#the color of a bruise
Good News: I can now honestly say I've survived being hit by a truck.
Bad News: I am very sore
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transbookoftheday · 5 months
Trans Books By Authors Of Color
Here are some trans books by authors of color you should read:
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Book titles:
Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender
The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon
The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang
The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
Just Happy To Be Here by Naomi Kanakia
The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Subtweet by Vivek Shraya
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
Drag Me Up by R.M. Virtues
Unwieldy Creatures by Addie Tsai
Three Kings by Freydís Moon
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
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Me when i get the urge to stim out of nowhere so i do zoomies around the house and end up eating shit
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emblazons · 2 months
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Joshua Rosfield in Final Fantasy XVI ⤷ treating with the Motes of Water • The Rising Tide DLC
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 6 months
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quite simply character of all time to me i keep coming back to doing screenshot redraws of Shiro in fall of the castle of lions & tears of the balmera. episodes of all time to me no notes.
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glittergroovy · 1 month
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"professional chewtoy" glowtext - transparent background 🦴 feel free to use
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cuddlebugmonster · 6 months
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She caught it !!
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cloudwhisper23 · 11 days
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I have been very late with the latest chapter of Back in the Nightmare, but in my defense, @pixlokita drew an art, and I just absolutely needed to write fanfic regarding the art, and color it. Luckily, this is still in relation to Back in the Nightmare. It's just further along. Hope y'all enjoy! (fic below the cut)
Evan could tell Cassidy was feeling down after Charlie’s birthday party. How could he not? She’d clung so close to him before, and after Michael brought her out of the rain with his skin paler than a sheet of paper, she’d seemed almost distant.
She still listened when he spoke, but she no longer offered any opinions. Cassidy just seemed… off. There had to be something he could do to cheer her up, right?
Evan wanted to go to Fredbear’s for once because of the whole thing. Charlie said it was a great place to make friends and hang out, and with the atmosphere at home lately, it would be best if he could avoid hanging out there. Elizabeth bickered with her group on their project every night, and it always put their father in a bad mood.
Cassidy plus his father never seemed to end well, as both of them were perfectly polite to each other in a vicious way. Cassidy probably had been right about his father not wanting him to have friends after all, it seemed. Maybe that was why Mike used to scare them off?
Shaking the thought away, Evan fiddled with the strap of his backpack uncomfortably. Mike was grounded, and Lizzie was going to Susie’s house, which meant Evan was also supposed to be going home. Father didn’t like them staying unsupervised, after all.
But Evan wanted to do something nice for Cassidy. She had to run home right after school, not elaborating on why, but it did give him a perfect chance to get her a gift.
He still hesitated though. If his father found out he hadn’t gone straight home… Well, he just had to avoid getting caught then. Evan checked that Fredbear was still hidden at the bottom of his backpack, and then set off for the diner.
The prize corner always had a wide variety of things to win, but Evan had no idea where to even start on a gift for Cassidy. Yet again, he found himself hesitating.
“You have your eyes set on anything in particular?” Evan startled at the boy who’d appeared next to him. Gabe Simmons. Someone who didn’t usually talk to him.
“Uh, well, not for me. I want to get a gift for a friend.”
“Cassidy.” Gabe shot him an amused look as he pointedly looked away. “It’s not a secret that she’s one of your only friends, dude.”
“If she’s one of my only friends, why are you talking to me?”
“I’m bored. And Charlie won’t be here until later.” Gabe shrugged. “Do you have any idea what she likes?”
“Well…” Evan trailed off. What did Cassidy like? She’d seemed interested enough in his Fredbear plushie, once he’d been forcibly given it back. She’d wanted a favor regarding her hair, desperate enough to ask Michael of all people to fix it. Something like that, maybe? “I was thinking about that hair clip.”
He pointed to the row of animatronic themed hair pins and clips. “She likes Fredbear well enough.”
“That’s hardly worth the effort,” Gabe replied, wrinkling his nose. “You could get that easy.”
“I’d rather get her something she actually likes than something she wouldn’t like that’s worth more,” Evan replied quietly.
Gabe regarded him curiously. “I think I misjudged you in the past, Afton. You’re not as bad of a guy as I was expecting.”
Gabe wandered off without another word.
Weird. Still, Evan needed to get the clip fast if he wanted to get home before he got caught.
He did not succeed. Despite the fact that Evan hadn’t spotted his father once at the diner, and he’d beaten him home, somehow he still found out that Evan hadn’t come straight home.
Evan gritted his teeth as he faced his punishment, determined not to scream. Still, the ruler stung against his bare arm, and Evan knew he was going to be wearing long-sleeved shirts for at least a week or two after this.
“Behave,” his father said sternly, gesturing for Evan to leave and close the door on the way out.
“Yes Father,” Evan answered quietly before going to his room.
Tomorrow is another day.
The hair clip burned in Evan’s pocket as he looked around before school the following morning. He wanted to surprise her with it, but he never usually had luck finding her before school. Today was no different. His mouth twisted downward, but Evan did not feel tears welling up. This was expected, after all.
The morning was chilly for once, and Evan felt a bit relieved that he’d been forced to wear longer sleeves today. The wind stirred the trees at the front of the school as Evan waited for the bell to ring.
He went through his classes in somewhat of a daze, not really paying much attention to anything. It struck him briefly that he didn’t really have any classes with Cassidy. None in the morning anyway.
His arm ached as he went from class to class, despite how carefully he was trying to carry his things without jarring it. Evan carried on the only way he knew how: by thinking about anything else.
Today’s distraction topic was, unsurprisingly, Cassidy. The way she normally hung on his every word with a faint smile, the way she checked in with him constantly and gave people a hard time if they tried to mess with him. It gave him a warm feeling to think about her, grateful that she’d decided to be friends with him, even if he still suspected he was some kind of pity project.
Lizzie liked to tease him about having a crush on her, but the thought didn’t bother him so much. If he had a crush, then he had a crush. And if considering the thought that he had a crush on Cassidy made his cheeks burn, then so be it. He wouldn’t be the first boy in the world to have a crush on a girl.
Thankfully, Evan only had to wait until lunch to talk to Cassidy. She seemed just as distracted as before, and it made Evan’s heart ache. Still, he forced a smile to his face and greeted her brightly.
She smiled back, a weaker smile than his own and poked at her food with disinterest. Cassidy hardly looked at him.
“Cass, are you feeling okay?” he blurted out. He hadn’t asked before, thinking that she probably hadn’t wanted to talk about it, but after remembering how she used to smile and talk to him, he couldn’t help himself.
She looked startled by the question, dropping her fork back onto the tray. “I-“
“You’ve just seemed so occupied lately, and I know I should mind my business and wait for you to be ready to say something, but I’m worried about you.”
“Oh…” Cassidy’s eyebrows creased at that, and it was the first time she’d seemed to actually absorb his words since Charlie’s party. “I guess I… Well…” Cassidy struggled to gather her thoughts. “I’ve been having nightmares. I didn’t want to say anything because I don’t think they’re as big of a deal as yours, and I didn’t want to devalue your problems.”
“Cassidy, we’re friends. Just because I have constant problems doesn’t mean you can’t talk about yours at all. Besides, I’ve been doing better since Mikey started letting me sleep in his room again.” Evan put his hand on her arm reassuringly. “I’m here to listen, if you need to share.”
Cassidy smiled weakly. “Thanks, Ev. It’s probably stupid, but when I was at that party, I thought I heard something outside, and I went to go see. When I tried to get back in, the door was locked. And then…” Cassidy trailed off, her left hand twitching before resting on top of Evan’s. “Well, this car started coming up the alley way, and I just felt so scared, scared like I’ve never felt in my life, and I ran away from it, but it felt like the car was chasing me. So I’ve been having different dreams where I do get caught by the car, and sometimes I die, sometimes I watch other people die, and… yeah…” Cassidy squeezed his hand tightly.
Evan’s eyebrows scrunched tightly. “Have you told anyone besides me?”
“No,” Cassidy admitted. “But I don’t want to worry anyone.”
“Maybe at least tell your brother? I’m sure he’d want to know if you’re struggling to sleep or focus, Cass.”
Cassidy shrugged. “It won’t change anything. Travis would just worry. And he’s not tiny like you and your brother. If I tried to sleep in my brother’s bed with him, I would fall off the bed and hurt myself.”
“I’m not that small!” Evan protested, but he saw Cassidy’s point. Weirdly enough, it presented the perfect opportunity for him. “But, I may have an idea for you.”
“Yeah? Is it to get a ratty old Fredbear plush and carry it everywhere?” Cassidy asked skeptically. “Because I don’t think that works for everyone.”
“That implies that I do it because I want to,” Evan muttered to himself, but he shook his head at Cassidy, digging into his pocket. “No, I was thinking something a bit more your style.”
“Yeah, something like this.” Evan pulled the hairclip from his pocket. “I went to Fredbear’s yesterday and won it at the prize counter. Think of it as a way for me to defend you from your nightmares.”
Cassidy blinked at him, her mouth opening like she wanted to speak. Then she closed her mouth and blinked again. It took Evan a moment to realize she was speechless. And about to cry?
“It’s, um. If you don’t want it, it’s no big deal-“
“No, that’s very sweet actually,” Cassidy interrupted him, pulling her arm from under his hand. “Can you help me put it in? On the right side?”
“Oh, sure.” Evan fumbled with the hairclip, and Cassidy laughed lightly as he got to his feet to put the clip in her hair. “Like that?”
“A little further up,” Cassidy guided his hands, and Evan was sure his face was on fire. “Right there.”
Evan sighed in relief as he retracted his hands. His sleeve had slipped a little ways down his arm, and he quickly pulled it back down. Not fast enough, apparently, as Cassidy frowned.
Her eyes fixed on his sleeve, and she reached out to grab his elbow. Evan let her push his sleeve back to reveal the raw, bruised skin. “What happened here? Did-“
“I got in trouble.” Evan bit his lip and glanced away. “Mike is grounded, and if I’m not supervised, then-“
“Your dad did this?” Cassidy’s voice seemed tight, but Evan squeezed his eyes shut instead of looking at her expression.
“Yeah. But it’s better to face smaller fears than big ones, right?” Evan replied weakly.
Cassidy fell silent again. Her grip tightened on his elbow, and she let out a quiet sigh. “You’re unbelievable.”
“In a good way, though. Right?” Evan finally turned back to Cassidy. She seemed on the verge of tears as she looked at him.
The faintest smile came across her face. “Of course. Of course, Evie.”
She dragged him into a tight hug, and Evan hugged her back, unable to make himself care about how things looked to the rest of the room.
Everything was going to be just fine.
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plazsma · 6 months
cute silly gay idea was!!!!!!!!!! to find real unsent project entries in the archive and match them to ninjago ships bc my heart yearns for silly lego romance. if u erm like ninjago ships please give this a peruse
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plasmashipping + amnesiac jay angst
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fairyd0g · 2 months
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collecting these... like watercolor swatches...
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pastadoughie · 6 months
yaknow i wish people didnt act like having areas of skin that are different shades was a feature exclusive to black peoples hands like, thats a really noticable area so when people get it wrong its pretty obvious but even in white people the palms of your hands are a noticably different color then the back
skin color is not even on literally anybody you are always going to have variations in shades and undertones in different sections of your body and when trying to draw skin more accurately that really shouldnt stop at just using a lighter shade on the hands of ur poc chrs
im white so i cant speak abt darker skin tones that much, but i think that people rlly need to stop acting like stuff like having variations in skin shade is a feature exclusive to them everybody has melinin and its gonna be distributed acrosss your skin differently always and you trying to be more accurate in how u draw skin shouldnt end at instagram info graphics abt how to draw black people better you should be looking at photos and at yourself (even if youre white, black people are not a different species and traits can & do apply to both groups) and trying to notice various features because thats always gonna give you a more accurate picture of things
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saline-coelacanth · 4 months
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Here's the Valentine's Doodles! I know Valentine's Day isn't until Wednesday, but it's close enough. But yeah, Bruise and Lost got the the most votes in the poll that I did, so I drew them! I was honestly a little surprised to see Bruiseshipping getting so many votes, but idk maybe it's because people know I draw a lot of bruise? Idk. Maybe people just wanna see Cole ships because Lostshipping also got a lot of votes.
Also as a bonus since Cole has two hands:
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walnutcookie · 4 months
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"You're losing it all
You've been blinded by stardom!"
bnb!langue de chat in pain lol
rbs appreciated!
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5blight · 1 year
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ohhh yehag those dunmers ……..
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volfoss · 5 months
Tenma for @surpriserose :)
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clickerflight · 15 days
Benjamin Ashmaker
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A handsome lad. The fae queen's beautiful husband. A caped compadre. Definitely no whump going on here. Definitely not. Nope. Don't look under the cut
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BABBYYYYYYYYYY I love him so much
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff��
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer 
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps
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