#the guy’s like ‘lol i see your palace cover in red and your wife seemed to be cozy with this haunted dude’
fluffypotatey · 5 months
“i am the prophet / with the answers you seek”
and boy does he! is it at all clear? to you maybe, BUT WHEN I, ODYSSEUS OF ITHCA ASK HIM—
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gigiloveskookie · 4 years
Royal Marriage (1)
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→ historical/royal!au, marriage contract!au, Story of a lost princess. 
→ genres: fluff/plot development, angst, and smut
→ 1.63K Words
A/N: Hope you guys like this story. Still new to Tumblr so hope this does not look weird lol!! Anyway ENJOY READING!! 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, 
How it begin
The night sky was enough to make her feel so lonely and dark. She wanted nothing but peace and it was all being provided to her.
Suddenly she felt hands of someone's hand around her waist making her gasp. She was scared for a second but after realizing who it was she could only sigh.
"Prince Jungkook." The said man smiled before he leaned in closer and kissed her neck slightly. She flinched a little but still tried to stay put.
"So how's my baby doing?" He asked her while his hand rubbed her small baby bump.
"It's doing just fine." Her short answers were killing him but he didn't care since this is what he has been getting ever since he made her his.
This made her remember the time of how they were brought together.
Few months ago.
King Jeon and Queen were all ready for the grand birthday ceremony which was thrown to congrats their youngest son who just turned 20. 
The big hall was getting filled with all the royal guests while the person who this ceremony was organized for was missing.
"Where is he?" King Jeon sejin spoke to his wife lowly before smiling at the guests. The beautiful lady dressed up in a pretty pink gown chuckled nervously.
"He just came from the company. He must be changing."
"Really? But his elder brother is here already and he was with him." This made the king even more angry thinking how irresponsible his youngest son is.
"Ahhh.. I will just go and see."
"Jeon Jungkook. You are twenty now. At least behave like your age if you don't want to act like a Prince." The queen spoke just when she entered the room of the youngest Prince.
"Seriously eomma. Knock before entering." The queen only shook her head-
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned cutting her mother's chance to speak. His hands trying to pick something for tonight.
The clothes were scattered all over the floor. It looked as if there was a third world war that took place.
"It's embarrassing. Learn something from your brother." Ignoring the queen Jungkook rolled his eyes.
The queen could only tsk in return before she signed the maids to clean the room.
Jungkook was now finally wearing his white shirt to cover his smooth chest.
The maids had a little blush on their face when they saw the youngest Prince shirtless. But maintaining themselves they all continued there work.
"Well I am still learning and hyung is elder so obviously he knows better." Jungkook tried speaking before he went towards the big mirror placed inside the room.
The queen didn't know what else to say since she knew her son will never listen.
"I just hope you like one of the princess tonight. I have invited basically everyone. So you better take a look at all of them." Jungkook sighed, thinking her mother is going to go off about this whole marriage topic again. 
His hand moved his dark brown hair away from his face before he licked his dry lips.
"I'm not choosing just any girl since its my life. I am not going to be like hyung." The mother shook her head. This conversation was going just like how it does every time. 
"Fine. But please just choose one or else your father will."
"I am not going and I have said that about hundredth time now." You spoke before you turned around and picked your novel to finish the second chapter.
"Oh really. Is this what you will give me back for saving your ass from that guy."
Your friend spat before she tried the lipstick on her lips. You pushed your glasses a bit up.
Your mind going back to the guy you met yesterday night accidentally when you were going home.
He was some weird drunk guy and thanks to seohyun. If she didn't make it on time or saw you than you would have been dead.
"What!? Are you going to take that long to answer me?" She stomped her feet before she placed her hands on her waist.
Waiting for your response. "Ummm.." You gulped before starting.
"It's a party for Royals and I am not. I am just a girl your parents found on the road. It would be weird if I go there." You tried explaining but she wasn't going to buy any of it since you could already see her choosing your outfit.
"I am not going alone and you are coming with me!" Her hands roamed inside the closet before she finally agreed on one dark red shoulder less gown.
"And as for my parents. Don't worry, they love you too so there won't be any problems." You could only let out a deep sigh.
Getting up from her king size bed with your novel you nodded.
There isn't anything you could do. You are alive because of her and her parents. Otherwise you would have been on the streets begging.
"I will go. Only because you said so." Seohyun jumps with excitement before she hugs the life out of you.
"Thanks a lot. I would have been bored and you know I only have you babe." You faked a cry before shaking your head.
"Drama queen" you whispered as you walked towards the changing room with the dress.
"I heard that!"
The soft jazz music played in the background as the youngest prince walked down the grand stairs in the mansion. He had all the attention, mainly from all the young princess and also the queens.
"Please welcome Prince Jeon Jungkook. The second child of the Jeon Kingdom." The speaker announced through his speaker. All the girls squeaked at the sight of this handsomely good looking prince.
"Wah! He looks so manly."
"His eyes are so crystal clear."
"His biceps.... wait his thighs."
The princess whispered into her friends ear as Jungkook passed them. He mentally rolled his eyes before he reached his parents.
"That was a quick entry from you prince Jungkook" King Sijin whispered lowly not for other people to hear. Jungkook just smiles to the audience, ignoring the man by his side completely.
Meanwhile here she was. Slowly entering the mansion with her beautiful gown. She turned back to see her friend but found no one. It almost gave her a heat attack but when she got a glance of the girl in pink she sighed.
Her hand went on her chest to calm her beating heart. She shook her head at her friends behaviour.
"Y/n.. Let's go." Seohyun spoke before she locked her arms with Y/n and walked inside the mansion. The lights were dim inside the palace, as both of them walked into the crowd. Everywhere she looked she could see all those charismatic faces of Kings and queens.
All of them had different scale than her and she could see it. Their Aura, was making her feel distinct.
"Hey, you okay?" Her friend nudged her side getting Y/n's attention.
"Yea. Just awestruck." Letting out a small giggle they both continued their way to god knows where. But before they could go anymore further, Y/n felt her friend stopping. Craning her head to the side she saw Seohyun being held back by her mother.
The queen faked a smile at you before facing her daughter. Your face dropped when you understood what she meant with that unsaid pause.
Bowing politely you moved away from them. Giving them privacy.
"I told her to let me be at home." You whispered slowly as you moved where less expensive looking faces were standing.
It seemed like you belonged there.
"Jeon Jungkook. I want you to meet King Lee." Jungkook rolled his eyes as he listened to his fathers words. In his mind all he could think was to how get away from here.
The young boy bowed politely before he gave them his smile which a prince should have all the time.
"Nice to meet you, your highness." The old man nodded before saying his own greetings. "Your son is handsome Sijin." King Lee declared as he faced his friend.
"Where is Queen Lee and your daughter." The old man looked around to find his daughter who wasn't there. "Oh they will be here soon."
The started talking about their stuff and Jungkook excused himself to get some fresh air.
Walking out of the palace. He was now moving towards the balcony where he could hide himself from this cruel world. But when he reached there. He saw someone was already standing there.
His eyes scanned her outwear before he walked towards her.
Jungkook was not a playboy type person and he never had any interest in girls but right at this moment something was weird. It wasn't him walking close to the girl but his heart. His heart was telling him to be near her and he hasn't even seen her face yet.
What was this feeling?
Just than as if the person heard someone coming. She turned around only to get bumped into his hard chest. Her hand instantly went to his chest as his were on her small waist. The close proximity was making the environment all hot.
Jungkook took in all of her features as the moonlight made her face glow more. She blinked as she tried to free herself from this stranger.
"Umm." Y/n mumbled before pulling herself away from the prince. Jungkook was left with a mouth wide open. He didn't know why or how. But his heart and mind were paused. The only thing he could focus on was her face, her beauty, her lips.
The girl shook her head at his behavior before she tried to move past him. Her shoulder brushed against his but before she could go any further. His fingers were already holding her wrist tightly.
"Who are you?"
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
The Guest “Worthy” Ch. 6
A/N: Ok ok I just want you all to know I’m still here (if anyone has noticed any lol) I’m currently in the process of moving I will...should be moved out by next week end so I should be more active....hopefully. This is what I have for you guys so far. i edited cut added cut more then finally said f it and here it is!  
Word Count:2500
Rating: Adult Content...this is pretty tame (or not wink wink) I just don’t want to get flagged (AGAIN) so I didn’t go full out.
Summary: Candace volunteers at a shelter and surprises everyone (even herself) with a shocking revaluation. 
Catch Up on my MASTERLIST:
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Liam sat in the leather chair watching as his father went on and on about something he hadn't bothered to pay attention to. His mind was on Candace. Something was up and he could feel her unhappiness, he could see it in her eyes even when she smiled. Yet any time he asked her she would say nothing was wrong.
"Son are you listening? This is very important. They hate her!"
"Who? Who hates who?" Liam finally snaps out of his thoughts to see the morning newspaper thrown in front of him.
"Cordonia...the people. OUR people hate the girl." Constantine's tone was serious but Liam could see the smug grin creeping from his cheeks. He reads the paper headline: "Royal guest bored at charity barn raise." The picture they used of Candace was far from unflattering. Her eyes off in their own world a pout fixed on her face, he had been seeing that look lately... a lot lately.
"She...it's just a bad picture it means noth--" Liam starts to read the article and quickly throws it away in the trash. 
"Son I know you love her. And I know you came here with the intentions of leaving. But..." He creeps closer to his son placing a firm hand on his shoulder. His closet form of embrace he could give. "But what if you plan to stay...what if you decide to keep your crown?"
"Father I already--"
"Yes...yes I know. But I've been watching you, at the morning meetings during our trading briefs. You enjoy this, even more than that you thrive at it!" He sighs removing his hand and walking away. "I just think that if you leave they will blame her. Do you want that?"
"No ...what should I do?"
His father turns away hiding his full smile. "Don't worry son. I know exactly what to do."
The limo doors open and soon Canadace was standing in front of a crowd. It was so different. For the 2 months she was surrounded by beautiful perfect faces in expensive dresses and now staring at her were men women and children who faces were covered in dirt and dried tears, coughing as they shivered in their wet blankets. Was this Cordonia? 
"Lady Candace, why are you here?" a reporter calls out thrusting his mic in her face.
"I ...um I'm here to help those affected Cordonia's latest flood. The monarchy would like to show their support."
"And what do you plan to do exactly?" Another reporter pushes their mic into her face. She pauses. No one had given her instructions on what exactly to do here.
" Well I...um I guess I will..." looking around for an answer.
"She will be assisting in feeding the hungry, passing out clean dry linen, and whatever Lady Candace feels she can squeeze in." She hadn't seen the man standing next to her appear. But there he was long slicked back light salt and pepper hair and a dashing smile that seemed welcoming. "Now if you all will excuse us Lady Candace has a very busy day ahead and I'm sure she would like to get started."
The dashing man lead her into the building as the reporters remained outside.
"Thanks for the help."
"Oh you are most welcome, M'Lady." he takes her hand placing a light kiss to it.
"Well, it's seems you have me quite in a disadvantage. You know who I am but I have no idea who you are."
"I am Francesco. Usually I work with the King in trade deals with Italy." He smiles as he walks her further into the building. "But with the recent flood many of Cordonia's supplies have been meager, so I took it upon myself to assist the country. Help them get back on their feet sort of speak."
"Well that's very generous of you." Candace had a feeling not to trust the welcoming man in front of her. She watched as he helped a young child who dropped their toy. Over the past few weeks she had grown to not trust the beaming smiles of nobles, and she wasn't sure but for some reason this man with all his charm, still gave her an uneasiness. 
"Oh it's a better honor to serve." He grins before leading her to a large laundry room. "Here is where the linen is washed dried and folded. You can assist here for a while then well move you to do other duties."
Candace had forgotten how satisfying it was to work. And it wasn't just the tasks that brought a smile to her face, it was the people. She met a young girl named Dorcas who wanted to go to college but the flood destroyed her parent's business, she was sure her dream would never come true. She met a man Mr. Callis who was a 5th generation fisherman, he lost his wife of 37 years due to the flood, and mainly stayed at the shelter because it was better than the unwelcoming silence of his empty home. She heard so many stories learned so many names, cared for and assisted so many that she regretted leaving . She decided to leave the shelter through the back doors hoping to avoid and more press.
"This is all working perfectly! I mean we are making millions off these saps!"
As Candace turned a corner she saw Francesco talking on his phone, he hadn't seen her and so she hid to hear more.
"Ha! and the king just keeps sending us more and more money. He doesn't even bother to look at the expenses!" He boasts "And the best part is that that all we're get money from everyone. Countries all over are just raking in the cash! We'll be millionaires before if we can just milk this thing a few more months. "  Francesco rolls with laughter not even noticing Candace walking to her limo.
She was quite her way back., not sure of what to do. But before she could come up with an answer the limo was pulling into the place grounds, where the press waited for her.
Giving the limo little time to stop and before her senses could stop her she was standing in front of a camera microphone clenched in her fist.
"Cordonian's, today I assisted  at a local shelter. That shelter's purpose is to support your survivors. I met those survivors. And it was those who have nothing that have shown me the true beauty that is Cordonia. I want them to know that I truly care. So what I'm about to say comes from love and respect for those people and this country, and I wouldn't say this if I didn't believe 100 percent for it to be true...." Candace took a deep breath. She wasn't afraid but her nerves were on end. "Those that run that shelter are running a scam!"
The press gasps all rushing closer with their microphones. 
"Italian Statesman Fransesco is nothing more than a vulture...a criminal who has been milking the Cordonian monarchy, fooling them to believe they are helping your people. But all he is doing is pocketing the money!" Candace opened her mouth to say more but strong arms grabbed her pulling her into the palace the doors shutting with a loud thud.
"Let go of me!" she struggles free as the guard releases her.
"Lady Candace you have been summoned to the king's quarters at once."
She followed the guard to a study. The second she stepped in the room Constantine eyed her. He had a way of looking furious but still with a calm smile.
"Where's Liam?" 
"Don't worry he will be in shortly. But while we wait maybe you should explain yourself? You just accused one of our biggest trade dealers of scamming us!" 
Candace straightens her spine. "I'm telling the truth."
"I don't give a damn if it's the truth or not!" Constantine spat his face turning red before taking a breath to calm himself. "I know you are new here. And being foreign, you have little understanding of monarchy protocol. But I am king! I rule this country and if something isn't straight you come to me with it! Don't get in front of a news camera and make me look like a gullible fool!"
"I wan't...I didn't mean to--"
Just then the doors opened an Liam walks in.
"I just heard. Candace I...I can't believe you just did that!" She waited to see disappointment in his eyes but there was none. Instead he smiles pulling her into a tight hug. "I always thought something was off about Francesnco."
"Well we have to prove he actually is guilty of fraud before we go parading the girl around like a hero, Liam."
"You should check your records. He was boasting about the fact that you never looked over them." 
Constantine clenches his jaw. "My men will look over them immediately."
"Good. I think Candace deserves a night out." Liam's eyes didn't leave her as he spoke " Father I'm taking the jet tonight." He leans whispering into her ear. "Candy go put on something...special." biting his bottom lip as he took a step back and watches as she walks away.
Today had certainly been a whirlwind. Candace started her day washing linen feeding the hungry to broadcasting a fraud over the local news to now flying in a private jet her hand firmly in Liam's, who just couldn't wipe this silly grin from his face. 
"Do you know if your father looked into those records?"
"I do. I was going to wait till we landed but....you were right! The man has schemed almost half a million from us and there's no telling how much he could have gotten away with before anyone would have noticed."
Candace exhaled. "I'm just glad I actually helped instead of made things worse."
"Helped? Candace you did far more then help! You saved those people...and even if my father's to prideful to admit it...you saved the monarchy." He bends to kiss her hand softly. "Take a look out of the window, we are here."
Candace eyes land on the shimmering lights of the Eiffel Tower. Her mouth opens but no words flow out only shrieks.
When the plane landed Liam lead her up to the very top of the building. Awaiting them was a candlelight diner for two.
"You planned all this?" Her mouth still agape as she he lead her to her seat.
"Oh this...this was nothing just called in a few favors." He gives a sly wink before sitting down. "Besides Cordonia's hero needs to be thanked some kind of way."
"I'm no hero Liam I just ---"
"No. Stop selling yourself short Candace. I've thought Franceseco was a weasel since the day I've met him. You were with the man for 5 hours and figured out he was robbing my country. You're incredible."
"I have to say I did enjoy helping at the shelter. It helped me to see Cordonia in a new light."
"Oh so you actually like it now." Liam quirked a smile "Guess we don't have to make a rushed flight back to New York?"
"Don't get too excited." Candace chuckles looking off into the dazzling lights of Paris. "But...I really did love meeting those people...and getting to know them...and being able to make their lives better. I know it probably would have been better  for me to go to the King with Franceseco but really all I could think about was them. Helping them, protecting them."
They ate their dinner as she told him about all the people she meet. She remembered every name every story they had. Candace looked over to Liam his smile brighter than the lights before them. It was almost as if he's looking at her for the first time, as if he never really knew her until this moment. And he loved what he saw. He takes her hand leading her to the edge of the tower they look through the chain fence at the city below.
"Want to know why I brought you here?"
"Oh so you weren't just trying to woo me with your father's jet and you connects to the Effeil Tower."
"Ha Ha...no. This use to be my favorite place as a kid. I use to beg father to take me but he was always too busy. So I decided to take myself." Liam looks out into the buildings below. "Coming here made me realize exactly what it means to be King. All those people: mothers fathers children, they all depend on their leaders. To serve them to protect them so that their lives can be that much better. Up here you see more than just a view...up here you see as a royal just how many lives you affect. I learned that lesson coming up here, but I guess you...you learned what it means to be royal by actually being down there."
"I think your making a big deal out of nothing...I just--"
Her words stop as she watches Liam drop to his knee.
"Candace you are worthy of so much whether you know it or not. You are worthy of all this and so much more." She watched as his eyes danced up and down her body. He looks so proud, so happy so pleased with the woman whose waist he holds so tightly, as if he needs her to believe what he says. His hands slowly drop and find their way underneath her skirt.
She closes her eyes as she lets him touch her. It had been so long since she just shut her mind off and allowed herself to be touched. And he touched her so well, his fingertips so warm against her skin as he traces over her moist center.
Liam doesn't take his eyes off Candace. Her head tilted back eyes closed to the bight stars above her, the wind softly blowing through her dark hair. He loved her and yes he was proud of what she achieved today, but in all honesty his just wanted her to be happy. And soon he pulls the damp panties down. bows his head underneath the skirt and kisses her where he knew she needed most.
He listens as she moans his tongue focused on her clit flicking the ball of nerves till he could hear her breath hitch. He opens his mouth wider,sucking on the sensitive flesh,  using his free hand to enter her, sliding in and out giving him juice to quench his thirst. Holding her waist so tightly is the only thing keeping her shaking legs from completely giving out on her. Liam nestles himself between her thighs, loving her cries, loving her taste, loving to be the thing that made her happy and wanting it to be forever, wanting to make this exact spot he is in his home.
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