#the hurricane job
eg515 · 3 months
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I love how The Juror #6 Job predicted not one but two plotlines of Leverage: Redemption
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rebeccasteventaylor · 2 years
Oh, I forgot Noah Wyle had his little ER revisit in The Hurricane Job! And he still has those doctor moves and can spout the medical technobabble.
What with that and Eliot’s shocked face at Parker describing him as her brother and all the weather and Parker and Eliot arguing and Harry and Sophie bonding and Parker asking if she got happy wrong again I really like this episode
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Job: The Huricane Job
Weird name, not because huricanes are weird, or huricane relief being exploited/scammed somehow feels weird. But because i think i remember a reference to Katrina in like, the second episode of this sequel? Wasnt that why the tailor-woman moved to that neighbourhood she was almost gonna be evicted from?
--- Hotel on the coast, The Lin Manuel Miranda we ordered from Wish is running for (presumably) his life. Two cops begin torturing him for a phone he posesses (Diversity win! The instrument of government sanctioned violence and torture is black!)
Huh, I thought Abel was supposed to be the one getting his skull caved in. --- Back in the teaser again. Still disapointed by the lack of casino's ominous smoke or timebombs.
Oh i see. This isnt about huricane relief its just happening during an actual huricane. (did anyone say bottle episode?)
Ok so the US Marshal is still dating Elliot, (you know for all the tumblr-fanbase insistence that this is a cannon ot3? Im not seeing much evidence, things could change but we're at the end of the sequel series first season so... Like they're definitly like banded together for life as a team and sort-of-family but i dont see any evidence in the actual show for Elliot being with Parker and Hardison relationship-wise)
Parker does not like their return-trip from an actual crime to be with a US Marshal (she's got a point, but desperate times=strange bedfellows)
No i dont think you got "Happy" wrong, i think that Elliot is afraid of happiness.
Not-Abel tries to prevent Elliot and Parker from entering the inn but Not-a-hawaiian-shirt-but-similar-vibes (can someone tell me what those are called) tells them they cant just let people die in the storm.
Cane owns the hotel, Roxie is general manager. Does not like the idea of people staying at the hotel. (yeah this is definitly a front for something. Also Elliot registered them as cops based on their vibe so we know they're legitimately cops rather then crooks pretending to be.)
Cal and Liz, probably a reference im not getting. Old guy doesnt even own a tv (gets his news from newspaper, less depressing news that way. Lead story is a lottery win, so we know what the secret motive of the episode is gonna be, Lin Manuel won the lottery and the cops are trying to murder him to get the ticket, but we're gonna spend half the episode thinking its a whistleblower thing. Unfortunately for the writers i remember the episode of Monk where someone was murdered on his doorstep to prevent him getting his newspaper delivered cause his upstairs neighbour won the lottery so im not falling for it.) "smells like cleaning suplies", bleach to remove bloodstains.
Maria is here, and its time for her to get even more evidence that something is not right with her boyfriend. --- We're locked up... theoretically... alledgedly... Look Parker is in the room lets skip the pretense. They give Ship Parkers Ear-thingy so she and Elliot can go get the radio from the boat (weird, would make more sense
Elliot tries to explain to Ship that parker is bad at reading peoples emotions but kind of slips on his ass. Want to note that this is two episodes in a row without Breanna (actress must've been busy)
Elliot tries to apologise for getting Ship involved but she's just happy that people in need are getting the help they need.
Harry is off to talk to Win Manuel (i know he's got a name but his actual name doesnt allow me to make "lottery winner" puns so Win Manuel it its.) Sophie stays as middleman on the coms.
well that was a stupid rube-goldberg. (Oar hits Baddies back, sends harpoon past elliot into a rope that swings a boat that hits Elliot who breaks the radio) Like i know we need the radio broken, but you could've just speared the radio.
So yeah, every non-abel cop thinks they're looking for the phone cause evidence. Abel lied to them, its the ticket. --- Ok the radio can be fixed if we get a fuse (Parkertime!)
Ship tells Elliot not to be a martyr. --- Parker has the fuse, and looks at an illegible page. She's doing the smelly-face. (this is where the chlorine smell came from)
Harry recognises his colleague from a jingle (they're a lottery lawyer, *smug grin intensifies*)
Oh its accelerant he smells like. Breaker flips, and i want to note that i love the candles used to light the scene. (obviously its realistic, in case of a blackout candles are a reliable light-source and huricane prone areas people tend to have those in stock) but they've been here all along throughout the episode and suddenly become a lot more subtly ominous after Parker tells us our baddie smells of chemical accelerants. --- Not much a lawyer can work with, time for his second ever self-organised social con!
Quick switch with the chest-compression teaching dummy and Solina is out.
--- Abels buddies do not like to hear about the fiery fates that are about to await them.
Parker has found the ticket, (and accidentally lit herself a bat-signal)
Oh Abel, couldnt even hold onto your lie for one single sentence? Come on my dude you gotta be better at being worse!
Yeah this guy is about to get murdered by his old partner. slow down on the rope-cutting i want to see him get his face blasted in!
oh for fucks sake has the american police getting military surplus gotten to the point where this rent-a-cop has a fingerprint-id-locked gun? Five years ago i heard about that stuff in a spy movie as being special and now a regular crooked cop has it?
Parker hates giving up the ticket. Elliot and Ship walking through the aftermath of the storm. She says that knowing he's a good person is enough for her (which means by the season finale, they'll have broken up)
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daydreamingcara · 6 months
he looks so huge 😵‍💫
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geekynightowl1997 · 9 months
Out of the whole crew I think Eliot and Parker's friendship- is the most interesting (and the cutest.)
There's a comradery that they have- that none of the others do. Many people have pointed out the scene where Eliot and Parker change in front of each other without blinking. Where Eliot throws an item of clothing at a camera to give them privacy. (The Cross My Heart Job)
Nobody actually really questions it. They just have assumptions. Which is totally fair. They set the scene that way. I think it's their way of saying neither of them are concerned about seeing each other bare. It's a weird metaphor and I don't really know how to explain it.
There's the part where Parker asks Eliot; "What did you do?" And he begs her; "Not to ask me that Parker, because if you do- I'm going to tell you, so please don't ask." And that is a scene that the whole Fandom holds so close to their hearts. (The Big Bang Job)
Every moment where Parker and Eliot defend Hardison from a high chance of a plague. Where she naps with a government official in their space. Where she takes the case and Eliot punches the bad guy. Even when an area is swarming with law officals- she still trusts him. (The Rundown Job.)
And the scenes where they fell into the hole. Parker wants to bring the dead guy with back to the base and Eliot (despite wanting to leave him,) helps her. But the ropes snaps and it becomes more about them getting out- then getting the dead guy out. (The Long Way Down Job)
Not to mention all those scenes were Parker is near Eliot in some case. Whether it's sitting on the arm chair. Or poking him to see if his injuries actually hurt. Or the times in Redemption- where he nudges Parker to convince Sophie to steal something. Or about robot bodies. The Santa hat. Even in a middle of a hurricane- their together and Parker is by his side. (The Hurricane Job)
Some seem them as romantic (this post isn't meant to start arguments.) However- I don't see it that way. They seem more like siblings too me. The way Eliot gets annoyed and huffs and puffs- but still is willing to make sure she gets out. The way Parker snaps back- is more sisterly. Sure for a while Eliot doesn't know how to handle her. He doesn't know how to accept the "crazy," but eventually- somewhere- he sees that she really isn't.
Parker isn't crazy. She just never had anybody to trust before. And not having some one you can turn to- makes people throw caution to the wind sometimes. But when she does starting trust Hardison and Eliot- she becomes a bit more careful. She's still care free. But careful at the same time.
Eliot learns to trust her instinct. And I think that's why- even if he says "No," to her- and she eventually says "Yes," he'll follow her without question.
I think it also helps that Parker doesn't see him as some mercenary. She sees him as someone who deserves Redemption.
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gideonisms · 2 months
Want to go somewhere and see different things than my apartment walls but if there is a sound or anyone looks at me I will die right there. And if I go outside today I step into a sauna. Also nearly everything besides restaurants closes at 8 despite the fact that the roads are hell 24 hours a day. You can see how this leaves me with limited options
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
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mista svechnalyst | round 1, game 5 | april 25, 2023
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dccontramundum · 9 months
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“anyone touches you, says anything to you, so much as looks at you the wrong way- you come get me, and i’ll set them straight. understand?” ~@galacticforces ((Joan taking him out somewhere with her friends))
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MORSE'S STOMACH DOES A FLIP. That makes him feel... something. It definitely shouldn't, but it does. Quickly, he tries to backtrack in his mind, reverse the sudden warm feeling before it takes hold properly.
FOR A START, THAT WON'T HAPPEN. Why would somebody touch him? Why would somebody say something to him? And if they did, he could definitely handle it himself. He doesn't need protecting. If something happens, he'll be fine, because he handles that sort of thing every day at work. Teasing, jokes made at his expense, being looked at in a particular way... he deals with that just fine. Doesn't he?
HE DOES. He knows he does. He ignores it all, from the rolling of eyes to the pointed jabs and cruel teasing about his interests and hobbies. But... hasn't he thought, every now and then, about what it might feel like if someone did say something? As soon as his mind goes there, instead of successfully finding its way back to a normal response, he's burning with shame. Not only does he like what she's just said, but he's thought about it before! To even acknowledge it is excruciating. Morse likes the thought of being defended, being protected. How completely humiliating. He's not supposed to indulge those thoughts when they happen as fleeting wishes or fantasies, never mind when he's supposed to be having a normal conversation with Joan.
THIS ISN'T GOING WELL. His eyes are wide and he's definitely blushing, and he really needs to say something or this silence is going to linger too long. "Well, I'm sure... nobody I know will be there. So..." he trails off. Really? That's the best he can come up with? All he's really done is suggest that if there were people he knows there, then something might happen. Great. "I'll be fine," he clarifies quickly, shaking his head. "But, um, thank you."
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agayhurricane · 1 year
van helsing's very lengthy exposition on september 30's dracula entry was made so intense by the sound design!! i felt like i was listening to a movie, it was so well done!!!!
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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samssims · 1 year
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Penelope is excited to meet you ~
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okay i know youve drawn him alive like. twice (and drew him as a dead man another two times) but i just wanna say
ur phoney is very silly <3
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PAUL!!! PAUL GRAYSON!!! Guy who hasn't had a day off since 89' and has been 'Employee of the Month' since Freddy's opened.
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He has a beautiful and wonderful wife called Kaycee and he's never worked a normal day in his life.
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princessnijireiki · 9 days
you go offline for 10 days and somebody reblogs like 40 gifsets in a row,
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marsixm · 1 month
i love it when im like whyyyy am i so anxious and sad… am i just a loser…. whats wrong with me… and then i have to sit and think for a minute like hm have you perhaps considered the like 4-5 ongoing extremely stressful situations youve been experiencing lately. like oh shit dude good point
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hellconsumed · 15 days
out of character . i just wanted to give a heads up as my activity might be a little more sporadic this week .
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