#the consul at sunset
jt1674 · 7 months
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opencommunion · 6 months
please go to a protest for Land Day tomorrow (March 30th) if you can
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AUSTRALIA – Hobart / Nipaluna. 1PM Every Saturday @ Davey St. (Grand Chancellor).
CANADA – Antigonish, NS. 1PM Every Saturday @ Antigonish Town Hall. Antigonish 4 Gaza.
CANADA – Montreal. 2PM Land Day Tatreez Workshop @ Refugee Center. PYM Montreal.
CANADA – Ottawa. 2PM Land Day @ Human Rights Monument.
CANADA – Toronto. 2PM Land Day @ Yonge & Dundas. PYM Toronto.
ENGLAND – Halifax. 1PM Every Saturday @ Wilkos on Southgate.
ENGLAND – Hebden Bridge. 3PM Every Saturday @ Holme Street. 4PM @ St George’s Square. West Yorkshire for Palestine.
ENGLAND – London. 11AM @ 7 Tavistock Square. PYM Britain.
ENGLAND – London. 12PM @ Central London. STW UK.
NETHERLANDS – Amsterdam. 7PM Every Night @ Dam Square.
PORTUGAL – Porto. 10PM Every Night Vigil @ Camara Municipal.
SCOTLAND – Orkney. 1PM Every Saturday @ St Magnus Cathedral Steps. Amnesty Orkney.
AZ – Phoenix. 1MP Land Day @ Civic Space Park. PSL Phoenix AZ.
CA – Los Angeles. 1PM Land Day March @ LA City Hall. PYM LA/OC/IE.
CA – Petaluma. 12:30PM Every Saturday @ Petaluma & E Washington. Occupy Pelatuma.
CA – Ventura. 12:30PM @ 181 E Santa Clara St. ANSWER Coalition.
CO – Fort Collins. 3PM Every Saturday @ Old Town Square. NOCO Liberation Coalition.
DC – Washington DC. 4PM @ DuPont Circle. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Gainesville. 11AM @ Depot Park. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Orlando. City Hall. TBA. ANSWER Coalition.
FL – Pensacola. PM @ Main & Reus (Blue Wahoos). PSL CGC. 
GA – Atlanta. 2PM @ Consulate of Israel. PYM.
ID – Pocatello. 12PM Every Saturday @ Bannock County Courthouse. Pocatello for Palestine.
IL – Chicago. 1PM @ TBA. USPCN + Chicago SJP.
LA – New Orleans. 3:30PM @ 701 N Rampart St.
MA – Springfield. 2PM @ 36 Court St. ANSWER Coalition.
ME – Portland. 1PM @ Monument Square. PSL Maine.
MI – Detroit. 1:30PM @ Beacon Park. USPCN.
MI – Detroit. 10AM Land Day @ Rouge Park. PYM.
MN – Minneapolis. 2PM @ 2707 West Lake St. ANSWER Coalition.
MT – Kalispell. 12PM Every Saturday @ Main & Center. MT 4 Palestine.
NC – Asheville. 4PM @ 1 N Pack Square. ANSWER Coalition.
NC – Charlotte. 4PM @ Wilmore Centennial Park. CLT 4 Palestine + PSL Carolinas.
NC – Raleigh. 3PM Land Day @ Moore Square. PSL Carolinas.
NC, Charlotte. 4PM @ Wilmore Centennial Park. Land Day. CLT 4 Pali + PSL Carolinas.
NM – Albuquerque. 4PM @ UNM Book Store. ANSWER Coalition.
NY – New York. 12PM @ City Hall Park. Within Our Lifetime.
NY – New York. 12PM Vigil Every Saturday @ 5th & 44th in Brooklyn. Sunset Park Elders.
NY – New York. 5PM @ Times Square. PYM.
NY – Rochester. 1:30PM @ MLK Park. End Apartheid ROC + SJP UR.
OH – Cincinnati. 3PM @ 801 Plum St. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Cleveland. 2PM Land Day @ Edgewater Upper Pavillion. USCPN.
OH – Columbus. 4PM @ 120 W Goodale St. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Dayton. 5PM @ 2680 Ridge Ave. ANSWER Coalition.
OH – Wooster. 11AM @ 538 N Market St. ANSWER Coalition.
OR – Bend. 12PM Saturdays @ Peace Corner. Central Oregon 4 Socialism.
OR – Portland. 12PM @ Desert Island Studios. Letters for Palestine PDX.
PA – Philadelphia. 5PM @ 7th & Walnut. ANSWER Coalition.
PA – Pittsburgh. 3:30PM @ 4100 Forbes Ave. ANSWER Coalition.
RI – Providence. 5PM @ Prospect Terr. ANSWER Coalition.
TX – Houston. 1PM @ Waterwall Park. PYM Houston.
TX – San Antonio. 12PM @ 301 E Travis ST. ANSWER Coalition.
VT – Burlington. 1PM @ City Hall. ANSWER Coalition.
WA – Seattle. 2PM Land Day @ Lake Union Park. PYM.
WI – Milwaukee. 1:30PM @ Sijan Park. PSL Milwaukee.
WI – Viroqua. 11AM Vigil Every Saturday @ Main & Decker. Driftless Solidarity / Wolves PSC.
WV – Martinsburg. 12PM Land Day @ Martinsburg Town Square. PSL WV.
DISCLAIMER: I didn't make this list and it's not comprehensive. If you don't see a protest near you, look up what your local orgs are doing, and if you still can't find anything, take autonomous action
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greyspirehollow · 4 months
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x Reader (kind of ; if you imagine you're the one who made the gift) Fandom : The Arcana visual novel Warnings : Gore. Hannibal style. ; graphic ; blood, guts, the whole package if you will.
Summary : One day, unassuming, Valdemar enters their dungeons, only to find one morbid gift sprawled out for them.
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It had been a rather... Unfulfilling day. Nothing had happened at the Palace, aside from the usual courtier shenanigans, which they had grown accustomed to by now. Almost. They still couldn't understand how they had never found Consul Valerius passed out drunk anywhere ever, with how often he drank. They'd never seen him without his glass of wine. Hour after hour, they longed to go back to their office, to their dungeons, their sanctuary, with the silence occasionally broken by the discreet skittering of the red beetles down the little well at the back... But they had to sit through all the trivial matters of Countess Nadia until the evening. They couldn't understand why, but today it was especially awful. In the sense that it was boring. They had almost forgotten what being bored was, and today had been a rather painful reminder.
It is not before actual sunset that they were set free. They hurried back to the library before anyone could catch them and ask literally anything ; they couldn't handle it. They opened the secret passage, rapidly walked down the dark corridors, turned on the elevator, went inside, went down, closed the metal door behind them, reached for the dungeon's door and- Ah... Finally. They pulled down their mask and sharply inhaled the rusty air, a smile creeping up on their face as their eyes closed solemnly. They exhaled, satisfied, before stretching and walking towards the working area. But something stopped them in their tracks. An unfamiliar scent in the air... No, actually it wasn't unfamiliar. It simply shouldn't be there. Blood. Fresh blood. The warm scent of someone's insides... They knew that scent very well. But this time it was stronger, hitting their nostrils in an almost violent manner ; because they were pretty sure it wasn't their doing. It meant that someone had come to the dungeons...
They tensed up, going absolutely still and quiet, listening to their environment... Nothing. The usual quietness, although it felt stifling in the current context. They slowly reached into the pocket of their apron, getting a hold of a spare scalpel as they slowly walked towards where the foul scent originated from. They made sure to keep their steps as quiet as they could manage, and once they were about to turn the corner, they briefly paused, still as a statue, to make sure the coast truly was clear : no footsteps. No breathing. No shuffling. Nothing. Only then did they dare step forward... And their eyes widened.
There, suspended mid-air, in a crucified pose, was a corpse. Presumably not one of their own, it looked much too fresh. But it was clear it had been worked on : it was open, the skin around the torso having been carefully cut and folded around the corpse's waist in a sort of ragged skirt of flesh that stopped above knee-level. The ribs were on full display, but strangely enough, all the internal organs had been removed except for the heart, dark red and bloody, which had been placed right at the center of the corpse, hanging by what looked like thread tied to the ribs. Slightly tilted, the victim's face looked downwards, their eyes having been stitched shut. One or two loose strands of hair stuck to their cheek, presumably because of all the blood that had been splattered. It was everywhere. dripping from the corpse, onto the floor... Yet by the looks of it, it must've been at least two hours since this... what even was it? Certainly not an experiment. It was thought out. Exposed. Staged... This... This was closer to a piece of art than anything else.
A spark of excitement coursed through their spine as their chest warmed up with adrenaline. Valdemar couldn't tear their gaze away. Their jaw hung slack as their red eyes scanned over every inch of the corpse. Took the liberty to examine it up close. They almost didn't want to touch it. They felt as if they mustn't. The Quaestor examined the eye stitches, the way the heart was floating within the corpse, how well the ribs had been exposed, and couldn't help but be utterly fascinated. This had obviously not been done with a scientific goal in mind, no, it was much too... It wasn't butchery. It was different. Whoever did this wanted to convey a message. But what? And why...?
They observed the corpse for... Gods, they didn't know. They'd totally forgotten about the whole day, or even their own experiments : this was a mystery to solve. This was new. This was exciting. They observed the thing from various angles : they'd lie down on the bloody floor, go around it, observe it upside down, up close, far away, and they noticed even the operation tables had been moved in a half circle ; a detail that had flown over their head at the beginning. As they laid onto one of them, observing the corpse from their favorite angle yet, they started to think... What was the message behind this? Did the position of the corpse mean anything? This crucified pose? Maybe it was meant to bring a sense of "holiness" and importance to the whole piece, make it symbolic, make it spectacular... Or simply add an artistic touch? Maybe. All those options were plausible. The heart was obviously a key part ; otherwise the other organs wouldn't have been removed (if the goal was to make something shocking and gory). What could it symbolize? Life? Love? Probably. But what about the eyes stitched shut? Unable to see. Blindness. Oblivious. Forced to not see? Blinded by something ? That made sense. Now why would all these elements be put together...?
Valdemar felt their heart pick up in pace as the gears turned in their head and finally click, locking together perfectly : "Loves makes me blind..." they muttered to themselves, unable to stop the grin from spreading onto their face "...Blind to your atrocities". Oh, they absolutely HAD to find out who had decided to confess to them like this. They jumped from the table they had been laying on for a while now, looking at the body up-close once more. "Splendid..." They whispered. How original... Exposing your feelings with such brutality and delicacy at the same time ; going out of your way to put meaning into what was most likely a gruesome murder, taking someone's life only to convey your sentiments through their carcass... This was exhilarating. The work of a true artist. They must find them. They must.
Their grin never faltered as they rushed out of the dungeons, into the Palace, determined to sneak into every single bedroom until they found the author of that beautiful gift...
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gemsofgreece · 6 months
A documentation of the Sortie of Missolonghi, 1826 from the Ottoman perspective
If you follow certain Greek blogs here or Greek history closely, perhaps you know by now that the Greek War of Independence (also known as the Greek Revolution) is a paramount historical period in the collective Greek conscience and certainly the most formative for the emergence of the finally statutory Greek national identity. Furthermore, it is also a major historical event of the Romantic Period, playing a significant role in the fall of empires, the establishment of democratic institutions but also the rise of ethnic states. While all this is not well known nowadays abroad, at its time it affected a considerable part of the world and it also birthed the biggest and most notable Philhellenic movements. West Europe studied and explored the pre- and post-revolutionary Greek world extensively. Nevertheless and maybe unsurprisingly, Turkey, the state descendant of the Ottoman Empire, never shared the sentiment. The Greek Revolution is rarely if ever discussed in Turkey and in Turkish schoolbooks it is presented as a minor revolt of ungrateful subjects that could not potentially harm the status of the mighty empire (that entirely dissolved a century later). The truth is that Turkey has an enormous archive of Ottoman documentation regarding the Greek revolution but there is no intention so far for it to be examined thoroughly and properly.
Here is however a letter, written by Netzip Efendi (hope this is written correctly), a representative of the pasha of Egypt to Constantinople after he was sent to Missolongi, to witness the siege of the city and ensure the cooperation of the Egyptian soldiers with the Ottoman Turks [context: Egypt was then a part of the Ottoman Empire and as such, Egyptian soldiers were sent to assist in the fights against the Greek revolutionaries]. This is a recollection of the events of 10 April 1826 (hence why I am posting this today), the day of the Sortie of Missolonghi, again, from an Ottoman perspective:
"The unbelievers [the Greek Christians] had fortified Missolongi so well that it was impossible to conquer it by assault. Although the islands Vasiládi and Anatolikó - the key to access Missolonghi - were taken and the isolation from land and sea was complete, for about fifteen days, there was still supplementation passing with small boats from Petalás island, as the natural landscape around Missolonghi made this possible. However, the Austrian consul in Préveza [the Austrian Empire had good relations with the Ottoman Empire and was opposed to the Greek Independence struggle] informed Ibrahim pasha and he shut those passages with fortifications, cannons and soldiers. When it was clear the bandits [the Greeks] were exhausted by the starvation, they were offered an amnesty several times according to the Sharia Law. But when they were given the document with the conditions of Ibrahim and Reşid Mehmed [who was known in Greece as Kioutahís and was ironically and tragically of Greek Orthodox descent...!] pashas, where they were explaining the procedure for the amnesty and they were annoucing the Sultan's mercy and grace, the bandits [Greeks] expressed their animosity and disdain with arrogant words, saying: 'We cannot surrender our seven thousand blood-stained weapons with our own hands'. They were hoping that supplies and soldiers would still arrive to support them and indeed thirty-five to forty boats with bandits showed up and a ruthless combat against the Imperial Navy commenced and lasted for two days. Thankfully, they weren't able to cause any harm to the Imperial Navy, even with their fire ships, while they suffered many losses and retreated towards the straits of Zakynthos and Petalás islands. The bandits in Missolonghi were then in despair. A muslim captive who fled from Missolonghi transferred to us the information that on Saturday sunset, the fourteenth day of Ramadan [10 April 1826] there would be even more reinforcements for the besieged coming from the mountains north of Missolonghi, behind the rear of our army, and then there would be a signal and the unbelievers inside Missolonghi would take their women and their children and they would all together launch out of the city. Immediately we took all necessary measures. Indeed, on Saturday evening, there were movements detected on the peaks of the mountains and a little later the bandits with their women and children exited from the eastern coast of Missolonghi. Since there were Egyptian soldiers on that side, when the Greeks attempted to pass through the fortifications, our soldiers confronted them with bravery and persistence, hitting them with the artillery and the rifles. Some of the unbelievers could not proceed farther and returned to Missolonghi, while others, ignoring their losses, ran towards the mountains but our soldiers followed them and slaughtered them on the way. During the sortie of the unbelievers the sky was cloudy. However, after their sortie, by Allah's grace, the clouds were gone and the moonlight was as strong as sunlight. At that moment, Colonel Hussein Bey of the 7th Order of the Egyptians launched with swords inside Missolonghi, through the fortifications in the sides from which the unbelievers had appeared. The bandits had placed gunpowder inside holes they had dug inside the city, and given that the windmill in the harbour of Missolonghi was a fortified stronghold, they had placed gunpowder there as well, and about three hundred unbelievers were trapped there too. At the dawn of Sunday, as they were lighting up the gunpowder and blowing up the holes, the sound of the explosions was relentless. Most of the bandits were blown up, very few were killed by the swords of our soldiers but our soldiers were allowed to pillage women, children and fortunes. Glory to Allah, it was a big victory. 1,734 pairs of ears were collected by the army of Ibrahim Pasha and 1,015 pairs collected by the army of Reşid Pasha, a sum of 2,749 pairs of ears were sent to Constantinople to be displayed and set an example."
Sources: Kathimerini newspaper, excerpt taken from the article written by Şükrü Ilıcak, Doctor of History in Harvard University and postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies and Aristides Hatzis, professor of Philosophy and Methodology of Law in the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, with the assistance of Anna Athanasouli, PhD candidate of History in the University of Crete.
The stats of the battle according to Wikipedia:
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margarine-archives · 1 year
So, we saw the dead s/o… what about Financier with a resurrected s/o?
Revived!S/O with: Financier Cookie !
notes: anon you have wonderous ideas ! I like recieving lots of financier requests !
I am sorry for how delayed this is, I had to focus more on work ! I will be quick next time !
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- she wouldn't even describe this as shock, she feels more than just that. She's frozen in place, wondering if her lack of sleep has truly gotten this worse
- she's wary, she's scared. This is simply fake- a delusion ! Whoever wants the paladin in her most vulnerable state would definitely use such a tactic ! She won't fall for such, it's so.. unnatural, absurd !
- she doesn't believe anything, anything you say. She draws her sword, preparing to fight such foolish cookie who thinks it's funny to impersonate her deceased lover. Yet your voice, the same as ever, so alluring, such a soothing voice of comfort, one to make her fall to her knees in an instant, and she hates how much she needs it right now.
- The feeling of comfort so foreign to her ever since your death, the exhaustion her body couldn't take anymore simply collapses infront of you, as if it's made of fragile sugarglass (and she hates how she feels like fragile sugarglass right now !)
- your familiar touch gently grabs ahold of her hand, and then her face, of how she missed you dearly. She wanted to pull back, to fight the fake that were surprisingly good at impersonation, she wanted to call out to the guards, the consul, anyone, yet she feels entraced by your simple touch of a hand.
- to this she finally drops her sword, hands moving forward to finally embrace your figure. 'This is nothing but a tactic to fool me once more' she thought 'but this time, I am truly fooled' but in the back of her mind, she doesn't care anymore. She's found you again, the missing piece to her sweet heart, with yours as equally sweet.
- and yet she was scared, for the very first time, scared that it truly was just a figment of her imagination, that you weren't the same cookie that she loved ever since. She wanted it to be true, yet couldn't believe that this was real.
- it takes her a very long time, a long while to finally realize: you were the very same cookie to love her, the one to take care of her when she couldn't, the one to motivate her more into working harder, to becoming a better version of herself.
- did the divine light bless her and gave her what she wanted ? or did they simply felt pity for the paladin's dismay. Either way, she felt happy, after what felt like a thousand years of sorrow without you. She felt whole again, she felt complete, and oh so completely loved.
- your kisses, so familiar, and yet she missed it dearly. Warm hands that would hold onto her rough, calloused hands so gently as if it were crumbling the moment you had touched it, and oh your voice, the same voice that felt like the light's gracious melody, engraved into her mind..
- Even so, she couldn't get enough of it. The compliments you'd give her, alongside your tone of voice that's enough to make her stone cold demeanor so warm and soft, your eyes that would glow with the light from above, you looked like the embodiment of light itself (especially loves it whenever it's sunset).
- oh but how could she stay composed when you stare at her so lovingly ? Oh how you were the best distraction she could have, but is it even a distraction to her ? it's more of like a blessing ! even if her reputation almost gets affected.
- could you blame the cookie ? after losing you for so long and now suddenly having a reason of wanting to wake up in the morning feels like a sudden blessing given to her from the divine light.
- and to this she prays, not from sorrow, but from utter happiness. She prays every day, all to thank the lights above for bringing you back to her, for making her feel like a complete cookie again
- this occurrence is very sentimental for the paladin. She didn't know how it happened, or when you truly came back, but all she knew was that she had you again, and that was enough for her.
- after reuniting with her lover, financier cookie will be more protective of you, she'll make sure that not even a single crumb falls from your body. Can you blame such actions ? She had been traumatized, fear of ever losing you for the second time due to her lack of protection, and she doesn't think the divine light will be as generous anymore..
- it's quite greedy to ask for more, when they have given her everything that she could ever want. You. Maybe that planned proposal isn't cancelled after all !
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i-have-not-slept · 1 year
Malectober Day 31: Golden
“Aren’t you going to tell me where we’re going?” Alec asked.
Magnus looked up from the Portal currently forming in front of him, blinking through the sparks. “It’s a surprise.” A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Don’t you trust me?”
Alec smiled back. “Of course I do.”
“Good.” Magnus said. He held out a hand to Alec. “Come on. I’ll explain everything later.”
Alec took his hand and followed him through the Portal, trusting Magnus to guide them both to their destination.
They emerged onto a cobbled street in bright sunlight. Alec looked around, blinking, at the whitewashed houses, red tiled roofs and rocky brown mountains rising in the distance. The air was warm and smelled like baking bread and spices.
Alec glanced over with Magnus, who was looking at him with a small smile. “Where are we?”
“Peru.” Magnus said cheerfully.
Alec put his hands on his hips, frowning at Magnus severely. “I thought you were banned from Peru. Catarina and Ragnor are always talking about it.” He gave Magnus a suspicious look. “Are we going to have to run from the police again?”
Magnus put on an injured expression. “I resent the implication that I’m constantly dragging you into law-breaking shenanigans. I obtained special permission from the High Council of Peruvian warlocks to enter the country for an afternoon.”
“And they just gave you permission?” Alec said dubiously. “Just like that?”
“Well,” Magnus said slowly. “I may have mentioned that my husband happens to be the Consul of the Shadowhunters and he might not be entirely happy to hear that my request was denied.”
Alec burst out laughing and stepped closer to Magnus, wrapping his arms around him. Magnus leaned into him, nuzzling Alec’s cheek.
“I love you.” Alec murmured against Magnus’s ear. “But you’ve really got to stop using me as a political weapon to get what you want.”
“I’ll stop one day.” Magnus said happily. He kissed Alec’s cheek. “Now, Jace and Clary are watching the boys for the afternoon, so we can stay here until sunset. Come on.” He grabbed Alec’s hand and set off down the street, pulling Alec with him.
“Hey, wait.” Alec said, laughing. “Aren’t you going to tell me why we’re here?”
Was it his imagination, or did Magnus look slightly uncertain? “I’ll tell you later.” he said, squeezing Alec’s hand. “Promise.”
Smiling, Alec shook his head and let Magnus lead him towards the town square. He could put up with a little strangeness if it made Magnus happy.
Hours later, the sun was beginning to dip towards the horizon, and Alec still wasn’t sure why Magnus had brought them here. He wasn’t complaining, though, because every minute together had been wonderful. The town was peaceful, with small, brightly coloured houses and an old cathedral built of white stone that shone in the sunlight. They’d spent hours wandering through the streets, eating food from the roadside vendors, poking into cafés, museums, bookshops.
It was the sort of thing they didn’t get to do very often, time spent outside of home with no sense of urgency or responsibility, no mission to complete and no kids to watch. In Alec’s opinion, there was nothing better than doing nothing with Magnus.
The whole time, Alec had been able to tell Magnus was waiting to tell him something. As they wandered through the markets, Magnus kept giving him little sideways glances, and looking as if he was about to speak before changing his mind. Once it would have worried Alec, but not now. He knew Magnus would tell him when he was ready.
Now, as afternoon flowed into evening, they were hiking up a rocky hill overlooking the town. The path wound upwards through rugged scrubland, glowing gold in the light of the setting sun. Magnus was a few metres ahead of Alec, and he kept looking back at him with a little smile. Alec could tell he was building up to something, but he didn’t say anything, content with the gentle silence between them.
Finally they reached the top of the hill. They were on a flat, rocky plain overlooking the valley and the town below. The light spilled down the hillsides and flowed across the buildings like molten gold.
Magnus turned and looked over at Alec. His face was washed in golden light, making him seem to glow from within. Alec’s heart stuttered briefly in his chest at the sight of him.
“Okay.” Alec said. “Why did you bring me here? I know there’s some kind of reason.”
For the second time that day, Magnus looked hesitant, even a little apprehensive. He stepped closer to Alec, taking his hand and clasping it within both of his. Alec put his other hand over Magnus’. He could tell his husband was working up to some kind of confession.
“Why I brought you here.” Magnus murmured. He had his eyes fixed on their joined hands, like he was half-scared to meet Alec’s eyes. He took a deep breath. “Do you know what this town is called?”
“No.” Alec murmured. He rubbed his thumb over Magnus’s knuckles, feeling the warmth of his skin.
“It’s called Moquega.” Magnus said softly.
“Oh.” Alec said. The name sounded familiar. He thought he might have read it in the notebook of stories Magnus had given him years ago, when they’d got back together after their breakup. “Have you been here before?”
“Once.” Magnus said. He looked up at Alec suddenly, and his expression was more open, more vulnerable than Alec had hardly ever seen it. “Moquegua means “quiet place” in Quechua.” he said haltingly. “When I first came here, I— I didn’t feel comfortable or safe, because I felt— I felt like there was no quiet place in the world for me, and there never would be.”
He dropped his gaze again, gripping Alec’s hand tighter “And I felt like that for a long time. Like I always had to keep moving, and never rest anywhere. But then when I met you— you made me feel anchored. Peaceful.”
He looked up again, and Alec saw that there were tears brimming in his eyes. “I wanted to bring you here to tell you. I’ve never told you before and I wanted to tell you. You’re my quiet place, Alec.”
Alec’s heart broke open, sending warm light flooding through his veins. He wrapped his arms around Magnus, holding him so close he could feel his heartbeat. Magnus put his head down on Alec’s shoulder, shaking in his arms.
“Thank you for telling me.” Alec. He blinked back tears of his own, overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions, gratitude and joy and love. “You’re so— you’re so wonderful. You’re everything. I love you, Magnus.”
Magnus gave a soft, teary laugh and pulled away from Alec to look at him. “I love you too.” he whispered, and then they were kissing. Alec cupped the back of Magnus’s neck, closing his eyes, feeling his entire body sing. They held each other close on the mountaintop, in the wash of golden light.
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plutoniclol · 1 year
Cookie Run OC bullshit
sorry its been a while since ive actually posted
but anyways
this is White Tea Cookie! he is a Crème Republican, and is Clotted Cream Cookie’s boyfriend!! He is part of a lesser known House, the Tea Clan.
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as the sheet says, he is the heir (i didn’t know what other words to use lol) to becoming the leader. his father, Oolong Tea Cookie, is ill, so White Tea Cookie has had to take charge.
White Tea Cookie hates taking leadership, it stresses him out a lot.
White Tea Cookie’s family consists of:
his father: Oolong Tea Cookie
his mother: Crystal Sugar Cookie
his older sister: Chamomile Tea Cookie
and the triplet sisters (from oldest to youngest): Honey Tea Cookie, Rooibos Tea Cookie, and Black Tea Cookie
(these are super rough sketches 😭)
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cracks knuckles*
so how does Clotted Cream Cookie know White Tea Cookie?
they were actually childhood friends of sorts.
one day, a young Clotted Cream Cookie was out and about, when he saw a cookie with white hair and blue eyes, sitting by the fountain.
they befriended each other in a matter of minutes, and they would often play, sometimes even at the other cookie’s home.
but eventually, Custard Cookie (WE HATE HIM) saw this, and dragged Clotted Cream Cookie away, saying “a future elder should not mingle with the common folk.” or some shit. little did he know that cookie is in one of the houses just. it’s lesser known.
Clotted Cream Cookie always sat by the window, staring at the fountain, but the cookie seemed to never appear again. he eventually forgot about them. or atleast, it seemed so.
one day (when he’s consul), Clotted Cream Cookie receives a letter. it smelled like freshly brewed tea, and had a green wax stamp with a leaf on it. he opened it, and read the letter.
Dear, young consul. I hope this letter finds you in good health. I’m unsure if you remember me, but I remember you. I hope to see you again. If you are not busy, let us meet tomorrow at the fountain at sunset. I hope to meet you there, old friend. - Heir to the Tea Clan
Clotted Cream Cookie was, admittedly, confused. he thinks he’s never heard of the Tea Clan before, but it did sound a bit familiar. what did this cookie mean by ‘old friend?’ he decided to go anyway, seeing as the cookie knew him well.
when Clotted Cream Cookie arrived, he saw a cookie with white hair and blue eyes, smiling at him.
Clotted Cream knew this cookie, the cookie he used to play with when he was still in his youth! he couldn’t believe it!
White Tea Cookie admitted to Clotted Cream Cookie that he had missed him, and, though Clotted Cream Cookie forgot about White Tea Cookie, a part of him missed him too
and uhh yeah gay shit
idk how to end this lol
White Tea Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie were pretty much almost inseparable when they started dating. and if they did, it was usually because of work.
their favorite place together is the Tea Clan’s greenhouse, where they grow tea leaves and stuff. the greenhouse has a little pavilion area where cookies can hang out at, though its usually White Tea Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie.
learn more here:
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kellyxbaudelaire · 3 months
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“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Confucius
THE BASICS Full Name: Kelly Mai Baudelaire Nickname: Boo (Roman, exclusive) Species: Werewolf Age: 34 Birthdate: April 1, 1990 Place of birth: Moved to Raven’s Peak when the Baudelaires adopted her at age 1 Education: High school diploma Occupation: Manager/hostess at the Sunset Motel Current residence: Cheap little place in the poorer side of Blue Horizon Marina Face Cast: Levy Tran
FUN NOTES Element: Fire Star sign: Aries Archetype: The Lover Favourite season: Summer Daemon: Domestic Dog - Collie
PERSONALITY MATRIX Choose one option from each line to create a distinct and detailed personality for your characters:
Selfish or Altruistic? Altruistic Aggressive or Passive? Passive Dishonourable or Honourable? Honourable Disordered or Ordered? Disordered Believer or Sceptic? Believer Fervent or Restrained? Fervent Apathetic or Inquisitive? Apathetic
(credit to Simon K Jones from simonkjones.com)
APPEARANCE Gender Identity: Female Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Height: 5’ 3” Build: Slim Other distinguishing features: Multiple tattoos over her shoulders and down her arms
RELATIONSHIPS Family: Roman (Dad), Theo (brother) Closest friend(s): ?? Other friends: Nathan Wolfsong, Beau Wolfsong, Aspen Blackwood, Cricket Bloom, Charlie Beckett Enemies: ?? Love interest(s): ?? Sexuality: Bisexual
PSYCHOLOGY Personality type: ESFJ - The Consul Alignment: Neutral Good Enneagram: 2 - The Helper Strengths: Cheerful, spunky, friendly Weaknesses: Indecisive, mistrustful, nervous
Kelly’s usually got a cheerful, helpful mien, but it hides a bunch of nerves and a serious set of trust issues. Her dad’s depression and alcoholism cut deep into their relationship, and it’s spilled over. She tries to help hold everything together, and it can often make her uncertain about taking sides. She’s a new werewolf, so that’s kind of hitch in her step, but she’s doing everything she can to hold it together.
For the most part, her goal is to keep her head above water while trying to recapture the family connections that got lost after her mother’s death. But sometimes she really just wants to cut loose and take off running under the moon until she finds someone or something that makes her feel happy.
She’s everybody’s friend and a spunky neighbour.
HISTORY TRIGGER WARNING: cancer, death, violence
Being born on April 1st should probably have been a clue.
Kelly Mai Baudelaire held no memories of her birth family. As far as she was concerned, her family started and ended with the Baudelaires. She’d grown up surrounded by love from her parents and siblings, at least for the first good chunk of her childhood. A daddy’s girl, she remembered his large form folded up at her little table where he joined her for tea parties. She could also remember him dancing with her at the daddy-daughter dances. Not that she didn’t adore her mother. She did! Her mother would play games with her, and she’d dress her up for pictures and parties – helping her curl her hair until it bounced around her face while she spun about.
Her childhood seemed like a storybook … except that her dad had to leave for long stretches of time.
She hated his absences, but her mother assured her that Daddy was doing good work and making them all safe. So, sad as she might have been to miss him, she put on her best smile so she could help her mom around the house and with the boys. Her big brother stepped up to be the man of the house, but she could help with the younger ones.
Then her father came home … but he wasn’t Daddy anymore. He was a stranger with Daddy’s face
Everything seemed to unravel – and it became even worse when her mother was diagnosed with cancer.
Her father pulled it together for the next year, managing to be whole and in one piece as he helped the family deal with the crisis. But they lost her, the cancer stealing her away and maybe killing her father at the same time. Oh, his body still went through the motions, but he seemed like a hollowed-out shell. And her big brother had to step up once again to hold things together as best he could.
Kelly did everything she could to help, taking part-time work until she finished school and then making it a full-time affair by working her way from cleaner to manager at the Sunset Motel. She found a small place at the marina and moved out of her childhood home to lessen some of the burden. It was a little affair, and it always seemed ready to blow away in a storm, but it was hers, and she made it a comfortable, welcoming place.
Everything began to slowly come together outside of her family, and right when she felt ready to start trying to get her brothers and father reconnecting, she had another setback … if one could call the attack a “setback”.
It had been a late-night shift at the motel, the kind of late that meant Kelly couldn’t get a ride home and had to walk. Not a good idea … especially on a full moon night. But she’d lost track of the moon’s schedule with all of the insanity at work. Fortunately, she couldn’t remember much of that night, but she’d woken in the hospital the next day with a “dog bite” on her hip.
Yeah, even in Raven’s Peak, some people refused to see the truth.
And she’d waited on the next full moon, hoping against hope that the bite hadn’t taken.
No such luck. Being her, she gave herself a handful of days to cry and pout and throw things before squaring her shoulders and sucking it up. Werewolf. Fine. She’d figure it out and deal. After all, she could handle that, right?
WANTED CONNECTIONS Renter - Renter needed/wanted. Kelly is a lifetime resident of Raven’s Peak, and she lives in Blue Horizon Marina, but not the nicer part of it. She’s in the area that deals with flooding and storms. Between slow tourism in the off-season, hospital bills from her recent attack, and not being wealthy to begin with, she needs more income. She’s doing her best not to let her family know she’s having issues because Kelly always thinks her issues should come last, and they’ve been having bigger problems and more drama than a little money trouble. The renter’s bedroom and bath would be over the garage – which Kelly only uses for storage because she can’t afford a car. She’s a neat person, so there’s room for a car/small truck/bike and that would be available for the renter. If they’re around at dinner time, she’s likely to invite them if she has anything worth the name to put on the table, but they won’t have keys to the house because she does have a few trust issues. (And she’s fairly certain her dad and/or sibs might have a litter of puppies if she let them have a key.)
Drinking buddy - not that she drinks often because she’s seen the danger of alcohol in her father, but once in a while, it’s nice to not think. It’s someone she can get blind drunk with and crash beside without them taking advantage
One night stand - the one-time Kelly decided to get drunk on her own, and she ended up in bed with a guy she barely knew … which reminded her why she had a drinking buddy. It wasn’t a bad night, but she still blushes and stammers when she runs into him.
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vaidhainshijindal · 4 months
Navigating Vietnam: Essential Travel Tips, Ideal Seasons, and Top Beach Destinations
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Vietnam, a country of vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, is a dream destination for travelers seeking adventure and exploration. From bustling cities to tranquil countryside and pristine beaches, Vietnam offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be discovered. Here are some essential Vietnam travel tips, the best time to visit Vietnam , and top beach destinations in Vietnam to help you plan your perfect Vietnam getaway.
Vietnam Travel Tips
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Obtain a Visa: Ensure you have the necessary visa or visa exemption before traveling to Vietnam. You can apply for a visa online or through the Vietnamese embassy or consulate in your country.
Pack Appropriate Clothing: Vietnam experiences a tropical climate, so pack lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for hot and humid weather. Don't forget to include a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially during the hot and humid months. Opt for bottled water or ensure tap water is safe to drink by boiling or using purification tablets.
Watch Out for Scams: Be wary of common scams targeting tourists, such as overcharging for goods or services, fake taxis, and pickpocketing. Always negotiate prices before making purchases or hiring services.
Respect Local Customs: Familiarize yourself with Vietnamese customs and traditions, such as removing shoes before entering homes or temples and dressing modestly when visiting religious sites.
Best Time to Visit Vietnam
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The best time to visit Vietnam depends on your preferences and the regions you plan to explore. Generally, Vietnam experiences three distinct seasons:
Dry Season (November to April): Ideal for visiting northern and central regions, with cool temperatures and minimal rainfall.
Rainy Season (May to October): Best for exploring southern regions like the Mekong Delta, where lush landscapes thrive due to abundant rainfall.
Shoulder Seasons (April, May, September, and October): Offers a balance between fewer tourists and favorable weather conditions across the country.
Best Beaches in Vietnam
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An Bang Beach (Hoi An): Relax on the soft white sands of An Bang Beach, surrounded by swaying palm trees and crystal-clear waters. Enjoy water sports like swimming, surfing, and paddleboarding, or simply soak up the sun and admire the stunning coastal scenery.
Nha Trang Beach (Nha Trang): Explore the vibrant beach town of Nha Trang and its pristine coastline, known for its powdery white sands and vibrant underwater world. Snorkel or dive among colorful coral reefs, or indulge in a relaxing beachfront massage.
Phu Quoc Island: Escape to the idyllic shores of Phu Quoc Island, home to some of Vietnam's most beautiful beaches. From the secluded sands of Bai Sao Beach to the lively atmosphere of Long Beach, Phu Quoc offers something for every beach lover.
Mui Ne Beach (Mui Ne): Experience the unique beauty of Mui Ne Beach, where towering sand dunes meet the sparkling waters of the South China Sea. Try your hand at kite surfing or windsurfing, or simply relax and watch the mesmerizing sunset over the horizon.
Con Dao Islands: Discover the unspoiled beauty of the Con Dao Islands, a remote archipelago off the southern coast of Vietnam. With pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush jungle landscapes, Con Dao offers a tranquil retreat away from the crowds.
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With its diverse landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality, Vietnam is a destination that captivates the hearts of travelers from around the world. By following these travel tips, considering the best time to visit, and exploring the top beach destinations, you can make the most of your Vietnam adventure. So pack your bags, set out to explore the stunning beaches, and create memories that will last a lifetime in this enchanting country.
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applythaivisa · 5 months
Marriage Registration in Thailand
Thailand's beauty makes it a dream wedding destination. But before you say "I do," understand the marriage registration process.
Meet eligibility requirements (age, marital status, etc.).
Gather documents (passport, single status certificate, etc.).
Visit the District Office with your spouse-to-be.
Register, attend a brief ceremony (optional), and receive a marriage certificate.
Note: Same-sex marriage is not legal, and additional requirements may apply for marrying a Thai citizen. Consider consulting a lawyer for guidance.**
For many, Thailand conjures up images of idyllic beaches and romantic sunsets, making it a dream destination to tie the knot. If you're planning a wedding in Thailand, understanding the marriage registration process is essential. Here's a breakdown of the key steps:
Eligibility Requirements:
Both parties must be at least 17 years old. Minors require court permission.
Neither party can be legally married to someone else.
No close blood relations (parents, children, siblings) can marry.
Both parties must be mentally sound.
Documents Required:
Valid passport for each party (original and photocopy)
Certificate of Residence or Documentary evidence of your stay in Thailand (e.g., lease agreement, utility bill)
Single Status Certificate (also known as a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage) issued by your home country's embassy or consulate in Thailand. This document verifies your eligibility to marry.
Two passport-sized photos of each party
Affidavit of Consent (if applicable) - needed if one party cannot be present for the registration.
Notice of Intention to Marry (optional, but recommended) - filed at least 7 days before registration, though some districts may waive this.
The Marriage Registration Process:
Gather Required Documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documents listed above.
Translation and Legalization: Some documents may require translation into Thai by a certified translator and legalization by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Notice of Intention to Marry (Optional): While not mandatory, filing this beforehand can streamline the process.
Visit the District Office: Together, visit the District Office (Amphur or Khet) where one of you resides.
Complete the Application: Fill out the marriage registration application form provided by the office.
Present Documents and Pay Fees: Submit your documents, passports, and the completed application form. Pay any associated registration fees.
Ceremony and Certificate: The registrar will conduct a brief ceremony (optional) and issue a Marriage Certificate upon successful registration.
Additional Considerations:
Same-Sex Marriage: Thailand does not currently recognize same-sex marriage.
Marriage with a Thai National: Additional requirements like a house registration certificate from the Thai spouse may apply.
Foreign Embassies/Consulates: While Thai marriage registration is legally recognized, some countries might require additional registration with their embassy/consulate in Thailand.
Seeking Professional Help:
The process can involve complexities, particularly for foreigners. Consulting a lawyer specializing in Thai marriage law is recommended. They can help you:
Navigate the legalities and ensure you meet all requirements.
Advise on document translation and legalization procedures.
Assist with the application process and potential challenges.
By following these guidelines and potentially seeking professional guidance, you can ensure a smooth and successful marriage registration in Thailand, allowing you to focus on celebrating your special day.
Visit our website for more information: apply-thai-visa.com
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Beginning My Last Week in Malang
Back at my Malang residence, I don't have many responsibilities to tend to. But I do have stuff I need to get done: preparing paperwork for a reimbursement of some travel expenses, taking the on-line part of my Advanced Open Water Diving instruction, making travel reservations in various places, working out, shopping, cooking. Plus I have obtained the last three books of the Buru Quartet by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, which is GREAT! But time is on my hands in my last days in Malang. Which makes it all the more unpleasant to report that I saw a rat in my kitchen last night. A real rat. Not a small little mouse, but a hunchbacked, dark rat with a long tail. I'm disinclined to go into all the details, but it ran away when I entered the kitchen and I've contacted my landlord's staff to come and place some traps or whatever is needed to rid myself of such vermin. I keep my kitchen pretty clean, no food out generally, so I'm not sure what the rat is after. Along the same lines, I've had a large lizard in my courtyard since day one here, and now it's moved into one of my bedrooms - not mine! He clears his throat a couple of times and then shouts. "Fuck that!" 5 or 6 times with descending intensity. I got a look at him today after all these months. He's not a small lizard, but not as horrifying as a rat. Seems like the house is going back to nature.  Tomorrow I'll be going to Surabaya for a June 15th celebration of July 4th at the US Consulate. Not sure why the party is so early, but it's fun to get gussied up and be a part of an official governmental/diplomatic event. Early train up, spend the day with my ELF colleague and friend Thomas - he says his co-workers want to meet and talk with me about my experience - and then I'll stay at a hotel and train back early the next day. Then over the weekend I'll have a farewell lunch with various of the people whom I don't care for (higher-ups), and some whom I do (a couple of teachers and support staff). Next week, Ibu Yusnita will come to my house and retrieve the things I'll be leaving behind, a rice cooker, a blender, some small plastic drawers, some books. I've made my hotel arrangements in Australia, so I'll be in both Melbourne and a place called Cowes on Phillip Island, where I hope to see penguins and koala bears. Plenty of time to prepare for my departure, but some anxiety as well.  Some errands to run today. And hopefully my landlord's staff, Pak Harun in particular, will be here. In fact, Pak Harun did come and spent a couple of hours preparing the spaces in the courtyard for the return of the rat (along those lines, my theory is that the large lizard has moved inside because the rat has entered the courtyard). Pak Harun's efforts did not go to waste either. Just after sunset, the rat appeared in my kitchen (after I had prepared my dinner, and in fact, while I was eating it in my dining room). So, when I finished my meal and opened the door to go to my kitchen, I saw the rat there on the floor, front and center - AND IT DIDN"T MOVE. Clearly it had eaten some of the poison pellets that Pak Harun set out. It wasn't moving or breathing (some nerve poison, I figure), but I think it was still alive. I took a picture of it in its paralyzed state. I left the room for a few minutes, and when I returned, it had kicked the bucket, it's legs splayed out and life clearly gone. So I packed him up in some plastic bags and put him out with the other garbage. Not pretty, but better than having a rat wandering freely in my kitchen.(So let's see if the lizard goes back out to the courtyard.) My time in Surabaya was pleasant enough. It's a pretty grubby and hot city, but I was in decent spirits. I had some ginger coffee which was fun. And I walked around in the dirty heat of the day, swam at my hotel and continued by reading of Pramoedya's second Buru book, Child of All Nations. Then I set out for the Consular party. Since it was announced as a July 4th celebration (even if early on June 15th) I think I can be forgive for expecting some good old clean American July 4th celebration stuff. But no. Actually it reminded me more of the time that I went to the MBA recruiting party for the University of North Carolina Business School in mid-town Manhattan -everybody was there with an ulterior motive, networking, preening, schmoozing. And I don't play that. Lots of Indonesian business types, and lots of security, and I could hardly tell the difference. And, except for little US flags in the sliders, and some red, white and blue spotlights swinging around, there was nothing to indicate July 4th, no games, no kids really, no Uncle Sam on stilts. It sucked. And I left after less than an hour. And I don't regret it at all. Now I'm back in Malang for the last 7 days of my stay here. I finished my program's Final Report. I have a farewell lunch with my school peeps tomorrow. I've already expressed ambivalence about that. I'm going for the food, and just the awkward experience of speaking with people who have pretty much let me down all year. Do I have some responsibility in that? Sure, about 5% The rest is their inadequacy. So I'll be confident and comfortable as I play the game for the last time with those who don't give one _____ about me. For those with whom I enjoyed working, I will be sincere.  I arranged with my landlord to see her in Bali (where she lives) and to get back my deposit for 9 months in her house. She's a nice person, so I'm happy to see her once more before I depart for good. The deposit will give me about 800 Australian dollars, for my week there. That won't be bad. I feel the thrill of departure rising in me. It's nice to tie up loose ends and feel that I'm close to doing all I could and needed to do. I sense that "this is the last time I'm going to do this" will be a greater part of each day. I anticipate more and more what is going to happen AFTER this is over. But I try not to go too far with such thinking. I must get through these days, making sure I don't forget anything. And the time will come to feel the happiness and pride I usually feel when an overseas gig is finished. But not yet. 
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dani-meme · 2 years
Indecision (Part 6 of 7)
This is part 6 of 7. You can find part 1 here.
A hundred dizzying thoughts were swirling through Abigail's mind. One that might be picked out was that the private residence of Empress Aria Areli was, remarkably, not as extravagant as Abigail would've thought. It was still an extraordinarily large house, filled with pristine and expensive furnishings — but it wasn't a palace.
The Empress led the group to a parlour, against the two back walls of which were lined red-cushioned bench-seats. The rest of the furnishings were made of dark, shining wood and clean white panels, and they all smelt lightly of cocoa.
Everything felt so expensive. It made Abigail uneasy.
The five of them sat down (Abigail making an effort to sit close to Belle), while the Empress fetched something from another room.
Abigail looked over at Astrophel, and plucked another thought from her mind. She remembered the disorientating way it felt when he looked at her. No-one else seemed to have gotten that feeling. And yet still, ever since that moment — over the entire trip here — he was yet to recognise her existence again. It didn't at all seem odd to him that she was there. It creeped her out.
Abigail hadn't really chosen to be here. Over the trip, she had wanted to leave, but she didn't want to say anything and risk Astrophel looking at her again. But she also didn't want to just slip away without saying goodbye to Belle. She never ended up leaving.
She remembered how Astrophel was able to speak with the Empress with such casual ease. She leaned over to Belle. "Do you know how Astrophel-"
"No, I don't." Belle was sitting with her face in her hands. Abigail didn't think she was in a good mood.
The Empress came back holding a glass of wine, and Abigail found herself thinking about the wine at home that her parents let her drink on special occasions. The woman sat down across from the five of them, and stared at Astrophel, eyes narrowed. He looked back with eyes wide.
"So, Astrophel, do you think you could elaborate on what you mean by 'secret society'?"
He cleared his throat without blinking. "I've told you about how I was a student at the Empyrean Academy, right?"
She nodded and sipped her wine.
"Well, in the past few months I've been working on trying to restart the academy. However, with the war, and the growth of the Consulate's power since its beginning, I doubt they would allow me to do so. It’s all too 'blasphemous', I suppose."
"So, to stop the Consulate intervening however they please, what if my colleagues and I were to instead start a secret society? It would be composed of scholars and professionals and such, and furthermore, should the Consulate find out about us anyways, they will be loath to discover that they still can't touch us. Why? Well, this is what I ask for; that this secret society of mine be under the patronage of the Empressship. It will be under the protection, and command;, of you, Your Majesty."
Abigail tried to sift through her spinning mind and figure out what he was talking about. She didn't know a thing about Leonid politics, but even if she did, it wouldn't help. She was too tired to think. She was overwhelmed.
"And these are your fellow 'scholars and professionals'?" The Empress looked around the group. Abigail thought she saw her frown at her for a moment.
"Yes," Astrophel said, without looking away.
The Empress had directed another question towards Astrophel, but Abigail wasn't paying attention anymore. She was tangled up in her thoughts.
She had decided that she really didn't want to be here. It was too tense sitting across from the most powerful person in the city — maybe even the world. Abigail looked at Belle and got the impression that she was thinking the same thing.
Another strand of thought brushed by her. She thought of the Caravan. It was almost sunset when they got here; the rest of the Bejuk would be leaving soon. She thought of her parents, who were probably worried sick about her — who might have to stay behind to wait for her. She didn't like the thought of getting back late and having them angry at her.
She wanted to leave. She really did, She wanted to get up and go home. But the largest thought in her mind — the one which she was tangled in and which wouldn't let her go — was that she couldn't;. She couldn't leave. She couldn't interrupt the Empress of Leona. She couldn't attract her attention. She couldn't make a scene. She just couldn't. She wanted to leave, but she was trapped.
She didn't know what to do.
So Abigail sat there as they talked, quietly panicking as the clock ticked by.
This is part 6 of 7. You can find part 7 here
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kavindraxxnotepad · 2 years
-forever a fool; everyone's number two-
i am destined to be a permenant number two;
"oh... you like her??" "of course im happy for you" 
i am never anyones first choice, nothing new;
to be fare, i wasnt some breath taking beauty that everyone would just immediatly choose;
more like a cheap consulation prize that you recieve when you lose;
as dull as the night sky following sunset without its beautiful stars;
i am lucky to be considered average, like a boring, ugly brown package, and covered in scars;
my dreams on occassion you would actually choose me;
but once again life has jolted me awake, reality is that itll never be;
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epiclong · 2 years
Printlife photo exhibition
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Inside the exhibit hall, visitors can experience Printlife for free, and use the photobooth before printing the photos. The Photobook service can create a collection of photographs that document your children’s growth and memories with loved ones. TORJA Editorial Staff Experience the Fujifilm Printlife Boothįujifilm Canada’s Printlife offers a service that prints digital photos in customizable sizes and shapes, ready to be used in various ways, such as being displayed at home or gifted to others. These days, people can take photos anywhere with smartphones, but I still enjoy looking at photos of my family and nature hanging at home.” Ito ended her speech by saying that she hopes people overseas can become interested in Japan through the photographs. Memories of people, places and events can be shared through photos. Photography has the power to bring people together, overcoming barriers of language. It brings the colours, shapes and atmosphere to those who have yet to experience. “We see, on the 90th anniversary of Japan-Canada diplomatic relations, how the two countries are partners who share similar values and similar appreciation for beautiful photography,” Ito added. “Last year, the exhibit delighted travellers at Pearson International Airport, and this year, it brought joy to visitors at the shopping mall,” Ito said, “While this year marks the 40th anniversary of Fujifilm in Canada, the company continues to introduce wonderful technology to not just Canada but to the world, pioneering the tech industry with solutions such as Instax, photo books and medical devices.” Ito gave strong praises to the company. Consul-General Takako Ito Takes the StageĬonsul-General Ito congratulated the second year of the photo exhibit and the fantastic amount of submissions. Take Your Seat has been shown at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa, and at the Toronto Japanese Film Festival. The photography of Canada and Japan celebrate the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. VanDerStarren has taken the Take Your Seat project to places all over the world, including Japan, Hong Kong and Turkey. The red chair in his photos is made more impressive by the grandiose scale of the Canadian environment. Some of the photos were taken on top of cliffs and others were from the icebergs floating at sea. The Printlife exhibit also contained photography of Canada from photographer Randy VanDerStarren. Take Your Seat, a Showcase Curated by Canadian Photographer Randy VanDerStarren “I thought to shoot the inside of the flowers, but after seeing the prints, I felt ever more impressed by how true it was to the real beauty of the moment.” “Photography can showcase the beauty of nature,” one visitor who submitted a photograph of cherry blossoms in Hamilton said happily. All over the floor, there were people admiring their own photography and taking selfie photos with photos they love. Through them, the viewers receive a sense of the photographers’ identity and memories. The photos include scenes of the sunset, the wonders of nature, loved pets, family, friends and lovers. Magnitude of Photos Displayed Horizontally and Vertically on the Wall Through the works exhibited, the visitors learn first-hand about Printlife’s concept of “Shooting, Preserving, Displaying, and Gifting”. It can also be gifted to those important to you. Photography not only decorates your home and preserves your treasured memories, but also can motivate you at home and the workplace, and become sources of inspiration for the viewer. This year, it has grown bigger with more submissions and greater attendance. In Canada, the exhibit has coined the phrase, “Printlife,” and the first show was held at Toronto Pearson International Airport in 2018. These days, the allure of being able to exhibit photography regardless of pedigree draws over 100,000 enthusiasts all over the world to submit their works. The event has expanded year-after-year, and was dubbed “The Photography Exhibit of 50,000 People” in 2017. Fujifilm’s Global Photo Exhibition was started in 2006 in Japan as “The Photography Exhibit of 10,000 People.” The exhibit collected photography from Japan, the Americas, and Europe, and aimed to showcase the joy of printing one’s own photography.
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sineala · 3 years
I have just discovered that there are 341 works in the ao3 tag “Canadian Shack”….. as a Canadian idek what to say. I can’t believe that’s like…. a trope
Oh! Oh! I know all about this!
As a Canadian, you are presumably familiar with the 1990s buddy-cop TV show Due South, about a RCMP constable named Benton Fraser, who has come to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father and for reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture has remained, attached as liaison with the Canadian consulate. Anyway, it's a buddy cop show about Fraser the Mountie and his Chicago cop partner Ray, who is a different person depending on which season of the show you are watching.
So dS fandom shipped Fraser/Ray, Fraser/Ray (the other Ray) -- and, yes, the ship wars were legendary -- and, for the truly daring, Ray/Ray. The series finale "The Call of the Wild" ended with Fraser and one of the Rays in the Northwest Territories, sledding off into the sunset together on an adventure. So naturally fandom wrote a lot of fic about what this adventure consisted of and how it very possibly involved Fraser and Ray together in a shack, in Canada. (Fraser does actually at one point have a cabin somewhere around there in canon, IIRC, so the fanon that he might at some point once again end up in a cabin somewhere in the Canadian north isn't actually coming out of nowhere.)
Anyway, so fic about Fraser and one of the Rays in a Canadian shack became a popular premise for a whole lot of post-series fic, and then the thing that happened was that a bunch of Due South authors looked around at the massive amounts of Canadian Shack stories in their fandom and thought, "Hey! What if we had a multi-fandom challenge where all of our other fandoms ended up in a Canadian shack too?" and that led to 101 Ways To End Up In A Canadian Shack, which as the name suggests is 101 ficlets by various writers in various fandoms (many of which are not set in Canada, or in North America, or even on Earth) all running with the Canadian Shack trope from Due South.
And then, as happens with fanon, other fans who might not have even been familiar with the Due South origin picked up the trope and ran with it because who doesn't want to stick their OTP in a shack together because hooray forced-proximity tropes, and it became a thing that took on a life of its own, and that's where we are today.
So, yeah. It's one of those tropes that maybe makes a little more sense in its originating fandom but that everyone else has subsequently adopted in their own fandoms -- like the daemons from His Dark Materials or the psychic wolves from the Iskryne series, or, for a certain value of "making sense in its original fandom," Sentinel/Guide tropes (which are based on a popular genre of very intricate AUs in Sentinel fandom and doesn't really have much basis in canon).
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veneli · 3 years
Heels (Fabulous)
I recently saw a post and I needed to write something for it… so here’s a thing
CW: none!
“Deviant, are you ready to go?”
Gavin sat on the fainting couch in their room, bent over as he adjusted the cuff of his pants. His deviant was taking a pretty long time getting ready. Maybe they could use some help with getting into their stuff… or just ease some nerves of the upcoming dinner party.
His fantasies were cut short as the Freelancer’s voice drifted out of their closet. “Yeah, just… give me a second, love.”
“Do you need help?” Gavin secured the knot on his boots and stood up, brushing down his pressed trousers. “If you need help picking out clothes, I would be your best consul—”
His voice failed him as he peeked inside the closet, finding his Deviant sitting on the ottoman looking rather dejected. “Hey, love.”
He responded with a smile. “What’s wrong? You seem to be…” he looked them up and down, eyes trailing and lingering on their body too long to be accidental. “Very well dressed for dinner. What troubles that fine head of yours?”
Freelancer held up a pair of shoes. “I can’t walk in these.”
Gavin reached out, and they placed them in his hands. Soft brown leather, elegantly curved towards the heel, where a short wedge elevated the shoe just an inch. He found a smile twitching at the corners of his lips, and he had to turn away to hide it.
“Are you laughing at me?”
“There’s just an inch of heel on this, Deviant.” Gavin said, unable to hide the smile in his voice any longer.
They huffed. “I know. But I still can’t walk on them, regardless of heel height.” They stood up and reached for a pair of white sneakers. “I’ve been wearing flats and runners all my life—heels just make me feel like I’m about to break my ankles.”
Gavin chuckled and took the sneakers from them. “This is a business casual dinner, you can’t wear sneakers.” He sank onto the velvet of the ottoman, and took off his boots. “Here. Wear these.”
“But… what will you wear?” Deviant accepted the boots, bending to slip them on. “You don’t have any other formal shoes.”
“Ah, here comes the fun part.” Gavin stood up, now in just socks, and peered into the shoe cupboard. “I’ll wear these.”
He held up a pair of golden heels, the gems studded into the heels themselves so bright it would’ve blinded them both if it weren’t for the dim light of their closet. The heels were as thin as chopsticks, ending in a blunted point that took up less space than a dime. Platforms on the bottom of the soles elevated them to be… 6 inches.
“Perfect,” Gavin grinned. “Matches my outfit, too, don’t you think?” He gestured to his sunset button up and black pants. “A drop of gold to accent the beautiful shades of a setting sun.”
“A drop of gold” seemed to be an understatement.
“Gavin. When have you ever bought those and never told me?” Freelancer’s jaw was on the ground.
Gavin’s grin faltered a little. “Well… I had them before I met you. Back when I used my time somewhere… less than productively.” He straightened up. “But that was the past. It’s been forgotten. However, these gems are definitely one of my most treasured.”
“How are you going to walk in those?”
Gav smirked. “Just watch. I used to dance in these.”
Freelancer would not believe their eyes as Gavin strapped himself into the ankle-killers he called heels, and rose to stand, the tips of his hair a few inches away from the tops of the shelves.
Their disbelief was further fuelled as Gavin stepped, one golden foot in front of the other, out of the closet and into their bedroom. “See? Completely fine.”
“You’re mad.” Freelancer got up and circled their boyfriend, the top of their head now coming up to just his chest, instead of where they could comfortably rest it on his shoulder.
“But you love me this way.”
“Absolutely correct.” They looked up, and Gavin lowered for a kiss. “Please don’t fall.”
“Oh, I won’t.” Gavin took his Deviant’s hand, and brought them out to the foyer without as much as a wobble. “Now, we can finally head out.”
Freelancer chuckled. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Bonus DAMN gang content under the cut… featuring flustered Damien
Damien was there first. He followed the waiter to their table, settling down into one of the four sides. Huxley arrived next, followed by Lasko, both dressed smartly in blazers. Huxley’s was threatening to tear at the shoulders, much to Damien’s seemingly inability to slow his heart rate.
But that was just him being increasingly annoyed at the other two guests being late. Again. Totally not his tricep. That was pressing into his shoulder. Nope.
“That’s it, I’m giving them a call.” Damien picked up his phone, unable to stay calm any longer despite the soft jazz and mellow lighting dancing above them.
As the line buzzed, a familiar ringtone cut through the jazz from the live band. Gavin made his way up the stairs to their platform, Freelancer holding on his arm. Damien’s jaw dropped onto his bread plate, along with his phone, sending the bun flying onto the ground.
“Gavin. This- this is a business casual dinner, not a trip to the night club!”
“A ‘hello’ would’ve been nice, but thank you for appreciating the beauty of these fabulous heels.” He slid into the seat next to Damien’s.
Damien sputtered.
“And there’s no saying we couldn’t go to a club after dinner, is there?” Gavin added, earning him a glare from Damien. “The… emotions I feel rolling off you certainly seems like you’re due for a little… relaxation.”
The fire elemental flushed even redder. The collar of his shirt suddenly seemed too tight.
“But hey, Gavin’s right, we should go party a little after dinner.” Huxley added, and Damien buried his face in his hands at risk of bursting into flames. “We’ve all had a long semester, isn’t that right, Lasko?”
Lasko looked up from the menu, nodding. “I just handed in the grades for this semester today. That was the last thing I had to do, thank goodness. Now we have… 10 days to relax before the new semester starts.”
“And I say we use these ten days to relax as hard as possible,” Gavin concluded. “Sound like a good plan, Mr. Fireworks?”
Damien groaned. “Fine. Just… don’t step on anyone with those heels of yours. They’d impale someone’s foot.”
Huxley and Lasko chuckled.
“Point taken,” Gavin waved a hand to flag the waiter. “Now, shall we get to the food? I am starving.”
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