#like he’s already dead what is Ody gonna do??? kill him????
fluffypotatey · 5 months
“i am the prophet / with the answers you seek”
and boy does he! is it at all clear? to you maybe, BUT WHEN I, ODYSSEUS OF ITHCA ASK HIM—
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I have a theory for the end of Epic the Musical potential spoilers ahead. (and before anyone comes after me EPIC has already kinda done it's own thing with the Original story so HUSH-)
So during the song "No Longer You" near the end is a choir of souls singing various phrases. Mr. Jalapeño has confirmed that the phrases they are saying are things that are going to happen during future sagas. The only ones that have been confirmed are the first few. "Sirens Song" Scylla Throat" "Mutiny" "Lightning Bolt". All of these are alluding to The Thunder Saga. There are two more that come right after that, unfortunately Mr. Jalapeno likes to leave us guessing on this. The most common interpretations of these last two phrases are "Run Poseidon" and "Kill All The Suitors For Love". While I, and many others, think "Run Poseidon" is alluding to the song "Get In The Water" the common interpritation for the last one is something with Calypso. I don't think so. I think it's got nothing to do with Calypso, and everything to do with Penelope. In The Odyssey, we learn that since everyone thinks Ody is dead. Penelope is constantly being hounded by suitors vying for his throne. However, she's a smart cookie, and knows in her heart that Odysseus is still alive, and figures out a way to keep them at bay without pissing them off. Since many of them are kings/princes of foreign kingdoms. She spends all day weaving a tapestry "in honor of her deceased husband and father-in-law". Then during the night, she undoes all of her progress and tries again tomorrow. And she's able to trick all of her suitors, and keep Odysseus's throne his. That is until a servant figures it out and rats on her own Queen.
So what I think is going to happen is this: Odysseus, tired, battered, bruised, starving, dirty, and alone. Finally makes it back to Ithaca. He runs to his palace, thrilled to reunite with Penelope. Only to see her surrounded by multiple, potentially very angry, suitors all vying for her hand. Now that her secret is out and she can't hide behind her weaving anymore, she's trying to keep the peace and not bring war to her King-less Kingdom. This sets Odysseus off. He's suffered, betrayed, lied, stole, and killed all to reunite with her and now these men are going to steal her away? For HIS throne? That's not gonna slide. SO he rushes into the Palace, the guards are outmaneuvered. And, instead of revealing he's Odysseus by saying something that only he would know. He grabs his sword...
and slaughters every single suitor in that room.
He reaches for Penelope, relieved just at the sight of her face. And she backs away, pure terror on her face. "Who are you?" Are the only words she can muster, and Odysseus is so crushed at these words that his own guards are able to overpower and jail him.
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sardar106 · 19 days
I decided that I have thoughts about @emberunderscore's Epic AU so you get them too— (also go check it out if you haven’t already! It’s so good and I eat it up) He already shared many of their thoughts but I'm gonna share some of my Wisdom Saga ones (mostly as the first two one aren’t and the third is debatable—) Also we do be ignoring the god relations in Greek Myths. We close our eyes and ears at them and let them leave our minds. They don’t exist in this AU unless said otherwise
also a bit of a long post so cut
the first “line” is what happens in Epic and the second is how my brain connects it to Fable
- Zeus basically forcing Odysseus to kill the infant - Fable being the lead of arguably all of Icarus' murders
- Zeus making Odysseus imagine Penelope floating towards him in the sky with her hand out and singing a part of Suffering - Fable keeping on reminding Icarus why they’re here. giving them a reason to let the rest of his crew die which goes to
- Zeus being the cause of Odysseus getting to Calypso's island - Fable isolating Icarus then getting to coworkers time
- In Love In Paradise, we get the time dive. Athena seeing the much prominent things that happened to Ody for the past 10 years - Remember the memory Rae had before waking up in s3? Yeah. Similar but now Enderian is good and with a very older Icarus
- Calypso saying "open arms" triggering Odysseus's memory of Polities, Eurylochus, then dead mom times, causing his breakdown - Ven saying something to trigger Athena happy times, Broter argument(s), and sad Isla time. also causing a breakdown
- Ember already talked about this one but— Ody ready to jump from the ledge to the flowing water. If all he’s gonna do the rest of his life is stay on the island, why bother staying alive? The only reason he’s fought monsters and sacrifice his friends is to get to Penelope. He can’t do that now. He can’t go see her. At least he’ll see Polities, Eurylochus, his crew, and his mom? At least he’ll see them…. - Oh, Icarus and your ability to just fall and fall every time. You fell both metaphorically and physically. And yeah— read it again but as Ic. (with the other characters being respective to their role) it’s literally just them.
- Ares being mad that Ody didn’t fight Scylla. I know it’s supposed to be cus he wants death and all that but - Netherum being mad that Ic didn’t fight to protect the ones he cares about. He fought the cyclops and the sirens. why not fight back and sacrifice six of his crew instead.
(we kindly ignore that he would be calling Oscar pathetic and weak and that they accepted cus she said he’ll make everybody bleed) also this is an exception with Netherum and Soul cus they’re Ares and Aphrodite who are married too
- Athena doing everything in her power to save Odysseus - Enderian sacrificing herself to save Rae's life (I care that it's Icarus and not Rae in this AU)
I shared the idea of Zeus being Fable and not Epros. and since they had Hera as Kinaxus cus Zeus was Epros, their possession there was removed as it doesn’t make much sense. which got to Hera being Perix. here are the words that were shared but better (or worse, idk—)
- I get the vibe of Hera calling basically everyone “baby”, which means calling Athena that too, but - what if gay cus Perix would be specifically talking to Enderian. we also know that Perix had feelings for her, so—
- and then we get Hera challenging Athena so she can save Ody. saying “Try harder” and “You can do better than that” to her - I don’t know why, but this gives me them but before Caspian prison times, or even before the resets & the war of the realms. even though Enderian would’ve most likely not tolerated any of it
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leynaeithnea · 2 months
( girl send me whatever you want I am at your mercy kaksksksk )
18.song hasn't even started yet and it's already so good najdjjd chills literal chills
Just a man is that song that when you first listen to it you're like " wow , that really hurt, surely it can't get worse than this" but then SOMEHOW every reprised is worse :) , hurray for suffering I guess
aaah Ody's voice changes when saying polities- * sobs*
The part of Ody's mum is already criminal. You listen to it , cry your eyes out bc there's no other acceptable way to react to that , drink some water and that should be it BUT THEN you find out that's Jorge's mother and at that point you're a goner, you'll never stop crying and you need to accept it. Good to know your eyes are teary, it means you're human
Also I can't even imagine how hard "I took too long" hits for you I'm so sorry that your loved ones are all so far , missing people sucks :(
Elpeneor's whole thing is honestly hilarious bc it's so random I'm so glad jay cut him bc it would have been too funny LOL
19.*taking notes * check out... more animatics ... Tiresias is... hot ... in them
Alright we can proceed now
WE SHOULD DANCE TO IT TOGETHER PLEASE ( I do not know how to waltz at all but that's besides the point )
This song is my absolute fave after rember them so I just can't think straight when we talk about it bc I love it so much!! The prophecy!! His voice!!! The way he sings !!! The music !!! Too amazing mskskskmssn ( also for "I see you on the brink of death" I always think it's about when he goes to Calypso's bc I remember from Percy Jackson that heroes get to Ogygia when they are on the brink of death but since my source it's Pjo and not the Odyssey I could very much be wrong )
( "i see your palace covered in red, faces of men who had long believed you dead" I'm in love with the way he sings this line and the picture it paints with all the suitors , super chill in his palace cause they think he's dead and him ready to slaughter them all asaandnnsnsnsn )
( The fact that this fandom was able to come up with this many memes it's honestly astounding I don't know how these people can even think through the angst but I love them so much for it )
Lol I missed the chorus completely I thought it was just people making noises I had absolutely no idea there were words in there, but it's nice to know no one can understand them either way
20.again you're so right why didn't I think about that??? My man is not sleeping and feels like he's going insane nooooo
( Can't imagine him not being afraid of Poseidon tbh, as a sailor you are completely at his mercy at all times and you have no way to escape him that shit is scary you're helpless all the timeee)
OH GOD YOU'RE RIGHT HE WAS SO HAUNTED AFTER TROY THAT HE WANTED TO BE BETTER AFTERWARDS "we should try to find a way no one ends up dead " and then desperately trying to keep this mentality " I still believe in goodness , I still believe that we could be kind" HE WAS TRYING SO HARD NOT TO BE THE MONSTER SKSMSNNS
"Everyone but us" at this point I honestly think 'us' is him and his family but his men don't know that and think he's gonna save them too (which I mean, maybe he wanted to save them a little but , as we know, it was NOT his priority )
Ody embracing ruthlessness HITS SO HARD but like we have followed his journey so closely, suffered so much by his side that I was immediately like " YEAH BABY KILL ALL THE GODS AND THE MONSTERS YOU WANT YOU DESERVE IT AS A TREAT SLAAY BESTIE" I support Ody's rights but also his wrongs
( I'm so excited for Telemachus too!!! I did not know anything about him but then I stumbled upon an animatic of legendary and now he's my little cutie patootie I WANT MORE )
Can't form any coherent thoughts about the vocals and the music it's all soooo good just assume that I agree with everything you said ( bc definitely I do )
Welp, I think this was one of my longest yet ? Love you so much for reading all my ramblings and can't wait for the thunder saga bc I love your ramblings!!
Im finially homeee Im finially freee
Lol I missed the chorus completely I thought it was just people making noises I had absolutely no idea there were words in there
so fairrrrr at least now we know the first part sings "siren song, scyllas throat, mutiny and lighting bolt.....and i think one of the last lines is semi-confirmed to be "kill for love" lets start with the thunder saga... 21. Suffering i tried sooo hard to avoid the title spoilers for them, but i failed because literally the first three posts i saw when opened tumblr the day they got leaked (two days or so before the release) were about them...but alas it told me..nothing AND THEN I STAYED up well no i didnt stay up, i went to bed early and put my alarm for 3:45am and then i woke up at 2am....for the livestream at 4am and then we watch the first act and then act two starts and its THIS???? I DIDNT EXPECT IT BECAUSE, GOOD JOB JORGE; YOURE A LIAR ahem anyway THE BEGINNING?? the siren...noises?? i was so shook when they sang penelopes name and then SHE STARTS SINGING I love her voice so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh btu i was so confused bc i was so sure sirens werent in it so what else was this supposed to be??? Is Ody suicidal and hallucinating penelope? is this a flashback? nah that didnt make sense, it was 5am and i was so confused but Jorges vocals omgg theyre so niceee "you know im afraid of the water" CONFUSED ME SO MUCH, BUT ITS HILAROUS that he would say that the duet between them is so gooooooooooodd the way ody tries to explain why he doesnt jump in the water while pretending to get along with her.... and then Ody: "fineeeeee" (finially) and penelope: "of course!! :D" (finially) so lets say i was on the run or hiding....yes, very hypothetical questions youre asking ody penelope: oh nyo :o (just ask the question already boy) I looveeeeee how the vocals in penelopes reply "is sailing wheres scared to roam, oh its through the lair of syclla" (*beat drop*) "No-" (ODYS MASK FALTERS) "this is your only way home, the lair of syclla (such beauuutttyful vocals) "but syclla has a cost" HE KNOWS, HE KNOWS HE HAS TO SACRIFICE MEN IN ORDER TO GET THROugH THERes nO WAY He CAN GET EVERYONE ALIVE THROUGH IT "now jump in the water :D" (getting impatient, but smiling) MY FAVORITE LINE IN THIS MUSICAL "Penelope Why, you know im too shy and terrified" THE SMIlE IN HIS vOICe, this SLEEK MAN is liYIng THROUGH HIS TEETH; THIS IS ODYSSEUS; KING OF ITHIKA; THE MAN WHO TOOK TROY, AND HE SAYS heS SHY "Oh for you I would die but cant you let me stay dry?" wonderful ryhming ESP BECAUSE in this song hes not JUST lying, no hes also using this as a way to cope and letting himself induldge in a flicker of believe that hes acutally talking to penelope right now, theres a handful of comments that are clearly not lies, this is one of them. (sigh) "the things i do for you" (talking to/about real!penelope again), so good. beautiful voice acting i love it so much I love my short little liar kings so much (Ody, Neil, but esp Ody rn) Im going to do this song by song here rn, because im afraid that the posts will be too long again siegsegj
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salfur · 4 years
Wayward Guide Episode 4 Theory/Analysis
There’s actually a theory that preludes the Ep 4 one based on the teaser clip TCB gave us. I’ve been referring to this theory as the Shoe/Footprint Theory. This theory will be included before the episode analysis.
This analysis/theory is the last major one for now. I’ll likely have another one Friday for when the Podcast Ep comes out.
CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR: Wayward Guide Ep 2 & 4, Wayward Guide Release Trailer
The Shoe Theory
These are the people whose shoes we've gotten a decent look at in the series/trailer thus far: Agnes, Odie, Crispin, Aubrey, Riley, Sybilus, Rita, Cliff, Madison, Olivia, Barney. Of these people I'm ruling out, Agnes (wears high heels or flats), Odie (sneakers), Riley (hiking boots), Rita (appears to be wearing heels in the trailer), and Madison (many reasons, the main being her own brother is dead) as the ones to make the print. meaning Crispin, Aubrey, Sybilus, Cliff, Olivia, and Barney are sus. 
I'm actually a little unsure about Olivia's shoes, and while Barney and Aubrey have dress shoes they appear to have a lower heel that wouldn't exactly fit the print (but I'm assuming they used a generic mold to make the print so I'm taking some liberties which is why I didn't completely rule them out). My main suspect from this list is probably Crispin because of the type of shoes he wore in ep 1 (which is shown to have a higher heel that would fit the print). 
Note: I'd just like to note that just because I ruled out people for the footprint, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not a werewolf, as I'm pretty sure there's at least 2
Now onto the actual Episode Theory
Tbh I don’t even know where to start with this episode. Pretty sure Paul is a werewolf now, so that’s fun, but I don’t think he’s a bad werewolf. It seems like they have some sort of control when they transform but idk whether that’s inherent or because of years of experience. Additionally, we now know that you don’t have to be bit by a werewolf to become one, you only have to be injured by one. This makes me think that Dr. Henry is associated with the werewolves, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is one himself. Also, for similar reasons, I think Vern is associated with the wolves as a meat dealer but it’s possible that he’s just doing his job so it’s whatever. Speaking of Vern, actually, I realized that in ep 2 Olivia came by asking about a meat order she made. I’m thinking that order could have been to feed some hungry werewolves for the full moon that was that night.
Now time to analyze that dope fever dream sequence. I have a feeling that the choices of which poster each person held wasn’t simply random or a coincidence. I think it’s very likely that that’s who that character would have voted for (had Ryan not died). This would mean that Quinn, Henry, and the Walkers would have voted for Ryan while Vern, Helen, and Desmond would vote for Truman.
Building on the Shoe/Footprint theory: So we know that the prints allegedly came from the direction of the Dead Canary but that doesn’t necessarily mean they were made by someone in the building. Perhaps it could have been Paul’s first transformation? Or maybe one of the wolves just walked by and took a turn, we don’t really know. what we do know, however, are more shoes. So, Wallis and GPS both wear something akin to dress or hiking shoes (idk the exact type, I’m not a shoe expert). Wallis’s shoes are more flat meaning he couldn’t have made the print and while I can’t really tell how high the heels for GPS’s shoes are it seems like they’re on the lower end of the spectrum but he’s still on the possible list of wolves. Also, we see that Cliff has a higher heel to his boots which could potentially fit the print. Also, Truman’s wearing heels which means we can rule her out. Additionally, I was wrong about Riley’s shoes and they clearly have a higher heel making her another prime suspect for a wolf.
Actually, wait. In episode 2 Riley admitted that Olivia was her BFFL and the two run two different stores that should really be one. What if they’re the two wolves in the cabin? Or at the very least one of them is and the other knows the secret but is supportive. See, Olivia was possibly getting the meat in ep 2 for the full moon and Riley could have been the one who attacked Paul and Prism. Still haven’t exactly figured out why attack yet but I’m thinking it might have something to do with wanting to merge the two gun/ammo stores. There has to be some reason they aren’t merged already, right? Plus with Riley’s seat on the Town Council, she’s in prime position to be pulling some puppet strings.
TL;DR: Paul’s a werewolf now but probably not evil. Dr. Henry and Vern are likely working with the wolves but aren’t necessarily wolves themselves. In Paul’s fever dream, the posters each person was holding represents who they would have voted for if Ryan were still alive. Shoe/print analysis. Olivia and Riley are the two werewolves or one of them is a wolf and the other is supportive and are working together to try and combine their stores into one.
My updated suspect list (order within tiers is alphabetical): 
High-Tier suspects: Crispin, Olivia, Riley 
Mid-Tier suspects: Aubrey, Barney, Donny, GPS, Helen, Henry, Odie, Olivia, Riley, Rita, Sybilus, Vern, the Walkers 
Low-Tier suspects: Agnes, the Irons, Jeremiah, the Mayor, Quinn(in bar with Artemis, but was the first to leave giving him ample time to sneak out to meet with the other wolf?), Wallis 
Currently ruled out: Desmond(was in the bar with Artemis when wolves were meeting), Lesly(not in Connor Creek), Madison(in bar with Artemis, brother was literally murdered), Prism(dead, rip), Rebecca(not in Connor Creek), Truman (out of towner, only been in CC for 2 years), Silas(in bar, also an out of towner who’s only been in Connor Creek for a few months/1 year) 
*Note: the suspect list is specifically for werewolves who would have worked to kill Ryan (hence why Paul isn’t here)
Also on a slightly unrelated note/offshoot theory: While Truman was talking, we can visibly see that half the Town Council was annoyed by Truman or wasn’t buying into her bullshit while the other half appeared to be excited or at least interested in what she was saying. In the trailer, we see Town Council voting for something. I’m assuming this is during the election that will likely happen in Ep 5 or 6 as it’s supposed to take place the next day. We can see that Truman was voting as well, which makes me think that this particular vote was probably about disqualifying Madison or something else that would work in Truman's favor. As much as I’d love to see Madison win the election it’s gonna be hard given how she has no campaign. However, the fact that Silas is putting a lot of money into Truman’s campaign could help change the townsfolk’s minds and potentially flips support over to her.
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