#the cheese be studyin
thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
Doing geography w/ the elemental master of earth
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ensign-ancic · 4 months
tag game: 5 underrated things!
thanks for tagging me @spotforme !!
gotta admit tho I've basically no idea what's popular and what's underrated lol but I'll give it a try
underrated band: a.v. ray (11 monthly listeners but they deserve at least 10000 times more🙏)
underrated book: honestly no idea, i think i haven't read fiction in years. wow this is embarrassing
underrated movie: again i don't really watch movies lol, but here's a show more people should know about – Der Tatortreiniger (NOT the British version). So well written and directed, masterly mix of funny and serious moments, LOVE it
underrated food: glazed cottage cheese bars, they're so much my reason to live that they might become the reason i die <3
underrated _____ : SONG - The Great Beautician In The Sky by Magazine
tagging @mellowmanatee @zipstick @studyin-scarlett @gaslightgatekeepmeepboss
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wip wednesday
alright, so remember this prompt? let’s just say i’m calling this wip ‘the jealousy expansion pack’ and it’s all @barbiehytes​ fault
in other words: branjie hogwarts au is a go, boys
“I just wanna go on a date,” Vanessa says, and then she brightens a little. “It don’t even need to be to Hogsmeade or nothin’! We can just do a picnic by the lake, you know, like that one double date we did with Scarlet and Yvie?”
It does sound nice, and Brooke finds herself leaning towards agreeing, even excitement. The evening by the lake they’d spent with Scarlet and Yvie earlier in the semester had been fun, with tons of cheese and laughter and quick kisses that still make Brooke all warm and fuzzy inside. It might be even nicer with just her and Vanjie, cuddled up against the cool autumn air and looking out across the lake to try and spot the Giant Squid.
But then she thinks about how N.E.W.T.S. are coming soon, on top of her duties as Head Girl and whatever event Visage had hinted about in her opening speech, and panic seizes up in her chest. She’s nowhere near ready for the exams, for any of it. She can’t waste an evening like that, not when she doesn’t know all of her materials just yet.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she sighs, and she is. “N.E.W.T.S. are so close, and I--”
“Fine,” Vanessa says shortly, and Brooke’s jaw slams shut with surprise. It’s not like Vanjie to close an argument so suddenly - her girlfriend prefers to drag it on and on until she’s won or gotten what she wants. But maybe she’s just as tired of this one as Brooke. “But I ain’t studyin’ with you no more.”
Hurt twinges in Brooke’s chest, but she makes sure to keep a cool exterior. “That’s fair,” she says, and it is, but she doesn’t expect Vanjie to stand up immediately and start dumping her books and papers into her tiny, torn saddlebag that she’d charmed Capacious extremis on sometime in third year and never stopped using. It jars Brooke, a little, when she disentangles their feet, and she draws her legs up a little defensively.
“Thank you,” Vanjie says simply. Brooke nods, frowning even as Vanessa rounds the couch to give her a brief goodbye kiss. “I’m gonna go hang out with Kameron. See you at breakfast!” 
Brooke watches as she makes her way towards the stairs, her brain struggling to catch up. “Wait!” she calls. “You mean Kameron Michaels?” The bitch I spent all of last year competing against for Head Girl? Really?
But Vanessa is already too far away to hear her.
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anxiously-going · 4 years
Bones- family is more than blood
It’s doesn’t really have to do with April, but I’ve had this one basically done for a while now and I feel like it fills this prompt pretty well. 
A Cure for Homesickness. 
Len was already half-asleep where he stood over his reports. He knew if he sat down he would lose the battle against his exhaustion. A stomach bug was working its way through the crew, and he'd been thrown up on at least twice that shift and three times the shift before. It seemed like the symptoms only lasted a 24 hour cycle, which came as a bit of a relief as it meant people were in and out of the medbay fairly quickly so overcrowding wasn't an issue.
Despite the inconveniences of the day, Len found himself grateful he was a doctor, and not a custodian. Soon enough his reports were done, and he had sent another letter of complaint to Starfleet about the artificial cheese they insisted on stocking each ship with. He was convinced the concoction was the number one cause of constipation within the crew.
That complete, all Len wanted was to sleep for twelve or fifteen hours. He made his way purposefully to his cabin, certain that anyone who stopped him would end up with a less than dignified  sleeping CMO in their arms, or a black eye. As he made his way past one of the rec rooms his doctor instincts kicked in and he heard a soft sniffling noise.
Well, wasn't that just great! On top of half the crew puking their guts up he'd now have to deal with the other half sneezing their faces off all because some dimwitted crewman- the thought cut off instantly. Across the room he saw Chekov staring at him with wide puffy eyes. He'd been crying.
Bones strode deftly across the room. "Chekov, what's wrong?"
The younger man scrambled to his feet and  scrubbed the corner of one eye. "Nusing, sir. I'm fine, sir."
"Son, I'm a doctor, I know what fine looks like. It looks like the exact opposite of what you do right now." Chekov's head dropped. "Let's have a look at ya." Lenoard made a show of putting his wrist to Chekov's forehead then took the boy's face in his hands, and closely examined his puffy eyes. If his youth hadn't been obvious before, it was now. "Well, lucky this is very treatable."
Chekov's eyes widened. "Vhat is it, doctor?"
"Homesickness," Dr. McCoy answered soberly.
Chekov lowered his head again. "I didn't vant anyone to know."
Bones gave a small sigh and folded his arms around Chekov's thin shoulders. The younger man froze.
"Best remedy there is for homesickness." Len answered softly. Chekov let himself relax into the hug, and let his head rest against Len’s shoulder. "Y'know what the second best is?" He questioned gently stroking the back of Chekov's head.
"No, sir." Came the muffled reply.
"Talking it out over ice cream." He kept an arm around Chekov's shoulders and they made their way to the galley. From the replicators he ordered a bowl of mint chocolate chip and a two-in-one. Chekov smiled a little as he was handed the ice cream filled cake-cone.
"Sank you, sir -"
"Ah." Bones held up his spoon. "We're off duty. No more 'sir'."
Chekov nodded, his smile growing a little. "Vhat should I call you zen?'
Bones shrugged. "You could call me 'doctor' if you really wanted to, or you could call me by my name. I usually go by Len."
"Zat would be ok?"
"Sure,” the doctor nodded. “Is it ok if I call you 'Pavel'?"
Chekov nodded eagerly. "I vould like zat."
Len smiled in return. "So, what's on your mind tonight, Pavel?"
His smile turned sad and he shook his head. "It iz nusing, si- ehm. Len."
"It didn't seem like nothin' when you were in the rec-room."
Chekov stared at his ice cream. "Tomorrow, it will be three years since I vas assigned to zhe Enterprise. It vould also be my mother's birthday."
"She'd be very proud of you."
Pavel nodded his thanks with a weak smile. "I just…I vish I could hear her say it. She died vhen I vas wery little."
"There's nothin' wrong with missing her. And there’s nothin' wrong with being homesick either."
Pavel shook his head. "Eweryone already sinks zat I am too young to be here. I don't vant to give zhem any more reason to sink zhat."
Bones set down his spoon with a sigh. "Kid, the people who think that, don't get a say, it doesn't matter. You've proven that you belong here. There's no way Jim would let you go now."
"Really?" Pavel asked hopefully.
"Really,” Len assured. “And believe me, kid, the folk on this boat that don't get homesick at all aren't anything to be jealous of."
"Vhy not?"
"Most of the time, it means we don't have a home to go to when we get back to earth, or wherever it is we're from."
Pavel cocked his head to one side. "You do not get homesick? But I sought zhat you hated space."
Bones chuckled. "I don't mind space. It's hurtling myself through it that I don't like."
"But...zhen why do you do it?" The navigator wanted to know.
"You want an honest answer?"
Pavel bit his lip. "I do not vant to intrude..."
"It's ok. I was running away when I joined the Fleet. My marriage had ended in divorce, and I had nothin’ left. So...I joined the Fleet. I met Jim and he became like a brother to me. Then we got assigned here  and the rest of the crew became our family. There's nothing wrong with the crew being your family, Pavel. It's a good thing. But for a lot of us, it's because we don't have any other family."
The young ensign nodded and fiddled with his spoon. "Does it ewer go avay?"
Bones shrugged. "You learn to deal with it better. But there's always gonna be a little part of you that misses home. I mean, there's a lot of white around the ship, so it's gotta be a little bit Russia with all the snow so maybe not that." Pavel laughed a little and that. "Maybe something else. Like those huge parkas, or how cold it gets." Leonard grinned at the younger man who was still laughing. "You're a good kid, Pavel. You're a hard worker, and we're lucky to have you. Don't let people knock ya 'cause you're young. It's ok to still be homesick, it's ok to act your age off shift. If somebody doesn't like it send 'em to me."
Pavel smiled at his ice cream, his cheeks slightly colored from the doctor's praise. "Sank you, Len."
The older man smiled warmly. "Eat your ice cream before it melts."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"How did you know to order zhis?" Pavel gestured to his two-in-one.
"I may have been born in Georgia, but I've been around the block a few times, kid," he smirked as he fell into Pavel's mother tongue.
Pavel's face lit up, and he answered Len in kind, "You speak Russian!"
Leonard smirked. "I like surprising people. Plus it helps with the homesickness.”
“Your accent is terrible!” Chekov laughed.
Len feigned offence and he put a hand over his heart. “Ah! I'll have you know that I have only been studyin’ Russian for a few months,” he replied in English. “I think I'm allowed a few mistakes.”
Pavel giggled. “It does help. Sank you. Again.”
“Feelin’ better?”
“A little.”
Leonard nodded his understanding. “It's not somethin’ that goes away right away. Talk to me about it though. Or Jim, or Sulu. We're all here for you, kid. We all want the best for you.”
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
if ur still doing those dialogue prompts could u do B46 w sledgefu?
Yes!!! Thank you!!!! I love that prompt list so much, so I’m happy to do more of them!!! 
This isn’t super long, but I hope you’ll still like it!!
B46: “Stop being so cute.”
“This is a merciless attack,” Snafu moaned dramatically, draped across the sitting room couch. 
“Stop,” Eugene hummed, not looking up from his textbook. 
“Can’t. The cute is suffocatin’ me,” Snafu replied with a smarmy grin. “Not gonna make it long if you don’t knock it off.” 
“You’re just tryin’ to distract me from studyin’, and it will not work,” Eugene rolling on the floor so he was facing the other wall instead of Snafu. He didn’t mean to be cruel, didn’t want to be, but he really did need to study.  
“Distract you? Think you mean you’re distractin’ me,” Snafu huffed in faux indignation. “With that face and those hands and the way you wrinkle your nose while you read.” 
“I don’t do that,” Eugene scoffed as he moved to stretch out on his stomach, the textbook laid out in front of him.
“Do so, and it’s so cute it might just make me weep,” Snafu sighed, flopping about so that he fell half of the couch, slipping down to the floor so he nearly landed on top of Eugene. 
“Goodness,” Eugene murmured, trying desperately not to laugh, for the moment he did, he’d lose. No more studying would get done, and who knew what his test score the next day would look like then. 
“You are,” Snafu announced it like a Shakespearean actor on the stage, about to monologue. “The absolute root of all goodness, gorgeous and smart and wonderful and cute as hell to top it all off.” 
“You want me to stop studyin’ that badly?” Eugene asked, flipping to the next page as he finished scribbling down another note. 
“You even know what time it is?” Snafu asked.
He didn’t, so he shrugged. 
Snafu sighed. “You started at seven in the goddamn morning, and it is now five in the afternoon. You didn’t even touch the sandwich I made you.” 
Eugene looked up, and sure enough a ham and cheese sandwich was sat on a plate on the coffee table, on top of another textbook. “Oh.” 
“Yeah. And I hate to be crass-” 
“That’s a lie,” Eugene interrupted with a smirk.
“Maybe so, but don’t interrupt, I’m makin’ a point here. Anyway, I haven’t even seen you get up to use the bathroom. You keep sittin’ here like this, and you’ll turn into a goddamn statue. A cute statue, but a statue, and I can’t have that,” Snafu continued. He shuffled himself the rest of the way off the couch, so he was laying across Eugene’s back, essentially pinning him to the floor. “And the whole time I’m burnin’ up over here, watchin’ you read and be adorable as all get out and it is killin’ me.” 
“What is it you want me to do then?” Eugene sighed, letting his head flop down onto the textbook. 
“Stop bein’ so cute,” Snafu replied. “Take a break, eat dinner with me, then come kiss me and leave marks all over me so everyone knows that I’m yours.” 
“...that does sound better than this,” Eugene muttered. He’d read the textbook nearly cover to cover at least seven times, and the information wasn’t getting any clearer. Maybe it was as good as it was going to get. And if that was the case, then he was keeping himself from a break for no good reason. 
“Besides,” Snafu said softly. “You got this. You been readin’ that book like you’ve never wanted to read any other book in your life, takin’ notes like you wanna make the world run outta paper. And you’re the smartest man in that classroom anyway.” 
“Really? The professor might not be a little bit smarter?” 
“Not even a little,” Snafu replied. 
“I can’t feel my back,” Eugene laughed, wiggling to try and move Snafu. 
“I’ll get up if you promise you’re done for the day,” Snafu said. 
“Promise, or we’ll sleep here this way. You think I don’t mean it? I do! But you go ahead and test me, go on,” Snafu interrupted, laughing. 
“I promise! I’m done. No more studyin’ just dinner and you,” Eugene said, wiggling again as pins and needles started in his back. “You’re gonna have to carry me now though. Can’t feel a damn thing with you usin’ me as a couch.” 
“Don’t be such a comfortable place to lay then,” Snafu teased. “Alright. Toss that book in the fireplace.” 
“I think I’ll just set it over here,” Eugene replied dryly, closing the textbook and moving it underneath the coffee table. 
“Have it your way,” Snafu hummed, as he stood up, then leaned down and yanked Eugene up into his arms. 
“Jesus,” Eugene gasped as he flopped over Snafu’s shoulder, his ass fully in Snafu’s face, and Snafu’s in his. “This is not the best way to do this.” 
“Sure it is,” Snafu said, and Eugene could just hear the shit-eating grin on his face. “We both get the best view possible this way.” 
“Please don’t drop me,” Eugene laughed as Snafu lugged him upstairs. 
“I would never,” Snafu said and smacked his ass lightly. “Now shush. You’re gonna get in somethin’ more comfortable, get in bed, and rest while I get dinner.” 
“I can’t eat dinner in bed,” Eugene sighed, but he knew it was no use. He was going to get loved on, and cared for, and it was going to be wonderful. 
“You know what you doin’ all this makes you, right?” Eugene continued as Snafu flopped him unceremoniously onto the bed. 
“Cute,” Eugene grinned. 
Snafu smiled, and cocked his head to one side adorably. “Dinner can wait?” 
Eugene nodded and motioned for him to join him on the bed. Dinner could wait, and worrying over the test could wait, and so could everything else. All he needed was Snafu. 
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gladogpunkt · 5 years
o raiar da aurora quem dormir agora vai perder a horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
oh my fucking god it’s been a while, almost 2 years maybe that i don’t write anything here.
i’d make that basic bitch scandal like OH MY GOD 2017PAST LUCAS YOU CHANGED SO MUCH, but i think we already knew it even if was kinda hard to see at some point.
high school finished, the last year was catastrophic like a good teen +18 movie (ok it was kinda boring but there were some really major moments)
anyway fuck its past and blablablablablabla
my mama found weed, oh i’m in college, yeah crazy but still feel like a kid inside somehow, i know i can grow more
i just wanted to say to myself that im still struggling with some stuff, right now with the fact that studyin film it’s harder than i thought, not because of the classes and content, because of the fucking students, rich people that think are cute are really annoying.
and nope honney its not jealousy, at least i think, i mean why would i envy disrespecful people, like wtfuck
anyway some random boy really stressed me out, im trying to get better at writing scripts and YOUR COMMENT DIDN’T HELP ME TOUGH even tough it wasnt about my writing in general ANYWAY he’s annoying i dont wanna feel hate but im kinda feeling it
ok lets talk about the good parts
im doing an internship and i think i’ll be hired next month, im PSICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (fuck writting things right wrightkkkk)
anyway i really wanna grow as person there, its the place i feel the healthiest *mentally* and i feel like im learning more than at classes (but flora teaches really well tho)
anyway dunno whats gonna happen next, don’t care about love life because i blocked that im good with no having it
actually men are disgusting, christ WASTE MY YOUNGHOOD ON DICK??????????????????????????????? LIKE MY MOM??????????????????????????????WW NOPE THANKS
i hope i wont bite my tongue
also i wanna know more about after effects, buy the wacom even tho im not quite sure whats gonna be like tho
i also wanna see my friends well, like my brother too, get that boy 3 classes so he finds meaning to his life
i also hope my haird GROWS MORE AND LOOKS LEGIT uhhhhhhhcant wait man
i don’t know what to write anymore im becoming depressed bye 
just kiddin
i wanna know more about fl stuff too
i wanna go to level at least once to try it and do cocaine
but i miss the weed tho
cause there’s a thing
i know im in a good position now studying and working on this i like doing (not saying love cause i just love cheese) but i still feel really down sometimes, desmotivated even when im there
anyway i hope i can understand myself and things that upsets me clearly so i can work on that
wanna go to lari still tho 
anyway im goin’ bye see u next 34567890 centuries
also i hope my idea for the short film (the clown black and white romance stuff) works
but right know i have to think how to shoot a police scene written for that annoying group (idk how i feel about them but i have some annoying faces on my mind and im still trying to deal and learn why it botters me so much sometimes)
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flamestoflight · 5 years
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Ok this is the worst quality picture I’ve ever posted on this website but I’m really feelin the good vibes today!!!!
Started off walk/running 2 miles on the anti-gravity treadmill this morning with little pain, went to class and went to the gym where I lifted legs heavyyyy, had a shower and my fruit/veggie smoothie, did some studyin. And now I’m curled up in bed in my sweats eating Amy’s “no chicken noodle” soup and triscuits w/ cheese and it’s pouring rain outside and I’m gonna take a nap after this late lunch!!!
I never ever ever eat cheese, I haven’t for years. But out of nowhere 2 days ago I got this wild craving for block cheese, and I was so distracted by it that I couldn’t get any work done. So I walked to the store and got some triscuits and cheese and I’ve had intense cravings for it every day since. And it realllly hits the spot with some hot soup on a rainy afternoon :)
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othervoices1 · 7 years
Anklebiters, Ivy Riddle, Senior
           Mama was taken away, I don’t know exactly where. Dad says she is in a nice place where they take good care of her.  I was 6 when they took her away.  Now I’m 19. I’ve never been interested in finding her, I figure that’s because I don’t have many great memories of her. It was always my dad who looked after me and loved me in my early years; my mom, from what I remember, was disdainful. She looked at me with the disgust you might give the cheese in your fridge that grew mold overnight, and she only took care of me when she had no choice,  when dad wasn’t at home, or was taking care of business, as he would say. Sometimes she looked scared—not of me maybe, but of something.  I know now, looking back, that she drank.  Too much.  I don’t think that helped her mental health, but I don’t think that was the root of the problem.  When I turned 6 was when she started snapping, like pine wood in a fire.  I figure Dad was afraid she would burn the whole place down, so he called the men in the white suits.  When they came she was screaming at me because I had tripped over the dog.  When she saw them she changed. I figure she’s still that person I knew in those last few seconds.  We were in my room, the door was closed, then it was open, and the men in the white suits were standing there, and Dad was behind them.  All her anger left her face, and there was fear again.  A calm, relieved fear, haunted by the ghosts which, at 6, I could not see.  She looked at me, and in the calmest voice I ever heard, she said somethin that has floated around my head every day since then.
           “Baby, don’t go lookin for the anklebiters. Mama knows, lord yes, don’t go lookin, if you find yourself itchin, baby, don’t pay it no mind.  Ignore the anklebiters, Mary, with all the strength you have.”
           In that moment, I think Mom really cared about me. That moment is the reason I can’t ever bring myself to hate her now.  After she said that, the men picked her up and she kept her head down.  She went with them.  I didn’t ask Dad about her much, I didn’t ask to go see her.  But not a day has gone by that I don’t think about the anklebiters.  I don’t know what they are, but nothing else my mom ever said to me seemed so sincere.
           Right now, I figure they must be demons. Little demons that nibble at you until you can’t keep goin.  I figure that by the time dad called the men in the white suits, mom had been just about eaten alive by the little devils.  Best I figure, she was tellin me to not follow in her footsteps, to not go lookin for the anklebiters.
. . .
           I’m in college now.  Kentucky State.  I was a freshman in my second semester when it all happened.  I ain’t never been drunk or high, never shared my bed with a man. I ain’t a prude, I just never was around people who went looking for that kinda thing.  In high school, I played volleyball, and all those girls on my team didn’t have no time for drinkin and late nights in boys’ cars, so I didn’t either.  In college, last semester, I spent my time with the other people studyin in agriculture, and they don’t have no time either.  Simple as that.  
           But one day, I was gettin my lunch when I saw a girl sittin all by her lonesome.  She was something.  Most girls around here, especially in the middle of spring, are either wearin jeans or sundresses.  This girl was wearin them bootyshorts like you would see out on the coast.  She was wearin a tank top that read La Fluer Sombre, with a meadow in the middle. She was all by herself though, so I went and sat with her.
           “Hi! I’m Mary,” I introduced myself, smiling down at her.
           She looked up from her phone and smiled back. “I’m Camille.  Nice to meet you.”
           “Why you sittin all by your lonesome?”
           She gave a shrug.  “Dunno, guess no one wants to sit with me.”
           “Well I do,” I gave her another big smile.  We talked for half an hour, and we hit it off. We hung out maybe three or four times after that.  But I still lay awake at night, and when I lay awake, I think about the anklebiters. I imagine they’re the size of pushpins, they’re red and black all over.  Their mouths are bigger than the rest of their body, and they’re always smiling.
. . .
           Baby, don’t go lookin for the anklebiters.  Mama knows, lord yes, don’t go lookin, if you find yourself itchin, baby, don’t pay it no mind.  Ignore the anklebiters, Mary, with all the strength you have.
           I went looking for Camille.  She didn’t approach me.  We didn’t meet by chance, I went up to her.  
           She must have known them.  She must have been trying to trick me.  Maybe she’s one of them, their queen; maybe she’s just a conglomerate of the little things.  
           I called her up with tears kissing my face, my throat clogged by panic.  I told her I can’t talk to her, I say don’t call me again, don’t text don’t do nothing, just leave me alone, and then I hung up.
           I didn’t want to end up like mama.  I didn’t want the men in the white suits to come get me, I’m not crazy and I’d stay like that if I just stay away from the anklebiters.
. . .
           Sometimes I see them, now.  I’d be in my dorm and out the corner of my eye, there’s one peekin at me through the window.  I’d be in class and one will be sittin on the teacher’s computer.  Just out of the corner of my vision, always.  If I try to look at one with my full focus, it disappears.
           All that was creepy, but the night-time was what killed me.  I laid awake in bed, I kept my eyelids peeled back, because sometimes I would hear them scratching at the door.  And I couldn’t close my eyes, because if I closed my eyes they would dance around me and if I kept them closed for too long they would eat me alive.
           I didn’t want to go crazy.  I’m not crazy, I am not my mama.  But I needed sleep, I needed to forget this, I needed it to go away.
. . .
           It had been two months since I called Camille. I hadn’t slept more than an hour each night.  I would walk around the dorm building, or sometimes I would stare at the door all night. I was so utterly defeated by the things.
           I went out on the town.  It was 2:00 on a Saturday, but the streetlights were on and the streets were far from empty.  I needed something.  Just about anything, if it could help me.  I finally found it, on the corner of Saint Francis and La Grange.  Jameson’s Pub.
           I walked in the door, my head ringing and the little devils trailing behind.  I never saw them, I know that now, but I was so sure I did, I was sure they were everywhere, taunting me.  The bar was brightly lit and my head was filled with needles.  I sat down and ordered a screwdriver. My palms were drenched in sweat.  I could barely breathe, I was holding back tears.  And then the drink was in front of me.  I don’t even remember hesitating, I just downed the thing.  The minute the taste hit my lips, that’s when I was taken by the anklebiters.  
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thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
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thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
The people of melon city would not judge you for being trans
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thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
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Can't believe that kinning fictional characters was an actual way of gaining power and success
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thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
He has decided to brach out from geography and is helping me w/ pol sci now aswell
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thecheesyboi1315 · 1 year
☀️Heat Budget
•The earth as a whole does not accumulate or lose heat. It maintains the same temperature.
- only possible if the amount of heat received in the form of insolation equals the amount of heat lost by the earth through terrestrial radiation.
• Assume: insolation received at the top of the atmosphere = 100%. While passing through the atmosphere some amount of energy is reflected, scattered and absorbed.
-Only the remaining part reaches the earth's surface. Roughly 35 units are reflected back to space even before reaching the earth's surface.
-Of these 27 units are reflected back from the top of the clouds and 2 units from the snow and ice covered areas of the earth. The reflected amount of radiation is called the albedo of the earth.
-Other 65 units are absorbed.
-14 units within the atmosphere and 51 units by the earth's surface. The earth radiates back 51 units in the form of terrestrial radiation. Of these 17 units are radiates back to space and remaining 34 are absorbed by the atmosphere
[6 -> directly,
9 -> convection & turbulence,
19 -> latent heat of condensation].
-48 units absorbed by the atmosphere are also radiated back into space [17 -> insolation + 34 -> terrestrial radiation]
-Therefore, the total radiation returning from the earth and the atmosphere respectively is 17+48 = 65 units.
-Balances the total of 65 units received from the sun. This is termed as the Heat Budget ot the Heat Balance of the earth. This explains why the earth neither warms up or cools down despite the huge transfer of heat that takes place.
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thecheesyboi1315 · 2 years
Look which broken trio I found in my science textbook
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thecheesyboi1315 · 2 years
A roadway system does not deserve a badass name like "The golden quadrilateral super highways"
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thecheesyboi1315 · 2 years
🧲The region surrounding a magnet in which the force of the magnet can be detected is said to have a magnetic field.
🧲Magnetic field is a quantity that has both direction and magnitude
🧲It is taken by convention that the magnetic field lines emerge from the north pole and merge at the south pole (vice versa is true for the inside of the magnet)
🧲No two field lines are found to cross each other
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