#the chuck & bit were seized but i have successfully loosened them!
caterjunes · 11 months
went to a garage sale and bought a yankee screwdriver for ONE DOLLAR holy shit. i've wanted one of these for literally years but not enough to justify spending $30-60 on one!
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Bring on the Mania! pt. 5
For the next two hours, they played various board games. Although there were some they had to stop halfway, such as Twister. Whenever Amane would hover one of the boys, he would gently nip on anything he could get his mouth on. This caused them to either; shudder under him, or lose balance and fall. They finally stopped when Amane tried to nibble on Epel's neck, the said boy knee him on the gut out of surprise. Lisha couldn't stop laughing at him.
Another was Old maid. Ace and Grim kept on cheating, which resulted in an argument; it would have gone physical if Valerie hadn't slapped them in the back of their heads. She then scolded them like children. They would have protested if Lisha wasn't in front of them, glaring and waiting for them to give her reason to peck them.
So here they are, playing monopoly with Ace, Jack, and Sebek taking the lead. Valerie and Deuce were tied, with Epel behind them and Amane and Grim in jail.
"This game sucks!" Grim cried out in frustration. "This isn't fair! I am the great and powerful Grim! How could I lose so many times!?"
"Not my fault you suck so hard." Ace snickered at the enraged monster.
"It's just a game; no need to throw a tantrum." Sebek remarked. Grim growled in response.
The fae took the dice, and it rolled into a four, making him ahead of everyone else. The game continued with no more complaints, but an occasional grumble from Grim. It ended with Jack being the winner.
Amane covered his, mouth letting out a yawn. All these games were boring him; he needed excitement, something to get his blood pumping. He glanced at the pillows, then an idea popped in his head.
"Hey Val, could you get me some water?" He asked the girl when he saw her standing up. 
"Sure, Amane."
He smirked internally. He waited till Valerie was a few meters away from him. 
Then, he struck.
The young brunette stopped in her tracks when she felt something soft collided with her back. Behind her, she could hear the cackles of a demon.
"Aw, what's wrong Vally? Can't take a hit? I know you were pampered by these boys but to this extent? Damn." He jeered, unaware of the petrified looks the rest of the boys had.
"Amane, you shouldn't have done that." Jack hissed. He cast his eyes to the girl, who slowly turned to face them.
Amane waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, it's fine. She can take it; it's just a pill-OW!"
The hetero-eyed male was suddenly knocked down to the floor. He painfully sat up and rubbed his face; it felt like a brick hit him. He looked down; it was the same pillow he used on Valerie. Slowly, he lifted his head.
Valerie had a soft smile on her face; that completely contradicted the look in her eyes. There was a fierce glint; excitement and viciousness danced within it. Then, she spoke in a soft but firm voice.
"I accept your declaration of war."
The poor man felt two pairs of hands grab his arms, dragging him all the way to the other room. On the way, he saw the rest of the guys carrying dozens of pillows in their arms.
"You boys better get ready. Cause when I get like this: mercy doesn't exist." 
Her words left a cold feeling within their bodies. It sounded so sickeningly sweet it could have been poison.
They finally let Amane go once they deemed themselves secured and scolded the demon.
"Are you insane!? Do you realize what you did!?" Ace screamed at his face. Being shorter, he grabbed his shirt and brought him down to his eye level. Letting Amane get a clear view of his aggravated cherry-red eyes.
"U-Uh...W-What did I do?" Amane stammered.
"Throwing that pillow at her!" Grim snapped.
"I was joking-" The incubi tried to defend himself but was cut off.
"Joke or not, she will finish what you started; and she'll make it as painful as possible." Epel shuddered.
He just stared at them bug-eyed. "What's with you guys? It's just Valerie."
"You don't know Valerie as we do." Sebek chimed in. "To her, this is a declaration of war, one that she will win."
"She's always been competitive; she never goes back at a challenge. No matter how impossible it seems. She's stubborn like that." Jack added.
"Valerie will do whatever it takes to win. She isn't above using physical pain to get it." Deuce explained.
"You saw the way she dug her nails into you to comply with her demand; that should have been your warning." Deuce looked at him expectantly. 
He thought back at times when she did that, his body went rigid. The boys nodded knowingly when it all clicked to the midnight haired male.
"Valerie may appear harmless, but she's just as dangerous." Jack continued.
"Oh fuck, what are we going to do?" Panic set in Amane's voice as he thought of dozens of ways that Valerie could torture them.
"Only thing we can do." Ace announced, picking up a pillow, cocking it like a gun.
"Try and survive her reign of terror."
They armed themselves with as many pillows they can hold and slowly creep back into the lounge. Sebek peeked inside, noticing the girl wasn't there; he signaled the rest to follow him. 
"Where is she?" Asked Grim.
A sweet giggle answered his question and formed a circle. 
"Alright, come out, Val!" Epel hollered. That just earned him more giggles. Everybody raised their pillows, trying to anticipate where she might strike. 
"Is she always like this when someone challenges her?" Amane hissed.
"You're lucky a food fight didn't happen today." Sebek shuddered. "It happened last week. So many were lost."
"He meant that they were in the infirma-RY!" Deuce clarified when a pillow hit his face, hard.
Panic surged through their bodies. Shit, it's starting.
"Ready yourselves! We've got a war to win!"
As soon as those words left Epel's lips, small pink and brown blurs zip through.
Grim was their first target. Lisha swooped to the ground and grabbed the cat monster by her talons.
"GAHH!!" She threw him high enough for Valerie to get a clean hit. The poor monster crashed into the wall, unconscious. 
Amane froze in shock at what he witnessed. "Oh, shit."
They scrambled for cover, realizing that their current position left them open. Unfortunately, Valerie was faster.
She nimbly moved her way to Epel, the said boy raised his pillow to strike her, but she threw one at his face.  Valerie delivered a swift jab on the gut, causing the boy to clutch his stomach in pain. He didn't get enough time to recover when Valerie smacked a pillow across his face. Just like that, he was out.
Sebek charged at her side, holding his pillow high. However, Lisha flew right in his face, obstructing his view. Sebek could taste Lisha's feathers in his mouth, prompting him to spit some out. Unfortunately, that gave the girl enough time to land a direct kick to his chest. Once he fell on the ground, Valerie dropped another pillow on his face and stomping her foot on it.
However, she was oblivious that Ace and Deuce were at her sides, steadily moving towards her, and prepping their pillows. While the girl continued to stomp Sebek's face, all with a cute but sadistic grin on her face. 
A firm but soft force repeatedly hit the opal-eyed girl. Both Heartslabyul students managed to successfully land blows on the girl, while Lisha kept Jack occupied. 
"Ouch! Lisha! Not too close to the eyes!" Jack lifted his pillow to shield his face from the strix's wrath.
Valerie winced under hits; though they weren't hard, they were enough to make her head a bit dizzy. Gritting her teeth, she seized both pillows shocking, (and scaring) both boys. She harshly pulled their arms to the opposite directions, making them bash their heads together and fall unconscious.
She stopped to catch her breath when a cruel ache suddenly throbbed a the side of her head, and the next thing she knew, she was on the floor. She hissed from the impact, glancing up she saw Jack glaring down at her.
Apparently, Jack used the Aduece duo as a distraction. The wolf beastman managed to knock Lisha off somewhere far away. The strix wasn't harmed but tired and dizzy from flying circles around him. He snuck up behind her and bashed her head; the force was enough to knock her down.
The girl rolled out of the way; she sprang back on her feet before Jack could smash another pillow on her. Valerie dashed behind a chair. But not before nabbing two pillows. 
"Hiding in your hole, Rabbit?" The wolf taunted.
"Better than foolishly getting myself killed." The girl retorted. She peeked over the chair to see Jack watching her. They held their gazes, waiting to make a move. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Jack spotted Amane snaking up to the girl. He made no sound and done a decent job getting closer to her.
Closer and closer.
Without even looking behind her, she chucked a pillow at the incubus; the force was enough for him to topple over. Unknowingly for him, he stepped on a cushion prompting him to slip and fall unconscious.
And once again, he was a lone wolf.
Jack bit his lips in irritation at Amane's sorry attempt for an ambush. Whatever happened to that fearsome demon two hours ago?
His ears twitched and muscles tensed up. Something wasn't right. He quickly swerved to the right, narrowly avoiding a kick to the face from the tiny girl. 
She landed with a heavy thud on the ground. Valerie wasted no time in grabbing as many pillows as she can; throwing them at the charging wolf. The large male simply dodged them and tackled the girl. He brought her arms above her head and pinned them. 
Valerie felt his hot breath on her face. Jack's face was awfully near to hers. His expression was contorted into a sneer, a deep growl rumbled in his chest. His grip on her wrists tightened as if warning her to remain docile.
'As if.' Valerie responded with a glare of her own. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed herself up to nibble on his neck. 
Jack could feel a wildfire spread across his face and an uncomfortable feeling forming in his shorts when she rubbed her chest on his own and gave his neck tiny licks. The action alone made the male above froze, and loosen his hold on her.
Snatching her wrists away, Valerie wrapped her arms around his neck. Fingers lightly skimming across his skin, she could feel Jack shivering under her touch before finally found the spot. She dug her fingers harshly on that spot.
The boy above stiffen before his body becoming slack and falling on top of her. Judging by the soft snore, it looks like she found the right pressure point.
Valerie gently lifted his body enough for her to roll out. She gave herself a good stretch before surveying the entire scene and dead bodies before her.
"I win."
A/N: Sorry it took so long to write, I got caught up in school. This also my first attempt to write a fight scene, I hope this was good.
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