#the constant screaming and the emotion. Sounding so pathetic when you stagger him
I already knew about Lady Maria and Friede before I played the games. Though Maria was from a no commentary playthrough so I was introduced to her fight as if I were playing the game. And I was immediately obsessed because, me.
But might as well get to know the latest Fromsoft lady that's making gamers everywhere miserable.
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dessarious · 5 years
Broken Harmony Pt2
Master List 1   Master List 2     Prologue   Beginning   Next
Part 2. for now most of this story is going to be Damian’s PoV. I might switch back to Mari, or redo some of it in her PoV but I haven’t decided yet.
When they reached the hotel Damian didn’t even bother to go to his room. Jet-lagged and ready to fight anything and everything in his path he took to the streets of Paris letting the song guide him. He vaguely heard his father calling after him as he exited the hotel but after that nothing really penetrated. He just kept walking and listening. He was forced to backtrack multiple times as a street wound away from his soulmate. It was after midday when he came to a stop in front of a school.
Looking around at all the teenagers he just wanted to rip into someone. The closer he’d gotten to his soulmate the stronger he felt her worry and something else… fear maybe? It hadn’t been there before but he wasn’t sure if it was new or if the distance between them had masked it. It didn’t matter though. Once he found her things would be different. He was willing to burn Paris to the ground if that’s what it took to make her happy again.
He could feel eyes on him from every direction and Damian had a feeling his murderous intent was plain for all to see. Judging from the fact that they were all milling about outside he assumed they were on lunch or possibly in between classes. Since he had no real idea how schools worked in France finding his soulmate felt like a race against the clock. He wanted, no needed, to find her before classes resumed. Deep down he knew that waiting until the end of the day would have disastrous consequences. 
“How could you?!” The shrill voice drew Damian’s attention to the left side of the courtyard where a crowd was gathering. At its center were three girls. One was hanging off the second while pretending to cry. He could tell it was fake from where he stood and wondered how any of these idiots believed her act. The second was where the voice originated. He took them it at a glance but it was the third person that captured his attention.
 She was smaller than almost everyone around her but her presence was so much larger. Even with her shoulders slumped in resignation or maybe defeat she was still a bastion of strength and power. He started moving towards her without realizing it. The song had led him here and there was no doubt in his mind that this was his soulmate. 
“Alya, I don’t know what she told you but…” Her words were cut off by a resounding slap. Damian watched as his soulmate, his Angel staggered back and ended up being tripped by one of the others and falling to the ground. The shock and hurt on her face matched the song in his head and he picked up his pace to get to her but before he could the group closed in around her.
Her pain, hurt, and despair were singing strong enough to make him feel like he was drowning. He knew there was sound but couldn’t make out specifics through the fog of rage engulfing him. He forcefully moved bodies out of his way with no regard for how much if any damage he caused. Once he made it through the mass of bodies he found his soulmate on the ground, curled up and covering her head as some people were still aiming kicks at her. 
“Next person who touches her won’t live to regret it.” 
Damian didn’t know if it was his tone or the look on his face that got the majority to back off and he didn’t care. It was taking all of his self control not to commit mass murder. The only thing holding him back was the need to make sure his Angel was okay, or at least didn’t need to go to the hospital. 
As he walked closer to her the vibrations from the resonance started to take over and drown out even his barely suppressed anger. He’d never really known what to expect when meeting his soulmate, but this… he couldn’t even describe it. There was a feeling of rightness, of calm even. But it was suddenly feeling whole for the first time in his life that really caught him off guard. His entire life he’d been missing something and hadn’t even known it. 
He knelt down next to her, almost scared to touch her as the resonance hummed insistently throughout his body. He wasn’t sure he could survive it getting much stronger even though he knew that was foolish. No one died from their soulmate bond, though more than a few had gone insane once their partner died. When you’ve lived your whole life with the song in your head the sudden silence was maddening. 
“Are you alright Angel?” He tried to soften his voice but she flinched at the sound. Before he could make another attempt the shrew who had slapped her spoke again.
“This is none of your business. We’re just giving a bully what’s coming to them.” Literally everyone else had taken one look at Damian and backed off. Everyone except this self-righteous harpy. 
“Turn and walk away if you value your pathetic life little girl.” Damian’s voice came out as more of a growl and the girl finally seemed to sense the danger coming off of him. At least that was his assumption when she slowly backed up without responding. Taking a deep breath he turns back to his soulmate who hasn’t moved. His anger is slowly being replaced by worry and panic. If they had really hurt her they would pay in blood.
“Angel I need you to talk to me. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” He still didn’t touch her not sure if she was ready for him to. 
“She’s fine. You can stop with the dramatics and get up Mari. I know you’re not actually hurt.”
His rage ramped back up turning white hot as he glared at the blonde boy leaning against the wall. He had been a spectator the entire time. Not a part of it but not bothering to step in and stop it in any way.
“How the hell would you know? Were you the one that got slapped? The one who was kicked over and over again?”
The boy had the audacity to sigh in annoyance and his tone when he next spoke was as if he was patiently explaining something to a toddler. “She’s fine. Mari just overreacts to things. There’s no need for you to be here or get involved.”
Damian was about to lunge for the boy’s throat when a hand settled lightly on his wrist. The song in his head exploded into a symphony where it was once more like a quartet. He could hear the combination of both of their emotions blending together seamlessly while still being able to pick out each one individually. One of those emotions was fading but it stopped him in his tracks. A lot of her fear had been of him, not the people around them. Something in his own emotions was obviously making that fear go away but it still hurt that it was there in the first place.
When he looked up from where her hand touched him Damian stopped breathing entirely. Even with a bruised cheek and split lip from being slapped, she was gorgeous. As much as he wanted to go after the ones who had hurt her he could feel her want, no need, to just get away. Now that the bond was fully formed he could also tell how much pain she was in. Her injuries weren’t life threatening but she really did need to go to a hospital.
“Can you stand?” He kept his volume low in the hopes that the idiot from before wouldn’t hear him. Damian wasn’t sure he’d be able to restrain himself if that idiot spoke again. She blinked at him almost as if coming out of a trance and nodded once. He wondered if it was just from the bond or if she had a head injury too.  
He stood up and carefully helped her off the ground. In the process he noticed that a couple fingers on her right hand looked to be broken. Judging by her movements and the pain nearly screaming at him through the bond it was a good bet her ribs were, at best, bruised as well. Still she didn’t show it at all. No crying, yelling, or even a wince. Her face was a blank mask and his blood began to boil once more at the thought that this obviously wasn’t the first time she’d suffered injuries this severe.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Her words forced him back out of his head. She was in so much pain, physically and emotionally, but here she was trying to reassure him. She wasn’t just saying the words either, he could actually feel a warmth through the bond trying to sooth him. He was so busy trying to figure out how someone so caring could exist at all, let alone with whatever she’d been going through, that it took him a moment to realize this was the first time he’d heard her voice.
Given the intimacy of their connection her voice shouldn’t have been a big deal. Somehow it was, and the bond actually seemed to enhance it. Physically he heard the weariness in her voice, the smallness of it. Mentally he felt all her pain and exhaustion, the lack of self confidence, and the almost desperate want for someone to care about her. He’d known before that her life had been in a downward spiral but he hadn’t expected her to be so broken.
“Yes, you will be fine because this will never happen again.” Damian glared at everyone still standing around the courtyard. “I’m taking you to the hospital and once they’ve said you’re okay to leave we’re talking to my Father and your parents and fixing this situation. Starting with pulling you out of this school of idiots and cowards.” He may not have any idea what was actually going on but the fact the all those not involved simply sat by and watched as his soulmate was attacked made him feel the description was accurate. 
She just blinked at him. The feelings he recognized through the bond were making his temper rise again. The one that really got to him was surprise. It was as if she was shocked he seemed to care for her or was putting her well-being as a priority. Before her song changed he got the feeling she was social. He’d felt loneliness very rarely in her song. Now it seemed to be constant. Could neglect have caused this in six months? He didn’t know but he was going to make damn sure she was put first from now on. 
“I really don’t need to go to the hospital. It’s not that bad.” She was fidgeting and wouldn’t meet his gaze.
“Angel I can feel your pain.” He gently grabbed her wrists and looked at her hands and arms. “And I’m not blind. You’ve got at least three broken fingers, probably more fractured. There are cuts and bruises already forming all along your arms and that’s just what I can see. Given that you were covering your head I’m hopeful you don’t have a concussion but it means any shots to your ribs were unobstructed. I’m taking you to a hospital. I’ll carry you if I have to.”
Her eyes shot up to his and her cheeks turned pink. Looking into her eyes he could have gotten lost if not for the fact that apparently that shrew had slapped her hard enough to burst a blood vessel in her eye in addition to splitting her lip. At least he hoped it was all from the slap. 
“Okay. There’s a hospital nearby we can walk to.” She paused and uncertainty tinged the music in his head. “I’m Marinette.” Damian mentally slapped himself. He’d been so caught up in what was happening he hadn’t even bothered to introduce himself. She giggled, he assumed at his embarrassment coming through the bond, before wincing as the movement must have hurt her ribs.
“I’m Damian.” The smile she gave him was so bright and happy he wasn’t sure how to react. No one had ever looked at him like that. “Shall we go?” He wanted to take her hand or put an arm around her to lead her away from this nightmare but he was afraid of touching her. The last thing he wanted was to cause her more pain.
Her smile shifted into something softer, something that felt private somehow. She obviously sensed his reticence and took his hand in hers, the one without the broken fingers, and slowly walked him out of the courtyard. As they walked he went over everything that had happened in his head again and kept going back to the moment she touched him and her fear.
“You want to ask me something.” It wasn’t a question, she could probably feel it though the bond.
“You weren’t scared of them even though they were hurting you, but you were scared of me. Why?” She frowned and he could feel her concentration through the bond. She started biting her lip before hitting the cut and wincing.
“I wasn’t scared of them because I’m used to their anger.” She paused and shot a furtive look at his face. “I was worried you would be mad at me.” Her voice was so soft and unsure. Now that he knew what it was he could feel the worry though the bond. She was still scared that he would get upset with her. 
“Why would I be mad at you? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Once again he wanted to destroy whoever had caused her to be so uncertain of herself.
“You’ve been angry ever since… since my song had to have changed. I thought maybe you were upset with me about it.” 
“You what?” His astonishment seemed to cause a rush of relief in her. He pulled her to a stop and made her face him. He knew she would be able to feel his sincerity through the bond but he still wanted her to see it in his face as well. “I was never mad at you. I was furious that you had been hurt so badly and worried that it felt so different. I wanted to rip off the head of who or whatever had dimmed the joy you had always radiated.” 
“Thank you.” The words were whispered and she had tears in her eyes. She was actually thanking him for being mad for her rather than at her. His grip on her hand tightened and he cupped her unbruised cheek with the other.
“You never have to thank me for being on your side. I hear you, the real you. Just like you hear the real me. I may not know what happened but I do know without question you aren’t at fault. Even though you blame yourself.”
She gave him another one of those soft, private smiles and the song in his head created a harmony so pure it was almost painful in its perfection. It receded slowly as some of her pain resurfaced and it brought him back to his current destination. He ran his thumb lightly over her cheek before pulling away and tugging them both back into motion.
Master List 1   Master List 2    Prologue   Beginning   Next
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years
The Loudest Firework
 AN: I’m SO sorry for making this so late. This was supposed to be done before the new years. Life’s been really kicking my a- ANYWAY Hope yall enjoy!
             A sequel to this one:  Checking It Twice
             Ships: Intrulogical
             WARNING: Remus, tickling, touch starvation, cursing and abusive Deceit
             The duke was pouting. Not because he was bored, or because he didn’t get his way… he was just confused. As the chaos entity within Thomas, he loved causing confusion, but experiencing it himself? Ugh. Pass.
             Logan had given him a gift for Christmas, but when the following days had come around, he had done nothing for or with Remus, scrambling his thoughts in the process. Logan liked to keep things consistent, so why was he just back to normal now? Did he change his mind? Or was it actually him who gave him the present? Yet, Logan would be the only one with enough specified categorizing to give him something so delightfully his style. The duke’s mind started racing, even more than usual. Had he wrapped the present for himself after all and just not remembered it? But what about Logan’s face that morning?? How insane was he becoming???
             It was now New Years, and Remus felt like he was truly losing it. He sat on the couch, scratching his chin as his eyes twitched.
             “Why the figuratively long face, Remus?” A calm voice started the green side from behind as he spun around.
             The cause of his confusion.
             Remus’s pout morphed into a snarl.
             “What do you want?” He snapped, nose wrinkled.
             “Answer my question first and there’s an increase in probability I’ll tell you.” The teacher grinned slightly.
             That SAME SLY GRIN! The same one he wore Christmas Morning! Remus’s eyes widened.
             “Oh, I don’t know Logan, why IS my face so long?” He grabbed the bottom of his jaw, stretching it out.
             “I said figuratively…” Logan massaged his forehead. “No matter, I shall answer your question. I want to see you happy.”
             Remus had to slap himself. “Excuse me, what???”
             Logan blinked. “Did I stutter?”
             “I-I… n-n-n-no???” Remus looked up at him with eyes of constant changing dilation. Logan had to resist chuckling at his utter dumbfounded expression.
             “It’s not all that hard to understand.” He offered, recognizing the look of panic crossing the poor duke’s face.
             “Yeah, I know WHAT it is, you enema! I’m trying to figure out the WHY!” His eyes flared red around the edges.
             “Sit down, and I’ll tell you.” The blue side offered.
             “Hmph.” Remus sat as the teacher instructed, and waited for his overly complicated, boring explanation that would most likely only raise more questions or cause the master of chaos to fall asleep.
             But instead of walking in front of him to teach him something or criticize something, Logan squeezed his way between Remus and the couch. The duke was about to ask what the fuck Logan was doing, when his breath got caught in his throat. Fingers were digging into his screwed-up back with the most impressing precision. He couldn’t help the loud moan that came from him.
             Logan twitched irritably, convinced Remus had made that noise as some sort of joke, but when he leaned to stare at his face, Remus’s expression told otherwise. Eyes rolled up toward the ceiling, jaw slack.
             He had not felt the touch of any of the other sides for years… The only faint memories he had of such a warmth and comfort was when from the times he and Roman were one side many, MANY years ago. After the split, he had only himself and the other dark sides… Which, in some twisted way, made him thankful for the times Dee hit him, because even though it was a slap or a punch, it was touch… and it hurt so good…
           But this?!
             Logan wrapped his arms around Remus to stable him, convinced he’d fall over otherwise. The poor duke was shivering and whimpering, turning to goo at Logan’s touch.
             “Am I overwhelming you?” He asked sincerely, starting to pull away.
             Remus’s top half snapped as he twisted his chest, arms and head 180 degrees to face him and grab at him. “No!” His eyes glistened with more tears that would soon add to the multiple tear streaks already on his face. “Don’t!” His green eyes were bright with his pupils pin pricks of desperation.
             There was that terrible expression again, except this time, it was worse. The tears active, the wide-open eyes and brows pressing harshly into the tops of his irises… but most of all, that sad frown accompanied by gritted teeth of grief.
             “Please, don’t let go!” Remus’s eyes popped out of his skull in agony and fear, his voice sounding completely different now.
 Logan couldn’t help but stare, shocked, at what he could only describe as Remus’s true self. Broken and desperate. No bravado or pride in his work… just a lonely side with a craving for touch that hadn’t been satisfied in years.
             Logan wanted to wipe off that pathetic look on is face so badly as the duke blinked rapidly, more tears spilling as silence pierced him. Dee always used to give the duke the silent treatment, and if he didn’t respond with ‘yes’ and kept quiet… it usually meant… no.
             Remus started sniffling, Logan’s shocked expression sinking in as he made the connection that he probably just ruined any chance he had at getting more of that touch. He gave in, letting Logan go and sobbing into his hands.
             The teacher couldn’t stand it. The expression, the shivers and now that AWEFUL sound coming from the duke as he wept like a slapped child. He rushed forward, hugging him fully despite his body being twisted around.
             Remus gasped and hugged him back tightly, face utterly drenched as he begged.
             Touch… touch, it felt so good.
             “More… more…” He choked out, whimpering, rubbing his head against Logan’s shoulder as relief flooded his senses, soaking Logan’s shirt in the process from a never-ending stream of tears.
             The dark blue side had never taken into account just how cold Remus’s body was. The teacher breathed deeply, holding the duke tightly as he slowly rocked them in their hold, letting his warmth spread to Remus’s deprived, starving form.
             GOD, it felt so good it almost burned!
             He sighed again and again as the waves of warmth fed him and filled him up. Making his barren heart full once again since god knows how long! When Logan turned to look at him, the duke was drooling slightly, eyes wide- almost drunk from the warmth and touch. His eyes sparkled, and his face owned a tiny precious smile, all for Logan.
             Was it selfish to want to keep that smile all to himself? To hold it in his memory away from the others forever? Logan didn’t care at this point, this emotion felt too precious and fragile to give away just yet as he stared at Remus’s melting posture.
             “Are you happy now?” He asked, smile smug.
             “Gaaaahhh…” Remus couldn’t even speak, but nodded light-headedly, his heart beating harder the longer he stared at Logan. Eventually, it proved to be all too much for the poor master of chaos as he passed out in Logan’s arms, his heartbeat nearly showing through his chest.
           “Jeez, where’s Logan and Remus? They’re gonna miss the countdown!” Roman searched through the house, looking for the teacher and his brother. He knew Logan wasn’t a big fan of jumping or shouting when it became a new year, saying something about it just being the inevitable passing of time, but his brother was also missing, which was strange. Remus wouldn’t dare miss out on an opportunity to be loud! So, where was he?!
             “Looooogaaaan! Reeeemuuuus!” He called repeatedly throughout the mindscape, panicking as he realized New Years was now only 10 minutes away.
             “Sh!” Logan poked his head out of his room and briefly hushed Roman before ducking back inside.
             “Logan! What are y-“
             “Sh!” Roman staggered back a few steps, surprised as Logan hushed a second time. He slowly walked into the logical sides room and had to rub his eyes a few times to process what lay before him.
             Remus was sprawled out on Logan’s bed, every limb seeming to melt into the cushions. His expression contained a large genuine smile, and peacefully shut eyes as he breathed out little sighs of pure happiness.
             “Which drug is he on?!” He whisper-screamed to Logan, who had to hold back a chuckle.
             “None…” Logan smiled tenderly as Roman looked between his brother and the teacher. His eyes narrowed in realization.
             That smile on Logan’s face… Remus’s relaxed posture… The look in the teacher’s eyes…
             “You… and him? Logan, are you serious?” Roman whispered, eyes scanning Logan’s expression carefully, to make sure this wasn’t some sort of joke.
             Logan just nodded his head. “How do you suppose we wake him up?” He murmured, gliding a hand along Remus’s arms which caused the green side to shiver in his sleep.
             Roman opened and closed his mouth, sentence fragments almost spilling from his lips, but not quite, utter shock making him freeze in place as Logan’s hand wandered under Remus’s chin and a scratched a little.
             The duke giggled, face turning slightly pink. Logan got an idea. Moving his hands and arms like snakes, he wiggled his fingers gently against the green sides neck.
             The duke’s giggles got a little louder, his shoulder’s scrunching up to protect himself from the tickles.
             “Care to join me, Roman?” The logical side looked at the prince, who was visibly excited, shaking in place.
             “Oh god, it’s been years since I’ve gotten to do this…” His excited puppydog smile melted into a sly smirk. “I forgot about all the tickle fights we once got into… You know one place that drives him crazy?”
             Logan raised an eyebrow, also smirking now. “Even more so than his usual crazy?”
             Roman gently lowered his hands to Remus’s legs, nodding. He lifted one up and rolled up his pant leg. Logan did the same to the other side, watching with intrigue and copying every one of Roman’s movements on his side.
             The red side suddenly dug his fingers into the back of Remus’s knee, causing the master of chaos to wake up screaming and cackling.
             “AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP THAHAHAHAHAHAT!” Remus kicked his leg wildly as if it were electrocuted. “BROHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” His maniac cackling sounded slightly different to Logan, still slightly sweeter and… cuter than his normal set of chaotic laughing.
             Logan wanted to hear more of it, so, with a smirk, he dug his hand into the leg he was holding, copying Roman’s techniques.
             “PAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOTYOUTOOSTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHASE!!!! LOHOHOHOHOHOGYHYYHYHYHYHY!!!” Remus shrieked, wiggling, trying to get away from the maddening sensation, face fire-engine red with tears starting to leak down his face.
             Logan stopped at that, not just because of the desperate pleas but…
             “Wow, did he just call you a cute pet name? Pleadingly?” Roman teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
             Logan rolled his eyes, but couldn’t blame Roman. “I think that’s enough… don’t you?”
             “Awww, please? Just a little more?” Roman whined, dinging a single finger into a special spot in the center of the knee, making poor Remus scream.
             “Roman, he’s crying. Stop.” Roman looked up in surprise at Logan’s low, protective voice.
             Remus sat up, panting and still giggling, trying desperately to rub away the explosive tingles still behind his knees.
             “Bro, it’s almost time for the countdown…” Roman chuckled and cooed teasingly.
             “O-Okay…” He got up shakily and was immediately supported by Logan, who helped carry the giggly duke to the balcony where the others were waiting for the countdown to see the fireworks.
             Remus whined at the touch Logan was giving him, and was slightly scared he was still dreaming… As he thought this, the teacher wrapped his arms around him yet again, sending shivers up his spine.
             The others started chanting… “10! 9! 8! 7! 6!” Logan inched his face closer to the duke’s, eyes shining with galaxies in them with a small gentle smile. The green side’s mind froze.
             No… he wouldn’t… would he?
             “5! 4! 3! 2! 1!” The rest of the ‘Happy New Year’ chant was suddenly forgotten by the duke as he entered another world, Logan pressing his lips passionately to his own. His pupils shrunk to microscopic size before widening so much his eyes was nothing but pupil. He clung to him, pulling him closer to himself as he kissed back, eyes squeezed shut with tears of happiness leaking, face flushed an even deeper shade than his brother’s sash.
             Logan pulled away, much to the dismay of the other, who could’ve sit there kissing him forever, but what came next only made his heart rate triple.
           “I love you, Remus.” Logan’s eyes went from tender to panicked as Remus shook madly in place, sparks flying off of him as his pupils became invisible to the human eye, a noise close to something like a kettle whistle coming from him.
             “Oh shit, what did you do?!” Roman turned to look at the teacher, eyes flashing in worry.
             “I-I…” The dark blue side stuttered, not being able to form a sentence in his panic, thinking he broke the master of chaos.
             Remus lifted one foot and stamped the ground hard, sending his glowing form shooting high into the air, until he was nothing but a spec in the sky, he suddenly burst into a giant green firework in the shape of a heart. Logan looked around in the sky desperately just to find that the duke was lying on the ground, giggling with a hand pressed to his mouth.
             “ Heeheeheehee… I-I love you too, Logy…”
@bexxbeauty  @cefsticklestoo @thestarswelcomemewithopenarms 
@did-he-just-hiss-at-me @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me @ollyollyoxinfree
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