#the cayc files
garadinervi · 1 year
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Homenaje a Salvador Allende, Centro de Arte y Comunicación (CAyC), Buenos Aires, 1973 [The CAyC Files, International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX + Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA), New York, NY]
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witchhuntress · 2 years
Fuyumi Ono Q&A (Part 1)
I fell asleep🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🤣🤣🤣Was so tired last night to edit/format this fsdfsdf There are a lot of questions asked so I estimate there will be 3-4 parts of this (as usual with the old scans I have, it 's rather hard to see some characters due to the state of the copy, so I will post by batches at a time besides posting other updates). I will post the fanarts in the future as well, but will have to see if I can get my old laptop to run ( it has become a slowpoke & troublesome throughout the years but hopefully I can retrieve my old files soon).
Shibuya Branch Office
I have finally cleared my workload and am ready to launch a *new series.
Truthfully, we should have launched it in March. Ho-ho.
However, we have not decided on the illustrator for the new series yet. Even if the manuscript is ready, it will not be published into a book, which is the main deal of all this, if we don’t fix that...
Q1: How do you decide who will illustrate the books?
The author usually makes the request first. After a discussion with people in the publishing house, they decide who they would like to work with and ask if they can work with them. The illustrators have their own circumstances, so it is actually very rare that the author’s request is granted easily.
…As that is the case, only god knows when the book will be released… Aha-ha-ha (powerless laugh)
Requests for illustrators are still possible right now ⭐️Write to this person! Come write a letter to “the editor in charge of Fuyumi Ono”⭐️
Q2: Will there be any new characters in the second part of the Evil Spirits series? (Also, will Madoka-san appear regularly?)
I am not sure if Madoka-san will regularly appear. She might not appear in Volume 1… I have a hunch… But… I wonder (this author is random).
A new character will appear. What kind of person they are is still a secret⭐️Let’s just take note that they will be Naru’s rival (laughs).
Q3: I have a question about “I Can’t Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits”. Ubusuna-sensei cursed Naru with hitogata made through Enmi, and a passage says that “Kazuya Shibuya” was written on it. But I just realized that Naru is “Oliver Davis,” so “Kazuya Shibuya” should not be his real name. So why was the curse directed towards Naru? Is it possible to get cursed as long as the target is fixed, even though it is not their real name? This is one among many questions I have.
In such cases like curses, it is said to be more effective on an alias than a real name. That is why celebrities change their stage name according to **onomancy.
Q4: In “I Can’t Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits,” various people like Silvio Meyer, Nina Kulagina, Edgar Cayce, and Jeane Dixon were mentioned, but do all of them exist in real life?
Each of them, ***except the Davis brothers, are real people. However, ****Taunus-san doesn’t exist in real life. A person named Taunus might exist though. ...I am really an idiot (;_;)
That’s right, I received many comments that the Fudō Myō-ō seal “may be wrong.” There are two theories on the documents I have on hand, and certainly, there is a strong possibility that they are indeed wrong in number (Ho-ho). Whether it’s a different view or an error in the documents themselves, it is currently being investigated, so please bear with it for a while (The documents are not to be read, but to be grappled with, aren’t they…?).
Q5: Is “Fuyumi Ono” your real name? One more question: What I’ll be asking might be unrelated, but you’re a woman, right?
“Fuyumi" is my real name. It has no meaning besides that I was born in winter. My sex is female. I have never had a DNA test done(^_^;)
Q6: What kind of clubs have you been a part of?
I have been in various clubs including track-and-field, theater, and brass band (I am a jack-of-all-trades…).
Q7: What is the length of the novels you write? For example, in “Sea of Wind, Shore of Labyrinth (1)”, how many hundreds of sheets of paper with 400 characters each are there?
Usually, it’s about 400 pages. I think "Sea of Wind~ (1)" is about 260 pages. Since the paper is thicker in WH, the book will be thicker than TH, even with the same number of pages.
Q8: Will you abandon a rejected manuscript? Naru and the others won’t save you even if something too good for a ghost shows up. Haha
I will not abandon it. I will use it when I get the chance.(^_^)
Q9: Will this newspaper continue even when the second part of the Evil Spirits series has been released? Will the short stories too?
It will continue. Rest assured.
*New series refers to Akumu no Sumu Ie at the time of this Q&A (around 1994?). This seems back when all the short stories have not been fully released as well.
**Onomancy is fortune-telling of a person’s name. The reasoning for why aliases prove more effective to be used in curses is probably due to the specificity that it is made or chosen. That is, one can have the same real name (same Chinese characters & character strokes for Japanese names, for example) as someone else, but those who have the same real names might have different nicknames, especially or uniquely referring to them. Onomancy helps in choosing lucky names, so that is probably why celebrities refer to it to make their stage names. 
***Ono-sensei is simply saying Naru and Gene are fictional characters (i.e., there are no Davis twins with psychic powers in real life), not that she didn’t base their surname and so on on a real person. In retrospect and at first glance, this seems to go against what I mentioned before—that Naru and Gene could be based on real people—but she did not refute that (confirmation by omission?😅😅😅the compound word she used that means “except” can mean “in addition to” or “besides” as well). She clearly meant the psychics the asker mentioned are real people. The similarities of Andrew Jackson Davis’s life and abilities with Naru and/or Gene’s are still there and hardly coincidental (A.J. Davis retired in Boston, which is where Naru and Gene were born. He was also a medium). Also, this connection between A.J. Davis and Edgar Cayce is interesting (and these two were popular psychics in their respective centuries, with A.J. Davis being born first). There’s also the bit about A.J. Davis having a “guiding spirit”—which if you think about it, parallels the situation with Gene being Mai’s guiding spirit and telling her info no one else could have accessed. I think it’s safe to say that there are obvious connections here and there.
****Not sure if I got the name Taunus correctly. It can be either Towners or Thaunus too. Some foreign names in Japanese syllabification have no ready equivalent, and authors might create their own Roman alphabet spelling of it.
Silvio Meyer was said to be a Swiss psychic who has PK (there are only a few mentions of him in a few articles, but not an encyclopedia online). It was said he could bend metals, but he was caught cheating (Ubusuna-sensei seems to be a parallel of him, isn’t she?).
Nina Kulagina was said to be a Russian psychic with PK as well, and was also caught cheating many times lol.
Edgar Cayce was dubbed as "The Sleeping Prophet" since he was said to be a clairvoyant. He founded a non-profit research organization.
Jeane Dixon was said to be an American psychic and astrologer who foretold the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Sea of Wind, Shore of Labyrinth is one of the volumes of Ono's other series, The Twelve Kingdoms.
I believe TH means Teens Heart and WH means White Heart. In full names, they are Kodansha X Bunko Teens Heart and Kodansha X Bunko White Heart; they are Japanese publishing imprints. TH has now been dissolved.
For fun, I ran onomancy on Mai and Naru's names! I will post translations of the interpretations soon as well since they seem interesting! I will also run the rest of the SPR gang's names XD See you on the next part!
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toiletology · 16 days
How to play the game part 4
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Continuing where we left off I was talking about Cara's burnt-down home. It was a lovely home luckily she's an incredibly strong woman so she was able to handle the loss while maintaining her career. While also needing to perform on stage as Sally Bowles in a Cabaret musical. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabaret_(musical)
Check out the video below to see how strong she is! Climbing on a rope upside down is no joke as we had to do this in the army and can suck even 10-15 ft off the ground! I knew a guy who broke his leg in my platoon doing this. (seems like it was bad karma for the bank card he stole from me making me have $0 dollars over the Christmas holiday with no money for food or access to food)
"LAFD officials tell TMZ the arson squad took on Cara's house fire investigation as standard procedure but couldn't pinpoint the exact origin and cause of the blaze due to the extensive damage."
No, I don't think this was punishment from God to Cara though most would think this if they lost everything they worked so hard to build and create. She lost many irreplaceable sentimental items like her signed guitar from David Bowie. I think it was God's way of clearing out some clutter and material attachments from the lavish life she is so used to. To better help her focus on her spiritual growth vs her possessions growing.
Charles said the fire was believed to be electrical, starting after “something fell on” a power line during “very windy” conditions. Officials said the fire burned for over two hours, requiring 94 firefighters to put it out. An official cause has not been released but the LAFD told Page Six there was “nothing to suggest that it was criminal activity.”
If there is anyone in the world that I can think of who is a triple threat it is her. Not only does she have the brains, beauty, but she's also got an insane amount of talent. She's definitely got some cheat codes or a game genie on her side.
So how does a girl born rich and discovered at a young age for modeling also have endless talents? It's kind of like God gave her every advantage possible in life. However, I will say she didn't have the perfect life growing up with her mother struggling with addiction, and says she got drunk for the first time at the age of 8. Crazy that at a young age, she had dyspraxia which is a coordination disorder. Strange that she's so good at playing drums and other musical instruments which require a ton of coordination.
She's also had to deal with an annoying skin condition called Psoriasis which seems like it can be extremely annoying to deal with. I also have a disease that affects the skin called Behçet's, we are like two peas in a pod. The famous psychic Edgar Cayce had a protocol for Psoriasis which included consuming Saffron tea and slippery elm bark daily.
I came across a method of helping the gut microbiome by injecting blended-up kefir grains, chamomile tea, and slippery elm bark rectally from a kefir expert DOM that suffered from Ulcerative colitis since the 70s. He has passed now recently but has left us with a lot of great advice for curing various ailments and autoimmune conditions.
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I think I am close to fixing all the ailments it causes and most of my symptoms are 90% gone. I think it first starts from poor air quality,(smoking and the environment, which mostly affects people in the Middle East) weak lungs, and a gut microbiome that gets imbalanced.
My health problems started to manifest after my second deployment overseas to the Middle East back in 2010 after I took some antibiotics over there. That's when I got my first mouth ulcer which is a common symptom of Behçet's. I have created a research group on Facebook to help solve and cure this disease. https://www.facebook.com/groups/behcetsresearch
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She is now officially ACID BURN from the movie HACKERS (sorry) and we are planetary hackers.
ACID (CID her initials are CJD pretty close right?) BURN = B UR N (I also read this as M ur N, both those letters represent 77)
One interesting coincidence is when I created my comic book I named the main character or comic "DII CASSES" (which is a Celtic God) you could read this as DII/DIE, DICK/ASS but if you look closely and read it backward DIICA is ACID (will also be how they became a skeleton in the first place, spoilers alert!).
Another interesting thing about the movie HACKERS is its always been my favorite movie since I was a kid when I watched it around the age of 11-12 back in 1995. Crash The Arcade was also my musical moniker that I used for many years. That name randomly fell into my lap from another rapper called SuperstarB.
In Gematria the word CRASH = 49 which is my birthday. Back around 2015-2016 when I was outside my apartment complex in Philadelphia I heard loudly in my head, "CRASH IS ALMOST BACK." I guess you could say I really am Crash and I am Crashing the Arcade by exposing how the game works. Making music is a good method for hacking the matrix I would say. Sound or hearing is key. https://soundcloud.com/crashthearcade
C = 3, R = 18, A = 1, S = 19, H = 8
C = SEE R as H (similar to the word LAST, L as T or SA/L/AS/T or FISH, F is H) RASH? Close to WASH (Car wash or Acid wash jeans).
We could easily turn the word "CAR WASH" into Cara/Matt, CARS WAH (split the H = tt, flip the W = Matt) CARS S = 19 or 1, A = 1. MOTOR CAR. No Toiletology isn't a cult to worship us, I am just showing you that we are playing the role of the Godhead avatars which represent God's ultiMATe truth. We are all God experiencing self, yes you are God. The further you move up the levels of the game your higher self will start revealing itself to you. You can communicate to them as a male or female figure, I do both depending if I want a fatherly or motherly figure.
RASH = skin conditioning, I used to get big rashes when I was in like 3rd grade on my stomach that I would just scratch endlessly, luckily I don't get them anymore. A rash keeps getting worse the more you scratch it. This is similar to how the devil works, the more you feed that bug inside of you the stronger its control becomes.
You must stop thinking of the devil as an external creature or demonic entity that exist somewhere "out there." The devil only exist INSIDE of you! This is one thing you need to grasp and hold onto if you want to escape the game.
God designed this game to prevent shitty human beings from entering through the gates of heaven (NAS in computing = Network Attached Storage, N = Nothing, A = Anything, S = Something, Angels get anything).
Heaven does not exist outside of this realm (karma and reinCARnation is real!). You can enter through the gates right now on Earth (heart) by connecting your heart (ear) to God's heart. The devil acts like a guardian to the gates of heaven and is the force that pulls you lower down into HELL(77). You can think of the devil-like an earworm or the snake in the garden. The snake is GOD and the DEVIL, they can be both good or bad. A snake also has double slit eyes which is a clue to the 11-year quest for the Holy Grail.
That snake's purpose is like a grounding wire/force or gravity trying to pull you down. Back in early 2023 God or the game kept screaming the name SNAKE PLISSKEN over and over again in my head. I really had 0 clue what this meant. I ended up pulling many things out of this rabbit hat that is the name SNAKE PLISSKEN. Snake Plissken is a character in the movies Escape from LA/New York (ahh where both Cara's houses are what a Cawinky-dink).
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S = Snake 🐍 The snake represents the devil or the bug that will start pulling you lower into hell. S can represent SIX or SICK or SICKKKKK it can be good or bad. The 666 = bugs entering your system you remember the movie The MATrix?
The 666s can be helpful to let you know you're going down into hell. If you catch them (listen) and are aware of the 6s they will let you know you're getting bugged which is not good because they make you SICK!
Myself and Cara exist outside of the game, (sort of) we are like fish out of water or Ariel the mermaid when she left the ocean and now has legs. I can hear the things that the game forces into your head that you cannot hear or aren't aware of (it's like subliminal influencing).
Once you start mastering the game, you will be able to hear the bug implanting bad ideas into your head. It is really annoying until you are able to block it and make it disappear. You aren't able to make it disappear ALL the way. But you can make it so weak and quiet that it becomes easier to detect when you are hearing ITS manipulation or LIES in your head.
The trick to mastering the game is realizing that conquering the FEAR inside of you is the KEY to rising to the top of this reality
"FEAR" = 17 (Septenary) "LOVE" = 14 (Septenary)
To escape the matrix or the game you must learn to completely clear your mind till it becomes crystal clear like glass and reflects back exactly what you need.
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The SNAKE PLISSKEN or the "S" or "6" is informing you that you should listen. It can be a sign you're going off the rails and going lower. The Snake/S can also be the letter "N" (Snake ISS/EN or N). The letter "N" is two 7s being joined together. The letter "Z" is also the letter N just sideways.
If we take a look at the New Balance sneakers we can see that they use the N as their logo. God's truth is exposed when you create GREAT ART. The language of God is complicated to understand until you start noticing them more. It's easier to notice it in the letters and words. Because great writing will start to align itself and God will start speaking directly to you through the letters and words (if you look closely enough). This is why I keep harping on about the LETTER TYPOS. It is how you escape and become greater than you can imagine!
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It's complicated and a bit hard for me to explain to you how it works. God will manifest in GREAT ART (and bad art, but easier to notice them in the great art), if you want to notice GOD more look at great prose, a song, or a movie you like. Start to inspect it closely and you will notice the subtle wink of Gods truth hidden within. That Godly wink I describe like the game of JINX buy me a Coke. JINXY, GOD, or the MOT/HER is a trickster or cosmic clown. When God arranged themself harmoniously and perfectly into this universe. That perfection manifests into this sick and fucked up game. God has apologized to me a few times for it being this way, but it wouldn't work any other way. It is the cosmic joke and is the reason the name of this game = LOL. I figured that one out back in 2016 but I didn't really believe that's the name of the game until now in 2024. The true GOD of reality = JOKER & HARLEQUINN and God's creative energy is best described as a clown energy (an energy that manifests in all the great things and terrible things we experience in life).
This is why people always see clowns or jesters on DMT, mushrooms, or other types of hallucinogenic drugs. What you are seeing when on these drugs is just God's creative energy at play. It's nothing more than a strong augmentation brought on by the psychedelics that you are taking. Taking drugs can peel back the curtain and expose some of the truth. In my experience psychedelic drugs namely mushrooms can be a good way to bring out your empathetic nature naturally (not ur ally/mat ur ally).
They can also help with your belief in GOD because these experiences can create strong memory anchors similar to trauMATic experiences that are harder to forget. One time I took mushrooms back in 2016 and I was experiencing an extremely hot clown girl shoving her boobs in my face and seeing jester symbolism like playing cards, poker chips, and other things you would expect. God then created a perfect musical space symphony in space as I hung on my pull-up bar. They eased off on the crescendo to the music when I got a little bit scared.
Eventually, when the anxiety and fear passed they kept building it up stronger and stronger till it crescendo and climaxed. When you develop your telepathic/psychic skills more you will find that harnessing sexual energy and being in control of it is how you use telepathy and move around in the astral. Holding onto God's heartbeat requires you to be completely in control of your emotions, sexuality, and energy. It is possible to FEEL another across the other side of the planet, you can kiss them, touch their skin or hair. Ya, know I like to call Cara on her foot or the foot phone as I call it. Becoming too dark or pigheaded in the mind will bring you out of alignment with God and each other. It's like walking a tightrope too far to either side and you will lose the connection with God. Being too zealous or evangelical will keep you far off the correct frequency, the opposite is true being too debaucherous.
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Gods game works exactly the same way I described that mushroom experience. I keep describing it as a SLOW UNWINDING and SLOW is smooth is smooth and smooth is fast.
SLOW (S = LOW) LOW (MOT flip it upside down) LOW = OWL The letter N and M both are two 7s being connected together and the letter N is another way of saying something without saying it, WE ARE IN the 77 or 707/LOL. We are in means you are at the correct alignment or frequency and you can see Gods voice or guiding hand behind everything that is happening around you. Even a fly randomly flying next to something.
What we are in is the double TTs (Pi/circle which is an eye) or the double 77s.
There are 49 degrees to heaven and 49 degrees to hell. You don't go to heaven after this place and there will be no global rapture or ascension. When you die or a loved one has passed you will be reincarnated again. Your starting conditions and your life path will be calculated then your serial number and name will be embedded with God's truth and you will be reinjected back into the MATrix based on your past karmic misdeeds. God is always keeping this game balanced, even the really cruel and horrible shit we see daily. God is constantly balancing the scales and will send you where you belong. It can feel extremely cruel ending up in a shitty part of the world experiencing atrocity after atrocity. But God is not evil and I am here to proclaim God's truth. Our reality is determined based on the choices we have made in this life and many previous lives. It could take you thousands of lives to pay off karmic debts based on the evil shit you have done. I don't know I can only guess, but God has shown me things in my mind's eye that truly scare me about how depraved the human condition can become.
Toiletology must grow, so we can get this knowledge out and fix this fucked up world as soon as possible. I am like LUKE SKYWALKER (hmmm my last name is Walker) or the reluctant hero trope, because shit I feel like I am all by myself with this ultiMATe truth. Not to mention it's a lot of f--king work especially when the stuff I am talking about sounds crazy as f--k. It is very easy for me to get stressed and depressed especially since I've been at this for more than 2 decades on my own. Thankfully, I do have Cara and I am very grateful to God for bringing her into my life. She is the one thing keeping me afloat in this circus reality.
The 666 or the bugs can get bad in our system (we can also bug each other, I call this creating traffic jams). This isn't because God hates us, it's just how this reality works and God made it perfectly... It is a hard pill to swallow (MAT LOW) and can cause a lot of grieving when you come to terms with how it works. You need to get used to this being a fact of our human nature.
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Once you start getting better at Toiletology you will start to notice other people's bugs or glitchiness. I am to the point now I can hear the game at work in people's vocalizations or typos. Have you ever had someone say something to you and it sounds like something completely different? Like they were saying some evil shit to you? I heard it today on the phone with my bank, I forget what they said but I could the other word layered through the word they were saying. It's not them saying it, it's just the bugs in their system. Their bugs can infect you. This is how the game works, once you start going down into the lower levels of reality you will start attracting more negativity or more disharmony or bugged-out people or experiences into your life. These negatively charged individuals are in an extreme state of disrepair or disharmony. Their disharmony is like an instrument in a song that's out of tune or out of key.
Human beings have 7 chakras, there are 7 notes in a musical scale, and 7 primary colors in the rainbow. These 7 chakras act like our musical scale or filter for God's voice. God's love gets confused or broken up the more disharmonic and out of key we are with their true frequency. Many of these new-age spiritual types, gurus, and psychics are just charlatans using their LIES to make a buck. I imagine there are some that get good messages from GOD if they aren't in a disharmonic state. I have found psychics who have a lot of Christian items throughout their home are more likely to pull better inforMATion that can benefit you. One time in Texas back in 2005 I went to a psychic and they said one of my friends was going to jail. The guy who went with me that day to the psychic did end up going to jail on drug charges. He also got kicked out of the Army due to that instance.
I am not saying all people claiming to be telepathic or channels for God's voice are liars. What I am saying is that even myself being probably one of the strongest psychics in the world and fully telepathic. I am aware that God's voice and messages can be distorted and clouded. The devil's voice albeit quiet is still there, as well as my voice, Cara's voice, other people's voices and just some random confusion thrown in there. Being a clear channel requires you to be in the bullseye or the eye of the storm as close to God's heart as possible or you will just be spewing nonsense unable to interpret the hieroglyphs just another bumbling fool.
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Almost everything I read in the truth communities, new-age spiritual communities annoys the crap out of me and Cara. Because we both know exactly how reality works and have already navigated the noise and chaos we can see clearly how God operates. It is completely pointless for me to argue with anyone because there is no need. I try to correct people's frequency by tuning them correctly. The majority are stuck in their limited incorrect beliefs. It's going to take a while before people start seeing Toiletology as the correct frequency to tune them and align/angle/angel them to God's heart.
There is a lot of power in The Church of Toiletology and just joining and taking that first step can make all the difference in your rapid ascension. God didn't give me their most ultiMATe truth and method for escaping the MATrix without it holding a strong power. There is power in the ranks of Toiletology, there is power in helping the church grow and following the commandments. Once you start beLIEving what I am telling you is true, you will start leveling up at a rapid pace and the oil in your lamp will grow and light the completely dark maze up so you can better see the traps ahead.
Are you ready to become a lightspeed champion or not? If not you can always FORMAT your computer and go to sleep.
Continue on part 5... https://blog.toiletology.org/post/761447118568407040/how-to-play-the-game-part-5
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novumtimes · 1 month
Red Lobster Closing 23 More Locations Amid Bankruptcy
The ship is sinking and taking endless shrimp with it. Seafood chain Red Lobster announced that it is set to shutter 23 additional restaurants in the forthcoming days. This development emerged amidst the chain’s bankruptcy turmoil, according to court documents analyzed by CNN. The closure of these locations by August 31st is just another wave in the storm that has seen the company close more than 100 of its dining establishments earlier in the summer. These newest setbacks will leave the once-thriving chain with a mere 500 outlets, drastically down from the 650 that were operational last year. Navigating through murky waters, Red Lobster is attempting to find a lifeline in Fortress Credit Corp., a lender seasoned in restaurant management that boasts ownerships such as Krystal and Logan’s Roadhouse. Fortress extended a $100 million loan to keep the chain afloat amidst financial distress, and now Red Lobster is hoping they’ll buy it. Related: Bob’s Stores to Shutter All Locations, Stop Business After 70 Years The restaurant has faced a sea of troubles including mismanagement, fierce competition, and rising costs. Taking the helm in 2020, Thai Union, a titan in the global seafood market, steered Red Lobster into bankruptcy by May 2024. Under this new leadership, the company’s work culture deteriorated, and decisions such as axing venerable suppliers and introducing a permanent $20 endless shrimp promotion backfired, plunging the chain into an $11 million loss from the offer alone. The current filing states that the restaurants targeted for closure are “likely to continue to drive losses and are unnecessary for the company’s survival moving forward.” With its nets cast wide, Red Lobster navigates the choppy waters of the restaurant industry, hoping for a turn of the tide in its beleaguered saga. Here is the complete list of shuttering Red Lobsters, according to CNN: Arizona 1521 S. Yuma Palms Pkwy., Yuma California -8703 Murray Drive, La Mesa -8407 W. Markham St., Little Rock Colorado -4925 N. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs Florida -326 Miracle Strip Pkwy., Fort Walton Beach -5110 N. 9th Ave., Pensacola -8909 U.S. Highway 19, Port Richey Georgia -6550 Tara Blvd., Jonesboro Illinois -1604 N. State Road 50, Bourbonnais -902 Commons Drive, Geneva -4625 N. Sterling Ave., Peoria Indiana -4353 Franklin St., Michigan City Minnesota -8900 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley -12515 Elm Creek Blvd. North, Maple Grove Missouri -2381 Maplewood Commons Drive, Maplewood New York -925 Hunts Point Ave., Bronx -750 Upper Glen St., Queensbury North Carolina -304 A Western Blvd., Jacksonville Ohio -17227 Southpark Center, Strongsville South Carolina -1270 Knox Abbott Drive, Cayce Virginia -555 S. Van Dorn St., Alexandria -4415 S. Laburnum Ave., Richmond -709 Independence Blvd., Virginia Beach Source link via The Novum Times
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enigmassinbarreras · 1 year
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Edgar Cayce, también conocido como el "profeta durmiente", afirmó en sus lecturas psíquicas que la Atlántida era una civilización avanzada y tecnológica que existió en el pasado, pero que finalmente se hundió debido a un desequilibrio espiritual y el abuso de su conocimiento. Según Cayce, la Atlántida poseía cristales de energía, conocimientos médicos y espirituales avanzados, pero su búsqueda de poder condujo a su eventual caída. Sus ideas sobre la Atlántida han inspirado investigaciones y debates y Mucho de lo Que Predijo Se Ha Cumplido y Muchas Otras Cosas Fueron Investigados en Secreto por Inteligencia de Usa y Rusia y sus Videntes Remotos que hacian algo similar a lo de Cayce.
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Edgar Cayce, también conocido como el "profeta durmiente", afirmó en sus lecturas psíquicas que la Atlántida era una civilización avanzada y tecnológica que existió en el pasado, pero que finalmente se hundió debido a un desequilibrio espiritual y el abuso de su conocimiento. Según Cayce, la Atlántida poseía cristales de energía, conocimientos médicos y espirituales avanzados, pero su búsqueda de poder condujo a su eventual caída. Sus ideas sobre la Atlántida han inspirado investigaciones y debates y Mucho de lo Que Predijo Se Ha Cumplido y Muchas Otras Cosas Fueron Investigados en Secreto por Inteligencia de Usa y Rusia y sus Videntes Remotos que hacian algo similar a lo de Cayce.
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beyondcuckoo · 2 years
Reincarnated Pathways has been published on Elaine Webster - https://elainewebster.com/reincarnated-pathways/
New Post has been published on https://elainewebster.com/reincarnated-pathways/
Reincarnated Pathways
Shared from Mu the Motherland: There’s a lingering memory, an experience, that stays with me from my childhood. I’m not sure exactly how old I was at the time, maybe seven or eight—not long after my family moved from Manhattan to Queens in NYC. I remember that I had recently made my first communion at the local Catholic church when I began to feel frightened by the idea of death. Most nights left me tossing and turning, afraid that if I fell asleep, I would somehow disappear. One night, however, as I gazed out the bedroom an image appeared—not so much an image, but a solid person waving and smiling as if to say, no worries, I’m here.
Through the years, I’ve thought about the encounter, remembering the calm that pervaded the room as the bald, round-faced man gazed at me with gentle kindness. Recently, and what brings me to write this, is an episode on the History Channel about a woman, Omm Sety (Dorothy Eady 1904 -1981), who dedicated her life to Egyptology, specifically the study of the Temple of Seti at Abydos, where she said she once lived. There is much written about Omm Sety and I recommend a book by Jonathan Cott, “The Search For Omm Sety”, which is a fascinating account of her life and her encounters with King Seti I, supposedly in person, in the flesh, romantically through astral travel. Normally, I would file this as simply interesting, but what grabbed me, was that the image shown of King Seti’s mummy closely resembled the man I saw as a child in my window.
The Edgar Cayce readings (available from the Association for Research and Enlightenment, A.R.E) say that ancient Egypt was a colony of Atlantis before its cataclysmic demise and remained a powerful world influencer throughout its history. While fascinated with Egyptian history, I don’t feel that I lived at that time, which makes my childhood vision confusing. Instead, I feel more connected to Lemurian influences and the pre-history conflicts with Atlantis which caused planetary chaos.
A belief in reincarnation fuels my interests and studies, however, you need not believe in it to consider how our actions affect the planet’s future and spiritual advancement. History repeats itself to allow our souls to progress through the Yugas—A Hindu term that defines the four steps in mankind’s development. In our current position in Kali Yuga, living is hard, but the lessons and rewards are great. Some similarities between the pre-destruction time of Atlantis and Lemuria:
High technology and science are predominant.
Religious thought struggles and is often falsified then used to control the weak-minded.
Money and wealth are king, with little regard to Karmic (the law of cause and effect) consequences.
Those in power lie, cheat and steal to further unholy agendas.
Planetary abuse in the forms of waste, pollution, carbon emissions etc. create increased weather extremes, shortages, and natural disasters.
Earth changes create famine, destruction of habitats, and a vast migration of peoples escaping unhealthy and dangerous situations.
However, before we get all hung up on the negative, remember that we have the free will, to do it differently. We are God’s children with a divine right to everything we need to return to higher planes and ways of thinking. We struggle with dualities: right/wrong, good/evil, rich/poor, love/hate etc. Which way will we go? I like to think that we’ll make it through, but not without tremendous effort and above all else, love.
So, what’s to be done? The signs are there, but it’s not as simple as living “Green”, although common sense dictates that we need to clean up our environmental act. But let’s look back at the commotion and chaos that destroyed civilization during the last Yuga cycle. Information from the Cayce readings, and elsewhere suggest that high technology—not evil in itself—created a scenario where humankind was capable of mass destruction, which apparently backfired way beyond what was imagined. The Hopi Elders say that someone “pushed the wrong button”. Other religious texts talk about great floods, mass migrations, and folks moving underground. (Check out the underground city of Elengubu, known today as Derinkuyu.) Many cultures speak about places of emergence whenever the coast was clear. No matter what you feel is true, there is still no denying that we are at a crossroads.
One of the goals of the “Mu the Motherland” is to help us to calm down and take a look around—setting aside our differences and focusing on our strengths. The political world is divided, more or less in half, which sets the stage for civil unrest, cultural division, religious fanaticism, and wars. We can counteract by broadening our horizons and accepting our neighbors. Which brings me to immigration. The world is still large enough to accommodate populations if we work towards common sense goals. Primal instincts set us up to fight to hold on to territories and repel invaders. However, people are on the move and letting individuals and families die at border crossings, at sea, in deserts etc. is not an option. The issues are complicated, but they can be figured out. Bottom line—violence is never a solution—love is the answer. Peace.
Image Source: Roland Unger, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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greysfield · 2 years
Plex media server will not launch
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The front-end player apps are Plex, Plex Web App, Plexamp, and Plex Dash. PMS can run on Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, NAS devices, or on Nvidia Shield TV. It organizes audio and visual content from personal media libraries and streams it to the player, either on the same device or over a network. It can acquire content from files, iTunes, iPhoto, Aperture, or the Internet, and automatically organize them by metadata tags such as title, artist, album, genre, year, and popularity. Plex Media Server (PMS) is the back-end component, free of charge. Plex Media Server stores, organizes, and streams all content, while the clients are the playback applications running on myriad devices and web browsers. Plex is a media player system with a client–server model. Plex Web App: Users can manage their libraries, server settings, and watch content from this browser-based interface. As of August 2019, it had about 100 global employees. Domestic Television Distribution, MGM, Lionsgate, and Legendary.
announced ad-supported video on demand (AVOD) of TV shows and movies available globally to free Plex accounts, from publishers including Warner Bros. Feingold declared Plex apps had been downloaded about one million times. At that time, Plex had 130 apps, the most popular of which were viewers for Apple Movies Trailers, YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, MTV Music Videos, BBC iPlayer, and Vimeo. was founded with Ullman as CEO and Feingold as CTO. In December 2009, the US-based Plex, Inc.
The OSXBMC code was kept roughly in sync with the upstream XBMC code. Due to different goals and vision from the XBMC team, they soon forked the code to become Plex, and published it on GitHub. The developers continued collaborating with the Linux-based XBMC project until May 21, 2008.
The team released early versions of the port, called OSXBMC, intended for eventual full integration into Mac OS X. They contacted him and offered support and funding, forming a three-person team in January 2008. Around the same time, Cayce Ullman and Scott Olechowski-software executives who had recently sold their previous company to Cisco-were also looking to port XBMC to OS X, and noticed Feingold's progress via XBMC online forums. He ported the media player XBMC (since renamed Kodi) to Mac OS X. Plex began as a freeware hobby project in December 2007 when developer Elan Feingold created a media center application for his Apple Mac. It was still used on the Media Server browser interface until early August of the same year. The code will be more stable and efficient on the CPU, according to Plex developers.Plex logo from 2013 to April 27, 2022. On Apple silicon Macs, Plex users can expect improved transcoding speeds, though there may not be a significant difference. It can be downloaded from the Plex website.
The preview version of the Plex Media Server must be installed manually and will not auto update to newer releases, which is something to keep in mind. This new package includes Plex Media Server for both Intel and Apple Silicon architectures, so you don't have to worry about what you are installing. We present, the Plex Media Server "Universal" build for macOS. The existing Mac server versions run just fine under Rosetta2, but native is always better, right? Well, here it is!!! Since the introduction of the Apple M1 chip for macOS, users have asked for Plex Media Server to natively support "Apple Silicon". At the current time, the release version of the Plex Media Server runs using Rosetta 2. The new version of the Plex Media Server uses the "Universal" build for Macs, which means it is compatible with Apple silicon and Intel Macs. Popular media platform Plex today announced the launch of a beta version of the Plex Media Server that has native Apple silicon support.
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ebouks · 2 years
Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals: With the Edgar Cayce Perspective on the Supernatural World
Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals: With the Edgar Cayce Perspective on the Supernatural World
Angels, Fairies, Demons, and the Elementals: With the Edgar Cayce Perspective on the Supernatural World John Van Auken [Van Auken, John] Categories: Others – New Age & Alternative Beliefs Year: 2015 Publisher: A.R.E. Press Language: english ISBN: B017X3KUOW File: 85 MB
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Voces y formas para Chile. Poemas ilustrados para el pueblo chileno, Centro de Arte y Comunicación (CAyC), Buenos Aires, 1973 [The CAyC Files, International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA) at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX + Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA), New York, NY]
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Manly P Hall - On The Akashic Record]
In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. It is believed all thoughts, words, intent etc. generates its own unique "frequency or vibration" which is stored in the Akashic Records When you hear the term Akashic Records, what comes to mind? When I first heard it, my first thought was of a giant filing cabinet of information. Some people think of the Akashic Records as a library, or a book. Some think of it as a database. But according to the Records themselves, they are another dimension called the Akasha. The Akasha is a higher dimension than the dimension we live in. I know, it’s weird. But stay with me. In the Akasha, every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future is stored ad infinitum. If you’re familiar with String Theory, the Akashic Records is basically like a database of what’s happening in all the universes that are co-existing together. The Akashic Records are basically a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened. Because they are a higher dimension, the rules of time don’t really apply. Time is a flat circle to the Akashic Records, so information from 2,000 years ago is as accessible as what happened to you yesterday. And what happened to you yesterday is as available as what could happen to you — if you stay on the same destiny trajectory — in 10 years. ost writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience but it is understood that all phenomenal experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein. History of Akashic Records Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bönpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. It is held that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, jiva, atma, or entity recorded every moment of its existence in a "book", and that if one attuned oneself properly then one could access that book (refer mindstream for example). Nostradamus claimed to have gained access to the Akasha, using methods derived from the Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and the Kabbalah. Other individuals who claim to have consciously used the Akashic Records include: Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Samael Aun Weor, William Lilly, Manly P. Hall, Lilian Treemont, Dion Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel and Edgar Cayce amongst others. Here Manly P Hall discusses what the akashic record is in his own deeply researched way.
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crowkingwrites · 6 years
Ship It
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton X Reader
Request:  If your request are open can you do another ramsay bolton where they are in high school and he is popular and he slowly falls for shy reader but he won't admit it because he is dating someone else but they hookup with each other at a party and she finds out she is pregnant with his baby and in the end they get together. I really love your writings they are amazing and your an amazing writer. Thanks
Author’s Notes: Totally didnt intend this one to be this long, but here we are.
Written for: @bittenwolf45
Words: 4973 //  [Ao3 Link]
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“Ms. Y/N, can you read the next paragraph out loud?” the history teacher asked you. When you shifted in your seat, you locked eyes with him again. Ramsay Bolton was among the rich and popular at North Westeros High School. He chewed at the eraser on the end of his pencil, waiting to hear you speak like the rest of the class. You enjoyed history. It was the only class you shared with him, and it was your favorite subject.
You read aloud a summary of a battle long ago. A civil war within a single house that almost destroyed everything. It was sad how a family can break apart and kill each other for power, but that was history. You’ve seen worse at home where your stepsiblings would argue with each parent. Civil war wasn’t foreign in your life. It was relatable.
The school bell rang for the day and everyone was out of their seats within seconds. You understood. History seemed bland to everyone else. It was boring. Who wanted to listen to a bunch of words dead men said? You packed up your things slowly, taking care to keep everything in neat order. You almost left the classroom when your teacher called your name.
“Sorry, Mr. Cayce. Is something wrong?”
“No, no. I only wanted to give you something,” Mr. Edgar Cayce handed over a pamphlet and an application to you. “There’s an internship program at the museum downtown. One of my past students is in charge there. I recommended you and showed her your last two papers. I think you should apply. It would open some doors for you.”
You smiled softly. “Thank you, Mr. Cayce. That’s really thoughtful of you. I’ll think about it.” You tucked the pamphlet and application between your folder and notebook and ducked your way out of the classroom. The next thing you saw was a redheaded girl kissing Ramsay’s cheek. She played with his fingers and they walked off together. His eyes lingered on you for a moment and then back to his girlfriend.
You couldn’t say it stung you. Ramsay and his girlfriend had been going out with each other for months. You were used to seeing them together. It was hard to swallow. You daydreamed so many times over the idea of you kissing his cheek and playing with his fingers. You also daydreamed of other thoughts that made your cheeks warm.
None of your naughty thoughts were known to the world. You only had one friend you were attached to. And even he didn’t know about your quiet crush on Ramsay.
“So, are you going to do it?” “I don’t know. There’s just a lot of people, you know?” you sighed. “What if I mess up something?”
“You won’t,” David reached his hand over to touch yours. “This is something you really love. Working at the museum for the summer? Getting out of your horrid house? Surrounded by artifacts and other people like you? It’s perfect for you. I think I know what’s really wrong here.”
“You’re scared, honey,” David only called you honey when he dropped any kind of truth on you. The first time you brought Crocs? Honey. When you thought Santa Claus was real at 15? Honey. When you thought that RuPaul’s Drag Race was a show only for gays? Hoooonnnnnney. Ru Paul’s Drag Race is for everyone.
David picked up his phone and opened Facebook. His newsfeed with buzzing with LGBTQA articles, friends posting selfies of themselves, and people haring inks of cute kitten videos. His friends number was upwards of 250 people. You frowned. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
“You’re so scared of rejection that you miss out on everything! I mean, look at—
“We’ve had this conversation before.”
“And the point still stands,” David firmly spoke. “This is perfect for you. Take it, damn you. I mean, fuck, if Ms. Reyes handed me an internship for Vogue, you best believe I would not be here moping to my best friend about it.”
“I guess you’re right. It would be really cool,” you half-smiled. The idea of spending all summer in a museum with people like you. Away from people screaming. Away from everyone who didn’t matter. That was perfect. “Could you help me pick out an outfit for the interview?”
“Interview? Are you getting paid?” David’s eyes lit up like Christmas. His flat brown hair seemed to have static electricity running through it. His glasses reflected like a Japanese anime character ready to make a stand.
“No, there’s a couple rounds of interviews to get a place in the program,” you explained, almost laughing. “I wanna look my best.”
David’s smile turn to sheer horrific glee. “I watched Devil Wears Prada 79 times. I am prepared for this.”
The flats you borrowed from David’s sister went perfectly with the green dress that David picked from your closet. Your hair was loose in curls around you, and David forced you in his bathroom to wear makeup. It certainly wasn’t your comfort zone, but at least your feet were comfy.
After receiving instructions from front desk information, you found yourself in the waiting room of Anna Nguyen, PhD. The room was mostly empty save for Anna’s assistant at her desk and Ramsay sitting in one of the few chairs by the office. You found yourself unable to breathe for a moment. Your head filled with questions.
Was what he doing here? Is he wearing an Armani suit? Does he even like history? What was he doing here? Did Mr. Cayce give him an application too? Is he that smart? What was he doing here?
Why was he here?
You quietly made your way over to one seat over from Ramsay. You took out your resume and recommendation letters and read over everything. You heard something shift and a voice.
“Hey, it’s you,” Ramsay said. “Y/N? We have History together.” Your mouth ran dry. You cleared your throat before you said anything.
“I guess you’re here for the internship?” He asked you. You nodded your head. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Not much for talking, hm? You’re probably smarter than me, but I’ll still get a place in the program. Don’t think you’re better than me.”
“I don’t.”
“I don’t think I’m better than you.” You explained. “But why are you here? You don’t like history.”
“You’re wrong.” Ramsay shot at you. “I do. Mr. Cayce wanted me to be here. He gave me the app.” Your questions were being slowly answered.
“I didn’t know. I thought I was the only one.”
“Well, you weren’t, Miss Perfect.”
“I’m not perfect.”
“Do you have straight A’s?”
“Yes, but—
“Then you’re perfect.” He replied with a huff. You knew Ramsay was hard to get along with. He wasn’t popular because everyone liked him. He was popular because everyone feared him. You still liked him anyways. He never bullied you, but this conversation wasn’t going well. You heard the assistant call your name. She gestured you to go inside the office for the interview. You nodded and left Ramsay behind.
“Hey, Perfect,” Ramsay called out to you. You turned to him one more time before entering. He winked. “Good luck in there.”
You thought about that for the rest of the day. On the way home, your eyes glazed over. In your bedroom, you stared at your personal journal. Trying to figure what to say. The words played over and over. His wink. That small smile. Someone had to know. You couldn’t keep these thoughts to yourself.
“What?” David said at lunch that next Monday louder than you wanted.
“Keep your voice down,” you whispered.
“I didn’t even know you liked people! Ramsay tho?” David nodded, tucking his finger under his chin. “I can see it. I ship it.”
“What? No. He has a girlfriend. It’s fine.”
“Still ship it.” David reaffirmed.
“He didn’t like me very much during the conversation we had.”
“Did he smile at you?” David asked.
“Yes,” you answered. “And he winked at me.”
David dropped his water bottle like a mic. “Ship it.”
When you received the email that you made it into the next round of interviews, you were ecstatic. This time you showed up in a pink blazer with a white blouse underneath. Your black slacks complimented your short heels, but what you liked the most was the statement necklace David nabbed from another friend for you. You swore that your closet was anything David could get his hands on.
You showed up holding your phone in your hands. You scrolled through every note you took from social media about group interviews. Your breathing matched your heart. Both seemed to be going fast. Group interviews were never your thing, and will never be your thing.
“You alright?” Ramsay asked. You looked up to see the Bolton with a button up shirt and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You it your lip. You considered lying for a moment, but you were terrible at lying. Why would you lie? It was written all over your face. This was not fine.
“No,” you said in the smallest voice. Your downcast eyes found the floor much more comforting to look at than your crush. “Is it the group interview? You have nothing to worry about,” Ramsay said casually. “They only do this to make good candidates nervous. You’ll be fine.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re perfect,” Ramsay gave you another small smile. “You’ll be measured against your peers, that’s me, and they’ll see how good you are.”
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m still getting a place in the program. Don’t worry about that.” His cockiness was on full display. He eyed other candidates as they filed into the room. Both of you took a seat next to each other. Ramsay leaned over to you. “Put it away. You’ll look distracted. If you’re still nervous, remember that you have the highest GPA of everyone in this room.”
“What? That’s so dumb. Why would I—
“You do. I already did the research. You have the highest GPA out of everyone in this room.” Ramsay finished his thought. He leaned back as the group interview started. Dr. Anna was there, but it was the Program Director that led the interview. Three other candidates introduced themselves while you and Ramsay were last. They shot easy questions at first. Why do you want to be in this program? What draws you to history?
But then came the more difficult questions. Why should they pick you? What do you have to bring to the table? You answered your best until you remembered what Ramsay told you.
“Ms. Y/N, what are your biggest weaknesses?” the Program Director asked you. Everyone’s head turned towards you.
“I believe my biggest weaknesses are my shyness and how introverted I am.” You watched two of the interviewers lean forward. “I may be quiet, but it’s something I’d like to work on. If I was offered a place here, I would be in good company. Learn and teach from thoe around me and create new friendships.”
You almost wanted to slap your momma that was such a good answer. You watched Ramsay’s smile grow because of you.
“Mr. Bolton, what are your strengths?”
“I know more about that painting to the left than you do,” Ramsay’s quick tongue earned a heated response.
“Do you?” The Director challenged. Ramsay leaned forward.
“The Arnolfini Portrait was painted by Jan van Eyck in the 1430’s. It’s a double full length portrait depicting an Italian merchant and his soon to be bride.” “You can’t prove that his bride.”
“I can.” Ramsay smiled. “Erwin Panofsky and other accredited art historians regarded this as a unique form of marriage contract, recorded as a painting. It was one of the first portraits done entirely in oils and highly regarded for its perspective. Of course, that’s only a copy. The original is in London. Any questions?”
You watched the Director frown and crumble up paper on the spot. You thought you could hear him say ‘that little shit’ under his breath. After the group interview was finished, you waited around for Ramsay who spoke with the art historian. He looked at you and did another double take. He excused himself, walking towards you.
“You know, you’re not the nicest guy at school—or ever,” you shot a look at the Director whose sour face could not be wiped from his face.
“I’m not. Why do you bring it up?”
“Why are you helping me?” you asked. Your hands fiddled with your phone. “Don’t you want a place for yourself?”
“Of course I do, do you think I’m an idiot?”
“No, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Ramsay blankly stared at you for a moment before rolling his eyes.
“This program leads to promising futures. I would rather make my alliances now,” Ramsay explained. You narrowed your eyes.
“Wha-I-Is this some kind of medieval time war game? A game of thrones? Or something?” you blurted out.
“It’s principle. I help you now. You’ll help me later.”
The words made sense, but it certainly didn’t help your feelings. You would still watch him from afar. As soon as the bell rang, Ramsay was in his girlfriend’s arms. Your stomach didn’t forgive you whenever you watched. It felt like torture every single time.
You didn’t know much about her. Only that she was just as popular, an average student, and her hair was kissed by fire. She was a fiery one. And wild. No wonder Ramsay liked her so much. And you were…the exact opposite. Quiet, unpopular, cautious, nervous. The words flowed through your head. You couldn’t hold a candle next to her.
You turned to go to your own lockers. You couldn’t watch them together anymore. Not when you and Ramsay had grown so much closer than you ever expected.
The reviewing process for the museum summer program was underway and it was only a matter of days until you found out whether or not you had a place in it or not. You decided to distract yourself in the school library going over your notes for your next history test. Your eyes almost glazed over until he sat down in front of you.
“Why are you always dressed like this?” Ramsay asked.
“What do you mean?” you replied, looking up from your notes. Ramsay gestured to your outfit. Another t-shirt and jeans. It was easy. No real thought into it.
“This. Why don’t you wear your other clothes to school?”
“The interview clothes?”
“Yeah,” Ramsay scoffed. “Don’t you want to impress some guy you like?” You felt your heart skip a beat. Heat rushed to your cheeks.
“W-well, it’s just looking good isn’t that important. I would rather study.”
“Rather study,” Ramsay mocked. “High school isn’t life or death, you know. You should wear your other clothes. You’re prettier in them.”
Ramsay got up from the seat and looked towards the library entrance. His girlfriend entered and waved him over. He nodded and then looked back to you.
“Stop studying. You’ll be fine. Remember? You’re perfect.” Ramsay tapped the table twice and left. Your mind was reeling. He thought you were pretty. Well, he thought you were pretty in your ‘other’ clothes. Did he like you? No, he has a girlfriend. He likes her. He called you perfect again. Was he being sarcastic? The questions and answers spiraled in your head so much that when you were in history you almost wrote Ramsay’s name instead of the correct answer on the test.
But you tried it.
The next day you wore your ‘other’ clothes to school. You did your hair. You even put a little more makeup on. Just to see. Yes, more people looked your way, and the attention was a bit much. You noticed Ramsay’s friend looking at you longer than you were comfortable with.
It was almost lunch and you carefully put your English notebook away when you felt a close presence behind you.
“See? Much better,” Ramsay smiled. You looked around for a moment, catching Ramsay’s girlfriend eye. She was seething.
“What are you doing?” you asked. Ramsay finished texting on his phone and his attention turned back to you. “You and I are going to Mr. Cayce’s classroom.”
You looked back at her. She was still seething. You almost thought she was on fire. “Your girlfriend doesn’t seem to be too happy.”
“She doesn’t matter,” Ramsay shrugged. “Don’t worry. She’s not mad at you. She’s mad with me, and frankly it’s getting fucking annoying.” Ramsay said that last sentence particularly louder. Both of you looked her way. She rolled her eyes and walked off with their mutual friends.
The walk to Mr. Cayce’s classroom was quiet. Until, Ramsay’s hand brushed by yours. You wanted to say something or mumble some sort of apology. When you glanced at him, he seemed too satisfied with himself. As if he did it on purpose. What game was he playing at? You were going to protest his mockery with your anger when you reached Mr. Cayce’s door.
He smiled wide and welcomed you both inside. He placed his hands on his hips. “Congrats to both of you! You made it.”
You felt like you could fly. You felt a sad weight lift off your chest and joy fill it in its place. Your summer would be spent around art, statues, artifacts, and anything you could get your hands on. You would be in the company of other people who did what you wanted to do for a living. You wouldn’t be stuck in your house listening to another argument or hiding away from the tension. In your glee, you squealed and hugged Ramsay much tighter than you planned to.
You blinked and realized you were holding your crush and that his face was inches from yours. Heat rushed to your cheeks again and you let go, mumbling a short ‘sorry’. You watched Ramsay’s face go from confusion to a secret satisfaction in seconds. He was enjoying your embarrassment.
“Thank you, Mr. Cayce,” Ramsay spoke for the both of you. “What do we need to do now?”
“Keep your grades up for the rest of the year,” Mr. Cayce explained. “I’ll get more information to you when it becomes relevant. And celebrate! Both of you did so well!”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Ramsay smirked. “We’ll celebrate.” He winked at you. When you told David about it, he almost fell to the floor.
“I can’t believe he said that.” David was beside himself. “He’s so into you.”
“He makes fun of me. He knows I like him a lot and he makes fun of me for it.”
“So, Ramsay’s a little mean. He’s still into you.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“He told you that you were pretty.” “He says I’m pretty in these clothes.”
“He called you perfect.”
“He’s mocking when he says that.”
“I still ship it,” David said while sipping away at his cool drink. He stopped and then he started to hit you repeatedly. “There’s a party! It’s at some fucker’s house! He’s gonna be there! We have to go!”
“What? No!” you reacted. “I don’t like parties. There’s so many people. And there’s gonna be drunk people—
“He said you two were gonna celebrate! This is it! It’s your chance!”
“I have no chance with him.” David was having none of your negativity (as best friends usually do). Before you knew it, you were at the house party in another outfit David put you in. Only this time, it wasn’t for an interview. Your thigh highs showed off your legs while your new crop top (that David may or may not have cut in the car) showed more skin you’ve ever shown in your life.
David led you into the house party. Loud music played while everyone’s conversation with each other were louder. Red solo cups were filled with a mixture of alcohol and punch. A few girls looked your way and commented on your outfit.
“Y/N? Wow! You look so good!” one of them shouted. “Total queen bee right now!” You smiled and nodded. Sometimes you forgot how nice girls were. As you continued through the party, you noticed more smoke clouds, couples kissing in secret, and someone dressed as a banana? You shook your head and kept going.
David pushed you towards Ramsay and his friends. You watched him chug down another beer. Ramsay took one look at you and spit out half of his beer. His eyes were wide as a hungry dog watching dinner be made.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, but you heard him. “Y/N?”
“Hi,” you waved.
“You’re here,” Ramsay looked down your shirt. “In that.” You nodded. Silence feel between both of you. David rolled his eyes. He couldn’t hold his tongue anymore.
“Have fun with your dick appointment,” David said and left without another word.
“Dick appointment?” Ramsay laughed. He looked back to you and bit his lip. “You wearing that for me?”
“No,” you said in your smallest voice. This couldn’t be anymore mortifying. Ramsay’s smile grew wicked.
“No,” he shook his head. “You’re wearing that for me.”
“Y/N,” he teased. You could smell his hoppy breath. “Am I the dick appointment?”
You bit your lip as a response. What else could you say? Ramsay’s mouth salivated like a dog. You watched him lick his lips and his eyes set on you.
“I knew it,” he said as he grabbed you. He pushed through people to get you into a small bedroom. Ramsay barricaded the door and turned to you. “You have no idea what I wanna do to you.”
You felt Ramsay’s hand run up your thigh. His fingers found their way inside your panties. They moved back and forth along your pussy. His mouth found yours not long after. Your mind raced. This is what you dreamed about. What you always wanted was now a reality. You’ve never done anything like this before.
Your hands ran through his hair, kissing him back. You couldn’t have enough. He tasted exactly like the beer he chugged and the junk food he shoved into his mouth, but who cares? In this one moment, he was yours. You opened your mouth and moaned. Ramsay’s fingers went inside of you and you moaned more from pleasure than from pain.
You found yourself in a tangle with him. Both of you were panting and sweating. Ramsay pressed himself against you as he thrusted inside of you. He was rough. He held your hands above your head and kept going. You had him. He was all over you with no sign of stopping.
Each second with him grew more intense. He buried himself in your neck. Your hands held him close, but you wanted him closer and closer. You heard the bedframe moving and the music disappear. All you heard was him grunting. All you could feel was him. His arms around your body. His mouth on yours.
He was so horrible to everyone, but he felt so wonderful. He groaned your name loud and your felt warmth between your legs. He lifted himself off of you and sat on the bed. You started to hear the loud music again. His eyes focused in the dark. As did yours. Then the shameful realization came to you.
“You cheated on her with me, didn’t you?” you asked. Your stomach churned when he didn’t answer you. You dressed yourself and set off without another word. David caught you storming out the party.
“What happened?” David asked, grabbing you. He saw your teary eyes and shaky breath.
“I just wanna go home.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Please just take me home,” you said. You couldn’t sleep for the next couple of days. You watched Ramsay hold her hand. Ramsay kiss her on the lips. All while you knew exactly what both of you did together. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak or look at Ramsay.
But he was insistent on speaking with you. He left several notes in your locker when texting wouldn’t work. He stared at you during history class. Whenever you saw him coming towards you, you avoided him. Suddenly, spending the summer with him at the museum didn’t sound wonderful anymore. If he could do that to his girlfriend, he could do that with you.
Three weeks went by just like that. Avoiding him. Not looking at him. Pretending like he didn’t exist. At first, you thought you were sick. You skipped a day and thought your nausea would go away. Then, it was the fatigue. You barely could keep awake in history class anymore. Your body felt sluggish as if you had to drag yourself to do everything. You thought it was weird that your period didn’t come.
Your period didn’t come.
“I’m so scared,” you told David. He waited with you in his bathroom, trying to keep you calm. The seconds felt like forever.
“It’s fine. You’re going to be fine,” David rubbed your back in circles. It felt comforting, but it couldn’t solve the current issue. “This could all be stress. I mean, isn’t your stepsister suing your dad for something?”
“Yeah, for rent, and he’s countersuing.”
“See? Stress. You have a lot on your plate. It could be nothing.” David tried reassuring you, but the seconds were up. The results of the pregnancy test could change your life. Your stomach flipped and turned. Your chest felt tight. You held the small item in your hands and saw the two blue lines.
It was positive.
Everything was a blur. The room had to be spinning. This couldn’t be happening. You had plans. You wanted to go to college. You wanted so much more. Monday came around, and you felt the same. Sluggish, shitty, and trying your best. When you approached your locker for the first class of the day, you saw Ramsay. He watched you not too far away.
You had to tell him.
Quickly thinking of something, you wrote down a meeting time and place on a piece of notebook paper. You approached him saying nothing and handed him the note.
“You’re acknowledging me now? What’s this?” Ramsay took the paper and unfolded it. “What is it?”
“We’ll talk later. That time. That place. Ok?”
“We can’t talk now? Because that’s what we’re doing, we’re talking now.”
“Ramsay, I don’t have the time. I have to go to class.”
“No, you really don’t. Talk to me. Now.” Ramsay waited for you to say something. All you could manage was sigh and close your eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Ramsay.”
Ramsay blinked. He stood there, almost unfazed. “You’re what?”
“I’m pregnant. With your child. It’s yours.” Your vision started to blur. Your face felt wet. Ramsay looked around and took you aside. The bell rung and the hallway was nearly empty of everyone save for a few tardy students.
“You’re serious?” Ramsay’s hands fell on your shoulders. You nodded, trying to keep tears back. Ramsay let out a long and slow exhale.
“I’m sorry,” you said through the tears. “I can get rid of it. I’m not asking for anything.”
“Oh shut up,” Ramsay kissed your forehead, almost smiling. “This…changes a lot of things, but we can do this, alright? Stop crying.”
“You didn’t think I would let you do this on your own, did you?” Ramsay tucked his finger under your chin.
“What about—
“We broke up. Three weeks ago. She found out from one of her friends. Took a picture of us going up the stairs. She wasn’t too happy. I didn’t really care.”
“You don’t care about a lot of things, do you?” you felt anger coursing through your veins. You wanted to slap him. Of course he didn’t care. You let your hand fly until he caught it.
“I care about you, Miss Perfect,” Ramsay said in your face. “I don’t regret what we did that night.” You looked down at your belly and then back to him. “Not even now?”
“Not even now,” Ramsay took your hand. “Are we doing this or not?”
The summer went by and so did the internship. When fall came, you opted out of going back to school with David and Ramsay. You entered into an online school where you could finish your high school degree. It was easier. Less people.
David was more than happy to help you in every way possible. He wanted to throw you a wonderfully big baby shower. That is, until you were thrown out of the house. Your father wouldn’t tolerate or deal with ‘baby drama’. David and his family took you in.
When Ramsay found out, his heart broke for you and his anger grew against your father. Ramsay moved you in with him and his family. Roose thought you were kind, but naïve. Walda, Ramsay’s stepmother, loved having you around. They were uch nicer and more forgiving than your own family.
When the day finally came, you pushed for hours. You cursed and screamed at Ramsay at first which frightened him. He’d never seen you like that. That day, he made an important mental note to never ever piss you off. You both heard the cries of your little baby girl. She had your eyes, but she barely opened them.
Ramsay and you laid back in the bed, looking down at her and reflecting on the past nine months. Both of you heard a high-pitched squeal to see David. He held an armful of balloons, a teddy bear, and flowers.
“Hi David,” Ramsay greeted. David still squeaked, looking at both you. Ramsay rolled his eyes. “What is it?”
David smiled and like a cute fangirl, he squealed, “I ship it.”
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rh35211 · 2 years
The Bible Of Mysteries: The 23 Enigma
***2/3= .666 the number of the beast
The New York Yankees won the World Series 23 times
The Uranium isotope used in Nuclear bombs is U235
AOL chat rooms only allow 23 people at a time
In the film Airport, the mad bomber has seat 23
***There are exactly 23 charicters, numbers and letters, on the face of all U.S. coins
***Every 23rd wave crashing on a beach averages twice the size as normal
In the film Airplane II, the name of the spaceship is XR-2300
230 people died in the conspiracy plagued TWA flight 800 disaster
The Unibomber killed or wounded 23 people
The address of the Freemasons lodge in Stafford, England, is 23 Jaol Road. In New York City it's on 23rd street.
***The letter W is the 23rd in the alphabet and has 2 points down and 3 points up
The first Apollo landing on the moon was at 23.63 degrees east; the second was 23.42 degrees west.
April 19th the date of the battle of Lexington, the holocaust at Waco, and the Oclahoma city bombing is written 4/19 by Americans and 19/4 by Europeans. Either way it adds up to 23.
In Star Wars Princess Lea was held in cell AA-23
***Shakespeare was 46(2*23) when the King James Bible was published. Psalm 46(2*23) has it's 46th word "shake" and the 46th word back from the end is "spear".
On the Seinfeld show, Kramer hides an Air-Conditioner on levl purple 23 of a parking garrage.
***William Shakespeare was born on April 23,1556 and died on April 23, 1616.
51, as in Area 51 breaks down to 23 + 23 + (2*3)=51
August 23,1305 William Wallace was exicuted for treason.
August 23, 1970 River Pheonix was born.
The original Star Trek, as well as Babylon Five are set in the 23rd century
***The human Biorhythm cycle is 23 days
***It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body
***Julius Ceasar was stabbed 23 times by the assasans.
X-Files: 10.13 productions.10 + 13 = 23
"Scottish Rite Freemasonry" has 23 letters.
A technological singularity has been predicted by "experts" in the near future. It is expected around 2030 AD.
***Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth's surface.
Psychic Edgar Cayce started having visions of lost Atlantis in 1923.
Hitler joined a secret society in 1923.
Avagadro's number as used in the ideal gas law is 6.02 * 10^23
The CIA headquarters in McLean, VA is located on rt. 123.
***The tilt of Earth's axis is roughly 23o accounting for the changing seasons and the procession of the Zodiac.
***Homo sapiens are given 46 chromosomes from their parents, 23 male and 23 female.
***The Dog Days of Summer begin on July 23 when Sirius the Dogstar rises from behind the sun.
Sydney Carton was the 23rd man beheaded in the climax of Dickens' Tale of Two Cities
Accordidng to Noam Chomsky over half of the national media is owned by 23 companies
The average smoker inhales 23 ciggarettes a day
There are 23 chapters of the Cult Awareness Network
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints was born on December 23, 1805.
On December 23, 1805 the Federal Reserve Act passed i
n congress.
***According to ancient Mayan prophesy on December 23, 2012 the world will end.
***In both ancient Sumaria and Egypt July 23 is the start of the new year.
The Nissan car takes its name from "Ni" which means 2 in Japaneese and "san" which means 3. Nissan means 23.
The articles of Impeechment used against Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton are under Article 2, section 3 of the constitution.
The United States set off 23 atomic bombs at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific.
Lines 22-23 of Book I of Milton's Paradice Lost "What in me is dark/ Illumine, what is low raise and support."
In a recent film version of Alice in Wonderland a stuffed
Rabbit comes alive and runs away from a case numbered 23.
***The first prime number in which both digits are prime and add up to make annother prime is 23.
It is believed that Adam and Eve had 23 daughters.
It is believed that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed over a period of 23 years. There exist hadith that support this figure, but many more that give other lengths of time.
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murfreesboronews · 6 years
72nd Annual City Tennis Tournament
72nd Annual City Tennis Tournament
The Murfreesboro City Closed Tennis Championship is now accepting entries for its annual tournament which will be held Saturday, September 15 through September 18 at the Adams Tennis Complex (ATC) in Old Fort Park.
“This is one of the longest-running events in the City of Murfreesboro,” said Cayce Neal, ATC Facility Coordinator. “It’s exciting to see multiple generations participating.”
To be…
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hummingzone · 3 years
Factbox-Deadly U.S. passenger train crashes in recent years By Reuters
Factbox-Deadly U.S. passenger train crashes in recent years By Reuters
© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Emergency responders are at the scene after an Amtrak passenger train collided with a freight train and derailed in Cayce, South Carolina, U.S., February 4, 2018. REUTERS/Randall Hill (Reuters) – At least three people died on Saturday after an Amtrak passenger train derailed in north central Montana, an official at a local sheriff’s office said…
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caycearchives-blog · 6 years
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Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) at the age of 22 in 1899
Welcome to the official Tumblr of the Edgar Cayce Foundation! In 1948, ECF was chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide permanent legal and physical custody of historical resources including: 
The Edgar Cayce readings
Related correspondence and records (original stenographer notebooks, appointment books, research studies)
Cayce family text and photographic materials 
files of Hugh Lynn Cayce, Gladys Davis Turner, and other early staff members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, ECF, and Atlantic University
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