#the cut out gemstones look so pretty i think im gonna use them in some more art
ink-the-artist · 2 years
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your friend the angel :)
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mercyinthestars · 4 years
Orange :)
hey dude thanks!
What makes you feel warm inside? Small acts of kindness from other people. It’s those little reminders of love, the things you wouldn’t necessarily think of, that really make me feel appreciated and warm inside. It’s the coffee my parents leave for me in the morning when they’re out of the house before I’m up, the random sweet messages my gf sends me just to remind me that she loves me and that she thinks I’m beautiful (which, wow, still can’t wrap my head around any of that), the random check-ins from friends and the memes or TikToks I get from my sorority sisters that they know I’ll enjoy. It’s being added into a group chat out of nowhere or being put on someone’s private story, someone sharing an interesting news article with you or tagging you in a funny Facebook post, the sappy birthday card in the mail or scheduled FaceTime rant sessions. Those comprise some of what I enjoy most about being human and what remind me that life is still worth living during those times that the pain just wants to block everything else out. They’re the little rays of light that shine through my darkest days and bleh im getting sappy thinkign about it so i’ll stop now
What’s your favorite Halloween tradition? Dressing up!!! I’m an extra bitch so i love a good excuse to dress up, and omg my mom used to go HARD on my Halloween costumes when I was little. I remember my favorite being this thing we called the “butterfly princess” costume; it was this gorgeous purple-pink dress with big flowy sleeves and gold embellishments that my mom sewed on, and I got to wear wings and these blond clip-in extensions that I was OBSESSED with. My mom used to sew things onto the costumes we’d buy from the catalogs, so one year I was a duchess and she sewed pearls and fake gemstones onto my dress. As I got older the costumes got less original lol. One year I was super into the Royal Wedding lmao so I dressed up as Kate Middleton on her wedding day. I was also Katniss Everdeen one year... still own the brown combat boots from that and wear them to this day (grew out of the green cargo pants tho, how sad). I think Katniss was actually probably the last year I dressed up for Halloween. Haven’t done it since but assuming we go back to school in the fall ya girl is def gonna do a tacky group costume with her friends and i am v excited
What’s the last thing you learned? I’m taking a class on data in a social context, so I just finished a reading on all the different ways that information technology is used to cheapen labor and lower employees’ bargaining priority these days. Apparently Amazon tracks their employees with sat-nav tech... scary shit
When’s the last time you felt obsessed? Honestly I have things that I’ll fixate on but I don’t really get obsessions anymore. The last big obsession I had was probably college. I was a stressed-out wreck senior year and was constantly on College confidential (which omg never go on there awful site) fixating on other people’s stats, potential indicators that I would/wouldn’t get in, when decisions were coming out, etc. Got so bad that I developed stress-induced anemia and was really ill. Never again pls
What’s your favorite article of clothing? I just bought this really pretty pale green floral dress and I love the cut of it and how it looks on me and I’m really really excited to wear it
thanks for asking!
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pavlovers · 5 years
some time ago @britneyshakespeare tagged me in a couple of those things where you bold the one you prefer so im finally gonna sit down and just knock them both out in one post. merci diana <3
honey and lemon or milk and sugar 
musicals or plays
lemonade or iced tea
why would i choose when snapple’s pink lemonade and raspberry iced tea flavors both exist in peaceful harmony like that
strawberries or raspberries
winter or summer
both can be somewhat lonely. at least one doesn’t give me chronic sleep deprivation
beaches or forests
diners or cafés 
i barely am up early enough to frequent either
unicorns or dragons
not really sensing a strong opinion brewing forth on either. y'know ill just pick dragons because jane and the dragon was a cool show growing up even if the animation was a tad atrocious
gemstones or crystals
who cares theyre both just cool rocks
hummingbirds or owls
kinda arbitrary but eh. at least one doesnt throw up bones for you to dissect in elementary school
fireworks or sparklers
both fine, just dont get them near me because ive got sort of an irrational fear of getting burned
brunch or happy hour
sweet or sour
ive never gotten the hype behind sour candies like. why are sour patch kids so popular??? theyre just gummy candies with shitty tasting salt on them. 
Rome or Amsterdam
oh idk. im quite partial to Paris myself
classic or modern art
the only art medium i frequently and consistently consume is probably music and well.. you don't really see me getting down to classical music unless i need "claude debussy - CLAIRE DE LUNE (5 HOUR LOOP)" to help me focus on studying. i mostly listen to stuff post-1950s, really none of which i would consider "classic art".
sushi or ramen
sun or moon
polka dots or stripes
ill finally come into my own once i obtain a pair of flared striped pants
macaroons or croissants
glitter or matte
ive no preference on the shininess of most surfaces
Degas or Seurat
my art history knowledge is just too limited for this
aquariums or planetariums
fish r cool 🐠 my middle school had a planetarium but im pretty it was long broken before i ever got there
road trip or camping trip
if i ever stop becoming completely exhausted after a mere 45 minutes of driving then yes, id love to do a road trip someday
colouring books or watercolour
fairy lights or candles
well i just straight up dont own fairy lights. and i barely use candles for aesthetic purposes
and here commences the 2nd one:
coffee or tea
i really don’t like either as hot beverages but yeah,, iced tea >> iced coffee
early bird or night owl
although ap season is approaching and that really requires you to be both honestly
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
nothing against spring weather wise i just am not at ALL excited for testing rn tbh
silver or gold
pop or alternative
i think both of those genres tend to overlap a lot these days so i really couldn’t say i have a stronger preference for one than the other. they both have their respective great and not-so-great moments
freckles or dimples
i have neither but they’re both v cute on others! :)
snakes or sharks
hmm ive pet both and snakes feel really cool while shark skin can like?? cut you if youre not careful so
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
well yknow one’s loud and scary sounding and the other just makes a little light streak across the sky
egyptian mythology or greek mythology
honestly i just wasnt a mythology kid growing up
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
mostly because i can draw the former a lot better than the latter
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
i just looked up opal on google images and honestly those things look way cooler than diamonds 
butterflies or honeybees
nothing against bees! just have a really strong fear of them because when i was a kid i had a bee crawl into my ear and sting me on 2 separate occasions and ive never really gotten over it
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
just for convenience’s sake and the fact that i am not my handwriting’s biggest fan
secret garden or secret library
god that would be my 9 year old self’s DREAM,, creeping in there late at night and falling asleep in an oversized office chair with a leather bound copy of the grimm's fairy tales wide open on a big mahogany desk
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
im only familiar with a few of either’s works so i guess its not up to me to say
denim or leather
potions or spells
its like basically the same thing except you get to drink something out of a strange funky little bottle
ocean or desert
would prefer to not be dying due to severe temperature extremes
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
not that i’d attend either but showing up somewhere in the most decadent ball gown and have no one know who the fuck you are sounds pretty ideal
umm ill tag @curebian @britishsixtiesbeat @johnwettons @dalliscar and @villarosie if any of them feel like doing either one (or both) of the tag games. 
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porkchop-ao3 · 6 years
I just watched the Wedding Squanchers episode and was thinking about how Rick hated himself for letting his guard down. Could you do a fic on Rick and reader enjoying themselves at an event, narrowly escaping a life-threatening situation, and Rick distancing himself from the reader because he thinks him letting his guard down almost got reader killed. Also Rick could have unspoken feelings for reader that are revealed in angsty confrontation after they realize they can't stand being apart.
First of all IM SO SORRY ANON. I’m pretty sure this has been sitting in my inbox since before Christmas, but I did promise I’d get it done and here we are! The reason I took so long is because I wanted to do something kind of lengthy, and I just needed the right time and spark of inspiration.
I hope this 6k+ word fic was worth the wait! It’s sort of what you asked for? But it just turned into this, I hope you like it anyway!
In this one the reader is bisexual and there’s a little woman on woman in it, so be prepared for that. It’s NSFW, naturally, and contains a little bit of gore (loss of a limb, yeah, this fic’s pretty out there) but I wouldn’t consider it particularly descriptive! Just be aware of it if you don’t like that kind of thing :) also contains a sprinkling of sexting and a pinch of anal fingering. Bon appetit!
Staring down at my freshly sliced off ankle was the last thing I thought I’d be doing that night, hell, it wasn’t even on my radar in terms of possible things that could happen. It wouldn’t even have appeared on the hypothetical risk assessment. But alas, I was sat on the grimy floor of Rick’s garage watching a pool of blood quickly form on the ground where my foot should’ve been, while Rick was rooting around in boxes muttering angrily to himself. The cut was perfect, like it had been done with a laser.
It was strange. I hadn’t yet quite wrapped my head around what had happened. Rick and I had been exploring a market on some alien planet, and he’d been in his element. He’d told me about the Garflugeron annual fair, and how a whole host of different alien species got together to sell/buy/trade goods; collectibles, technology, food, medicine, anything you could imagine. We were at a table speaking to an alien with four sets of arms, a large slug-like body and one big black eye, who strangely enough spoke English. I was about to trade an old Gameboy for a cool looking gemstone, when all of a sudden the alien fucking exploded. Rick seemed to know what was happening straight away, grabbing my arm and yanking me out of the ‘splash zone’ as millions of tiny bugs came crawling out of the chest cavity. It was like a domino effect after that, and everywhere around us these bugs were bursting out of various aliens’ chests. Rick had shot a portal at the nearest wall and ran for it, urging me to follow. I’d ended up with my face in the dirt after tripping on a rock like the hot blond in a horror movie, and only just made it through the portal before it closed. Of course, somehow I’d turned up on the other side missing an appendage.
“Rick?” I said, my voice was small. He didn’t respond, instead he growled in anger and upturned the box he was looking through, emptying its contents onto the floor so he could look through more easily. “I feel weird.”
“N-no shit. Your foot’s in another dimension. Wh-why the fuck weren’t you right behind me, huh?” He asked.
“I tripped.”
“Of course you fucking did, fuck… My portal gun works on a timer, which I specifically set to remain open just long enough for us to get through. K-keep that in mind next time we’re running for our lives, huh?”
“So that’s what happened? My foot got cut off by the portal?” I asked.
“Your foot ceased to exist in this dimension as soon as the portal closed up. Nothing got cut, doesn’t work like that.” He grumbled.
“Shouldn’t we go back and get it?”
“Huh?” He grunted, abandoning the clutter on the floor before hurrying over to the cupboards in his desk.
“My… My foot. We can go back and get it an- and take it to the hospital and they can put it back on. I’ve seen it on TV, we just need to put it in some ice!” I murmured. The adrenaline was starting to ebb, and whatever pain I hadn’t been feeling before was beginning to surface. I hissed as a sudden burning sensation started up, my hand flew down to my severed ankle, clutching at it desperately.
“Do you really wanna go back there? Th-th-that whole fucking place is teeming with Broflonite Lung Mites. You saw what happened to those aliens, th-the fucking things exploded from the chest out! Th-they practically turned inside out right in front of us! If we stayed there five more fucking seconds, that could be happening to us right now.” He yelled, then he was coming over to me, a device of some sort in his hand.
“Ahhh, fuck, it hurts.” I cried, eyes beginning to water as the burning intensified.
“Of course it does! Wh-what, you expect having your foot chopped off not to hurt?” He growled, and I sobbed, he met my eyes at this, seeming to soften. He patted my knee lightly. “Look, ahh, it’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna- I’m gonna fix you up.”
“What is that?” I asked, staring at the device in his hand.
“It’s gonna help you, okay? J-just relax. Close your eyes for me and take some deep breaths, baby.” He told me, now this had me panicking.
“Why? Are you- is this gonna hurt me?” I asked.
“Just trust me, it needs to be done. It’ll be over soon, alright?” The hand on my knee stroked up and down, a little too quickly to be soothing.
“What is it? I’m scared, I-”
“Ahh, fuck this.” He snapped, and pushed the device into the end of my leg, and I cried out. Following the instant agony of having a lump of metal rammed directly into a fresh wound, the pain only got worse. Burning. A different kind of burning than before, actual, physical burning; I could smell cooking meat, and I retched dryly at the knowledge that it was coming from me. “It’s cauterising the wound.” He told me, and I retched again; this time not so dryly. “Ahh, Christ. Got any other bodily fluids you wanna discharge all over my floor?” He complained, then did something to the device, and I watched as a robotic foot unfurled from the end of it.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed. “That’s my… that’s my foot now?”
“Try to move it.” He commanded. I hesitantly did as he asked, and to my confusion, the toes wiggled at will. “Alright, perfect.” He said, then wrapped one arm around my waist, and hooked the other under my knees. He grunted as he lifted me, and carried me towards the garage door.
“Wait, Rick… I’ve got a robot foot? Aren’t you- can you please explain what’s happening to me?” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck for stability as he carried me through the house.
“Your flesh will grow back around it. I-it’ll all be back to normal in a few hours.” He explained.
“How the hell does that work?”
“That device just injected the area with regenerative cells, harvested from a starfish. It’s gonna be like nothing happened, sweetie. Well, getting through airport security might be a bitch from now on, but at least you’ve got your foot back, right?” He said, kicking the door to his bedroom open before carrying me inside and placing me down on his bed. “Just uh, just take it easy for a while, alright? Rest up. Take a nap, or whatever. Like I said, it’ll be fine in a few hours but it’s best to keep off of it till then.” He told me, then made to leave.
“Wait!” I said, and he paused in the doorway. “Aren’t you gonna stay with me?” Please stay with me, was more like what I wanted to say. All I wanted was to be held by him, to feel safe, protected. He stared at me for a while, face emotionless.
“No. Y-you’re fine. I’m not gonna sit in here and watch you sleep, I have shit to do.” He said, then left. I stared out at the empty hallway for a good few moments, before letting out a loud breath and rolling onto my back. My leg no longer hurt, yet I could feel a strange, itchy, tingly sensation. I took his advice and closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep.
A few days after the incident it was as if nothing ever happened. Well, sort of. My foot was fine; I could walk, it didn’t hurt, and there was no trace of a scar… but something had changed. Rick hadn’t called, visited, or even texted. Now that was out of character, normally he wouldn’t go more than a day without texting me a photo of some gadget he was working on, or dropping in to drag me to some alien planet when Morty wasn’t around, or for a nice, loud fuck in the middle of the night. That last one was definitely a shocker, not to mention disappointing. I’d even stayed up late one night, purposely dressed in my nicest lingerie in preparation for his possible arrival, but it didn’t come. I’d been lounging on my sofa watching TV, in said lingerie, at two in the morning when I finally decided to take action. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures of myself, scrolling through them until I found the most flattering one; the one where my tits looked the perkiest and my tummy looked the smallest. I sent it to him; no caption needed. In seconds the little 'read’ icon appeared below my message, and I eagerly awaited his response.
Ten agonising minutes passed, and I didn’t hear a peep from Rick. I sighed and unhooked my bra, letting it drop so I could snap a picture of my naked breasts, making sure to pinch a nipple with my free hand. I sent it to him, and again my phone informed me that he’d seen it. I nibbled on my thumb nail, my heart starting to drum harder in my chest. A few minutes went by and I typed him a message.
“Come over, I want you to bend me over this sofa and help me wake the neighbors up.” I said, pressing send. I leaned back, spreading my legs and sliding my hand under my panties, stroking my pussy at the thought of him doing so. Finally, I got a response.
“You’re making it very difficult for me to concentrate on my work.” He texted back, and I laughed; just a sharp exhale through my nose.
“That’s because I want you to concentrate on me.” I replied. It seemed I needed to up the ante even more, since I didn’t get another response. With a frustrated sigh, I pulled my camera up again, this time taking a video. I filmed myself playing with my pussy, keeping the phone close to my face so the mic would pick up my laboured breath and quiet moans. After a while, I pushed my underwear down my legs, altering the angle of my phone so it could capture me stuffing two fingers inside. I cursed under my breath at this, and started thrusting.
“Come on, baby. I’ve been thinking about you all night, I can’t sleep. I’m so wet for you, Rick. I need you to come over and stuff me with your cock ‘till I can’t take any more.” I said, my voice coming out needy and breathless. I cut the video, not daring to watch it back before sending it to him. I’d probably chicken out if I saw myself.
“You still got my dick in your bedside drawer?” He texted after a while. He was referring to the dildo I owned that’d been cast from Rick himself… his last Christmas gift to me.
“I do.” I replied.
“Great. You have my dick on demand, then. Go wild.” Was his response. My jaw dropped, and I felt the chilling, humiliating blow of rejection. A second text came in shortly after. “Btw, I’m not saying you should keep sending me videos, but I’m also not saying you shouldn’t. So yeah. Ball’s in your court with that one.”
I scoffed in irritation, tossing my phone aside. I went straight to bed after that.
The next morning (well, afternoon; I’d slept in pretty late) I drove over to the Smith household. When I turned up, Rick was unsurprisingly in his garage with the door open. As I walked up the driveway I caught his eye, and he pressed a button on the remote beside him. His face was an emotionless wall as the garage door began it’s slow descent, and I felt a flash of anger as he attempted to shut me out. Thank God for its slow moving mechanism, though, because I managed to duck underneath it before it closed. I stared at Rick with my arms crossed over my chest, daggers in my eyes. He sighed heavily, turning back to whatever he was working on.
“What the fuck, Rick?” I said. No reply. “What the hell is your problem with me?”
“I don’t have a problem.” He said monotonously.
“Well clearly you do. You made me feel like such an idiot last night.” I told him, feeling heat creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks as I relived the embarrassment.
“What, I-I-I’m not allowed to say no to you?” He said, and I gasped at his insinuation.
“Of course you are! It was the comment about the videos that got to me. You either want me or you don’t, Rick. You can’t have it both ways.” I told him, he didn’t even react. “And let’s be honest, Rick. It’s not like you’ve ever said no before; hell, it’s usually you initiating things, turning up at my house and waking me up when it suits you. But the minute I want something you… you go and make me feel dirty, and gross, and cheap, an-and…” I trailed off, shaking my head.
“That wasn’t my intention.” He informed me, taking a glance at me from the corner of his eye. “You aren’t any of those things.”
“Well, you need to work on your tact. And what was that, just then? Shutting the door on me when you saw me coming? That was about the rudest thing you’ve ever done, and let’s be honest, Rick, that’s a hard record to break.” I ranted.
“Ugh, can we not? I’m not in the mood for this. I-I never will be, so like… can we drop it?” He whined, burying his face in his hand as he leaned on the desk. I blinked at him.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” He lifted his head up to give me a funny look.
“Oh, I don’t know. You’re treating me like shit, I wondered if there was some external reason as to why that was. Maybe you’re just an arsehole, though.” I shrugged.
“You know what? I don’t need this. Just fucking leave if you’re gonna be all pissy with me. I’m over it.” He said, pressing that button again; opening the garage door for me.
“Why are you acting like this? Have I done something wrong? Is it because I puked and bled all over your floor and left you to clean it up?” I asked. He snorted, shaking his head.
“No. Y-you haven’t done anything.” He sighed. He paused for a while, chewing on his bottom lip and fiddling with a wire sprouting out of the gadget on his desk. “I just… I-I-I think maybe we should, uhhh, stop… this.” He finally said. Immediately, my heart was racing.
“What?” I asked, dread cascading over me.
“Did I stutter?” He asked, head snapping up to look at me. “Don’t answer that. Look, I just don’t think this is a g-good idea. Us being- uhh, us fucking.”
“Why not? I thought… I thought it was fun.” I said meekly, feeling a lump rise in my throat. I couldn’t tell whether it was because I was being dumped, or because he’d reduced what we had to simply 'fucking’.
“Does everything need an explanation?” He sighed, dragging his hand through his hair.
“Not everything. But this does.” I told him. “Things were good until the other day. Has it got something to do with my leg? Does that put you off; make me less attractive?” I asked, suddenly feeling genuinely self conscious about it for the first time since I’d healed.
“You fuckin’ serious? N-now that’s actually the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, and, quote of the day here; let’s be honest, that’s a hard record to break.” He imitated my voice, and I glared at him.
“You’re making it easier for me to walk away, keep going.” I said through clenched teeth.
“This is just a dis-disaster waiting to happen, (y/n). You know that.” He said poignantly. I shook my head in confusion.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
“You and I… we aren’t good together. Let’s just leave it at that. N-no point dragging this out, my mind’s made up.” He told me, gesturing to the door.
“This has come out of nowhere, it seems. I deserve the chance to talk about this, make sense of it.” I argued.
“My mind is made up.” He repeated sternly, giving me a look that was so full of disdain I almost burst into tears. He made a sound of irritation, and turned away, effectively blocking me out as he continued his tinkering.
“Alright,” I said after a long pause of just staring at the back of his head. “Nice knowing you, I guess.” I shrugged, turning on my heel and leaving without a glance back. I was more pissed off than anything, quite happy to leave him and never see him again at that point, completely dumbfounded as to where it had all come from. I deserved better, anyway. The common courtesy of an explanation would’ve been nice, but at the end of the day, Rick Sanchez was Rick Sanchez. He lived on his terms, nobody else’s. If I expected closure, it’d be a damn long time until I got any; it was much easier to just walk away. To accept it all as an experience and move the fuck on.
So that’s what I did. A fortnight later, I found myself in a bar being chatted up by someone who was actually my age. They were pleasant, offered to pay for my drinks, asked questions about myself and appeared to give a damn about my answers, held the door for me on the way out. The perfect gentleman; except for the fact that they were a woman. A tall lady with long red hair that fell in curls down to her hips. Slender hands and high cheekbones, she was all smiles and soft touches; patting my arm whenever I said something she found amusing. She was a stunner, that was for sure. She held my hand in the taxi back to my place, and she was the first to kiss me once shrouded in the privacy of my living room. I’d never been with a woman before, though I’d always had an interest, and I was surprised to find that if felt like the most natural thing in the world. Well, aside from the fact that when those slender fingers slid underneath my shirt and grazed my nipples, I could only think of one person. And he certainly wasn’t a redhead.
I didn’t stop her. I didn’t want to. I urged her over to the sofa, sinking into the cushions as she climbed onto my lap. With a soft hum, she pulled my shirt over my head, let her hands slide back down over the black lace of my bra; which was quickly removed and discarded on the floor. With slightly shaky hands, I did the same to her. She was braless, her breasts were small and pert, and her nipples hardened under my palms. I licked my lips and looked up at her. She gave me this eager little smile.
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” She said, and my lips parted as I considered my answer. “Female-wise.” She clarified, and I nodded. “Let me make you feel good, yeah?”
“Yeah.” I breathed, closing my eyes as she slid her hand inside my jeans, finding my clit with ease and rolling it under her fingers. I moaned softly, parting my legs wider.
“Mmm, you’re a pretty one.” She whispered, leaning down to press kisses along the side of my neck. It was odd feeling soft skin against me, quite the contrast to the slight roughness that Rick usually brought, depending on how long it’d been since his last shave… I shook his image out of my mind, and ran my hands along the curve of my companion’s waist. I shifted on the sofa, tilting my hips as she picked up the pace. I moaned loader, rolling my head against the back of the sofa.
“Oh God…” I sighed, and she took my jaw in her free hand, covered my mouth with her own. She tasted sweet, her lips felt plump against mine and she kissed with a certain gentleness that left me craving more.
“Let me go down on you, baby. If your pussy tastes as good as your tongue, I’m in for a good night.” She said, a devilish giggle leaving her lips as she slid back, down onto the floor between my legs. She tugged on my jeans, and I lifted my hips to help her remove them. I felt a little self conscious being exposed, but it didn’t last long, because she soon buried her tongue within my folds. She moaned against me, pushing my legs further apart and coming closer. She worked differently to Rick, slower, more deliberate and precise, and I chalked it down to the fact that she was a woman and knew from experience what felt- I stopped myself. I was thinking about him again. I looked down at the woman between my legs and stroked my fingers through her hair. So soft. Nothing like the wild, unkempt-
“Fuck!” I spat, I couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration or pleasure. When she slipped a finger inside me and started rocking it against my g-spot, pleasure definitely won me over. I wailed and bucked, my back arching as she flicked her tongue back and forth. “Ohhh yes, please… k-keep going.” I cried, rocking my hips in time with her movements. She moaned and chuckled against me, adding a second finger.
“Alright, what’s this about, a-are you trying to make me…” A male voice cut through the room, and I opened my eyes with a start to see Rick stepping out of a portal into my living room. He was stunned into silence for a moment at the sight before him. “Jealous.” He finished.
“Rick, what the fuck?” I yelled, bringing my knees up to my chest in a bid to hide myself. Meanwhile my female companion and screamed at the top of her lungs and was now scrambling for her discarded t-shirt, pinning it against her bare chest.
“Shit, I thought I heard another woman but I wasn’t sure; holy shit. Y-y-you didn’t tell me you liked pussy.” He exclaimed. The redhead turned away from Rick and pulled her t-shirt on, giving me a strange look as she did. I could only offer an apologetic smile.
“You heard us?” I asked in confusion, fidgeting uncomfortably, suddenly realising I was completely naked in a room full of fully dressed people.
“Uhh, thanks for a decent night, but I think I’m gonna go…” The lady said, already in her shoes, handbag over her shoulder. She was practically out the door before I could respond, clearly shaken by the interruption. Once she was gone, I turned to glare at Rick. He held his phone up, it was showing a phone call coming from my number. I sighed and reached for my jeans, digging around in the pocket for my phone.
“S-so you didn’t do that on purpose?” He asked.
“Of course I fucking didn’t.” I told him, hanging up the pocket-dialed phone call. “Look away!” I shouted, and he was startled into doing what I asked. I dressed quickly, my hands shaky from unsatisfied arousal.
“Excuse me for thinking you were out to piss me off. W-we hardly parted on the best of terms.” He grumbled. He looked back over at me once I was decent.
“Who’s fault’s that?” I sighed. He rolled his eyes, but I could see he accepted the blame.
“Look, I’m sorry, alright? I know I didn’t handle things well. I-I just… I didn’t want to be around you.” He explained, and I cocked a brow.
“Right, that makes me feel better.” I said, dripping with sarcasm.
“N-not because I dislike you, or anything!” He rushed to amend, sighing heavily as he paused. “I thought it was best to keep you at arms length, okay? And I-I didn’t know the best way to approach- look, I fucked up. What can I say?”
“You can start by telling me what the fuck was going on in your head that day.” I deadpanned. He stared at me for a while then came to take a seat beside me.
“After what happened on Garflugeron, I had to do some- I had to rethink everything. Th-that was supposed to be a pretty relaxing day, you know? Just exp-ex- just looking around, somewhere safe and fun. Something we’d both enjoy.” He told me.
“It was. I enjoyed it. Until the thing with the exploding aliens and the severed foot happened.” I said.
“E-exactly! If that was just a 'fun day out’, a-and that happened… I don’t know. I just realised how much danger I put the people around me in.” He told me, looking down at the floor.
“That’s not like you to think so… responsibly.” I pointed out. It didn’t feel like the right word, but he got the picture.
“I know.” He snorted. “I-I-I just thought, well, if I’m putting this girl in danger… why the fuck do I care? Y-you’re supposed to be a fuck buddy or- or just a hot companion for when Morty’s not around. You’re just as replaceable as everyone else in my life.” He explained, and I shot him an unimpressed look. I gave him a chance though, I wanted to see where he was going with it. “Why do I care?” He repeated.
“Yeah, why do you?” I crossed my arms and waited. He looked up at me, allowing his eyes to roam over my entire being for a while.
“I don’t know. Well, I do know. B-but… it just complicates things, and neither of us need complication. That’s why I broke things off. To keep you safe, and to make both of our lives easier.” He told me, and I narrowed my eyes.
“Do tell.” I prompted, and he gave me a questioning look. “You said you know why you care, tell me.”
“I highly doubt you need me to tell you, (y/n). You’re not stupid.” He scoffed.
“That’s news to me, you hardly make me feel confident in my intelligence, Rick.”
“You know exactly why I care. I’m not saying it out loud, it’s pointless. Pointless and uncomfortable for everyone involved.” He said, getting annoyed, clearly.
“Do you have feelings for me?” I asked. The question didn’t surprise him, it only made his shoulders slump and his expression turn pained.
“Baby, please…” he sighed.
“I know, Rick. I want to hear it.” I softened my voice.
“I’m not- come on. If you know the answer then what. Is. The. Point?” He spat, cheeks flushing slightly. “What’re you going to do with it? I-if I answer.”
“Ugh, Rick. You’re acting like a child. If you aren’t going to speak up, I will. Someone’s got to take the initiative around here.” I said, exasperated. I turned my body to face him before continuing. “I’m attracted to you. And not just because we sleep together, I have genuine feelings for you. It runs deeper than just physical, sexual attraction. There we go, I’ve said my piece. It wasn’t hard.”
Rick looked up at me, pleasant surprise written all over his face. “Oh… is that- I didn’t think-”
“Why not?”
“You’re young. Not to mention into women, apparently.” He snorted. I smirked.
“I can like both.”
“I thought you only stuck with me for the- I mean we have some great sex.” He shrugged. “I didn’t think you wanted anything else from me.”
“Want and expect are two different things. Sex is great… for a while. But sometimes you just need more.” I told him, looking down at my hands. “And I thought you were only interested in sex.”
“Yeah, me too.” He laughed humorlessly, scrubbing a hand over his face as if this whole thing was exhausting. “I was wrong. Realised it the other day and… I-I guess I freaked out. I’m sorry.”
“So you do have feelings for me? That’s confirmed?” I touched his chin, turning his head so he looked at me. His breath hitched, he licked his lips. He moved in for a kiss, but I backed away, giving him a look.
“Yes.” He simply said, after a pause long enough to make me nervous. I let him kiss me then, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled back to move his kisses to my jaw, his teeth coming out to nip at me here and there. I moaned quietly, letting my eyes fall closed as he moved his lips to my neck. “I’m sorry for cock-blocking you… or whatever the female equivalent is.” He mumbled into my neck.
“It’s okay. You can pick up where she left off.” I told him through a smirk.
“Mmm, did you get her number? Call her back over and I’ll hide in the closet and watch.” He teased, sliding his hand under my shirt, rubbing my nipple with his thumb.
“You’d be okay with that? Watching some other woman lay her hands on me?” I asked, reaching a hand to his chest, trailing it downwards until I found the growing bulge in his slacks.
“Somehow that’s way more appealing than watching another man lay his hands on you. Weird, huh?” he said, moaning loudly when I started stroking him. I licked my lips as I felt him grow beneath my palm. Fuck. I needed him.
“Oh, crazy.” I nodded, then reached for his lab coat, pushing it from his shoulders before untucking his shirt, ridding him of that too. I stroked my hands over his chest and trailed one down to the line of hair below his navel, running a single digit down it. He grunted when I stopped just before his erection. His hands were on me, pulling my shirt off, followed by my bra. He kissed his way down to my breasts, bringing each nipple into his mouth one by one, sucking on them so they flushed pink and throbbed with sensitivity. As he worked, he was undoing my jeans and helping me out of them, panties joining them on the floor. For the second time that evening, I was naked before him.
“Ahh, fuck, she got you nice and wet for me.” He murmured as his fingers found my slit. I reached for his belt, unbuckling it before undoing his pants and releasing his hard length. I stroked his cock as he rubbed my clit, and we moaned in unison. He kissed me again, his tongue entering my mouth and flicking mine with playful strokes. He raised his hips, kicking his pants off onto the floor, and I took the opportunity to push him back and climb on top of him. “Yeah, baby, y-you gonna ride my cock? Bounce up and down for me, show me how those tits jiggle?” He said lewdly, hands gripping onto my hips.
“You just sit back and relax, Rick.” I said in a sultry tone, taking his cock in hand and guiding it to my opening. I sunk down onto him, biting down my on lip as that sweet stretch made my heart race. Rick cursed, rolling his head back as my ass met his thighs and he was buried fully inside me. I rocked against him, back and forth, rubbing my clit against his pubic bone. I did this for a while, adjusting to his size while my wetness increased, making every movement deliciously slippery. By the time I started bouncing on his cock, the two of us were panting.
“Fuuck, I can’t wait to blow my load deep inside this glorious pussy of yours. Y-you gonna cum on my cock and milk me dry, hm?” He said, his voice filthy. I nodded my head eagerly. I picked up the pace, riding him now at a moderate speed that worked like magic on my g-spot. He reached around to my ass, holding onto my cheeks as he guided me up and down his length.
“Mm, that’s it. Squeeze my ass. You know I like your hands on me.” I told him, bracing my hands against his chest as I rolled my hips in a circular motion with each thrust.
“I can do one better, baby.” He purred, bringing one hand up to me, he swiped his thumb along my bottom lip before pressing his middle finger inside. I eagerly sucked on the digit, swirling my tongue around it and coating it with spit, I felt a flutter of excitement in the pit of my stomach at the promise of what was to come. He fucked his finger in and out of my mouth, watching me intently and moaning as he did. After a while, he withdrew, and pulled me against his chest. I leaned forward, changing the angle of my movements just so, and Rick was grinding against my g-spot perfectly.
“Ohh, god! D-do it.” I whined, my clit was stimulated in this position too, and the sensation of everything happening at once was both too much and not enough. Rick stroked his wet finger over my back passage, teasing for a while before he breached. I cursed, rocking faster against him, pushing backwards harder as I urged him to go deeper.
“Fuck, baby. Your asshole is so goddamn tight. Y-you gotta let me put my dick in there one day. Shit, I-I’m gonna cum.” He grunted, his free hand moving up to gather my hair, tugging on it slightly, putting just the right amount of pressure on my scalp.
“We’ve been over this. I’ll let you fuck me in the ass the day you let me do the same to you.” I reminded him, and he chuckled, pulling on my hair harder.
“You’re never gonna let that pegging thing go, huh?” He growled, thrusting his finger in and out of my ass. I wailed, rutting against him desperately as I felt my orgasm approach. “You freaky little shit.” He whispered in my ear.
“Aww, fuck! I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” I cried, my eyes squeezing shut.
“Yeah, cum on my dick, baby girl. Let me feel you. Ahh, shit that’s it!” He growled into my ear, his gravelly voice bringing me to orgasm. I sobbed in ecstasy as I let go, throbbing around him as wave after wave of mind shattering pleasure swam through me, clouding my brain and destroying any composure I had left. Somewhere along the way, Rick came too, bucking his hips up against me, burying himself as deep as he could, the ache in my belly telling me he was hitting my cervix. The slight pain mingled with the pleasure, drawing it out for longer.
The cloud lifted slowly. I felt completely wrecked; tired and weak with barely any control over my limbs. Still, I threw my arms around Rick’s neck and put everything I had left into a kiss. I raised my hips, lifting off of him and immediately feeling his seed flood out of me. I moaned at the sensation, breaking the kiss and rolling my head back.
“Ahh, Jesus Christ. L-let’s never stop doing that, yeah?” He said breathlessly.
“Fine by me.” I chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that next time your feelings scare you.”
“Shit, record me saying it.” He snorted. His arms dropped from my body and he laid limp against the sofa. I did the same against his chest as I caught my breath.
“God, we made a mess, didn’t we?” I noted, feeling the stickiness between my legs and on the backs of my thighs.
“Best kind of mess.” He replied, seeming unphased.
“Come take a bath with me.” I said, pressing a number of kisses to his jaw. His response was a lazy grunt. “Let’s go. Before we get cum all over my sofa.” I said, climbing off of him and tugging on his hand. Finally, he gave in, hoisting himself up with a groan.
“I’m getting too old for this, you wear me out.” He complained, though the smirk on his face told me he was far from bothered.
“Do you need me to give you a sponge-bath, grandpa?” I teased as I led him by the hand to the bathroom. He pinched my ass in retaliation.
“Y-you can cut that the fuck out.” He hissed. After a pause, he added. “But uh, jokes aside, that’d actually be pretty nice.”
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 4: “Trying To Cover Ur Murderous Tracks” - Jones
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nash isnt on my tribe but i cant help but feel bad for them :((( the last two days that we were together as old calumma i actually started to connect with them. they will be missed 💔
(a little later)
why am i obsessed with ethan ? *insert meme of that tiktoker just standing there*
(after building a bamboo bed)
super nervous for immunity, if we end up losing i think i might try to push for pennino bc he pissed me off the other night saying he wouldnt be available for the comp and literally SITTING THERE watching us do the comp... i really like sam and ethan (tbh more than i like lindsay and jabari) but thats only bc of how much we communicate with each other idk i do know lindsay wants to push for pennino too bc she was annoyed it too so maybe let her do all the pushing and if it backfires, just push for her to go😳
No song 4 today Last round we voted out Nash. That was not my ideal choice (I wanted Nicole to go) but Pete was paranoid Nicole may have an idol, that Nicole/Mikey/Nash were secretly working together, or just that something might go down. He also trusts Nicole for reasons unknown. I didn't love leaving Mikey in the dark (I think that really only helped Pete, not me) but I was nervous that if I pushed Nicole too hard as the vote, Pete would vote Mikey and then that was really the worst case scenario. If we lose this round, I am voting Nicole no question. She asked me what happened after the vote + if we could talk which I thought was great! I sent her an explanation that basically said I didn't trust Nash because they did not talk to me, I was worried OG Calumma was still a thing, and I didn't trust Nicole because she didn't start talking to me until after we lost + she left me on read a lot. And what does she do right after I sent that? Leave me on read again! I was excited to work with her when we first swapped but I don't see that happening at all now. The nice thing is because Pete lied to her, Mikey and Nicole voted each other, AND Lovelis was already initially down to vote Nicole, I'm hoping if we lose the vote is really easy. I also don't think Nicole has the idol because.... ...I found it! Okay, no I didn't. I did find a ruby though. I think that in each quadrant of the adventure, there is a gem and the four gemstones combined will make an idol. I already have 1, I have a good idea of where it could be in the north, and most importantly I am pretty sure Nicole has no advantages. I think if she had an idol, she might have played it last round, but my guess is that there is only one idol in the game and no one has it yet. However right now I'm not sharing this information with anyone. I hope that if we lose, Pete votes for Mikey out of paranoia (and that Nicole does as well) which means moving forward, Mikey really only has me and that's an alliance I can keep long term. I do also think that we are potentially swapping after this OR we will do a double tribal after this and swap then. I do not want us to lose twice because that's when things get tricky but if we do, I think I will be set up well enough that no one is coming for me.
so my og Brookesia alliance of jessica and lovelis (plus me) they want to vote out Nicole but i reeeeaaally don’t wanna do that. Nicole and I had this talk of moving on from our past so if I just vote her out first chance I get that’d just be a huge dick move. They for some reason believe Mikey which I honestly don’t, I think he may be a little weasel. Nash doesn’t talk to me at all, so i’m hoping maybe I can shift the vote onto Nash by scaring them with the thought of Nicole having and idol
(after dropping his rice into the sand)
AAAAAAAAHHHHHH IDIDIT I DID IT IDIDIT literally i have THE biggest fucking knot in my stomach i was SO fUcking NERVOUS this is so fuckignw crazy i cant skdjdbxsjkdb i’ve NEVER been in control of a vote before like everything i told someone to do they did like i’m not gonna get all like egotistical and all that but like sjkdsxkdbsjjdjxjdkdb ive never been in this position before it’s wild i’m usually like the mikey. like i’m just there, hoping people include me but kinda just scraping by until they decide it’s my turn to leave and NOW!!!! I JUST BLINDSIDED SOMEBODYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
trying really hard to do this comp and my arthritis is making my hands spasm :(( powering thru and hopefully we dont go to tribal. if we do im afraid that im going to be voted out :((
So i scored for the tribe which is great but then we tie and there is tower of hanoi. Lets just say ill never play that game again but I swear im not giving up no sir....they said they wouldnt boot me because of it but ima make sure of it.
in love with ethan hes the best person in the world
(after staring at Ethan)
really sucks going to tribal council and i know i let my team down so now im trying to find a way- SOME WAY to remind them that old calumma wanted to go after pennino next and to hopefully keep ethan out of the fire. sam approached me about an alliance with him and ethan and tbf idc what anybody calls me or what they think but im honestly closer to the too of them than to anybody on the tribe- closer to ethan than i was to jake even😳
https://drive.google.com/file/d/12YzvXBooOu3lndrE99YopPOcO4VEAYYB/view?usp=drivesdk lmk if this works also fun fact i just tried to open the camera on the computer im borrowing and the computer bluescreened lol i hate it here
The way this game is going Id say that I’m probably closest with Jessica just because we’ve been talking since the start, she’s really nice & enthusiastic, and we’ve agreed so far on the things that need to happen so we share a lot of information with each other. Lovelis is a little bit of a wild card because he never really talks that much so I’m going to try to bond with him more so that he doesn’t feel like just another number.
Who knew we’d pull out a win with flash games! Maybe we need to stop shitting on then and start praying for more of them to pop up here LMAO. So glad I can just have this day to speak to people a bit more and just relax a little - I feel like me Jess and Pete are in a comfortable position within this tribe so I’m praying for no more funny business with another premerge swap but I’m tryna stay on my toes!
Ok so tribal time: I am in a minority position right now and it is looking sketchy. I feel like I am going because of how Jabari and Jennet have not talked to me at all today and instead have ghosted me. I have something, but not sure if I want to play it. Do I trust people, or do I just full send and blow it up? Time shall tell
Yay we won immunity! I love getting my Dolphin Olympics redemption arc, it's been 6 years in the making.
Now, it's 4 hours before the first tribal as Furcifer, and I think that us from OG Calumma will go and do a Pagong to Ethan and Sam. Since Ethan was a beast in  the comps, and we want to keep tribal lines, that puts Sam up for the chopping block. As for Nash leaving, no surprise. Honestly, I feel pretty safe and now i'm just waiting for another swap.
I don't know how I've survived four rounds but here we are. I think I've legit gotten the lowest score in the past 2 challenges but everyone else is a beast so I get to stay safe for another round. The downside to being safe so long is that there isn't really a lot of gameplay happening over on Planet Brookesia and some of us might be a little bit too comfy so that when swap time comes or we lose the next challenge, it'll be scramble city to figure something out.
https://youtu.be/Hz-Ix0ZeQ7E y'all when I tell you i'm manic just thinking about crazy fringe theories related to this game lmaoooooo
ok bet lets get strategic:tm: i feel like a lot of my confessionals are rlly like ,, , , ,me just talking ab "wow i rlly like this person, not this person so and so and whatnot" and i haven't rlly gotten to bare bones like ,, what i'm thinking ab game wise ? for starters - i think i'm in a rlly good spot surprisingly? LIKE don't get me wrong its fking dangerous being in a 4-2 but i think i'm set up super super well? i'm officially working with all of Daisy, Sammy, Shane, and Jake, and am in an alliance w everyone of those people besides Sammy. but sammy has vouched saying that he does want to work w me and has my back and i don't have like,, any reason to doubt that rn ? unfortunately the only way to rlly like ,, ,, have everyone prove their trust to me is by going to tribal aldksfjasdlfj but i dont rlly see a reason for them to like ,, , lie to me ? esp when we haven't gone to tribal? i don't see the point in marinating someone this isn't among us and ur trying to cover ur murderous tracks,,, but ya ? i'm in a good spot. i think based on my alliances and allies and whatnot, and i've stated this already so this isn't rlly a surprise, but madison would probs be the target if we'd have to go to tribal. and Jake has stated to me too that he hasn't rlly talked to madison that much either so it doesn't seem like an uncommon thought process. after the challenge tiebreaker yesterday , the newly formed ALLEANCHE! kind of came together as the 4 most active people on the tribe so it SEEMS like it would be madison AND sammy getting targetted and , ,, , sammy going for me isn't rlly cash money bc if sammy DOES have my back then that's me losing one of MY allies,, but i don't think we're going to enough tribals before another swap for that to actually be a thing ? so hopefully if we do go to tribal it'd be madison and not sammy, but i think i, if not i then maybe jake LOL, can make a good case for madison to go over sammy. speaking of jake i have a rlly bad gut feeling that i'm gonna have to think ab cutting him soon - or at least before merge. i've kinda been letting him take the reigns since preswap to make him kind of look like a leader ish ? so i'm rlly hoping that like ,, , hypothetically speaking. lets say i'm AGAIN put on another tribe w jake (bc lbr we're swapping again),, and lets say hypothetically they wanna split up the supposed "duo" of myself and jake,,, whos the smarter person to take out - the leader whos kinda been calling the shots and making the alliances since round 1, or the person whos proven themself to be reliable and to keep their team safe and be able to go to bat for their team ? idk IDK that's just me but i definitely think like ,, in terms of a building threat level i think jake is definitely the easier target asldkfjasd which is UNFORTUNATE like i LOVE JAKE but i feel like if it comes to me and jake and jake is putting me in DANGER then , ,, well,, :( i gotta do what i gotta DO i'm pawned as old reliable for a reason :katenails: but ya uhm,,, shane/daisy/jake/i were talking on call after the tiebreaker ab what could happen and we all basically agreed theres no way in hell that there ISN'T another swap on the horizon or at least like,, a twist or something. u can't just swap at 18 on a 20 person cast and just expect us to sit like lil ducks on sunday brunch, if anything we're probs gonna swap at like ,, , , , 15? OR hosts are cracked and swap us NEXT ROUND bc they're sadistic. but ya there's def another swap it rlly just depends on when and whos there to experience it - i.e whether or not i'm gonna have security from my allies or not ya feel? i feel. also there's definitely probs like ,, , ,a double tribal. or smth. or like, smth crazy and dumb and stupid that i don't have the brain capacity to rlly comprehend. but ya hope i win this was a good strategy talk #fruciferandcallumathrowchallenge
Hello!!! Nash went home and I'm sad so I am PROTESTING confessionals! You won't know anything that is happening with me! Nothing! (Just kidding nothing happened this round, everyone ignored me and then we won immunity so they had no need to)
so I had to write a paper and I'm rushing to get this in...blinks...whats new anyways I have been so off in like the idol hunting and I have felt so detached from this game since I have only been to tribal once? but I think the people in danger would be like Madison or Jake? they have both been brought up to me by daisy...and in all seriousness I would be fine with that? I honestly really am only prioritizing Jones and Daisy in this tribe. I feel fine with my position in this game and I even got a point from the flash games. Luckily Daisy won for us in the tiebreaker and we were able to barely escape tribal. I really do hope I can continue to avoid tribal so that I can get as far into this to make it to the more individual stage of this game.
0 notes
shxtteredmemories · 7 years
For the self ship ask meme how about u and a fav of ur choice? (I havent gotten a chance to see ur baes but im gonna scroll around until i find em bc u deserve asks!!! Ill send some whenever u feel down unless im asleep bc...timezones maybe
sorry im not like??? good rn, but ill answer ur ask anyway
its below the cut because this is gonna get long
i assume you meant this one?
if not, just send the one you want and ill answer those too
here’s my f/o page just in case you haven’t found it yet; it details my faves, how the ship is, and a few extra notes.
Thunder & Lightning
1. How did you two meet?
I dunno, really? It was… really crazy at the time. I’d just came to the guild and… there was this asshole. I wanted to fight him, but having just joined… well, I wasn’t allowed up on the second floor… But, yeah, that’s basically it.
2. Was it love at first sight, or did it take awhile for you to warm up to each other?
Awhile? That’s an understatement. 
3. What do the people around you think of your relationship?
Mixed opinions, I guess. Some people are for it, some aren’t. I don’t care.
4. Do you have pet names for each other?
Not really… well, maybe. He calls me “pipsqueak” a lot and I always call him “jackass,” so… take that as you will.
5. Have you given your ship a name?
Uhm, yeah? Well, I mean, I guess… I don’t know what I think about it, though…
6. Who is the more dominant one in the relationship?
… Laxus, regrettably.
7. What does each of you think about PDA?
I mean, I don’t really like to be touched? Especially in public, even if it’s just holding hands. Sometimes, it’s alright, but otherwise, I’m not really into it. Maybe if someone’s trying to flirt with him, then I’ll… y’know, try to assert myself. Laxus likes it, though.
8. What do you two find to be the most attractive about one another?
I like his confidence and willingness to speak his mind… He likes that I’m not afraid to back down from anything.
9. What do you two do to get each other “in the mood”?
… Uh. Honestly, sometimes I’m not even sure? It’s just one of those feelings that comes on suddenly. Buuut, if he could stop showing me his teeth and sticking out his tongue, that’d be great.
… Actually, I think that’s what does it for him, too.
10. What was your worst fight?
One time I said I hated him and didn’t want to see him again… and then left for days, so I guess that’s it? We were fighting over past mistakes, so… it was a really bad one.
11. Best gifts you two have exchanged?
He gave me this really pretty green and yellow gemstone that he came across during a job… And I buy him food every day, so take that as you will.
12. Do you want/have kids?
No. And no.
13. Have you ever broken up?
Once or twice, yeah. After some particularly bad fights, we’ve decided to take breaks. But we never really leave each other for long; we just kinda need time to think. We always get back together, apologise, and promise to do better. Back then, we were still kinda figuring things out, so.
14. Scariest moment together?
Whenever he’s really pissed, he gets kinda scary, but… One time, I went a little far with my magic and I think that scared him. … Every time he gets into a fight, he scares me, so.
I guess, in a way, we’re scared to lose each other.
15. Happiest moment together?
Every day one of us comes home. Whether it’s my place or his, whenever one of us steps through that door we’re just… so happy to see each other. He’s a bit more reserved with it, but… y’know. I can tell.
16. Are you or will you ever get married?
No, and probably not. Marriage is not really my thing.
17. Ideal way to spend time with one another?
Sparring or just listening to music together. 
18. Who has the higher sex drive?
… Laxus.
19. What areas do the two of you like to be kissed on?
Laxus likes neck kisses and jaw kisses. I’m favourable toward shoulder and neck kisses… and clavicle kisses.
20. What are the biggest relationship flaws the two of you have?
We’re both too stubborn to let things go when we’re fighting. We always bring up the past and things we’ve done wrong.
21. In which ways are you two the most similar?
… We both control Lightning in some way? Annnd, I guess we’re really strong. Though his is more physical strength.
22. In which ways are the two of you most different?
He’s a lot more confident than I am, so… there’s that.
23. Who is the most affectionate?
It varies? Sometimes, if I’m feeling it, I can be. But sometimes he can be, too.
24. If the two of you are apart for a long time, who takes it the hardest?
Me. I get really lonely, really easily. Whenever he’s not around, I just… don’t know what to do? That sounds like I’m wholly dependent on him, I know… but, it’s kinda true. I mean, I can survive without him, I’m not hopeless, but I just get this numb, apathetic feeling whenever he’s gone for too long; emotions become harder to manage.
25. Who said “I love you” first?
Answered here.
26. What was your first kiss like?
Kinda lame, actually. He was tired, I was tired, we both just kinda did it because we didn’t know what else to do… It was real early in the morning and we’d just woken up… And after staring at each other for a few minutes, I guess… we kinda just go the same idea? 
27. Who asks to be sent dirty selfies?
Laxus. Sometimes as a joke, sometimes seriously.
28. Who’s more likely to send unsolicited dirty selfies?
… Also Laxus.
29. What do the two of you wear for couples Halloween costumes?
Dragons. I convinced him that it’d be a good idea, so we always go as noodle dragons. Every single year. His outfit is yellow, mine’s green.
30. Who is more possessive over the other?
We’re kinda tied?
31. Who is better at dirty talk? What sorts of things do they say?
You wouldn’t believe it, but my dumb ass is. I could probably say “chicken nugget,” in a sultry tone and he’d get weak in the knees. Something about my voice just gets him, I guess.
32. Is jealousy a problem at all?
No? Yes? Kind of? Sort of. We’re both pretty territorial… but we also mark each other up, too, sooooo.
33. What’s your favourite place to have sex?
Don’t- don’t ask. It’s better if you don’t.
35. Who is more likely to surprise the other by joining them in the shower?
Me. But that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to it. Conserving water and all that.
36. Who apologies the most?
Me. I just have a lot of unresolved, internalised guilt about any and everything.
37. Has anyone ever walked in on you two? What happened?
Once. And we DO NOT speak of it. Not going there, at all.
38. How do you comfort one another during difficult times?
We literally have no idea how comfort works. Cuddling? Listening to music? Listening to the other vent? If not one of those, then we have no idea.
39. How would both of you react to find someone hitting on the other?
Laxus tells me I have a look that scares people away from him if they flirt with him, so? And, Laxus, he just… looks intimidating in general; he has a resting bitch face. I assume that alone says ‘stop flirting with my boyfriend.’
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