#the escalation of two months later. the whole final sequence of the episode
novelconcepts · 1 year
This show is incredible, and has so many scenes that are just haunting.
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sepublic · 3 years
Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood!
           This episode was REALLY GOOD you guys!!!
           Like, this was a PHENOMENAL return to the show after a months-long hiatus, and genuinely action-packed, hilarious, and had me on the edge of my seat! It was just SSSOOOO enjoyable and I’ve got a lot to say about it!
           Firstly, I LOVE all of these continuity references, to Anne reading Bessie’s manual, Wally being Walliam, as well as that off-screen reference to Hop Pop and Polly being given that wish list ahead of time! It really makes the journey feel all the more cohesive and connected, bound together… And likewise, I love Anne and Hop Pop’s dynamic as the eldest of the family who have the most common sense and have to look after everyone, it’s great! I love Hop Pop’s dream gag and how he’s fairly certain there’s something symbolic to discern, but he can’t tell what- That’s a mood, and really all of his antics and declaring himself a god within was hilarious. Anne’s mood conversely starting nice but turning dark was great, and I legit expected some nightmare fuel before the reveal that it was just licorice; And shoot, now I want to try licorice-flavored froyo! I’ve got a few yogurtland coupons, but I doubt that’s a flavor, at least as far as I remember…
           The monster and background design in Amphibia remains particularly impeccable in Night Drivers, like that snake with what appears to be a decoy prey animal in its mouth to attract good Samaritans; Or even just the rocks having skeletons and bones smeared across, implying they’ve crushed and run over plenty of other passengers on their way down! That foggy bit was legitimately surreal and creepy and reminded me of Silent Hill and this one movie called The Mist, I believe- I’ve never watched it but I get the general premise, and I wonder if that scene was an homage? Also, that Frobo cameo was AMAZING and clever, how it’s grabbing for the Plantars… And that joke about Anne eating Hop Pop was hilarious, I’m sorry but like; Hop Pop is HIGHLY underrated in my opinion!
           The whole chase sequence from Man Door Hook Car Door Hand, or however it goes… The entirety of Night Drivers really reminded me of those urban legends, and the twist at the end where the hitchhiker is actually a helpful ghosts; It was some nice lore and world-building, but also reminded me a LOT of this one story I heard… Which, it was probably a reference towards, but this season really makes the world of Amphibia feel so much more fleshed-out and real, perilous and kind of messed-up, etc.! I saw the twist with Zachariah being helpful, but you know what they say; It’s about the journey, not the destination! Well, actually, it IS about the destination, it’s why Sprig and Polly decided to drive at night in the first place, to get to Wartwood; Speaking of which…
           Return to Wartwood! Another amazing episode, I love that bit of Ivy hiding in a disguise, I saw it and couldn’t be fooled; And I’ve MISSED Wartwood, it’s felt like a year since we’ve last seen it! Which, we technically saw it in the first episode of the summer last year… But it was such a brief passing-through, that coupled with the hiatus between Seasons 1 and 2, and it DOES feel like it’s been over a year to finally get back to good-old antics here! I actually felt the homesickness and joy of the Plantars here… And as I said before, that gag about only Hop Pop and Polly knowing, but to THEM of course they remember, and them just helplessly slapping the floor of the Fwagon was surprisingly humorous. I have to wonder how their shopping trip at Newtopia would’ve gone differently, had they remembered the wish list! And don’t be so hard on yourself Sprig, YOU didn’t know of the wish list, so you can blame it all on your sister and Hop Pop; Besides, you have those broken halves of a staff…?
           I love how Anne has progressed and grown into like, the exasperated, common sense person who’s getting tired of the antics now –even if she’s not fully immune herself- and wants no part in things, her growth feels clear and impeccable here. Seeing the Chicka-lisk from the intro FINALLY debut was like seeing the Intro Worm from the Owl House in its season finale; A wonderful surprise to really tie things together! And that whole sequence where the Plantars perform a satanic ritual just to get away from their responsibilities, that Loggle jumpscare, just the realization that they’re already wearing cloaks at night with candles and a glowing red circle; The escalation had me rolling!
           The Plantars were surprisingly thoughtful in their choice of monster, even if things still went wrong because the townspeople have learned to be more defiant, no thanks to Anne and Hop Pop; The gag of Toady being used as a petrified shield, only for Mayor Toadstool to realize he WAS petrified… Those two frogs looking into each other’s eyes, Maddie knowing about the whole thing, I love it! It just flowed and was done so well, the whole bit felt like a video game boss fight, especially with Hop Pop and Sylvia dodging the shockwaves… The Chicka-lisk being pretty chill was kind of adorable, and I enjoyed the callback to the town’s formations against outside monsters, with this one ACTUALLY working… But for completely unexpected reasons that had me burst in unexpected laughter. Though, for all I know, it WAS the intent to offend- But regardless, seeing Toadstool welcome Anne as part of the formation and she can just roll with it and KNOWS… It’s such a welcome development from the very first episode, the growth is real and it feels like a journey we’re looking back upon!
           Also, Anne’s sword skills were freaking amazing, as was her deflecting the petrification beams; Can’t wait to see more of that in action, she’s quite the fighter and Paladin at this point, and I kind of want to see more of the townspeople in action as like, something that they can rally for in later battles and story events! I really want an action-adventure game for Amphibia now, actually… I mean, I’ve always wanted one, but now it hits harder, especially with the recent Legend of Zelda vibes from the newest trailer.
           This episode was a WONDERFUL return to the show that blew my expectations out of the swampy water with the pacing, the direction, the humor and moments, the callback and action, the surprising horror bits and chaos; And I appreciate the Plantars being called out as the chaos family, they’re like the Tooks in the Shire from the Hobbit! This episode was timed well, it does feel like a return to home after so long, and it makes my heart warm as I feel sentimental and happy… I’m honestly down to just a few episodes of getting back to Wartwood, to those good old times before the story beats return with Marcy and Sasha! Here’s looking forward to next week, F-Annes!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
8x15: First Thoughts
How did everyone like last night's episode? I thought it was fantastic. As usual, I’ll talk about the biggest things that jumped out to me, and then do a details post tomorrow.
***Spoilers abound for 8x15. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
Carl's letter was really beautiful. Lots of dialogue callbacks, which I’ll talk about tomorrow. Same with the letter he wrote to Negan.
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There were tons of double and triple dealings going on this episode. Dwight thought he was pulling a fast one on Negan and warn TF but, as many of us suspected, it was Laura Negan picked up, so here he knew Dwight was a traitor.
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Dwight played a double, triple and quadruple agent, because he was really on TF’s side, but pretended to be on Negan’s side, and also Simon’s. Obviously it all backfired. So Negan set a trap for TF and, honestly, it looks like they're all going to die. That won't happen, but I’m thinking someone needs to show up and save them. Yes, it will probably be Aaron and the Oceansiders, but it may be someone else as well.
As for Aaron, I’ll go into this a little more tomorrow, but there were a lot of Beth callbacks around him. The part where he stands up to fight the walkers reminded me a lot of the scene in Still where Beth hid behind a tree. 
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Also in Inmates, there’s the part where she’s with and could hear the walker coming but couldn't tell where from. Aaron did the same thing here. Pulled out a knife the same way and looked around for the walkers. Just like Beth, on of them came up behind him.
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When he fell on the ground and dragged himself, and the walker had his leg, that was a major call back to Bob in 4x01 at the Big Spot. I felt like they're trying to remind us of earlier things.
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One of the biggest things that jumped out at me was the whole Eugene thing. This is another bait and switch arc, I think. It seems like Eugene has gone completely over to Negan. But he used the phrase "ginger" and said what Rosita said: that he was going to make something of his pathetic life. So, pretty sure whatever he's doing, he sees it as a tribute to Abraham. Chances are he's not doing what they want the audience to think he's doing.
What really jumped out at me was the sequence when Daryl and Rosita went and got Eugene. He was the prisoner, complete with handcuffs, and then he got away. I really think this was meant to be a callback to Coda, guys. Eugene represents Evil Officer Bob, who got away from Rick. When Rosita and Daryl chase Eugene, she said if Daryl saw him, he should blow his head off. That's a callback to Rick shooting Officer Lambson in the head. And then what did we see? Somebody (Eugene) rising from the ashes. That would be Beth.
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This is pretty huge, guys. It’s the second example we've seen of a Phoenix this season, the first being the burning Phoenix sign in 8x08 with Carl. I gotta say, I think she's very close. I mean, if they're going back to Coda in this way and showing us the Phoenix AGAIN, she has to be right around the corner.
A replay of Coda and a phoenix rising from the ashes? So what should we see next? Exactly!
We could also see them as a callback to 6x06, Always Accountable. Where Daryl first met Dwight in the burnt out forest. There was a crap-ton of Beth symbolism in that episode, and we’re pretty sure it’s where Daryl lost the final scrap of hope Beth had given him. So that suggests Daryl’s hopelessness is about to come to an end. (Yea!)
We also had a dialogue callback to Not Tomorrow Yet (6x12) which was when Beth’s knife went missing. So again, loss of hope, but it’s coming back around and someone is rising from the ashes.
And another thing, we had a very subtle example of a resurrection in this episode. It’s what I’ve said the past few episodes about Negan/Beth parallels. While the audience never thought Negan was dead, Dwight and Simon kinda did. Or at least hoped he was. We noticed that when Negan finally revealed himself to Simon, he came around a dumpster. Just like when Glenn (who also had many parallels to Beth in his death fake out) came from (beneath) a dumpster. So we had someone rising from the ashes, and another character previous presumed dead, who revealed himself as alive. Just saying.
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Simon died, which a lot of us figured given that we knew Steven Ogg would be on TTD. It was really interesting to learn that he killed all the Oceanside men. That’s interesting for two reasons: 
1) Negan might actually be interested in making peace with Oceanside. He doesn’t kill across the board like Negan does. It hardly matters at this point, but interesting to know that Simon led that, rather than Negan. 
2) There’s a prevailing theory that the people who attacked Terminus (Crazy Tattoo Guy) were Saviors from before Negan took over. This doesn’t prove that theory, but it lends credence to it. Simon’s never been portrayed as a rapist, but I doubt he would have cared enough to rein anyone in in the same way Negan does. Just interesting.
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I was confused when Negan seemed to forgive Simon. I figured it had to be one of two things: either Simon would do something later to piss Negan off and get himself killed (which technically he did; not that it mattered by then) or else Negan was lying. As it turned, scenario #2 was the winner. Laura was out of sight and Negan was lying. Of course, that was more about Dwight, but I think he always planned to use Simon to smoke out Dwight’s betrayal, which means that even as he “forgave” Simon, he was already planning to kill him later on.
Why is that important? It’s part of the theme we saw last week with Rick: Negan’s word is no longer worth anything. He’s lying right and left and his word can’t be trusted. It’s another way in which he and Rick are being paralleled. Both are still approaching the war in identical, terrible ways, and that’s not good.
We even saw a change in Negan’s tactics this week. Up until now, he’s always said he doesn’t want to eradicate TF. Just kill a few (presumably the King, the Widow, and Rick) to make the others fall into line. Now he’s changed his tune. He plans to slaughter everyone, even if he has to besiege them for months and pick them off one by one with snipers. Yeah, needless to say, this war is definitely escalating.
I also think it’s interesting that Dwight will be wearing Daryl’s dingy, A-jump suit next week. That’s actually really cool. I mean, it’s sort of getting justice for Daryl, for all the things Dwight did to him. Dwight was still being a douche back then (hadn’t come over to TF yet) and now he’s doing penance for his sins. That penance might lead to his death. Or it could lead to his redemption. Maybe Sherry will return or something.
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It’s just another way in which Daryl and Dwight are being paralleled. It’s coming full circle with them practically being two sides of the same character. That alone makes me think Dwight will die. It just wouldn’t make sense to keep two Daryl characters, and we all know they’ll keep Daryl over Dwight, even though by now most people are kind of routing for Dwight’s success. So even if he survives the season, I doubt he’ll be around very far beyond AOW. Of course we’ll just have to wait and see.
And, I’m sorry, but does he have a cut on his forehead. Okay, it’s the wrong side. (Right instead of left) but there’s even a round mark at the top that looks like a bullet wound. Hmmm.
I think both Eugene and Dwight could die in next week's episode. We don’t know for sure, of course, but I think it's a possibility. Can't wait to see what happens next episode and how it all plays out. I think it's going to be super intense. So I think that’s all I’ll say for today. I never have much time for this first post. But I do details post tomorrow to show you all the dialogue, parallels and callbacks.
What did everyone think of this week's episode?
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usatrendingsports · 6 years
WWE Uncooked outcomes, recap: Braun Strowman flips, Seth Rollins curb stomps Finn Balor
A far cry from the red-hot episodes produced amid the heavy rankings competitors from the School Soccer Playoff through the previous two weeks, Monday’s episode of “Uncooked” largely served as a shiny placeholder on the highway to the Royal Rumble. One week out from its 25th anniversary episode, which is anticipated to be the largest present of 2018, “Uncooked” was brief on swerves and developments save for just a few delicate teases in the primary occasion concerning what the long run may convey within the Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan partnership.
The three hours produced by WWE this time had been largely protected with storylines caught in impartial. Calling it a mailed-in present may really feel too harsh contemplating the fireworks of the Braun Strowman angle, however save for some comical violence, the Strowman odyssey failed to supply a lot in the best way of precise story improvement.
In some ways, it felt like a microcosm of the present as an entire as “Uncooked” mailed issues in with the shiniest paper attainable in a method that was entertaining sufficient to not complain. Search for that to vary in subsequent week’s go-home Royal Rumble episode, that includes a combination of legends and present stars together with this week’s reveal of Chris Jericho, recent off his high-profile foray into rival New Japan Professional-Wrestling.
Braun Strowman will get fired and rehired
One week after flattening a lighting girder with a grappling hook and almost decapitating Kane and Brock Lesnar, it was Strowman who was pressured to face the music in opposition to Kurt Angle. The “Uncooked” common supervisor rapidly fired him placing lives in danger and damaging the set. He additionally pulled “The Monster Amongst Males” from the triple menace title match at Royal Rumble. Suffice to say, Strowman wasn’t completely happy and was set to make everybody pay.  
Strowman stormed backstage and commenced a path of destruction, which took up many of the present’s first half. He tossed safety guards into the storage doorways backstage and screamed, “I am not leaving till all people get these palms!” He then tore aside Angle’s dressing room and chokeslammed Curt Hawkins. After phrase acquired again to Angle, who in contrast Strowman to a “wild elephant,” he threatened to name the police and order a S.W.A.T. staff. Issues then escalated significantly when Strowman entered a TV truck backstage and commenced harassing the employees. After threatening to close your entire operation down, Strowman disengaged the tractor from the truck earlier than flipping it over together with his naked palms as a horrified Angle screamed for him to cease.
Strowman’s ultimate act of violence noticed him enter the world and drag announcer Michael Cole to the stage by his underwear. Angle ran out with a staff of safety and knowledgeable Strowman that he known as off the cops. “Stephanie McMahon simply known as and rehired you so you aren’t fired and are nonetheless within the championship match,” Angle mentioned. “Simply let Michael Cole go.” After celebrating and strolling away, Strowman paused and attacked Cole anyway, throwing him onto a pile of safety guards off the stage.  
Take into account this whole sequence rather more entertaining than it made sense. Strowman stood out like a prime star whereas delivering tacky traces and destroying anybody (or something) that acquired into his path. The disappointing half was how little the storyline truly superior in the long run and the way simply WWE’s authority staff acquiesced for Strowman. Had WWE proven extra consistency when it comes to its current storytelling, a firing of Strowman that abruptly would have been plausible. As a substitute, it was simply panned contemplating Roman Reigns destroyed an ambulance and tried vehicular manslaughter in opposition to Strowman final summer time with none punishment from Angle.
Seth Rollins curb stomps Finn Balor in tease 
The uneasy partnership between Rollins and fellow “Uncooked” tag staff champion Jason Jordan appeared to take one other leap ahead. Rollins took umbrage with Jordan costing The Bar a match by distracting them earlier within the night time and ran out to let him have it. Jordan then approached Angle on his accomplice’s behalf and requested a singles match in opposition to Finn Balor. Jordan thought the match may assist Rollins recover from his anger for Jordan costing them a important occasion match final week. Rollins disagreed, saying, “You must perceive, I’m your teammate. You aren’t my spokesperson. I haven’t got an issue with what you probably did, I’ve an issue with the best way you probably did it.” An irritated Jordan walked off with out saying a phrase.
As anticipated, Rollins’ match with Balor featured top-shelf athleticism, depth and excessive spots. Each superstars additionally offered and fought by way of accidents as a part of the storyline, solely to dramatically kick out of close to falls. However simply as Balor appeared to have the match gained, The Bar ran in to repay their earlier defeat. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson started brawling with them at ringside earlier than Balor hit a shocking Tope Con Hilo onto all 4 exterior. A chaotic sequence ensued wherein a number of bystanders tried to intrude. The end got here as Jordan grabbed Balor’s leg underneath the ropes to journey him and Rollins then hit his Curb Stomp, a banned transfer not seen since his heel run as champion in 2015, for the pin. Balor labored time beyond regulation to promote the harm attributable to the transfer whereas Rollins and Jordan celebrated strolling up the ramp. WWE additionally confirmed a replay wherein an earlier pin try by Balor was robbed by a referee miscount. Cameras panned on a weary Balor for an prolonged time period till the present went off the air.  
The unfavourable and violent connotations surrounding the transfer apart, it was good to have a flash of the previous heel Rollins again in WWE. Which brings us to the timing of his transfer’s return and the truth that Rollins so willingly celebrated after his accomplice overtly cheated to assist him win. Was this a robust tease that Rollins may quickly be a part of Jordan in a flip to the darkish facet?  
Whereas Rollins has maintained his recognition and excessive commonplace of match high quality over the previous 12 months, it is no secret that he is definitively higher as a nasty man. And the truth that Rollins’ former transfer was renamed the Black Out on Monday may very well be a tease towards that improvement, as was the additional effort WWE put in to presenting Balor, who appeared to show heel final week, as a wounded babyface to shut the present.  
As a lot as The Bar’s look convoluted issues to a level, the spine of the Jordan/Angle story continues to be Uncooked’s spine, teasing a number of outcomes on the highway to WrestleMania 34. Will Angle finally be for his son or in opposition to him? And what function may Jordan play in breaking apart the reunited Protect? The excellent news is that we do not have the entire solutions as viewers and WWE squarely has our curiosity and a spotlight.
What else occurred on Uncooked?
Titus Worldwide def. The Bar through pinfall: This prolonged, two-segment match noticed Titus Worldwide pin one more upset win on the previous champions however this time with the assistance of Jordan. As Sheamus and Cesaro set Crews up for his or her finisher late within the match, Jordan walked out as his music hit. The distraction allowed Crews to roll up Sheamus for the pin. Rollins then got here out to berate him for getting concerned.  
Cedric Alexander def. Tony Nese through pinfall: Nese entered the ring with a limping Enzo Amore slicing promos for him. Alexander, in the meantime, retained the providers of unlikely pal Goldust to assist get him over with the primary roster crowd. The match was uneventful save for Goldust and Amore staring down exterior the ring. Alexander hit his Lumbar Examine for the 1-2-Three.   
Asuka def. Nia Jax through referee stoppage: If the purpose for WWE was to maintain Asuka’s unbeaten streak alive whereas defending Jax, it was a profitable one. The match was additionally nearly pretty much as good because it will get free of charge TV as each superstars put forth an intense effort, full with fixed reversals and energy strikes. The end got here when Asuka reversed a Jax assault exterior the ring, which despatched her flying knee first into the steps. After rolling again into the ring, Jax was unable to proceed as a result of scripted harm. Alexa Bliss got here out to assist her greatest pal and later, contained in the locker room, blamed herself for getting Jax into this mess.  
The Revival def. Unnamed jobbers through pinfall: it is a dominant squash match when the Uncooked announcers do not trouble to even utter the names of the native enhancement skills who took the autumn. Scott Dawson and Sprint Wilder related with their Shatter Machine finisher for the brief victory. Throughout an in-ring interview after the match, The Revival put over their old style sensibilities and with Wilder saying, “We’re not sports activities entertainers, we’re skilled wrestlers.”
Roman Reigns def. The Miztourage through pinfall in a handicap match: After Elias was paid to supply a musical introduction, The Miz reduce a promo on his new actuality present and his intention to win again the intercontinental title at Uncooked 25 subsequent week. Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel then spent a great deal of the match stomping on Reigns till he rallied from beneath. Chaos prevailed late however Reigns persevered to hit a spear on Axel for the pin.  
Sonia Deville def. Sasha Banks through pinfall: Paige, who accompanied her Absolution stablemates to the ring, was introduced as being out of the Royal Rumble with a neck harm. Banks had Bayley and Mickie James in tow. The match was finally brief however made a essential assertion now that Paige is unable to take bumps as Deville went over trying robust. She caught Banks off the highest rope with a stiff kick to the abdomen for the 1-2-Three.  
Matt Hardy def. Heath Slater through pinfall: Hardy was his bizarre and Woken self on this one as he creeped out Slater within the nook earlier than happening to chunk his hand. After hitting a Facet Impact and a neckbreaker, Hardy joined the group in “Delete” chants earlier than connecting on a Twist of Destiny for the win.  
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