#the cat was super super good so that made having to restrain her easy thank fuck
vettelcore · 1 year
2nd day of class and we're already helping during surgeries lmaooooo
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clairecrive · 3 years
hi! I just recently found your account and I've been spending all my time reading everything you've written, and I wanted to tell you that I absolutely adore your writing! it's so beautiful.
I also wanted to request a friends to lovers nikolai x reader fic (you don't have to make it friends to lovers if you don't want to!) something along the lines of this: they get seperated after the battle with the darkling at the end of siege and storm and reader has to go with alina but they finally reunite? and everyone is super smug because they knew it would happen.
sorry for such a long ask and no worries if you decide not to do it! I hope you're doing well!!
Fools, pistols blazing and shock
A/n: a promise is a promise and the second most requested fic was Nikolai and angst and so here it is! friends to lovers is not my favorite trope but I enjoyed writing this. I hope you will too x
Thank you so much for your beautiful words btw, they mean the world <3<3
tags: @jupiterandbutterflies , @agentsofsheilds , @for-bebbanburg , @randomoutsiders , @hannaxmaria , @vintagebitc , @story-scribbler , @crowssixof , @odetostep , @lizzie-he4rts , @korol-lantsov , @subjecta13-thefangirl ,@gallysonegoodlung , @a-c-lee , @mriddlemethis , @carnationworld , @thanossexual , @luvxginger , @sanna2020 , @partiesandblurrypolaroids , @edithsvoice , @wafflesandschemingfaces , @snugleo , @sugarmelonwater , @dobwhore, @sassybadqueen , @anything-forourmoony, @snokoi, @imaginingimagines, @vintagebitc_,
"So," he twirled around, "how do I look?" With a theatrical gesture, he stopped in front of you.
You looked at him, head to toe, before saying, "Like a fool I know."
He was imperturbable, by the smirk on his face one would think that you had paid him a compliment. "The answer was far simpler: handsome."
"You look like a prince," you conceded, " but so does your brother so take that as you will." And with that, you walked to your assigned post leaving a scandalized Nikolai behind.
The dinner went by smoothly even if you had to bear Vasily being his annoying self. So far so good. The important thing was that the people around the table were under no threat. The rest was bearable.
And no, it had nothing to do with Nikolai winking at you from time to time. Flirting was second nature to him and Alina's presence by his side was a cold reminder of how things were.
It took one look at her for your face to go as blank as Mal's on the other side of the room.
You had disconnected from the conversation at the table for a second, your attention going to the exit where a Grisha soldier had just walked in to talk to Zoya. If you had been paying attention to Nikolai, you would have known what to expect.
But you hadn't and so the next few seconds were pure chaos.
The unthinkable happened.
Black shadows filled the room, leaving no chance to the people they had appeared before. The Queen's scream brought your attention back to the table and consequently to the Vasily. Or rather, to what was left of him.
Beside him, the kind had crouched down to hide and was cowering behind the throne. The Queen clutched her son's body to her chest wailing and screaming. Then your eyes fell on him, standing tall in front of his parents shooting away.
You didn't know what you were going to do. You didn't think. You just acted and the next thing you knew, you were running towards him shooting fire at whatever tendrils of shadows you could see.
In a moment, you reached his side, covering his back for every possible attack.
"You need to go," you urged him over the sounds of crying and shooting. A shot of light filled the room blinking you for a moment and panic shot through you at the possibility of Alina being hurt.
"Take your parents and Alina and go Nikolai. You can't stay here!" You insisted again, still back to back, unwilling to let anything happen to him. If he meant to argue you didn't know. You heard him speak but his words went unheard over the chaos in the room.
You turned around just in time to see one of those things trying to make their way to him. The tendrils of fire that shot through you slowed it down but it was only a shot of wind coming from a squaller that did the trick and sent it away.
Nodding in the squaller's direction you took Nikolai's shoulders and turned him towards the secret exit behind the throne.
"Stop playing hero and just go for Saint's sake!" Under normal circumstances, he was stronger than you. And well, he still was but too busy worrying about getting his family to safety and covering your back, he ended up succumbing to your shoves.
"I can't leave you here!"
"You can and you surely will! I'll make sure that Alina is safe," ushering him and his parents towards the exit, you didn't give him time to argue. Once they were through the door, you closed it behind them and melted the lock.
You allowed yourself only a moment to worry about him, to mourn him if things were to go downhill for you. Only a second for you to mourn the future that you knew you were never going to get with him.
Then it was over. Your heart locked away and your mind focused solely on the battle ahead. You needed to make sure that Alina was alive and get her to safety whilst also trying to save as many as you could along the way.
A piece of cake.
You knew that he had made it out of Os Alta alive. You had gotten word that he had arrived safe and sound to one of his hiding spots scattered around the country.
Alina and a group of other Grisha, including yourself, had managed to make it out alive out of the capital as well.
All was as well as it could be under these gloomy circumstances. And yet, you couldn't help but feel like you had lost.
Too many had fallen under the Darkling's wrath. Too many had given up their lives in honor of Ravka's freedom. Too many sacrifices for you all to be hiding in the tunnels like scared cats.
But you had a plan. You just needed to be in the same room as Alina, all of you at once, and you were going to make your way up.
It was only a matter of time before you were going to see him again.
It turned out that you were right. It was a matter of time indeed before you saw Nikolai again.
As always, he couldn't help but make a grand entrance while praising his good looks. For once, your eyes didn't roll in mock annoyance. The joy of seeing him again, safe and sound while also saving your asses, prevailed.
And the moment his eyes met yours? Priceless.
Despite being in the middle of running away and fighting the first army's soldiers, you felt like there was only the two of you. Nothing mattered besides Nikolai, his stupid smirk that shone brighter than all the stars combined.
It turned out that that moment came with a price indeed. Your distraction paved the way for an almost fatal mistake.
Too lost in Nikolai's eyes and restraining yourself from throwing yourself at him, you didn't notice the soldier sneaking up behind him. Or well, you didn't until it was too late.
The movement caught your eyes, but the bastard had his pistol already drawn. You had the presence of the spirit of pushing Nikolai out of the way before a shot was fired.
Focusing on the bullet you tried all your might to melt it, but you knew it was a desperate attempt since you had noticed it too late. Trying and losing was better than not trying at all so trying you did.
However, what turned out to be life-saving was Nikolai's counterattack. While you exercised the small science, Nikolai quickly drew his own pistol and shoot at the soldier.
Time seemed to slow down as you stared in front of him, hands in the air while Nikolai moved behind you. Right before your brain registered that while you had indeed managed to burn the bullet, it was still coming your way at high speed, another object entered your field vision.
At that moment you didn't exactly decipher what had happened, you blinked and the bullet was not there anymore. However, your stupor was short-lived as other soldiers were coming your way after hearing the noise.
At that point, Nikolai tugged you away and towards his awaiting ship knowing that the soldiers would surely outnumber you.
It all happened in a blink. One moment you were on the ground hellbent on not dying, and the other you were up in the air.
That, combined with the stress of the last couple of weeks. exhaustion and dehydration put you in a state of shock. Resulting in you staring numbly ahead of you.
Then, when you felt a hand on your face, your brain started working again and your eyes slowly began to focus.
"Are you injured?"
Nikolai was moving your head left and right to check for wounds and after that, he moved down on your neck and vital points. But you weren't hurt.
"It's so typically you to swoop in and save the day in the most dramatic way possible that I shouldn't even be surprised."
Your sarcasm reassured him that you were fine more than the absence of physical wounds. Leaning back on his haunches, he gave you a lazy smirk. "You know me, always read to save damsels in distress."
You almost hated how handsome he looked in that moment but the fact that he basically had saved your life made it really hard for you to get mad at him.
"Not a damsel and not in distress but I appreciated your gesture," you fired back falling naturally into your usual easy banter. "Thank you, Kolya."
"You shouldn't be thanking me. I did it for a whole selfish reason." His features morphed into seriousness which was usually something he left for meetings or that kind of stuff. Seeing it now directed at you, seriously worried you.
"Since when does Nikolai Lanstov shy away from gratefulness and compliments?" You tried to jest but to no avail.
"I'm serious."
"Alright, so why did you do it? You have tons of other Grisha available."
"Because a world without you is not a world I want to live in."
Well, damn. Trust Nikolai to make you completely speechless.
"That must be the shock talking," you murmured still taken back by his words.
"I've almost lost you, y/n, I'm not going to waste any more time avoiding my feelings." Crossing his arms on his chest, Nikolai lightly shook his head. Damn, there was no smirk on his face, no twinkle in his eyes. He must be serious.
"I should be having an epiphany moment since I was the one who almost died," you protested.
"Feel free to declare your undying love for me then."
"Ass. Now I'm tempted not to do it just to prove you wrong," you glared at him but sighed knowing what you needed to do. "But, as much as it pains me, you're right."
Your eyes flickered between yours and the sheer intensity of them gave you enough confidence to bear your heart to him, "I do love you, you know."
"Well, let's be honest, who wouldn't. I'm amazing," with a careless shrug, Nikolai gestured to himself. Which, of course, made you glare at him.
"Joking, I take it back. You're insufferable." Your mock-annoyance did nothing but amuse him to no end. However untruthful they might be, Nikolai played along with your words. While also progressively leaning closer to you.
"Nope, can't do that love. You signed your destiny, you're mine." You would have retired, of course you would have, but the truth is, his lips were more interesting than any witty comeback ever could.
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lmaoeraserhead · 4 years
Shinso Hitoshi x Reader (Y/n) 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: language maybeeee? Fluffffff
Summary: Shinso(u?) and y/n are invited to EraserMic’s place for dinner... and a show ;)
My first lengthy-ish fic! I hope y’all like it ahah... i could be convinced to write a more nsfw part 2,,, idk. ALSO someone help like is Shinso’s name with or without the u?
You had been dating Shinsou for almost a year now. You both had attended UA highschool and met your 2nd year, his 3rd. You often doubted your relationship with Toshi due to the differences you both shared. Where your boyfriend was tirelessly training to become one of UA’s top hero graduates, you tinkered around in the support course trying to help however you could. 
Despite the contrast in the lives you both lead, Shinsou seemed to love you as fiercely as he always had. 
“Hey, kitten.” The familiar sound of your boyfriend’s raspy voice sounds behind your ear as his arms wrap around your torso. “What ya been up to today?” He rests his head in the crook of your neck and plants a quick kiss on the juncture. 
“Just planning some support items for one of your friends, his name is Doofus… or something.” You settle into Shinsou’s embrace and the tension from the day seeped from your shoulders. “He has an energy quirk and he wants-”
“D-d-doofus?” Your boyfriend’s chest was shaking with barely restrained laughter. “You mean Denki? Kaminari?” He met your scowl with light eyes, “And you know I don’t have friends, babe. Only you.” He leaned back and sent a wink your way. 
“Ugh, leave me alone Toshi. It’s been a long day.” You punched his arm and laughed at the pout he sent your way. “Shouldn’t you be with Eraser right now anyways? I don’t want you to be late.” 
Another thing you loved about your boyfriend, his relentless determination. His quirk is super scary, especially when there’s a villain on the receiving end. All it takes is one response and his victim’s mind is under his unrelenting grip, but his quirk requires rarely any combat efficiency. 
Class 1-A’s homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa (more commonly known as the erasure hero, Eraserhead) took notice of Shinsou’s quirk and decided to mentor him due to the similarities in their quirks. And you sure as hell weren’t complaining. Your boyfriend has bulked up significantly, climbed the ranks of UA’s hero course, and gained a father figure in the two years he’s been under Aizawa’s wing. 
“Chill kitty cat, he knows where I am.” Shinsoo’s response was nothing less than you expected from the laid back man. “He actually sentume to talk to you.” Another lazy smile and a hand through his unruly indigo locks, “You wanna come over to Eraser’s tonight? Mic is cookin’ his famous fried chicken.” His hopeful smile did strange things to your heart and sent butterflies swarming in your stomach. 
You nodded your head enthusiastically. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, dude! I love those guys.” You manage to duck under your boyfriend’s arm and give him a tight hug, “Now go get all sweaty and stuff.” 
Shinsou’s deep chuckle vibrated through you, “Alright babe, see you at seven?” 
“You know it.” With a wink and a kiss blown your way, he was gone. 
You made your way up the stairs leading to Eraserhead and Present Mic’s house, which was very humble for two Pro Heroes. At first it was very hard for you to imagine UA’s most polarizing teachers as a couple, but the more time you spent around the two the more you began to understand the couple’s dynamic. Hizashi’s rowdy and loud personality was perfectly balanced by Aizawa’s calm and sarcastic nature.
Unsurprisingly, as you rounded the corner and approached the front door, you could already hear Mic’s loud singing. Laughing to yourself, you ring the doorbell and wait patiently for someone to let you inside. You’re half an hour early but that’s nothing unusual, you usually arrive early to catch up with your favorite pros. 
A few seconds later the door bursts open and you’re face to face with a much more laid back version of Present Mic than you’re used to. His golden hair is pulled back on the nape of his neck, his glasses are pushed down the bridge of his nose, and on top of his sweats and t-shirt he’s wearing an apron dusted with flour.
“OHHH YEAH!” You wince slightly as Mic’s quirk activates the tiniest bit. “Oops, sorry Y/n,” His cheeks are dusted with an embarrassed blush, “I get a little excited when I see our favorite student!” 
You can’t help but giggle at Mic’s antics as he leads you into the kitchen. You hear a now-familiar sigh around the corner, “Zashi you’re lucky I’m not going to tell Shinsou he’s not your favorite.” Aizawa presses a tired kiss to his partner’s cheek and looks at you, “He’s in the shower Y/n, he should be out soon.” 
“Thanks Mr. Aizawa. And thank you both for inviting me!” 
The calmer of the pair smiles and chuckles, “I told you to call me Aizawa when we’re not at school, and family is welcome here anytime.” A small voice calls out from the living room. “I’ll be with Eri if anyone needs me.” You’re touched by Aizawa’s rare smile and kindness. Family? Behind those under-eye bags and that monstrous sleeping bag, he’s just a softy. 
“Come on, listener! I’ve got a killer playlist and some chicken waitin’ to be fried.”Another plus to being Present Mic’s dinner guest? The music, of course. 
Twenty minutes later and both you and Mic are staring at the chicken bubbling in the hot oil. His green eyes meet yours and blonde eyebrows wiggle behind his wire framed glasses, “You know what we need Y/n?”
You shake your head, not having a clue what the boisterous hero is talking about. He walks over to his phone, which is bluetoothed to the speakers scattered throughout the house, and scrolls through his music.
The first few beats of It’s Tricky by Run-DMC ring out, “Oh Shit!” your hands fly to your mouth, “Oh my gosh, Mic I’m so sorry! I just… I love this song.” You shoot a small smile his way, and to no one’s surprise he smiles back.
“You and me both, listener!” He jumps over to you, “Let’s dance!” 
Present Mic has moves, you soon discover. With the music blaring in the kitchen, the two of you bust it down. No dance move is forgotten, new or old. The sprinkler is a crowd favorite, and the lawnmower is obviously a close second. Through fits of giggles and one very dramatic solo by the seasoned pro neither of you noticed your significant others step into the doorway of the kitchen.
As the song drew to an end, you’re met with two pairs of amused eyes and one very enthusiastic round of applause. You flush with embarrassment as you meet your boyfriend’s indigo eyes. His laughter can be heard over the next song on Mic’s playlist. 
“Y/n!” Eri squeals and begins to wiggle in Shinsou’s arms, which you notice are bare. You raise an eyebrow towards his unclothed chest and still-wet hair. 
“Hi Eri! C’mere.” You can’t help but beam as your boyfriend plops the little girl on her feet. “How have you been?” You pick her up and place a kiss on her forehead, encouraged by her loud giggles. 
“I’m super good!” She smiles, “I loved your dance!” You give Eri lots of tiny kisses, all over her face.
“Thanks, Eri!” You redirect your attention to your boyfriend, “So nice of you to join us, Toshi.” You toss an easy smile his way. 
“I heard there was a show, Y/n. I definitely couldn’t miss that.” His eyes never leave yours as they darken almost imperceptibly. His sweatpants left nothing to the imagination and he had yet to put on a shirt. Maybe Shinsou liked your show more than he let on. He runs his fingers through his damp hair, making sure his toned arms are on full display. 
Aizawa, ever the referee, clears his throat,” The food smells amazing babe,” and damn it all to hell, “you’ve still got it Zashi.” He throws a wink at his blonde husband, who blushes in return. Like father, like son. 
“Ewwww, Dad!” Eri whines, which causes everyone to laugh, “Can we pretty please eat? I’m hungry.”
Shinsou grabs a shirt off the back of a chair and puts it on quickly. He grabs Eri and spins her in the air, “Anything for the princess.” He blows a raspberry into her stomach and her giggles fill the kitchen.
“These kids.” Aizawa sighs and shares a secret smile with Hizashi. Shinsou looks at you again with a strange look in his expression.
The butterflies come back, stronger than ever. 
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I just want to say that I would read a whole BOOK of this if you wrote it 😂 I love it so much! I was wondering if anything ever came of Neil living in California too? I know billy said he would talk to hopper so I thought that he might bring it up while they’re in Hawkins if he hadn’t already. If billy had already mentioned it maybe hopper would check in about it?
Part 24
We’re going back in time! This part takes place RIGHT after Part 16
“There’s definitely something we can do.”
Billy had made good on his promise to call Hop about Neil, ask what steps they could take to keep their families safe.
“He threatened your life, and assaulted your husband. Everything with your emancipation should be public record now too, and those detail the abuse he put you through. If you file for a restraining order, you can have him arrested for any violation of grounds, so if you say he can’t contact any of you or come within one hundred feet or something, then if he violates that, you can have him arrested pretty much immediately, he doesn’t have to get violent or do anything.”
Billy was writing everything down as Hop outlined how to go about filing one.
“California laws may be different, but if anything, they’ll probably be better for you. I do know that Indiana you can take legal action against an alpha that assaults a bonded omega, which would definitely be something to look into. Make sure to take a picture of Steve’s bruising, it’s best if you have today’s newspaper in the picture to so that there’s a concrete date. California juries are probably made up of more liberal people and Steve’s gender and presentation hopefully won’t be an issue.”
“But you think there’s a chance a jury could fuck us over because he’s a male omega?”
“I won’t say it could never happen, but you have less of a chance of that going down in Southern California than Indiana.”
“Okay, I’m going to take a dated picture of Steve’s bruising, then we can go to the courthouse on Monday to file everything. I’m going to file for a restraining order against him, whatever I can get, but I think something that prevents him from coming near us or contacting us. Do you know long that’ll take to go through?”
“Well, once you file all the necessary documents, including records of your emancipation and details of abuse, you’ll get a temporary protection order until everything goes through and he gets served. Billy, I honestly have no doubt that you’ll get the restraining order. Further legal action right now may be tricky, but this will keep your family safe.”
“Thanks for all your help, Hop. We’re gonna make this happen. Give some love from us to everyone.”
“You give my grandbaby a hug from me.” Billy laughed.
“Will do, Hop. Thanks for everything.” He hung up the phone.
“Stevie?” He was in Mina’s bedroom, playing on the floor with her wooden animal peg puzzle.
“Mango, what does a cow say?” Billy watched in the doorway, soft smile on his face.
“Moo!” She took the cow out of Steve’s hand, putting it clumsily in it’s spot.
“Amazing! The smartest mango in the whole world!” Billy sat down nest to Steve. “What does a pig say?” She got up to sit in Billy’s lap, taking the pig from Steve to jam in the puzzle with an oink! “What did Hop say?”
“He’s super confident we can get a restraining order. He said further legal action would be tricky right now, since we don’t have a lot of evidence and stuff, but restraining order should be easy and would apply to all three of us. We just have to take a picture of your arm.” Steve nodded. Mina was holding up a cat, looking at Steve saying meow!
“That’s right, Mango! Cats say meow! And do they need anything else?”
“I assume you’ll have to give a written testimony of what happened yesterday and Hop said including my emancipation records would help since there’s pictures and testimonies of abuse in that.”
“I mean, that seems easy enough. What does a doggy say?”
“Nice, Mango!” Billy gave her a highfive. “I think we could do it on Monday, give us a few days to get those records.”
“Yeah, I think as soon as possible. What’s that, Mina Bea?”
“A duck! Quack!” She flipped over the finished puzzle, getting all of the animals out of their spots to do it all again.
“How many times has she done this?”
“About seven.”
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nitholites · 5 years
Assuming someone in the BatFam is the end game:
It's been only a week or so since Tony figured out who Ladybug is
She's captured everyone's hearts, but has to go to Gotham soon
For help, but also because of her internship
The Stark Gala becomes a 'you better live and come back one day, Mari or I STG' party, hosted by Tony Stark, of course
She makes all the outfits of the Starks, her parents, herself, Jagged, Penny, Luka, and Kagami (the last two friends minus Chloe from Paris) and she makes extra in case someone has a wardrobe malfunction
Meanwhile, the Waynes have heard a lot about the newest Stark: MDC
Tim is a fanboy. He's found everything related to his favorite rock star's designer/niece there is to find ("I'm not obsessed! They're just super talented, and I'd like something from them! Stop laughing at me, Dick!")
Dick has no room to tease him, as both him and Jason are pretty much in the same boat
Kor'i and Mar'i love MDC, as well
Every one of the Bats are huge Jagged Stone fans
Like... Nearly rabid
(Damian, Bruce, and Alfred redact that statement)
They're invited to Tony's gala thing (he only started it to surpass the Wayne Gala, like the Lil Shite he is)
The night of the party, only Bruce and Jason go, since the rest of the bats are busy
Bruce, Jagged (who brought Fang), and Tony are all chatting in the middle of the floor, 2/3rds of the group are just talking up Marinette
Jason, meanwhile, accidentally runs into this small, adorable child who proceeds to spill her punch all over his suit
He insists it's fine, but she won't take 'no' for an answer ("I am so sorry, please let me make it up to you" "Kid, it's fine, accidents happen" "No, seriously, let me help")
There's a look in her eyes that insists she do something, and he eventually agrees
Cue to Marinette having a suit jacket that matches and fits Jason because "You look like you're the same build as Mr. Stark (she's all for joining Peter in calling Tony 'Mr. Stark' to get under his skin)"
"you know Tony?"
She shrugs, and doesn't comment anymore on it
"give me your address, and I'll bring this back when it's clean again. I'm moving to Gotham for a while soon, anyway"
He does, she doesn't realize he's a Wayne, and they part when the party ends
Cue the entire BatFam sprinting into Jason's room, chasing after a full on scream
Like, they didn't know Jason's voice could get "so high and squeaky, what the hecc?"
They pause as they see Jason litterally jumping up and down
"What the hell, Todd."
Instead of answering, he shoves the jacket in Tim's face with a shite-eating grin
It takes a moment, but Tim scowls and pulls out his wallet
When the rest of the family only look confused, Tim sighs and explains
"He got an MDC original first."
"...you had a bet on that?"
Jason freezes, eyes widening
They're confused for a solid minute
It takes all of Bruce's willpower not to adopt her on the spot when she visits them
Like, he almost brings up adoption papers
But he knows Stark would fight tooth and nail to keep this baby
So he restrains himself
(for now)
(he swears if one of his children doesn't marry her, he's bringing the adoption papers to court)
She doesn't stay long, only meeting all the Waynes at the house and going back to her hotel
The next day, a villain goes after Mar'i, near the park/mall/something Marinette is by
Instead of becoming Ladybug, she heccin kicks arse
As Marinette
She gets both her and Mar'i out of danger without a scratch using a yo-yo of all things and meets Batman and Robin as they clean up the rest
She's all like "no, it's alright, I'm sure anyone would do the same please stop thanking me, my family's gonna kick my ass to next year for scaring them like this"
Bats comes up and takes her statement, and she happens to mention the situation in Paris
"oh, this was nothing compared to some of the Akuma I've faced" "What's an akuma?" She paled, eyes widening in shock. "You don't know? About Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Red Wasp, Multimouse, Hawkmoth, Mayura, Carapace, Rena Rouge, and all them?"
She explains a little, giving basic information everyone knew, then shows him the app she made a while ago
The Akuma Alert app that held much more than just akuma-related things
She leaves soon after, and Batman has a goal in mind
Within the day, Diana is furious at the lack of response towards the Paris situation
"This Ladybug was left alone for all this time?! Shame on you all, leaving my mother's successor alone!"
When Ladybug is later spotted (hehe, get it?) in Gotham, the entire BatFam finds her and gets her in touch with the League
She explains how she asked both the League and the Avengers for help, all those years ago, and was pushed aside with warnings not to send in prank calls anymore
Of course, Iron Man has already looked into it, but he's not exactly a detective and the more brains on this, the better
Meanwhile, as civilians...
The normal shipping stuff happens
With the exception that nearly every criminal in Gotham low-key adopts Marinette
They may think she's the next Wayne, but the Angel of Gotham is off limits
And not because the little Wayne chases after anyone who even looks at her wrong with a katana
Not just as Robin. As Damian
Marinette actually meets a few villains on the street
She was going to a commission, carrying some hero, vigilante, and villain themed macaroons when she got lost
(before meeting the Waynes officially, actually)
She was in a park, looking lost when Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn came up
She offered treats, and ever since she's the Angel of Gotham
Once, when on a date with her romantic interest, Killer Croc tried taking the restaurant hostage after robbing a bank
Key word: tried
Marinette calmly slipped behind him, grabbed his tail, and dragged his butt outta there
(he blames the fast French girl and the tile on the floor, which didn't let him get a good grip)
By the time Bats and the police got there, Croc was in tears as this tiny French girl lectured him about manners and interrupting dates
(the BatFam can't think of a funnier time)
When the Joker actually kidnaps her as a way to get to Batman, literally everyone rages a rescue mission
Harley, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze (Marinette reminds him of the daughter he's always wanted, with his frozen wife), Two-Face (Marinette talked philosophy with him, showing him he still had choices beyond the black and white), Killer Crock (who was impressed by the tiny French girl who threw him out of a restaurant by his tail that one time), Batman, Robin, the Teen Titans, Red Hood, Red Robin, Wonder Woman (she could feel Tikki's influence on Marinette and guessed her identity), Nightwing, all the Avengers, Red Wasp (Chloe, with the Bee Miraculous because she earned it back ages ago), Sabine (no one messed with her baby. No one), a teenage boy wielding a potato gun (who let this kid here?), Pepper, Penny (the two women were fast friends, bonding over their husbands' eccentric ways), Jagged with Fang, Audrey Bourgeois, and the entire police force storm the Joker's hideout
He didn't have a chance
Later, they admit it was kinda funny watching the small Sabine beating the crap out of the deranged clown
Fang, who was usually a puppy with scales, didn't hesitate to bite off the Joker's hand, reminiscent of Captain Hook and the Croc
Marinette's fine (or not, depending on how much angst you want in the story. It's easy to have her tourtured and nearly killed in the Joker's clutches {or actually killed and focused on angst from everyone who knew her [possible heavy Lila/class salt]} and see her move past her PTSD) and she gets home eventually
Around this time, she's made the Guardian of the Miraculous
She eventually goes back to Paris with her huge family (or everyone she thinks could keep their emotions in check)
They kick Gabriel's arse, but Adrien gets away with his mother (who was healed by Ladybug)
Possible second book
Marinette's ship becomes the Black Cat
Time skip, fiveish years later, some of Marinette's classmates see her for the first time since she left
They insult and sass her, not changed since school
Her S/O scowls and debunks them easily, defending Marinette
When they don't stop, Marinette's S/O calls Bruce, Tony, Jagged, and the rest of the League and the Avengers to destroy the morons in the class because they know how long they've waited for this moment
Mari puts her head in her hands, but doesn't stop them because she knows how long they've waited for this moment
Three hours later, the speeches and lectures aren't done yet
Lila eventually goes to Gotham or wherever Marinette is, and tries to warn the person on her arm about Marinette's 'bulling tendencies'
That gets another lecture
Or, her class gets a tour at either SI or WE, depending on when in the story you write it (could be both, and the class just doesn't learn or Tony, Pepper, and their kids were visiting WE to talk about Mari Protection Measures when they overhear it)
Lila goes off on how Mari's S/O is actually Lila's, or how she's BFFS with Batman/Iron Man/ Bruce Wayne and his kids/ Tony Stark and his kids/ the Avengers/ the Justice League
Cue the class seeing Mari
Instant bullying
The resident children and billionaire steps up, insulting and embarrassing the class while defending Mari
Lila tries to turn it around, but they're having none of that
First the kids jump at the chance to defend their little sister and/or girlfriend, then the big guns show up
At WE, it's Bruce, a highly protective Jason, and Tim, who has every single sin/mean thing/lie pulled up in a folder
It's thicker than his hand, and hard to hold
It's both in digital and physical form and sent to every single member of Mari's family- blood related or not
At SI, it's Tony and Pepper
FRIDAY steps up, too
Harley shoots Lila with the potato gun mk 3 until she leaves
The class don't know what they did wrong, but they swear to make it up just to get the scary CEOs and relatives
Also, if anyone knows the AU where Marinette was a street kid with Jason and his little sister (I can't remember who made it or what it was called, but I fell in l o v e), that could work with this one too. Jason would be so proud of his Lil sister being so famous and awesome and "how dare you let me think you were dead!! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" "I made you worried?! You up and nearly got killed last I checked!"
Jason swore not to tell her he actually died once. He prays she never finds out.
@tired-butterfly @evil-elf16 @doggiediva13 @krispydefendorpolice @mochegato @legallyspawned @kryptored
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floof-reppu · 5 years
we need some love for our girls! headcanons for Yaomomo Neijire Midnight and maybe big boi Mirio on a halloween Hayride? >D
[I put finished this just in time for Halloween! Happy Halloween guys!]
∆Headcanons∆ Momo Yaoyorozu, Nejire Hado, Midnight (Nemuri Kayama), and Mirio Togata on a Halloween Hayride with their S/O
Momo Yaoyorozu
She’d never been on one before, so when you brought up the idea to her, she was super excited! She didn't want to dress up, though.
When the two of you arrived, she didn’t expect that she would be sitting on bales of hay in her nice dress. Even though there was a blanket over, it still didn’t her feel any less uncomfortable.
It helped that you kept distracting her so she didn’t have to think about it, so most of the time she didn’t even notice a thing.
During the ride she loved to point out all of the little things, especially the decorations placed along the side of the path.
“The intricate patterns on those pumpkins are wonderful! Maybe I should try to replicate them one day?”
“I don’t see why you couldn’t, Mo.”
She didn’t wear a jacket over her dress, so when the temperature started to drop towards the end of the ride you took off your own jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
She was extremely thankful and laid her head against your arm for the rest of the ride, staying silent and taking in your warmth.
Momo enjoyed the experience so much that she insisted on asking her mother and father to host a similar event.
"Don't you think it's a good idea, Y/N? I'm sure mother and father would love it."
"If that's what you want to do, go for it."
The two of you would definitely be going on more rides in the coming years.
Nejire Hado
Excuse me, did you say a Halloween hayride? Nejire is all over the idea and even wants to wear a costume!
She ends up wearing a cat costume complete with matching ears and a tail, acting like it was no big deal.
“Hey hey, Y/N, what do you think of my costume? Mirio liked it a lot and even helped me picked it out! He thought you would like it, and-”
“-and look, there’s the hayride!”
Girl hands down completely oblivious to the fact you cut her off, because oh my GOD she needed to get on that hayride.
She clung onto your arm almost the entire time, leaning against you and talking constantly about anything and everything.
Fake skeletons and severed heads? She doesn’t really take the gore as a horror aspect, seeing it more as an cute aesthetic.
“Those props make the ride look so cute! I can’t wait to get off and get back on just to ride and look at them again!”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, babe...”
You had to restrain Nejire as soon as the two of you got off since you knew she would be true to her word if you didn’t.
You’d just take her to another hayride some other time, maybe when Halloween isn’t going on.
Midnight (Nemuri Kayama)
Nemuri didn’t really think too much of the hayride until she realized she would be able to dress up and surprise you.
She was half tempted to just show up in her hero costume, but you see her wearing it almost every day! Instead, she dressed as… a sexy police officer.
It was extremely easy to tell that it was her, especially when she had the top few buttons undone so you could see her cleavage. She even held the police baton like the whip she normally used.
“You did tell me I could dress up Y/N, so I went all the way.~”
“...I’m not sure if the other riders are going to pay attention since they’ll be looking at your cleavage…”
The minute the two of you got on the ride, Nemuri was instantly consumed by the spooky season, surprisingly paying less attention to you and more attention to the decorations.
Just as you thought, the other riders (particularly the perverts) couldn’t keep their eyes off of a particular part of your girlfriend.
You took off your coat just to put over her exposed part, but instead of giving it back she snuggled into it.
“How did you know I was cold? Good call.”
“I didn’t, I just didn’t want those people to keep staring at your boobs…”
She spent the rest of the ride snuggled against you with her head on your shoulder while you glared at the perverts from earlier.
Next time, maybe she should just wear her hero costume; even that doesn’t completely expose her cleavage although it used to.
Mirio Togata
You weren’t the one who even suggested the hayride; Mirio had come up to you during your lunch period one day and asked if you wanted to go with him.
“It’ll be tons of fun! I already took the liberty of getting us matching costumes!”
“That's great, babe. I can’t wait!”
When he gave you the costume, you kind of figured that he was going to dress up as a fictional superhero, so it was no surprise that he wanted you to be his sidekick.
The day of the ride came and the two of you showed up in the matching costumes. Other riders complimented the two of you and how perfectly you coordinated.
Mirio held you close as the two of you watched all of the different displays pass by, some more disturbing than others.
One of the very last displays included a jumpscare towards the end which didn’t faze Mirio at all, but made you scream at the top of your lungs. Your boyfriend just smiled at you and laughed at your own misery.
“That scared you, didn’t it?”
“You dork, of course it did!”
Soon after getting off, you wanted to get your picture taken with him, so you took your phone out and ushered the blonde over to your side, snapping a few selfies and then asking someone else to take a few full body pictures of the two of you.
Needless to say, that night was unforgettable, especially since you are greeted by the picture every time you turn your phone on.
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bygosscarmine · 5 years
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Sky High: Magenta x Ethan, post-canon
a multi-chapter reunion story, in continuity with Love, Unspoken
Magenta is dreading the reunion in a mild “I’m in a successful band that has nothing to do with my powers” sort of a way, but she looks forward to seeing the friends she’s kept up with at the party.
Then, for a second she doesn’t recognize Ethan in his adult form, and things long forgotten (like her break-up with Zach) feel all too relevant again.
Read Chapter One here.
Read Chapter Two here.
Read Chapter Three here.
Chapter Four: With Friends Like These?
In the morning she woke to a few messages from Layla, and a series from Ethan. She read Layla's first. One was reassuring her that the doctors thought Warren would be fine, but getting him released would take some time in the morning. The next said Magenta didn't need to bring her anything.
Don't be ridic, Magenta texted back. I want to see you, and I leave this afternoon.
She did not open the texts from Ethan, not particularly won over by the preview she saw of the latest one. She dressed, packed, checked out, and went to the best coffee place in the hospital's vicinity, picking up three coffees in various styles for herself, Layla, and Warren, as well as some baked goods.
She turned down the hallway she thought held Warren's room, then all doubt disappeared.
"You didn't read my texts," Ethan said, by way of explanation.
"I came to see Layla," Magenta said, outraged.
"She's busy checking Warren out right now. Come on, I have to talk to you."
He looked tense. Magenta rolled her eyes, but she knew she'd do what he asked.
"Let me get the coffee to her. Is she in the lobby now?"
"They both are."
"Warren looking OK this morning?"
He turned back with her, said, "Yeah, if you like that kind of thing."
The elevator doors closed around them, and Ethan took up a spot leaning against the wall so he faced her.
"You know how I said we sometimes revert around people we knew at a different time in life?"
"Yeah," she said, refusing to make eye-contact.
"I'm guilty. I did something dumb last night, because I reverted to a seventeen year old prick."
"Please don't tell me anything about your fight with your girlfriend until we are off this elevator and I have given this stuff to Layla."
He obliged by staying silent, putting his back to the elevator wall instead of turning toward her. This meant she could look at him out of the corner of her eye. He was in another suit, though this was a neutral gray with a plain white shirt. He filled it well, and she suspected it was tailored the way her band got their tour clothes done. His hair still had the same curl but his haircut was sharp--shaved close at the sides of his head, a quarter-inch length at the top shaped neatly.
She remembered the anger he'd slipped into revealing the night before, about being a person of power that had no heroic applications, what he said about compensating.
"I don't think we need to hide behind anything anymore," said Magenta. "We've done more than many people do, whether they have powers or not. And if you ever need a subject with a weirdly lame shapeshifting ability, you know who to call."
He looked at her sharply, but didn't answer. The elevator opened at their floor.
Layla was easy to find in the scatter of the clerks, after which Magenta spotted Warren sprawled only a little too stiffly on a chair close by.
"Have some coffee," Magenta said, trying to sound casual. "I'll be hanging around when you're done."
"Thanks," Ethan said to Layla, mysteriously.
Then he led Magenta to a somewhat sad landscaped area with a bench. Magenta plopped onto it and with a dramatic sigh opened her texts. "Okay, what did you have to say so late last night while you were..."
He stood just an arms-length, at attention, almost as she read:
I was a little startled about you
tonight I mean
I mouthed off like a stupid teenager and now I have to backtrack
stop being difficult and call me
She looked up.
"What startled you?" She felt immediately like she didn't want to know, and added, "The fact that I was wearing jeans without holes in them?"
Ethan ignored this bait, though.
"I thought I was over it. We were gonna say hi, and it would be just like messaging you through the game, where you're some ambiguous memory of a teenager, just slightly less moody. That we'd hit it off talking about Call of Sacrifice and stupid bets on speed-runs. And then it wasn't like that."
Warily, Magenta said, "I mean, we could talk about games now, if you want. I'm back in a baggy tee shirt, if the silk blouse was bothering you."
"It still is bothering me," Ethan said. Now they were looking at each other, he sat on the bench, getting intimidatingly close. "I saw you go through a moment of not recognizing me, too. Then I got mad when you asked me over, because I couldn't help remembering the last time I asked you out. Do you even remember?"
Her face got hot.
She had just broken up with Zack, and Ethan had come over to play X-Box. He'd casually said, "I'd take you out," when she'd made some bitter comment about Friday nights (as if she and Zach had done anything interesting on Friday nights), and she'd laughed.
It had taken her a few weeks to realize that there was a correlation between that and the way Ethan had slowly tapered off coming by her place, and sitting with her at lunch.
"Wow, you can hold a grudge, huh?"
"I can hold a crush, more like." He tilted his head to look at her, as if assessing. "I was embarrassed you'd ask me over just like that, when I spent two years trying to be not in love with you. I figured maybe it was an innocent invitation. Then we were in that waiting room last night, and I didn't really care, either way, but I had dug myself a hole with a fake girlfriend I had to get home to."
Magenta dropped her eyes down to her hands, unable to handle the intensity of his look. "I still leave town this afternoon," she said.
"And you go home where you can install Call of Sacrifice, finally," he said. He leaned in close, and said softly, "Where they have a voice-chat feature now."
She shivered, but when he moved toward her, she didn't draw back. This hug wasn't awkward, because if she buried her face in his collar to smell his restrained sandalwood cologne, it wasn't creepy anymore.
"You have your revenge," she finally said. "You grew up sexy, and I didn't notice over text-chat."
"Don't make me kiss you senseless in a hospital garden," he murmured, lightly brushing his lips on her temple. "When is your flight today?"
"It's not until 4:30."
He pulled back, and she stood up, finding he was holding her hand. Was reluctant to make him let go.
He got a text message, and looked at it. "Oh. Layla is hinting that they're about to leave the hospital."
Magenta told him, "I am going to spend some time with her."
He let go of her hand, and stood, too. "Then I'm going to go check in at the university, and I'll see you later."
She didn't like this practical attitude at the moment at all, so she put her hands up to draw his face close and gently kiss him.
The small breath he puffed out when their lips stopped touching told her what she needed to know.
"Am I going to meet you at the university or at your place?"
He considered this a moment, eyeing her speculatively.
"By which I mean, are we going to talk for two hours somewhere quiet, or are we going to cuddle and shoot aliens before you take me to the airport?"
"There is zero chance you can keep me from talking anyway, so let's shoot some aliens while we're at it."
If Warren and Layla noticed them walking a little too close to each other as they rejoined them, they didn't mention it.
After depositing Warren at home, Magenta took Layla to the pharmacy to fill his prescriptions and listened to her vent about her worries about Warren, her regret at missing the reunion, and how much she liked The Wastelanders' newest album. Only once they were in the backyard garden, with Warren napping in the house, did Layla finally say, "So, Ethan, huh?"
"What about him?" Magenta asked.
Layla rolled her eyes. "You two have only been the most annoying non-couple I know for seven years now."
"I was dating Zach six years ago," Magenta protested.
"So?" Layla said. "Even Ethan, the completely clueless, knew that wasn't going to last."
"Poor Zack might be the only one who didn't," sighed Magenta. "I had no idea about Ethan, though. I mean, about him now. I literally didn't recognize him for a second."
"Yeah," Layla got a cat-like grin on her face. "He's been getting finer and finer. Someone really needs to stop him."
"Back off, you already have a boyfriend," said Magenta, amiably.
"Oh, Warr is way sexier than Ethan. But he's never going to be suave like him."
"He was really good with you last night," said Magenta, "I was surprised. Where did he get social skills? I still haven't found any."
Layla laughed. "So what's next?"
"We're meeting up this afternoon." Magenta's attempt at casual was almost as transparent as Layla's skin.
"Is it going to be hot and heavy, do you think?" Layla was blushing slightly, though that didn't mean much. The hibiscus behind her also seemed to bloom a little more furiously, though that could have just been because Layla was there. "Or are you going to take it slow?"
"I honestly can't say," Magenta answered. "We left it kind of open. The theory is some video games and some necking. It's very weird, but also a relief."
Layla nodded sagely. She glanced at the house and said, "By the time Warren and I worked it out we had a lot of tension built up. But we hadn't been long distance, either."
After a thoughtful pause, she asked, "Why not delay your flight?"
"Because then I'd have to go visit my mother. And while visiting her with a boyfriend finally would thrill her, especially since he's genetically a super, I probably want to be more sure of the whole thing before I give her that string to clutch."
"I heard she did a job despite her retirement recently. Did she talk to you about it?"
"Not as much as Will Stronghold's Facebook page did," Magenta said drily. "Is he who you heard about it from?"
"No, I don't follow him on Facebook," said Layla, quite seriously. "My mom was telling me about it. She occasionally has a desire for a last fling. But I'm not surprised Will was starstruck."
Majesty Notani's mother was Radiance Arete, who shape-shifted into a hawk, and had the distinction of being the first female super honored with her own Saturday morning cartoon run. She occasionally brought this up when Jetstream Stronghold was being praised too highly in her own home. It was funny to think of a similar dynamic playing out in a different house.
Talk about parents and glory days and the inevitable comparisons filled the next hour until Warren woke up and tried to make himself nachos, which required intervention from his partner. Magenta wished him well not getting killed by his own girlfriend, and went out to her car.
She texted Ethan, as if replying to his last text.
Am I being difficult if I say it's time to send me your address?
He wrote back, Come and ask me in person and included his apartment location.
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dreamdaddydutch · 5 years
Can you do Javier falling in love with his s/o who's bronte daughter and thanking her virginity
I’m really sorry this has taken me forever to write/post, life has really gotten in the way recently. I’m not sure if you wanted just head-canons or something short, but this ended up super long, one of the longest things i’ve written for this fandom… I enjoyed writing it but also found it quite challenging as I imagine Javier as someone who would only be intimate with someone he had gotten to know, become friends with and trusted. Which is why this ended up so long! Also I deviate a little from events in the game and add characters in places they were not for the sake of the story. I’m not a 100% happy with it, but I hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: Angst, Death & Smut (not a lot)  Word Count: 6,052
The first time he’d met her he should have known she’d be trouble, there was just something about her.It was in the way she surveyed the saloon and navigated her way through it, her movements weren’t natural. It was like watching a fawn walk for the first time, all springy legs with no direction.
Javier was a little drunk, not so drunk that he wasn’t aware of what was going on, but drunk enough that he let his guard down just a little. 
She made eye contact with Javier from across the bar, he looked behind him, unsure if her eyes were meant for him. When he awkwardly pointed at himself, she giggled.
She sat at their table with no idea who they were, chatting away, a head full of ideas.
Javier had his reservations, he wouldn’t let just anyone in to his life, he had a close circle in a few particular members of the van der Linde gang. Generally speaking outside of that he didn’t allow himself to get close to anyone, and aside from Abigail in the early days, he hadn’t allowed any form of relationship to blossom with any man or woman. 
So when he first met Marie he’d gotten to know her slowly, over a course of a number of months before he really let her know him. Meeting up in secret at saloons or taking her fishing. They were just friends, he established that from the start, was ever cautious not to let her in too much. There was a certain degree of pride in his actions for sure, he had to get to know her slowly and build up trust.
Even when he was certain she could be trusted and that they had a chance at a future together, he did little more than kiss her. He had learnt back in Mexico how easily trust could be misplaced and how quickly a relationship could go from perfection to in tatters. 
The first kiss had been…nice but almost strange to him, the woman he was kissing clearly didn’t have much experience. Maybe on reflection he thought this should have been a sign, for someone of her age he found it strange she’d never been in love when younger or made a mistake like so many others. But he pushed those fears to the back of his mind, maybe it was her upbringing that had made her so cautious, not a bad thing he mused. 
So after the first kiss, they continued to take it slow. The lack of sex or any sexual contact wasn’t an issue for him, rather he enjoyed the close company of another without those expectations and being able to get to know someone without it being driven by lust. 
She spoke of her family, how her father was a doctor but had died some years ago and that her mother had died during childbirth when her little brother was born. She’d told him how she believed that was what killed her father in the end, the irony that in being a great doctor, he was unable to save his own wife, the woman whom was the love of his life.
Tragic really, the situation had broken Marie’s heart, her siblings had moved away, she still saw them once or twice a year, taking it in turns to travel across states. Aside from that, she worked cleaning a shop and as a seamstress, mostly mending clothes.
As Javier and Marie spent most of their time together in evenings or odd days, he never saw her at work, he never met her siblings. But months later, in the aftermath of what was about to happen, he cursed himself for being so easily drawn her, for being gullible, for not asking more questions. There were things which when he really thought about it, didn’t add up. He cursed himself for not being more cautious of her in light of what happened to him previously. 
But Marie was a good liar, he consoled himself with that at least, he had been careful and slow. He had made sure they were friends before lovers, he had done everything he believed he could to avoid being betrayed again, and yet it had happened so easily. 
It was after seven months of friendship, occasional lasting kisses and lingering hugs under the stars that Marie opened up to him.
“There’s something you should know about me.” When she spoke the words she hadn’t been thinking about the repercussions, she hadn’t really thought about the meaning behind her words. She had thought so long about how she would approach the subject, but like most things, it just happened.
Javier looked up from the book he was reading, “Something interesting?” He asked coyly.
She smiled, “I think so, though,” the tremble of her lips was unmistakable. 
Javier placed the book down on the bedside and scooted closer to her, his head cocked to the side, one hand placed reassuringly on her knee, “Hey, whatever it is, I’m sure it’s fine, we trust each other, no?”
The sigh she gave was full of years of resentment towards her real father, the one Javier knew nothing of. The father she had spoken to him about, was imaginary, a ghost, a dream. 
The reality couldn’t have been further from the tales she’d woven. All parts missing and commas in places that didn’t need them. The lies, the stories with changed endings, false hope and promises that reminded her of dying sun the day before a storm, when the water of the ocean glistens gold only to break into crushing waves capable of capsizing a ship. 
She stared at her knee, looked at the way Javier’s hand was placed so carefully on top of it, his voice ached with concern when he spoke to her, this is how he was she had leant that early on. His care was what she loved so dearly about him, though at time it was almost suffocating, how she wished she could break free from all restrain. 
“Of course I trust you and I hope you me?” 
She glanced up at him, he replied with a nod. 
That was the moment, if ever there was one, that should have been the moment when she told him the real truth, the eternal pressing matter that had been bothering her since their very first kiss. Too late she realised that the truth would have been better coming earlier, so that the path they were led down would have been different, would have meant something more.
Through the window orange sunlight beamed through, making her cheeks glow, fruitful, her love in abundance. She appeared to him like an angel then, all the potential of a future, a family, hope. 
Yes, she’d think with melancholia just a few months later, I should have told him then. 
But she didn’t, she told him the other truth, the part of her that she felt was guaranteed to make him love her more.
“I’ve never been in love before,” she stated matter of factly. Before Javier had a chance to react, she continued, “I’ve never been in love and that means that I’ve never, I mean I know sometimes when people aren’t in love, sometimes people who’ve only just met do it. But I guess what I’m trying to tell you is…” She took a deep breath, “I’m a virgin.”
Javier’s hands took hers in his own, he was wordless, letting his actions do the talking. His fingers laced with hers, squeezed her reassuringly. The smile that he wore wasn’t one of glee, like a lion about to pounce on it’s prey, it wasn’t the cat who got the cream, that could never have been him. 
“I did wonder,” he said before nuzzling into her neck, “Thank you for telling me,” he kissed her softly right on her pulse. 
She swallowed hard, “Is that okay?”
He pulled away so he could look at her, “Okay? Why wouldn’t it be okay?”
She shrugged, “I’m 25 and I’ve never been with a man, despite my age, I’m worried my inexperience will make me seem like a child to you and I want so badly to be a woman for you, for you to be proud of me.”
“Hermosa, will you just listen to yourself?” He spoke in earnest. “You are the most incredible woman, you are smart, witty, you have a head full of beautiful ideas and dreams and you’re not afraid of the world. You stand up for yourself, you are every part the woman you are describing that you want to be there, but you already are.”
“We don’t have to rush anything okay? You take your time, as long as it takes.”
She smiled back at him, “You mean it?”
“Of course.”
“Did you ever wonder?”
“Well…we’ve been together for some time now so I was starting to wonder but hey I would never want to rush you.” He paused for a moment, wondering whether to confess to her more of his past, he decided in light of her confession that she could be trusted. “I’ve only been in love once, she betrayed me, broke my heart. It was a long time ago now, but it’s still with me you know? So no matter how slow we take this, it’s good for me.”
It didn’t take them much longer to make the decision to join as one, Javier was patient and expected nothing from her. But Marie, now with her heart opened, wanted them to sleep together as soon as possible.
She wondered, years later as she watched her own children play in the large garden her and her husband tended so lovingly too. She wondered whether a part of her wanted Javier to take her virginity as soon as possible, because she was old fashioned. Because in her naive mind she believed that no matter what happened or what truth came to light afterwards, as he had taken her innocence he would stay with her. She’d hoped if she fell pregnant he would have to marry her and she could steal him away from the gang. 
It wasn’t Javier’s fault that it didn’t play out that way. Her father had lectured her on trust, most of what he taught her she wanted to forget, it was easy to disregard it and throw it away into the sands of time. 
She told him after dinner one night that she was ready, he nodded in reply and made plans for a night in a hotel, there was no way he was going to have her first time back at the camp with the others.
Not that they would mind, she’d met with the gang numerous times, joined in with some of their celebrations and singing. She got on with the girls, even Molly. Dutch found her amusing and she found herself able to listen to Hosea talk for hours about the old days. Some of the other gang members were a little more cautious of her and Dutch especially, despite enjoying her company, would constantly pester Javier into asking her to join the gang officially. It was safer that way. 
As she wasn’t officially a member of the gang, the others were always careful what to tell her, that included Javier. She knew little of their plans and schemes, of their past or their enemies. Javier told her just enough to keep her safe and stop her asking questions, but until she moved in with them, there would never be more to it. 
The first time they slept together the sex was slow, she’d been terrified of other’s first time stories, mostly wives tales she imagined. But it had been wonderful and intimate and there was barely any pain.
Javier kissed her neck, his hands running simultaneously through her hair, pulling just the right amount. Her body bended to meet his, her heart fluttered and cheeks flushed. She found herself grinding against him without realising what she was doing. She moaned his name in a way that sounded as if she were speaking in tongues.
Their hips rolled in unison, kisses so brief and fleeting that for a moment she struggled to tell if they were real.
She loved the taste of him, the way his tongue explored her mouth, the taste of cigarettes and whiskey. Hot breaths into her ear, the way when something didn’t quite go as planned, rather than getting angry or aggressive he would laugh and shrug it off. 
Yes, she loved the way he first took her, the care he took with kissing every part of her body, even the scars she considered to be so ugly that her father had left when she was younger. He worshipped her, removed each item of clothing slowly as if it was sacred. 
She watched him both in front of her and in the mirror, witnessed the care, the unrelenting kindness that flowed through him.
When her legs parted for him the first time there was a flash of hunger across his face but it soon melted away. His kisses were warm, needy. Her cheeks burnt brightly the first time he tasted her, but the shame disappeared when she allowed her body to enjoy it. 
He looked up at her, watching her reaction as he lapped at her core, his tongue working magic and the way he sheathed his fingers inside her slowly scissoring and preparing her for his large member. 
He made sure she came before they had sex, he wanted her to be washed with pleasure and glowing when he laid on top of her. As her body trembled and shook under him, he smiled, satisfied with a job well done. 
When he slid into her for the first time, it wasn’t how she had imagined it would be. She felt full, complete for the first time in her life, he stayed inside her for a minute without moving. She took the time to adjust to his size, to feel his weight on top of her pushing her down.
He covered her with kisses warm and inviting, and when he started to slide in and out of her, she was soon breathless, torn constantly between wanting to shut her eyes because it felt so good, and wanting them open to watch him at work. 
They barely spoke during sex, the room instead filling deliciously with their moans of pleasure and cries as they came. 
It was a month after they first slept together, and Marie was starting to feel like something was going to ruin the peace she had found herself in. Javier wanted to see more of her and now had started to pressure her into moving into the gang. 
By now she had learnt that her father had gotten to know Dutch van der Linde, what she didn’t know so something so horrific she was unable to prepare for it. 
There was a light coming from her father’s study, shadows inside of someone moving and then she heard it. The noise pierced through her heart, though not the sound of arguing or screaming. There was no struggle, it was the sound of a child’s laughter. 
There had been no children in her father’s mansion for a long time. Somehow she knew, she knew before she pushed open the door to reveal the horror within. The boy, though she had never seen a photo of him, she was certain, it had to be the van der Linde boy.
“Father…” she spoke softly as she entered the room.
There he was, Jack, happy as anything, playing with a toy train. 
“Ahhh Marie, let me introduce you to Jack, he’s going to live here for a short while, on a sort of…holiday. Isn’t that right Jack?”
Jack nodded and beamed up at Marie. When her father looked down at Jack, Marie used that opportunity to shake her head at Jack and placed a finger to her lips. Thankfully, Jack took the hint and said nothing to her father regarding how he knew her. 
When she didn’t respond her father appeared curious, “What’s wrong, you appear to have seen a ghost?”
She pulled a fake smile and shook her head, “Nothing papa, I ate too much at dinner and drank a little too much too,” he smiled at her, “You know how you always joke I take after you.”
Her father laughed and patted Jack on the back.
“Goodnight Jack, goodnight father,” she pressed a kiss to Bronte’s cheek and left instantly. 
In the safety of her room she locked her door and put her back to it, slowly sinking to the floor as sobs ripped through her. Oh no. It was ruined, it had to be, any day now then the perfect sequence of lies by her careful design would come falling apart from under her. 
She had to tell Javier, perhaps if she told him she could find a way to make things right, to return Jack and build a peace treaty between the two groups. Maybe. But the fear gripped her, she recalled how Javier had explained Dutch’s reactions of late, how unforgiving he had been. No, if she told him the truth there was a chance she would loose both her father and Javier after all. 
Though she knew if the gang got Jack back then… she had to pray they didn’t, what kind of monster did that make her?
So whilst staring at the moon wistfully and asking her guidance she made the decision, she wouldn’t say a word. She had been living the lies long enough to keep up with them, that was what she had to do. It was a life she had built for herself now, she had to commit. 
That night she barely slept, the weight of what she had learnt weighing heavy on her shoulders. Tears fell into her pillow as she wept silently, counting now the inevitable days until she lost him. 
Days, that was all it took for the dream to end. And when it ended, it was abruptly, violently, not with fireworks and wistful promises, but with regret.  
Marie’s father had sent Jack to the Braithwaite Manor, since then she hadn’t seen Javier. Marie was no fool, she knew why. Once the gang got him back, Jack would have undoubtedly have told Javier that he had seen her. Her stomach twisted in knots and she found she was unable to keep her food down. 
All she could do was wait for Dutch and the gang to storm her father’s mansion as they had the Braithwaite place.
She heard the commotion outside, she knew what was happening without looking, so she sat by the fireplace, whiskey in one hand, book in another. They were just props to make her appear calmer than she was on the inside. She knew this would be the end of her relationship and potentially the night of the death of her father. Again, she was no fool, but fool enough to believe there was a world where this could have worked. 
Numbness washed over her like the tide over dried out pebbles, as she heard the door crash open and the rain of gunfire begin. 
When Javier came into the room she was sat in, accompanied by John, her blood ran cold, there was nothing she could say to make it better. The tears that stained her one perfect cheeks, spoke a thousand words. 
Javier stared at Marie, wordless for a moment. Despite what Jack had told him and her sudden disappearance from his life, he hadn’t quite believed it, not until now. How could he have been so stupid? He always took care not to allow anyone too close to him until he really got to know them and yet he’d let her in, believed the lies she had fed him. They had been so convincing and it had felt so real. 
“Come on,” John urged Javier, emotionless with his words. 
Javier was still frozen, it was only when John pulled at his arm he snapped out of the moment, “We need to talk,” was all he said before leaving with John.
As the gunfire continued Marie sat and drank the whiskey slowly, she could have run away then, could have taken some of her father’s money and expensive belongings and started again. But she figured she at least owed Javier an explanation.
Some time passed before the door opened again, Javier was alone, “Merida,” he muttered under his breath as he entered, closing the door behind him. 
She swallowed any words that were forming in her mind, her palms felt sweaty as she carried them in front of her.
“Javier I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I….” she tried to hold back the sob, “I didn’t want you to see me like this, I wanted to be someone else.”
“You put yourself in danger, you put us in danger! What he did to Jack!” Javier wasn’t shouting, he didn’t have the energy for that, he was just broken, his words cutting and to the point.
Marie got up from the seat she was in and closed the gap between them, spinning Javier on the spot and pushing him back a little towards the armchair. Her lips pressed into his catching him off guard and how hard he found it to pull away.
His hands gripped her upper arms and he pushed her back, sighing as the kiss broke. 
 “If you want to walk away I understand,” she said.
Javier was at a loss for words, the way she was talking was as if she hadn’t really considered the implications of her actions. She was reducing it to them staying together and living happily ever after or him just walking away, he wasn’t even sure he detected any real remorse in her voice. 
When he didn’t respond she started to plead, “Take me with you.” She gripped his hands tightly like a snake’s jaws round it’s prey, unwilling or unable to unlock. 
Javier shook his head in disbelief and took a step back, though his hands still clasped hers, it was at a distance. He promised himself before they rode to the mansion that he wouldn’t cry in front of her, that he wouldn’t allow himself to be exposed. But hearing the crack in her voice, was making it difficult. 
“Dutch won’t allow this you know that.”
“But I…. I love you,” the words fell so readily from her lips. The first time she set eyes on him she hadn’t planned on falling in love, she’d just hoped for a little adventure, excitement, for a man to teach her the ways of the adult world.
Javier sighed pulling his hands from hers, her arms fell to her side, “I’m sorry, I can’t do this right now, I need space,” he walked past her, shoulder brushing shoulder.
“Javier please!” She begged.
How it stung him then, he’d been caught out by this before back in Mexico, had promised himself he would never fall hard again and yet here he was a partner to self-indulgence and narcissistic hopes, dancing the same dance that had him falling flat on his feet.
“Please don’t leave me!” She pulled at his sleeve, falling to her knees by his side. 
He turned, head over his shoulder looking down at her and tugged his sleeve away from her grip. He had tried to be nice, tried to express his need for time to process what had happened, but she wasn’t making it easy, “You lied to me!” His tone reeked of disbelief. 
“No…no I didn’t I.”
“You told me your father was dead, that he was a doctor.”
“His father was a doctor… my grandfather… and he is dead to me.”
Javier laughed, it wasn’t a kind laugh with any warmth, he beat his fists into a cushion and turned back to her, “You could have ruined everything.”
She stood up weeping, affronted at being told off so harshly, “Javi…”
Javier took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair, he sighed and looked back at her, “I love you, don’t you get that? I love you and would do anything I can to protect you, but how can I protect you when you won’t tell me who you are? I cannot protect you if I don’t know you.”
She sniffed and walked over to him, tentatively she reached out for him and placed a hand on his lower arm, a moment then when she recalled one of their first dates, the way he had rolled up his white sleeves and exposed his muscular lower arms. It was the first time in her life that she felt what others described as ‘butterflies’. 
“Forgive me?”
He sighed, he had already decided on their fate before she even asked the question, already knew that no matter what he would forgive her. The question was, how could he stay with her knowing what he knew now?
His fingertips traced her cheek bone, “Marie,” he couldn’t get out the other words he wanted to say, finding it overwhelmingly too painful to cope.
His hands slid round her waist and pulled her in closer, just as they were about to kiss there was a crash as the door was kicked open. Dutch, John and Micah walked in.
“Bronte’s daughter!” The fury on Dutch’s face was like something neither of them had seen before.
Dutch’s tone brought Javier back down to reality, he would forgive her, yes. He would allow her to be free, to go and live a full life, but it would have to be apart. 
“Dutch, please don’t start.” Javier urged his friend and leader, standing in between the two of them. 
“Did you know?” Dutch’s face was red with fury.
“He didn’t, I swear!” Marie said. 
Micah gave a cruel laugh, “As if we’d believe anything you say.”
“I didn’t know Dutch, do you think had I of known, I wouldn’t have said something or broken it off?” His voice strained. 
Dutch remained silent.
“Aren’t I loyal to you?” As Javier spoke the words he felt torn, he loved Marie, but he loved the gang and Dutch more, they would always come first.
Dutch sighed, he had been in difficult situations when he was younger and wasn’t completely void of emotion, “You know this has to end now?”
Javier nodded, “Yes.”
“My dear, I was fond of you,” Dutch begun, “Such a shame you couldn’t have been honest with us, for that betrayal, there is no longer a place by our or Javier’s side. Now come say goodbye to your father.”
She gulped, Javier found himself grateful for Dutch’s reaction when it could have been so much worse. 
She watched from the edge of the water, knowing with certainty that it would be the last time she saw her father. She didn’t blame Dutch or the others, how could she? He had taken Jack from them, taken a boy and whilst he had treated him well, it was a matter of principle.
She’d hugged her father goodbye, kissed his cheek, for all his wrong-doings he was still her father. He looked scared, it was the only time she’d seen him look like that and it terrified her. The dead of night had never been something that scared her as a child, but it scared her now. To see the moon reflected in her father’s wide eyes. He looked lost, confused, old, a lifetime of wrong-doings had caught up with him. Ironic though she felt that it was a group of outlaws who would be his undoing rather than lawmen. Maybe it was better that way, maybe there was more honour in dying at the hands of others who also wished to be free. 
Marie watched the others climb into the boat after her father, she watched him sit, studied every movement of his. She watched as the boat head out into the thick of the swamp, under the great   Cypress trees. She counted the ripples to steady her nerves, they went on and on and so she didn’t think of anything else as she counted.
But in the end she had to consider what was happening, so she stood, motionless as the horror unfurled in front of her, though she couldn’t clearly see in the dark of night, she heard the noises, the screams, could see the shadows in the dark, the movement underneath the water. 
A few seconds of noise and then silence, like a void had opened up in the world and sucked in all the sounds, light and oxygen. She held her breath as the boat returned, hoping it had all been to scare her father and nothing more.
When they returned without her father, she had no doubt what had happened, that’s that then, she thought. No tears came then, just a gentle, throbbing pain in her temple and an emptiness in the pit of her stomach. Her father was the one person that no matter his wrongs, made her feel like her place in the world was justified. Whilst they argued frequently, he was always there for her and now she had no one. 
Dutch, John, Micah and Arthur walked past her without a word, she doubted she would ever speak to them again. 
Javier though stopped next to her, without turning to her said, “I am sorry about your father,” then he proceeded to walk back inside the house.
She gave him a few minutes before entering the house behind him, she closed the doors, locked them and drew the curtain. When she turned back she finally appreciated just how much blood there was and the mess that would need cleaning up. But none of that mattered, the bodies could stay there rotting for days for all she cared. 
Javier appeared from one of the other rooms, “The others have gone.”
She nodded and walked towards him, “I should have told you who I was, I know that, I know I shouldn’t have kept something so important from you, I can’t apologise enough.” As she spoke she was trembling, her hands clasped together by her chest, feeling her own heart beat.
“You know it’s not even the fact that you’re Bronte’s daughter, it’s the fact that you knew where Jack was!” 
“I didn’t know, not at first!”
“And how am I supposed to believe you, knowing what I know now?”
“I swear!” Her voice strained, clearly in pain.
Javier buried his head in his hands and tried to steady his breathing before he shouted at her again, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do or how he could make it through this. 
“I’m sorry,” her bottom lip quivered, eyes full of tears again as she started to sob. 
“So you’ve said, sorry you were caught more like; how did you see this ending? With us riding off into the sunset back to Mexico?”
And although he wanted to forgive her, to pretend it hadn’t happened, he didn’t have it in him.
“No, I don’t know!” She threw her arms up into the air in dismay as tears streamed down her face.
Javier knew he had to leave before he changed his mind, “They’re my family, they have to come first. But take this as a lesson, you’ve inherited your father’s estate, learn from what’s happened here. Go into the world and live your life, that’s all I can offer you.”
She didn’t argue now, but let the silence fall between them, the inevitable dark hollow that opened up. 
She allowed herself to indulge in that silence and self-pity for a moment, “He wasn’t a good man,” in that moment she seemed genuinely sorry for the loss of her father as opposed to what else was happening. 
Javier sighed and walked up to her then pulled her into his chest, he hated her for lying to him, hated her for the danger she put his family in. But he couldn’t bring himself to hate her completely. The issue was she had broken his trust and he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to recover from that.
“My love, I am sorry, but right now I cannot do this,�� he said, still holding her so that he wouldn’t have to see her reaction.
“What?” Her voice was so meek, so confused, so unbelieving, there was no future where she imagined he’d have given her up this easily, where he wouldn’t have forgiven her, not her Javier.
“I do love you but I love my family, I owe my life to Dutch and Hosea, if only you’d have told me the truth from the beginning we could have worked things out.”
She pulled away from him, tears streaming down her cheeks, she balled up her fists and started to punch him repeatedly in the chest. Javier took it, allowing her to let her anger out on him.
“I’m not going to say there’s never a future for us, but, for now I can’t deal with this.”
“So you’re just going to leave me alone, your esteemed leader whom you love more than me, murders my father in a brutal fashion and now you’re leaving me.” Disbelief was written across her face. 
Javier felt pained, for the first time since Mexico, he felt wrecked with guilt, but how could he bring her home with him, to their camp? To the gang’s safe haven? It seemed impossible to him.
He shook his head, “You think this is easy for me? You think I like this?”
She bit her lip and looked at the floor like a child who’s been told off in school, “I know I’ve done so much wrong and I’m not sure I can put it right,” she said, though this time there was more conviction in her voice. Her tears were subsiding as exhaustion washed over her. 
“I loved you Marie, what we had was great, but if you love me too you’ll understand why this cannot be.”
She looked up into his kind, dark eyes and felt sorry for him. As much as it hurt her, she knew he was right. 
Javier pulled her into a hug again and rubbed her back, “You’re gonna be okay Marie, you’re a smart girl, you’ve got all the money you need to move on and live an amazing life.”
When he pulled away he kissed her one last time, it was a soft gentle kiss that had all the notes of, ‘I love you’. She desperate for more tried to kiss him more passionately and sucked on his lower lip, but as she did this he pulled away before brushing his lips against hers once more. 
“Will I ever see you again?” She asked.
Javier inhaled sharply and then shrugged, “Maybe… not for a very long time but maybe if you can prove yourself to us. But understand, this is over, if and this is a big if, if ever there comes a time when you prove yourself to me, we will have to start again.”
She nodded, “I understand.”
Javier pulled himself away from her and turned around, he refused to look back incase he changed his mind. He had to be strong now, strong for Dutch and the others, had to return to his family who needed him.
Marie watched him leave, powerless to stop him, she was head of the household now, no more tears. In a way their relationship had done exactly what she wanted it too, when it started she wanted to date a handsome man with an exciting life. Wanted to date someone who would kiss her, take her virginity, teach her what it was like to be a woman. And Javier had done that and more, he had prepared her for a relentlessly cruel world and taught her how to survive. 
In the end, that was why she let him go. As the front door closed, she became acutely aware of how empty the house was, the structure that had been full of so much noise just one hour ago, had fallen as silent as a graveyard. Time to move on, she thought. 
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haloneshiral · 6 years
Things I love most about my OTPs
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Alistair/Vanadis A Fire Forged Bond
Okay, here’s the thing, I think about the growth of their marriage and companionship a lot. Because they span like 10 years it’s gonna be long lol.
It’s funny because Van didn’t get him right away, and thought he was being an arrogant douche. But once she realized it was his sense of humor at work, she warmed up to him quickly. Their shared bond as the only two Grey Wardens left allowed them to grow close and solidified their friendship— a strong foundation for their relationship. It also led them to sharing a lot of experiences together, as Wardens and having grown up in Ferelden. They’re unafraid of saying “I don’t know”, and confiding stupid shit in each other. There were no reputations or expectations to be mindful of. No Cousland and no Maric’s bastard son. Alistair lent her his unwavering support, and she accepted him without a shred of judgment. When they finally entered a relationship they knew each other pretty well. In the first years of their marriage, it was a very lighthearted relationship, a lot of teasing and laughter. Van’s pretty deadpan with her humor and reactions, so always tries to get her to react. They’re the type of couple that really spoils each other and messes around when no one is looking. Imagine the King and Queen discreetly elbowing each other as they stand side by side during a dull ceremony. Yeah.
As they grew older, it tempered into a more mature relationship. The ‘cute’ factor of their relationship toned down a lot, but they’ve witnessed the growth in each other’s character, so they share a deeper understanding. They’ve also had their share of fights, and the differences in their upbringing would often cause friction (Vanadis was more well-versed in politics, more natural with her leadership, tended to be a little pushy, even if Alistair was the one wearing the crown). Discovering The Calling also caused some trouble for them, and they disagreed a lot before Van set out to find a cure. They would always come out with a stronger bond. That’s not to say they’ve lost their playful streak. They’re just more private about their silliness these days.
At this point they share an almost instinctive understanding of each other, knowing what to expect. Their love became quieter and less about the kisses and the romance. It trickled down to the little things in their life. Most of them aren’t even conscious gestures anymore. They’ve made room for each other in their lives. They know the right words, and what the other needs to comfort them. They’ve stood the test of time, and they know they can withstand more, even if they’re apart right now.
Basically if you’ve played Transistor, the song Paper Boats suits them T__T
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Isabela/Caesia Genuine Understanding 
Out of all my ships, I think they’re the most in-sync. They’re pretty much drift-compatible. I love their honesty, and how they’re just themselves together. They’re incredibly similar in attitude, so it’s easy to guess what the other is thinking. Thankfully guessing is almost never a requirement. They always speak candidly, taking jabs at each other. And being pretty thick-skinned, I think it’s a manifestation of their honesty and affection. 
Outwardly, they seem like a very laidback and easygoing couple, but that’s only because they’re completely comfortable in their skin around each other. They do have their tender and soft moments, though.
I think in the beginning they might have used their glibness to avoid talking about feelings but after what they’ve been through at Kirkwall, they’ve gotten much better at that. Isabela calls her “Cee” sometimes.
The vibe I get with them is a lazy saturday morning in autumn, on their apartment couch and leaning against each other and holding a warm mug of coffee.
They’re always ready to take on anything together, looking for excitement and wanting to experience everything at each other’s side. Isabela and Caesia are just... so in tune? Both of them love chasing thrills but can also easily wind down like a sprawled out cat. And they can meet that need and lifestyle in each other. I get the sense they’re made for each other.
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Cullen/Letheia Selfless Devotion
HahaHah oh boy. Letheia and Cullen are just drawn to each other. Both of them have a very strong, almost sacrificial, sense of duty and admire the other’s character. Letheia admires his unfailing fortitude and commitment. He admires her for her compassion and sense of justice. Amid the chaos the Inquisition has to face, they find solace in each other. They’re not the Inquisitor and the Commander together. Just Letheia and Cullen. Time slows and Maker, they can breathe for once. They talk about their fears and the people behind the leaders that they are and the leaders that the people want them to be. They can be vulnerable.
But good lord, they don’t know what to make of it all. For two people who are grounded in reason and sensibility, they are confused by their chemistry and attraction, and how they can’t put it into words. So they kind of dance around it in a very restrained manner. It’s not that they’re unaware of the other reciprocating their feelings; they have a mutual understand of their feelings towards each other. 
It’s just in their nature to want to give and serve, without feeling like they’re overstepping any boundaries. They’re super considerate of each other (almost too much), and are as devoted to each other as they are to their causes and duties. Their relationship is pretty much like a waltz, with measured steps, but always together.
I’m heavily inspired by the wholesome softness but immense UST in British period dramas when I write them lol. A lot of it is about navigating their feelings and relationship together, rather than admitting their feelings per se.
Tagged by @bitchesofostwick (thank you!!!) Tagging: @whereismywarden @plisuu @honquisitor @drellvhen @sulevinblade @shepavellan  @taetelli @mightofthedalish @a-tear-in-the-veil
if you’ve done it before etcetc let me know and tag me I’d love to read <33
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Quirkless but Not Worthless: Chapter 2
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“[_], your leg’s starting to heal nicely. You’re a real trooper,” Dr. Masashi complimented while overlooking her x-rays, her eyebrows furrowed at the site of her arms, the broken bones there would still need time, but other than that, she was doing fine. “Do you have any discomfort in your legs? Are the splints in properly?” She asks, concerned.
She nods, “Yes, Dr. Masashi. I’m as good as I can be. I just can’t wait to get out of this hospital bed.”
“Oh yes, you’ll be out with time. Focus on eating your meals and then, when your leg’s healed enough, you’ll start rehabilitation.” She’s flipping through my papers, giving them one last once over, “I definitely see you getting better. Until next time, [_].” The sound of the soles enter and leave the room, she’s guessing a nurse came in.
“Here’s your lunch, is there anything else you’d like for me to do for you before I leave?” He’s especially peppy, nurses aren’t normally “excited” about work, though it’s better for someone to be happy than pissed.
She shuffles her torso a bit, the fact that both of her legs are raised in the air and her right arm is in a sling make it more difficult to lean up. “Do you, by any chance, know how I got here? The doctors and nurses haven’t told me anything. I’m just a little,” she grunts out, “--confused.”
She can see the gears turning in his mind, there’s no sound but the table being turned so that it’s on top of her, and her lunch being set down. [_] at least has one arm that’s perfectly functional, so she’s been using that without bothering the nurses. It looks and smells good, but her mind is elsewhere, wondering about the events from nearly two weeks ago.
“Let’s see, he had blonde hair, a scowl, and a hero’s costume.”
Her eyes widened, “A hero? Do you know his name?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know that, but he was really cute. He saved your life.”
“I know that now...I wish I could tell him thanks.”
“He even placed you on the gurney himself. I believe he was really worried, it’s a shame he didn’t tell us his name.” He trails off and catches [_] staring at him with the widest eyes, he gives her a sweet smile and makes his way to the door. “I placed the remote on your lap, have a nice meal.”
The next week, [_] decided to have a visitor, though her roommate had taken it upon herself to eat the coffee jelly that was supplied by the hospital. “--and then, I told everyone I was doing his work for him the entire time. How could he get promoted before me? I’m too petty to be happy for someone.” She stuffs another spoonful into her mouth.
“Yeah, that’s cool and all, Natasha, but you could scratch the back of my head like I told you to ten minutes ago.” She reluctantly obliges. “Do you have any information on the hero who saved me?”
“His name’s Ground Zero. He was on the news because of what happened to you. I hope you don’t mind being shown on national television. He didn’t stop for an interview either, he just picked you up and blasted away.” Natasha shows a video from her phone that she saved, the sight of [_] crashing into the street before a car comes is almost too much to watch, the moment is cut, and she’s laying on the ground. Ground Zero lands above her, picking her up with one arm, eager to get her to the nearest hospital.
I throw my head back into my pillow, the cushion comforts me, I wonder how he felt and smelled? If he said anything, what was spoken? Was I saved for a reason? Not in his opinion, but in the grand scheme of things? I wonder, just as to what I’m here for, I don’t feel particularly special. The way this all came about is just coincidence, but why me? The statistical probability of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is very high.
“I’m going...to...cheer Ground Zero on. If I’m at a public place, and I see him, I’ll scream for him to win. A hero needs fans.” As soon as I say that she nudges me in the head, “Ow.”
“You love superheros just like me. You just lie.”
“No! I like things the normal amount, I just care about my personal hero!”
“Oh, yeah right. Talking about cheering for a hero--we could have been at all the hero fights cheering!” She starts to go on and on about all the wasted time, and what her favorite heros are for the 100th time. She can talk about heroism for hours.
“You can go home now, Natasha! I’ll be out of here tomorrow. Make sure you pick me up.” [_] dismisses her, but she comes right up to the bedside and mushes her cheeks. [_] is powerless right now and she is loving it.
Two more weeks pass and her bones have healed up completely. It’s like it never even happened. She’s even going outside more often, well, that’s because she’s looking for clues on Ground Zero’s whereabouts. Her first day back in school was filled with classmates signing her arm cast. Doing work is easy enough, you really just need one arm for that, anyway. The cast is mounted on a shelf like it’s a trophy, it reminds her everyday to try her best at finding Ground Zero, and thanking him from the bottom of her heart. Maybe she’ll become a super smart medical research scientist and discover a cure for a disease. Who knows what the future holds?
[_]’s search history is scattered with questionings of the hero, where he frequents, where he’s been recently, who he might be friends with...or dating. You have to look that stuff up if you can. Videos from UA’s Tournament popped up with Ground Zero, based on his quirk, which is very rare in itself. With or without the mask, he’s so handsome, but very angry. There’s just so much anger in that boy. Though, he’s ranked number one for the freshmen class, but he seems to get in a lot of trouble. There’s a video from the summer of this same year, caught by a sludge villain, then he was abducted by the League of Super Villains, his face was plastered all over the news.
She leans back in the chair, testing the twist in her legs in boredom, everything’s back to normal for [_]; but what is normal for him? Kidnappings, being restrained by his own school, shouting and cursing at all times? She wonders if he feels like he’s got so many obstacles and that going to UA to become a hero is a mistake? That’s how she’d feel deep down, sometimes [_] doesn’t believe she’s in Japan for a real reason other than just wanting to be on her own as far away from her family as she can. They aren’t terrible people, She’s just been smothered.
Writing down all of the places she’s found, today’s work is done. The only thing to do is to find him, he has to be at or near one of these places. He has to.
The first place to check of course is UA Academy. Ditching school to find another guy at his own school seems counterproductive, because you’re just avoiding one school for another. When she’d taken one step past the gates, they closed shut, she had to jump back s quickly, all of her sweets dropped onto the pathway. “Ah, whyyyyy,” a tear nearly drops from her eyes, “If the doors were just going to smash together like that, then there should be a warning.”
Second stop, the next free day she had, was the very same street he seemed to have been patrolling when she had her accident; devoid of any sign of the night her life had changed or that she’d been there at all. Everyone goes on about life naturally. That’s how it is when it doesn’t happen to you, but if you’re saved by a hero, or if you look up to them, they’ll be on your mind many times throughout a day. You become a fan.
That day was spent walking up and down the streets within a ten block radius, hoping to catch Ground Zero, and find him. With hopes set high, the fall is even greater; he wasn’t patrolling today, even though it was a Saturday. She checked twitter and no one had heard from him that day either, or else there would have been posts like “Ground Zero yelled at me to back up and it was so cool”.
The third day, and all of these days aren’t consecutive at all, so she really had to find time that worked for her to go out on a wild goose chase, she was wrapping up a box of candies she bought from the store for him. The lights from the early saturday morning were peeping through the blinds; mornings gave her more energy, if she could go to sleep the night before instead of staying up.
“What are you doing, who are you giving candies to? Don’t tell me it’s--”
“Ground Zero.”
Natasha facepalmed, “I can’t believe you’re still looking for him. I’m telling you, you won’t.”
[_] shook her head, doubt was trying to rear its way into her life in the form of her friend. “Can’t let that get to me.”
“Whyyyy, I could be eating that instead.” She whined a lot for a twenty-eight year old.
“No,” [_] says, “I’ll meet him, and tell him of his good deed, and maybe he’ll be a better, friendlier person. I bet he doesn’t get thanked a lot.”
She flops on the couch dramatically, “You’re too nice for this world.”
That day, she went to different hero agencies around the city, hoping they knew of Bakugo and had some sure fire way to contact him.
“Are you here to show off another quirk to get into my agency?” Asked Best Jeanist, his disinterested voice nearly made her turn right back around and leave. His office looked like a modeling agency, very chic, very modern; it matched his whole...vibe. High fashion.
Clearing the cat scratching her throat, she opened her mouth to speak. “Oh no, sir, I don’t have a quirk at all.”
His eyebrow raises in confusion, “Is there something I should know about? A robbery? Murder? Kidnapping? Area that’s been destroyed that have survivors that need rescuing?” He starts to name off different reasons for being there and the longer he goes on, the more [_] feels like an idiot for going there. They all seem so dire, this was definitely a mistake.
“I’m actually looking for Bakugo Katsuki.”
Best Jeanist stifles a laugh, “Why would you ever want to do that?”
Walking the way back home was horrible. How could he say that about Bakugo? Yeah, he could be aggressive but he was still a hero, he was still saving people’s lives.That takes a special person. [_] chuckled to herself, “Look at me, talking about Bakugo like I know him.” She tries to sidestep a hero leaning against the wall of a storefront, but is frightened to have him step right in front of her.
“Excuse me--” He holds a hand out, which she walked right into before backing up to look him in the eye.
“Yes?” With his dark red hair, pointing in every which way, same colored eyes staring at her, and outfit showing off his muscles, she could feel her face growing hotter.
“I’m on patrol but I heard you talking about someone I sort of know,” he says with a bright pointy smile.
[_] jumps up, “You know who Bakugo is? That’s amazing! I’ve been looking for him for two weeks!” She clutches the bag and hands it over to him, “Take this, please.”
His face is pink as she realizes that what she’s done is like some sort of weird confession. “I...thank you. I’ll enjoy these!” He bows.
She could never tell him that they weren’t for him, no, that’d be cruel and embarrassing. “Ah...thank you so much…”
He points to himself, “Red Riot.”
“Yes, Red Riot,” her smile is warm and inviting before she asks him, “Do you by any chance know where Bakugo is?”
“Oh yeah, he’s--why do you want to know where he is?”
[_] knew she’d get that question. She was prepared. “I had a big accident, but Bakugo was there to save me. I just wanted to tell him thank you.”
He laughs aloud, the sound of him slapping the back of his neck before rubbing it was so loud, she worried if he hurt himself. “That means this is for him--”
“No, please, you keep it. I was going to give whoever told me how to contact him that as a gift.” A lie.
“Thank you again. He’s normally with...well with the squad if he’s not at school, in his room, or doing hero rounds.” He looks around for a moment, “Tell you what, we’ll be at this restaurant to celebrate one of our classmates achievements, I hope you can come to thank him.” He writes down the name of the place, date, and time on a spare piece of paper she rummaged through her purse for. “You have my full support for Bakugo’s hand in marriage!” He walks off, waving his gift into the air as he turns a corner.
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loki-hargreeves · 6 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat - Bucky Imagine [PART 4]
[PART 3]  [PART 5]
Warning(s): gore
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Your P.O.V.
Ever since I knocked over that guard, the people in here had treated me like I was the Hulk himself. There were constantly armed guards around me and I was never free. It had been just a couple days, or so I thought, yet it felt like I had been here forever. It didn’t seem like I would be getting out of here anytime soon which meant I would have to take the pain and suffer just like they wanted me to.
All this because I couldn’t stop looking into my case. Everything bad had happened because I bumped into a certain someone!
I hadn’t seen the super soldier since he was in that chair with its monitors and other gadgets. The first time I saw it, I had been so drugged thanks to whatever the fuck they injected in me, so I hadn’t thought straight. Now that I was ‘sober’, I knew it was an electroshock machine, most likely used to brainwash people. But it was way bigger than normal ones. I assumed it was more powerful as well, probably invented by some mad scientist. Just the thought of having to sit in that chair myself scared the hell out of me.
But what could I do?
I glanced around me and stared at a brown haired guard who held a gun in his strong arms. Once we made eye contact, he aimed at me so I looked away in a hurry. I didn’t want to die although right now, everything was as shitty as it could possibly get. In two days, I had cried so much that now I just lied here and stared into nothing with a blank expression on my face. 
All of a sudden, the door opened and a very familiar man walked in, Alexander Pierce. Immediately, I narrowed my eyes and looked at him with so much hatred it almost hurt. He on the other hand just smiled at me and checked me out, enjoying the sight of me in a white straitjacket more than he should. ‘’Are you ready?’’ He asked me casually and once again, I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Frankly, I didn’t care. I just wanted out of this hellhole!
‘‘Still not feeling chatty?’‘ Pierce sighed disappointingly. ‘’It’s such a shame. We have so much to talk about, sweetheart’’ He called me that just to piss me off. I would’ve snarled at him to not call me that but it wasn’t worth a slap. How did he expect me to speak to a scumbag like him? He was the reason I was here! He was using me as an experiment and it fucking terrified me, no matter how tough I tried to be. It wasn’t easy when I was held at gunpoint 24/7. Even when I had to use the restroom, damn, even when I slept! I just watched as Pierce walked over to a table and grabbed a key. He opened a black box and revealed that it was full of needles with the same shit they put in my body earlier. Once he grabbed one, my tough act disappeared completely.
‘‘No, please - don’t!’‘ I whimpered with a small voice, eyes glued to the sharp tip of the needle. Pierce squirted some of it out to test it worked and so he got back right next to me, meeting my eyes. In that moment, I saw deep into his ugly soul. I saw that he felt no mercy at all, in fact, I learned he enjoyed this. There was this sick darkness to him that sent shivers down my spine. I had to look away. ‘‘So now you’re talking! I’d say this is a good thing, it makes you open your mouth’‘ He chuckled like this was all a game to him. 
Just like that, a guard began to loosen my straitjacket as another held a gun against my head. I couldn’t defend myself. Tears rolled down my face quietly as I simply sat there and let Pierce inject that crap into me, again. The needle tip pierced my skin and sank deep into me. That wasn’t the worst part. Once the substance entered my blood flow, the same, stinging and burning pain came back to me, taking over my entire body. I tried to best to shut up and take it. It felt like all my veins had glass shards in them and soon, painful cries left my mouth and I was sure everyone could hear me.
Yet nobody tried to help me.
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‘‘It’s time’‘ Pierce cheered for the millionth time. Although I had heard him say that for days now, it didn’t feel any easier. I was too weak to do anything anymore. For so many goddamn days he had stuck a needle in my arm and put me through hell. If I did one thing wrong, someone would punish me. I had bruises and cuts all over my body from being kicked and punched. One guard even broke my pinky finger and now it was numb. As I looked at it, it didn’t even resemble the finger it once was. The skin looked dead and it was swollen. 
I expected Pierce to grab another needle but to my surprise, he didn’t. Instead, he just watched and smiled as a guard pushed me off the table. I landed on my knees and then my face hit the floor. I was still wearing the stupid straitjacket so that’s why I couldn’t stop the fall. It felt like someone punched me in the jaw but I swallowed the moan of pain. ‘’Get up’’ Pierce spat at me. By this point, I knew better. Although it was humiliating and blood-boiling, I got up on my feet as told. I was ordered to follow him and so I did, holding myself back from the urge to leap at him and smash his head against the floor.
‘‘Where are you taking me?’‘ I wondered as we got to the hallway. The hopeful side of me thought they would let me go but the realistic side told me it was not going to happen. ‘‘You’ll see’‘ He just shrugged mysteriously. Something about this gave me a really bad gut feeling. Would he finally kill me?
My questions were soon answered as he opened a door to a room I saw earlier. The one place I didn’t want to enter, one that gave me nightmares. The same room where I last saw James Barnes. The room where they fried his head. So instead of walking in, I stopped. There was no way in hell I’d go in there! ‘’No’’ I whispered seriously which displeased Pierce.
‘‘Must I remind you that you don’t have a choice?’‘ He reminded me. What a sick fuck! ‘‘I’m not going in there!’‘ I made myself pretty clear. Then I began to fight the restrains, hoping I could loosen them. It surprised both me and Pierce when the material actually ripped a little bit and I felt more free, although I was still in it. ‘‘Guard’‘ Pierce called out worriedly. Seeing him afraid gave me a boost of adrenaline and now I was determined to fight my way out of this place.
I clenched my jaw and used all my strength I didn’t even know I had. Then all of a sudden, my arms were free. My eyes widened in pure shock. For a moment, everything slowed down around me. It was so unreal that I broke out of a straitjacket like this one. I actually did that! And it happened so fast even the guard was too dumbfounded to stop me.
And judging on the look of Pierce’s face, he was terrified. I noticed that he tried to reach for a gun he had in his jacket but I was quicker. I leapt at him, jumping higher than I ever had and I landed straight on him. Pierce tried to dodge but he was too slow and soon, I got him down. I was on top of him and I knew I could kill him. It felt so natural when I grabbed his own gun, loaded it and aimed at his head. Something was wrong, seriously wrong with me. I didn’t even feel bad nor did I think straight. It wasn’t until I heard guards running over here that I snapped out of my dark place.
Yes Pierce was a nut job and a cruel man but I wasn’t a killer! 
Once he noticed I hadn’t pulled the trigger yet, he laughed. I sat on him, straddling his body and I just listened to him laughing at my pathetic attempt of killing him. Why couldn’t I just do it? I had the perfect opportunity! And I wasted it.
Somebody grabbed me by my waist and I dropped the gun. ‘’Let me go!’’ I screamed as I was pulled on my feet. My heart was beating wildly, so hard I was sure it could explode. I felt like an animal that was being captured. No matter how hard I tried to wiggle myself free, I couldn’t. So I stopped trying and accepted my fate. That’s when I saw who was holding me,
it was James!
He was stiff as a rock and his grip on me was strong. I wasn’t surprised. By now, it was obvious I wasn’t the only person in here with some weird super strength. Bucky, James - whatever, was like me. But worse. His mind had been wiped too. As I thought about both his situation and mine, I got emotional all over again. Would this be my death? Would they just dump my body in the sea once they were done with me? Or would they make me one of their murderous dogs?
‘‘Put her on the chair, soldier’‘ Pierce demanded as he got up again. He brushed dust off his black jacket and shot me an angry glare. ‘‘Please, don’t. I’m begging you’‘ I whimpered, terrified. But there was little I could do. James already listened and he picked me up like I was as light as a feather. ‘‘No!’‘ I screamed at him. There had to be a way to crack him! To pull the true him out of that dark shell! ‘‘James! Think about..Steve’‘ I remembered a person who definitely had to be important to him. Everyone around us froze and watched the situation. Damn, even James stopped walking. 
Did he remember?
‘‘Who is Steve?’‘ He asked me coldly and continued walking forward. My eyes widened and in that very moment, I was doomed. ‘‘Steve! He’s..your best friend, Captain America. You grew up together! You were-’‘ I tried to remember everything I knew about them. I truly wished I could’ve broken this evil spell they had cast on him. ‘‘Enough!’‘ Pierce snapped harshly. I wasn’t dumb so I knew he was worried. I also knew now for sure that there was a way to pull James Buchanan Barnes out of this. Pierce just confirmed that.
Maybe that’s why they had to put him in this seat again?
He dropped me on it harshly and it hurt. Before I got the chance to get up, the guards already attached my arms to it. Then someone kept my legs steady and another one made sure that I couldn’t get out of this. I just stared at James who stepped back and watched from a small distance. Again, people were just watching as I would get tortured, slowly turned into a completely different person. 
And once again, I could see for a fraction of a second the sorry in the super soldier’s eyes. He knew what this was like, he definitely did. Perhaps he hadn’t regained his memories but I just knew he had a sense of good and bad. The real him had to be in there and sometimes, it showed though. 
The rubber piece was forced in my mouth and I almost gagged. It tasted awful! They probably never washed it either which made it even more disgusting. I didn’t even want to know how many people had bit into it while they were suffering. The scientist attacked the machine to my head and basically locked me in place.
There was no way out of this now.
So I just stared into James’ eyes with tears in my own. Then the session began and I knew it wouldn’t be easy. The scientist said something in Russian and right after that, the first electric pulse was sent though my head. A horrible pain spread through all my body, tensing my muscles, especially my brain so bad that it was impossible not to shriek out in pure agony. 
Another Russian word, another awful pulse. The third, fourth, fifth.. I lost count. The pain was all I could think about and I was convinced it would kill me just like that.
The oh so strong super soldier had to look away.
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Third Person P.O.V.
Two weeks had passed since Y/N had visited Tony. It had been fourteen full days since she had left and no one had seen her since. Her boss was gone as well but as a lonely woman in New York, no one had reported her missing. That's why it surprised Tony when he found her apartment, empty. He had been investigating what she had too with his Avenger friends and it had come to a point where they needed her for a minute. Since she hadn’t picked up the phone or answered emails, Tony decided to visit her job. Nobody had seen her there but he got her address and headed to the block of flats.
Although Tony had no confirmed facts about her, he just knew something bad had happened. ‘’Hello?’’ He called out as he walked into her small apartment. He had invited himself in since the front door was already open. The floor was full of unopened mail. He saw her shoes by the door. At least, the same shoes she wore when she visited him. He even saw her keys in a small bowl on the table. The air was bad, like no one had opened the windows in a while. The first important thing he found was her laptop that was on her couch. A box of pizza was on the table and the food in it had dried.
So something had definitely happened. But what? Had Bucky gotten to her? Or the people behind this all, whoever they were..
‘‘Y/N? You in here?’‘ Tony tried again although he knew there would be no answers. Shit. He hated himself for not sending her to a safer place until things were good again. After all, Tony had the money to keep her safe. He was also smart enough to know she was in danger for snooping around like that. No matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he couldn’t deny the feeling of guilt he experienced. 
Now he definitely had to search for clues. He had to get access to the security cameras, get her phone and any proof of her case. Maybe, just maybe she had figured out something they still hadn’t. Although it seemed highly unlikely, he couldn’t cross that out. 
So Tony grabbed his phone and decided to check with the police first, to do things lawfully, for now. ‘’Hello, it’s Tony Stark. I was uhm.. just wondering if someone has reported my friend missing - her name is Y/N Y/L/N - yeah, it’s been a couple weeks now - great - what? Murder?’’ Tony’s skin cooled down immediately. Her neighbor was found dead! That too was two weeks ago. He wanted to curse but he was still on the phone. He just hoped Y/N hadn’t killed anyone. It had to be someone else.
‘‘Is there a chance I could take a look at the security tapes? - no? What if I pay you? - Pleasure doing business with you, officer Ryder. I’m on the way’‘ Tony ended the call with a sigh. Although this was a lead closer to Steve’s friend, Bucky, he didn’t like it. He had this awful feeling that if Y/N was alive, she would never be the same..
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[PART 5]
Author’s Note: Okay this was kind of a filler chapter but also, I really wanted to try third person pov again. I haven’t written in it for soooo long because I kept messing up all the time. At least, now someone’s looking for you so thumbs up for that! I’d love and appreciate it a lot if I could hear your thoughts <3
TAGS:  @buckysleftarm1 @twigleektribute23 @anxietywolfsdmn @geeksareunique  @iraniq  @embrycallsgirl  @blackroseyaz @puddins-princess  @r-alexandra01
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Summary: Five snapshots of Jughead’s and Betty’s life when Jughead had nowhere to stay and Betty was hiding him in her room. 
Read on AO3
(Okay, I know this is long; I know. But seriously I can’t help the fact that I want to fill entire books with how adorably cute those two are! <3 So grab your snacks and drinks and dive in hahaha! Also I’m sorry if there are any typos, it’s really late and I’m way tired to notice my mistakes. I hope you all like it guys!!!) 
Two days had passed since the night Betty Cooper had stormed inside the Blue & Gold office like a wild force of nature, catching Jughead on the act as well as learning about his secret of not having a place of his own anymore, and coexisting under the same roof was going smoothly for the two friends. Every morning they would wake up way earlier than most people in their town, and especially than Betty’s parents, and Jughead, although not being a morning person, would sneak out with a grateful smile plastered on his lips and hands full with every new snack Betty seemed to always prepare for him, and every night she would sneak him back in once she knew her parents were retired to their bedroom for the night. Their system seemed to be flawless.
Today was a low-key Wednesday night and the first time they had the house entirely to themselves, since the Coopers had yet another late night at the newspaper, the two teens finally enjoying some peace and quiet without closed doors and hush whispers. Betty was sprawled over the bed, text books and colorful markers all around her as the blonde girl was trying to finish her homework, elbow holding herself up and chin resting on her palm, head aching over an answer sheet and calves crossing and uncrossing behind her. Jughead was over the window with blinds shut – he had made Betty promise that his secret would stay between them – sitting comfortably on her white desk chair and having his long legs crossed at the ankles, outstretched against the wooden window frame, while typing furiously on his laptop that rested on his lap. Since no one was at home he didn’t have to lurk at his usual booth at Pop’s. Plus, he found Betty’s presence a very good remedy for writer’s block.
“What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence?” Betty wandered out loud, disturbing the casual silence, with eyes still glued on the paper in front of her.
Jughead’s running fingers came to a momentary halt and he blinked a couple of times to adjust his mind around her question. Not being fazed at all and going on with his typing, he answered. “I mean machines that probably are cleverer than half, if not the entire, human population? How will this affect humanity in the long run?” he voiced his opinion, his computer screen illuminating his frown.
“So I’m against it…” Betty muttered, putting the pencil she was holding in use.
“I’d use skeptical. Against is a very strong statement.” He offered back, rewriting an introductory sentence about Cheryl’s and Jason’s odd sibling bond.
“Hm.” She titled her head in thought and tapped the edge of her pencil a couple of times over the floral notebook next to her, while going over the sentence she just wrote. “Skeptical it is then.” The girl concluded and erased any sign of lead under that question with the back of her pencil. “Which chapter are you on?” she asked him, as she was conducting a small paragraph about her so called opinion.
“Just started six. Had inspiration these days.” Jughead let her know subtly.
“Cool.” Betty nodded to herself, moving to the next question. “Which changes society has to undertake in order to adjust to this new, robotic filled reality?” she went on to read out loud.
Without even stopping to breathe, he answered quickly. “Reforms of the civil law so to include robotic machines.”
Betty scribed that down quickly, her lips forming a reverse smile in genuine awe; she would have never thought of that.  “How is people’s approach to the subject? Are there any examples from literature and/or theater, cinema etc. that approach it?”
“Easy.” Jughead scoffed, so done with the lack of originality in teachers’ quizzes. “Terminator was pictured as fearful, Robocop was designed as a sign of hope; it seems that there is only black and white in people’s mind, not in between. As for how ethical this whole ‘humans playing God and creating super-creatures’ is? Well, Arthur Clarke shared that concern in Space Odyssey years ago but still there isn’t a satisfactory answer.” He concluded and Betty’s lips let a huff of admiration, struggling to keep up with his fast pace while quoting him on paper.
Satisfied, she looked at her finished science paper and grabbed her neon yellow folder to put it neatly inside.
“Am I done doing your homework?” came Jughead’s sarcastic comment, Betty rolling her eyes amused behind his back.
“Yes. And thank you.” She replied in a teasing tone.
“And anyway in what world is Betty Cooper unable to fill in some simple, let alone piece of cake for her, questions?” he went on, briefly taking his tired  eyes off the computer screen to look at her over his shoulder.
“I was bored and wanted to be done with it.” She flinched adorably, throwing her books recklessly to the floor and falling back to lie on her duvet.
“So you just used me?” Jughead turned his torso more to face her, narrowing his eyes in fake offence, their color shining with mischief.
Betty let a melodic laugh that put a smirk on his lips. “Pretty much, yeah.” She admitted with another round of laughter, once she saw him pretend to curse under his breath in fake self-pity, before she was left there just smiling, taking him all in with her doe eyes and taking a weird liking at the way he looked in a plain black t-shirt and dark blue sweatpants, one of the rarest times seeing him this homey and casual.
“It’s just that with everything that happened, Jason’s funeral, Archie, Ms. Grundy, my mom… my mind can’t really focus on homework, you know?” her eyes took their usual melancholic shade once again and she turned her stare away, feeling the need to pick on some loose threats of her jeans but knowing his eyes were hot and heavy on her profile.
“You have one mind and that is a crowd of people to think of.” Jughead sighed, wanting to ease some of her heartbreak, if possible. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he hesitantly asked.
Betty exhaled the rather large breath she was holding. “No, it doesn’t matter.” She turned to face him again, smile in tack. “It truly doesn’t.” she insisted with a vigorous shake of her head and smiled more, once seeing him unconvinced. “Everything’s in the past and I am really ready to move on.” She announced cheerfully, raising her slim, jean clad, legs to rest on the white headboard of her bed, sliding her arms over her head and stretching blissfully, like a cat enjoying the warm sunrays of June.
And even if he didn’t entirely believe her, Jughead knew there was a rich dose of truth in her words; she eventually was going to be perfectly ok. So he smiled that adorable boyish smile he always had reserved for her and her only, not really able to restrain himself when she was being that cute, with bright pink toe nails drumming against her floral wall.
“What’s so funny?” her voice made him avert his eyes from her legs and run them up to her body until they reached her face, silly smile on his and her lips.
“You.” He let with a chuckle and a shake of his head, putting his laptop as a shield in front of his face. He didn’t know why he was acting like a nervous spaz around her and he hated it with all his passion.
“I’m glad that you find me ridiculous.” She teased and took her tongue out at him, Jughead sending her an amused – slash flirty, but he wouldn’t dare admit that to himself – glare under his eyelashes over his laptop. “Honestly, those two days are probably the most I’ve seen you smiling all those years that we know each other.” Betty smirked, feeling a small flattering on her chest every time she saw the corners of his lips tug into even the smallest of grins.
Jughead knew that and he had a very good theory as to why this was happening but he wouldn’t say that out loud, and especially to her. So, he just smirked and started his typing again, offering one of his usual sardonic responses. “Oh, you know me, big fan of morbid murder scenes and intense people drama, which we have plenty nowadays.” He frowned teasingly and titled his head up to look at her, Betty’s eye roll in sync with her rolling off her bed.
“Ha-ha.” She let a dry laugh and got rid of her dusty pink cardigan, the loose silk white camisole she wore underneath complimenting nicely her shoulders and collarbones which didn’t go unnoticed by him. “I’m gonna make some snacks. I’m assuming you in?” she announced walking to the door.
“Please and thank you.” Jughead replied with a delightful groan, cause really at this point he was just a sucker for anything this girl made, and she laughed before disappearing down the hallway. Her cheerful hopes down the stairs and light humming of a foreign tune made Jughead smile against the letters of the document in front of him and he went on with his previous task. Living with Betty Cooper wasn’t so bad after all.
“Shh! We’re gonna get busted!” Betty whisper – shouted, with her hushed voice trembling from laughter as her finger came over her lips to signalize what she was saying.
“I can’t believe you vomited on your dad’s lap during family Christmas lunch!” Jughead was holding his stomach laughing his heart out at the picture but trying to be as quiet as possible, a five feet ten, all limbs, dark guy rolled up in two shaking from silent giggles like a cheerful toddler. “I’m not even mentioning the you being drunk part; that is a thing I deeply regret missing in my life.” A new series of laughter hit him with more force and a throaty chuckle escaped his lips, Betty’s eyes widening in fear and the blonde grabbed one of the numerous pillows from behind her head and smothered him with it, feeling the vibrations of his chuckles against her palms making her not able to hold back her giggles too at that unusual sight of him.
It was Friday night, way over midnight but they didn’t even bother with time, and the two of them were lying casually on Betty’s bed playing a game of twenty questions. It was all normal at first, with Jughead’s favorite girl sneaking him in her house once her parents were asleep and them starting their usual chat about their day which usually led to deep conversations until one of them was soundly asleep. Tonight, though, it seemed that both of them were in an awfully good mood.
“It was my first time drinking something even remotely close to alcohol and, seriously, how can you laugh at my misery? My grandma was appalled! And of course I don’t need to mention my mom’s reaction, you’ve met her.” Betty fell back into her pillows and focused her eyes on the ceiling, the events of last year’s Christmas day still vivid in her mind. “Kevin really owes me for this.” She promised in fake threat.
Jughead let a series of small coughs, unburying his face from under the pillow that smelled like her and focusing on the ceiling too, amused smile still on his lips. “Thank you, Bets, really. That was the best thing you’ve ever told me.” He coughed again and fixed his hair, or rather messed his raven locks more, and Betty turned to reply with a mean comeback but failed. It was one of the rarest times she was seeing him without his trademark beanie – in fact that was actually the first cause every other night he would take it off after each had been settled into their “beds” – and she had to admit he looked smocking without it too, if not more so.
“Ask away, I’ll handle it.” He scoffed amused, knowing it was her turn to fire a question, feeling her gaze on him in the dimly lit room before turning left over his pillow and coming face to face with her. He had left a safe distance between the two of them – mostly for his sake and his mental stability – but even that wasn’t enough to restrain him from getting lost into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes he had seen in his life.
Betty bit her lip – mostly because she wasn’t expecting his stare to be so intense over her – but asked anyway. “Why do you always wear that beanie?”
He lied; he couldn’t handle it. In the sea of questions she could have asked, the girl responsible for some of his recent sleepless nights went and asked this one. Jughead took a deep breath and focused his eyes on the pillow that now had fallen between them. Of course he would answer; he had learnt that keeping secrets from Betty was a rather difficult task, let alone lying.
“My mom had sewed that for me when I was five.” Jughead confessed and felt a lump forming in his throat but pushed it away, before putting a brave face and facing her again.
She just smiled sweetly at him, knowing that whatever happened with his parents was still really hard on him and hating herself for not noticing sooner. “Well, it does really suit you.” She nodded with a girly pout and ruffled his mop of hair lightly, Jughead bucking down from her touch and groaning a chuckle, grateful that she understood him and knew when to change the subject. “Your turn.” She instructed, rolling over to rest on her elbows, closing the distance between them by an inch.
“Well, well…” he sighed in thought “Okay, what are the things about me that you particularly like and what is the one thing you don’t like?” Jughead went kind of bold there but it was only fair after a question like that. Plus, her laugh as an answer to his challenging smirk was a delight to his ears.
“One? Only one? That’s an understatement there, my friend.” Betty started teasing him and he smacked her head lightly with the pillow, making her squeal and fire back a punch on his shoulder, Jughead delivering another pillow smack on her back before she knocked him off with a rather strong hit of her elbow against his ribs that made him leave a groan of pain, all while they were lowly giggling like happy fools.
“So I don’t like how stubborn you are and you have an ego as big as your head and you don’t ask for help and you’re secretive, awfully prideful, messy as hell—” Jughead let an offended ‘hey’ at that but Betty ignored him and continued listing things with the help of her fingers “you can drive anyone and especially me to the wall, you lose track of time—”
Jughead put his palm over her mouth to stop her, feeling her plump lips against his skin for the first time and indeed losing track of time and place at that very moment. “Do you even like me at all?” he used sarcasm as his chronic defense and with great difficulty removed his hand from her lips, leaving them parted and weirdly begging for more.
Betty collected herself quickly – Juggie was her friend, she shouldn’t even go there – and found her easy going, teasing self again, the one she always had around him. “Sometimes yeah.” She nodded with sass and he shook his head in amusement, rolling his eyes at how much spank she had in her and at how much he came to like that.
“In all honesty, though” she paused and adjusted herself on the bed, elbow resting on her pillow and head titling to rest on her palm, her golden locks falling over one side making Jughead fight back the urge to play with them “you are a pretty amazing person. And I’m really glad that I get to learn more about you every day.” She smiled genuinely at him and he did too, nodding once before resting a palm behind his head and turning his happy eyes to the ceiling, thinking that he definitely had it bad for the first time in his life.
“Sooo as a well-deserved payback for that…” Betty started and Jughead internally groaned “tell me, Jughead Jones the Third, who was your first kiss.” She gave him a challenging smirk, feeling a light blush starting to form on her cheeks but she wasn’t going to back out, she was curious to know – or that’s what she told herself – and she saw him closing his eyes and huff in exasperation, Betty taking pride at the fact that she was one of the very few people that brought Jughead out of his comfort zone. “And no” she continued in warning “I don’t mean silly kids’ stuff, I mean like a proper kiss.”
“Betty…” he whined through his teeth, eyes still closed and frown lines between his eyebrows deep, really not wanting to share something like that with her, first of all because it was embarrassing and second, well, it was really embarrassing.
“Are you blushing?” she squealed in surprise and full on fluffiness and it was indeed very true, Jughead could feel his skin starting to burn from the back of his neck slowly all the way to his cheeks. “Come on, it can’t be that bad!” she encouraged him with a light shake of his shoulder.
“It was awful.” He groaned like he was in pain and she shrieked a laugh, immediately a hand flying to her lips to cover the sound. “Okay, I need full disclosure here and you’re not allowed to laugh.” He pointed a warning finger in all seriousness and Betty smacked her lips shut, nodding and taking a breath to calm herself.
“Well, it wasn’t really my initiative, I was caught off guard…” Jughead flinched, remembering the dreadful event two summers ago that scared him for life.
“Wait, did somebody actually jump on you?” Betty’s voice went an octave higher in shock and amusement and full curiosity to learn more and he hesitated by nodded. “Shut up! Who was it?!” she begged for more, drumming her palms on his arm in anticipation.
“You’re taking this to the grave.” Jughead warned her once more, and she huffed at how ridiculous he was being. “It was… Ethel.” He chocked in a breath and flinched again, even more now.
“WHAT?! NOO!” Betty fell back against her pillow, a hand coming to cover her lips that opened in shock, feeling amused mostly but a part of her a tad jealous?
“It was awful” he repeated again and closed his eyes to shake away the images “face first, way too much tongue…” he made an expression of vomiting and Betty brought her duvet to her lips to muffle her now hysterical laughter at his face expressions. “I remember I stood there like a statue and when it was over I ran so fast, I arrived home with asthma!” he ended the story with a scoff, feeling second hand embarrassment for his younger self and wishing to somehow erase that entire day from his memories, the day he vowed not to kiss a girl ever again.
“Wow!” Betty lay there stunned, resting a palm on her chest and feeling her raging breath calming down. “That is some first kiss story.” She admitted teasingly.
“Oh please, I die of embarrassment every time I think of it.” Jughead scoffed, narrowing his icy eyes to the ceiling. “Thank God, she never mentioned it or tried anything like that again.” His eyes widened in fear.
“Well, on the bright side, not many guys seem to cause such reactions.” Betty offered half-teasingly, half-true because really she could picture girls going crazy at the sight of him. His bad boy, Judd Nelson vibe really did something to the female population, she thought, or maybe it was just her.
“Not helping.” Jughead replied sarcastically, turning to face her. “And since we are at it” his face suddenly lightened up, his self-pity long forgotten “how about you miss Cooper?”
“Oh no, no, no!” she refused with a vigorous shake of her head. “You don’t get to do that!”
“Says who? There are no such rules!” Jughead objected with a teasing smirk of his own. “Come on then what about your first kiss?” he didn’t really want to make her feel uncomfortable nor did he want to know all the gory details about how dreamy it was and how Archie was an amazing kisser – because seriously the two of them had been best friends since forever, he had to be her first kiss – but he was masochistically curious about it to say the truth.
“Well, my very first kiss—” Betty started and tried to bluff but he cut her off.
“You said so yourself, no silly kids’ stuff. Plus, I know.” He raised an eyebrow.
“You do?” she asked surprised; even she, herself, hardly remembered her first barely kiss.
“Reggie. Fourth grade. It was Archie’s birthday party at Pop’s and you were eating a sundae. He smacked his lips at yours and you spit a very generous mouthful of vanilla ice cream to his face.” Jughead told the story with a pleased smile and Betty’s lips fell open in surprise at how he still remembered all that. “Honestly, that was the highlight of that day.” And that was true because as heartbroken as ten year old Jughead felt seeing another boy, that boy being Reggie, kissing his crush, he felt the happiest kid alive upon seeing her reaction before skipping happily to him and Archie. “Now, I was very sharing with you. Plus, it can’t be worse than mine!”
“Fine!” Betty snapped in annoyance; she should have known that this was going to have a boomerang effect on her. “You’re taking this to the grave.” She repeated his words and Jughead rolled his eyes.
“Is it Sherriff Keller?” he boldly asked with his usual creepy - interrogating expression.
“What!? Ewww!” the blonde made a face of disgust, pushing him away by his shoulder.
He laughed. “I’m just messing with you.” He admitted and sent her a “spill” glare.
She rolled her eyes, annoyed. “It was Veronica.” She shrugged, not looking at him.
Jughead opened his mouth to say the answer he had already prepared but last minute his mind caught up with her words and registered that she indeed had said something entirely else than he thought she would say, making him close his mouth abruptly, open it again and close it again at a loss of words.
“Veronica? As in Veronica Lodge?” the words burst out of his mouth, the boy not actually believing his ears. “Veronica got here a couple of months ago and, like, she is a girl?” well, generally Jughead prided in him being a very open-minded person and, he truly was, but Betty Cooper kissing a girl was a little hard to grasp.
“Both statements are true.” Betty replied matter-of-factly, hesitantly raising her eyes to look at him, waiting for his reaction.
“Are you trying to tell me something, Bets?” Jughead narrowed his baby blues at her and titled his head lightly to the side, feeling his stomach drop a little in disappointment if that meant what he thought it meant. Whatever makes her happy, he truthfully thought at the end.
Betty flinched at the misunderstanding. “No! I didn’t mean it like that; I’m just saying what happened!”
“Wow!” it was his turn now to turn flabbergasted. “If I ask how it was, would it be total douche behavior?” he did really wanna know… for science, of course.
The girl next to him laughed. “It was not bad; Veronica certainly has moves.” She admitted with an appreciative nod, Jughead staring with his lips slightly parted as his mind was working around the new information. He truly would not be able to see B and V together with the same eyes ever again.
“Wow…” he muttered again under his breath.
Betty smacked his chest with the back of her palm. “Stop imagining it.” She laughed and he opened his mouth to say something but she bet him to it. “And no, you’re not allowed to include this in your novel.” He pouted and she grinned, shaking her head at his unexpected behavior.
His chuckle was interrupted by a yawn. “I think we humiliated ourselves enough for a night.”
Betty smiled at how adorable he was, trying to keep his eyes open but failing as they got heavier and heavier, the boy blinking a few times to fight his fatigue away but clearly it was a losing battle. “Yeah…Good night, Juggie.” She whispered but she wasn’t sure if he actually heard her, Betty moving as smoothly as possible to grab his blanket from the floor and cover them both, since they were lying over her floral duvet. She adjusted her pillow more under her head and sneaked her hands between her curly hair and her lavender pillowcase, taking a minute or two to stare at him through the darkness, all relaxed and without any of his usual walls around him as a shield from human interaction, just simple Jughead, clutching a pillow to his chest and letting even, soft breaths through his adorably parted lips.
And Betty felt a tugging at her chest, a tugging she had previously experienced a couple of times upon seeing Archie in the past, but that wasn’t the case with Jughead, it couldn’t be, she made herself believe so to not spend a sleepless night stirring and turning. The boy next to her moved subconsciously further down and closer to her, his head falling left so he was inches away from her face, and there was that smile again on her lips, that silly smile, as Betty moved a finger to brush away the deranged black waves that fell against his eyes before running it lightly over his jawline and making him hum in his sleep. Betty Cooper might indeed have had a sleepless night after all.
“Gotcha!” a cheerful Betty Cooper popped her head from the threshold of the kitchen, causing Jughead to do a sudden one-eighty, an almost empty bowl of food resting on his hand, fork in the air and hints of spaghetti spilling out of his mouth as his eyes were rounded in shock that he got caught.
“Juggie!” she scoffed a laugh. “You already had two overloaded plates of pasta carbonara and you’re still going? I thought you only did that with burgers at Pop’s.” she came in the room, resting a hip against the counter in front of him. “Plus, that was my dinner!”
The tall boy shrugged adorably, forming a sheepish smirk with his full mouth. “I guess I’m sorry?” he finally swallowed and Betty rolled her eyes. “And even though I could eat burgers for the rest of my life, no, my appetite includes any form of fine cuisine.” Or any of what the blonde girl next door prepared with her magic hands.
“It’s fine.” She waved a hand to brush it off, opening the fridge to peak through its contents. “I didn’t want it anyway; I’ll have a salad or something. Don’t want Cheryl over my head going on and on every day about how much of a size zero I’m not.” The girl used one of her signature grimaces, being fed up with the captain of the River Vixens but bottom line falling into the trap of embracing society’s standards about cheerleaders and girls in general, something that she felt guilty about.
Jughead’s eyebrows rose in disbelief at how much of a bitch Cheryl Blossom could actually be, saying those things about anyone and especially Betty who was stunning and totally model-material regarding her looks and body type in his humble opinion. “Screw that evil ginger!” he scoffed in his usual apathetic manner and slouched back on the counter. “You know what they say about gingers having no soul? Well, Cheryl bombshell is the epitome of that statement.” He went on in his clever tone and Betty couldn’t help but laugh.
“Uh, I might agree with you on that.” She offered her aloof response, closing the metallic door of the fridge with her hip. “So, what I came here for in the first place, I’m doing laundry. I gathered some of your shirts too but I don’t know if there’s something else you wanna throw in.” She exited the room and Jughead followed close behind her, down the narrow corridor next to the staircase and into the laundry room at the very back.
“You shouldn’t have, I’m fine.” He spoke somehow uneasily, not really used to that much of attention or being taken care of.
“There’s this thing called laundry machine and it actually does wash clothes by itself so don’t feel so entitled to return your gratitude to me.” Betty teased him and he snorted a laugh, doing that adorable nose flick that the girl across him came to love. “Take off that too.” She pointed to his jeans and busied herself with pulling out some detergents off a cupboard to her left, Jughead’s eyes growing wide in an instant. Did she actually want him to strip for her?
Betty’s ponytail swayed as she snapped her head to face him again, doe eyes looking clueless and way too innocent for her to mean something like that. “The shirt you have around your waist, Juggie.” he heard the words and his hands fisted the red flannel that fell on his sides, eyes blinking a couple of times to help his mind return to its previous zen state. “I’m washing colors; I should put this in too.”
“Yeah, uh, okay.” He quickly unfastened it and gave it to her, his palms sweaty from his short lived – thankfully – moment of awkwardness.
“Jug, there’re two buttons missing from this.” Betty’s candy cane voice turned even more sugary, finding kinda adorable his goofiness and the ‘so what?’ eyebrow he raised at her statement. She just shook her head and let a girly giggle. “Hold on, I’m going to fix this.” She disappeared off somewhere not before instructing him to unload the plastic basket next to his feet inside the washing machine.
He did so, of course, grabbing the basket by its handles in fear of coming into contact with any of Betty’s clothes or, worse, any of her underwear and throwing all the garments inside, thinking that if a couple of months ago somebody had told him that he would be living with Betty Cooper and doing laundry with her, he would seriously have considered him a lunatic. He went to leave the basket to its previous place on the floor but something red on top of his brown boots caught his attention and bended his knees to grab it. A totally bad idea considering that he regretted it the minute he understood what it was, because there he was Jughead Jones holding a red bra – a burgundy very lacey and very see-though bralet to be exact, not that Jughead knew any of the difference – that belonged to no other than the infamous blonde who even without her presence and her perfume could turn his mind into a worthless piece of musk.
Ever since that Friday night he accidentally had fallen asleep at the blonde’s side, Betty refused to let him get back to sleeping on the floor which led to them sharing a bed every night and having Jughead deal with, up to now, foreign for him mind and body reactions. Something that was happening at that very moment too, the boy literally feeling his raging blush coloring all of his face at the sight of the lace that was tangled around his slender fingers. He felt surprised, that Betty Cooper actually owned something like that, and possibly, maybe – honestly, he didn’t even know, he had never ever felt that before with anyone – a little turned on at the thought of seeing her with that thing on. Although it might have been a pain putting it on and taking it off, Jughead briefly thought, examining the almost invisible little clasps at the back in a typical clueless boyish fashion. God, stop thinking about taking things off!
But bottom line he was feeling so beyond ashamed that he suddenly had such thoughts for her, her that he knew all his life and she was such a precious sweetheart, or even worse, that he couldn’t seem to be able to take his eyes nor his hands from that red lace. Something had awakened in him, something he never knew he would experience as a person, as a man, but only from his author point of view and that scared the hell out of him.
“Jug…” Betty’s voice came and he jumped, hands trembling and letting the tiny garment fall down again, now even more ashamed that the person that made him feel so many new things was surely going to be disgusted by him and his primal tendencies. He wasn’t the definition of a gentleman but he prided to be way more mannered and thoughtful regarding women.
“I’m sorry” he started stuttering, bending down in reflex to gather the tiny undergarment and his dignity, Betty doing the same once watching with wide, ashamed eyes what was all about “I didn’t mean to pry on your—ouch!” their foreheads collided with a thud, Jughead’s head bouncing back with a flinch of pain and frustration at how much more of a fool he could make himself to be.
“It’s fine, don’t sweat it, it’s fine.” She kept on muttering like a rehearsed mantra under her breath, rubbing the spot on her forehead that certainly was starting to redden from the hit only to match the bright red blush that decorated her cheeks. She hadn’t put anything remotely private of hers in that basket on purpose, for exactly that reason, for not risking Jughead seeing anything he wasn’t supposed to see and her dying of utter humiliation right on the spot, because she wasn’t that attractive or sexy for that matter and she didn’t want to see another boy that she had maybe starting to like reject her again.  So she hid the damn thing inside the back pocket of her jeans and closed her arms insecurely around herself, not daring to look him in the eyes.
Jughead licked his lips to find the right words, upon seeing how defensive she got. “I wasn’t snooping through your stuff. It just dropped off the pile of clothes and I picked it up, I’m sorry, please don’t think anything bad about it.” He pleaded with sad blue eyes and Betty dropped hers to the ground, replying with a small voice.
“I’m not thinking anything of you…” she admitted truthfully, kicking the machine that separated them lightly with her heel of her converse just out of spite. “I’m just embarrassed that you saw…that.” Her grimace and full on doe eyes, had him smiling at how adorably cute she was.
“Well, my experience with girls might be limited to none but I’m not a Neanderthal, I do know that all of you wear such stuff.” Jughead used his self-sarcasm to make the situation lighter and cheer her up. “Plus I could have found something worse like pink razors or, God Forbid, tampons, just everyday things that gross out any macho guy that respects himself and his unsuppressed masculinity, right?” he went on in his typical sardonic manner, Betty cracking a smile and shaking her head at how actually amazing he was.
“Get out of here, you dork, and let me do laundry.” She pushed him out of the way, lovey-dovey smile intact while messing with some buttons on the washing machine panel.
“Yes, traditional gender roles!” Jughead threw his head back and groaned in fake delight before straightening up his back. “And like the man I am I’m gonna go out and hunt our food.” He announced like a bad caricature of a caveman.
“Are you really?” Betty played on amused, raising an eyebrow.
Jughead slouched back to his normal posture, resting an arm against the wooden threshold. “No, not really.” Betty chuckled loudly at his beaten expression. “But I’m going to buy you the most delicious, extra filled burger that I’ll find at Pop’s along with those Texas bacon cheese fries you like.” He said with a sweet smile that Betty returned biting her down lip because she was scared her face would break with how much she was smiling right now.
“And a milkshake?” she asked shyly with her look under her eyelashes that had him sold.
“And a milkshake.” Jughead nodded once, being at her service. “Vanilla as always?”
“Nah…” Betty shook her head and said in a sweet, almost flirty voice. “I’m up for some strawberry right now.”
Jughead smirked and winked, leaving Betty behind to deal with a slightly big problem of butterflies in her stomach.
“Alright, I’m taking a shower.” Betty announced from her vanity and Jughead nodded to nobody else but himself as he was scrolling through his phone, back resting on the headboard of her bed. It was Tuesday morning and the two teens were once again alone in the house, Betty’s parents leaving in the middle of the night for the newspaper since some shockingly news about Jason Blossom’s case had sprung to life.
The blonde damsel of Jughead’s stories moved quietly around the room gathering her stuff before she made her way to the bathroom and he finally made the decision to get out of bed and start getting ready for another specifically long day at Riverdale High, filled with gossip and hushed whispers. The atmosphere would be a tad heavy today, the larky boy thought, just like it was in this room since they had woken up, an air of awkwardness and teenage angst lingering between the otherwise drama-free duo.
Because today Jughead and Betty didn’t wake up like they always used to; wrapped in each of their covers and to their respective sides. They woke up all wrapped up with each other and in a tangled up mess of limbs, not knowing where he ended and where she began.
The blipping of his alarm along with the simple chime of her phone receiving a text, that being her mom informing her about hers and her dad’s whereabouts, were what brought the two friends away from dreamland two hours ago, both groggily cracking their eyes open and freaking out internally at the state they were in. Jughead was lying on his back with both his arms around Betty, slender fingers laced together on her waist over the cotton material of her grey t-shirt and Betty was practically on top of him, head resting on his chest, an arm being thrown over his stomach and fingers even lingering on the small patch of bare flesh on his hipbone that his rolled up t-shirt left uncovered, not to mention one of her miles long legs that was comfortably rested between his bony ones, delicious hitched over a part of him that Jughead didn’t quite know functioned before those days spent with her.
Their reaction was straight out of a comic book, both flying far back to either side of the bed and blushing scarlet without knowing what to do or say since they’d never been in a situation like this before. They behaved really maturely about it and decided not to exchange a single word all morning, their only communication being Betty informing him that her parents were gone and that she was going to take a shower just minutes ago, both ashamed to even look each other in the eye anymore, like if they did, a ticking grenade was going to explode between them.
Jughead sighed and kicked the covers off his legs, momentarily focusing on the space between them where Betty’s smooth leg was lying for God knows how many hours, the boy mentally slapping himself for envisioning again and again their up close and personal morning. He got out of bed grumpily and run a hand through his untamed waves, deciding that it was time to stop brooding over it, they just cuddled, it was nothing and obviously it meant nothing to her so end of story, everything was cool.
Seeing as Betty was going to take a couple more minutes in the shower, Jughead decided that it was high time he got dressed for the day, quickly taking off his t-shirt and getting rid of his sweatpants, after making sure the blinds were intact and Archie wasn’t getting a private show, but the abruptly crack of the door had him once again deep in humiliation for the second time this morning. Someone up there must have had great fun torturing him.
“My mom is here!” Betty Cooper stormed in the room like wild wind, hair disheveled and horrified expression shading her pretty features, Jughead’s heart starting to pound in his chest at the news but mostly at the fact that he was, well, naked in front of her.
“Betty! I’m not decent!” his shaky voice raised an octave and subconsciously his hands flew to cover his manhood over his boxers, at least thankful that his choice of underwear was plane grey and not his pizza print boxers that he loved but wasn’t exactly supposed to be seen by people. “And obviously you aren’t too.” His words slowly died on his lips once he noticed her full appearance, her pajama shirt still intact but the matching shorts nowhere to be found underneath it, just a long view of legs just for him. His eyes couldn’t help but scan her lower part, Jughead gulping once, twice even three times in difficulty at the sight of her tanned legs and he felt something stir where his hands still laid protectively.
“God! I’m sorry!” the blonde groaned flushing dark red again, doing an one-eighty to face the door and turn her back at him, not helping at all with the boy’s situation since her gorgeous behind was in full display for him, semi covered with her shirt and semi revealing a dark peppermint green lace peaking from under it. Jughead’s head snapped to the left in reflex, feeling a tad of guilt for seeing his long term friend like that and secretly loving it. His eyebrows rose and his lips formed a soundless “oh man”, cause really when did Betty stop being Betty, all-American sweet girl next door, and became that hot woman? All he remembered from their swims at Sweetwater River when they were kids was a chubby little girl with always the brightest choices of swimwear. Now all he could see was female curves that, damn, were a sight to look at for days.
“It’s that I was about to get in the shower but I heard mom’s car rounding the corner, the tires make a hissing sound so I recognize them, and I panicked, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to storm out on you and like that…” Betty kept rambling on, biting her lip nervously, because really today wasn’t the best day for them. Not that she was complaining that he saw him without his buggy dark clothes. It seemed that they did hide a lot of interesting things, Betty thought and blushed even more, biting her lip harder and filling thankful that he couldn’t see her face right now.  
The sound of footsteps jogging up the stairs interrupted any train of her thought, naughty or nice. Betty actually feared for their lives.
“She’s coming up!” she freaked out in a shrieking whisper, running to a terrified Jughead that desperately was trying to find a place to hide while gathering in panic the stuff he had thrown around. “Under the bed, under the bed!” Betty instructed, pushing on his bare shoulders, him easily slouching down and rolling into his hiding spot, the girl kicking with her foot his combat boots under the bed with him too and throwing his jeans with force against his bare chest, Jughead letting an “oomph” of surprise just as the bedroom door opened and an imposing Alice Cooper appeared.
“Mom, hey!” Betty greeted her way too cheerfully and even Jughead raised a disbelieving eyebrow in unison with her mother. “I-I thought you were at the paper.” She moved to the bed as if she was fixing her deranged covers, but only just to be within reaching distance in case her mom came over to inspect her room further, giving Jughead a view of her panties in all their glory, the raven haired boy dropping his jeans to his eyes and squinting them close, praying to God to blind him cause after this image he surely didn’t know if he could go on with his life.
“Yeah, I’m not staying. Just dropped by to take some papers your father forgot.” Alice informed her in her usual cold manner, frowning when noticing that her daughter’s focus wasn’t her but the floor next to her. “Are you alright?”
“Of course, yeah, I am, totally fine!” Betty babbled and Jughead could feel his life ending, one, because of all that he endured that fine morning and two because of the fact that Betty was a terrible liar. “Just getting ready for school.” She tried to sound aloof and grabbed a pair of jeans from her wardrobe, jumping lightly to slide them on her legs. He wasn’t going to admit it but Jughead did pout upon seeing them finally covered.
“Hm.” Alice hummed suspiciously. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it smelled like a boy in here.” He tried to catch her in her lie and the stray boy under the bedframe could have bet money that they were busted.
“B-boy?” Betty chocked on her breath and laughed uneasily. “Mom! Come on! How could I have a boy in my room without you noticing?” Betty scoffed like that was impossible, shaky fingers clumsily pushing up her window for fresh air to fill the room in reflex to her words and Alice seemed to back off, even though she wasn’t entirely sure about her daughter’s mental state.
“Alright.” She shrugged. “Since I am here, I’ll drive you to school.” She offered.
“Mom, no, I’ll walk—” Betty tried to object but her mother bet her to it.
“Betty, put a shirt and take your things. I’ll be in the car.” She left no room for further discussion and left the room, both her daughter and the boy she was hiding letting the breath they were holding.
Jughead popped from under the bed but the girl shushed him, twirling around like a mad woman not wanting to waste any time, because she knew her mom would be storming in her room again if she wasn’t downstairs in seconds.
“There are spare keys inside the second drawer of the dresser next to the front door.” Betty curled her sneakers and her bag to her chest while giving him hushed instructions. “Don’t forget to lock it behind you. I’ll see you at school.” She snatched her jacket and a shirt and walked quickly out of the room to get changed before Jughead heard her hop down the stairs and minutes later Alice Cooper’s car speeding down the road. And just like that he fell back on the floor contemplating life and thinking that getting involved with a girl in any sense was indeed very tiring.
It was an hour later that the Jones boy passed the wide entrance of Riverdale High with headphones intact and loud music blasting through his skull, blocking away the offensive whispering of the people around him about yet again Jason Blossom. He went straight to his locker and started rearranging some of his books, his eyes wandering around and catching a glimpse of her from across the corridor doing the same. As if she knew his baby blues were on her, Betty looked at him and she smiled apologetically to him, mouthing a sorry for the crazy morning they had. He just brushed it off with a shake of his head and gave her his usual smirk, not really managing to stop his eyes from wandering further down to take in her appearance. Amongst all the blue of her jeans and her sweater something plaid red was peaking from her collar and her waist and his eyebrows shot up in shock. On an onlooker it might look like she was spicing up her outfit with some color but to somebody that knew it would look so strange since Betty Cooper didn’t own even a single plaid shirt and that very one was something that Jughead Jones was sporting day after day.
He subtly pointed to his collar praying that he understood her signal but Betty just looked down at her in confusion before looking back up at him and shrugging in a silent “what?”. Some girls from her science class approached her and their eye conversation cut short, Jughead pushing his text books for first period in his bag and closing his locker, before sprinting to the blonde’s side.
Kevin was a tad faster than him. “Hey, Betty, cool shirt. Isn’t it Jughead’s?” he raised an eyebrow looking between the two of them, Betty’s crimson red blush appearing to her cheeks again, now coming to understand her gaffe. Somewhere between her morning humiliation and her hurry so for her mom not to suspect anything more she had ended up picking the wrong shirt, that shirt being Jughead’s.
“Yeah, she was cold so I lent it to her.” The other boy came to her rescue, nodding down at her with a cute side smirk, Betty agreeing with a vigorous shake of her head.
Thankfully the bell ringing didn’t leave any space for more conversation and the three friends started walking towards their chemistry class. And as Kevin was in front of them bubbling happily about his very first official date with Joaquin, Jughead, feeling rather bold after the events of that morning, placed a soft palm at the small of Betty’s back, leaning to whisper next to her hear. “You look good with my shirt on.” He complimented her and saw even her freckles turn a lovely shade of red before offering him her sweetest grin and whispering a shy thank you back. Yes, getting involved with a girl was tiring but in Betty’s case it was all worth it.
Where are you? Please just let me know you’re ok. I’m worried about you.
Betty’s trembling thumps typed quickly the message and she pressed ‘send’, the new blue bubble that appeared on her phone screen joining the three other unanswered ones that held a similar content. She waited two seconds and then threw her phone on the duvet next to her with venom, snapping her eyes shut and letting fresh tears run down her already soaked cheeks. She wasn’t crying because she had been yelled at for barely an hour by her dear mother nor because she was grounded for the rest of time.
She was crying because he left and because he probably wouldn’t want to speak to her ever again.
It had been the perfect afternoon. Betty had done amazing in her cheerleading practice, even earning a compliment for the very first time from Cheryl Blossom herself, and once practice was over, Jughead was there waiting out of the school gym, left leg bended by the knee and resting to the wall behind him while he was watching something on his phone, looking dangerously handsome in some black attire, insisting on buying her a triple extra sundae at Pop’s since he now had official employee discount, the old man finally offering the boy the job he desperately needed.
Today it was the first time they hugged. Betty couldn’t really help but jump in his arms with a happy squeal upon hearing the news, because she knew first-hand how hard everything was on him and because his happy smile was the best thing she’d seen in her life and the true highlight of her day. And of course she got to have that sinful sundae – with extra topping, as he requested – the two of them spending hours at Pop’s, just talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company.  
Today was the first time they held hands; like proper hand holding not the usual brush of touch sometimes they happened to have. They were walking back to her house, their chat animated and still going strong, with Betty seeing Jughead for the first time being so optimistic and genuinely trouble-free and loving so much that side of him that wished for everything to come in his life the way he dreamed, because he deserved it, he of all of them. And just as she was busy thinking how happiness suited him and he looked even more handsome under the stars that night, she felt his long slim fingers dance around hers ever so lightly, before finding their place at the space between hers and locking there like they had clicked, like they were designed to fit perfectly with hers and hers only. Betty eased his nerves with a bright welcoming smile and a light squeeze of her palm against his and Jughead exhaled a nervous sigh through his smiley lips, glad that they were taking it one step at a time and she was following his pace.
And today was the day it all came crushing down between them as far as they reached the porch stairs of the Coopers’ residence, the two teens getting ambushed but a ready-to-kill Alice Cooper that turned their lovesick smiles into ice.
After that it was just a mess of screams and insults, Betty’s mom having found the backpack of Jughead’s belongings as she once again went snooping in the girl’s room, shouting at how disappointed she was at Betty and her tendencies of always getting involved with the wrong crowd, addressing Jughead with words like stray and lowlife and delinquent, him just standing there and looking at the ground and Betty crying and screaming back how she hated her and how much of a awful mother she was being. And mist the fire of it all, the raven haired boy that never seemed to have a chance to happiness, had pushed his backpack up his shoulder and walked away, doing what he knew best; disappear.
Hours had passed since then and not a single text of hers about his wellbeing was answered, Betty being locked up in her room and crying her pretty eyes out for the boy that made her heart meant and beat again, even faster than ever before. She had never cried for anything or anyone that much in the past, not even for Archie, having that sinking feeling inside her chest, that burden that left her there breathing with difficulty and sobbing hard with trembles of sorrow running down her spine.
Didn’t find him anywhere. You want me to tell my dad? Her phone chimed and she rushed to read the text, momentarily hopping that it was from him and he was ok, but it was just from Kevin, the poor boy offering to go out looking for Jughead once Betty had called him with hiccups interrupting her sobbing words, asking for his help.
She was about to text him back to do so because at that point she was really worried but her blurry eyes were making this a difficult task, the blonde beauty swiping a hand violently under her eye and trying to gain some control of her messy state. Her mind was spinning with all the possible scenarios, with mostly bad to worse popping up first, and she was so caught up in her thoughts that didn’t even hear her window being opened behind her and the boy she wished to see more than anything else right now climbing inside her room.  
“Is there any room for me?” Betty heard his voice, soft and soothing, and her reflexes where never that quick before in her life, turning around on her bed and gasping a loud relieved sigh that he was there and well before storming in his arms.
“Juggie…” she sobbed against the hard material of his denim jacket, her whole body shaking from the force of her cries and Jughead shushing her and holding her tight.
“Hey, hey, please don’t cry for me…Bets, please, it’s okay…” he kept saying and trying to offer her some comfort, alternating his hands from running up and down her sides and his arms from wrapping securely around her.
“I was so worried about you, I thought something bad happened.” She pulled back to look at him, placing both her palms on his face and examining him closely.
He did the same, taking in her way too puffy eyes, their breathtaking color a tad less bright, and her flushed cheeks, his heart breaking a little at the sight of her, knowing that he was to blame. “I’m fine. I told you I know how to take care of myself.” he assured her, bringing his thump to brush away some tears that still lingered under her eyes.
“I’m so sorry about my mom…” Betty started in a low ashamed voice, knowing that everything her mother had said was out of line and unfair to him. “What she said—”
Jughead cut her off. “Alice Cooper has called me a sleaze at the age of ten; the time I cared about her opinion is long gone.” He replied with a shrug. “No offence.” She just shook her head at his way of still not wanting to insult her or her awful of a mother. “I didn’t leave for what she said to me, I left for you. It’s not fair for you to go through any of this trouble for me.” He confessed with sadness in his eyes, feeling awful that she had to go through hell just because he happened to be in her life.
“And it’s not fair for you to deal with everything on your own.” Betty insisted with such intensity in her eyes that left him with zero comebacks. “Where are your things?” she wondered, looking down around him and taking a step back, the two teens getting untangled from each other. “Don’t tell me you went back to the Blue & Gold.”
Jughead shook his head no, burying his hands inside the pocket of his jeans. “I talked to Archie…” he started and saw the girl across him raise her eyes at that. “That’s why I wasn’t replying to your messages, I’m sorry…” he felt really guilty at that, guilty that made her worry so much for him. “Told him everything, how I lost my home, staying here, what happened with your mom… He was bumped that I didn’t go to him from the beginning but we did that bro thing which we give each other a clean slate and start back again.” He let a small chuckle at this but composed himself immediately, regarding the situation.
Betty smiled, even though she knew this meant he was going to leave her behind just like that. “I’m glad you patched things up with him.” She was, really.
He nodded. “Fred said that I can take their spare bedroom for the time being and Archie and I are planning to rebuild their garage; make it my bedroom and a joined man cave.”
It was Betty’s time to nod, pretending to be ok with all that, but her eyes betrayed her as the waterfalls threatened to spill from them again, the girl looking away and biting her lip to hold back another round of stupid tears.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Jughead rushed to her and enveloped her in his arms again, leaving a butterfly kiss on her temple. “What are you crying for now, huh? I’m here, I’m well and you’ll still gonna see my stupid face every day from some meters away.” He tried to lighten the mood and cheer her up, pulling back to look down at her with a loving smile, his hands dropping to her waist and fingers playing with the hem of the blue and yellow blouse of her cheerleader uniform, Betty still haven’t been bothered to change with all the events that happened tonight. Jughead liked her in that uniform; the tiny skirt was leaving her legs uncovered and he had come to realize that he had a soft spot for them as much as her eyes.
“It’s just” she took a deep breath and brushed her palms over her eyes stubbornly; she was so sick of crying “I liked having you here, you know?” she admitted and Jughead rewarded her with his boyish smirk which immediately pull something in her heart. “Ever since Polly…left” she chose carefully the word “this house had been so damn silent!” her voice broke at that and Jughead frowned in sympathy; he knew that feeling very well. “Those days that you’ve been here, they reminded me of the ones I got to spend with her and it made me feel so much less alone.” Betty sobbed the last part and some mascara filled tears run down her cheeks, making Jughead hold her close again, leaning back to rest against the small wooden bench of her window, letting her water his jacket with salty tears and just rubbing her back, offering hushed promises that everything was going to be ok.
They didn’t know how much time they stayed like that, just holding each other and Betty spilling everything that’s being pilling up inside her, but eventually her cries died and the only sound around them was their even breaths and the crickets chirping away in the night sky.
“Thank you for making me feel less alone.” Betty raised her head from his shoulder to look at him.
“Thank you for making me feel that I wasn’t invisible.” He mused back and caressed her cheek, his thump drawing patterns against her faint freckles, and he saw her eyes shine again, shine with something else that he hadn’t seen before, something so intense that even authors can’t find the right words to describe it.
Jughead heard her take in a sharp breath and it was as if she had commanded him to lean closer, their faces inches away from each other, noses almost bopping. Her long eyelashes fanned against his face, her eyes blinking rapidly in what seemed like anticipation and he felt her melt against him once he titled his head slightly to the side. The raven haired boy felt at a loss, like he didn’t have any control of his mind and body, like everything was on autopilot on his part, not really sure what to do or how to do it but going with his gut and placing his other hand on her waist, making her jump up straight and sigh against his chapped lips. The action caused him to drop his eyes to her own lips, full, pink and always inviting, and he saw her tongue coming out to lick them, Jughead knowing right there that he needed to kiss her, to have even just a small taste, otherwise he would die at that very moment.
“I think I’m gonna kiss you, Betty Cooper.” His lips formed the words almost against her lips and she closed her eyes, angling her head in a delicious way, waiting for him to go on with his promise.
“You better do.” Or I’ll die, she continued in her mind before feeling the slightest of touches against her petal lips, excitement shooting through her system like a drug and having her asking for more by lacing her arms behind his neck.
Jughead felt her mouth part in invitation and her fingers deliver the softest of caresses at the sensitive skin of his neck and he dove in for real this time, kissing her with all the build-up tension he had inside him, bringing her flat against his body by her waist and opening his mouth to savor hers with all he got, both of them sighing in the kiss, pushing, pulling, nibbling, sucking. And when the slightest of moans left her sweet like candy cane and strawberries mouth and vibrated through him whole, Jughead couldn’t help but attack her with new passion, leaning all the way towards her and seeking entrance with his tongue, something that Betty gladly accepted, squealing in delight and tugging at his mess of raven hair to bring him even closer.
“So that’s what a real kiss is like…” the boy murmured inside the kiss awestruck, Betty pulling back lightly to giggle and him following her mouth blindly, not ready yet to escape the sweetest flavor he had ever tasted.
“Not quite bad, huh?” Betty smiled against his lips and pecked them once, twice, three times while caressing up and down his jawline, feeling the happiest girl in the whole wide world.
“Perfect is the only thing that goes with you.” Jughead’s low voice sent a shiver down her spine and she dropped her forehead on his in affection, before their lips met again in the sweetest battle of dominance. 
Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper were finally not hiding anymore.
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Working Girl
Working Girl By superkara Or, the supercat barista AU that deserves to be written, because Cat Grant in summer dresses, because lattes with hearts on them, because Kara Danvers serving said lattes. All this needs to be seen, because it simply does. I give credit to defygravity79 once again, because the whole thing was proofread and edited beautifully, with her assistance, and honestly, this wouldn't have been possible, or half as good, without her. Thank you so so much. You're a Supergirl too, please know this. Cat Grant/Kara Danvers Rating: M+ Song: Working Girl- Train I don't own the song, or the characters, and this is mere fun. But damn, is it ever good fun. For supercatslam alternative. April 2017 Cat was a watcher. She was a journalist, watching people was her thing. And becoming a CEO, running a multi media empire, it hadn't dampened that young thrill inside her at all. Though Cat did her people watching in a much more comforting manner now, from a certain bench on Pilot Street, watching the shops across the road, watching the small shops and businesses run and thrive, watching the people filter in and out, grabbing coffee on the way to wherever or settling into patios for gelato or a small meal. Cat didn't have time to do this as often as she would prefer, but once midweek, and usually on weekends, this became her place. This white, worn down metal bench, cold and rough. But it offered a nice spot in the sun, and right now, on this breezy summer Saturday, Cat couldn't complain about it. She knew people saw her, and that it might seem strange, seeing the Queen Of All Media like this, laid back and casual in a tank top and white slacks, with simple summer sandals and a pale blue silk scarf as an impromptu hair band that tied back her shoulder length curls. It definitely wasn't what people pegged when they thought of Cat Grant. But Cat didn't much care, thinking this was so nice. Such a sweet change. And besides, from here Cat could watch the corner coffee shop by the name of Aurora's. That shop. Something about it was just interesting to Cat, and she smirked to herself as she sipped from her water bottle, wondering if everyone could plainly see on her face that the most interesting thing at said coffee shop was not the perfectly made lattes with leaves and beautiful designs painted into them or the decadent pastries and savoury sandwiches in the cases. It was the beautiful young barista behind the counter that seemingly slipped about on weightless feet, serving perfect lattes and treats to people who adored her. And why not? She was stunning. Cat had been on her way over to Catco one morning and had caught the pretty girl as she was opening up the umbrellas and placing out platters of samples for people to try, a new sandwich that Cat had to admit, was incredible. Cat smiled at the memory of stunningly bright blue eyes and slick dirty blond waves twisted into a fancy bun, and shook her head lightly. Certainly wasn't the first time that Cat had been caught eyeing up a girl, Cat knew past tabloids well enough, scandals about her and whoever it had been at the time, male or female. Cat had an extensive list. Every time she was seen walking alongside someone, somebody had questions to ask. But Cat didn't offer answers. It was her life. Whatever they thought, she didn't care. She had the right to make her own choices. Though admittedly, after two divorces and two sons, Cat couldn't discount that finding the one was hard. Maybe impossible, at this age, Cat was almost 50. 50, unmarried, divorced, mother of two amazing boys, she had her list of necessity. But then, she still looked 35, people complimented her constantly, yeah, Cat was still hot. Cat smiled as she noticed two now familiar baristas outside the shop, raising umbrellas and opening their balcony gates, pushing open the large glass doors and watering the flowers on the railings. Hmm. She was there again. Always there, and always beautiful. Cat watched as she helped an elderly lady up the steps and to a seat on the patio, then winked her way inside and in a moment returned with a cup of brewed coffee and what looked like a bagged muffin. Cat decided to go over, having known since getting up that morning that if the girl were there working, she'd get her ristretto shot latte with nonfat and a sprinkle of vanilla. Because the girl made it best. So Cat went over and stepped up the stone balcony and towards the entrance, smiling as the girl she liked so much sped around eagerly and happily, filling stands and cream canisters, lids and straws, smiling the whole time. It was infectious. When the girl practically ran into Cat as she carried a tray of canisters and little plexi bins outside, Cat couldn't help but widen her grin. Such a bundle of energy, this girl was stunning in every right, golden hair glinting in the sunlight. ''You're usual, Catherine?'' The girl asked, her voice bright and bubbly, and Cat looked her over as she stopped with a little bounce beside her, smiling eagerly, eyes bright and happy. ''Can I interest you in anything added to it today? Maybe that spinach and feta wrap you enjoyed a sample of? Maybe a cookie or an orange bran muffin?'' ''Mm, just my latte today, thank you.'' Cat stopped, looking at the tiny silver painted name tag, with Kara artfully handwritten on it, with a little red heart after. ''Keira.'' Kara looked at her for a second, but then bounced her way inside in behind the countertop to start making Cat's usual, and Cat smiled to herself as she withdrew money from her bag, and placed a generous tip into the small mason jar sitting on the countertop behind the glass holding some spices and various toppings, giving the young barista a genuine smile as she accepted the ceramic cup with a perfect leaf painted into the foam on top and took a slow sip, licking at her lip as the vanilla danced on her tongue. ''Perfect, as usual. Thank you.'' Cat said, then grabbed a stir stick and went back outside, settling into one of the seats by the end, where she had good view of the street and it's bustling activity, but also of the interior of the shop. Because everyone with any sanity knew she wouldn't be watching the street. Cat doubted an honest to god apocalypse in the street could tear Cat's eyes away from that beautiful barista by the name of ''Keira.'' And damn, Cat had to restrain herself and even argue with herself on that, because as pretty and attractive as that girl was, as much as Cat knew she was already attracted to her, that 5'8 beauty with bold blue eyes and bright hair and an even brighter smile could not be more than 25 or so. And that, Cat couldn't even consider it. That girl was half her age. If only that number meant something to Cat's hormones. ---------- The next few weeks passed quite quickly, with Cat stopping for her morning latte daily, usually perfectly made by Keira. Except for today, and rare other days, though, for some odd reason, the girl was not in. It wasn't that unusual, everyone had to have a day off, and Cat shrugged it off lightly, though the other girls never made her drink quite as nicely. Cat felt saddened walking into Catco, and although she knew it was due to her new little obsession of a girl being unavailable, Cat tried not to think about it all that deeply. Just another girl, right? Like any other... Cat stopped, looking at the insane walls of TV's behind her desk and the endless files on her desk, and the iPad handed to her almost instantly when she passed her assistant's desk. Cat stared at the dark screen, another Supergirl save, another beautiful shot of an even more beautiful heroine. Cat smiled, looking her over, before handing back the machinery, moving towards her desk. Another day, another hero saving a life, another typical afternoon in National City. Cat would have thought nothing of it, but this had been happening for a few weeks now, and seemingly, every time there was a Supergirl broadcast, Keira was out of Aurora's. Cat was a journalist. Seeing things was her job. So noticing these little oddities was also her thing. Which was why she knew, without a doubt, that her favourite, super cute barista that she already had a crush on, was Supergirl. It made total sense if Cat thought about it. She even looked like her. Blonde. Blue eyes. About 25. Cat found it almost funny that she hadn't seen it until now. So that's why, the next day, another quiet Saturday, Cat found Kara again working at her shop, in her place, but Cat took her place inside today, in the far corner with one of the set up wifi computers, and watched. Because watching was what she did. Cat watched Kara buzz about quietly, being kind and sweet to absolutely everyone, keeping effortlessly busy, sometimes stopping for random seconds to check her phone for a text or something, then moving on. Cat took notes, writing down the fact that she had the same hair, vibrant eyes, and now, Cat noticed, she had what Supergirl had, the linebacker shoulders, the strong arms beneath her crisp pressed white blouse. And damn Cat if it was anything other than just plain delightful. She was beautiful. And now Cat saw it all. The tiny changes, the tiny little things that weren't seen before. When she lifted a box, it looked to be just a little too easy. The lattes were perfect, as always, but her hand was so steady, so perfectly stable, Cat smiled as she played with the foam leaf on her drink, watching Kara work. And she could only think. How would she get Keira to ever admit her secret? ---- Cat watched from her seat on the deck, Kara moving about, happily now behind the bar serving some wine and random drinks, mixing things without any faults. The girl really knew it all. And how to do it, too. She multitasked everything, serving everyone efficiently and silently, talking with staff and customers, always with a smile. Cat waited until the crowd thinned somewhat and Kara finished up at the bar, and moved back to the counter where she made another latte and then came around to wipe off some tables and change up the creamer, fixing a timer on the plexi glass wall that hid the espresso machines as she did. The girl was so epic, doing everything with such ease and perfect pattern that Cat could stare at her forever. But she really had to go to Catco today, not sit here watching her favourite barista like a lovesick teen. Cat collected her mug and went inside, intending to say goodbye to Kara, and that she'd return tomorrow for her regular, but stopped just inside when she saw Kara run off and slip into the stockroom once no customers were about of the other staff were able to deal. Kara asked for a break, Cat heard her say ten minutes, and then slipped away. Cat heard her look about, to make sure she wasn't being watched as she slipped to the room with the key, and Cat quickly looked away at a special display wine bottle on the shelf beside her, watching out of the corner of her eye as Kara slipped inside, closing the door behind her. Cat was about to move, to hand off her mug and plate from her croissant, when she saw the door slip open just an tiny bit. Cat almost ignored it, but the flash of blue was enough to stop her. And then red. And then a flash of gold. Blonde hair came shiny and straight down her back, curling at the ends, and Cat gasped, staring at the slightly open stockroom with an open mouth and sly grin on her face. Her suspicions confirmed. Kara was Supergirl. Cat stepped forward without thought, intending to make sure of what she was seeing, and was stopped by a man in front of her, she almost crashed into him. Cat apologized quickly, and brought her eyes back to the door just past the far end of the bar, and stopped. It was wide open, slightly swinging still, back and forth between the frame, but clearly empty. Cat glanced around, no Kara. Apparently, she had taken that break. Or was it? Cat set her cup and plate on the take off counter of the cafe bartop table and slipped outside quickly, her eyes to the sky. Well... After a moment, Cat settled back into her seat, having to watch this play out, and told her assistant at Catco that she would be in a few moments late, and sat back to watch. Sure enough, ten minutes later Kara was back, coming back from somewhere in the back that Cat couldn't see from her seat, and only saw her pull her beautiful golden hair back into a high ponytail as she slid effortlessly back into the staff and vanished into making another latte. But even there, she was standing out, her gold hair practically glowing. Cat smiled and quickly walked in to say bye to Kara, who smiled that damned insanely bright grin, and waved her off, and Cat left, smiling. Happy. She knew something now. Because Cat was a watcher. And watchers knew all the secrets. ------- The next morning, Cat settled in to the cafe slowly, looking around the restaurant for a few moments while she waited for the crowd to thin out a bit. Kara was lonely today it seemed, only one other barista in the shop, working on the other end to set up the bar seats and baskets of cutlery and setting out samples. That was all the better for Cat. She only needed Kara's attention for a short moment, but she wanted it to count. To see the look on Kara's face. When Cat finally stepped up to the counter, Kara immediately spun and came over, smiling brightly. ''The usual, Catherine?" "Yes, of course. Today I'll take it to go, though. I have to be at work earlier today." It was no lie, Cat was running a bit late, but for Kara, well, Cat was never one to pass up a good story. "I'll also take a cheddar wrap with that today though. Warm, please." "That'll be $8.72 then. And I'll get right on it." "Keira, may I ask you something?" Cat said quietly as Kara grabbed her wrap and slipped it into the oven and began on the latte, steaming the milk effortlessly. "Yes, of course. What's going on?" Cat looked around as Kara bagged up her treat and handed it over, blue eyes fixed on Cat's own green ones as she did, listening intently. ''I saw you the other day. When you went on your break." Kara stopped, perfectly made latte in hand, halfway to the take off counter, and her lips parted, Kara's wide eyes looking at Cat in shock. Kara quickly placed the latte on the counter, her hand shaking, before she would drop it from shock, and Cat grabbed a lid, looking at Kara as she did so, smiling kindly. "It's alright. I won't tell on you. I can keep a secret." Kara stared at her for a long moment, clearly wondering if there was a way for her to deny it, and Cat had to give the girl credit for trying. "I... that? That was... I'm not..." Kara stammered, unsure where she should even begin, until Cat's intense gaze stopped her. "Kara. I said it's okay. I understand, even if I'm a bit shocked at the revelation. I know you didn't mean to flash it, and I won't say anything. But I'd like to talk to you. Nothing bad, I promise. Tomorrow is Saturday, are you working?" Kara barely nodded, still shocked into silence, and kept her eyes locked on Cat's, her cheeks flaming pink. "What time do you get a break?" "Uh... 11 maybe?" Kara managed to say, her throat dry. "Mind if I drop by? We can talk. I promise you, I don't intend anything bad. I just want to get to know you. The real you.'' --- The next day --- ''Sit outside with me?" Cat asked, Kara nervously shifting from one foot to another as she untied her apron, placing it over the swinging counter door that was the employee entrance. "Kara, I promise you, you can trust me.'' "Catherine, I..." ''I just want to talk. We don't even have to talk about... that.'' Cat gestured barely, and saw relief flicker in Kara's blue eyes. ''I just want to get to know you. The real you, the girl who makes my latte like a pro and perfectly every day.'' Cat watched her look about, nervously biting her lip, looking at the girl behind the countertop, who was smiling at her happily. Kara looked back, and Cat smiled as the girl met her eyes again, nodding slightly. Cat led her outside, picking a sunlit patio table with an umbrella, and watched Kara settle into the opposite seat as hers, picking the most sun filled seat out of the 3 available. Kara turned her face to the sun, gold hair glinting brightly in the light, and Cat smiled. This girl was so adorable, it was invigorating. She couldn't remember the last time she'd met someone so... interesting. Kara sighed at the breeze that filtered onto the deck, and then looked back at Cat, her eyes sparkling in the sun, and Cat felt her heart skip. This girl, an alien superhero? Cat actually wondered why she hadn't seen it before. Right now, she looked... above the rest. Right now, it was so obvious. "Thank you, Kara." Cat began, finding her throat dry and reaching for her iced coffee. "For talking to me." Cat finished after a short sip of the vanilla sweetened beverage. "You won't reveal me, will you?" Kara asked, and Cat smirked at the tone of her voice, now guarded and a little colder, but still like warm honey, like a beautiful melody. "I can promise you I will not." "I'm serious, Catherine." Kara said a little more sharply, just enough bite to let Cat know she was entirely serious, and the power that lay beneath those gorgeous hands. "I cannot, under any circumstances, have my identity out there. It needs to remain just between us. No names, no exclusives, no reveals." "I understand your hesitation, Kara. I'm the queen of all media, after all. But I'm nothing if not good at fulfilling promises. I swear to you, I won't out you. Revealing Supergirl's identity is the last thing I want to do. All I want is to get to know you." Cat said softly, whispering the name to make sure nobody heard them. Cat watched Kara reluctantly accept, nodding slightly, and watched the girl seemingly relax a bit into her seat. Cat smiled. That was more like it. "So? I'm sure you have questions, Queen Of All Media. Ask away, I have 15 minutes. But I can't promise that I'll answer everything." Kara said, sounding utterly serious, a surprise to Cat, her sweet demeanour on the back burner suddenly. This was Supergirl, Cat realized then, sitting forward on her seat. Kara was gone now, and the girl might as well be wearing the suit, her stance suddenly all too powerful. Her linebacker shoulders set, eyes strong, jaw set. Damn... this woman was... Cat took a deep breath to steady herself. "Okay, well then. I guess I should ask where your from, that seems appropriate. But we all know that already." "Yeah. You published that before." Kara said with a little laugh, making Cat remember that this cafe did in fact sell her magazine. Cat laughed lightly, feeling very out of her element with this. "Well then, let me think. Who are you to Superman? His sister? Daughter? Dare I say, girlfriend?" Kara made a disgusted face, and Cat laughed out loud at the adorable look on the girl's features. Apparently not that one. Cat apologized for the laugh and sipped at her coffee, smiling still, letting Kara think about whether she should answer. It took a minute, but finally Kara looked back up and spoke in a small voice, barely audible over the soft din of the lunch time crowd starting to filter about the cafe for lunch. ''I'm his cousin." Kara said softly, Cat barely heard it, and she smiled at Kara happily. "Really? You look so... how do I say this, young." "I... that's, I'm actually older." Cat stared at her in stupefied wonder for a second, forgetting the cup in her hands, and Kara smiled a slight bit, perfect white teeth showing with the smile, melting Cat's heart. "Do you Kryptonians age backwards or something?" "I slept in a region of space called the phantom zone for 24 years. I didn't age there, I was still a kid when I arrived on Earth. He grew up without me. On Krypton, I was 12 years older than him." "And now you are how old?" "24." Kara said softly, her eyes never leaving Cat's. Cat sensed the power behind those blue irises. Now she could feel it. It was there, simmering, ready to flame, should she want to unleash it. Cat felt herself already getting addicted, and that wasn't a good thing. Kara was half her age, in Earth terms, but Cat felt herself already falling. And when Kara parted her lips to continue speaking, Cat had to swallow in order not to choke for lack of breath. "He grew up without me. But National City needed a hero. Metropolis had him, National City needed me." "And you're doing amazingly well. Kara, I have to thank you." "For?" "For being you. For doing what you do. Kara, you've saved so many lives. So much has happened, and you were always there. I can't thank you enough for being who you are." "I..." "I'm serious, Kara. You... you're incredible." "Thank you." Kara said, and it was honest. Cat could hear it. Cat smiled, and so did Kara, and Cat felt so happy here right now, with this beauty, she could stay here like this forever. But Kara's break seemed over, that had passed quick, and Cat reluctantly let her rise, standing with her to thank her again. "I'm hoping this isn't the last time we talk." Cat said as Kara gathered her glass and spoon, and stopped when Cat spoke. "I hope not either, Catherine." "Call me Cat. I was wondering, would Supergirl be up for an interview do you think? Nothing said get's published, unless you have express first view of it, and confirm that you are alright with all of it. I'd like to get to know you better, Kara. I thought maybe, you could see if Supergirl's available for an interview at Catco? Let's say... tomorrow night? Are you free?" Cat asked, winking playfully when she asked for Supergirl, only had asked it like that when someone had occupied the next seat over, to keep Kara's secret and reassure her again that she was safe. "Could you find out? If so, does 8 tomorrow night sound good? Catco balcony? The highest floor?" Kara looked at her for a long moment, and Cat held her breath. Had that been too forward? Cat could see her eyes shifting, thoughts flying quickly, and almost apologized when a co-worker popped out and spoke to Kara, telling her they needed her. Kara looked behind her, nodding at her friend, the same one as before, and then stepped back from Cat, clearly torn. At the last second, she smiled and nodded, her grin bright and eager, and Cat felt her heart flip in her chest. Damn this girl... ---------- Cat gasped a bit when she heard a sudden gust of wind and heard her balcony doors tremble slightly. Cat looked up instantly, and stopped breathing at the sight. Supergirl. Right there. On her balcony, smiling as she pushed open the door and stepped inside slowly, her hair in thick waves over her shoulders, blue eyes practically glowing. "Mad colour wheel, Supergirl." Cat murmured, and Kara giggled softly, settling on the opposite sofa after glancing through the glass doors to make sure there weren't any other people around to see her. "We're alone, don't worry." "Uh, so..." "So. You showed up. I wasn't sure if you would. Can I interest you in something? A snack? A drink?" Cat gestured to the bar behind her, the wine bottle sitting there, along with a bourbon bottle and a plate of fruits and vegetables. "Uh, no. I don't drink, Catherine." "Catherine?" Cat asked, levelling Kara with a sly look. "Cat." Kara corrected herself. "I honestly mean that. I don't drink." "I thought Kryptonians couldn't get drunk." "We don't. I... just don't like it. Sometimes I have wine, but even then." "Water then? I want you to feel comfortable around me. I understand that you're nervous. That's okay, I would be too. But I won't out you." "I just... I've never told anyone this much." "Anyone?" Cat never missed a beat, even as she poured Kara a glass of ice water and placed it on the coffee table before her. "Does anybody know?" "Uh..." "Kara." "The girl at work. The one smiling at me when I took my break with you. And my boss. He knows too." "And they take it well?" "He lets me run off when the others can handle it, but I don't have the kind of freedom I need, that I would want, to go be... this. I only get three or four chances a day when I work. Usually it's enough, but ever so often, there's something out there that I can't go assist with, because I'm stuck making lattes. It's not awful, but I would love some freedom." "That's... sad." "It's the way it is. I deal with it. But, let's not go down that road. You called Supergirl over for an interview, I believe. So, ask away." Kara said, settling back and honest to god crossing her legs, a move that just managed to make Cat's throat go even dryer, as if seeing her there, in her suit, looking truly alien in her beauty, wasn't enough to make Cat's mind go completely blank. "Okay. Well... what's it like? Having those powers of yours? All they all the same as Superman's?" "Yeah. They are. Though sometimes I think mine are stronger, a bit." "How do you get them? How did this happen?" "The sun, here on Earth." "The sun?" "On Krypton, we had a red sun. Yellow suns are stronger. So that's why. The stronger sun changed our DNA, and we became... I guess... invincible. It's that easy. I can't really explain it more." "How does it feel? To fly?" "Well, the first time I learned about it it was an accident, and it was the most horrifying thing I'd ever done. But now, I actually kind of love it. It's nice, to fly. To be so free." "How... uh..." "How do I do the vision? The lasers?" "How did you know I was going to ask that?" Cat asked with a laugh. "Little bird." Kara said, shrugging. "Little plane." Cat mimicked her playful tone, and smiled, staring at her beautiful blue eyes, so bright and bold now that her hair was down. "Does it hurt?" "I feel pain. It just... it feels like... power. Power I can wield like a weapon. I can't really explain it.'' They kept talking for maybe two hours, and Cat couldn't be happier about their friendship. When Kara finally left, lifting off the balcony in a move that scared the life out of Cat, Cat was as happy as could be. They had a plan. Cat didn't know where it would go, where it should go, if it should even go, but Cat felt good about it. Kara was getting calmer. Happier. She laughed and happily discussed many things, tonight they'd come so far. Cat knew she was in love with Kara already, more than she should ever be, considering all Kara was compared to her own self. But she was. And Cat didn't know if Kara felt the same, or if she ever would. But Cat would take what she could, Kara was worth the wait, and maybe, just maybe, there was something here for Kara as well. They had plans that on Tuesday, a rare mid day week where Cat didn't have to be at the office all day, and Kara was off, they'd decided that maybe a walk was in order. To talk. To just, chat. Cat felt like flying. And that day, when she walked into the cafe promptly at 2, the sight of Kara had her flying again. Cat grinned, smiling as Kara got up, the pale blue dress she wore falling just above her knees, her hair braided beautifully down her back, and smiled as well, swinging a small, insanely colourful messenger bag over her shoulder. "Ready?" Cat asked softly, trying not to stare at the tight dress and how it showed off Kara's perfect curves. "Where are we going?" Kara asked, stepping up beside Cat as they stepped onto the sidewalk and began walking. "We never decided." "Somewhere sunny." Cat laughed, and smiled at Kara's eager smile. ---- That sunny place happened to be National City's largest park. It was open, airy, and most importantly, as Cat had promised, sunny. It had sprawling greenery and a beautiful lake. Kara thought it was beautiful. As they walked along the waterside, talking about the cafe and other things, everything, Cat smiled, noticing Kara's eyes flit to the ice cream parlour in the distance every few seconds, then back. Kara looked honestly like a kid on Christmas morning, and Cat already knew she couldn't refuse the girl the treat she so wanted. Cat even picked out a cone for herself, much to Kara's surprise, and together they settled outside on a bench, much like the one on the city sidewalk where Cat people watched the cafe, talking as they ate. It was Kara's turn to ask questions now. Cat was a little hesitant at first, but Kara knew some details already, as she leafed through tabloids on her free time, reading stories about the Queen Of All Media. ''How come you come to the cafe every day but I never see you with your son?'' Kara asked tentatively. She knew Cat was a very private person, but as Kara had already revealed her biggest secret, and let's be honest, it was the biggest secret in National City, she felt as if she could ask this, something personal, of Cat in return. Cat swallowed, but a smile graced the edge of her lips as Carter crossed her mind. ''Carter is the apple of my eye, but as you know, I'm mostly here in the mornings and I don't want to drag him all the way across town for a coffee. Or, in this case, a hot chocolate. My driver picks him up and drops him off everywhere, giving me the opportunity to regularly indulge in these amazing lattes you make.'' Cat added jokingly. ''My assistant even asked me the other day if something happened because I get to CatCo later than usual and I seem more... let's say, bearable. Since I've started coming to Aurora's regularly, I'm much more tolerable. It doesn't last long though. I'm surrounded by idiots most of the time, it's a wonder I haven't fired half of my employees as it is.'' Kara broke into a laugh at Cat's outburst about her staff, but could see the devotion she had to both her empire and her son. ''Maybe you should come to Aurora's later in that afternoon sometime and bring Carter. I'd love to meet him.'' Kara proposed carefully. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries but she liked Cat. Really liked Cat. Like liked Cat. And to this point Cat had kept her word and not spilled to anyone about these secrets. ''I'll think about it.'' Cat promised. ''Carter has asked why I'm not traveling with him in the tow car, where I'm going every day. Maybe it is a good idea, and I'm sure Carter would love it in the cafe, just as I do.'' Kara beamed, happy as could be, and bit into the cone of what she had left of her ice cream cone as Cat spoke up again. ''But, you have to know, my son is special. Not just special to me but special in his needs. He's a wonderful boy but he's a bit reserved and doesn't trust too easily. He adores science.'' Cat warned slightly, though she smiled. Kara was touched by Cat's declaration, the love she had for her son. ''I'm sure we'll get along fine. My father on Krypton was a scientist, and my step-parents here on Earth are as well. I wasn't much into it, but I picked up a lot over the years, so I know he won't be bored.'' Kara said, then leaned in and added, ''If you think the lattes I make are good, wait until you see the magic I can do with hot chocolate.'' For a while they simply talked, getting to know each other, then kept walking along the riverbank, setting a date for when Cat would bring Carter along to Aurora's. Kara couldn't wait. ------ One week later, a lazy 1pm in the cafe, Kara was stuck between being a nervous ball of energy and being downright scared out of her mind. Cat was bringing Carter today. It was Sunday, and silent in the restaurant, and as much as Kara was waiting for Cat, and to meet her son, she was scared. She'd never been so open and close with someone. And for Cat to trust her enough to open up to her, admit she liked her, and to even bring her son to introduce, well, Kara wondered if Kryptonians could faint. For an hour, Kara kept busy with making lists and making the pastry bar look beautiful, until she heard the familiar click of high heels that she was now accustomed to, and heard Mark's breath hitch. ''Hi, Kara.'' Cat purred, coming up to the cafe pastry bar, where Kara was filling trays with tempting looking croissants and cookies, trying not to blush. Kara turned with a smile, which only widened when she saw then young boy at Cat's side, clutching a red backpack to his chest. ''Hey, Cat. And you must be Carter.'' The boy nodded, looking at his pack, not speaking. ''When does your break come up?'' Cat asked casually, smiling at Kara, who was now crouched low to meet Carter's eyes more directly. ''I'm just going to make your latte and then I'll be out with you on my lunch.'' Kara murmured to Cat, then focused her attention back to Carter. ''And can I interest you in something? Maybe... a hot chocolate? I make them the best.'' Carter didn't speak, but looked at her from under long lashes, bright blue eyes shining. Kara saw the ghost of a grin at the mention of sugar, and smiled as she got up and moved behind the bar. ''I'll be right out, if you want to find a patio.'' ''Sure, come on Carter.'' Cat said casually and moved off with her son, and Kara nearly dropped the pastry tongs she was holding at the sight of Cat's bare back, the sundress showing off a lot of delicate muscle and flesh. Kara felt faint, before Mark took the tongs from her shaking hand and chuckled a bit as he began picking cookies and scones into a take away bag. ''You've got it bad, Danvers.'' ''Shut it.'' Kara said, but it was funny at best. Even for Supergirl, her voice was fluttery simply from the sight of Cat. Mark stepped up beside her after a moment and watched as the two settled outside, then looked at Kara, the fancy heart she poured into a latte, and the lion she'd created into the hot chocolate. Yeah, Kara had it bad. Mark loved it. Kara deserved this. Which was why he surprised her then when she set the lattes on a tray. He placed the bag of pastries on it as well, making Kara look at him directly. ''What's this?'' Kara asked, eyeing the treat bag, and the cold iced raspberry macchiato that he also placed on the tray in a glass tumbler, Kara's favourite. ''Millie is here in half an hour, it's quiet enough to handle, and the woman of your intergalactic dreams is waiting for you outside, with her son here to meet you as well. I'm letting you off early, so you can go be with the woman you clearly want to taste more than most of our pastries.'' ''I...'' Kara blushed red, stuttering to say none of that was true. ''Please tell me you weren't this dense on Krypton too.'' Mark laughed, whispering the words so nobody in the cafe heard. ''She brought her son. Kara. Cat Grant does not do dating, or casual, or dates. Does not. She is a very private person. If she's here, with her youngest son, calling you so sweetly, purring your name, and dressed so casually it makes everyone stare, she's going all out for you. Don't mess it up. She's willing to do this for you. I don't know a lot about her, besides the fact that she's rich as fuck, very reserved, and drop dead gorgeous. She's here to be with you. Go. Be with her.'' ''But, I'm not off till 4, you're...'' ''Millie has enough energy to handle this place, and when she sees you with her, she's gonna get even more energized. Go be with the woman who's giving you the chance to be with her. It doesn't happen much, so take it. Take it while you have a chance. I know you're crazy about her.'' ''I... thanks.'' ''Go. I'll watch over the shop.'' Kara nodded and smiled then, and Mark watched as she carried the tray outside, settling it on the bar where the creamer and sugar was, and serving up the drinks. Kara smiled at the gasp she heard from Carter at the lion designed in his drink, and Cat whispered her usual appreciation at the heart in hers. Kara settled in and when Carter finally met her eyes for real, smiling shyly, Kara brought the open bag of pastries up and into his view. ''There's a scone for you, Cat. And there's a few things in there that I think you'll love, Carter.'' Kara whispered, smiling brightly as she settled in to her own drink. ''How long is your break, Kara?'' ''Actually, Mark let me off early without my asking. He says I deserve it. So I'm yours, I guess.'' ''Oh, I see.'' Cat smiled happily, watching Carter lick his lips after a sip of the decadent sweet chocolate drink, then looked at Kara seriously. ''So, you truly must be the best.'' Kara blushed, smiling, and sipped at her drink, humming at the flavour of dark caramel on her tongue. ''What do you have? I didn't know you could add such colour into coffee.'' Cat asked casually, smirking at Kara and her attitude towards sugar. Just like the park with the ice cream. Must be a Kryptonian thing. A Supergirl thing. ''It's called a raspberry macchiato. It's vanilla, caramel, a bit or raspberry for colour, nonfat milk, and espresso on top. It's sweet.'' ''You love your sugar, don't you?'' Cat asked, entirely serious. ''Mom.'' Carter looked up, speaking for the first time in Kara's presence. He looked at his mom, then at Kara, then back, a chocolate sprinkle on the tip of his nose. ''It's sugar.'' Kara broke into a short laugh, smiling brightly, teeth shining white in the sunlight of the open patio. ''I like you already.'' ''The hot chocolate is great too, Kara. Thank you.'' Carter said softly, and Cat smiled at seeing him open up a bit to someone new, and leaned back in her seat, bringing her latte mug to her lips, sipping slowly at the foam heart. ''Oh you're welcome. I thought you might like it. Help yourself to a treat as well.'' The afternoon went well after that little ice breaker, and Kara and Carter spent the visit with Cat, chatting about many TV shows and comic series, most of which Kara knew just as much as Carter, and Cat couldn't be happier. This connection, Cat had worried about whether they would connect so easily. Her shy, reserved boy, usually quiet and concentrated, all of a sudden happy and bright, playing a card game with Kara, which he was winning. Well. Like a moth to a flame. Why had Cat worried? Cat had thought about asking Kara to the penthouse, to join them for dinner, but Carter beat her to it, asking Kara eagerly when he packed up his backpack to leave, and how could anyone resist Cat's son? So there it was. One question, and two days later, here Kara was, so damned cute in a pale blue dress, cork wedge heels, an insanely wild colourful messenger bag over her shoulder, megawatt grin her face. Cat's heart ached for this girl, and she looked so much like a teen right now it hurt. Cat couldn't quite believe that Kara had any interest in her at all, a 40+ woman with more issues than she could ever work through, but here they were. Kara was happy. ''Hi Kara!'' Carter bounced over excitedly, in a tight hug, smiling like a goof. Cat grinned as well and brought Kara into a hug as well once Carter let go, and welcomed her in. ''Welcome, Kara. Make yourself at home, dinner is almost ready.'' Cat purred and moved back into the kitchen as Carter led Kara straight into the living room to a game he had been playing with Cat. Hmm. Settlers of Catan. ''Kara, do you know the game? Would you like to join us for a round or two?'' ''I can't complain about games.'' Kara said sweetly, settling on the sofa, smiling when Cat carried over a glass of ice water and handed it to Kara, sitting down as well. ''But,'' she continued as Carter reset the game, grinning brightly. ''I have to warn you, I'm a little too good at it.'' ''Oh, well I'd like to see anybody beat mom. She knows this game better than most.'' ''She's had a lot of practice.'' Cat said, pointing to herself, then getting up and going back into the kitchen to watch over the food. ''Only one round though, Carter. Then dinner. Then you have homework to do.'' ''I've done most of it.'' Carter whined. ''Most is not all, Carter. Besides, you love science projects. You can do some of that tonight. But math first.'' ''Okay.'' Carter relented, setting up the game to finish, and Kara walked into the kitchen after Cat, joining her at the stove. ''He'll wear down in an hour or so. He's just happy that you're here.'' ''So am I, Cat.'' ''I wanted to ask, but Carter beat me to it. He's not usually so open with new people, I'm happy about it.'' ''You were going to ask me?'' Kara asked, a light blush forming on her cheeks as she looked at Cat, biting her lip. ''Yes, Kara. I wanted to ask you to come over, this is... I want to get to know you. Not as a barista. As Kara. I... I like you.'' Kara wanted to speak back, even if she didn't know what to say to such a sweet, soft hearted Cat Grant in this second, but Carter called Kara over to play her move, and Cat smirked and joined them, smiling at the sight of Kara Danvers in her living room, with her son, playing a board game, her grin bright enough to light up the entire room. And this girl, so young and beautiful in her pale dress, looking more like 16 than any older, was Supergirl. The girl stunned her on a daily basis. And maybe, just maybe, that was the one thing that had Cat breaking all the rules she'd built around her life. All the walls, they were falling now, they were crumbling. And all it had taken was one smile from Supergirl. Who would have guessed? Dinner was all laughing and chatter, over amazing food that Kara kept raving about, and Carter eagerly asking about all things ranging from video games to TV shows, to concerts, to science. Cat could only smile. How much she'd worried about if this would go right. It was going better than she'd ever imagined possible. Maybe it was time for more than smiles though. --- After dessert, ice cream and a blueberry pie that Kara looked like she wanted to eat by herself, Cat settled Carter to go to do his homework, and then straight to bed, and came back to find Kara on the balcony, looking at the sunset. Cat stayed by the kitchen island for a moment, watching her. Beautiful. Golden hair, practically burning like fire in the low light. Well... Cat walked towards her, settling to the railing beside her, and Kara looked at her with a grin, teeth glinting in the light. ''Carter is so amazing.'' Kara said softly. ''He's so sweet and kind. So passionate about his likes.'' ''I'm happy he's warmed up to you. He usually doesn't to most people. It must be the Supergirl thing. He's usually so reserved and shy.'' ''He's sweet. I'm glad I got to meet him. This is... I like this. With you. My life is usually so fast paced and involves a lot of punching and yelling and crying. My life is danger personified, Cat. This is nice, relaxing. Comforting.'' ''I'm glad.'' Cat said, looking out to the private beach just past the stairs to the balcony, the shining water, the bright orange sky now that the sun was falling lower. Cat looked up and noticed one star starting to peek through, a bright loner, the first to grace the night on this side of the sky. Beautiful. ''That's Saturn.'' Kara said softly, and Cat looked back at her, surprised. ''You... how do you?'' ''I'm an alien, remember?'' Kara said playfully, and Cat smiled and nodded. ''We had the most advanced star charts ever.'' ''I almost forgot. Almost.'' Cat joked, watching Kara watch the water. ''Do you want to go down to the water?'' ''Oh, no no, I...'' ''Kara.'' ''Okay...'' she corrected herself, and smiled brightly, then moving around Cat to the stairs, moving down quickly. Cat smiled, grinning happily at Kara's attitude, her shyness, and then followed, wanting to stay close to the girl more than she'd ever admit. --- ''I take it you enjoy the sunlight.'' Cat said casually after a moment as Kara walked beside her, taking the steps down to the beach, watching the many people that were settled on the sand. Here by the water, away from the city skyline, the sun was hot. Cat wasn't surprised, there were a lot of people here. ''It's like recharging a battery, I guess. When I'm not in the cafe, I try to spend as much time as possible in the sunlight.'' ''Can you lose your powers?'' Cat asked, genuinely curious. ''I have before.'' Kara answered, then quickly continued when Cat looked at her with a worried look. ''Oh, no no. Only for a few days. I don't know why it happens, but it's never permanent. I just, turn human for a few days. Have to take it easy. I can catch colds then, be human, feel pain. Actually, it's not that bad. I've only had it twice, and every time, my powers came back in a few days.'' Kara assured, turning to face Cat when the older woman stopped and looked at her in surprise. ''I didn't know you aliens were so vulnerable.'' Cat said softly, bending down to slip off her high heels once the reached the sand. ''We're not invincible, obviously.'' Kara said once Cat began walking again, and fell into step beside the woman naturally as before. ''But shh...'' Kara joked, playing with the rim of her glasses. ''Don't tell. We don't want too many people knowing that. As far as anyone knows, we are made of steel, and we are unbreakable.'' ''Yet you're so damn sweet people would think your made of fluffy clouds.'' Kara faltered over her words for a moment, then just laughed the joke off. ''Superman loses his powers too. It's actually... a good reminder of what we do. To keep doing it.'' ''What you do is... immeasurable. You... save the world. You make it better. Honestly, if I had known... well.'' ''What? If you had known what?'' Kara asked happily, looking at Cat as she grinned, her eyes on the ocean. ''If somebody had told me the superpowered girl in red and blue that saved Catco Plaza from an alien 2 months ago was my favourite local barista... well, I would have laughed in their faces. I honestly would have. I didn't think you heroes lived normal lives. To know you are... her, it's a reality check. It makes you seem... how do I phrase this...attainable. Less celestial. Seeing you like this... it's unnerving.'' ''I'm wearing the suit underneath.'' Kara joked. ''If that's what's unnerving about it. I always have it on. Just in case.'' ''You're... amazing. I can't place it. Something about you.'' ''Something good I hope...'' Kara said gently, her eyes looked on Cat's as Cat stared at her, smiling as she did. ''Yeah, my perfect latte maker.'' Cat joked then, her eyes back on the sea before her. On the beautiful bay. Kara stood for a second, wondering if Cat had actually just flirted with her, and then smiled, deciding that she wanted it again. Kara ran up to Cat slowly, barefoot in the sand, and took Cat's fingers, grasping Cat's smaller hand in her own, and slipped up close to Cat's side, snuggling in. Cat smirked, and Kara smiled at it, leaning her head on Cat's shoulder. ''So... what was that about?'' ''What do you think it was about, you silly girl?'' ''I think you're trying to flirt with me.'' Kara guessed, her voice a mere whisper. ''No. I'm not trying.'' Cat said softly, but kept holding Kara's hand even so, even when Kara stopped and met Cat's hazel green eyes. ''You're not?'' Kara couldn't keep the disappointment out of her voice, even though she tried. ''I'm not trying, you sweet girl.'' Cat said, bringing her other hand up to Kara's cheek, sweeping away a stray blonde wave of hair. Cat cupped Kara's cheek, smiling as Kara's lips parted slightly, white teeth glistening beautifully. ''I'm succeeding.'' Kara gasped slightly, her eyes locked to Cat's, who's were moving in between Kara's lips and her own blue eyes, and Kara's heart stopped. This was happening. Honest to Rao, this was actually, really, happening. ''Yeah, you are.'' Kara stammered, her voice barely audible, and closed her eyes when Cat tightened her hold on Kara's hand, and slipped the other behind her neck, leaning in to press her lips onto Kara's. Cat kept the kiss soft, just a feather light touch, knowing right now, Kara needed the softness, the slowness, and kept her lips against Kara's for just a second more before leaning back slowly, keeping Kara's hand tight in hers. ''Cat...'' Kara whispered, her cheeks flaming even in this light, whatever was still left from the sunset, from the day. Kara looked, radiant. Beautiful. Epic. ''Come here, Supergirl.'' Cat pulled her closer, intending another kiss, a lot less softer and a whole lot hotter, and pressed her lips against Kara's, slinking her hands down kara's hips, settling low on her back, keeping her close. Cat would be lying if she said everything about this didn't feel amazing, until Kara pulled back and looked the other way, down the bay to the high rise condos in the distance. Cat looked at her curiously, following her gaze to the park there, but hearing nothing. ''Cat, I, I'm sorry. I don't want to stop this, but... Cat. Let's do this again, please... I...'' ''Go, Supergirl. Go do your job, nobody should ever stop you from being a hero.'' Kara nodded, still staying close, but Cat could see her practically vibrating, torn between helping out or staying behind. Cat had to laugh. ''Go.'' Cat laughed lightly, pulling Kara in for another quick kiss, just a quick peck, and leaned into her ear to speak. ''I'll be back in the cafe tomorrow. I have a feeling you'll be there, you always are.'' Kara nodded, then she was gone like wind, Cat's dress fluttering in the breeze Kara created, and Cat smiled at seeing her change so effortlessly, the dress slipping off her shoulders to reveal the blue underneath, the pins coming from her beautiful hair, all of it. My god, what had Cat done to ever get so lucky? ----- ''Kara! Oh my god, Kara! I thought maybe you had had a heart attack and died from this! Damn you lucky little... how was it? How the hell did you survive it?!'' Millie asked loudly, happily reading the spread out papers on the bar. ''How was it?!'' She repeated, practically bouncing up and down as Kara slipped through the doors of the still closed cafe, barely 20 minutes to opening. ''I'm Supergirl.'' Kara said softly, walking toward the counter, still not knowing what Millie was talking about. Sometimes Millie had more energy than she did. Today seemed one of those days. That meant something was sparking her drama wired brain. Another celebrity crush? ''Of course, your Supergirl. That means that the girl in these papers is you. And Catherine Fucking Grant, the beautiful woman from yesterday afternoon, who had come to take you out on a date! Omg, you were on a date with Catherine Grant! What do I have to do to date a hot CEO? Maybe I should become a superhero?'' ''Whoa whoa, what's going on, Mil? You know how dangerous that is for me.'' Kara scolded jokingly, crossing the floor to see what was in these apparently important papers. ''If I get this, I don't care about danger.'' Millie laughed, flipping the papers for Kara to see, and Kara did. Her lips parted, a startled gasp escaping her, the pictures startlingly clear, well taken, of her and Cat, on the beach. In the shoreline. Kissing. Fuck. It looked... ''Hot.'' Millie said, finishing Kara's thought for her, and smiled like a girl on Christmas Day. ''How was it?! Was it any good?! Was it amazing?!'' Millie practically shouted, bouncing and practically hugging Kara to death as soon as she came around the counter and slipped on her apron. ''It was...'' ''Pretty damn stunning, I must say.'' Mark said lightly, coming up to them with his own copy. ''Did you see her, boss?'' Millie said excitedly. ''Look at her, she's glowing.'' ''Millie, call me Mark. I keep telling you that. And I agree. Kara, you look happy.'' ''I am.'' Kara said and Millie whined excitedly beside her, panting for news. ''It was great. It was... really something.'' ''So?'' Mark asked, not immune to the idea of one of his baristas being in the eye of the one Cat Grant. Even Kara had to admit, it was kind of unbelievable. Cat wasn't known for being romantic, even less hanging with anyone who wasn't a billionaire, but here Cat was, hanging out with her. Even Kara felt a little faint at the thought that Cat Grant liked her. That Kara should be worthy. ''So...?'' ''So, is she coming back? Is this, going to continue?'' ''She said she'd by by later.'' Millie practically shouted, bouncing onto Kara happily, and Mark grinned, finding his way past the counter to open up shop. This was going to be a long day. Kara disentangled herself from Millie, who kept asking questions regardless, and grinned even as she began setting up glasses and ingredients from the usual morning customers who would filter in the second they opened up. Most of the morning passed quickly, the store busy and loud, and it was only after 1pm that Millie bumped her on her arm and made Kara look up, to where Millie was pointing shakily, just inside the doorway, where Cat was smiling at her the second their eyes met. Kara's lips parted and she took in a deep breath, the sight of Cat in a sharp business suit simply breathtaking. Cat waved at her with a bright smile, and settled into her bench, picking up the local paper and leafing through it. Kara felt her heart flip at seeing Cat so casual, yet dressed to kill, and felt her lips tingle at the memory of the kiss, her body vibrating for another. It took her a moment more right then to make Cat's latte, this time with a nice heart on top instead of the usual leaf or flower, something that made Millie smile excitedly, already settling in to watch by taking a ten minute break, taking up a seat at the bar to watch this go off. Kara smiled and picked out a feta wrap and heated it up, then placed it with the latte and carried the plate over without Cat having to order. ''Well,'' Cat whispered as Kara set the colourful plate before her, and the even more wildly coloured mug with latte. Cat smiled at the drink, at the obvious idea of the heart, and smiled at Kara over her shoulder after sipping at the latte, smiling like a very happy kitten, indeed. ''Looks like that little kiss wasn't as private as I'd intended.'' ''Yeah, I saw.'' Kara said, looking at the paper over Cat's shoulder, until Cat reached up and touched her fingertips along Kara's jaw. ''I'm not as upset with the paparazzi as I usually am, though.'' Cat said with a smile, fingering off a corner of her wrap and reaching up over her shoulder to give it to Kara, who took it gently past her lips, then leaned back, chewing the soft pastry. ''I rarely do that in public, just so you know. There's just something about you supers.'' ''It's Super-girl, I believe.'' ''Right of course. Super-girl. And how perfectly the name fits you. Mind joining me, if you have a break lined up?'' --- ''It's funny, seeing myself in the papers here like this again.'' Cat whispered, flipping through the magazine as Kara sat beside her, fingertips tracing up and down in a ticklish motion over Cat's arm, up to her shoulder, then back down. ''I'd forgotten how it feels.'' ''What? To be seen?'' ''To be shown off to the world for one tiny kiss. They're asking who you are, where I found you, how I got you to be so casual with me. Let's face it, your half my age. People will scandalize me for needing someone your age. I... I think we need to keep things on the down low at the cafe. Here, I don't particularly care. They can print these pictures and whatever else they want, and make all their accusations. It's my life, I ignore them trying to grab attention. But if they see me acting sweet and kind to you at the cafe, and friendly and cute, then they'll know where you work. Soon enough, they'll know even more unless you watch your every move.'' ''I don't want to hide, Cat. If we're going to have a chance, you and I, we can't be hiding behind the curtains.'' ''But we can't be wearing capes, either. Kara, for now, we need to keep things slow. Until the cameras settle, at least.'' --- Kara found a relaxing rhythm in the constant typing of Cat's iPad keyboard, the ever so often stop, and then continuation, Cat thinking, then continuing. This, Kara could get used to. This, and Cat's soft heartbeat, always rhythmic, always quick little beats. It was like a melody, and Kara found herself settled in a comfortable lull listening to it. With the click of her one inch heels as she closed up shop slowly, filling decanters and sugar bowls, cleaning tables, lifting chairs. Cat called her over, and Kara overlooked a picture of herself, making sure it was okay, and then acknowledged it, letting Cat continue. The picture was one taken by some paparazzi, and Cat was writing her interview with Supergirl, adding some shots, changing them with colours and shading, softening them. This was comfortable, and it jarred Kara a little bit. How comfortable it actually was, being in Cat's company like this. Was this love? Kara smirked at the thought and she shut off espresso machines and lowered umbrellas, wiping off countertops. Yes, yes maybe it was. Nothing had to be spoken, either. Nothing was said. Just smiles and glances, no words. It was nice. Ever so often Kara would glance over, notice Cat smiling at her, and smile back, then blush and turn away. Again. As always. Cat did the same, but without the blush. Cat was too much for that, naturally. Cat didn't blush. Kara did. So much so it rivalled her cape. Kara didn't know where this would go, where it would lead, but she could hope. And Cat, well, Kara could feel the kiss every time she'd thought about it. This first one, and the second one at the penthouse. And the third when Kara was leaving from said penthouse, under garden lights by the sidewalk. That one had been... insistent and hot and bold and... and Kara wanted so much more right then. And now. Cat looked so professional right now, in her CatCo work attire, a simple black business shift dress, gold lacing the hem of the dress, and the neckline, and beautiful gold drop earrings, and a matching necklace. Even the black pumps gave Kara flutters. Damn. Cat looked killer tonight. It made Kara playful. Kara was rarely ever flirtatious, but then again, she'd never run into a crush she'd dive headfirst into fire for. Cat, well, she'd stop time for Cat if it meant they'd be together a little longer. Kara felt sexy. Knowing Cat liked her, possibly even loved her, it made her feel attractive and hot and all those nice things. It made Kara feel wanted. So when she stood there locking cabinets, wiping off the surfaces, and met Cat's eyes looking at her from over the top of her cat eye glasses, Kara winked. She actually didn't know how she'd done something so silly or so bold, or so weird, or so stupidly childish, and was about to turn away with another fierce blush, or maybe apologize, but Cat just looked at her. Kara swallowed, turning away quickly, her cheeks colouring in embarrassment. Had she really just winked at Catherine Grant? Was she a child? Cat wouldn't ever think that was cute... ever... Kara left quickly, shaking as she slipped back to the bar counter, wondering how she would explain that, when Cat's hands came around her waist and stepped up against her, making Kara step back, her hand immediately finding the handle to the open stock room, not really thinking, and before Kara knew anything else, she was pressed into the stucco wall of the stockroom and Cat's lips were on her neck. ---- Cat pinned Kara to the wall inside the tiny room and immediately brought her hands to Kara's crisp white blouse, which she'd already unbuttoned a bit on the way here, unable to keep her hands away from the girl any longer. Cat pulled at the shirt as Kara braced her hands on the wall behind her, and tugged it from Kara's pencil skirt, happy to feel the suit beneath. The bright blue as Cat slipped the buttons apart roughly and then placed her hands over the lean muscles and strong biceps beneath taut blue material. ''Oh god Kara, this suit... it destroys me.'' Cat purred, kissing her way up Kara's strong neck, biting gently at the gold stud in her ear, smiling as she did when Kara whimpered a tiny bit, clenching her hands at her hips, still against the wall. Cat grinned and leaned back to take Kara's lips against hers, pressing fully up against her and slipping a hand through her tight bun of blond hair, pulling at the pin until blond waves fell over her hand and Kara's shoulders in wild waves of colour. ''You're so beautiful.'' Cat whispered in between kisses. Kara whimpered against her lips when Cat brought her fingers down past Kara's waist, tracing all the strong muscle, the crest on her chest, the golden belt peeking out from her skirt, which took Cat about two seconds to find the zipper of, and even less to tug down over her hips roughly, continuing her search over Kara's Supergirl skirt, short, red, and a whole lot more accessible. When Cat's hand slipped over red panties, slipping beneath just barely, Kara outright moaned, her hips coming forward against Cat's fingers, her head falling back against the wall. ''God, Kara.'' Cat said with a grin, easing a hand over the girl's hips to keep her hips back and pushed two fingers deeper, slipping over Kara's wet, slick skin, barely dipping inside. Cat skated a finger over Kara's clit, and Kara gasped, hands clenching at her hips, grounding her feet against the wall. ''So sensitive, how do you handle it?'' ''I...'' Kara gasped again as Cat slipped a single finger inside her and moaned at the feeling. ''You don't even need to be touched... Kara, honestly. How do you keep yourself calm?'' ''I, I don't.'' Kara panted as Cat kissed her jaw and traced the S on her chest even as she kept gently thrusting a single fingertip barely inside her, teasing barely. It was all Kara needed, one hand coming forward to grasp Cat's wrist barely, keeping her fingers right there where she needed them. ''Kara, how is it possible for you to... god, Kara. I don't want to imagine what happens to you when you have an orgasm. It must be so...'' ''I don't know.'' ''Kara?'' Cat asked, stopping her gentle thrusting, a move that got her a pout from Kara, though her flushed cheeks and full lips made it looked utterly adorable. ''Kara, what do you mean?'' ''I mean, I've never...'' ''Been with a woman, or...'' ''Or... nothing. I've never done anything. I don't know what it does to me... if I can stay under control while I...'' ''Kara...'' Cat purred, bringing her hands away from Kara's thighs, from the insane heat of her skin, and pulled Kara into her arms tightly, shocking the younger girl. ''What are you...?'' ''I won't do this here, Kara.'' Cat whispered then, pulling Kara's blouse back up over her shoulders, sweeping blonde hair back behind the girl's shoulders gently. ''Cat...'' Kara said, surprised and unsure of what was going on. ''I'm not saying no.'' Cat assured her. ''It'll kill me if I wait for you much longer, after our weeks of slow building. I need to have you, and clearly you do too. But your first time will not be here.'' ''Cat... I need...'' ''And you will. I'm taking you to my place, now.'' Cat said softly, buttoning up Kara's blouse and fixing her own hair a little, smiling at Kara the whole while. Once she had the shirt fixed mostly, she grasped Kara's face in her hands and kissed Kara roughly, Kara's fingers eagerly coming up past Cat's neck to hold on, but gently, her strength already on the edge. ----- It took two seconds for Cat to pin Kara against the wall of her hallway, kicking her heels off messily, Kara's hands eager against her suit, against the skirt, tugging at the hem gently. Yes, Cat had promised to be slow. Yes, Cat had promised that Kara's first time would be soft and gentle and perfect. Because of her powers. So she could get used to the feelings. But that could go to hell now, with Kara having leaned in for a kiss in the backseat of the town car, and a few seconds later, Cat had pulled the excited superhero into her lap and was looking over the suit again in the darkness of the car, the blue faintly shimmering as city lights flashed by them. So much for slow, it was clearly the last thing Kara wanted right now, if her sounds were any indication. Cat pushed her against the wall, pressing her own body up against Kara's to lean in and kiss her neck, sweeping blonde hair out of her way to skin on skin contact, and Kara moaned, a sound Cat wanted to hear a lot more of tonight. ''Cat, I...'' Kara started, but the words abandoned her when Cat's hand slipped under her Supergirl skirt again, the work uniform she was wearing already discarded on the floor halfway in the hall from the door, Cat being as efficient as ever, never wasting a second of opportunity. ''You're so ready, Kara. So wet.'' Cat said between wet kisses, her nose brushing against the cape at Kara's neck. Cat smiled as Kara swallowed heavily, and grasped the edge of Kara's cape between her teeth, fingers slipping beneath her skirt and beneath her uniform bodysuit, over slick wet skin, and tugged on the cape, growling just a little for effect. The effect was stunning. And so was the damage. ''Holy Kara.'' Cat whispered, Kara blushing at the sight of the glass separating wall of the living room littered with cracks throughout, millions of tiny crystals that had fallen out were on the floor, but the wall held. Actually, it looked really cool. Cat ran fingers carefully up the edge, barely touching, and smiled. ''I'm so sorry, Cat.'' Kara said in shock, her hands coming over her mouth as she looked at the wall. ''Don't you dare apologize for being so amazing.'' Cat scolded lightly, and Kara nodded automatically, something she'd seen from staff at Catco when delivering a surprise latte. To Cat, everyone obeyed. Simple as that. Even Supergirl. ''Let's try to leave the house intact though, hmm?'' Cat purred, taking Kara's hand in hers, fingers teasing the supersuit that hooked between her thumb and forefinger, and tugged gently even though she knew she couldn't move Kara even an inch. Cat watched Kara look at their entwined fingers, and Cat smiled when Kara nodded to herself and stepped closer, following when Cat backed up through the main living room. Kara followed Cat down the long hallway, one she hadn't yet gotten to explore, her heart in her throat and going higher with every step Kara took. When Cat pushed open the door to her bedroom, Kara stopped, both from sheer emotion, and seeing Cat's opulent bedroom. Cat's room was at least 3 times Kara's apartment, and that wasn't counting the obvious master bath that looked just as big through the open doorway. ''Kara, you can relax here. We can take this as slow as you need to. We have all night, and you don't work tomorrow. Catco doesn't either, so we can take as much time as you need.'' Cat whispered, easing Kara to the bed and onto the sheets, trillion thread count if Kara's super senses were on point, and ran her hands over Kara's muscled arms, climbing up to settle over her thighs as Kara laid back into the pale green silk. ''Kara, I'll be gentle, as gentle as you need of me. Say no and I'll stop. But I promise you this, before the sun rises you will have forgotten all your names, from Earth or otherwise, Kara Danvers.'' Kara smiled a nervous grin, biting her lip, and Cat leaned in to take Kara's lip for herself, sucking it from Kara's teeth and biting with her own, just barely, tugging a little, before crashing her lips over Kara's fully, moaning a little at feeling Kara kiss back. Even if it was tentative and a little chaste for Cat's taste this far in. But for Kara, it was everything, Cat sensed as much, and that made it perfect. Cat felt Kara's hands wandering, even though she knew Kara was controlling her strength, and felt Kara's fingers settle over her hips, gripping just barely over her dress. Cat grinned against Kara's lips and sidled back, pushing Kara's Supergirl skirt up on her hips and slipping her fingers back against Kara's wet skin underneath her suit, pushing against Kara's clit, rubbing at the slick wetness, the heat of her. So hot. Kara was... Kara's hips shot off the bed the second Cat dipped a single finger inside her, breaking her lips from Cat's and muttering something Cat couldn't quite understand. Something not English. ''What was that?'' Cat asked, keeping her fingers against Kara's skin, rubbing slightly. ''Cat...'' ''Kara...'' Cat mimicked, smiling. ''What was that you just said? It wasn't English.'' Kara blushed, meeting Cat's gaze, and Cat grinned at feeling Kara grind against her fingers, her body wanting more. Cat added a second finger, pushing the fabric of her suit aside, and thrust softly, just barely, and Kara said it again, throwing her head back as her hips came off the bed again, pushing against Cat's fingers. ''That's hot, Kara. What does it mean? What does Rao mean?'' ''Rao is Krypton's sun god.'' Kara panted, feeling Cat's fingers gently thrusting, setting her on fire from the inside out, making her buzz with need. ''And the other one?'' Kara's blush intensified, it that was even possible, and Cat took her fingers away from Kara's slick, hot skin, crawling over her to grasp Kara's face in her hands, leaning in until her lips were millimetres from Kara's parted ones, Cat's breath coasting over Kara's chin. Cat would have sworn Kara had pouted at her for stopping, and were the room not so highly charged with the energy between them, Cat would have laughed. ''What does zhaol mean, Kara?'' Cat said around a small giggle, just barely there. ''Fuck.'' Kara said, barely a whisper, pushing up to try and grasp Cat's lips with her own. ''Fuck me, Cat.'' ''Gladly.'' Cat said, slipping her hand back down between them, and watched Kara's face when she moved again, muttering all sorts of things over the next few minutes, writhing beneath Cat, Kara's thighs caught between Cat's knees, and damn, Cat was drunk on the power this girl had in her muscles. Kara had eased her hold on fisting the sheets into a mangled mess and resorted to gripping Cat's ass through her dress like she was holding on for life, and Cat couldn't mind in the least. Kara was beautiful like this, and Cat wondered how she'd waited this long for Kara. For this. This was Supergirl. So beautiful she literally looked celestial. She looked alien right now, flushed cheeks, full lips, eyes crushed closed, sweat forming on her brow. She kept writhing, honestly shaking occasionally, and Cat wondered idly if she could learn a language from Kara's strangled moaning. Vocal was the wrong word for this. Kara was... there wasn't a word for it. ''Cat Cat Cat...'' Kara repeated it like a mantra, her back coming off the bed repeatedly, and Cat added another finger, now pushing three deep inside Kara's soaking wet heat, and Kara's back bowed again, hips lifting off the sheets in her quest to get closer to Cat's touch. Cat felt Kara's muscles clench, and it was actually painful, to the point where Cat winced, the strength of Kara's muscles almost shocking. ''Holy zhaol, Cat!'' Kara cried, and Cat leaned in to kiss her neck, whispering how much she loved her into Kara's ear, taking a second to nip at the gold stud of an earring, and smiling when Kara visibly shuddered beneath her, hands back to fisting the blankets tightly. ''Come for me, my Supergirl.'' Cat whispered, and as if she'd been waiting for permission, Kara did, honestly screaming as she broke apart, shaking violently, her hips slamming against Cat's, Kara keening out all sorts of Kryptonian curses, her voice wavering until she was nothing but wracked sobs, her breathing incapable of being anything but broken gasps, wild and erratic. Cat pulled her fingers away from Kara's wet clit, sitting beside her and languidly stretching out beside the panting, gasping hero, who was apparently still somewhere in another galaxy, her eyes still crushed closed, one hand over her chest, over her crest of El, over her heartbeat, the other buried in her golden hair. Cat brought her fingers, wet from Kara, to her lips, and sucked softly, cleaning herself off much like a Cat did to her paws, and sighed in contentment at tasting Kara on her fingers. Kara tasted exquisite. Cat hummed happily, and smirked when she noticed Kara watching a second later. Cat stopped, lowering her hand, and smiled at Kara, who was looking at her with eyes blown wide, pupils dilated so much Cat could barely see the blue anymore. And there was a hint of red in there too, a shock to Cat, who could do nothing but watch even as Kara grasped Cat's fingers in her own and brought them to her own lips, sucking one digit into her mouth with a little whimper, her other hand tight in the sheets, fisting the blanket against her hips. ''Welcome back to Earth, Supergirl. Thought I'd lost you to the stars there for minute.'' Kara's cheeks flamed again, a deep pink that Cat was starting to really enjoy creating, and Cat pulled her finger from Kara's lips, trailing it down her neck, collarbone, the edge of the supersuit. Cat gently eased her hand, fingers still wet, over Kara's, which was still fisting at the sheets beneath her, and pried her fingers from the silk, interweaving their fingers together before meeting Kara's eyes, which were now wide and nervous. Unsure. Even, dare she say, frightened. ''Shh. I want you to touch me, Kara. I want you to be comfortable with your hands on me. Not scared of hurting me.'' ''I...'' ''No. Kara, please. I don't want you to have to hold onto something else every time we do something you really like.'' Cat explained, crawling off the bed and standing before Kara, pulling her gently to sit up, bringing her hands up to Kara's shoulders. ''I want to feel your power, to feel you clutching at me when you feel so so good.'' ''Cat, I don't want to hurt you.'' Kara whispered, wringing her hands in her lap. ''I want to touch you. You have no idea how much I want that. But I'm so scared. I can't... What if I lose control? Cat, I could crush you if I'm not careful, it's a wonder the sheets are still intact.'' Cat smiled with a actual feline grin, and Kara gasped when Cat leaned in quickly, her lips millimetres from Kara's, and tightened her hands on Kara's shoulders, her fingers tugging at the zipper in the back, then barely tugging it down her back, just a tease. It was enough to make Kara gasp in anticipation despite her nervousness. ''Okay Supergirl. As much as I like this, nervous bundle of wild energy that you are, I want you out of the suit. Now.'' Cat purred as she tugged at the zipper, easing it down Kara's back, keeping her eyes locked with Kara's the whole time. ''Kara.'' Cat whispered when she noticed Kara biting her lip again. Cat knew she was nervous. Of course she had every right to be. ''I want to feel you. I want you to hurt me. If that's what it takes to be with you, then it's the choice I make. Kara, since the first day I saw you put on that suit, behind that door, I... I knew then that I loved you. That I would always love you.'' Cat eased Kara's arms from her suit and dragged it down her waist, revealing a pale blue bra beneath. ''I know you're scared of hurting me, and I knew you would be. But I want you to hurt me if you feel so good. If it's because of how good you feel, well... Kara, I'm not as frail and fragile as you think. I can handle it.'' ''Muscles of steel, Cat. I can lift a plane on my back with my bare hands.'' Kara kept speaking even as Cat slipped hands around her waist and unclasped her belt, unzipped her skirt, teased fingers along her strong back, feeling the muscles rippling beneath. ''I can break steel with a tiny squeeze, barely any power. I can't... I'll never forgive myself if I cause you pain.'' ''I want it.'' Cat said, and Kara stopped at her stern voice, looking deep into Cat's eyes. Even at the cafe, even when they were not yet kissing, Kara had never heard Cat speak anything but truth. Now it spoke volumes in this quiet room, echoing back off the walls, back to Kara's superpowered ears, and Kara nodded, her heart pounding as she moved, as Cat braced her hands over Kara's hips, her skirt already discarded on the bed. Kara laid back into the sheets, her eyes locked on Cat's, lips parting as Cat brought her hands to Kara's hips and dragged the blue material off her hips finally, baring a dark red thong that just managed to make Cat's throat go dry. Well... Cat crawled up Kara's hips and leaned in to kiss her. Oh her lips felt so wonderful. So soft and perfectly full, but Cat could feel the power she held in her blood. If she wanted to use it, ever, well... that was just exhilarating on a whole new level. ''Kara, you're so very beautiful.'' Cat whispered, trailing kisses down Kara's neck, over her collarbone, into the hollow of her throat. Cat smiled against her skin as she felt Kara's chest rise and fall beneath her, Kara's breath heavy against her forehead. Cat teased lower, tracing kissed along the cup of her bra, simple lace, barely there at all, and Kara's hands crumpled the sheets again, fisting already. ''Relax, Supergirl.'' Cat whispered, ''You're so beautiful, Kara. So perfect.'' ''I'm not...'' Kara whispered with a dark blush, which only intensified when Cat wetly kissed Kara's stomach, dropping the bodysuit on the floor, forgotten. Kara's cheeks went entirely red when Cat slipped her fingers beneath the lace waistband of her thong and tugged, teasing beneath with deft fingers, kissing down her navel as she did so. ''Yeah, absolutely beautiful.'' Cat purred back, and sucked at Kara's soft skin, opening her mouth to touch her teeth lightly to Kara's skin, a move that had Kara's hips coming off the bed again. ''Shh,'' Cat said softly, taking Kara's fingers from their place still fisting her sheets, and entwining their fingers together tightly. ''Relax, Kara. We'll go slow.'' Cat held their fingers together and crawled back up over Kara, placing Kara's other hand on her shoulder, trailing fingertips back down her arm before cupping her cheek. ''Touch me, Kara.'' Cat looked at her for a minute, giving her that look she knew everyone responded to, and smiled when Kara nodded barely, flexing her fingers over Cat's shoulder just a bit. ''Yeah, I want that.'' Kara admitted, and took a deep breath, nodding again when Cat released her other hand and slipped her fingers back over Kara's lithe body, back underneath her barely there thong, and tugged at the lace, teasing fingers over her clit before slipping a single finger back inside, over Kara's slick wet skin. Cat lifted her other hand and brought it under Kara's thigh, bringing her knee between Kara's legs, and hiked Kara's knee up, pressing close to Kara to continue her kissing, sucking Kara's lips against her own while pressing herself fully against Kara's body, causing the girl to gasp out loud at the feeling of Cat pressed against her like this. Cat smiled, kissing the girl, sucking at Kara's lip, when she felt Kara's hand move ever so slowly, barely touching, trailing over her back to find the zipper to her dress, and playing with the clasp. Cat almost thought Kara would wait for permission, but she didn't. Kara grasped the tiny metal hook and dragged it down, baring Cat's bare back to the room, and felt Kara's fingers find the clasp to her bra, expensive and all lace, and play with it. It took a second, all nerves, Cat was sure, but Kara slipped it open and pulled at the fabric of her dress then, pulling it from her shoulders, wanting the contact of skin on skin. Cat sat up and slipped from the bed, slipping the dress past her hips, letting it fall to the floor. Cat would have found it funny that Kara lifted up on her elbows to watch, but she looked so pretty like that, perfect muscles and toned abs, blonde hair messy around her face and shoulders, glasses still perched on her nose. She looked so damn cute... Cat's heart beat double time at the sight, and Kara's little smirk proved that she did in fact hear Cat's heartbeat. But the look on Kara's face, besides the amused smirk, her eyes were wide and openly staring, looking Cat up and down now that she was mostly naked except for her own black lace panties, which she dragged down her hips quickly before climbing back onto the bed and pulling Kara back against her. ''That sound should prove to you how much I want you.'' Cat said lovingly, and then brought her hands behind Kara's back, stunned by the lithe muscles clearly hidden underneath her perfectly smooth skin, and unclasped her bra, pulling it away quickly and roughly, excited to have Kara bare beneath her. She'd fantasizes about it since day one, seeing Kara at Aurora's, and this... well part of Cat's head still wondered if it was some kind of amazing dream. If so... Cat would kill whatever woke her up, the second it happened. Cat dragged her hands down Kara's perfect skin, her strong back, and leaned down to kiss her collarbone, slipping lower to kiss over the swell of one breast, then sucking one nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the tip. Kara tasted so perfect, her skin so smooth and beautiful and... ''Cat... damn, Cat.'' Cat grinned and sucked a little more, sweeping her tongue over the erect tip of Kara's nipple, and smiled when she felt Kara's hands, one on her back and the other lower on her hip, clenching gently, still careful but unable to resist. For the next two minutes Cat kissed and sucked, teasing Kara to another panting mess, until she felt Kara's fingers slip over her own skin, teasing between her thighs. Cat smiled. Finally. Kara was getting eager now. Good. ''I think it's your turn first.'' Kara whispered, and Cat sidled close to kiss her on the lips, grinning when Kara teased a finger through her wet folds, dipping inside, her thumb finding Cat's clit and pressing lightly. It was like turning on a switch. Cat moved against her hand, her hand tightening on Kara's waist. Cat was insanely ready, after giving Kara a screaming orgasm, and now bringing her close to a second one, and finally, Kara was feeling calm enough to do this. Cat wouldn't have been upset if Kara hadn't tried to touch her this time, and there would be many more for sure, Kara would get there. But this girl constantly seemed to take her by surprise. It was a nice change from what Cat was used to, knowing everyone too well. Because Cat was a watcher. Watchers knew things. She'd thought she'd known Kara, and sure, she had, but even watchers could be surprised. It rarely happened, but this girl was doing it nearly daily now, and right now, when Kara got bold and used a tiny bit of her power to thrust her fingers deep into Cat's core, thumb skating over her clit roughly, Cat downright groaned, hanging her head as a lightning strike of arousal shot through her, making her hands weak. ''Too much?'' Kara asked softly as she kept thrusting, using her strength just barely, just a tease to go a bit faster than normally human, and smiled, leaning up to kiss Cat's chin when Cat looked up and grinned, arms shaking at the feelings rocketing through her. ''I don't think that's possible... oh, Kara.'' Cat broke off the words, her arms giving out as Kara moved with her, Kara's own hips moving against hers, and fell over her rather ungracefully. Kara laughed and cradled Cat close to her, moving with her until they were lying together on their sides, Kara hugging Cat close while she shook slightly, and kept thrusting, using her speed, and her strength, and Cat moaned against her neck, panting loudly. ''Kara... Kara please...'' ''Yes, yes of course. I've got you.'' Kara said gently, kissing Cat's forehead, but gasped when she felt Cat's fingers slip back between her thighs and into her slick heat, shaking but perfect as before, and Kara shuddered against her when she felt her muscles wake up again and race towards another orgasm, still so close, so near. ''Kara... I-'' ''You're safe with me, Cat.'' Kara whispered, even as everything inside her clenched tightly, insanely, painfully. ''Kara. Kara, my Supergirl.'' Cat said, her voice strangled, and then she went silent, shaking, her breath catching as everything shifted, her orgasm rolling over her in one steady all encompassing wave, making everything go white for a moment. Kara held her close, gently but close nonetheless, and felt herself fall over a second time at the touch of Cat's now shaking fingers. She knew that wasn't insisted, Cat was riding out her own sensations, that shaking wasn't intentional, but evidently Kara's body didn't care. Kara fell over the edge into her second as well, managing barely to not cry out again, and whispered a few Kryptonian curses to herself as everything clenched, her heart pounding out of her chest. Or maybe that was Cat's. it sounded like an earthquake in the room, like the loudest drum. Kara smiled after a few seconds of strong concentration so she didn't break Cat's back with her hold, and hugged Cat close gently, smirking when Cat sleepily slipped her leg over Kara's hips and cuddled close, and brought her fingers up to remove Kara's glasses and discard them on the bed above their heads somewhere. Kara smiled and kissed her forehead, reaching behind her to pull the sheets up over them, hugging Cat close as she drifted off, already half asleep after a strong release. ''I love you, Supergirl.'' Cat muttered, kissing her shoulder, and settled her arm over Kara's waist. Kara smiled and hugged her close, relaxing with Cat safe in her arms. Yeah, this was what happiness looked like. This was heaven. ''I love you, Catherine Grant.'' ---- Kara woke up to sunlight streaming in through open balcony windows, right into her face. It was amazing. Kara lifted a hand to shield the sun from her eyes, and found her hands trapped at her sides. Kara looked down, a grin forming on her face to find Cat sleeping beside her, like an actual cat, curled up tightly at her side, one arm and one leg tightly wrapped over her own, trapping her. Kara wanted to laugh, but refused, not wanting to wake the sleeping Catherine Grant. Kara laid back, smiling widely, and took a deep breath. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this sated. Sure, superpowers prevented pain, or weakness, or fatigue, but damn, Kara felt like she was lying in a cloud made up of the softest feelings and even softer skin. And maybe the silk sheets and Cat's skin had something to do with that. Kara chuckled a bit, and looked out at the sunrise in the distance, hearing the birds singing and the traffic on the freeway, and then heard something completely ungraceful and turned her attention back to Cat. That had been Cat. Or more directly, her stomach. Kara laughed for real now, until her own stomach made a noisy welcome, and decided she should probably go find something to eat. Make herself useful, find some breakfast. Kara carefully disentangled herself from Cat's tight hold, slipping out from underneath her, and covered her to her waist with the blanket again, letting the sun stream in on her. Cat looked so youthful like this, face calmed by sleep, features softened and smooth, and Kara grinned as she found her red thong and slipped it back on, and then her suit. It took about 3 seconds for her to dress, but Kara let it slip to ten, feeling delightfully lazy. Slipping downstairs in bare feet, tights only, shoes under the bed somewhere, her suit, skirt low on her hips, her cape already on her shoulders, Kara stepped slowly into the huge kitchen and took a second to gather her work uniform from last night, folding it roughly and placing it on the sofa facing a huge TV. Kara found Cat's high heels, roughly discarded last night, and placed them by the doorway perfectly next to two other pairs, thigh these were by far her favourite. Black. Bold. High. With red underneath the heel. It was a Supergirl burgundy red, and Kara fucking adored it. These were hot shoes, and damn, hot didn't even compare to... Kara's stomach growled again, and Kara sighed, moving to the stainless steel fridge past the main kitchen island, and found a package of eggs, a loaf of bread, some cheddar cheese, and some ham. Mm. Yeah, this would do. Using her powers, Kara had a pan out and heated in seconds, toast in the toaster she found by complete accident when looking for plates, and ham in the pan, crimping up quickly. Kara slipped across the floor a few feet in her tights, the tiled floor waxed and perfect for this routine, and caught the toast in mid air as it popped from the toaster, she settled it onto rustic plates and cracked eggs into yet another pan with butter when she noticed the espresso machine in the corner on the other counter, a bag of espresso from Aurora's standing neatly beside it. Sliding over, her cape swooshing behind her, Kara slipped open the bag and set to grind some of the beans, powering up the machine. Kara grinned as she worked, quickly finding the remote of the radio system Carter had shown her beside a flowerpot on the windowsill. Kara turned it on, slipping through random songs until she found one. Working Girl. Train. Hmm. Sounded quite fitting actually, and Kara pressed play, shaking her hips as the song began. Two minutes later, Kara settled plates onto the table in the kitchen, slipping out barstools, and went to wake Cat with a kiss, when she noticed the sun streaming so brightly through the open balcony. Forgetting the song that was playing on repeat behind her, Kara stepped to the balcony and outside, smiling at the rays of sunlight. Power to her soul. Kara stepped up to the railing, turning her face to the sun, closing her eyes to the warmth. --- Cat watched from the doorway, eyeing the breakfast on the table, latte with a perfect heart in it beside Cat's plate, and a similar one for Kara, and Kara in her suit on the balcony, smiling at the sun. Cat smiled at her with a goofy grin on her face, feeling utterly boneless and replete, happy. Cat hadn't ever felt quite like this, though. It felt jarring, and amazing. Purely, utterly amazing. Just like the girl standing on her balcony. Cat snuck to the table, grabbing her latte, and settling back to the wall to watch Kara run fingers through her hair and mess it up, streaming out golden tresses down her back in a tangle. Damn. Cat smiled as she sipped her coffee. Watching from her place, wearing barely anything else but her black panties and a light t-shirt. Smiling because she felt utterly super. Watching happily, whispering to herself ''I'm in love with a working girl.'' along with the lyrics.. Because that's what Cat was. Cat watched, because she was a watcher.
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