#the hooligan's podium some might call it
aashiyancha · 5 months
Happy Tuesday! Didn't finish doodling the whole skit so its probably gonna be at least another part. Anyways, here's A day with Reinhard and Ares part 2
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And ofc if you would like to read the rest and in order here's the masterpost link!
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Find the Word Tag
thanks to sleepyowlwrites for teh tag! i deliberately took a tag game break bc i was busy with uni. >-<
anyway, these are pulled from random stuff as usual. although, it was a bit of a challenge, tbh.
my words are: inside, outside, upside-down, rightside-up. Bonus: young, yearn.
Oh fuck off, reflection.
If her expression gave away any lack of composure, she might lose it.
Once he appeared again with a laptop bag, the elevator arrived and they went inside. Retro piano music played from speakers above, in a tune similar to Jingle Bells. She leaned back against the wall as it closed. [blorbo] stood near a corner, whistling. Probably to distract himself.
Krispin returns on his tracks. He doesn't see much of the dancers outside. A few painters stand between trees. Musicians sit on the ground while playing notes on their instruments. A few students talk about something with music pods in their hands.
Sun slowly sets with the sky blooming with a pale shade of dark blue.
If he can take a moment to paint, he'd choose this moment. With the right colors, he'd paint how sunset makes way for night. He dreams of painting scenes showing the wonder of nature. Once he finishes college, he will have advanced skills and knowledge regarding painting.
Ahead of a wooden bridge, a brick building stood on top of a cliff. Full of upside down cone roofs along with disjointed and pointy edges. Glass windows that missed some parts. Smoke oozing out of a metallic chimney containing a zig-zag line.
Okay. . . okay, this. . . this would be a challenge.
“It isn’t that impenetrable, right?” [blorbo] asked, barking out cracked laughter.
"It's a story of the strong connection between two youths," [blorbo] explained, standing high over her podium, "their innocence being tarnished among the strife of their two families. If their families weren't in hurt, they wouldn't have suffered as much."
"Oh, for the love of–" [blorbo] groaned, throwing hands. "No, it's not. It's about how these hooligans were reckless with their own lives, letting their so-called love risked everything. If they had been more cautious, they'd have lived through it all."
[blorbo] yawned. Today's topic in the debate club was an entire drag. They really had to be riled up over this play, huh?
Yearn (only minimal context for this, hehe.)
"I got a skilled tailor to make this," she explained, clicking her shoes together. "I've been yearning for clothes like these. It's rather more exquisite than what I'd wear to a gathering."
Tagging, no pressure tho: @sleepy-night-child, @evethenovicewriter, @mel-writes-with-her-dragons, and open tag.^^
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list. your words are: definitely, absolutely, surely, and certainly.^^
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hi there! I really enjoy your BNHA Headcanons, so may I request headcanons of All Might, Eraserhead, and Present Mic having a detective younger sister bring them lunch or sum at the school? She's low-key a delinquent (like Tanaka Ryūnosuke's sister) and super friendly 😗 Thank you for your hard work! 💞
a/n: hi love! awe tysm! of course!!! i havent wrote for these hotties in a minute dskghjkd
headcanon: their deliquent, detective little sister surpsing them at work
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
»»————- ★ ————-««
yagi toshinori / all might
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All Might is super surprised when you show up with a visitor tag on your sweater, happy to surprise him with lunch.
“What are you doin’ here?” He asks, a smile on his own lips, it’d been a while since he’d seen you, the both of you being caught up in work, he was happy to see his little sister again.
“I’m baking a cake.” You frowned, sarcasm laced your tone. All Might froze before you broke out laughing.
“I came to surprise you! With lunch!” You hold up the meal you’d grabbed beforehand and eagerly yanked him to sit down.
Class 1-A observed from their tables at the sight.
You were on the shorter side when it came to standing beside your brother, who resembled a tree, in your opinion.
But they couldn’t help but laugh as you teased him, stole bites of his food, and compared your height to his, using the chairs at the table to finally be taller than him.
You followed him back to class despite him urging you not to. 
“You still don’t listen to me do you?” 
“You don’t look like mom so why should I?” You stuck your tongue out at him. He smiled and ruffled your hair before letting you step into the class.
“Hey, kids! I’m Detective Toshinori, All Might’s super cool younger sister! It’s nice to meet you all!” You hopped up on the podium up at the front of the class and sat on it.
“It’s nice to meet you!” A few voices called out.
“You guys wanna hear some super embarrassing childhood All Might stories?” You smirked deviously, eyeing your older brother who drained of color.
“Yes!” Some people cheered.
“Okay okay, I think-”
“When he was 14, I was 7, so for Halloween that year, he wanted to be a zombie so I asked if I could do his makeup, and our mom being the lovely lady she is, said that he couldn’t take off the makeup I did for him. He walked around that night in sloppy green face paint with pink lipstick.” You pulled out the photo you’d dug up a few nights before and showed it around, earning laughs from most of the students.
“Hey I see now, you’re that detective that’s always causing a stir in those headlines!” A yellow-blonde spoke up.
“Yup! The media hates me!” You laugh. 
“You’re like totally badass! Why didn’t you become a hero?” He asks. 
“I thought about it for a while, but I’m just not the person for it, I’m happy saving lives through investigations, besides, I think the future’s in pretty good hands with you kids on the front lines.”
The class fell silent at your comment. They’d heard it a few times before, but you were so sincere.
You stayed for a while, and you met a bunch of kids, and eventually, you met a certain green-haired kid your brother had told you about.
“It’s nice to meet you, Deku. All Might’s told me a lot about you.” You shake his hand, his eager smile bright enough to give the sun a run for its money.
“You’ve got a long way to go, but you got this, kid. Don’t let him know I gave you this.” You smirked, giving him another embarrassing photo from your brother’s childhood. Deku cherished it.
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shota aizawa / eraserhead
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He’s aware of the presence following him, but he couldn’t be bothered by it. He’s unaware of it being you, he assumed it was just another student.
Until you tackle him when he walks into class.
“Don’t ignore me!” You laugh as you ruffle his hair, the class staring at you in disbelief.
Your resemblance to their teacher is uncanny and they’re confused on who you are.
“Get off of me (Y/n).” Shota grunts, happy to be on the floor, but not happy by you practically laying on him.
“Alright alright. But introduce me to your kids! They look confused.” You stand up and stare at your older brother who’s somewhat thrilled to see you, though he won’t show it.
“This is my younger sister, Detective (Y/n) Aizawa.” The class murmurs among themselves as they look at you, now understanding why you resembled their teacher.
“Woah, you have a sister? She looks just like you!” a pink haired girl smiled at you. You nudged your brother and giggled.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m the older sibling.” You tease.
Deciding to stay for lunch, you’re asked a few questions, which you gladly answer, sharing all the embarrassing childhood stories you could before Shota shut you up.
“So why’d you stop by?” Shota finally asks when he’s given a break from the students.
“I felt like seeing you. It’s been a while, we’re both so busy, it’s nice to see you every now and again.”
“How much trouble do you need me to get you out of?” He sighed, rubbing his temples.
“In my defense, those paparazzi were harassing me, I just shoved them into a garbage can! They didn’t even get hurt.” You huffed, shoving a bite of food in your mouth.
“You never cease to amaze me.” Shota chuckles. You smile at the sound of your brother’s laugh.
It’s been a while since you got to hang out with him, so you thought surprising him at school would be nice, it was your day off, the first in a few weeks.
“Could I stick around and watch your kids?” You ask, finishing the food on your plate.
“As long as you don’t show them any more embarrassing photos.”
Yeah that didn’t go so well, they have plenty of pictures of their teacher acting like a hooligan now.
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hizashi yamada / present mic
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You cannot tell me that you, as his little sister, is not loud, if not louder, than him. You are both loud individuals.
He’s super surprised to see you, so much so that Aizawa has to cancel his quirk because he’s excited.
Getting caught up on everything you’ve missed from your time apart is one thing, but you two could talk for ages about anything and everything.
Your big brother is pretty chill, but you on the other hand, you’re a bit of a delinquent.
Hizashi is quick to scold you for some of your reckless behavior but he’s not mad at you.
“You did what?!” He yells, his amber eyes staring at you.
“Hey! He was being a smart ass. Of course now the cruiser smells like garbage.” You were a detective and while on a case a villain had crossed your path and said a few comments that you weren't going to let pass.
So you tossed him in the dumpster nearby and then you had to take him down to the station.
“It’s great to see you again.” He smiles. 
You’re happy to go around and meet everyone, stopping in Class 1-A and 1-B.
Sharing embarrassing childhood stories about Hizashi is always fun, he’s trying to get you to stop but everyone else is excited to see what Mic looked like when he was young. They’re impressed by how much his hair has grown.
Your favorite childhood memory is when he asked for your help the first time he spiked it up.
The two of you sat coated in hair gel and who knows how many other hair products. Hizashi insisted on doing your hair as well which is why your hair is also spiked in the picture.
Having lunch with him is nice, but you’re sad when you have to part.
“I’ll make sure to stop by more!” You smile while hugging your older brother.
“Yeah!” He cheers, hugging you back.
You wave goodbye to everyone and leave, but not before taking a few pictures with everyone to cherish.
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aftgficlibrary · 6 years
This might be a huge ask, but could you make/direct me to a list of fics where Andrew and Neil meet outside of exy (it doesn’t matter if exy actually exists within the fic or not)? An extra ask would be for them to all be complete, thanks!
hello my friend, so this is quite a beast of an ask just because of the sheer number of non exy fics there are. worry not though for I will try my best to show you as many as I can. First off I would recommend checking out our au tag page or first meet tag page because a bunch of those happen outside of the canon exy universe. Next I would say go look at some of our masterlists because many of those might also lead you to the types of fics you’re looking for (many of the ones on our masterlists are also completed fics!) and now finally I’ll link some (read: a whole bunch) below that I might have missed in the links that you might also enjoy! Hope this helped!-Rachel
it suits you. by lolainslackss (M | 13,593 | 3/3)
“I’ve heard that you can buy suits here,” He said.
Andrew pointedly looked from side to side at the many suits that lined the walls.
“That’s the general idea, yes.”
Andrew Minyard is killing time working at his cousin’s central London suit shop as a personal stylist. One day, Neil Hatford, an Olympic athlete in desperate need of a new wardrobe, walks through the door. That’s when everything changes.
Call Me Neil by BakaDoll (M | 16,678 | 1/1)
Andrew is 13 and his life is already a living hell. He decides to call a crisis hotline, but ends up dialing the wrong number. Instead, he is on the phone to a boy his age who calls himself Neil. They become friends and talk regularly, until one day Neil needs Andrew’s help.
running within these concrete walls by injo (M | 6,474 | 4/4)
The man got up from the bed, stretching leisurely and revealing the same blaringly orange jumpsuit, tied at the waist so only the ‘Minyard’ part of his name label was on show.
“Let’s start with some ground rules then, shall we? We’re not friends. You want to speak to someone, find some other idiot to babble your sob stories to. You don’t touch my stuff; I don’t touch yours. And try to stick to your side of the room.”
“Want to draw a line down the middle so I know where not to cross? Maybe we can each piss in one side of the toilet bowl?”
A Prison AU where Neil makes his first friend, and him & Andrew go from being Enemies to Reluctant Conspirators to Lovers.
Milkshakes And Mathematics by moonix (T | 7,311 | 1/1)
Neil is a mess, academically and romantically. But to be honest, so is Andrew. Featuring Gauss the dead cactus, Kevin’s flashcards, a whole lot of junk food, a knitting club, Matt’s mom friend of the year award, bad flirting, first dates, snogging in cars, and all the usual blood, sweat and tears that come with selling your soul to academia.
Ain’t It Fun by jemejem (T | 30,672 | 10/10)
Neil can’t sleep. Andrew can’t feel. High school is going well for the both of them.
you say i’m a dreamer, but i’m not the only one. by Idnis (M | 58,315 | 29/29)
Neil Josten wouldn’t say his life was very magical.His dreams on the other hand.
They always seem too real.
And then there’s the fact that he finds himself returning to one person’s dreams.
Series Part 1 of you say i’m a dreamer, but i’m not the only one
a few living things by flybbfly (M | 14,066 | 4/4)
what if a mob boss and the assassin sent to kill him fell in love?
a world alone by ephemeralsky (T | 54,580 | 6/6)
“It will not be cheap,” Andrew finally says.
“I know,” Wymack says. “Two bottles of Johnnie Walker sound good to you?”
“Four,” Andrew says without missing a beat. He thinks about having to deal with Nicky later on, about the additional work he has to do, and decides that he will not do anything for less.
“Three,” Wymack argues.
“Four or we have no deal.”
Wymack mutters something about blood-sucking hooligans under his breath before he concedes with a, “Fine.”
(or: a High School AU where only some of them are high-schoolers)
be neither fish nor fowl by saul (T | 26,363 | 1/1)
They found it in the locked room of a Royal Navy’s vessel, The Foxwaiting to take her crew and their new spoils across the deep blue.
It was beautiful. It was rarer than any diamond.
“A mermaid,” Dan laughed, taking a step back and sweeping her hat off her head to hold to her chest. “They were transporting a mermaid.”
It was going to make them rich.
( wherein the Foxes are pirates, Neil has gills, and no one quite trusts the magic. )
the odds are never in our favor by malikshah (M | 258,621 | 29/29)
“A truly exciting development here in District 12. Let’s see who will be the other brave tribute traveling to the Capitol this year.” She simply grabbed the first slip she encountered and walked back to the podium. Neil didn’t even have time to wish for his own safety when she read the name.
“Neil Josten.”
A simple The Hunger Games AU because apparently the Foxes haven’t suffered enough already.
to know a man by moonix (M | 47,928 | 8/8)
In which the Foxes all work at a coffee shop run by Wymack, Neil is their newest recruit with a dark past, Andrew is obvious, Neil is oblivious, and everyone ships it apart from Aaron, who just wants to study in peace. With guest appearance by a stuffed jellyfish called Josephine.
of cabbages and kings by intrajanelle (T | 12,106 | 4/4)
Andrew is a bored lighthouse keeper on the Forgotten Coast. He tends to his garden, feeds the gang of stray cats that prowls his lawn, and occasionally parents the scrappy town orphan. He doesn’t need anyone else.
Or: Neil Josten moves to town.
Skilled by wildfrancium (T | 46,925 | 22/22)
Neil has a talent for deactivating sensors that tell doctors when a patient takes their medication. Andrew, a famous Exy player, has a sensor that needs deactivating.
Series Part 1 of Neon Lights
And We’ll Be Running by allyasavedtheday (M | 62,270 | 3/3)
It had been six months ago when Kevin called him, sounding drunk off his ass and on the verge of a breakdown, begging Neil for help. Andrew Minyard, guitarist for The Monsters, had been assaulted by his old foster brother and it finally convinced the courts to take him off the mood altering medication he’d been taking since almost two years prior after an incident where he’d defended his cousin from a bunch of homophobic assholes outside a club.
At the time, he’d had nothing else going for him so he said yes. It was just meant to be something to do for a few months. Now, well, he doesn’t really want to leave.
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thespearnews-blog · 7 years
Ugandans overwhelm Mbidde with answers to his question "why people hate me"
New Post has been published on https://thespearnews.com/2017/04/29/ugandans-overwhelm-mbidde-with-answers-to-his-question-why-people-hate-me/
Ugandans overwhelm Mbidde with answers to his question "why people hate me"
Embattled DP vice chairman Mbidde on Thursday threatened to unleash his group of hooligan gangs to beat up Hon Muwanga Kivumbi as he came from CBS radio talk show Kiriza oba Gaana. However this devilish move leaked through and was pre-emptied on air. Also READ
I don”t Understand why people hate me; Cries Overwhelmed Mbidde to Ugandans
Mbidde is in a terribly deteriorating public relations crisis since he commanded police brutality at Nsambya against DP Buganda regional president Betty Nambooze’s regional meeting.
He has used a lot of money and time moving from media house to media house trying to clear his face but his public relations has just gotten worse. He lost integrity and doesn’t command any respect wherever he goes and whatever he says are not taken by anyone.
His first show of frustration was on a CBS talk show on 26 when he was hosted with Nambooze. He lamented that “its unfortunate I cant be listened to . . . and God gave Nambooze a tongue that convinces whoever she talks to . . .”
In an attempt to cleanse his tainted image he on Thursday night released a statement in which he says he doesn’t know WHY UGANDANS HATE HIM
The spear news reproduced this statemen I don”t Understand why people hate me; Cries Overwhelmed Mbidde to Ugandans and Ugandan socialites took time off to give him the reasons below are some of the comments:
Andrew K Musisi Mayanja Jr. Because you are bedding with the Devil………
Mayanja Mayanja You want to kill Nambooze
Nabunje Kathryn It’s just the beginning
Ssembajjwe Paul Think before you post because some posts are past mediocrity 
Lukyamuzi Yozefu You can just say a lot but the people have never been stupid……… the truth is there to see. Rwanda
Dennis Tumuhairwe This #Stupidity of Mukasa Mbidde whom u call intellectual because he posted these two Photos taken on different occasions/functions and told pple that Nambooze had fainted bse she was drunk only makes Mbidde more of a fool. Mbidde lucks the slightest bit of respect like Nambooze “a diploma holder”
Henry Kwoba Mangeni Mbide is on a self destruction mission but must know that he is too young and doesn’t understand the people he is dealing with.don’t just copy and paste from NRM
Lukyamuzi Yozefu Ssembajjwe Paul take my word. You are on the wrong side of history. I know those might be your mentors, but that’s how unfortunate you are. Prepare for a future in which they will be history.
Musinguzi Jude u” mukasa mbidde and Norbert Mao are NRM agent’s
Ashley George Liam Sembuze Every human being is rational. bt if yuor to justify Dp issues rationally Hon. Mao n Hon Mbidde are moving the party to a wrong direction with respect to the goals, aims to wc the party was started.
The question is, why is it tht strong men and woman frm the party a against you guys, and y is that your being supported by small weak boys the likes of Seranda and others? Mbidde’s going to masindi was not bad because the day was national though hearts a hidden we cant tell the main reason why he went there, making matters worse. Mbidde stood on the same podium with Joel K Museveni. wat was the meaning of that if really an opposition party leader does tht? still to note u hv gone an extra mile to use the Nrm police to beat up fellow Dp members who organise assemblies for a purpose y didnt u people go attend n listen to what they wea to tell people n if it was wrong the judge them for passing on wrong information which is aimed at splitting up the party? still to note Nobert Mao meeting with Nrm officials in some hotel in mbarara. The question is this why Dp was formed that its president and vice have got to do that? To b realistic Mbidde and Mao if someone announced tht by 2017 there will b no opposition party and begins taking yo members to his cabinet to mentio a few Hon nakikiwala, keezaala. would u still be doing wat your doing? o u would b fighting to reunite the few left n because they a the pillars holding the party?
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