#the christmas-y swimsuits though
fiapartridge · 1 year
cruel summer | jack hughes
"he looks up grinning like the devil..."
jack hughes x reader
summary: it's another hot summer night at the hughes family's lake house, and yours and jack's secret relationship is tested now more than ever...
warning(s): swearing
top 3 songs on lover: cruel summer, cornelia street, dbatc (honorable mention: the archer) and you can quote me on that
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You've known the Hughes family for as long as you could remember. Your parents met in college, and since then, your families have spent every summer at the lakehouse together. To say that the three boys and you were close would be an understatement. You guys were inseparable.
When Jack moved to New Jersey to play for the Devils, you had just recently got into Princeton. You both were elated. Sure, it was still about an hour drive away from him, but it beat being in Michigan. Before the move, everyone saw you and Luke as the best of friends, the ones that could barely go a day without seeing each other, the ones where laughing was the only thing in their vocabulary, but when you moved to New Jersey, all of that changed. 
You still talked to Luke and you saw him on occasion, like Christmas break or on Thanksgiving, but not as much as you saw Jack. When Jack learned that you were going to Princeton, he rearranged his entire schedule to make him able to pick you up on the weekends and bring you to Newark to hang with him and the team. They became some of your best friends and Jack, well, you guys were closer than ever.  
You suppose that that was when it all started: the secrecy, the quick kisses, the hand-holding underneath table linen— the start of your secret relationship. Though it was all out in the open in Jersey: you staying at his apartment; in his bed, having an extra toothbrush in his bathroom, wearing his hoodies, and staying up talking until the sun came up. 
After a year of going back and forth between Newark and Princeton, debating whether this whole thing was merely just you guys hanging around each other for your families’ sake, or if it was really something more, Jack felt like he knew the obvious answer. He never wanted to talk to you and be around you because of your families. Sure, that was a factor, but he just loved you, and knowing you. And when he asked you to be his girlfriend, to his surprise, you said yes.
So when summer started up again and Jack Hughes was officially your boyfriend, you knew your families would have a field day with it, so you kept it a secret. You didn’t want things to change, you didn’t want them to feel uncomfortable with you going into his room anymore just like you had done so many summers before, or them being weirded out with the fact that you guys kiss and hold hands among other things. You guys just didn’t want them to see you two differently— especially his brothers. Quinn and Luke— they were your best friends. You couldn’t mess that up.
The boys (along with the addition of Z, Coley, Turcs, Eddy, and Duker, who practically begged Quinn to let them stay for the summer) were in the backyard, playing games in the pool when you walked back inside the lakehouse, water spilling off your swimsuit, dampening up the hardwood floor. 
“Y/N/N, you’re getting the floor all wet,” your mom scolded as she and Ellen sat on the couch, drinking wine and talking about their lives leading up to today. 
You grabbed a towel from the cabinet beside the door, letting it hang over your shoulders as Ellen smiled brightly at you. She waved you over to where they were sitting. “Oh, let me see my beautiful, Y/N/N.” 
You grinned upon hearing Ellen’s voice. She was like a second mother to you. You came to her for almost everything. And Ellen loved her boys, but you, you were like the daughter she never had. “You, darling, are stunning,” she beamed. “Come, sit.”
You sat on the carpeted floor, not wanting to mess up the couch. “How’s college?” Ellen asked.
“It’s— a change, but I really like it.”
She raised her brow humorously. “Any boyfriends?”
Hm. You figured the first night of summer may not be the best time to tell her that you are dating her fucking son. So, you shook your head and said, “No. Uh, that department’s still in development.”
She laughed. “I remember when you and Lukey would chase each other around the house when you were little. You’d knock over every single vase in sight. We’d spent a thousand dollars on repairs that month.”
You scrunch your nose. “Sorry.”
“No, no!” she waved it off. “You kids were having fun. I missed it when you guys were kids. The boys have been— stressed to say the least, but the second Jack found out you were going to be in Jersey with him, it’s like his whole demeanor shifted. This past year, it’s like… he’s only been happy.”
“Speaking of Jack,” your mom turned to the figure walking through the backdoor. 
“I was wondering why the lemonade was taking hours,” he smiled at you. “Hi, moms.” He kissed the top of his mom’s head and kissed your mom’s cheek as he stood behind the couch, beaming at you. He loved seeing you with his mom. Every girl he dated in the past had good relations with his mom, but they were never you. You’d known her since birth. No one had a bond like you two. 
Maybe that was another fear; why you had to keep this whole thing a secret. What if Ellen hated you? I mean, she never could. She always anticipated you ending up with one of her boys, but there was still some fear lingering in the back of your head; that maybe she’d think of you differently.
“Sorry we stole her,” Ellen said. “We just needed some girl talk.”
“That’s never good.”
Ellen threw a pillow at him as he ducked, grabbing your hand and pulling you up towards the kitchen. “Go, go, go!” he yelled as you laughed behind him.
When you two finally made it into the kitchen, checking if anyone was around, Jack slowly backed you up against the counter, a smirk dancing across his lips as he held onto your hips and kissed you. You sighed into the kiss, placing your hands on his sub-burnt cheeks. There wasn’t much time for intimacy like there was back in New Jersey, so you took every slim chance you had.
“What’d you guys talk about?” he whispered, his lips still a close distance from yours as if moving a bit farther would ruin the electric atmosphere around you.
“College, you, boyfriends.”
“Boyfriends?” he looked at you, grinning like the devil before tickling your sides as you laughed, pushing his hands off of you. “What’d you say?” he asked once he was done attacking you with tickles. His hands remained on both sides of the counter, trapping you in him. You both glanced at the entrance from time to time, making sure the coast was clear.
“What? You jealous?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m so jealous. Let me go beat up this boyfriend of yours,” he said before pretending to hit himself in the face. 
“Okay, okay, okay. This is getting embarrassing,” you laughed, scrunching your nose at him as you walked around him and pulled out the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge.
Just as Jack was about to pull you back into him, he jumped backwards upon hearing Luke’s voice enter the room. “God, you guys are so fucking slow. What are you doing? Making out?”
Your face turned beet red as Luke shook his head and took the pitcher from where you placed it on the counter.
“Why? Is that what you and Duker are doing outside?” Jack asked, smirking.
Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes. “How have you never noticed that Duker and I have something going on? It’s like you don’t even pay attention anymore, Jacky,” he said, shaking his head before shuffling out the door and back outside to the pool.
You let out a breath, laughing as Jack wrapped his arms around you, matching your energy. 
This was going to be a long summer. 
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kurozero · 7 years
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- You guys are in perfect sync! - STOP IT. DON'T SAY THAT.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Flowers in The Night Sky Bakugou // 2.6k words
Deku somehow convinced Aizawa to let 1A host a new years party on the beach. Leading everyone to help out to set things up, though throughout the day and into the night. A certain blonde classmate has been missing.
AAAAAAAAAA this wasn't my best work, but hey, I wrote this on the plane so... It is highly unedited. I hope you guys enjoy this regardless. Happy New Year's, happy holidays, Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it! Stay safe, wear your masks even if you've gotten vaccinated, be careful, and stay happy this holliday season. To those going to school soon (esp my Indonesian readers), good luck!
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"Satou this is so much sweets!" Uraraka yelled seeing the array of pastries and desserts all placed beautifully on one specific circular table.
"Well, class 1B and the other classes are coming over as well, we don't know their taste in desserts, it's better to have an array of choices." Momo chuckled patting Uraraka's back as she stared flabbergasted at the colourful sweets.
"I still can't believe that damn nerd somehow convinced Aizawa to let us do this." Bakugou, for once, didn't sound very angry.
The two girls smiled at him softly, noting how it must've been the holiday spirit that brought him to a joyous mood. After all, even the roughest and scowling people were moved by the new year.
From the corner of Momo's eyes, she could see Denki haphazardly trying to put on fairy lights on one of the palm trees. Quickly running over towards him just in time for him to fall, making a trampoline right below him.
"Have you seen Y/n?" Bakugou spoke towards Uraraka.
"I think they're helping Midoriya and Iida unpack the food from the car, either that or helping Kirishima set up the barbecue. Why-"
Before she even finished what she was saying he was already gone. Causing the shorter girl to sigh and chuckle to herself. The blonde boy's crush was a little too evident. How no one else saw it, especially you was a mystery she could never solve.
In the meantime, you were indeed helping Kirishima with the barbecue. Setting it up on the beach, Deku somehow convinced Aizawa to let them have a New Year's party on, was difficult. Due to the unstable ground and overall windy weather.
"Thanks for helping me out but are you sure you don't want to go with the rest and swim?" Kirishima spoke just as you were unloading the cooler filled with frozen meat from one of the cars.
You shrugged at his question, "Nah I'd rather get this set up before sundown."
Which sounded like a possible statement a couple of hours ago. But after a lot of relaxation and not setting things up, the sun was setting much quicker than they had anticipated. Thus resulting in haphazardly setting stuff up (Read; Denki).
But it was all in good fun. The entire class was having fun setting random decorations up. Plating random foods and desserts that were, thankfully, not damaged on the way here. Everyone was having the time of their lives.
Maybe except Aizawa, one look towards him and you could sense the stress radiating off of him, looking at his students. You wanted to laugh if he didn't look like he'd scold you for it if he noticed.
"Ok, now that this is done, what's next?!" You exclaimed loudly with a huff of air.
Dusting your hands and the outer layers of clothes you placed on top of your swimsuit from sand and dust.
"Nahhh I think our job's done, Midoriya and Iida over there got the food all unpacked, I think Denki and Momo got the decor."
"And Mina Jirou has the music, wonder who's going to be the DJ?"
"Obviously me!!!"
Both you and Kirishima's heads whipped towards the direction of the yell. Only to see Denki holding onto a palm tree, very, very high up.
"Do you think he'll be fine?" You asked watching your classmate tangle the tree in lights.
"Eh, he'll live if he falls."
The rest of the time went by very quickly. With everyone working together everything went smoothly and all the decorating, food, entertainment, and music were set up before the rest of the guests came.
You helped around here and there, whether that was with Aoyama to decorate, or Hagakure with putting up the beach towels. Yet, you haven't seen a specific explosive boy.
You shrugged it off, thinking he was just busy with other things. After all, he was assigned to start the barbecue later on. So when everyone started to fill in, you didn't wonder where he was.
Not until the sun had fully set and Tokoyami had called you to join the barbecue. Only to see Ojiro behind the grill, Sero handing him the frozen meats.
"Looking for a certain spiky-haired boy?" Mina's sudden question caught you completely off guard. Causing you to jump slightly before chuckling awkwardly.
"Well have you seen him around? I didn't expect him to let anyone else make the food."
The two of you chuckled remembering the first time class 1A tried cooking food. Only for Bakugou to yell at everyone cause they were doing things wrong.
"He was acting rather odd before," Shoto hummed from beside you.
Looking around one more time you wondered once again where he had gone to. All of the guests had arrived, and it was already late into the afternoon. Shinso was being dragged around by Denki whilst Tetsutetsu and Kirishima sparred jokingly. You almost laughed out loud when you saw Mineta creeping on some supporting class girls, only to get beat up by them.
It was a refreshing sight. For once most of the classes were joined together to celebrate something instead of competing for something. There wasn't any controlling rivalry around. All of you were just excited to have fun.
Though, again, it would've been better if the one person you were looking forward to seeing the fireworks with wasn't missing. Shouji, Deku, and, Kouda volunteered to set up a firework show once it hit midnight. You wanted to see it with Bakugou. Maybe even confess something you've been holding up.
After all, it was the perfect setting. Even if he was to reject you, you'd be able to move on pretty easily with the party. And yet, he was missing.
The growing worry that he might've decided to skip the new year celebrations in exchange for a good night's sleep slowly crept to you as the celebrations went on. It was a joyous night and yet here you were worried about a boy. That worry would've grown and ate at you from the inside if not for Deku who suddenly asked you to check out one of the fireworks on a secluded part of the beach.
You had your suspicion at his request, he seemed too nervous. Not to mention Uraraka side-eyeing you from where she was conversing with Mina. But seeing as how you were the only person who wasn't eating or talking to anyone you agreed. Missing the way Deku let out a sigh of relief.
Before going you looked at your watch, it was already 11.30pm, you'd have to hurry if you wanted to watch the fireworks with everyone else. Perhaps that was why Deku seemed nervous, it was almost time for the show and yet something might go wrong.
Walking to the area Deku had instructed you to go to. The music and people's chatter slowly started to fade away. Leaving you with the soft sounds of ocean waves and the subtle moonlight to accompany you. You slightly shiver and the cold, though you'd be lying if you said the quiet wasn't calming.
Deku had mentioned that there was a big red x drawn on the sand where the firework was supposed to be. From afar, you could see the x, though the firework was nowhere to be seen. Was this what Deku meant?
Walking over to the red x you used your phone flashlight to make sure it didn't get tipped over and carried by the wind somewhere. After inspecting the area you cursed to yourself.
What were you supposed to tell Deku now? Someone stole the fireworks?! Was this specific firework important to the show? Was this the fuse?
"I could hear you overthinking things again." You quickly moved your phone's flashlight towards the voice, completely surprised by it.
A relieved sigh left you when you noticed it was Bakugou all along.
"Jesus you scared the living crap out of me, where were you this entire time?" You exclaimed, sneaking a glance at the time on your watch.
Suppressing the urge to curse at yourself again. You took too long inspecting the area that it was 11.55 now, there was no way you'd make it in time to celebrate it with the rest.
"What are you doing here anyway?" The situation finally registered in your head.
It was odd that Bakugou was nowhere to be seen. Only to appear in the spot Deku instructed you to go to check the fireworks. Why would he be here?
"It doesn't matter, you probably won't make it back in time for the show, so just stay here."
You squinted your eyes at him, if there was more light you swore Bakugou was blushing a bit.
"Then what are you doing so far away?!" You questioned chuckling slightly seeing as how he was at quite the distance behind beside where you were standing.
You swore he looked even more flustered at your question. You were about to tease him about it when a sudden boom caught your attention.
Your head quickly whipped back towards the shoreline, watching the fireworks suddenly decorate the sky. Your lips twitched to a large smile.
The fireworks distracted you enough to not notice Bakugou making his way over towards you. Until he was standing right beside you.
"They almost look like blooming flowers." You mused, mostly to yourself.
Not paying attention to the way Bakugou's eyes were staring at you. Completely enamoured by the way your features were lit up with the light from fireworks.
"Hey, Bakugou, I want to tell you something," You started turning towards him.
Only to stop what you were about to say when you faced him. Your eyes met with one another and suddenly the entire world seemed to disappear. The sounds of exploding fireworks seemed so distant, the crashing of waves suddenly silent.
The two of you stared at one another for a few more moments. Before you saw Bakugou swallowed thickly, then slowly closing the distance between the two of you. Your breath hitched against your throat as he moved even closer.
Your lips were so close together that you practically could feel his breath against your skin. Deciding to take the final step you smashed your lips against his. Closing your eyes tightly, not wanting to see his shocked expression.
He froze for a moment before realization set in and he kissed back.
When you both pulled away, a large smile decorated your features. Laughing loudly at the bright red on Bakugou's cheeks.
"Goddamnit! Why'd you do that idiot?!"
For a second, ice ran through your veins. What did he mean? Did he not want you to kiss him? But he sent so many signals.
"I can already tell you're overthinking," He huffed out, clearly frustrated, "I had this whole shit planned out and you just had to ruin it!"
You were now completely confused. That was until he pulled out what he was hiding behind his back this entire time. A bouquet of beautiful flowers.
"I was supposed to be the one to make a comment about the fireworks looking like flowers, then give you these damn flowers!"
You laughed even louder hearing his explanation. Seeing the large flustered scowl on his face.
"So that was the reason you were gone this entire time??"
It wasn't even a question, you knew this was why he was gone this entire time. It surprised you that Deku seemed to go with the plan. Thinking back to how nervous he was, he probably got threatened to get you to this spot.
You took the bouquet from his hands and gave him a sincere smile after taking a whiff of the amazing smelling plants. His eyes widened at the sight. You truly did look too good for this world.
"Ow stop pushing!"
"Shush he's going to hear us."
"Tell that to Sero he won't stop pushing me."
"You're the one pushing me!"
"Both of you have to quiet down, Bakugou is going through a romantic moment and we cannot ruin it for our classmate!"
You and Bakugou immediately looked in the direction of Momo's, Denki's, Sero's, and Iida's voices. Only for a bunch of your classmates to tumble out of their hiding spots behind a couple packed palm trees. Denki and Sero wrestled with each other as they tried to push one another.
"You damn nerds were watching this whole time?!?!?!"
Suddenly all their heads whipped towards Bakugou's direction. All of their eyes widened as they realized. They were caught.
"URARAKA WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD US!" Sero quickly yelled before sprinting away.
"Really?" Bakugou spoke, almost menacingly, his hands already sparking.
"MIDORIYA TOLD SHOTO!" Uraraka quickly yelled out before also running away.
Bakugou's attention then quickly was directed back at Deku who slowly walked backwards as he walked closer to him. The tension broke when Deku took off running, only for Bakugou to yell at him and chase after him as well.
You laughed loudly seeing the two run around. All the while you clutched the bouquet close to your chest.
"How did you know the plan?" You asked Jirou as the group sat down on the sand around the area, watching the leftover fireworks.
"Bakugou only told Midoriya and Uraraka, so it just kind of spread from the people they told," she shrugged.
You sat down with her and looked around the area, noticing a single person missing.
"Wait where's Mineta?"
"I believe he's still getting beaten up by the supporting class's girls."
You rolled your eyes and Tokoyami's statement. Wondering how someone could be as openly perverted as Mineta.
"Are you sure you guys don't want to join the party?" You questioned everyone in general once Bakugou stopped chasing Deku.
"The party was fun, but it's nice to have some quiet you know? Just some time to relax." Hagakure hummed out.
"New year, more troubles."
You heard Tsuyu speak, causing most of the students to chuckle out. It was true though. Whilst a new year means new beginnings and new opportunities. It also means a new year filled with hectic training, dangerous encounters with the LOV, and tiring schoolwork.
Bakugou took a seat on the sand beside you. Leaning just enough to the side to touch shoulders with you.
"When this is all over with, it'll be worth it." You stated, excited for the time all of your closest friends in the class would rise up as the new generation of heroes.
This new year seemed more bittersweet than the last times. The year had been filled with so much more trouble than you thought was possible. So many injuries and bad memories plaguing the months.
But on the other hand, there were so many highs. From the rescue of Eri, the little girl who didn't deserve all the things done to her, to the more light-hearted times like the Christmas celebration. Or even the more competitive beginnings of 1A, like the sports festival event.
And finally, there was the highlight of the year. The knowledge of your crush likes you back. You smiled to yourself, turning your head to look at the boy beside you.
He must've noticed a pair of eyes watching him as he also turned towards you.
You chuckled, "Nothing, I just like you a lot Bakugou."
The statement caught him completely off guard. His face once again, adorning a deep red hue.
"I like you too dumbass." He spoke just above a whisper.
Turning back to look at the last of the fireworks. You smiled once again and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Happy New year."
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Can you tell I tried to involve all the students? At first I wanted to make this just a whole party without the pairings. But tbh I just wanted to write flustered Bakugou. I hope you guys enjoyed this! I might have some more New Years themed fics on its way for all the fandoms I write for.
But I have to finish them and y'all know how lazy I can get with shit like these soooooo no promises!!!
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Beach Day
Hey Besties <3, I plan on getting 3 more posts like this out today as I know I haven't been the most active this week, then tomorrow there will be 2 more out so it means I have posted 7 written works this week. So keep your onions peeled. (the amazing writer @sapphireplums gave me so much inspiration to write with their kind words so you should give her a follow).
Summary: The avengers get their toes in the sand and their swimsuits on.
You had all been working for what felt like 200 years 
With missions and paperwork none of you had seen each other properly 
So an hour of brainstorming you came up with the genius idea of a beach day 
You decided to put the idea to Fury so he could clear everyone's schedule 
However it took a lot more convincing than you had expected
You shivered under the mans watchful gaze, you never really understood documentary presenters when they talked about the look of fear in some poor mouse's eyes as it was scooped up into the talons of some large bird, that was until you met Fury, you were sure you had the same look in your eyes right now. You shifted in your seat as he began to talk again, “So you want me to let the world's protectors go off duty for a whole day just so you can go running across some sand and take a swim in salty water? Even though if you wanted to get sand in your hair I would happily get you a bag of it?” he asked a hint of amusement in his voice, pausing his pacing to quirk his eyebrow at you. When he worded it like that it sounded stupid but you knew you all needed a break and you weren’t about to give up “I wouldn’t phrase it like that but yes sir that is in a way what I am asking, look we haven’t been together as a group since the last big team mission a month ago and I can’t remember the last time we spent a day together. Please?” If you can’t get someone to agree by simply asking them then tug at their heartstrings and beg. Those had been the wise words of your grandma Jo and it seems that they had been true “Fine you get 1 day then it’s all back to normal”
After convincing the terrifying director you had taken the idea to Tony as he was going to be the one paying for it 
It’s not like he doesn’t have enough money to give some to his friends (and even more to charity but that was an idea for another day)
Of course the man more than happy to splash some cash to see everyone have fun together (and in a swimsuit)
The morning of the trip had been stressful and chaotic to say the least
“DOES EVERYONE HAVE SUN CREAM?” the captain's voice boomed over the noise of zippers shutting, the music from the beach day playlist Tony had made and the excited chattering of the team. “Yes Captain safety first I have enough bottles in the car to last at least 20 years because unlike Y/n I actually know how to take care of myself” the genius quipped laughing at the offended noise that fell from your mouth, “at least I’m not going grey old man” you muttered wandering around trying to find the bucket and spade you had brought down stairs. “Hey as anyone who has seen my Bucket and Spade I can’t seem to find it” you called out rummaging through the colossal pile of bags “No, are you sure you brought it down doll?” Bucky spoke, looking round in confusion not remembering seeing you bring it down. If you weren’t so caught up in looking for your sandcastle building tools you would have laughed at the ‘lost tourist’ look on his face. “Yes I’m sure,” shoving bags with more aggression eager to find it “is everyone sure they haven’t taken it” you stopped to look at the group, cheeks tinted pink from the force at which you were moving bags. “Yes , we’re sure now get downstairs and in the car I’ll get you one when we get there” rushed Natasha, her red hair a nice contrast to the dark denim shorts she had on, “if we get there” whispered Sam making Thor laugh as he attempted to pick up 3 bags at once.
Anyone would have thought you were going on a 5 day holiday with the amount you had all tried to shove in the back of the mini-van you all chipped in for one year at Christmas for this exact reason
The seniors of the group ( Iced Americano and The metal armed man with no plan) were confused on why you needed to take this much but you and Wanda were insistent that you had packed the essentials 
(Okay maybe the hats, 5 bottles of sun cream and armbands and floats for the poor swimmers of the pack had been slightly unconventional for a day at the beach but it’s better safe than sorry right?)
The drive was also very chaotic
You hadn’t realised how uncomfortable the seats had been until you were forced to spend 2 hours stuck next to Loki in them. “I know this is the 10th time I have asked this but are we there yet?” the God was starting to seem more like a 5 year old than a stabbing machine and he wasn’t the only one ,“Can you please move your leg over a bit it’s on my side” Sam whined as he shoved Bucky’s shoulder “No for the last time I can’t so deal with it bird brain” the pair hadn’t stopped bickering since they stepped foot inside the vehicle. “Tony can you turn up the music and drown the noise of these kids out please” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose trying to soothe the oncoming headache (not that making the music even louder was going to help) “I thought you’d never ask kid” he replied lunging for the twisty thing no one actually knew the name of, that turned up the music (Bruce probably knew but no one had the energy to ask).
When you got there however the 2 hour drive felt like the needed sacrifice as your toes hit the sand. 
As much as you loved being able to fight alongside your family there was nothing better than watching them relax, faces slowly morphing into ones of pure bliss. 
“You alright there y/n? You looked like you were away with the fairies then” Steve chuckled, unfolding the deck chair he had brought and placing it next to yours. “Yeah I’m good I was just thinking about how lucky we are to have each other” the man smiled at you as your eyes glinted in the sunshine. “LAST ONE TO THE WATER SMELLS OF FISH” Peter screamed bolting towards the water, that bastard you thought jumping up and running after him “PETER YOU DICK I’M GONNA GET YOU!!!” you laughed. Once you got in the water you squeaked at how cold it was doing the ‘ohh ohh oh sihufbbe’ noise that came with the shock of cold water spinning around to splash water in bug boys face. Oh shit. That wasn’t Peter, you had forgotten that Bruce had gotten into the water straight after Tony and had been swimming beside you. The whole group froze half expecting the man to turn green however what you were met with wasn’t a green mean smashing machine and was in fact a laughing doctor and a splash of water to the face. After that a water fight started, screams of surprise and joy a comforting change to the screams of fear you usually heard in your line of work. You snuck off back to shore and looked at your found family from the warmth of your towel realising how lucky you were to be in a place of love and support, free of judgement. Because at the end of the day yes Loki would complain about the sand in his hair, Thor would be asking for a stop at the shops to add to his Pop tart stock pile, Nat would be silently filming Sam and Bucky bicker like an old married couple, Tony would make flirty remarks to Pepper about letting him rub sun cream on her back again some time, Peter and you would be talking shit to each other as he beat you at yet another game of Mario kart as Wanda and vision made sure to make an extra bowl of whatever they had made to take Bruce who had already made his way down to the lab but you were a family and there was no place you’d rather be.
You would say this was the best idea you ever had but the video of you painting Cap’s shield bright pink would beg to differ
It was a successful trip and you would 100% be posting the picture of Bucky and Peter looking depressed at the fact their ice-creams had fallen on the floor after a light game of ‘I’m gonna push you over’
Ahhhh the bliss of a beach day with the gang
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lucidtobio · 3 years
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through the months !
w. tobio kageyama
[ fluff , gn!reader ]
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january is for ice skating
“come on, tobio! it’ll be fine i promise,” you coaxed him. holding both of his hands in yours, you slowly pulled him onto the ice. kageyama’s legs shook slightly on his blades but he managed to stay upright. “don’t let me go, (y/n),” he breathed out, clutching your hands tighter.
february is for valentines
pink and red hearts littered the room around you. the surprise box hinata told tobio to buy had exploded in your face, decorating the room with valentines decorations. “...surprise?” he muttered sheepishly. you gave him a deadpan look before shaking your head in amusement. “you’re lucky i love you.”
march is for picnics
with the weather finally starting to warm up, you decided to take kageyama on a picnic. together, you agreed that kageyama would provide entertainment while you would make the food. a woven picnic basket filled with sandwiches, crackers, and an assortment of fruit sat between you two. meanwhile, the only thing he brought was a volleyball. “if you toss that into my face, you’re not getting any food.” “not fair!”
april is for biking
pedaling desperately along the bike trail, you and tobio raced to the largest tree in sight. the bet was that if you won, he would give you a kiss. if he won, you would buy him milk for a week (-_-). pushing your legs just a little faster, you barely beat him to the tree. only slightly disappointed, kageyama dismounted his bike before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
may is for cuddling
the lukewarm spring air leaked into the room from the window that was cracked open. you and tobio were loosely tangled on his bed, simply enjoying each other’s company. he laid flat on his back, arm wrapped around your torso as you laid on halfway on top of him. kageyama let you trace figures on his arms, gently pressing kisses to the top of your head every so often.
june is for libraries
it took a miracle and a lot of begging to get kageyama to go to the library with you. the goal of this mini-trip was to help him study before exams the following month. he insisted he didn’t need your assistance, but you stubbornly refused to leave tobio to his own devices. “so after you find the tangent, you just have to plug it into the formula,” you gently explained, pointing at the numbers sprawled across the paper. the gears were definitely turning in his head, you thought as you hid a laugh. “oi, don’t laugh at me, dumbass!” kageyama shouted with burning cheeks. In result, the old librarian quickly shushed him. “and I’m the dumbass?” you jived, poking his cheek. “shut up.”
july is for the beach
the volleyball team had decided to take everyone to the beach to celebrate the end of the term. you, along with the managers, were also invited. you laid on a towel next to kiyoko, eyes lazily following kageyama's quick figure. him and hinata were passing a ball back and forth, kageyama occasionally shouting insults at the red head. however you didn’t miss tobio’s hungry eyes taking in your swimsuit clad body. this resulted in hinata hitting him in the head with the ball and kageyama’s furious blush blooming. “boke, hinata, boke!”
august is for carnivals
walking along the boardwalk with hands intertwined, you and tobio were lit by the bright, neon lights from the many attractions. the sky was painted an inky black, a stark difference from the bright blue it was earlier. as you passed the many carnival games, one in particular caught your eye. "hey, tobio! look at that one," you nudged him, pointing to a hoop tossing booth. a competitive gleam sparked in his eyes as he immediately started pulling you towards it. "i'll win you every prize there is." needless to say, he did (you only took one though).
september is for maple trees
the cool autumn breeze brushed past your bodies as you walked along the paved sidewalk. multiple maple trees lined the road, it’s leaves starting to take on warmer shades. said leaves would occasionally flutter away from the branch and nestle in kageyama’s hair. only kageyama’s hair. “do you have a leaf magnet in your hair or something?” you teased as you pulled the sixth leaf out of his dark hair. the tips of his ears tinged red as he stubbornly batted your hand away. “it’s not my fault they like me,” tobio mumbled. you let out a cheerful laugh before grabbing his hand. “you’re too cute tobio.”
october is for face-painting
“hold still!” you exclaimed, keeping one hand on his shoulder and the other gripping a brush. you were currently applying black face paint on tobio to complete his cat costume. he already had the black clothes and cat ears, but his face was bare. the moment the cold paint touched his nose, kageyama flinched and pulled backwards. “it’s too cold (y/n),” he complained, blue eyes meeting yours. “if you stay still, i’ll do whatever you want,” you compromised. tobio excitedly nodded before closing his eyes and moving closer to you. quickly swiping the paint across his cheeks, you finally finished. “see? wasn’t so ha-” you were cut off by his lips meeting yours. “thanks (y/n).”
november is for hot chocolate
with the weather growing colder, hot drinks were becoming more necessary. that’s why kageyama pulled out two packets of hot cocoa mix with a (kinda creepy) grin on his face. he even brought his favorite brand of milk to heat up. after boiling the milk and mixing in the powder, you sat next to each other on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. nestled together with little proximity, you quietly sipped on the hot drink. resting your head on his shoulder, you muttered a simple, “love you, tobio.” “mmh. love you too.”
december is for chicken
it was christmas eve and you had finally gotten your hands on a bucket of chicken from KFC. walking over to kageyama’s house, you knocked on the door while shivering in your shoes. when he opened the door and took in your freezing figure, he immediately brought you inside. “what are you doing out there, dummy?” he asked, words harsh but tone soft. “i got us some chicken!” you beamed, presenting the bucket. moments later you were seated at the dining table. “itadakimasu.” kageyama shoved the chicken into his mouth eagerly while you watched with amusement. “what am i going to do with you?”
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a/n: i wrote this in spanish class + my ap geo teacher helped me w december (i love her)
⤿ written 5.6.2021
⤿ masterlist
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
I've Got You! - Frank Woods X Reader, Part One
After getting told the wrong information about where Stitch took Adler, the team ends up in a sticky situation.
TW: Strong language, graphic description of wounds, violence.
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After spending months and months tracking Adler around the world, you were finally able to discover an upcoming location where Stitch was going to move.
You noticed Stitch never stayed in one place. It was very smart, because whenever you busted into the old workshop for them, it seemed sterilized, and wiped clean.
But, after a recent compound raid, Mason had found a forgotten manifest made by none other than Stitch himself.
This is where you tracked them to a location in Verdansk. Where it was, when they were arriving, how and why they were going to torture Adler, and when they were leaving for the next location to keep themselves concealed.
So, you and the boys geared up and went on Operation Solo Zero Eleven. This is the Operation find and rescue Adler mission. You had a pretty damn good team, and you weren't afraid of showing up on the Soviet Union's doorstep.
But something that you thought about the whole helicopter ride there was what happened a few nights ago, with Frank. You had both seem to get kind of close...
*Rembering a memory*
Just a few days before this Operation had been called, you were nervous. And naturally, as you were nervous you went to the pond about 3 miles from the base to swim.
It had a large cliff, you liked to cliff jump too. Today was a perfect day to do what you wanted and this was it. Just you, the clear beautiful water, and a delicious snack of bread and jam.
After taking the small hike, you climbed to the top of the cliff, sat everything down, and took off the cover-up you had on, revealing a gorgeous swimsuit.
You lay out the towel, took a sip of water, and went to the edge of the cliff, looking over to see if there was anything down there before diving in.
You didn't see much, but only a small boat in the distance. You thought nobody knew of this place so it made you feel weird. That is until you heard the voice of someone familiar.
"Y/N, you fuckin' nut what are ya doin'?"
You looked down at the boat and saw Frank, with Mason. You smiled down at them and stood back at the edge.
"I'm going to jump in and swim, you dipshit." You responded.
"Okay, that's a big cliff though. I'll bet ya five bucks you'll chicken out last minute!" Mason yelled.
You scoffed and threw your flip-flops off.
Woods looked up at you in amazement, his heart pounding.
"Well, Mason," you said, standing up tall.
"Hope you're ready to lose 5 bucks." You spoke cockily.
You ran forward, and did a flawless front flip into the water, sticking the landing. You went under the water and swam around for a bit until you had to come back up.
Frank got worried, you were under for at least a minute. He was afraid you'd gotten caught in a tree root or worse.
He started to get up and take his shirt off. Mason turned to him in confusion.
"The hell you doing Frank?" Mason asked.
"I'm going in, Y/N might need-" But he was cut off as he watched the still water break suddenly, and you majestically part the water, and break surface.
You looked right at the boys and laughed. You saw Frank shirtless and almost fainted.
"Told you, boys! Why don't you come in, waters fine!" You jabbed.
With no hesitation, Frank jumped in and swam straight for you. He came up, bear-hugged you, and sighed.
You were taken back but hugged back.
"You okay Frank?" You questioned.
"Yeah, just thought you were hurt..."
*End of memory*
You all reached Verdansk in no time. You felt kind of nervous, you had a gut feeling something was going to go wrong. But, you quickly brushed this feeling aside and loaded your magnum 44, and holstered it.
You inspected the M16 you had, quickly loading it and turning off the safety. You turned to the crew and pulled out the manifest.
"Okay, Stitch has Adler in the Array buildings to the Northeast. There should be a small part of the floor we need to plant charges on to get in. From there, we eliminate everyone but Stitch and Adler, bring the rest remaining in for interrogation." You said.
Everyone nodded their heads, and you made eye contact with Frank. He shot you a cheeky wink, and it made you blush. You looked away, as the pilot lowered you down onto the ground.
You all got out and began pushing to the building. You took out a thermal reader as you approached the building, to find where the point on the floor. The device pinged, and you put it away quickly.
"Set charges here, here, and here. We'll blow the floor and go from there. Get ready!" You exclaimed, reading your rifle.
Woods, Mason, and Lazar set the charges, and you all went and stood back to back in a circle. You were dead set on bringing Adler home at this point.
The charges blew, and you all fell through the floor, opening fire on all the enemies before you. Woods went wild, he reminded you of a child on Christmas. Classic Woods!
You ran for the hallway, where the interrogation room was. You quickly cleared it of anyone who was blocking your way. When you got to the door, you placed a breeching device smack dab in the middle.
The team ran quickly to your 6 and waited for the charge to blow.
"Adler should be right on the other side. Stitch isn't getting away this time, we'll make him pay." You spoke, venom practically dripping off the words you just said.
Woods gave a low whistle and a chuckle. He loved seeing the fiesty side of you, he was honestly head over heels for you!
The charges blew, and you were the first one to storm the room. You spotted Adler in the middle, tied to a chair pretty much lifeless. But, no sign of Stitch. He must have gotten away...
The team made quick work of every nonfriendly in the room, and you ran quickly to Adler, freeing him of his chains.
"Adler! Adler, can you hear me?" You panicked.
Adler released a low, painful groan. You took that as a yes, and started to secure him.
You reached for your comms to give Park the signal, you needed to get Adler out and quick.
"Y/N to Park, blow the roof! We need to get the board down here for Adler. Tell Belikov the Operation is a go and drop it down!" You shouted.
"Got it, inbound!" Park responded.
Frank, Mason, and Lazar kept guard as the roof blew into pieces. You shielded Adler from the blast and debris, and down came the board for him. You started to carefully lift him, until......
A gunshot rang in the room, and you turned to your left to see none other than Stitch himself charging at you at full pace. You practically threw Adler onto the board and pulled out your magnum.
"PULL HIM UP NOW!" You yelled. Thankfully, he was pulled up just in the nick of time.
Stitch tackled you to the floor, and you both got into a hand-to-hand fight. Meanwhile, the team was holding off some more rogue operatives that ambushed you.
You were able to fight Stitch back at his strength, but he grabbed your arm and twisted it. You screamed in pain as he held you down, pulling your gun on you.
"You must die here, you took Adler from us. Now, pay the price." He retched out.
You fell silent as you heard gunfire, and felt an unbearable, stinging pain through the middle of your chest.
You screamed, you cried and doubled over. You saw your blood pool over you. You felt like you couldn't breathe like you were choking.
Stitch held your head down with his boot and loaded another shot in the revolver.
"Goodbye, Y/N Y/L/N."
Before he could fire, he got tackled by Frank. Frank beat the absolute, living shit out of him. He knocked him unconscious and got up. His heart sank as he collapsed next to you.
"Stay with me Y/N, come on! Park, send down evac!!!!"
Frank scooped your limp body up with ease and carried you to evac.
"I've got you, Y/N hang on!" He gushed out, your blood soaking his armor. All he could do was run, run as fast as he can to the heli.
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Trip
Bryan Kneef x Reader. CW: NSFW. Oral sex (male & female receiving), p in v sex, some roughish sex, incl. choking, hair pulling, and spanking, some daddy! references & of course, language. Bryan being his usual asshole self. For holiday bingo: silver & gold. Dedicated to @beccabarba who is a super awesome person, writer, and friend. If you haven’t read her stuff - DO IT (after you read my story though, ha! JK, JK).
WC: 3.5k
You sighed in annoyance, fanning yourself with the pamphlet that you had been given. It was the annual ERISA Litigation Conference, taking place in Palm Beach, Florida. It was not how you had exactly planned spending your Christmas. Your parents extended their vacation in Europe and your sister had the flu. When your boss, Gavin Firth announced he needed a volunteer to attend the conference, you leaped at the chance. Spending a week in Florida, even for work, sounded like a vacation – something you not had in five years. Chicago at Christmas was brutally cold. No thank you.
You were stuck for the entire day at the Tideline Hotel and Spa, in “Conference Room B.” The luxurious hotel had gone all out with elaborate holiday decorations. Silver and gold reindeers and dark green garland with red holly berries flanked the hotel. Multiple Christmas trees adorned the lobby. The hotel added a menorah and a kinara for good measure as well.
There was an issue with the air conditioner in your conference room and all the other conference rooms were filled. You were sweltering. There was a small bar and you were waiting on a refill of a peach bellini when you noticed him walking in.
It was Bryan fucking Kneef.
The head of STR Laurie’s litigation department sauntered in, wearing a two-button linen suit with pick stitching and flat front trousers. The top button of the white shirt he wore under was unbuttoned, with a tuft of chest hair sticking out. He recognized you immediately and he made way, pausing briefly to greet to other litigators.
As Bryan approached you, he took off his sunglasses, revealing his bright green eyes. “Hello Y/N.”
“Hello Bryan; what are you doing here? I thought you had court this week.” You replied, as you took your drink from the bartender.
“Passed it off to Caleb. When I heard the conference was here in sunny Florida, I jumped at the chance.” Bryan made a jack off motion with his fist which earned a raised brow from you. “What a perfect way to blow off some steam on the firm’s dime?”
“It’s nine o’clock in the morning Bryan.” You replied, as he ordered a scotch from the bartender. “You need Jesus.” You rolled your eyes.
When he turned his attention away from you, you glanced back at him and eyed him carefully – he did look good. More than good as evidenced by the pool of desire that was growing between your legs. It was safe to say that you had a crush on him – how could you not with how attractive he was. And he was intelligent and a smart ass, with the sharpest of tongues. But his acrid attitude turned you off. He, however, loved to goad and hound you – ever since you joined the firm years ago. Before Caleb became his associate, you were his associate. There were countless nights where you would burn the midnight oil finishing his briefs while he was galivanting around Chicago sowing his seed. Aside from being worked to the bone, you learned a lot from him. Eventually, you worked your way out and were fast-tracked to junior partner.
Bryan felt as if he was being watched and he turned, catching you staring, which caused your cheeks to flush. You sure had grown up from being his associate. You were more beautiful than he remembered, with shapely hips and perky breasts encased in mint sleeveless sheath dress. Your lips appeared soft and lush and he zoned in on them as you chided him on his choice drink. He wondered how your lips would feel around his cock.
“Where are you sitting?” Bryan asked, shifting his stance as he felt his cock twitch.
“By the window, it’s too damn hot in here.” You replied. When he replied he would join you, you felt your heart race. You both settled and gave your breakfast orders to the hotel staff. Bryan removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
You squirmed in your seat – how could someone even make rolling up their sleeves sexy? You fanned yourself some more and chugged your drink.
The first day of conference went well overall. There were various speakers discussing issues such as fraudulent claims, insurance companies acting capriciously and how to be more effective with settlement demands. You took copious notes while Bryan dicked around on his phone.
The day ended in the early afternoon and you decided to use your time at the hotel pool. Purchasing a swimsuit in December had been a bit more difficult than you had imagined and the only thing you found at the last minute was a black single strap suit with a silver and gold diagonal stripe.  The back was dangerously low and the swimsuit bottoms were cheeky, showing an ample amount of your ass. You wore a lace cover-up that had a very boho-chic feel to it. You paired it an oversized floppy hat and black sunglasses.
You made your way to the pool, armed with a book and a drink in another. You found a lounge chair and took off your cover-up. You laid on your stomach and read a few pages, feeling the warm sun on your skin. You felt your eyes begin to droop and you were about to give in to sleep when a voice spoke, causing you to jump. You saw Bryan standing over you.  Your eyes trailed over his chest hair which was neatly trimmed and followed the vertical trail all the way down from his navel down to his short swim trunks which left nothing to the imagination. Bryan Kneef definitely was packing.
“Your ass is better than Memo 618.” Bryan licked his lips and you sat up, covering yourself. “This seat taken?” Bryan did not wait for you to answer, instead sitting at the edge of your chair.
You scooted up more in the chair and crossed your legs and arms, pushing up your tits further. Through his sunglasses, Bryan appreciated the view, noting if he just tugged the top a little, your tits would be exposed.
Two women in bikinis that left very little to the imagination walked by and Bryan peered up, taking off his sunglasses to leer at them. “Hi ladies.” The two women smirked at him and Bryan watched them walk away. You watch the scene before you and you suddenly feel self-conscious – you were still carrying some holiday weight – and holiday weight from years prior.
“I’m getting a new chair.” You announce loudly. “Nice seeing you Bry.” You gather your belongings and move to leave when Bryan grips your arm.
“Stay, come on. I figured we could catch up since I hardly see you around in the office and maybe tonight we could grab dinner.” Bryan replied. To your surprise, he seemed sincere.
“Are you asking me out?” You asked. “What – can’t get the Barbie bimbos?”
Bryan rolled his eyes. “It’s dinner – come on, we’re colleagues, we’re friends.” You gave him a look. “Okay, we’re colleagues.”
“Fine.” You acquiesce. “Go sit over there. You’re going to ruin my tan.” Bryan chuckled as he moved to the empty lounge chair. You roll back onto your stomach once more and start to dive into your book when you feel a pair of hands on you.
“What in the actual fucking fuck?” You swore and look over to see Bryan squeezing lotion onto his hand. He rubbed his large hands together. “You’re going to burn. Let me put some lotion on you.” His hands began to rub your back and you felt your desire skyrocket. He may have been an asshole, but the man’s touch… was something else.
As his hands moved lower and lower, you let your mind wander on what else his hands could do. You couldn’t help but let out a very soft moan in response as his hands moved up the backs of your thighs.
The chair creaked as Bryan stood. He crouched beside you, and pushed your hair back. “Just say the word and we can do much more than just dinner.” His fingers scraped gently along the back of your neck and you shivered. You stared at him, mouth agape as he sat back on the other chair, his arms behind his head, with a very smug and sure look on his face.
You met Bryan for dinner at the hotel restaurant, which had a 5 star Michelin rating. Bryan wore another linen suit and you wore a cream colored off the shoulder fitted dress with a sweetheart neckline. Large hoop earrings hung off your ears and you kept your makeup light and your hair loose. Bryan was ever the gentleman, helping you into your seat.
Dinner was going well, with drinks flowing a bit too easily. You could see why Bryan was the way he was, expecting things the way he did. The man was charming and suave. When not being a pissed off asshole, he was actually really easy to get along with. You discussed old cases and the merger with Reddick, Boseman & Lockhart and found you both had a mutual dislike for Diane Lockhart.
When the check arrived, Bryan insisted on paying, which you let him. Bryan watched as you knocked back the rest of your wine. You wiped your mouth on the napkin and met his eyes, which were blown with lust. Your brain screamed no, but the throb in your pussy said YES.
“Does your offer still stand?” You asked. Bryan noted the twinge in your voice.
Bryan grinned like the cat who caught the canary. “You bet your sweet ass it does.”
“When we get back to the office, not a word.” You moaned as Bryan sucked on your neck.
“When we get back to the office, I am going to fuck you there too.” Bryan murmured as he worked the back of your dress zipper. You turned around so he could unzip it fully. You pushed your dress down, until it pooled at your feet. You turned slowly and stepped out. You weren’t wearing a bra – just a tiny piece of fabric that dared called itself a thong. Bryan had quickly shed himself of his own clothes, just clad in boxers with a very sizeable tent evident.
“Do you have condoms?” You ask, drinking his near nude form in.
“No worries; I’m snipped.” Your brow arched, pleased with this information.
“Just as well. I’m on birth control.” You shrugged.
“Then what the fuck are we waiting for?” Bryan growled. He pulled you to him closely, kissing you deeply once more. His hands went to your ass, grabbing and squeezing the meaty flesh of your ass. You let out a moan and he used the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, exploring. He tasted like mint and something else that was very much uniquely him and you wondered if he tasted the same below. Bryan picked you up easily by the backs of your thighs and carried you to the bed. You both fell onto the bed, a mess of tangled limbs. The two of you continued your heavy make out session, hands touching everywhere. Bryan sat up and took one of your breasts into his mouth. You threw your head back as his tongue licked one nipple while he firmly rolled and pinched the other. You writhed in his lap, feeling his cock grow even harder beneath you, if that was even possible. Bryan switched breasts and repeated his actions. His beard burned you in the best of ways, leaving red marks along your skin.
“Oh God!” You groaned as he suckled on your tit harder and then nipped you.
“Not God.” Bryan chuckled darkly. “Just me.”
You entwined your hands into Bryan’s dark hair, keeping him in place. “Do that again. That felt so fucking good.” Bryan smiled and did as you requested which earned another moan from you. Bryan licked the space between your breasts and then placed wet kisses along your abdomen. You momentarily felt self conscious of your stomach but that thought was quickly forgotten as Bryan pulled your thong to the side and buried his face into your hot needy cunt.
Bryan ate you out like a man possessed, his tongue mimicking what he planned to do you later. He was relentless in his actions, gripping you tightly to his face. You hips undulated against his mouth as he alternated between burying his tongue into you and lapping at your folds. He snaked two fingers into you and began to finger fuck you, while his tongue found your swollen bundle of nerves and stayed there. The sounds that emanated – helpless and uncontrolled sighs and wails which go straight to Bryan’s cock. As he stroked the sweet spot inside of you, you let a deep guttural groan. You came hard, your thighs gripping the sides of his face tightly. Bryan continued to lap at you through your orgasm and your second orgasm approached fairly quickly.
Bryan takes a moment to remove his mouth from you, but he continues to rub haphazard circles on your clit. It’s beautiful when you come. Your back is arched towards the ceiling, your thighs tremble and shake. A light sheen of sweated coated your skin.
You threw your hands over your face as you let out a giggle. You had never experienced oral sex like this before. The man’s tongue was clearly sharp both in and out of the bedroom. “Holy shit!” You panted.
Bryan climbed over you, kissing the space between your breasts once more and then covered his body with yours, kissing you deeply. You could taste yourself on him and it just spurred your desire.
“Let me return the favor.” You murmured and Bryan was quick to roll himself over, shedding himself of his boxers. His massive cock sprung, falling back on his taut belly, with a heavy smack. Your eyes widen slightly as you take his size and girth in with an equally proportionate sack.
You spat into your hand and reached up to jerk his cock. His cock feels thick, hot and heavy in your hand. Your fingers graze the ridges and veins of his engorged cock before taking him into your mouth. Bryan hissed and he wrapped both of his hands into your hair, guiding your mouth on his cock. He had to will himself to not just fuck your mouth and completely unload. ‘No, no’ Bryan thinks to himself, deciding to save that idea for another day.
“You’re such a good little cocksucker.” Bryan praised and you squealed in response, though the sound was muffled because your mouth was full. The taste of his pre-cum flooded your mouth. You pulled away to take a brief breather, a strand of saliva connected you to him. You continued to use your hand to help you before taking more of his length into your mouth, triggering your gag reflex. The sounds of your mouth slobbering all over his cock drove Bryan crazy. You didn’t ease up. You reached up and gently cradled his balls, massaging them softly. Bryan let out a grunt of surprise as you dipped your head down and sucked gently on his balls, using your hand to jerk him.
“Enough.” Bryan barked. “I want to fuck that pussy.” He climbs off the bed, reaching over to grab the hotel bed pillows and stacks them one on top of the other. “All fours.”
You realize what he is doing and you climb into position. Your ass was up in the air, the rest of your bod diagonal, with your head to the side. You let out a squeal as Bryan smacks your ass, the sting burning your skin briefly.
Bryan positions himself behind you and runs his cock along your soaked pussy. You push against him, eager to feel him inside of you. Again, teasingly, Bryan rubbed his cock against your folds, barely just slipping in. You whimpered in protest.
“Please.” You desperately begged. “Fucking fill me up with that big fat cock of yours.”
In one movement, Bryan slid his cock into you. You gasped at the fullness. You gripped the sheets as you felt his balls nestle at your pussy. He filled you so completely that it took your breath right out of you. Bryan began to slowly piston in and out of you, watching as his cock disappeared into your warm sheath. He rotated his hips, before coming to a still causing you to mewl and whimper.
You were close to the precipice and not in the mood for niceties. “Come on, I’m not gonna break,” you gritted. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”
That earned two spanks in succession as Bryan growled in response quickening his tempo. The headboard of the bed banged against the wall as he fucked you hard. His hands gripped your hips tightly; you were certain there would be bruises in the morning.
“Your pussy is so fucking tight and wet.” Bryan grunted, spanking you some more.
“All for you.” You whined, pushing back and meeting his thrusts. “Give it to me Bry. I want to come!”
“This is my pussy.” Bryan grunted, leaning his weight over you and twisting your hair into his palm. He pulled you back hard, the pain of it should have alarmed you, instead, you gave into it, craving more. You were flush against him, your back to his chest and he fucked up into you. Your mouth grew slack and your eyes fluttered close as he wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing. His other hand found your clit and began to rub again.
“I… I…” you babbled incoherently, your mind was going fuzzy with the pleasure you were feeling. Without warning, Bryan pulled out of you, rolling onto his back.
He held his cock straight up and looked at you expectantly. You felt your self-consciousness rear its ugly head at the idea of riding him.
“I can’t.” You replied weakly. Bryan gave you a look that could only be described as ‘what the fuck.’ His eyes turned dark and stony and his face hardened.
“You can and you will.” Bryan replied with confidence.
“I’m too heavy.” You bemoaned.
Bryan let go of his cock and slapped the outside of his thigh. “I’m a grown fucking man. Come on and ride daddy’s cock like a good girl.”
You nodded and Bryan reached for you, pulling you on top of him. You followed his lead, reaching down to grab his cock. You noticed your essence all over his cock and you groaned internally before you climbed onto him and sunk into his cock. You began to roll your hips. Bryan’s own eyes fluttered close and his hands were on your hips, guiding you.
“Fuuuck.” Bryan growled, thrusting his hips up to meet you. He leaned you down and took a breast into his mouth, as he jack-hammered into you. You cried out again and reached down to rub your swollen nub.
“Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?”
“I am going to… oh Bryan, fuck! Just like that.” You gasped.
“Come for me.” He commanded with a grunt, gripping your hips tightly as he pounded into you. “Cream on daddy’s cock.”
You wailed Bryan’s name as you came completely undone. Feeling your walls flutter around his cock, seeing your wrecked face - it was all too much for Bryan and he came, stiffening as he emptied his hot creamy load into you. Murmurs of “let my pussy milk that cock,” left your lips.
“That’s it, take it like a good girl.” Bryan rumbled, deep and low. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you could feel his load drip out of your pussy and pool in between your bodies.
You collapsed against Bryan, falling into a heap as you came down back to reality. Bryan pressed a kiss to your head, before gently lifting your face to give you a soft kiss. eventually peeled your sweaty body off of him. You laid next to each other, your chests heaving, each trying to catch your breath.
You rolled onto your side, facing Bryan. You ran your hand through his chest hair. “That was … wow.”
Bryan gave you a shit-eating grin. “Can’t wait to do that again.”
You pressed a kiss to his lips and climbed over him, one leg over each side of his face. Bryan smirked as he realized what you were doing. “Why wait?” You asked, your voice dripped with lust.
“I hope you don’t suffocate me.” He teased with a wink. You rolled your eyes and went to make a smart remark when he surprised you by pulling you down onto his face, his tongue doing all sorts of wonderful things. You let out a surprised ‘fuck!’ and looked down at him. Bryan looked up at you, his mouth left you briefly. “Oh but what a way to go - you will need to take over my caseload when we go back.” He replied before devouring you once more.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @caked-crusader @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy @bisexual-dreamer02 @madamsnape921 @averyhotchner @teamsladsandgents  
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svtskneecaps · 4 years
Number 17
Vernon Chwe x (gender netural) reader
Words: 5048
Genre: fluff, some pining (does pining count as angst?)
neighbor! childhood friend! aus
you’re feeling the summer listlessness. vernon helps you find something to do
day 35 of a tct summer collab
(holy shit guys i’ve been excited to post this since like, MAY holy shit i hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it)
(my masterlist)
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You shot him a text. Very simple.
vernon i’m going crazy
He shot a text back. Very simple.
why do you think? you ask. i don’t know what to do
it’s summer, he says, you can do anything. for example, i’m lying in bed enjoying myself
it’s 1 pm
it’s summer
Who are you to argue with that?
i’m still going crazy. you might be able to stay in bed all day but i’m gonna go insane
so find something to do
i can’t, you say, because it’s true.
all year you were listing hundreds of things you would do when you got the time
i know, you say, i know. but it’s like, now i have the time, but i just feel paralyzed. i don’t know what to do
And you wait for a response and none comes for long enough that you worry you said something that was too weird even for him, but then your screen goes dark and your phone buzzes and his contact is on screen. You answer and his messy bedhead fills your screen.
“You want me to decide?” he asks, and his voice is rough like he just woke up.
“Sure,” you say.
“Try baking something,” he says. “Like chocolate chip cookies or a pie or something.”
“You’re just saying that because you want to eat it.”
“Absolutely,” he mumbles, face still half buried in his pillow. “I can grab a quick shower and come over just in time for the taste test.”
You snicker. “No way, you don’t have the palette for a taste test.”
“Alright, then I’ll put them in the oven and we’ll hit up a couple friends and force them to try it.”
And. . . honestly that doesn’t sound half bad. It’s been five days since you saw anyone outside your immediate family--which is suffocating in its loneliness, after the routine closeness of the year--and maybe that’ll make you feel less paralyzed.
“Okay,” you say.
True to his word, Vernon’s over within thirty minutes, leaning his bike up against yours in the garage. He handles the oven for you, although not without teasing you about the time you burned yourself on the top of the oven while taking out your grandma’s angel food cake at Christmas.
“Well at least I helped you remember how coordinates work,” you say, because you both knew that was the reason you two learned whether to move on the x or y axis so much faster than your classmates.
“At least I know how to keep my skin intact,” he shoots back.
While taking the tray out of the oven he very nearly blisters his thumb and drops the tray; after securing the tray’s safety and running cold water over the blister, once your heartbeat returns to something acceptable, you inform him that instead of cookies he’ll be eating his words, to which he responds with, “At least my words taste good,” and you snap him with the towel. He flicks water at you, and only the fear of having even more to clean up keeps you from starting all out war. You tell him to bring his swimsuit over tomorrow, though. There’s mischief in his eyes as he agrees.
You each balance a tupperware of cooled cookies on your handlebars as you coast through the neighborhood, knocking on doors and handing them out to friends and friends’ parents. Minghao takes three. Seungkwan’s mother trades you two bottles of water, fresh from the fridge, for a cookie and first dibs on the next batch. She takes another one and says it’s to give to Seungkwan when he gets home from acting camp, but winks when she says it. You snap Seungkwan the picture of his mom with the cookie, and he snaps back a picture of himself and Jun making dorky faces demanding you save a few for them because make no mistake we will be swinging by your house when we’re done for the day and we expect cookies you two!
Jeonghan and Joshua aren’t home, but you find them all hanging out in Seungcheol’s pool. Jeonghan asks why you aren’t selling your cookies. “Because this is the taste test,” Vernon says. “We’ll be getting you hooked on this batch and then start charging ten bucks on the next round.” Jeonghan praises your business sense and takes a bite out of Seungcheol’s cookie while he isn’t looking. Seungcheol tackles him into the pool and you leave before the ensuing splash fight can get the cookies wet.
True to their word, Jun pulls into the driveway with Seungkwan in the passenger’s seat and Mingyu in the backseat (they must’ve agreed to carpool with Mingyu after his cooking workshop), and you get nervous because Mingyu’s going to college for baking and everyone knows that out of the group Mingyu is the best cook, but Vernon presents him with a cookie no hesitation and Mingyu tells you they’re amazing, and Vernon gives you this smile as if to say, see, nothing to worry about.
Wednesday, Vernon comes over with his swimsuit and you make a pair of rudimentary signs for a car wash out of an old cardboard box. His is very simple, bubble letters with the address and CAR WASH in all caps. You tried to get a little creative with yours.
“I love it,” Vernon says, crouched next to you as you hover over your sign. “You can almost hear the cloud cow saying ‘graphic design is my passion’.”
You push his shoulder hard enough that he topples over, laughing. “It’s supposed to be a soapy car!”
He’s so proud of himself for that joke that he suggests you start a car wash company instead of going to college. “You can call it Clean Mooters,” he says, as you’re filling your buckets.
You blast him with the hose and he laughs so hard he snorts.
You spend the day covered in soap and water, spraying Vernon with the hose if there isn’t a car to wash and shrieking and trying to dance around behind him every time he gets the hose from you. When the cars stop coming you pack up shop, uprooting the signs and taking them inside, tossing them in the recycling bin.
Thursday it’s raining outside. Vernon comes over anyway. You call him an idiot. “Don’t you know the rain’ll rust your bike?”
He shrugs with a half smile, shrugging off a raincoat that now has a strip of mud up the back where his tires kicked up the dirty street water. “There’s only a hundred and four days of summer vacation,” he says. “I didn’t want to miss one.”
You seize his coat and toss it in the sink, bowing your head to scrub off the mud so he doesn’t see how red your cheeks have become.
You play Mario Kart on the Wii for most of the day (Vernon hits you with a red shell right before you cross the finish line; you hip check him off Rainbow Road), and even as out of practice as the both of you have become over the school year, you’re still pretty well matched. By the time you get bored with that, your mom has texted to say she’s going to need to stay at work a little longer and you might be on your own for dinner. That’s fine, you and Vernon try out a recipe for lasagna that you found on a food blog (buried under the woman’s lengthy story of the time her husband nearly got stomped by a cow. “It’s a sign,” Vernon says, “Clean Mooters is your true calling.” You’d hit him if you weren’t very carefully adding a layer of sauce).
It’s still raining when Vernon has to leave. You stand there, just outside the cover of the garage, watching Vernon shrug on his raincoat.
“You’re gonna get soaked,” he says.
“You say that like I care,” you say, rain beginning to drip down your hair.
He steps out of the garage then, too, standing next to you. You turn your face to the sky, closing your eyes against the heavy drops that splatter against your cheeks.
“You’re gonna catch your death.”
“Says the guy who’s wearing a raincoat with the hood down.” You shove his chest without looking. He catches your hands. You look down.
Your eyes meet.
Vernon drops your hands and coughs. You reach up to brush the water from your forehead, gaze on the ground as your face burns, despite the cool rainwater still sliding down your cheeks.
“I, um, I should go,” he says.
“Yeah,” you say. “See you.”
He hops on his bike and rides away. The rain falls so hard you lose sight of him before he rounds the corner.
Saturday the whole team gets together at Jeonghan’s house, because he has a firepit. Seungkwan is standing on the picnic table when you ride up, in the middle of a dramatic retelling of some odd thing that happened at acting camp. He appears to be fencing Vernon with an imaginary sword, and you can only imagine the context of that story. You don’t announce yourself, for fear of making one of them fall off, and help Wonwoo get the food from the kitchen. Mingyu is already getting set up at the grill (despite being one of the youngest, he’s the only one any parent trusts near the grill; previous block barbeques have ended in disaster that no one’s eager to repeat). Minghao is by the firepit, holding the lighter very tightly, either to keep it away from Soonyoung or to ensure he’s the one to start the fire.
Seungkwan jumps down from the table when Jihoon tells him to, although he continues telling his story in an enthusiastic yell. Vernon meets your eyes and grins, flicking his eyes at Seungkwan like you’re sharing an inside joke like normal, and you can almost forget that moment in the rain ever happened.
Nearby, Jeonghan is filling a plastic baby pool with water. You ask him what it’s for but he just grins and tells you it’s a secret. When it comes to Jeonghan that’s usually cause for concern, but also you’re itchy inside your skin and all you did Friday was pick out a couple songs on the old piano your great grandmother left your family and no matter what the adventure you’re down for it, so you leave him to it. It’s the first bonfire of the summer. You can handle anything.
They get the fire started before Mingyu finishes grilling, the smell of the meat wafting over the yard and making your stomach rumble. Unfortunately, they misjudged the wind direction and half of the chairs are directly in the path of the smoke. There’s a lot of complaining as people rush to shift their chairs out of the way. Vernon ends up next to you in the scramble. You aren’t complaining; now you get to tease him about the way he seasons his food and he’ll tease you back about your tendency to drown your burgers in ketchup.
(except you don’t; you eat quietly and neither of you bring up the other’s habits and somewhere deep down that scares you)
When the sun goes down, Jeonghan and Joshua bring out the alcohol, and everyone who’s old enough drinks.
The baby pool, Jeonghan says, is for the losers of the tournament. The tournament, he says, is simple. And for pairs.
The first challenge is a wheelbarrow race down the street. You thought you and Vernon had a pretty good chance of winning, but then, by some divine magic, Jihoon and Mingyu shoot off and cross the finish line miles before everyone else. Half the group calls bologna because come on they’ve got just about the biggest height difference between them, out of everyone, but Joshua was reffing the starting line and didn’t see any false starts; they won fair and square.
The second challenge is hula hooping. You don’t have much hope for your score, not because you’re bad at hula hooping, but because you’re bad at hula hooping when Vernon is right next to you and also hula hooping. You end up laughing so hard that you lose your hoop within three spins, but in the end it doesn’t matter, because Vernon can carry the team score to victory.
“Who needs eight years of gymnastics?” he asks, and you beam.
The third challenge is a ‘who knows their partner the best’ challenge. Jeonghan put together a list of questions, which he and Joshua list off and give time for each partner to write down both their answer and what they think their partner put. You’re a little scared; you’ve known Vernon for as long as you can remember but sometimes you wonder if you really know him like you think you do. The questions aren’t so bad, simply asking what your partner’s favorite clothing brand is, or what time they get up in the morning, or what they think of pineapple on pizza. You breeze through the questions, until the last one. Joshua lists the final question, which member of the group is their favorite?
Your answer is simple enough, but you aren’t sure of his. Sure, you partnered up, but Seungkwan had all but thrown himself directly at Wonwoo when Jeonghan sent you off to partner and you knew Vernon and Seungkwan had known each other long before you had talked to anyone in the neighborhood or gone to a barbeque or slotted yourself into the dynamic of the block, and you knew he and Joshua had a special sort of friendship because of their similar heritage and you just didn’t know for sure what he would put (especially after the strange moment in the rain; you weren’t sure what it meant and you weren’t sure you wanted to know).
Eventually you write Seungkwan’s name on the sheet and hand the paper to Jeonghan when he comes around to collect. You fidget with your fingers as they tally up the scores. Next to you, Seokmin hops up to either get into a passionate debate with Soonyoung over what his true favorite movie is or to maybe just tackle Soonyoung into the grass. Either way, Vernon slides into his empty chair.
“So what’d you put for number seven?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes, knowing exactly what he means. “Clean Mooters,” you say.
He pumps his fist. “I knew you’d see the light eventually!”
“Well I did get the most tips,” you tease.
“Well of course,” he says, “you’re the best looking, it’s only natural.”
Jeonghan calls out that they’ve tallied up the scores before you can process the full implications of that sentence.
You win that round too. Joshua hands the sheets back, and you carefully fold yours and shove it in your pocket.
You play a few more rounds: the chubby bunny challenge (Mingyu crammed an ungodly amount of marshmallows in his mouth, you almost wanted to go to church after seeing that; he kept going even after he won, until he almost choked and Joshua shut him down), the perfect s’more challenge (which you suspect was just an excuse for Jeonghan to get s’mores without having to make them; Mingyu’s first marshmallow slid off his stick, and the second caught fire; Seungcheol and Chan ended up winning and Seokmin called nepotism), the long jump (Soonyoung got overexcited and misjudged his landing; he landed hard on the cement and although he was totally fine, he would ask Jeonghan at random intervals for bonus points because of his injury with a shit eating grin all the while), and finally, a game of hide and seek.
The hide and seek rules are simple; they’ve been the same since you were old enough to be outside after sunset: don’t go off the block, don’t go inside, don’t leave your partner, and don’t use a light. The tournament judges give you thirty seconds head start. You and Vernon take off down the street and the thrill of the game sings through your bloodstream.
“Think they’ll think to look for us up Mrs. Boo’s tree?” Vernon asks as you run.
“Yeah, you remember Seungcheol did that once and Jeonghan’s never forgotten it, it’s the first place he’ll look.” You pass Chan and Seungcheol as they try to conceal themselves behind the Christmas decorations that Mr. Wilkinson still hasn’t taken down. “Mrs. Kim’s porch?”
“No, she’s got her light on.”
You skid to a halt at the end of the street, chests heaving, both casting around for a hiding space. Down the street, Joshua is beginning to yell, counting down from 10. Vernon tugs your sleeve, and points.
You grin.
Moments later, you resettle the plastic lid onto the box, burying yourselves carefully under the tarp inside and setting a few bricks on your backs for good measure. Mr. Lee is upgrading his yard this summer, and one addition is planned to be a brick footpath, and thankfully he left the tote of bricks out where you could get to it. Holding the tarp firmly in place, with the bricks above you for insurance, if they open the tote and decide to slap the tarp, you would just feel like a full box of footpath bricks.
Of course, it’s a pretty small space and you and Vernon have to lie pretty close to one another in order to fit, and your foot presses against his shin and his elbow is in your stomach, but if you lay there and don’t breathe, you’ll have the game in the bag.
“So,” Vernon says, voice so soft it’s sometimes hardly more than a breath, “what’d you put for number seventeen?”
You think back. “Vernon there was no number seventeen.”
“No?” he asks, with a tone like he’d always known. “Guess I’ll have to make one up.”
You snort, very softly. In the distance, yelling breaks out; Soonyoung and Seokmin just got found.
“How do you feel about long distance relationships?” he asks, so softly you nearly miss it.
Your heart skips a beat. You’re pretty sure he’s implying something but you aren’t sure if it should scare you or not. “I think they’re hard,” you say carefully. “Not impossible. But it takes work from both sides. So it’s hard.”
You hear him inhale like he’s going to say something, but he doesn’t, and you feel the breeze from his exhale on your face. Neither of you speak, and you aren’t sure if it’s because you’re listening hard for the seekers or because you have nothing left to say.
The lid of the tote scrapes. You stop breathing. Jeonghan says something above you, drowned out by the beating of your heart. He pulls the lid off, and the moonlight filtering through the pinholes in the tarp might as well be a searchlight after the darkness.
Vernon’s face is inches from yours.
You blink, feeling like your eyelashes will brush his face with the motion. They don’t. Jeonghan pokes the tarp, hitting one of the bricks lying on your side. Apparently satisfied, he closes the lid. His footsteps recede.
Vernon’s face is still burned into your eyes like a sunspot.
He was staring at your lips.
You end up losing hide and seek, despite your perfect spot, because Minghao and Jun somehow managed to get onto Jeonghan’s roof (nobody’s managed to guess how and the pair smugly refuse to tell). The tournament ends with only Seungkwan and Wonwoo having not won any challenges. They change into swimsuits and dunk themselves in the baby pool, and then sprint back across the lawn to their towels yelling about the cold (you put a finger in; it wasn’t nearly as bad as when Jeonghan had filled it).
Vernon stops you before you get on your bike to get home.
“I’m. . . gonna be out of town for a couple weeks,” he says, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. “I can still facetime, but probably only in the mornings and evenings.”
“Okay,” you say, even as your heart sinks (he’s never been away this long).
“Yeah,” he says, and you stand there beside your bikes, looking at each other, like you’re both a little lost in what to do. His eyes keep flicking to your lips.
“So what’d you put for number seventeen?” you ask softly.
He doesn’t hesitate. “I think it could work,” he says, voice as soft as it was in the tote, and you find yourself leaning in to listen. “Easily, even, if it was someone as special as--”
He goes quiet. “As?” you prompt.
He shakes his head. “Someone special,” he says.
You haven’t drank at all but something still buzzes in your veins. It’s the first Saturday bonfire of the summer, and moon floats above the horizon like a glowing balloon, and a warm breeze caresses your skin, and you don’t feel afraid of anything.
“I guess it could work easy,” you say, “if it was someone like you.”
He stares at you long enough that you think maybe you overstepped and your cheeks start to heat and you duck your head and step back with something like an apology and--
--his lips crash into yours.
You don’t know if the kiss lasts for three seconds or three hours. All you know is when you break for breath, you find yourself caught in his eyes, the same familiar deep brown as you’ve seen for years growing up through schools and summers and camps and sleepovers, lying on the floor of the living room and whispering about movies and grades like they were the most important thing in the world.
And then you blink and the world unfreezes and he mumbles something about a curfew and you mumble something about your mom and as if pulled by the same strings you mount your bikes and pedal off in opposite directions.
You lie awake for hours, thinking about his eyes.
You facetime at any and all available hours. You find yourself staying up later to be able to catch him on a lunch break. And it’s hard, but you do it. Because, look, everyone on the block has known that his parents want him to go to Korea for college, and that he wants to go to Korea for college. For years you’ve known this moment was coming. And he’s only going to be there a couple weeks for some kind of tour he landed because his grandmother knows a guy who knows a gal who’s related to a guy who used to babysit for the guy on the school board, or something, and then he’ll come back and you can spend the remainder of the summer doing whatever.
Until then, you’re content to wake up earlier just to get an hour chatting with him before he goes to sleep. You show him all the pages you’ve marked in your mom’s old recipe book and tell him when he gets back you’ll make a couple and sell them for profit. You draw an official logo for Clean Mooters, and he suggests you add a restaurant as a side business that you two could run for extra profit. “Clean Mooters and Good Burgers,” he says, and then says, “No that’s terrible. I’ll keep thinking.”
“Are you the whole Clean Mooters marketing team?” you ask.
“Of course,” he says. “We both know all the business sense went to me.” And he smiles and you forget how to breathe.
You don’t talk about the kiss.
One time, he calls you, and your eyes swoop to check the time, because you know it’s crazy late where he is. You answer.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says before you get a word out, and his voice is hoarse and it twists your stomach. “Can you-- just tell me about your new project?”
And you do; you’ve taken up crochet this week and your grandma gave you a couple pointers and you do your best calming ASMR voice as you repeat her pointers and what you plan to do to build your skill, and then end up going off on a tangent on whether Clean Mooters should have a gift shop selling cow merchandise (“It would make sense, there are a lot of cows around here.”) and when you pause to recollect your thoughts, all you hear is his quiet breathing.
The day Vernon’s set to return is a Thursday, which is perfect, because it gives him time to recollect himself before the Saturday bonfire, which will be the real welcome back party. On Thursday, you and the other kids on the block draw all over the street and then, when his flight is late and the sun goes down before he gets to the street, assemble to hold flashlights over the really good stuff. You only see his smile for a few brief seconds as the car goes past, but it’s enough to make your heart swell.
Friday you wake up to a knock on your bedroom door. “Hey, up and at ‘em, it’s noon!” Vernon calls through the door.
You groan and throw an arm over your face. “Says the guy who was still in bed at one pm that whole first week!”
“Yeah, and it was heaven. Come on, you get up fast enough and I’ll buy you a donut.”
You get dressed and meet him downstairs. “Try that again and I’ll convince my mom to rehide the spare key,” you threaten.
He just grins. “I’d be able to find it.” He picks up your bike helmet. “You want to get out of the neighborhood with me?”
You’d rob a bank if it was with him. “Absolutely.”
It’s a rush to be back on your bike, both of you pedaling faster and faster to try to be in front, weaving around the cars parked on the streetside and hopping the curb just to prove you can. Last week’s project was learning to ride a bike no handed and you show off the new skill as often as you can.
You go everywhere and nowhere. You hit up the mall and he buys you a donut and you wander the halls window shopping, and he buys a whole rainbow set of tinted glasses just because they looked cool; you break open the package the minute you own them and check out your reflection in the store window.
“We look ridiculous,” you say, adjusting the red pair so they sit better on your face.
“Speak for yourself,” Vernon says, turning to see himself from different angles. “I think purple’s exactly my color.”
You shove the blue pair on over the red, even though they barely fit on your nose, and stick your tongue out at him. “There, now we match.”
He puts on another pair of glasses and it turns into a competition of who can wear the most, and then into who can wear the most without getting a headache. That second winner was Vernon, but you won the first half.
You hit up the McDonalds in the food court and get the large cup for a dollar, and then go down the drink machine and hit it with just a quick blast of each, repeated over and over until the cup was full. It tastes like a mess of conflicting sugars and syrups. You drink the whole thing through separate straws. You can’t stop glancing at his lips. Your faces are so close.
You get ice cream and sit under the bridge over the creek to eat it, watching the sun go down somewhere downstream, listening to the cars whizzing past overhead.
“I missed you,” Vernon says.
“I missed you too,” you say, even though that doesn’t convey the half of it.
“During the school year--” He stops, and you glance over to see him staring into the sunset, his ice cream melting toward his fingers.
You take his free hand. “It’ll be hard, not being close for so long,” you say. “But-- we could do it. I’m not just going to stop talking to you because I have classes and-- you know how my sleep schedule gets during the year.”
He laughs, softly, lacing your fingers together. “I’ll be able to call and tell you to go to bed without you turning it on me.”
“Damn.” You scowl at your feet. “Didn’t think about that. You sure you can’t just go to Europe instead?”
“Nope,” he says. “You’re going to have to find a new defense.”
You sigh. “But Vernon that one’s worked since we were fourteen.”
“It never worked!”
“Yes it did because then it got you on the defensive instead!”
“But you still went to sleep when I hung up, didn’t you?”
Double damn. He’s right and you know he knows it, from the raised eyebrow look he’s giving you as he catches the ice cream that’s melting around the edges of his cone.
“. . . That’s entirely beside the point.”
He just grins. You bury your face in your ice cream cone, trying to devour the rest in a single bite to avoid the urge to pout. Of course, all that really does is get ice cream all over your face, but whatever. When you look back at him, he’s still looking at you, his eyes soft and fond and damn but you’re going to miss him like a lung when he’s gone.
“You’ve got a little something there,” he says, and you make a face at him to maybe hide how very obviously whipped you are and do your best to wipe it off with the pile of napkins you snatched.
“No, it’s still--” and he scoots in, and you both go really quiet as he wipes the ice cream from your cheek. His thumb traces your lip.
“You know,” you say, very softly, “if you wanted to kiss me you could’ve just asked.”
His eyes blink up to meet yours, and red tints his cheeks, but he still smiles. “Okay,” he says. “Can I kiss you?”
Your ice cream melts. (“It’s okay,” Vernon says, “I’ll buy you another.”)
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
Hot Boy Summer
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hiiiii! i’m so freaking excited to write this! this is for a challenge started by a few of my friends @captain-a-rogerss @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho and @donutloverxo !! you should really check it out under #CaptainsWeeklyChallenge ! anyway, i hope you enjoy! (ps: not putting anyone’s requests on hold, i just wanted to make sure i got this done. all requests are still in the making!🤍)
Warnings: swearing, fluff, suggestive content but nothing bad or mature
Prompt: “You’re such a brat.”
One of your favorite pastimes with Meg was annoying her older cousin, Ransom.
Was it because you had a crush on him? Don’t judge, that’s rude. You and Meg were close and she regularly brought you home with her for family holidays. It always exhausted you to be around that chaotic family, and even though Ransom was a total babe and in reality annoyed the hell out of you, you never admitted it. Joni, Meg’s mother, always had the persona and mannerisms that conveyed was high. Always her long and dragged out “hello, (Y/N)” with the hug and asking about your chakras and horoscope or whatever. She got on your last nerve most of the time and Meg found that hilarious. You knew deep down Joni was a good person and wanted the best for her daughter, but my god could she run you up a wall.
Meg’s grandfather was a sweetheart, but the rest of that family was absolutely out of their goddamn minds. And though he was insane, Ransom was drop dead hot. You never quite minded his smartass remarks, his cold glares, or the fact he thought his family was an absolute joke. It all just kinda rolled out of your head when you’d see those captivating sky blue eyes and evil smirk.
Meg had first thought it was a joke when you confessed your crush on Ransom to her one long night at school. She’d laughed, but after looking at your nervous face she stared. “What the hell?” She had asked. Your face was a combination of paleness and being flushed. You shrugged shakily. “I don’t know... he’s hot, Meg!” She scoffed, flipping back her long brown hair. “He might be hot to you, but he’s a hot prick. Doesn’t being a prick kinda cancel out being hot?” She pointed out sternly. “You know I’ve got a thing for bad boys,” you mumbled sheepishly in defense. She laughed again. “(Y/N), this isn’t some movie where everyone wants to date the hot villain. Do not date the hot villain in this situation!” She yelled. You gave her a sad glare before standing up and falling face first onto your dorm bed.
Now you weren’t dating him yet, but you sure as hell were next to him any chance you got. At first he thought it was funny, one of Meg’s college friends having a cute crush on him. But as time progressed and you became more in his way and more obnoxious to him, it made his blood boil.
It was the end of exams and summer was finally here. You were staying with Meg all summer and thrilled you were going to have opportunities to see Ransom. As you got more and more anxious the days leading up, Meg had made you promise you weren’t going to get so attached to Ransom or even forget you were there with her, and you agreed. You’d packed all your clothes (making sure to pack that one bikini that always got attention) and belongings and were on a plane to Massachusetts in no time.
When you’d arrived at Harlan’s, you were greeted with a big hug from Joni. “(Y/N), how are you sweetie?” She asked with a light tap on the back. You forced a laugh and smiled awkwardly. “I’m great Joni, h-how are you? How’s Flam?” you asked in an effort to move the topic off you as your patience lowered every time she opened her mouth. She smiled with accomplishment as she opened her mouth. “Oh you know, it reached two million followers yesterday on Insta, no biggie.” She was obviously fishing for compliments.
“Well congrats, that’s amazing,” you nodded with gritted teeth. She waved a hand and rolled her eyes slightly. “Did you get that moisturizer I sent you?” She asked. You looked over at Meg with eyes wide with annoyance and she quickly came up to help. “Yeah mom she really enjoyed it... We’re going to go get settled,” Meg explained quickly as you gave a small wave before following her.
You exhaled heavily as Meg led you up to her room. She scoffed in amusement. “Ready for a whole summer of Joni Thrombey?” She asked. You laughed under your breath and shook your head with wide eyes. “Mm, maybe Joni could just hook me up with her nephew instead...” you replied suggestively. Meg rolled her eyes and sighed. “(Y/N), he thinks you’re one of the most annoying people to have ever walked the planet, mostly because you’re friends with me. But still I don’t see your chances getting higher with that asshole,” she said. You frowned, unzipping one of your suitcases.
“Okay but I brought that one really sexy bikini I have and I’m not going to get a wedgie for nothing so he better at least say I’m not the most annoying or I look hot or something,” you huffed. Meg laughed, picking up the swimsuit and tossing it at your face.
Though the first day was uneventful, full of unpacking, saying your hellos and greeting everyone, calling to update your parents, eating, and sleeping, the next day was when the real fun began.
Harlan had decided it would be “nice” to get the family together since all the kids were now off school. You had raved to Meg how excited you were to see Ransom and try to prove you were a grown college woman and totally girlfriend (or wife, but baby steps right?) material. She groaned when she heard the news and hit her head against a wall.
“What? It’ll be so fun!” You tried to reason as Meg glared in the mirror while applying her makeup. She put product in her wavy brown hair and sighed. “Yeah it’ll be fun for you. You happen to forget that Ransom is just one member of this family, this very chaotic and hell raising family,” she bit. You scoffed and slipped a crop top on. “You’re just jealous because I might get a boyfriend.” You stuck your tongue out.
Meg was just about to argue back when you heard the front door downstairs being opened with muffled greetings. You sprinted over to your closed door and concentrated hard for any sign of the name “Ransom.” You pressed your ear hard against the door and your eyes lit up as you finally heard the name you’d been waiting for. Your heart rate picked up and you looked back to Meg, who was applying mascara unenthusiastically.
“You’re going to annoy the shit out of him,” she warned quietly. You glared. “No I’m not... I swear I’m mature. Mature enough to be attractive though, not like some stuck up old librarian lady or something,” you explained nervously. Meg laughed. “This is coming from the girl who still sleeps with a nightlight,” she retorted. You flipped her off with a fake smile before slipping out the door.
You ran down the long flights of stairs (nearly knocking into poor Fran, who was just trying to escape Ransom) and breathed quickly. You nearly tripped down the last few steps and cursed under your breath before catching up with a particular tall, dark haired man. You slipped in front of him and smiled smugly at him.
“Hey Ransom,” you greeted as chill as possible. He was more beautiful than you remembered (even though you had just seen him at Christmas); his hair was cut a little shorter, he wasn’t hiding under cable knit sweaters or long overcoats, and his blue eyes caught the sunlight. When he saw you his mouth parted and he stared with furrowed eyebrows for a moment. His head then tilted back as he groaned loudly.
“Meg!” He yelled. “Come get your dumb friend out of my way!” You blinked a couple times before leaning against the knight’s armour in the hallway. “No look Ransom, I’m just here to chill with Meg all summer. It’s not a huge deal. It’s totally fine, you’ll have no trouble from me,” you offered. He raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “Yeah that’s what you told me at Christmas, then you tried to kiss me under the mistletoe,” he retorted with a bitter laugh. You cringed; yeah, you had hit the holly jollies a little too much that night. You cleared your throat and began to trail Ransom as he began to walk away from you.
“Well lucky for you there’s no mistletoe in the summer,” you replied sarcastically. “Yeah, but there’s still you,” Ransom bit back in mock sarcasm. You halted to a stop and gaped at him as he continued to walk off. Damn, he really came for you.
As you stared, Harlan had appeared behind you and greeted you with a pat on the back. “So, have you said your hellos to Ransom?” He asked. You nodded, your eyes still focused down the hall. “Mhm,” you hummed back. He chuckled lightly before walking off slowly, and you scoffed as Ransom’s remark echoed in your head.
Not a big deal; a big girl like you could handle Ransom’s snarky remarks, right?
After plenty of lame and useless attempts at trying to get Ransom’s attention just through basic human interaction, you’d decided it was time to put that bikini to use.
Who knew there was easy access to a pool out where Harlan lived? You thanked your lucky stars that the white suit wouldn’t just be taking up space in your suitcase. Sure, most of the Thrombeys were now gathered and would probably be there as well, but you get what you get right? You slipped it on in the bathroom connected to Meg’s room and sighed, already pulling the bottoms out of all the uncomfortable places it didn’t belong. You looked at yourself in the mirror and raised your eyebrows. Wow, dressing for a man and not yourself; you never thought you would stoop so low for a crush.
You opened the door and met Meg with her emerald green bikini as she whistled and looked you up and down. “Damn sis! All this for my asshole older cousin?” She asked as you rolled your eyes. “I know, I was thinking the same thing,” you mumbled back. She grinned sarcastically as she grabbed the sunglasses from her dresser. “Yeah, it’s a good thing you’re not obsessed with him or anything, that would be weird,” she commented with heavy sarcasm. You laughed monotonely and threw a small bottle of sunscreen at her arm.
“Whatever, let’s get going. I wanna get out of this suit asap,” you mumbled before opening the door. Meg followed you out and snorted from behind. “(Y/N) it’s already riding up your ass,” She commented. Your face felt hot (from both embarrassment and how annoying Meg was being) and you spit out the first argument that came to mind: “Well maybe I want it there, Meg.”
You trotted through the full house and outside and plopped onto one of the long, clothed chairs perfect for tanning. Ransom was over in a shaded corner reading from a Playboy magazine (to which you thought why was he looking at pictures of women in bikinis when there was one right in front of him?) through dark sunglasses. His hair was combed back with no gel or product in it and he wore dark blue swimming trunks with no shirt. Jacob was in the shadows behind him with his eyes glued to his phone screen, the damn kid. You however couldn’t help but stare for a moment at Ransom’s abs as you blinked and took a deep breath. You laid your head back down and closed your eyes for a moment as you let the sun warm your entire body. “Damn Ransom,” you muttered bitterly.
“Alright this place better not turn into some splash pad for three year olds now that you’re here,” Ransom announced. You opened your eyes and looked back over, his eyes still glued to the magazine. You scoffed loudly in exaggeration as Meg shook her head in astonishment at you. “Please Ransom, we’re just out here to do the same exact thing as you; chill,” you called back. Joni who was drinking champagne in the hottub glanced over briefly. “Meg! (Y/N)! Looking totally adorable girls! Love the self love!” She complimented as hip as she could get.
“Yeah thanks mom,” Meg called back i enthusiastically. Ransom rolled his eyes and looked up to see what the fuss was about and was dumbstruck when he did.
God, did you have to look so hot in that swimsuit? Your skin glowed in the sun as your crossed one leg over the other. That swimsuit was very small... His eyes traveled from your legs to your bare stomach up to- no, no. He looked back down and exhaled loudly. No, think about how annoying you are. He wasn’t going to stare at you. No... He felt awkward. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Ransom never thought he’d feel something towards you. It was weird, he questioned his standards and tried to take his mind off you. This was really conflicting and he’d never thought so much into a hot girl- no he wasn’t going to call you hot.
While Ransom sat in the corner and tried to handle his frustration, you layed in the sun and pitied yourself. You basically tried everything. If Ransom wasn’t going to pay attention to you in this, there was no hope. You frowned and stretched your arms and legs before crossing them again.
You glanced over at Ransom, who’s eyes you’d found staring at you. (He couldn’t do it. He looked back at you, sprawled out on the chair. Screw his reputation, he wasn’t going to pass this up.) You blinked a few times before raising an eyebrow. “Like what you see, Ransom?” You asked suggestively. He scoffed in astonishment and shook his head. “You’re such a brat,” he mumbled. You smiled wickedly and sat up. Meg looked over and tried to grab your arm. “(Y/N), where are you going?” She asked. You looked back as you made your way to the pool. “Just going for a swim because I’m getting a little hot in the sun,” you explained casually.
Ransom shook his head and chuckled under his breath. “Really, (Y/N)? This is what we’re gonna play?” He asked somewhat aggressively. You looked over and shrugged innocently. “What are we playing, Ransom? Can’t a girl get in the pool if she needs to be cooled off?” You lowered your sunglasses for a moment and winked. He glared with a mouth opened in shock; since when did you start acting like this? Where was Meg’s college friend who had a cute little crush on him?
You were milking the hell out of this. You enjoyed feeling somewhat in control over Ransom. His frustration amused you, and you were pretty sure he’d pop at any second.
You stepped into the cool water and shivered slightly. You slowly continued to submerge your body and looked back over at your target. He held his head with his fingers against his temple, his mouth slightly parted. You grinned smugly before placing your glasses to the side and going completely under the crystal clear water.
Jacob looked up briefly from his phone and laughed viciously. “Seriously, Ransom?” Ransom turned around and held a finger close to his face. “One more comment out of you and that goddamn phone finds a new home at the bottom of that pool,” he snarled. Jacob rolled his eyes before looking back down while Ransom whipped back around.
You hair was now wet and water drops speckled your chest and arms. Ransom groaned and threw his magazine on the ground before standing up. You glanced over and did your best to hold back laughter from the scene Ransom was causing. He began to quickly walk towards you and you full on laughed.
“Ransom don’t get your britches in a bunch,” Meg commented from her chair. She’d given up; you were a lost cause. You were under the spell of her disgusting older cousin and all she could do was sit back and watch the curse take its course.
You waited for Ransom at the edge of the underground pool and put your arms on the warm concrete. He kneeled in front of you and you raised an eyebrow. The sun reflected off the water and Ransom tried his best to keep his eyes on you through his dark sunglasses. “You think this is funny?” He bit. You shrugged. “Little bit. I’m only having fun if you are though,” you replied smoothly. “Trying to make me look like a perv? You knew exactly what you were doing when you put that goddamn bikini on. A little small (Y/N), don’t you think?” He whispered harshly. You stared at his angry expression before glancing around at the oblivious grownups in the yard.
“Glad your family isn’t paying attention, huh?” You remarked. He growled lowly and you smiled. “Come on Ransom,” you urged plainly. “You know you want to.” Ransom raised an eyebrow. “Do what?” He hissed. You puckered your lips for a brief second and winked teasingly. He laughed bitterly.
“Jesus Christ,” he growled before putting his index finger under your chin and pulling you into a rough kiss. You shifted your weight onto your arms and pushed yourself up higher and further into the kiss.
Your stomach twisted and turned and you felt like screaming in victory.
He pulled away and glared in defeat as you smirked. “Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?” You cooed. He sighed. “You’re a real bitch, you know?” He asked. You hummed amusingly. “Yeah Meg would know a lot about that.”
haaaaaa i hope you enjoyed! i loved writing this and i hope you enjoyed! (and of course thanks to my girl @lookalivefrosty for getting me through a rough spot where i didn’t know wtf to do😂)
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Past Haunts- A Revisit
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A/N: Let’s take a look inside the Winchester/Quentin household and see how everyone is getting along. Also look for the 2nd author’s note after this story. 
It's been six months today. Six months since my daughter and I were getting ready for work and school when a simple knock on the front door changed everything. Changed it all, for the better.
To be able to watch from the sidelines as Whitney got to finally know the man who was her father; to finally experience having a male figure in her life was indescribable. 
Those two were like two peas in a pod, though. Similar likes, the same dislikes, an identical warped sense of humor. Once Dean had gotten over- no, that isn't the right wording-since Dean had come to terms with Sam being locked in a cage in Hell, he had jumped right into being a parent, a daddy. And he was killing it!
I hadn't expected to find him in the kitchen every morning, cooking breakfast for us before sending us both off with a kiss and I definitely never dreamed of coming home to a clean house, mowed lawn and that pesky back porch light repaired but during the first whole week of loving with us,  Dean had picked up the slack. I was amazed and very grateful.
Dean and I have slept in the same bed every night since his return but have yet to put a label on what we are. Although, Whitney happily tells anyone and everyone that her parents are together, I'm just unsure. And yes, we've had sex but then again what woman in her right mind could look at him, cuddle up to him and NOT want to have sex with him?
He had gotten a job at a local garage after the first month of being 'home' and had quickly impressed the boss with his knowledge of older vehicles. It seemed as though the mechanics nowadays depended on the little computers installed in the newer models to alert them to whatever was wrong, so when older vehicles came across their rack, these young boys were stumped.
During the week after Thanksgiving, the city of Fairfax Indiana got its first snowfall. Everything looked so clean and fresh with the white blanket covering all the blemishes and eyesores around town. And that's the day we found out Dean Winchester doesn't like the cold.
"It's just-" Dean grumbled as he drank his coffee at the head of the table. "-so ridiculous. You have to wear extra layers, watch out for other idiots on the road. Watch where you step. And it's just so cold." He finishes his groaning with a full body shiver.
"Dad you sound like a whiny brat," Whitney banters as she eats her eggs and bacon. "It's wonderful! Everything looks so bright and shiny."
"I need sun and warmth, missy," Dean shoots back with a wink. He suddenly sits up straight and looks at me. "Babe, how many days of school until our little girl is on holiday?"
Whitney hmphs at being called a little girl, even though she knows Dean only does it to get a rise out of her. The smirk on his face tells me that is exactly the response he expected.
"Uh, nine. I think."
"Eight and a half," Whitney corrects me, standing up to take her plate to the sink. "And the half day is going to be mostly watching movies and not much else."
I look at Dean to see his mind whirling. I could tell he was trying to work something out in his head. I raise an eyebrow in question but only get a smile in response. I shake my head at his antics and stand up to go finish getting ready for work.
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Christmas in Florida is distinctly opposite of Christmas in the North. For one, there is no snow for the lights to mirror. The lights are pretty but seem so dull without the reflection. And instead of coats and gloves and hats, people are in swimsuits and shorts, tank tops and flip-flops. A total 180 from what I'm used to in mid-December. I ponder the difference between the two as I lounge on the long beach chair beside Dean's as we watch Whitney frolic in the cool water.
Dean hasn't fully embraced the warmer temperatures as he is still in jeans and his usually two-shirt ensemble.  The only thing missing is the heavy work boots he usually dons; his feet are bare. The sunglasses on his face does little to hide the freckles that have made an appearance the darker his skin tans. I've laid in bed recently, counting the cute little misshapen dots. He is all smiles and happy. I love him so much!
When Dean had first suggested taking a trip down south for Christmas break I was astonished, Whitney was ecstatic. In her 13 year existence, this is the first full-fledged vacation we have ever taken so she was excited and enthusiastic about the chance to take a trip. And when she found out the destination, I didn't think she would survive the 17-hour trip without spending the whole time exploding with glee. Whitney and I spent my whole payday on a new wardrobe for the both of us, getting weird and bizarre looks from other shoppers as we tried to find t-shirts and shorts, bathing suits and sunscreen; during December in Indiana those items were few and far between. I also took a secret trip to the courthouse, getting the paperwork to officially make Whitney a Winchester. All it needs is information and signatures from both parents. I plan to surprise Dean with them Christmas morning.
So far, this vacation has been fantastic. We have spent time as a family doing little things, like walking along the beach at sunset searching for seashells, playing mini-golf, spending the day in our hotel room watching old movies and cartoons when the weather took a turn for the worse. It has been a dream come true, something I had never in a million years thought would ever happen. 
Spending time with him and our daughter in what I dubbed as the most magical place on Earth. So what if we're not at Disney World, to me this is the most fascinating time and place; a week spent with my daughter and her father, the love of my life. Life couldn't get any better than this.
I am shaken from my daydreams as I hear Dean growl and begin throwing fictitious daggers with his eyes in the direction of the pool. I turn my head to see a group of teenage boys all surrounding Whitney, who is all smiles at the attention. 
"Calm down honey," I cajole. "We knew this would eventually happen. We can't expect her to be a nun."
"Those boys are too old for her," he defends. "They see an innocent, young girl like her and there's only one thing on their mind." He goes to get up and I reach over to place my hand on his arm, stopping him.
"Give it a minute," I tell him. "I've taught Whitney to take care of herself."
As Dean and I sit there I keep our daughter in my peripheral, just in case one of us needs to step in. Suddenly, Whitney yells out "Jerk!" and slaps the boy who looks to be the protagonist of the crew. I smile as I watch her climb out of the pool and walk toward us. She sits at my feet and wraps her towel around her shoulders.
"You okay darlin'?" her dad asks, his eyes still trained on the gang of boys. They just don't know how many different ways Dean Winchester could murder them and make them all disappear.
"Y-yea," she answers but I can tell she's lying. "They just said some things that weren't nice."
Dean finally turned his eyes toward his daughter, the dangerous glint replaced by concern.  "Baby girl, I can go have a talk with them, if you-"
"No Dean!" she says, standing up. "I don't need my father taking up for me. I'm not a baby!" As Whitney storms out of the pool area, Dean looks at me, at a loss.
"What did I do?"
I stand up and wrap the sarong around my bikini-clad body. "Just let me go talk to her, okay?" I have an idea what is going on and I know having her dad there I'd never get Whitney to open up. I lean down and kiss him and head in the direction our daughter had stomped off.
In the room, Whitney has thrown herself across her bed and is crying into the pillow.
"Honey, what's wrong?" I ask gently because if my suspicions were true, anything could cause her to fly off the handle.
"I don't know," she whines. "I was feeling okay and then all of a sudden, it's like my energy zapped. So I was just floating in the pool, hoping the ache would go away and then those boys came up and started talking to me. And I liked it," she explains as she sits up on the bed. "But then Kyle said something about me being pure and innocent when I told them how old I was and I just lost it. And then I jumped down Dad's throat and he probably hates me now!" She begins crying again and I join her on the bed, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and she places her head on my shoulder.
 "Oh baby," I console. "I think it's becoming that time. You're getting ready to start your first period."
She jerks her head up and looks at me. "Really?"
"Yea, we need to go get you some pads and Midol. You're going to start bleeding anytime."
"God, did I just ruin our first vacation?"
"No!" I claim. "You didn't ruin vacation at all, baby. Now, let's get cleaned up and run down the street to the store."
"Moooom! I can't leave the room! What if it starts before we get back?" I chuckle at her wide-eyed expression.
"Okay, okay." I reach over and grab my phone texting Dean to come up to the room. I roll my eyes as I remember the discussion he and I had almost 2 years ago. Never in a million years did I think I would actually be asking this of him but I can't leave my baby.
The look on his face was comical as I whispered my request. He looked terrified and afflicted at the thought of having to buy feminine products. I take screenshots of exactly what he needs to buy and send him on his way, but not before he insists that I remember promising him he would never have to do this particular task.
The rest of the vacation goes off without a hitch. Whitney does begin her first period and requests to spend the rest of our time in Florida in the hotel room, only going out to eat. Dean and I trust her enough to leave her in the room while we go out, exploring not only the beach but the little town we are in. 
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Christmas morning comes and Whitney wakes us up with squeals of delight at the massive amount of presents placed under the decorated fake palm tree in our room.
Dean and I sit on the sofa, drinking coffee and enjoying the look of awe on our daughter's face as she opens her presents. Once finished, she winks at her dad and goes to her bag where she pulls a box from inside. Handing it to him, Whitney steps back as Dean slides off to the floor, getting on one knee.
My hand slaps over my mouth as he clears his throat. I have no idea what he says because my inner voice is chanting 'Oh my god! This can't be happening!' Finally my ears take over and I hear him ask, "Becks, will you marry me?" I nod through the tears and watch as he slips the ring onto my finger. He climbs back onto the couch and wraps his arms around me, only moving one around Whitney when she dog-piles on top of us in excitement.
None of us know though, that when we return to Indiana  the past is going to come back to haunt us, in the form of Sam Winchester back from Hell.
A/N2: Another announcement! Another story! Remember how I promised a sequel to this story? A look into the years these two spent apart? Well I began it and then life happened (along with a stroke) so I just now am finishing it up. Look for Wounded Hearts to begin in March!!! I’m excited to share it with you. I will keep those of you that were on the PH taglist unless you tell me different. Love to you all. 
@vickiq9761 @81mysteriouslyme @travelingriversideblues-x @akshi8278 @keymology @hoboal87 @squirrelnotsam @spnbaby-67 @sandlee44 @natura1phenomenon @drakelover78 @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @larajadeschmidt13 @tftumblin @blacktithe7 @lilulo-12 @adoptdontshoppets @cpag7 @markofdean79 @supraveng @deanwanddamons @mogaruke @death-unbecomes-you @vicariouslythruspn @atc74 @delightfullykrispypeach​ @sea040561​
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Tabaco y Brea part 5
Pairing: Javier Peña x F! Reader
Rating: M?
Words: 5.7k
A/N: Hmm, something finally happens here. I loved writing this one, hope someone enjoys it too.
Warnings: dry humping, swimming, sexual themes, dancing? If I'm missing something please let me know
Summary: The three of you go to Cali and a dance club undercover.
Part one ◇ Part two ◇Part three◇ Part four◇
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"So you came here in December then? That's why you didn't go to the party?"
Of all the things you could be wearing, a red swimsuit isn't so bad in the scorching heat that Cali is going through right now. You can't deny how sexy Javi looks lying in one of the white lounge chairs at the border of the swimming pool. His shirt is completely unbuttoned, his torso wet with sweat that you want to lick off his skin. You never thought you'd see Javier Peña wearing shorts, but here you are, wanting to rip them off his thighs. His yellow aviators are hiding his eyes from you, but you can guess he's looking at the sky, avoiding the sight of you in a freaking red swimsuit out of all the possibilities.
You're lying on your own cot next to his, but looking towards him. The sight is so intoxicating that you can't bring your eyes to look away.
"Yes, I wanted to come to the Cali Fair. Back in '79 I couldn't because we went to that Christmas party" your tone portrays annoyance at the memory. Javi snorts, probably because he doesn't remember shit after getting wasted. 
"And was it fun?' He sounds amused, his arms behind his head letting you know how relaxed he really is. You can't wrap your head around the fact that right now, he looks like a wet dream come true.
"You can't even imagine how much," you say, heart warming at the memories from months before. "Celia motherfucking Cruz sang and it was raining but she didn't give a fuck and kept going Javi!"
Your excited tone makes him turn his head towards you, a raised eyebrow showing above his glasses. He regrets this decision immediately.
Color tints his cheeks as he can't help but ogle you from head to toe. Strands of hair are sticking to your forehead, wet with sweat, and bothering the hell out of you. Even though the swimsuit isn't very revealing, he can see the beginning of your breasts showing, and it hugs your body in just the right places for his shorts to become tighter. Your legs are shining from the sunscreen. You’ve applied it at least 4 times and you couldn't have been lying there for more than 2 hours. He has to restrain himself from letting his hands roam all over your body and make you moan and squirm under his.
He gulps."It sounds like a fun time"
You sigh blissfully, unaware of the heated looks he's giving you. "It was", you stop for a moment, thinking. Then, "maybe you could come with me this year"
You sound hesitant and his voice decides that now is a great time to fail him. You raise your arms over your head, stretching and moaning as your back pops. He wishes you made those sounds for him, that he was the one pulling them out of your pretty mouth, not your joints. Blood rushes straight to his dick and he has to bite his lips to silence a groan. 
"M-maybe" he stutters out. That's enough for you, as you relax back into the cot and let out a content sigh.
Steve is up at the hotel room he and Javi are sharing, as you got a room for yourself. You guess he's talking to Connie, letting her know how things are going and reassuring her that no, he has not been ogling pretty caleñas. You chuckle at the thought.
"It's so great Javi, the music is beautiful and the food is delicious. The heat stops bothering you because suddenly you’re sweating out of fun and not out of existence”
The fact that you sound so happy talking about it makes his heart flutter, and he promises to himself that he will definitely come back with you this year.
But he's sure he can make you sweat for a better reason than even dancing.
"Do you know who's coming this year?" He asks, trying to distract himself from his feelings. His dick is throbbing inside his clothes, and he moves his legs to relieve some tension. His heart though, his heart aches from thinking about you happy and dancing, carefree. There's nothing he can move to relieve that.
"Rumor says it'll be Héctor Lavoe!"
Javi knows you love that man, has heard you sing his songs more times than he can count. It starts to get a little annoying after the fifth time you sing 'El Cantante', but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
"Didn't he sing for Pablo on New Year's Eve?"
You nod. "He did. And they treated him like shit afterward. I was still here when that happened, and they were at Medellín"
He hums. "And I was at Bogotá, for the party"
The photos of Héctor at the Hotel Intercontinental came your way days later after the incident. You remember laughing the first time you saw them, unbelieving. Javi had come running with the pictures on his hand and had stumped them at your desk. You had wished to meet that man for years and Pablo Escobar had easily hired him. What a life.
"And how did that party go Peña?"
You're not sure you want to know. He always ends up either wasted or fucking a beautiful woman, and you don't like either.
"Much like last time. Bent over the toilet throwing up. The colonel went hysterical and said I was dying" his answer doesn't really surprise you but you let out a laugh at the idea of a high-rank soldier getting freaked out over Javi throwing up.
"It's not pretty when you're wasted pendejo"
He frowns at you. "And how would you know? You went to sleep when I started the shots last time"
So he doesn't remember. You huff. "Yeah, sure"
He sits up, confused. "Bera?" His voice is cautious and you turn your gaze towards the pool. 
"You didn't let me sleep. I could hear you dry heaving at some point"
You figured it was for the best if he didn't know you had taken care of him.
He laughs, embarrassed. "I don't remember anything after I threw up the first time"
Figures. "It would have been a miracle if you did"
He shrugs as someone approaches you from beside. You look up to see Steve standing between the two of you, hair plastered to his face with sweat and the front of his shirt completely wet. He's wearing jeans and you don't know how he can bear it, your skin burns and you don't have much on.
"Are we supposed to be doing this?"
You roll your eyes. How you managed to get them to relax for the day is beyond you, but at least Javi sat down and made the most of it, Steve has been moping since you arrived.
"Murph, just shut up and sit down"
He frowns down to you and waves his hand. "Where am I supposed to? There is no space"
At that, you stand up and walk to the pool, feeling how a pair of eyes follow your every move. You grin, smug. "You can take my place"
When you jump into the water, it all splashes both men, and Javi feels relieved for a moment when he thinks he's free of the torture that is seeing you and not touching you.
The relief only lasts for a few moments before you raise over the water and now your body is all wet and Javi can feel how his dick starts dripping pre-come like a fucking teenager.
His face goes red and warm as trickles of water run down your neck, your hair slipping through your fingers as you run your hands through it. Your breasts rise at the movement of your arms and Javi takes his hand to his mouth and bites to prevent himself from moaning. He just wants to jump with you into the pool and take you right there, grip your waist and plaster your bodies together, sense how your swimsuit sticks to your body and lets him feel you almost as if you weren't wearing anything.
Steve watches it all with amusement filling his eyes, a knowing smile forming at his lips. "Calm down Peña, she's gonna notice if you don't"
Javi glares at him through his glasses and takes down his hand to adjust his shorts. He's not gonna sport a freaking boner in the middle of a pool and look like a pervert. 
Murphy sits on the lounge chair you were in and turns to Javier, intertwining his hands together. Javi hopes he at least provides a distraction from his current state. "Why do you call her Bera if that's not her name?" Or not.
Javi shakes his head and smiles. "Carrillo called her berraca the first time she went with us on a raid." Steve frowns.
"Isn't that word despective?"
Javi sighs. "I think she should tell you the story, not me."
You swim in the pool without paying them any attention, the muscles on your back moving and keeping you from sinking. He wonders how the night will go for both of you today. Yes, he knows how to dance but he has never danced that kind of music with someone he... cared about, it was always with the girls at the parties. And he knows you're great at it, even if he's never seen you do it. He just hopes he won't make a fool of himself in front of you.
Time passes, you spend all evening doing laps through the pool over and over. The sounds your arms make when you move the water lull him into a state of calm for the rest of the day, Murphy even drifts off next to him and falls asleep. Javi's eyes never leave you.
The fact that it turns from a lust-filled stare to more of a look of adoration is something Javi decides to ignore for the time being.
As the sun starts going down and the place begins to darken, you stop swimming, pushing yourself up and out of the pool, dripping. Javi stands up immediately and runs to bring you a towel, wrapping you with it. You blush and look down. "Thank you, Javi," you say as you grip the edges at your chest, keeping it from falling.
"You're welcome compañera" He answers, softly. For a moment, it's only the two of you in the hotel. He looks at you, warmth spreading through his body as he sees your eyelashes with drops in them, your hair wet and your skin hot from spending all day in the swimming pool. You feel warm to the touch, warmer than usual. And when it ignites a softer instinct in him, something deeper than just wanting to touch you for pleasure, it scares him. 
He leaves your side without another sound and walks to Murphy, slapping the back of his head. You chuckle at how Steve sits up, alarmed. 
"I'm awake! I'm awake!" He shouts, cheeks red from the heat. He moves his head around and frowns when he looks at Javier. "What the fuck man?"
You move to the side as Steve stands up, sensing his intentions. Javi doesn't seem to notice. "Time to get ready"
Steve gets closer to him, slowly. You cover your mouth with your hands, trying to hide your grin but failing to keep a giggle from escaping. Javier frowns at you.
"What?" He says just as Steve tries to push him into the pool, but Javi manages to move away and both fall to the floor, just at the edge and shy of falling. His aviators fly away from his face and come to fall at your feet. You pick them up and put them on.
Fury covers his face when Steve stands up and gets away from him, and both you and Murphy break down laughing. With his hair plastered to his face from the heat, he looks at Steve with a murderous glare and resembles a wet cat. Needless to say, it's hilarious.
Strong steps move him, and Steve runs to the entrance without a second thought. You double up in laughter, resting one hand at your knees and the other one keeping the towel around you. Javi can't help chuckling at your amusement.
"Esto te divierte?" (this funny to you?) he asks, and even if he tries to sound stern you can see right through it.
"Bastante" (very) you say between laughs, and he shakes his head, sprinkling you with his hair. 
Once you calm down, he gets close to you and wraps his arm around your frame, the touch sending electric shots through your skin. You don't say anything and let yourself be led to the hotel, the sounds of water hitting the floor as you walk serving as background noise.
"I'll see you in a few" he mutters, and you nod. He goes to his shared room with Steve as you enter yours, and the sounds of them fighting goes through the wall. You shake your head, laughing, and start to get ready for the night.
The circular brown dress makes a wave around your thighs as you twirl to see how it looks in the mirror, with spaghetti straps by the arms and heart shape at your chest. A black leather jacket is laid on the bed and your black stiletto heels are right beside it as if mocking you of what you're about to endure. 
You wonder how Javi is going to dress, but you don't expect something completely different from his usual attire. Maybe a long-sleeved shirt.
You sit down on the edge of the bed and take a deep breath, urging your heart to slow down a little. It went wild the moment you stepped out of the shower and realized what was about to happen, what you were about to go through with Javier fucking Peña of all people.
 You already put your makeup on, golden eyeshadow along with black eyeliner framing and highlighting your eyes. A delicate and thin gold necklace is hanging around your neck, round earrings dangling from your ears. As you slip your shoes on and shrug the jacket into your body, you pray for the night to go as calm and successful as possible.
A knock in your door shakes you out of your thoughts, and you stand up to see who it is through the door grommet. The sight of Javi greets you, and you're pleasantly surprised to see he combed his hair differently than his every day usual. It's fluffier; if only he used it like that every day.
The lock of the door makes a clicking sound as you open it to greet Javi, flushing as you realize that this is the first time he's seen you in a dress. Just as you expected, he's wearing a three-quarter black shirt with the cuffs already folded inside out, accompanied with slightly less tight jeans than his usual attire. He left his top buttons open like always, but something is missing.
His face grows hot too as the sight of you in a freaking dress with heels and your hair let loose reach his eyes, and he suddenly feels too self-conscious, awkwardly standing outside your room like a boy who's picking up his date for prom. He puts his hands in his pockets, looking away.
"Are you ready?" he asks, voice trembling slightly. He clears his throat and straightens, intimidating instance taking its place. 
You shrug, not affected (at least not in the way you should) by it, stretching to take his glasses from the tabletop beside the door. He takes them, nodding as he hangs them from the front of his shirt.
"Yeah, let's go" you answer, and he lets you go outside your room to close the door behind you. Steve looms through the door and smiles at you, knowing glint shining in his eyes. 
"You look beautiful Bera," he says. You wink at him, twirling slowly.
"Thank you, Murph"
Javi stands beside you with his hands on his hips, glaring at Steve. 
"Where are you keeping your gun?" 
His voice is strained, and you roll your eyes. How paranoid.
Your hands hike up your dress to show the hostler on your right leg to show him your Beretta 92, and both agents turn red. You huff.
"Where do you expect me to keep it?" you say, annoyed. Neither of them says anything, limiting to shaking their heads.
Javi's Smith&Wesson is probably tucked at his back, so fuck it.
A bunch of soldiers climb up the stairs at your left and get inside Javi and Steve's room, carrying walkie talkies and some other stuff with them. One of them throws one to Javi and he catches it mid-air, tucking it at his back pocket. You're not sure how he's gonna hide that, the dealers you're going to follow may be stupid but not that stupid.
"Tenemos que irnos ya agente" (We have to leave now agent) one soldier tells Javi, and he nods, grabbing your waist and pushing you to leave. You turn towards Steve and nod at him.
"Be safe, good luck" he says, both for the mission and for what you're about to endure.
"You too"
And you climb down the stairs, gripping the edge of your dress with your fingers and hoping everything goes well.
The place is packed, the line to the club rounding the corner with people waiting to be let inside. Javi put on his brown leather jacket on the way here, hiding the walkie talkie inside. You know you probably look like a cute matching couple, him with a black shirt and brown jacket and you with a black jacket and brown dress. And you didn't even plan it.
He walks alongside you with his left arm completely wrapped around your arms, keeping you close to him. His body heat seeps through the clothes, making it harder for you to concentrate on what you're doing. Your heels click as you approach the bouncer, fake lovesick smiles plastered at your faces.
"Ey hermano! Cómo estás? Qué noche eh?" (Hey brother! How are you? What a night uh?) Javi says, charm dripping from his voice. The bouncer gives him a look over, but when he turns at you, you do your best to do all the googly eyes and shy smile at him, turning to hide your face at Javi's neck, giggling. He grins, nodding as he opens the chain to let you in.
"Gracias" (Thank you) you tell him, velvety tone leaving your mouth as you walk inside. He grins and shakes his head.
"De nada señorita" (You're welcome miss)
Once inside, the amount of bodies dancing everywhere feels overwhelming even to you, and judging by how Javier tightens his grip in your shoulder, he's not comfortable in this situation. 
Your eyes scan the place, searching for a spot where you still have the full view but more secluded. Two chairs come into vision in the far corner of the place at the edge of the bar, and you tug Javi to follow you.
Some faces you pass are familiar to you, probably from other clubs you've been in. You don't pay them much attention and keep pushing your way through the crowd, Javier standing right behind you holding your hand with a bruising grip. 
You sit down on one of the chairs and pull Javi's closer to yours, your legs intertwining as he sits down in front of you. He seems anxious, which is not a common sight.
"What's wrong?" you ask, concerned. Your fingers caress his hand, telling yourself that you're just playing the part. 
"This could get out of control real quick" he answers, and it's not like he's wrong. There's too many people, too much noise. His head moves to search for escape routes or hiding places. There's one at the opposite corner, the men's room a few steps farther and the women's room behind you, maybe two or three meters away. If anything escalates, he could throw you over the bar and jump after.
"You need to calm down" you whisper, getting closer to him and stroking his cheek. It sends shivers down his spine, the heat from the place making it difficult to breathe. 
A girl approaches you and asks if you will order anything. Javi opts for tequila and you for whiskey, and he grabs your hand and laces your fingers together. You smile sweetly at him.
"I hope you know we need to go dance at some point," you say through your fake smile, the color draining from his face as he remembers what you have to do. He gulps.
"We don't have many options, do we?" He answers through gritted teeth. You shake your head, agreeing with his statement.
Time passes and your jacket comes off, leaving your shoulders exposed. The place gets more and more crowded and you know it is more likely that Escobar's men are here now. You have the faces etched in your mind, but it's difficult to see from where you're sitting at with so many bodies covering the view. 
Javier lets his hand fall on your leg, direct contact from skin to skin that makes desire spread from the center of your body to all of it. His thumb brushes your skin and you figure that bringing a dress wasn't such a great idea after all. You have to bite your lip and focus on the wall behind him, soft red covering your cheeks,
 The girl brings your drinks. You share a look with him and you down the drinks at once without breaking the eye contact. It burns your throat and gives you the courage you need to take his hand and pull him to the dance floor. The notes of a song you know well help you feel more secure of yourself as you walk.
Sin tu cariño no tengo sol y me falta cielo
Sin tu cariño y sin tu consuelo no sé vivir
Si no estás cerca llega la lluvia
y de tristeza todo se nubla
Y por tu ausencia hasta se me olvida como reír
Ruben Blades' voice acts as an inhibitor to you and does exactly the opposite for Javi. He tenses and grips your hand harder, bodies rubbing against him as you take him to someplace close to the center. He hates being in crowded places when it's a mission, there's a high probability that something might go wrong and many people will get hurt.
You put an easy smile in your face, winking at every person that glances at you. Your hips move from side to side, hypnotizing some of the men that look your way. Javier groans, exasperated.
With a spin, you turn to look at him and raise your right hand to interlace it with his left hand, pulling his other arm to spread his palm at your waist. He freezes, tensing under your fingers as you hold onto his shoulder.
"Calm the fuck down Peña" you bit out through gritted teeth, "we need to appear happy and easy-going"
He glares at you but complies, loosening and smiling with fake mischief. His hand pulls you closer to him, your chests almost pressed together. Your breath gets caught in your throat.
It's just an act, you remind yourself.
With a smooth motion, he shoves you slightly to start dancing in time of the song, clutching your waist and sending shivers down your spine. His movements invite you to follow along, leading your body through the slick floor and the sea of dancing people. He's alert, scanning every face of every single person in the room but completely aware of what is going on with his feet and your shape. He doesn't force a single thing, instead acting as a leading figure to your steps. He knows exactly where to take you.
"Do you see them?" you ask, voice trembling slightly as he gives a complete spin. You've danced with a lot of people in the past few months, feeling their passion and how they completely let themselves go as they moved their hips to the rhythm. And yet, not a single one came close to how dancing with Javier feels.  
"No. You?" he shouts, pulling you closer to him and looking over your shoulder. You shake your head, wanting to close your eyes and let yourself go but knowing it would be a mistake to.
His thumb rubs at your waist and the atmosphere becomes tense, filled with arousal and excitement, uncertain of what the night might bring but ready to find a way to make it work. Your brown dress makes a circle as he spins you with his arm raised, black shirt hugging his body in all the right places that you couldn't appreciate properly back in the hotel. The heels make a clicking sound as you return to his embrace, blue jeans contrasting beautifully with the tone of his other clothes. 
 His entire body feels hot, sweat running down his neck with the amount of resistance he's using to stop himself from grabbing you and kissing your lips right on the spot. Your perfume reaches his nose and he clenches your hand instinctively, smooth skin under his fingers sending shivers down his spine. You bite your lip as he looks at you, cheeks flushed with red. Your feet move in synchrony, moving around the room as if there were just the two of you there, floating. You're breathless as he looks at you with lust-filled eyes, short, ragged breaths leaving his lips with every step he takes. Every dance move gets you a little higher, building your own bubble around. Your bodies nearly touch, getting closer and closer with every note of the song. He can feel your hot breath on his neck, goosebumps spreading all over his skin. He towers over you like a predator, wanting to take you right then and there and scare away all the men that dare to look at you the way only he should be allowed to.  
 His movements with you are soft and delicate but not subtle in the slightest. He makes his intentions known by moving himself and inviting you to follow along, letting you know that you can be sure he knows what he's doing. 
He moves easily around the dancefloor, completely owning every single moment and each note of the song that resonates all over the crowded place.
  You move your hips closer to him, chest now against his. Your smile is seductive, inviting him to be more aggressive, to act bolder. He leads you to the mere center of the dancefloor, overshadowing other couples that may come in his way. You quickly own it, attracting all eyes towards you. Everyone can feel the tension building between you two, how you let yourself be led but still manage to give off the vibe of being the one in charge.   
 Finally, the sight of the narcos come to your eyes as he spins you once more, and you realize then that you're attracting too much attention to yourselves. There's a slight circle formed around you, watching you dance. Some looks are filled with desire, others with jealousy from both men and women.
You squeeze Javi's shoulder subtly as the narcos walk towards the bar, near the table you were sitting at. You get closer to his ear and move your hand to pull him towards you by his neck. 
"I see them," you hiss as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and subtly push him towards them just as the song begins to end. He tenses again but follows your lead.
"Let's go." He wraps his arm around you and pushes you to the table, and you brush one of the narco's back on your way there. He turns to look at you and smiles wantonly, dread forming at the bottom of your stomach. Still, you manage to smile and wink at him.
You sit down again, with Javi's back towards them as he faces you. You put your jacket on, feeling exposed.
Horror covers your features as you see one of them pointing at you and muttering something to the other one. They wave the girl that served you drinks to ask her something, and his eyes harden at the answer he receives. 
"Oye," you manage to hear through the loud music, "ese no es el mexicano de la DEA?" (hey, isn't he the Mexican from the DEA?)
Nausea invades your throat. That's the nickname Javi had gained among the narcos, and apparently, they had recognized him. He frowns at you as he sees the color draining from your face, completely unaware of what you just heard.
Hurriedly, you grab his hand and pull him up, walking fast towards the restroom. You can hear him shouting behind you, but the blood rushing in your ears is louder than anything else at the moment.
You close the door behind you once both of you are inside, rapid breaths leaving your body as your chest rises and falls quickly.
"What the fuck Bera?" he complains, "we had them!"
You push him towards the sinks, covering his mouth. "They recognized you, you fucking idiot!"
Realization downs on his face just as a new song starts blasting through the club. You can hear two heavy footsteps walking around outside the room, and you know they're looking for you.
A heavy hand pounds against the door, startling you out of your stupor. 
"Abran la puerta!" (open the door!) someone outside shouts. Javi turns to look at you, eyes wide open and in a defensive instance. 
Out of nowhere, he grabs you by the arms and pushes you up into one of the sinks, urging you to stay silent with a finger against his lips.
"Salgan de ahí, hijos de puta!" (get out of there, motherfuckers!) a different voice yells. You grab Javier by the shirt and pull him towards you, making him stumble between your legs.
Sé que tú no quieres
Que yo a ti te quiera
Siempre tú me esquivas
De alguna manera
Si te busco por aquí
Me sales por allá
Lo único que yo quiero
No me hagas sufrir más 
The song hits your ears with a blare, despite you being inside the bathroom with Javi. You freeze, waiting for another sound to come from outside.
His breath is hot in your neck, and he wraps his arms tightly around your waist. His hands have a strong grip, almost bruising. It makes your insides clench and your fingers grasp his shoulders with enough force to bring a hiss out of him.
Standing between your legs with his face hidden behind your hair, and you hope the sink is strong enough to hold your weight for a little bit longer.
'Are they gone?' he asks, voice tight.
"I don't think so" you answer.
You sound breathless, excited. You remind yourself this is supposed to be an act, you're on a mission, but with Javi so close to you, so close to your core, your mind easily becomes cloudy.
The light is shitty, doesn't let you see much farther than the wall with graffiti in front of you. There are swear words, lyrics, even drawings. 
You don't comment on the hardness that's digging into your wetness through your clothes. You blame it on the rush of adrenaline that both of you are experiencing because of the situation.
 Wearing a dress was a great idea after all.
He lets out a huff and buries his face deeper into your neck. 
"Moan" he orders.
You do as he says, not entirely faking it but doing it loud enough for it to be heard over the music and through the door. If you stay this way for more than a few minutes, you'll combust. 
His lips are pursed together, you can feel it in your skin. Javi starts grinding against you, his groans sounding completely real. One of your hands grip his back, scraping your fingers across it, whimpering. You know your sounds aren't fake. Your other hand comes down to your gun, getting off the safety, and putting your finger on the trigger.
Another blow hits the door, but this time no one shouts.
Javier's stance changes into something more aggressive, getting ready to fight in any second. His arm starts pushing you slightly as if to throw you to the floor, but nothing happens.
Finally, footsteps can be heard getting far from your hiding place, and you let out a relieved sigh. 
And what now?
A few tense moments pass, neither of you making a move of changing positions. 
Javi's radio makes a creaking sound just then, and he straightens and pulls away from you to answer it, taking it out of his jacket.
"Qué pasó?"(what happened?) he asks, voice tense and angry. 
"Acabamos de ver salir a los narcos saliendo del lugar. Vamos a seguirlos," (we just saw the narcos get out of the place. We're going to follow them) a voice says through the radio signal.
"Bien, vamos para allá." (okay, we're on our way) he presses the button to end the communication and tucks it inside his jacket again.
Without a word, he grabs you and pulls you off the sink, then tucking his gun out of his pants and loading it. He doesn't even so much as glance at you, nodding towards the exit with his hands pointing to the floor, completely enveloped in the DEA agent part.
Hurt nestles in your chest as you see him go, your eyes piercing his back as you grab your own firearm and walk behind him. No one seems to notice the two people walking through the club with guns in his hands, too involved in their dancing and laughing. There are many couples touching each other, heat in their stares as they move through the dancefloor, and roam the other's body with passion controlling their movements.
You wonder briefly if that's how Javier and you looked just a few minutes ago, the thought feeling like a stab right to the heart and filling your eyes with tears that you quickly wipe away.
And as you get out of the place shouting and running to where the narcos supposedly went and ultimately catching them, the usual sense of satisfaction that comes with succeeding in a mission is absent and sadness and pain overwhelms your body, ending the night with a void at the bottom of your stomach.
@larakasser @storiesofthefandomloversreblogs​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @thisisthe-way​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @marydjarin​ @ithinkimhardcore​
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blacktrekkie · 4 years
1/12 Days of Spones: Snow
here’s my day one fic!
tos spones, rated T, 1.2k, read it on ao3
“Kisses in the snow seem to be a common theme for the end of all these films,” Spock observed, looking skeptically at the projected couple quite literally smashing their mouths together while snow fell into their hair. It looked painful.
“I — yeah, I guess,” Leonard said sheepishly, already reaching for the remote. “We don’t have to watch these, you know, it’s just… Joanna and I like to watch them, this time of year. Hate-watch them.”
“No, we can continue,” Spock interjected before he could pause it. “They’re… intriguing.”
Leonard huffed out a laugh. “More illogical human behavior?”
“Perhaps.” And then, after a sidelong glance: “Though if you find it illogical, Leonard, I may have to reevaluate that conclusion.”
“Hey!” he protested without heat. “You’re supposed to be hate-watching the movie, Spock. Not me.”
Spock almost smiled. “Apologies,” he said. And then he said it again, by laying his hand on the ankle that had stretched closer to him on the couch as Leonard got more comfortable. He turned back to the projection and his eyebrow raised at the sight in front of him. “I did not know this was a musical.”
“It’s not, it’s the last five minutes of a shitty Christmas rom-com. Hence, the shitty musical end scene.”
Spock didn’t particularly understand that, but he nodded. They finished the movie silently with horrified fascination — the horrible autotune filling the quarters until it finally faded to the instrumental credits.
“Phew,” Leonard finally said. “That was… really fuckin’ horrible, huh?”
“And yet you enjoyed watching it?”
He grinned, a little embarrassed at explaining the ritual. “Just a little bit. It’s entertaining to watch bad content! You’ve just got to tear it to shreds verbally while doing it. Keeps you sane.”
He popped off of the couch, going to find a new movie.
“Are you implying that watching too many of these movies can make one mentally unstable?”
Leonard didn’t look back at him, but he snorted. “Spock, in my very expert medical opinion… yes.”
He finished queuing the movie up and settled back onto the couch. This time, his feet found themselves in Spock’s lap. Spock, for his part, simply wrapped his fingers loosely around his ankles, barely paying him any mind.
“Leonard, I have one other question.”
The film was starting with a slow pan over a small town.
“Kisses in the snow… they’re seen as romantic?”
“I guess. In the most cliche way. It’s just a common trope in Christmas movies.”
“Hm,” Spock mused. He left it at that.
“I was contemplating when we would next see snow.”
Leonard attempted to hide his blush, by arguing gruffly, “Even if we weren’t on the ship, I live in Georgia and you live in a desert. Not much of a chance of us finding snow any time soon.”
Spock tilted his head, conceding the point. “I assume you have not been kissed in the snow?”
“Not that I remember, but maybe. They’re not as firework-y as the movies paint them as.”
Almost on cue, the movie set off fireworks as it began a montage of the main character’s — miserable, by the looks of it — past year.
“Anyway, we don’t need snow to kiss, you know.”
“Of that,” Spock responded, “I am keenly aware.”
Leonard couldn’t even pretend to hide his blush this time so he just turned back to the projected film. “Watch the damn movie.”
He did. “I believe he is about to spill his coffee on her,” he said a second later.
And, lo and behold, the guy tripped over nothing and dropped his giant coffee down her shirt.
Spock blinked. “He was — no one was around them, he could have easily avoided her.”
“Shitty romcom, Spock,” Leonard reminded him.
“But it was completely unnecessary. There was no crowd around them. Why did he spill all of it? He could have righted himself in time to avoid that.”
He wanted to laugh at the outburst, but he just recited: “Shitty romcom.”
Spock opened his mouth to continue his criticisms, but his mouth firmly shut as the woman was revealed to be in the restroom as she washed her shirt in the sink. With only a bra on.
He averted his eyes from the projection. “Leonard, you did not tell me that this movie was explicit.”
Leonard laughed so hard — at the guy “accidentally” walking in on the shirtless woman, Spock’s mortified expression, the implication that bras should be rated R — that he fell off the couch.
“Shore leave, Bones,” Jim said excitedly. “Come on, you need to take a break.”
“I’ll take a break after I administer all of these vaccines for shore leave.”
At that, he pressed his hypospray into Jim’s neck.
“Now, get out of here — the faster I get through this, the faster shore leave comes.”
Jim chuckled, but obligingly slid off the biobed. “There’s a pool!”
“The faster shore leave comes, the faster swimming comes,” Leonard added pointedly.
Jim held his hands up in surrender, beginning to walk backwards. “Alright, alright, I’m leaving! Just don’t forget a swimsuit.”
“I won’t, Captain,” Leonard said, somehow making the respectful term downright mocking.
And he didn’t forget swim trunks. But, as it turned out, there was no need to worry about them anyway.
“Snow,” Spock confirmed as the planet got closer on the view-screen.
“Snow,” Chekov agreed forlornly.
Jim sighed — they’d all been expecting the stereotypical pool day vacation. “Guess we’re going sledding instead of swimming.”
Leonard looked at the planet next to his spot behind Jim and then to Spock and then back to the planet. “Guess so,” he drawled.
Spock stayed turned away from them.
But it didn’t matter.
Leonard could see how flushed the back of his ears were.
“I have been waiting six months and eleven days to do this,” Spock murmured, cupping Leonard’s face in his hand.
They’d managed to escape the rest of the crew when a snowball fight had broken out.
“Those Christmas movies really stuck with you that hard?”
“Indeed, they did.”
Leonard laughed before rolling his eyes good-naturedly. “Alright, let’s get to this snow kissing.”
He leaned forward, but —
“Leonard, wait.”
Leonard waited.
“Is it possible that we could break up for a moment?”
He raised his eyebrow.
“To make the kiss more authentic,” Spock supplied helpfully.
Leonard stared at him for a moment, an incredulous grin sliding onto his face. “Spock?” he asked in a voice that was too sweet to actually be sweet.
“Take what you can get.” And he grabbed Spock by his scarf, dragging him down into a dip before kissing him for a good and long moment.
When he pulled back, Spock actually looked dazed. He straightened out of Leonard’s hold. He wiped the snow off of his face for it to only be replaced a few seconds later.
Leonard was smirking at him.
Spock cleared his throat, fixed the position of his coat. “That was acceptable.”
“Hm… I don’t know, in the movies, they probably shoot a ton of takes,” Leonard mused playfully.
Spock considered this. His cheeks were flushed, but Leonard didn’t know if it was from the cold or the kiss. Probably both. “You’re most likely correct,” he agreed after a moment.
Leonard couldn’t help it when he laughed into the kiss.
Kissing in the snow really was romantic.
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A FEW TIMES??? I get a kiss or two is friend things, but that seems like you’re in love! - Comfort Anon
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Well, I mean, the first time was kind of a spur of the moment thing during summer vacation. We went to the beach and spent most of the day hanging out in this cove we found, where it was just the two of us. Funny enough, she did still wear that scarf of hers even with her swimsuit.
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I really love sunsets.
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Yeah. Did I tell you gold is my favorite color?
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Oh yeah? It’s a really nice choice.
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You know...I never imagined Hope’s Peak would be so...
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Detrimental to one’s health?
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Heh. Pretty much.
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Yeah, I never thought so either. I mean, if it were any school, I’d probably drop out.
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I’m glad you haven’t.
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You are?
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Well, yeah. If you did, we never would’ve become friends.
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I...I mean...I think of us as friends.
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Don’t get so embarrassed. I think so too.
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*Miaya responds by scooting closer to him*
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*Kyoji does so as well*
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Thanks for coming here with me today.
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My pleasure. Thanks for inviting me.
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*Both of them lean in and enter into a gentle kiss*
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...o-oh goodness...I-I-I can’t believe we actually d-did that.
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Yeah, hehe. But...thank you.
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Oh! Y-You’re welcome!
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That was the first time we kissed.
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She was so nervous back then. It’s hard to even picture now, honestly.
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As for the other times, the next was during Class 74′s Christmas party, though I don’t think that technically counts. Someone thought it’d be funny to add whiskey bonbons to the food and well...the less said about that experience, the better.
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The third was on the anniversary of her father’s death. It’s...I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like I should share those details either. It’s a private matter.
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The last one was about a month before I left Hope’s Peak. She...well, I was the only one she trusted for examinations after the incident. I had to make sure she didn’t suffer any pressure sores from her wheelchair.
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That was also deep into the Kamukura Project, so...both of us were feeling a little emotionally vulnerable then.
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Somehow though, neither of us ever really made a move or asked the other out.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
swimsuit | poly!kayshton
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anon: So, I was thinking, maybe plussized!reader with poly!kayshton. Like, going swimming and reader is kinda nervous, especially with the way haters have compared y/n to Kaykay, but once they see you in your high waisted bikini it drives them crazy.  notes: this was meant to be 600 words AT LEAST but we all know when it comes to poly!kayshton i have zero control and this turned into 2.5k words. (also i have two more poly!kayshton pieces coming up at some point. warnings: smut word count: 2.5k lmao 
The trip to Bali had come at a good time for the three of you. Ashton had a break before he was jetting off for tour and Kaykay had nothing extravagant happening, a few shoots that could be pushed back. You’d been signed off from work, desperately needing a recovery period mentally. 
It wouldn’t have gotten so bad had your bitch of a boss decided that she didn’t like your relationship, consistently giving you the early morning shift that no one wanted, dressing you down in front of customers and making rude remarks directed at you about your weight, your body and question how your partners could ever love you. 
 You’d been able to deal with it until Ashton had posted a photo of the three of you from Christmas. You’d been sprawled across their laps, Kaykay’s fingers in your hair with Ashton’s hands on your back. 
The moment for you was precious. It was the first time you’d actively let yourself relax on them instead of between them or against them. You’d been so frightened but the way that Kaykay had used her fingers on your scalp to help you relax, had melted you into a puddle of goo. Ashton had laughed and chucked his phone at Luke who’d been visiting and asked him to take a photo. 
The comments that had flooded in were nasty at best and vile at worst. Ashton had to turn off his comments before deleting and re-uploading the photo but the damage had been done and the voice in your head seemed to get louder every so often.
So you’d lodged your complaint with HR and gotten yourself signed off for three weeks. Ashton had taken full advantage of that. 
You’d not visited Bali before, so despite your tiredness, your eyes were wide and curious as you leaned across Kaykay to try and see everything, making her laugh. 
“Curiosity of a kitten.” She teased and you shot her a look of feigned hurt. She smiled in return and kissed your lips. 
“We’ve got time to explore, little one. You can let your curiosity run rampant then.” Ashton coaxed and you hesitated, especially with how you were leaning over Kaykay. 
You tossed your head back to look, at him, mischievous grin on your lips. 
“I thought you liked this view though.” It stunned them both for a second before Kaykay shared a grin with you but Ashton had you both in his hand firmly as he landed a smack on your backside, earning a pout from you. 
“Don’t be a brat. I promise we’ll explore. Sit back for now till we get to the hotel.” You finally acquiesced to his request, pouting as you did. But he let a hand rest on your thigh, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Kaykay was grinning like a child on Christmas Day and you wondered why as she let her head rest on your shoulder, her eyes wide as her arm rested across your stomach. You fought the urge to tense your body at her touch, keeping yourself relaxed as you gave her a curious look.
“That was the first time you started playing up without any encouragement from me, Angel.” Ashton groaned as she giggled. 
“She’s pointing out that this trip is a blessing in disguise because you’re relaxing if you’re testing boundaries already, little one. Not to mention that you’re starting to let go a little more with us.” Ashton’s words were tinged with amusement and pride. 
It had taken you a while to not hold yourself back with them. The first time they’d approached you, you’d thought it was a joke until Kaykay had asked if she could kiss you and you’d melted into her almost immediately. It was learning steps for you to have both of them love on you with no holding back, appreciating every roll and curve of yours to the point where you found it easier to do things like sprawl across their laps and not hesitate because you were scared of your weight crushing them. 
When you finally reached the hotel and Ashton had paid the driver, Kaykay had slipped her hand in yours and pulled you to the view that you’d get to experience over the course of the next couple of weeks. 
“So you reckon that this was the better decision?” Kaykay asked quietly as you two sat and waited whilst Ashton checked the three of you in. You were leaning against her, a soft hum escaping as you allowed her fingers to massage your scalp, your eyes closing as you enjoyed the attention from her. 
“Definitely. Spoke to HR about it as well and explained that we were flying out of the country for two weeks. They’d done the whole “was this booked in advance and denied?” So I showed them the screenshot that Ash sent us when I went in to hand in my sign off. I honestly don’t feel so on edge and haven't done since the plane took off.” You admitted softly and Kaykay sighed as she withdrew her fingers from your scalp, earning a whine of protest from you. 
Only she wrapped her arms around you, cutting off the whine and you relaxed into her touch. 
“We could see you reaching breaking point. Ash was scared that you’d snap first which is why the second you told us your doctor had signed you off, he went ahead and booked the trip. No fans, no paps. Just the three of us and our very private place and pool.” You giggled as she pressed small kisses to your face before her lips met yours. 
“I got really lucky with you two.” You finally whispered and she smiled in response. 
“C’mon you two. Our room is ready.” Ashton’s voice was gentle as he reached the both of you, having overheard the last part he knew this was something you definitely needed. Once you were up, you kissed him softly before lacing your fingers with his. 
“After you.” The grin you wore he matched and the three of you headed out. 
The place was beautiful. You felt your breath get stolen from you as you walked through the place. There was a small kitchenette with a dining area, it then opened into a wide lounge which seemed to creep outside to an open plan garden that housed a pool which overlooked the view of the ocean. 
Upon further exploring, you found the large bedroom with an attached bathroom and a balcony, overlooking the forest outside. Opening the glass panel doors, you leaned against the railing as you tilted your head back, enjoying the warmth of the sun. 
You could hear Ashton’s footsteps pause and you finally turned your head to see his phone up and a soft grin on his lips. 
“You look utterly stunning sweetheart.” He murmured as he finally put the phone down and came up behind you, arms wrapped around your neck as he leant his chin on the top of your head. 
It was blissful and perfect. 
“Do you reckon we’ll get a chance to hike?” You murmured softly, leaning into his touch. He hummed noncommittally in return, and you closed your eyes. 
You knew you were going to enjoy it here. 
The first few days were met with little resistance from you. Ashton had been before so he was designated planner, and he planned it so that those first few days you were exploring the city with them. The three of you were very careful whilst you were out and about, much to Ashton’s annoyance but he understood that you were hesitant to flaunt the relationship with them. 
The nights were often filled with various things from visiting their bars to being invited to beach parties by other tourists. You always woke up nestled between your two favourite people. 
It was finally a more relaxed day, nothing specifically planned. So Ashton had headed out to the pool and Kaykay had followed shortly after. 
You, however, hesitated. 
You opted to hide in the shade, watching them play about in the pool with a pang of sadness. 
The thought of wearing the swimsuit you had for this trip, terrified you. You’d managed to get away with wearing shorts and baggy shirts or loose breathable fabrics to keep you cool whereas Kaykay had practically lived in her bikini. But you’d seen enough comments.
You couldn’t help but compare yourself and as much as you told yourself that they loved you, it still frightened you to wear something like that. 
Another part of your mind continued to tell you how stupid you were since they’d seen you naked, they loved on every inch of your skin. But the anxiety overwhelmed your sensibilities, so you remained hidden in the shade, in a tunic and shorts to combat the heat of the afternoon. 
Kaykay, however, was having none of that. 
She looked like a goddess as she pulled herself out of the pool, the small towel wrapped around her body to keep the dripping water to a minimum as she made her way over to you. Your throat went dry as she sat herself in your lap, setting your book aside carefully as she pouted at you. 
Immediately you knew any argument was going to be lost. You always struggled to resist her pleading eyes. 
“Why aren’t you out in the pool with us?” You hesitated at her question. Part of you wondered if you could lie and see if she’d buy it, but they both knew you better than you knew yourself. 
She’d see through the lie instantly. 
“I’m scared of wearing the swimsuit.” You haltingly admitted, your eyes silently begging her to understand your anxiety. 
She opened her mouth before pausing and closing it again and you looked away from her. 
“You know we think you’re beautiful in whatever you wear, right?” The question caught you off guard as she shifted so that she was straddling your lap, her hands cupping your face as your hands rested on her waist. 
You ignored your mind pointing out it was yet another difference between you two. 
“They compare us constantly and I hate it because it’s all I can see.” You whispered in return and her face dropped and she leaned forward to kiss you, her lips peppering your face before they finally met yours. 
“You are your own beautiful person. Ashton loves both of us for who we are, not what we look like. I love you for who you are, this witty, charming, intelligent person who in some ways outshines me six ways to Sunday.” Your heart was beating rapidly as you forced back your tears. 
“Peachy.” You murmured and she shook her head. 
“No. You listen to me. They’re all fucking assholes for doing that to you. You’re beautiful, funny and I love you for you. Go get changed and join us. Please?” And your resistance crumbled as you closed your eyes and kissed her softly. 
“Fine. Go back out and I’ll be out in a few.” And she beamed as she slid from your lap and made her way back out. 
You heard Ashton ask if everything was okay as you headed back to the bedroom, but you missed her reply. 
Putting the bikini on felt every kind of wrong. But as you slid the high waisted bottoms on, you could see that actually, you looked cute. 
And you held onto that feeling as you grabbed one of the towels and made your way back out. You stopped yourself from grabbing the tunic as you made your way back through and paused by the door. 
Neither of them were looking at you, so you took in a deep breath and placed the towel on one of the many sun loungers and made your way to the side where the steps into the pool began. 
Your movement had caught their attention and both turned to watch you, and you forced yourself not to hide away from their stares. Kaykay’s lips were slightly parted and Ashton’s eyes never left you as you slowly descended into the cool water. 
Swimming over to the ledge they were both resting on that overlooked the ocean, Ashton was quick to pull you to him, wrapping your legs around his waist with an almost predator-like grin. 
“Look at our gorgeous baby.” He breathed before Kaykay broke from the stupor. 
“Holy shit Angel. Do you not realise how hot you look?” You wrapped your arms around Ashton’s neck, knowing the water made it easier for him to hold you like this. 
“I don’t-well, no.” You changed your words at Ashton’s warning look. His hands moved around to your ass, squeezing it briefly before he pulled you flush against him, a small ‘oh’ dropping from your lips. 
“Trust me sweetheart, you look fucking fantastic.” He murmured and you couldn’t meet his eyes for a moment. 
Kaykay wore a smug grin as she came up behind Ashton, her arm reaching around him as she brushed over your nipple through the fabric of the swimsuit and you pressed your lips together. 
“Oh angel, you look just ravishing.” Kaykay breathed as she repeated the action. 
Your eyes fell shut before the snapped open as you felt the top get pulled off and Ashton smirked as he threw it in the direction of the towels, a wet slap to the ground signifying that it had landed within the targeted area. 
Ashton had placed you on your feet, your back to the ocean as Kaykay stood in front of you, her head dipping and catching a nipple in her mouth. You belatedly realised she’d discarded her top as well. 
Ashton was stood next to you, his lips working your neck as his fingers slid beneath the bottoms and he wasted no time in pushing his fingers into you. 
Not to be left out, Kaykay slid her fingers to your clit and added with the cooler temperature of the water, everything felt more intense as they slowly worked you up until your legs were shaking. 
“Oh my god please. Please let me cum.” You finally whimpered out, earning a smirk from Ashton as Kaykay’s lips found yours. 
“Cum all over his fingers baby.” You needed no further encouragement as your head tilted back and you moaned, Ashton continuing to work you through your high until you whined, your hips shifting a bit. 
“Absolutely not sweetheart. C’mon, let us show you how good you looked.” And you didn’t protest as he led the way from the pool, Kaykay trailing behind as you tried to catch your breath, almost moaning at the sight of him stripping down. 
“On the bed little one, me and Peach have got a lot of time to make up for.” 
You definitely couldn’t complain as their lips moved across your body and their hands left marks that you loved to see on your skin days afterwards. 
You knew in a heartbeat that you’d be back here with them in the future and you were almost certainly going to wear the swimsuit.
shoot me a message to be specifically added to the poly!kayshton taglist!
@sexgodashton​, @loveroflrh​,
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 26
Word Count: 4,300
POV: Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Language
Notes: Here’s the next installment of NR. Hope you guys enjoy! Happy Reading!
Nervous Regrets Masterlist
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The days following Christmas were like a complete blur. Tyler’s family only stayed for a couple extra days, as he was off on another road trip. Thankfully, it was just overnight. It wasn’t until he got home the next day that he decided to spring his New Year’s Eve plans on you.
“Hey babe, the boys were all wondering if we were still going to have the New Year’s Eve party this year. I told them I didn’t see why not. We can throw something together by then, don’t you think?”
“And by ‘we’, I’m sure you meant that I’m going to be able to pull this off.” Back when you first met Tyler, his parties were pretty legendary, but they mostly consisted of booze, booze, and more booze. Well, to be fair there may have been a frozen pizza or two thrown in. Being with you changed all that. The parties were less frequent, and when they did happen you always made sure there was something more than alcohol available.
“Awe come on, I wouldn’t let you do this all yourself.” He drew your body close to his and started to rain little kisses on your face and neck. “I’ll call the maid and have her come over and clean everything. Oh and I’ll also pick up all the beverages. All you’d have to do is order some food and we’d be good.”
“And get party hats, and noisemakers, and champagne.” He nibbled on the sweet spot on your neck and your knees went weak, along with your resolve. “But…I suppose that’s not too much to do.”
He full-on kissed your lips then, lingering there for a moment. “Baby, have I told you you’re the best and that I love you.”
“Mmmm…not in the last few hours.”
“Then maybe I should make up for that.” He started to kiss you again but pulled back quickly. “Oh! Did you call the doctor and ask about Cabo?” Tyler always booked a vacation once the schedule was released and he knew when his bye week was. Unfortunately, he’d booked the vacation when you were apart and before he knew you were pregnant. The vacation had got pushed on the back burner, with the new house, then it was Christmas and here you were approaching the new year, and you two still hadn’t made a decision about whether or not you were going. “It’s not a big deal if you can’t fly. We can just stay here and relax, maybe actually book a room at the Omni and have our babymoon there.”
You loved when he called his bye week a babymoon for the two of you. From day one, Tyler had taken to reading all the information for new dads that he could get his hands on, that he paid extra attention to these parts warmed your heart. “I spoke to the doctor yesterday about it, and while they don’t recommend flying after thirty-four weeks, he said since I would only be at thirty-three weeks then, and that we were only going to be on the flight for about two and half hours, he saw no problem. As long as I walk around during the flight to prevent swelling, and see him as soon as I get home. So we’re cleared for take-off.”
“Are you sure it’s ok? I mean I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby over some vacation.”
“The doctor said everything about my pregnancy has been normal, so there’s no need to worry. Let’s just go and have fun. Though I’m not putting a bathing suit on.” Once the doctor cleared you, it was the only thing that you could think of. Everyone else that would be there, would be in skimpy bathing suits splashing around in the pool, while you sat there looking like a beached whale.
“Oh stop it! It’s our friends for godsakes; you know they don’t care. Besides, I think you’d be totally sexy in a bikini with this little one showing.” He touched your baby bump, while you rolled your eyes at him. Tyler continued to say that you were the sexiest thing alive to him, even though you didn’t feel remotely close to that.
“I know no one would really care, but I don’t even have a suit.”
“What do you mean? Can’t you just wear one of your old ones?” Your eyebrows furrowed together, to give him a look that said are you serious.
“Ty, have you not noticed that I don’t fit in most of my old clothes at the moment?”
“Fine, then order some. We’re not going on our babymoon for you to sit inside all day.” When you didn’t answer, he headed down the hall saying, “If you’re not ordering them, then I will.” Of course, you followed him into the office, where he sat down at the desk and googled ‘swimsuits for pregnant women.’ He clicked on the first site that popped up. There wasn’t a huge variety on the site, but there was one that you thought would be doable, but before you could say anything he clicked the back button. “Nope, those all suck.”
“That black one was cute.”
He scrunched up his face before answering you. “What that one piece?” When you nodded agreement, he added. “Hell no, that one covered up way too much. I want to see both my babies laying by the beach when we go.”
He went through two more sites before he finally found one to his liking. It was a two-piece suit of course, with low cut bikini bottoms so that it wouldn’t restrict your belly and a low cut top that would be somewhat scandalous with the size of your breasts at the moment.  “I don’t know about that one Ty. It’s showing a lot.”
“Nonsense, it’s perfect.” He clicked on your size and placed it in the basket, then went back to look at some others. Before you could protest, he said, “We’re going to be there for almost a week, you need more than one suit.”
“Fine, but can one somewhat cover me up?”
“Only if you promise not to wear it the whole time.” Sometimes he knew you better than you knew yourself, with another roll of your eyes you agreed. Spending the next hour, the two of you playfully argued over suitable swimwear for your upcoming vacation.
Over the next few days, you planned out the New Year’s Eve party. It was too late to get the party catered, which was fine as you weren’t planning on serving a meal or anything; you really just needed finger foods that people could pick up. After a few trips, you had everything you needed to make the party a success. The tricky part of this whole plan was the fact that the Stars played on New Year’s Eve. You debated about not going to the game, to make sure everything was ready for the party, but Tyler had practically begged you to go; so there you were watching the Stars game go into overtime and wondering how you were going to get all the hors d’oeuvres ready before people started coming. Tyler, of course, insisted that you go down and meet him after the game, so you could ride home together.
Jenna noticed you checking your watch for the third time before overtime even started. “Stop worrying. I’ll help you get everything ready once we get there. Besides most people will be coming after the game anyhow.”
“I know you’re right. I guess I just want everything perfect.” She gave you a look, the one that said your best friend knows you way too well. “I know, me and my anal retentiveness.”
“Exactly.” Unfortunately, the Stars lost shortly into the three-on-three period. But as luck would have it everyone cut their interviews short, so that in no time you and Tyler were back at the house, right as Jamie and Jenna followed behind you.
True to her word, your best friend pitched in, helping you get all the food out. Players, significant others and friends started arriving right away. Tyler and Jamie handled getting everyone drinks. You’d convinced Tyler that he should give up his no drinking rule while you were pregnant for one night. Part of you thought you may regret this, but about an hour into the party; he was still nursing the same beer. “Babe, it’s almost midnight. Will you get out of this kitchen and come ring in the New Year with me.”
“Really, is it that soon already?” You looked at the clock and noticed it was eleven-thirty. “I’m sorry Ty. I guess the time just got away from me.” Going up on your toes, you kissed him giving him a quick apology.
“It’s no problem babe. Let’s just grab some champagne and join in the fun.” He opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle from way in the back.
“Ty, I know I told you to drink tonight, but I’m still pregnant, and still not drinking.” A small chuckle escaped your lips.
“Don’t worry, I got us covered. This is non-alcoholic.” He grabbed two champagne glasses from the cupboard instead of the stack you had over on the island, probably out of habit more than anything else. Placing your New Year’s tiara on your head, he took your hand and led you into the throng of people milling about your house. Most of your friends were there, so you stopped, hugging each of them and promising to catch up after the ball dropped. Tyler found a relatively quiet spot, over by the sliding glass doors in the living room with ten minutes left. It was an excellent spot, as you could see Jamie and Jenna huddled together in the archway leading to the entrance, seemingly oblivious to everyone else around them. Most of the couples were in the living room as it seemed the game room had been taken over by beer pong and other drinking games.
Tyler popped open the bottle of champagne, while you held the glasses for him to pour. You handed him his glass and he raised it for a private toast. “Here’s to all the ups and downs from this past year, and to making twenty-nineteen our year. A year of love, laughter and new beginnings.” Clinking your glasses together, you took a sip of the bubbly concoction before Tyler’s lips touched yours in a passionate kiss. Noisemakers had the two of you breaking apart, as people started to anticipate the countdown. Tyler twisted you so that you were locked within his embrace; your back firmly pressed against his chest. Ryan Seacrest appeared on screen, surrounded by a bunch of celebrities who obviously performed earlier, though you saw none of them. Tyler’s head bent low to your ear. “I love you (Y/N).” The countdown started, everyone in the house joining in. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one; Happy New Year!!!” His lips found yours instantly, turning you back around to face him. The room faded away, as your tongues entwined, each of you simply pouring love into the other.
When you broke apart, you were both breathless. “I love you, Tyler Seguin.”
“I love you more.” You just shook your head lightly at him, for it couldn’t be possible for him to feel more for you than you did him. He was your heart, your life, and your world; and you were so excited for this new year to start by his side.
“Happy New Year, brother!” Jamie said clapping Tyler on the back. The two of you breaking apart so you could hug your best friends respectively.
You clinked your glass with Jenna’s after the hug, whispering, “Here’s to this year being the best one for both of us.” The next thing you knew, you were being pulled away from Tyler by other friends. His teammates took him in the opposite direction, convincing him to play a game of beer pong. For the next hour, you mingled with everyone, chatting about everything and anything. You had just finished up, showing some of your friends the progress of the nursey, when you felt Cash rub up against your leg. You bent down to pet the pup, and that’s when you noticed how bad your back was killing you.
Walking out of the nursery, you headed down the hall to one of the spare bedrooms; Cash following close behind. Luckily, it was empty. It couldn’t hurt to just lay down and prop your feet up for a few minutes, could it? Sitting down on the bed, you slid your heels off and noticed how swollen your feet and ankles actually were. You’d never get the shoes back on, but then it didn’t really matter as you were in your own home. As you lay back against the pillows you could feel the pain in your back start to melt away. Cash jumped up beside you before you could grab the throw blanket at the foot of the bed. He laid his head between your breast and your belly with a low satisfied growl. “I know bud, it’s been a long day.” You told him stroking his fur. His eyes slowly closed, as did yours.
“(Y/N), babe…babe…” Tyler was gently shaking you. You blinked your eyes trying to get your brain to work. “Babe are you ok?”
“Hmm…” Why wouldn’t you be ok? “Yeah, I’m fine.” You finally were able to mumble out. Taking in your surrounding you noticed you were in the guest room, though in your sleep haze you couldn’t remember why. Then it hit you. You’d stopped for just a minute to rest during the party. You sat straight up, almost knocking Tyler in the head if his reaction skills hadn’t been on point. “Oh my god, I must have fallen asleep.”
“I’ve been looking for you, for the last half hour. Why are you up here?”
“I was showing a couple people the nursery and just needed to sit for like five minutes, that’s it. My back and feet were killing me. The last thing I remember I was petting Cash, I just thought if I’d close my eyes for a few minutes.” How the hell, had you fallen asleep in the middle of the party. “Oh no the party…” You moved to get up, but Tyler stopped you.
“Is fine. A lot of people left, that’s when I noticed you were missing, but it took me a while to find you up here.”
“Well, we should go back down.” There were things that needed to be done, and the cleanup…ugh. Tyler stopped you short yet again, as you swung your legs to the side of the bed. At least now maybe you could get your shoes back on.
“The only way we’re going downstairs is so that you can go to bed. I’m sorry. I should’ve thought more about you and the baby when I decided to have this thing.”
His hands were rubbing your arms up and down, the motion so soothing and relaxing. “Ty, you didn’t decide to have the party; ‘we’ did.” You put emphasis on the word ‘we.’ “And as for the baby and I, we’re doing fine. I was just a bit tired, now that I’m rested; I’m ready to go again.”
You were feeling a bit more yourself after your nap, but it wouldn’t take much too just head to bed either. “Sorry babe, the party is over for you. The only place you’re going is to bed.” He went and scooped you up in his arms then, and started making his way to the door.
“Ty, stop! I can walk downstairs.”
“I know, but I also know you, and you’ll start cleaning up the minute your feet hit the floor.” It was true, there were still people in your house and probably drinks all over the place; it was a mess you didn’t want to wake up to in the morning. He must have noticed your hesitation to argue his point, for he continued. “See even you know I’m right.”
Sighing heavily, you leaned your head back against his shoulder, as your arms looped around him. “Well…maybe you’re partially right.”
His deep chuckle vibrated through your body as he held you. “It kills you to admit I’m right; doesn’t it?”
He kissed your forehead, as he walked the two of you out the guest bedroom door. “God woman you’re so stubborn. It’s a good thing I love you.” A yawn escaped your mouth before you could answer him. “See you are tired, babe. We’re taking you to bed, and I’ll get the rest of these drunks to head home.”
“But what about the mess?”
“It’s not that bad, Jamie and Jenna cleaned up most of it before leaving. The rest we’ll get in the morning.” As he carefully took the stairs with you in his arms, it was definitely much quieter than when you had laid down originally. His final foot hit the landing and he headed straight for your bedroom. He moved quickly but it did give you a chance to see that your house wasn’t as messy as you’d first thought. You made a mental note to call Jenna and thank her and Jamie for cleaning up. Gently laying you down on the mattress, he said, “I think some of the guys were gonna crash here if that’s ok?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I don’t think anyone should be drinking and driving.”
“Ok, let me go take care of a few things and then I’ll be back to cuddle with you.” You smiled up at him, for having his arms wrapped around you, was one of the best feelings in the world. As soon as the door closed, you moved into the bathroom to get ready for bed, wiping away all the makeup you had on and brushing your teeth. Baby Seguin decided to give you a particularly hard kick at the moment, letting you know they were awake; while at the same time waking you up from the sleep fog, you’d been in. Shifting your hips from side to side, you shimmied out or your leggings then removed the rest of your clothing. Now that you were fully awake, you thought that you and Tyler could really ring in the New Year, and so you decided to leave the lace bra and panties on as you headed back to bed.
Taking the throw pillows off the bed, you turned down the comforter; which is when Tyler came into the room. He took in the black lace on your body and his jaw went slack. He knew that if you were truly that sleepy, you’d already be in an oversized nightshirt. “I thought you were tired?”
“Mmmm…I was.” With a shrug of your shoulders, you added, “but not so much anymore.” You crawled up on the bed, trying to be seductive, but not sure if it was working at all. When he whipped his shirt off, you knew you had him.
“Get over here.” He practically growled as his hands went to undo the buttons on his jeans. As soon as you got close enough, he grabbed your waist and pulled you to him, molding his lips to yours. There wasn’t even a question, as you opened your mouth for him. He moaned into you, making you weak; his strong arms pressing you close to his body, as they roamed up your back. He tasted faintly of alcohol, as you drank him in. You felt the clasp of your bra pop, and Tyler slid the straps down your shoulders. He released you then if only to rid you of the garment; his mouth worrying its way down from your neck to your breast. He sucked a taut nipple into this mouth, swirling his tongue around it and pleasure coursed through your body. You couldn’t help the moan that came out of your mouth when he repeated the gesture. Your hands threaded through his hair urging him on. “You like that baby?” He whispered before tormenting your other breast.
“Mmmm…yes.” It was all you could muster out.
“You’re tits are so fucking sensitive. I love it.” He sucked hard, then gently bit down. “I feel like I could make you cum just by sucking on them.” Heat pulled in your core at his words, and you felt your legs start to tremble. “You’d like that wouldn’t you babe. Lay back.” You did as he requested, his body following yours down. He immediately latched back on, and your pussy grew wet from the contact; while his thumb and index finger tweaked your other nipple. You were panting with need, as you realized he was right; you may, in fact, cum without him even touching your cunt.
Though that’s not what you wanted right now. You craved his cock inside you. “Ty…” you said breathlessly. “I need you…”
“Tell me what you want baby girl.”
“I want you…” His tongue flicked over your nipple and you felt yourself growing closer to climax. “Your cock.”
“You sure baby?”
“Fuck…Ty…stop teasing me.” You were begging him at this point but it didn’t matter.
He kissed you hard on the mouth. “Shhh…I’ll give you want you need babe.” He stripped off his boxer briefs, then quickly discard you of your panties. Cock in hand, he stroked it once before positioning it at your entrance. He leaned down capturing your lips as in one thrust he bottomed out in you. Your back arched up instinctively taking him deeper inside, and he groaned into your mouth, before breaking apart to hiss out, “Fuck babe…you feel so good.”
Wrapping your legs around him, you urged him to move inside you. Tyler, of course, obliged you, pumping in and out of you as he built up a steady rhythm. Your orgasm was skating on the edge from his foreplay and you knew it wouldn’t be long before you were falling off the edge. Legs trembling, Tyler picked up the pace; his balls hitting you with each thrust. Moans and sounds of sex filled the air. “I love you.” You moaned out as you felt your pussy walls start to contract.
“I love you too.” You kissed him passionately as waves of pleasure took over your body. Tyler’s climax followed yours, as you felt him pump one last time into you, spilling his seed. When you both finally came back to earth, Tyler collapsed beside you, drawing you close. “That was one hell of a Happy New Year.”
“Absolutely,” you giggled back at him. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a very good year if that was any indication.
He twisted your body so that you could look him in the eyes; his expression serious, which caused you to run your thumb over his frown lines as you cupped his cheek. “I have an idea that will make it even better.” You looked at him curiously. “Let’s get married.”
“Ty, I think I already told you I’d marry you.” You chuckled in return.
“I know that. I mean like now…well not now, but like this week.”
“What?” You weren’t quite sure you understood what he was saying. Well, you understood it; you just couldn’t believe he was saying it.
“I want to marry you now (Y/N).” When you didn’t say anything he kept going. “Hear me out, cause I know what you’re going to say. We’ll still have the big wedding this summer with our families, but I just want to like head to the courthouse and make it official, now. I want you to be my wife before the baby comes.” You blinked back your surprise. “I love you. I love you more than anything, but I want our child’s birth certificate to read Tyler and (Y/N) Seguin; not Tyler Seguin and (Y/F/L/N).” His eyes searched yours. You could see the gravity of the situation weighing in his mind.
He went to say more, but you pressed a finger to his lips; a smile touching yours as you said, “Yes Tyler; yes I will marry you now.” A grin broke out on his face and you could tell he wanted to say more, so you continued. “Though you promise that we’ll still have the wedding? My parents would kill me, and you for that matter.”
“Trust me so would my family. We can’t do it tomorrow, the courthouse is closed. How about the third? I have a game on the second. We could get Jamie and Jenna to stand for us.”
“Wow, you’ve really thought this all out.”
“Yeah, maybe a little,” and you could see the blush on his cheeks even in the dim moonlight. “(Y/N), I know I’ve told you this before, but I’ve wanted to marry you almost since we met. I just don’t see a reason to wait, now that you’ve said yes.”
Reaching over, you kissed his lips. “I feel the same way, Ty. I just have one question.” He raised his eyebrows in question. “Do you think we should tell anyone? I mean besides Jamie and Jenna.”
“Babe I want to tell the world that I’m married to you, but I have a feeling it won’t go over well with our families. So for now, how about it will be just our little secret?”
“Agreed,” For some reason, there were butterflies of excitement in your belly and they weren’t from the baby. You were officially going to be Mrs. Tyler Seguin in just three short days. It had been a hard road to get here, but all your dreams were finally coming true. “I guess Cabo is going to be a babymoon and a honeymoon.”
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 48
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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     Nov 26th - Dec 2nd
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Kim Seokjin - caught
It was strange living with a werewolf, he wasn’t the alpha thank gosh but he was the second in command. He loved you dearly and would protect you but you weren’t like the other mates, they were all werewolves too and they weren’t the most welcoming something about your scent being too sweet and odd to them. 
Seokjin had been working all week and you were getting sick of sitting in the library hiding from the girls, opening the window you took a deep breath of fresh air, you slipped out into the garden bed under the window and ducked off into the forest. You passed the guard line and heard the wolves howl. You continued running, there was nothing wrong with the place, it was beautiful and it’s not like you wanted to leave, you just wanted your partner’s attention. 
You heard the familiar howl, familiar as the sound pulled at your chest, you knew it was your mate. Seokjin was calling for you worried. You heard the thump of feet closing in and Seokjin pounced landing in front of you. He looked at you panting his eyes concerned and sad and you held out your arms.
He turned back into himself, bare as the day he was born, and wrapped his arms around you. “Please don’t leave me” He whined pulling you tightly against his broad chest. 
“I wasn’t leaving, I just wanted to get you all to myself”
Min Yoongi - freestyle
Yoongi on land was lazy but when he hit the water he could move quickly, his form was small meaning he had the agile build to glide through the water. He mostly spent his days sleeping and conserving energy. 
“Yoongi the semi-finals are coming up, and you haven’t practiced at all” You hissed wearing your swimsuit. “I am challenging you to a race, if I win you will practice as always and if you win I will shut my mouth and let you rest” He sat up and upped his shirt walking to the edge.
“Come on love, let’s race” He smirked and you stepped up to the podium and the two went on the whistle and raced up and back. You were shocked when you not only lost but lost by a landslide.
“Wait how did you, If you were that good why don’t you practice” Yoongi pulled you underwater pressing his lips to yours and holding you there until you squirmed and broke free to the surface. He emerged with a grin, “now that you have held up your end of the deal, try keeping your voice down, while I sleep or I will have to do that again.”
Jung Hoseok - whoops
Hoseok was playing around with Yoongi, the older gentleman asked him to bring an Iced Americano to the studio and he was holding it above his head teasing him. It was only meant to be a fun little game but when the drink fell on a particularly expensive bit of equipment Hoseok became apologetic immediately searching the internet for where to buy another.
“Hoseok, stop!” Yoongi sighed “It’s fine, just head out and get me another coffee”
“Okay,” The younger man said looking disheartened and ashamed.
Hoseok messaged Jimin to give Yoongi a coffee and he went out of his way heading to music stores and more and looking for the exact copy of the now broken equipment.
“We don’t sell it, that’s and an old piece of technology. All we have are these” the man pointed
“Yoongi is particular he might have preferred the old one,”
“It won’t hurt to try,” The clerk said and Hoseok nodded purchasing the piece and heading up to the studio. He left it at the door with a note. 
He rang the doorbell and ran off to watch from behind the potted plant. Yoongi opened the door and looked shocked bending down with wide eyes he read the note and sighed for a moment before he looked at the box, he sat down in the doorway reading the box and opening it on the spot. 
Hoseok felt his heart racing he was happy mostly because Yoongi looked like a kid on Christmas. He looked happy.
Kim Namjoon - professor @taetaebq @maddymal 
“Professor Kim will be here any moment he is going to be writing about our findings and help us with this majestic creature” The voice was muffled through the glass where you sat the container filled with water and you sat there breathing slowly, you had given up struggling, this container was the equivalent of being buried in a coffin. You would eventually suffocate, the number of oxygen particles in the water would eventually run out.
You laid there accepting fate and they moved you into a building under lights. You were growing sleepy, the oxygen was dwindling, a figure appeared walking in, and the next thing you here is shouting. “How long has she been in there?”
Arms picked you up and you were lowered into the small pool of filtered and oxygenated water, It was like a breath of fresh air, this man was drenched and he looked at you and raised his hands in surrender. He backed up and you hissed.
“I am so sorry, do you speak hangul, English, Spanish, German?” He asked you slowly and you reached up taking his hand and pressing his knuckles to your forehead in thanks. He blushed, the action foreign and a little intimate for him.
Park Jimin - mythology
It was in an antique antique store, where you found an old medallion, it was a dull gold coin embellished with a crescent moon. Thinking it was pretty cute and maybe you could shine it up with a few gentle cleaning products. Purchasing the item you walked back to your hotel, happy with your day of wandering through the city.
You removed your purchases from your bag slipping out of your street clothes you pulled on your swimsuit covering them in an ‘I heart Athens’ t-shirt and fastening the necklace around your neck ready to take the perfect Instagram photo. You passed out from some unknown force, like mental chloroform.
When you did happen to come to, you were laying on a soft bed the breeze was cool and the lace curtains on the four-poster fluttered. Sitting up you were instantly concerned getting up off the bed and heading to the window, when you looked out there was no longer the lights of the city, it was morning and all the shops and hotels were gone. You were atop a mountain, dare you say mount Olympus in a historical looking building or at least a replica.
“Hello, are you feeling okay, my lady?” Turning you were struck by the beauty of this young man, you stepped back alarmed “My name is Artemis” He smiled
“Uh y/n,” you said lamely
He was gentle, helping you get dressed, and leading you to breakfast. Everyone at the table seemed in awe of your beauty and you couldn’t understand why. Though you had read somewhere before if people from the 21st century went back in time they would be deemed insanely beautiful. “You must be Aphrodite reincarnated, you are so beautiful” One man a the head of the table spoke. 
It was odd, something was going on, and when you didn’t wake up in your hotel the next morning you realized this wasn’t some dream. Instead waking beside the beautiful Artemis. 
It didn’t take long before you realized that it was all real, the myths. They were gods and goddesses’ undying and magical as all the legends told. 
It took a few years to adjust to your new life on mount Olympus but you soon came to love it and all the people who lived there. Artemis insisted that you stay in his room and one night whispered to you his name. The one thing that gives a god their power.
Kim Taehyung - rewritten
There was a legend that if you found the secret book hidden in the library and wrote one wish on a page, it would come true. Something you were willing to try but you didn’t know if you would ever be able to find it. Taehyung spent every day trying to find it instead of trying to better his grades. He was searching through the shelves until he found it, somewhere on the top shelf above the biology and anatomy textbooks, he pulled it down waving it in front of your face.
“I am going to make the best wish” He grinned writing down as he spoke, “I want it to skip to when I have a successful job owning a huge company and I have a beautiful wife and everything I ever wanted”
You thought nothing would happen but you were taken somewhere strange by some sort of magical force, you were quick to learn you were working in the art department of the Kim enterprise. You looked around and saw everyone working and he walked into work looking happy but weirded out.
He spotted you and waved you over and you smiled ignoring him and eventually, he called you over. Racing over trying to stay undercover, he pulled you into the office. The two of you were talking, he told you his wish worked and he was in the future but you were unable to tell him that you too were pulled from the past. 
“You think I am crazy, it is so nice to see you” He hugged you and someone walked in.
“Taehyung, what is going on here?” A woman said
“Ah, this is my friend from university, we were just catching up” Taehyung grinned
“Hello, Taehyung hasn’t mentioned any friends especially any from University, I am his wife” She outstretched her hand and shook yours a little too tightly.
It was torture and you couldn’t help him, because of this magic wish business wouldn’t let you help but also because you were bullied in the workplace apparently trying to seduce the boss a rumor started by Taehyung’s wife and soon you handed in your resignation and packed up your things. Taehyung was getting sick of it all stressing out and eventually he ran to your apartment and one thing led to another and you two were in bed together.
“I wish I never made the wish that day” He frowned you took a trip to the university and found the book you wrote in it that you wished Taehyung would get a second chance and could live his life from the moment he wrote in the book and you felt the magic work and the two of you landed on the ground you were on top of him and he looked at you, taking your younger face in his hands and kissing you so fiercely.
Jeon Jungkook - memoirs
There was an old book in the addict that the kids were cleaning out in order to create a reading nook with fairy lights and blankets up there. “Hey dad what is this?”
“This is the story your mother wrote before she passed, it is about our life together,” He laughed, reminiscing for a moment about the beautiful woman he fell in love with. He remembered every year and how he loved her more and more as she grew older. “She was a brilliant young woman,”
“Can you read it dad?” His son asked looking up at him and Jungkook could see his and his wife's features woven beautifully into a masterpiece that was their son.
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