#the eclipse dika
fellhalcyon · 2 years
okay but ayan losing what might have been his only queer role model??? the one person with whom he could trust his whole identity? the man who reminded him his differences were okay and brought him to safe friendly places and reassured him, just by being alive, that it was possible to live and be happy in the world as a queer adult?
ayan losing not only his uncle, not only his mentor, but the man who may very well have been his single source of hope that it really does get better?????
god that flashback in the cafe really brought it home to me. the heartwrenching magnitude of the loss for which ayan blames suppalo. god no wonder he hates them with all his heart.
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saladbroth · 2 years
okay i was talking about this with @vegasandhishedgehog and i just gotta add some more to it because it's just so very interesting how akk & aye are chadok & dika but better
it's the same sort of set up - with dika and aye being people who don't always follow the rules, who live by their own morals and can't stay silent when injustice is done, who value rightness and make it a point to distance themselves from what they think is wrong akk & chadok are rule followers and enforcers who are pressured into being that (akk by chadok, chadok by the principal). they keep their thoughts to themselves and stick to what they know and are too afraid to take action to stand against the system controlling even if they know they should
but where dika and chadok failed, where they, even though they are adults and should be more mature, couldn't work through it akk and aye are succeeding dika couldn't make chadok into a different, a better person the way aye helped akk change himself. they were in love and happy but they never got to live as freely as their younger counterparts can - as evidenced by chadok saying they were planning on marrying in secret and aye literally having no idea that his uncle was even in a relationship aye made sure his mother knows that he and akk like each other. that they're dating (or will be). he's so very vocal about his adoration for akk, even in public, and their relationship would've been secretive only because akk wanted it to be, not because of aye who i think knew that akk was just slowly working himself to the point of being confident and public
obviously we don't know a lot about dika and chadok's relationship, but it seems like chadok might've been more proactive since he was the one to propose which is an interesting change to aye who's been pursuing akk actively since pretty much the start and also it doesn't really add anything to what i was going to say but i think it's interesting nonetheless
what i actually want to say is that akk and aye are what dika and chadok could've (and should've because god knows it shouldn't be depressed teenage boys taking action) been, if chadok had been more brave, or more open to change because akk was in so, so deep. he was still not really able to acknowledge just how much he was manipulated at the start of this episode, and he was so certain that everything he did was correct because it was the rules but he changed and he's changing and he's becoming someone who can allow himself to be happy and have what he wants and that is of course him working on himself but also it's because of aye
aye, who keeps pushing and prodding and doesn't back down no matter what, aye who's patient and kind and loving and raised by a man who was so tragic in his own right but left him with the will to fight for what is right. aye is the catalyst of akk's change in a way that dika wasn't able to be for chadok
and you know history repeats itself. someone entangled in manipulation and rules and beliefs that aren't right falls in love with someone who opposes that, who wants to fight and to change things. but history is also changed, even in repetition. akk and aye always were going to change things up, i'm convinced of that, and they were always going to be happy were their adult counterparts couldn't be, but now that they know what happened they'll be unable to go back because they know what happens if they're not both in it 100%
there's just something poetic about the way this show has always focused on the younger generation demanding change for the better, and how even something as supposedly simple as being in love can reflect that. maybe it's exactly because akk and aye are still so young that they can allow themselves to be what others before them couldn't. because they've seen change happen before, because they know that they're right, that they're not alone, that there will always be somebody (even if it's just online) who'll support them maybe it's just because they're akk and aye, and thus people different from chadok & dika, but yk. maybe it's also because the kids are the future and what the past couldn't be
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nogravitymom · 2 years
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iliketodecompose · 1 year
A Very Shallow Analysis On The Visualisation Of The Very Abstract Concept Of Processing Grief
so.... i take english lit.... I've studied a streetcar named desire... which.. if you are familiar w that text at all u understand how almost everything means something. let's just say it traumatised me into reading into everything i consume as intensely. ... this is a warning ..... hehe .
OKEY!!!! so as i am physically incapable of being normal abt anything. and ive had 2 weeks to basically do nothing but Consider My Little Gay People i have come to a pretty insignificant but overall (i think) cool conclusion abt... the eclipse & the sequences in which we see dika, aye's uncle, about to kill himself or in the process of killing himself.
they always kind of confused me??? tbh?? bc like. chadok is also seen in that same place at the same times . and neither aye nor chadok are in eachother's scenes . so TO ME!! i think in reality nobody actually saw dika kill himself and the scene w the cliff edge is smth moreso akin to their emotional manifestation of the idea. and how they feel in relation to that. them being helpless to stop him as they weren't there for him to see that. placing his death in a place that perhaps meant something to them when he was alive. yaknow. hence aye placing flowers there ;_______; ough.....
i came to this conclusion. Essentially. by laying down for a while and trying to make sense of those scenes and realising some details that make it seem more of a purposeful choice instead of like. Bad writing .
FOR EXAMPLE!!!!! aye's hair & the necklace. these r rlly. why i have such deranged faith in this idea. in the actual flashbacks to around the time before dika's death aye has much less styled hair. it makes him look younger!!! makes sense. it's generally a more juvenile style . bangs in da eyes babey. <333 he looks v sweet. (smth to b said maybe abt how his outward appearance prior to and post dika's death and how that signifies a change. Oh boy..) but my point is when we see aye in the present his hair is styled!! slicked back generally and if not u can see a parting. makes him look Older. i mean yeah ..... he could have just worn that hairstyle when he was younger but we never see him look like that when he's actually around dika. hence my reasoning lmao. i also believe fiction doesn't normally want u think abt reality as much as that tho . it feels reductive to me.
my other main thing is tha necklace!!!!! babey. . simple as: aye gets the necklace after dika's death. it's left to him. in the cliff scenes he's wearing it as well as his uncle. there rlly isn't much more to it than that lmao. unless.. There was a second one?? but i don't rember it. >:-)
there is also smth to be said abt the weird liminality of those scenes too which make me think it's not smth that actually happened and acts as a way to visualise these characters processing their emotions. how dika flashes in and out of existence. perhaps the characters attempting to place image to smth they never got to see. chadok is wearing his uniform when he's seen there. .... the idea of him being stuck between two mental places i think is highlighted thru that.
YA!!!!! that's my thesis. truly.. i could write an essay on this. but i can't scrape enough Braincells together . i am sick and sitting in my pitch black room w my one window covered by the blind at 2 in the afternoon on a school day . .. I am beyond saving.
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<3 uses my college adobe subscription for evil (putting gay people in front of pride flags) (no greater comfort to me)
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prapais · 2 years
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aye telling akk about uncle dika, ♡ requested by @ohmnanons
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casualavocados · 2 years
i cant BELIEVE the dika reveal happened and it wasnt for shock value. it wasnt something akk overheard or aye exclaimed in a moment where he was so angry he lost his head. aye deliberately and carefully told the truth. and it didn't rip akk apart in the way i thought it would. it didnt make him yell at aye for keeping the truth from him, it didn't make them grow apart. he leaned so hard on ayan and sobbed about it and aye held him, and after that there was so much mutual understanding in the way they looked at each other. it was everything i never could have hoped for tbh
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blmpff · 6 months
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aleng-neng · 2 years
Akk's soap opera addled brain: Teacher Dika and Ayan are lovers, to avenge his lover's completely justified exile to a second-rate school he transferred here to bring about the dissolution of order. He—
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respectthepetty · 2 years
(this is about you clocking chadok and dika, in case that wasn't clear)
Golden rule of BLs - Everyone is gay until proven hetero, that's why I'm ghost shipping Namo x Wat.
Clue #1 - Going into any show with gay goggles on helped me see that these two were an item in EPISODE 1. The grounds keeper told Ayan that Chadok and Dika were *very* close until *something* happened, then Dika left suddenly.
Clue #2 - The way Chadok interacted with Ayan in front of the Student Welfare Office AFTER Chadok noticed the necklace. He looked like he saw a ghost, then didn't punish Ayan.
Clue #3 - I pieced together that Thua's stepdad knew Chadok from school before the show told us because it was mentioned several times that the stepdad had went there and how afraid he was in the car with Thua when the radio talked about the upcoming eclipse, so either the stepdad or Chadok were the curse. It had to be Chadok who is a parallel of Akk, while Ayan has been a parallel of Dika, so if Akk and Ayan were drawn to each, so would Chadok and Dika.
Clue #4 - Chadok wanted Akk to stay away from Ayan. I think he has known who Ayan is this entire time (Dika's nephew).
Clue #5 - The journals. Dika mentioned Chadok in his journals as being one of the causes of his depressive state. Pages were also missing from the journals, and we know Dika nor the mom would rip them out. This is why I also thought Chadok took Ayan's journal (THUA?!!!) to see what Ayan knew about their relationship.
Clue #6 - The principal. Chadok is an authority figure, but he has a boss who is constantly present and threatening him. Once again, if Akk is a parallel, then the principal/school was going to be the reason he was going to scarifice love just the way Akk was.
Conclusion - I have been yelling that Chadok and Dika were in love from my little hill for ten weeks now, but just because I wanted this ending
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doesn't make it hurt less
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knowing all we lose and scarifice when we conform
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Knowing it was coming...It doesn't hurt less
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sollucets · 1 year
okay i’m finally here to give you a prompt HSKDKSDK first of all congrats on the milestone!!! secondly, i’m thinking akkayan + 24+25 for the touch prompts? i saw those ones and immediately thought of them hanging out with kanthua + namowat and a sensitive topic for one of them comes up?
hi liz ✨✨ im finally here to give you a fic! this was a lovely prompt thank u very much 💜
24 + 25 (whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin + stroking their arm soothingly); set somewhere in the back half of e12, probably; about 1.4k of group reflection
“Did you all see Aunt Waree smiling today?” Namo asks into the silence.
Akk glances up from his book. Their entire group is sprawled across various surfaces in one of the common areas of Akk and Wat’s shared dorm building, exam prep supplies scattered all around them across the furniture and the generic patterned carpet. 
To Akk’s left, Aye is tucked into the corner of a moderately-comfortable couch, a notepad propped up against his legs and his laptop balanced precariously on the armrest. He’s changed out of his uniform and into a soft-looking, pale green t-shirt. Akk thinks his lips might be shinier than before, too, but he’s really trying not to check too much. It’s been happening more often recently, the lip gloss, and it makes Akk — well. Not study.
Across from them, Kan and Thua are sitting squished together on a loveseat, both out of their uniform jackets and excessively cuddly, and Namo and Wat take up another couch. Wat sits normally, but Namo is on his back and half-sprawled across the rest of the cushions, legs nearly in Wat’s lap. 
They’re the only ones in the room; if Akk’s tenuous reputation with the Suppalo populace combined with Wat and Kan’s overprotective posturing has done them any good, it’s that any space they take up on or even near campus usually gets given a wide berth. 
“Yeah, right,” Kan says dryly, not even bothering to look up. For the most part they’ve been surprisingly industrious given the group composition, but somebody has been interrupting at almost-clockwork fifteen-minute intervals the entire time. Himself and Thua aside, most of his friends don’t have the best attention span; Aye does, actually, but he seems to be perfectly fine with interruptions as long as he gets to pester Akk during them. 
“No, for real,” Namo insists, letting his book drop open onto his chest. Akk winces. He could at least use a bookmark. “When she came into class, she was all smiley, and she even said good morning to us before the head of cl— before class got called into session. I didn’t know she could do that.” 
His last-minute word swap is likely for the sake of Thua, who’d lost his position after his suspension. To Akk, it doesn’t seem like Thua really cares about that, but they’ve all been doing kind of a lot of sidestepping around each other’s issues in group settings. Some of them are better at it than others. 
Akk has talked, one-on-one, with most of his friends; he’s cried embarrassingly into Wat’s shoulder, let Kan hit him then hug him, let Thua say whatever he needed to despite Aye’s disapproval and came out of it with the same fire-forged understanding he’d had before. He isn’t sure if the others have done something close to the same, but when they’re all together there’s an unspoken agreement to leave it alone. A group delusion, maybe, pretending that they’re normal high schoolers for just a little longer. 
Finally, Wat looks up, casting Namo a sidelong glance. “No, he’s right, I saw it. It is pretty odd, but she’s just always been the kind of person who’s very careful about her image.” 
Akk, for his part, had not seen it. Before class started today Aye had kicked him under their shared desk, and when he’d reflexively kicked back he’d gotten an inexplicably softer one in return, and then again until he realized they were just nudging each other back and forth and Aye had a silly little smile on his face (and he had one too, probably, definitely). He was not paying attention. 
So that’s why he’s mildly offended when Aye chimes in. “I saw it too.” Their eyes meet briefly, and Akk doesn’t know how to object without admitting to being embarrassing, so he’s still just frowning aimlessly when Aye continues, “She’s really been a lot more relaxed lately. Maybe she feels freer.” He doesn’t sound happy about it.
Akk gets it, he thinks; he’s had enough practice on the other end of this particular Aye habit. It’s just him being all empathetic despite himself again. He still wants to be angry with her, and he’d deserve to be, after all the school’s teachers did to him, but he can’t help seeing it from her side even though he’d really rather not. 
Wat, apparently noticing the shift in mood, sounds more subdued when he says, “I mean, it really wasn’t always so bad. Our teachers are strict, it’s— the culture, but I think it got worse this year. With— everything.” 
Akk winces. Everyone is looking up now, Kan’s face set in those serious lines that suit him surprisingly well and Thua’s eyes unreadable under his lashes. 
Uncharacteristically, Namo’s half-smile goes more sincere. “You’re right,” he says honestly. “It was better when Teacher Dika was here.”
Thua’s eyes snap to Namo and Wat’s eyes snap to Aye and Kan’s mouth half-opens as they all simultaneously realize that there’s only one person in the room who wasn’t in a different room all that time ago. He doesn’t know. 
Before he can think about it, Akk is already reaching out to put a hand on Aye’s arm. He hasn’t moved, or said anything, but Akk finds him tense under his touch, staring at a fixed point in the distance that isn’t quite Namo. His hair is coming unstyled a little, a strand falling into his eyes. 
Namo doesn’t seem to notice the temperature dropping just yet. He genuinely looks thoughtful as he continues, “Even if he was a junior teacher, it sets an example. Like Teacher Sani now.”
Akk lets his fingers travel down Aye’s bicep, hoping to get any reaction at all. He’s rewarded with Aye turning to look up at him; after a moment, his eyes seem to focus back in from wherever he’d gone to look at Akk’s face. 
“Namo,” starts Wat, sounding uncertain, but he’s interrupted. 
Swallowing audibly, Aye looks across to Namo and asks, “How was it better?” 
“Oh, right, you wouldn't have been here,” Namo says cheerily. “He was an English teacher, but he worked in student welfare, too. Not that I was there all the time, of course,” he adds after a moment, in an immediately suspicious way. “But he was a really nice guy, even when he would’ve had every reason to scold people, and I think other staff saw that.” 
That sits there in the air for a moment, until, quietly, Thua says, “He always had these jokes on the whiteboard in his office, in English, that he’d explain all the parts of even if you didn’t ask.”
Aye laughs a little at that. It’s more breath than sound, and it looks like it startles him; Akk gives in to his own urge to comfort and puts his arm fully around his boyfriend, fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt. Instantly, Aye leans into it, soft against Akk’s side even as his notes slide haphazardly out of his lap.
Kan, having clearly seen them, starts loudly trying to remember one of Teacher Dika’s whiteboard jokes, exaggeratedly mispronouncing the words to make Thua giggle. Grateful, Akk takes the opportunity to dip his head and move even closer. His lips brush skin as he murmurs into Aye’s ear, “You’re alright?” 
In his hold, Aye wiggles a little, probably ticklish, and says, “I think so. Mostly.” It comes out wondering, like he hadn’t been sure, like he’d expected it to hurt more. “I— he did that at home, too. He had printed-out lists.”
That doesn’t surprise Akk. It makes sense, he thinks, for Teacher Dika to have tried to show as much of himself as he could have. And Namo’s right; they had seen that, for better and for worse. He wouldn’t blame Aye if he never forgave anyone for what they’d done with that, if he stood up right now and demanded they shut up about him, if he said it wasn’t like they had any right to his memory. Akk certainly doesn’t feel like he does, some days. 
Aye doesn’t do any of that. He just curls all the way into Akk, breathes intentionally even, and listens to them talk with a contemplative expression on his face. The others cast sidelong glances at him from time to time, worried, and then less, and then they’re moving on, eventually getting back to what they’re supposed to be here for. 
But Aye stays tucked comfortable and close, refusing to move when they have to arrange their notes again, even though it’s not like Akk was letting go. Their friends make fun of them, but only gently, the same way they’d do for anyone else, and that too is different now. 
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saladbroth · 2 years
eclipse is the best show out there forget i said this episode was confusing nowhere else will you find a show that deilvers like 5 plot twists in twenty minutes, makes you symapthise with just about every character, has immense amounts of angst and pain and conflict that's delivered with incredible acting and THEN goes and says here u go some cute shit that feels completely out of context
and i'm like yeah thank you i'm eating it up
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ebdbd · 2 years
I've noticed how, among the students, Akk's grudge against Dika, the "traitor", seems to run deeper than everyone else's. Hell, he's even the only one who talks about him negatively, in contrast to Kan, who outright misses him:
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Dika, as Teacher Chadok's assistant, and Akk, as the president of the prefect club were in similar positions, they both had to keep an eye on the students and make sure they didn't act out of line. (How much of that job Dika actually did, I can't tell. After all, he sympathized with the world remembers gang and could have used his position to support them somehow.)
These two must have worked together a lot in the past. They must have shared their responsibilities and helped each other. In episode 3 Akk defended Teacher Sani, who is Dika's replacement, in front of Chadok without much of a second thought. Maybe he and Dika did the the same thing for each other.
Akk knows he is not alone, he has his friends who support him. But even they are powerless to help him when Teacher Chadok is involved. In this one thing, he is alone, save for Dika, the only other person who has to deal with Chadok and has the power to defend Akk from him.
So imagine the betrayal Akk must have felt when the one person who helped him carry the burden of his responsibilities as prefect just leaves. He doesn't know Dika is dead. He believes he went to their rival school.
Akk's resentment isn't because of his loyalty to Suppalo; it's personal.
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
The only three students who actually carried on Dika’s legacy were the World Remembers gang.
Ayan, bless him, he tried. But he was too hurt and too in pain to truly be able to carry that burden.
But Nan, Nong, and Nian, who fought every day to be themselves. Who approached the world with fierce determination and kindness. They embodied what we saw of Dika. They loved and accepted who they were and then they fought to make others do the same.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Do you know that I spent all of last week trying to word a prediction where Dika and Chadok were in love or at least Chadok had loved Dika... but I never came up with the words because it never quite worked.
But here they are. In love. Secretly Dating. Aching and keeping it a secret from the world save a ring and a photograph and a plan that never saw light and never saw anything but pain.
And that's the real story of Suppalo.
The story about how the system and discrimination pass down from generation to generation, pass down from leader to student, from teacher to prefect to students and how love is not enough when the world turns against you.
It's a story about love that wasn't enough and how it hurt so many people. How Chadok hurt so many people, so many youths, trying to protect them from how he was hurt because that is how those things work.
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dramarec · 2 years
Things I'll never forgive The Eclipse for:
not giving us the "Ayan I am not fucking you in front of your uncle's remains" speech that Akk must have delivered at some point during ep 12
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