#the drunk kiss scene
sweepingboy · 5 months
little girl: are you a prince?
xie lian: yes, i am
little girl: please don't marry mu qing
xie lian: //////eh????
little girl: mum says that mu qing is so pretty someone from the palace is going to take him soon and he promised me he'll marry me when i grow up :(
feng xin: hahaha imagine wanting to marry mu qing hahahhahaha
feng xin 800 years later: ... well
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wraithee · 7 months
Aziraphale would get white girl wasted and ask Crowley to hold up one of his hands so they could compare sizes since Crowley’s look so much larger than his and then giggle about it.
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feelingpure · 7 months
Thinking about Tim and Hawk's lack of mouth-to-mouth intimacy so far.
I need Tim with a boyfriend who:
hugs him
kisses him
holds his hand
and makes him squirm too, but in a fully consenting way
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crispywizardtale · 7 months
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86maylin · 2 months
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– by @pointdotiozao
There's a spark in your eye And a grin on your lips She's a demon and I can't resist her On a night like this
– Ken Ashcorp - Crazy Chicks
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be-bi-do-crime · 2 months
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it’s rough out here…
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dampfoxes · 2 months
I mean this so seriously: there should have been more kissing in bbc musketeers 2014. they are french
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to-be-a-dreamer · 7 months
Truly WILD that we only saw Zelda’s dad for that one scene I loved him bring him back for Junior Year
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tubapun · 6 months
At this point posts about "there was a gay rated r cut of Scooby-Doo" are the new "Scooby-Doo taught us the real monster was people"
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weidli · 4 months
yknow what i think would be a fun timeline of relationship development for the stuttgart boys. like assuming they've been at least a lil bit in love for a while and thorsten's noticed but isn't ever going to say anything unless sebastian does first and sebastian hasn't properly allowed himself to think about it because he's dealing with The Divorce. we get to frage des gewissens and in the scene in sebastian's apartment where he is very much no longer sober after ich habe das für dich getan / ich habe dich nicht darum gebeten instead of watching thorsten storm out sebastian is like. Fuck it. and kisses him. because you know what he's drunk in his miserable little apartment that he won't clean up because he doesn't like himself very much these days and the kids aren't here for him to clean up for and neither is anyone else and he's lonely and he lied in his testimony for his best friend and his best friend doesn't get Why (the Why is that sebastian loves him and doesn't want anything to happen to him. drunk sebastian is a lot less repressed and a lot more honest with himself than sober sebastian ist) and talking isn't helping. so why not get his point across some other way. and thorsten lets it happen for a second or two partially out of sheer shock and partially out of holy shit sebastian kissing me and then remembers 1. sebastian's drunk off his ass and 2. thorsten was kind of trying to be mad at him. but the moment of discombobulation is enough that he can't really manifest the energy to be properly angry at the sad wet lump of drunk pathetic puppy sebastian is right now. so he Does pull away and tell sebastian no we can't do this (not now) and sebastian stares at him with big wet sad eyes as he does and thorsten says Okay idiot. (the My idiot is implied.) you're going to take a shower and go to bed or so help me god. (the i love you too. idiot. is implied) we can finish this discussion when you're sober and i can argue with you properly again. and shoves him in the direction of the shower and then the direction of his bed and leaves a glass of water on the nightstand and locks the door behind him when he goes. and sebastian wakes up in the morning with one hell of a headache and remembers approximately 25% of the previous evening and it's the 25% that involves telling thorsten that he lied and not the 25% that involves then kissing him. so obviously he doesn't bring it up again. which thorsten logically decides must mean either 1. he doesn't remember it (and probably didn't mean it like that anyway he was drunk and lonely and missed his wife that's all) or 2. he does remember it and regrets it. and then (because i've mentally deleted der inder from my personal stuttgart timeline) preis des lebens happens and thorsten is like Right guess i'll just take this to my grave then. ah shit this is just a whole potential fic oh fuck
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iguessitsjustme · 5 months
3 Will Be Free - Circus
Last July I said I would let people choose the next video edit I made and here it is! Thank you for your patience as the polls said I had to make this drunk and I do not drink that often. But I hope everyone enjoys this drunken mess of a video.
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coldbasementruins · 7 months
rewatching kinnporsche and this scene still makes me feral
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jimmyspades · 3 months
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He’s talking about me again..
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crispywizardtale · 6 months
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nostalgicninjas · 3 months
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“Pulpo” — Cobra Kai Season 2 Episode 9
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astrobei · 1 year
byler love rosie au send tweet
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