#the devil's 8
heisokay · 1 year
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Fabian Forte
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ruporas · 11 months
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hotter than hell
[ID: Digital art of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum in their alternative universe form based off an angel Vash and Devil Wolfwood illustration Nightow did. The both of them are sitting side by side, exhausted from the heat, Vash has his arms crossed, leaned against his knees and his head against his arms, eyes closed as sweat drips from his face. His wings spreads over the both of them to shield them from the sun. Wolfwood is sitting with his right leg extended and his left leg with the knee slightly up. His eyes are also closed with a clear grimacing expression. He uses one of his small devil wings to fan Vash, the text effect reads “flap flap”. Being in the shadows, the palette is cool, blues and purples. A sliver of light shines on the parts not covered by wings in a bright orange/yellow. END ID]
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bear-vi · 10 months
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The Devil was insatiable The Moon was lonely The Hanged Man was devoted
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strangledwires · 5 months
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zipzapi · 5 months
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A time so far away
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yourlocalabomination · 2 months
I saw people talking about how Ted would own so many patterned button ups and had the AWFUL realisation me and this man would share a closet.
(Also long haired Ted propaganda be upon ye)
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shiroboom · 4 months
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Mishima 🤜⚡
Timelapse ✍️
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tomatoscribbles · 5 days
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still unsure if jin and nero would be best friends or despise each other, but that doesnt make them any less fun to draw together
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saintgoths · 1 month
ꜱᴍᴜᴅɢᴇᴅ ᴍᴀꜱᴄᴀʀᴀ
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You hadn’t remembered the last time someone else had made you feel like this, and you had hated the fact that the only person who could reach so deep inside of you and have you craving for more was the same woman you had sworn off from not seeing.
Ada Wong.
The mystique, the enigma.
The woman you had an on and off relationship with, the same woman who’d leave for weeks without saying another word to you, disappear into the world as if she was mist, a woman made of the very same air you’d choke on whenever a thrust from the toy she had worn had pummelled deep inside of you, she had you in a twisted position, face down and your buttocks staring up at her while she smoothed her hands against your skin before she had left it with one last slap.
You had jerked once you had felt the connection, teary-eyed as the strap vibrated against your walls, you had shuddered and flinched every time you had felt the tip of the cock lick deeper inside of you, you didn’t know what you were saying and didn’t realise how much you had cried in bliss. Your mascara smudged and voice trembled as she pulled you into a fountain of orgasms, Ada’s voice talking to you as she purred how much of a good girl you were, always coming back to her and being the adorable pet, you had silently promised her to be.
“Yes!” You had foolishly cried out. “Yes!” You had now been vocal on how you had belonged to her, Ada had known that side of you would come out soon, how slick and tactful she was, as if she was in your mind stroking and egging you on to point out how much you were hers.
“Good girl, say it again for me, say that you’re mine,” Ada moaned as she could feel her high attempt to cut through her, she had tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth, the pearl of her cunt slick and swollen as the vibration of the adult toy pulsated and quivered against her skin, she had rolled her eyes back, her slender digits caught up in your hair as she pulled herself closer to her, her naked chest against your bare and glossy back as she continued to pump the cock inside of you.
Her lips quivered before it had been pressed against your shoulders, she had left sloppy kisses against the wings of your body while she could feel her motions become more jerked. “Ada!” You had cried out, “I’m gonna---oh!” You squealed as your cunt tightened around the object, your body had trembled while your nails dug into the damp bed sheets, as your back had arched deeply as your juices painted the cock, you could feel Ada’s teeth dig into your shoulder, leaving her mark as she muffled her cries, her cum staining the strap that she had pulled out of you.
She had rolled to her back as she released a big sigh while she turned off the strap, you had laid beside her, eyes trained on the ceiling that had dimly lit the area, arm above your head while you had barely looked at her, though, had been aware with how her dark eyes focused on you. “Gonna leave now?” You whispered and as kickback, you felt the way her body shuffled on bed, in thought that she was getting ready to leave, you had been surprised when she wrapped her left arm around your upper torso,
“No,” she replied as she left a kiss against the sharpness of your jaw. “I think I’m gonna stay.”
She had stared up at you, fingers stiff against your hips while her eyes glinted in a humour that had challenged you, she had known what you had wanted, what you had desired and she had brief moments of giving it to you, and you were so close to it. As if you were a naïve child pointing your hand towards the sun claiming you almost caught it, dominance.
Her citrine coloured eyes had been shadowed as the slick wetness of both of your cunts had shaded above each other, you had licked the back of your lower teeth, you had known she had also wanted it, wanted you to dominate her the way she’d handle you, so you had taken it, had pressed yourself against her, and had watched the way she had moved.
Bela didn’t close her eyes but you saw the way her eyes adjusted as she held back a moan. So, you had leaned forward and kissed her, both of your blood-stained mouths mixed with each other as the sweet aroma of the scarlet liquid had trembled a moan out of her. You had been smooth with the way you wrapped your hand around her neck, there had been a soft heat, as if fire had been slowly melting an ice cave, you had slipped your tongue inside of your mouth and she had gasped, her hands slipped to your buttocks.
You had moved yourself forward and as an echo the slimy and sticky sounds of both of your mixed nectar had been pronounced, she had shuddered, there had been a small fight in her as she gently bucked her hips forward, but you had pressed her down while you had kissed her hard. A high moaned had passed through her lips as you had begun to pick up the pace, her eyes now shut as she had taken in the pleasure that had shifted between her thighs, she had squealed in your mouth as your swollen pearls circled around each other, and once she had tilted her head back, you had attacked her neck with kisses.
You had nibbled and sucked as you could feel her tight cunt throb against yours. “Yes, right there!” She cried out, her moans reflected against the walls, her cries in scales higher compared to her natural tone, thus you had smirked, you had been rough, but there was still an essence of care with the way you had touched her, the way your hands cupped her breasts and circled her inflamed nipples as her back drowned against the bed, she had shook against you and her positioned her hearth in a better angle, she had wanted more, she had wanted it harder, and you saw it with the way she had looked at you.
With much lust and hunger, you had now had both hands wrapped around her throat as you continued to fuck her. “Like that baby?” You had questioned, your inquire enough to have her look at you with doe eyes, eyes she would barely look people with, just for you.
“G’nna cum! Oh baby! Oh!” She screamed as she curled her toes, “Gonna cum!” She echoed as her juices squirted out, her nectar had drenched the both of you, aimed in distances she’d never thought she could do, you had continued to move, adamant to let her go you had chased for your high and pulled your head backwards as you had grunted in inconsistent patterns while Bela continued to cry in bliss under you. “Yes!” She quivered as she could feel herself release one last time, with you, she had orgasmed again before she collapsed her limbs against her bed.
You had smiled while you pulled your used cunt away from her, had pressed your mouth against hers before you had spoken. “On a scale from one to ten, how angry is your mother going to be with me?”
Bela had smirked at you before she replied. “A thousand.”
She had been so ludicrous, desperate and empty when she didn’t have her face between your thighs, she had tried. Tired to stay away from you but you were a Siren, a Lorelei, Lilith herself.
She had moaned as her hand coated her soaked cunt that she had circled with the weight of her fingers while she had also tasked herself to suck and lick the small ball that had gently perked up from your small meaty fleece Ellie had captured her mouth with.
Your hips had gently thrusted forwards, hands curved around the arch of the kitchen island you had sat on. Its once cold platform warmed by the heat of your skin and the friction you had caused whenever you had moved your hips forward to press your cunt further against her face.
Her green eyes open as she looked up at you with loving eyes, and as she used two of her digits to slip inside of her tight hole, Ellie had rolled her eyes back while she had encouraged you to bounce on her face. “Mama, come on,” she whimpered before she kitten licked your clit, and in response to her name-calling you had moaned just as you slipped your fingers into the messiness of her hair, guided her on where to move her pink lips and where to inhale you.
You had felt it, the sweet stinging need to release on her face, but you had held it back and choked back a cry when you felt the texture of her tongue slip inside of you, her eyes still open as she watched the way you had fondled your breast, the way you had rocked your hips forwards to bounce on her small meat. “So good, fuck Ellie!” You had wept and as she had hummed against your heat, the smooth vibrations flowing through your body. Frantic, Ellie blinked towards you as she quickly grabbed your other breast.
Like a juvenile, was what Ellie had been, with the way she had suckled on your clit, bounced on her fingers and played with your breast with her other hand, she was like a thirsty mammal, and when she had closed her eyes and had curved her fingers against her sweet areas, she had then climaxed around her digits, her nectar spilling against the ground while she slipped out her fingers and used both of her hands to spread your legs further apart.
“Fuck! Ellie!” You had cried as you could feel yourself begin to shake; eyes drowsy as the second warning of your body wanting to cum zapped through your figure. “Ah-fuck!” You had cried out just as you lurched your body forwards, both of your paws deep into her tied locks as you had finally cummed into her mouth and like the hungry dog she was she had inhaled all of them, licking every inch of your ambrosia as much as she could and once, she had finished, she had pressed her chin against your leg.
There had been a certain look on her face, a look of happiness, and as you had sighed, you returned her smile, Ellie had then spoke. “Did I do well mama?”
“Yeah,” you had breathed. “Yes, you did.”
You had lost how long it had been when both you had Lady had started kissing, and you had forgotten how you even made it into the room, all you had known was how much you had wanted to taste her, how much the both of you had wanted to taste each other, it was like your minds were connected, how the two of you were in sync. You had each other hands between each other’s thighs and the two of you had licked each other’s tongues, as if the moment you two would let go of each other you’d both disappear.
“I love you,” Lady breathed before she walked you to the bed, both hands clasped against both sides of your face as she had then pressed you against the soft bed.
It wasn’t long until the two of you had peeled off each other’s clothing and positioned each other’s hearths above each other’s faces, you had been quick to press your tongue against her slit, her taste had been hot and tangy and the simple aroma of her nectar had driven you crazy, you had moaned, your body tight as you could feel her the balance of her tongue stroke your sex, the both of you rolling your hips as you had both chased your high.
Quick, you had thrusted your tongue inside of her, aided her to bounce on your tongue, the slight effort had pulled an fiery string inside of her, and her moans began to get higher in a preposterous scale, her moans twisted into a nasally cry as she could feel herself suck her stomach in, she had lifted her mouth away from your cunt, her eyes were rolled back as she could feel herself quickly orgasm inside of your mouth.
Embarrassed, she had turned to you. “Sorry,” she had muttered and moved, you had shook your head.
“Don’t apologise,” you said before you kissed her again, and cheerfully, Lady had pushed your body against the bed.
“Then let me make it up to you,” she whispered before she crawled up your figure just as she had tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth fore she cupped the back of your knees with her palms. She had positioned herself above your sex before she started to rub her pussy against yours, and with a short sigh, Lady had fluttered her eyes shut, her dainty hands wrapped around your ankle as she slowly picked up the pace.
Her lips had shuddered as her clit smothered against yours, she had closed her eyes before she tilted her head to the side. “You feel so good baby, ah,” she had whined and as kickback you had watched how she quickly moved with your glossy eyes, you had watched how she worked her body, her waist, had stared at the curve of her hips and perk of her breast as she bounced against you, both of your cries intertwined with each other as the wet friction between the two of you had built up.
“You’re so beautiful,” you had muttered before you had reached for her breasts, watchful with how the short strands of her hair had bounced and swayed at every movement of her thrusts, you had circled the pad of your fingers against her nipples and lustful, she had bent over and kissed you again, the strokes of her need to orgasm once more had pulsed through her body and she had held it back, but it had been a terrible but wonderful pain, holding back her nectar and continue racing for yours.
She had lost herself inside of you, breathing you, taking you in when she licked your tongue again, you had gasped and whimpered, as you could feel yourself cry, she had felt so good, you had felt so good, the enlarged bud of your clit stroke and humped against hers, you had traced your fingers against her jaw, shadowed every inch and edge as you could feel yourself want to climax, the two of you in a pool of such intense pleasure that there had been a loss of words, just the mere gasp and moans and the strong staring in each other’s eyes.
The moment one of you had eventually spoken was when you could feel your body tremble, inflamed with bliss and thrill as it took over your body. “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” You squealed and with flush, Lady laughed through your mouth, stubborn to pull herself away from you, obsessed with idea of being connected with you eternally.
“Cum with me,” she lustfully suggested and once more, her distinct cries commenced again, shaking and jerking against you as her sticky honey spilt against your body, mixing with your amrita that quickly poured out, with a relieved sigh, she had fallen against you.
“Trish is so going to make fun of me,” Lady said before she folded herself off of you.
With a smirk you had agreed. “Yeah, you do moan really weird,” you said and with a short slap against your forearm, Lady clicked her tongue.
“I hate you.”
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solidsmax · 5 months
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Devil Jin | Tekken 8 ↳ BLACK WINGS OF RUIN
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heisokay · 1 year
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ruporas · 11 months
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wolfwood redraws (ID in alt text)
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arcpyne · 1 year
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Ram Ranch karaoke night
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strangledwires · 4 months
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elionwriter · 5 months
Yooooooooo! TEKKEN 8 IS BEYOND EPIC!!!
Like, ANGEL JIN?!?!
THAT fight against Kazuya!?!?!? Hello!!!
Jin quite literally fighting and accepting his inner demons! THE BLACK AND WHITE WINGS! I CANNOT!!!
Jin adopted by his two uncles?!
Claudio, Zafina and Xiaoyu being besties?!?! This was not on my bingo card but ok. 🤨
Claudio and Zafina are DEAD?!?!? 😱😨 like actually dead?!
Hyper buffed up, Steve is a sight I don't think I'll be able to purge from my brain anytime soon.
I am so, SO SO happy!!! My little shipping heart was so pleased! Canon Jin/Xiaoyu. My OTP soared!!! Jin associates Xiaoyu with the angelic figure of his mom and she is on the forefront of his motivation to get back up and go on living. His little smile for her is so precious 😍. Claudio and Panda being her wingman. Boy is so smitten that while sparring he cannot stop himself from complimenting her. IN THE GOOD ENDING HE LITERALLY GOES ON A DATE WITH HER!!!
And that's not all! Because this game gifted us also girlfriends Asuka/Lili (which are obviously chef kiss) and Lars/Alisa. Also, Hwoarang is great boyfriend material for Jin as always.
Everyone's costume is so great!!!
Leo is the most precious and sweet boy. And Hwoarang is the hottest one 🥵🥵🥵 (sorry not sorry) Reina is definitely a guilty pleasure when it comes to looks/power/aesthetics. I mean, she is yuri bait and you can consider me baited. AND I'M NOT EVEN A LESBIAN!!!
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smirkingcat · 4 months
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Devil Jin
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