#the drinch
phobiadarling · 1 year
Halloween? No, it's closer to Christmas. Every year Christmas pulls a Nightmare before Christmas cause for some reason there's already Christmas lights up and people are already buying gifts.
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asukamood · 5 months
Promotion (Dream & Finch)
I am done with Hacker’s birthday one-shot so I can finally focus on other Dreamswap stuff! If anyone was wondering, I am going to continue some series I have going on but for now, take this little treat!
(Finch is underappreciated, try to change my mind, I dare you.)
By the way, if anyone had noticed a downgrade in my writing abilities then no you did not (I’m wholeheartedly blaming school on that for screwing my brain up.)
Enjoy your reading!
Warnings: Death threat, strong language, mentioned assassination attempt
Timeline: Finch, ever since his AU’s rescue, has been working as a simple officer for JR. The current captain of justice, captain Smith, is his superior and has taken him under his wing along with his former training officer Lopez.
Synopsis: “My Lord, may I suggest someone to you? I know that my words might carry little value, but I think they are worth hearing out.” Captain Smith said, making Dream pause, lifting his head to stare at him.
“Proceed.” The captain put his hat back on his head, thanking him with a nod.
“His name is Finch Hendrikson.” Dream’s eye twitched at the mention of the officer’s name but he did not say anything, letting the other continue. “He has joined our ranks fairly recently as an officer but that young man has talent, and I do believe that he has the potential to become a great captain someday.”
“You wish to take your leave?” Dream repeated, finally lifting his head from the paperwork spread out on his desk.
The other nodded, his hat pressed against his heart. “Yes, my Lord. I am getting quite rusty, and I fear that I might soon be unable to fulfill my duties to you.”
“That is a valid cause of concern yes.” He pulled out an empty sheet of paper, scribbling on it about the current situation they were facing. “I will get your payment for your last month the day of your retirement. Is it okay with you if I schedule it for next week? I still need to find a way to fill that opening you just created.” He muttered the last part, loud enough however for the other to hear.
“My Lord, may I suggest someone to you? I know that my words might carry little value, but I think they are worth hearing out.” Captain Smith said, making Dream pause, lifting his head to stare at him.
“Proceed.” The captain put his hat back on his head, thanking him with a nod.
“His name is Finch Hendrikson.” Dream’s eye twitched at the mention of the officer’s name but he did not say anything, letting the other continue. “He has joined our ranks fairly recently as an officer but that young man has talent, and I do believe that he has the potential to become a great captain someday.”
“How long has he been working under you?” He leaned on his chair, straightening up as he crossed his arms around his chest.
“Around three years, Lord Dream.” He answered.
“During these three years, has he ever shown any suspicious behavior?” The captain shook his head, smiling.
“No sir, he’s the most pure-hearted boy I’ve ever seen.” Dream nodded, reaching for his cell phone.
“Very well, I will conduct some more research on him later, but I am willing to give him a chance.” The captain’s smile widened at hearing that.
“I am pleased to hear that, my Lord. I promise this will be worth your time.” Dream stood up; his phone raised to his ear.
“You are dismissed, captain. Go back to your unit.” The man bowed down before leaving the room.
The next day, beginning of shift
“Officer Hendrikson?” Smith called out as he noticed the young man with the scar on his eye coming. Said one lifted his head, nodding as a greeting as he came over.
“Yes, sir? Is there anything you need?” Smith smiled brightly as he pat his shoulder affectionally.
“You are not going to be with Officer Lopez today, she’s sick.” Finch looked a bit disappointed at the news but said nothing. “I’ll transfer you to another team of mine, I hope you don’t mind that?”
Finch shook his head. “No, sir. There is no problem with that.”
“Perfect!” He clapped his hands, content. “If my memory serves me right, that team should be getting some new blood today, how do you feel about trying that young recruit the ropes? My planned training officer told me he had to take the day off to take care of his daughter today so we’re still missing one.”
Finch blinked in surprise, before frowning. “Sir, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean--” He sighed. “I would be honored to do this for you, but I only recently finished my training myself. Are you sure I am up for the task?”
Smith scoffed. “Don’t underestimate yourself Finch, I am certain that you have the capacity to do that.”
Finch nodded, not seemingly convinced by his words. “What is the name of this new recruit?”
“It’s Banes, you might also be careful with her, I heard from one of my officers that she was really clumsy.” Finch brought out a notepad, writing down the information as he listened.
“Very well, I won’t let you down sir.”
Smith smiled. “I’m sure you won’t, officer Hendrikson.”
“Officer Banes?” Finch called out, a young woman jumping to her feet as she heard.
“Yes, sir!” She enthusiastically exclaimed to which three other people behind her raised an eyebrow, looking at each other as they wondered if they looked as energetic back in the day as they took long sips of coffee.
“Greetings.” He said as he walked over to her. “I’m Officer Hendrikson, the one who will oversee you today. Before we begin anything, do you have any question?”
The rookie shook her head no. “No, sir.”
“Very well.” He thought about how his first day went, recalling that the officer he was assigned to had him prepare their ‘shop’ or so that is how he had called their car back then. “Would you mind getting the shop prepared then? Do you know where to get the equipment?”
Officer Banes nodded enthusiastically, beaming. “Yes, I can do that!” She then ran away.
Finch honestly was happy she was this eager to start the day.
However, that did not change the fact she was running in the wrong direction.
He sighed as he ran after her, noting how fast she was.
That was a strength that could eventually come in handy. After all, a lot of what they did usually consisted of running after suspects and criminals.
As the day progressed, Finch noticed that Officer Banes was making a lot of mistakes. That was only natural, considering that it was her first day at the job, but he could not help but note how her mistakes ranged from plain stupid to the most subtle ones.
The frequency of them also shocked him and the anticipation he would sometimes catch also quite odd. However, he chose not to ask questions and simply pointed out her mistakes and provided a solution to them. She would nod at his explanations and seemed to catch up quickly, never making the same mistake twice once he had pointed them out.
Perhaps, he should have been more suspicious of that behavior, but he ultimately decided to move past it, feeling like it would be best for him to.
As the clock hit 12 a.m., another officer walked toward the duo, introducing himself as the officer originally assigned to the newbie. He shook Finch’s hand, thanking him profusely for substituting for him and apologizing for any inconvenience.
After he reassured him that it was no issue, family always comes first after all, Officer Banes and the other left him alone, chatting quietly as they walked away.
It was about time he headed for lunch; he promised the captain to report how the training went over lunch anyway. He began walking toward the cafeteria only to stop dead in his tracks as he passed by a certain corridor.
The architecture of the Justice Reigns’ headquarters was... confusing, to say the least. Every hallway, while each linked to one another, when put together was a real labyrinth.
If people usually got lost in the halls, it was also perfect to hide somewhere and discuss things you would not want others to overhear. It seemed to be the case there and unfortunately for them, Finch seemed to be just in earshot for the conversation to be heard from where he was standing.
“Fuck that damn organization!” Finch stopped dead in his tracks, slowly looking at the source of the noise.
Another man shushed the first one. “Quiet down, will you? Just because we are not filmed here does not mean that nobody can hear us!” He reminded the other, whispering aggressively. From where Finch was standing, he could make out three silhouettes in the hallways.
He decided to move a little closer, ensuring that he would be out of view from those three.
“He’s right.” The one on the right whispered back. “If anyone finds out we plan on poisoning Lord Dream then we’re going to get into serious trouble.”
Finch had to shut his jaw tightly not to make any noise or at the very least jump at their throat. He needed to gather more information.
“Ugh, this whole thing would have been way easier if we could have just gathered more people to help carrying that plan.” Finch advanced again, looking at where their badges would usually be. Thankfully, he managed to gather their three names as they continued to speak.
Eventually, they walked away from their original location, allowing Finch to leave the area as well without being caught eavesdropping. He quickly joined the captain, who had already been waiting for him.
Once he noticed the younger officer entering the room, he immediately waved at him. Finch hurried in his direction and Smith did not even have the time to greet him as Finch had already begun speaking.
“Sir, could I talk to you in private?” At his expression, Smith’s smile quickly faded away as he nodded.
“Of course, follow me.” The duo moved to a quieter place. “What is it?”
Finch looked over his shoulders twice, making sure no one was overhearing before he began speaking. “I caught three officers speaking of attempting to poison Lord Dream.”
Smith’s eyes immediately narrowed. “That’s a pretty grave accusation you are making here, Officer Finch. Are you sure of what you are saying?”
Finch nodded. “Yes, would you like me to give you more details?”
“Pray tell.” He wrote down everything Finch had to offer before lifting his head. “Do you have any evidence that this conversation happened? Like CCTV footage or a recording?”
Finch paused and resisted the urge to facepalm. How could he have forgotten to do that? He regrettably shook his head no.
“Very well, I will bring up the incident later. Thank you for notifying me.”
Later that day, he was called to Dream’s office.
Thinking that he was simply going to be asked about the incident that he reported earlier, he walked calmly toward the man’s office, albeit a bit nervous. No matter how convinced he was that he did nothing wrong, he could not help being nervous about standing face to face with the organization's leader.
Typically, officers like him never got the chance to ever interact with him. They would listen to his speeches like a normal citizen but never have a discussion. That privilege was reserved for the higher-ups.
He could hope that things would go smoothly as he knocked at the imposing wooden doors.
He stood there, waiting, his arms tucked behind his back. Eventually, the door clicked open, bright golden wings poking out of the room before the owner appeared before him, as imposing as captain Smith had described him to be.
“You must be Officer Hendrikson.” He said, stepping aside and opening the doors wider. “Please come in, I have been waiting for you.”
“Thank you, my Lord.” He entered the room after a brief bow, the older man locking the door behind them.
He retreated behind his desk, gesturing for Finch to get in front of him. “Captain Smith informed me of a scheme made to assassinate me and told me that you were the one to report it.” He began, eyeing Finch with an unreadable expression. “He told me you were able to identify the potential perpetrators?”
Finch nodded. “Do you know of anyone who might have listened in to the conversation?” He shook his head.
“No one else did, to my knowledge. There was no one in the area that I was standing in, and I could not see anyone else at the other end of the hallway.”
“I see.” Dream hummed; his eyes narrowed. “Officer Hendrikson, would it bother you if I were to ask you another question?”
Was it him or was the atmosphere getting heavier by the second?
“Not at all, what can I do for you?” As soon as Finch ended his sentence, he blinked and found himself looking straight at a Glock.
He froze in shock, Dream’s eyes cold as he stared at the other man. “How can I know you were not one of said suspects before you chickened out on them? Captain Smith told me you were on your way to the cafeteria when you just so happened to overhear their conversation, and no one else was around to testify in your favor. Now, is that not absurdly convenient?”
Finch stiffened at the accusation, gulping as the gun seemed to stare him down. He had to say something, and fast. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm his rapid heart rate.
“You are right, I am unable to offer any proof of my innocence in this matter but my words. When I joined Justice Reigns, I swore under oath to stay loyal to you and all the people we help every day. I plan on fulfilling this promise I made to you and myself but if this reassurance is not enough to satisfy you, I would be glad to let you pull the trigger here and now to prove my loyalty and my honor as an officer.”
He lifted his head to look at the other man’s unfazed gaze. Truth be told, he was scared to feel the bullet pierce his chest, but if that was the price to show the other his gratitude for everything, he would gladly accept it.
Dream stayed with his arm raised and his index hovering over the trigger before he smiled, redirecting the gun toward the ceiling before pulling the trigger. Only a click was let out.
“The chamber is empty.” Dream said, smiling at Finch’s expression that was a perfect mix of confusion and shock. The older one lowered the gun before placing it on his desk, crossing his arm as he stared at the other. “While you did not fully pass this test, it is clear to me that captain Smith was right about you.”
“I... What?” Finch was so lost, what was he talking about? “My Lord, I don’t think I understand, what are you talking about?”
“Officer Hendrikson, do you know what the main difference is between an officer’s function and a captain?” Still confused, Finch hesitated.
“The captain ensures both the people’s and the officers’ safety?” Dream nodded.
“In simple terms, yes. The division captain is the one who not only reports to me but is also the one who the officers will naturally come to for advice and guidance, as well as protection. How can a captain who is not even capable of protecting themself ever hope to be capable of protecting the weak, the vulnerable?”
Finch was briefly reminded of the time captain Smith personally came to refute a misdemeanor he was accused of. He quickly shook his head to focus on the conversation he was having.
“Hierarchy is an important pillar of society.” Dream continued. “However, it means nothing when one endangers the other.”
He took the Glock on the desk back, pointing at Finch again. With the knowledge that it could not fire any bullet, Finch relaxed just a little.
“I’m your superior, your employer but the moment I raise a finger or a weapon at you, I become your assailant. No matter what relationship we share—I could be your friend, your grandfather, your coworker—the moment I do this, I become your assailant and potential killer.”
He lowered his gun once more.
“From that point on, it does not matter how much power I hold over you or how much I may mean to you, you fight back. Kill me, if you must. If in a life-or-death situation, you hesitate to do so because of my status, then there is no point in pursuing this career. If my officers cared that much about this hierarchy then half of the criminals imprisoned here would run free.”
Finch nodded as Dream sat down at his desk, inviting Finch to do the same.
“Now, you must be wondering why I am telling you all this.” He crossed his legs. “Officer Hendrikson, after careful consideration of your test results, I have decided to listen to the wise advice of Captain Smith, and I am hereby offering you a promotion.”
Finch was quite positive, his jaw just dropped to the floor. “A... A promotion?”
“Yes, I am offering you to become my next Captain of Justice since the position will open soon.” He replied calmly.
“It’s...” He was at a loss for words. “An honor, really, but what do you mean an opening? Is Captain Smith resigning?”
Dream nodded. “Regrettably, but before leaving he did request that I consider you a candidate for the job.” He chuckled at Finch’s expression. “To answer your upcoming question, I am well aware that you have not sent an application for a promotion. In Justice Reigns, I’m the only one who has the authority to nominate who gets promoted and when. Being a division captain is a far too important role to allow any cocky and power-hungry officer to apply.”
That did make sense. “You also spoke of test results, but I don’t remember taking any?”
Dream looked shocked before chuckling. “You did not realize it yet? Officer Hendrikson, you have been passing test after test today.” Finch’s eyes blew wide open.
“One with your ‘trainee’ to test your knowledge of standard protocols, the way you treated someone of a lower status than you and your capacity to guide them. A second one during lunch with that fake complot against me to test your loyalty—I have enough work as is, I do not have the time to deal with rats in my organization—Another in the second half of your shift to see how you worked and your relationship with your coworkers and finally one with me.” Dream explained, as Finch finally realized that his entire shift was pretty much a test.
“That-- They were all working for the undercover unit, were they not?” Dream smiled.
“I see you’re getting the hang of it. Yes, they were. They acted as examiners and provided me with their critics. Pair that with your bodycam footage and I had an almost perfect way to determine your potential.” He stood up once more.
“I have to say, I am quite impressed with your results. Apart from the inability to draw your gun at me when I threatened to take your life, everything else is perfect.” Finch was unsure of what to do so he only followed his superior with his eyes. “I see what Captain Smith saw in you. Of course, you have every right to refuse the offer, and I will not make you choose today but give it a thought, alright?”
He nodded, standing up again.
“Perfect, for now you are dismissed then.” Finch bowed down to him before leaving the room, feeling way lighter than he had when he first arrived there.
“Captain!” Finch called out as he ran toward said one. The older man smiled as he saw him, waving.
“Hi, Lord Dream told me how your exam went.” He pat him on the shoulder. “You did a great job, congratulations on your results.”
Finch could feel himself tear up, but he forced the emotion down.
“Thank you but... are you really going to resign?” Smith looked at him before chuckling.
“What’s with the long face? I’m getting older, it’s only natural that I would end up retiring soon. You still have my contact anyway if you need anything, don’t think this is the last you will see of me.”
“You’re right, my apologies.”
“Anyway, your promotion has to be celebrated one way or another, do you want to go grab a drink?” Finch smiled.
“I would love to.”
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omletteer · 5 months
oh oh gajca doodles
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these are from a couple months ago but I'm PRETTY sure I never put them anywhere
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xhoky · 3 months
could you also draw drinch (dream x finch) if you want or have time <3 💗
Oki, I will draw them when I'll finish the work on Paintedwings (all the wips are killing me rn)
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quoteenjoyer · 2 years
grian: you want to sacrifice a normal human being over the drinch?
taurtis: why??
sam: just to see how it goes
grian: "just to see how it goes"!?
taurtis: NO! you don't just murder someone just to see how it goes sam!
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j4jml · 1 year
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“Always search for your innermost nature in those you are with, as rose oil imbibes from roses.” - Rumi
The Nature 12/10/2023 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
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buggyfangs · 2 months
energy drinch
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levenxa · 2 years
I don’t know if I posted these yet, but here are the shipnames for ds-deranged >:)
Deoxraa (Sweammare)
Deoxyribon/Deoxyribose (Inswapnia)
Deobell (Drueswap)
Strikedown (Starcrossed)
Deiddris (Drinkswap)
Ezzribo (Errormare)
Peirell (Swapcrue)
Dosed-Aggression (Swinkmare)
Peirza (Crightmoss)
Screenlock (Swapscreen)
Drainagedd (Swightblue)
Drisbow (Swapperjam)
Ribearce (Crerrorswap)
RingSash (Blinkswap)
Exartistry (Crinkswap)
Deonika (Drani)
Featherrealm (Prismed-Justice/Drinch)
feel free at ask about any of these ship dynamics bc they are all so scrumptious
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sluttimetm · 1 year
Me whimpering humping my pillow pleading and moaning desperate to just cum I'm so horny I can't stand it vibe on max stuffed full of 8 inches of silacone drinched In sweat please please I want to cum plese
My antidepressants no try harder, many after 2 howers I'll let you finish, untill them keep going slut
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melanibg · 5 months
Habibi Come To Dubai - Drinche ft. Dalvin
0 notes
tarkan2100 · 1 year
Habibi Come To Dubai - Drinche ft. Dalvin
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omletteer · 2 months
that pesky drinch
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already put these in the gajcu server but I'm proud, let me be
close up and sketches under the cut, of course
I love rendering fur help me I'm diseased
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his bag is full of illegal substances
some Joes and a drinch
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and a sketch I probably won't finish of the duo themselves
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tauritos · 3 years
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He's rich and nice. 10/10
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What’s your number Drinch??
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pealooza · 5 years
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i hate you with every ounce of my being
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crocodile-carousel · 2 years
after months of playing killers that have to hoof it everywhere playing the dredge is just. wow. i control which gens you are doing :) three gen for everyone :)
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