#the former shut-in/🎀
vioshipping · 1 year
Wait guys I just got an idea. IM FINALLY MAKING PROPER TAGS
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anti--transid · 1 year
Radqueers when they find out transspecies and transracial were never radqueer terms and are infact, alterhuman and adoptee terms
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hyerinrose · 1 year
Yandere! CEO (+Assistant Reader)
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A/N : Yan Ceo's name was taken from 🎧anon's suggestion of names! Reblogs and notes are appreciated <3
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, implied murder, etc
Event Masterlist 🎉
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
💌Yandere! CEO who owns a multi million dollar company. He was a successful business man in his field. His life was a dream to many other, he was good looking, intelligent, charismatic, surrounded by men and women and are practically drowning in his wealth.
🎀Yandere! CEO who's life were bleak and filled with nothingness, everyday seems to drag on and on. He had since lost the spark he once had when he first started his company.
💌Yandere! CEO who met you, a new intern at his company. He wasn't interested in you at first until he heard you spoke with your higher ups. You were intelligent, every words you utter stunned him even more. You've caught his attention and it's your worst mistake.
🎀Yandere! CEO who uses his power and connections to dig into your personal information from your likes and dislikes to your home address, wanting to learn more about you. He can't seems to get you out of his head!
💌Yandere! CEO who approaches you one day with an offer to become his assistant, the spot being empty after he had disposes of his previous one. With you being his assistant, he can now observe you even closer and also to prevent your coworkers from interacting with you.
"Keep your eyes on me, Assistant (Last Name)"
🎀Yandere! CEO who was content with admiring you from afar while also eliminating potential rivals that could stand in his way of pursuing you. However as he was being swarmed with mountains of projects and paperworks, you slipped from his grasp and into the hands of someone else's.
💌Yandere! CEO who gives into his desire of locking you up in his expensive penthouse where you have no way of escaping. Not with the tight security he has and the red rope tied around your ankles to his bed. No, he won't let you escape him again.
Yan ceo lowkey inspired by Jumin from mysme
Drabble under the cut!
"Good morning, my love. I hope my men didn't knock you out too hard yesterday" Kenzo walked into the bedroom with a smile on his face.
You struggled in your bonds as you looked at him fearfully. Your former boss was now standing at the edge of the king sized bed you were tied to.
"W-what's the meaning behind this, s-sir?"
The only thing you remembered from last night was you working overtime and as you were preparing to leave the building, you were dragged into a black van and were sedated.
"Isn't it obvious? You're here because I love you, (Name). I've always have for a long time"
Kenzo placed a gloved hand on your cheek, tilting your head to face him. Loving black irises clashes with your fearful (E/C) ones.
"L-love? This isn't love! Let me go this instant, sir!"
His hold on your face tighten as he placed a finger on your lips, shutting you up.
"No can do. I've learnt my lesson with letting you out of my sight. From now, I'm the only one who you can see, the only one who you can talk to and the only one who you can love"
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck!
OC Deep Dive 🦾🎀
Let's do a two for one with Astra and Mashal :)
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Hm, that's a tough one. Astra doesn't scare easily when it comes to physical things. I'd say failure is a big fear of hers, or letting down the people she loves.
It's bugs. Ignoring all the existential stuff, Mashal is terrified of bugs. Spiders especially, but anything that crawls makes him uncomfortable. The other big one is losing his humanity.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who talk down to her will set Astra off like a firecracker. She's had more than enough of that in her time. People who are willing ignorant also piss her off, especially if that ignorance hurts others.
As a former army brat, Mashal does get a little tetchy around messy spaces. He won't get on people about it, but he will clean up unprompted. He also can't stand bullies or anyone who hurts people for their own gain.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A full chemistry set, lots of scrap fabric, and way too many fancy pillows.
He doesn't sleep, so he doesn't have a bedroom, but if he did, it would have a sketchbook, some candles he can stare at while meditating, and a few practice swords hung on the wall.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their clothes, I'd say. Astra can tell a lot about a person by what they wear and how they care for their garments. Also, their sense of fashion can be telling.
I think as an artist, Mashal picks up on unique features first. A crooked jaw, especially beautiful eyes, an unusual expression - anything that makes someone stand out. Consequently, he's also just good at remembering faces in general.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A six, but she thinks it's a nine. She also carries the fantasy equivalent of those berserker mushrooms at all times, so if she's hurt, she'll do drugs about it and keep going.
He has no sense of pain as a robot, but if he's ever returned to his human form, it's gonna be a rude awakening the first time he stubs his toe on something.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
It kinda depends. If her friends are with her, she'll tend towards fight. If she's alone though, she often freezes up.
Fight, all the way. In moments of stress, Mashal's brain will all but shut off as he starts swinging.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Astra's family is just her and her two moms, but she loves them dearly. Every cent she makes goes towards paying off their debtor contracts, and she writes them frequently.
Mashal doesn't remember his family. He assumes his parents are alive and he's pretty sure he has an older brother, but anything more than that is a mystery. He hopes to find them someday once he's human again.
What animal represents them best?
I'm tempted to go with a black cat solely because she's a witch, but I feel like she's more high energy than that. In that case, maybe some sort of monkey? Clever, curious, loud, and a little vicious.
A horse, I think. Some sort of retired warhorse that likes to run and nuzzle your hair, but will kick if you get too close.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Formaldehyde. It gives her headaches.
He has no sense of smell :(
Have they broken any bones?
Yup. She broke her arm at the end of book one and has broken a few fingers in the past when she wasn't careful enough with her tinkering.
He has no bones :(
(Mashal doesn't remember, but as a boy, he did fracture his skull when he fell down a flight of stairs. He also broke the same ankle twice during sparring. His squad did tease him for this.)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Oh gods, what an outfit she had! I don't think I've ever seen that many colors on one garment, and she must've sewn half the ribbons from here to Yewbury into the lining. The embroidery was fantastic. It was loud enough you hardly noticed the woman wearing it. She was pretty short, I think. I wanna say she was mixed Skolander and Shuari, given the dark curls and blue eyes. Her skin was kind of an amber brown, but she had these pale splotches under her eyes and mouth. Vitiligo, I think? Her makeup was also quite loud, but somehow matched the outfit. There was just a lot going on there, in general."
"Damn, I don't think I've ever seen a robot in these parts. The fucker was huge, had to be close to seven feet tall. Kinda scary looking, to be honest, with those glowing white eyes. But, I don't know, he seemed nice. His face didn't seem like it moved much, but he looked like he was smiling. He was wearing very heavy clothing with a bandana over his head. The only bronze uncovered was his face and hands. I would've thought he was sick in the head wearing such heavy clothes in this heat, except, well, I guess a robot wouldn't care about that."
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Very much a night owl, verging on actual insomnia. Getting up before 11 is a herculean trial.
He doesn't sleep, but if he did, he'd be an early bird. Man is ready for bed at 9:30 sharp.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Astra hates the taste of rice. As a kid, that was basically all she had to eat in the summers and she would frequently come down with pellagra because she was so malnourished. A flavor she loves is barbecue. She's from the fantasy south, so I think this one is self-explanatory.
He has no sense of taste, but from vibes alone, he knows he definitely has a sweet tooth.
Do they have any hobbies?
Really, she's good with any type of fiber art, but Astra loves to embroider. All her clothes sport little bits of embroidery. I'm also going to say magic because she loves it even though it's her job.
Mashal enjoys art, usually with a pencil, but he branches out into paint sometimes. He also likes to read. Any genre is fine, so long as it's fiction and not too dark. I feel like he'd love anime if it existed on Illaros for some reason.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
She'd definitely jump, then complain about why it had to be a secret because she already knew what she wanted to do for her birthday. Even so, she would be very appreciative of the effort.
Mashal has no idea when his birthday is, so it'd be a double surprise for him if someone popped out and declared that today's the day. After making sure they're not just fucking with him, he'd get quite teary (not actually, but the vibe is there), thank them profusely, and spend the rest of the night being told to sit down and quit trying to take care of things, this is your party, damnit!
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. Astra always has some earrings on and frequently wears rings and bracelets. Most of this is costume jewelry.
Gold jewelry is very important in Sulu'Okan culture, so he definitely would, he just can't afford any right now.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Surprisingly neat. She writes in full, founding father cursive.
Surprisingly messy. He tends towards chicken scratch.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Indignation and the desire to help.
Protectiveness and fury.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Astra could rank every fabric ever on a numbered scale, but I think her all-time favorite is satin.
He honestly has no opinion on this, so he'd probably just say satin also. My man doesn't know burlap from chiffon, give him a break.
What kind of accent do they have?
Lol, read any of her dialog and it's obvious. Astra has a strong southern accent, more similar to a Georgia drawl than some Texas twang.
Honestly, Mashal is my one character that I feel has no accent (aka same accent as me), so I guess upper south. He does speak very softly, though, and has a bit of a stutter at times. His voice also tends to go static when he yells.
I'll tag @willtheweaver @theink-stainedfolk @kaylinalexanderbooks @nczaversnick @watermeezer and anyone else who wants to play :)
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
📙⭐🌠🌀💜🎀 on the oc ask?
I’m never picking the characters myself for these ask things again it makes this take so much longer 😭 
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Lucia is really interested in like world events and politics, she thinks it’s very interesting to learn about. She also thinks it’s incredibly depressing and she hates hearing about it, so as you can imagine there is some conflict between these two desires. At any rate, she can talk for a long time about it— she’s pretty quiet at first, but if you get her talking she’ll like, go on a long monologue abt whatever topic. But she for the most part doesn’t find it fun, it’s more of like a compulsion to learn more about it + understand it I guess. Not dissimilar to Rocio’s obsession with magic, but it’s more grounded in nature. In terms of what she likes to talk about for fun, she really likes talking about + listening to music, + can talk for a while about it if she’s asked to.
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
Ok I have to say. I’m not doing this one I am so sorry I tried to think of something I promise but I guess no one has like a former friend/someone they’ve lost contact with as part of their backstory. Rest in pieces. And I really want to get this done and post it bc I feel bad for taking 8 thousand billion years on this so I will pass on this question I’m sorry. you might have forgot you even sent this by now LOL
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Jude (Prince Sovereign of Renaudin <3) I think for the most part has been kind of emotionally shut down for a while now. He’s afraid of a war breaking out again in the same way most people are, but probably less so than the average person because he’s resigned to the fact he has no control over anything that happens. He doesn’t want to die or anything, but he’s not all that afraid of it either. I think when he does get scared he tries to dissociate from the situation, like imagine he’s not really there or he’s looking down on everything from afar. Maybe he’ll just go to sleep or whatever. Do old timey drugs they had in the 1910s what was popular back then opium? No idea. 
I think people are scared of him very frequently though, like since his power is so strong he could like. Extinguish the sun/create eternal night if he wanted to, potentially. He’s not actually that powerful, at least under ordinary circumstances, but like the rumors/his reputation have been exaggerated. So everyone that like interacts with him directly (and also political leaders who have to deal with him being used as a threat/bargaining chip) are afraid of him both as an object of extreme power and as a person— they’d be fucked if he ever decided to go rogue yk.
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
Kela has been living in the coral kingdom for most of her recent life, since that’s where the people she like acts as advisor to (and later replaces) work, right? Like it was the first place created by wizards and the largest of the kingdoms, so there’s a lot of trade lot of meetings of international leaders etc etc, and she was indeed born there, but she actually was raised in the kelp forest kingdom. They didn’t know abt the magic superintelligence thing at the time and thought she was just a normal person with no special attributes, so they didn’t want to study her or anything and she was raised in like a group home type setup. It was pretty nice, the wildlife in that area is very beautiful and she really likes being in nature so that was good for her. She was also good at making friends, and since she was raised alongside a lot of other kids, it was nice for her, she got along with them really well. So she has a lot of pleasant memories associated with it, and is very sad she had to leave, but she understands why it was important, and she likes the coral kingdom as well. I think she likes them equally as much, she cares a lot abt the people of both kingdoms in general + likes both a crowded city setting and a small town setting. She likes the city because you never like run out of different people if that makes sense? 
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
Aya: Music, swords (<more so guns or regular fistfighting than either of those, though) nature  (they hate living in a city so fucking much they’d be happy living alone in the woods, not for isolation reasons (they actually dislike being isolated) but just bc of the environment. They hate claustrophobic spaces with a lot of people)
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
Only character I have that wears a particular accessory often is Angel so I will go with him <3 he wears these green spherical earrings like every single day, he likes how they look + they’re kind of similar to jade which is popular at the time. But they’re really made of glass so he has to be careful not to break them. Very impractical. In the country/time period he lives, there are two different styles, one that’s a more ‘traditional’ style and one that follows international trends. Both of them are popular and neither is really favored over the other (except in certain specific circumstances like ceremonially/for holidays or for meetings with international business associates), but mixing them together is considered extremely unfashionable. Angel used to like mixing them together as a kid, but now that he’s older he is significantly more fashionable. Wears things from either style depending on how he’s feeling. He used to have horrendous fashion sense but he’s actually pretty good at it now. This is bc he is incredibly self centered and so cares a lot abt how people see him. He definitely puts a lot of effort into dressing up if thr event calls for it.
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eboni-napalm · 2 years
🐻🎀💘✨ for Kazuya! -@rugal-bernsteins
YESSSSS BLESS YOU JUDAS 🐻An animal they remind you of?: To me, Kazuya has always felt like he's similar to a large, predatorial cat; maybe a Siberian Tiger. Strong, fierce, and protective, but very aloof and guarded. It takes a special person to get through the wall he puts up. 🎀Who would you say spoils the other more?: In terms of material possessions, neither of us really? I don't have much need for objects that are more of a "want" than a "need", and he's the same. However, when it comes to more on acts of service or words, it's different. I edge him out in the former; always there to provide him with a warm hug or anything similar. He's stressed a lot of the time, what with G-Corp and the bullshit with Heihachi AND Jin weighing on him, anything I can do to help relax him and show him he's loved and cared for I'll do without hesitation. For spoiling the other in affirming words, he wins that one. I've had my fair share of bad relationships with manipulative people, and thus I never feel adequate or appreciated in a sense. He shuts that down almost immediately when he senses my energy change, never afraid to tell me how strong I am and how he's never loved anyone like he's loved me. 💘The weirdest place the two of you had sex with each other?: Ehh, neither of us are super into anything crazy location-wise. However, there WAS a time the day before a tournament where we did it in the private top floor of a club once... he had me pinned against a wall the whole time. God, that was hot. ✨Say whatever you want about your f/o: He's brought me so much comfort in ways I never thought I'd experience. I strive to be a better version of myself every day because of him encouraging me to keep going, to keep fighting and thriving. Kazuya just... came out of nowhere for me and I can't deny at all that it's a rush of adrenaline and confidence I have thanks to him being a part of my life. And I can't thank him enough.
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