#the horrible exes let’s gooo
its-haughty · 9 months
This banger of a song possessed me tonight
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Shitpost under the cut
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this is how gordie’s dates with grayson look half the time
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m1ckeyb3rry · 16 days
okay sooooooo i went to the gym today 🥳 so i normally do 3 incline for the treadmill and thought that i could handle going from 3 to 10 😭 stupid ik, 🫠 my legs are so sore and I’m slowly gonna build up now 😭 normally i would but i was feeling like extra awesome so….
I did weights too! Which I normally don’t do pretty proud of myself :D I did sets of squats + Russian twists w/ weights- then I did that 3 sets of one glute machine :) gotta grow that bootie 💪
And I did stretch 😌
And also pretty proud that i ordered this green drink w/ like spinach n shit ?? I hate greens so much omg- I honestly have the pallet of a toddler 🫠😭 It was pretty good though??? and I had wings for lunch ! I wanted a sandwich but im tryna stay away from carbs rn😭
Well this was my official first day of the rest of my life and came to tell you 😽
hope you don’t mind me slipping in ur asks every now and then :3
HAHA yess it’s def tough working up to it…when i first started i would only spend a couple of minutes at the 12 incline and the rest at 6-8ish?? doing it kind of in intervals where you disperse shorter bursts of the higher incline with a majority at a more comfortable incline might help you progress to being consistent at the higher incline quicker because it lets your body adjust without pushing it too hard 🤔 tbh there’s still days when i only go up to the 15 incline for like the first 5-10 mins and then spend the rest of my cardio time in like the 8-10 range so i can answer emails or asks on my phone because lowkey the treadmill is kinda boring sometimes 😭
AHHH I’M SO PROUD LOOK AT YOU GOOO you will be a weightlifting pro in no time 🤩 LMAOAOA omg that’s so real though glutes forever (side note but for the longest time my mother would get rdls [as in romanian deadlifts] confused with bbls so she’d be like “did you do your bbls at the gym today ☺️” and i’d just be like “well…close enough…they ARE building that area so 🤷🏻‍♀️” HAHA it’s actually insane though what working out your glutes will do for you!! it’ll help w incline walking too everything is so interconnected it’s crazy)
HOORAY stretching ftw hehe it’s my favorite part of my workout…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound where that guy goes “it’s like a reward” but that’s literally my mindset 😩 like okay if i can do one more set of squats then i can go do yoga 🤩
THAT SOUNDS YUMMYYY and dw you’re not alone i am such a picky eater too but in weird ways??? like i can’t stand blueberries on their own but i can’t eat yogurt if i don’t put blueberries in it 😓 (another side note but a more relevant one…greek yogurt is like the number one post gym snack because it has sm protein without being super heavy!! i always put chia seeds flax seeds fruit and occasionally honey in mine but you can kinda experiment w what you like…provided you’re not allergic to milk or smth ofc) honestly i think a lot of it also comes down to preparation so even if you don’t like a food in one way (like spinach in a salad for example) you might like it prepared in a diff way (ex a smoothie) ☝🏻 sometimes we must be creative in order to get our nutrients in LOLOL worst comes to worst there’s no shame in busting out the blender 🤩
I HOPE IT DIDN’T FEEL TOO HORRIBLE OR RESTRICTIVE OR ANYTHING!! just remember everything in moderation even things that people are like “no if you eat this you will never lose weight blah blah” because that’s not actually true HAHA you can eat anything and lose weight — no food is inherently bad it’s just how you view it!! ofc some have more nutrients and keep you full for longer so that’s always good to consider but i remember when i was really trying to lose weight i would leave a little buffer so i could eat takis every night 😭 and i still lost weight even w that SO it is possible and def losing weight shouldn’t be a cause of misery or make you feel like you can’t eat anything at all!! there’s 100% a balance between choosing a healthier option and sometimes just realizing it’s okay to indulge every now and again too 🤫 especially because eating in moderation instead of cutting out completely is the best way to avoid binge eating!!
OMG PLEASE ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO DROP ASKS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING whether it’s abt the gym or fandoms (as i’m sure you can tell i’m in quite a few myself 😰) or real life or wtvr 💖 i loveee talking to people HAHA truly the best part of tumblr is how interactive it is!!
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spidercoffee · 2 years
Ok but IMAGINE if wn was an american teen show.
Bet they’d have this horrible love triangle bullshit going on, and a bunch of unnescessary filler content. And Lilith would be this typical mean girl nun who hates Ava for no reason. Bea would have her coming out scene but then be a smaller side character for the rest of the show. Adriel and Lilith would have had a full blown romance going on (oh god, why did i write this).
Also everyone is really one dimentional and the most put of pocket twists happen that makes no sense whatsoever. Ava becomes the new god. Reya and adriel are ex’s (adriel/lilith/reya love triangle lets gooo). Areala is possessing someone in the ocs. Oh shit turns out adriel is actually Jesus who turned evil bc reasons.
Ok imma stop now this is getting out of hand
Tho feel free to add stuff to ruin ppl’s day
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teeswrites · 3 years
the one- C.H
first of all iwant to apologize for taking too long for posting this one, but i'm dealing with a broken heart recently and just couldn't write anything... BUT now is done and finally I can share with everyone, so enjoy it :)
few disclaimers here:
it contains smut, angst and not a fluffly end, but I think is pretty decent.
hope you like it.
the one
she still remembered the exact day he missed. the day he left her on the read and never texted again. she also remembered the day she heard from Sierra that he was back with his ex. the one which name couldn't be told. not in front of her, not without a lil crisis. Out of the blue, after a year apart, they were back. after all the things he'd said to her "tsc, lier" she said to herself, cause she talked with herself a lot. Not that she didn't have anybody to talk to, she just didn't want to talk with anyone, but him.
"you've to let gooo" her best friend, Delilah, leaned her shoulder on the doorway of her bedroom "no I don't" she was laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling, feet on the wall "see? I've learned that I've got a great taste for socks" and she had, he told it to her "well, if you prefer to stay here, staring at your pink neon socks, go ahead, but I was thinking about taking you to this club Nate is with some friends" "Nate? who's Nate?" Delilah rolled her eyes "the guy I'm dating. C'mon is been 5 months! Forget Calum and come back to real life" she walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed" I miss you" she caressed her hair "we all miss you". she was truly being a horrible best friend, and daughter and sister, didn't call home anymore, didn't go out with her friends, just went to college at morning and stayed the rest of the time doing her assignments, reading cliche novels and watching crap series on Netflix, because life didn't seem to have any sense anymore and Lana DelRey apparently knew it better than anyone. So she sat at the mattress and held her friend's hand "okay" Delilah looked at her face "okay?" she half smiled "okay then! get up and let's put you in a slutty dress and get over Calum" "Del" "fine, just a regular dress and bunch of tequila shots" she smiled "you're smiling! oh my god I'm so excited. I will pick you an outfit, go do your hair" "alright mom".
after a lot of hair spray and glitter, she was ready. not mentally but ready to give it a try and she could swear that she forgot Calum's existence since the minute Delilah's playlist started playing at the car "...if you wake up in your bed alone in the dark, I'm sorry, gotta leave before you love me" she hummed at Jonas Brothers song and the wind felt so cool at her face, her bf couldn't be happier "stop smiling like an idiot and tell me about that Nate" "he is great, met him at uni" "cool! which course?" "physics" "creep" "heya!" she laughed "I'm just being honest!" "behave please" I'll do my best" "good" "Del" "yeah?" "I love you. thanks for getting my back she smiled "I love you too".
already at the club she froze at the front door "you're okay?" she took a deep breath, how long she didn't go to a party? "yeah! let's fucking do it" Delilah smiled, threw an arm around her neck and the girls came into the club. a lot of young people dancing and drinking and laughing and being young and happy. she missed all that vitality.
A tall blonde guy walked towards them "hey, hey, the blonde one is Nate. keep cool" "i'm cool" he smiled "he's hot" "shut up!" she laughed "hey babe" "and have a beautiful voice" "stop!" "and a great taste for woman" he added "oww you're so sweet" she pulled his neck and kissed him "that's my best friend" "Oh, hi. i was dying to meet you" "hey, nice to meet you too" another tall guy joined them, a brunette one "hey, Nate, hey Delilah, hey... you" "hi, Pete. that's Del's best friend " they shake hands "hi" "hi. nice to meet you" "haven't I already saw you at uni?" "hum... yeah, maybe I make biology at the uni" "oh cool! i do biology too. marine biology" "no way! do you know Mr. Torrent?" "yeah! the man is a God" "hey, Nate?" "is better to let them talk by themselves unless you rather hear about planktons than snog at the bar" Nate smiled and the couple sneaked away. she didn't even notice at first and when noticed didn't care, Pete was cool and intelligent, and attractive and was flirting with her and she would have loved it if her gaze didn't cross with a dark brown one. Calum's gaze. she held her breath, just hoping he didn't recognize her, but he did and she was hundred percent sure cause he was walking towards her. In a blink of eyes her hands started to get sweaty, and she felt a knot in her throat and she felt the needing of excusing herself to Pete and run away to the first door she found, leaning her back and head on the cold bathroom tile, closing her eyes and hoping she escaped from him, but at the moment she heard the door opening, large steps, and beer mixed with nicotine smell, she knew he was there. such a stroke of bad luck! it was the first time she went out in 5 months just for trying to forget him and who is at the same club on the same night and had the same idea of looking around? yes, he.
"go away Calum!" "since when you have super powers" "I can feel your heavy ego weighing the air" "ouch" she chucked, bitter "ouch! that's how it felt when Sierra told me you and her were back" "look, I..." "don't say anything" he cutted her "but I..." she continued "Cause I like to think you done what you've done for a good reason. That you didn't tell me the truth because someone's life would be in danger if you'd telled me. I like to think you're not the asshole everyone says to me you are" "but I'm" she opened her eyes "I'm an asshole and you should be mad" silence "I've done what I've done because..." "I SAID I DON'T WANT TO HEAR!" she wanted to scream with him so badly "I HAD TO! SHE WAS MISERABLE, VERY MISERABLE!" "oh, you such a nice guy" sarcasm weighed the air instantly "SHE WAS SUICIDAL! Nia she was..." "don't you dare say her name in front of me" "very mature" she rolled her eyes "goodbye Calum" she tried to come back to the party, but he held her arm and said calmly "let's talk" "Calum..." "please" silence "I can't. I... if I do, I'll breakdown and I can't right now" “please” “what’s so important?” "I'm sorry" he said low like a whisper. she turned to him, her gaze and head down "just..." "shut up Calum she said calmly "I’m sorry.." "I SAID SHUT UP! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF DOING WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH ME OR WITH ANYBODY ELSE JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU CAN AND SIMPLY SAY YOU'RE SORRY! BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORKS LIKE THAT! " and broke down in tears and he couldn't help but wrap his arms around her. guilt almost giving him physical backache. she buried her face in her hands and started crying, he couldn’t do less but trying to comfort her, she was overwhelmed so she buried her full of glitter face on his chest not giving a fuck if it was going to look like a Troll had threw up all over the black fabric. "let everything out" he cooed and she did, but at some point she couldn't anymore, holding the tears back and recomposing herself. She looked at his face “still tall” she thought. His tee was sobbed with her tears, but he was still there, with his arms around her shaking body. It was night, the moonlight reflected on her face, making it looks more glowing and bright than already was “so fucking beautiful” he thought, but he wouldn’t dare to say it out loud. He blinked, she sniffed and they stared at each other’s eyes, for a few minutes before she calmy and suddenly cooed “fuck me”. It was an order. He blushed “huh, I… here?” she sniffed again, shrugged, and repeated “Yeah. Fuck me. Right here. Like, for real, ya know? Pull my panties off and make me feel sore for the week” “I know what fuck means…” he scratched his hair “so do me” more blush. He couldn’t deny something like that. He couldn’t deny anything to her. Not after everything he did. Especially when her soft, small, and warm hands were holding his jawn. Not when she had her tongue stuck on his mouth. Just as she was doing at that moment. He still had a girlfriend, but none of them seemed to care about it, all he cared was about being with her and he let her know it, he owed her, so he moved forwards until their bodies couldn't be more close "I want to think about you…" he dipped, kissing her neck on the right side "…and your breasts…" the left side "… that are making sure to show up tonight…" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before open it again and in a soft voice ask "and what will you do about it?" "This" he cupped her face and pulled it to kiss her hard. Her hands dancing on his neck and chest, the music muffled by the bathroom door so anticlimactic, but they just didn't give a shit. He parted already feeling the alcohol in his veins, blood boiling, but she pulled him for another kiss, her tongue being so inviting, sliding in his bottom lip, almost immediately letting it pass, bodies pressed so close that she could feel something growing in his pants she giggled between the kisses, she didn’t know why but it was funny “I turned on Calum Hood after he left me for his ex” she bragged to herself, he broke her thoughts with a push,
parting briefly, forcing her to walk backwards till she hit the wall, the one he pressed her against and attacked her lips again, lifting her from the floor, hands cupping her bum, her ankles locked around his waist, hands exploring each other's bodies while he walked into the stall and locked the door, where her back was pressed against. They didn't talk, they didn't have too much to say, at least nothing that wasn't some rudeness. He broke the kiss to focus on her thighs, hands sliding up it, bunching her dress above the hips, panties threw on the floor, a finger filling her, two fingers, until a hustled moan left her lips, he looked up to met her gaze, nails buried on the flesh of his arms "fuck" he smirked to her attempt of having some friction, moving her hips. He held it strongly so she couldn't move too much and pulled down his own pants and boxer, giving what they both desperately needed. Another shit top charts pop music muffled by the bathroom's front door started to play, but their moans, hips colliding and tremors sound against the stall door because of his thrusts, were the only sound listenable by their ears. she choked with pleasure, even in a dirty and smelly club bathroom, he would drive her insane in pleasure. he smiled, rushing his movements, she twerking her hips too, helping him to find her sensitive point. When he found, bringing Heaven to her, only to her, all for her "Calum…" she squeezed his biceps and he rubbed her clit as the sound of his name leaving her lips like a melody "yes?" "I hate you" she said feeling her orgasm, throwing her head against the door, arching her back. Soon, he had his own too, showing how needy he was for her, filling her inside with part of him "you look kinda too much grateful for someone that hates me" she grinned, tartly, resting her forehead on his shoulder next, letting herself feel his heavy breath becomes one with hers.
After they both put themselves together she knew it was time for him to leave her again, at the moment his gaze crossed her earlier, she knew he still wasn’t hers, at least not concretely. "I- I can't..." he started "tell me something new” "So sorry...” he mumbled “but I have to stay by her side" some tears escaped from him and she couldn’t do differently "why?" "Is complicated" she tried to dry the tears but it wasn't working "I don't get it" "neither do I" he brushed his thumb on her face, drying a tear that rolled down "Calum..." "I should go" he gave her his back and walked towards the bathroom door, ready to open it, just about to leave her, not that he felt ready for this, but stopped "you're my one, you know that right?" With all her strengths she stopped crying only to answer him, low tone "you're my one too" he nodded in agreement and without looking at her, dried a tear on his cheek, sniffed, and left cause if he even imagined her face he would’ve stayed with her, pick her instead of Nia. And one day, maybe one day, they would be together cause if someone is your one, is your one. And nothing can separate ‘ones’ at the end.
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mandoinevarro · 4 years
30 questions!!
30 questions
tagged by @hansoulo and @vercopaanir whom I love to infinity ❤️❤️❤️
i skimmed through the questions and i already know this is a mistake bc my answers will be dumb as hell, but im bored so lets gooo
1. Name/Nickname: Mariana and i don’t think i have any nicknames? some friends call me Marianita but that’s even longer so call me whatever you want
2. Gender: female, she/her
3. Star sign: gemini (sorry) 
4. Height: 1.63m which google says is 5′3″
5. Time: 4:15 pm
6. Birthday: early june
7. Favorite bands: this is embarrassing but i can’t think of a single band i listen to regularly other than Tank and the Bangas but I feel like that’s more of a ~group~. let me check on my phone. okay ABBA, Blondie!!!!, idk if Calle 13 counts as a band but let’s throw that in, La Oreja de Van Gogh,
8. Favorite solo artists: I’ve been a Shakira stan from birth, Dounia, Alberto Barros, Selena (Quintanilla not Gomez, I can’t remember the last time i listened to  selena gomez ), Luedji Luna, Megan Thee Stallion, Daymé Arocena, Soha, Nat King Cole
9. Song stuck in your head: Journal of Ardency and for some reason The Rocky Road to Dublin
10. Last movie: The Prince of Egypt
11. Last show: Barry
12. When I did create this blog: around March, right before the Age of Covid started
13. What I post: horrible filth that my id spits out in the shape of writing, cool gifs!
14. Last thing I googled: ex gobernador de jalisco
15. Other blogs: my 2012 lurking blog that i forgot the password for and shall remain a secret
16. Do i get asks: Sometimes and i love them with my whole heart❤️️
17. Why i chose my url: i love nevarro what can i say
18. Following: i can’t check without closing this
19. Followers: the same amount of christmas lights on my christmas tree
20. Average hours of sleep: either 5 or 12
21. Lucky number: 4 according to Chinese cookies
22. Instruments: I played the flute in school, so none
23. What I’m wearing: a sports bra and classy sweatpants
24. Dream job: i always wanted to be a piñata maker when i was a kid, they have these super long poles with a hook at the end to lower them and it looked like magic to me
25. Dream trip: Cuba, Brazil, i would sell my right kidney to go to Morocco, Egypt
26. Favorite food: esquites
27. Nationality: Mexican but not the fun kind
28. Favorite song: right now maybe Idilio, Moliendo Café or Anna Wintour
29. Last book: The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn
30. Top 3 fictional universes I wanna live in: id say ASOIAF but not really unless i wanted to be brutally murdered.
tag: @hdlynnslibrary or @hdlynn, @leo-moon, @bestintheparsec, @ollypopp, @ms-fatally-yours, @bella-ciao, @max--phillips and anybody else who wants to have fun on this nice Tuesday afternoon
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saint-ossifrage · 4 years
God i wish I had your determination for fic writing 😭 can I ask how you go about doing outlines, bc im horribly disorganized and I have no clue and would like to learn 🥺 (if thats okay to ask rip)
Ok so first of all. I am so sorry this got so long. Second, thank you for asking about something I love. I never get to talk about this. Unfortunately, that means I have way too much to say about it. I don’t know if you were expecting something as detailed as this...either way, take it with a grain of salt. Different people set up outlines how they like, this is just how I do it. Ok, here we gooo!
What I’m doing right now is working on a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline. I started with a vague plot that I didn’t even think I would write out because of the complexity/length. It turns out my hubris will be my downfall!
Anyway, I started with three broad plot points. Beginning, middle, and end. Example: A gets taken. X happens during their abduction. In the end, B and C rescue them. They’re broad on purpose because that makes it more flexible as I flesh it out, which is important in case I figure out there’s a plot hole or a different scenario I prefer. Then, I start nitpicking as I expand it. I like to ask simple questions. Ex. Why did A get abducted? This helps me determine what happens leading up to the fic and pushes me through the story. Consider character arcs throughout this process.
(I also ask myself how that might affect canon, but that’s because I want this fic to fit into canon without completely changing the ending. So, I lay out the pros and cons of trying to shove my fic into canon. Would this change it too much? Would it make sense at all what with X and Y? I’m kind of a freak about it when I put my mind to it, so you should by no means feel pressured to do the same!)
Once I figure out if it works or not, I start laying down the groundwork. I use Artistotle’s story structure because it’s easy to understand for me. I'm actually drawing out the chart right now. I start by assigning the exposition and rising action to chapters. Additionally, I like to know my ending because, otherwise, the middle might get muddled due to excessive meandering.
Here’s how I lay out chapters:
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So on and so forth. This is just how I do it, you can format it however you want! You can have as many scenes in a chapter as you like. I try to stick to 3-4 depending on length for my own sake. I also strive to make my scenes and, more importantly, chapters end on a specific note. It could be happy, hopeful, suspenseful, sad, or even a cliffhanger.
(FYI, I specified DAY/TIME - which would be something like TUESDAY MORNING or MID-TUESDAY, etc. - because I was getting confused about how many days passed in a past fic and how that affected the current fic. I’ve learned my lesson. I estimate how much time a scene would take so I can count up how many days pass over the course of the chapters. This isn’t necessary, of course, but I included it just in case.)
Oftentimes there will be a narrative thread that will wind through multiple - if not all - chapters and this can get very confusing to keep track of. I have to consider how it will develop and build on itself, so I take some time to think through it in a separate bullet list. I write down the basics. For example, if a character gets sick at the beginning of the fic and gets steadily worse, it would look somewhat like this:
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Or, if a character is grieving, I jot down the 5 stages of grief. Then, I start brainstorming about how their specific externalizations of each stage would look like.
On my doc, I have four sections. Section 1 is for the broad plot. Section 2 is for the detailed chapter outline. Section 3 is dedicated to the threads I’m fleshing out. This is also where I put the Q&A's. I’m kind of a control freak so I even highlight very important things, like motives for characters. This layout is just so I don’t get confused, but it’s not necessary.
Then there is Section 4: the scrapped bits. It’s important to be flexible while building your outline. You don’t need to completely throw away things that don’t fit! Just stick ‘em in Section 4 or some equivalent and let it rest while you cultivate this story.
Going back to the outline - I give each scene a working title that’s dumb as hell, for fun. Again, not at all necessary, but it makes me laugh. Plus, I like having chapter titles sometimes, and I can get inspiration from a scene title if it fits.
I use this outlining method specifically for multi-chapter fics. I wrote a very long crossover chapter fic in the past and it was a huge, unwieldy project. I know it's sort of the standard, but posting a chapter before the rest of them, or at least the next one, is written made it hard to keep track of all my loose threads. That's why I did a 180 and started obsessively organizing things. Unfortunately for my readers, I developed this method halfway through the fic. Oopsies :3
That’s about it. I did my best to explain it, but I’m not sure how much of this is comprehensible to someone who isn't inside my brain. If anything is unclear please ask me about it. If you can’t tell, I like talking about writing. I don’t mind. I’d feel super bad if my explanation was confusing. I hope it helps 💗
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