#the designs were fire though
Blood of Zeus S2Ep1 Thoughts
If you haven't watched don't read
Yeah, well, I did it. And we are all going to suffer together for it. I will probably rant in more than one posts abt this. You ve been warned.
I do love the fact that the ep starts from the final battle but focuses on different characters. It gives us a more complete image of how stuff went down and other variables to keep in mind for furthering the plot.
Do I love the execution?
Not rly.
I ll not go over everything in extreme detail, but gods the amount of facepalming this ep needed.
I ll start with my biggest vices for this ep. Athena and Hestia. Who apparently critically failed 5 consecutive perception checks. Like girl. The floor is ruined. The inside of the temple is the only place that seemed like a battle had taken place. And you keep going about your business? Just like that? No worries that as soon as u open the secret super secure door, someone will grab the magic rock and go?
And you bestie, yes you goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Do you always keep 30m between you and the person you are supposed to protect? Do you not inspect the inside of the super secure place you don't want infiltrated for threats? Scan the perimeter? Like you are actively battling, and you are in a hurry but dude. The basics.
Mysterious screeching owl that follows you around. Also, not to worry. It's fine, I guess... that another gods sacred bird follows you around.
And then Hestia gets attacked. And Athena is gone from the screen. Just like that. The 3 against 2 was 3 against 1 for what reason exactly? Like where is she?
Rly not convincing me abt the capabilities here.
Not to mention she just allows Hestia to fly off on her own. After being compromised. And Hestia still doesn't see the bird. She then fries it real good, though, so kudos for that.
Now, that is not to say that it's all that bad. And I know I am being a few parts extra harsh here. Because no plan survives contact with the enemy, and they did not expect to have an enemy there. So, one could excuse the initial lapse of judgment. Not the lack of observance, though. Like once is chance twice a coincidence thrice...
I'd also like to note that the spies Hades sent seem rly talented. And are ridiculously good at sneaking in under everyone's noses. Because that's their job. And for infiltrating Olympus I d suppose that Hades would send the best of the best and take advantage of the chaos. So I think we can be a bit more forgiving to the two goddesses.
Another point I liked and wanted to bring forth is Hestia's characterization. Because Hestia is the goddess of the hearth. She is not warlike. Not used to bloodshed conflict taking risks. And it's obvious. And I like that. That's to say she is not portrayed as spineless which is another great point in her favor. She doesn't handle war well. We can see she is distraught. And her battling capabilities leave a lot to be desired. But she stays and fights. She defends what Zeus asked of her with all that she has. And it mirrors what we know that historically, that women have defended their cities when the men couldn't. So Hestia distraught though she was and anxious and borderline hyperventilating and breaking down, does what she must. Defends what she must. Fights as she must. Badly but we expected that. And then breaks down when the mission is concluded. And rids herself of the responsibility. Because power like that. Corrupting and all consuming has no place within the hearth. So all in all, I think Hestia was decently done.
Athena I am going to be a bit more hard on. If only because I expected her to be more present and act more like a war hardened general and less like a soldier. I would have found it prudent that she stepped with Hestia within the temple that she was more alert, more mindful of their surroundings and not make rookie mistakes in a time pressed mission. I did like a lot the quick thinking when the giant with the red anti gravity rays showed up, and that she often checked in with Hestia and told her the plan reminding her of the goal. And checking in in the are you okay way. Idk if people expected her to be more sentimental or worried but the detached militarian. we need to keep going, are you good to keep going? It feels rly in character. What displeased me is the lack of perception or cautiousness a bit. But again pressed for time. And her absence when Hestia was cornered. Like, where did she go? What kept her so busy from helping Hestia? The other creature? In the sense that her duty in that instant was to protect Hestia and the Rock. And I was left a bit. Girl, where are you? Why are you not helping?
I also loved the silent, tight-lipped mourning that lasted probably 10 seconds at most. No time to mourn in the battlefield. I can respect that. And I loved seeing it. And seeing it contrast Hestia's much more emotional reaction.
Also, a moment to appreciate a muscular female character that heaves that giants arm up. Love to see good character design. A warrior is scarred and muscular. Thank you very much. (Served as a design. Like that side profile, my moon and stars... lovely)
Anyway, back to the point love to see she cares for Heron. Illegitimate children of Zeus unite. ( Yes I know that Zeus was first married to Metis and Athena was probably conceived before the marriage with Hera, but still)
Not sure how to feel abt the prophecy talks. I was a bit busy fangirling over seeing Athena and Artemis together on screen for 4 seconds.
And that leaves Seraphim's corpse. Which makes sense to leave behind unhurried for the vultures to devour, but also gave Hades the perfect opportunity.
And now that the Athena Hestia Holy rock thing is over, let's talk Hades and Persephone.
I love Persephone's design. Hades not so much. But the dude looks worn and tired and tortured as he should in my opinion. It's by far the most taxing of the three duties and he looks the part and that makes me happy. He looks a bit too much like an edge lord though. Like just a bit.
I won't rly comment on the whole ambition to take over Olympus and leave the underworld forever and be able to be with Persephone for the whole year. Cause that's the driving point of the plot. Whether I am with it or against it counts little. I can and will talk abt the execution when the time comes though.
So far I liked the spies thing. Rly cool. Love the invisibility capabilities. The screech owl thr fact that he isn't framed as a villain but as a tired man too close to snapping. And well the fact that we can see why Persephone went from Kore to Persephone. Devious plan my lady.
Okay, that's it for now. Congrats if you have reached the end. I ll be posting more of these probably. Take care of yourselves
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larachelledrawsfe · 1 year
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*Framme Voice* Diviiine Dragon!!
Avenir | Lindwurm | Picket | Successeur Vidame | Sleipnir Rider | Cupido | Tireur d'élite
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fiery-emblems · 6 months
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Its time for Christmas alts in FEH, but Christmas is my least favorite theme of the year so instead I've drawn my favorite theme!
...at this rate I'm gonna end up drawing a design for every one of FEH's seasonal events!
Spring | Wedding | Summer | Resplendent 1 | Resplendent 2 |
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martilyongabo · 2 months
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the blade is your implement. you'll need it if you want to do this right. (04.17.2024-04.20.2024) [18hrs]
happy anniversary to FE13! i was drawn back to this game after getting into another, though completely different game, Slay the Princess. the conflict and shifting forms reminded me a lot of what had stuck out to me in FE13, so i decided to go back and play through it.
i also made a small doodle too of the vessels during the creation of this piece. you can find it below in the read more, as well as a small list of who's who :D
a last thank you to @anoldwishbone for helping me with the glass shards and effects!
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from left to right: the beast (it/its), the damsel (she/he), the prisoner (she/her), the spectre (she/her) the witch (bottom, they/them), the tower (top, she/her), the razor (middle, he/him), the adversary (top, she/her), and the nightmare (middle, she/her).
tower, adversary, and nightmare's designs were pretty unclear to me even a day before the deadline, hence why they're pretty loose here.
i ended up giving the tower elice's clothes from fe11/fe12, and the adversary was given a mix of the dread fighter's outfits in fe13 and fe15. the nightmare's clothing is still a big WIP though, since fe13's story is still yikes. would still love to explore swana and central asian fashion for plegian characters.
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cinnamon-flame · 5 months
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Got inspired by a bunch of amphibians on a lecture and I finally came up with the designs for the rest of Goldstone and Amethyst's siblings + an ancient Seawing cryptid that can turn ocean water into blood or something.
Icons and creatures they're based on:
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Drizzle - moorfrog (she's a blend between female and breeding season male colors btw) Noctiluca - Noctiluca scintillans, a protist that can make water glow but also they're the causes of toxic algae blooms than can turn water red Viridian - european green toad Tarn - alpine newt
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otiksimr · 1 year
in a previous post you said you were open to oc’s? I was hoping you could do a icewing/seawing hybrid? Mainly a cool color scheme with dark and light colors if that’s okay? I’m not looking for anything specific, I just really like your art style!
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I gotchu fam
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Bonus: my self inflicted hell
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I never showed my layer layout before have I?
And yes, you aren't seeing things. I do my coloring and rendering all on the same layer. Blame my habits for this.
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northssketchbook · 2 months
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Wips, cover and character arts for a story a friend @freelance7 wrote for me as a gift^^ It was great to revisit the main trio and think about how their cultures and personalities show in their clothing. The blue cat character is mine, the other two belong to two other friends. Not sure what I want the result of these arts to be yet, but it could be both a comic or series of illustrations. Also these character fashions I have been thinking on for the past couple of months, so it's very nice to have designs that I am satisfied with. ^^ Ao3 Link to the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55486231
More illustrations to come, so stay tuned. -Do not use or modify my work without pemission-
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lupismaris · 8 months
If anyone has a spare thought/fuck to give please toss it my way I'm treading the delicate path of sorting out the possible (absolutely likely) fuck ups of a former colleague and explaining to their supervisor that they allowed said fuck ups to continue for far longer than they needed to all for the sake of not wanting to ask questions
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liquidstar · 1 year
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i finally finished alternate outfit designs for my ocs :) well these five at least lol
ill put the individual frames under the cut!
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#finn's ocs#i think tumblr sort of made the drawings a bit blurrier so its harder to see some details like saiphs scars or miras stretch marks... sad!#hopefully clicking on it solves that?#anyway i ended up doing the pjs after all bc i figured messy hair would be fun to do#and if i was going to put saiph in underpants anyway it would be funny to do like. the cartoon heart boxers but w fire lol#the formal looks were fun to do though. you can tell al's is like totally inspired by utena's look in aou#there are for sure through lines i wanted to keep w all their outfits like in general#aside from just keeping the same colors and general style#like mira always has like a cold shoulder look and tends to have somekind of asymmetry towards the bottom#except for her formal look for the latter#saiph always wears those wrist things no mater what. also he always has somekinda flame pattern#polaris either has snowflakes stars or compasses ofc. and if she has somekinda skirt the red will be Under it#bella has the same skull design on her bows. except for the pj look where now the skull itself is wearing a bow#and al has the stars on the strings and mismatched shoes#the most similar outfits are the summer/spring and winter/fall ones#those are pretty much default outfits so thats why#and their hairstyles in the winter/fall looks are like just slightly longer versions of their summer/spring styles#they dont really change hairstyles for the beach and pjs aside from the long haired characters pulling them up different#or putting them down for the pjs look. in bellas case#their formal look probably has the most difference in hairstyle. like theyre not just grown out or pulled back#theyre like actually styled different#these arent their final looks btw there are like completely different timeskip designs too but like#id have to use different bases for those probably. there would be changes LOL#but yeah :)#finn's art#forgor that one
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Sometimes I forget that my anti-capitalist view is not as popular as I think it should be and I say something a little too radical to the server at IHOP
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uhohitsdorian · 1 year
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Design I did for the circus club I go to (took out the actual initials for privacy reasons)! I took up a physical hobby to get myself out of my room and hopefully to help curb my OCD, and it’s been one of the best self care decisions I’ve ever made. See if you can spot all the props, all of which I’ve seen practiced there: contact poi, devil/flower sticks, diabolo, fire fans/sword/torches, hoop, juggling balls/clubs/hoops, puppyhammer, rope dart, staff, and whips!
[Image: a black and white digital logo design featuring a number of stylised circus props, drawn with a smooth pen with a constant line weight. In the middle is the word “initials!” in all caps, where the actual club’s initials are intended to be. It is almost entirely symmetrical, with whimsical curves and loops, and covered in a noise filter and the artist’s watermarks. End ID.]
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bosmermage · 2 years
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Mirror Images
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evange-blank · 11 months
I saw this post on twitter just awhile ago:
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And like while yeah some of them were like mostly just sans and maybe papyrus. Some of them were still pretty interesting despite usually mainly being about sans.
One that i wish i got more into as a kid is Flowerfell. Like i know it had the reputation of being a frans au and that was the main reason i never checked it out (im a charisk shipper and kid me didnt like seeing characters i shipped being with a different character). Like i heard about what happened with it and its genuinely so sad. The og creator's fic actually sounds like an interesting read. If you also avoided flowerfell and dont know anything about it (idk how you wouldnt know anything if you were very into undertale aus back in the day), i dont know much but heres a few things about it:
As far as i know it promoted being kind (but its fandom, mainly the insane frans shippers, was not very kind :(( )
It was not a frans thing at all and they were just friends
Frisk dies to sans multiple times before finally befriending him
Sans then helps frisk throughout the underground
I was extremely into shipping and i still am (to a lesser degree) but it makes me sad that people's interests in ships can make things so toxic. Its upsetting how things can be turned to become just about that ship despite not being like that at all. Like its not even just undertale, ships take over fandoms a whole bunch like how episodes about a character can have that character be overshadowed by a ship within that episode (im so sorry gus lumity took over your episode 😭). I am in no way guilt free of that too, its just when you take a step back you kind of realize how your obsession makes you short sighted sometimes.
Sorry kinda messy, magulo, all over the place post :((
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vinkumakkara · 1 year
losing out on the civil war plot drives me up the fuckin wall it would’ve been the absolute perfect way to continue from sr2. it’s the ideal sr3. this should’ve been something Boss would feel deep in their BONES
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cynical-cemeteries · 2 years
was anybody else almost fully convinced that raligon’s element was light????
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considering all of the conversations that talked about him essentially being a guiding light / beacon of hope for others,, especially with brandon,, i was Almost Certain that his element would quite literally be the opposite of brandon’s darkness
so when i saw raligon’s comment in archives and noticed his nametag said “[earth] raligon” i was genuinely surprised— but i think earth is honestly much more fitting for him knowing that he’s a spiritmancer,, and he also has close connections with nature with the stuff he uses for his medicine & healing
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rizardofether · 3 months
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I drew the two main GW2 guys. A commander and his dragon. I have never managed a full body drawing of Prim so far actually. I think I only sketched a full body for them once. But here they finally are!
I still can't believe I originally made Prim as a joke of Primordus as an asura, but then proceeded to write actual lore for them and eventually even decided that they should date my main commander (and the only one at the time) Rhixak.
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