#the crew is great though
woodenela · 11 months
There was not a single crumb of Zeff in the new trailer 😭
I will stay strong & wait for the release then ;_; lolTaz keeping his bri'ish accent, his arguments with Zoro are gonna sound so fun😂
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delusionalblfan · 5 months
as i expected throughout the whole episode i was so tense and with teary eyes. the whole damn episode. but i literally bawled my eyes out in three moments. the three of them made me stop watching to catch a breath and to just think about life and choices and stuff. i was so into them i felt sick to my stomach
1. when Babe kissed Babe's forehead three times, it got to me more than the whole scene of Babe realising Charlie was dead. it was so tender, full of regret of untold words, it was what Babe regretted not doing to Charlie before the race. it was a goodbye. it was a 'i cannot live without you'. a 'i respect and love you so much for everything you've done for me', a 'i do not deserve you', a 'you do not deserve this'. i felt it all. it was a detail that made all the difference to me and of which i am very thankful for. it was what my emotions needed to really make me go 'no! this is happening' and make me crumble
2. Babe alone at home with Charlie's gloves while reminiscing their times together. he remembered their first meeting as expected. but then he remembered moments that Charlie made him feel special, told him he is special, irrevocably and unconditionally told him he is the reason he ever tried to stop Tony. Babe knows that what Charlie has been doing is not for his own self, but for Babe. this moment Babe is feeling so much pain and so much guilt and it's palpable. and it's as if he feels like the gloves are the only good thing he gave to Charlie and he wants to hold on to them. he needs a physical thing to hold on to, given he doesn't have Charlie. he wants to keep the thing he gave to Charlie and thinks he likes the most. he wants to keep what he saw in Charlie's eyes was what he was most proud of. (Babe, news to you: you are it. you are what Charlie most wanted, most loved and most wanted to show off. you are what makes Charlie happy. you)
3. Alan and Dean's scene (PHENOMENAL) what a moment. seeing Sailub and Lee's emotions so raw that they are physically feeling it. that's the feeling i got. the hurting in their voices made me go crazy. i lost myself there. and i got the whole moment. Dean always felt like the outsider, haven't found his place and used that to self-pity, never spoke about it until recently and only now is doing something to not live in the shadows, but unfortunately by doing wrong decisions. they are family (remembering these men have no blood relatives, they are each others family and that's as valid as blood relatives. it's Family) i am sure they would support him if he decided to find his place somewhere on the racing world. but he was so desperate he decided to do it by siding with the person that has done most harm to his family members, and by harming a family member (i know nothing about mechanics, but he said it, he did want to scare Charlie so he would give up racing, so Dean was willing to make Charlie get into an accident to scare him). and Alan was so hurt. and i bet i know some traits of him so he must be thinking 'this is happening again within my family, the family i started, the people i sworn to protect, i must not be monitoring their feelings well, where did i do wrong, i definitely did something wrong'. but at the same time he knew Dean did a very bad thing, the was so hurt with Dean and so disappointed. and to make the (right!) choice of calling the police on a family member must be so hard. they will not be family like before. the trust was broken. and realising that this is the end, the way they physically gave up and bended. Alan grabbing him like he wants to embrace him still! i believe they get each other's point of view, but Dean was already so hurt by all these years (this boy has a fucking inner saboteur!) and false accusations but shattered by the fact that Alan could in fact, but to his eyes only now, show love towards him and Alan was so hurt that a family member hurt another family member (again) and still very regretful for what he could have done… this is unequivocally a breakup and it was very real and hurtful to watch
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Au where Harrow is a NASCAR driver and her moniker is the Revving Daughter
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wasitroyal · 2 years
The Permanent Rain Press Interview with Sara Arrhusius | Young Royals Season 2
Sara said Simon kissing Wille's upper lip was not intentional. EXCUSE ME? OF COURSE IT WAS!
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So I made this post a little while ago regarding dndads characters and the tma entities and didn't really include any explanations cause that would have been very very long for a somewhat niche post. But, if you'll humor me, I feel compelled to make the quickest case for Vast! Taylor cause I'm thinking about him lol, and specifically without even getting into personality traits, I just want to point to Taylor's track record and note that he (off the top of my head):
Climbed to the top of the tallest tree he could find and shot a clone of himself off of it
Had to be physically held back from jumping off the highest floor of a twelve story building
Did a high-dive into an ocean of paper and abandoned Normal in said ocean of paper.
Had the chance to at least partially spare Scary from the damage of a very high fall. Didn't.
Submitting this as evidence to the court, people of the jury thank you for your time.
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newvegasdyke · 18 days
Can’t believe I get to see the Mojave desert later this year, actually driving long flat roads out of the city and seeing cacti and a variety of other other desert plants, seeing the sun rise and set above the mountains…. It’s been ten years since I’ve been to Las Vegas and I saw very very little of it and the general area
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hauntedshells · 1 year
it would be so so so RAD if we managed to get rottmnt unpaused while mutant mayhem is going, I mean, out of the 5 tmnt shows we’ve had 3 of them have their wanted seasons canceled, the bayverse sequel flopped, and the most hyped tmnt show as far as I’ve seen is 2012 which isn’t an amazing look considering some of the concerning writing decisions in that show. a new wave of turtle mania over 30 years after the first wave? a new wave that doesn’t rely on the shredder coming back more than william afton and focuses more on mutants and their communities? with the turtles looking distinct from each other and the shows themselves being stylized and fun? with a black april and a crew that genuinely shows a lot of love for the franchise it’s building on while creating their own world and lore and really having fun? two versions that bring the fun and silliness of the 87 cartoon and the 90’s movies while also having the dark, gritty, emotional, and horror inspired elements that have been baked into the franchise for years? to have rise and mutant mayhem exist at the same time would be INCREDIBLE my autistic self would EXPLODE to see this rejuvenation. all the people complaining about the new versions who are claiming to be fans are ridiculous because mutant mayhem and rise are love letters to the teenage mutant ninja turtles legacy and I am so excited for the direction this franchise is going
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leieryx · 3 months
Im never gonna be normal about this i fucking knew it
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hylianane · 9 months
Breathing into a paperbag thinking about the possibility of Elbaf digging the conflict from Water 7 back up again and maybe exploring some long-term repercussions of Luffy and Usopp’s fight that not even they themselves were aware of and and and and and-
LISTEN. the Water 7 Saga absolutely rewired the way I understood the crew and how each member views themselves and the roles they play. And it’s been some time since the Strawhat’s exploration of the New World has allowed them to really take time and consider themselves and each other like that again.
And Elbaf just sounds (MUAH) like such a wonderful opportunity to do exactly that, it sounds perfect, primarily in the way it ties all the way back to the Strawhat’s early days on the Grand Line. And when you look at the presence of the Giant Pirates in Little Garden and Enies Lobby, what they share is that both times the Giants Served the purpose mirroring the conflicts between the crewmates and highlighting the importance of loyalty and comradery. Shit writes itself. Come on Elbaf don’t let me down. Come on Usopp I know you can hit us with another world shattering arc just take the stage love.
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thychesters · 7 months
these are the fights i love, the ones where you watch all of the straw hats band together and they each have their own unique role in it. they all play to one another's strengths--harkening back to zoro's remark to chopper back in alabasta that each of them does what they can, and then says here you go, do what i can't to the next crew member. franky can't do this, but sanji can; sanji can't do that, but chopper can. and you watch these plans unfold with such minute communication too--there's no huddle in the middle of the battlefield, just watching some pairs break off and the rest of the crew being able to pick up their next moves with hardly missing a beat. it's not picking up one another's slack or playing a supporting role--it's just being part of a team, of a crew where they all rely on one another and willingly acknowledge that. it's not fighting one straw hat, it's fighting every single one of them, and they have every intention to win.
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princessconsuelapark · 11 months
my boy jimothy infiltrating the hearts of the enterprise crew one by one until they just give him the ship
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couldnt stop myself and ended up binging every moon girl s2 ep, they were just that good, even though i said id pace myself with like 1 or two a day lmao
anyway the thing that really stood out to me this season was them going more serialized, them being a little more dramatic/dark and my favorite was how much deeper they decided to go with lunellas supporting cast and her relationship with them, it was real cool seeing her with so many friends and friend groups, great development especially from the first ep of s1 where casey was her first friend lmao, it really drove the series theme of the importance of community and having a support system, mixed with some honest sincere old school secret identity drama and yeah, amazing season really hope they get that s3 like they wanted since people are scared about them dumping 2A on + so suddenly
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avadaniels · 9 months
sex ed s4 was kind of a mess lol
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outbreaksurvived · 8 days
leon being mentored by ash williams, in the evil dead crossover.
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pttucker · 6 months
A TV panel installed above the bar was broadcasting scenes from a live concert. A pretty popular idol group was currently performing there. One of them was a monkey, the other was a dragon, and the last one was an Archangel. The Great Sage wielding the mic delivered an impassioned vibrato-filled roar, which was promptly followed up by the shower of colourful spotlights focusing on the rear of the stage as Uriel made her entrance. Yoo Sangah elegantly chewing on the intestines muttered out. "They are really popular these days." "I joined their fan club yesterday. The Uriel Force is seriously…!" When Lee Jihye piped up, Lee Gilyoung sent in a quick tackle. "I can't bear to look at their performance anymore after seeing the one Dionysus has put on, you know? Especially the dude over there…"
I'm gonna be so lost once I start reading fanfic for this novel. I'm never going to be able to tell what actually happened in canon or what was just fic because the canon is like this.
And Dionysus too, though honestly he's a bit more believable than these guys.
Oh man, the affect Kim Dokja has had on this worldline. Especially when you compare them to the three that we just saw a few chapters back in the 0th turn.
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alchemistdetective · 5 months
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((I think I finally found the words of why I didn't like the second story that much for Star Rail
It has the same, exact problems as Honkai 3rd's ending
Spoilers in the tags))
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