#the colors and markings and lava lamp hair are all so cool
mentalmeles · 1 year
Seeing people getting upset about Queen Beelzebub's design because she's not a full on fly/bee or whatever and like... Why does it matter? Who said that Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss canon had to be perfectly 100% accurate, ykno? Maybe it's because I'm not religious in the slightest and I'm speaking from a place of ignorance, but it just feels like a weird thing to get hung up about tbh
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teeth-cable · 1 year
How the fuck is Pinkie Pie perfect proof on how to design a party character without being overtly detailed
It's just proof that a simple character design can go a long way. You can add as much colors, patterns, and clothing as you like but if the end result is an eyestain mismatch nightmare filled with needless details that confused viewers, you messed up.
Pinkie Pie's bright colors tells us she is a loud person, her hair being big and puffy tell us she is goofy, a free-spirted, and a fun person, and her cutie mark is a bunch of balloons, objects associated with parties and fun. Heck even her specific main colors of pink tell us about her personality. Pink in color language is sweetness, politeness, childhood, and charm.
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When designing a character, the priority isn't to shove as much details as you can but to easily convey the character's personality by one simple glance. It's why character designers focus on colors, shapes, and clothing because even though those thing seem minimal on their own if you put them all together, you can create a great character design that speaks volumes about the character. Also the main reason why character design is also tedious because if a color is too saturated and the clothing slightly doesn't fit the character, you can throw the design off and misportray your character.
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This design for Pinkie's sister tell us she is a dry dull person. She only has cool and neutral colors to tell us she is less energetic than your average pony, her hair being straight tell us she's more formal and closed off than her sister who has big curls, and her eyes being half open tells us she's a calm person.
While Viv's Beelzebub..
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This is not it. I like Bee's design on it's own but for the Queen of Gluttony, no. It's Viv's interpretation of a furry Kesha than Beelzebub.
The bright colors does let us know she is supposed to be an energetic and out-going person but everything else is confusing. The blacks on the limbs, the lava-lamp like stomach, and the blue part of the hair are all unnecessary. There is also some insect features as a nod towards Beelzebub's OG design but they're so tiny, you would miss it.
What Viv should have done to make this design easier to animate and stronger is emphasis only two main feature instead of giving every different idea for this design the same amount of importance, the honey hair, Hellhound-bug hybrid, lava-lamp stomach, stripes, and blacks. Another reason why people don't like the design because it's not Beelzebub when people first saw the EP, they didn't know she was suppose to be Beelzebub and I can't blame them.
What I think Viv should have done is emphasis the Hellhound-bug hybrid and honey hair. Those are the two things only unique to her design. Viv can limited the colors to be yellows, browns, and blacks. Not only will the color scheme help her stand out better and are more cohesive but also it's a hint to her bug side. Second, make the bug features bigger and obvious, Beelzebub's iconic look is being a bug. Viv's interpretation can still differ from the original version but she should add and make the bug motifs/feature bigger to make it obvious that it's Beelzebub. Third, only choose one fur pattern. There are so many fur patterns, none relating to each other to justify keeping them all in and making the animators' job harder. The pattern can be anything but in my opinion I think stripes are the best option because again to make the bug part of her obvious and her being a hellhound-bug hybrid can be a pun on her name, Queen Bee. Fourth, remove the spikey blue hair on her head and just make it the honey hair consistently though. Last, the clothing. The clothing is the better part of this design beside the tuff of fur appearing through her bra and shirt. But it's just Loona's clothes with a few minor changes. The clothes should have bee elements incorporated. Maybe a fur coat with fur around the neck, a skirt shape like a stringer, the honeycomb shaped, stripes, etc.
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post-itpenny · 5 years
Cecelia and the Satellite
Part four is here! Tagging @clownsgobeepbeep because someone is finally come for a visit.
It had been a few days and since the birth of baby Phoebe. Cosmos and Vespers had brought their little bundle of joy home and nearly every day someone had come by to see them and the little baby bug. Everyone wanted to see how the little baby was doing.
And then this morning there were colors on the nursery ceiling.
Cosmos and Vespers stood by the crib looking up.
“It looks like a lava lamp,” Cosmos observed.
Vespers nodded as he watched the large blobs of color shift around and bounce off each other. Phoebe gave a small hiccup and the colors disappeared.
Vespers gave a shout then ran to call his aunt.
“She is so cute, isn't she?” Magpie chuckled as she cradled the small bundle. Vespers couldn’t help but tear up a little. The sight of seeing his aunt in a rocking chair holding a baby, his baby. Vespers turned away to rub his eyes before addressing his aunt. “So um, aunt Pie. Is- is she…”
“Well,” Magpie sighed, “let's find out.”
She placed a hand on Phoebe’s head and shut her eyes, humming softly to herself as she did so. A soft glow began to form under the skin of Magpie’s throat and hands. A second glow began to grow, this time from Phoebe.
“Hey, hey! What are you-”
“Shh! Cosmos don’t worry,” Vespers assured, “it’s ok I promise.”
The glowing from both Magpie and the baby stopped almost as quickly as it began and Magpie opened her eyes. She stood and placed Phoebe in Vesper’s arms.
“Yes,” Magpie answered, “She’s like me.”
“Oh hey that’s cool,” Cosmos sighed, “just um. What do we do whenever she starts doing a light show or whatever?”
“Well,” Magpie sighed. “That’s the thing is dear Phoebe won’t be able to control it right now. Eventually she will with time and practise. But it’s something linked to her emotions which for a baby is not necessarily complex but still a very important form of communication.”
“You have to manage it for now. Taming temper tantrums as quickly as possible is the biggest thing.”
“More than once I set something on fire as a baby.”
“But it’s ok!” Magpie cheered, “I can help with whatever you need. I can at least clean up her messes when you need me to and when she’s older I can teach her!”
“Tha- that would be awesome,” Vespers smiled. “Thank you Aunt Pie.”
“Of course Blackwood will need to know right away.”
“No.” Cosmos answered.
Magpie blinked in surprise, “oh well… this might be interesting then… well this is awkward I’m going to go make tea.” She announced as she bustled out of the room.
As she left Cosmos smirked, “your aunt really likes tea man.”
Vespers sighed, “it’s an automatic response I think.” He groaned and ran his hands over his face. “Geeze my dad has horror stories about my aunt as a baby. Cosmos what are we going to do?”
“Hey Ves don’t worry.” Cosmos reassured as he pulled Vespers into a hug. “Besides Phoebe’s also a D’Vitt.”
“No man I mean she did some crazy stuff just on accident.
“I’m pretty sure you’re dad is biased.”
“... yeah probably. I’m just, you know, scared.”
As they talked neither realized someone else was listening. Clasping her hands tightly before rushing away.
An hour later and Lydia had come to fuss over her new granddaughter. Cosmos having still not changed his mind over a certain visitor.
“Cosmos don’t be rude,” Lydia scolded.
“Mom come on! Don’t you think it’s weird the guy only comes around when a baby pops out?”
There was a knock on the door.
Magpie stood up, an odd look on her face as she adjusted the red bow she always wore in her hair. The rest of the group turned to her in confusion until Vespers antenna twitched and he understood.
“He’s here.”
Magpie was gone, off and down the hallway. Lydia frowning in confusion and following after her.
Cosmos turned to Vespers, “dude I’m not going to lie, I don’t want to do this. What about you? This is your super great grandpa or something.”
Vespers heard another knock on the door and looked to his nervous husband before making a decision.
“You go check on Phoebe while I go meet this guy. If you don’t want him coming in then he won’t ok?”
“Cosmos gave a sigh of relief before kissing Vespers on the cheek and going to the nursery.
Meanwhile Vespers walked to the door. Taking a deep breath to steady his own nerves, then opening the door.
Lydia was surprised to find Magpie climbing out a window.
“What on Earth are you doing?”
Magpie blushed a little before giving a guilty smile, “well to be honest I don’t want Blackwood to see me.”
“Oh,” Lydia said in surprise. “Are you ok? Do you need-“
“No, no it’s.” Magpie pauses to clear her throat. “I look quite different from when he last saw me and I don’t want to explain things.”
“Oh… wouldn’t be easier to use the backdoor?” Lydia suggested.
“You know it would be yes. I panicked.”
Vespers had heard a lot about his elder and had over the years built a picture in his mind of a powerful looking being.
This wasn’t it.
Blackwood, to begin with, was clearly the originator of the family’s trademark white hair. His own tied back in a bow. He was dressed as if he came from a carnival with his top hat and tailed coat. His clothing adorned with embroidered thistles. And he had the biggest, most genuine smile Vespers had ever seen.
And then he hugged Vespers.
“Hello, hello! My goodness look how you’ve grown little bug! Vespers yes? Always liked that name a lovely choice. But my goodness what a fine looking young man you’ve become!”
Vespers stepped back in shock, “h- hi there um…”
“Call me Blackwood my boy no need for formalities!” The elder laughed. “My goodness I’m so delighted to be here, I’m so delighted to see you all grown up! I was just saying to myself the other day I need to visit more often.”
“But you like to live your lives and I respect that! But I’m so excited just absolutely chuffed to visit and to meet your mate!”
“Oh and I have the most perfect gift for the little one! I guarantee she’s going to love it!”
“Oh and I simply-“
“Excuse me sir!” Vespers shouted. Shrinking back a little in fear he may have upset the elder.
Blackwood blinked, then chuckled. “What did I say about formalities boy? I do apologize I can get a little overexcited. What were you trying to say?”
Vespers took a deep breath. “I’m sorry but my mate feels a little uncomfortable with such a sudden visit… sorry.”
Blackwood shrugged, “well alright.”
Vespers gapped, “tha-that’s it?”
Blackwood again chuckled, “well yes I’m here to share in the joy of a new life, a new creation. Not be awkward. I hate that don’t you? When you walk into a room and people just look at you awkwardly?”
“Oh yeah I hate that.”
“So please my good lad don’t worry. I do very much want to meet your family but it can wait if you insist. You must know the baby bares my mark however.”
“You’re what?”
Blackwood held out his hand to reveal a small gold leaf. On it was a game controller, it’s cord wrapped around a thistle.
“My power, I like to call them the Special Ones if I’m honest.”
Vespers nodded, “we kinda found out this morning. Aunt Magpie promised to help us.”
“Oh wonderful! Which reminds me I would like to visit her and the others before I leave the planet. Now listen Vespers my boy. If you should ever need me your father and grandfather should know how to send me a shout. I think I’ll stop by in a year or so, just to check on you is that alright?”
Vespers quickly nodded, “yes absolutely.”
“Grand! Just grand! Oh and before I go this is my gift to little Phoebe. Please send my congratulations to Cosmos and I will see you all soon!”
Vespers stepped back inside pondering just how Blackwood knew Cosmos and Phoebe’s names. Pulling the lid off the box Blackwood had given him.
It was a game controller, wireless but no sign of a need for batteries and with small purple moths, crescent moons, and stars all over it. The controller was small, the perfect size for the tiny hands of a child, but Vespers had the suspicion it would always work for Phoebe no matter how big she grew.
Vespers grinned, Cosmos was going to live this.
Magpie had made it down the long driveway and to a clump of trees. Should she hide at Maggie’s old tent? Maybe he wouldn’t visit her home at all.
“Well hello Magpie.”
Magpie froze, turning slowly towards the voice.
“Blackwood sir.”
The elder chuckled, “You always seem to forget I don’t care for formalities when it comes to family my dear. I must say your were much more colorful when I last saw you. Did it all fade out with age?”
Magpie nervously shook her head. “No, no I well. There’s been a lot of…. happenings.”
“How so?”
“I, well… well you see I- I um. Well, I-I don’t really know what to say.”
Blackwood quirked an eyebrow, “Are you alright?”
“I can honestly say I’m doing far better now than I have in a long time,” Magpie chuckled. “Ha- have you spoken to my brother yet?”
“Should I have?”
“Oh well, I mean-“
Blackwood frowned and reached out, touching the red ribbon in Magpie’s hair. “I remember making this for you. This gift I gave your parents when you were born my dear.”
Magpie blushed, “it’s my favorite possession.”
Blackwood nodded, “did you know the gifts I make for you all speak to me when I touch them? Tell me how you really are feeling?”
Magpie cleared her throat, “oh.”
Blackwood gave a sad smile, “Magpie my dear what happened to you?”
Magpie flinched, backing up in panic. “I-I don’t know what to say.”
Blackwood nodded, “I just want to know if you’re alright my dear. Don’t lie because I’ll know.”
Magpie looked around as if tried to find an escape route. “I- I can’t- What do you want me to say? Please I don’t want to talk about-“
“You don’t have to talk about whatever has happened,” Blackwood reassured her as he eyed the swirling dark clouds that had formed above them. “Just please tell me how you’re doing?”
“What do you want me to say that I’m miserable? Because I am alright!”
There was a loud crack as the trees around them split in half. Magpie jumped and looked around at the damage she had caused before covering her have with her hands.
Blackwood sighed and looked up again as it began to rain. With a wave of his hand the trees repaired themselves and the sky started to clear. He stepped over to Magpie and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Magpie looked up at him in tears, Blackwood observing she was actually wearing makeup, an attempt to brighten the red lines and circles on her face and hide just how faded out she really looked.
Magpie hung her head and sobbed, “I ruined my life. My brother hates me. My nephew is terrified his daughter will be like me. I just can’t…”
She trailed off as her body shook with sobs, Blackwood staying silent as he let her cry it out. He couldn’t stand the misery that had wrapped itself around her aura, to Blackwood who could not stand anyone being upset this was particularly unpleasant to find one of his own this heartbroken. In his mind he made a decision.
“I want you to come with me.”
Magpie looked up at the elder I surprised, “what?”
Blackwood smiled, “I always say any of you can visit any time so why not? Come with me Magpie, you’ll just love my planet! Besides it would be nice to have someone help me take care of things. Oh you could me my friend Cecelia! She and her little sister came to me when their parents died you would just be such good friends! Oh, oh! And you could help me come up with improvements to the place! Oh and you could meet-“
“But why?” Magpie asked in a horse whisper, “why would you invite me?”
Blackwood smiled, “I don’t know what’s happened to make you so unhappy but if there is one thing above all other things that I can’t stand it’s people being unhappy. Come live on my planet Magpie, I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Magpie stepped back, uncertain. “I can’t I have responsibilities here. I have two girls living with me who don’t have anyone else. I- I have a dog.”
“They can come to! It will be great!”
“But I, I just don’t know.”
“How about this,” Blackwood countered. “A vacation then. A few days visit and if you like it then stay. Or you can come back home. A vacation away might just be what you need.”
Magpie paused in thought, “it would be awfully nice I cannot lie. Plus I haven’t really traveled in such a terribly long time.”
“Just three days,”  Blackwood offered as he raised three fingers. “Three days and I promise you are free to come back here if you wish.”
Blackwood held out his hand for her to take. There was a glint in his eye he spoke, a hint of something but Magpie could not figure out what.
But still the offer was terribly tempting…
“Alright, I’ll come.” Magpie answer as she took Blackwood’s hand.
And the road the two had been standing on was now empty. No sound, no anything.
They were gone.
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existentialburden · 4 years
What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about? What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin? How tall is your OC?What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?What does your OC’s bedroom look like?
oooooh. gonna answer for anyone I feel like answering for!
Enny’s a nickname! her name is actually Enlightener, but Echo was like hm I’m going to call you Enny now bcause that’s a mouthful (and horrorterror Enny gets the nickname from [REDACTED] because Enslog’ph is a mouthful). and it stuck. [REDACTED]’s nickname for Enny is Firefly and I can only assume it’s because she’s small and she glows. West has a nickname and it’s East! for obvious reasons. uhhh Deux is called Captain or Cap’n because she’s the captain. and it’s her ultragod name. Hope gets called gingersnap because she’s ginger. no one has a decent nickname except Enny.
Enny has brown hair and brown eyes! Aila’s the same. West has light blue hair they dye themself and purple-blue eyes bcause fuck u one of these kids gets to have wild eyes. Hope has orange hair and light blue eyes. Deux is. uh. well. she’s. an angel? with LITERAL golden skin. it’s. she doesn’t look like a person at all and we’ll leave it at that. glowing eyes an all that. Luca has blonde hair and brown eyes. Enzo keeps dyeing his hair different colors but he also gets brown eyes. Theo and Fate are both blonde with green eyes. Fantra and Dukkel have black hair- Fantra’s eyes are starting to show some red and Dukkel’s are quickly going teal.
Enny is 5′1″ and so is Aila. Hope is aroooound 6′4″ or something?? I forget. Deux is. uh. taller than that. Luca is 5′3″ and Enzo is 5′6″. West is 5′2″. fuck everyone else’s heights except Fern is average height, Haze is Tall, Alex is tall, and June is short. Theo and Fate are both p small.
Enny has four arms and literally glows, plus she has some scars that I always forget about. Deux is a LITERAL ANGEL with six wings. Aila also glows but it’s fainter. Hope’s still growing into her proportions so she looks a lil wonky (and she has freckles). West’s hair is blue but besides that they usually have exaggerated facial expressions. Fern’s surprisingly buff for ur average gamer. Haze has Noticeable eyelashes. Alex has dimples when they smile. June’s smile is wider on the right side of xir face than on xir left. I guess it becomes pretty obvious that Theo’s mute even if you can’t See that. some of Fate’s teeth didn’t grow in straight. Luca also has dimples when he smiles! his grins are also p small compared to other people’s because he’s self-conscious about his teeth- there’s nothing abnormal, he just. ehhh. Enzo’s ears and neck go bright red when he’s embarrassed at all (and, again, wild hair colors).
Enny typically wears long-sleeved shirts and dark colors. her wardrobe got fucked with because of the extra arms but y’know you do what you can with what you have. pants vary but she favors long skirts. she doesn’t really have any special outfits :(. West wears pastels and bright colors! they like hoodies and sweatpants and “jeans” that aren’t denim. they’ll wear a button-up for anything fancy but they don’t really dress up. Hope loves turtlenecks and cozy sweaters and long pants. she likes skirts, too, but she’s always cold so depends on the temperature. she’s still trying to figure out how she feels about dresses (she thinks she likes them, probably), but they’re way more comfortable than dress shirts that never fit her proportions right (what are those sleeves? that’s not how her arms work!) so she’ll wear them for any sort of event. she still thinks she looks killer in a suit, too. and she’s right. Deux doesn’t uh. well. the angel form doesn’t have anything to hide and there’s no way anyone’s about to try tailoring anything for that so. fashion not allowed for Deux. she used to just wear her god tier outfit anyway. Aila wears bright-colored t-shirts and shorts and OCCASIONALLY a skirt. but they aren’t SUUUPER her thing y’know? she’ll dress up for stuff and wear a sundress or something but she isn’t gonna put up with anything uncomfortable. she always gets too warm smh. Luca typically goes in his binder and some neutral-tone pants. he’ll switch into a tank top. if he has to he’ll wear a suit though. he looks very good in one. Enzo wears wild t-shirts and shitty button-ups and adores bright colors. he wears pants and skirts in about equal measure and sooometimes throws on a coat just to have pockets. he can captchalogue stuff but STILL. he might wear an actual dress shirt or he might wear a dress. nobody knows least of all Enzo. depends on his mood. Fate wears absolutely wild colors and likes coats. she never stops wearing one pair of shades. she dreams of having one (1) nice skirt but as things are she doesn’t really have a Special outfit. Theo wears whatever- he’d like more good long-sleeve shirts but it’s cool. he also doesn’t have a Special outfit.
Enny: edgy. Aila: cheerful. Hope: comfy. Deux: terrifying?? West: cute! Luca: tame. Enzo: chaotic. Fate: ...interesting.
ultragod Enny has some scars! some around the bottom right side of her face and some in less noticeable places. Alex has some acne scars but they always cover them up :(.
Enny’s voice doesn’t vary much when she speaks and she keeps a flat tone most of the time. Theo’s just mute. don’t really have voice hcs for any of the others though.
Enny’s bedroom in her house doesn’t have a lot in it and it’s always very tidy. her bedroom on the ship is slowly being converted to a room that is Just A Bed. Bed Room. Bedroom. for now though there’s a desk and a dresser and a LOT of notebooks and papers but that’s about it. Aila’s bedroom is messy as all hell and there’s an organizational system but sometimes things don’t get organized and put away. most of the time. oh no. the walls are painted a red-orange. Hope’s room is mostly tidy but there’s some stuff just laying on the floor. she has one of those plushie nets you hang in the corner of a room and yeet stuff into. it’s great. she also has a collection of beanie babies in there. she has Care Bears wallpaper don’t @ me. Deux’s room is legally required to be neat but that just means there’s no loose papers lying around. everything’s technically put away but it’s not organized. it used to be an absolute MESS but then she became ship captain and ughhhhh. West’s bedroom is a little messy but the floor’s clear. only because it all gets piled up on any surface available. they totally have a corkboard and the walls are blue :). Luca’s room is uh. messy but manageable. there is a trash pile though. the walls are mint and he definitely has fairy lights that didn’t ever actually get put up. Enzo’s room is also messy but manageable but there’s the addition of a Corner O’ Stuff that’s just. there. any time he goes through it he finds One (1) cool thing and gets distracted for the rest of the day. the walls are bright fucking green. he definitely has a lava lamp.
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