#sorry. got lost in how good Bloodborne is
felidacy · 6 months
Rambles and small ideas for a Batfamily Bloodborne AU
(It is not that cohesive I am sorry and I was forced to make some lore changes. Especially with how it begins. Don't beat me up about it.)
Gotham gets enveloped by a dark shroud that covers the whole city and makes it near imperishable, let alone letting people pass through. The city is forever shrouded in a dark loom with merely a everlasting full moon shining upon them. With no sun and the isolation, it soon takes a tool on the people. They grow sickly and depressed, if not that they become near deranged and highly irritable. Crime rates in the already vicious city steadily increase.
There is a sudden shift then - for the worse. A blood moon occurs and people begin to change. Their bodies twist, grow and even rot away. Meanwhile their humanity seems to decrease. A few attempt to research the phenomenon and hold them captive in facilities like Arkham Asylum or Blackgate Prison, however those are halted when the victims fully cease being humans and transform into eldritch monsters that lash out when the old blood gets overused by the Healing Church. A mass outbreak occurs and the monsters roam the city from then on.
Tim Drake is still in the position of the CEO Wayne Enterprise after the mysterious disappearance of the Gotham Prince (Bruce Wayne) and openly funding doctors and scholars in his tower to research their Gotham phenomenon and the monsters. He takes over the Role of Provost Willem and does not shy away from finding out the truth by any means necessary. He isolates himself because of his hunger for knowledge and shuts people out.
Researchers of his discover the tombs/Labyrinth and the usage of the old blood when coming across Ebrietas, some desperately trying to change his opinion and use blood healing to attain a new beginning. Tim is forced into a position where he needs to give up on his constant desire of evolution and progress, which goes against his nature, for the sake of the people and instead how far he can go sacrificing himself in order to attain knowledge that makes him look beyond the "now". His good-hearted start for the peace of humans turns into a obsession to achieve something which is beyond the capability of a mere human.
Damian has been put in a dire position, a child that hears and dreams of the voices of those beyond that nobody else can comprehend. With his artistic skills he puts down the words after transcribing them, he holds the Role of Runesmith Caryll. He desperately attempts to hold on to sanity as he hides himself away from all prying eyes despite the praise of those around him. He only ever hears the words of the Great Ones now.
Two people Tim trusted most "betrayed" him, Tam and Cass that take on the Role of Laurence as his trusted students that end up leaving him. Cass knew that Stephanie must secretly be alive and after having grown immensely close to her not-sister-not-lover, she could not live with herself if she didn't rescue one she loved. She had lost too many already and followed Tam, along with others. Tam had noble intentions much like Cass, although Tam held more resentment for Tim. Her father was affected by a terrible illness that was since then called the Ashen Blood and even after dozens of years where he was loyal to the Wayne family he did not wish to use the old blood to heal him. He actively even discouraged her. Tam gave her goodbyes one day to never see Tim again and began the Healing Church. To her disappointment Dr. Leslie Thompkins was not one of those that followed after them and when the blood failed to heal her father, instead actively killing him, it were Tim and Leslie that got blamed. Since then Tam began desiring evolving into something greater through the use of the blood in order to bring him back. While Cass worked as a blood minister (later on white Church hunter), Tam focused later on at the work of seeking contact with the Great Ones and became the leading figure of the Choir.
Leslie Thompkins suffers a cruel fate. Her loyalty to save the people and towards Tim cost her greatly and when Tim gets the epiphany that more eyes are needed to understand the Great Ones and evolve, she is one of those that get affected and turn into one of the many hundred eyed monsters roaming the tower and trapping Tim there.
The Healing Church grows in power as their influence in Gotham rises because of their special infected blood that heals those in dire need should they come to them. Gotham citizen began to practically worship the Healing Church when gods they previously believed them did not act and show mercy, others turned away out of fear and that soon enough began to rule the city. The Healing Church becomes a belief, a bloody beacon of hope in their endless night...a cult.
When the sickness of the Ashen Blood spreads the people falsely believe in The Healing Church and that they will save them. Instead the bridges connecting the lands to each other get torn down when they least expect it and watch on as the other half gets overrun by beasts and the ravaging sickness alike. To make sure nobody ever passes through the remains get bordered up. Tim remains on the other half in his Tower overlooking the raging City with a faraway gaze.
They mainly reside in the abandoned underground of Gotham and at the edge of the Bowery, planted right at the opposite site of the Wayne Tower, and gets called the Labyrinth as the layout changed under the influence of the shroud. In time the Healing Church began to change and it split into various branches, the Choir, the school of Mensis and the Hunters of the Workshop that evolve into the Church Hunters.
Jason and Dick had been getting Damian out of old Gotham when the great fire happened and they were unable to return to their left behind sibling. They desired to hid Damian from the Healing Church because of his connection to the Great Ones and there was no better hiding spot than directly under their nose. As such they've become hunters for the Church.
One faithful day Barbara after a long search discovers Damian when he is having one of his seizures, when he dreams of the Great Ones, and she desires to help him. She has been kept in the dark as she had been stuck in the Clocktower until the Healing Church came to free her, which causes her to make unwise decisions by mistakingly trusting Tam and Cass. Unknowing of what occurred with the lack of still functioning technology she was part of the School of Mensis. However upon touching the Great Ones overwhelm her mind and her sanity crumbles. Barbara holds the Role of Micolash. After she becomes aware of herself again she causes the School of Mensis to break away from the Church and just like Tim to find and use an unbiblical cord of the Great Ones.
Stephanie was one of the few that broke through the shroud even when nobody knows why she was permitted through. Trusting her idol and not-lover her ignorance of the state of matter makes her join Barbara. The use of the Cord brings blocked memories back to Stephanie as she recalls that she faked her death because of her pregnancy, just shortly before the shroud fell over Gotham. In fact she does not recall what she had done those months outside of Gotham, neither were the supposed baby was. That is when the Great Ones enlighten her when she connects to Mergo. That child was never born as she went through horrible complications early on and lost it, although there was no body. The child was not of human descent, but of a Great One. Broken apart by this knowledge the Cord pulls Stephanie, Barbara and others of the School into a nightmare state where they remain forever trapped while their physical bodies die. She is the Queen of Yharnam.
Alfred was thought to have died that night when the Great fire happened as he had been away from the Wayne Tower, yet neither with Damian in the Manor. However, as it turns out Alfred had gone to seek out Tam and Cass in hopes to change their minds. When he thought all his wards dead when the land was burning there was no other way than to stay with his last remaining: Cass. And as someone who only ever knew how to work through grief by helping others, he had become the leader of the old Hunters Workshop. He was Gehrmann. Still caught in his own grief the purpose was ripped from him again and he was left alone, a mistake. Like many he called upon the Great Ones and as such started the dream, the start of it all with a promise that needed to be fulfilled.
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Hi Fareeha! I was wondering, about your bloodborne ships what was your first impressions of them?
What intrigued you and what happen that made you like them that much now? Or did it just came naturally? ;)
I am sorry it took so long! It's 1 PM right now, I managed to GOT up somehow lol... Don't even remember how fell asleep yesterday. Also was occupied with fanfic, trying my best, etc... But to the topic:
Since my first ship was gehrmaria, I’ll start with it.
Romance, sadness, age difference... An old hunter grieving for his beloved who has passed away. All this reminded me of old european ballads that I was reading in my 16... A very beautiful story, unexpectedly romantic for Bloodborne (although it can be interpreted in different ways, not only romantically, but still it is fascinating). Let me add that they both look aesthetically stunning! They are classical, they are tragical, they are... perfection.
First impression for all other ships was: "How do you guys know anything about them?? There is nothing in game about them!!! How can you ship Caryll, mf is not even NPC?? Where do you get an information?? Who tf is Edgar? Oh, I killed him?..."
I swear I was shocked, when learned that fandom has CRAZY amount of ships. First Playtrough I barely got who is Laurence lmao, what IS Healing Church and so on... I can say sincerely - I started to Really understand, why is Valtr insane, why Laurence is VICAR, not bishop, why Annalise's hair are white and not brown, who tf can be siblings in a damned Research Hall and etc ONLY because of @katyahina timeline. My brain can't contain SO MANY info I swear, but I am trying, getting Insight every time I read this (in a good way ofc, I want to see Amygdalas in my sweet Yharnam-like city!)
So. Ships with Micolash. At first I brought him together with my hunter, Guillermo, and was pleased with myself - my story for them sounded convincing, thoughtful and hot xdd Guillermo - a madly in love hunter who, for seeing a drop of light in Micolash (in his past) and hearing Kos's whispers, is ready to die a hundred times, endure literally everything... Poor man! xD And Micolash who is insane enough to feel neverending cycle of NewGames, I mean, that he may even remember that he died already from hunter's hand, that hunter killed him 4 different ways, and I think Micolash would be frightened and lost? He genuinely thought that Nightmare is a perfect realm, HIS realm, but it turns out that someone else is good as Micolash himself to eat cords and ascend but succesfully. Oooof. I like that, Love and Despair, Love/Hate and etc. Oc x canon is really fine, when there are FEELINGS and TENSION between your char and canonical char.
After some time I got to know that silly guy with glasses on from a bridge is somehow really interesting deep character! xD And he's a cutie himself! (I mean look at him. My sweet accountant, my beloved nerd, and it's not a sarcasm!! He looks exquisite) I really like Edgar x Micolash for my beloved love/hate theme, slight toxicity and Edgar’s unspoken dependence on his enemy (Micolash is often made too “submissive” in their pairing. He may be and even must be bottom, but he is too much dominant as a person to be so naive and crying because Edgar-senpai is ignoring him). Edgar is a choir boy, soft, afraid of Micolash, is angry with him, but inside he cannot live without his attention. And Micolash - I think he liked Edgar as something unusual, fresh in his life (or death), something absolutely different from everything he had seen. Moreover, a spy. Moreover, he is so confident in the Church. But can change his opinion and most likely will. A perfect object of entertainment and moral debate. You can break him and win him over to your side. Nice pairing. I'm still in love.
Laurence x Micolash - kjdsflak;sdjfwernmfklaaaawoooooo!!!11!1! This ship is driving me crazy, I can't!! xD They look great together, they are similar, they are two brilliant minds seeking for knowledge, two scientists, two rivals, two assholes. But it seems to me that they would definitely have separated, because such similar people are unlikely to be together for a long time. I mean, they both need primacy too much. And it would destroy them. I also don't like Laurence, I can't help it. Maybe because I still don't fully understand his character?.. Maybe.
Damian x Micolash - amazing! I am now captivated by this pairing and am writing a story based on it. They are beautiful combination of an adult, serious Damian and an energetic, hot-tempered Micolash, as a couple they are divine. Damian... still waters run deep and all that. He is strong, thoughtful, cold, he can knock out any threat to his loved one. As a former Tomb Prospector and a Mensis Scholar, a byrgerkinght student, he must be really educated and smart, but also well-built and powerful, graceful and deadly. Micolash is his master and also a little boy. I headcanon that Damian is like 15 years older than him? And that's great. Wonderful, soft ship with a deep conflict of Damian's humanity and Micolash's curiosity and confidence.
Am I shipping anything else? With such passion - no. But in general, I like Laurence/Ludwig, Caryll/Rom, recently one nice person helped me realize the potential of Micolash/Adeline and I am kinda hmmmmm interested? XD I need more time to think of it. I met this pairing earlier but was like "pppft they couldn't even met!", don't blame me :'D
I respect all pairings, if they have something like plot in them. It’s especially nice to see when an artist or writer is truly devoted to his favorite couple and describes it with soul, it just makes you look at the couple from a different angle and start scrutiny.
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I already knew about Lady Maria and Friede before I played the games. Though Maria was from a no commentary playthrough so I was introduced to her fight as if I were playing the game. And I was immediately obsessed because, me.
But might as well get to know the latest Fromsoft lady that's making gamers everywhere miserable.
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amygdalae · 4 years
the best time of my life was when I was partway through my first Bloodborne playthru and for every boss/npc encounter I’d go thru the wiki and online tags and fully absorb them before continuing the playthrough. and id sit in my room at night playing the soundtrack hella loud with earbuds in, totally in awe of how it made me feel. and how shrouded in mystery most of the game still was. seriously i was lost in the sauce
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the-stray-liger · 3 years
Hey Nate, what the fuck is up with Old Yharnam?????
Actually hold up first off fuck the invisible thing that HOISTED ME INTO THE AIR OUTSIDE THE CATHEDRAL!! I can barely deal with things that I can see!
Okay back to the point... Weird hairy half werewolf things? Not great! Same thing but with a blankie and the SCARIEST FUCKING SCREAM YET!? Nah I'm good! And to top it all off, dude just letting me ABSOLUTELY have it with a gattling gun? Old Yharnam are you good!?
FYI I am still having a blast but there's so many goddamn rug pulls it's madness.
OH I LOVE OLD YHARNAM AND I LOVE DJURA he's my favorite character in Bloodborne and yes he's an asshole and can and will shoot you on sight but he's GREAT!! also 100% reccomend having the torch equiped when you're exploring Old Yharnam, the beasts just cower at the sight of fire which makes it way easier!! Old Yharnam is actually one of my favorite areas but I can't tell you how many times I got lost in there. It's got such a cool, tragic backstory too! AND you find one of my favorite sets of armor (the Charred Hunter set) and weapons (the Rifle Spear) in there, it's HELL to get to them and you WILL die but it's SO WORTH IT
DLFJLSDFKSD I REMEMBER BEING SO SCARED THE FIRST TIME SOMETHING PICKED ME UP IN CATHEDRAL WARD especially bc there's like, that weird swooshy thing that is just there to get you to step there! you're gonna LOVE hanging in Cathedral Ward when you got higher insight. I actually keep my insight on 1 or lower on purpose >u>;; Do you have the DLC? bc things get REALLY good when you get picked up after you defeat the Cathedral Ward boss!!!
rug pulls is EXACTLY the way I'd describe Bloodborne's brand of horror. Like there isn't a single jumpscare but every turn in the game is a left and it's fantastic
anyway sorry for gushing, I just love Bloodborne a bunch dlfsf
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Title: Hunters of the Abyss (Chapter 1) Fandom: Made in Abyss/Bloodborne Characters: Laurenc, Gehrman, Micolash, Rom, Maria, Master Willem Word Count: 4.561 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32531749/chapters/80689318
Summary: On the island Belouska, in the middle of the town Orth, lies a gigantic chasm filled with precious relics and dangerous beasts as well as a mysterious curse, only known as the Abyss.
Many have ventured into the Abyss, but not everybody came back. This is one of the tales about the Abyss, in which a group of delvers takes the challenge to brave the Abyss... and maybe turn from the hunted to the hunters.
(Author's note: This is a crossover, so I wrote up a neat little FAQ which can be found at the end of the chapter. If you have questions, please look there first. I may update it when more questions arise.
Now onto this one: I watched Made in Abyss in 2020 and fell in complete and utter love with the world. Just one year prior I played through Bloodborne and well, these two fandoms had to meet! I planned for this fic for quite some time, but being busy with various writing challenges and the pandemic happening, stuff got postponed and postponed until I finally found the time to sit down and write chapter one.
The characters in this chapter are still children, but they will grow up into adults over the timespan of the fic. There will be quite a few time skips actually. The first few chapters will mainly be world building and exposure.
Last but not least, this is both Made in Abyss and Bloodborne, so be prepared for some soul crushing angst and dark stuff happening. Just... nothing will happen to children. Other than Tsukushi, I prefer to torture adults and older teenagers.
So our protagonists are safe... for now...
If you enjoyed this, please don't hesitate leaving me a comment. Both BB and MiA are tiny fandoms, so I don't expect that this will get much attention, so knowing that someone enjoyed it will be all the much sweeter.)
„Laurence, breathe!“
The boy called Laurence took a deep breath, not even having realized that he had held his breath in the first place.
“Sorry, Gehrman.”, he gasped out. “I am... nervous.”
“Of course, it's your first time.”, Gehrman said, glancing over to the group of Red Whistles which had gathered around their appointed Moon Whistle, which they all called Master Willem. Laurence' gaze followed Gehrman's. The children in front of Master Willem were all orphans from the Balchero Orphanage, like Laurence himself. The only difference was, that all of them already had gone delving at least once, while it was the first time for Laurence. He had only recently turned ten.
“Every Red Whistle gets nervous when they delve for the first time. You don't have to worry too much about going down, though, it's going up that should concern you. Speaking of going, it appears we are moving.”
“Right, the curse.”, Laurence wrinkled his nose at the thought as he started to walk alongside Gehrman. He of course knew all the effects of the curse of every single layer, but he hadn't experienced them personally. Yet. “Dizziness and nausea for the first layer.”
“Correct. And I bet with you that you have to puke on your way up, I haven't seen a single first timer who hasn't.”, Gehrman grinned at him. Laurence just gave him a look.
“I even manage to get sick without any curse affecting me, so that bet doesn't exactly feel fair.”, he said, crossing his arms. “And I certainly won't get into any competitions. You are two years older than me and used to the curse of the first layer already.”
“True.”, Gehrman said. “But before you know it, you will be twelve as well and be allowed to go deeper into the Abyss. Before we both know it, we will be fifteen and be able to turn into Blue Whistles. Time started to move much faster once I was allowed to delve.”
“Or we could die a horrible death down there.”, Laurence said, looking down at his feet. He was wearing the standard delver boots. Every Red Whistle was wearing the standard delving gear, consisting of leather pants, a vest, gloves, said boots and a helmet. Laurence didn't wear the helmet on his head though, but instead it was clasped behind it. He disliked how it flattened his locks of auburn hair. He had tried so hard to preserve his hairdo once he tried on the delver gear, but to no avail.
“Are you thinking about your parents?”, Gehrman asked, making Laurence stop in his tracks, but not for long, as Gehrman pushed him along so that they wouldn't lose sight of the group in front of them.
“...Is it that obvious?”, Laurence looked at the ground next to him, not feeling like he wanted to look into Gehrman's eyes. “I always wished they could come with me to my first delving...”
“I know, we all wished our parents could have come with us.”, Gehrman said, laying a hand on Laurence' shoulder. “We all know how you feel...”
The both of them fell silent after this exchange. Laurence' parents had both been delvers, Black Whistle's even and he always had been eager for the day he was old enough to earn his red whistle and go on his first delve. However, that day never came, because around three months before his tenth birthday, Laurence got the message that they had died on their latest delve.
He had gotten a warm welcome in the Balchero Orphanage where almost every child of delvers landed sooner or later, but the pain of their recent passing was still strong. He really really had wanted for them to be around on his first delve.
Laurence had the feeling that was why Gehrman had decided to come with him even though he was allowed to go deeper already. The older boy had a certain fondness for Laurence and the two of them soon had become friends. He also had befriended a few of the other children, a boy named Micolash, who had a face like a gremlin and deep black hair which were messy curls, a girl named Maria which wore a beautiful white ponytail and a girl named Rom, with tan skin and straight black hair. Laurence always had the feeling that Micolash seemed to like her. Gehrman, as the oldest of their group, held them together and was kind of an older brother to the four children. All of them were heading down on that delve today.
“That's why I am nervous.”, Laurence suddenly said.
“Huh?”, Gehrman put his attention back on Laurence, clearly not having expected for him to speak again so soon.
“Nervous about going down here. I have dreamed my whole life about this day. The image of the Abyss is pretty much my first memory. I always wanted to come down here and see it with my own eyes, but now that it happened, I can't help but be nervous. Of course I knew that delvers died in here, but... that never was something that should happen to someone close to me...”
Gehrman came closer to Laurence and patted his shoulder. “Laurence, once we stop, I have to show you something. I am sure it will put your mind at ease. But for now, how about you stop looking at the ground and look at what is right in front of you?”
Laurence finally released his gaze from his boots and once he saw what was in front of him, he almost lost his breath again.
The Abyss... it was nothing short but beautiful. He saw green grass and lush vegetation, in the distance he could see a river flowing through the netherworld. There were little animals scurrying around between flowers of fortitude, butterflies landing on them, collecting their nectar. Even though Orth was covered in these same flowers, their sight never stopped being beautiful. Laurence wondered if the flower came from the Abyss or if it had taken hold in the Abyss. It was common for them to throw their petals into the Abyss alongside the ashes of the deceased.
“Beautiful.”, he said, not knowing where to look first. He had been so caught up in his own head that he had completely forgotten to enjoy the experience.
“As soon as I saw it for the first time, I knew it was worth coming down here.”, Gehrman smiled at him. Then, the group in front of them stopped.
“Ah, it seems we have arrived.”, Gehrman said and then pushed Laurence' helmet onto his auburn hair. “You are supposed to wear the helmet on your head, not behind it.”
“I don't like the helmet.”, Laurence grumbled, adjusting it so that it would fit better.
“Well, better having some messed up hair than being dead from a stray rock.”, Gehrman shrugged. “You get used to it. Also, there is a glowstone embedded into it, it will help you when it gets dark.”
“Alright.”, Laurence said, stopping as well once he and Gehrman had reached the group. His gaze fell on Master Willem. He looked already very old, but apparently was still fit enough to come with them into the Abyss. When Laurence asked Gehrman about him, Gehrman told him that Master Willem always had looked old. Seeing that a delver with such an advanced age still existed, made Laurence feel a little bit better.
Master Willem looked them over, silently taking stock if every child under his care was still there and then spoke to the group: “Everyone's here? Good. Most of you have already been down here once, so you can continue like the last time. Laurence, it's your first time, so you stay with Gehrman today. I am here if any of you have any questions. Remember, we search for relics. Keep out of the danger zones and don't go out of sight. Don't eat outside of the assigned breaks, come tell me if you need a bathroom break and don't go up on your own.”
A combined “Understood, Master Willem.” sounded from the children's throats and then everyone was off. Laurence kept standing where he was, unsurely looking at Gehrman.
“So... what do we do now?”, he asked.
“First, I will show you what I talked about earlier.”, Gehrman said and took Laurence' hand, guiding him a few steps away until they stood next to the wall of the Abyss. There, Gehrman laid Laurence' hand on the wall.
“Your parents died here, in the great chasm. This means, they have become a part of it now. While their physical bodies aren't there anymore, their souls will be with you each time you go down into the Abyss. Go on, ask them for their blessing.”
Laurence felt the cool stone wall under his hand. That was the Abyss, a part of it... his parents had died in here. Their souls went back into the Abyss. He knew that. It was how Orth functioned, what Orth believed. He heard that other countries believed in something like a god, some figure in the heavens that they never saw and he never got it. Why did they believe in something that they couldn't see?
The Abyss was there, it was tangible, he could touch it. In fact, he touched it right at this moment. At this moment, Laurence felt a connection. It felt like everyone who had entered this place was in unison with him. That also had to include his parents. He wondered if they could hear him, but he would never find out if he wouldn't try.
“Mom... Dad... please watch over me.”, he whispered, opening his eyes, seeing how Gehrman smiled at him.
“And now we can start our delve.”, he said. “Follow me, I will show you how it works.”
Laurence followed Gehrman, always having questions on his mind. He probably should just spill them, no reason to stay silent. “Master Willem told us that we should tell him if we need a bathroom break.”, he started. “Why?” Wouldn't it be fine to just find a corner to duck down into?
“Ah, we are not supposed to leave his sight.”, Gehrman answered. “And he has to know where we are when we are under his care. We are also supposed to take a partner with us, so that the other can keep watch. It's how it works down here, you get used to it.”
“Hm, makes sense...”, Laurence said. “And we are forbidden from eating anything, other than when a break is called? What about drinking?”
“You are allowed to drink just fine, but we shouldn't eat outside of the designated breaks, because it can make us a bit sluggish. We are supposed to all take a little break after eating and it is easier when we all eat at the same time. Besides, sometimes new Red Whistles find food in the Abyss and eat it without thinking... and well, not everything is safe to eat.”
Laurence shuddered a bit at the thought of actually eating something poisonous. Yeah, he should stay away from anything that was unknown to him.
“Do you have any more questions or can we start delving?”, Gehrman asked, standing in front of what looked like a loose stone wall.
“Well, besides from what we are supposed to do, no, I guess.”, Laurence said, fidgeting with his fingers.
“It's easy enough.”, Gehrman smiled, getting a pickaxe out of his rucksack. “We search for loose stone structures like this and break it down.” Gehrman demonstrated his words with a wide swing of the pickaxe and soon it crumbled, revealing a small cave beneath it. “Then we get into it and search for anything that looks like a relic.”
Laurence just stood there when the wall crumbled, now very much knowing why they were supposed to wear the helmet. That would hurt a lot when stray debris would hit him. After a minute or so, he silently followed Gehrman into the little cave, his glowstone providing him with a small light source.
“And that is why the helmets are so useful.”, Gehrman said, turning to Laurence and putting something that looked like a vase or something into his hands. “Look for anything that doesn't look natural or simply unusual. The more relics we find, the better. They give us more allowance the more we can unearth.”
“I am sometimes amazed that we still can find relics...”, Laurence said, getting on his knees and searching through the rubble. “Wasn't the Abyss discovered 1.900 years ago?”
“Yes, but that doesn't mean that Orth existed that long.”, Gehrman said, his trained eyes scanning the bottom of the cave with ease and soon he had a second relic located which went into his rucksack. “Besides, all the good stuff has already been found. All we unearth is trash. Valuable trash though.”
“Hm, I guess...”, Laurence shrugged, getting a bit frustrated with searching the rubble. If anything had been in there, it probably had been smashed to bits.
“Laurence, don't search the entrance, come deeper into the cave.”, Gehrman said. “You rarely find relics at the entrance.”
“Oh alright.”, Laurence was more than glad to get away from the rubble and he wandered to Gehrman's place, searching in the opposite direction of him. When he saw something glistening in the wall, he approached it with a vague hope, but instead a yelp escaped him when he saw that it was a human skeleton!
“Laurence, is everything alright?”, Gehrman came over to him and once he saw the skeleton, he was quick to calm him down. “Oh don't worry about those, this is a praying skeleton, they are apparently 2.000 years old. Isn't that fascinating?”
“But... the Abyss was only discovered 1.900 years ago...?”, Laurence repeated his earlier statement, still a bit shaking.
“That doesn't mean that it hasn't existed for longer, don't you think?”, Gehrman said, his smile in the vague light of the glowstone looking more creepy than reassuring. Laurence shook his head and then got up. “I think I want to get out of this cave...”
“Come on, Laurence, you are getting used to the sight. There are still relics to find in here. How about you come over and help me with searching?”
Laurence looked back at the skeleton, then to the cave exit, which wasn't even far away, the cave actually was more of a little alcove in the wall, and then nodded, walking over to Gehrman. “I just didn't think my first find in here would be human bones...”, he murmured.
“Nobody expects to find them at first. I should have warned you, sorry.”, Gehrman patted Laurence' shoulder and then pointed at the floor. “Now, help me find anything unusual that you can see.”
“Alright.”, Laurence kneeled down, glad that the thick leather of his pants protected his knees and observed the floor. A few minutes later, he had several round and flat things in his hands, that clearly weren't rocks.
“I found something.”, he said. “I think...”, he then added, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious about his find. As Gehrman put his attention on him, he showed it to him. “What could that be?”
“Currency maybe?”, Gehrman suggested, looking at the relics. “There once must have been a civilisation in here, they probably used it to pay for wares and stuff.”
“Hm, makes sense.”, Laurence said, putting the “coins” in his own rucksack. “It doesn't seem to be very valuable though.”
“Like I said, most stuff in here is trash anyway. You will rarely find something good. And if, then don't even think about keeping it.” Gehrman let something fall in his own rucksack. It looked like a statue of some kind. Maybe for rituals or anything?
“What happens if we keep relics?”, Laurence asked, curious. He knew they weren't supposed to keep relics, but he never had asked what the punishment for it would be.
“Then the punishment will be worse than being hanged naked.”, Gehrman said, rather casually, as Laurence' face fell. He still had nightmares sometimes about the time a prank on Master Willem had gone too far and this had been his punishment, it had been the peak of uncomfortableness and humiliation... and they had a punishment that was even worse than that?! He didn't want to find out about it.
“Yes, so make sure to deliver all of your relics. We are taking stock of them anyway.”, Gehrman said as he saw the drained colour from Laurence' face.
“Understood.”, Laurence said and quietly kept searching, filling his rucksack with a bit more odds and ends that looked like someone's dinnerware. Maybe it was. If there were skeletons that were 2.000 years old in the Abyss, then why not their homes as well?
After he and Gehrman had cleared out the cave, which had taken far longer than expected, it was already time for their lunch break, as Master Willem was rallying them up to take a break and eat what they had brought along. The problem was that Micolash wasn't making any advances to come and sit down with them.
“That oddball again.”, Laurence sighed, getting up when Micolash still didn't move even though Master Willem had called his name three times already. “I better drag him over here.”
“Do what you must.”, Gehrman said, knowing that Laurence kind of could connect with Micolash, he always had been the odd one of the group and only when Laurence had arrived at the orphanage had he managed to get out of his shell.
“Micolash, what are you doing?”, Laurence said, stopping next to his friend, feeling a bit dizzy when he noticed that Micolash stood at the edge of a rather steep cliff and was staring down into it.
Micolash raised his head, slowly, almost looking creepy and stared at Laurence. Then, he opened his mouth and said: “If you stare in the Abyss, does the Abyss stare back?”
What? Laurence felt a bit at a loss at what to reply to this question, when Rom spoke and shouted over to them: “If you want to get swallowed up, then stare in the Abyss, otherwise head over finally, so that we can finally eat!”
Laurence heard both Gehrman and Maria giggle at Rom's statement and couldn't help but grin himself at it, while Micolash actually looked... a bit embarrassed. Maybe. It was hard to tell.
“You will understand one day.”, he murmured as he finally got into motion. “All of you will understand one day.”
“What, that staring into the maw of the netherworld is making you speak in riddles?”, Rom was at it again and the children around her started to giggle again, as Micolash glared at her a bit.
While Laurence had a hard time to suppress his own giggling, he said: “She's just teasing you, Micolash, that's all.” Though he had to agree with Rom mostly, the Abyss couldn't stare back if you stared into it. It didn't have any eyes, right? ...Right? Suddenly, Laurence wasn't too sure about it anymore. He should stop thinking about it and finally eat.
Laurence joined the group and sat down on a rock, eagerly unpacking his lunch. This morning had been a special day, not only because it was his first delve, but also because that meant that he could eat rice for the first time in his life. Orth, as a city on an island, had to import rice and therefore it had turned into a delicacy and was a food that only delvers were allowed to eat, at the day they went to delve into the Abyss, because it could be their least meal and they deserved to have something special then.
Gehrman had prepared the rice into rice balls, a simple dish with salt and alga and it had been one of the most awesome things Laurence had ever tasted, even though Gehrman told him that was one of the simplest forms in which rice could be prepared. He actually had to be stopped from overeat himself, so he had taken the leftovers with him and was now happily munching on it, enjoying the taste of the food he did had to admire from afar for so many years.
As Laurence was enjoying his food, he could hear Gehrman talk. As he put his attention on him, he saw Gehrman sitting next to Maria. Apparently he was asking the girl questions and she was answering them. Laurence slid a little bit closer to overhear their conversation.
“And what are these insects called?”, Gehrman asked, pointing at something in the grass, sitting on top of a flower of fortitude. Laurence' eyes sparkled when he saw the butterfly, far bigger than the ones in Orth and with sparkly wings.
“It's a crystal wing.”, Maria answered. “Their wings sparkle like this because of the sun that gets reflected from the forcefield. They try to dazzle predators with them.”
“Correct.”, Gehrman said. Laurence still had his eyes on the crystal wing, what a beautiful creature, when suddenly a lizard-like animal appeared out of nowhere and had the butterfly in its mouth. Nothing short but shocked, Laurence lowered the half eaten rice ball, feeling as if his food got stuck in his throat.
“And this?”, Gehrman asked, both his and Maria's eyes on the lizard.
“A stalking lizard.”, Maria replied. “Always attacks from the shadows, seemingly from nowhere, the prey won't even know what killed it. Insects are its favoured food.”
“The Abyss sure is cruel...”, Laurence mentioned from his spot, still not feeling able to keep eating on.
“It's something you will get used to.”, Gehrman said. “At least we are not part of their diet. Actually the stalking lizards can be quite tasty, if you manage to catch them. Dastardly fast though.”
“One time I thought I had one and only had the tail in my hand.”, Maria said. “And they can even get rid of their legs if they please. They can grow all their limbs back without trouble.”
“Sadly, only the meat that isn't extremities is palatable.”, Gehrman added.
“I see...”, Laurence said. He knew that they sometimes got meat from the Abyss in the orphanage to eat, but nobody actually had ever told him what exactly it was they were eating. He wondered if he had maybe eaten these lizards already.
“Do you want to know more about the creatures of the first layer, Laurence?”, Gehrman asked. “I was just testing if Maria remembered everything I told her. Feel free to join us and listen in.”
“Gladly.”, Laurence said and got up to sit closer to them. As he ate the rest of his rice ball and washed it down with some water, he listened to Gehrman and Maria going over various creatures of the first layer, the different insect species, the well known hammer beaks, a little rodent that was pretty much harmless, but could mess with trying to steal the smaller relics, the trouts that could be caught in the underground river and many more. He knew that a lot of the creatures in the Abyss actually were still unnamed, but he was sure that the first layer probably had a pretty complete encyclopedia of the wild life.
After they all had eaten, Gehrman pointed out that it was the perfect time for taking a bathroom break before they continued with their work, so they did exactly that, with Micolash, Gehrman and Laurence being one group and Maria and Rom the other. Laurence found it made sense that the boys and girls would try to stay apart from each other during it.
Then, they continued what they were doing before lunch break, with Master Willem having a vigilant eye on all of them. Laurence stayed near Gehrman and absorbed everything that his friend could tell him about the Abyss and about delving in general. At the end of the day, both of their rucksacks were filled with various relics that looked like they were just common household objects. While Gehrman kept insisting that it only was trash, Laurence knew that even the trash could be sold for a high price into foreign countries. It was how Orth managed to stay so wealthy.
“You did well today, children.”, Master Willem said as they all presented their finds. “We will rate all of your finds back at the orphanage. The better you managed, the deeper you will be allowed into the Abyss. We were only 50 metres deep today.”
“Understood.”, the children replied in unison. Laurence was pretty excited. After he had seen what was pretty much the beginning of the Abyss, he already was eager to see more. But first... first they had to get back up.
Which meant that he would experience the curse for the first time.
You will puke., Gehrman had said and as much as Laurence wanted to believe that it wouldn't happen, how bad could a little dizziness be...
The moment they had started to go upwards though, he had been hit by the worst dizziness in his life. That wasn't any usual dizziness... his head hurt, his vision seemed to swim, he actually had trouble seeing clearly and that alone was bad enough so that his stomach was revolting from the mixed signals his body gave. Laurence had to clasp a hand in front of his mouth, trying so hard to swallow down the bile that tried to force its way out, but had to give up after only a minute or two and retched on the ground, being on both his hands and knees while it happened, heavily breathing at the unpleasant sensation.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, tears in his eyes from the burning in his throat, he saw Gehrman smiling at him. “You will get used to it.”, he said and offered Laurence a hand which he took. “But for now get used to throwing up once you ascend. At least you are not the only one.”
Gehrman gestured at the other kids and Laurence felt a tiny bit better when he saw that Micolash pretty much experienced the same fate as him.
Still, he would be more than glad once he wouldn't have to throw up anymore after going up, but he had the feeling that would take quite a while.
After they had fully ascended and the awful feeling of the curse slowly vanished, Master Willem led them back to the orphanage where they were supposed to rest and then tally up their finds. Laurence could only think about one thing though.
It had been his first delve and he had returned alive. And still, he couldn't wait to go down into the Abyss a second time.
It truly had a fascinating aura around it, it was as if he was drawn to it.
The second delve couldn't come fast enough. (FAQ:
1) I have never played Bloodborne? Will I still understand this fic?
This fic takes place in the world of Made in Abyss. I simply put some Bloodborne characters into the world of Made in Abyss and act like if they had grown up here. There will be a ton of Bloodborne references though, but you don't have to have played the game to understand the plot I am going for. And the characters... we know very little about them, so they are basically 80 to 90 % OCs, so you can just see them as OCs if you please.
2) I have never watched Made in Abyss? Will I still understand this fic?
I strongly advise to be familiar with Made in Abyss for this fic, for it takes place in the world of Made in Abyss. You don't have to be familiar with the plot though, for I am going for a completely different plot detached from the canon of the anime/manga.
I will do my best to explain the world building though, which is 50 % canon and 50 % my own. Anyone familiar with the canon feel free to point out where my headcanons took place.
3) Will characters from MiA show up?
Any MiA characters will likely only be cameos, for I want to focus on the life of the Bloodborne characters here. Don't expect that anyone of the MiA characters has a very huge role. They will more be mentioned in passing and appear for short whiles, but never play a big role.
4) When does this fic take place? Is it during the canon timeline of MiA?
NOPE. This fic takes place before the canon of the manga/anime. During the first chapter, Riko hasn't even been born yet. This first chapter takes place around 20 to 25 years before canon and even after the characters grew up, there won't be much overlap, if any.
5) Why are you using the Old Hunter characters?
Because they are my favs, haha ^^ I have a lot of headcanons about them and they work best for the story I have in mind.
6) Laurence as POV character? Really?
Yep, because he's my ultra FAV. Truth to be told, I actually made up this AU so that I could roleplay Laurence in an MiA verse, but I liked the idea so much that I wanted to make a whole fic out of it.
7) Why did you decide to write a crossover of these two things?
When I watched Made in Abyss, I saw Bloodborne at every corner. Then I thought up Laurence' MiA verse and then... well, I read an interview from Tsukushi himself and he actually said that Bloodborne was one of his big inspirations for Made in Abyss! Speak about coincidences!) Chapter 2
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ask-vaal-hazak · 4 years
I just left a homebrew dnd campaign I've a message for new DM's
If your running a campaign for 2 ppl and there level 3 do not throw cr 6 and 9 monsters at them. For the love of the divine do not.
Extremely fustrating and deadly. And dont use the monsters from a homebrew forum bc it just sounds cool. Bc that "cool" cr 6 hag going against a lv3 party with multiple attack. Multiple spell cast and spell immunity and able to polymorph into any creature it wants at will is devastating.
Just to rant here. I lost 3 characters in 1 hour. My lv 3 barbarian (minotaur zelot). My battlemaster (centaur) and my wizard (yuan ti)
To be a dm ya have to balance and make sure every fight isnt designs to just upright kill ppl at the start bc. 5d12 worth of dmg with multiple attack on a hag or any creature. Is friggin broken.
There no way in hell a monster for a party of 2, level 3 adventures should hit for 5d12 (3 times) and be able to cast 2 spells (at will without using a spell slot) EVERY ROUND. And on top of that have a movement speed of 90 and an ac of 23. (I asked the dm to let me see what he was using and thers more. Swim of 30, fly of 300 ect this is pretty much a god with its stats but the cr says 6. It dosent even feel like a 6. More like a lv 20 broken sack of crap)
This is the reason there are tutorial guides in the book(s) and youtube to show you why you should look at cr then your players levels b4 u design an encounter.
I cant describe how fustrating it was to see my barbarian. Who I spent 5hours making just get tapped lightly and die. Bc 48 hp at lv 3 and taking well over 10 pts of dmg bc apparently she crit me on all attacks and only did like 1 attack to our female player (for 2 dmg with a level 6 scorching ray [its bs] ) was "Fair bc your a barbarian and should be able to tank this EASILY" (quote the dm.)
If there is a way to piss off players it's this and having a game were you get railroaded so hard it's a traveling trip with skill checks with a minimum of 18-20 to notice something like a bear on the road when the weather is CLEAR and everyone is PAYING THE HELL ATTENTION ON A BANDIT HIGHWAY. Not to mention the SCREAMS OF A CYCLOPS AS IT LITERALLY SMASHES INTO THE CARAVAN ACROSS A PLANE WITH A FEW TREES ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.
*Facepalm* my god....oh and if your thinking
"GEE-WILLY Mr. Person surely it couldnt be that bad?" This guys campaign was pretty much parappa the rapper, jojo bizarre adventures, bloodborne, Resident evil and memes.
I had a character who came in and apparently they caused the world to have wormholes? (Somehow) and referenced it everytime we played even when that character died. In session one. Bc apparently a company named (I kid you not) Shoe Rack was the equivalent of resident evil's umbrella cooperation. Complete with a drow leader and a litch bookkeeper who turned everyone into zombies to work for free while they apparently made diamonds to sell for millions of gold and keep the workers working g for 1 copper every month. Only giving gold to ppl that would sleep with them.
Not to mention apparently everyone in this world had magic resist or spell immunity to everyone except to females. And when I made a female char apparently that rule became I valid and it was just a straightforward
Me: does a 17 hit?
Dm: well it would but .... *they grin*
Me: but?
Dm: they use a special ring to catch the spell and cast meteor swarm on you point blank.
Me: well they get hit too I just stabbed them with a dagger.
Me: so they and my teammate. Who has literally been stabbing them are fine?"
Dm: yes
Me (takes like 589 pts of dmg and is ded)
Dm: the litch turns to you and asks if you want a cup of coffee.
Female player: umm sure?
Dm: whoo-yeah. Combat over you get 500 go and a date with the litch.
Me: I'm sorry what?
Female player: umm...ok. awsome.
Me: ......ok cool so I'll just bring in-
Dm: no that's cool the litch revives yorubas a female zombie slave.
Me: why?
Dm: and you need to have sex to keep yourself alive.
Me: yeah no. I'll just bring in my centaur battle master
1 hour later
Dm: you take umm..let's see *rolls dice.*
Me: (waiting)
Dm: *rolls a shit ton more dice*
Me: (waiting)
Dm: oh oh no *grins*
Me: (takes 40 dmg) I'm still up
Dm: how?
Me: I have 48 hp....I'm still up
Dm: ok it's your attack I guess.
Me: rolls a nat 1 "ok I guess I have disadvantage on my next att-"
Dm: rolls a d100 and a d10 (the percentile)
Me: what are you doing?
Dm: rolling for severity of your fail. Btw how much dmg does your lance do?
Me: it does 1d12 dmg and why are you using severity. That's not in 5e and you said we-
Dm: as you fail you accidentally stab yourself in the throat as your spear hits a rock and you take *rolls dice* 35 pts of dmg
Me: ok I'm out that's bs. Number one and two I have a lance and thers no way I can do 35 dmg. I get about 24 dmg on a crit and 28 if I use my racial feature to kick a person at max with a crit.
Dm: oh your just being salty, you dont play fair!
Me: excuse me?
Me: bc everyone has spell immunity for some reason or only takes 1/4 the dmg. I'm pretty much useless and am being fored to play melee unlike our LOREMASTER BARD who got an item to DOUBLE HER DMG AND SPELL SLOTS AND CRIT ON A 15 PERMANENTLY (this is the female btw)
Dm: well maybe you should have slept with the litch
Me: she literally found that item in a store for like 3 silver and when I looked (with a 17 arcana check) I found a rusty dagger and a flask of poisoned potion.
Dm: well maybe roll higher?
Female player: umm I rolled like a 10 and found this that's kind of cool but I dont think it's fair. But o wanna keep my items
Dm: ugh fine. You keep yours. Ummm (to me) I guess you get a potion of greater healing for....umm 500 go.
Me:.......nah I'm good, FUCK IT. I'll just make another spell caster Oops. Cant do that. How about a nope. Cant make a barbar I'm going to make a artificer
Dm: cant do that
Me: why?
Dm: they're broken its not good.
Me: *with the book* not broken..ulyou know what why dont you make me a character and I'll use that.
Dm: hands me a sheet
Me: reads "Zonia the sexy zombie elf sex slave that gets stronger every time she has sex?" *Looks at everyone* ok I'm out enjoy the campaign.
Dm: we cant have a dnd adventure with only 1 person.
Me: yes you can you've been doing it since session 1. I'm out goodbye. I'm still running my campaign on sunday. I wont hole anything against you. But I will not sit here and be shit on bc I refuse to kiss yur ass and make a slut of a character. Pull your head from your ass. I'm taking my stuff and I'm out.
Dm: but I need the dm screen and the mat and the markers.
Me: then buy your own or use theater of mind. I'm out.
Like how bad is it to want to be a dm to shit on ppl. THIS, THIS IS NOT OK. and no one wants a zombie sex slave that can only have sex and has a str of 0 a con of 30 a dex of 1 a cha of 40 and so on. Its friggin stupid!
Anyway that's my rant. Im....I think I'm just done with dms and crap I just want to play a dnd game I can be happy with. And not always be the Forever dm. Who has players challenge everything. Like why as a monk they cant use sleight of hand to CATCH A FRIGGIN FIREBALL AND/OR AN ARROW AIMED AT ANOTHER PERSON.
Anyway leave a comment or add on I'm just burnt out and glad I could get this rant off my chest
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blue-shaded · 4 years
I don’t get why people care so much about other people’s hair/their bodies as a whole, especially YouTubers. Mark, Ethan, Seán, remember when they all stopped having dyed hair? It was a shitshow! Don’t get me started when Seán grew his hair out/put it in a small bun and people got mad at him for it.
Also, I remember when Seán got his Bloodborne tattoo (fantastic game btw, my profile at the time of making this ask is actually of a character from it lol) people lost their SHIT. It wasn’t like he got a tattoo of something hateful/morally wrong, it was just a tattoo of something from a game he loves. Say what you want about the guy, I don’t like him anymore myself, but he has the right to get a tattoo, especially of something that means a lot to him lol. Don’t try to control other people, especially when it comes to their choices regarding appearences, doesn’t matter if you know them personally or if they’re a complete stranger.
I’m not saying you care about any of these things, I know you don’t bc your criticisms are only about things that should be criticized lmao, I don’t always agree with your approach but I really respect you for that. You don’t get mad at people for completely harmless things that they have a right to do. It’s just the...talk? is that what we should call it? about Ethan’s hair reminded me of these situations. Sorry for the ramble.
A bit of a side note though, notice how everything I brought up involves Seán? I think that says a lot about how his fans *actually* see him.
I also don’t really care but I am allowed to have an opinion on it. Sean’s manbun? Aint a manbun, it’s looking pathetic, He should grow it more to have it look good but if he want it this way then who am I to stop him. Bloodborne tattoo? don’t care, tattoos are fucking cool though. I want another one. If you have a problem with tattoos then perhaps you are the problem. I don’t really criticize people on how they look or dress. But I am allowed to judge. Just like any other human being. People judge me for having blue/grey hair but do I dye my hair or change myself because of that? No. I didn’t fuckin care about ethan’s hair I like it the way it is. I care about his other fucking edgelord behaviour tho and I don’t condone any of that.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/8
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Part 8
AU story, with characters from tvd/to, featuring Joel Goran from Saving Hope
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
Main pairing_Nick Amaro & Elena Gilbert
tag_ @miguelsbrat​
thanks so much for reading ✽\(ˆ▽ˆ)-✽ ✽-(ˆ▽ˆ)/✽
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The New Orleans dawn was breaking. The remains of the night were slowly being washed away by the  first rays of the sun. Elena was gazing out of the hospital windows into the horizon blank waiting for the results of Nick's check up. The attending came up to her informing her that Nick will be left for observation as he had lost significant amount of blood, and being an FBI agent they didn't want to risk anything by releasing him, even though his blood work showed that he wasn't in any risk at all. As the nurses left, Elena walked in the room they transferred him to.They wereboth silent.There was so much explaining to follow, but at the moment they just felt it wasn't the time or the place.
"I owe you my life" Nick said, swallowing hard.
"No, you don't. This is what partners are for. You saved mine, remember?"
"It's not the same."
"We are not keeping score. You got to rest. I will head back to the hotel, get a shower and change. I think they will let you out later today. I need to go meet Stavros. And interview the voodoo woman. I will swing by the magic shop later."
"Ok" Nick said closing his eyes. He was tired.The magic of the ointment Elena applied had worn off and now he felt the aftermath of the horrific ordeal he went through.
She looked at him warmly, making a small mental sigh. She enclosed him in her heart that night they played Monopoly. He shed his Agent demeanour off, and shown her a person he really was deep down. Kind, warmhearted, sweet.
"I want justice for the victims. This is what drives me. Cold cases were the most challenging. I love challenges."
"Well, you are in the most challenging section of the FBI now." Elena said.
"And think that you are in it for the same reason. You care about the people. At least that's what I could say about your reports."
"Yeah. But I don't always manage to get it. You read that, too. There’s too many dead ends”
“I know. But you are not giving up - and I admire what you have accomplished. I do.” Nick said with a meaningful glimmer in his eyes.
Elena now took hold of his hand and squeezed it.
Nick fluttered his eyes open.They softly connected with Elena’s, making her shudder slightly. It had happened the first time they met, and they knew that there was this something deeply rooted.They both had felt it. Their souls connected before they were even aware of it.
“I got to go” Elena pulled her hand away. “See you later.”
Nick nodded, watching her get out of the room, his heart quivering dreamily. A secret smile curved his lips.
Outside, Elena pulled her phone out and dialed Jenna's number.      
"Morning you," Jenna said as she picked up the call,"how are things? Is he going to be all right?"
"Yes," Elena replied,"I need you to send me all about the Bloodborns"
"So, you haven't talked?!" "He is still processing. I would be after the night he had. Sorry to wake you" Elena said apollogetically.
"You think I have slept?!"
"Hope Alaric has" Elena said. "Yeah, he has a full day at the University. So, you think this will complicate things?" “Things are complicated, but they actually are getting clearer”
"Elaborate" Jenna said, not understanding her niece’s logic.
"I can't. You would be involved an it is not goo at this point of investigation"
"Right. Be careful. My gut feeling tells me this is way bigger than just some random ritual killing" Jenna sighed.
"Yeah -got to go." Elena said and hung up.
At times Elena felt like she was reliving the twisted version of the 'Groundhog Day' movie. But here, no matter how hard she tried to get it put things right, things would always get even more tangled up.  
Years back, when she was about to enter the FBI Training Academy
"You know why they are recruiting you?" Jenna said.
"I know. It's not because I am so good at biochemistry" Elena replied.
"Straight to the special program?," Jenna continued, "I am not sure about this"
"I am going there, because of the resources. Because- the darkness is taking over and I have to do everything I can to stop it."
Jenna enveloped her niece a warm hug.
In Washington DC, a few hours later
Caroline walked in her office. Klaus saw her come in and went to her, knocking at the door out of courtesy.
"Today you have to slay. Take Liv with you and get make the summons on this case be worth our while" Klaus in a serious manner.
Caroline nodded. It was obvious the magic of him being this great comprehensive charmer disappeared over night and he was his usual emotionless sour self.
Why did she care. They had a job to do. Prosecute  criminals and put them in jail. Stop thinking with your heart. Echoed in her head. He is just another waste of time. That's how she labeled some of her men. She called Liv over to her office and they went through the case in question.
Rebekah's day started with somewhat better. One of her patients showed great improvement. But still there was no answer from Marcel. At times she wished she could just tune out.
In New Orleans, a few hours later
Elena stuffed nearly a whole beignet reading what Jenna had sent her. But there was nothing that could establish the connection to Nick and his blood needed to be used for a ritual.
"What is not right in this picture?" she muttered going through some of the facts of the Bloodbornes again.
Her phone rang and it was Agent Stavros, notifying her that he was now at the precinct.
"I am on my way" Elena said hanging up.
Meanwhile, in the hospital, Nick woke up with a throbbing headache, born from the strange magical potion Elena gave him. It had kicked something in him, bringing out a memory that rose up like a wind from nowhere.
25 years ago
"You will forget about all of this," Dita Galindo said to Nick,"there are no monsters. That are just stories people invented. There are good and evil people. It is as simple as that. Now eat your dinner"
"But I know what I saw. That changed into a wolf." Nick said.
"No. The man befriended the animal. That is all. And your imagination is running wild. But it is all right. You're ten. You will grow out of it."
Dita Galindo did everything possible to make sure Nick didn't know anything of his origin. And he never bothered to find out. He concentrated to work hard at school and get out of Louisiana and get in the FBI. He was diligent, silent, dark and very meticulous. And the name vulture he got always digging into cases that were impossible to solve, digging into dead meat, as some of his colleagues would say.
Nick brushed his fingers over the side of the neck where he was bitten. He took a deep breath. The sudden realization that monsters that bit him were very real, shook him. These monsters wanted him. Why him? Who was he?
He got up and as he wanted to get up he felt faint for a moment. The nurse walked in suggesting he should lay down.
"I want to discharge myself," Nick said,"I will sign any paper. I am not staying here. I need to go"
The nurse checked his IV and then looked at Nick who closed his eyes for a moment. The images of the vampire biting him appeared again. He opened his eyes and now asked the nurse to call the doctor.
“You should rest.” the nurse tried to calm him down, but Nick was too agitated to listen to her.
“I want to see a doctor now! Get me the Attending. Now!” he demanded.
"You are not fit to do anything today" the Attending said.
"I am leaving, so can you just give me whatever I need to sign to get out - and you will be clear form any possible repercussions that might occur" Nick sat up. He pulled the IV needle out of his backhand.
The Attending could see that no matter what he said Nick was determined to leave. He bandaged his hand, and told him that the nurse would be with him shortly.
And so, he was out of the hospital, finding a cab in front that took him to the nearest rent-a-car place. His phone rang and it was Elena. He looked at it and thought for a second whether he should answer or not. The hospital must have told her that he had left. She was his partner and by rights, he had to answer her, but he chose not to and blocked her. But Elena rang again and he blocked her call again. He was not in the mood to talk to her. Not yet. First he had to get some answers himself. Then his voice mail alert came on and he now played her message.
"Whatever you think you are doing. Don't! I know it is not easy to process all what's happened. Been there.Call me back."
Deep down he knew she meant well. He knew that he was now led by his emotions that were jumping all over the place, like someone put him on live wire. But he left the reason behind and now drove like mad to Carencro, where his adoptive mother Dita lived.
Outside the Magic Shop, Elena was pissed that Nick took off without calling her and she now told Agent Stavros that they had to postpone 'scouring' the place.
"I have released Davina's body to the family. But they will not have the funeral till- " Dean said referring to the woman's heart.
Elena sighed. "You believe that it can be retrieved?"
"I heard what Agnes said to you." Dean replied.
Elena was quiet for a second. She could not pull the wool over his eyes. Dean was involved with Davina, but he didn't know how deeply involved she was in the vampiric world.
"Can I help you?" he offered.
"Nahh- plus- you need to rest. This is not over by far. I will need you fresh and ready for what's to come. See you tomorrow" Elena said jumping in the SUV.
"Bloodborns  are described as the offspring of both an Angel, and a Demon. However, users of this power will have the potential to become more powerful than either side.
This is due to the fact that said spirit would be neutral and possess power from the forces of both Light and Darkness. These beings are based off of the Nephillim, the hybrid offspring of an Angel and a human, with the only difference being that both parents are immortal spirits. Their children became Witchers, monster hunters."                  
"Answer, dammit!" Elena kept pressing the speedial with Nick’s number over and over again, but there was no answer. She drove like mad hoping to catch up with him before he got to Heloise's house. And she managed to get there some twenty minutes after him. She could hear Nick asking question after question and Dita not giving him any answers.
Elena knocked on the door and walked in, apologizing to Heloise for being so forward. Nick now looked at her surprised to see her there, "How did you know”
“Where you were?" Elena finished his sentence and sighing a little replied."I know - about you and where you lived as a kid."
It felt like he was slapped on his face. She could see the rage and disappointment rise in his eyes, "What a great partner you are?. What else do you know?"
Dita looked at Elena now, who gave her a nudge with her head to leave them for a moment on their own.
"I know that you are angry right now. And everything that had happened last night isn't helping" Elena said to Nick.
"You are kidding, right? Is this some kind of a sick joke to all of you? All my life I have been lied to. I want answers. But I don't want them from you. I don't know what shit you will tell me to cover something up" He felt faint again and now spat back Elena about the strange thing she gave him that probably was the reason for making him feel weak.
"Ok. Sit down. You are not back to yourself. You have lost a lot of blood."
"The magic makes him like that" Dita said.
Both Elena and Nick now looked at the witch’s direction.
"What magic?" Elena asked straight forward, as she knew that thing could get bad if there was a clash of magic inside a person.
"Set on him, to keep his real nature subsided" Dita said.
Nick sat down now as he was not feeling good.
"Right. Now you have tell me what magic was used on him" Elena said in a steady calm voice. It was clear that Dita was nervous, but she loved Nick, and clearly didn't want him to suffer.
Nick now started sweating and Elena now looked for some cold water and a towel to ease his condition a bit.
He gulped looking at her now. "Tell me- what am I? Why did they take me?"
"I will. But now- we need to get this magic out of you," Elena brushed Nick’s forehead with a damp cloth,"I am sorry that I kept things from you. Big mistake. Fucking big mistake"
Nick now took hold of the brunette’s arm looking at her with eyes that indicated he is going to slip away, but he managed to mutter. "Fucking big mistake, Gilbert"
"Yeah. Later- you can shout and be pissed as much as you want- but now- I need you to stay with me- do you hear me- Ok?"
Nick nodded a little- feeling like his whole body yet again felt like it was going to lose life.
Elena now ordered Dita to get the witch who had done this to him.
"She is not alive, anymore" Dita said.
"Then some other!, Elena said. "This has to be done. He will not make it otherwise. I am fucking serious!"
Dita just waved off with her head. “There is nobody. I’m sorry.”
Elena now took her phone and dialed a number.
"Valerie," Elena said and proceeded explaining what had happened.
"Right. This what you will do,” Valerie said to Elena, who now found a silver knife in the kitchen,"as you cut the blood from your wrist and you pour it in a clean silver bowl, put the dagger on his chest- as you tell the words- conlidam in sanguinem"
"This is going to work?" Elena said in desperation.
"It will"  Valerie said.
"All right," Elena said hanging up,"come on"
She pulled Nick up in a seating position and took his sweater off, and as she helped him lay back, she proceeded with the ritual.
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Class Reunion - Sam x fem!reader pt 3
Read part 2 here!
Summary: Sam and Dean hit up a case in a town they lived in for Sam's senior year of high school. While on a supply run, Sam runs into reader who he dated that year. Reader invites him to the class reunion. Sam is hesitant but the case leads to the reunion. SPARKS FLY BITCHES
Jared led the brothers into the kitchen, "Mom, they're here!" He turned back towards the two, "You guys want something to drink. We have water and blood."
Dean leaned forward, "Excuse me?"
"Jared, stop telling people the cranberry juice is blood!" (Y/N) scolded as she walked into the living room, wiping her hands on her apron.
"Hey guys, thanks for coming." She grinned.
Sam smiled, lost in her eyes, then gasped when Dean subtly elbowed him in the ribs. Dean looked at the flowers, then her.
"Oh uh, these are for you." Sam cleared his throat, holding up the bouquet of roses.
"Aww, how sweet." She took the flowers and inhaled deeply, "I'll put these in water. Jared, can you entertain while I finish dinner?" She looked at him pointedly. Jared rolled his eyes.
"Yes, mother."
"Thank you, son." She winked at Sam and went back into the kitchen.
"I'll come with," Sam said hurriedly, following her into the kitchen.
Jared and Dean stood their awkwardly. The kid was only 17 and was definitely Dean's height, maybe taller. Dean cleared his throat and smiled tightly.
"Uh..." Jared said, "You play video games?"
Dean rolled his shoulders and smirked, "I've been known to be the top player of Space Invaders in a few arcades."
Jared breathed out a laugh, "You play Bloodborne?"
"Blood-what?" Dean asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Bloodborne. It's a game where you kill monsters, like werewolves and stuff." Jared explained.
Dean shrugged, "I could give it a go."
(Y/N) watched Sam walk in, she smiled and filled a vase with water to house the roses.
"He's a hoot, isn't he?" She said, placing a hand on her hip, "Giving a run for my money. But then again, so did you." She smirked.
"Is it weird that I am extremely nervous? I don't know what to say to him. What would I even say?" He said in a hushed tone, "What does he like? What does he not like?"
"Sam." She said, cutting off his ramble. She slowly took his hands in hers, gauging his reaction. His shoulders relaxed and his breathing got a little easier.
"Look, it's normal that you're nervous. But Jared's a good kid. You can ask him anything you want. Get to know him tonight and however long you're staying." She said, a twinkle in her eye. He had forgotten that for a moment about his life. That after they killed this monster, they would go back on the road. But this was a new situation. If this thing was going after people in their class, her life could be at stake.
"We got a button-masher." Jared leaned back against the couch.
"Zip it, kid, I'm winning." Dean said, looking extremely concentrated while he killed a gangly looking werewolf with a huge machete thing. He killed in and grinned at Jared.
"And that's how it's done." He handed Jared the controller. Jared chuckled and rolled his eyes, killing another enemy with a little more finesse than Dean's repeated duck and roll maneuver. There was a comfortable silence between the two beside the sound of gore coming from the TV.
"So... Uh... You knew my mom in high school?" Jared asked, a troubling look in his eyes.
"I met her a couple times, yeah." Dean said, looking at the boy out of the corner of his eye.
"Was she... Was she a good person?" Jared asked.
Dean fully looked at him then. The kid had his head down, his brown hair hiding his eyes. Dean could almost think of the times when Sam looked exactly like that.
"Is this about.. your uh.. your dad?" He didn't know how to handle what seemed like a touchy subject.
"No," Jared looked up, "Well, uh... Yeah I guess. She told me that he didn't know. And I guess I understand. And she's been great. But..." He trailed off.
"You wish you had your dad around." Dean finished the sentence. Jared only nodded. Dean put a hand on Jared's back.
"Look, Jared. Your mom has done the best she could. And I think you turned out pretty okay. You're not runnin' the roads and getting in trouble." Dean said.
"How do you know?" Jared asked.
"I'm FBI." Dean pulled the lapel of his jacket to reveal his badge (a fake badge, but a badge), "We know everything." He closed his jacket.
"My point is, keep your chin up. Who knows, maybe your dad is closer than you think." He smiled. Jared smiled and nodded, a twinkle in his eye.
"You're welcome." Dean nodded.
"Dinner!" (Y/N) called. Jared shoved at Dean's arm.
"Beat ya there." He smirked just like Sam would.
"Like Hell." Dean scrambled to get up, grabbing Jared in a loose headlock, ruffling his hair.
Sam and (Y/N) were putting dishes on the table when Dean and Jared came barging in, shoving and pushing at each other to get a seat.
"Boys." (Y/N) put her hands on her hips.
"Sorry." Jared and Dean said in unison. Sam gave his brother a pointed look. Everyone started eating, which meant Sam scrambled to try and talk to the kid.
"So, Jared." He cleared his throat, "Your mom told me some stuff but uh, where are you going to school?"
Jared took a drink of his water before speaking, "Uh, I'm still a senior right now. But uh, I want to go into history and folklore. I think it's interesting. Or law."
Sam smiled, "That's great. I actually went to Stanford before..." He trailed off, "Before going into law enforcement."
Dean smirked, "Followed in the Family Business, right, Sammy?"
"Family Business?" (Y/N) asked, "I think I remember you telling me something about that. Wasn't your dad also in the FBI?"
Sam nodded, "Yeah." He lied, "Yeah, he was. We're what they call Legacies."
"Cool." Jared smiled, "Do you get any cool stuff?"
Dean tutted and leaned back, pulling a silver pistol out of his waistband, "How about this cool?"
"That's awesome." Jared went to touch the handle.
"Don't touch that!" (Y/N) and Sam said together. Jared looked between the two, mainly at Sam, then retracted his hands.
"Sorry, I guess." The rest of the dinner went without incident. Jared had taken a liking to Dean quickly. Which made Sam oddly jealous.
Later in the night after Jared went to bed, the three adults sat in the living room.
"He's a good kid, (Y/N)." Dean said, sitting on the couch next to her. He had just dropped off their duffle bags upstairs.
"I try my best." She smiled, sipping a glass of red wine, "It wasn't easy. But I think I did okay."
Sam smiled, "Took after his old man, huh? Law and history."
She shook her head and chuckled, "Yeah, trust me. I didn't cry at all when he told me."
Dean looked at Sam, then back at (Y/N).
"So uh, we hate to mix work and pleasure, trust me. But uh," He licked his lips, "Could you tell us anything about the murders happening in town?"
She sighed and sat back, holding the glass in both hands, "I don't know much. I just know they it was awful. Witicker has been keeping it under wraps because of the reunion. Says that it's random. But after today's attacks... I'm not so sure."
Sam leaned forward in the chair he was sitting in, "Did you know about the prank from homecoming our senior year?"
"Oh god." She groaned, taking a long gulp of the wine, "Those assholes. So every prank had to go through student council for approval. Well I was out sick for that meeting and it went through. The kid, Daniel was his name, he was kind of a lonely guy. Nice as can be, but was an outcast. He was the water boy for the football team. I was told they were just going to dump Gatorade on him during half time. But no, they pants him in front of everyone. I was mortified, I couldn't imagine how Danny felt. I tried to talk to him at school the next Monday but he dropped out. No one saw him again." She looked up, eyes widening, "You don't think Danny's doing this, do you?"
"Well, right now he's the main suspect." Dean said seriously.
She sighed, finishing the wine, "I would go to the school board about canceling the reunion, because obviously he's targeting people. But as always, nobody listens to me."
"Actually, that might be a way to catch him." Sam said, "We keep everyone in the gym, no one gets lost. We catch the guy and... Do whatever's necessary." Sam avoided eye contact. (Y/N) groaned and rubbed her head.
"I'm gonna go lie down." She stood up, "Guest rooms are upstairs, second door on your right." She set her glass on the coffee table, leaving it for the morning, "Night guys." She made her way up the stairs.
Dean looked at Sam, waiting until (Y/N) was out of earshot.
"Looks like Danny wanted so power, so he found a vampire and turned." Sam said.
"Yeah well, I'd be pissed for 18 years too. Small towns always have the biggest bullying problem." Dean leaned back.
Sam bit his cheek, rubbing his hands together, "You don't think... Jared gets bullied, do you?"
"That kid?" Dean scoffed, "Nah, he's fine. Takes after his uncle." He smirked.
Sam glared, "Yeah about that-"
"Oh come on, don't tell me you're jealous." Dean stood and made his way towards the kitchen. Sam followed, grabbing the wine glass from the table.
"What if I am?" Sam put the glass in the sink.
Dean turned and held his hands out, "Because there's no point. I'm just getting along with him."
"But he's my son!" Sam whisper-yelled.
"Then stop asking him the parent stuff and just talk to him like a normal person." Dean scoffed, "You sound like Dad."
Sam clenched his jaw, "I am nothing like dad."
Dean nodded his head to the side, "Coulda fooled me." He shouldered his way passed his brother and out of the kitchen. Sam leaned on the counter and shook his head. After his cool-down he rubbed his face and went to upstairs to find his room. He found his room easily, seeing as it was the only one with the lights off and the door open. That is until he looked down the hall and saw another door open.
He crept down the hall to the door. He pushed it open more and saw a typical boy room. There was dirty laundry piled up in the hamper in the corner. There was a desk riddled with papers and books. Sam pulled out his phone and used the light from the screen to look at the titles. There was a deep red, leather book on Romanian myths and legends. On the walls he saw movie posters of classics like Dracula and Young Frankenstein. If only this kid knew.
A small sigh brought Sam's attention to the bed in the corner of the room. Jared was sleeping on his back, one arm under his head, the other loosely grasping his phone. Sam carefully took the phone and set it on the bedside table. He grabbed the covers and pulled them higher to Jared chin. Sam smiled proudly, lightly brushing Jared's hair off his forehead. Jared smiled in his sleep, turned to sleep on his side. Sam slowly walked back to the door, looking in one last time.
"Goodnight, Jared." He whispered and shut the door. When he turned around, (Y/N) was right behind him. He jumped, his heart in his throat. She was smiling at him, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the wall.
"I was uh." Sam said, wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes away.
"Save the excuses, big boy. It's fine. It was cute. A little weird, but cute." She hummed.
Sam let out a little laugh, "I guess you're right." He licked his lips, "So uh, when should we tell him?" He asked, his voice shaking.
She bit her lip, thinking a moment, "What about tomorrow after the Reunion. I have to set up during the day, Dean can scout the place. It's a Saturday, Jared doesn't have school. Maybe you could stay here with him, get to know him better." She let her arms fall to her sides, "Then after the Reunion and after bad guy getting, we can tell him. Together." She suggested.
Sam nodded, "That's a great idea."
She nodded, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Goodnight, Sammy." She turned to walk away. Sam grabbed her wrist, out of instinct, he wasn't sure. She turned back and looked at him. Sam's lips twitched up from a smile to a grin as he looked at her, thinking of all the good memories with her after such a terrible year. He leaned down slowly, looking from her lips to her eyes, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted to. But she didn't. When their lips met, there was a feeling of serenity that passed between them. (Y/N) slowly slid her hands up his chest and to his neck, locking her fingers in his hair. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer. Boldly, he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, surprised and a little turned on by his strength.
He walked blindly to her room at the end of the hall, walking and closing it with his foot. She tugged a little on his hair, pulling a groan from his throat. She pulled away and giggled, "Hush now, don't wanna get caught like last time."
"Oh that cop was bored with nothing else to do than bust two kids on the motel roof." He joked, laying her on her bed. Her chest was heaving, her robe was coming undone, revealing more and more. Sam climbed into the bed, kissing his way up.
I don't want Tumblr to flag me you get what's goin' on.
Sam fell besides her, panting heavily with a large grin on his face. (Y/N) turned on her side, leaning on her arm.
"Haven't had that much fun in a while." She hugged and giggled.
Sam laughed softly, pulling her closer to him. She draped her arm over his stomach and hummed at how warm he was.
"Sammy?" She whispered, a yawn soon followed. He yawned after her, "Yeah?"
"I missed you." She pressed a soft kiss to his chest.
"I missed you too." Sam said, kissing the top of her head. Slowly they both drifted off to sleep.
Let us pray that (Y/N) doesn't fall pray to Sammy's dick-death curse. Amen.
Read part 4 here!
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synchronmurmurs · 5 years
2, 7, 13, 19 🤘🏻😁
2. Most nostalgic game?
After a lot of thinking, I have to go with Pokemon Yellow. My parents didn’t really let my siblings and I play many games when we were younger, so I ended up playing Pokemon pretty much when the fad started to die out in my school LOL. But you know those memes about your mother coming in to check on you late at night, and you have to hide ya gameboy under your pillow? That was me in spades lksaefsgf. I had a really good time with that game! I kept making new files whenever I’d finish one playthrough, except I never really changed what pokemon I caught, so it was really pretty much the same playthrough over and over 😂
7. Least favorite genre?
I would have to say visual novel? Not to say I dislike it, it’s just a tricky genre for me to get into - if the writing isn’t very good, or the localisation is spotty, or the dialogue isn’t very interesting, it’s really hard for me to stay invested because there’s so little gameplay to look forward to, if that makes sense? Because there’s nothing for me to actively play, everything else needs to hit me hard or else I lose my drive to continue. 😔 But I’ve definitely played a few VN’s that I’ve enjoyed!! Things like Ace Attorney and I suppose to a degree Professor Layton were really enjoyable for me. AA especially!!
13. Favorite boss?
BETTY THIS QUESTION IS REALLY HARD FOR ME OMG…. I’ve no joke been sitting back in my chair like Gendo Ikari trying to narrow it down slkdf IT’S BEEN LIKE 20 MINUTES.
Okayokokokokokokokookkokokokjlda I think I got it. Ludwig the Accursed from Bloodborne. To give it a little bit of context, when the trailers for the Bloodborne DLC were being released, the only thing they ever showed of Ludwig was his first phase, and so every single person just assumed what we saw was going to be the entire fight. Even in playable demos at… I think it was Tokyo Game Show, they scripted the fight so that only his first phase would be shown. So the fight starts off with this unholy amalgamation of man and horse, clearly lost his mind, screeching and charging at you like a beast. But when his health is reduced to 50%, it triggers a cutscene where he collapses, and his beloved sword falls in front of him. And when he sees it, he remembers who he is, STARTS TALKING ABOUT HOW IT’S HIS GUIDING MOONLIGHT, THEN GETS UP ON HIS HIND LEGS, AND STARTS BEATING THE EVERLOVING SHIT OUT OF YOU WITH THIS BIGASS SWORD AND HIS BOSS NAME CHANGES FROM LUDWIG THE ACCURSED TO LUDWIG THE HOLY BLADE AND THE MUSIC CHANGES OH MY LORD THE SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS BOSS WAS AMAZING. I AM GOING TO BE COMPLETELY HONEST WITH YOU BETTY, I JUST STARTED TO SCREAM WHEN IT HAPPENED TO ME
Omg I’m so sorry I got carried away there, but it… it was a really special moment in the game. I can’t think of many other examples where the rug gets yanked out from under you like that. I love Bloodborne so damn much 😭😭
19. Ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?
Omg this is a hard one too lmfao you’re coming at me with the toughies..!! But okay this is kind of just a silly little dream, and also kinda touches a little on the whole Gintama thing I mentioned in a previous ask (that was also from you…), but a Gintama/DMC crossover would be so much fun because Gintoki and Dante in the same room would be pure chaotic energy in the best kind of way. Back when I used to RP, I had the pleasure of being able to play as Gintoki off a friend’s Dante, and it was g l o r i o u s. All the more so because it was DMC3 Dante lskdfj. We had such a good time omg..
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fareehaandspaniards · 11 months
You asked me about Patches recently, but how do YOU feel about him? I've noticed that his Bloodborne portrayal stands out not just because he becomes a monster, but it is the uhhh... idk, delivery? I did not even realize it was him until much later when I could recognize the voice actor ;-; Which version of Patches is your fav? (I personally don't think DS3 version could be bested, but ALL Patches are good)
Sorry it took so long, Kat! I had 1 hour of free time a day for a few days in a row :'^)
Patches caused me and my spouse a lot of conflicting emotions, because we started with DS3, and there he was, well… Not the best character xD I was genuinely amazed at how game developers could make THAT kind of asshole. My spouse killed him right away on the first playthrough xdd It was a shame not for the player character, but rather for Siegward of Catarina - a real sunshine! And then we found out that Patches really cares about Greirat, even though he hides it, and we started changing our opinion. As it turns out, they're friends, and Patches might even save him during the questline! Also, in the DLC, he shows up quite suddenly with memory loss, and gradually comes back to himself. It's so cute that by losing himself he becomes something of a knight, but the mean version of him is cuter still!
Then in Elden Ring we realized he's a king! xd No really, his character there is something awesome, he has his own, full questline and the way you get the "Extreme Repentance" gesture from him is divine! He gives hints, is simping for Tanith, and is overall a very cozy character that is something very nice to meet! And his gesture "Patches' Crouch" - oh my!!! xdd That's adorable!
In ds1 he shoves us off a cliff, but that was even cute! I accidentally killed him then because in my favorite location, I had giant skeletons running after me and I lost all bearings and got lost. He's very charismatic, actually, and his voice actor does double duty in making you love the character.
Well in BB his line "Oh Amygdalaaaaaaaa, have mercy on a poor bastard" is so SO HOT. So well said. I fell in love with it then. xd And the spider with the bald man's head is just a sample of what I want to see every day lol It's very interesting to imagine his place in BB's lore, but I can't do that. Not enough mana for that
And he's also Miyazaki's avatar in the game (I don't know where this info comes from, but it says so in the wiki and some articles! xd It must be just a theory, but it is sooo funny) So we have developed a local meme with my husband, like "everything is clear, the author is Patches" (все ясно, автор - Лоскутик. Так звучит лучше! хд) when any publication seems like a hoax, stupidity or something to us xdd
I haven't played DS2, but so many people are shipping him with Creighton? It looks hot and cool but I don't understand the background but shipping them sounds good xdd
He has something so cool in his character. Like he is completely fictional, but he is so "human-like"! Not because he is mean and lying, but because he has a balance of good and bad! He is easy to befriend actually, soft and nice, but also soooooo bitchy I can't xD He is that charismatic ass of a character, that is pathetic, but does nothing bad actually (almost???), but actually has a strong humanity... I can't describe! ;_; love him
Patches is a king (sorry for this sketch)
(Oh look! He caught another greedy bastard (no))
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #5: Favorite Fish-Man
1.)    Abe Sapien (BPRD)
Good old Abraham Sapien. Been with us since the fist arc of Hellboy. Abe’s come a long way since then; met his mom, found his wife, subsequently lost her, reunited with his old steampunk buddies, got elected as antichrist after Hellboy and Liz, went into a coma, mutated a couple of feet taller, and so and so on. Into Abe is thrown a lot of bigger themes that inform us of the Mignolaverse’s overall composure. On the aesthetic side, Abe always brings the ocean, fish, and water with him. Lovecraft’s fear of the ocean, Verne’s fascination, and Melville’s awe of it are all wrapped up in Abe Sapien. In his past life, he even came from a whaling family, and he was part of a secret society of ocean-worshiping spiritualists. That’s the other aesthetic cue in Abe; Victoriana. Even when in body armor and running across the flooded remains of the Gulf Coast, Abe never loses a certain gentility. But as a character theme, more than anything, I think Abe represents tragedy. He’s lost more than anyone; Even Liz can still say she has her humanity. Abe can’t even remember his past life, and now he’s becoming a little more monstrous every day.
But through all that, Abe is still maybe the most relatable member of the BPRD for me. (Well, the superpowered ones anyway.) Abe isn’t really sure of who he is or his place in the world, and he’s still looking for those connections that root a person. At the same time, Abe sticks to the middle of the road, acting as the voice of reason even in unreasonable circumstances. He’s capable of emotional outbursts and faults, but for the most part, Abe succeeds at being a good person. Abe might be the strangest core member of the BPRD, but that he’s never inhuman. We don’t need to be super heroes; just basically good people are enough to keep the world running.
2.)    Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Man, I just love how cool this guy is. Sea monster octopus pirate; that’s a character description that makes my inner ten year old want to jump and down. Davy Jones’ whole character design is just so nifty; tentacle beard, organic peg-leg, crab-claw hook hand, a sweet pipe and a giant hat. Hat’s also important for the other reason I love Jones; plays into so many mythical archetypes. Costumers for PotC explicitly stated they picked Jones’ hat because it looked like horns, and they really wanted Jones to fit his role as essentially the pirate devil. As the PotC spans out, Jones is revealed to have been even more legendary characters; he’s the Old Man of the Sea that Odysseus had to wrestle to go to Hades, and Charon guiding souls over to the underworld. I’ll be honest, Davy Jones’ pathos with the lost love never really struck a chord with me. Bill Nighy’s performance of it was great, though, so props are definitely in order for that. And last, but certainly not least, I can’t not love a man who keeps a kraken as a pet.
3.)    Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft)
The classic. The first. Your one and only. It’s beginning to look a lot like fish-men. The blue-collar workers of the Cthulhu Mythos. H.P. Lovecraft’s fear of the ocean and corrupted bloodlines all wrapped into one beautiful, horrible fish creature. Nothing quite beats Lovecraft’s originals; he goes out of his way to describe them as alien, foul, and horrible. They’re another one of those monsters you can practically smell through the pages. I think it’s safe to say that half the other fish-men on this list wouldn’t exist without the Deep Ones. People are still scared of the ocean and the alien things living in it, and the Deep Ones give that fear a face. All the while they call to some primal part of us, an archaic memory that remembers when our species used to be fish, and they tell us to come home. Just as angels call us to come to God, the Deep Ones call us back to the sea. (Also; fat and hunchbacked Deep Ones only. I’m sorry; I wish I didn’t have to make that call. If it was up to me, all Deep Ones would be valid. But these are the times we live in, and sacrifices have to be made, preferably to Father Dagon.)
4.)    The Creature from the Black Lagoon (Universal Monsters)
Deep Ones lite. There’s actually a lot I like about the Creature on its own merits. It’s such a natural creature, as far as monsters go. It lives in harmony with its ecosystem, and its design really conveys that its simply a fish that has evolved into a humanoid shape. You can say the same thing about humans, though, and that ultimately is where we connect with the Creature. He’s also kind of charming in his own way; wide eyes, smiling face, no big pointy teeth. He’s practically a goldfish compared to the Deep Ones. And of course those underwater ballet sequences are still just absolutely beautiful. I think more than the Deep Ones, the Creature can probably be compared to King Kong; a primal, more innocent creature so strange that humanity wouldn’t leave it alone. Mankind’s desire to know more about the mysterious ultimately destroyed that mystery, conveying the paradox of how destructive discovery can be.
5.)    The Asset (Shape of Water)
We’ve come full circle now, I suppose. Centuries ago, sailors dreamed up half women/half fish creatures to ease their loneliness, and now we’ve made a half man/half fish to do the same for women. The Asset is pretty explicitly a makeover of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, even coming from a distant part of South America. There’s also clearly some Abe Sapien in there, which is only to be expected coming from Guillermo del Toro. This might sound weird, but I think the details I appreciate most are the spines and the fangs. I know this whole movie was supposed to be about how the monster was less dangerous than the Creature, but the spines and fangs just make it feel like a more believable creature.
6.)    The Creature (Monster Squad)
But before the asset, there was another Creature from the Black Lagoon reboot in The Monster Squad. This movie is just the gift that keeps on giving. I’d say that the Creature here is the strongest individual design out of the whole batch. He didn’t really do much in this movie, but he made one heck of an impression. Designed by none other than the late, great Stan Winston, this version of the Creature looks like its ready to kick ass and take names. I distinctly get the impression of a piranha from it, and you can just imagine a mob of these guys rising up out of the Amazon and pulling down a river boat.
7.)    Sahuagin (Dungeons and Dragons)
There are a lot of different fish people to choose from in D&D. Kuo Toa, Skum, Locathah, mermaids, Atlanteans, and the list grow longer every year. But my personal favorite are the Sahuagin; brutal, murderous raiders living in a strict tribal hierarchy, worshiping a giant shark, and prone to mutations. While most fish men draw from Lovecraft, I got the distinct impression that the Sahuagin were more pulpy, a bit more Edgar Rice Burroughs. Even their other name, the Sea Devils, sounds like something Conan or Tarzan would fight in a comic book. Their designs are just so cool; fin ears, bullet heads, shark teeth, long tails. Before ‘scary’, these were sea monsters made to look intimidating. They are the most organized antagonistic force under the waves, threatening everything from merfolk to sailors. Their goal? Nothing short of supreme domination of the sea.
8.)    Shark Giant (Bloodborne)
Another Deep One descendent, and this one hits like a truck. There’s a lot to be said for the shark giant on its own merits. It’s lack of eyes make you think that it senses by scent, and remind you of how a shark can sense a drop of blood in water a hundred miles away. There are, of course, the teeth, and how they seem to take up more space than there is for the mouth. The barnacles on its back are both a crest and a fin. Its paleness makes it seem to glow in the dark, like its bioluminescent. It really reinforces the feeling in the Fishing Hamlet that you’re underwater, like the boundaries between land, sea, and sky have been blurred. More than any other monster in the Fishing Hamlet, the shark giant is what reminds me of Lovecraft’s Dagon; a huge, deformed figure skulking over the mud of a submarine nightmare-scape.
9.)    The Children of the Thing That Drifted Ashore (Junji Ito)
The Thing That Drifted Ashore isn’t even really my favorite Junji Ito sea monster story; that would probably be Gyo. But the things that come crawling out of it are some of the first fish people I find genuinely disgusting, evoking that same feeling Lovecraft wanted from his Deep Ones. The Thing had apparently swallowed dozens of people that fell into the sea over the years, keeping them in its stomach. But rather than being digested, the people changed. It’s subtle, but you can still see it; webbed fingers, widened eyes, transparent skin. Inside the Thing, the people were witnesses to the abyss of the deep sea and driven mad by it. I’m reminded of an old version of the story of Jonah I was read as a child, where Jonah looked through the great fish’s eyes and saw the fires of Sheol and the Leviathan at the bottom of the ocean. The people swallowed are reborn, now children of the Thing, belonging only to the deep sea.
10.)    Otto Aquarius (The Venture Bros)
I just love this cute little guy. He’s only a minor character on the Venture Brothers, but he still made an impression on me. A half Atlantean that became a Mormon missionary, he’s just so earnest and eager. He’s an obvious play on superheroes like Namor and Aquaman, but they can’t hold a candle to this sweetheart. He’s clean, he’s polite, he’s socially conservative, he’s useless in combat; Otto’s just endearing. Dump the Asset and get with the real catch, folks.
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bethesdaglitch · 6 years
1-70 do em all! 😁💙
I’m seriously so sorry this took so long, but it was so much fun!! thank you!!! Also it’s super long so I’m gonna put it under a readmore!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Jak & Daxter! 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.Lmao I’m not exactly a creative person, but when I was little I tried coming up with and drawing my own pokemon. They were… bad3. Who did you play with as a kid?My brother! At first I stole his Gameboy Color whenever he wasn’t using it, but then he saved up and bought a PS2 so we could play games together4. Who do you play with now?No one really lol. I kinda prefer to play single-player games now? But I’ll play with various friends when we hang out.5. Ever use cheat codes?When I was little, yeah! Especially in the Sly Raccoon games 6. Ever buy strategy guides?Before the age of unlimited free online strategy guides I did, now I just use said online ones7. Any games you have multiple copies of?Yep, I’ve “lost” games only to find them again after replacing them like… four times? It happened with Oblivion, Fable 3, DA: Origins, and, weirdly enough, that one obscure (but fun imo!) wii game, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?This one was hard! After a teeny bit of research, I narrowed it down to either Rule of Rose, LoZ Collector’s Edition on Gamecube, and pokemon red and yellow9. Most regrettable purchase?Hhhhhhhh I bought the video game for the 2006 Dreamworks movie Over the Hedge. I was only 12, but I still should’ve known better :(10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?I’ve gone to a few midnight releases, but none that have lasted for hours, luckily. I only started going to them in the last few years, so the only ones I’ve been to so far are Fallout 4, DA:I and uh… ME:A (I KNOW)11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?Nah not really, I don’t play online games, so. I have friends who play video games, but I’ve never met someone BECAUSE of video games12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Lol no?13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?Overwatch14. Favorite game music?NIER, hands down. 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?Probably something cute and harmless like the leaf from Animal Crossing lol16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Lately we’ve been really into Towerfall: Ascension and Screencheat17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Wh—no????18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?So long as they didn’t try to “forbid” me from playing and so long as we had other interests to bond over, then sure. It’d be kind of a bummer though lol19. Favorite handheld console?Idk that I have one! Maybe the Switch, since that’s the most recent and popular?20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?Silent Hill 3 and DA:I21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?The Civilization games22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?Sometimes, yeah. Nothing too embarrassing, though. 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?What, like… ever?? Geez, I dunno… probably Oblivion?24. First Pokemon game?Yellow!25. Were you ever an arcade game player?I actually wasn’t really :/26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Oh yeah, with my brother. He’s 6 years older than me, which pretty much guaranteed I got my ass kicked in every game we played when I was younger27. Game that makes you rage?Bloodborne and Dark Souls!!!!!! I swear I try to go back and play them at least once a year, and I can never get past the first hour :(28. Ever play in a tournament?Not like an official one, but ones with friends, yep29. What is your gaming set up?Imma be real with you chief I don’t know nearly enough about computers to answer this question with anything other than “a computer”30. How many consoles do you own?Ohohoho far too many31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?I’ve never had the 3D slider up long enough to tell, but that probably means yes lol32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?BOY when I was in first grade I played Spongebob: Supersponge on Gameboy advance so much I STILL remember the password that lets you skip to the final stage (it’s WMBT) 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?nah 34. Do either of your parents play video games?PFFF GOD NO. Although my mom does love Animal Crossing. Not playing it, but just like it’s whole deal. 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?No and no, tbh36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I… don’t think so? Maybe I’ve cried over a game, but blood?? Put the controller down, y’all37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?NO NO NO OVER THE HEDGE (2006) FOR THE PS2 IS THE SINGLE WORST GAME EVER MADE FIGHT ME ON THIS38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?Oh lord… idk if anyone’s ever played any of Ambition’s dating sims (Dream Girlfriend, Dream Boyfriend, Animal Boyfriend, and Moe Can Change) but I’ve literally been playing them for about… 5-ish years now? They’re seriously the worst, I fucking love them 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?Hmm… Maybe a new Kingdoms of Amalur game would be cool? 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I love VR but the last time I tried it at a friend’s place I fucking faceplanted after leaning on a counter I forgot was also virtual and the first thing my friend asked was whether the headset was ok, so that stung. As for motion controls, they’re fun but they can be a real pain41. A genre that you just can’t get into?Sports games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?The path to what43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?Oh yeah, who hasn’t?44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?Idk if this counts but I am a MASTER at the claw machine and that stacker game. My closet is full of useless shit I’ve won from those things45. How are you at Mario Kart?OH SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?yesssss I love them47. Do you like competitive games?I mean like I said, I mostly prefer single-player games, but I do enjoy the occasional co-op game48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?about an hour49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?I actually don’t! If it’s a game I’m not confident I’ll be good at, I pick whichever class is recommended for beginners, and that changes from game to game. Alternatively, I just go through phases where I prefer a specific class above others 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Christ I have no idea. Maybe a first-person escape game? idk51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?NO?? DAMN ARE Y’ALL OK????52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Literally any M game; my parents were strictly “No M games until you’re old enough!” I just got my brother to buy them most of the time though lol53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?Most DLC is fine, it’s microtransactions in “pay-to-win” games that I fucking hate. 54. Do you give in to Steam sales?HAHAHAHAHA yeah absolutely 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?N-No??? 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?Ok yeah I did do that 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?Ew no58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Ooooh… ok, Oblivion, My Time in Portia, and Divinity 259. Do you play any cell phone games?I do! I play a lot of escape games, and uh… the Ambition games mentioned previously60. Do you know the Konami Code?Is that the up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A? Huh, I never knew it had a name!61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?I used to trade them in occasionally, but mostly I keep them 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?Yeah the Switch for BotW. Not proud of it, but it was worth it63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?Yep! 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?OHHHH MY GOD YEAH, I’M STILL FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT. I had GameShark for Gameboy and PS2, but that one was fine, it didn’t cause any problems. It was ACTION FUCKING REPLAY that fucked me over. I used it for KH2 and it worked the whole time until literally THE VERY LAST XEMNAS FIGHT, when my HP bar suddenly dropped to 1??? Not my HP, mind you, the HP BAR. Meaning 1 HP was the most I could have. Literally fuck action replay >:( 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?nope67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?I do! The very first thing I ever saved up money for to buy myself was Pokemon Crystal version. Until then I’d just been borrowing (re:stealing) my brother’s, but when I was 5 and Crystal was about to come out, my parents made me a deal that if I saved up $15, they’d pay the other $15 and I could get it! It was the first time I was working towards a fun goal, so it was all pretty exciting for 5-year-old me lol. It’s dumb, I know, but it’s something I look back on fondly68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?Lol nah, I think the best thing I ever got with tickets was a cheap snowglobe 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? UHHHH GOD. That’s… super tough. I’m genuinely not sure I have an answer tbh. I’m really into Divinity 2 right now but best game ever made?? Idk! that’s a hard one!!!! 70. Very first game you ever beat? I won’t lie, it was Spongebob: Supersponge on GBA
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redsdesktop · 6 years
AU-ctober: Day 2
Warnings: Blood, violence, mild swearing.
Pairings: Fiver x Gavin ( Story for my own indulgence, sorry not sorry. )
AU: Bloodborne
Notes: Here's the inspiration for Fiver's monster nature. Warnings, there is blood, violence, and monster shrieking.
The Grand Cathedral was intimidating, even in its decaying state it still loomed in all its former glory. Dead ivy clung to the walls like skeletal fingers clawing at the decrepit stone bricks. Every was a dull, dreary color, no longer a symbol of hope or healing. However, it seemed the residents of Yharnam seemed to avoid the place entire, for good reason. Gavin stood before the large doors, heavy with ancient wood and banded with thick iron. It had been some time since he'd came here, the last time he had, he nearly lost his life. He bore the scars across his body, an obvious one across his face was a constant reminder of the beast inside. He had barely escaped with his life last time, but this time he was prepared. His white gloved hand, stained with old blood, gripped the handle of his threaded cane.
With his other hand, he shoved the cathedral's door open, with ease they slowly creaked open, as if warning Gavin to turn back now. He couldn't, he already left once, he couldn't do it again. He had been one of the Healing Church's hunters, before everything fell to shambles. He wasn't a very good one in a sense that he didn't particularly follow the strict rules, but he excelled enough in his hunting skills that the Church allowed his stubborn and caustic ways. He had left when he got into a particularly bad fight with one of the vicars who always tried to keep him in line, who was always cleaning up his messes with calm and without complaint. It had been annoying at the time, they had barely interacted, the vicar had been like a ghost hiding in his shadow, rarely seen, but always making sure whatever Gavin did was tidied up afterwards.
At first, Gavin hadn't noticed, but when he'd finally been confronted by the vicar, he began to realize tiny details that clicked into place. All because the Vicar had warned him to stop partaking in the old blood, Gavin had resisted at first, but as soon as he began to notice the Vicars mysteriously disappearing and replaced by beasts, he began to realize that the old blood was starting to change them. By then, it was already too late, when he had ran to the Cathedral to face the ghostly vicar, he had witnessed a gruesome display, the man he once knew was no longer. It was only when Gavin no longer had something, that he knew how much he'd taken it for granted. The care and silent concern the vicar had shown him, gone in an instant and it left a gnawing hole in his chest and a weight on his shoulders. Tonight he would rectify that.
He stepped into the grand hall, the pews had been decimated, rotting away and covered in dust, deep gouges lined the floors from countless battles. At the other end of the hall lay a familiar alter, the candles burning for all eternity as if the lingering hope that something would save them from their sins. Gavin was no Old One, but he was intent on saving one person, the only one he bothered to give a shit about in this hellhole. However, there was no sight of his intended target, but he knew he was here, lurking somewhere in the shadows behind the pillars, waiting for the right moment to strike. Gavin began to stride almost arrogantly forward, his White Church garb flowing freely about him, though it was no longer pristine as it once had been. Then again, Gavin hadn't been the tidiest of hunters, it had only been recently that he found out that the vicar had been the one cleaning and replacing his clothes whenever they were ruined.
Gray-blue eyes flicker side to side, peering out from under the hood of his hunter's mantle in attempts to spy into the darkness that stayed along the walls of the church. However, the shadows offered him no mercy, keeping their contents concealed, leaving Gavin with a coiling tension in his rugged muscles. With each step, he was growing more and more annoyed until he finally stopped before the alter, looking down at the long forgot offerings placed there. He turned around and lifted his arms up like an offering himself before calling out to the grand and empty cathedral.
"Alright, asshole, come out come out, where ever you are!"
That seemed to provoke the response he desired as he heard movement sliding across the stone floor, the scrap of claws as they drug over the filthy surface. The shadows peeled back reluctantly, slowly unveiling the monstrous beast it had previously held. The moonlight spilled forth from the shattered windows that rest near the roof, making the long, wispy silver fur almost otherworldly as it swayed gently with each motion. Long limbs with wickedly long and clawed fingers, skin scaled over them as they weren't completely covered in the wispy fur. An elongated neck stretching out from slightly hunched shoulders, holding a animistic canine head. A pair of gnarled antlers sprouted forth from the back of its skull, like a horrid mantle that would make him even more of a monstrosity. The absence of lips made those multitude of thing, needle like teeth bared permanently to the world, perfect for shredding through tender flesh, something Gavin was all too familiar with.
The tattered remains of a bloodied hood draped over the beast's face, blinding it from the world that had forsaken it. The remnants of the Vicar who had been blinded by the old blood, by the ways of the Church and now was suffering his just punishment as a mindless beast. Despite the lack of sight, the vicar knew exactly where he was, head turned towards Gavin before its jaw gaped to let out a unholy shriek as if proof of his fall from grace. Gavin wasn't intimidated, not this time, he came prepared for this battle. He lowered his arms, but keeping his threaded cane before him at the ready. The ground shook, knocking crumbled brinks from the walls loose and dust fell from the rafters. When that Elongated hand slammed down towards him, Gavin deftly dodged to the right with proven skill of his ranking. He'd honed his skills by fighting other great beasts, readying himself for this moment.
As The Vicar recoiled, Gavin lashed out with his cane, which stretched out like a whip, lashing one of the beast's haunches several times before the Vicar could retaliate. As long as he stayed behind the Vicar, he would be, for the most part, safe. Well, as safe as one could be while fighting a gigantic and brutally quick monster. Claws raked over the stone floor, sending sparks dazzling into the air, which Gavin narrowly avoided by rolling out of the way. His mind emptied, allowing himself to fall into the instincts of his blood, calling him, controlling his movements, but he would not let it take him, not when the Vicar needed him. It was his turn to help the Vicar and he would not fail, not again.
When the beast snapped his jaws forward, Gavin slid across the ruined floor, this was his moment, he would end this quickly unlike last time. He whipped his can, letting the metal bladed chain lash over the beast's muzzle, curling around those dangerous jaws, the blades digging in deep to keep the whip in place. Immediately, the Vicar raised his head and Gavin yanked the chain, dragging himself up to straddle the Vicar's muzzle, a dangerous place to be. It was all for a single motive, he would risk his life for this as he was uncertain if this would work or not. His free hand jerked out, gloved fingers digging into the tattered cloth that draped over the beast's head and yanked, ripping it from the Vicar's face.
Wild eyes of golden dusted jade eyes flared to life, staring up at Gavin and that moment was all the hunter needed. Tossing the cloth away, he reached up to his neck, pulling the silver chain that coiled around his neck from the depths of his White Church garb, he held it up, the engraved golden ring dangling from the end of it, catching the candle light and the Vicar's attention. The sands of time seemed to trickle to a standstill as the Vicar was enthralled by the jewelry dangling before him, almost as if pacified. Gavin was already giving a cocky grin of triumph before the moment was ruined by the beast shaking his head violently, tossing Gavin off its face and crashing across the cathedral floor. The wind was knocked out of him as he tumbled across the once elegantly carved floor, momentarily dazed.
It was a miracle that Gavin wasn't gored on the spot, such a mistake would've landed him certain death. Surprised by the lack of pain and death, he pushed himself up into a sit, turning his annoyed steel blue eyes towards the Vicar. The beast was convulsing, thrashing about wildly as if fighting the violent pain that wracked its body. Gangly limbs twisted awkwardly, the lean body writhed over the floor as a beast possessed. The sickening pops of joints and the splatter of blood staining the floors and walls as the body contorted into a grotesque display that Gavin could only sit there and watch with absolute horror. Gavin didn't know how long the cracking and popping lasted but when it finally ended, Gavin felt like he was going to lose the very little lunch he had, but he couldn't, not when a long lost sight before him was within his grasp.
Slowly, Gavin pushed himself up to his feet, stumbling quickly over to the lone figure that lay panting on the ground. Pale skin was stained in blood, the tattered remains of the Vicar's uniform clung to the lean form of the vicar. Gavin fell to his knees beside the other male, his gloved hands immediately reaching out for the figure he thought he'd never see again, drawing the Vicar up roughly until his lips clashed against those firm pastel pink ones. There was nothing soft or gentle about the kiss, it was desperate and rough, but not unrequited in the slightest. The Vicar reached up, fingers burying themselves into Gavin's dark hair, clinging to him like a god damn miracle. Gavin unleashed all those pent up feelings into the kiss, he was never good with words, he spoke better with actions and right now he was a mix of desperation, fear, longing, and anger.
Finally, Gavin tore himself away from the Vicar, gasping for breath in a raspy manner. The Vicar yanked at his hair, tempting to finally devour the hunter like he always craved but could not. Gavin curled his lip a little in stubbornness, which only received a harsh nip of punishment against his lower lip.
"Don't you ever fuckin' think you can leave me like that again, Fiver."
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Oh, sorry about that last ask, honestly forgot about fandom asdhyhyd um, same number, but bloodborne and the orphan of kos? weird choice i know
Title: Mindless Fandom: Bloodborne Characters: Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Orphan of Kos Word Count: 2.270 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30595280
Summary: After her death, Lady Maria is stuck in a nightmare. After she finds out, that the Hamlet is behind the place she has awoken in, she goes investigating.
(Author's note:
14: Mindless
It is incredibly difficult to come up with something for a boss that exists only as some kind of concept in a nightmare, so I decided to go with an outsider POV for this. So, this might have turned more into a Lady Maria character study, so sorry if that wasn't what you were looking for, anon. It was just the only way I could think about how to make this prompt work.)
Maria had died, but she hadn't found peace.
She had awoken again, in the very clocktower in which she had taken her own life. Around her, the research hall, housing all the patients, the... the experiments. Maria had always refused to call them like this, she always had treated them as humans, regardless of how much the church was dehumanizing them.
Maria had tried to get out of the Research Hall. She needed to see where she was. She was sure that she had died, but the Research Hall looked like an exact copy of what she remembered. She made it through a prison block, one of the Healing Church and once she stepped outside, she knew that she indeed had died.
What laid in front of her, was a nightmarish version of Yharnam, mostly of Cathedral Ward. A fake light shone down on it, a pale, lifeless light and as she wandered through it, hunters and beasts were locked in an eternal battle. This place truly was a nightmare... a nightmare for hunters, and Maria had been a hunter herself.
True, she had quit the job, cast her weapon away and turned to comfort the patients in the Research Hall, but when she looked down at her hip, she could see the very same Rakuyo she had cast away and she was clothed in her garb, right up to the feathered hat.
Maria returned to the clocktower and sat down, waiting. She was dead and wasn't getting hungry or thirsty or tired. Most of the time she did just... think. Think about how her death had affected the ones she left behind. Gehrman, Micolash, Laurence... Adeline, the blood saint in the Research Hall she had taken a liking too. She was here as well, at least a version of her that her mind must have been fabricated. Maria felt that the Research Hall was her own personal hell, like the hunters outside were locked into an endless cycle of the hunt.
Maria could hear it. The sounds behind the big clock. The rushing of waves. The dripping of water. She could smell it, the faint smell of salt and the much more prominent smell of rotten fish.
She knew that behind the door there would lay something that scared her even more than the Research Hall... but one day she couldn't bear it anymore. She needed to know.
So Maria got up from her chair, in which she must have sat for days. Or weeks. Or months. Or years. Time wasn't a concept in this place, so she didn't know, only that it had been a long time.
She faced the structure behind her and held up an item known as the celestial dial, knowing that it would open the way. After the hole had fully opened, Maria took a deep breath, even though she didn't need to breathe anymore and stepped through it.
There was a small cave, but once she traversed it, Maria saw her true nightmare right in front of her eyes.
The Fishing Hamlet...
It felt like ages had passed since she had been sent here alongside Gehrman. Because of their combat prowess they had been chosen to take care of any attacks, so that the scholars could work unhindered. Maria hadn't questioned it back then. She had trusted Master Willem's word, that they were doing the right thing, that the villagers of the Hamlet were in the wrong for keeping the treasure of the stranded Great One for themselves.
That it had been Byrgenwerth and not the Healing Church, made the whole thing even worse. The Healing Church hadn't even existed back then. Laurence had been in the middle of his blood research, having been excluded from the trip, because Master Willem had been against it. Of course the sneaky bastard still had found a way to follow them and harvest the blood of the Great One while everyone else had been distracted. Still, Maria had acted under the order of Byrgenwerth. She had done atrocious things in the name of knowledge... atrocious things she wanted to absolve while serving the Church, only to realize that she had gone from serving one monster to serve another monster. Still, she could have believed it far more if the Healing Church had been the one to attack the Hamlet.
In a sense, the Healing Church started in Byrgenwerth, so she shouldn't be too surprised.
Maria continued walking, the shallow water washing around her boot, cold water dousing her feet. There was a figure limping forward, mumbling something about Byrgenwerth, but when she stayed to listen, she quickly realized that they didn't notice her, forever caught in their ramblings.
Approaching the village, Maria's hands encompassed her Rakuyo. She couldn't preclude the possibility that the nightmare had conjured the villagers, the one Willem had let cut open to search for eyes in their brain, to attack anyone approaching their sanctuary.
For some reason, nobody disturbed her. She could cross the village without fail. Sometimes she heard sounds, the splashing of water, the shuffling of feet, the creaking of wood... along with the prominent smell of fish, that had dried on land for a little too long, but nobody ever stood in her way.
Maria stopped when she came upon a certain well. She knew this well. That had been the well she had tossed her Rakuyo in. Once again, her grip around her Rakuyo tightened. She knew that her gear wasn't real, and was a fabrication of the dream, but she asked herself if she still would find a Rakuyo in there... her Rakuyo...
Maria had to wrest herself free from her thoughts. This wasn't why she had come here. She had another goal.
So, she continued walking, each step filling her boots with more water, until her feet were freezing and her whole body shivered, even though she knew that she wasn't alive anymore. Her body still made her believe that she was alive...
Maria stepped out of the cave, approaching the corpse on the shore. Kos, the Great One they had come here for. The Great One which Laurence had harvested the blood from. The Great One which Willem had cut open to take a piece of her unborn child...
All Great Ones lose their children and long for a surrogate. The thought was predominant in Maria's head. Did they really lose their children or did humans take them? A question that she would never get an answer too...
She didn't even know why she had come here. To make up for her crimes? To get answers? That was something she could never make up for. Maybe she had simply come to apologize.
So, Maria kneeled down in front of Kos and folded her hands in prayer, when something stirred inside the dead body.
Maria was on her feet immediately, her Rakuyo on the ready, her eyes fixated on Kos' stomach.
Something... crawled out of Kos, no... it looked... looked like she gave birth. But that couldn't be. She knew that the child had been dead. She had been a part of killing it. Maria gasped as the creature was completely “born” and slowly got up. That wasn't... that surely didn't look like a child. It was large, with grey skin, managed to step up on two feet and... actually still was connected to the placenta of its mother.
It looked like the most nightmarish thing she had seen and she was currently stuck in a nightmare.
Still, the way it stood there, the way it seemed to wail, that was nothing but a lost, confused and scared child.
Maria lowered her Rakuyo and took a step closer.
“Hey.”, she said. “I am not here to-”
Before she could even finish her sentence the child approached her with a blood-curdling scream. Maria gasped in shock and surprise and stepped out of the way, to not be crushed by this giant placenta, that the creature used like a mace.
“I am not here to fight!”, she screamed, trying to drown out their screams. “I want to talk!”
She didn't have any luck. The creature continued to attack her and with Maria refusing to fight back, she quickly became overwhelmed and felt how her body got crushed under the “club” of the creature.
When she awoke, she was back in the Astral Clocktower. She let out a deep sigh, of course she wouldn't be able to escape this nightmare by dying in it. She was forced to come back again and again, just like the hunters and the beasts.
She very well remembered what had happened. The creature... the child... They had attacked her. Did they think she was responsible for the death of their mother? While Maria wasn't responsible for Kos' death, the Great One had been dead when they found her, she was responsible for the death of the child.
The child couldn't know that. It got born, saw a dead mother and attacked the first person they thought responsible. In their sense, they were an orphan and upset about it. There were so many things Maria didn't know about the Great Ones, but she was sure that they wouldn't differ in wanting to have the comfort of their parents.
Maria decided to meet the orphan another time and see if she could help. They didn't want to listen to her. They probably weren't aware of them being in a nightmare and Maria just wanted to help.
So she went to the shore another time. The Orphan of Kos, Maria had decided to call them like that, was still there. As soon as she approached them, they were back at attacking her.
“Stop it!”, Maria screamed. “I know you have every right to hate me, but it won't do anything good! We are both stuck in a nightmare!”
Again, Maria was struck down and woke up at the Astral Clocktower. Again, Maria went back to meet the Orphan of Kos.
This time she fought back. If the Orphan didn't want to listen, she would make it listen and if that meant to beat some sense into it, so that it would finally stop attacking her.
Maria had to learn the hard way that the Orphan only got stronger the more it got cornered. She still felt the aftershock of its electric attack when she woke up in her chair again.
Their encounters continued like that. Maria knew that she would be able to just strike the Orphan down if she would get all out, but she despised using her blood powers and she didn't want to strike them down, she wanted to talk. She only fought because the Orphan didn't want to listen.
So they fought each time they met and slowly, Maria mentioned to gain the upper hand, finally having figured out how to best avoid the Orphan's attacks and striking their weak points to make them yield. During this time, she actually cherished not being able to die anymore, that surely gave her infinite tries. Being dead had its merits after all.
Finally, Maria managed to overpower the Orphan, her sword at their throat and her foot on their chest, as they trashed and flailed beneath her.
“Finally.”, Maria said. “Will you finally listen? I only wanted to talk. About all this here. The nightmare around us. The fact that it seems to be a cruel warp of the reality I tried to escape. That the Fishing Hamlet is here. Why you stayed in your mother's belly for so many years. I just want to try and help.” Or did she? Had she really come here just to help? Wasn't she here to find some answers about her suffering...?
There wasn't an answer, just more thrashing and flailing. Maria had to give her best to not be knocked off. “I just want some answers!”, she suddenly cried out, tears welling up in her eyes. Who had decided for her that she should keep living in this nightmare? Who had cursed her for all eternity? Why did she have to relive the things she wanted to forget over and over again.
“Tell me! You are the source of this nightmare, are you not?!”
Maria startled at the sound of her own voice. That wasn't like her. She had always been kind and compassionate, not furious, holding a sword at the throat of what was classified as a toddler.
Wiping the tears out of her eyes, she took a deep breath and looked the Orphan in the eyes... and that is when she noticed it.
“You don't even have a mind...”, she said. “You weren't even allowed to be born. This, all of this, it's just a manifestation of my own guilt and shame.”
Maria removed her Rakuyo from the Orphan's throat and the next thing she knew was that she was back in the Astral Clocktower.
With a sigh, she sat down on the sole chair there, picking up a photograph to look at. “We should have never come to the Hamlet.”, she murmured. “If we had just left Kos alone, nothing of this would have ever happened.”
Maria put the photograph to the side and sank down into her chair. There was no escape out of this nightmare, but she knew what her task in it was. Whoever would make it into it from the waking world, she would step up and prevent them from going further. She would keep the secret of the Hamlet, even in her own death.
Because a corpse should be well left alone. (Author's note: I am not super satisfied with this one, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Like I said, it was a difficult prompt with a difficult character. Sadly we don't have much lore about Kos and the Orphan of Kos and the Fishing Hamlet is one of the biggest lore messes in the whole world of Bloodborne.)
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