#the copium im huffing
oreonyu · 11 months
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just some silly stsg things <3
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anime-grimmy-art · 1 year
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Wdym this isnt how ep 11 ended?
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
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undead-cypress · 5 months
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Full Moon Full Life
(I'm normal about not having the right graphics card to play this game. I am coping so well. I am the most mentally healthy about depression simulator reloaded. )
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justpollux · 2 months
yknow sarge didn't go "hrrk blegh" when he died so maybe we're supposed to take this as a sign that he didn't actually die and somehow got out of there without the others knowing. I know they buried the body but maybe he was just really good at holding his breath
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pareidollesse · 6 days
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pristine cut broken/damsel content save me... please save me pristine cut...
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codacheetah · 3 months
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Doki doki!
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How are we feeling after episode 8
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peachyfnaf · 17 days
canon cant hurt me if i dont look at it
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chocottang · 1 month
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losing my mind over teru being surprised that he was unhappy with the arranged marriage.
he just assumed this version of himself would be happy marrying aoi. which leads us to the assumption that if in our timeline he was engaged to aoi, he would be happy. so we can assume he DOES have a crush on her, or at least enjoys her company enough that he wouldn't be mad about marrying her. which leads me to believe that the reason why he didn't enjoy the date with aoi was not that he doesn't like her, but that he doesn't like this version of her, becasue it's not his version of her. because she was acting way different than how she normally does with him, and because she acted with what semeed like unearned intimacy.
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he doesn't feel uneasy because he dislikes her, he feels uneasy because this isn't the aoi that he knows, the one he likes. and he was happy when he realized that she doesn't like him because that's more like his timeline's aoi, the aoi who is in love with akane, the aoi he can never have, but admires from a distance, never making the mistake of getting too close because it would only hurt him when she inevitable becomes official with akane.
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i think of it like if you gave someone a clone that looks and sounds like their crush, but was seemingly head over heels in love with them for no reason. sure, some may like it for some time, but it's ultimately not the real thing: its not the person they love. and they didn't put in the work to make them like them, or had any real intimacy, so the clone's attraction seems fake. so, they eventually won't enjoy it.
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yakool-foolio · 10 months
I love contemplating AUs/alternate routes where Yakou survives, but there’s one I recently thought of that I don’t think anyone has brought up yet. I’d like to think there’s an alternate scenario for chapter 4 when Yuma takes control of Ama-Pal and starts going through the first chamber. If you start spamming the random assortment of noises before entering the gas room, it causes Yakou to start laughing. Even on his mission for revenge, he hasn’t lost his sense of humor. It alerts the detectives (“Oh shit, is that our chief?!”) and they run into the first chamber to save him.
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moxley · 26 days
so ospreay’s going to lose at forbidden door, right.
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thesmpisonfire · 8 months
Gathering my thoughts again. I really think it was a Resistance mission that Walter Bob went after Pac. Because WB and Forever seems to have this trust and dynamic that Forever doesn't mind when WB wanders off to do his own thing, so he maybe was getting instructions about having someone of trust test the portal so they could get the president out of the Nether and AWAY from Cucurojo before it was too late
And because Forever is the president, WB couldn't tell him about his mission for the Resistance, so he couldn't tell Forever that Pac was there as well
And I think WBs hurry to get Forever to cross the portal was not only because it could become unstable and fail, but because he knew that if he had gotten his confirmation from the HQ, it meant that Pac was lost somewhere and he had to get to him QUICK. So he probably booked towards Pac as soon as Forever left the Nether. It couldn't be done in any other way, and WB felt terrible for leaving Pac hurt. But, in the end, orders are orders, and WB had to succeed them
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dazais-guardian-angel · 4 months
the fact that they didn’t include this whole Fyodor memory sequence in the s5 finale, while obviously likely due to lack of time, is suspicious because it occurring here implies that it could potentially lead into some major reveals about the ending of this arc, like that Fyodor intended to “die” the whole time as part of his plan and that he was never actually fooled by cosplaying vamp Chuuya, but more specifically maybe even some shenanigans with the Book explaining many of the plot holes and strangely ooc moments, tying into super saiyan Fukuchi at the end that seemingly comes from another world, because they wouldn’t want to put this setup in the finale if it’s leading into stuff like this; it makes perfect sense for it to be the opening scene of season 6 instead, leading up to everything being explained— *am taken out back and silenced*
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clutchpowers · 2 years
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catch me still coping that clutch wasnt made into a villain
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voiceofsword · 1 year
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sayijo · 8 months
The Administrator is Cryptor because why else would there be red-eyed season 3 nindroids running around.
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