#the conflict would be external
the-badger-mole · 8 months
OMG you talked about Haley and Andy in your last post and I feel so vindicated now. I thought I must be the only one who had a problem with that one silly romance from that million season comedy show not being canon, so now I'm just happy there are others like me out there lol. Do you have any HCs for them?
It wasn't just a silly little romance. They were mutually supportive! Andy encouraged Haley to go after her dreams. He saw that she was smart and driven, and he didn't make fun of her that her ambitions were fashion centered! She inspired him to aim higher, too! Even if it meant pursuing his dreams in a different state. They were the best couple on the show (which is probably why the writers couldn't let them be endgame. Can't have a couple that actually functions as a team🙄).
So, I've been kicking around an idea for a fix it fic for Haley. She's having trouble finding her footing at NERP. After the skin patch incident, she isn't sure if it's the right job for her, but since she doesn't have anything else lined up, she's hanging in there until she figures out her next steps. She's dating Dylan again- but she does not get pregnant. He's making not-so-subtle subtle comments about how since he's starting his nursing career and making decent money, it might be time to think about settling down. Haley is dodging the hints, frustrated at herself because Dylan is nice. He loves her. He supports her pursuing her career, even though he's also down for her following Claire's footsteps to become a SAHM. She's also freaking out because she's pushing 30 (she's about to turn 25, but it is still Haley). Why not think about getting married?
But whenever she thinks about marrying Dylan, she breaks out in hives. She thinks it's some lingering effect from the NERP patch, but her dermatologist can't figure out why it's happening. After a particularly rough day at work, she needs someone to talk to. Her mom is the obvious choice, but she's out of town for work, so she goes to her grandparents house instead, thinking maybe a dip in the pool will help. Jay is out with Joe, Mitch and Manny for a father/son trip, and Gloria is home when Haley swings by. They talk and Dylan comes up. Haley ends up telling Gloria about his increasingly frequent hints, and that she and Dylan have been dancing around this for a decade, and they keep coming back to each other so maybe it's time to just take the plunge. Then Gloria asks if Haley and Dylan are really drawn to each other, or if it's just that their relationship is comfortable- like the ratty old college football jersey Jay refuses to get rid of. A nice reminder of the past, but something that needs to stay in the back of the closet and never see the light of day again.
It's a lot to think about. So Haley goes home only to find that her father has a guest. Andy's back in town, and looking to start his own real estate firm.
A lot happens after that. Andy going after starting his own business inspires Haley to revisit her old ventures, and she restarts her blog. Then she launches her own lifestyle website. She gets fired from NERP for opening a competing site, but she doesn't give up on it. Andy sees her working hard and is thrilled for her. They even start co-working in the Dunphy's kitchen as they try to get their respective businesses off the ground.
Dylan stops asking her to move their relationship forward, but Haley doesn't notice until he asks her to speak one night. He's taking a position as a traveling nurse, and he's going to be living out of a trailer he and his friends are fixing up. He tells her he thinks they're holding each other back. He came to the same conclusion as Gloria, only his analogy is an old lumpy mattress he'd slept on since he was a kid until recently. It disintegrated and he had to buy a new one. He thought he'd never find another mattress as comfortable, but the very first one he tried, he fell asleep immediately for a solid three hours until the salesman woke him up and told him the store was closing. He realized that his old mattress wasn't actually comfortable, it was just all he knew. And he thinks that his relationship with Haley is that mattress- not that she's an old lumpy mattress. She's still hot, just not the girl for him. So he wants to give them both a chance to find their mattress.
Haley's website takes off. It becomes part fashion, part travel, part lifestyle hub. She spins it off onto YouTube and TikTok (she's an early adopter). Alex helps her make sure that her body products are at least safe, if not effective, so no more skin patch incidents. Soon she's getting sponsorship deals and collab offers. As she gets even more popular, she's hired as a celebrity stylist. Her first big gig is styling Zendaya for a red carpet event. She makes plans to move to LA. She tells Andy about all of it, and he is rooting her on at least as hard as her family. At the end of the story, when Haley is preparing her move to Hollywood, Andy gives her some exciting news. With Phil's help, he's sold his first property in Santa Monica, and he has enough listings lined up to start a little boutique business, backed by Phil's company. They joke about being neighbors, then roommates. Then they finally realize that the feelings between them never actually died. The story ends on them getting back together with STRONG And they lived happily ever after vibes.
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kate-apologist · 4 months
hey disney what the fuck do you mean ncuti's second season will also only have 8 episodes and a christmas special i'm holding a fucking gun to your head
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wereshrew-admirer · 5 months
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i was looking through fatt pinup week stuff from last year and i’d completely forgotten i had already done “pseudo-academic boyfriend lured into swamp by a barefoot animal-transforming ex-farmer” … they’re even wearing the same clothes (<-not a surprise, my costume design is laughable)???
which is very funny, but also an accurate comparison of how i imagine their relationship dynamics…
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
hi! i've been reading some of your older fics and was wondering if there's any merit in watching buffy for the first time in the year 2024
This may not be obvious, but this is actually an extremely complicated and highly subjective question. I'll try to go on for too long.
As background: my mother loved Buffy and its spin-off Angel growing up. It was our Bible (besides the actual Bible). Not kidding, she was on the forums and fan groups and wrote fanfiction for it and everything (These days, she's really into kdramas and Asian dramas, and calls me about how the Thai seem like big fans of gay people). So I'm quite biased.
BTVS is both a product of its times and ahead of its times. It was a show about feminism and the struggle of living in this world as a woman, when very few shows were doing that. It was the first show to have a long-lasting lesbian couple, and the first show to depict a kiss between them. For better or for worse, it was one of the codifiers of broody vampire boyfriend. It was pretty unafraid to be experimental in a lot of what it did. It had incredibly complex and nuanced character work and growth that I still aspire to. Spike's arc is still matched in quality only by Avatar's Zuko. Angel's long term arc, from Buffy to his spin-off series, still makes him one of the most complex characters on TV. It had the most complex depiction of depression on TV at the time and I still think it's one of the best. I think the show had very high highs.
It also had very low lows. Some of the feminism is problematic in retrospect. The sapphic couple has a rather famous element that was severely problematic. There are, overall, some deeply atrocious arcs that I can appreciate objectively but not in practice. Xander: a whole-ass character aged awfully. On a meta level, the workplace conditions were bad (thanks, Whedon.) There are no people of color. The spoiler's sake I won't go into detail on this, but in general the good stuff was so influential and the bad stuff was just awful.
I think these days people tend to brush off the entire thing because it's Whedon. That is more than fair. But I'd also say that Whedon & Buffy is extremely similar to Brian Michael Bendis & Ultimate Spider-Man. Bendis was fantastic at writing sassy, bouncy, permanently stressed-out teens - issue was, he wrote entirely different serious adult characters the way he wrote these sassy teens. Same with Whedon: the annoyingly constant quips are perfect for Buffy, because that's who the characters are. They're awful in Marvel, because Steve Rogers is not Xander. Kinda similarly, Buffy was genuinely feminist for 90s TV - issue is, Whedon has not grown or developed his views, and now his works feel so sexist (oh my fucking god why did you treat Natasha like that). After a certain point it's egotistical: you're writing like that because you're Joss Whedon and it's how you write, not because it's what's best for the characters and story. But it was really important to me to get the character voices right, and it's freaking difficult to endlessly write dialogue that distinct, full of voice, witty, and clever.
I think BTVS & Angel TV's greatest influence on my writing is how intensely character-driven both of those shows were, and how intricate the characters were. What every character did was something they would do, if that made sense. Even the stuff I hated to watch, that made me uncomfortable, was the culmination of so much (usually). I think I also picked up the constant wit and humor lol. On a personal level, the conversations I would have with my mother where she broke down the character motivations and composition of the story was my first exposure to looking at storytelling from an analytical perspective and a framework of critical analysis, which was an approach I carried into the rest of the media I consumed and that was the primary reason I was able to become a decent writer. Thanks, Mom. Have fun with your kdramas.
TL:DR: There is merit, especially if you care about good character work. There are things about it that may make you want to drop it, which is extremely valid. Season 1 is rough but interesting, Season 2 and 5 are the best, Season 3 is pretty good, Season 4 and 7 skippable, and Season 6 is........epic highs, epic lows......
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wonder-worker · 6 months
A.J Pollard’s biography on Edward IV was so cringe lol (generic; minor but frustrating inaccuracies; intensely judgmental at times and oddly dismissive at others while never considering the broader context; entirely diminished and trivialized Elizabeth Woodville as both queen and wife of his main subject in the name of "defending" her; created a false dichotomy between Edward and Henry VII’s styles of ruling and lauded the latter at the former’s expense even though Henry literally followed Edward’s example for the very things Pollard was criticizing Edward for; had a downright nonsensical and thoroughly misleading conclusion about Edward’s legacy & Richard’s usurpation that was based entirely on hindsight, Pollard's own assumptions, and the complete downplaying Richard’s agency and actions to emphasize what Pollard wrongly and misleadingly claimed were Edward's so-called 'failings', etc, etc)
I wanted to buy his book on Henry V but after reading this shitshow and the synopsis of that book, im guessing it's going to be 10x worse, so...no thanks
#history media#this was written months ago im posting it to get it out of my drafts#it wasn't necessarily BAD. it was generic and readable. but it was very disappointing and misleading and its conclusion was just nonsense#listen I have no patience for the dumbfuck idea that edward somehow had the ultimate responsibility for his own son's deposition because#of his 'policies' during his reign. like I said it's based fully on hindsight and entirely devoid of actual context. it's bafflingly stupid#literally everyone expected Edward V to succeed his father and 'both hoped for and expected' (Croyland's own words) a successful reign#Edward V's deposition was richard and solely Richard's fault lol this should not be difficult to understand#the reason Richard's usurpation was possible in the first place was bcause everyone expected E5 to succeed and didn't expect Richard#do to what he did. nothing would have happened without his initiative and decisions. it had nothing to do with Edward's 'policies'#Edward's policies were fine. henry vii - who pollard vaunts to no end - literally *followed* them#and claiming that he failed to unite England under the Yorkist dynasty is just plain stupid#buddy if he truly failed at that then neither Richard III nor Henry VII would have thrones lol. both emphasized continuity with#him when aiming for the throne. like the whole point of 1483-85 was that it was a conflict WITHIN the 'Yorkist' dynasty#it was not an external threat against it.#'his legacy failed' his legacy didn't fail his brother destroyed it (while also presenting himself as his heir because logic what's logic?)#henry's victory was very much the triumph of his legacy (a claimant chosen by his supporters as the husband of his daughter)#like this is really not my interpretation it is literally what happened#i'm not trying to glorify e4 but his son did inherit the throne in a more advantageous circumstances than any other minor king of england#and frankly than most other adult kings. dumping blame on Edward's literal corpse rather than acknowledge Richard's agency is so tasteless#the problem isn't that edward made a mistake in trusting his brother. many other kings including Henry V also trusted theirs.#the problem is that his brother was willing to break that trust in a way that was unprecedented and broke all political norms of that age#ie: Richard's usurpation occurred because of Richard who re-ignited conflict to make himself king. please drill this into your head#also btw this illogical 'interpretation' is based entirely on Charles Ross' hatred and derision towards Elizabeth Woodville and her family#if you agree with this inteterpretation you agree with his vilification of them 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway if you want a better interpretation that's actually analytical and looks a relevant rather than a flawed retrospective perspective#i would recommend rosemary horrox's 'richard iii: a study of service' and david horspool's 'richard iii: a ruler and his reputation'#anyway one last time: STOP downplaying Richard's agency and actions. historians who do this are stupid and embarrassing. bye.#(i should really post horspool's glorious takedown of ross and Pollard huh? it was very entertaining to read)
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lichtecht · 6 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
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Martina: „I need to tell you something. I’m not a doctor’s daughter. I don’t have a phone because I don’t have money. And my clothes are second-hand. Not vintage.“ Jo: „Why didn’t you say anything? I told you about my mother too.“ Matze: „You know, Martina, I think that you don’t have to act like you’re rich. You’re still you!“ Martina: „I know. But I just wanted to be someone else.“ Matze: „Uli shouldn’t climb up there either.“ Martina: „And you don’t have to do boxing if you don’t want to.“ Matze: „And you, Jo, don’t have to be so cool all the time.“ Jo: (laughs) „I am cool! And you, Matze, are way more clever than you always think.“ Matze: „Really?“ Jo: „Yeah!“ Martina: (giggles happily) Matze, genuinely: „Thanks!“
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Narrator (audiobook): But their good mood abruptly vanishes when they meet Ruda and her gang down in town.
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Martina: „Oh no.“ Jo: „Not good!“ Matze: „Externs.“ Jo: „Technically it’s our territory…“ Martina: „We’re outnumbered.“ Matze: „We can’t just run away!“ Martina: „I don’t know!“ Jo: „Whatever. We stick together here.“ Matze: „For Uli.“ Martina: „For Uli.“ Jo: „Yeah. For Uli.“
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Narrator (audiobook): The three gather all their courage and approach the Externs - they’re prepared for the worst. As always, Ruda takes the word.
Ruda: „Uh. So. Well- We didn’t want it to come to this. We’re sorry.“ Sebi: „It just went way too far, that Internals-Externs thing.“ Martina: „Yeah. We all really overdid it.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And now? On this day, they didn’t have an answer. So Martina focused on studying for the admission test with the help of Justus Bökh.
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[Note: the red text on that picture says "Matze - losing is not an option - Papa"]
Matze: „Hello, Papa? I won’t go to the boxing camp this year.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Matze prepared his holidays.
Matze: „I’ll stay here with Uli!“
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Uli: „Mama!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Uli was brought new laundry and the school books for next year.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): The handsome Theodor felt the pressure to be solely responsible for the entertainment at the closing celebration.
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Jo: „For you.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Martina can’t believe that Jo is gifting her the phone.
Martina: „What?“ Jo: „I'm getting a new one anyway.“
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Martina: „Jo, that- I can’t accept that!“ Jo: „How else am I gonna call you in the holidays?“
They hug.
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Martina studies in the light of her flashlight while Jo sleeps.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): And apart from this nice gesture from Jo, not least because of the amount of school material, everything seemed to be heading towards a closing celebration without a play for Martina. To which Martina, Jo, Matze and Uli had still invited me though.
The doors to the assembly hall open. Kids run in first, followed by their parents and the older kids.
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Narrator (audiobook): It’s finally time. The day of the closing celebration has come. Parents, siblings, teachers and the students rush into the assembly hall in crowds.
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oohbuggypie · 3 months
trying to channel the energy to write but damn it's so hard this weekend has been so grody .. obviously there's been the good parts like i have loved many moments but danggggggggggg it sucks to feel like this sometimes omg !! brain ..
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rangetsuryuu · 4 months
tozx redeems the most unredeamble parts of the game
Rewatched a lot of the TOZX anime in 2024 and honestly. This show does a lot to save the characterization and plot of the game, but also not enough.
The anime's 2nd season is still burdened down by the rushed 2nd half of the original game. Rose is again done dirty, and everything they do to build her up as a chracter is still reduced to just being a puppet molded by Dezel's meddling and desire for vengeance.
Still, there's still a lot I like about her portrayal in the anime. You get to see the side of ther that's cold, calculating, methodical, brutal... I love it. They actually gave some proper insight into her motivations, whereas the game attributed all of them to Dezel. But. It's not. Good enough.
I love that Rose is getting the opportunity to finally confront her past on her own terms. That she's choosing a version of justice that's not really as straight forward as Brad's. But I dislike how much influence Eguille and Dezel seem to have on her. People always want her to be a certain way. Eguille's constantly reminding her to be calm and indirectly implying that she needs to be cold when it could have been better if it was the other way around. IMO, her final attack on Konan would have been much more impactful if she was telling her guild to stay calm, when she was the one who still carried a very personal grudge.
I feel like that's also better in line with how her own malevolence is described in the game. She does 'evil' things but doesn't breed Malevolence. In the game, it's implied that Rose has no hate or negative emotions despite her job. She lacks Malevolence. In the anime, negative emotions are said to influence malevolence and that threshold is different for everyone. No real indication of the the level malevolence in Rose in the anime.
The anime comes this close to bringing her hate to the surface and makes it seem like she WILL be overwhelmed by it. She acts recklessly and takes Konan on solo even when he's clearly become a hellion. The biggest proof of that is that she takes off her mask when she's about to kill him so that Konan KNOWs why he's going to die. That is in complete contrast with how she took out the pope dude in Lastonbell's church. Rose took that guy out, in cold blood. It was just something she had to do.
But Konan's hit was PERSONAL. She's not turning off her emotions fort this. She's angry, she's got all these negative emotions and compared to how impersonal Rose has been about almost everything else, it's awesome. I love it. It's real vengeance for her own sake, not just for someone else's.
Her inner turmoil, her doubt, those are all things I like. By itself, I don't think this would be an issue, but my issue is how they follow up this episode. What the heck is the conflict that they're giving Rose here? She confronted Konan, but now what?
What are the consequences to her giving into her emotions that she was supposed to have buried? To taking on a personal grudge? What are the repurcussions? Especially now that her identity as an assassin is exposed to Sorey who doesn't want her to kill?
The game and anime both fail to bring her into any real conflict with Sorey, the Shepherd who insists that killing is not the answer. And that's because the anime kinda implies that Rose's methods are not wrong. (IMO the game kinda does too tbh)
It's almost suggested that her method are actually one of the few tools that people have in combatting an otherwise unseeablee threat; the Malevolence of the modern age. While not the solution, her assassinations have been alleviating the symptoms of something awful, unseen, and untreabale. She's never painted in the wrong for it. It's implied that Rose never hurts or kills anyone that doesn't deserve it.
And the anime never puts Rose in a position where she might have hurt someone that doesn't need to be killed. She never actually has to be truly combatted for her ideals by anyone but herself.
The Scattered Bones take on contracts and enact vengeance for civilians. For those that don't have the power to protect themselves or defend themselves. That's the vibe you get when you see them killing the corruption that's in power. Killing those that need to be killed. The law and people in charge aren't doing enough. So someone needs to take action. Real action. Not just promised action for the distant future. Immediate action and immediate justice.
A philosophy that was inspired by Rose's lost foster father. In a way, Rose's guild is portrayed as a successor to her father's guild that was revered as the kind that doled out vigilante justice.
What other parties have been dealing with that corruption that's hurting the common man? Who's actually standing up for those who can't?
Alisha is implied to be lowborn princesss constantly struggling against the corruption of her country's monarchy and military despite being a princess and a knight. She's monarchy and military, but she's separate from the actual decision making. She is constantly butting heads with them. She has limited influence but her conflict has always been that she's struggled to make an actual meaningful change for her country's people. That's why she wanted to find the Shepherd. She believed the Shepherd would be needed to save this place. It's largely implied that she doesn't believe she has enough power to make any change of her own power. She believes in true pacifism and never hurting someone else. Even in self-defense, to never kill someone.
Sorey on the other hand, has never actually lived in the day-to-day reality of the modern world. He was raised in complete isolation by Seraphim. As a Shepherd, he's supposed to learn and fight back against humanities long bred Malevolence. His entire journey is learning about humanity and where humanitie's Malevolence comes from. He comes to understand Malevolence as a cycle of hate and vengeance. It's something he wants to stop cold after he sees the aftermath of it firsthand. But he doesn't have to take any action against humanity or anyone. He doesn't have to actually stop humanitie's conflict, he just needs to deal with the aftermath. In the game it's outright implied that he needs to take a neutral stance for peace. That his goal is to really cut down the symptoms of human hate, rather than to take on the root problems. Still, he knows he doesn't want people to die, no matter what.
Both Sorey and Alisha, have a stance of pure of never killing.
Alisha and Rose have an outright conflict of ideals, with Alisha's pacifism at the cost of self, and Rose's killing for the sake of others. Sorey and Rose are practically DESTINED to have a conflict about how they handle the cycle of hate respectively.
But Rose's ideals are never challenged in any meaningful way by anyone else.
Again, Rose's methods are implied to actually be a realist solution.
This is really cemented by the fact that Alsha takes absolute 0 issue with Rose being an assassin. She welcomes Rose to kill her in season 1, if Rose truly believes her to be in the wrong. The PACIFIST PRINCESS. Gives an ASSASSIN the green light to kill her, if that would mean true justice for her people.
To me that's how that scene reads. Not as some game of chicken, but an acknowledgement that Alisha's methods, if flawed, deserve the judgment of a third party that the Scattered Bones have set themselves up to be. Rose's methods may be different but they have the same goal, of protecting the people that need it. If Rose's method can do that better than Alisha's then THAT'S how it'll go down.
Now, obviously, there is that scene where Alisha prevents Rose from going in for the kill in an act of self-defense, when they're surrounded by Landon's men. But this instance of kiling is separate from Rose's actions as an assassin. In this instance, Rose is about to kill a man for supposed self-defense. THIS is what Alisha takes offense too. If Rose is going to kil Alisha for being evil, FINE, that's okay but if Rose is going to kill someone else for trying to kill them, then THAT'S WHERE SHE DRAWS THE LINE.
It's honestly hilarious, and a little messed up. Alisha never takes any action to report Rose. She never steps in to stop her or talk her out of it. She never even tells Sorey that Rose is an assassin. She never rats them out, even after exposing Rose's actual identity. She picks Rose out as an ally she wants to back her up. Is it just me, or does that read as complacency? A silent, acknowledgement that she won't interfere? This is Alisha we're talking about, if she thought somoene was doing something wrong, wouldn't she try do someting? Especially since she has the upper hand. She's clocked Rose, and the Sparrowfeather's guild as assassins.
But instead...Alisha HIRES them. (I mean as merchants but.)
Point being. No one contests Rose in any meaningful way for being an assassin. They should have let someone have an actual confrontation with Rose about this. And they almost did.
When Edna learns that Rose is an assassin she has a PROPER reaction and a proper response, as someone who does not like this, and won't condone it, unlike Alisha's who's pretty much dropped it.
Edna immediately hops off to try to get Sorey to stop Rose. It doesn't matter if she's heard the tragic backstory. To Edna, not even monsters deserve to be killed.
Edna has a an actual, deeply personal reason to be opposed to Rose's entire character. Edna's brother has been turned into a literal monster. And he's been slated for death, by just about everyone except Sorey. But shes clinging onto hope that he can be saved.
That is DIRECT conflict with Rose's ideals who will kill monsters for the sake of others.
Rose: Monsters(human) deserve to die.
Edna: Monsters(any) don't deserve to die.
Isn't that perfect?
So how does this resolve? With crickets. Nothing.
That's what Sorey's lukewarm intervention was to me. Just crickets. He finds Rose, tries to stop her. He doesn't even do shit, he just gets beat up and knocked around while Rose is trying to kill a man!
Like bro what? You have a perfect drama baked into their characters. WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS? Why can't we have characters actually disagreeing and fighting each other? I want to see how that would have resolved.
And this is so unfortunate, because I feel like we are SO so close to a character in this show having some kind of growth or real conflict with SOMETHING.
But at least Rose has a conflict wiith herself. For once she is challenging her own ideals.
She has baggage, she's chosen a course of action for herself. She knows it's immoral in some way, but she's still taken this on to beat down those that are even worse.
And she has this awful revelation in the middle of this forest full of the dead, where ghostlike banshees, that she can't see are screaming past her, that maybe, she realizes, it was all for NAUGHT. She has this horrible realization that she might not have made an impact at all. That everything she's done up until now might be completely insignificant. That she might not have had any real power to do good, maybe she's just deluded herself into thinking she could.
It is the only time any character has to actually confront some aspect or part of themselves in a MAJOR way.
BUT THIS DOESNT HAVE AN ACTUAL RESOLUTION. . .? There are no CONSEQUENCES to what she did. Her actions aren't actually painted as wrong in any light, it's literally just set up as a completely personal drama. The conflicts that she has with other characters about this is brought up and then dropped. And then it's left up in the air whether or not she really killed Konan but somehow still imples that he kinda is actually DEAD for real this time. So. She still won? She beat the guy who ruined her life. Didn't she get her revenge in the end?
I don't understand and I can't actually understand what the anime is trying to say about her character after this point.
What direction has her character actually taken? Does she regret choosing killing as her method of justice? Has she renounced her previous way of life? What about her role as leader to a whole assassin guild? What does this mean about her relationship to Eguille and the rest of her guild? Does she have the entire guild change tunes? What does this mean about the legacy of her guild and foster father's ideals?
Well. I don't got a clue. Her inner conflict changes nothing about her relationship with anyone, despite how it very directly has conflicts with other people.
Instead, we see her really pushing to find a way to help Sorey. The power he has to do good is something that she's been lacking. She thought she was doing everything she could be to do good for the weak but it wasn't enough.
For me, I interpret this as her trying to choose a new path for herself. A more solid way to make an actual long term, permanent change for people, and not just the short-sighted justice she was carrying out.
Okay. So she's moved past the philosphy she's long since believed in, in that sense. But what about the stuff she already has going in? Is she completely renouncing her entire past?
She'll fight malevolence with the Shepherd's power instead, sure. She's course-correcting, I guess. But the issue is, this doesn't actually address her past actions. It's not implied at all that she's disbanding the Scattered Bones or turning a new leaf in the same vein. So is she regretful for killing people? Or is she regretful of the fact that she misinterpretted what power she needed? Maybe it can be both, but I don't think she's put in the wrong for her actions at all.
if the act of her killing was actually wrong, why isn't it condemned? Where are the repurcussions? Proof that she's actually hurt someone or set her own goals back by doing what she's been doing? Conflict from people she cares about?
There's nothing. Not even a single acknowledgement by anyone that she'll stop. So what the HECK does that mean?
Every time she's killed someone they HAVE deserved it. They've been proven AWFUL people that would have continued to hurt people if she didn't take action.
Sorey, never learned about the corruption of the Blue Storm Knights and the church. And even when he learned about the corruption of Hyland's royaly, what could he do?
He didn't confront Alisha about it, he didn't develop a mistrust, and he didn't need to. His role was to acknowledge, learn, and understand humanity to be the Shepherd that they needed him to be. His role is the Shepherd of the world.
So who else was going to stop the pope or Konan? It wasn't going to be Sergei or Alisha. So were they supposed to wait for someone like Sorey to findout he was a hellion to purify? No! If Rose didn't take the action she had taken, then people who had suffered would have continued to suffer.
So is she still in the wrong for what she did? Is being the Shepherd's squire the only way she can actually help people? What BULLSHIT!
Anyways. The whole game was trash, every character deserved better and only Alisha got better in the anime(kinda.) I don't think she should have been crowned Queen TBH i think they should have just kept the political drama going and let ALL characters slowly and surely address the malevolence with their powers, and be unified under Sorey's meteoric rise and fall.
Game sucks. Anime sucks less.
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
imodna to me is c3 widojest (i am not a fan of widojest)
#but i am Intrigued by imodnas romantic possibilities just not as the like weird . aesthetic based cottage core shit#like caleb and jesters friendship and interactions are some of my favourite#and they both supported each other in ways others didn’t#but they also just . they didn’t really challenge each other about Big things . even early on the money thing was quickly resolved#like caleb supported jester completely about traveler stuff which was Nice but not what i would necessarily consider Kind#and jester supported caleb completely about his past without knowing the details and saying he was a good person and friend#and those are both Nice things.#but in different ways they ignore/deny entire facets of what makes one another who they are#faced with everyone supporting her relationship w the traveler jester never would’ve been able to admit the hurt it was causing her#n faced with people who didn’t care about his past caleb would have never learned how to face it#and like that doesn’t mean their roles for each other aren’t important#but unlike caleb n jester . imogen n laudna have not developed significant relationships with other members#(but i think this is slowly changing . particularly w imogen n fearne and laudna n ashton)#but like . as their only supports . imogen doesn’t see any of laudna’s genuine darkness as belonging to laudna . she assigns it to delilah#and laudna never challenges imogen’s alignment with the philosophy that validated laudna’s second murder#even the gnarlrock conflict wasn’t like . Here’s Why I Reacted As I Did on either side it was both of them making assumptions of one another#imogen that it was just delilah and laudna that imogen’s reaction was absolutely her own#which . perhaps . but also those are external assignments of meaning not internal reflections yk ?#anyway this isn’t important i just saw a post comparing widobrave n imodna n have been ruminating on this comp for a while#imogen temult#laudna#jester lavorre#caleb widogast#caleb & jester#imogen + laudna#imodna#widojest#critical role#cr2#cr3
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eruditetyro · 1 year
what if i actually wrote my werewolf novel
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ravenousgf · 1 year
genuinely i believe if chade was out of his life fitz would be far happier and healthier. and i mean the latter literally in that chade denies fitz his body not maliciously (for once), but bc its how he's used to seeing his own--as a tool to take pride in and use to its limits. anyway there's a lot about coming to buckkeep that fitz obviously enjoys but the actions induced by chade's dominance are so obviously not part of that list that its taking its toll on those that are
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femmefaggot · 1 year
do i check the acnh game we havent touched in ages and risk getting overwhelmed or simply erase it and risk feeling agonized over not remembering anything and worrying we will be losing something
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yachl · 2 years
i really like when they adapt a series in a way that suits the new medium + provides alternate but harmonious development to the original series. adaptations don’t need to be 100% faithful to the original storyline as long as they remains faithful to the original themes and purposes
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llycaons · 2 years
I saw a one-paragraph text post that I slightly disagreed with because of one word but instead of posting my four-paragraph rebuttal and commentary I am deleting it. love and light. welcoming in the new year by being slightly more normal on the internet
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writingworda · 10 months
Y'know what's weird? My very first actual characters.
I've been creating oc's for a lot longer than I can actually comprehend, however a lot of them were just one off drawings. They didn't have names or backgrounds or anything, they were just drawings.
My first actually fleshed out characters came about in seventh grade, where I made my icon character Mi.
Mi is a young girl with short puffy black hair, muted grey or black eyes, pale skin, and then whatever other detail is added for whatever story she's in. She's been in every single one of my larger projects up to this point. 'Dear You' was a name that came from my very first story, 'Dear Mi'
Dear Mi was a story I started in seventh grade, with of course Mi as the main character. The log is essentially that she's moved to a new school and doesn't have a great time. She amassed a friend group of a surprisingly diverse set of characters and manages to beat the odds.
The quirk of it though was that she had an 'imaginary friend' that was more like a paralysis demon without the paralysis. She would use this hallucination to talk to, and it would be the primary way she coped and engaged in introspection.
Mi's characterization in the very first story was kinda stereotypical? She liked music, she was pretty weak and cried a lot, but despite seeming quiet she did like to talk and often had a lot to say. Essentially I was writing me, since the whole coping with hallucinations and heavy emphasis on introspection is just how I was.
The way the story was odd because the main antagonist, a school bully, doesn't really stay a bully past chapter three. I don't remember what her name was, but the moment Mi's friend group started forming, the main antagonist sees their genuine connections and reflects on the relationships they have with their friend groups. The antagonist then tries to make an effort to have deeper and more honest relationships, and when that's ultimately rejected they abandon their old friend group to join Mi's.
Also, while Mi was the typical frail artsy girl who cried a lot, you'd think I'd then have a male counterpart who is the savior figure, but surprisingly I didn't. Instead, the male counterpart was the exact opposite, he felt extremely insecure and ashamed because he didn't feel like he was strong enough to support her.
Eventually he would learn that in order to support others he first needs to let people support him, and that it's in mutual comfort where he's actually needed. However I never got that far, because at the beginning I wrote him to be so internally problematic and so externally passive that I couldn't really make him interesting to the story except for when I was writing from his perspective. It was a cool subversion to come from a newbie author, but in the end I didn't have the skill set to make it work.
#that was my first story and main three characters#there are more characters#there's another boy who became extremely important when i eventually retconed the story#he essentially replaced the therapy demon#and was actually separated from the main developing friend group#and when he does eventually meet them there's some heavy conflict#this conflict stemmed people feeling uncomfortable with how close he and Mi were#people felt inadequate that perhaps they weren't good enough friends#or some of them had to reflect on feelings of entitlement to be Mi's primary support#the boy from before regresses a bit#his insecurities from before bubbling back up as he sees someone he 'should have been' or 'should be'#essentially this boy was almost a blank slate#and on this blank slate every single one of the supporting cast would reflect themselves on#and this would expose their flaws to themselves#interestingly enough I had planned to remove Mi from this conflict#it would be just the supporting cast interacting with this one guy#and it was during this I had planned to actually outline his character and turn him from the perfect blank slate to an actual character#essentially part ways through the story I wanted to add a second main protagonist#while exploring the character of someone who's normally supposed to be the indefatigable wise support#this was to explore the externally perfect character and see how internally complicated they are#how underneath the so called 'perfect support' was a myriad of issues and paradoxes and coping mechanisms#outside of the main character who was supposed to be me#every character was designed with the idea to help me reason out and understand and explore other types of people#which lead to me not really following stereotypes and more just reaching further than my seventh grade psychology could go#my writing was a coping method to help me understand the reality around me#and that's mainly reflected in my character designs
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snekdood · 11 months
idc what your reason is for calling yourself a zionist rn i think its unhelpful, kinda cringe, and you trying to be counter culture in a time where doing so kinda just makes people assume you're a fascist.
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