daniel but please,” He gestured to the shiny piano, black gloss glittering in the warm sunlight, “Don’t injure the piano because of it.” He winked softly before waving Dan out of the room.
From Dan 3:27 pm 3/06
where are you!?! i need to know how it went
From Dan 3:30 pm 3/06
if you don’t reply i’m going to kill you
From Dan 3:32 pm3/06
i know you have your phone on you!!! you always do!!!
From Dan 3:33 pm 3/06
From Dan 3:36 pm 3/06
this is getting ridiculous...
From Phil 3:37 pm 3/06
You’re unbelievable :) I’m in the east wing, I was washing dishes so I couldn’t reply you dork
From Dan 3:37 pm 3/06
coming now!!! (i’m a prince not a dork :P)
From Phil 3:38 pm 3/06
Prince Dork then!
“How did it go?” Dan pounced on Phil the second he saw him. Phil let out a grunt as they fell over.
“Really?” Phil asked with an eye roll while he stood up, “She said yes by the way. But I have to go through extensive training first.”
Dan pumped his fist in the air with a whoop of excitement. Phil laughed softly, as he picked up a pile of washing from beside him, “Come on. We can talk while I hang this washing up.”
From Dan 10:02 am 8/10
i haven’t seen you in days are you ok???
From Dan 10:20 am 9/10
phil??? You literally haven’t been talking to me are you alright???
From Dan 9:30 am 11/10
From Dan 9:40 am 11/10
what’s going on???
Seen at 11:40
From Dan 12:40 am 12/10
why did you walk off on me today??? you yelled something out but I couldn’t hear you
From Phil 12:42 am 12/10
Hey Dan! Sorry cant talk fr long supwr busy
Your mum has beem loading me witj work
From Dan 12:43 am 12/10
she what???
From Dan 12:44 am 12/10
From Dan 12:45 am 12/10
meet me at my room at 6 ok???
From Phil 12:59 am 12/10
Dan sat on his bed and waited. It was 6:30 and Phil still hadn’t turned up.
He felt his fingers twitch towards his phone, but there was no point. Phil hardly replied to his texts currently anyway. There was the sound of fast footsteps before Phil burst in, hair ruffled and face red from running.
“I’m so sorry,” Phil gasped, as he collapsed onto Dan’s bed
Dan shook his head, “It’s okay.” he paused before asking the question that had been plaguing him for days, “What’s going on?”
Phil sighed, “I’ve had so much work lately. I just don’t have time to hang out.”
“Or answer texts,” Dan pointed out. Phil seemed to see something interesting on his shoes.
“Yeah, or answer texts.”
Dan rolled his eyes, “I thought you were mad at me or something.”
Phil looked up with so much shock in his eyes that Dan felt bad.
“Why would I be mad at you?” He asked, forehead creased in worry.
Dan sighed, “I don’t know… I guess you just hardly were speaking to me and I freaked out. We just...” He could feel Phil’s eyes on him, waiting for him to finish. “We just… always talk. We’ve never split up before.”
Phil looked exhausted and sad.
“I’m sorry Dan. I really am.” He watched Dan with hopeful eyes, “If I could get away from all the work I would.”
Dan smiled, “I know.”
Phil couldn’t get away from the work.
He was making an effort to text Dan, that much Dan could tell. However he had no time to actually see Dan, or really do anything fun anymore.
Dan was on his computer, finger tapping the mouse absentmindedly, when suddenly it struck him.
“Mum.” He muttered to himself.
Why had it not been obvious before?
She was giving Phil too much work on purpose.
To keep him away from Dan.
He leapt to his feet and slammed the chair into his desk.
Just as he was leaving his room his father came in.
“Dan!” He said as they bumped into each other. Dan slowed to a stop and turned to his father.
“Sorry Dad, is it important?” He asked as he walked back into his bedroom.
The King nodded while he settled onto one of Dan’s plush couches.
“It’s about Ellen.” He said and indicated to Dan to sit down.
“Is she ok?” Dan asked worriedly.
Was she ok? Was she sick?
His father smiled at his concern, “Don’t worry. She’s fine.” He assured his worried son, “In fact she’s pregnant!” The King announced with a joyful smile.
Dan couldn’t stop the smile spread over his face, however a small niggle at the back of his mind was saying what now?
“That’s great! So she’ll be going on maternal leave for a bit or…” Dan trailed off as he saw his father shake his head slowly.
“That is why I need to talk to you,” he said, “She wants to be a stay at home mother so-“
Dan finished for him, “So she’s resigning.”
The King nodded and waited for Dan to speak again.
“I need a new personal maid.” Dan supplied and his father looked pleased.
“Yes, and I thought you were old enough to pick on your own.”
The solution presented itself to Dan so clear and simple he could almost laugh.
“Completely up to me?” He checked.
His father raised an eyebrow curiously but said, “Yes. Your mother has agreed.”
“Phil.” Dan said excitedly.
His father smiled as though that was expected.
“It will be done.” He said simply with a small shrug and a wink.
Dan couldn’t fight the huge smile that spread over his face.
His mother was furious. Except she couldn’t do anything about it at all. She had already agreed after all.
“Pick someone else Daniel.” She growled, arms crossed over her body like an angry barrier.
Dan stood firm, “No. I choose Phil. He would be perfect as he already knows me so well.” He smiled sweetly. She narrowed her eyes, knowing that she was beaten.
“Go tell him.” She said sternly.
He grinned while he raced off to tell his friend.
To Phil 3:21 pm 18/10
where are you? i have news!!!
To Dan 3:22 pm 18/10
Washing room? You OK?
Dan ran as fast as he could, his chest begged him to stop but his brain repeated
Phil, Phil, Phil, Phil
He could scream with happiness. After three weeks of barely talking Dan couldn’t take it anymore.
“Phil!” He exclaimed as he dashed into the washroom.
Despite being entirely out of breath he was still bouncing with happiness.
“Dan!” Phil replied as Dan leapt on him. “What on Earth?”
He had to stop himself from squealing at the prospect of Phil being around him all the time.
“Guess who’s my new personal maid?”
Phil’s eyes widened as the words left Dan’s lips.
“No way!” He gasped, understanding straight away.
“Yes!” Dan grinned.
Phil dropped the wash basket to wrap his arms around Dan, it clattered to the floor and spilt piles of clothes everywhere. Dan grinned as he hugged his best friend back tightly.  
At midnight Dan woke up drenched in sweat and shaking like a leaf. He only just made it to the bathroom before he vomited up the contents of his stomach.
Where was the button for Phil again? His sick brain only half worked. There was a moment of panic before his stomach lurched again. He sobbed softly, his stomach swirling.
That’s when he remembered the button.
There was one on the sink basin.
He raised a shaky hand to the small button and pushed down on it before his stomach lurched again.
It was really hot in the room, despite the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt.
“Dan!” Phil gasped, glasses askew on his face and hair messy from sleep.
Dan whimpered softly in response, there was an aching pain in his stomach that seemed to spread through his body.
“Oh Dan, okay where does it hurt?” Phil murmured softly, voice still slightly husky from only just waking up. Dan pointed to his stomach. “Are you hot or cold?”
“Hot.” Dan replied, voice soft and shaky from the pain.
Phil nodded, and helped Dan to his feet.
“Ok, I’m taking you to your bed.” Phil explained to him, “I’m going to turn on your air conditioner and get you a bucket.”
Dan nodded.
“You’re going to take off your pants so that you’re not too hot. Do you want ice?” Phil helped him onto the bed.
Dan nodded shakily.
Phil raced off.
Dan pulled off his pyjama pants so that he was just in his boxers. His stomach lurched again but he didn’t throw up, luckily.
Phil returned with ice, a bucket and some medicine.
“Here you go.” He said as he handed Dan the ice pack.
Dan took it gratefully and placed the soothing cold on his head. Phil passed him some medicine.
“You’re going to be ok,” Phil’s voice was soft and comforting.
He stroked Dan’s hair softly while Dan clutched his stomach from the stabbing pain.
“Thank you.” Dan whispered back.
“Are you alright Dan?” Phil checked in on him later that afternoon. Dan opened his eyes drowsily.
“Uck,” He groaned.
Phil chuckled softly, “Your Mum is going to come in a bit, she’s just wrapping up a meeting.” He told Dan, moving around the room to swap a glass of water and give Dan some new medicine.
“No, don’t leave.” Dan pouted as Phil turned to leave the room.
Phil laughed gently, “Dan, you have clothes that need to be washed, and I told you, your Mum is coming.” He shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Okay…” Dan dragged out the end of the word and added puppy dog eyes for extra emphasis. Phil merely shrugged with another soft laugh and left the room.
Dan flopped back down, the pillows surrounded his head. His stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch but he had long since emptied his stomach.
“Dan?” He heard his mother ask from the doorway.
“Come in Mother,” he smiled through the pain, sitting himself up against the pile of pillows.
She sighed softly when she was his flushed form, “Are you alright? Have you eaten?” She fretted, perching on the couch beside his bed.
“I’m fine and no I tried a while ago and vomited it back up.” He replied, his body shook  from the cold despite the fact that he was sweating like he was in sauna.
She pursed her lips, “Do you have a fever?”
“Yeah I think so.” He cuddled the blankets around him.
“Do you want me to get you a doctor to come in?” She said with a tinge of worry threaded through her words. Dan nodded.
“You should probably sleep. I’ll call a doctor,” she smiled gently at him, before exiting as quickly as Phil had done. Dan repeated the action of collapsing back into the pile of pillows, sleep greeted him much faster than expected.
He dreamt like a photo album.
Small snippets that constantly changed.
Each as random as the last.
He was in charge of four bawling babies.
All that surrounded him was an empty dark abyss.
He was at a ball surrounded by girls but he instantly migrated to a young prince.
Geese pecked at him from every angle.
He was drowning in a sea of cats.
Phil poked him gently and he woke with a start.
“You right?” He asked and passed him a glass of icy water.
Dan nodded, “Yeah just… weird dreams I guess?” He chuckled, but the dream about the ball was stuck in his brain like glue. Phil didn’t look convinced but shrugged it off, “You were talking in your sleep a bit.” he snickered, “Don’t peck me bad geese no!” Phil flailed his arms mockingly.
Dan rolled his eyes, “Shut up!” He scoffed, “I’ll have you know they were pecking from every angle.” He stuck out his tongue.
“Nice to see your usual sarcastic attitude back,” Phil smiled genuinely.
Dan grinned back, his hair still stuck to his face with sweat.
When Dan finally emerged from his sickness there was a another party in three days. Phil was finally, after a year of training, going to wait a party. Dan for the first time ever was excited about the party, he wouldn’t be suffering through it alone. He could also tell that Phil was bubbling with excitement.
Phil bounded around Dan’s room, smile glowing on his face.
“Come on!” Phil exclaimed.
Dan groaned as Phil passed him his shirt and pants.
“I don’t wanna!” He flopped onto his bed, throwing his hand to his forehead for dramatic effect. Phil rolled his eyes and pulled Dan's foot so that he fell off the bed. “Get up, the party’s in an hour you don’t have time to be fussy.”
Dan stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, Phil smirked and poked the lip back in.
“Come on get up!” He said far to happily for Dan’s liking.
Dan smiled politely at the princesses who curtsied to him. He gave them a small bow back. Although he could clearly see the princesses were beautiful, he found himself wishing he could meet more princes.
Like in his dream a few weeks ago.
He shook away the feelings hurriedly.
Now was not the time to question his opinions on princesses, he didn’t need a partner yet anyway.
Someone tapped him delicately on the shoulder.
“Would you like a drink sir?” A familiar voice asked, a teasing tone added for extra measure.
Dan rolled his eyes as he turned to face Phil, “Do you have any alcohol?” He asked sarcastically.
Phil tutted at him, “Absolutely not! Take a non alcoholic drink.” He inclined his head to the tray he was carrying.
Dan smiled gratefully and took a glass.
“How’re you liking the party scene?” He asked with a smirk.
Phil laughed, “I’m beginning to see why you got so bored, they’re all just drifting in their fancy way.”
Dan pulled a face in agreement.
“Hello Daniel.” A voice said from behind him.
Dan grimaced at Phil before he turned to face James, who had spoken to him at any party possible. Despite the four year age gap and the fact that Dan hated him.
“Drink.” James snapped his fingers at Phil.
Phil looked shocked by the abrupt rudeness of it but maintained a polite manner anyway, “What would you like?” He asked.
“Wine.” James said just as harshly and held out his hand for the glass.
Phil carefully retrieved a glass from his tray and passed it to the snobby prince.
“Have you met my sister, Cecilia?” James asked with a slight incline of the head.
Dan wanted to punch him for the way he had spoken to Phil but he forced himself to remain calm.
“No.” He replied through gritted teeth.
James raised his eyebrows at the curt answer but simply finished his drink with a gulp.
“You should,” He said, “Another.” He snapped at Phil again.
Phil passed him another drink, sharing a look with Dan.
As the glass came into contact with James’ gloved hands it slipped through his fingers, smashing to the ground and spilling wine all over the prince’s legs.
“Look what you did!” James sneered at Phil.
A few people had turned to stare at them in shock.
“I-I’m sorry I thought you had it.” Phil replied shakily.
Dan stepped to comfort him, placing a hand on his arm.
“It wasn’t his fault that you didn’t hold onto it properly.” Dan said to James with a protective glare.
James scoffed, “Sticking up for the servant? What is he your boyfriend?” He asked with a smirk.
“No. He’s my friend.” Dan growled. “Leave us alone.”
James spun on his heel and marched off without another word.
Phil smiled at him gratefully before he ducked to his knees to wipe up the spilt wine.  
“Dan! You need to get ready for god’s sake!” Phil exclaimed when he walked into the room.
Dan huffed but turned off the video game anyway.
“But I don’t want a gala!” He pouted.
Phil rolled his eyes, “Come on you’ve only got three hours and I need to get you ready.”
“I hate this,” he groaned, and screwed up his face in over exaggerated anguish.
Phil laughed, the soft sound filled Dan’s veins.
“We haven’t even started!” He exclaimed and pulled Dan to his feet.
Dan sat on the couch as Phil brought out two suits.
“I have to wear a suit!” Dan exclaimed and smashed his head into the pillow beside him.
Phil chuckled, “Yes you do.” He held them up, “Now which one?”
Dan turned to look at them, one was a navy blue with a pale blue shirt, the other was black with a crisp white shirt.
“The black one, like my soul.” He muttered and pointed to the black suit.
Phil laughed, “Perfect choice.”
Dan stuck out his tongue, Phil copied the action. Somehow making it so adorable Dan wanted to kiss him.
Did I really just think that?
Dan walked out of the change room, the suit fitted him perfectly, it shaped all the right places and made Dan look so much more handsome than he was. He could have sworn Phil’s cheeks tinted slightly pink when he walked out.
Probably because the room was very warm.
“On a scale of 1-10 how awful do I look? 1 being you look like a literal trash can, and 10 being I would make out with you in that suit.” He spread his arms awkwardly to show off the outfit. Phil stroked his chin in thought, “I’d say about a 9?” He said eventually.
Dan nodded, and ignored the thumping of his chest as his best friend stepped forward to adjust his collar.
“Jewel cufflinks or silver?” Dan asked Phil, as he turned to the boy who was strewn out across the bed. He showed the ruby cufflinks his mother had bought him for his birthday.
Phil screwed up his nose, “Definitely silver, jewels make you look tacky.”
“Really?” Dan replied and put down the rubies, picking up the silver. Phil nodded as he helped Dan attach them to the sleeves of his shirt.
“They look like you’re saying,” Phil spoke in an over the top british accent, “Woop-di-doo I’m a prince! I have money and jewels yay!”
Dan snorted at the awful impression.
“I do not speak like that!” He poked Phil in the side.
Phil smirked, “Sure you don’t Winnie the Pooh.” He teased.
“Oi!” Dan pushed him over onto his bed.
Phil laughed loudly as he grabbed Dan by the tie and pulled him down as well.
“If I look so tacky why did you let me where jewels so often!” Dan sat up with a start.
Phil shrugged, “I wasn’t allowed input into your outfit choices I guess.”
Dan pushed him, “You know I would have listened to you.”
There was a short pause before Phil chuckled, “Yeah I suppose you would have. I just didn’t think it was my place.”
“It’s always your place.” Dan said and poked his friend in the cheek.
Phil shrugged, “Well then, don’t wear jewels they’re tacky and I hate them.”
Dan rolled his eyes, unable to keep the grin off his face as he checked the time on his phone, “Oh shit!” He exclaimed as he leapt to his feet, “Come on! Mum’s going to kill me if I’m late!”
Phil groaned, “That’s what I’ve been saying all afternoon!”
He stood at the front of the room, the large crown heavy on his head. Hundreds of “eligible” young girls in beautiful dresses watched him eagerly. It was expected that he would go forward and dance with the girls he was considering.
But he wasn’t considering anyone.
After all he was only fifteen!
Why would he need a girlfriend, why would he want one? If he was honest with himself he had a crush on someone else, and it certainly wasn’t one of those princesses. He could just imagine how everyone would react if he went up to Phil and danced with him out of everyone in the room. Phil waved gently from the food table where he was waiting for his tray of cakes.
His mother sent him a look that said, “Daniel dance with one of them!”
He swallowed the hatred of the evening he stepped towards a pretty girl with blonde hair. She practically squealed with excitement and stepped away from her group of friends.
“Hi,” he bowed.
“H-hello,” she curtsied awkwardly back. With a smile he took her waist and her hand gently. They waltzed around the room, while jealous girls eyed them with looks of malice.
“So what’s your name?” He asked politely.
She smiled, “Elizabeth.”
Wow how original.
“That’s a lovely name.”
“Thank you.” He bowed again as they finished.
“No, thank you,” she said with another quick curtsey before she scurried away.
End me.
He scooted his way over to Phil while he had the chance.
“Hello.” Phil smiled as he approached.
“Hi.” Dan replied with a heavy sigh.
Phil chuckled and handed a princess a cake who was definitely only there because Dan was.
“Save me.” Dan groaned as she walked away.
Phil shook his head gently, “You know I can’t.” He began to walk through the sea of princesses.
“Follow me?” He looked back at Dan who reluctantly followed.
“They’re all so desperate it freaks me out.” He complained when they weren’t within earshot of any girls.
Phil nodded in understanding, “They keep asking if I’ve ever gotten to see you get dressed.”
“That’s… That’s just creepy.” Dan muttered and Phil laughed in agreement.
“Your mother is looking at us.” He hissed out the side of his mouth, and offered a cake to an overjoyed girl.
Dan sighed heavily, “Bye.”
Both Dan and Phil glanced up in shock as The King marched into Dan’s bed chambers, his old face worn out and exhausted but plastered with his signature smile.
“I was thinking you boys might want to go out for an ice-cream?” He suggested and Dan grinned as he climbed up from the game of Monopoly he and Phil had been playing.
With a nod Dan turned to Phil and said teasingly, “I can run you bankrupt later, let’s go get ice-cream!”
Phil rolled his eyes but took Dan’s hand to be hefted to his feet, “Sounds great!” He said to The King but turned to Dan mischievously, “But I believe you are the one who's bankrupt currently Daniel,” he poked Dan in the side.
“Well, whoever is bankrupt or not can wait. This King needs a break!” Dan’s father ushered them out of the room impatiently, clearly eager to get out of the palace and into the normal world.
Dan laughed loudly as his father all but tugged him out of the palace doors, one guard accompanied them as usual, despite Phil being “an escort”.
“Where are we going Your Majesty?” Phil asked as they left the huge gates of the palace behind.
The King tutted, “Please Philip if you’re going to use titles at least go with Sir? Your Majesty seems a bit ridiculous for someone who’s taking you out for ice-cream!”
Phil flushed a dark shade of red which shouldn’t have made Dan’s heart ping like it did, “Y-yes Sir,” Phil mumbled.
Dan tried to make his face as neutral as possible as his best friend turned to look at him, “Can we go to the little Italian place you took me when I was six?” Dan pleaded, not meeting Phil’s gaze for fear he would turn as red as Phil currently was.
His Father seemed surprised Dan remembered the little Italian ice cream shop they had only visited once but beamed anyway, “Of course!”
The guard made herself noticed by leaning her head in slightly, “Would you like a car Your Majesty?” The buff woman asked.
The King waved her away, “Nonsense! We can walk! I may be an old royal but I can still use these old things,” he waved his legs around and skipped off as though to prove his point. Dan laughed boisterously, and encouraged Phil to join him in a run as they left behind their duties for the day. Dan’s father danced and walked around in a strange walk that reminded Dan of a chicken, successfully pulling loud giggles out of both boys mouths as they continued to run alongside him.
The ice-cream shop was exactly the same as Dan remembered it, small and brightly coloured. With vintage records that lined the walls, each cut into beautiful shapes and hung to decorate the small room.
The walls were a strange shade of yellow, tinged with a bright blue that reminded Dan of Phil’s eyes, and the ice cream took up most of the space, kept in huge bucket sized containers.
Flavours were lined one after the other, each more exciting than the last. Bubblegum, chocolate fudge, tiramisu, honeycomb, vanilla bean, just to name a few.
Dan instantly ordered a vanilla bean and honeycomb in a large waffle cone.
Phil’s mouth was gaping open, like Dan he rarely left the palace and clearly hadn’t been to an ice-cream store this wonderful.
“What would you like Philip?” The King asked and turned to the fifteen year old boy who looked like he’d never seen real ice-cream before.
Dan grinned at him as Phil continued to splutter in uncertainty, finally he said, “Erm same as Dan.”
Dan nudged him in the side, “Good choice,” He whispered as the worker handed him the ice-cream, too busy to notice he was serving The Prince.
As they sat down in a window booth, the blue sky stretched out like a huge expanse, and licking at their half melted ice-creams they laughed so hard Dan thought he might burst. His father had a way of reminding both him and Phil of the memories that had long since faded away. Like the time Dan had gotten himself stuck in a drying room in a game of ‘Intense Hide and Seek’ as five year old Dan and Phil had named it. He was unable to get out of the warm room Dan had later emerged with an intensely curly fringe and no clothes.
Dan groaned as Phil laughed his head off at him, having completely forgotten about the very disgruntled young Daniel.
“Oi shut up Mr Philip!” Dan poked Phil in the side, “I distinctly remember somebody getting stuck in the top shelf of the pantry with a mouth full of jam biscuits!”
Phil turned a bright shade of red as both Dan and his father burst out laughing at the memory of a very sticky four year old and how on Earth he had gotten up there.
The King shook his head, still booming with laughter, “No no! Now both of you seem to have forgotten about the time…”
“Mum! I don’t need another gala! They’re not working!” He pleaded with his mother but to no avail.
She shook her head with a heavy sigh, “No Daniel. You are sixteen without anyone and your father and I are getting old. What happens if something happens to us? I want you to have someone.”
The words stabbed at Dan.
He knew who he wanted.
Who he would never have.
“I know Mum, but maybe we should try something else. I’m still only sixteen, can we take a break?” He begged.
She sighed heavily.
“One more Daniel. Then we’ll stop okay? Please?” Her eyes pleaded with him.
He nodded.
After the first gala there had been at least ten more. With no more success than the first had been. Eventually Dan gave up, and just purposefully spent time with Phil.
“I hate this.” Dan muttered.
Phil nodded, “I know.” He passed a drink to a princess with a bright smile that made Dan’s heart stutter. “But your mother is worried.”
“I know,” Dan said with a sigh. He smiled politely to a girl they passed, “It’s just not working.”
Phil shrugged, “She’s hoping it might.”
A princess tapped Dan on the shoulder.
He spun around in shock, “Er hi?”
“Hello,” she curtsied, “My name is Princess Cecilia? We’ve met before. I’m James’ sister.”
The name made Phil’s eyebrows shoot up and Dan want to growl.
“Yeah hi,” Dan smiled politely, and wished she would go away as he saw James approaching them.
“Your mother thinks you two would be a good match,” James said in lieu of hello, “I see he’s still here.” James looked at Phil was a sneer.
Phil went bright as a beetroot but made no move to go anywhere, in fact he did the most sarcastic thing imaginable.
“Would you like a glass of wine?” He asked with an innocent smile.
James’ eyes narrowed but he didn’t say anything.
“How are you Daniel?” He said and turned to Dan.
Dan forced an incredibly fake smile and replied, “Fine thanks.”
At that he grabbed Phil’s arm and marched away, calling over his shoulder, “Nice meeting you Cecilia.”
The tears poured out at three am.
He sobbed into his pillow until his eyes were dry and his throat was hoarse.
He didn’t want a girlfriend.
At all.
He wanted the opposite of that.
But aside from anything he didn’t want to be a disappointment. He clutched the blankets to his chest.  
“Phil,” he croaked through the tears.
He didn’t want to press the button, but he did at the same time.
Dan held his pillow up to his face and screamed as loudly as possible. It was mostly muffled by the pillow but Phil managed to hear it anyway. He ran into the room with hair that was messy from sleep and eyes that were wide with worry.
“Dan… what’s wrong?” He gasped and slipped onto the bed beside Dan.  
Phil held Dan to his chest and he sobbed heavily as tears cascaded down his face.
“Oh Dan,” Phil murmured and rubbed Dan’s back gently.
The tears began to slow until Dan was barely crying at all.
“What’s wrong Dan?” Phil asked gently, still rubbing Dan’s back for comfort.
Dan sobbed softly, “There’s so much happening and… and I don’t want a girlfriend but I’ll disappoint my parents… I just… I… don’t want to be a disappointment.”
Phil passed him a box of tissues, “You need a break.”  He said knowingly.
Dan nodded, “Yeah I do…” He dabbed at his eyes, despite the fact that tears were still falling slowly.
“I’ll take you out tomorrow. We’ll tell your mum that you need to go out and I’ll take you to a market nearby!” Phil suggested with an excited grin.
Dan smiled through the tears, “That sounds great.”
Phil nodded and pulled Dan back into a hug, “Then we’ll do it.”
Phil bounded along the path ahead, a bright green shirt and jeans fitted to his body.
“You’re going to love it!” He exclaimed gleefully, before he slowed down to walk next to Dan, “At least I hope you will or this will be awkward.” He laughed.
Dan chuckled, the fresh morning air nipping at any skin it could find. They had dressed Dan in black skinny jeans and a grey-black jumper so that people would be less likely to recognise him. Although as Phil said, there was a high possibility people would know who he was. It was nearby the palace after all.
The market was bustling to say the least.
It was a simple place, a farmers market Phil told him, but the energy was so different to the castle, and Dan loved it. There were stalls set up in a semi circle, ranging from scones to fresh produce. Children played in a petting zoo on the side and parents flitted between shops to find the best bargain.
Phil turned to him with a bright smile, “What do you think?” He asked.
“It’s amazing,” Dan smiled in return.
The weight of his stress momentarily faded away into the hustle bustle of the environment.
“Are you hungry?” Phil asked as they walked along the stores.
Dan’s stomach grumbled in response, “That would be yes.” He laughed.
“The scones are the best you’ll have ever tasted!” Phil exclaimed and pulled Dan along by the arm.
Dan grinned, “Even better than Chef Mari?” He asked with a smirk.
Phil nodded, “Yep!”
As they arrived at the stall the large man gave Phil a knowing smile.
“Phil!” He boomed happily, “How are you my boy?”
Phil grinned, “I’m great Bryan, and you?” He replied.
“I’m splendid! Who’s this lad? Your boyfriend?” Bryan asked with a smile.
Both Dan and Phil’s cheeks flushed red hot at that comment.
“N-no,” Phil stammered, “This is Dan. My best friend.”
Dan waved timidly, “Hi.”
Bryan let out a loud laugh, “I’m just teasing boys! The usual I assume?” He looked at Phil who nodded. When he passed the bag of scones to Phil, Dan could have sworn he heard him whisper, “He would be cute boyfriend though hm?”
But he was positive he was just imagining it.
“My hands are freezing.” Dan complained.
Phil rolled his eyes but linked their hands together. His hands were warm and soft.
“Better?” He asked with a grin.
Dan nodded.
A small three year old boy bumped directly into Dan’s leg and fell onto the ground with an oomph.
“Sorry!” The boy apologised and jumped to his feet.
The mother rushed forward, an apologetic look on her face and Dan recognised her straight away.
“Dan!” She exclaimed.
“Ellen!” He replied as she picked up her little boy.
She sighed happily, “You let your curls out!” She smiled.
He nodded, “Phil convinced me.” He said and inclined his head to his friend beside him.
She beamed at the two of them. Then she noticed their linked hands, “Oh! Are you?” She trailed off as they let go hurriedly.
Dan’s face heated up once again.
“No my hands were cold,” Dan explained. Probably too quickly.
He hoped neither of them picked up on it.
She seemed slightly disappointed.
“Tell me any news ok boys?” She asked before she called out her goodbyes.
Phil smiled at Dan.
“Apparently we’d be a cute couple.” He snickered.
Dan felt his cheeks heat up, little did Phil know that was what he wanted.
“Y-yeah,” he laughed, but it was forced.
Don’t get your hopes up Dan
That night Dan was the happiest he had been since his 16th birthday. Phil and he had ate and laughed at the farmers market until well into the evening. Everyone there seemed to know who Phil was. Only one person aside from Ellen recognised Dan.
It was perfect.
“You are awful at dancing,” the King commented with a smirk as Dan danced around the room and pretended to be some sort of rock star.
He dropped to the floor behind the couch with a squeal of shock and embarrassment, “Dad!” He yelped as he heard his father began to chuckle.
As Dan peeked his head over the back of the couch he watched his father raise his eyebrows at him, “You know you’ll start to have galas again soon? Where you’ll need to dance…” The King trailed off, and allowed Dan to finish the sentence for himself.
Dan stared at him mortified, “But I can’t dance!” He exclaimed as he leapt to his feet, his tired brain finally realising what his father meant.
At that moment Phil walked in with a basket full of Dan’s now clean clothes and several of Dan’s possessions which found their way around the castle.
The King turned on him and Phil nearly dropped his pile, “Y-your Majesty!” He stammered in shock.
The King smirked and Dan recognised the look on his father’s face, he had an idea.
“Philip?” He said, and turned on Dan’s best friend who placed the basket down so he wouldn’t drop it.
He stood up slightly straighter, “Erm yes sir?”
“Do you know how to dance?” The King asked and all of a sudden Dan knew where this was headed, he wanted to curl into a ball and cry.
Phil glanced at Dan in confusion who merely shrugged lightly and tried not to blush too heavily, “No sir,” Phil replied honestly once he realised Dan wasn’t going to help him out at all.
The King nodded as though that was the expected answer, “Good. I’ll book you two a dance lesson, I know Daniel will never be able to learn without a partner and it would be an interesting learning experience for you Philip.”
On that note the King spun on his heel and walked out of the room, leaving behind a very embarassed Dan and a shocked and confused Phil.
He could feel Phil’s heart as it thudded against his chest they were pressed so close together, the dance instructor clapped at them to begin moving their feet in time to the music.
Dan took a deep breath, and tried to distract himself from Phil’s breath he could feel fanning against his face whenever they stepped.
I’m so fucked
He thought as Phil giggled lightly, their feet constantly trodding on each other.
The dance instructor tsked at them whenever they stepped out of time or tripped over feet but Dan couldn’t find himself to care.
Phil’s heart rate picked up as Dan finally looked up from the floor, although that was definitely due to the speed they were moving at, neither of them were exactly what you would call fit.
As Dan made eye contact with Phil and found himself staring into those beautiful blue seas that were Phil’s irises he tripped, which sent both boys flying to the floor in a mass of limbs.
Dan landed on top of Phil, and burst into a fit of giggles as the dance teacher sighed in exasperation.
“You need to focus,” she said simply, although she clearly knew this was a lost case.
Dan nodded in apology and rolled off Phil as his cheeks began to heat up, he hoped Phil would blame it on embarrassment and not the close proximity of their faces.
That was the last thing he needed.
“Try again,” she said calmly.
Princess Cecilia curtseyed politely.
“It’s lovely to see you again Dan.” She smiled sweetly.
He smiled back, despite the fact that he was there against his will, “Likewise.”
“I’m very grateful that you chose me to court with.” She sounded genuine.
His intentions were not. In fact it was completely his mother’s idea.
If he had a choice he would be dating Phil.
“No problem. You seem lovely.”
It wasn’t a lie. She did seem lovely, but that didn’t mean that Dan wanted to date her.
He definitely didn’t want to date her.
“When will we have our first outing?” She asked.
The question was understandable but it still made Dan want to cry.
“When will suit you?” He asked politely.
She shrugged delicately, “Tonight?”
“Yeah sure,” he heard himself say.
“Great!” She pecked him on the cheek, “See you then!”
Dan wanted to scream.
He was pretty sure that the world was taunting him.
Firstly, he had to go on this date in the first place.
But secondly, the person he wanted to be on a date with was waiting it.
Of course.
Phil smiled at him as he placed the dish in front of Cecilia, “Here you go.” He said to her with one of his beautiful smiles.
“What is it?” She asked, the resemblance to James there and then gone in a second.
Dan felt a stab as Phil’s face dropped, “I don’t know I’m just the waiter.” He placed Dan’s plate in front of Dan.
“That’s alright Phil, there’s a menu beside your arm Cecilia.” Dan said with a tight smile.
He could see that Phil knew it was a fake smile.
“So, when did the servant start living here?” She asked with a slight incline of her head.
Phil came back in at the moment to pour them a glass of lemonade. His face made it clear to Dan that he had heard the question.
“Phil and I grew up together. His father is the King’s Advisor.” Dan explained, emphasising Phil’s name. Cecilia nodded politely, her face unreadable.
“Who’s your best friend?” He asked to make the conversation move.
She waved her hand dismissively, “Her name is Maria, she’s the daughter of a Duke.”
“Oh okay.” He muttered.
“Yours is the servant boy?” She asked.
He nodded, was that not already obvious?
“His name is Phil.” He told her for the second time that evening.
He couldn’t tell if she was genuine or not.
They had finished their meal and were sat on the windowsill beside the table.
“I’ve had a great time tonight,” She smiled at him, they were incredibly close.
He forced himself to stay still, to not move as far away as he could.
“Me too.” He smiled gently. Despite the fact that it was a lie.
Then her lips were on his.
He froze against her, eyes wide open.
She didn’t seem to notice, her eyes were closed and her lips were soft.
They pulled apart.
She had slightly tinged red cheeks and he felt awful because he would never feel the same about her.
“Goodnight Daniel.” She kissed his lips once more.
He felt the same way he had the night last year, before Phil took him to the market.
He wanted to scream.
But he didn’t.
“You didn’t look like you liked that,” Phil smirked, as he lounged backwards shirtless on Dan’s bed,
Dan tried not to focus on how stunning his bare chest was.
“No I didn’t like that at all.” Dan replied as he fell onto his bed with a groan.
Phil raised an eyebrow at him, “Is there a reason?”
“Yes, there’s so many reasons.” Dan pouted.
Phil gave him a look to say tell me .
Dan found himself ranting, “I don’t like her brother first of all so I don’t want to be related to her family. Also what if she’s like him? She’s already rude to you! Plus why would I want to have a girlfriend for fucks sake! I can’t use the excuse of being too young now because I’m seventeen! What am I meant to tell my mum now because I can’t tell her the truth that I want a boyfriend.” He realised what he said and halted to a stop.
Phil looked slightly surprised but then he nodded, “You should just tell her.”
“You don’t care?” Dan spluttered.
Phil looked slightly offended, “Why would I care? I’m bi after all.”
Does that mean we have a chance?
Dan wanted to ask.
But he didn’t.
He just smiled and said, “Cool.”
There was a wedding he was attending in three days and he didn’t want to take Cecilia. Luckily for him it turned out she was sick. Unluckily for him he now needed to bring someone and he had no idea who.
“Why don’t I bring you!” Dan yelled out of nowhere.
Phil nearly dropped the iron he held in his hand at the abrupt noise.
“To what?” He asked casually, as he resumed ironing Dan’s shirt.
“The wedding!” Dan exclaimed and leapt to his feet.
Phil stared at him as though he had lost his mind, “I’m a servant, it’s not my place”
“You’re going to be the King’s Advisor! It’s like a business thing or something.”
Dan was probably insane but he didn’t care.
“You’re insane.” Phil said but he a grin covered his face, “But it might work.”
His mother wasn’t happy to say the least.
“It would be a great work opportunity for him Mum.” Dan reminded her and she sighed heavily.
“Ok fine, but only because you don’t have a plus one.” She went back to the files she had on her desk without another word.
He ran away as quickly as possible, before she could change her mind.
The wedding was extravagant and beautiful. Something even more beautiful was Phil in a suit. Dan couldn’t look away from him. The black suit he wore made his eyes pop with bright blue, his navy blue tie complemented him perfectly. Dan wished that he could grab him by it and kiss him on the spot.
But of course he didn’t.
“Thank you for coming Daniel.” The newly wedded princess greeted him, she turned to Phil, “And what is your name?”
Phil smiled awkwardly, “Philip.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled before gliding off.
“Posh people always glide.” Dan muttered.
Phil chuckled, “You don’t glide.”
“Thank god.”
They both laughed loudly which caused a few couples to stare at them strangely.
Dan shoved Phil in the arm playfully, “I’m glad you came with me.” He admitted.
“I’m glad I could come. Three days without you, would’ve been unbearable!” Phil joked.
Dan laughed softly.
A princess curtsied as she passed and they both bowed politely in response. Dan tried not to think about how much he loved Phil acting like a prince.They were hovering awkwardly, and their stomach’s grumbled from lack of food.  Finally a waiter approached them with a tray of sandwich and they both took one gratefully. Dan noticed that Phil gave the waiter a bright smile.
“I know how awkward it is to be that guy. He deserves encouragement,” Phil shrugged.
Dan repressed the want to kiss him right there and then. With his considerate heart and beautiful eyes, it was difficult not too.
“Understandable, I’ll keep that in mind.” Dan replied.
Phil smiled at him.
Suddenly the music changed into a well known waltz tune. The newly-weds started the dance, the bride’s large dress swept around the room. Dan enjoyed watching the beautiful display until everyone began to join in. It was then that Dan and Phil realised they were the only pair that weren’t a couple.
“Do we just-“ Phil mumbled.
“Yeah yeah we could… I mean,” Dan stammered in response.
Phil shrugged, “Should we join or stand or do we erm…” He scratched his head awkwardly.
“Let’s just…”
“We should…”
“Yeah ok…”
They stood to the side and watched.
Dan wanted nothing more than to take his best friend by the hand and join in.
For them to be a couple and it to be fine.
But they didn’t and they weren’t.
Dan sighed gratefully when the music came to an end. The couples split apart with a smile and resumed polite banter.
“That was…” Dan trailed off and left the sentence unfinished.
Phil nodded in agreement.
They both stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“Only we could be that awkward.” Dan gasped, doubled over.
A duchess glared at him as though he had personally beheaded her family.
He couldn’t care less.
They’d had many sleepovers in their life, but they hadn’t shared a bed since they were young.
This room had clearly been booked for Dan and Cecilia.
Not Dan and Phil.
Phil’s cheeks were slightly tinged red as he mumbled, “So, which side do you want?”
“Left I guess?” Dan replied, dropping his bag to the floor.
Phil watched him drop it, “I probably should have carried that for you.” He said.
Dan looked up at him in shock, “What? Why?”
“I work for you…” Phil trailed off as Dan shook his head at him.
“Not for this weekend.” Dan told him with a grin, “Technically you’re my plus one!”
This was so much worse than Dan expected, he was hyperaware of every movement Phil made.
He could hear Phil’s light breaths as they puffed out of his lips, he couldn’t help but imagine about what would happen if he rolled over and kissed those lips.
“You need to stop this Dan,” he whispered to himself, and luckily Phil was in too deep of a sleep to hear him.
However he couldn’t make himself want to stop, he really liked Phil and maybe that was okay.
When they arrived home they went to Cecilia.
“Dan!” She exclaimed, her nose red and her eyes puffy.
“I need water.” She snapped at Phil.
Phil’s eyes widened in shock.
“I-I’m off duty right now but you can call-“
She sighed irritably, “I want water. You are a servant aren’t you?”
“Y-yes…” Phil stammered.
“Well then,” she shooed him off.
Dan shot her a dirty look, “No he’s off duty he doesn’t have to get you water.”
Phil shook his head, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
He shot Dan a comforting smile over his shoulder while he walked away.
“I missed you!” Cecilia exclaimed.
Dan shook his head, “You can’t treat people like that.”
She sighed, as though disappointed in him, “He’s a servant Dan, it’s his job.”
“He’s my friend,” Dan walked away as Phil rounded the corner. “Don’t give her the water Phil,” Dan said as he stopped Phil from walking into the room.
Dan officially hated Romeo and Juliet. Phil however seemed entranced, which gave Dan the perfect opportunity to watch him without being caught. He looked so beautiful, sat on the couch beside Dan.
“We would be like Romeo and Juliet if we dated.” Phil said absentmindedly.
Dan froze in shock.
“How so?” He asked with a forced casual air.
Phil shrugged, and turned the page, “Well forbidden love. Prince and servant aren’t exactly ideal.” He continued to read.
Dan was conscious of his mouth hanging open.
How would he usually react?
“So you’d only date me if we were both princes?” Dan joked.
Phil shook his head, still focused on the book, “No I’d date you anyway.”
It was then that he seemed to realise what he said, he froze cheeks so red they could be cherries.
“Are… are you serious?” Dan spluttered.
Phil nodded slowly, eyes still glued to the book, but his eyes were no longer moving.
He finally looked up, “I mean if you want me to be?”
Was this happening?
“Yeah I do.”
They had moved closer.
Dan was very aware of every movement made by either of the boys.
“Promise you’re not playing some awful joke.” Dan said softly, they were so close that Dan could see the specks of yellow in Phil’s eyes.
“I promise. Do you?” Phil whispered, Dan could feel Phil’s breath on his face.
“Yes. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss you.” Dan said, eyes locked with Phil’s.
Phil laughed gently, it tickled against Dan’s face.
“Go for it.”
They closed the small gap that was left.
Phil’s lips pressed gently against his and Dan’s eyes flickered closed as they touched. It was gentle, as Phil’s lips only just touched his. However Dan was hyperaware of every place their lips were pressed together. Every place their bodies touched.
They were both inexperienced at kissing, Dan knew for a fact this was Phil’s first kiss, he wished it was his but he had been kissed by Cecilia so unfortunately no. It was amazing anyway, the way their lips ghosted against each other. As they mirrored each other's movements, and their noses brushed together.
Phil pushed him away suddenly, and Dan felt his chest constrict. He was an idiot, of course Phil would never want him.
“You’re meant to be falling in love with Cecilia.” Phil gasped, eyes wide with worry as he stared at Dan.
The knot in Dan’s chest evaporated immediately.
He merely rolled his eyes in exasperation, “That was never going to happen.”
“Good,” Phil smiled and he slid forward until their lips collided once again.
This time it was stronger, more forceful. As though Phil was trying to remind himself that Dan was actually kissing him. Their lips were like fire against each other, soft and forceful. The fire didn’t burn him, instead it ignited itself inside of Dan and warmed him from the inside out. He brought his hands to Phil’s chest, bunching his shirt between his fingers.
Phil smiled into the kiss, which caused it to end far before Dan wanted it to.
However when Phil cupped Dan’s face in his hand while he pulled away, Dan couldn’t help but lean into the touch. His hand warm, as it encased Dan’s cheek. Phil smiled at him as though he was the most beautiful person in the world, just the look made Dan blush heavily.
“How long?” Dan asked, in an attempt to take away from the blush on his cheeks.
Somehow Phil seemed to know what he meant, “You were sick when we were fourteen…” He trailed off into a laugh as Dan’s eyes widened. “What about you?”
“My first gala.” Dan admitted.
Phil laughed gently and pressed their lips together softly, “This has taken far too long in that case.” He mumbled, the words tickled against Dan’s lips.
Dan threaded his fingers through Phil’s hair, moving his lips against Phil’s clumsily. Phil didn’t seem to mind, if anything he sighed into the kiss.
Both boys happier than they had ever been.
“I have to work.” Phil mumbled against Dan’s lips.
Dan pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. Phil chuckled as he poked the lip back in, the same way he had been doing since they were young.
“I do still work for you Dan.” He laughed while he stood up.
“But why,” Dan groaned.
Phil rolled his eyes, “Come on you royal pain.” He offered a hand to Dan.
“Really?” Dan narrowed his eyes at him, but took the hand anyway.
“I’ll see you in two hours for your fitting.” Phil smiled at him and kissed him once more before he left.
Dan grumbled as he glanced at the clock.
He had promised to help Cecilia with her geography, which was currently ranked in last on what he would like to do.
But he had no choice.
With impressive speed he collected his geography books and ran down the corridors, narrowly missing a maid.
“Sorry!” He called over his shoulder.
Betty, the seamstress, glanced at her watch, “Ok I have an appointment with your father Mister Daniel. I will be back at two pm. Philip, help him pick embroidery.” She instructed, already halfway out of the room.
“You look really nice.” Phil said with a smirk once she had left.
Dan was stripped down to his boxers. A flush crept up his neck and onto his cheeks.
“Th-thanks.” Dan stammered.
Phil cupped Dan’s flaming face in his cool hands.
“You’re blushing,” He told Dan.
Dan’s blush deepened, “I know.”
Phil pressed their lips together gently, light as a feather.
“You’re cute when you’re awkward.” Phil teased, and poked Dan in the dimple.
Dan pecked Phil on the lips, “I’m never awkward!” He gasped in false shock.
Phil rolled his eyes, but didn’t object to the kiss Dan placed on his lips.
Dan smiled against the kiss as Phil pulled him closer. Cold hands trailed along Dan’s bareback.
“We need to pick embroidery.” Phil mumbled.
Dan groaned but pulled away anyway.
They sat too close for best friends, but that was okay because that’s not all they were anymore. Occasionally Phil would turn and plant a kiss to Dan’s cheek, directly on his dimple.
Dan would turn as crimson as the silk beside them. When the light clicked on in the hallway, signalling Betty’s return they slid away from each other.
Dan could still feel the warmth on his side where Phil had been.
Cecilia grumbled something about how much she hated English.
Dan wanted to sigh heavily, they had nothing in common. Yet whenever Dan tried to find a way to tell her that she dismissed him. She seemed to think they had a chance, despite the fact that Dan had begun to reject any date ideas.
“Would you like to go to the museum on Saturday?” She asked as she looked up from her book.
Dan shook his head, “No thank you. Phil and I are going to have a sleepover.”
Her face darkened at the mention of Phil, “Gosh you should just date Phil instead.” She said sourly.
The words hit Dan a little close to home.
“You and I aren’t dating Cecilia.” He said, staring pointedly at his book.
She seemed slightly shocked, “I know…”
“You said I should date Phil instead. ” Dan pointed out.
There was a long pause before she replied with a turned up nose.
“I was just pointing out that you seem to love a servant boy more than a princess.”
Dan clenched his fingers around his book.
“Whatever,” he hissed through clenched teeth.
I definitely do.
“Can I watch?” Phil asked.
Dan looked up from the piano, his hands still rested on the keys, ready to play.
He smiled, “Yeah sure.”
Phil shuffled across the room and sat beside him.
Dan flexed his fingers before he begun to play, they glided across the piano. A soft melody began to form but he found himself slightly distracted by Phil beside him.
“You’re really good.” Phil murmured and pressed his lips against Dan’s temple.
Dan felt his cheeks heat up.
“Thanks,” he replied as the tempo sped up.
Phil rested his head against Dan’s shoulder. It made it harder to play but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
They laughed as had to lean across the piano to play the next note and bumped into Phil while doing so.
“Oh fuck it!” He exclaimed throwing up his hands, he connected their lips a little too quickly, so their teeth clacked together slightly before it grew soft again. He revelled in the way Phil gasped in shock before he reciprocated. His hands threaded themselves through Dan's hair. Lips heated as they gently pushed and pulled at each other’s. Dan’s hands were cupping Phil’s cheeks, after a couple of days practise they had begun to get the hang of how to kiss. Both learnt they were certainly not against a bit of tongue every now and then.
“I promise I was intending to just watch you play piano.” Phil giggled when they pulled apart.
Dan shrugged, “This is fine by me.”
He slid along the piano bench so that their bodies were pressed up against each other. His body heated up in every place that it touched Phil’s but he didn’t really mind. Phil’s lips were against his again and his head spun. He felt his knees go weak and was relieved they were sitting down. He leaned into Phil anyway, pushing their bodies even closer. Phil licked his lip tentatively and Dan gasped, his lips parted just enough to allow Phil’s tongue access. Dan brushed their tongues together which pushed Phil further along the seat.
They both jumped apart as Phil accidentally leaned on the keys. Mouths swollen and panting slightly.
“I blame that on you!” Phil exclaimed, his eyes glowed in the dimly lit room.
Dan stared at him, “Me? You were the one who did it!” He pointed out.
“If you didn’t make me so dizzy I wouldn’t have slipped backwards,” Phil smirked, as he moved closer again.
“I am a good kisser.” Dan replied with a slightly lopsided grin.
Phil laughed airily, “Care to demonstrate?”
Saturday couldn’t arrive fast enough in Dan’s opinion.
With the amount of time his mother was forcing him to spend with Cecilia, he barely got to see Phil.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Cecilia asked, as she pressed a kiss to his lips.
Dan froze, his fists clenched beside his body as her lips touched his. It felt tense and uncomfortable yet Cecilia smiled as she pulled away.
“Er… yeah? Listen I’m not sure I’m okay with kis-”
“Bye Dan!” She exclaimed as she ran towards her brother, James, who had just arrived. Dan seized the opportunity to leave.
He ran into his room where Phil was waiting. Leaping on his boyfriend, they fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. Phil pressed their lips together and Dan’s heart soared. His head spun as their lips parted slightly.
“Hi,” Phil said with a small smile.
Dan laughed and pressed their lips together gently, “Hi.” He mumbled while he cuddled into Phil’s chest. The warmth enveloped him as Phil cuddled him closer. He breathed in the scent of cleaning supplies and raspberries.
“I’ve missed you.” Dan whispered, his cheek still pressed up against Phil’s chest. He never wanted to move again, would be happy to spend his whole life there.
Phil chuckled and pulled Dan up so he could see him, “I missed you too, but it’s only been two days.”
Dan rolled his eyes, and leant slightly closer so their lips were connected. It was a gentle kiss, filled with affection and love. Just kissing to remind each other that they were together. They loved each other.
“Idiot.” he mumbled against Phil’s lips.
Phil chuckled, and it made Dan’s stomach flip, “Royal Pain.”
“You want the left again?” Phil asked later into the night. Dan tucked under his chin, head rested against Phil’s chest. They were sharing a bed again, but this time it wasn’t weird. This time they were boyfriends. Dan flushed as Phil pressed a gentle kiss to his hair.
He nodded, “Can’t guarantee I won’t be mostly on your side though.” He added as he snuggled further into Phil.
Phil smiled, it was so bright Dan thought he might faint, “I can deal with that.” He snickered, and kissed Dan on the nose lightly. Dan felt his cheeks turn a bright red and he buried his face in Phil’s neck.
“You’re an idiot.” He mumbled, unable to help the grin that spread across his face.
“You can talk.” Phil chuckled.
Dan groaned as his pillow shifted beneath him. Wait what? He opened his eyes to see Phil smiling down at him, even without glasses he seemed to look at Dan as though he was beautiful. This of course made Dan flush an extreme shade of red.
The morning sun made Phil’s eyes sparkle as they stared at each other. Dan could hardly believe how lucky he had gotten.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen,” Phil mumbled, his words slightly slurred since he’d only just woken up.
“I beg to differ,” Dan teased, and tilted his head so he could kiss Phil on the neck, just below his chin. Phil murmured something unintelligible about cute curls, which Dan assumed was in reference to his hair, as it was usually straightened.
Dan liked Phil when he had only just woken up. His hair was messy and his eyes were slightly glazed over.
“I wasn’t sure you were ever going to wake up,” He murmured and rubbed his eyes with a grin.
Dan smiled as Phil fumbled for his glasses, “Good morning to you too,” He joked, as he poked Phil in the cheek.
“I don’t want to move,” Dan mumbled and clung tighter to Phil.
There was a short pause before Phil replied, “Me neither.” He wrapped his arm around Dan as though it would protect them from the outside world.
If Dan could pause that moment for the rest of his life he would.
But he couldn’t.
They had to move.
Just not yet.
“You look unusually happy.” Cecilia commented as Dan slipped onto the table beside her.
He scoffed, “Wow thanks.”
She rolled her eyes in exasperation, “It’s not a bad thing. Just different. What happened?”
“Nothing just happy I guess…” Dan muttered, despite the fact that he knew exactly why he was happy.
The memory of Phil’s face squished into his pillow made him smile just thinking about it. She furrowed her eyebrows at him in disbelief but didn’t say anything.
He took the moment of silence to start to study for his exams coming up. His laptop turned on slowly, droning as it lit up. While he waited, Cecilia leaned onto his shoulder.
“Did you miss me yesterday?” She asked with a bat of her eyes, long lashes fluttering.
Dan felt his breakfast rise in his throat.
“Of course.” He replied half heartedly.
She smiled, seemingly satisfied with that response and moved away.
“How was your… sleepover?” she said sleepover as though it was a rotten word.
Dan took a deep breath for patience, “It was great. We had a lot of fun.”
“Did the servant sleep on the floor?” She asked innocently. Dan had to physically clench his fingers under the table to not punch her.
Dan glared at her, “ Phil shared my bed actually.”
Her mouth formed a small ‘o’.
“I… okay then.” She smiled icily.
Dan smiled back, but his was genuine.
The sooner she understood the message, the better.
Phil’s hand was warm in his. He couldn’t help but think about how strange it was that they had been dating for a month.
Phil seemed to be on the same train of thought, they often were.
“It’s been a month.” He smiled.
Dan nodded as he watched the red and yellow leaves rustle in the wind.
“It has,” he tugged Phil along, running towards the willow tree at the back of the orchard.
When they were concealed beneath the leaves Phil pulled him close.
“Happy one-month-a-versary!” He announced with a short peck to Dan’s lips.
Dan smiled back at him, “Happy one-month-a-versary.”
They connected their lips softly, hands rested at each other’s waists. Every time Phil kissed him Dan felt like flying. The kiss started slow and gentle, before it grew urgent and passionate. Hands threaded through each other’s hair, lips soft and insistent. Phil pushed Dan against the tree and Dan gasped in shock.
“Wow someone is stronger than they think,” he smirked, as he leant forward to connect their lips again.
Phil chuckled against the kiss but didn’t break them apart.
When they pulled away for air he grinned, “Years of work tend to do that to a person.”
Dan rolled his eyes, and pulled Phil towards him again. Glad that he was leant against a tree as Phil swiped his tongue along his lip gently. Dan felt his knees wobble so that he was practically clinging to Phil in order to remain upright.
Despite Dan being taller he always ended up lower in the kiss, as Phil’s lips made him go weak. He sighed as Phil pushed his head back against the tree, their lips barely broke apart for seconds, which left them both breathless and panting.
“Happy anniversary idiot.” He said as he rested their foreheads together.
“Happy anniversary, you royal pain.” Phil replied, eyes closed as his nose brushed against Dan’s.
Dan leaned forward and pressed their lips together, far more gentle than before, the kiss said everything he couldn’t put into words.
The boys were too caught up in each other’s lips to notice Cecilia as she walked along the path.
She turned red with anger as she saw Dan kissing that ‘servant boy’.
With a flourish she turned around with a plan ticking in her brain.
If she got rid of him, Dan would be hers.
“Where’s your jewel brooch Dan?” His mother asked shrilly, marching into the room with a glare at any of the maids in the room. The maids hurried out as though they might die if they remained any longer. His father entered slowly after her, a reasonably placid expression adorned his face.
Dan looked up in shock, “What? It’s missing?” His jewel brooch was an ancient heirloom, worth millions, if not billions of pounds.
“Yes! It is missing Daniel!” She shrieked, while she looked around the room as though it might be lying there ready to be found. Dan winced at her loud tone.
His father laid a hand on his back, “Julia,” he looked at the queen sternly, “It’s not Dan’s fault. We’ll work it out.” He told her gently, Dan gave his father a small smile of thanks, which was easily returned. However, the jewel itched at the back of Dan’s mind. It was worth a lot of money. If someone stole it…
Dan watched his mother take a deep breath of patience, the same way he did when stressed. She pressed her fingers to her temples and inhaled heavily.
“We need to check the servants.” She said with forced calm and dropped her arms to her side as though they were too heavy to hold up. Dan nodded numbly, still in shock at what had happened.
“We need to check Phil first. He could get to them easiest,” His father looked at him, as though asking if Dan was okay with it.
Dan wanted to say no automatically. However he knew Phil would be fine, there wouldn’t be any danger in it. If he said no he would need a reason, and he wasn’t ready to admit they were dating. He wasn’t sure how long it would take until he would be ready to tell his parents, or at least his mother.
Phil looked up at the royal family in shock as they approached. His eyes wide and concerned. Dan offered him a reassuring smile and he could see Phil relax slightly.
“Lester, we need to check you for possible stolen property.” Phil’s face slipped as the words left the Queen’s lips. He glanced at Dan as though to check if this was true. One little glance told him that Phil was in a state of shock.
Dan didn’t say anything but he could see Phil understood the little quirk of his lip.
Dan watched as Phil nodded shakily.
A guard member stepped forward and checked him over.
Dan felt incredibly flustered as he watched the guard pat down Phil’s body. He wanted to scream, “That’s my boyfriend, do you mind?”
Of course he didn’t say anything, how could he?
Suddenly both the guard and Phil froze.
With a slow movement a brooch was pulled out of Phil’s pocket.
Dan’s world collapsed.
Phil looked up at him, eyes full of fear.
All Dan felt was pain.
Tears spilled over his face, and flooded down his cheeks.
“I swear I wouldn’t… I don’t know why that’s there- Dan…” Phil stammered, moving towards Dan.
Dan backed away, and shook his head.
“Don’t.” He muttered before he ran off.
Filled with fury, pain and an ache in his chest that wouldn’t go away.
The tears soaked his pillow but Dan wasn’t sure whether he cared or not.
“Dan?” His dad knocked on the door.
He sobbed and let out a croaky, “Come in.”
He could hear his dad walk over to the bed, but he didn’t bother to look up.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked and Dan shook his head into the pillow.
His father stroked his back gently and Dan felt his body relax slightly.
“Were you dating Phil?”
Dan sat bolt upright in shock.
“Y-yes.” He muttered and wiped his eyes, there wasn’t any point in lying. His father would never judge him anyway.
He nodded slowly, “Yes, I thought as much.”
“You did?” Dan looked at his father’s calm expression in confusion.
He smiled in amusement but it was saddened, “The way you looked at him Dan. I’m sorry.”
Dan nodded, aware that he was crying again.
Phil had betrayed him.
Was he only dating him to get to the jewels?
What was the point?
He let out a loud sob.
Dan’s father pulled him close and wrapped him into a warm hug.
He shook with pain as he remembered how Phil had done it before.
“I’m so sorry.”
Phil tried to lock eye contact with him. Dan was looking anywhere else in the room but his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes that shone like a crisp morning.
He choked back a sob, he wouldn’t cry again.
“Dan, please sit down.” His mother instructed with a kind smile.
He knew that his father hadn’t told her, but she still knew Phil was his best friend.
Used to be his best friend.
Dan bit his lip to distract himself from the stinging in his eyes.
He also noticed Cecilia was there.
She gave him an apologetic smile, it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
But she had never liked Phil, so that didn’t surprise him.
His mother started the meeting with a clap of her hands.
“Mr Philip Lester, you were found with a jewel of the kingdom. How do you explain yourself.” She asked.
Dan could see Phil visibly swallow heavily, “I would never steal from the kingdom. I’ve been framed I swear.”
His mother furrowed her eyebrows but his father didn’t seem shocked by this presumption.
“Daniel when was the last time you were out of your room without Philip?” He asked Dan.
Dan tried to think about what he had been doing last night. First he had gone and met up with Phil, his eyes stung with tears as he remembered the way Phil had kissed him over the piano. Had he done that to distract Dan?
Phil had left and Dan had continued to practise. He actually managed to get stuff done with Phil gone, although he had missed him, it hurt to remember. “I played piano.” He said, as he stared at Phil. Attempting to keep any traces of sadness out of his eyes.
He must have succeeded as Phil shriveled under his glare.
“Where were you when Daniel was playing piano Lester?” His mother asked with a glare at Phil.
Dan saw Phil’s face blanch and that was all he needed to see.
“I-I was doing the dishes…” he stammered nervously.
Eyes locked with Dan’s but they would occasionally flit away. Dan wondered whether Phil was trying to tell him something, if he was Dan didn’t want to know.
“Ella,” His mother said as she turned to the maid nearby, “Go get Cook please.”
As the words left his mother’s lips Phil turned even paler. Dan didn’t think that was physically possible and yet he watched the colour drain from his face.
“Don’t bother. He wasn’t doing it.” Dan mumbled.
He had learned every expression, memorised every inch of Phil’s smile, he knew every spot of colour. Dan knew that Phil was lying. He was broken from the pain, but he wasn’t going to protect Phil if he didn’t care anymore.
“I wasn’t stealing it.” Phil promised, eyes filled with tears.
“Stealing is a major act and it must be punished accordingly.” His mother said crisply, as she completely ignored Phil.
Cecilia nodded in agreement.
Dan wanted to punch her. She had no right to even be there. To give her opinion, to even smile at Dan. She had no right and Dan wanted to kill her for being right about Phil.
He decided to clench his hands until his fingernails were dug deep into his flesh instead of punching her.
“I guess it depends on you Dan, he is under your command.” His father turned to him.
Phil’s eyes begged with him.
“Dan…” He whispered, “Please. I would never…”
Dan’s eyes stung with tears, “You did Phil. It’s too late now.”
He turned to his parents, “I’d say firing him.”
Dan watched as Phil crumbled under Dan’s words. He cried silently into his hands.
It broke Dan’s heart to watch.
No Dan.
He betrayed you.
Dan woke up on the day exactly two weeks after Phil had stolen Dan’s jewel.
The sun was still in the sky.
Birds still twittered and whistled outside his window.
Yet Dan felt empty.
Phil had once lain beside him in this bed. Their limbs tangled together, the warmth radiated between them as they slept.
The bed didn’t feel the same, he doubted it ever would.
He had considered buying a new bed, new sheets, new everything. Goodness knows his family could afford it.
It didn’t seem right though, the idea of throwing Phil away.
No matter what he had done.
Dan rolled over and buried his head into the pillow beside him with a groan. It still smelled like Phil. Fuck.
He grabbed it and threw it across the room, it hit the wall with a thump and nearly knocked a painting off as it did so.
He automatically regretted it, and leapt to his feet to run and retrieve the pillow that smelled like the boy he missed so much. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he clutched it to his chest and breathed in the scent that he missed so badly. That he hated himself for missing at all.
He got to his feet, placed the pillow on the bed and tried to ignore the way his whole body shook as he let go of one of the many reminders all around him of Phil.
“Why did you do this?” He sobbed, as he clutched his chest to attempt to hold it in place. Phil would never hear him, would never know, but it helped to ask.
Every day since well… Phil well… Dan had gone straight to the bathroom to scrub away the tears, which left his skin red raw as he remembered the way Phil had comforted him when he was sick. All those years ago. Even back then, Phil had always been there.
Dan didn’t know how to function without him.
He had never had to do so before.
Memories of kisses with freshly brushed teeth danced around Dan’s brain until he was back to not being able to breathe.
Fuck he hated this.
He couldn’t go to the orchard, or the pond, or the dining room, or the courtyard. Everywhere Phil stood in the centre of his mind. Dan couldn’t shake him.
The last place he hadn’t tried was the library, so he decided he would go there now.
“Where are you off to Mister Daniel?” Alexis, his personal servant, asked. Dan had told her not to call him that, but to no avail.
He shrugged, “The library.” He said simply.
She smiled at him, “Doing a little tour of the castle aren’t you?” She laughed softly.
Alexis was new to the palace, she had worked in a restaurant nearby for most of her life.
She had soft brown hair which didn’t quite reach her shoulders, as though it wasn’t sure whether to be long or short. Her skin was slightly tanned and she was a reasonably large woman, overall she had a similar look to a giant teddy bear. Dan had discovered very early on that she wasn’t sure how to deal with Dan’s breakdowns, since she barely knew why he was so upset, as Dan hadn’t told her. He assumed no one else had either, although he could never be sure.
She had never met Phil, unlike all the other servants who had practically raised him. Dan wasn’t sure how to tell her what had happened without making the pain worse, he already cried himself to sleep every night. He didn’t need more than that. He had opted to letting the other servants comfort him instead.
Cook had let him sit in the kitchens when it had all gotten to be too much. Most of the servants had known about their relationship due to walking in on a kiss or just guessing so he felt more comfortable with them now that… well now anyway.
“Er... yeah... I guess so. Ok bye.” He hurried off before the situation could grow to be more awkward.
The library it turned out was even worse. Although Dan hadn’t thought that was possible.
Every time he looked at a book he remembered something about Phil.
He had loved horror, Dan thought as he saw a horror book.
As his finger traced over the spine of a blue book Dan felt tears spring to his eyes, they were the exact shade of blue as Phil’s eyes.
He slumped to the floor, and clutched the blue book to his chest.
Maybe if he held it hard enough it would bring Phil back.
He could hold him in his arms again instead.
“Help me,” Dan whispered fingers gripped around the book so tightly he would probably leave dents in the hardback.
“Oh!” He heard a female voice exclaim. A female he did not want to speak to right now, Cecilia. “Dan. Are you alright?” She asked as she slipped down beside him.
Did he look fucking alright?
“M’fine,” he mumbled into his arms, the book still held firmly in his fingers.
“Do you want me to read to you? Take your mind off it?” She asked.
Dan went to say no, but he realised it actually would help.
He shrugged, “Actually yes please.”
She opened her book and begun to read, “If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims- Dan?”
At the familiar words Dan had begun to sob.
Romeo and Juliet.
Oh fuck.
If nothing else would make Dan crumble to pieces it was this book.
“Stop reading… please,” he gasped between tears.
“He’s not worth this Dan.” She muttered, as she stroked his arm gently.
He stood up and walked away without another word.
Because he was.
He loved him, and he never told him.
“Daniel it has been two weeks. He was nothing more than an awful friend. You will practise piano and that is the end of it.” His mother scolded, her hands on her hips as Dan protested.
With a sigh he nodded, “Yes mother.”
He didn’t give her a chance to reply before he walked away, towards the piano room.
As he sat down on the familiar seat of the piano he felt four different emotions.
First was relief, he had missed the familiar keys beneath his fingers.
Second was sadness, Phil had sat on this seat beside him, he had kissed his cheek and distracted him from what he should be doing.
Third was anger, Phil had taken away everything he loved when he left, piano, reading and mostly himself.
Fourth was happiness as he begun to play, the familiar rhythms on the sheet music floated through the air and calmed him.
Tears streamed down his cheeks endlessly. They dried out his eyes and wet his cheeks.
However for the first time in two weeks, Dan felt close to happy.
It had been four months since Phil had left and Dan didn’t feel better.
If anything he felt slightly worse.
“Daniel! It’s been a while,” A duchess greeted him with a smile. She turned to Cecilia who was on his arm, “And who is this young lady?”
Dan smiled, “Too long!” He faked, “This is my… partner,” He still choked on the word partner.
“I’m Cecilia.” She said with an elegant smile and a small curtsey.
Dan nodded along.
“Well it’s lovely to meet you Cecilia, and to see you Daniel.” The duchess bid them farewell.
He absentmindedly looked around the room for Phil. Before he remembered with a stab that he wasn’t there.
This is why he had avoided parties.
“Dan!” James’ voice greeted from behind.
Cecilia turned around to greet her brother with a hug, Dan was relieved to have her off his arm.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” James asked with a sneer.
The word made Dan want to collapse to the floor in sobs.
Cecilia looked at him worriedly, like she knew something she shouldn’t. Dan didn’t think much of it.
“He’s not around any more.” Dan said with tight lips.
James raised an eyebrow at him but otherwise made no remark.
“What a shame, I was hoping for a wine.” He smirked.
Dan clenched his hands into fists, in an attempt to calm himself down.
He forced a casual shrug, “You’ll have to ask someone else. I need some air.” Cecilia looked like she wanted to follow him but he walked away without another word.
The air was crisp and the wind stung his eyes.
Or maybe they were tears.
He was vaguely aware of someone coming out onto the balcony.
“Dan?” His father asked gently.
Dan nodded and he came and stood beside him.
“It’s been four months. I know it’s hard, but sometimes it doesn’t work out.” The king sighed heavily, and turned to face Dan, who avoided his eye contact.
“It can take longer than four months to get over love.” Dan mumbled.
“You told me to take you to my happiest memory,” Dan growled, “So here we are.” He brandished his arm to the small marketplace.
Cecilia sniffed primly, “I didn’t think it would be so… grotty.” She complained.
Dan felt the familiar stab of longing for Phil as she moved to kiss his cheek gently.
“Could we go back?” She asked pleadingly.
He shrugged, “You can if you want. I’m going to stay for a bit.”
She rolled her eyes before striding off towards the castle.
He buried his hands deep into his pockets and tried not to think about how much he missed Phil. The marketplace was a constant reminder of him, yet Dan couldn’t bring himself to leave so quickly.
“Dan!” The scone man, whose name had slipped Dan’s memory exclaimed.
Dan couldn’t tell if he looked happy or nervous.
“Hi! Could I get a fruit scone?” Dan asked as he tried to be casual, and prayed he wouldn’t ask about Phil.
“Of course my boy of course!” The man exclaimed as he handed him a warm scone.
Dan took it gratefully, the warmth wonderful on his icy fingers. He muttered a thank you before he wandered off.
Despite the market being his happy place, he couldn’t think happy thoughts. Cecilia wanted to marry him.
He missed Phil.
Fuck that was Phil.
Phil was stood in front of him and Dan felt his stomach constrict.
Everything seemed to slow to a stop as those beautiful blue eyes locked with Dan’s.
“Phil,” he whispered unknowingly.
Dan wanted to run up to him and kiss him.
But he also wanted to scream at him.
Why did you ruin it?
Everything was perfect!
He did neither of those two things.
They merely stood there, and stared at each other for who knows how long. Dan wasn’t sure he would ever be able to move again.
Finally Phil broke the serene trance they had found himself in by mouthing, “Jewels make you look tacky.” His black fringe flew around his face in the wind.
Dan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Phil didn’t say anything, he just turned and walked away. Dan could have sworn he had seen tears in his beautiful blue eyes.
Suddenly he remembered
“Jewel cufflinks or silver?” Dan had asked Phil, as he turned to his friend who might have been strewn out across the bed.
He had held up his ruby cufflinks.
Phil had screwed up his nose, “Definitely silver, jewels make you look tacky.”
“Really?” Dan had replied putting down the rubies and picking up the silver.
Phil nodded as he helped Dan attach them to his shirt.
“They look like you’re saying,” Phil had spoken in an over the top british accent that had made Dan laugh, “Woop di doo I’m a prince! I have money and jewels yay!”
Phil had shrugged, “Well then, don’t wear jewels they’re tacky and I hate them.”
“Jewels make you look tacky.”
“Jewels make you look tacky.”
“Jewels make you look tacky.”
Why would he steal a jewel when he hated them?
Had someone framed him?
Why would anyone frame Phil? He would never do anything to hurt anyone.
There was no point…
Names and faces ran through his mind.
His Mother?
Another servant?
Jesus Christ.
It was the only option that even made sense.
But why?
Dan paced back and forth and chewed on his lip in concentration.
Unless she knew about their relationship it wouldn’t make sense to do anything, there was no reason.
She had always hated Phil but framing him?
What would be the point?
He groaned in frustration and ran a hand through his already messy hair.
Maybe she had found out about them?
Oh fuck.
Dan ran home as fast as he could, his feet pounded on the gravel as he dashed towards the palace.
“YOU FRAMED HIM!” He screamed.
Cecilia jumped so high she nearly fell off the couch she was stretched out on.
“Wha-what are you talking about Dan?” She gasped, and placed a hand over her heart in shock.
His mother glanced up from her book in surprise.
“How could you?” He hissed, “I was so happy. You ruined it all.”
Cecilia turned as white as a sheet.
“I d-don’t know what you mean.” She stammered.
Dan shook his head angrily, “I didn’t even think about it.” He growled, “I should have realised.”
“Daniel?” His mother said gently, “What’s wrong? What do you mean?”
Cecilia was sat on the couch, her shoulders tense and her eyes the size of saucers.
“She framed Phil,” he pointed to her, “and I was so stupid to not see it.”
His mother stood up and approached him cautiously.
“Where has this come from?” She asked.
Dan took a deep breath to calm himself.
“I met Phil in the marketplace.” He started, Cecilia made a move to cut in but Dan held up his hand, “That’s when I remembered. Phil hates jewels.”
Cecilia’s face turned even paler if that was possible, which confirmed Dan’s guesses.
“Why would he steal a jewel when he hated them?” He asked rhetorically. “It doesn’t add up. Why? I was so fucking happy Cecilia…” he trailed off as a sob caught in his throat.
His mother was stood next to him now, a hand rested on his back. The same way his dad did when he needed comfort.
“Did you frame Philip?” She asked Cecilia, a small frown creased into her forehead.
Cecilia nodded as she burst into tears.
“Why?” Dan asked, because how had she known?
She blubbered for a bit before she replied, “I wanted to be your partner Dan,” she sobbed, “I wanted you to love me like you loved him.”
His mother started slightly at that comment but Dan ignored her.
He shook his head in disbelief, “You would ruin my life and happiness, just so I would date you? Because yes you’re right, I loved him.”
I love him he thought to himself.
“I wanted you Dan.” She attempted to redeem herself.
“I was so happy.”
He ran off without another word, anger pulsed through his body like a fire.
With a scream he threw himself onto his bed.
Alexis, his personal servant, darted in with a start.
“Are you alright sir?” She asked nervously.
He sat up so he wouldn’t make her too uncomfortable, she wasn’t the best with emotions, “I’m fine Alexis. I’ve just been an idiot that’s all.”
She nodded slowly, clearly thinking hard about something, “What happened?” She asked and slipped onto a chair beside his bed. It was such an out of the ordinary act, he couldn’t help but be shocked.
“Oh, I didn’t realise something huge and I might have lost my best friend forever.” He explained.
She nodded again, as she wriggled into a more comfortable position, “Tell me everything.”  
Suddenly Dan found himself telling the whole story, starting from when they were ten.
How he had ended up back in the marketplace Dan had no idea.
He just needed to walk, to get out of the palace. Away from his mother’s worried and confused gaze, Cecilia’s false apologies. He needed to get away from it all. So he had ended up in the marketplace, without any purpose to be here. Although he supposed his subconscious would want to see Phil.
“Back again Dan?” The scone man asked, Dan was once again too awkward to ask his name so he just nodded. “Is Phil here?” He asked before he could stop himself.
He instantly regretted it, because the scone man smiled knowingly. As though he knew Dan would ask that.
“I don’t know, but he works in the store across there.” He said as he pointed to a music store across the marketplace. Dan thanked him before he walked over to the store.
It was a cramped tight space, but cozy and warm. Due to it being a market stall there were no proper walls or anything of the sort. Instead sheet music and small instruments lined the outer walls. Dan felt himself drawn to the piano music as soon as he walked into the area. There was a boy behind the counter who looked around Dan’s age, he started as he clearly recognised Dan.
“Your Majesty,” He said before he bowed lowly, Dan nodded at him politely before he continued towards the sheet music table.
“C-can I help you with anything sir?” The boy asked nervously. He glanced around the shop as though it was going to jump out and murder Dan. Which of course made Dan uncomfortable. He looked around for what might be making the boy nervous, but there was nothing.
“Er no I’m alright,” Dan replied with a kind smile. The boy nodded and just as Dan turned back to the music he was looking at he heard someone else speak, a very familiar voice.
“Okay Max you can go on your break… now,” Phil trailed off as Dan looked up at him. He felt his heart stop as he stared into those beautiful blue eyes. He hadn’t gotten to see him properly for so long and doing so now felt like being stabbed. His hair was messy and hurriedly swept into his familiar fringe, his eyes were more blank than Dan had ever seen them.
“I-I’ve been on break for too long anyway.” Phil finished as he turned back to the boy behind the counter.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind if you go for a bit longer.” He said in response, Dan felt awkward as he watched this whole exchange, yet he couldn’t rip his eyes away from Phil. He didn’t have his usual glow, but he seemed to harness all the light from the open market stall anyway.
“No no, go on your break.” Phil shooed the other boy out, before he took his place behind the counter, and stared at the laptop screen intensely, completely ignoring Dan.
“Phil I…” Dan muttered, Phil didn’t look up.
Phil continued to jab at the cashier keys, each time he did it Dan winced at how hard he was pressing.
“I’m sorry.” He finished, Phil continued to ignore him. He may as well have shot him for how much it hurt.
“I’ll leave.” He mumbled and walked out of the store without a second glance.
He didn’t see Phil look up, tears welled up in his eyes. Dan had to physically run to get out of the marketplace before he broke down crying. He collapsed to the floor, each sob burned in his chest.
Knees pressed hard into the gravel path although he could barely feel them past the throbbing in his chest. He was crying so much that he felt like he might cough up a lung, but he couldn’t stop. Every time it began to slow he would remember Phil’s face when he saw Dan. The way his eyes had widened in fear. The way he didn’t look the same as Dan remembered because he was as broken as Dan was.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there crying, knees hugged to his chest as sobs wracked through his body. However it must have been a reasonably long time because the boy from the shop, who he thought was named Max came back.
“Your Majesty?” Max asked, as he crouched down beside Dan. “Are you alright?”
Dan shook his head, “I’m fine, please leave.” He croaked, the tears almost slowed to a stop from embarrassment.
“Prince Daniel can I just say-” Max started again but Dan cut him off with a glare to the side.
“I said please leave.” He repeated angrily, sobs threatened to escape again, he turned his head back to his knees and buried them.
“Fucking hell your Majesty listen to me.” Dan looked up in shock as the profanity left Max’s lips. The boy was staring at him so intensely, with possibly more anger than Dan himself.
“I could have you locked up for that.” He mumbled, as he wiped his eyes hurriedly.
Max shrugged, “But you won’t.”  
Dan had to fight back a snort of laughter, because of course it was true. He would never lock someone up for swearing in front of him.
“Look, I don’t know much about Phil’s life before he came here. All I know is, he lived in the palace, he fell madly in love with someone, it didn’t work out.” Max looked at him pointedly as Dan’s resolve slipped.
“Today, was the first time I saw any real emotion in his eyes.” He shrugged, “When he said he fell in love with someone I thought it would be a maid or something. Apparently it was the prince.” Max looked at him, and waited for a denial.
He wasn’t going to get one from Dan.
“He hates me.” Dan said, and cringed at the way his voice cracked pathetically.
Max shook his head with a sigh, “He loves you.”
At that he walked away before he seemed to remember something and turned back around, “Keep trying by the way. He deserves it, and I think you do too,” and with those words in the air he left.
Then Dan was alone again, as a few more tears leaked from his eyes, trailing down his face.
Now however, he had hope.
He wasn’t sure why he constantly ended up at the marketplace. Although he assumed it was Phil, as he drew him in like a magnet to metal. Somehow he found himself purchasing a coffee for both him and Phil, despite knowing he didn’t have the bravery to go up to him. He couldn’t be ignored again, it destroyed him in a way he never knew anything could, as it ripped through his soul like the claws of a large animal and scratched and destroyed every ounce of happiness he might have had left.
Yet he had bought a coffee for Phil, with no way to give it to him.
Luckily, or unluckily, Dan still wasn’t sure, Phil was on his break, which meant Dan only had to deal with seeing Max, who admittedly shot him a weird look as he held up the coffee.
“For Phil,” Dan explained, as he passed the cup to Max over the counter.
The boy stayed silent for a long time, just staring at Dan as though he had gone insane, before he shrugged.
“Leave a note on the cup, something so he’ll know it’s from you.” He said with a sly smile, before he left the cup of coffee with a pen and gave Dan a bit of privacy to write the note. Dan nodded uselessly, the longer he took hanging around the stall, the more likely Phil would come back. Then Dan would have to go home and cry again after being ignored. Instead he uncapped the pen, and ignored the way his hand shook slightly as he scribbled a note.
As he ran away he bumped into Phil, who stared after him in shock. Dan felt pins and needles explode where they touched, and he wished he could kiss Phil again. Wished Phil was his and he was Phil’s.
For now, a note would have to do.
Dear Romeo,
I’m so sorry
I was wrong
From your Juliet
He scribbled notes like a madman, Phil had distracted him from the upcoming talks he had to do. As his coronation became a foreseeable future, much of Dan’s time was taken up learning the things he hadn’t yet been taught. A hand laid itself on his back, warm and comforting.
Dan looked up at his father and smiled, “Cramming for the speech?” The King asked as he slipped into the chair beside Dan.
He nodded, “Yeah.” He mumbled, too busy scribbling down on cue cards to properly talk.
“Dan?” His father mumbled, and Dan looked up from his laptop he was currently reading off. “Your mother told me about… Cecilia.” He said calmly.
Dan felt his lunch rise in his throat at her name. However he managed a tight lipped smile. “What about her? The fact that she stabbed me in the back or something else?” He asked sarcastically.
His father looked at him worriedly, “Dan…”
“I’m fine.” Dan cut him off.
He watched his father debate whether or not he should roll his eyes at Dan, before he seemed to decide that it would be fine. He gave Dan a heavy eye roll before he responded, “I’m the King, my servants tell me when my son is crying his eyes out and screaming until his voice is hoarse.”
Dan swallowed heavily at that remark, after he saw Phil in the marketplace he had cried until he didn’t think he had any more liquid left in his body and screamed until it hurt to breathe, as though it would bring Phil back, as though he could fix everything. Alexis had just let him be as she didn’t to be the person to disturb him.
For that Dan was very grateful.
“Okay so not completely fine.” He admitted, and avoided his father’s kind gaze.
However there was only so much silence he could take before he was forced to look up. The King was simply watching him, as he waited for an explanation.
“I saw Phil in the marketplace, understandably he was pissed and wouldn’t talk to me. He ignored me and I-I feel awful.” Dan muttered at an incredibly fast pace.
He had barely finished the sentence before soft arms were being wrapped around him. Dan sunk into the embrace.
“You’re going to be ok,” His father whispered.
Dan wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not.
He stood in the safety of a stall, hidden from sight where Phil wouldn’t be able to notice him. This wasn’t the first time this week that Dan had snuck into the marketplace to watch Phil, occasionally he would try to work up the courage to talk to him.
He never did though.
“Do you want anything sir?” The lady in the stall asked and he shook his head hurriedly, before he moved into the next stall instead.  
From behind a stack of books Dan peered over to Phil. He was talking to a customer enthusiastically, his beautiful smile not as wide as usual. Yet it was still there. Just seeing it made Dan’s tense shoulders relax and his stomach flip. He needed to stop watching Phil, while being here made him feel happy, tonight he would be left to sob into his pillow. As he wished he hadn’t been an idiot, hadn’t practically thrown away the only person he loved.
For now though, he couldn’t force himself to leave.
Couldn’t look away from those beautiful blue eyes, the closest Dan had seen to happy since… since they were together. He could see what Max meant, Phil’s emotions weren’t as strong as they used to be. His smile was only half there, his eyes didn’t sparkle with happiness the way they used to. He just didn’t look as alive.
That was Dan’s fault.
Another stall owner looked about ready to approach him, he took that as the cue to leave.
As he left the store and as Phil saw him his eyes that Dan loved so much widened in shock.
Dan ran away, as fast as he could.
He was scrolling through Tumblr, as he took a much needed break from the endless responsibilities when Cecilia tapped his shoulder. He didn’t even bother to hide the growl that came from his throat at the contact. She backed away slightly under his murderous gaze, but mostly stood her ground.
“I came to apologise but you can’t really blame me?” She said with a heavy sigh, Dan stared at her in shock. She couldn’t be serious?
Yet she stood there, face genuinely serious.  
He stood up, unable to keep the anger out of his eyes.
Body quaking with anger, “I can’t really blame you?” He hissed. She shrunk away as he loomed over her, his tall height a perfect angle to terrify her.
“Then who do I blame Cecilia?” He said her name as though it tasted foul in his mouth, which wasn’t entirely false.
“It w-wouldn’t have w-w-worked out. Servants can’t d-d-d-date princes.” She stammered, trembling in front of him.
Dan attempted to reassemble his face so it was less furious, however he couldn’t do it.
“It would have worked out. We loved each other, anything else could have been sorted out. You ruined it Cecilia, not us.” He leveled his glare with hers, and was met with frightened green eyes that flickered in shock as he added, “Leave me alone, I don’t want to speak to you. Not now, not ever.”
She stammered out some unintelligible answer before dashing away. Dan watched her go with a satisfied smile. He knew that there was no way he could focus on Tumblr now that his mind was on Phil, so he decided to head to the marketplace. When he checked the time on his computer he grinned, Phil would be working now. He had been so many times now, that he had memorised Phil’s schedule. He wasn’t sure whether what he was doing was stalkerish, but it hadn’t been intentional. Besides Max had told him most of it anyway. He slammed his laptop closed, deciding that the servants could put it away, he left straight for the marketplace.
As he ducked straight into a fresh produce stall as he saw Phil, Dan couldn’t help but grin. His hair was slightly messy, he had clearly been having a rough day. Dan must have gotten the timetable wrong as Phil was clearly about to take a break. He watched as he headed over to the scone stall, running a hand absentmindedly through his already messy fringe. Dan would have been lying if he said his heart didn’t jump at that small movement.
Everything Phil did made his heart jump, apparently it did the same for a skinny girl with blonde hair who Dan could never compete with. He felt his heart thump for an entirely different reason as she approached Phil with a plastered smile.
Phil seemed shocked to see her, but not altogether upset. He probably knew her, she was probably his girlfriend for all Dan knew. Phil was bisexual after all, he had told Dan that all along. However it stung like a wasp, when she took him by the bicep, and led him away from a very surprised scone man. Dan would have to learn his name again, he felt awful. They chatted seemingly happily, although Dan was slightly too far away to hear exactly what they were saying. He considered moving closer, but since he was currently toeing the line of stalker he decided against it.
Instead he opted to listen to Phil laugh from afar. It wasn’t the same beautiful laugh Dan had grown to love. It wasn’t the one where he stuck his tongue out and giggled loudly, but a lot had changed. He wouldn’t have been shocked to hear that Phil’s laugh had as well.
He swallowed his jealousy as she laid a hand on Phil’s heart, the world seemed to rock. She smiled up at him, and whispered something in Phil’s ear which he couldn’t hear.
He shouldn’t care, should have known Phil would have moved on.
They weren’t together any more.
Still, he was being stabbed repetitively in the chest every time the girl smiled at Phil.
The same Phil, Dan was desperately head over heels for.
He actually choked on a bit of vomit when she kissed him on the cheek gently.
Dan had hoped however that he would push her away, not lay his hand over hers. Phil smiled gently at the girl and said something to her.
Tears dislodged themselves from his eyes.
He tried to scream at himself in his mind, What were you expecting to happen? Of course he’s moved on! Why would you get your hopes up?”
It wouldn’t work though, it didn’t stop the tears. Or the feeling of his hopes being ripped to shreds.
Dan ran as fast as he could, his blood pumped in his ears, and tears streamed down his face.
He could have sworn he heard his name being called after him.
However it was just his mind, as it tortured him some more. Pretending Phil would ever want him after what Dan put him through.
A cruel kind of torture.
Phil wiped his sweaty fringe out of his eyes, aware that it was probably a mess. He caught himself looking around for Dan and kicked himself.
“No Phil. He hurt you.” He tried to tell himself, even though he knew it was useless.
He was still madly in love with Dan, and it would be a lie if he told himself otherwise.
Max smiled at him gently as he returned from his break, “I’ll take over. Go get a scone or something.” He said and nudged Phil out of the store.
Usually Phil would have argued, but they had been so busy today. He took the break with open arms. He ducked out of the music stand he worked in and crossed the marketplace.
His hair was falling in his eyes so he ran a hand through it without thought. That would have made it even more knotted and messy than before, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
Not truly at least.
He smiled widely at Bryan as he approached, he knew it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He didn’t think Max had noticed how fake his smiles were as they had only met when Phil was broken. Bryan however, knew it all, and always gave Phil a worried smile.
Hence why Phil usually avoided this particular stall, despite the fact that he loved the scones and Bryan to pieces, “Er… the usual please.” He stammered.
Bryan didn’t say anything, for once his loud voice quiet as he surveyed Phil worriedly. He wasn’t sure what he would prefer, endless “Are you okay?” or silence.
However this thought was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder as he took his scones. He thanked Bryan before he turned around, to be faced with a girl who smiled at him in a way that made Phil feel uncomfortable.
Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail and her eyes bored into his soul. He felt strangely defensive, had to physically bite his tongue to stop himself from saying “I have a boyfriend.”
Which he didn’t.
She took his arm by the bicep and dragged him away from the stand, and introduced herself while they walked.
“I’m Olivia,” she said in a surprisingly deep voice, “But you can call me Liv!” She added with a giggle.
Phil forced a laugh, he was polite after all. No harm could be done in being nice to her. So he smiled.
“Phil.” He replied. She was much shorter than him so he had to look down to lock eye contact. Her eyes were a striking brown, although as he looked into them all he could think was Dan Dan Dan .
They weren’t as beautiful as Dan’s eyes, his were a warm chestnut, hers a deep muddy shade.
She leaned close to whisper in his ear, he struggled not to grimace as her breath tickled his neck, “You’re very handsome, Phil.” She purred his name.
He felt bile rise in his throat, sure he liked girls but this wasn’t something he wanted.
Not when he couldn’t seem to get over Dan.
Especially not after Dan had turned up at the market eight months after their breakup.
No, he wasn’t enjoying this at all.
“Th-thanks,” he muttered, and laid a hand on her arm to dislodge her. Apparently she got the wrong message as she smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Phil froze in shock, she had kissed him.
Her hand was still on his chest, although he wasn’t totally sure when it had been put there. He laid his hand over hers and begun to take it off, noticing that she had bunched his t-shirt in her grasp.
As if the situation wasn’t bad enough, he heard a choked sob from not to far away.
His head whipped around to be met with Dan, tears streaming down his face. He ran away at a speed Phil didn’t even know Dan could achieve.
He shoved the girl away and started to run after him, “Dan!” He screamed after him.
The other boy however either didn’t hear, or didn’t care.
Dan felt like he was rotating in a fucking loop.
He felt happier.
He got hurt.
Sobbing until he couldn’t breathe.
Phil fixed him again.
He felt happier.
Neverending, constant.
Somehow he always ended up in his lounge room or on his bed, sobbing until he couldn’t breathe.
In these times, Alexis was amazing at comforting him.
She wouldn’t force him to talk, instead she sat beside him and let him cry. If he wanted to talk, scream, throw things. She would listen, give him a pillow to scream into and pick up broken vases or whatever else he had thrown.
Right now, he was just crying. Leant heavily on her shoulder, he let the tears wrack through his body, they spilt over his cheeks and onto her cardigan. Alexis didn’t seem to mind, which was a relief to Dan.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked gently, while she patted his knee in consolation. He nodded and sat up a bit straighter to look into her eyes.
“Am I bugging you yet?” He asked with a slightly watery smirk.
She just rolled her eyes, “What happened to make you a blubbering mess again?”
“A g-girl,” As he begun to tell her he choked on his words. She nodded, seeming to have all she needed to know.
“Oh Mister Daniel.” She murmured, and pulled him against her chest again. He sobbed quietly and remembered how Phil had placed his hand on the girl’s. How she had kissed him lightly on the cheek.
He was shaking from the pain the memories brought.
The way Phil had smiled down at the girl.
Stab to the chest.
He had grabbed her arm gently.
Stab to the stomach.
She had kissed him on the cheek.
Stab straight to the heart.
Sobs erupted from him as he clung to Alexis desperately.
If she minded she never told him so.
Dan was sobbing into his pillow until it was practically soaked through when Alexis returned.
She opened the blinds with a snap, causing bright light to flood the room.
“Up you get Prince Daniel.” She said while she bustled around his room.
He almost felt embarrassed about the state, before he remembered it was her job to clean up his mess. She had also listened to him cry for a good hour a couple of days ago. Still, the empty crisp packets and tissues were rather embarrassing no matter who was seeing it.
He didn’t say anything, but chose instead to groan into the pillow.
“You can’t stay here forever,” she scolded him.
He shook his head into the pillow, “You mistake my skills.”
Tears still flowed steadily down his face, as they had been for the last couple of days.
“Philip isn’t dating anyone.”
At this news Dan started and emerged from his pillow.
“Wh-what?” He mumbled and swiped away the tears as quickly as possible, although he was sure Alexis saw them.
She rolled her eyes at him in a motherly way, “My daughter is best friends with Max.” she explained, “he says that Mr Philip is completely and utterly single.”
She continued scooping his mess into a rubbish bag, “This news didn’t surprise Cook Martha at all, in her words you were both head over heels for each other .”
A blush crept up Dan’s neck and onto his face as she said that.
“So up! You’re going to the market and you are going to apologise to Mr Philip in person.” She shoved him off the bed.
He grumbled slightly but other than that didn’t argue, his brain was more focused on the fact that Phil didn’t have a girlfriend.
He was still single.
Not that Dan had any right to be happy about that, but he couldn’t deny the way his heart beat a little bit faster.
Dan felt his legs slow involuntarily as Phil came into view, he was working on the stand as usual. A piece of black hair fell in front of his eyes, his hands sorted through sheet music gently.
He looked so peaceful that Dan didn’t want to disturb him.
Didn’t want to see those beautiful blue eyes harden as Dan came into view, the eyes that used to soften when they kissed. However Phil decided that for him by looking up, their eyes met and Dan watched as they didn’t harden, but instead widened.
“Dan?” He asked gently and Dan did all he could not to run over to him.
“Phil…” he mumbled as he entered the stall, every thought he had ever had leaving him as he stared over at the boy he loved with all his heart, “I’m so sorry…”
Phil shifted uncomfortably, his eyes pooled with tears, “It was my home Dan… do you know how hard it is to be kicked out of your own home by the person you love most?”
Dan winced at the words, his own tears springing to his eyes. He felt himself nod, Phil stared at him, confused. Eyebrows furrowed behind his glasses, God, Dan loved his glasses.
“Yes, I do, because to me you were home and I thought you had kicked me out. I thought you didn’t care. I was so terrified and sad that I didn’t even think…”
He trailed off as Phil’s lips tugged into a small hesitant smile, “I’ve missed you.” He mumbled.
Dan found himself moving forward, he wrapped his arms around a tense Phil, “I’ve missed you too.” He whispered into Phil’s shoulder, who slowly relaxed in his arms.
A tear etched it’s way down Dan’s cheek as Phil’s arms wrapped around him, unsure but still there.
Dan wasn’t sure how he had ended up in the servant’s quarters in his pajamas. It was nearing three am but an idea had forced Dan out of bed. He shivered in the early morning iciness, voices could be heard from the night staff as they bustled around, making food and cleaning dishes. The Head of Staff’s office loomed at the end of the corridor, he shouldn’t feel scared of a door, he was the prince for crying out loud.
However he couldn’t deny the way his stomach twisted at the prospect of the awkward questions, of why he could think this was a good idea. He wrung his hands tightly, and drew his dressing gown tight around his body as he shook from the cold. This was for Phil, after all Dan had done, Phil deserved it.
He raised his hand and rapped on the door without another thought. There was a pause of silence where Dan held his breath then.
“Who’s knocking at this time of night?” Muttered the old man Dan only knew as Head of Staff.
The door creaked open and the man started at the sight of Dan.
“Your Highness!” He bowed, his nose nearly brushed the floor in his haste to be polite. “What brings you here at this hour sir?” He asked and Dan took a deep breath. This was what he had been worried about.
“Well, I actually have someone I want you to hire. Or rehire per say. Can I come in?” He mumbled quickly, he knew his words were a strange string in his sleep deprived state but he didn’t care.
The Head of Staff furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but nodded anyway, “Come on in,” he opened the door wide for Dan. Dan hurried in, the heater warmed his toes as he stepped onto the carpet.
“Thank you.” He said as the Head of Staff offered the plush armchair across from his desk.
The office was large, nearly the size of Dan’s bedroom. A huge filing cabinet towered on the left wall, timetables were plastered all over the remaining wall space, it reminded Dan of a criminal investigator in a tv show. Although these timetables were far less exciting than that he supposed. The sky was dark outside the small window above the desk and Dan yawned which reminded him of how late it was.
“How can I help you Your Majesty?” The man asked, and glanced nervously at Dan.
After yawning again Dan replied, “I would like you to rehire Phil Lester please.”
There was a long silence, where the Head of Staff stared at him as though he had gone mad. Dan stared back, despite exhaustion starting to hit him he was determined to fix this for Phil.
“Sir…” The head of staff began once he realised Dan was completely serious, “He stole from the royal family. Which is a huge crime, I cannot…” He trailed off at Dan’s steely gaze.
He was glad he could still look intimidating in his half asleep state, “Phil didn’t steal the jewel, he was framed. Please rehire him immediately.” Dan ordered.
Once again silence followed his words before the head of staff opened his laptop with a quiet sigh, “I will not be able to make him your personal assistant once again. He will be an ordinary cleaner,” he looked at Dan over his glasses to see if this was approved of.
Dan nodded, “That’s fine.” The Head of Staff paused for a moment, looking at Dan worriedly, “Sir. I don’t mean to pry but are you sure this isn’t because of you know…” At Dan’s embarrassed denial he nodded and continued.
When Dan left, his feet dragged along the carpet from exhaustion but he felt a tingle of pride in himself. Finally, for the first time in eight months he had done something right.
Phil was working the shop again, Dan felt awful as he begun to realise how much Phil had to work in order to maintain himself. He seemed to constantly be in the shop. Dan stood there and watched for a bit, debating how to go up and approach him. It stabbed at him to see how broken Phil still looked. While strangers may see him as peaceful, Dan could see the tiny crease between his eyebrows, the way his shoulders never quite seemed relaxed, how his fingers gripped the sheet music slightly too tightly. It seemed that he was worried it would blow away despite the distinct lack of wind. Even a breeze was absent from the air, it seemed spring had finally decided to arrive.
“Dan?” He heard his name being called out and his head snapped upwards to Phil’s face, who was staring at him in confusion. It didn’t slip Dan’s notice the way Phil’s voice cracked slightly when he said Dan’s name.
“Prince Daniel,” Max nodded, barely glancing up at Dan from his work. He did however glance at Phil somewhat nervously. Dan smiled at him as genuinely as he could, a wave of nervousness had suddenly overtook him. When he planned to come and tell Phil he hadn’t felt this scared. Now however he was beginning to question whether this was a good idea or not.
Maybe Phil liked his new job better? Maybe he never wanted to see Dan again. Dan wouldn’t blame him if that was the case.
Phil stood there and watched as Dan smiled half-heartedly, he shoved away the little burst of concern he felt at Dan’s nervous expression. He shouldn’t be able to tell from a tiny flicker of Dan’s smile that the prince was concerned. However, he could, and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Is there a reason you’re here D-Prince Daniel?” he followed Max’s example in calling Dan by his true title but he didn’t miss the small flinch Dan gave in response.
“Er... yes actually, I have news,” Dan mumbled.
Phil’s stomach dropped.
He should have known this would happen, Dan was bound to move on at some point. Phil himself was meant to have moved on. It didn’t feel like he had, at this point, when he realised Dan had finally found someone. He should feel grateful that Dan had even thought to come to him, but his world was crumbling anyway.
“Okay,” he managed to blurt out without a crack in his voice, which made him feel very proud.
Dan’s eyes narrowed slightly in confusion, it was such a small change that Phil knew Max probably wouldn’t even notice it.
“So I… well it’s just… ugh,” Dan burrowed his head in his hands, “This is so much harder than I thought it would be,” Phil heard him mumble into them. Max looked at him in confusion, Phil shrugged. Although he hated to admit it Dan’s awkwardness had always been Phil’s favourite part of him. Just seeing him as he bumbled and stammered over words the same as usual, made him want to cuddle him into his arms and press a kiss to his forehead. He mentally slapped himself, Dan had found someone else. He was meant to be past this.
“It’s fine, I get it.” Phil said softly, Dan’s head snapped up in confusion.
“Phil that makes zero sense,” he replied, and stared at Phil as though he had gone insane. He turned to Max, who wore a similar expression of confusion. Dan continued to stare at him, and seemed to wait for an explanation, Phil resisted the urge to look into Dan’s eyes. He knew no matter how much he didn’t want to, he would end up mesmerised by the rich deep brown of them.
Dan stood there waiting for Phil to explain himself, he could see Phil’s eyes dart around, as they looked anywhere but Dan’s own eyes. What Phil had said made no sense, so clearly he had misunderstood Dan, but Dan wanted to know what he meant.
So he waited.
Eventually Phil clearly broke under the silence muttering, “I thought you were telling me you were engag-” he broke off but had said enough for Dan to understand. He shook his head hurriedly, careful not to admit anything as he wasn’t sure how comfortable Phil would be with his true feelings. That he couldn’t imagine himself with anyone but Phil. The boy who would probably never trust him again, and rightfully so.
“No, it’s nothing like that. Much happier at least I hope it will be happier, you might hate it actually but that would be understandable,” he knew he was rambling again but couldn’t help it.
He stopped however when Phil held up his hands to stop him, the smallest smile tugged at the corners of his lips, “What is it?” He asked.
Dan felt his heart surge with want, he wanted to be able to kiss that smile like he used to. To wrap his arms around Phil because he just could. He pushed those thoughts to the farthest corner of his mind he bit his lip, “I got your job back at the castle. Or at least a job, not my p-personal assistant anymore.”
He watched as Phil’s mouth dropped open, forming the smallest oval possible. His bright blue eyes locked with Dan’s as he checked to see if Dan was serious.
“Please don’t mess with me,” Phil whispered, voice barely even loud enough to distinguish but Dan heard it anyway.
He shook his head softly, a small smile crept onto his face, “I’m not fucking with you. I went and spoke to the Head of Staff, you’ve been rehired.”
There was a pause, where Dan watched Phil’s eyes blink rapidly.
“Th-thank you so much,” he choked.
Dan grinned, but it felt slightly forced, he knew Phil was holding back his emotions. Probably trying not to be too vulnerable in front of Dan. Dan could understand that, it hurt, but he understood.
Max stared at them, mouth wide in shock. Dan turned to him, “I’m sorry if this is annoying for you or…” but he trailed off as Max shook his head harshly.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Sorry your Highness but Phil please tell me you’re doing this!” He rounded on Phil who was gaping at him, tears glistened in his eyes.
Dan felt his heart hammer as he saw the wide grin on Phil’s face, every time Dan had come and watched Phil he hadn’t seen him this happy.
It was the old Phil, the Phil he loved and sorely missed.
“Of course I’m doing it Max I… thank you Dan,” he turned to Dan and his arms jumped outwards slightly before they closed again.
It was clear his first intention was to hug Dan before he remembered that he didn’t want to. Dan barely cared, his heart leapt at the fact that Phil had returned to his first name.
“You’re welcome,” he grinned as Phil leapt around eagerly.
Dan hated how awkward it was when they saw each other, he hated the way he felt a stab of pain every time Phil avoided eye contact.
That didn’t stop him from trying though.
He “somehow” found himself in the servants quarters when he knew Phil would be there, in the hopes of teasing some conversation out of him. He invited him to fittings, classes anything possible. Phil declined them all, but Alexis wouldn’t get off his back about continuing to try. She wouldn’t tell him why but he heard servants whisper about the boy crying in the toilets. He wasn’t dumb enough not to know who it was.
So when he made his way down to the servant quarters and found Phil washing up he took the opportunity.
“Hi,” he greeted Phil as he marched over and sat on the bench beside the clean up station. Servants jumped out of his way.
Phil glanced up at him, eyes wide in shock, “Dan? What are you doing down here?” He asked and continued to scrub at a plate. Dan shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant and not at all like he’d come down to see Phil, “Thought I’d see what you were up to since I was bored.” He swung his legs back and forth on the counter.
He enjoyed the way Phil’s mouth quirked into a smirk despite himself, “You’re unbelievable,” he shook his head, and turned back to the washing up. Dan laughed softly, he loved the way Phil’s eyes were sharpened with focus. He could see that they still weren’t as comfortable as they used to be but it was a step forward that Phil hadn’t closed off from Dan yet and he would take it.
“Remember when we came in here and filled up water balloons?” He prompted, feeling his muscles tingle as Phil started to giggle.
“And you burst one all over yourself?” He laughed, Dan watched with an amused grin on his face. Unable to stop himself from laughing too, Phil’s laugh was contagious.
“Hey! I remember you accidentally threw one at my head!” He retorted.
Phil snorted, “Accidentally?” He waggled his eyebrows and Dan gasped in mock horror, throwing his hand to his chest as though mortally betrayed.
“How could you!” He gasped and splashed Phil lightly with the soapy water.
Phil snickered before he did the same.
Dan sighed in contentment, Phil’s guard wasn’t all the way down, but he was laughing and mostly relaxed with Dan. Just the idea of Phil being able to talk to him without any walls built up again made Dan bubble with happiness.
The horse felt extremely uncomfortable beneath him, he knew it didn’t trust him and he doubted it ever would. Horse riding was Dan’s least favourite activity. He hated having to get up on a giant animal that definitely didn’t like him and trot around for an hour. However his mother insisted, and it was the one thing his father fully agreed on.
“You ready to ride?” The stable boy asked and glanced up at Dan nervously before he remembered who Dan was, “Your Highness?” He added, his voice shook nervously.
Sam, his name was and Dan was pretty sure he was only eight years old, the poor boy was terrified of Dan for some unknown reason but Dan liked him.
“Yep,” he replied stiffly, still terrified from being so high up on an animal who he didn’t trust, plus he doubted the horse trusted him. “Open the doors Sam,” he added politely.
Sam nodded, his blond hair bobbed on his head as he opened the huge oak doors.
“Thank you!” Dan called out as he began to trot out the doors, arms clung around the large horse, Mabel, for dear life.
Why horse riding was a princely skill he couldn’t understand, but he hated it. Had done since he and Phil were only young boys.
“Ok,” he muttered to himself, and clicked his tongue to urge the horse forward. She obeyed his order but far too quickly for his liking.
“Fuck!” He screamed as they raced forwards, he felt himself slip out of the saddle and he realised he hadn’t tucked his feet into the stirrups too late.
In that moment Dan was certain he was going to die as he flew over the front of Mabel. He shielded his face as she leapt over him.
“Holy fuck!” He shrieked while she raced away, “Fuck you, fuck you you fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” He shook from adrenaline, lying on the ground.
His arms and legs ached all over from the fall, but as he flexed them he couldn’t seem to find anything that was broken or too badly injured. Sam raced out of the stable like a flurry of nervous energy.
“Oh my goodness! Your Highness! Prince Daniel! Are you alright?” He squeaked in terror as he bounded over to where Dan was lying on the ground, still quivering with fear.
At Sam’s fear though he sat up and attempted to ignore his sore arms, “I’m fine Sam,” he mumbled but the small boy shook his head nervously.
“No sir! Don’t get up! I’m going to go and get help okay sir? You might be badly hurt!” He explained, and jumped around in fear, at Dan’s nod he rushed off, small limbs flailing as he sped across the racing track.
Dan groaned and flopped back onto the hard track with a wince, everywhere ached.
Luckily he had seemed to miss all of the danger spots on his body, his pelvis, spine, ribs, head and even legs were still fine. That reassured him slightly, but the constant pain in his arms and legs made him want to cry. There was a small amount of blood resting on the surface, from where he had scraped along the ground. Mixed with dried mud and dirt he looked an utter wreck.
“He’s right over here!” He heard Sam’s nervous voice echo through the air as he ran towards Dan. “Prince Daniel!” He exclaimed once they were in talking distance of Dan, “I got help.”
He sat up his eyes squeezed shut to deal with the pain from his sore arms, the huge scrape along his right would sting that was for sure, “Thanks Sam,” he replied and opened his eyes.
There crouched right in front of his face was Phil, all the remaining breath whooshed out of his body.
“Ph-phil,” he mumbled, and winced as Phil hoisted him to his feet.
“Just as bad at riding as ever huh Dan?” Phil teased as he poked him in the side, Dan felt a tingle of joy as Phil teased him as comfortably as they used to.
Sam however looked beside himself with fear and confusion, “You called the Prince by his first name,” he stumbled over his words.
Phil turned to Sam in shock, as he accidentally pressed down on Dan’s arm Dan let out a gasp of pain. That was definitely going to bruise later.
Everywhere was probably going to bruise later.
“Sorry,” Phil mumbled to Dan before he looked back at Sam who was glancing between them in confusion, “Erm yes I did.” He shrugged simply, and wound an arm around Dan to help him on his feet.
Something appeared to dawn on Sam because his mouth dropped open, “You’re… you…” he muttered.
Dan shook his head gently, “Yes,” he whispered and Sad clamped his mouth shut.
Phil didn’t seem to notice tiny Sam’s revelation though as he helped Dan across the path.
“I’ve got him now thank you…” Phil turned to Dan for Sam’s name.
Sam, Dan mouthed and Phil nodded.
“Thank you Sam.”
Sam nodded hurriedly before he rushed off as quickly as his tiny legs could carry him.
Once Sam was out of earshot Phil turned to him smirking, Dan blushed as he realised how close they were.
“So you fell over the front of a horse?” Phil teased and Dan grumbled.
“Shut up,” he pouted, and banged his hip into Phil’s gently. He couldn’t deny the way his body buzzed in every place they were touching, as much as he was trying to get over his feelings for Phil. He couldn’t help it, not when he saw him every day. As they walked along the path, Phil continued to tease him and Dan felt his muscles relax slightly. Fuck, he’d missed this.
Out of nowhere he felt Phil tense, his arm that was around Dan’s waist clenched so tightly that Dan actually let out a little squeak of pain.
“What’s wrong?” He asked and turned to see the tree they were walking past. He felt a stab of pain as he realised what Phil was remembering.
Their one month anniversary had been under that tree, the long leaves had protected them from the world.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, burying his face into Phil’s shoulder.
He could feel Phil relax slightly, although sadly the walls had been built back up when they passed the tree. Phil didn’t say anything but he did tighten his grip on Dan slightly, pulling him closer and that was enough for Dan.
He let out a hiss of pain through his teeth and the nurse gave him an apologetic look.
Dan tried to convey to him that he didn’t care that much, not while Phil’s hand was clasped in his.
“You alright D-Prince Daniel?” Phil asked, Dan tried to hide the wince he gave when Phil used his full title. It felt like something was ripping at his chest. Even though he knew that it was probably only because of the nurse who was there, it still hurt.
“Yes I’m fine,” he mumbled through gritted teeth.
Every time the nurse dabbed at his scrapes it stung badly. He tried to remind himself that it could have been much worse.
He chose instead to focus on Phil’s warm hand in his own.
That only served to bring tears to his eyes as he begun to remember when this was normal.
When he could hold Phil’s hand in his own without the worry about how Phil was feeling.
Phil was watching him worriedly so he forced a bright smile, however that only made Phil more worried as his frown deepened. The nurse stopped dabbing at a particularly large gash on his arm and looked up at Dan over his glasses. “I’m going to go and log this in Prince Daniel. Then I’ll find you some medicine to help with the pain,” he stated, before he got to his feet and walked out of the room without another word.
As he left the room Phil turned to him, face screwed up in mock anguish.
“God forbid you ever break a bone!” He joked while he poked Dan in the ribs and cackled as he squirmed away.
Dan stuck his tongue out as Phil finally relented, “It was a traumatic experience!”
That caused Phil to giggle which had to be Dan’s favourite sound in the world, he missed the sight of Phil’s tongue as it poked through his teeth. His eyes bright with pure happiness.
“Traumatic,” Phil echoed, and rolled his eyes when he finally stopped giggling.
Dan nodded, unable to prevent the grin that spread across his face as Phil beamed at him.
“Remember when you tried to saddle a pony yourself?” Phil reminisced, Dan flushed at the memory, he remembered how the small butterscotch pony had ran away from him before he could get on, which left him on the ground in the splits as he’d just let go of the barrier.
“Ugh don’t remind me!” He groaned and buried his face in his hands.
That only made Phil laugh harder as he continued to remind Dan of all of his mishaps with horses, “No no Phil I can totally jump over that barrier,” Phil mocked, putting on an incredibly posh accent that sounded nothing like Dan.
“Hey! It’s not my fault you’re a natural,” Dan grumbled, Phil had always been a better horse rider than he, he had a secret knack with animals that Dan could only dream of. Although according to Phil the huge animals scared him, despite the fact his name literally meant lover of horses.
“Oh why thank you!” Phil grinned, and pretended to flip his hair in mock superiority.
Dan groaned and shoved him in the side which only made Phil burst into laughter once again.
Dan couldn’t deal with the pain of it any more, he felt like he was going to explode. Every time Phil looked at him his heart spluttered, he missed him so badly. No matter how much he tried to suppress the feelings they kept bubbling back up. Like a volcano inside himself. He couldn’t do anything though, he wouldn’t do that to Phil. He could see it just in the way Phil tried not to look at him that he didn’t fully trust Dan anymore.
Too scared to be vulnerable or hurt, and understandably so. While Dan didn’t directly want to hurt Phil, he was the one who kicked him out of his home, who didn’t trust him.
They’d loved each other, Dan could understand how that was a kick in the guts.
That didn’t seem to be able to stop him from actively searching for Phil at every opportunity possible.
After he had wandered aimlessly for a bit he found him in a small room, cleaning portraits and dusting.
“Hi,” he greeted as he entered the room, Phil looked up in shock a small smile etched across his face.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than follow me around?” He teased, Dan felt his heart burst as Phil shot him a cheeky grin.
He rolled his eyes, “I just wanted to talk,” he shrugged with over exaggeration, “But if you want me to leave.”
He began to leave the room but Phil’s arms seized him from behind.
Suddenly he found his back against the wall, Phil’s hands gripped his shoulders so tightly they felt as though they were being compressed.
He gasped as Phil pressed their lips together and Dan’s heart all but leapt out of his chest.
It was passionate and fiery, their lips burnt against each other, it was so much more intense and terrifying than anything Dan had ever felt but he loved every second. He loved the way Phil’s hands were had his shoulders pinned in place as they kissed. The way Dan could feel his heart beat against his ribcage, in complete denial that this could actually be happening.
God, he had missed this, Phil’s tongue swiped across his bottom lip and his legs wobbled beneath him, if it weren’t for Phil’s hands holding him up he would have collapsed. It wasn’t as soft and loving as any of their other kisses had been but Dan had missed Phil’s lips against his too much to care.
He felt like he was soaring and falling all at the same time.
Time had paused in this moment and Dan wanted it to stay that way forever, just the two of them with their lips, tongues, hearts and souls intertwined.
Phil’s lips said everything, they reminded Dan of the pain in the last eight months, of how much they’d missed each other. In the way they pushed and pulled against Dan’s he could feel the fear of losing Dan, even though they hadn’t regained each other.
Just as quickly as it had started Phil was jumping away from him as though he had been burnt.
“You can’t do that!” He exclaimed, was he tugged at his hair so harshly that Dan wanted to run forward and take Phil’s hands in his own, just so he would stop hurting himself.
He breathed out shakily, “Phil you kissed me…” he mumbled.
“I know!” Phil screamed back, shaking harshly from shock, “I know and it was stupid I shouldn’t- I can’t…” he broke of with a sob that crumbled Dan’s world.
He crumpled to the floor with his head in his hands and Dan could only stand there and watch as Phil sobbed.
“I’m so stupid…” He heard Phil whisper to himself between gasps and he felt himself move forward on reflex.
“No,” he shook his head, before he dropped to his knees beside Phil, “You’re not stupid.”
Dan laid a hand on Phil’s shoulder and sighed as he leaned into the touch, moving them closer together until Phil was in Dan’s arms.
“You’re the opposite of stupid Phil,” he reassured him, burying his face in Phil’s hair.
It broke his heart to hear his Phil crying, to feel his shirt dampening with his tears.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much Dan,” Phil sobbed, hands clutched onto Dan’s shirt as though he would disappear if he didn’t hold on tight enough.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you too.” Dan replied, as tears of his own spilt over his cheeks.
They sat there for God knows how long, just sat in each other’s arms.
When Dan finally heard Phil’s sobs slow to a sob he pulled him up in his arms so they were face to face. It broke his heart to see how red and tear stained Phil’s face was but he needed to say this.
“I know I fucked up, but I miss you more than you can imagine. I will never hurt you again I promise.” He said softly, Phil’s eyes were soft and vulnerable. Any walls he had built were gone and Dan had never felt so grateful for that.
Phil leaned forward and connected their lips again, softly this time.
It was filled with missed memories and sadness, Dan could taste the salt from their tears but it was okay. They were okay.
He smiled into the kiss, and pressed their foreheads together.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered and a smile spread across Phil’s face.
Dan grinned as he watched a blush creep over Phil’s pale skin, “Missed you more.”
Words couldn’t describe the way Dan’s heart was soaring right now.
Phil’s limbs tangled amongst his own in his bed, their faces so close together that their breaths mingled.
He clutched Phil’s hand tightly in his own, loving the way their fingers twined together.
“It’s two in the morning Dan you need to sleep,” Phil grumbled, as he attempted a pout but just made Dan want to kiss him again, he looked so adorable and sleepy.
“I fucked up my sleeping pattern okay?” Dan replied with a devilish smirk.
Phil giggled, “You royally fucked up your sleeping pattern,” he snickered apparently proud of his awful pun.
Dan groaned loudly, “That is truly awful,” he complained not quite succeeding in forming a frown. Who could blame him?
After eight months without this he couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re awful,” Phil stuck out his tongue and laughed as Dan reached forward and kissed him on the nose. “Sap,” he teased as he poked Dan gently in the side.
Dan nodded, not willing to argue if it meant he could continue to kiss Phil on the nose, as he liked the way it made Phil’s face squidge up.
“Alexis seems nice,” Phil yawned, and wriggled closer so that his head was tucked under Dan’s.
Dan nodded in agreement, “She’s lovely, but she didn’t quite erm understand at the start…” he trailed off and hoped Phil wouldn’t make him explain.
He could feel Phil frown into his neck but thankfully he didn’t say anything.
“Did she start crying when I came in here?” Phil giggled lightly, Dan smiled as he remembered the way Alexis had started to sniffle before excusing herself from the room.
“Yeah she did,” he responded, and cuddled Phil closer so he could bury his face in his hair.
He heard Phil sigh into the touch, which made a smile blossom on Dan’s face as he pressed it into Phil’s hair.
There was a comfortable silence where Dan savoured in the warmth Phil’s body let off when he heard Phil whisper something that made his eyes snap open.
“Pardon?” he mumbled, knowing his heart was beating ridiculously fast against Phil’s back but there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He groaned as Phil shifted in his grip, flipping over so they were eye to eye, “I love you.” Phil whispered again.
This time Dan was certain he heard the words correctly. His mouth dropped open and his heart fluttered impossibly fast as he heard Phil, his Phil, say those words.
Those three words that felt like a universe to Dan.
“I love you too,” the words slipped out of Dan’s mouth so easily it felt like breathing, because it was true. He had loved Phil for so long now it barely felt like a revelation, but still to admit it out loud, to Phil, was exhilarating.
Dan’s heart thundered against his chest, and he knew Phil could feel it from the little smile that tugged at his lips.
“I love you Dan,” he whispered again, the words wrapped around Dan, warm and soft.
Dan leaned forward slightly and pressed their lips together, and sighed into the warmth of Phil’s mouth.
The kiss felt different, sweeter almost, like the words they had just spoken were now sewn into their kisses. The words filled Dan with the beautiful feeling of flying, soaring above clouds and beyond. As cheesy as it was, he would fly anywhere if it was with Phil.
Phil sighed happily as they pulled away, “I’ve missed that,” he grinned at Dan.
Dan felt his cheeks flush up and he buried his face in Phil’s neck.
“You look cute when you blush,” Phil teased, as he wrapped his arm around Dan which ruined any attempt of making Dan annoyed.
“Shut up,” he grumbled anyway and smiled as Phil giggled above his head.
“I love you,” Dan tested again, and loved the way the words felt on his lips.
He felt Phil smile, as he pulled Dan to his chest just a little bit tighter, “I love you too.”
Dan knew he’d missed Phil badly, but every time he saw Phil and remembered I can kiss him again. It made his heart jump and his fingers tingle. Phil seemed to feel the same way because Dan would constantly find himself being tugged into storage cupboards, bathrooms, empty hallways, just for their lips to be pressed together gently. He grinned when he heard Phil’s voice in his bed chambers, excited he would get to see him again but stumbled to a halt when he heard Alexis’ harsh tone.
“You’re being utterly ridiculous Mr Philip and I won’t stand here and listen,” she scolded him. Dan could practically hear her stern frown and crossed arms.
“B-but,” he heard Phil stammer, “Technically we haven’t-”
Dan was itching to hear the end of the sentence but unfortunately Alexis cut Phil off.
“No buts about it.” She tutted, Dan could hear her move around the room and Phil was probably helping her clean up, “You weren’t here Mr Philip,” she continued, her voice suddenly sad.
“What do you mean?” Dan heard Phil ask.
Dan pressed his back against the door to hear better, but also to stabilise himself. He wasn’t sure what they were talking about but his heart thudded uncomfortably loudly. Was Phil having second doubts?
He could only just hear Alexis sigh heavily, “You didn’t see every day, Prince Daniel crying over you. If he doesn’t mean I love you when he says it I don’t know who does.”
Dan felt a smile beam across his face as he heard Phil mutter, “Me.”
So he wasn’t having second thoughts, he hadn’t changed his mind.
Just that thought alone relaxed Dan.
He decided he’d done enough eavesdropping so he knocked on the door.
“Alexis can I come in?” He asked, pretending he didn’t know Phil was in there, as someone who hadn’t listened to their conversation probably wouldn’t know that.
“Yes Your Highness!” She replied, her voice had regained its usual enthusiasm.
Dan entered the door without another word, and smiled involuntarily as he saw Phil. Whether he knew Phil was in there or not he would have smiled.
There was nothing he could do about it, Phil was like a living ray of sunshine.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” Alexis smirked as she the room.
The second the door shut behind her Dan leapt on Phil, and knocked him onto the bed.
Phil let out a yelp of surprise as they fell backwards but tightened his grip on Dan.
He regained his smile as they hit the soft mattress.
“Hello,” He grinned and Dan remembered when they’d done this last year. Towards the start of their relationship.
He beamed back, “Hi.” His smile slipped away as Phil’s face morphed into something more nervous. “What’s wrong?” Dan asked, as he placed a gentle kiss to Phil’s nose.
He laughed as Phil’s face squidged up the way he loved it to, “Nothing I’m fine,” Phil replied, but his eyes betrayed his true thoughts.
Dan rolled his eyes, “It may have been eight months but I still know you and you’re not fine,” he deadpanned and barely leaving a blink he added, “So what’s wrong?”
Phil sighed, an amused grin tugged at the corner of his lips, “Do you want to be my boyfriend?” He asked.
Dan’s eyebrows furrowed at the question, “Do you really need to ask?” He replied with a soft laugh.
However as he looked into Phil’s eyes he could see that he did, he still didn’t think that Dan loved him.
“Fuck, Phil. I swear I love you, more than you could imagine. Of course I’ll be your boyfriend. Fuck I want to be more than that one day.” He brushed the tears that had built in Phil’s eyes away with the pad of his thumb, “So don’t worry about that.”
Phil grabbed Dan by the shoulders and pulled him into a rough kiss, his lips smashing into Dan’s.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as they pulled away and Dan smiled in return, before he kissed him sweetly, because that said everything Dan couldn’t.
“But how would we tell your parents?” Phil asked, Dan risked a quick glance to look at him before he let his eyes flick back to the screen.
He was completely smashing Phil at Mario Kart, and didn’t want to lose his lead. “That’s a bit of an intense conversation to resume during Mario Kart don’t you think?” he mumbled, eyes still glued the screen.
He could see Phil shrug out of the corner of his eye, “It’s just on my mind,” Phil replied.
Dan smirked and paused the game so he could turn to face his boyfriend, “This is because you’re losing isn’t it?” He teased, and kissed Phil on the cheek.
Phil rolled his eyes, before he took Dan’s controller so he couldn’t go back to the game, “Not everything’s about Mario Kart Dan,” he smirked, reciting Dan’s mother’s favourite sentence from when they were twelve.
Dan grumbled but nodded at Phil to continue,
“I just want to tell them.” Phil began, “The secret thing didn’t work so well last time…” he trailed off and left the sentence to finish itself.
Dan couldn’t help but nod in agreement, he didn’t want to hide them again either.
“So…” Dan prompted, Mario Kart completely forgotten now.
Phil sighed lightly, “So I don’t think they would exactly welcome me as your boyfriend with open arms. Not after what Alexis told- I mean…” Phil stumbled, before he flushed bright red after he realised what he had admitted.
Dan just nodded, he had already known after all, however he did allow a small smirk to tug at the corner of his lips, “Probably not. We need mum to like you before she knows it’s you,” he racked his brains as to how would be best to do that.
Suddenly Phil’s eyes widened and he gripped Dan’s arm, “A masquerade ball,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What?” Dan asked, he watched as Phil started to smile and rubbed his hands together in excitement.
“You should host a masquerade ball. Introduce me while I’m wearing a mask!” Phil bounced with excitement, beaming at Dan about his idea.
It was beginning to dawn on him how brilliant of an idea it actually was. Re-introduce Phil as a mystery perfect suitor who Dan loved.
His mother would love Phil, and maybe wouldn’t freak out when she found out who he actually was.
“That is actually fucking genius!” He exclaimed, and laughed loudly gripping Phil’s arms and shaking him slightly so he burst out laughing, “Phil Lester! You’re a genius!” Dan pulled him into a warm kiss, both boys expressing their excitement through their lips.
Phil giggled and the sound warmed Dan’s heart until he felt like he was sat next to a warm hearth.
“You can’t sneak out at night Your Highness,” Phil bowed mockingly and Dan tugged him to his feet with an eyeroll. He pulled Phil into a gentle kiss, before  cuddled into his boyfriend’s arm happily. Phil tried to take the opportunity to lead Dan back to his bedroom, which Dan hoped would soon be their bedroom. Currently Phil spent most nights with Dan, aside from the occasional time they separated when necessary, to avoid suspicions. Tonight was one of the nights when he was technically in the servants quarters, but Dan couldn’t sleep without him.
“I can do what I want,” Dan smirked as Phil groaned, but followed Dan to the kitchen’s nevertheless.
They tiptoed in, hoping the late night staff would have finished up by now. They were in luck as the kitchen was eerily quiet. Dan grinned as he flicked on a lamp, it let a dim light flood the room but not too bright that they couldn’t handle it.
He quite liked when he was alone with Phil, and it was completely calm.
“I’m hungry,” Dan hurried over to the pantry as Phil chuckled.
“I would assume so, you did drag me to the kitchens at one am,” he pointed out and Dan pulled a face at him over his shoulder.
He pulled out a packet of cookies with a flourish and grinned, “Let’s feast!”
They slid onto the marble bench, Dan was too tired to care that it probably wasn’t hygienic to sit where people prepared food. He shoved a cookie into Phil’s mouth who laughed in response, crumbs falling onto the floor and across his face.
“They’re… really mmhm... good,” Phil swallowed before he pecked Dan on the lips gently, “Almost sweeter than you!”
Dan groaned at the awful cheesiness, but couldn’t deny the way his stomach bubbled every time Phil complemented him. No matter how cheesy it was.
“Apparently late night Phil is a cheesy boyfriend,” he teased as he pulled Phil in for a longer kiss, and enjoyed the way he could taste the chocolate of the cookies on his lips.
He began to find it almost difficult to steady himself as Phil cupped his face in his hand, their lips danced together lazily as they were both half asleep.
“You taste like cookies,” Dan giggled drowsily, and grinned as Phil stuffed a cookie into his mouth in response.
“I want you to taste like cookie,” Phil giggled and Dan snickered as he enjoyed the small pout on Phil’s face.
He kissed it away gently, smiling into the kiss as Phil hummed appreciatively. Their lips moved against each other in a way that made Dan’s stomach flip and swirl, and filled his body with a tingle that flooded down to his toes. He grinned as Phil pulled him closer so that Dan was sat on his lap, their lips didn’t break apart aside from a quick gasp of breath.
Suddenly there was a click and a bright light flooded over them.
They both froze, Phil pulled away from Dan’s lips as quick as lightning, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights and they heard an amused chuckle.
Dan grimaced slightly as he turned to be met with Phil’s father who was stood there, hands on his hips in amusement, “I really hope you two weren’t going to go further than that because this is a kitchen and that is my son,” he turned to Dan with a smirk.
Dan felt ready to sink through the floor and die, it seemed Phil was on the same thought path as he buried his face in his hands.
When Dan glanced over at him he could see the flush of his cheeks even past his fingers.
“Dad,” Phil started but the King’s Advisor cut him off with a wave of his hand.
“No no! I told you I would do this and I intend to keep my word,” He exclaimed and Dan turned to Phil in hope for an explanation.
He got nothing but an apologetic glance and embarrassed flushed cheeks. Phil looked cute when he was so embarrassed.
“Daniel, whether prince or not. I believe that my son deserves someone who will love him endlessly. Will you do this?” Phil’s father asked with a false posh accent.
Dan nodded, he had begun to see where this was headed and understood Phil’s overwhelming embarrassment.
“Yes,” he replied and smirked at Phil who looked like he wanted to die.
“I am very glad. Now, if you two have sex in a kitchen I will personally disown you Philip!” He announced before he marched off to the pantry where Dan assumed he was originally headed.
Phil turned to him, cheeks so dark a shade of red that Dan wanted to cuddle him closer and comfort him.
However this was far too good of an opportunity to tease Phil and he planned to seize it.
“You’re blushing,” he said in a sing song voice, and snickered as he nudged Phil’s arm gently, Phil groaned and shoved him in the side before he buried his face into Dan’s neck.
Dan wanted to continue to tease him but Phil snuggled into him made his heart warm and he couldn’t find it in himself.
He blushed slightly as Phil’s father smiled warmly when he walked out, an apple rested in his hand.
“I’m surprised I didn’t guess to be honest,” the King’s advisor admitted before he left them, and called over his shoulder, “Try to go to sleep soon boys!”
Phil mumbled something unintelligible into Dan’s shoulder which Dan took to mean he wanted to go to bed.
“Wanna stay in my room?” Dan asked gently, as he pressed a soft kiss to Phil’s forehead.
Phil nodded sleepily, and Dan tugged him to his feet, wrapping an arm around his sleepy boyfriend. They tiptoed their way back to Dan’s bedroom, and took admittedly longer than they should have because they kept stopping to press gentle kisses to the other’s lips. They had time to make up for after all.
“I am not getting back on a horse,” Dan grumbled as Phil pulled him along towards the stables. He knew Phil liked horses, but forcing him to take part after what happened last time was a step too far, Phil shook his head, and smiled back at Dan in a way that made Dan’s heart melt and his stomach flip.
“Yes you are and we are going riding,” Phil replied easily, he skipped along as they walked towards the stables. At Dan’s groan Phil rolled his eyes, “It’ll be romantic.”
Dan pouted but didn’t argue anymore as Phil continued to walk them towards where Sam was waiting.
He instinctively dropped Phil’s hand, as much as it felt wrong. His hand now swung beside him, almost too empty.
As they approached Sam smiled at them, which displayed one missing tooth right at the front of his mouth, “Why did you let go?” He asked curiously, eyes wide in interest.
Phil turned to Dan, his mouth hung open in shock, “Of what?” Phil asked, Dan could hear the underlying tones of nervousness, which meant Phil knew just as much as he did what Sam was talking about.
“Your hands, you let go! You don’t have to you know. I won’t tell anyone,” Sam said the last part in almost a whisper, as though telling them a secret. Dan couldn’t help the small smile that bloomed on his face, as Phil took his hand again. Sam grinned back at him and Dan almost wanted to reach forward and hug him.
However he knew the small boy would freak out if the prince did anything of the sort, so he restrained himself.
“You lost a tooth!” Dan pointed out and couldn’t stop the smile that covered his face when Sam beamed.
He nodded eagerly, “Last night!” He exclaimed, and bounced on the balls of his feet happily.
“Did the tooth fairy come?” Phil asked and Dan wanted to kiss his boyfriend right there because the look on Sam’s face was worth a million pounds.
“Yes!” He squealed, and pulled a shiny two pound coin out of his pocket and waving it around excitedly, “She gave me this!”
“That’s amazing!” Phil exclaimed and it took all of Dan’s willpower not to kiss him, why did he have to be so perfect?
Sam continued to bounce around before he settled down and asked in a very polite tone, “What would you like Your Highness?”
“Can we have one horse please Sam?” Dan asked and he nodded.
“Would you like Mabel or Fern sir?” Sam asked, he straightened his back as he turned to work mode. Dan couldn’t help but smile as he watched the tiny boy attempt to be professional.
The idea of riding Mabel made him shudder though, “Fern please.” He replied, Phil sent him a knowing look and he flushed while avoiding eye contact.
As Sam went to turn away he stopped, and turned back to face the two older boys, “There’s a small corner where you can’t see anything over there,” he point to a corner where indeed they would be out of the view of any prying eyes, “It might take me a while to saddle her up.” He explained. Dan grinned as Phil went a bright shade of red, and mumbled a quiet, “thank you,” as Sam turned to run away.
They slipped into the corner, hidden behind the red bricks of the stable and the trunk of a Sycamore tree they were truly out of eyesight, unless someone actually walked around the tree they couldn’t be seen.
“For an eight year old that boy is clever,” Phil smirked, as he pressed Dan against the brick wall behind them.
“We were nowhere close to as smart as that at eight,” Dan replied with a laugh, just before Phil kissed him, and caused him to lose his breath as quickly as he gained it.
He blushed as Phil pinned his shoulders up, as he knew fully well by now that Dan lost his balance when Phil kissed him.
“Maybe you weren’t,” Phil teased and Dan just rolled his eyes, pulling him in for another kiss.
Their lips danced together and Dan lost track of time, he forget everything except the way it felt to have Phil’s lips against his.
They broke apart, gasping for air before they moved back together like magnets. He never wanted to leave Phil, to not have Phil by his side.
“Prince Daniel!” Sam’s young voice called out from beside the tree.
Phil pulled away from him, he appeared to be as reluctant as Dan felt.
“Coming Sam!” Dan called back, and pecked Phil once more on the lips, enjoying the way it made Phil’s face beam with happiness.
His lips were swollen and red but twisted into a bright smile that turned Dan’s insides to goo.
They slipped out from out of the tree to find Sam looking very proud of himself, stood before them with the reins of a tall, light brown horse held in his hand.
“Here you are sir!” He held out the reins to Phil who thanked him gently. “Are you alright to mount her sir?” Sam asked and Dan nodded shakily, his fear of horses returned now that the giant creature stared at him. “I-I’ll be fine Sam. Thank you.”
Sam nodded, before turning to run away, his tiny body disappearing as he entered the stable.
“You’ll be fine,” Phil reassured him, guessing correctly as to why Dan was faltering.
As Dan continued to stare at the giant creature he was putting his faith in Phil sighed, “I’m jumping on after we get started remember?”
Dan took a deep breath, and tried to remind himself that Phil was a much better horse rider than him.
“Okay,” he slipped his foot into the stirrup, and used it to boost himself over the huge animal. Fern was much calmer than Mabel, but taller and as Dan sat on him he remembered why he usually rode Mabel.
“He’s really tall Phil,” Dan stammered, his muscles tight with fear as he held onto the reins until they were pressed harshly into the soft skin of his palms.
Phil nodded, “You’ll be fine Dan, I’m going to be there with you okay?” His voice soothed Dan and he felt his muscles relax slightly.
“Okay, let’s go.”
They began at a walk before they started to bounce into a trot, as the trot gained speed Phil began to run beside Dan, he tucked his foot into the stirrup and pulled himself up easily. Dan would be lying if he said his heart didn’t pound a little at the strength of his boyfriend. Even more so, when Phil wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist, “There see, we’re fine,” Phil grinned into his ear and Dan felt a happy shiver travel from the base of his spine to his shoulder blades.
“I love you,” he leaned back into Phil, their heads rested closely together and he sighed into the feeling.
He could just see a smile in Phil’s cheeks, “I love you too.”
Dan lay sprawled out on the bed, a stern expression on his face, “Nope. We can find another way.”
Phil flopped on top of him, the close proximity of their faces made it very difficult for Dan to concentrate, “This is the only way.” Phil insisted and Dan groaned, before he buried his face into Phil’s neck.
“She’ll never agree! To not tell my parents… that’s I don’t know... against servant code,” Dan muttered, his breath fanned into Phil’s neck. He smiled as Phil tried to hide a shiver.
“Firstly, I hid our relationship and you were fine with that. There is no servant code. Secondly she so knows about our relationship.” Phil pointed out and Dan pressed a gentle kiss to Phil’s neck, reveling in the way it made Phil gasp in shock and happiness.
“True,” Dan mumbled, his lips still ghosted against Phil’s neck.
“That is,” Phil gasped again as Dan kissed the sensitive skin, “Very distracting.”
Phil tugged him to his feet and led him to Betty’s chambers, which made Dan very grateful he had Phil because he wouldn’t have had a clue where to begin.
“Betty?” Dan called, as he knocked on the door gently.
The door flung open so quickly Phil nearly fell in, since he’d been leant against it.
There stood Betty, her brown hair pinned into the same bun as usual, a pen stuck through it. Her tall figure nearly matched the ridiculous height of both Dan and Phil but not quite, her strong grey eyes bore into Dan but he could see the same kindness he was used to in her round face.
“Your Highness? What brings you here?” She asked, shock evident on her face as her eyes flitted between him and Phil.
Something seemed to click in her brain as she stepped aside from the door to allow them in.
The first thing Dan noticed was her room was very small, he hadn’t ever been into the servant’s rooms as Phil had always come to Dan’s chambers instead.
There had never been any reason before now to enter one, but it was certainly small. Around the size of Dan’s bathroom, with only just enough space to walk around the bed, with a reasonable sized area at the foot of the bed. Betty’s bed was a dark purple, definitely not black but also not bright enough to be considered violet either.
“We need suits, and we need my parents not to know.” Dan cut straight to the chase, strangely this didn’t seem to faze Betty in the slightest.
“Matching or contrast?” She asked.
Even Phil seemed taken aback by the calm air she had about the whole thing, “You don’t want to know why?” He asked, his voice sounded completely in awe of her folded hands and pleasant smile.
“I figure I’ll find out at some point,” she waved her hands in dismissal.
Dan nodded slowly, barely able to understand the logic there, but for some reason it seemed to be fine with Betty.
“So, matching or contrast?” She asked once again, and stared at them over her rectangular spectacles.
Dan turned to Phil who shrugged, which was incredibly helpful.
“Well we don’t want to be too obvious, so contrast?” He suggested and Betty nodded, which made Dan smile.
He knew there was a reason he had always loved Betty.
“Now strip down both of you, I need to measure you.” She went into her closet to retrieve a measuring tape.
Dan turned to Phil, his cheeks flushed as they begun to take off their layers of clothing.
Despite the fact that they were dating, Dan felt embarrassed with only his boxers on in front of Phil, especially when Phil looked at him the way he was now, as though he was the most beautiful thing in the world. His eyes soft and warm, a smile smile adorned his face.
Dan barely thought that was fair, not when Phil was stood there with his pale chest clearly on display.
Every tiny giggle that left his lips made Dan fall further and further in love.
Subconsciously he had moved forward and suddenly their lips were touching gently, ghosting against each other. As they heard Betty begin to re-enter the room they pulled apart, much to Dan’s disappointment.
Betty raised one eyebrow slightly at the close proximity but it wasn’t a surprised look, more like a smirk, which Dan wasn’t sure Betty was able to produce.
“Mister Daniel,” Betty clicked her fingers for him to come over, “I’m thinking a dark blue, but not too dark. Between navy and cobalt, thoughts Mr Lester?” She asked, all in one breath, to the point as usual.
“Erm yeah sounds good,” Phil replied, his eyes never strayed from Dan.
His soft gaze made Dan’s knees wobble and his heart thunder against his chest.
“You’ve lost weight,” Betty commented idly, as she wrapped the tape measure around his hips and legs.
She then moved on to Phil, it shocked both of them as she grabbed his face and stared straight into his eyes.
“Eggplant purple,” she declared after about thirty seconds, “It would complement your eyes perfectly.”
Dan nodded, every colour would go perfectly with Phil’s eyes in his opinion so he wasn’t going to deny an expert’s opinion.
He tried not to allow the spark of jealousy that flared in his shoulders to truly erupt as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
Firstly, it was her job and he knew that this was necessary. Secondly, she was nearing on her fifties and he knew that she had a husband so he really needed to keep his jealousy under control.
He noticed Phil smirk at him and realised he wasn’t hiding the jealousy very well.
“Shut up,” he mouthed, with a pout.
Phil shrugged, but didn’t stop smiling, eyes bright and so fucking beautiful Dan wanted to die, “I didn’t say anything,” Phil mouthed back, before he blew Dan a kiss.
Alexis had insisted they get changed separately as it was more romantic. Which Dan had to admit, it was true, but it didn't help with the fear of Phil’s possible reactions to Dan in his outfit. What if he hated it?
As he looked in the mirror, Alexis straightened out his suit and helped to fasten the mask, he could see that Betty was right in her choices.
He wore a dark blue suit, just lighter than navy with a crisp white shirt, it sat tightly on his form, and made his shoulders more pronounced and his body more shaped.
His mask was fully gold, tendrils of embossing circled his eyes and twirled their way up to the centre of his forehead where they shaped a small crown.
He could see his brown eyes glowed from behind the mask, the flecks of gold that Phil assured him he had were for once visible.
“You look very nice Your Highness,” Alexis beamed at him, a motherly look in her eyes.
Dan let his instinct take control as he turned around and hugged her.
She squeezed him back tightly but pulled away happily when a hesitant knock sounded at the door.
“Alexis?” Max’s voice called from behind the door, “Neither of us can tie his erm… tie,” he explained.
Alexis rolled her eyes at Dan, but she grinned anyway. Dan knew she loved to help all of them, especially Max, as apparently he had barely ever openly told her he needed help despite being the best friend of her daughter.
“I’m going to get some fresh air,” Dan mumbled as Alexis hurried out, he grinned and stepped out onto the balcony and relished in the wave of cold air that washed over him.
As he stared out at the sun beginning to set Dan thought about tonight.
His mother had, as predicted, been beyond happy when Dan told her that he’d found a suitor who he really loved.
The fact that this suitor was a boy didn’t seem to bother her at all, which meant Dan felt slightly less terrified.
Although if he was honest he was more scared of Phil changing his mind, not actually wanting to tell his parents about them, not wanting them anymore. It was irrational and stupid, but he couldn’t help it.
Warm arms wrapped around him from behind which caused Dan to squeal in shock but any scared thought also flew from his mind as Phil pressed his lips to the back of Dan’s neck.
“You scared me Phil,” Dan grumbled, but he found it difficult to keep the smile off his face as Phil continued to press tickling kisses to the sensitive skin at the top of his spine.
“Hi Bear,” Phil whispered softly, The use of Dan’s childhood nickname made his heart flutter. However Dan could hear the nerves in his voice.
He turned around to face Phil and his heart stopped, a deep purple mask shaded Phil’s eyes and matched perfectly with his purple suit.
There were music notes painted onto the mask that framed the underneath of his eyes, edged with gold embossing that shone in the dusk light.
He looked so stunning that for a moment Dan forget everything that was scaring him, because he had this boy to call his own.
“You are so beautiful,” Phil said softly and that alone left Dan speechless.
He was beautiful?
The last thing he had expected was to be called beautiful before he got the chance to tell Phil the exact same thing. Rather than replying he leaned forward and pressed their lips together, trying to tell Phil how much he loved him while his voice was forgotten. It didn’t matter because as Phil kissed back it was like they were having a conversation.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” His lips repeated as they brushed against Phil’s.
His hands reached up to cup Phil’s face and they moved closer as Phil’s hands rested on his hips.
“We have to go to the party now,” Dan whispered, he wished he didn’t have to break the beautiful, silent moment.
However he could see Alexis stood near the door, nervously fluttering but not wanting to come and break them up, which Dan could understand. So he had to be the one to break the serene moment they had, much as he hated it.
Phil smiled gently and pressed a kiss to the nose just visible out of Dan’s mask.
He moved so close that their eyes were perfectly in line and Dan felt his heart skip a beat as he stared at the beautiful seas that he loved so much.
They were so close he could see the flecks of yellow that reminded Dan of paint splatters in the blue green canvas that was his boyfriend’s eyes.
“I love you,” Phil mumbled and it made Dan tingle all over.
“I love you too,” he replied, as Phil’s eyes bore into him in the most beautiful way, as though he was trying to memorise every fleck of gold in Dan’s eyes.
“Let’s do this,” Phil took his hand.
His mother had set up the whole works; trumpets, an announcement, hundreds of eyes turned in him and he had to swallow back the fear in his throat.
With one last glance back at Phil who offered a shaky thumbs up as he stepped into the ballroom.
He was pretty sure no prince had been introduced to a ball with trumpets since the medieval times but there was nothing he could do as they burst into a little introduction.
“Prince Daniel!” A man with a deep voice presented.
Dan smiled, his mask thankfully hid most of his fear.
He could see his mother beam at him happily from behind an elegant gold and white mask lined with soft blue, her huge ball gown matched it perfectly. As he stumbled his way down the stairs, and tried not to seem like too big of a flop he smiled back at his mother, relieved that she actually did seem excited about meeting Phil.
“I’m so proud of you Daniel,” she kissed him on both cheeks and the act of affection made him grin.
“Thank you mother,” he replied softly.
He saw Phil sneak in through the servant doors, his hand tugged along by a tiny Sam in a white suit. Sam’s usually messy blonde hair combed neatly to the side and a small bow tie sat beneath his chin. Phil looked up at him and grinned, his face only partly visible beneath his mask but Dan could still see the fond enjoyment in his eyes.
Sam’s white mask was simple, and obvious that it belonged to a servant, but cute all the same, Dan wanted to run up and pull him into a hug, but that wouldn’t be appropriate, in this setting especially.
“So when will I meet this suitor of yours. Is he here?” His mother asked as she looked around, Dan was careful not to look at Phil despite how much his head wanted to turn there.
“He is here, and you will meet him soon,” Dan replied, and tried to keep a semi mysterious air. The more he got his mother excited to meet his suitor and then how much she liked him was very important.
His mother nodded and walked away to his father, he had to admit the small bounce in her step made him extremely happy. Many people approached him with well wishes and congratulations, in the past other suitors may have attempted to still become his partner despite him having found someone.
However in modern times that wasn't considered appropriate, thank god.
“Congratulations,” James sneered at him, Dan couldn’t help but wonder why he had been invited in the first place. Dan smiled back brightly, and ignored the malice in James’ eyes choosing to focus on the fact that he wouldn’t have to hide his relationship with Phil any longer.
“Thank you,” he replied before he marched off to Phil, he decided that there had been enough mystery as to who his suitor was.
Phil seemed slightly surprised as he saw Dan walk towards him and he giggled softly as Dan came into earshot.
“Impatient?” He teased.
Dan groaned with a small pout, he wished he could just pull Phil into a kiss there, but he knew they needed to take it slowly, “Just a little,” he replied with a shrug.
Sam grinned at him widely, his tooth just beginning to grow back, “Hello Prince Daniel!” He replied cheerily, before he lowered his voice to a hushed whisper and after he beckoned Dan closer he added, “I haven’t told anyone that it’s Mr Philip,” he promised.
Dan grinned, and gave the small boy a wink, “Thanks Sam. You won’t have to keep it a secret too much longer,” he said with a smile.
The idea was almost too good to humour, that Dan would be able to pull Phil into a kiss no matter where they were. That they could hold hands, cuddle in the library, walk through the orchard and plant kisses to lips without the worry of being spotted.
He felt Phil place a hand on the small of his back, which sent shivers up his spine.
“Let’s go talk to your parents yeah?” Phil whispered in Dan’s ear, his mask brushed the side of Dan’s face slightly. Dan nodded, and shifted so that Phil’s arm was wrapped tightly around him before he kissed him softly on the cheek. Both boys snickered softly as James’ wine glass dropped to the floor with a quiet smash, due to Cecilia gripping his arm too tightly. Her soft pink dress was large and flowery, like she was trying too hard to stand out.
Dan smiled at her, unable to keep dislike from his eyes.
She glared back, her blatant anger harsh in her eyes. In all honesty he was surprised she hadn’t told everyone it was Phil, since she had to have guessed already.
That much he could be grateful to her, it wasn’t much, but he supposed it would have to do.
His mother beamed with excitement, and clutched onto his father’s arm.
The King was wearing a pale blue suit to match his wife and a knowing expression, his mask hid some of it but Dan could see his father knew exactly who the mystery suitor was.
He swallowed heavily and allowed Phil’s arm to calm him.
“Mother, Father,” he nodded to both of his parents, “This is my suitor,” he stepped to the side as Phil kissed his mother’s hand.
“It is a pleasure to meet you my queen,” Phil bowed.
Dan could have sworn he saw his mother blush happily as Phil stood back up.
“And what is your name?” She asked with a polite nod of her head, clearly already taken with Phil.
Dan watched as Phil took a moment to consider before he replied calmly, “ Isn't a charade part of a masquerade ball Your Majesty? Why, I think under a mask we show who we truly are, our real faces are the masks, the masks we put on to survive the real world. The masks that we hide behind and hope to shield us from jealousy, anger and hatred. Tonight, however, we can be however we want .”
The queen nodded her eyes lit up in interest for this mysterious stranger and Dan grinned as Phil squeezed his hand.
Neither the King nor Queen appeared to notice this though as they smiled at each other.
Dan could still see the knowing twinkle in his father’s eyes as he ushered them away, “Go dance! Enjoy the night!”
Phil turned to him with a smile, taking his arm in a similar fashion to how you would escort a princess, “Shall we dance Your Highness?” He asked, a bright smile lit up his face.
“Yes we shall,” Dan replied, his cheeks ached from the smile that wouldn’t go away.
He beamed, and happiness radiated from his chest as Phil took his hip, and took Dan’s other hand in his so that they were in a typical waltz position. They began to twirl around the dance floor with the music, laughter bubbled in Dan’s chest as he was reminded of what an awful dancer Phil was. Their feet trod on each other’s whenever they turned which just served to make Dan laugh harder.
“You’re so bad,” he giggled as Phil spun him around clumsily.
He loved the way his body felt pressed up against Phil’s regardless of whether thier dance was elegant or not. They had stopped being in a traditional royal relationship the moment they started after all.
Phil poked his tongue out, “Shut up,” he grumbled, and attempted to pout but was smiling too widely to properly achieve it. Dan grinned and pulled Phil in closer against him, and let their hips press together as they twirled around, he swapped their hands so that Dan was in the lead.
“Maybe you should let me lead us?” Dan suggested with a raise of his eyebrow.
Phil opened his mouth to object before he snapped it shut and nodded in a resigned way.
Dan winked with an over exaggerated flourish, and ravished in the way it made Phil giggle, his tongue poked through his teeth. With Dan’s lead they begun to glide across the floor, Phil’s feet being tugged away from Dan’s until they were danced around the room so elegantly that he saw Cecilia’s jaw drop open.
He remembered when she had danced with him the first time.
She had practically dragged Dan onto the dance floor. She had held herself against him but Dan had attempted to hold her at arm’s length. This made it a not at all enjoyable dance and he was quite unable to properly lead them with the space between them. It was awkward and clumsy as Cecilia was an awful dancer for a princess and without Dan’s help was unable to actually waltz with him.
Dan couldn’t help but grin as he thought about how different this was.
Phil was pliant and warm against him, he allowed himself to be lead across the dance floor with a smile constantly on his face.
They felt like one person together, one unit that could do whatever they wanted.
“Okay yeah you leading was a good idea,” Phil murmured as Dan spun him around,before he pulled him back against his chest easily.
Dan laughed softly as he opened them up only to draw them back together again.
“I know,” he whispered when he drew Phil close enough.
They continued to dance all through the night, eventually too exhausted to continue to waltz around the room, instead they simply swayed in each other’s arms, heads rested on each other’s shoulders.
Dan could sense Phil look at something over Dan’s shoulder. He looked as though he wanted to go and do something, Dan followed his line of view and saw tiny Sam carrying a huge pile of plates and other dirty crockery, his tiny knees shook from the heavy weight he was carrying. They walked over to him without another word, hands slipped into each other’s as they walked as though on instinct.
“Hey Sam,” Phil bent down to the small boy’s height who attempted to look at who was them to him over the pile of plates he was carrying.
“Hello Prince Daniel! Hello Mr…” he trailed off as he remembered he wasn’t allowed to say Phil’s name. Dan took some of the crockery at the top of the pile out of Sam’s hold and heard the boy’s sigh of relief as the weight was semi relieved.
“Hi Sam,” Dan offered him a gentle smile, “Do you want us to help you?” He asked and Sam nodded hurriedly.
Phil took a similar pile to Dan’s off of the huge pile of plate the small eight year old was carrying. Dan remembered when Phil used to be this kid, the one who was piled with plates and crockery and anything else that needed to be lugged to the kitchen.
He wished that someone could have helped like he and Phil were now.
“Are we taking them to the kitchen?” Phil asked, and smiled at a noble as they passed.
Sam nodded again, he had to walk twice as fast in order to keep up with both Dan and Phil.
However he beamed with excitement as they walked to the kitchen, “I was given the special job of helping get the dishes but then people piled them a bit too much,” Sam explained. Phil gave Dan a look that said that was what Phil was told as well, they both smiled sympathetically.
“We’re very proud of you for trying so hard,” Phil encouraged him with a bright smile although Dan could see the pain behind his eyes, as he remembered the way he had crashed to the floor when he and Dan were only eleven smashing at least twenty plates that were held in his arms.
As they placed the plates down and re-entered with Sam in tow, a musician announced that this was the last song before the prince and suitor’s final dance.
“Would you like to dance with us Sam?” Phil asked and Dan beamed at him.
Sam’s eyes widened until they were the size of saucers, a huge smile covered his face as he nodded excitedly.
“A-am I allowed?” He asked, as he nervously glanced between Dan and Phil, when they nodded he bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly, “Yes please!” He exclaimed.
Dan took his hand and led him to the middle of the dance floor, Phil took his other hand and filled Dan’s body with tingles.
Sam took Phil’s hand so that they were stood in a small circle and swaying on the spot.
“You’re like the bestest prince ever Prince Daniel,” Sam said happily as Dan twirled him in a little circle. Dan felt his heart warm happily as the words left Sam’s lips, “Thank you,” he grinned.
Phil smiled at him, his eyes warm and soft, “I agree Sam. He’s like the bestest in the world.”
Dan felt his cheeks flush as Phil squeezed his hand.
The song trickled to an end, Sam jumped backwards and bowed awkwardly before he hurried off. Dan took Phil in his arms and assembled them so that they were ready to dance, as it was the last dance of the night, everyone would watch them.
“Do you want me to lead?” He teased Phil, who merely rolled his eyes and allowed Dan to take his arms.
They begun to glide across the floor, and their feet stepped in perfect time. Although Phil’s steps were a little more clumsy. Dan could feel Phil’s heart as it thundered against his chest, they were pressed so closely together.
“I love you,” Phil whispered in his ear as they begun to slow to a stop.
Dan grinned, “I love you too,” he replied easily.
He cradled the back of Phil’s head in his hand and pulled their lips together.
Their masks brushed against each other’s as their mouths pressed together gently, as usual they fitted perfectly and comfortably so that they seemed connected.
Every part of them, connected and together.
Hands in hair, lips softly pushed and pulled against each other.
It can’t have gone for more than thirty seconds but it was Dan’s favourite kiss they ever had, the way their lips appeared to pour out their love for each other. Every time they touched sweet and comfortable, a reminder that this was the last time they would be a secret. In a couple of minutes everyone would know about them.
Dan couldn’t tell whether his heart was thumping because of the kiss or because of nerves.
As they pulled away he smiled gently at Phil, “Are you ready?” He asked softly, so quietly that only Phil would be able to hear.
Phil nodded, his eyes never looked away from Dan’s.
“Ok,” Dan whispered, “I have an idea, do you trust me?” he asked nervously.
Phil’s eyes were an electric blue today, the purple and gold of the mask brought out the bright green and yellow flecks in his irises.
“I will always trust you,” Phil replied without even a thought.
Dan blushed lightly, and pulled away out of Phil’s arms just enough so he could reach Phil’s mask easily.
“Take mine off first,” Dan whispered, this felt like a special moment that should remain between the two of them, they didn’t need other people to eavesdrop.
Phil nodded, his warm fingers brushed against Dan’s face as he undid the golden clasps, “I love you,” Phil mumbled as he revealed Dan’s face, Dan felt his heart leap at the way Phil looked at him.
“I love you too,” Dan said back as he removed the purple mask from Phil’s eyes and revealed the person that Dan loved so dearly, the eyes that sparkled like the ocean in the morning.
He heard a few people who could see Phil gasp, his parents however were on the other side. Unable to see the newly revealed person beneath the mask, the mystery suitor who Dan had finally fallen for. His father seemed to be a bit nonchalant, Dan had no doubts that his father already knew who the mysterious person behind the mask was.
“I love you,” Dan whispered one more time, as he took Phil’s hands.
“I love you too.”
As Phil drew him into the last kiss they would ever share before his parents knew about their relationship Dan couldn’t help but smile.
This was all he wanted in life, to be able to kiss Phil like this whenever he wanted.
In front of whoever he wanted.
Phil’s nose nudged against his gently as their lips melded together. It was soft and warm, like being cuddled in a fluffy blanket, Phil’s lips tasted and felt like home.
As they drew away Dan couldn’t stop the smile that covered his face, and it seemed Phil felt the same.
He could feel his mother’s eyes burn into them from over Phil’s shoulder, so with a sigh he gave Phil a look that said ‘are you ready?’
Phil nodded, and took his hand and Dan took a deep inhale of air to calm the nerves that were returning to his system.
Together they turned to face Dan’s parents.
His mother’s mouth dropped open, so that she vaguely reminded Dan of a painting he studied at one point called The Scream .
“Philip?” She gasped, and clutched Dan’s father’s hand so tightly Dan actually saw the King wince.
Phil shrugged sheepishly, his skin an adorable shade of pink as Dan’s parents “met” him as Dan’s boyfriend.
He bowed politely as he had been taught to his whole life, as he let go of Dan’s hand for a moment to do so.
“Your Majesties,” Phil murmured so lowly that the royal family could only just hear him.
Dan glanced at his parents worriedly, or more specifically his mother, his father seemed to be rather proud of himself as he must have already guessed.
His mother appeared to have mildly recovered, as her mouth had closed and her grip on Dan’s father has loosened. As his mother inhaled through her nose Dan felt his heart drop and tears sting his eyes, he could already sense disapproval on the horizon.
“Treat him well,” The queen said, her voice slightly strained but genuinely happy, “My son deserves someone like you, someone kind. I’m sorry for how I’ve t-treated you,” She apologised.
Dan could tell how hard it was for her to say, she never apologised to anyone.
Never admitted she was wrong, or that she had done something bad, but she was now and that was all that mattered.
It was both Dan and Phil’s turn to let their mouths hang open now, Phil’s hand gripped Dan’s as though he believed if he didn’t hold on tight enough it would all be a dream.
Dan felt exactly same way, this couldn’t be real.
Couldn’t be real.
“I love you Daniel,” his mother turned to him, “I want you to be happy. Understand I will need some time but I will definitely support you.” She faced both of them and added, “Both of you.”
Even the King was staring proudly at his wife, this was possibly the best moment of Dan’s life.
He dropped Phil’s hand and raced forward. He pulled his mother into a hug, she let out a small gasp of surprise before he wrapped her arms around him.
It was tense and strange, he hadn’t properly hugged his mother since he was very tiny, but her petite frame was warm and he was just so grateful.
They trudged their way up to Dan’s bedroom.
Their bedroom, at a time that nobody should be awake.
In fact he was almost positive that the sun had begun to rise through the window in his lounge room but he didn’t bother to check.
He flopped into the bed, and was automatically drawn to the warmth that was Phil. He wrapped his arms around Phil’s waist and drew them together, pulling Phil’s lips against his like a reflex.
Phil tasted of expensive wine and grapes as Dan’s weirdo of a boyfriend “doesn’t like cheese”.
They were soft and lazy kisses as both boys were too tired to make out but more just enjoyed being able to kiss each other. Dan loved the way that even in their exhausted state, Phil could still make his stomach flip and his heart race. Even though he was sure he would kiss these lips hundreds of times to come, it still felt like a treasure that he needed to protect and that was alright with him.
Their bubble had been popped, Dan’s family knew about them, their secret was out in the world. However they were still just Dan and Phil, a special secret that still felt like it only belonged to them.
Dan wouldn’t have it any other way.
He pulled away and tucked his head under Phil’s chin against the warm chest that he would use as a pillow.
“I love you idiot,” Dan pressed a kiss to the skin beneath Phil’s chin, and enjoyed the way it made a little gasp escape Phil’s lips.
He could hear the smirk in Phil’s voice as he replied,
“I love you too, you royal pain.”
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theawkwardterrier · 7 years
In the Bloom of Life
Steggy Positivity Week, day 5 Prompt: Tropes, Kinks or Cliches 
Summary: Five times Steve gave Peggy flowers, and one time she gave one to him.
AO3 link here.
It's not the first time he's seen anything green — he was a Fresh Air Fund kid for a couple of summers, and there's Central Park, of course — but the lawn outside the barracks at Camp Lehigh is the first place where the green doesn't really belong to anyone. There's no groundskeeper, no housewife keeping a careful eye, and Steve doesn’t think anyone would even bother watering this spot, so he doesn't feel bad about absently picking at the grass.
He's not sure the sentry would agree about that, or even about him being outside instead of resting up for his big procedure tomorrow, though, so he makes sure to press into the shadows as a flashlight beam shines around.
“Best be quicker next time,” a voice says by his ear. “You would have been caught if Stokes were actually paying a bit of attention to his job.”
Steve scrambles up. “Agent Carter.” His eyes blur from looking into the light of the window where she's framed, but he salutes quickly at the negative space where he knows she exists. “I was just looking to get some air.”
“Relax, Private.” She sounds vaguely amused. “I'm not looking to write you up. I think you're entitled to a little relaxation.” After a very minor pause, not even long enough for him to think up a response, she adds, “I actually was coming to see if you were prepared for tomorrow.”
Steve shrugs. “No one's given me any real details about what's going to happen, so I don't know how prepared I can be.”
“A fair point.”
How is it that every time she smiles it feels as if he's won something? It even makes him forget the nerves that have suddenly decided to visit him, although he knows he has to take the chance.
“I guess sleep's probably the best way to prepare,” he says reluctantly.
“Oh, I've found stargazing to be a decent diversion to settle the nerves,” but she opens the window wider and holds out a hand to help him in.
He's placed his palm against hers before he realizes that he's still holding a flower, a clover, slightly bedraggled now that it's been picked and handled and pressed between them.
He blurts out a quick apology as soon as he's climbed through, but she just waves him off. “There's plenty of clover out there to go around. And I'm none the worse for having it.” She plucks it from his unresisting palm, twirling the thin stem. “Good night, Private.”
“Steve,” he says quickly. “You can call me Steve. If you want.”
She gifts him with another smile. “Good night then, Steve.” For some reason he expected her to trade places with him and lower herself out the window, but she just uses the door.
It takes him a while to fall asleep, but it's not really about nerves anymore.
For the first three days, she's furious with him. After a week, it's mostly faded to a vague disappointment that she could have misjudged him so badly. After a month she swears to forget the whole thing and stop replaying the details (how pleased and proud he'd looked, showing off his new shield, and how satisfying the bullets had been when they'd hit it). After two months, Philips casually recommends they go to the cinema on base together and casually glances over as the newsreel shows the first footage of Steve and his troops that she's seen in a long while. As the camera pans over his compass and his embarrassed, open-and-shut face, she wonders if she's misjudged him twice over.
A week after that, she finds out secondhand from a starstruck corporal that the Howling Commandos have been and gone from headquarters back into the field in a little under twenty-four hours. She presses forward for several hours before she realizes that the emotion she's been burying is disappointment.
The girl she’s rooming with is asleep by the time she makes it back that night, so she has to keep the lights very low. Still, even in the dimness, the first thing she sees is a new bouquet on the side table. Clara’s always getting them from different beaux. Peggy goes over to see them, hoping that something beautiful might cheer her up. She leans over, breathing in the scent of orchids and peonies, fingering the pink and white flowers delicately.
She’s about to turn away to prepare for bed when she sees the card on the table. The envelope has her name in a clear, neat hand.
I know I can’t take back the words, but I can apologize for then. I should never have said what I did, and I’m sorry that I made it seem as if I don’t value who you are and what you do. I’m also sorry I didn’t get a chance to deliver these in person, although this note is probably more articulate than I would have been.
All my best,
He’s included a small sketch: a cartoon of himself, complete with cowlick and broad shoulders tucked shyly inward, handing the bouquet to a pencil version of her. Her cartoon self looks dubious, but has something that might be a smile twitching at the corner of her mouth.
She leans against the table, card still in hand. Perhaps she’s misjudged him again.
“You think you could walk a little louder?” Morita hisses to Dugan.
The man himself just gestures rudely behind his back, but Falsworth says with an acidic simplicity, “I might point out that your whisper isn’t exactly subtle.”
“Any chance you all could pick up the pace?” Jones adds, and although his tone is perfectly polite and he had nothing to do with the coffee incident of the previous hour, the rest turn and glare at him. At this point, Dernier mutters something about how minimal an amount he’d trade them all for, and although they’re not all honor’s students in French, they get the point and start to glare at him instead.
“Just a little longer, boys, and then we can stop for the day,” Bucky tells them through half-gritted teeth.
“At what point are you going to tell them that you have no idea where we are or when we’ll get to stop?” Peggy says quietly to Steve from where they’re walking at the front of the group.
Steve winces. He’d memorized the map before they left, but that hadn’t meant much considering troop movements, the destruction of war, and the fact that they’re mostly walking through forest without a lot of landmarks in the first place. He’s a city boy, more used to streets and avenues than using the characteristics of trees to navigate. “Next clearing we see,” he says out of the corner of his mouth, “I’m telling them we were aiming for it all along.”
Peggy rolls her eyes and almost laughs, moving a vine out of the way. “Yes, and I’m sure they’ll believe you.” She turns back to check on the sullen group behind them. When she faces forward again, she finds Steve staring at her. Her eyes shift immediately to check their surroundings, keeping her voice calm and quiet and urgent as she asks, “Is something wrong?”
He startles. “What—? No. It’s just...You’ve got something. Here.” He gestures to his own chest, and when Peggy looks down at the corresponding spot on her body, she finds that a weedy, white flower has wormed its way between her layers of clothing.
“It seems these woods have got their hooks in me as well,” she says wryly, and moves to pull it out, but Steve actually stops walking, and puts a hand over hers.
With awkward politeness, he asks “May I?” When she nods, he removes the flower from her clothing, and replaces it in her hair, sliding it gently and carefully so that it is secure behind her ear. “There,” he says softly when he’s finished. “A little beauty’s important in a place like this.”
Everything is momentarily, impossibly still. Then Morita asks behind them, “Cap, why’re you stopping? Are we almost there?”
Steve’s glance around is so frantic that Peggy stifles a laugh. He must have heard anyway, because he throws her a playful glare before pointing at a spot up ahead and mouthing, “I know that crossroads!” Over his shoulder, he tells the boys, “Just another mile and we’ll be at the place.”
They groan, clearly unaware how close they came to being in no place at all. Peggy turns as well and says, “I don’t know about you gentlemen, but I’m going to take the last mile at a jog,” and takes off. She hears Steve snicker behind her, and the rest groan before they pick up their knees and follow.
Captain America doesn’t spend much time in the Pacific. Even when he’s actually sent there, it isn’t for very long.
“Three camps, two days,” Steve tells her, his voice as quick as their steps along the hallway of SSR headquarters. “Brought back some memories.” His tone indicates that these aren’t entirely of the pleasant variety. Although Peggy assumes that the men would be more receptive to a Captain America who has actually seen combat, she understands why it might make Steve remember less enthusiastic audiences, and just how much more he might have done to bolster their numbers or morale. At least the latter was the only reason he’d agreed to a quick trip away from his missions.
“How did things seem?” Peggy knows that newsreels don’t show the worst of things, and that any reports she’s seen will have cloaked the truth in official language.
Steve shakes his head. “I’m not sure who has it worse. I’m going to talk to Stark about trying to come up with something to ward off the mosquitos.” He spots Howard at that moment, and goes to break off toward him, turning to say goodbye to Peggy.
“You give it to her yet?” Howard calls, and Steve reddens immediately.
“Did you have something for me?” Peggy asks, unsure if Steve’s blush is charming or alarming.
He fumbles in his pocket and takes out a palm-sized wooden box. “I— They had these all around on the islands, and the fellas there said they were okay to eat. I grabbed a handful before I left. Stark dried them for me.”
Peggy opens the box, only partially to disrupt Steve’s babbling. Inside she finds a mass of reddish flowers all curled up, crumbling slightly when she touches them.
“They’re hibiscus. For tea,” Steve says. “I thought they might be nicer than the stuff they give us now.” Sheepishly, he adds, “You always make this once more into the breach face before you start a cup,” and demonstrates with a grimace.
“Carter!” Phillips barks from down the hall, turning away before she can say anything, assuming she’ll follow. She closes the box carefully.
“Thank you,” she says seriously. “This will certainly make things more palatable.” She lays a hand on Steve’s cheek for an incredibly brief instant, then moves to follow Phillips down the hall, only turning once to watch Steve disappearing into Howard’s lab.
She and Phillips are up late that night, looking over maps and memos. She makes a cup of tea around one in the morning. It’s just as lovely as she’d hoped.
Peggy is ready and waiting by seven on the dot. By 7:15 on the dot, Steve has still not arrived.
“Oh, Peg.” Angie hugs her against her side. “If he can’t be bothered to show up on time, he doesn’t deserve to have you waiting.”
Peggy shakes her head. She feels as if all the residents of the Griffith are watching and pitying her. “I’m sure he has a perfectly reasonable explanation, Angie.”
“I’m afraid I agree with Miss Martinelli,” Mrs. Fry calls over. Peggy bites her tongue. “If a young man lacks the courtesy to arrive on time, who knows what other indecorous behavior he might be engaging in?”
Blessedly, Steve walks in before Peggy has to answer. Rain speckles his overcoat. He looks a bit taken aback by the number of women staring (or glaring) at him, but he moves forward with his focus on Peggy.
“I’m sorry I’m late. Buying these took longer than I’d expected.” The bouquet he holds out is lovely, an elaborate arrangement of bright Gerber daisies and wide fragrant lilies, all surrounded by greenery.
Peggy takes it in one arm. “Thank you,” she says, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “But there really wasn’t any need for these.”
“You deserve them,” Steve says quietly, in a voice only she can hear. Then he adds, louder and a bit offended, “This is how things are done, anyway. You bring flowers for a first date. Everyone knows that.”
“Well, your politeness has been noted.” She leans into the flowers appreciatively, showing them briefly to an impressed Angie, before saying, “I’ll go put them in some water upstairs and then we can go.”
“Uh.” Steve looks around again. Most of the girls are at least pretending to be otherwise occupied, but there are certainly quite a few eyes still on him, Mrs. Fry’s the beadiest of all. “You sure I can’t help you get that vase ready?”
“Oh, I can handle that on my own,” Peggy says merrily. “And regardless, the policy here does not allow men above the first floor.”
“You sure you can’t make an exception?” Steve asks as Mrs. Fry bears down on him.
“Oh no,” Peggy calls over her shoulder, already walking toward the stairs. “This is how things are done,” and she buries her grin in the bouquet.
Steve still arrives with gifts, but he is very prompt after that.
“Miss Carter, please don’t panic.”
Peggy finishes arranging her skirt (perhaps her mother would have been scandalized by a tea-length dress, but Peggy hadn’t considered anything else) and looks up. “Mr. Jarvis, I do find that such a preface only invites further panic.” Considering that her wedding preparations have been relatively panic-free so far, she supposes she’s due, but she was rather hoping to avoid such incidents.
“Oh Edwin, don’t worry her.” Ana walks into the room behind him and places a calm hand on his arm. “Everything is just fine. Captain Rogers and his friends have arrived, and they are all in place in the chapel.”
“What’s the problem, then?” Angie asks, helping Peggy straighten her veil.
Jarvis opens his mouth, but closes it again at a glance from his wife. “It appears that Captain Rogers has left behind his buttonhole, and he seems quite upset about it,” she explains.
Peggy begins to laugh, a long, breathless chuckle. She looks up at the ceiling of the bride’s room. “Considering all we’ve been through, Mr. Jarvis, this is no reason to panic at all.”
However upset Steve had allegedly been about his forgetfulness, Peggy cannot detect a shred of it on his face as she walks down the aisle. He looks, if she does say so herself, rather enchanted.
(Although, if she must say so herself, she is rather enchanted with him as well.)
“I hear you’re having a bit of a problem,” she says quietly as she reaches him.
He looks at her, dazed, as the priest opens his bible. “What?”
“I’ve a gift for you.” Out of the one of pockets she had added to her dress, she takes a small silver penknife. The priest’s eyes widen as she extends the blade, but to his credit, he says nothing. She eyes the measurement carefully, then very deliberately cuts a rose from her bouquet.
“There,” she says, pinning it quickly to Steve’s jacket, ignoring how this all must look to their guests. “Now you look just right.”
“I think we both look pretty perfect,” Steve corrects, tilted fully toward her now, and the priest nods at the two of them, smiles, and begins.
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pika-ace · 7 years
lovely bones au where sonny is susie
(When I first saw this ask): Hmm, that sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? *Types it into google* …Oh… *clicks on Wiki article*…Oh no… *reads book summary* …Oooh nooo… *reads movie summary* …Ooooooooooh nooooooooooo…
So yeah, helmets on, kids, we’re taking a hard angst bomb to the feels with this one.
So it’s a normal night. Sonny had stayed out late after school and hung out with Pete. Pete usually walked back with him, but Sonny said he was gonna take a shortcut (cause Usnavi was already gonna grill him for staying out so late) so they went their separate ways…and Sonny never came home (I’m already hating this AU  D’: )
Sonny wakes up in the ‘In Between’ and slowly realizes what happened to him. He had been walking home when he ran into someone who he recognized, an old teacher from school. The teacher walked with Sonny for a while, making casual conversation, and when Sonny’s guard was down: bam. The teacher then proceeded to mutilate Sonny’s body and stash it away under the floorboards of an abandoned building near a dump (to cover the smell). Sonny, now in the In Between, goes home to find Usnavi worried out of his mind, texting and calling Sonny a million times and Chip lying by the door, softly whimpering. The next morning, Usnavi calls around the barrio to see if they’ve seen him, but no one has, and Usnavi’s panic REALLY sets in when Pete tells him that he had been heading home the last time he saw him. Usnavi takes the path that Sonny took and finds Sonny’s hat. Now we call the police. So while the whole investigation’s going on, with the barrio fam doing everything in their power to help, Sonny meets another boy in the In Between called Philip, who tries to persuade Sonny to let go and come to Heaven ‘If you stay here and watch, it will just make it harder to leave later!’ ‘I don’t care! I can’t leave them now!’ So weeks pass and while the police are still looking, they have told Usnavi that they may have to prepare for the possibility that Sonny’s dead. Now by this point, Usnavi’s been pretty numb to everything around him, but now he’s basically just shut down. The barrio fam do their best to keep him grounded, while Usnavi is just having MULTIPLE breakdowns and isn’t taking care of himself and poor Sonny is basically screaming and crying at him from limbo even thought Usnavi can’t hear him (I can’t believe there’s an AU more painful than the Ghost Sonny AU) and Sonny’s killer is still loose in New York. He’s not in the Heights anymore, but he’s still in Manhattan. Anyway, Pete’s been conducting his own investigation cause he suspects the teacher who killed Sonny but he has no evidence, so he takes Chip out on excursions with him to find clues. Pete’s also struggling with INTENSE guilt, cause if he had just gone with Sonny, maybe none of this would be happening. Cue Sonny screaming at him that he doesn’t blame him and to stop feeling guilty about something he couldn’t help. So more stuff happens and Sonny meets eight other boys including Philip who we find out have been the killer’s past victims (I’m gonna make a list here just to make this even more sad: Philip, Conner, Les, Angel, Michael, Justin, Kurt, and Arnold [name the musical and have more tears :’D] ). At the same time, Chip picks up a scent and leads Pete to the building where all the bodies have been stashed over the years…including Sonny which is still rotting but still recognizable. Pete heartbrokenly lets Usnavi know ‘Pete, what is it?’ ‘I…I found…I found Sonny…’ ‘YOU DID? Oh my god, is he okay?! Can I talk to him?! Where are you?!’ ‘Usnavi…’ ‘Tell me where you are Pete! Oh god, please, let me talk to Sonny! Put him on!’ ‘Usnavi…!’ ‘Pete put Sonny on, please! I need to talk to him! I-’ ‘HE’S DEAD, USNAVI! …He…He’s…he’s gone…’ Vanessa, who had overheard the conversation, lets the police know and Pete and Chip wait for them. At the same time, Sonny’s killer appears, having returned to see how Sonny’s body was rotting (one of his sick obsessions) and Pete and Chip hold him off, until the spirits of Sonny and all the rest of his victims are able to influence reality and trap the killer. They ALMOST kill him, but Sonny tells them that it would be too easy a way out for him. He needs to suffer, for all the families he broke. The police arrive and so does the barrio. The police identify all the bodies and take the killer into custody. The police cover Sonny’s body so Usnavi can’t see the damage, but he’s still just about broken. His baby cousin is dead. Sonny finally can’t take it anymore and possesses Pete so he can have one last conversation with Usnavi and his family (they can tell it’s him cause Pete’s brown eyes have turned green). He tells them that he’s sorry this happened and that he caused them so much grief and just about begs Usnavi to move on, because Sonny would never be able to forgive himself if he went to Heaven while Usnavi just suffered. Usnavi gives Sonny one last big hug, Sonny bids farewell to everyone, including Pete in his mind and leaves. Meanwhile, the killer is prosecuted, and all the families and friends of the deceased victims come to the court case as well as the execution. And the killer isn’t too freaked out about death, but that changes when he sees the spirits of all his victims around him, all of them bleeding and staring at him, as they slowly drag him into hell. Once it’s done, all the families come together to give their children proper burials, building a private cemetery just for them, and only after that, are the victims finally at peace, and ascend to Heaven. 
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