#the doctor in dr who? Swaggy
koravelliumavast · 2 years
Me explaining why I like a character:
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
A Guest for Dinner:
So @myers-meadow and I have been making little headcannons about what it would be like if there’s vampires in the Hannibal universe. So here’s a short little imagine and shameless self insert for you all. Also testing she pronouns again, cause like I never liked She in a girl way, but she in a boy way is kinda swaggy 👀
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Frances’ POV:
I ran inside the house, my hair soaked, trying to get away from the rain. It was a total downpour today and I hated it. I looked like a drowned rat. I didn’t announce myself coming in, a nasty habit I got into. But really what’s the worst you could walk in on living with your best friend?
Well it seemed the gods had an as we for me. I rounded the corner to Meadow’s room, opening the door.
“Hey Dow, do you know where I put my- oh.” I halted in my footsteps.
She hissed at me, showing off her very sharp Fangs. I didn’t bother to flinch, but still stopped in my tracks. Friend or not, never wise to approach a hungry vampire.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were eating” I said.
Covering my eyes and turning around. She chuckled.
“You act like you just walked in on my changing.” She said, flippantly.
“No, if I did that, I would have run away and cried.” I laughed.
“Oh come on, you know I didn’t mean it that way! The embrasement would kill me and you know it.”
She chuckled darkly, her meal squirming trying to get out of her hold. I turned back around, trying to give her some privacy.
“We’ll don’t stop on my account.”
Despite not looking at her, I knew she rolled her eyes.
“No, you’ve gone and ruined the mood. Poor little thing has hope that you’ll save her now.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes.
“You never saw me, you’ll walk home in this rain like nothing ever happened”
She compelled the girl. I watched as she stumbled passed me out to the front door. Meadow followed after, closing and locking the door behind her.
“Do you have to be such a sadist?” I chastised.
“500 years of being a vampire will do that you you Darling.” She winked. “Can’t teach an old vampire new tricks”
I scoffed.
“Yet you’re living perfectly fine with a human. Coexisting.”
“Yeah Yeah, anyways, you look like shit. We’ve been invited to dinner tonight. You should get changed.”
“Dinenr? With who?”
“That hot psych doctor. You know the one with the Hermès suits.”
“You and your older men in suits.” I shook my head. “He invited both of us? How odd. I didn’t know he knew I existed.”
“Darling if you don’t want to be seen, perhaps having half of you hair be bright orange is the wrong approach.” She chuckled.
She reached out to ruffle my hair but I swatted her away.
“Besides, technically I’m older.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that. It’s still creepy.”
“We’re both consenting adults, live a little. Besides, it’s a big dinner party, it will be more than just us.”
“Great, socialising.”
“Relax bunny.” She twirled my wet hair between her finger tips. “If you behave I’ll get you a treat.”
I thought for a moment.
“Do I get to pick?”
“Of course.”
“No matter how inaccurate and cringy they are, you have to sit through a whole twilight movie with me.”
She scoffed pulling away.
“You’re lucky I love you little bug. Any other human to ask me that would have been dinner by now.���
“Yeah yeah, you’re a heartless monster. I get it. Twilight and you have to say one good thing about the movie after.”
“Ugh, fine. Deal. Now get dressed. I’ll fix your hair after you’re done.”
The ride to Dr Lecter’s house was fairly silent. The two of us listening to Deftones on the way. His house was gigantic. Of course our place was quite nice. You compelled the poor lady so we wouldn’t have to pay rent. Sometimes having a vampire best friend had its perks. I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair. Suddenly there was a smack on my hand.
“Hey, none of that! You’ll ruin all my hard work.” She playfully scolded.
I huffed.
“Relax little bug, I can hear your heart beat from here, they won’t bite.”
I cringed at her joke.
“Biting isn’t what I’m worried about.” I grumbled.
“You’ll be fine. And if you’re not, we will leave. Ok?”
I nodded.
“Good” she readjusts my hair.
After one knock at the door, it was quickly opened. Before us stood Hannibal. He looked quite sharp, I suppose that was no different than usual.
“Ahh, Meqdow, Frances, please come in.”
“I apologise for being late Hannibal, Frances got caught in this awful downpour. I didn’t want her to get sick so we had to wait for her to dry off.”
“Of course.” He stepped aside to let us in, wordlessly taking Meadows coat. I cling tighter to mine when he offered to take it. Using it as a literal security blanket. “You must be freezing, I can start the fireplace if you’d like.”
I simply stared at him, not saying a word. I felt Meadow tense next to me, sending me a look that said to behave.
“That would be lovely.” She answered for me.
“The others are already seated, we didn’t want to start until you got here.”
“I appreciate that Hannibal, that was very kind of you. I’m practically starving.”
Of course I knew there was another meaning behind her words. She hadn’t had any blood today, and I was worried this dinner would go south quick. And we’d have to move towns again. Meadow had eyes for the strange doctor, but I was protective over her. Her last boyfriend broke her heart, so she ripped his out of his chest, and ate it. It was quite a sight to walk in on, and that’s why we had to leave town. He was too high profile of a kill. And the same would go for Doctor Lecter.
We sat down at the table. I recognised 3 of the 4 other guests. Jack Crawford, FBI chief, Will Graham, a fellow agent, and Dr Alana Bloom. Meadow sat between Alana and Hannibal, and I sat between Will and the Mystery girl with red hair. Jack being at the other head of the table.
Dinner started without much of a hitch. I sat silently and listened into conversation
“And what are we eating tonight Hannibal?” Jacked asked.
“Rabbit, this was was rather quick on its feet.” He joked.
But something about it felt off, like there was some sort of inside joke I wasn’t getting. The girl next to me made a slight noise of disgust, digging into her salad.
“I’ve got to say Hannibal, this has got to be the best salad I’ve ever had.” She sucked up to him.
“Thank you Miss Lounds.”
I had to admit, I enjoyed listening to him speak, his accent was quite lovely. Conversations weren’t back and forth as if they were old old friends. Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts.
“Is Something wrong with your food Miss Frances?”
“Hmm?” I hummed, way louder than I meant to, startled by the sound of my own voice.
“I asked if there was something wrong with your food? You seem to just be pushing it around your plate.” He said.
There was a slight heir of disappointment in his voice. And I knew Meadow would be pleased if I upset our host.
“Oh, sorry. I’m sure it’s lovely. But I already ate- I was only informed half an hour before we got here that we’d be coming.”
I fidgeted with my hands as I spoke.
“I sent out the invitations a week ago.” He said.
“I don’t check the mail much.” I shrugged.
Meadow gave me a warning look. I carefully put a bite on my plate and bit into it. Right away I could tell something was off. I’ve never had rabbit, but I knew it shouldn’t taste like this. I put on a fake smile.
“It’s lovely.” I said.
Hannibal smiled back at me, then went back to his conversation. I was glad the focus was no longer on me, until a gruff voice whispered.
“Don’t swallow that.”
I glanced up from my plate to see William talking. He said it with so much conviction I didn’t think to question him. But he and the others were eating it. It couldn’t be that bad. But none the less, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and spit it into the toilet, flushing it. I looked at myself in the mirror and ran another hand through my hair, further messing up Meadows hard work.
When I came back the atmosphere had shifted, Meadow was in shameless flirting mode.
“Have you ever had venison Hannibal?” She asked. “It’s quite a difficult meal to catch, they scare easily.”
What was she doing… I glared at her from across the table. I mean sure, no one would ever guess she was a vampire. That ridiculous, most people don’t even believe they exist. I was thankful no one else at the table seemed to pick up on her double meaning. Of course she wasn’t talking about deer.
“I have, it’s one of my favorite to prepare.” He said, smirking as he took another bite of his dish.
“I mean it’s practically to die for.”
“You hunt?” Jack asked her.
“All the time, it’s great fun.” She smiled.
“I know you’re fairly new to the area, if you want to hunt here you’ll have to stop by the station and get a permit with us.”
“Good to known, thank you agent Crawford.”
“And what about you?” Jack asked.
“What about me?” I raised a brow.
“Do you hunt with her?”
I shook my head.
“That’s more of a solo activity, hunting in groups can lead to accidents.” I kept with the cover, as if the congestion was actually about hunting animals.
“Accidents?” Alana asked.
“Yes, hunting in areas with other humans could lead to someone getting hurt. It would be a shame if she missed her prey. Besides, it her thing, I don’t intrude on peoples hobbies.”
I said. Of course I never went with her to hunt. She was always worried one of the victims could get away and hurt me somehow. Besides, nobody likes to be watched while they’re eating.
“So what do you do?” Hannibal asked.
I hated that the conversation was now fully shifted to me.
“I’m a baker. Just got a job at the bakery in town. I start Tuesday.”
“Perhaps I’ll have to come visit.”
Thankfully Meadow pulled the conversation back away from me. She was much more charismatic and easy to talk to. Taking control of any room she entered. I wasn’t sure if that was a vampire thing, or just a her thing. As their conversation went on a picked up on more double entendres. There was no way Hannibal could be a vampire. So why was she doing this? Then I thought back to how will told me not to eat the meat.
In fact, Meadow seemed to be enjoying this meal quite a bit. She avoided food most days unless I felt awkward eating alone. She didn’t need to eat food to survive, but she did on special occasions to blend in. All evidence only pointed to one thing. We weren’t eating rabbit, instead some pour soul who fell victim to the doctors charms. But if will knew, why was he still eating it?
Great, so we were eating dinner with at least two cannibals. And three more seemingly unsuspecting people. At least miss Lounds hasn’t taken a bite. I frowned. By the end of the night I was antsy and ready to leave. As we all broke off into conversations, Jack and Alana were trapped in a seemingly heated discussion with Miss Lounds. And Hannibal was shamelessly flirting with Meadow. I walked over to Will.
“You know, right?” I asked.
He chuckled. “You figured it out already?”
“Yet you still ate dinner.”
He shrugged. “You grow used to the taste.”
“Why not warn the others?”
“You seem nice. Perhaps I don’t wish for Hannibal to corrupt you.”
I blushed slightly at the suggestion. The two of us glanced over to Meadow and Hannibal.
“Your friends strange.”
“I know.” I said. “So is yours.”
He took a sip from his drink.
“She should be carful with him.”
“On the contrary Mr Graham. Once Meadow’s set her sights on someone, there’s no escaping. I should probably go rescue him from that conversation. See you around?” I asked.
He shrugged, toasting me with his whiskey. I gave him a weak smile and scurried off.
“Sorry to cut this short, but I’m not feeling well. Meadow, could you take me home now?”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hannibal said.
“I’d love to join you for dinner next week.” Meadow finished her previous conversion. “The rabbit was quite delicious. I would like to see what else you could cook with it.”
When we got in the car, she immediately stated driving.
“Did you really have to flirt like that? In front of everyone?”
“God, don’t be such a baby Frances. Adults flirt, it’s what they do.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Would have been nice if you’d warned me about dinner.”
“It was just a hunch. You know how I hate to be wrong. But once I tasted it, I knew.”
“Just, promise me you won’t eat him. Or that other guy.”
She stopped the car, and turned to me.
“Omg, does little Frances have a crush?”
“No!” I denied.
“Omg, you totally do! You can’t be mad at me for dragging you to a cannibal dinner party now!” She joked.
“Oh I can, and I will. Drive.” I said, pretending to be mad. But I could never really be mad at her. “You still owe me a twilight watch.”
“Yeah, Yeah.”
By the time we got home I was exhausted. But I could tell you were still feeling sluggish.
“Not enough blood left in the meat was there?” I asked.
It sounded weird to be so causal about it. She shook her head.
“No. And you messed up my lunch.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so picky.”
“And maybe you shouldn’t bad mouth a hungry vampire, who’s date you just ended early.”
“It’s not a date if there are other people.”
She hissed angrily at me, her fangs showing. Her hand immediately flying over her mouth in shame.
“I’m sorry.”
I sighed, moving my hair away from my neck. A silent invitation.
“I cant.”
“You can and you will, unless you want to starve and accidentally eat your new Cannibal friend.”
She growled.
“It won’t hurt, besides, you’ll know when to stop. I need the extra help sleeping anyways, I don’t think I can sleep after that grotesque display of affection at dinner.” I joked.
She rolled her eyes.
“If it hurts, I’ll stop.”
I glared at her, growing annoyed.
“I’m serious, you know I never want to hurt you. You’re my best friend.”
“Which is exactly why I trust you, with my life.”
She sighed, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the couch. I sat down first and she sat down on my lap. I blushed slightly at the position. She moved my hair to the side.
“Just hold my hand if it hurts ok?”
“You never give your victims that option, have you gone soft?” I joked trying to ease the tension.
She was the only person I ever let get close enough to touch me life this.
“Only for you.”
With that she bit into the side of my neck. The feeling of fangs piercing the skin was indescribable. It hurt, but I sort of liked the feeling. I closed my eyes as I felt myself get weaker. As I grew sleepy she pulled away. I could feel her pull me close as she carried me to my room, tucking me into bed.
“Goodnight Frances.”
An: sorry if I switched tense, I tried to fix anytime I accident or wrote “you” but I don’t know if I caught them all lol. I was mildly distracted watching piranha, there were titties on the screen for like a solid 5 minutes 😂 I was very confused. I’m still working on the original Hannibal family with Meadow and I,  but I was in the mood for some vampires tonight.
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