#the fic lowkey made Ash a horrible person
athena-xox · 6 months
So basically I procrastinated writing the actual next chapter of my fic on my flight and decided to instead start a new fic that would basically just be Farrah’s character arc in my fic except canon complaint and a similar style to 99 cent dreams
But I cannot write it
I projected a little too close to home and I’m currently crying bc it brought up past trauma (? I never recognized it as trauma til now but ig it is) uh so…
It would have totally spoiled major things in my rewrite anyways…
But moral is, don’t project too much guys
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riotfuckery · 5 years
Shattered hearts and clean shirts
Pining!Sero Hanta x f!reader (slight Cheater!Bakugo Katsuki x reader)
A/N: Hello beautiful readers! It’s your friendly neighborhood big tiddy goth gf and lowkey weeb 💖I’m here with an extra long angst/comfort fic featuring best boy Sero! Best boy doesn’t get the love he deserves sometimes so I’m here to change that! Also shoutout to my writing senpais who were so incredibly kind and sweet to me as to show my Shinso fic love. I’m sending lots of love your way! I also hope you don’t mind me tagging you 💖💖💖 @queensynderella @kingtamakimurder @ikinabi @trafalgar-temptress Extra A/N: Another writing senpai gave me permission to tag them so here they are @quirkless-fics @thedreadthread Thank you again senpais 💖🥺💖
Sero always considered himself a plain looking guy. He thought he was nothing special with a plain quirk and weird elbows. You always made him feel special, beautiful and loved. You tended to do that with everyone you met apparently cause you scored yourself a relationship with the angriest and most volatile student of UA along with a school wide reputation of being the kind cutie who you could get patched up by without any embarrassment. You were gentle, kind, and patient with a strong quirk to go with it.
You were blessed with a quirk that made any living thing grow or heal at the expense of your own energy. Gently touching a broken arm would heal it within a few seconds, whispering sweet words to a dying flower made it spring to life and bloom brighter than ever. The plants you spring to life heeding your commands, forming walls and giant thorns seemingly out of nowhere. Your undying need to want to heal and make things better earned you a spot in class 1-A.
Apparently he wasn’t the only one who thought that, noticing his ash blonde friend take a liking to you because he was too prideful to go to recovery girl at times. You made your way to the bakusquad. Befriending the energetic redhead and blonde first. Eventually you made your way around the whole crew.
Mina was overjoyed to have another girl in the squad. Always having sleepovers and girls nights, wasting away the hours filling your faces with junk food and talk of boys. So when she learned you had a small thing for the ash blonde she immediately went to work. Soon enough he saw you chatting with the blonde and saw that something was happening much to his own dismay.
His heart would squeeze in his chest, making it almost impossible to breathe when he saw how Bakugo was treating you. He always called you “bandaid” and “shitty girl”. You always brushed it off with a smile and always helped him along with every student in the school. When he heard Bakugo loudly announce to the class that both of you were dating along with the threats to kill whoever came too close, he thought his heart would fall to the pit of his stomach.
He was pining after you almost painfully, he saw how Bakugo should shake off your hugs and call you clingy when you tried to hold his hand. His heart ached at the thought that you would be okay being treated like that. You were always brushing it off as the excuse that he was shy and saying he would open up soon enough but he was always observant. He saw the way couples would hold hands and give small kisses in public, he noticed the hurt in your eyes at the thought of never having that feeling. He saw the flashes of sadness in your eyes and the small sighs when you were particularly upset one day.
Sero did what any good friend would do and talked you about it, knowing keeping feelings bottled up would only leave them to explode. He pushed aside his feelings and gave a chance to let out your feelings without being judged. He caught you after class one day, saying he needed to talk to you about an assignment. Bakugo was nowhere in sight and that made him sigh in disappointment. How could he just leave such a beautiful girl by herself and call her horrible nicknames? He couldn’t fathom it.
“Hey Sero, what’s up? You need help with anything?” You smiled brightly at him, he thought he would be blinded by it. He stopped himself before he could get too lost in his one sided love for you (ouch). He grinned back immediately “Actually, I’m fine for right now. Maybe I could use your help later with some home work. But I just wanted to ask are you okay? Ya know like emotionally? I promise I won’t tell anyone. You just seem to be upset a lot more and I was wondering if I could help you with that” he spoke nervously. You on the other hand were caught off guard. Your eyes widened a bit and your lips parted for a split second before you smiled shyly at him.
“Oh geez am I that obvious?” You looked him shyly, your hand covering the side of your neck. He thought it was cute you picked that habit up from Kirishima while also wondering what other habits you picked up from the rest of the squad. “Well yeah I’ve been upset, I’m just really sad and frustrated right now. But let’s go somewhere more private yeah?” You moved your hand to wave at him to follow you. You both headed straight for your dorm and gently ushered him in. You locked the door before taking off your shoes and tie.
He took off his shoes and left them next to yours and gently put his bag down by the entrance. He saw you make your way over to your bed and plop down on it. A small blush made its way to his face as he was hit with a tsunami of nervousness. He was here, in your ROOM, ALONE, WITH THE DOOR LOCKED. If he muscles got anymore stiff, he thought he would pass out.
Your light giggle made him relax and look over at you. You were still sitting on your bed and looked up at him with amusement, you smiled at him cheekily. “No need to be nervous Sero, I just wanted to talk to you. Nothing more, I don’t bite unless ya ask ya know?” He blushed and did the kiri embarrassed move. “No I know” he chuckled and moved to sit backwards on your desk chair across from the bed. He gave you a friendly smile and small nod as if pushing you to continue.
You took a deep breath and flopped down on the bed while staring at the ceiling poster you have of your fav band. “Well I’m just really frustrated and sad, it’s all about dating Katsuki. Like yes he’s nice to me in his own way but how hard is it to hold hands in public? Show me he’s interested? It feels like all I’m doing is annoying him” you sighed and propped yourself up to look at him. His black eyes never leaving yours and giving you another minuscule nod to tell you to continue.
“People ask questions you know, and it just makes me sad because I keep making excuses for him. Like how many times do I have to come up with some random line? Why do I feel like I’m always giving and I’m never getting anything back? Am I asking for too much Sero?” You ranted in frustration, looking at him for answers. He blinked slowly and inhaled slowly before exhaling and loosening his tie.
“I don’t personally think you’re asking too much, I agree with you actually. Like how hard is it hold hands? Yeah maybe he’s too pussy to buck up and show the world he’s dating you. But not even in private he’s sweet to you?” He asked. You shook your head slightly. “Well I guess he’s nicer and calls me babe. But still doesn’t hold my hand or anything. He gets angry at me when I talk to any other guy outside of him.” You sighed again, he noticed you seemed to do that a lot today.
You and Bakugo were still new, only a few months in. You wouldn’t say it was love but you liked him quite a bit. Your patience with the explosive blonde was never ending it seemed. Until one day you were avoiding Bakugo and the rest of the squad like the plague. He found you sitting underneath the trees in the courtyard, just looking up at the trees during lunch. Your slumped shoulders and dull puffy eyes and tears threatening to leak out immediately putting him in a state of alarm but decided to leave you for the time being. You’ve grown quite close to the ravenette, now you considered each other close friends. He hoped for more from you but he never got his hopes too high, just keeping it to daydreaming in class and free periods.
He noticed you were off today. During training with the class, you were being harsher than usual. Sending small spikes into your unlucky training partner and much larger precisely aimed thorns into their clothes to pin them to the ground. Whispering into the air and summoning bright green vines to shield you if someone ever got close enough to you. If they bursted through your vine wall, you came at them with thorns the size of large hunting knives and slashed them up almost ruthlessly. You didn’t talk much and your eyes held regret everytime you healed small pinpricks and cuts on your opponent after your sparring. Just muttering a small sorry and you were off to your next sparring partner.
Once the end of the school day arrived he immediately looked for you, the rest of the squad going off and finding Bakugo to question what he did to make you this upset. He found you in the same spot you were at during lunch and quickly sat down next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, placing your head on his chest and your legs on his lap while resting his chin on top of your head. He could feel the shaking in your entire body before he heard the muffled sobs in chest. He ran one hand on your lower back and the other rubbing comforting circles with his thumb on your calf.
He didn’t say anything and he didn’t need to yet. He just pulled you closer and held you tighter while your muffled sobs continued to soak his shirt. He didn’t care that you ugly sobbed all over him, the only thing he cared about was making you feel better. Your sobs turned to hiccups and that turned to semi even breathing.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him but he sure as hell looked at you. He couldn’t help but think you look adorable, wiping your red eyes and pink nose with your sleeve. You thought and felt like you looked disgusting so you still refused to look at him. He sighed in defeat, not wanting you push you any further cause the last thing he wanted was to make you cry again.
He rested his chin on your head once again, never removing his hold. You found comfort in it as a bit awkward as it was. His heart was beating steadily and a bit faster due to worry. He was hoping you didn’t notice. All he wanted was for you to be happy and feel loved, even if it wasn’t with him. In his perfect fantasy world, you two would have dated from the start. But this world isn’t perfect.
“H-he was cheating on me, the entire time. I caught him in the act with another girl. And when I asked him how long, he looked at me like I was dumb and said ‘the entire time, you thought you meant something to me huh? You were just a prize to be won, another achievement over stupid Deku’ and I left. Is there something wrong with me? Is that why he cheated? I did all that I could to make him happy but my best just wasn’t enough” you cried. Sero’s eyes widened and his body tensed, you could almost see the words slap him in the face. He knew Bakugo wasn’t the gonna win any awards for ‘person of the year’ but he didn’t know the ash blonde could be this cruel.
He held you close and moved his hand to softly pet your hair, trying all his might to soothe you without revealing his true intentions for you. He was still hopelessly in love with you so seeing you sobbing almost made him confess. Although he wasn’t the most book smart, he knew how to read people and socialize like a pro. He held the almost painful flowering of the love he had for you.
“Oh sunflower, I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. I had no idea that this was even happening. The rest of the squad went to go after him after I went to find you. They must be beating the shit out of him right now and he definitely deserves every hit he takes.” He spoke softly to you, almost afraid of you bursting into tears again. Almost on cue, your sobbing continued but harder this time. All the times you had hope for the blonde and for the patience you had for him wasted, reality harshly scattering your romantic dreams to the wind like ash. You cried for the you a few weeks ago when you were so stupid and blind.
He just kept holding you, reassuring you that you were a good person who tried your best and that Bakugo was in the wrong here. Your sobs turned to sniffles soon enough and he decided that he needed to take care of you. He gently moved you off his lap and stood up, holding a hand out to you. The beating of his heart against his rib cage felt painful. He hurt because it hurt him seeing you so sad and his heart ached at the thought that you thought you were never good enough for anyone.
He put on a small comforting smile as he spoke. “Hey sunflower, lets go somewhere more comfortable okay? How does my room in the dorms sound? We could watch movies and you can let out everything judgment free.” He gave you the cute nickname one day when you sprouted the flower and handed it to him after he a particularly rough day. You presented it to him with a smile that rivals the sun and ironically told him that his own smile lit up a room better than said flower. His heart leapt in joy and soar at the memory but he hoped he would never have to use it in such a terrible situation.
You took his hand and he helped you to stand up. A small wavering smile on your soft lips while you held his hand tightly. “That sounds good Sero, I’m so sorry about ruining your shirt. I’ll wash it and return to you tomorrow after you change.” Your voice was heavy with sadness. He was walking the both of you with your fingers intertwined to the UA dorms while you spoke. The distant sounds of shouting from the bakusqaud and explosions filled the air and your wavering smile steadied for a bit after thinking about how hard everyone was chewing him out, especially your ‘sister from another mister’ Mina.
You both arrived at his room, immediately taking off your shoes and making yourself comfy in his hammock while he went to the bathroom to change his clothes. You didn’t even think about leaving or changing until Sero spoke. “I left extra clean clothes in the bathroom incase you wanna change out of your uniform. I know how hard today has been on you so feel free to go in and change if you want to. You also don’t have to worry about cleaning my clothes by the way, I’m doing laundry tomorrow.” His normal friendly tone sending a small spark comfort to your broken heart.
You nodded and said a small thanks as you went to the bathroom and changed into the pair of grey sweatpants and random band tee he set out for you. As you slipped them on, the smell of laundry detergent mixed with his natural scent of earth after a heavy rain shot a nice warmth through your entire body. His clothes were big and so incredibly comfortable that you couldn’t help the small smile that made its way to your face.
You exited the bathroom with a small smile and Sero immediately noticed how cute you were dressed in his clothes. He fought the heat that tried to make its way to his cheeks and ears with the clearing of his throat. He made his way to the beanbag next to his hammock that was facing the tv. He looked at you once again with his signature grin. “So what do you wanna watch?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer his question when the rest of bakusquad burst into his dorm, all scuffed up and dirty. Kiri and Mina immediately crying and tackling you in a bone crushing hug, apologizing and saying you didn’t deserve it. You smiled and squeezed them back and let them cry on your shoulders, you laughed internally when they seemed more upset than you were at moment. They were such good people. Kaminari was in idiot mode so Sero took care of him.
You and the squad spent the rest of night having a sleepover and watching movies, their cheery and energetic attitudes distracted you and you found yourself feeling better. Mina and you had everyone do face masks at one point. The love they all had for you was almost touchable. The warmth in your heart spread throughout your entire being, you forgot about Bakugo for that night.
Sero decided to confess at a later date, once your heart healed along with the help of him and his friends. A loving smile suddenly plastered on his face during a movie roast session going on between you, Kami, and Mina. Kiri patted him on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up and a bright sharp toothed smile. He smiled back at his red headed friend and gave a small shake of his head.
He was happy for now. Just knowing you were on your way to mending your own heart, and not being alone while doing that. If he was the one to tape together the final pieces, he would be more than happy to do so.
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