#the discourse™️
hekateinhell · 8 months
can't find it on here but someone on twitter edited a screenshot of bg3 astarion to say:
✨I'm not real✨
but it's like in a rainbow over his head and he has the most no fucking shit sherlock expression on his face and anyway i need that for armand lmao
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ladypriere · 5 months
the "man or bear?" discourse had led to "people" on twitter now saying "wolf or woman?" and the comments are not only overwhelmingly "wolf", but have also gotten increasingly disgusting (vore, impregnation (of the wolf, mind you), degradation, etc). these'll be the same niggas that say the west has fallen and/or how much they want a trad wife (while STILL wanting her to be a horny slut, of course). someone even brought up statistics showing female bestiality rates (which topped out at 12% of arrests. who's the OTHER 88% then? 🤔) like it was a win for them. and these idiots wonder why they're still single
fuck twitter, mang
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 8 months
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Nothing I can say can make this funnier than what it is
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alexalblondo · 7 months
people need to stop “separate the actor from the character”ing F1 drivers or whatever they are doing cause while I know this sport seems like a multinational pyramid scheme invented by the city of Monaco it’s not. It’s a sport. And people will have sports feelings about it.
If someone tells me they dislike my favorite driver for zero reasons other than the vibes are off I’ll be like: ya know what? That’s fair! I’m gonna heckle you though :))
Sports isn’t about essays it’s about how one time the driver said they prefer green to blue and that rubbed you the wrong way so now you want everyone to do well but them and that’s just as valid as having actual reason to dislike them cause that’s sports and sports isn’t meant to be rational and make sense that’s what BBC shows about murder in small towns is for
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adhd-merlin · 7 months
you'd think there'd be more fics in which merlin turns himself into a woman given it's canonically established it's something he can do. make those two bisexual men have het sex with each other every once in a while can you not see the potential
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god i'm so curious what they gonna do about the tommy and gerrard of it all. cause like they have to be addressing their relationship this season at least a little bit and i think that's gonna be the thing that makes or breaks tommy as a character and as someone dating buck. and like i can very easily see it going in either direction. either tommy is gonna fall back into old habits and try and minimize gerrards actions, telling buck just to ignore it and such, try not to engage and wind up not being the support system buck wants/needs, someone who doesn't stand up for his family, and it becomes a dividing element in their relationship. or they're gonna use this situation to show tommy's character growth for real and have him stand up to gerrard, have him come out or put gerrard in his place, show that he has learned to be a better person and make better choices, that he's now someone who will stand up for himself and the people he cares about against hatred and bullying. they've already implied him going against gerrard before but it was less obvious and more private, him standing up for buck or for the rest of the 118 for real would be a good way to bring him into their inner circle better, if they want his character to stick around
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
I’m so sorry if this is a stupid question but I genuinely don’t know much about the topic.
When it comes to Tiefling ruts, would they be considered painful without a partner?
Not at all a stupid question! 🖤 Because this is entirely a fan-created headcanon, so I'm sure everyone who subscribes to it has different thoughts about it! Tief tumblr weigh in 👀
Personally, as a lifelong Trekkie and Spock girlie, I have a lot of biased opinions about this (pon farr anyone? no?) So I may not be the person to ask. My short opinion would be yes, probably it would be a more painful situation without a partner. Or at least, it would likely be more drawn-out to go solo during a heat/rut cycle. That makes sense to me from a biological standpoint (don't look too closely at my logic, it is shaky)
@forgeofthenine @ceo-of-sloppy-men @rolansrighthorn Shamelessly tagging the three of you on this, in case you have...thoughts to add 👀
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wikiangela · 1 month
can't have one day in this fandom without some ridiculous drama lmao how old are y'all, don't you have better things to do with your time jfc
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
man I'm just gonna say that it's incredibly fucking weird to walk onto a stranger's blog, project your own predatory age headcanons onto a character with no canon age, and then decide that means the blogger condones it.
like?? my dude?? the only person talking about that is you because it's your headcanon?
"you're bad because I think of this ageless character as a 30yo being paired with a teen" well I sure goddamn don't and I didn't need to hear that shit! it's not only extremely inappropriate, it's creepy as fuck! so like, maybe do some self-reflecting on why you decided that a stranger should abide by your headcanon, and maybe also stop doing that.
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tau1tvec · 9 months
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Honestly wasn’t expecting this to be the popular opinion.
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voxmilia · 4 months
I just wanna say I really disliked how heated everyone got last night because even though everyone's feelings are valid, things started to get vitriolic and I never ever condone harassing the cast and crew
And I'm so happy today everyone seems to have taken a deep breath and decided to spread love and positivity instead
I kiss you all, it's all love now
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laelior · 1 year
Kaidan Alenko did nothing wrong.
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ladypriere · 4 months
i dunno what it says about the absolute state of things where every time i send out a post like that, i worry some nutjob's gonna turn up in my notes/asks. we should have never stopped public kinkshaming, man
seriously, i don't give a fuck what you do in private, but when you insist upon doing bdsm petplay in the parades WHILE ALSO saying KIDS can and should be present at the same parades, a line is crossed. me going to a parade to have fun is not consent for sexual conduct. we CAN just be normal about this, i promise!
no, i will NEVER accept arguments about this. i'm no prude (as evidenced by the 'dicke titten' tag and some of my more 'off-color' reblogs), but holy shit
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trans-kafka · 3 months
If you're in a hegemonic group and someone in an out group tries to explain their experience and you feel the need to reframe or re-explain it in a completely different way in order to "help" other people in the hegemonic group "understand" it, don't. Simply do not do that.
White people discarding Black people's words in favor of a more white-friendly discussion of the same phenomenon, culturally Christian gentiles in majority-Christian countries reframing Jews' explanations of how antisemitism affect us or the cultural peculiarities that make antizionism particularly thorny, people from the countries benefiting most from colonialism rewriting the words of the colonized when they talk about decolonization, etc... Don't do it. Simply do not. Try instead to engage with what has been shared with you on its own terms.
If you don't understand, ask questions or better yet, look up other sources to understand the context. If you find something else written by, say Frantz Fanon or Edward Said or whoever is a relevant voice from within that group in that field and it helps you understand, or a scholar's commentary on it that gives more context, then sure, add your further reading links to it.
But don't wholesale rewrite an entire unrelated situation as a metaphor or stand-in for what people are telling you just because you find some other issue with the actual marginalized people and their reality removed from it to be more comfortable to digest. This urge to interpret others through the filter of the privileged group identity and experiences is something I first really understood as wrong when I was reading Orientalism by Edward Said. I hope you can understand from this description, why it is not a good thing to do.
Btw If you are still confused (or even if you aren't) I recommend reading Orientalism. Here it is as an audiobook:
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not me seeing a fucking character analysis™️ under one of my iwtv memes on fucking pinterest 😩😩
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tiger-balm · 6 months
the funniest thing about trevor breaking the camera/acting out is that hes seemingly tanking his own trade value. he really said not only will you move me but you ALSO won't get a premium return for it <3
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