#the first time since wishmaker adrien and luka get to talk to each other is in
rainbow-arrow · 2 years
it’s like. not a big deal but repeated reading how people are excited for protection bc of ‘marichat crumbs’ like!!!!!!!!!! those aren’t cRUMBS marichat has had full episodes and the first. remembered. on-screen kiss. it’s what, crumbs after eating the full cake? not a single iteration of the lovesquare can claim they’re only getting cRUMBS
i remember when words meant things.
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Luka is such a cool character and he has been a rock for marinette when things got rough for her, but beyond just being a really good and supportive friend I’ve gotta say that if anyone was going to find out both ladybug and chat noir’s identities, luka was definitely the best person for the job. like Marinette better be happy she was basically stuck giving that boy the miraculous of the snake because he might actually be the only one who can handle that level of responsibility.
First of all, he’s ridiculously level-headed until it’s his friends or family who are threatened. I don’t think he’d be akumatized unless someone came directly after his family or friends instead of him- the dude’s ridiculously patient and even-keeled, and as we know from Silencer, a gentle soul. Still though, this guy handles the information of who ladybug and chat noir are ridiculously well.
Like ignoring the weight of the responsibility for a second, just look at how hard it’s got to be to keep his mouth shut on a frustration level- he’s got so much on his plate already and now he’s got to watch these two knuckleheads be the level of oblivious and awkward that they are as civilians knowing full well how close they are as superheroes and how in love both of them are with each other (without knowing it) with a patient smile? The frustration we feel from watching the love square? This boy is living it.
Plus we know from Truth just how important that honesty is to Luka- he values it so so highly and holds himself to such a high standard, but when ladybug asks him point blank to his face whether or not he found out their identities, he lies without hesitation. He literally says that they were never hit (side note: why would he have used second chance then? idk ladybug didn’t ask so she probably assumed something else went wrong or they got stuck since he did seem to let her know that they had used multiple chances so whatever).
He lied to this girl who he cares about so much and compromised his own principles so soon after them being emphasized in Truth without questioning it because he
1. obviously cares about marinette/ladybug and chat noir/adrien and wants to protect them but also
2. because he understands that the responsibility that has been given to him as Viperion has to come before his own principles for the greater good.
He takes his hero-ing seriously, which is what you need from someone who’s going to be given the ability to play with time and potentially be your last resort if everything else fails. He’s known this, but I think after having that responsibility really play out in this episode at the expense of his own principles, he probably understands Marinette and the pressure she was facing and the weight that comes with being a miraculous holder even better than before. He probably went home and rethought everything, especially what happened in Truth with Marinette.
And speaking of the RESPONSIBILITY? All that while trying to not get akumatized and not hint EVEN TO LADYBUG/MARINETTE HERSELF (his friend and the guardian who trusted him with that miraculous) that he knows her identity or chat noir’s? And not hint that they really know each other in real life? And not slip at all even though he hangs out with both of them as civilians all the time?
Like he’s just gonna sit on that information and that responsibility of being the only person in Paris who knows both of their identities and not physically implode from the stress or tell anyone? Knowing that if anyone finds out he will become Shadow Moth’s number 1 target? But he won’t jeopardize his friends by even letting marinette know that he knows so he can talk to someone about it? Like I know he isn’t getting paid but someone get this boy a raise 😭
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rozonrozark · 30 days
1- soooooo about Bread growing feathers... Was it a one time thing or something permenent? Since Adrien alergic to feathers will he get sneezy around her? That might be one last fuck you from wish lmao.
2- We know wish forces cat miraculous wearers to always be against Order, since Order is gone does that mean they can finally take some steps to fix their relationship?
3- I feel like every hero's secret identity (other than Bread and Adrien) is known by their family. Nora seemed like she was about to punch and drag her sister in safety but held back because of... reasons...
4- (Early Discovery au) Can we say marriage counseling can save the Paris? That au spesificly is very funny to me because its just a rich family failing to communicate properly while looking for an underage girl with most inconvient ways possible so they can recieve magic macarons. Meanwhile Adrien stares at his parents who is one argument away from divorce, nods then leaves. Magical chibi sized gods are here too i guess.
5- Watching inside out then reading the series made me realise if we could see Mari's head anxiety would hold the reins in her head. Poor girl.
6- (joke) How much more time needs to pass for Plag to be able to ask for child support? Can he claim he raised his kitten? Will he and Tom fight against each other? Will he get much much emotional during important events in Bread's life compared to canon Adrien's? (okay last one wasnt really a joke)
7- (Early Discovery au) I noticed Mari was quite nervous while talking to Adrien... Was it because she is afraid of possible backlash or she is really uncomfortable about trying to decieve him? I feel like it's more likely social awkwardness but there is more...
8- (Early discovery au) Emilie seems very insecure as a mother. Is there any spesific event that caused that?
9- Let's assume Wishmaker gave Mari her childhood dream. How much different it would be compared to canon? And how much knowing it would screw Luka?
1: The feathers are magic so, maybe they are non-allergenic. Yes it is a partial F U from the wish but it is more just the punishment of using the combined Catalyst.
2: Misterbug is no longer under the Wish's influence that does not mean that the Wish is gone. Remember Feast was defeated...
3: Nora held back at that time due to not being a hundred percent certain and needing to confirm it. It would have been very awkward/rude if she was wrong after all.
4: For the most part yes, marriage counseling could save Paris. At least for a bit, I won't say much but Emilie does still need her medicine. Adrien is in the background with the kwami getting there help.
5: Anxiety is working overtime in Marinette's head. Meanwhile Fear has a conspiracy board set up and Sadness's has a room full of memories.
6: Plagg will have a full legal battle so he can get custody! His lawyer, a clever fox named Trixx is more than ready to help! The rest of the kwami are getting tissues and will have a party for her at each major millstone.
7: A bit of both. She was walking into a situation that could have easily backfire, Marinette hates lying/deceiving people but there was also a third thing. This Marinette hasn't had any good social situations with anybody in a long time.
8: Well, she is slightly insecure because she started to release that she wasn't the best mother before the events of the series. Remember she was fully onboard with essentially isolating her son and now whenever Adrien has trouble with social situations or connecting with people Emilie blames herself.
9: Hmm, now that is a question. On one hand younger Marinette would still have the wish of being the knitting fairy due to how young she was back then. However, that wish would be overshadowed by her other childhood wish of being the best cat hero and making Plagg proud of her! So she would become Super Cheshire! As for Luka if the first situation happened he would investigate who Cheshire's civilian identity is then proceed to be horrified by what is going on followed by being beyond pissed at Juleka for her part in this girl's broken heartsong.
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
The Continuous Downfall of The Miraculous Writers
Now, I have watched the episode that I was actually looking forward to. Ephemeral was actually an episode that I thought was going to be a lot better than it actually was.
The episode that we got was almost a complete disaster. What I had been looking forward to the most was probably the inclusion of all the different heroes. King Monkey, Carapace, Pegasus, Vesperia, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Viperion, Ryuko, and Polymouse. But then it turned out to just be the opening against Rob Ross's akuma form. But some of the heroes did not even do anything. King Monkey, Pigella, and Purple Tigress did nothing to help. So there was no reason for them to even be fighting at all.
And to just make the episode worse, that guardian Su Han showed up and demanded Ladybug to find out Cat Noir's identity. And even when Ladybug told him that her knowing his identity was too dangerous, he actually said that he didn't care.
Of course, Ladybug actually came up with a clever plan for Viperion to find out Cat Noir's identity, unaware that he already knew because of Wishmaker, and then he would reset the clock in order for her to forget. But the moment that she learned that it was Adrien, her crush once again took over and she abandoned the plan altogether. This was basically the reverse to Cat Blanc with Marinette being the one to know his identity without Adrien knowing. Then, the two started dating once they knew about each other.
Then, the episode really became a copy of Cat Blanc with Adrien learning about his mom and his dad then using that vulnerability to akumatize him. Of course, the difference was that he did gain the black cat miraculous when he did this.
Now, there were so many problems with his episode other than that it was just a copy of Cat Blanc. The first would be how it completely ignores Wishmaker and how Luka knows their identities. Luka was there when Su Han appeared and demanded Cat Noir's identity. He could have easily taken aside the guardian and told him. Plus, Tikki was also aware of his identity because of Dark Owl. So, she could have also talked to Su Han separately as well. Both of those things would have prevented everything else in the episode.
What really annoyed me was how Adrien was treated once again. This time, when he had been akumatized, he barely fought back and was instantly turned against Ladybug. He was being treated once again as just the only one shown to be in the wrong.
Adrien in season 4 has basically had just become a tool to either be a joke or just a focus of Marinette's crush. And even when he would be given a chance to grow, such as when he deleted all of his Ladybug pictures in Glaciator 2, he would always be put right back to square one of being the same person he was when the episode started.
Probably the part of the season that I have liked the most was probably the character development of Alya. She found out about her best friend being Ladybug, she got the fox miraculous permanently, she even wielded the ladybug miraculous one time as well. She definitely became a much more developed character. But, that does not mean that there are still no issues. Such as her telling Nino that she was still a hero as well as not one mentioning Lila and how she was obviously lying about being Ladybug's best friend since Marinette was Ladybug.
And to top things off, Marinette has basically turned her creepiness up to eleven. Even characters that have not been seen in a while, like Nathaniel and Marc, appear only to just be a part of another plan to get Marinette and Adrien together. And Marinette once again broke into Adrien's house in disguise, like when she did that in Party Crasher.
And Marinette was also shown to still be lacking in some empathy when she just dropped off Manon, Chris, and the twins at her grandfather's just so that she could help Adrien at a photo shoot. She is well aware that the four kids are hard to control and yet she took them to her grandfather of all people, who is very controlling. He ended up akumatized into Simpleman because of her actions. And it was all because she always drops everything to be around Adrien. That is seriously creepy.
And then you also add in all of Marinette's actions that she did concerning Luka. While it was one thing to try and move on, it was not right of Marinette to try and date Luka when she still had her crush on Adrien. And while they broke up because of her lying and secrecy about being Ladybug, Marinette still trying to date a guy that she could not fully commit to because of another crush was just wrong. And to top it off, Crocoduel was when Marinette also wanted to keep Luka away from his own birthday party. And it was Marinette asking Juleka of all people to keep him away from the party even though Juleka would care a lot more for her brother than her friend. And it was obvious through the entire episode how uncomfortable Marinette made Juleka by asking her to do such a thing.
Someone really needs to replace the writers of the show.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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(gonna take a while to get used to seeing that full magenta card)
“Wishmaker” makes thirteen new slots on the cards! Not quite a full bingo card like “Crocoduel,” but it’s still just over half of one and beat out “Mr. Pigeon 72″ all the same!
S4E01 -  “Truth”: 10
S4E02 -  “Lies”: 9
S4E03 -  “Gang of Secrets”: 9
S4E04 -  “Mr. Pigeon 72″: 11
S4E06 -  “Furious Fu”: 1
S4E07 -  “Sole Crusher”: 2
S4E08 -  “Queen Banana”: 5
S4E10 -  “Mega Leech”: 5
S4E11 -  “Guiltrip”: 7
S4E12 - “Crocoduel”: 27
S4E13 -  “Optigami”: 6
S4E14 -  “Sentibubbler”: 4
S4E17 - “Rocketear”: 4
S4E18 - “Wishmaker”: 13
other/general: 2
We also had five close calls/things likely to be confirmed in the future this time around:
Luka will learn Marinette's identity. However, this is so that Luka can "realize" that Ladybug and Chat are "made for each other" and thus he needs to get over Marinette/back off, or for him to think that Marinette is "out of his league." Alternatively/bonus, Luka realizes that Adrien is Chat as well and this proves to him that "destiny" has dictated that Marinette and Adrien belong together.
The “destiny implication” thing is basically there and there’s already a slot of the card that hits this in a more specific way.
Mass of episodes fleshing out Luka, since Lukanette is out of picture now. (Bonus points if Anti Lukanette people will make posts saying that fleshing out Luka would be impossible without breaking Lukanette first)
Seems like that’s where they’re going with this since we got his future career in this episode. I think another episode or two with more from him will get this slapped down on the cards.
There will never be an episode where Luka appears with Marinette and the Adrien crush isn't mentioned, because so long as Luka is next to Marinette, he will always be perceived as a "threat." The only way this will ever go away is if Luka gets a girlfriend.
Again, this seems like it’s where they’re going. (it’s really funny seeing some Didn’t Need Burrows because I genuinely can’t remember if they’re mine or someone else’s; we’re on that much of a wavelength, guys!)
If Luka ever learns of Marinette's identity, it will never be explained to him that it was the reason for the break-up, so he'll be left to assume.
Not that it can be explained to him at the moment since he doesn’t know, though they already retconned “Crocoduel” so at this point we’re waiting to see if there’s an episode where she knows that he knows and if they either retcon it again (for whatever weird reason) or they just don’t talk about it at all. That’ll definitely get it slapped down.
(I always struggle with the DNBs about “never”/”always” because it feels like it means that I have to wait until the end of the series to put them down lol. Maybe the series finale will just be a mass of DNBs that don’t technically have to do with the episode itself but more everything that didn’t happen.)
Adrien/Chat Noir outright admits that he dislikes Rena/the other heroes being around since they make him feel unnecessary.  This is treated as a perfectly reasonable and valid complaint rather than a slacker piss-moaning about being shown up by others making actual EFFORT.
Adrien basically did whine about how Ladybug is giving miraculouses to others and how she probably won’t need him forever, but he doesn’t outright say he dislikes it. I felt like I’d be cheating if I put this one down but dammit, I wanted to.
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flightfoot · 3 years
My ranking of Sentibubbler, Rocketear, Mega Leech, Crocoduel, and Wishmaker
Since it looks like it’s gonna be a bit before we get some new ML episodes (seriously it’s been nearly a month since the last one and we STILL don’t have an exact date), I figured that I’d rank the episodes we already have, giving my reviews of them along the way. I already ranked the first nine released episodes, which is why I’m only doing the next five right now. At the end of the season I’ll probably rank all of season 4′s episodes together, but with less in-depth reviews because that would be INSANELY long and no one would read it.
I’ve enjoyed all the season 4 episodes so far and this was a pretty good batch in general, but some of them still have to be further down the list, sadly.
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5. Mega Leech
This one was hands-down my least favorite of the batch. I liked Ladybug’s speech to Mylene about how being brave doesn’t mean being fearless, and Mylene and Ivan standing up against eco-washing corporations, even defying Mayor Andre to do so, was pretty cool. I found it interesting that they’d tried to tell their classmates about what was going on for AGES, but hadn’t gotten their attention until now, and the class didn’t even remember it. Just nice to see Mylene and Ivan having their own problems and goals that, since we normally just follow Marinette and Adrien, we don’t really see.
Personally though, I just found it kind of forgettable. A fun enough episode, but not much more. I’ve always been okay with Mylene, but never found her super interesting, and this episode didn’t change that. The Gabriel and Adrien scene at the ending was interesting, but raised more questions than it answered.
In a season as chockful of plot and character development as season 4, Mega Leech came off as filler.
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4. Rocketear
So all four of these next episodes are AMAZING, so the rankings might shuffle around in my final season 4 ranking, since they’re pretty close to each other. 
Rena Furtive looks awesome, and I really love how we got to see Alya and Nino dealing with their own emotional issues, having their viewpoints shown. Poor Nino had the world conspire to make him think that Alya had fallen for Chat Noir. His detective-noir setup was hilarious! 
Got some major bombshells too, with Adrien finding out Alya’s and Nino’s superhero identities AND that they knew who the other person is, that they know each other’s identities. Something which he doesn’t react well too, and for good reason. Gives some delicious drama and angst and exploration of Adrien’s emotions and feelings.
Really appreciated what the episode did with Alya too! She has her own wants and needs. She really wants to be able to show Rena Furtive off, but understands why she can’t - she was the one who came up with the ruse in the first place, after all. Doesn’t stop her from really, really wanting too though. Enjoyed seeing her banter with Chat Noir too, they both give as good as they take.
Best of all, Alya put her own mental and emotional well-being and her relationship with Nino ahead at the end. She tried lying to Nino, she understood why Marinette asked that from her, but it helped lead to this awful misunderstanding. Plus she’s seen how much Marinette’s struggling with keeping all of her secrets, how much it’s impacted her relationships, and decided that she doesn’t want to get to that point.
Reminds me of Gang of Secrets, with how Marinette pushed all her relationships, all her friends away to keep her secret, but then finally caved so she could get some support. Alya hadn’t reached that point, but I can see why she’d try to head it off, not let it ruin her relationship down the line.
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3. Crocoduel
I think I’m in the minority with this one, but I had a blast with Crocoduel! Tigress Pourpre was GORGEOUS, we got some of that Couffaine family drama I’ve been asking for since “Truth”, and a bunch of interesting conflicts and misunderstandings, and just... the exploration of emotions was great.
Really loved what it did for Juleka and Luka especially. Juleka got some nice character development, being able to make herself heard. And as for Luka, we got to see that the class are as much his friends as Marinette’s, that they love and care for him and want him to feel better. Seriously, that scene where all of them hug Luka and tell him how much they care for him was great!
Misunderstandings, conflicts, and fears abounded this episode, with Marinette being nervous about talking to Luka, both for her own sake and because she was afraid of hurting him more, Juleka feeling ignored and forgotten by Jagged, Marinette asking Juleka to try to ward Luka away from hers and his birthday party, and Jagged and Anarka’s pissing match. Confrontation and communication saved the day this episode.
I really love complex emotions and conflicts being explored and resolved, so I love this episode!
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2. Sentibubbler
This episode might as well be named “Why Alya Is Awesome”. Seriously, Shadowmoth had her on the ropes, with Marinette, Nino, and her family all held hostage, and she played him like a freaking fiddle. And it was HER plan too, something she came up with and implemented herself during an extremely stressful situation! It convinced me that if the need arose, Alya could take over as the planner. Which makes sense, since Marinette’s been training Alya to basically be her backup in case something happens to her.
The fallout from the first half of the season with Chat Noir being sidelined and generally not seeming to be as needed came to fruition this episode, with him getting really frustrated at being left out again, after already not getting to the battle in time in Optigami. A lot of us had noticed him getting less focus and action had really, really hoped it was part of the story arc, that it’d be addressed, so it was good to see confirmation on that.
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1. Wishmaker
It was a tough fight between Sentibubbler and Wishmaker, but overall I found Wishmaker to be more fun while still being a really plot and character heavy episode. It made me like Luka and Alec quite a bit more, which I did NOT expect with Alec. He’s always been a bit of a jerk, but that was really explored and explained this episode, and I liked his character development. 
As for Luka, I’m just glad he had more focus NOT centered around his relationship with Marinette. HIs interactions with croco-jagged were hilarious, and it was nice to see what he wanted to do for a living. 
Really interesting that he discovered Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s identities, and DIDN’T tell Ladybug. I’m curious to see where that goes.
Oooh, and Adrien’s dream, or lack of one - that was heartbreaking. The fandom’s talked about Adrien not really knowing what he wants, but to see it addressed like this... it was great. DAMN though, his dream being to be what his parents wanted him to be, and for him to have that dream since he was an INFANT? That hurts.
The akuma was really fun in general, giving us Croco-Jagged and Pickled Banana. I rewatched it twice in one day, and loved it both times!
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
Hi! For the ask game: 17, 28, 37 :)
(I'm so sorry I took so long, there's no excuse but I promise I won't take that long again. I usually try to be fast with asks. Well, here it is.)
17. What’s your favorite AU?
Ahhhh, this was a hard question because I don’t really think about AUs a lot, canonverse really has everything I need. I think these days I like AUs where Adrien and Marinette are still Ladybug and Chat Noir, but haven’t met as civilians. I adore the Love Square, but fanworks where this is depicted are so fun. Especially post-Hawkmoth defeat, since Marinette would have to work through the fact that Adrien is Hawkmoth’s son. I love that. Kinda like The Bakery Enemies AU or this fic.
I also began to enjoy, more recently, universe fusions with other shows I like (I’m lowkey planning a fic around this Bleach AU and I have the vague foundations of a My Hero Academia AU). Ah, and AUs where the main duo has different miraculous or it’s not even them (maybe because I think about permanent miraculous holders Pigella and Tigress Pourpree a little too much for someone that doesn’t want any permanent hero other than LB and CN).
28. What’s your favorite scene?
Nothing has ever beaten the punch that The Umbrella Scene gave back in 2016. The music lives in my mind rent-free (as I type this I can hear the piano playing), Adrien opening up for what was maybe the first time was welcome back then and would be welcome now too, actually. Their dialogue was so sweet, the umbrella closing down on her, their laughter, Tikki and Plagg’s teasing. Adrinette invented love.
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By this point, the only scene that could possibly steal this spot is Adrien and Marinette having a conversation post-reveal where they can be honest with each other.
37. How do you feel about Lukanette?
You asked this on purpose, you knew I’m always down to rant about Lukanette. I was thinking that my problem with this ship is that it’s really boring, like Luka was until season 4 and then it hit me: maybe I’m projecting my feeling for Luka into Lukanette? I couldn’t remember many moments about them (they all ended up a mashed pile of Luka stringing him guitar with a “you feel like this”). There must be a reason people like them so much! So I googled “Lukanette scenes” and watched this ten-minute video (and read the comments bashing Adrien, thanks ML youtube) and… Nothing.
I was right, Lukanette is boring. Sure, part is because I don’t really care about Luka. His character was all about Marinette from his introduction to his akumatizations, it was obvious he was introduced just to be the love interest. Not even Juleka’s older brother, but Marinette’s love interest (until recently in, like, Crocoduel and Wishmaker). It’s a far cry from Kagami, whose first episode set her up as a character outside of Adrien and the following episodes made sure the audience and Marinette knew that. Sure, sometimes she fell back into the role of love interest and that was fine, I had Kagami moments outside of that where I felt like I understood her as a person. I didn’t have that with Luka at all.
Also, I just think his interactions with Marinette just don’t do anything for me at all. There’s no chemistry there, in my opinion (maybe just the Lies’ scene in the movie, I liked that). I don’t like how Luka is set up as a cardboard cut-out of the perfect boyfriend, he’s always assuring her that he’ll always be there for her and that he doesn’t care if she gets with Adrien instead of him, which is just plain weird to me. He was presented as a love interest right away and his friendship with Marinette isn’t developed at all, so him encouraging her to be with another guy strikes me as Luka not caring all that much.
In contrast, we have Kagami (I know this isn’t about her, but she is my beloved and the comparisons are relevant here). She says she likes Adrien and that she’s going after him, she won’t hesitate. Even after her and Marinette become friends and are after the same boy, they don’t fight about it and that’s cool. However, when Kagami tells Marinette she shouldn’t hesitate or Adrien will be out of her grasp, it feels organic because not only is Marinette her friend, but she believes Adrien is in love with her. She isn’t going to sit around, though, she wants Adrien and she’s not going to talk him into being with another girl. It feels real and way more genuine. Even when she says she’ll wait for Adrien, she’s clear about what she wants:
Kagami (in Frozer): The day you realize you’ve got the wrong target, I’ll be here. (She kisses his cheek)
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(Just wanted to add that yeah, Luka and Kagami have different personalities and that I don’t mind him not being assertive. It’s just that in the context, it’s iffy and not charming at all.)
I’m not gonna say the writing for Kagami is perfect, far from it, but it’s much better than Luka’s, which makes her and Adrigami interesting elements to the story. It used to baffle me that Kagami got hate while Luka was loved by a large amount of fans, but it’s just that she got a personality, flaws and all, and Luka didn’t. It’s much easier to hate the character you can’t project on (I’m not saying it’s just that, of course, there’s always other stuff). Adrien and Kagami were on friendly terms first, so when we got them as a love interest, it felt organic. Luka was introduced as a love interest and stayed there.
On Marinette’s side, there isn’t much to say. He was always playing second fiddle to Adrien in her heart and even he knew that. It’s hard to want her to be with Luka when she’s so hung up on someone else.
(Here's the post if anyone wants to ask and/or play.)
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