#the girl upstairs
gaoau · 6 months
The Girl Upstairs
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Loud noises that came from the ceiling; sometimes every night, sometimes once a month. A quiet girl whose toes were as light as cotton or as heavy as lead. "Maybe it was the wind," she used to say.
pairing — Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader warnings — sensitive topics; mental instability; self harm; blood; suicide; death.
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01. Friday 5th — Shattered Glass 02. Monday 8th — Cold Morning Meeting 03. Tuesday 9th — Nocturne Onomatopoeias 04. Tuesday 9th — [Surname] [Name] 05. Sunday 14th — To Avoid Silence 06. Sunday 14th — The Heat of Warmth 07. Wednesday 17th — Asking for a Favor 08. Friday 2nd — Loud as Thunder 09. Friday 2nd — The Dots Connect 10. Saturday 10th — Explanations Overdue 11. Sunday 11th — The Truth Among the Lies 12. Sunday 11th — A Glimpse Into Her Mind 13. Sunday 11th — “Neighbors Should Look Out for Each Other” 14. Thursday 15th — Together 15. Saturday 24th — A Lunch of Sighs 16. Wednesday 5th — Happy Birthday 17. Monday 17th — A Joyful Afternoon Practice 18.Thursday 27th — The Road to Nationals 19. Tuesday 1st — When There’s No Future 20. Friday 11th — The Girl Upstairs 00. Afterword
"Maybe it was the wind," she smiled. And although the wind could whistle, it would never sob.
[ originally written: 11/02/2020 - 21/04/2020 ]
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drdelphinecormigay · 2 years
Hello, it's Nov 2, 2022. Can you please give some sort of update as to when the new chapter of Girl Upstairs will be posted? At least some sort of hint at your intentions.
Hey, sorry I haven’t been on here in a while.
I’m still writing it, very very slowly. My mojo isn’t entirely about at the moment so expect it to still be a while. That being said, I am cracking away slowly, and it will definitely be finished eventually. I’m really sorry for making you all wait! It’s just so hard to write when the motivation isn’t there, you know?
I hope you guys are all doing well
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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No time to play. You are being sent away.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#yu ziyuan#jiang yanli#jiang cheng#wei wuxian#Do you know how hard it was to *not* do a 'Sold To One Direction' spoof comic? It took nearly all my will power.#Mostly because it misaligns a little too far off from the canon events and vibes.#But sit with me for a moment. Consider it:#“BEEP BEEP BEEP. I threw my pillow at my alarm clock. ”Wei Wuxian get your lazy ass downstairs!“ Yu Ziyuan yelled.#I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see my grey orbs staring back at me.#I put my long straight black hair in a ponytail with a red ribbon.#I went downstairs to see my adoptive mother holding a bottle of vodka and a cigarette.#'Listen up whore! I need money to pay the bills so I sold you. Your new owners will be here any minute so go pack!'#I stormed upstairs. There was no way I was going to let her sell me to a creepy old man!#I decided to run away. Since I'm not like other girls I don't have very many friends.#My gay friend Lan Zhan was mean but he lived like a block away.#As I opened the door I saw Wen Chao blocking the door. 'Ello Love. We're your new owners!'#I rolled my eyes and pushed him. 'Aren't you from that stupid Wen Sect? There's no way in hell I'm going with you!'#Hey again. It's me the OP of this blog taking a pause. I haven't actually read this story before aside from the memes#and I am honestly reeling from how this watpad fic chapter ends. What do you mean one of the one direction boys chloroforms her???#Chapter 2 is so much worse#Why is there such a strong focus on the *eyes* of every boy!!!#This fanfic is a horror story actually. I came into it trying to make a funny parody but I got in over my head. Dear God.#It's me again. Several minutes have passed and I'm on chapter 4. What the FUCK is going on here?#I feel like I opened up pandora's box hoping for a fun little treat and got the plauge upon me. Dont read this fic.
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zeb-z · 1 year
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POV: you’re philza minecraft
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GILMORE GIRLS | 3.08 "Let The Games Begin"
+ bonus:
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
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rosalinabloom · 5 months
Rewatching Winx club, and maybe I'm conflating my college experience, but...
The most unrealistic part is that they all the roommates get along so well. And that they never had noise issues from their neighbors.
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askhaley · 25 days
I'm gonna be the prettiest girl in the saloon! And you can't stop me muahahahahaha *trips on a rock and goes unconscious*
Oh nooo, a conveniently placed rock. Looks like I'm gonna be the prettiest girl in the saloon, now.
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aaronstveit · 2 days
i love being like "haha no i don't believe in ghosts" until i hear one (1) strange noise and then suddenly i'm like well maybe i believe in one ghost.
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gaoau · 6 months
Friday 11th – The Girl Upstairs
The Girl Upstairs note — theres mentions of suicide ahead. also, theres an afterword that id appreciate you read. hold on tightly, cause this is almost 4000 words long. thank you so much for reading! warnings — none. word count — 4.1k
prev. — next.
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Akaashi stepped through the metal gates and onto the brick path, appreciating the familiar scenery of his apartment complex. The lights in the main lobby were turned on and shining brightly against the crystal double-doors; an eye-catching contrast against the pure darkness of that moonless night. His long fingers, exhausted from handling and tossing volleyballs for the past days, wrapped loosely around his phone as he scanned through the exchanged words. [Name]'s messages took him back to the previous Saturday.
Nationals had been intense. Bokuto's emo mode stealing the spotlight during their very first match already had shaved ten years off his life. But his team was strong and incredibly capable with or without their simpleton ace — although having their ace working alongside everyone else was pretty satisfying.
Akaashi had, of course, played his best as well, despite the occasional trip here and there. After all, he had wanted to show [Name] just how much fun she could have watching a volleyball game. Sure, she had stayed multiple times during afternoon practice, but the match at the Spring Tournament was her first official match ever. First impressions mattered a lot.
If her messages had told him anything, it was that she had made time among all her school work to drop by and watch them play. Keiji-san, she had written in kanji. You can do it. I'll be watching. He could have sworn that when pointing at Hinata watching on the side, he caught a glimpse of [Name] wearing her teal scarf as she cheered them on from behind a sea of people. Weirdly enough, she hadn't seen — let alone responded to — any of his texts after their match on Saturday.
As he scrolled through the messages left unread, he wondered if [Name] would brew the coffee this time for him. He was pretty tired, what with playing match after match, rally after rally, and then celebrating with his team until that Friday. Maybe she would be willing to boil the water and grind the beans herself for a change. He pressed down on [Name]'s phone number and brought the device to his ear. It rang; once, twice, thrice — voicemail. He shoved his phone into his gym bag.
The lock of the double doors clicked behind Akaashi after he entered the building, the warmth from the internal heating greeted him with a welcoming hug. His eyes traveled instantly to the elevator; he wanted to check on his neighbor before anything else. [Name] was never one to pick up her phone, as he had come to find out, but not replying to his messages made questions and concerns rise. Chances were she had broken her phone during one of her episodes, or perhaps she was opting to ignore everything and actually catch up on school work. He'd have to find out.
Sending a polite nod to the elder receptionist — whose name he still didn't know — he headed for the elevator with steps faster than intended. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of his name being called. "Akaashi-kun, do you have a second?" Akaashi craned his neck backwards and met the grimacing eyes of the old man.
With one hesitant glance to the steel doors of the elevator, he walked over to the reception counter. "Is everything okay, sir?" The man had produced a sealed envelope and a scarf from behind the counter, setting them atop the furniture for Akaashi to see. Akaashi's long fingers tightened around the strap of his bag.
A scarf. A woolen scarf. A teal, woolen scarf. Was that [Name]'s scarf?
The man smiled at him; a smile that brimmed with pity and a weak attempt at comfort. "[Name]-san left this for you. I saved it until you came back." Akaashi's throat closed up. He glowered with wavering eyes at the scarf before him. The teal became black as it reached towards him to swallow him into nothingness. "It's such a shame." The receptionist's words bounced off his ears while he glared at his name, written in messy kanji on the back of the white envelope. "Who would've thought she was struggling so much? She was such a nice girl, too, always greeting good morning and wishing good days all around."
Why did he keep speaking in the past tense? Why was [Name]'s scarf trying to choke him? Why was his name written in kanji with [Name]'s handwriting? [Name] hated kanji. "Excuse me." Akaashi finally found the voice to ask his questions. As much as he feared the possible answers, he knew he had to get at least one. His tongue burned. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, did you not receive the news?" The term news made his heart rate pick up, his palms sweat, his fingers twitch, his mouth dry. He managed to shake his head in response. "Oh, dear… Poor [Name]-san took her own life last Saturday."
Blank. Akaashi's head turned blank. The sentence alone took what felt like endless eons to sink in. The previous Saturday, as he played his first match of the Spring Tournament, [Name] commi—impossible. It was impossible, simply impossible. He had seen her; [Name] had been sitting on the bleachers, cheering him and his team on. She had sent text messages of encouragement. She had said she'd be watching — she had been watching. Akaashi knew for a fact [Name] had been there with him.
He hadn't imagined it, had he?
"I— That can't be right. She— [Name], she— [Name]-san messaged me. She wished me luck on my match. What do you mean she's dead…?" Akaashi Keiji, normally cool and collected, stood completely flabbergasted and perplexed, stumbling over his words and spouting his neighbor's name without honorifics, as if they were best friends since diapers. They were nothing, after all; not friends, not acquaintances, not classmates, he wondered if they were even neighbors.
The receptionist's smile softened, but all Akaashi could see with his trembling pupils was a condescending sneer. It called him a useless fool. "I'm very sorry for your loss, Akaashi-kun." The man prodded the sealed envelope closer to his stiff figure. Akaashi wanted nothing more than to rip it to shreds. "Maybe you should read what she had to say to you. The police said this letter was the only one in the room, apart from the money for reparations."
The more the old man spoke, the more his brain tripped over itself. He couldn't understand. He really couldn't understand a thing. [Name] had died after assuring him over and over she had no intentions of taking her own life. Akaashi had found [Name] was surprisingly skilled at lying. However, he had never imagined she would lie about such a bold decision. Such a painful decision. All of his progress, the one he had cradled so proudly in his cupped hands, faded away in the blink of an eye.
Like a fool, he had thought he was helping, when in reality [Name] remained the same fidgety [Name] with dangerous ideas in that complex brain of hers. He bought her lies, her silence, and her evasions without hesitation. Like a fool. Like a fucking fool.
But hearing there was only one letter — apart from whatever a reparations letter meant — and it was addressed to him brought him an indescribable sense of relief. He was confused as he was relieved. Maybe they had been friends after all. Maybe she had trusted him after all. Maybe not all her words had been lies.
"Stay strong, Akaashi-kun," the man spoke again after Akaashi's silent, internal battle. His smile had become tender once more. Akaashi nodded, clumsily grabbed [Name]'s belongings, and marched with heavy footsteps to the elevator.
His attention strayed to the right, to the door beside the elevator. He was quick to decide he would take the stairs.
The number-plate glared into him, mocking him with only three digits. 404. He had come to hate that number. Below the plate, a rectangular sign stuck to the wood. It read Under maintenance. Please, do not enter. Akaashi skimmed over the words before reaching for the doorknob. His brows rose when the door gave way without a fight.
Finally, after three months of knowing [Name], he was at last entering her apartment. The one she had been so adamant on never visiting, the one in which she produced all those loud noises at night, the one she called her home yet felt so unwelcoming.
Apartment 404: [Name]'s apartment.
A merciless gust of freezing air slapped him across the face as soon as he pushed the door open. Akaashi flinched surprised. His hand blindly groped the wall for a light switch, and in an instant the flat was flooded with light. He stepped inside, holding in his breath, fearing a mere puff of air would shatter the entire building in the blink of an eye. The door shut behind him, his bag dropped to the floor, and he glared at the dent in the wood as he was wrapped in a biting cold.
Now he understood why [Name] never wanted him over at her apartment and what reparations meant. Right by the door, lined-up one next to the other, were trash bags full to the top. He frowned at their contents: broken pieces of wood and porcelain. Deep into the room, he could spot the fluttering of black curtains, dancing frantically alongside the Winter wind. The window was clearly closed, yet the cold barged in through the cracked glass, missing pieces leaving a gigantic gap in the crystal. To his side, he found the opened door of the restroom. He peered inside, only to find a shattered mirror and ground-up mirror shards stained with dried blood, scattered over the white tiles.
The connection popped in Akaashi's head in a split second. [Name] had smashed and walked on her mirror, huh? He felt a pitiful grimace twisting his face.
Closing the door gently, as if to keep the frail memory of [Name] breaking down inside the bathroom, Akaashi stepped away from it. He analyzed his surroundings thoroughly; he needed to understand how [Name] spent her days before somberly reading her last words to him. There was no dining table, no chairs, no sofa, no television. Glancing into her kitchen, only a tied-up trash bag sat by itself. Cupboards and pantry completely empty, drawers saving solely a fork, a knife, and metal chopsticks still in their package.
Akaashi sighed. If her apartment was built anything like his, he was missing only one room, which he dreaded the most. The door to [Name]'s dark bedroom was wide open, allowing a full view to her unmade bed. As a pleasant surprise, he was met with a wooden desk. Compared to every other corner in [Name]'s place, her desk actually looked presentable. Her booklets and textbooks were neatly piled up and sitting on a corner. There were cups holding pencils and pens and markers.
He grabbed the chair tucked beneath the desk and settled down on it. The window by [Name]'s bed was wide open, blinds pulled up to open the path to head out onto the balcony. Akaashi gazed at the moonless sky briefly, before his eyes unconsciously traveled to the swaying rope taunting him. He frowned and immediately looked away. It sent chills down his spine.
Filling his lungs with air and courage, Akaashi turned [Name]'s lamp on. His hand trembled as he retrieved the sealed envelope from his pocket. Akaashi Keiji, it said in perfect kanji, although sloppy, as if the hand that had written it wasn't familiar with the characters — which was probably true. He gulped audibly while ripping the envelope open with a pair of scissors.
Two sheets of folded paper came out.
“Akaashi Keiji,                                  this is my third attempt to write this, so bear with me here.” A smile bloomed on his lips and he released a puffed chuckle. Even while writing a suicide note, [Surname] [Name] remained as nonchalant as ever.
                                “I tried to warn you, but you didn't understand. I'm not sorry, though. I did my best, I know I did, I just couldn't win against your stubbornness. Even now, after I've gone through with my decision, I don't expect you to understand, nor do I want you to. What you'll read in this letter is not only all over the place, 'cause my head is still a mess, but it's also very cold. I suggest you read it with a cup of tea, and, mostly, with an open mind.” Akaashi sighed. There was no time for tea.
                                “First off, let's get the blame out of the way, shall we? I feel you're that type of selfless dumbass that would blame themself, feeling they should've done more or tried harder, you know what I'm saying? Just to let you know, you did more than enough. In fact, you did something—” the word something had been traced over with a highlighter, “—which I didn't think possible. I wasn't planning on letting you do a single thing when you first talked to me that stupid Monday back in Fall. But you somehow managed and I don't know how; pat yourself on the back for that one. If anything, I should be the one to blame, but that's also bullshit. No one's at fault here, yeah? It is what it is. Let's move on.
                                I'm fully aware you tried your best to befriend me (which you succeeded in, mind you) and help me out. You wanted me to become one of the warm ones, didn't you? I told you time and time again that it was impossible, not just because I was born like a fool in the cold, but because I never wanted to become warm. It wouldn't have fit me. I never bothered even giving it a thought. Why do you think I moved here to live all on my own? Because after reading so many books and living new experiences every couple of days, I concluded that I didn't want that. I was fourteen and finishing middle-school when I realized that the praise around me was as empty as the hate; when I realized that life is all about compromises; that you give and take, and when you take more than you give you're an asshole, but when you give more than you take you're an idiot.”
"That's such a sad outlook, though." His words fell from his lips in a soft murmur, brows bending in a grimace.
“It sounds very philosophically depressed, doesn't it? But the truth is that I hate having to live through all those pointless trade-offs, when I know I'm just going to die in the end. I'm only accelerating the process. "That's a very sad outlook on life," you'd say—” Akaashi laughed to himself, “—and you might be right. Maybe it is. But it's the one I'm comfortable with, because it makes sense in my head. I realized so many things that I turned into the mess you came to befriend. Anxious, and scared, and weak, and nihilistic. My head's been such an indecisive and hesitant mess ever since I reached all these conclusions that I ended up confusing myself and losing myself. Those were the moments when I most wanted to die and you'd hear me destroy my own apartment. Because everything was a blur and I didn't know what to do, so I just wanted it all to disappear. My goal was to finish high-school, but I didn't want to take my chances and wait until Spring. You couldn't have changed my decision no matter what. Had you asked me to marry you or give a speech to congratulate you on your marriage, I was never meant to live that long. This had all been planned, even before you met me, and I knew I was going to go through with it.
                                There's something that wasn't in my plans at all, and that's where you come in, Keiji-san. This very note you're hopefully still reading, 'cause I did stay up these past couple nights to write it—” more laughter bubbled in his throat, “—wasn't supposed to exist; I didn't want to write it. I had planned to stay away from my family (I lied, my parents aren't abroad) and take every precaution at Fukuroudani to not make friends. I did everything to avoid people as best as I could to prevent the pain of waking up one day and finding a hand-written note instead of a breathing person. I wanted to soften the blow and cause as little trouble to everyone around me as possible. But then you came around, you talked to me, you forced me to become your friend (thanks!)—” there was a smiling face drawn between the parenthesis. Akaashi mirrored it. “—you reminded me how nice it was to have dinner with company and that I deserved to have a good night's rest somewhere warm and cozy. I'm writing this letter solely because I owe you some closure and I'm not about to leave such a great friend so abruptly without a goodbye. I don't believe in goodbyes either, but I can make an exception this time.
                                To be completely honest, I'd wanted to tell you about my decision. I'd wanted to tell you not to waste your time on someone that wouldn't make it past Spring. I tried to a couple times, but I guess I was too much of a coward to actually bring myself to say it to your face. In the end, I think it was for the best, you know? I wonder if you would've missed nationals because of me. Hopefully no, but better safe than sorry. That's why I waited until you were gone to do it. I'm still not sure if it was the best decision and I guess I won't ever know. What do you think?”
Akaashi closed his eyes to halt himself from reading further. He gave the idea some thought and whispered, "…I don't know, either." Had he known [Name] was planning on dying after all, would he have done anything? What could he have done anyway? It was too late to ponder over it.
“My original idea was to graduate and then die, but you changed practically everything. We started walking to and from school together, I spent more time over at your apartment than at mine, I saved the team's numbers on my phone, and I even checked out one of your guys' matches before killing myself. Although maybe I pushed my luck too much on that one. I may have never been able to leave and then it would've been too late. This isn't to say I died earlier because of you! Not at all!! In fact, you did more good than bad. If it hadn't been for how annoyingly persistent you were, I would've died consumed by the stupid cold. Thanks to you I saw Bokuto-san shine, Konoha-san tried to take me out on a date, Shirofuku-san and Suzumeda-san taught me about volleyball, and so much more. But I was scared of falling too deep into their warmth and not being able to leave — or to put it simply, I was afraid of getting attached and not being able to commit suicide when Spring came. It's been so fun to be with you guys, so it's not like I didn't care what happened to me. It's just that reality is very flickering and Spring was too far away.”
[Name] had known her way around words and was capable of molding them into beautiful lies he despised. But when she spoke straightforwardly, writing down with her own thoughts the kanji characters for suicide, he wished she would have lied once more. He couldn't stand the sight of verbs being expressed in the past tense when talking about her life.
“It had to be now, because later I would have been all alone in the cold again. That's how it's always been. Thanks to you, Keiji-san, I'm dying without regrets and that stupid self-realization you talked about. I'm glad to have made memories.
                                There is one thing I'm very sorry about and I would kneel to beg for your forgiveness (knowing full well that you would give it to me without hesitation, right?). I told you countless times how you were too warm and how scared I was of getting burned. You never burned me, Keiji-san. You were the right amount of warm and always shone so brightly, yet quietly. It was so comforting. And I selfishly took full advantage of your softness. I completely disregarded the fact that the cold can also burn. I'm sure I've burned you. I'm really sorry.
                                Keiji-san, I'm truly sorry.
                                It's because I'm sorry that I want you to keep my scarf. Winter's at its peak and it's very cold out there, so I don't want you to get burned by anyone or anything ever again, yeah? My scarf always kept me warm, so I think it'll work for you, too. Will you keep it?”
"Of course I will. Thanks, [Name]-san."
“I wonder if you replied. You're welcome.”
Akaashi laughed, huffing through his nose like she liked to do.
                                “To bring this long-ass essay to an end once and for all, I only want to thank you. Sounds like some sappy shit, I'm aware, but hear me out. Read me out? Sorry, I'm nervous. Thanks. Thank you for being warm and never burning me, for your time and effort, for your friendship and sharing your friends, which I don't dare call mine. Most of all, thank you for letting me indulge in your warmth, for making me actually live these past three months and for allowing me to die without regrets. Thank you so much, Keiji-san. I'll be watching. You can do it.
—[Name] | 2013 / 5 / 1 |”
Monday morning rolled around faster than Akaashi would've liked. He had wanted to rest over the weekend after enjoying a warm cup of comforting coffee, yet he had fallen asleep on [Name]'s desk. Saturday and Sunday were spent pondering, but never searching for where to point his fingers. He understood [Name] would have come back to life to kick him for trying to find where to pin the blame for her suicide.
On his way to school on that Winter morning, he made sure to buy a single white lily, similar to the one he had placed by — what once had been — [Name]'s door. He appreciated the lack of morning practice as he walked through the third-years' hall. Peeking inside the classroom, he narrowed his eyes in pity at the heavy silence among the students. It seemed they all were trying their best to avoid looking at their dead classmate's former desk.
Of course, Akaashi had no clue which desk [Name] used to sit on, but it wasn't hard to distinguish it; the only one decorated with a teal vase of white lilies had to be [Name]'s. Excusing himself, he entered the classroom, turning heads in his direction at the interruption of uncomfortable silence. Shirofuku and Suzumeda smiled weakly at him, nodding in acknowledgement. He placed his flower among the other dozen and promptly left.
A Winter breeze nipped at his cheeks while he marched through the hallway. Akaashi couldn't tell where it came from. Maybe he was just imagining it — imagining the numbing cold that stole all feeling from the tips of his long fingers. He felt the sheer algor trying to drag him like it had dragged [Name]. But he knew better than to let it win and fought against it with the warmth of his teal scarf, wrapping kindly around his neck in a soft embrace.
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—あごす (agosu) • 2020
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drdelphinecormigay · 2 years
Is it true the update we've been crazy waiting for is already the final chapter?!?! </3
Yeah the next update will be the final chapter, it has just reached its natural end point! However I am planning to do at least one epilogue, perhaps two if I feel like it, so it’s not like it’s gonna be over over yet!
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assassinregrets · 2 months
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
Lancer was king for approximately 0.006 seconds before the world disintegrated but Rouxls has one (1) smear frame blurry ass photo of him sitting on his father’s throne framed on his desk anyways post
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softquietsteadylove · 25 days
heyyy 🫶🏼🫶🏼
can we have some more spicy ten things I hate abt you AU?? I really loved the last one!!! And can we also have Thena being vulnerable to Gil? I love your writing so so sooooo much 🫶🏼🫶🏼
—- Eternalfanatic (I forgot my account password lmao) 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Thena furrowed her brows, determined to keep on kissing him as their hips moved together. She tangled her tongue with his, trying to dissuade him from interrupting things.
She huffed, pulling away and bracing herself on his shoulders to glare at him. "You keep saying how much you enjoy our intimacy, yet you insist on interrupting it!"
Gil wore a sheepish expression, despite literally being buried inside of her. His fingers tapped on her bare back. "I do!"
"Then why," she growled, leaning forward and forcing him completely under her again. Not that she enjoyed the thought of his eyes having a full on feast of her naked body. But she enjoyed being on top--it gave her the control she so desperately needed, especially at times like this. She dug her nails into his shoulder, "are you?"
He sighed, glancing away as if they were having a light, normal conversation, and not in the middle of having sex. "Well...is something on your mind?"
"Now?!" she barked at him. Neither were close to the point of no return, obviously, but she wasn't exactly ready to call things off and have a little heart to heart, either. "You're asking this now!"
"Sorry," he whined faintly, holding her hips still as she tried to resume their pleasure. He gave her a distinctly concerned look. "I'm happy you came over and all. But I dunno--you seem kind of...angry."
She was.
"If you wanna angry fuck, then fine," Gil amended, holding her hips more firmly. "But I'm not some exercise bike you can use to blow off steam and then ignore."
Her brows raised. It was the first time he had expressed his qualms about their relationship so clearly. He had a right to, of course, and she knew he was right, too. She was using all the benefits of their closeness without offering any return on his emotional investment.
Gil made room for her as she lifted herself off of his completely erect hardness and flopped onto the bed beside him. "Y'know how they say 'don't go to bed angry'? Well, I'm pretty sure they would say don't have spite-sex, either."
She shook her head, staring up at his ceiling with her arms wrapped around herself futilely. "Sorry."
He shook his head as well, also staring up instead of at her. It did make things feel a little easier. "I'm sorry--I should have asked before we got into things."
In all fairness to Gil, she had positively pounced on him as soon as they were in his room. He wouldn't have had much time to voice his concerns before she was undoing his belt and asking if that box of condoms still had anything in it.
"So?" he prompted, slipping his hands under the covers and over the tent in his sheets. "What pissed you off?"
At the moment, he was at the very top of that list. But that also wasn't fair, and she knew what he was asking and how he meant it.
They had met at the party, as promised. And things had been fine. Sersi had found Dane immediately and Thena had happily left the young lovebirds to flirt and giggle through the evening. She and Gil were talking, relaxing a little out of the thick of the crowd. It had been fine.
"Ikaris," she began. Part of her almost wished the solitary statement would have been enough, but she knew it wasn't. She tugged his sheets up more firmly around her. "When I went to find the recycling."
Which there wasn't one, much to her frustration.
Gil nodded, both of them still flat on their backs. "What did he say?"
Thena gulped. Looking up at the white painted ceiling of Gil's room was easier. The spots hastily plastering over something exposed, the edge where ceiling met the brick walls. "He asked me what we were."
She sighed through her nose. She hadn't had much intention of telling him this. Truly, the desire to tell anyone at all any of this was completely absent. But she owed Gil this much. "I told him to fuck off and mind his own business."
Gil snorted.
But the story wasn't nearly so simple. "But he guessed we were together in at least some capacity. He asked...he asked if I was finally ready to get off my high horse and just fuck--in his own words."
Gil sat up partially, his face drawing in and suddenly radiating a righteous indignity on her behalf.
She reached over, pressing on his chest and making him resume looking up at the ceiling with her. It was the only way she was going to get through this.
"His pursuit of me...he did earnestly try to date me. At least, I thought it had been earnest," she dragged out of herself. It was her least favourite thing to remember of all her life, it wasn't coming out easy. "He had wanted to advance rather quickly. I told him I hadn't done anything with anyone and I doubted I was ready for it with him."
Gil waited through her heavy pause.
She sighed, "he laughed, and laughed, and laughed."
"I'll kill him."
She shrugged, "even that would be more attention than he deserves to be paid. I sent him away and he's thought derisively of me ever since. That's why my contempt for him runs deeper than simply him being a prick, and him thinking he has some right to my sister."
"Wow," Gil scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain, "I thought he was a creep but I didn't know he was a disgusting bastard."
Thena inhaled slowly, running her hands over the sheets. "Sersi doesn't even know. I've only told her that she is not to even so much as speak to him."
Gil had the wisdom not to offer his opinion on things, as least just yet. But he reached over under the sheets until he could grasp her hand.
She let him. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
She shook her head again, her hair a hopeless mess on Gil's pillow (and he only had one, so of course he saved it for her). "It's not fair to you."
He sat up, apparently - unfortunately - done with the anonymity of avoiding eye contact. He leaned on his knees, "I guess not."
She had been the one to state it, but his quick and firm agreement still made her stomach clench. "I-"
"But it's not fair to you either."
"Hm?" she blinked up at him. She expected some lecture but he leaned down again, stretching his body out against hers and scooping her waist into the grasp of his strong arm. She sighed as he kissed her.
"I hope I don't have to tell you I'm not like that asshole."
No, he didn't.
He pulled away, looking at her so tenderly that she wondered how she could ever muster the effort to be cold with him. "But I shouldn't have to tell you. You should just...feel it, or something."
He had his own eloquence, and she found it unwittingly charming.
"Thena," Gil frowned, holding her against him, both of them on their sides. "Were you ready--when you first came over, I mean? 'Cause if you weren't, I can't-"
She leaned in, kissing him again to divert the trajectory of that thought. "I came over, I initiated the kiss, I told you I was ready. Is that not enough?"
But he didn't rise to her bait. He stared at her like he would never see her again if he blinked. "I...I...I really like you, Thena."
It certainly wasn't what he had initially started saying, but it still made her freeze like a deer in headlights. Excitement and dread flooded through her in equal amounts.
"I'm not asking you to feel the same," he whispered, and she had to admire that he was strong enough to say that, while she was too afraid to even tell him she liked him in the first place. "But I'd rather you know. And it has nothing to do with, uh, this. I liked you before. I liked you as soon as I saw you glaring at me at the theatre beside Sersi."
She rolled her eyes, because there was no way that was true.
"So, even if you don't wanna hang out anymore, or come over like this," Gil trailed off into a mumble, his eyes drifting downward. "Then, that's okay. But I'll still like you--unless you tell me not to, I guess."
She smiled--even laughed. There was just something so earnest and sweet and charming about this delinquent. She kissed him again, just for the enjoyment of it. It was actually rather dangerous, how much she liked kissing him.
Gil laid his head down again. She really needed to get him another pillow (such a boy thing, to have only one). "Sorry, but I guess I'm glad I interrupted."
She supposed it was out of concern for her. Although there was still a faint ache within her, and the insides of her thighs were quite sticky. "Was angry sex so bad?"
He grinned, satisfied that she seemed in better spirits. He ran his hands over her back again, "not that it's bad. But I prefer making love."
Thena let him lure her into making out again. It was a great excuse not to look at him as he expounded such romantic nonsense. "I've never met a boy who called it that."
"Well, I'd call myself a young man, at best," he protested with a faint pout (before kissing her again). "And I think it's only fitting, if I'm gonna worship you like the princess you are."
She didn't have a clever comeback for that, gasping as he latched onto her neck. "Do you still have that condom on?"
"Yeah, but let me do something."
She half expected him to pick up the firm and nearly frenzied pace she'd had before. To roll them over and start absolutely ravaging her. But all he did was move her onto her back and lie himself over her. He stayed close, his head always hovering within kissing distance.
"This okay?" he whispered as he pushed into her again, much more slowly and gently this time. "If I wanna get romantic with the girl I like?"
It was so juvenile, so trivial sounding. And yet when he said it, her heart and her brain screamed in joy. She never felt so elated, despite her fighting against this very thing.
"Gil," she gasped, her hands on his chest as he thrusted slowly but steadily. They had actually never been in this specific position before. It felt intimate, even fore the act of physical relations. Her legs splayed out on either side of him, but her foot was pressed to his calf muscle, as if scared he would slither away from her. Her hands were on his warm skin, she could feel his rapid heartbeat.
"Thena," he moaned as he picked up speed.
Looking into his eyes was too much. She didn't know where he ended and she began. She was being too vocal and the longer she looked into his eyes the more red spread through her cheeks and down her neck. She clung to him. "Fuck, Gil."
"Thena," he groaned again, panting and grunting and meeting her lips in hasty, open kisses.
"Gil, please," she whimpered, her voice thin and high like the last note on a violin. She didn't want to, but she slung to him desperately. "Please, please come with me."
"I'm there, I'm so there," he confirmed. Neither of them had the stamina of seasoned experts, but she felt so much more acutely than usual every movement and breath he took.
Making unfathomable sounds while rutting her naked body together with a boy she liked: she was no princess. She was just Thena, and she was unfortunately quite in love with the boy in bed with her.
And the boy was quite a fine man, she purred as she felt him come first, within the condom, his muscles twitching as he held himself over her. He stayed close but made an effort not to put his full weight on her.
She accepted it eagerly, lifting her hips as she came around him. Her thighs gripped either sides of him, soft flesh to soft flesh. She had no control over her body, or her voice, although he helped absorb some of the sounds of her ecstasy directly against his waiting lips.
They laid like that, both catching their breath. Gil moved first, but her legs tightened around him, unwilling to part with him just yet, even in his softened state.
"You feel good?" he asked aloud (needlessly). He kissed her cheek.
"Hm," she purred, still languishing in the feeling of his skin against hers. She ran her hands over the sheen on his skin and the hair there, fine as it was. "Don't make me move yet."
"Okay," he chuckled, kissing her forehead and only moving enough to lie himself down not quite on top of her. "Whatever her ladyship wants."
It was a teasing nickname, but she didn't even have it in her to scold him for it.
"Does this mean you'll stay?" he whispered, the light touch of his fingertips on her cheek tempting her deeper into sleep.
"Hm, I shouldn't," she sighed, curling against him on her side, even as her energy left her. That was all she got out on the matter. It was simply too tempting to remain all snuggled up with him. He certainly had no complaints, even as she felt him moving around to clean up or some such.
If he wanted to be her boyfriend, then he could be her boyfriend. And that meant letting her sleep as long as she wanted.
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webtoonenjoyer · 8 months
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The Girl Downstairs vs The Guy Upstairs epic rap battles of history!!!!
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