#the fact we are talking about buddie in interviews AT ALL is a sign we're heading towards that destination
deadnatura11 · 1 month
Thinking about how similar Ryan and Oliver's answers about Buddie are, almost like they had prepared them beforehand to not give anything away, show support, and also cover bases against the arguments people might make regarding the writers "turning another straight character gay".
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buddiebeginz · 16 days
So do we take the leaker saying queer eddie is the priority as a sign buddie is coming in s8? Would they really say that stuff if it was still happening, I'm kind of nervous. The leaker has also been adamant BT is not endgame which no shit it's obvious, but I can't imagine this not leading to anywhere but Buddie and I think they probably held off on Eddie because his is going to be a multi episode arc that's going to deal with lots of heavy topics, the complete opposite of Buck's but is this what we think is coming?
I think we should take anything anyone who claims or appears to be a leaker for the show says with a grain of salt. I mean this one likely has insider info because plenty of things they've talked about or alluded to before episodes have been accurate. Still since we don't know who this person is we should never assume everything they say is 100% fact. Also storylines can get moved around and changed like what I think happened in s7.
Still even without any inside info I feel pretty confident in saying that Buddie is in the works and that Eddie's coming out arc will be next season. Just based on how things went this season, based on all the talk of Buddie in interviews, based on how little Tim chose to develop B/T, and based on what Ryan has said about Eddie's future in his most recent interviews.
I think Buddie was just delayed because Tim had other stuff he wanted to focus on in season 7 and they didn't want both Buck and Eddie coming out in one season. ABC also likely wanted to see how the audience was going to respond to Buck's story and how it might affect ratings. Plus like you said Eddie's coming out is going to require more time and they just didn't have that to really devote to him with how short s7 was. But I wouldn't worry canon queer Eddie is coming we're closer now than ever.
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bitcofun · 2 years
In a special interview with cryptonews.com, Haseeb Awan, CEO of Efani Secure Mobile, discusses the significance of mobile security, SIM Swapping, Decentralized cordless systems, and provides suggestions for start-up creators. About Haseeb Awan Haseeb Awan is the CEO & & Founder of Efani Secure Mobile. Efani Secure Mobile deals with ultra-high net worth people on their mobile Security and warranties defense versus SIM Swap, Eevasdropping & & place tracking. Haseeb is a Telecom engineer & & Y-Combinator Alumni. Formerly he co-founded among the biggest Bitcoin ATM networks. He has actually been included on NYT, Techcrunch, WSJ, Hulu, and a number of global media outlets. Haseeb Awan provided an extensive special interview which you can see below, and we more than happy for you to utilize it for publication supplied there is a credit to www.cryptonews.com. Highlights Of The Interview Mobile gadget security; phone number are connected to whatever and can quickly be hacked. Security suggestions; password supervisors, hardware secrets, two-factor authentication (2FA) Distributed vs Decentralized cordless systems. Incentivizing users to leave tradition telecom suppliers and sign up with decentralized cordless systems. Advice for start-up creators; remaining focused and fixing a basic issue. Efani Secure Mobile; America's No. 1 Most Secure Mobile Service Provider. Full Transcript Of The Interview Matt Zahab Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Cryptonews Podcast. We're buzzing as constantly, and today we have Haseeb Awan on the program. He is the CEO and creator of Efani Secure Mobile. Efani deal with ultra-high net worth people on their mobile security and assurances security versus sim switching, eavesdropping and place tracking. Haseeb is a telecom engineer and Y-Combinator alumni. Formerly, he co-founded among the biggest Bitcoin ATM networks called Bitaccess. He's likewise been included on The New York Times TechCrunch, Wall Street Journal, Hulu and numerous global media outlets. Without additional ado, I'm really happy to invite Haseeb Awan to the Cryptonews Podcast. Haseeb, welcome to the program my buddy. Haseeb Awan Thank you Matt for having me on the program. Matt Zahab Haseeb, pumped to have you on sibling you invested a long time in Canada yourself. You and I were shooting the shit about that ahead of time. Present day you remain in gorgeous, bright, tax-free Puerto Rico. Maybe I simply provided it away. My buddy why the moved from lovely Toronto, down to San Juan, Puerto Rico. Haseeb Awan Um, so I moved here from California. It's a bit of the factor why I moved to California is simply due to the fact that of weather condition. You understand, we will not need to, we do not need to like talk more about why weather condition of California is much better than weather condition in Toronto. Otherwise, Toronto is a beautiful city. I enjoy I miss out on Toronto. Simply the weather condition. I could not take it any longer. And likewise I operate in tech. California's apparent location for me to live. Why Puerto Rico remained in crypto for a very long time I wished to alter we had COVID For the previous 2 years. I stated all right, let me simply examine make a modification. I do not wish to enter remote. I stated Why do not attempt Puerto Rico. I came here fallen for the location and yeah, this made the switch. Matt Zahab I like that. Yeah, I understand. We stated we would not beat that. That weather condition horse to death year however my goodness, it's I'm originating from somebody who's in Toronto today, this time of year every day. It simply gets a little even worse and a little even worse. And it is so not enjoyable as soon as early November rolls around actually for the next 6 months. Individuals are depressed the sun is not existing. The wind tunnels are ridiculous. Frostbite is a moms and dad. It is no bueno. No bueno. No bueno. Once again, that is it for the weather condition. You have a really fascinating background Haseeb, you were a Y-Combinator alum, which we will enter really quickly.
I desire to get right into the bread and butter of the program and that is Efani when I was doing research study for the program and scream out Kumar who assisted hook this up. Efani does something that not a lot of individuals are completely mindful of. And it's essential when I initially became aware of this from Kumar and when I began enjoying your YouTube videos and began reading your short articles, I was really baffled in concerns to Sim switching, eavesdropping place tracking how ridiculous and how bad it actually is. And how unaware myself and 99% of the population are, can you simply provide me a fast elevator pitch on what you people do and the huge issue that you're attempting to fix? Haseeb Awan Let's make it basic? Like our cellular phone are now 99% option the link to phone number? Wherever you go, you state, Hey, can I get a phone number? Which's how they'll bring up your account. The obstacle with that is if the varieties of the identity like social security number or sim in Canada, offer it to everyone worldwide. And the difficulty that we deal with today is that those numbers can be hackable. Either word, somebody strolls into AT&T shop or Rogers shop in Canada. And if they I am Haseeb, I'm Matt. And can you I lost my phone. Can you move this? Personally, I'll assist you out. And without taking a great deal of security concern you will simply move the number to another person. The hacker simply utilize that to enter into your account since you will do a password reset, can your account, develop your financial resources, take all your details and boom, now he blackmails you. That's quite much what took place with, you understand, in cell phones all the time. How bad it is, individuals lose their whole cash, whole life cost savings or whole, you understand, the possessions simply hacks how frequently that occurs. It's not an attack that occurred daily to everybody. The stunning begins out if it has to take place. And if somebody like wishes to follow Matt, there's an 80% possibility we'll achieve success. And this was an independent report where they simulated research study on numerous providers and at 80% times, they had the ability to hack somebody. It's like you do not get shot every day. If you get shot in the head, what are the opportunities of survival. You understand, I understand does everybody gets shot in the day? I do not understand, I do not believe so.. The point is, we secure ultra-high net worth person essential individuals like C-level executives. And the reason I state that is since we are not for everybody, I think we are just for the leading 1%. Due to the fact that not simply they're able to manage it. Likewise we are able to serve them much better. It's like a subclass on an aircraft or like having a bulletproof cars and truck. You understand, everybody has desires it. Not everybody can pay for or can be safeguarded to that. Matt Zahab So it's actually simply that additional layer of security for the 1%. Which layer of security specializes and connects to their mobile phone, whether it's sim switching, place tracking, or eavesdropping any of those huge 3. Haseeb Awan That's appropriate. There are other types too. These are the primary 3 information types that takes place on your cell phone. Matt Zahab You need to have some insane stories on the Cryptonews pod. We like stories storytime, city population us we definitely like that shit. Haseeb, you got ta offer me a number of great stories about prospective hacks that have actually taken place. You do not need to call drop, if you can call drop, you understand, it's discredited, we 'd like it a lot more. Offer us some excellent stories about insane high net worth people phones being hacked. Haseeb Awan Obviously, I can't take the name for a great deal of individuals. I'll inform you one person like Charlie Shrem, right, Charlie Shrem. If you men understand he was the creator of bit immediate, and likewise began Bitcoin Foundation.
He had actually got hacked last, I believe 2, 3 years ago around midnight. And he called me like, possibly 3am or 2am some insane time, extremely, extremely late night, states, Man, I got hacked, what can I do? Which's how technically our business began. The business will currently there. I stated can you provide me permit me to hack into your account once again. What I did was I in fact hacked into his account. And I had the ability to get it back from his from his hacker. That was one of the most fascinating parts that occurred with market since where I was able to take it back. The most other intriguing part of what we did not comparable connected to cellular phone, however due to the fact that I'm a market get to get feedbacks. And we watch on what how the attack vector is altering. One day, I got a text message from somebody that I have contact and he states, Twitter is going to be enjoyable today. What is the mean, I believed there'll be some accounts that get hacked. Like that's quite typical. Which was the day practically like 2 years earlier, when if you keep in mind President Biden account got hacked, you understand, like Coinbase CEO, like financing CEOs, like everybody's account, get hacked. Matt Zahab And this and this person provides you a direct, it's gon na decrease. Haseeb Awan And I tweeted about it, and Twitter obstructed my account. Well, so I provided him a direct that you like, you understand, this is decreasing, and they obstructed my account. And rather, those tweets got gotten rid of.? And I believed, alright, guy, this is this is silly, like what's occurring? Anyways, long story short, this is this resembles, you understand, this took place, they made a documentary on Hulu about it a huge post, due to the fact that likewise developed a girlfriend acknowledge like, can anybody enter president's account and take a look at his personal details. And due to the fact that a great deal of social networks and kinds that we utilize are not created for unique individuals. Probably easy example. Like, if you need to go into your ATT shop, and if President phone, they basically utilize the exact same, exact same systems. And, which ends up being a huge vulnerability, like if you're utilizing Facebook Messenger. Now, any prominent person, a common individual has the exact same, you understand, type of security. Which puts you in an extremely high-risk profile, since political individuals utilize it, you understand, like, stars utilize and there might be prospective personal or nationwide level of nationwide security breach that can occur through these messages. Matt Zahab As a typical Joe like myself, and somebody who's not in the 1%. What could we do? Simply really standard, low level low hanging fruit ideas to sort of revamp and level up in our mobile security. Haseeb Awan Yes, Matt. If you take a look at the security guidelines, like quite easy to do, right, a great deal of individuals enter into like, you understand, bunny hole of discovering the very best service, however you can honestly, opt for every option to start with, and after that level up from so I'll provide you an easy example. I utilize a password supervisor, actually, you can check out like possibly Google for like 30, 40 like leading 5 passwords, they're all the exact same. You understand, I if you have if somebody requested for suggestion, I'll suggest keyboard security, they're pretty good. Which's what it resembles, you understand, go all out. Utilize it. I believe like I believe it's like $10 each year or something incredibly cheap. Like you understand, I do not understand like 50 I do not understand to be truthful. Basic item. Now you a hardware secret. And like if you Google they have actually something called sophisticated defense. where you can link your hardware secret to that too, which indicates that so include that these are 2 things that you can do, you understand, Password Manager and 2 FA, at the hardware secret, very easy usage apps.
If you can't manage it utilize app like Authy, Google Authenticator, there are numerous apps that you can utilize, which will essentially offer you an exact same level of security. The point being is that these couple of things, like I'm not stating, like you ought to be utilizing, like, you understand, ultra-modern, Efani, however still, if you like, our strategies are not extremely insane pricey. I, you can include that too. If you still can not manage it, then you simply get a 2nd number that no one understands. And you simply utilize it for 2 or 3? And, you understand, like, keep your number to a reasonable number, those number individually, it's not an excellent practice, then since you constantly ignore which number to offer which number not to offer, however that's one of the important things that you can do. And once again, utilize hardware secrets and password supervisors. You understand, these 2 will generally conserve you from 99 individual attacks. Matt Zahab And if I wished to utilize Efani what does Efani do that the password supervisor hardware secrets, 2 FA, getting a 2nd phone. Which is Efani do that those do not. Haseeb Awan So you ought to do the pattern supervisor and hardware crucial regardless if you utilize Efani or not with either 2 various attack vectors. If I required, like, you understand, we resemble a firewall program variation of AT&T. Like with the obstacles like each time, the AT&T shop or like any shop, that staff members can access your accounts. And now, not every account staff members like you understand, really great, you understand can be can be a bad individual? And what they do is they take kickbacks and they will have the ability to enter into your account and move your details and customize your account. In Efani case, we make certain that does not occur. And not similar to if your routine account get breached, you might email Verizon and they state Oh, I'm so sorry for them to me, you lost your whole cash. You lost your checking account you like Oh, I'm so sorry. For any trouble triggered guy, I lost my whole life conserving you stating I'm so sorry for hassle expense? And, you understand, and that's what occurred to me 4 times with the captain apology like apology e-mail like man, like, once again, you understand, like, this is my life? It's like you murder so I'm excuse eliminating you.? Or the cars and truck like, like, think of your vehicle did not break and you get a letter or two sorry, the brakes didn't work.? We state that not simply for our service works completely. If something fails, we conceal to $5 million insurance coverage. You lose your cash or have any sort of losses, we conceal to $500 That's the distinction in between our items in the standard item. Now, clearly, you do not have a lot of functions that other business they provide Netflix, they provide Hulu, they use gadgets, we do not do that, we simply used you something that security. Matt Zahab Now, a great deal of to my understanding, Haseeb, a great deal of the security originates from sort of decentralized cordless element of Efani now that I enjoy when visitors coin terms, and you and the group have actually sort of created a brand-new term called the DeWi, rather of d Fi switch the W with an F or switch the F with the W reason me, and you have D.E.W.I, DeWi got a brand-new fashionable term. And you've had a tweet on this a number of days ago about sort of dispersed versus decentralized cordless systems where it's decentralized ways that the network can run with no single entity slash node. Like Bitcoin, you offered a fine example Bitcoin mining will continue as long as there's one miner running, where in decentralized, sort of cordless every radio reports to a single core server, and if that core is gone, the network decreases, it's over. How can we produce some kind of brand-new decentralized cordless system to permit optimal security for individuals on earth. Haseeb Awan Can challenge with the matters that, you understand we have, we reside in a society where whatever is digital.
Which offers a great deal of power to single entities like Facebook, Twitter, and all those business. Like my desire is that individuals must have the ability to host their own towers, and individuals need to have the ability to construct their own protections. And I'm a substantial fan of, um, you understand, individuals should own their own information, like, why should Efani have access to information? You understand, why should Efani even exist in the very first location? To be truthful, you understand, why should not that matter, we'll have the ability to construct our own setup. And the obstacle with that is not everybody can be as the might invest as much time as Matt does, you understand, not simply that they might not have the ability to have the exact same intellectual capital to release systems. Individuals like Matt can release it for other individuals and offer them exact same level of security. The difficulty that I deal with resembles in San Juan, is that we had a Power failure possibly like 3 weeks earlier, I do not understand, we had a typhoon for one day. And the next thing you understand, its power is gone. For like practically 2 weeks, there's some locations in Puerto Rico within those 2 power. The last time it took place, it was chosen 6 months. Therefore there's like, you understand, catastrophe that occurred, and individuals do not have cellular phone protection. You go to like Coachella, or like burning guy or a great deal of modifying, no protection. What my dream is that individuals need to be informed to construct their own networks. Obstacle that is really intricate system to wager. And with my thinking resembles, you understand, in crypto, I'm a big fan of web 3.0. For the obstacles that narrative I individual tasks are ponzis. And the 5 individual other individuals simply lie about it. Like, you understand, like, if you ask somebody, what this task is upon you to state, oh, yeah, this is Ponzi. Due to the fact that technically, there's a really popular thing in crypto that shit coin. And I developed a really easy meaning of shit coin, whatever I own is generally going to alter the world and whatever you own is shit coin.. Taking whatever my bags are, they are the finest thing in the world and whatever I do not desire irregardless of whatever coin it is, you understand, we maximalist and whatever and the obstacle with all the crypto and DeFi is that individuals have enthusiastic objectives without any kind of comprehending about how system works. Now I choose aspirations. I like aspirations. Exact same time, I can't state, Hey, Matt, I have an automobile that will run a water a decentralized gas pump? Now. You understand, it's enthusiastic? It's truly cool, however not useful, due to the fact that automobiles have some thermodynamic guidelines that you follow. Which's how the cars and truck run. Simply putting an automobile on a blockchain does not make that more effective. You understand, due to the fact that there's not a single proof of any system that's more effective than a central system, since the main system will constantly be a slower. Which's how, and now we aim to present circulation system circulations that some much better? Would you like AWS have servers all throughout America. If I'm in San Juan, I'll be linked to a server that's closer to me. You understand, instead of and, rather content shipment management system, I do not wish to enter into that information. Preferably, we need to have the capability to own our own information. That's the property. And the obstacle that I dislike about, you understand, I do not like about the market, it's like, you understand, individuals, if you talk sense about them, they will dismiss it. Due to the fact that it's not a Ponzi. If I state, Man, you constructed a system, you've set up something in your home, and then it will simply alter the world, like, you understand, you'll make $10,000 per month. You understand, individuals do not recognize that,
Oh, who's where the cash's originating from? Like, what's the essential I'm altering in this market today. Which essentially, has a theory about it, due to the fact that individuals are purchasing hardware, hardware, a great deal of online marketers and they will wind up in like, you understand, disposes. Like, once again, I personally think that. This is how it ought to work. Everybody's attempting to be provider. Everybody is developing for somebody else. Matt will state, you understand, I constructed it and Haseeb must utilize it Haseeb was developing due to the fact that Matt ought to utilize as it should, however I do not desire to move myself. It's like, I still go to Chase Bank. For my own usage per hour, I'm developed a bank for Mac to utilize since banks are criminal evil. If I have to alter the world, I have to be my own client. It's not that I developed every whatever for like, you understand, I utilize Dropbox, however I individuals I desire individuals to utilize File coin that I'm hosting, you understand, unless I may not make like Efani. I'm my own customer. I have all the time primary. And all of us utilize Efani in our work. Everybody needs to have this phone since if you do not utilize that do not comprehend the discomfort points around the item. DeFi, world decentralized world. There resemble lots of tasks. And we have various incorrect KPIs. Once again, it's not about slamming the item and the KPIs. The number of individuals are setting up the nodes today? And yes, as long as you pay individuals, individuals will do dumb things. You ask individuals to put random t t-shirt, they'll put a random t t-shirt as long as they're making money for it. It does not suggest the item is flying out. To sum up, the item has to be much better. Due to the fact that I personally do not think that individuals will change to a various item due to the fact that it's a personal privacy focused item. And personal privacy is a really difficult sell. Matt Zahab It's not attractive, it's not attractive, up until you see you stated it within the very first like 5 minutes up until you get hacked yourself. You do not comprehend the significance of it. And the majority of people have not been hacked or they have an interest. They do not have sufficient properties for them to provide a shit. You understand what I suggest? Haseeb Awan Yeah and likewise like whatever is about comes down to like, simpleness? Is the item much better or not? You understand, individuals browse to like web since e-mail was much better. A basic inexpensive?. And personal privacy is a really challenging sell. It's like Made in America, I believe this example all the time everybody desires Made in America up until as long as more affordable than made in China. The minute it ends up being pricey, they're made in China, individuals go for oil. Like it's like, oh, individuals need to purchase made in the United States. It has to be more affordable than made in China. It's not possible. Yeah. Very same with the personal privacy. Oh, you understand, I desire it not to track me, however you inform me, where should I go? Now, if it does not track you, it will not inform you where to go, you understand, and all those items that are constructed, and with telecom or rate is eliminated in, like in Canada, I think that throughout COVID time 97% of the phones were tracked or something since their traffic places are the individual where they're fulfilling for COVID factors. And a great deal of these things create oh, you understand, it's a good idea. Let's track the hell out of it. Let's track where Matt goes, where are these meats? That's what the example of monitoring is.. And, and the typical technique of all, you understand, individuals should not if I'm refraining from doing anything incorrect, why should I be stressed over tracking? You understand, there's a typical, it's a taboo if I discuss personal privacy, since if I merely record personal privacy, it indicates to
be doing things, however you understand, you do not desire a cam in your living-room all the time somebody monitoring it, you understand, so personal privacy indicates that you need to have the ability to do things without being evaluated by anybody you understand, and all those things. Once again, these are recognition is a dream, however the method we are approaching is simply from Ponte anomic point of view. And the personal the most significant pawns in omics are winning, which harm the area in long term? Matt Zahab How can you incentivize customers to attempt to construct this you understand, dispersed and decentralized, protected mobile network? Since today, once again, you have much like you discussed you have AT&T and after that Rogers up in Canada and insert whatever blue chip telecom company name all over the world who's offering you actually great, possibly not rates, however you understand, a shitload of information, limitless information, you get your mobile number, you get less expensive iPhones, you get discount rates on Netflix, Hulu, whatever, like, it is a good plan. At the end of the day, the service is outright dogshit. Do not get me incorrect, the service I imply, the client assistance, however otherwise, it's a quite darn great item, and service, in my viewpoint. How do you how do you incentivize the users to take on something brand-new? That's I seem like that's the concern at the end of the day? Haseeb Awan That's a concern about whole web? It's a concern concerning like, you understand, alright, why we have PayPal? Why do we require a steady coin to start with, I can send out like Zell in the Canada communicate in Canada than in the United States? Like, why do I require to change to a steady coin, which has this maker? The obstacle with all of this, this is this is a long dispute about like how crypto can Okay, and we can discuss that I had an experience of Bitcoin ATMs today, we can speak about why they're much better than other system. And since crypto developed a pledge of lower costs, decentralization, and immutability, like, you understand, deal can not be dealt with. And now we're discussing steady coins that can be obstructed, and twister takes place once again, it's everything about like, viewpoint, little thing. Since it the crypto experience much better or not, you understand, and I simply state an easy example. If you're not paid to utilize an item, you're not a user, you're simply a staff member of the item. I need to tweet about it.? I'm sure a lot of crypto jobs, you're utilizing them due to the fact that you're getting paid to utilize them.? Yeah, that's why individuals utilize it. Therefore they will simulate if there was a shoe business that will pay you to run, it's an excellent reward. Technically you need to run due to the fact that it's great for health, not since somebody is paying you for that. If somebody is paying you, you're not a user, you simply select staff member who's running around. Which's about it. Now, some sucker will essentially purchase the token, and however eventually, if we need to make a much better service, we, like you understand, what must be completion objective. And I believe personal privacy is, that's why we do not like we do not offer information, Efani does not offer information, however we do not proof personal privacy at all, as our worth proposal since individuals do not appreciate personal privacy. It's one of those cool things that individuals speak about, however individuals do not wish to spend for it. You understand, like, Google will track you and take they have 997 98% Share? And there'll resemble a lots, like possibly, possibly it's not more qualified of Google, who stated they do not track you, however nobody utilizes them. Due to the fact that the item has actually been it's okay. Now preferably, Google should have an item that does not track you however would it have the exact same experience or not? Eventually a much better experience will when so for crypto to move forward we have to have a much better experience.
Otherwise, we will be playing upon these things occasionally and there will resemble another cycle in like 2 years and Bitcoin will go to perhaps 100 k or something And then we will crash since there'll be another point massive going on, since human greed is, you understand, is the consistent. It will it existed like 1000 years earlier, with 1000 years from now, individuals will be greedy. And they wish to generate income. Matt Zahab Yeah, you're in greed makes the world go round infant. Haseeb Awan ? The only thing why Efani has actually been reasonably effective is since individuals lose cash if they have routine cellular phone service, however I do not believe so like even 1% individuals. Usage Efani since we are a personal privacy focused business, they enjoy to discuss it. They would like to utilize Google item Matt Zahab 100% Haseeb Awan Because as you stated, it's a done item, a great item. Matt Zahab I'm aware of every of our all the dreadful things my iPhone does, yeah, however it's amazing. I like this thing. You understand, like, like my Mac, it's simply how it works. The item is so excellent. The service is so excellent. I do not do I care that it tracks my every relocation a bit, however like, what am I going to do about? It's simply the method she goes? It's, you understand, it is what it is? It's such a cliche bullshit term, however it is what it is, what am I going to do about it? Am I going to utilize a dogshit piece of hardware and piece of software application that's slower? Not as fast does not have whatever I desire remember, remember? No, I'm not gon na do that. I'm gon na let it track my every relocation so I can get the very best experience possible. Haseeb Awan I simply can't believe like, if you're gon na employ me for a 401? I believe it's like 100 100 kilometer? speed that you can go on. The obstacle is, alright, what was the other alternative? I think this will end up being part of the immune system that we are being tracked. And this end up being a regular system. Which I do not disagree with a lot. Like, you understand, like, once again, I am personal privacy focused, however I'm not like, I simply believe that when whenever your digital, there is some level of personal privacy will be quiting right there someplace. Since how can you believe that somebody can offer you something free of charge? without splitting you? It's like going to a dining establishment and bring your own food, like you stroll into like, a Chateau Laurier and you state, man, you understand, I'll bring food from McDonald's. I'll consume I'll consume totally free here. ? Matt Zahab Always something. No such thing. No such thing as a complimentary lunch. Haseeb Awan Yeah. Either they will make cash by offering you where they will track your How does Matt consume?? The length of time? Are they earn money by offering you food? You understand? So to live? Essentially, if you cover completely system in crypto, we need to go beyond ponzinomics. And we have to discover a much better experience? Like, is it quicker is the exact same, like, you understand, we have actually been offering this concept of all more affordable, it is pricey to do cash transfer throughout the world. It's not, I move cash throughout the world all the time. It's very, incredibly cheap. You understand, you do not go to chase after bank or you do not go to RBC for that. There are 3rd celebration theories will do a really excellent task. We have to move that past that. And, you understand, like, the lion's shares getting developed, I'm I believe we can construct like an API for IT systems. Eventually, as long as individuals begin keeping their bank accounts in Chase, and RBC, this thing is not going away. You understand, they can they rely on, like, you understand what occurred with the present drop in whatever took place. And individuals state, Oh, I want your federal government will action in and take us provide it the cash back. Uh, you were the very first who stated that federal government ought to not step in.
Now that you lost the cash, you desire it to be gone. You can't be half pregnant, you can't be half pregnant. Eventually, what I'm stating is that much better item will win. And can we construct a much better item utilizing personal privacy as a focus? Much better experience? It's extremely simple to do it in a real world. Like you go to like an apartment and physical? You have your own area and whatever. How do we recreate that in a digital world where you get a much better thirst and I do not understand whatever it is, however once again, business need to earn money in some way. And if you're not paying for it, you're the item however it's extremely individuals are utilized to that. If you're not utilized to like strolling into some dining establishment and bring your own food due to the fact that it's not the how the world work. To be will need to be altered and once again, item experience has actually enhanced, or honestly at Efani we were not able to discover a great usage case for personal privacy in a manner that individuals look for it. Once again, it's extremely tough to do. We simply we stated we'll keep it will not offer the information that's part of worth, however at the very same time we simply focus on one thing that security and I believe if you asked for a complimentary iPhone and you have a cubicle where individuals have to provide their DNA versus iPhone 14 I believe 95% People will choose for it. They take my DNA and you understand and an iPhone Matt Zahab Here's my hair here's my skin here's my pee here's my semen appearance cuz you got to take a fast break offer a huge shout out to our sponsor the program that is PrimeXBT I enjoy PrimeXBT been utilizing for a hot minute as they use a robust trading system for both novices and expert traders, does not matter if you're a novice or a veterinarian, you can quickly create and tailor your designs and widgets to finest fit your trading design. PrimeXBT is likewise running unique discount for listeners of the pod. Utilize the promotion code CRYPTONEWS50 that is CRYPTONEWS50 all one word to get 50% of your deposit credited to your trading account once again, that is CRYPTONEWS50 to get 50% of your deposit credited to your trading account. Now back to the program with Haseeb. Haseeb, you are an innovator, you've identified a number of them. I would like to take an action back in the time maker. Let's zip it back 5, 6 years back to2017 I think it was 2017 You and I think it was more established Bitaccess among the biggest networks of Bitcoin ATMs on the planet. I have a couple of concerns in concerns to this. I desire you to talk about why you fell in love with Bitcoin and why the requirement to produce Bitcoin ATMs. And in case I forget, I enjoy to ask you about lessons gained from developing that business. You men had an amazing development metric, it was really hockey sticky. And I 'd enjoy to ask you about a few of the lessons you gain from that. To start, talk to me about your time developing Bitaccess, and why you understand, you had a difficult on per se for Bitcoin. Haseeb Awan Yeah, it was it was not till 18 Actually, that we established a business. And the factor for that is it's extremely difficult to discover. And we went to Y-Combinator. Constructed what individuals desire. Individuals wish to purchase bitcoin, it was simply simple for them to go to a coffee device and purchase it today you can link your savings account and you can have a great deal of modifications. At that time, the exchanges resembled BTC and Mark Gox. They were actually 2 exchanges 2 at that time, which were well-known. I understand, like anything in Canada was really Canadian one Bitcoin, they will just one exchange and individuals sending out envelopes of cash to exchanges to transfer cash, they will go to a mail box. And actually like, you understand, take like $1,000 $10,000 putting them in an envelope, cover it up and simply deliver it to exchange.. That takes place, we stated, why do not we keep an easy maker for that and quite basic one.
We have code for 4 co-founders. And among the co-founders will in fact bring a kiosk. You begin a kiosk where you can purchase things, like routine conventional, like, you understand, you desire to purchase coffee or something you can simply scan and simply go. This is a great, simple method for us to do that. Move the I can develop wallets and hardware combinations. And we another previous co-founder called Vignesh SUNDARESAN which the world now understand that medical one, and after that Ryan and after that so we stated all right, you understand, why do not we and he was running an exchange at that time. We stated all right, we integrate all of this and I'm respectable and commercialization and I stated fine, I'll have the ability to offer it. And our very first consumer was Anthony Diorio and he states you understand, why do not you understand see you he took a train hailing purchased the device we released on very first of January. And around that time I satisfied with he states we had some networking concerns so he stated I have a buddy who can in fact assist you out and that's how I fulfilled metal metallic was able to assist us out with the networking and whatever he stated you understand, I'm working on this job called Ethereum and you understand like and he informed me about clever agreement and then I flew to Miami they were having a home in Miami you understand, we had Bitcoin maker Charles from Aida agreement Joseph you understand like Charlie Lee one of the cooler people was there you understand Polkadot I believe offered Polkadot man forgot his name Catchings gallon. Matt Zahab So actually the starting dads of crypto we're all. Haseeb Awan We were all in exact same home.? We were all in the exact same home we invested like a week there Ethereum was revealed and then we got back got into YC and our group partnered with Gary tan and Justin can simply didn't can press Twitch for billion dollar around that time.? Believe about like how life is altering? Whatever came along and so my life simply you understand once again, I can do like prod I simply offered you like 60 seconds. You understand, there was so much discover what I've discovered in the market is that you have to remain concentrated and fix a single issue. Like, let's state discover a legal representative who meddles crypto usage Bitcoin, we permit you to purchase and offer Bitcoin within 60 seconds. easy proposal. Efani, we have safe and secure mobile service. That's all we do. You do not you do not it's not like oh, we utilize AI to and artificial intelligence to disrupt your information and do this and do this. No. Simple is challenging. Matt Zahab That appears sorry. disrupt you That sounds really Paul Graham has that sounds so Y-Combinator that quote you simply stated staying focused and resolving a basic issue. Appears like every business that comes out of YC actually has like a one-line pitch that's similar to boom. Haseeb Awan ? Like, that's it. I believe I check out someplace that I didn't have time. I composed your long letter. Matt Zahab Wow, you're simply a quote device today. I like it. Haseeb Awan I do not understand. Like, I simply believe that these are things that Wi Fi resembles, great. And like, you understand, making things basic. And like, regardless of like, No, we lost, like, we include one cost. We do not provide any discount rates or something like perhaps like, there will be a you do not have like, you understand, Black Friday or you do not get this thing. Simply keep it easy. Purchase one item for one consumer they desire and provide something and be great at it. It's like Monopoly. If you check out the book of absolutely no to one truly great book by Peter Thiel, which I had a possibility to take in individual so he I had the ability to get in individual for him. And those things altered my life.? Like I personally, if you ask me, I was born in Pakistan, transferred to Canada. I was I simply finished from school at that time, I went to all over you.
And it altered my life in such a way that the number of times like you understand, your life essentially will take it's like a motion picture, you understand how things alter. And now I take a look at all those things and how the world progressed around us. A great deal of business got obtained, some went public. And all of us begun together, if we got obtained also, so it's, you discover that focus is the king. And if you remain in the market for enough time in a particular market and do some actually excellent things, you understand, you get rewarded, or cash simply a by-product. And thankfully, like beyond crypto, like you understand, I discovered a lot like telephone security, I discovered a lot and whatever you're discovering, however remaining focus is extremely, incredibly, very crucial. Matt Zahab It's an actually asset there any other truly excellent one-liners for me Haseeb concerning YC are simply things you've discovered sort of that creators can actually take and distill down. Haseeb Awan Actually, one thing Matt about personally, like I stated, I came from Pakistan? A lot of immigrants who come to United States and Canada, they typically end up in like Tom Hortons, or like driving like in the Seminole damage. Which was a common task. You arrive and us attempting to work for IBM, or like, you understand, Cisco, or that's like a task that the profession course that we generally are asked to do. Constantly utilizing, like, what individuals who really develop business? That's an extremely various concern. Who are the individuals who go to Stanford? Like, you understand, like, what type of individuals who study at Harvard? Like, what do you require to do to arrive? What I've discovered is they're all on individuals with great routines. It's like, you stroll into a health club and you see somebody extremely well toned, excellent shape, and you're out of shape. And you state, man, what did this individual needs to do? To get to form. Matt Zahab Consistency, child consistency. Haseeb Awan Consistency. and I see this thing. If I go to a health club, and I invested like, 10 hours, single day, does not matter, I need to do one hour each day for 10 days. Which deserved revealing appearing every day. Despite the fact that there's no audience. It's like Twitter accounts, a great deal of individuals have actually constructed actually helpful for their audience. And they keep on tweeting like, look at like, individuals? If you take a look at his very first video, I believe it had like 1000 views or something, I do not understand, like spiritual views. He is the SEO the life it like an SEO, you have to produce material, you have to do things every day. And I believe that's life too? You need to keep us a much better variation of yourself every day. And as long as it's hard to do so. Due to the fact that we're constantly altering like 10% for like, each month. 100 x. You understand, we're constantly altering that. And I believe there was another quote that I check out someplace that individuals overstate what they can do it one year, however they undervalue what they can do in 10 years. Yeah, another fantastic one, simply remain constant. And honestly, life is flight will be simple. Which's all I believe. Matt Zahab When you were at YC, did you integrate the well-known, you understand, what did you do this week, sort of transcript that every creator needed to submit? And on top of that, how did we scale 7% today? And a follow up to that, you understand, why 7% was the number I've constantly been captivated by that. Haseeb Awan So it's. regrettable, generally, it's the guideline of 12.? Our guideline of 7%. If you do 7% per week, you essentially, if not this week, you efficiently double your development within 3 months. If you grow 7% per month, you grow. Like, you understand, in 12 months, you intensify to like 100% development. I see 3 months. Successfully, if we have like 200 users, by the end of the we do not understand, the 3 months, you'll have like 200 users.
Sadly, it was that simpler. If you wish to like you understand, state that. Like whatever you're like whatever your target is simply divided by like, you understand, portion and whatever. Like if you state I'm going 5% Just divide 100 by 5 and it will take 20 months for you To get to anywhere you are double it.? That's the guideline behind 1%. Likewise, it's an excellent metrics to, like we grow a little lower than that right now. We focus on month or month since not simple to sustain 5% percent month over a week or week or even 6 months, on a percent, you understand, it's extremely early. Yc is generally Okay, can you do that or not. And it offers you a little a self belief in you. Due to the fact that now that we run a business, which resembles multi, you understand, billion dollars, it's really challenging to imagine that at some point, some individuals will be paying a countless dollars to utilize an item that you're considering today. It's insane. Like, I keep in mind, in YC, we have actually something called YC camps. It does not take place any longer, however we have a various format, however we opt for camping for 3 days without cellular phone and whatever. And basically every creator of that, and the left 1000 creators and you'll see like Brian Armstrong somebody captured or like, you understand, Patrick from, you understand, from stripe on other corner you playing together, and after that you get an opportunity to find out about it. Which's odd when you consume. When you're on a table. You state, Okay, male, these individuals are consuming the exact same food I'm consuming, like, he hasn't done anything insane. Like you take a seat with them. And you state, fine, male, it's not like they have a genius type of mind where they will check out whatever. And within couple of minutes, they will keep in mind whatever is the typical individual, simply a regular individual, however focused and like status and a number of guidelines. And I believe that offers you a much better point of view about how life works. And it's everything about how you take a look at life. You understand, and simply correspond. Once again, this is a basic thing to state, a great deal of individuals will have regression on First off, first of all, like January, however we resemble actually like 80 days from this year. Why do not we do that right now, and make this our very first term and see what we attain in the next 3 months. I like that in my individual life. Like I simply think of like, I do not believe so I'm like extremely effective, I'm damned, fine, however at the very same time, we might have done far better, and never ever overpromise. In my life. You understand, a lot of time we attempt to like push the top and bottom in trading. And it's alright simply have actually gotten in and simply generate income and simply leave. I enjoy that. And individuals who win and the one who leaves the poker table together with your poker table. You still in the video game. Matt Zahab Yep. Haseeb what an episode male you brought the sound. I actually value you. We do need to finish up here however male extraordinary love the suggestions. Love the handles mobile security, extremely pumped to see what you and the group Efani have in shop for the future. Till next time, and you will absolutely be on for round 2. I can't wait on that to take place, ideally personally. Till next time, can you please let our listeners understand where they can discover you and Efani online and on socials. Haseeb Awan Ah, sure. Our username is quite easy, Efani. E.F.A.N.I Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all over YouTube, exact same Efani. If you 'd like safe and secure mobile service, you will discover us like top, second, or efani.com. For your listeners, we really have a tool that I send you a link to where they can put their phone number and it will inform their phone number go to them free of charge. It's like Curt code, however for telephone number where we essentially will inform you how simple it is to hack your phone and can you be able to do that? Matt Zahab
Love that. Great. Haseeb. Thank you a lot, guy. Actually value it and eagerly anticipating round 2. Haseeb Awan Thank you Matt for having me on the program. And once again, if you're we're going to have a look at there. Inspect your rating. Matt Zahab Amazing, folks. What an episode with Haseen Awan, creator of Efani drop an outright understanding bombs. We 'd enjoy to see a lots of recommendations for creators some fantastic stories of Vitalik and a few of the other starting daddies of crypto back then credit history for phone number and some security finest practices hope you enjoyed this one. If you did, please do subscribe. It would suggest the world to my group and I the group love you men value you Justas you were the very best value you male and to the listeners like you men. Continue growing those bags and keep remaining healthy, rich and delighted bye in the meantime and we'll talk quickly. Read More
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
I am a fan of Wentworth, and he was saying he wasn't gay in almost every interview at the time (before anyone read anything in that statement I'm not insinuating anything about D, just so we're clear). He didn't evade the question, he was stating "I'm not gay". Now when we were watching him (and of his own accord), the closeting had tremendous effect on his mental health.
There is an importance difference between “I’m not gay” and “I’m straight”. Gay men and women questioning their sexuality have often said “I'm not gay” but nobody says “I’m straight” and then walks that back. Darren has said it hundreds of time over 9 years.  Sexual identity is determined by the individual and nobody else. Darren has been very clear that he identifies as straight. He has said it point blank many times, he has lived his life in a manner consistent with a straight man- he married a woman he dated for 8 years, he’s never dated a man that we know of- and the ccers have looked- and he has never insinuated he is attracted to men, even in a joke. There is nothing to suggest he is gay accept a group of fans who cannot let it go. This got long so ....
Wentworth has never talked about closeting being something that was forced on him by the show runner or in a contract form. His experience was like everyone else- the reality that LGBTQ actors get less work, are typecast as gay characters-which up until a handful of shows like Glee, Will and Grace, The L-Word and  Queer as Folks, most gay characters where side kick, buddies, comic relief. There were other shows with gay characters but not many.  It is changing, but when Wentworth was struggling, it was still scandalous to come out- they still had to do the big People cover stories claiming “I’m Gay”. Work was hard to find- so everyone giving gay actors advice to stay in the closet were giving good career advice. The problem is that they didn’t understand the mental health implications of this kind of pressure, they didn’t appreciate the struggle to be true to oneself and they seem to have lacked basic of compassion. Most of the actors who have talked about the pressure, also talk about their own struggle with accepting their sexuality and how that mixed in with the pressure to stay in the closet coming from their managers and casting directors. Coming out is not a one-size-fits-all process, it is a complicated, very personal experience that is affected by one’s upbringing, religion, whether there is family and/or friend support, and one’s own mental health status. All of those factors impact coming out but now add in “under the world spotlight” and “impacts your ability to earn a wage” and that gets much more complicated.  
Several actors and singers have talked about being outed and the horror of being forced to talk about their sexuality way before they were ready. Some weren’t even ready to face their sexuality themselves and were forced to when people kept bringing it up. Whether they were outed by the media, by coworkers, by fans or a combination, these are all deeply disturbing stories of depression and anxiety brought on by being outed. 
The problem with the cc trope is that the reality isn’t as simple as Abbu’s theory that one person pushed an actor inside the closet and locked it with a signed, never-ending, legally binding contract. In fact, cc theory is a simple, 1-dimensional look at what really goes on with LGBTQ performers and the closet. It is simply a prop in the CrissColfer fantasy that is used to further their “proof” but it is not based on the reality of what is happening in Hollywood, it discounts the individual’s struggle to be accepted and to accept themselves, to come out and be safe and earn a wage. The ccers out Darren daily with no remorse. They ignore the stories being told by actors who struggle after being outed and they fixate on their fantasy that “Darren wants them to out him”. Nobody ever wants to be outed.   
Closeting in Hollywood isn’t based simply a misconception held by casting directors and managers who are out-of-touch with the times. As a society, we-and by we I mean ccers- still label people as gay based on effeminate behavior and gay kids are being threatened and bullied at school at an alarming rate. Gay kids are still committing suicide. The problem is much deeper than Hollywood. We are making changes but they are slow and the Trump administration and Mike Pence are trying to turn things back to 1950. They just barred transgender troops and have fought to end the rights that Obama administration gave to protect trans kids in school. 
The cc fandom needs actually read the interview and quotes they post because the people aren’t saying what the cc fandom are hearing. They cherry-pick quotes to highlight and ignore the stuff that disproves their 1-dimensional theories.  Today Valentinaheart posted and Abby reblogged (Bold is theirs) : 
Garrett Clayton made headlines when he came out as gay back in August.
It followed years of unfair speculation from both the public and the media – many of whom pressured him to come out when he wasn’t ready – and closed out a chapter of the actor’s life that saw him hide his true self in the public eye.
Now, in his first interview since coming out as gay, the former Disney star tells Gay Times he “finally feels comfortable” with his sexuality – but there was a time that the homophobia he experienced in Hollywood pushed him further into the closet.
“One of the first things somebody who was instrumental in starting my career did, they sat me down and they said, ‘Are you gay?’ And I could feel the pressure of the question, so I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m gay, or bi, or whatever’, because suddenly I could feel that there was something wrong with that in this person’s eyes,” he says.
“They looked at me and said, ‘No one wants to fuck the gay guy, they want to go shopping with him, so we’re going to have to figure this out.’ It turned into this situation where I’d get calls and they’d say, ‘You still need to butch it up’. I literally had to change everything about myself at that point, otherwise I was never gonna make it.
“And that was so conflicting, because here’s somebody offering you your dream, but they’re telling you that you’re not good enough the way you are. You’re talented, but who you are isn’t good enough.”
Unfortunately, this insidious homophobia was something that continued long into Garrett’s career.
“They had me changing the way I walked, the way I spoke, the way I dressed, the way I answered questions,” he continues. “It got as petty as them saying, ‘People need to see that you’re into sports because they’ll think that’s more masculine, so why don’t you go buy a sports hat, take some pictures in it, and make sure people see you in it’.
“There’d be calls after I went into casting offices like, ‘Hey, this is how gay casting thought you came across today, so here’s what you need to do to fix it’. I even had cast members screaming drunkenly in the middle of a room, ‘Who here thinks Garrett is gay?’ and then yelling at me for not having come out yet.”
It felt “like being back in high school” for the aspiring actor, and the self-suffocation prescribed by those around him inevitably took its toll, leading to a period of reclusive behaviour and depression and, ultimately, therapy.
“I convinced myself that I was the problem, and I got into a really dark place for a couple of years. Then I went to therapy for about a year and a half to really sort through all the things I went through growing up and the situations I found myself in while in Hollywood. I got to work through all those conflicting things.”
The second paragraph was not in bold and yet says a lot to a fandom who outs Darren on the daily: It followed years of unfair speculation from both the public and the media – many of whom pressured him to come out when he wasn’t ready – and closed out a chapter of the actor’s life that saw him hide his true self in the public eye
The article says that
  “...but there was a time that the homophobia he experienced in Hollywood pushed him further into the closet”
Interestingly, they did bold this section which could have directed at them
I even had cast members screaming drunkenly in the middle of a room, ‘Who here thinks Garrett is gay?’ and then yelling at me for not having come out yet.”.
How can they not see they are the cast members yelling “are you out yet’?
It felt “like being back in high school” for the aspiring actor, and the self-suffocation prescribed by those around him inevitably took its toll, leading to a period of reclusive behavior and depression and, ultimately, therapy.
So, the taunting and outing took its tole and lead to depression? Hmmm.... they never listen to what their posterboys are saying. 
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