#the dragels handbook
cheyla-v · 2 years
I’m curious about the family relationships in your new story, The Thing With Siblings, and how they’re related. Can you give more insight or is that too much of a spoiler.
I don't think that's too much of a spoiler since I'm not 100% sure everyone will make it into the fic. But right now, I've got Harry's family Circle set up as a Pareyic Coven (so all of his parents are Pareya, but with different sub-ranks, as featured in Scion's dragel handbook).
Under the read more is the full-break down of Harry's family Circle.
Andromeda Black/Tonks - Oracle - Air; Shadow affinity
Sirius Black - Deracle - Gheyic Pareya - Shadow
James Potter - Toracle - Gheyic Pareya - Air
Lily Evans - Eracle - Nameless; Fire & Earth affinities
Alice Longbottom - Sephracle - Nameless; Earth & Air affinities
Remus Lupin - Gehrca - Earth - Werewolf
Ted Tonks - Ierca - Earth; Air affinity
Meera Patil (OC) - Sylven - Earth
Sita Pail (OC) - Kalenta - Earth
Marlene McKinnon - Divra - Earth
Cyril Greengrass (OC) - Imenta - Air
Emmeline Vance - Valka - Shadow
Amelia Bones - Xilphis - Gheyic Pareya - Air
Alessia Zabini (OC) - Palvenz - Gheyic Pareya - Storm; Shadow affinity
Frank Longbottom - Qivlyn - Earth - Dryad
Danilo Zabini (OC) - Gheyo Joker - Storm
Only Nevarean native in the group
Harry Potter - Nameless; Air & Earth affinities - Submissive
Neville Longbottom - Earth - Submissive
Padma & Parvati Patil - Earth - Pareya
Susan Bones (adopted) - Air - Beta
Daphne Greengrass - Air - Beta
Astoria Greengrass - Air; Earth affinity - Submissive
Nymphadora Tonks - Air - Pareya
Blaise Zabini - Shadow; Storm affinity - Gheyo
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scioneeris · 2 years
So random question I had. Are all the blood titles held by Gheyo ACEs?
And is Isla’s title Blood Wraith or Blood Crown?
Currently yes, but you don’t have to be an ACE to qualify or hold one. You just have better chances, bc an ACE would have all of that extra sparring and practice time drilled into them from their lower ranks. It is a title that can be achieved with a lot of literal work though.
Ilsa is Blood Wraith! I might have typo’d that as Blood Crown in TBDH… 🫢 but it’s usually a reference to their elemental signature spell while holding that title. It’s only possible to cast it while holding the title, bc the elemental casper will assist on behalf of the crown.
Fun question!! 😊
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scioneeris · 3 years
Would it be possible to get a breakdown of Gheyo ranks? And what they mean?
This is actually from the 2019 rank glossary I did for the dragel’s handbook, so the formatting is a little wonky, but it drills down to the little ranks, etc.
The fighters within a Circle, often considered the weapon. Their primary function is the immediate physical safety of their Bonded and Circle reputation. They are physical beings that prefer a more hands-on approach to everything and tend to run close to instinct. They have a secondary ranking system among their ranks, within a Circle, which is referred to as their Suite. Gheyos have their own dueling events within Nevarah, every five years.
There are two types of Gheyo--One, those who are born into the rank by way of having two Gheyo parents. Two, those who are forced into the rank by way of extreme physical, emotional and mental distress, usually a life-threatening situation resulting in a near-death.
In the event that the Alpha is absent or unable to make decisions for the Circle's well-being, the Beta and Gheyo ACE will handle this. A Gheyo ACE is the only dragel rank that can shift to an Alpha-rank. They will typically handle the overall defense and protection of their Circle, delegating certain tasks down the lines of their rank. The Gheyo ACE is the only rank that can level-up to an Alpha ranking.
ACE = Advanced Combat Expert. Every ACE is trained in a specific style or class of magic, martial arts or titled weapon. Every ACE has two passwords. One for their Submissive and one for the Alpha. Due to their rank and nature, they can settle social disputes through a simple duel with the opposing Circle or accept physical retribution on behalf of the entire Circle. An ACE is courted by the Submissive, but will only accept if they feel the Circle is worthy of their protection or strength. There are multiple types of ACES, but most of them tend to be complementary to their respective King or Joker counterpart.
The second-in-command Gheyo for an ACE. Usually complementary to their Queen or Beta. The King handles the more specific details of the Gheyo suite, as opposed to the ACE's overall viewpoint. They are more focused on the individual Gheyo and their performance, than whether everything is working together smoothly. They have a tendency to specialize in three or four weapons--or a titled weapon of some sort. A King is the only rank that can accept reward or punishment in the ACE's place or on their behalf. A King can act independently of their respective Circle, without fear of full Suite or Circle retribution. The King relies on the Queen for their own personal needs, rather than the ACE.
One rank down from the Gheyo King, a Queen is finely attuned to their respective King and usually able to break through their blood or battlelust moods. They usually specialize in the opposite type of weapon or fighting style than their King. Most Queens have a tendency to be spoiled or pampered by their respective King and will usually be the flashiest Gheyo out of a full suite. It is their duty to look after the Prince and Princess. They will handle all matters of discipline and minor authority shifts that do not require the weight of an ACE or King. The Gheyo Queens are known for having their own secret court.
One rank below the Gheyo Queen, a Prince is the first Gheyo to respond to the Queen. They are only specialized in a single fighting style or magic. All Gheyo Prince's have long stamina and stealth skills. They are often the shadow to the Gheyo Queen, working behind the scenes to keep a suite organized and running according to the ACE or King. They will usually be closer to the Gheyo Queen and more open to their suggestions and opinions. A Gheyo Prince thrives beneath a well-balanced Queen and will try to protect the Princess, when the Queen is guarded.
One rank below the Gheyo Prince, a Princess is the staunch supporter of a Gheyo Prince, defending them against all upper or lower ranks. They will usually focus on their own well-being in relation to the Prince and can fill-in for a Gheyo Queen, when necessary. A Gheyo Princess uses multiple magic styles and spellwork to differentiate themselves. They tend to be long-range warriors and rarely engage in close-quarters. They are usually casting, maintaining and shattering wards, barriers or portals. A Gheyo Princess will take her concerns to her Prince first and then to the King, if not addressed. The Princess it the only lower rank that can step in on behalf of all ranks below the King.
One of the three lower Gheyo ranks, a Knight is usually a Gheyo that has been formally trained, but shows no particular inclination towards an upper rank. They tend to listen to the ACE without question or the Gheyo King. All magic and skillsets are at a slightly elevated level in relation to a Squire or Page. Knights are usually given guarding positions in a full suite, until they show a specific talent or skill to rank up.
The second rank in the three lower Gheyo ranks, a Squire is partially through formal training and in the process of being sorted into an upper rank. They will listen to their Training ACE or a King/Queen authority figure. They usually show some sort of magical aptitude.
A Gheyo-In-Training with no rank and the lowest of the three lower Gheyo ranks. They are usually the youngest age-group and are trained by shadowing the rank they show the most affinity for. They will usually be chosen as a Squire and placed under a Training ACE as their training progresses. A Page is never in a Bonded Circle.
The wildcard in a Gheyo Suite with a tendency towards a berserker behavior. The Joker is the only rank capable of going head-to-head with the Alpha and the ACE, without repercussion. They are usually exceptionally strong in magic and wield a titled blade. Jokers can get along with each other, but rarely with any other Gheyo ranks. They will occasionally answer to a specific bonded, uncaring of rank, especially if they are soulbonded. Most Jokers are bonded solely to the Alpha or the Submissive. Exceptions will depend on the individual relationships, such as friends-to-lovers or before Joker ranking is assigned. Joker is the only Gheyo rank achieved through significant emotional, physical and magical distress. It is a forceful evolution of a Gheyo into a near-feral form.
Does that help? 😊
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