#the colour palette of his shoes changed to like purple green yellow
sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
i just woke up and had a dream about nonexistent cutscenes to a nonexistent sonic game and i’m so mad it’s not real it was so cute. the cast was sonic, knuckles, rouge, and shadow, but there was also these two old human guys and one of their daughters, or both their daughter idk. the plot was the two old human guys were business partners and best friends but then they were going through a divorce era cause they each screwed each other over in business or something and hated each other so fucking much. and they built an absurdist non-euclidian abstract torture labyrinth as representation of their divorce. years later they’re for real trying to kill each other so the daughter asks sonic and co for help unraveling the secrets of the labyrinth.
idk why it was those 4 specific characters but knuckles and shadow both had dope outfits and were interacting way more than they ever have. shadow had a spiked leather jacket, shades, and platform combat boots. knuckles had his ova hat and a poncho, and his spines were pulled back into a ponytail. sonic and rouge were normal though. the artstyle of the game was like, pseudo low-poly, but they were textured like they were made of like clay or gummies and the lighting was really incredible, like rtx bullshit nice, subsurface scattering up the wazoo. but the humans were flat animated pngs in the 3d environments. like smile for me but like stock photo businessmen and teenage girl.
anyway the first area of the absurdist torture labyrinth was a airport lounge buffet that was entirely shades of beige. the window outside had no airplane or airport it was a perpetual sunset over water. the outside of the building they’re in can’t be seen from any angle. the buffet only served this one chocolate raspberry cream tart, but every time the camera looked away and looked back there was more of it. there was just one plate at first and then plates of the tart covered every single surface. sonic and rouge were talking about how all of this is definitely not normal in any way. the girl was just eating a slice of the tart the entire time
the scene cuts to one of the businessmen standing on some steps leading up to a nice apartment building carrying a briefcase and a bottle of wine. he speaks directly to the camera and says he’s bringing a bottle of wine made by the same company as the tart to the other guy’s apartment to smooth things over. then we follow him walking up like 6 flights of stairs and walking down hallways for like 3 minutes straight with no music no talking just the sounds of him walking and his clothes shuffling. he reaches a door and unlocks it, steps in and heads straight for the floor to ceiling window. immediately the the sound of the shower running is evident from when the apartment door was opened, and a woman’s voice coming from the shower says “hello?! who are you? why are you in my apartment? please leave. please leave” and etc. the guy ignores all this and from his briefcase he starts pulling out parts and setting up a sniper rifle.
about there i woke up
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paris-in-space · 1 month
Hey, I was wondering how you chose colors for the Dracula cast! (I love Arthur's red jacket.)
Hi! I am so sorry I only just saw this ask today, but I’ll answer it now, hopefully it was worth the wait (at least with the drawing asks I have the excuse of not having had time to draw things).
Okay so, a lot of the decisions I made when it comes to the colours was on instinct, but I can still try and explain.
Jonathan wears brown, with a hint of red in his tie, and has brown hair and eyes, I wanted his colours to be relatively unassuming, the little bit of red is for visual interest but also maybe hints that he’s not just an average guy, but his design is intentionally quite plain.
When I first designed Mina it was actually for an English Lit A Level class where I had to make a character sheet about her, so I actually googled her for inspiration and took some from her look in the 1992 film (I now hate that film although it does have gorgeous visuals) and I think the green from her outfits in that film stuck in my head. Initially in my mind I didn’t imagine her as a redhead however when it came to actually putting colour on her it felt like a good decision to make, and offers some nice contrast to the green. Her earrings are meant to be like drops of blood because symbolism.
Lucy wears pink because I think of her as being pretty and feminine, the choice to have multiple shades of pink in her outfit was just to make it more interesting although the ribbon she wears in her hair matches with Arthur’s tie. Her hair is a warm blonde because of the sunny ripples line in the book, and her eyes are brown to keep things warm.
Arthur is the character whose design has changed the most since the first time I ever drew him, and I’m glad of it. (My original design of him was incredibly boring) although since first adding colour it has changed very little. The choice of red both looks nice next to Lucy and fits in with the other suitors whilst still being distinctly different. Choosing Arthur’s colours was very much a case of seeing what felt right rather than thinking too much about it in depth. (Also thank you for the compliment on his jacket.)
Jack spends a lot of time being sad so a cold colour palette made sense for him, I think the green has some medical connotations, and still allows for him to have some colour in his design without being too bright. Aside from brown shoes which sort of balance out his hair, any other clothing than his waistcoat and tie are grey because I don’t think he’s the sort to wear much colour. He also has the palest skin of the lot because he spends a lot of time inside.
Quincey on the other hand has such a warm presence as a character that his colour palette is full of warm tones. His mustard yellow waistcoat is the most memorable thing to me but it isn’t his only defining colour, I mostly just wanted him to have a very warm presence without venturing too close to Arthur’s red. I am also fully on board with the idea of Quincey being a person of colour.
Renfield is very grey all around with almost purple undertones. His clothes are very much inspired by the 1931 film which was of course black and white, and are also simple enough that many other colour choices wouldn’t make much sense for him. His hair reflects his age, and his complexion is somewhat unnatural (definitely unhealthy) to sort of separate him as a link between Dracula and the human world whilst also not really being a part of either.
I have barely drawn Van Helsing in colour so I don’t think I can really do a colour analysis on him yet, I need to get into the habit of drawing him and actually design him an everyday outfit, I’m pretty sure the only time I’ve done him in colour he was wearing black because of Lucy’s death.
Dracula himself is a mysterious black shadow with red eyes, mostly because I like the idea of depicting his menacing presence and dangerous vibe without specific details, I also really like the idea of a Dracula adaptation where you don’t actually see Dracula, and just have the mystery that the characters face and whilst drawing him this way isn’t exactly doing that, I think knowing this might make the design make more sense.
I hope this makes sense and was worth waiting so long.
(I had to re type a bunch of this a few times because I accidentally clicked off without saving more than once, having typed out multiple paragraphs)
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Please if you want to, do the Amity Arena Summer Beach outfits so we can talk about positive things too, because goddamn the atlas outfits. Jeepers.
Really, Amity Arena has outfits all across the board. Some are great, others are average, and then there’s some that are just trash. The Summer Beach outfits are actually pretty cute for the most part, and I really like them. 
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This is honestly really cute. I love the booty shorts, the tied shirt with the crop top underneath, even the sandals are adorable. It’s suitable for a beach outfit, it’s a Yang outfit without a doubt, and even the X octopuses are so adorable. 
Even though she has very little of her colour on the outfit, which for a RWBY character is still a negative, it’s not a huge deal for an alternative outfit on a mobile game. The colouring is still nice together, and I like how she looks in red. It really suits her. 
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He looks so dumb and I love it. This is what Ironwood wears on the few holidays he allows for himself.
The Hawaiian shirt, the shorts, the little sandals, I love it. The blue of his shirt works with the red and green details, and the overall colour scheme is pretty coherent while still keeping to his established colour. It’s a cool colour palette, and his prosthetics being clear on show is nice to see so normalised. It’s also great for people like me to see how far his prosthetics go on his body.
Also his gun is a water gun and that’s great. 
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Nora’s is a bit more average for me. The pufferfish swimming cap is a little dumb for me, and the colours together is kinda gross looking. I really would’ve prepared pink and white together, at least keep to the established colour scheme with some nicer colours.
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I love his little floaties. It’s such overkill and great for Neptune with his little fear of water. He’s safe from drowning. 
I like that the red lifejacket is similar to his usual red jacket, and these colours work well with his bright blue hair and orange snorkel goggles. The only thing I’m not a fan on is the green on his swimsuit, it might work more with more blue, just to let the colour go through the outfit. 
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She is so adorable. 
I love the swim shirt and shorts together, the red background works with the bright white emblems and white shorts, especially with the small red accents. With the shoes, it helps to keep her red throughout the outfit, especially without the red cape behind her. 
I love the goggles on her head. The blue is nice contrast with the red, and works against the colour of her dark hair. 
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It’s a bit difficult to see with how she’s posed, but the swimsuit with the purple and white works with the black shorts, especially with her long black hair. The bow and it’s design works similarly as well, since the bright colours help the bow stand out against the black hair. 
The goggles are a bit much in combination with the bow, either have the goggles or the bow, having both just clutters the top half. 
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This is such a cute design. 
I love the hair changed into a ponytail over the shoulder, and the straw hat is such a cute accent for her. She looks like the type to carry a big bag of everything to the beach, especially sunscreen. Atlas doesn’t get sun. 
The blue dress is such a cute design, and the gradient to lighter blue and white is so pretty. It contrasts with her pale skin, and while I’d like some more white to show through, I do think this blue is very pretty.  
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Sun is the perfect dude for a beach outfit. He looks so cute.
It’s a very casual wear, and the blue looks so good with the yellow of his hair and the white of his hat, it fits with his established colour scheme and fashion. The little waves on his shorts are cute and add a bit of details to the little clothing he has.
Plus, I think his eyes are black like they were originally, which I appreciate. It’s very neutral with his otherwise bright colour scheme. 
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Her skin is so desaturated. Ashy crocodile. 
The skin tone aside, it’s a cute outfit otherwise. The green and black work well together, especially with her desaturated skin. I love the tock on her shorts and little decal on her chest, and the sunglasses on her head are cute. 
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artaline · 5 years
Joker colours meta (& extras)
Even before I watched the Joker, I was intrigued by the decision to change Joker’s signature colours, and it was absolutely delightful to pick apart and decode the colour language of the movie. So here I would like to offer my interpretation, and some extras on themes of breaking free, of expressing emotions through environment, and narrative ambiguity. (Spoilers warning!)
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(Different jokers line up. Image from https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-10-03/maniacal-evolution-joker-s-look)
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21468811
Colours in Joker
One thing which caught my eye with the new Joker design was how clean and bright are the colours of his Joker costume (compared to TDK Joker and in general). That is achieved by staying closer to the primary colours, red and yellow, and abandoning the classical secondary purple-green palette (green is still present and important, but we will return to it later).
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(Primary and secondary colours in the colour wheel. Image from https://color-wheel-artist.com/primary-colors/)
The easiest to interpret for me has been red. After all it’s very strongly associated with Sophie Dumond, Arthur’s love interest, and signifies love, warmth and femininity. From her first appearance in a burgundy red cardigan in the elevator, up until the very last reveal she sports reds and pinks or basks in a soft red light.
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(Sophie dropping off her daughter to school)
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(Sophie watching Arthur’s stand up show.)
Arthur’s mother, Penny Fleck, also favors reds, however hers are often washed out and mixed with yellows.
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(Arthur caring for his mom)
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(Arthur and Penny having an argument about her never telling him about him being Thomas Wayne’s son)
Arthur himself speaks love in reds. When he comes to Wayne manor and shows Bruce magic tricks, the clown nose is the main splash of colour and an offer of brotherly love.
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(Arthur coming to Wayne manor and showing Bruce magic tricks)
Similarly, when he sneaks into the opera to talk to Thomas Wayne, he does so by wearing a red bellboy costume.
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(Arthur sneaking into the opera)
In contrast, blue is *not a good colour* in this story. It’s cold and harsh, and promises more cruelty and humiliation, starting from Arthur’s work at the circus, to the hospital, to the TV show.
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(Arthur struggling to fix his clown shoe at work)
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(Arthur when his mother is in the hospital)
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(Arthur backstage at the TV show as they replay the record of his stand up show)
Interestingly enough, that’s the colour his colleague Randall (the one who gave Arthur the gun) favors.
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(Randall at the lockers)
In Arthur’s fantasy from the start of the movie, of being on the show, the scene is dominated by blue, but unlike in real life Arthur is embraced by it, rather than hurt, and he manages to establish himself as a man, rather than a boy like Randall insists on calling him. It is something of a speculation, but I think that Randall despite behaving sort of friendly towards Arthur, has been indebting him to himself to impose (possibly sexual) favors, thus insistent possessiveness and offer of protection in the form of a gun.
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(Arthur in his fantasy of being on the TV show)
All of this ultimately leads to Arthur only keeping blue only in the eye marks of his make up, as a sign of all the grievance it caused him.
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(Arthur crying as he applies his make up)
The yellow took me some time to quite put my finger on, until I remembered one crucial frame.
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(Prescription bottles)
Yellow is a sign of illness and delusion. Unsurprisingly Arkham Asylum is a domain of yellow.
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(A corridor in Arkham Asylum)
It is rather fitting that at the very start of the movie Arthur is quite literally hit in the face with a huge yellow sign.
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(Arthur getting hit in the face with a yellow sign)
Yellow highlights the moments where Arthur’s initially innocent fantasy of talking to Sophie starts getting out of hand, until it finally culminates in Sophie’s apartment losing all signs of her signature red and revealing that the whole relationship was a delusion.
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(Arthur talking with Sophie at the door)
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(Arthur kissing Sophie after the murder on the subway)
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(Arthur coming into Sophie’s apartment after reading Arkham records of his mother.)
In the context of blue and yellow, green, as a mixture of them reads extremely depressing, however there is a new transgressive quality to it. The moment they first mix together and crystalize into green is Arthur’s victory dance in the bathroom after killing those 3 men on the subway.
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(Arthur in the toilet after the subway murder.)
Lawrence Sher who was a Joker cinematographer nicely points out that green may have very different meanings in different settings, including “the power of transition”, which I believe describes this scene very nicely.
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(Lawrence Sher talking about the use of colour in movies. Screenshot from https://youtu.be/th9pG9Q6Kuo)
Ultimately, I believe, all these colours create a very powerful story, and highlight that Arthur’s journey is one of embracing all the things he was told were wrong with him, and loving himself for who he is, in a world which won’t love him back.
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(Arthur in his full Joker costume on the dark blue hood of a police car.)
What is perhaps the most fascinating to me in the new Joker, is that his ultimate colour scheme is very similar to one other character who plays a crucial role in Batman’s story.
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(Robin, the junior counterpart to Batman. Image from https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Robin_(character))
Batman’s young sidekick Robin, also originating from a circus troop, sports a red-green-yellow as his signature colours as well.
Hatching and breaking free
Neither a bat, nor a bird, Joker doesn’t have a metaphorical power of flight, but there is one recurring motive in the movie which I feel can be dubbed as ‘hatching’. On multiple occasions Arthur is trying to force his way out, until the final transformative time when the medical van crashes into police car breaking him free.
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(Arthur in the asylum banging his head on the door glass.)
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(Arthur smashing a telephone booth with his forehead.)
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(Arthur smashing the car’s front window as he’s hit by a taxi)
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(Arthur being carried out of the police car.)
Joker and crying
One thing I found fascinating in the movie, is that no matter what happens, Arthur seems entirely incapable of crying unless he’s wearing his clown make-up (see picture above), but the world seems to weep for him instead (which, possibly could be read as a comment on toxic masculinity).
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(Arthur after having been beat up, with his costume flower leaking water.)
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(Arthur coming back home after reading his mother’s file.)
Unable to cry, he keeps laughing, but not a single time does his laughter sound like the one of genuine amusement, rather than pain.
A note on narrative ambiguity
Back when Inception first came out I was chatting with my friend about the ending, and he was talking about how his brother insisted that the spinning top in the end continues to spin, and that infuriated my friend a lot, because how dare he?
I keep seeing articles and youtube videos titled “Is Joker really [spoiler]?” and speculation about the fate of Sophie, various references to the Word of God, and lists of narrative clues meant to prove things one way or the other. I think it’s great that there are conversations and people trying to analyze the story looking for evidence. Heck, I did letter / photo writing matching myself (Penny’s handwriting seems more elaborate than the one on the photo, but at the end of the letter one of her T’s slips into simpler one).
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(Second page of Penny’s letter to Thomas Wayne)
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(Young Penny’s photo with a note on the reverse signed T.W.)
Full disclosure, I do want to think that Thomas Wayne is really Arthur’s father, because I believe it makes for a more satisfying narrative. I am content with the Word of God that Sophie is fine, and that Arthur only kills those who wronged him, because I find the alternative to be too depressing. However it’s entirely possible that for others the desired truth is different - catharsis looks different for everyone.
But ultimately I think the main question is not whether Arthur is really Thomas’ son, or it’s just that both Penny and Arthur have a knack for dreaming up their relationships. The question for me is rather why do I care one way or the other? Why do I care that Sophie is alive? Why did my friend care that the toy stops spinning?
I think such stories which embrace the narrative ambiguity and let people choose what to believe are very interesting. The feeling may be unsettling, but I believe it’s a great opportunity for self reflection, and it makes stories much more personal to the viewers.
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sac-extra · 5 years
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[image description: past and current designs of sac webcomic character, quartz. the past outfits is a clearly older drawing. end id]
so quartz changed a lot and also not much at all. hes an older oc i revamped for this comic, but then realised hey i dont like this design, and changed their deisgn to something more like their original one. 
his old revamped design had shorter, messier hair. he also had a dull blue shirt and pants, both v poofy, then with like. long cuffs? on both of them. with light blue gloves and slip on shoes. 
this is under a sleeveless coat with many buttons. in case you cant see the image well and this description inst doing it justice: it looks bad. not awful but certainly not good. 
the bright blue of the coat does not sit well with the dull blue of everything else. i kept the colour, the blue that quartz gets from his mothers side, but most of the time its purple he keeps it in now. 
quartz now has no super outfit, just normal clothes. its for the best. also to 
note: their crystal arm is not there in their previous form, but is there in their original pre-comic form. because it looks cool so i decided to bring it back.
fun fact: on the previously version, quartz had their own powers, not inherited. and it was just crystals.
another fun fact: original quartz used they/them, revmped quartz used he/him, so canon quartz uses he/they. also original quartz’s name was magnus, revamped was changed to danny, but then i realised lewis had a brother with the same name, so i changed it back to magnus
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[image description: 2 traditional drawings of an older version of quartz. not older as in age but older as in design. 
their old version is a teenager with shoulder length, slightly straighter and shorter hair. they have a purple short sleeved robe with a yellow trim and yellow cord around their waist and a yellow circle on their chest. they also have a yellow medalion and red pants.
the first is them looking to the side, with a smirk?, one hand on their chest, the other to the side. the second is of them grinning and raising their crystal arm threateningly. both drawings are noticably older than my normal drawings, given by the worse quality, especially the first one. end id]
so this original version of quartz is from a story idea that i was either thinking of making into a webcomic or game, both with multiple choice endings. never did that and i also recycled the other characters from that story to be captain x’s old team.
you can tell theyre old because of the colour choices, when i first was choosing their colour scheme i wanted to try out alchol based markers bc an art teacher reccomended them to me, but all i had was like 5 markers i got for christmas that i never used. so i used those. one peach, one light brown, one pale green, one red, one lilac, one yellow. so that was the colour palette i had, and ive been using alchol based markers ever since. thanks old teacher
the older version of quartz was. not a good person. a manipulative little shit who hated pretty much everyone bc they were an edgy little brat. they were saved by a ghost with crystal powers, who gave quartz their powers and arm. it was how powers worked in that universe. just ghosts going around granting powers and shit
anyway theres a lot here bc quartz is an older oc than anyone else in this comic, aside from a few others that i for one, cant wait to show yall
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georgie-yeets · 6 years
An unnamed short story I wrote a while ago
Feedback is appreciated 👌 Have an amazing day!
When the pretty flowers on the hill bloom, a child's hand is to the sky, grasping air. An attempt to reach what is not there is yet again unsuccessful, and the flowers grow dark as their stems bend and their petals wilt. In the autumn chill, nothing stirs but a young man walking down the street. It smells of rain and wet pavement, but the only sign of precipitation is the low hanging clouds and the gathering mist. It is chilly and clammy and so very quiet that the man can hear his footsteps on the littered pathway, and each breath that he takes as he walks.
The light is so very blinding, he must close his eyes. All seven, blink. Spinning, spinning, polka dots and rainbows and peoples' faces he is sure he knows but from where? Bleeding, beating hearts and unorthodox creatures with orange-slice eyes that remind him of the chewy candies his grandmother fed him as a child. Cherry chapstick on the lips of a man in a red night robe, lying in the arms of his own craft, the wooden casket. Bouncy curls that morph into a sea of waves, beautiful aqua in colour. Sand under the feet of him, squishy and warm. A boat of clouds awaits at the shore, rocking gently as it changes neon colours.
"She would wait for me," he murmurs, softly caressing the light clouds. They feel cool as the sky beneath his fingertips. He finds that climbing aboard does not take him across the sea of swirling blue paint, but instead ascends into the sky of orange, tinted by the sunset.  “Goodness me,” he sighs as the raft climbs the dimming sky. He leans back into the clouds of the boat, feeling lighter than air as they change colour beneath his floating body.
The man doesn’t particularly enjoy being alone, but the exception is always this trip. He finds that he is good with the only company he has- the creatures. Most would fear the creatures, but the man does not. They like him for that.
He waves to Dinny, who always waits at the front gates. They are tall, and loom very far above his head. Only Dinny can see over them, and his head cannot be seen by a human eye unless he crouches down very far.
The gates are painted in gentle, watery, yellow and blue paint that swirl in each other’s paths. Climbing out of the boat, the man smiles to himself and silently flutters between the gaps of the gate, without a word to Dinny. This is unusual, because Dinny and the man usually converse to the best of their ability for a while.
The man has only one goal in mind- to kill Max and his pathetic pig, Marlow. One must be careful not to show their bad intentions in any way, lest the boat may not wait for them at the shore. The man is very good at this.
Max was the first human the man had met here. It had been a bright and sunny day, and the sky had seemed to smile, delighting everything beneath it. The man had ridden the boat up for the third time, still new and curious. He had greeted Dinny and entered the gates, filled with wonder at the sight of the multicoloured tents and domes and even quite shapeless things. Some areas of the sky looked torn in places, opening up to star-filled galaxies, holes in time. He hadn’t dared slip through these portals yet.
The sky had been bustling with creatures, popping in and out of their holes and bustling about to different places and events, chattering excitedly. The man could taste some kind of foreign aroma in the air, unique to his palette. He had smiled when it had hit him. He remembered it had made him very joyful, because it could only be very vaguely described as Christmas-like, but with a certain taste of spring to it.
He had not wandered very far before he found a fellow human, sitting in front of an indigo tent that flapped in the wind and seemed to give off a long, low vibrational hum. The strange man was sitting in the air, legs crossed and hands on his knees, palms open to the sky. His eyes were closed tightly; the man could not detect one blink.
His hair was dark, and came to just below his ears. He had long bangs that drifted in front of his face in the breeze, and a nose that could only be described as a slanted bracket. He was very good-looking, especially in his simple green T-shirt- no, it was blue. And orange. And purple. Whatever colour it was, he looked good in it. He was also wearing the same odd colour of bootcut pants, and no shoes or socks.
“Excuse me,” the man interrupted, in his heavy British accent, “May I ask what you’re doing?”
He had not replied. After a few more moments, the man shook him, and he opened his eyes, then smiled and got to his feet.
“Sorry,” he had chuckled, “I was meditating.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Max.”
Looking into his olive green eyes, the man shook Max’s hand. He did not say his name.
Over the next few trips, the man visited Max a lot. He always wore the same odd colour and always meditated, but he would stop to greet the man and invite him in to play music together. The man never told his name to Max, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Eventually, when Max would shake his hand, the man would pull him into a hug and stay for quite a while. It felt very peaceful, because the humming came off of Max, too. It swept over the man like a warm blanket of soft marshmallows and laughing children and swirling galaxies full of life.
In the last months of summer, Max began closing his tent to the man and hiding inside with his pig. Each time the man would see him ignoring his greetings, his heart would give a pang, and he would leave, nearly having forgotten his gliding and fallen.
All Max did was play with Marlow and meditate in his tent, but the man was very practised at hiding his anger. So he did, and he went up every day to spy on Max as the autumn chill set in.
Now, the man is ready. He walks the couple of sky blocks. Max has felt the vibrations by now, but it is much too late. The man grins as he presses his face into the mesh window, and Max’s olive gaze meets his. Max simply begins to disintegrate, olive eyes first, into a pile of oddly coloured ashes.
The light returns, blurry and static. He closes his eyes, all seven. Blink, blink. A sharp wind blows. Spinning, spinning, polka dots and rainbows and peoples’ blurry, dark faces, all too familiar. Bleeding, beating hearts and unorthodox creatures with the orange-slice eyes, the chewy candies. The cherry chapstick of the man in the red night robe, lying in the arms of his own craft, the wooden casket. Bouncy curls that morph into a sea of dark waves, lapping hungrily. There are bubbles, and then it is all black.
It is spring now. The first pretty flowers bloom on the hill, and a child’s hand reaches to the sky, fingers grasping at the air. The man makes his very first trip up.
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yamaaness · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @vhobiz! 💖💖✨Thank you so much!!!!!!
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. drink: agua de guayaba  2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: “idk man, i just got out of the movies” 4. song you listened to: Contrail by MoonMoon  5. time you cried: sometime last week  6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yeah 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope, never gotten to that point, i always stop 
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. pink, yellow, purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yeah 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: yES 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, unfortunately  19. met someone who changed you: no 20 found out who your friends are: yeah 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: lol
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them, i’ve at least held one conversation with them. 23. do you have any pets: I have a little green anole! his name is panchito 24. do you want to change your name: nope 25. what did you do for your last birthday: we went out to eat, and then had cheese cake
26. what time did you wake up: 9:40ish am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I had a face mask on and I was catching up on BTS vlive 28. name something you can’t wait for: to finish my last year at community college and transfer to university  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: it was on Tuesday morning. She left to Mexico without me :((( 31. what are you listening to right now: BTS BTS BTS BTS BTS BTS 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: lol no 33. something that is getting on your nerves: I have to take this stupid test in order to get into a math class I need to get into my majors program. Like really?? I gotta do this shit, just let me into the stupid class. 34. most visited website: Top three are twitter, instagram, and tumblr  35-37. lost questions?? 38. hair colour: its my natural color which is dark brown 39. long or short hair: my hair is long right now, but I’ve been thinking about cutting it short to like a bob 40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah 41. what do you like about yourself: I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE MYSELF!! 42. piercings: I just have the standard earlobe ones. But I’ve been thinking of getting more, probably like Jimin or Jungkook 43. blood type: I honestly don’t know 44. nickname: nessa 45. relationship status: single as a pringle 46. zodiac: aries 47. pronous: she/her 48. favourite tv show: American show wise its Jane the Virgin. I love Gina Rodriguez.  49. tattoos: none 50. right or left handed: right handed 51. surgery: does getting my wisdom teeth taken out count? 52. piercing: yes 53. sport: nah 55. vacation: I want to go everywhere 56. pair of trainers: what does this even mean? like what are my gym shoes? i have a pair of Nikes
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: I just ate a torta 58. drinking: aguas frescas  59. i’m about to: shower up 61. waiting for: a response. Seeing if I won a giveaway and if I got the job 62. want: Oh man I want a lot of stuff. I want the too faced peach palette, more skin care stuff, more anime merch, you know just the usual 63. get married: possibly in the future!?? hopefully!!?? 64. career: elementary school teacher and then possibly an ESL teacher.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: HUGS 66. lips or eyes: uggghh both I can’t decide
67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: Honestly it doesnt really matter, as long as there isn’t a huuge age difference.  70. nice arms or nice stomach: ooo nice arms 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: yeah 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear glasses or contacts 77. turned someone down: yeah 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: I’m not sure 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: lol no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: yes, and i’m trying to every day 85. miracles: yeah 86. love at first sight: not really 87. santa claus: ho ho ho 88. kiss on the first date: possibly?? 89. angels: yeah
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Alex 91. eye colour: brown  92. favourite movie: aahhh thats hard
I was thinking of tagging, but I’m just too lazy lol. So thank you again!! This was fun! ✨✨
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