#the cuffs of his gloves and shoes became spiked leather
sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
i just woke up and had a dream about nonexistent cutscenes to a nonexistent sonic game and i’m so mad it’s not real it was so cute. the cast was sonic, knuckles, rouge, and shadow, but there was also these two old human guys and one of their daughters, or both their daughter idk. the plot was the two old human guys were business partners and best friends but then they were going through a divorce era cause they each screwed each other over in business or something and hated each other so fucking much. and they built an absurdist non-euclidian abstract torture labyrinth as representation of their divorce. years later they’re for real trying to kill each other so the daughter asks sonic and co for help unraveling the secrets of the labyrinth.
idk why it was those 4 specific characters but knuckles and shadow both had dope outfits and were interacting way more than they ever have. shadow had a spiked leather jacket, shades, and platform combat boots. knuckles had his ova hat and a poncho, and his spines were pulled back into a ponytail. sonic and rouge were normal though. the artstyle of the game was like, pseudo low-poly, but they were textured like they were made of like clay or gummies and the lighting was really incredible, like rtx bullshit nice, subsurface scattering up the wazoo. but the humans were flat animated pngs in the 3d environments. like smile for me but like stock photo businessmen and teenage girl.
anyway the first area of the absurdist torture labyrinth was a airport lounge buffet that was entirely shades of beige. the window outside had no airplane or airport it was a perpetual sunset over water. the outside of the building they’re in can’t be seen from any angle. the buffet only served this one chocolate raspberry cream tart, but every time the camera looked away and looked back there was more of it. there was just one plate at first and then plates of the tart covered every single surface. sonic and rouge were talking about how all of this is definitely not normal in any way. the girl was just eating a slice of the tart the entire time
the scene cuts to one of the businessmen standing on some steps leading up to a nice apartment building carrying a briefcase and a bottle of wine. he speaks directly to the camera and says he’s bringing a bottle of wine made by the same company as the tart to the other guy’s apartment to smooth things over. then we follow him walking up like 6 flights of stairs and walking down hallways for like 3 minutes straight with no music no talking just the sounds of him walking and his clothes shuffling. he reaches a door and unlocks it, steps in and heads straight for the floor to ceiling window. immediately the the sound of the shower running is evident from when the apartment door was opened, and a woman’s voice coming from the shower says “hello?! who are you? why are you in my apartment? please leave. please leave” and etc. the guy ignores all this and from his briefcase he starts pulling out parts and setting up a sniper rifle.
about there i woke up
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miramodhvadia · 5 years
The punk rock look was popular among teens and young adults of the 80s. They wore tight pants with chains, sleeveless shirts, torn jeans, studded blazers, metal jewelry, dark makeup, colorful hairdos, and thick eyeliner. Endorsing these types of clothes were bands like The Sex Pistols, and Guns N' Roses, the fans would wear t-shirts that advertised the names and logos of the individual bands. Leather jackets were customized and tattoo art became more popular. Combat black boots, especially Doc Martens, were widely worn by punk kids. In the 80s punk junkies would always be ornamented with metal accessories like studs or earrings, safety pins on clothing, spiked or studded belts and chokers, long chains, lots of bracelets, piercings, leather wristbands, cuffs and black fingerless gloves. Some could be seen lacquered with black nail paint. The 80s was probably when the most body jewelry was worn by men, ever. Fingerless gloves were not just worn by punks. The new romantics or 'blitz kids' devotees wore lace gloves. The glove trend was probably made famous by Michael Jackson in his 'Billie Jean' video in 1983 and his fans would often replicate his fashion choices and wear a white glove on one hand.
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Rude boys and skinheads Following on from the mod revival of the late 70s, the UK witnessed a revival of rude boy and skinhead fashion due to the popularity of ska punk. punk rock, rocksteady, and two tone music during the winter of discontent. In the early 80s, slim fitting mohair, tonic and houndstooth suits were popular, together with basket weave shoes, polo shirts, sta-prest trousers, Doc Martens, braces, Harrington jackets and pork pie hats popularized by bands like the Specials, the Bosstones, and Madness. In response to the racism of white power skinheads, 1980s rude boys wore checkerboard motifs to signify that both black and white people were welcome. Crew cuts and buzzcuts were worn by both sexes, and girls often incorporated hair bangs in a partially shaven style known as a Chelsea mohawk. In Brighton, the Skins of the 1980s fought the outlaw bikers and rockabilly guys, as the Mods and Rockers had previously done in the 60s
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hoodiedeer · 5 years
spice, fireside, and whichever one you most want to answer!
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
im trans, but i will try not to spend 3 hours writing this reply
there would be...a lot of stuff i currently have rarely/never worn....dresses and skirts and leggings and thigh highs and crop tops and tank tops and off the shoulder tops..... MORE COLLARS ones with or without spikes and diff colors, scarves, long striped fingerless gloves that cool scene kids need, bracelets and spiked cuffs and kandi..... hoodies, but WOMENS hoodies, cute and expensive plus size hoodies in tons of styles and colors.... ive never been one to think a lot about shoes but id probably need some cool leather spiked boots or just some converse or whatever.... also did i mention thigh highs ive been SO tempted to buy myself thigh highs lately.... 
oh and as far as like color and stuff. thered be a lot of black or black and neon colors of course, but id also want some more cuter gentle summery colors and stuff i think. some pink and stuff
draw my fursona in all of the above btw thanks
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other?
they drew fanart for an mlp ask blog i liked and their art style stuck out to me so i followed them! then for some reason i just started reading like everyhting they post and occasionally sending asks or whatever and eventually they followed me back and drew my fursona!! then we added eachother on skype and at some point we started talking more regularly and i dont rlly remember when?? somehow over time they just became my closest friend
idk what their first impressions were i was just like “wow this person has a cute art style!! im going to stalk them now” and also when they said “i go by they/them” i said “lol ok hi they! :)” because i was cis
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