#the experiment was seeing if Roll20 allowed transparent tokens
mrsthunderkin · 1 year
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Did a new token for Issy as an experiment for the campaign visuals.
It was a success and now I need to do a whole set.
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tenleaguesbeneath · 2 years
A Pony, A Superhero, A Wrestler, and a Mutant Walk Into a Bar
So! I’m actually running this thing!
The general gist is that you’ll be exploring this weird fairyland (the Gardens of Ynn, a depthcrawl adventure by Emmy Allen) using characters from pretty widely disparate sources. If this turns into an ongoing thing, I reserve the option of opening up other otherworldly settings for people to explore.
Exact time(s) tbd depending on player availability but we’re looking at the weekend of the 17th-19th and the first half of the following week, through wednesday the 22nd. I might run multiple sessions to get everyone in provided I can get enough people in each session to make it fun. Actually, I’m hoping for that. This will be over Discord and Roll20. Send me an ask or reply to this post saying you want to sign up and I’ll send you the join links when all that’s set up.
Characters can be from pretty much any game that uses the familiar six stats and has both levels (so that we can use legend advancement because I am not converting experience points) and a similar concept of what a level 1 character is. Explicitly allowed (I’ve read the system and it meets the requirements) are D&D5, D&D3, Pathfinder, Stars without Number, Esoteric Enterprises, and any retroclone.
The adventure locale is an otherworld, Ynn, that can be reached fairly easily from anywhere. The adventure begins with everyone magically grouped together having come through portals from their respective homes into Ynn. Expect weird and whimsical NPCs and deadly traps. Expect your own cleverness to be more important than whatever is written on your character sheet for navigating, surviving, and most importantly plundering Ynn.
Even if your character comes from a high-tech setting, you can’t bring high-tech weapons into Ynn. When you cross the doorway, guns become toys (foam LARPing weapons, on the other hand, become deadly real in Ynn). Whether this transformation reverses on the return journey, and whether your character is surprised by it, is more variable (rule of funny applies). Other high-tech equipment might be similarly affected (GM’s discretion)
I’m generally going to be pretty lax about chargen (I kinda have to be, given the diversity of rulesets) as long as you’re being fair to everyone else at the table. So for attribute generation, assume that someone’s going to be bringing a character built on the D&D5 standard array and you’re not supposed to look obnoxious standing next to that. If you want to roll, that’s fine too. Starting level is 1.
I expect that I will have to make at least some things up as I go to match characters’ rules to the situations facing them (saving throw tables vs saving throws as modifier vs DC, for instance), but I am standardizing on increasing AC and positive attack bonuses; convert THAC0 accordingly.
Bring a picrew/other dollmaker illustration of your character, preferably already cropped into a circular token with a transparent background.
See you in the Gardens!
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