#the immaculate heart of mary statues
stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
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A medieval Catholic religious statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Name and location of church unknown.
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allaboutmary · 1 year
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A statue of the Mary exposing her Immaculate Heart in Molfetta in Puglia, Italy.
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ozimagines · 4 months
(DISCLAIMER: I am a severe bipolar depressant who has been in two different psychiatric wards in my life. This is based off of my experiences. I am not disrespecting mental illnesses. On the contrary, I think we treat people with mental illnesses like prisoners in these facilities, or at least the ones I’ve been forced into.)
Oz Mental Health/ Asylum AU
The juices we get in asylums were smaller than the ones they got in Oz, but you get the picture. Prison food = asylum food. (Once got served pasta that was just cold pasta, mayo, carrots, and cheddar cheese. Do not recommend.)
Idk where anyone else is from but my state has the Baker Act where a doctor or police officer (yeah idk how that’s allowed) will determine you’re a danger to yourself or others and involuntarily put you in an asylum for up to 72 hours in which case the Baker Act can be extended if “necessary”. After a certain amount of time you can go before a judge and try to get the Baker Act overturned. It doesn’t always work.
^And the fun thing is that they make you pay for the stay. Hundreds of dollars a day. Even if you can’t afford it, you can’t opt out if you’re Baker Acted. If you’ve got good insurance it’ll pay for about 75%, but as a symptom of many disorders is being bad with money… you see the cycle?
^And you know Mental Health AU Kareem Said is all over that shit. The cycle of poverty and depression. And especially the demographics they affect.
“You’re in my asylum now.”
Everyone in the has a reason and a status⬇️
Vern Schillinger: Delusions of grandeur, danger to others, Status: INVOLUNTARY [EXTENDED]
Tobias Beecher: PTSD, Addiction Status: VOLUNTARY
Miguel Alvarez: Psychotic breaks, depression, suicidal ideation/attempts Status: INVOLUNTARY
You get the picture.
We played blackjack for each other’s socks once. And when it got cold we just bet desserts. Imagine them doing that.
The “hacks” for us were the orderlies. Some were nice, to be clear. Like Murphy. Some just taunted us. Howell. We had doctors who cared. Nathan. We had doctors who didn’t. Garvey.
We always talked about what we would do when we “got out”. And we phrased it just like that.
Stanislavsky: “bubble baths.”
O’Reily: “fuck an 18 year old virgin”
We almost never heard music. One time, an orderly was playing a song off his computer. Last Dance for Mary Jane by Tom Petty. I asked him to turn it up and we just danced for three minutes. That would be McManus. Adding just a touch of humanity.
We were luckier than some Oz guys in that we got “outside” time. It was a bricked in concrete courtyard about the size of a bedroom with screen overhead. I imagine some of the Oz guys sitting out there for group.
GROUP! Like class for Oz, it’s not mandatory but it does make you smell sweeter when you’re trying to get out.
I keep picturing McManus as one of the group instructors.
“Draw something that you enjoy doing. Draw something you can’t live without. Draw something…”
“I drew weed, man, can I leave?” -Chico
Some people were quiet and others boisterous. I think people have this view that everyone in a ward is in the middle of a psychotic episode or is a vegetable. It’s not the case. Some are so lively it’ll break your hearts.
I can imagine this AU Miguel sitting, looking out a thin, screened window, trying to see something outside worth living for.
Chico, boisterously explaining that he doesn’t belong there. That he’s not a nut case and they can let him leave.
Busmalis and Rebadow knowing they probably never will.
The detailing in these places is immaculate and every single part will make you cry. We have hang proof doorknobs. Markers instead of pens. Softcover books only. I understand why it has to be that way, but as Kareem Said would point out, you’ve cured the symptoms but not the sickness. We wouldn’t need those if we had proper medical care and were able to manage the illness.
This is sadder than most AUs and I’m sorry for that but the US treats it’s mentally ill like it treats its criminals; like once you do or think something you cease to be a person. I don’t know if this will be a welcome post, but I thought I’d mix a little Oz with a little modern day activism. That’s what Oz was. The poor treatment of prisoners in the U.S. I present, The Oswald Psychiatric Hospital, North wing, Emerald City, poor treatment of a different type of prisoner.
We’re people. We deserve clothes that aren’t scrubs and filthy. We deserve
Like Oz, there is no “out”. Even when you’re on the outside, your problems are still yours. And you look back at the gates you wanted so much to be on the other side of and wonder: now what?
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stuckfixated · 8 months
Art History QotD: How do we use art in our modern lives to indicate that a location has special spiritual or religious meaning, especially the resting places of the dead?
All throughout history and continuing on to the modern day, symbolic art, certain elements in architecture, and sculptures are all often used to convey spiritual meaning and religious imagery. Certain motifs in architecture such as the Buddhist stupa (commemorative monument housing sacred relics) signify spiritual enlightenment using a very unique design. There is also the Celtic cross and knotworks which symbolize the concept of eternity and a sense of being interconnected with each other (in Irish and Scottish traditions). One of the most well-known uses of symbolism and religious imagery comes from Christianity, specifically Catholicism. The iconic symbol of the crucifix represents sacrifice, and ultimately redemption. The Virgin Mary, often depicted with symbols like the Immaculate Heart or the Rose, holds deep religious significance as well. Stained glass windows in cathedrals often portray biblical scenes, and the Saint statues represent reverence.
In modern life, we use much of the same motifs that can be seen throughout history. Christians wear cross necklaces, and, in Japanese Shintoism, the Torii gates (seen at the entrance of Shinto shrines) represent "the mundane" transitioning into "the sacred". This is an example of architectural symbolism. Modern Shinto art often incorporates themes of water (purification fountains, symbolizing ritual cleansing) and foxes (specifically "Inari" foxes, thought to be messengers of the deity Inari). We still use motifs and symbolism such as this in the modern day, often harkening back to earlier times.
As for resting places for the dead or monuments made in honor of the dead, in Mexican culture we see ofrendas. They are not the resting place of the deceased loved one; instead they are highly significant cultural pieces dedicated to remembering the loved one fondly and celebrating their life. This includes "offerings" to them such as candles, marigolds (cempasúchil, flower of the dead), sweets, the loved one's favorite foods, and photos of the loved one and their family. The ofrenda can also include artistic pieces such as skull decorations in the Day of the Dead style, and tissue paper flowers.
Buddhist stupa:
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Torii gate at the entrance of a Shinto shrine:
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martinwilliammichael · 3 months
Let’s talk about Mary!
“Let’s talk about Mary,” I said, sitting in the office of my former Director of Religious Education (DRE). While I discerned whether to convert to Catholicism, my husband and I met one-on-one with our parish DRE for a couple of months. I still had a few things to clear up before I was ready to be accepted into the Church.
Attending a Methodist church while growing up was a positive experience. I made friends in youth group, went on mission trips and sat beside my mom and sisters at church services. Through it all, I knew who Mary was: She was Jesus’ mom, and we talked about her every time we got ready for Christmas. She carried the Son of God in her womb, rode a donkey into Bethlehem and gave birth to baby Jesus in the manger.
However, the Catholic Church placed a higher emphasis on Jesus’ mother, and many of my Protestant friends and family insisted that Catholics prayed TO Mary, and that just wasn’t okay. But when I brought up the topic of Mary to my patient and wise DRE, she smiled knowingly. It turns out that Mary is at the very top of the FAQ list for those converting to Catholicism—and our DRE was ready for the conversation.
We talked about many things that day, and I left with reading materials and a challenge to pray and discern on everything from intercessory prayer and the Rosary to the Immaculate Conception. The more I sat with it, the more Mary came into focus. She was a vessel, yes, but she was—and is—so much more than that. She is a mother to us, a feminine presence in the divine world who wants to walk with us, to comfort us, to pray for us.
Fast forward three years. I was a full member of the Catholic Church, and my husband and I had a daughter. But, despite our deepest desires to have another child, we couldn’t conceive again. In frustration I threw myself into running and joined a friend in a 10k race, during which I was mostly in prayerful consideration of the future. Along the race path, my friend and I took a wrong turn and wandered away from the other runners. Lost in the quiet, hilly streets of a neighborhood as I prayed about motherhood, we passed a yard with a Mary statue—and in my Bible-belt hometown, that was an uncommon sight.
A distinct sense of peace melted through my body as the Mother of impossible pregnancies made herself known to me. And as my legs ached and lungs screamed, I knew that no matter what my future held, it would be okay. After all, Mary endured immense suffering as Jesus’ mother, and if anyone knew my pain, it was her. Mary, Undoer of Knots, became my go to intercessor, and the prayer seeking her intercession under that title became a balm to my heart.
I’ll never stop being grateful that the Catholic Church helped me to know her more intimately and to better understand Mary’s place in my spiritual life. I hope this issue dedicated to Mary and how she has worked in the lives of the faithful will be a balm to your soul as well.
Jessica Rinaudo, April 21, 2024
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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brother-joseph · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Immaculate Heart of Mary 13 oz. Cup/Mug with prayer, New .
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thewahookid · 9 months
An unusual event in Medjugorje that reminded some of the appointments that the Virgin Mary gave in the early days of the apparitions, took place yesterday on the hill of the apparition, where thousands of people gathered in the afternoon starting mostly at 15:00.
The news spread since the previous evening after the seer Marija had her usual daily appearance. Our Lady gave an appointment the next day asking for at least three hours of prayer in view of the 17:40 apparition, promising a gift.
The waiting has immediately become frantic all over the world, because, it’s pointless to deny it, we’re all waiting for the announcement of secrets.
The call for the day of January 1st, such a solemn day, has recalled another extraordinary apparition that took place on January 1st, 2001, in which Our Lady had said:
Dear children, tonight I wanted you here in a special way. Especially when Satan is loosened from chains. I invite you to consecrate yourselves to my Heart and to my Son's Heart. In a special way now, my dear children, I invite you to be close to me. I bless you all with my motherly blessings. "
Crowds gathered around the Virgin Mary statue at the site of the first apparitions in the pouring rain, praying and waiting for the apparition.
Ten minutes before the appearance the rain stopped and everyone could close their umbrellas.
The seer Marija, who was already at the foot of the statue of the Virgin, had her daily appearance, and at the end she communicated the message of the Virgin: “The Virgin said: Thank you for answering my call and praying according to the My intention; You shall not regret, nor your children, nor your children’s children”.
It's not the first time that Madonna has made this promise, she had already made it to the Sicilian people in 2001. On October 27, 2001 the Virgin appeared to Marija in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse (sister Emmanuel recounts the episode, but in the vicinity of Palermo; I am a direct witness having been present at the event), during a meeting of the island’s prayer groups. On that occasion, shortly before the appearance, the president of the Sicilian Region Salvatore Cuffaro consecrated Sicily to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After the apparition the seer Marija said, among the cracking applause of everyone present, that Our Lady had accepted the consecration and had left a message for the Sicilian people: "You will not regret it, nor your children, nor the children of your children".
This time the promise made by Our Lady is directed at all those who have taken seriously her calling to pray for her intentions.
The gift, then, made by the Virgin, consists of a solemn promise: whatever has to happen happens, but you will be under it like an umbrella, you will be protected.
The gift given to us by Madonna is therefore in view of what will happen and that is also contained in the secrets.
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missionworldtravell11 · 9 months
Majestic Views from Cerro San Cristóbal: A Must-Visit Hill in Santiago
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Nestled in the heart of Santiago, Chile, Cerro San Cristóbal stands tall as a beacon of natural beauty and panoramic splendor. This iconic hill, part of the larger Metropolitan Park, offers visitors a breathtaking escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. As you ascend the winding paths, you'll find yourself immersed in lush greenery, and upon reaching the summit, be rewarded with majestic views that capture the essence of Santiago.
A Scenic Journey to the Top
Cerro San Cristóbal is easily accessible, providing both locals and tourists with an opportunity to experience Santiago from a different perspective. The journey to the top can be made on foot, by bike, or via the funicular railway that adds an extra layer of excitement to the adventure. Whichever mode of transport you choose, the anticipation builds as you ascend, surrounded by the vibrant flora that blankets the hillside.
Sweeping Vistas of Santiago
At the summit, a panorama of Santiago unfolds before your eyes, showcasing the city's dynamic landscape. The sprawling urban expanse is juxtaposed against the backdrop of the Andes Mountains, creating a captivating contrast that defines the beauty of the Chilean capital. The observation deck allows you to take in the entire cityscape, from historic neighborhoods to modern skyscrapers, providing a visual feast for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
The Sanctuary and Giant Virgin Mary Statue
Cerro San Cristóbal is not only a natural haven but also a spiritual one. At the summit, you'll find the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception, a place of pilgrimage and reflection. Dominating the skyline is the colossal statue of the Virgin Mary, a symbol of protection and unity for the people of Santiago. The combination of religious significance and stunning views creates a unique atmosphere that adds depth to the overall experience.
Sunset Magic
For an extra touch of enchantment, consider timing your visit to coincide with sunset. As the sun dips below the horizon, the city transforms into a canvas of warm hues, casting a golden glow over Santiago. Watching the city lights flicker to life as the day gives way to night is an unforgettable spectacle that enhances the allure of Cerro San Cristóbal.
In conclusion, Cerro San Cristóbal is more than just a hill; it's a journey into the heart of Santiago's natural and cultural wonders. Whether you seek a peaceful retreat, a religious encounter, or simply a place to marvel at the city's grandeur, this must-visit destination offers an experience that lingers in the memory long after you've descended its slopes.
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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In line with the Shrine of Our Lady of Victories in St. Peter Claver’s Church we find Venerable Fr Francis Mary Paul Libermann, CSSp restorer of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, used to pray often at the Shrine of Our Lady of Victories (Notre-Dame-des-Victoires) in Paris. The other principal promoters of the undertaking as well poured forth their fervent prayers before the altar of Our Lady of Victories; new recruits joined their ranks, & little by little was formed a compact battalion of devoted levites, who, like valiant warriors, only waited for their leader's word of command to throw themselves heart & soul into the work. From the sanctuary of Our Lady of Victories, where they had spent days & nights in fervent prayer, formed an apostolate to people of African descent then directed their hearts & looks towards Rome, to receive approbation for the Society of the Holy Heart of Mary, as well as the assurance that their intentions were in conformity with the designs of God. As this group attracted more members, the Holy See merged his society with the older Spiritans to be the Congregation of the Holy Ghost under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary. Due to this event, Libermann is often referred to as the "Second Founder" of the Spiritans. Libermann was in line with the founder of the Spirtains, Fr Claude-Francois Poullart des Places, CSSp who assembled his group before Notre Dame de Bonne Délivrance (Our Lady of Good Deliverance), also known as the Black Madonna of Paris. The statue dates from the 14th century, replacing an 11th-century version. On Pentecost Sunday 1703, Claude assembled a small band of impoverished fellow seminarians to form a community dedicated to the Holy Spirit, under the special patronage of Mary. The Holy Ghost Congregation was born. Their aim was to support students with little means on their way to the priesthood. The intention was that these priests would in turn serve the poor people of rural France & people in missions overseas. I have tried unsuccessfully to acquire both Madonna’s. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjcIt_CN89l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apenitentialprayer · 5 years
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So, I’m not familiar with Our Lady of America (a brief description here), but I gotta say, really loving this image from here (which, I haven’t read through). Like I said, not necessarily condoning and affirming the reality of this set of visions. I just think this art is pretty cool.
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stjohncapistrano67 · 2 years
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A very lifelike Traditional Catholic statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
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tabernacleheart · 6 years
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traumacatholic · 3 years
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The Our Lady of Guidance (Spanish: Nuestra Señora de Guía) is a 16th-century image of the Blessed Virgin Mary depicted as the Immaculate Conception and widely venerated by Filipinos. The wooden Black Madonna is considered the oldest extant Marian statue in the Philippines.
Locally venerated as patroness of navigators and travelers, the image is enshrined at the Ermita Church in the city of Manila.
Almighty God and Father, you have chosen Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, You filled her with beauty and splendor. Drawn by the splendor of her heavenly beauty, and impelled by the anxieties of the world, we come before You through her intercession whom we invoke with thebeautiful title “Nuestra Señora De Guia.”
 Full of confidence, we raise our ardent desires; fill our minds with the eternal truths, draw our hearts with your heavenly perfume, inspire in us a deep hatred for sin which makes our soul detestable to God and a slave of hell! Hear the ardent cry which rises up from our hearts. Bend tenderly over our aching wounds. Convert the wicked; dry the tears of the afflicted and the oppressed; sweeten harshness, safeguard the flower of purity in youth. 
Protect the Holy Church; make men feel the attraction of Christian goodness. May each one recognize that we are all brothers and sisters; that we all belong to one family. Grant peace in our land and in our hearts so that at the end of our life, we may obtain the joy which you have promised those who believe and obey your will. Loving Father, receive our humble prayer through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, which we make in the name of Mary, Our Lady of Guidance. Amen.
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irasciblehermit · 3 years
This is why St Teresa is recognised as an expert on prayer by the Church and honoured as a Doctor of the Church.
Often we Catholics can get caught up in focusing in the “big things” like commiting to daily Mass, rosary, reading the Bible, meditation etc .. all are wonderful things in and of themselves, but then we forget about the “little things”
The goal is for us to be habitually in the Presence of God all day. The best way to do this is to make little acts of love throughout the day. Making the sign of the cross, kissing a statue or icon, or little prayers said under your breath throughout the day. The Desert Fathers called these “arrow prayers” - little prayers that we shoot up to God throughout the day.
In Eastern Christianity the most common form of this is praying the Jesus prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner”.
Other people like to pray a Hail Mary regularly throughout the day, or a Glory Be when struggling at work. Personally I like to often pray “Come Holy Spirit, come by the means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse”. Or it can be as simple as “God help me/Lord I love you” - whatever helps you be in God’s presence through the day.
These little acts of love throughout the day help to enkindle your soul for God and improve your prayer life. I highly recommend it. You will find that it will help you grow spiritually to keep the fire of charity burning through the hard times.
**please note - I am not downgrading the importance of structured prayer, the Rosary, Lectio Divina or daily Mass. These are all wonderful grace filled and highly recommended by the Church and Saints to us.
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church-history · 3 years
Our Lady Of Akita
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A few pious women known as the Institute of the Handmaids of the Holy Eucharist were leading a quiet, hidden life of prayer in Yuzawadai just outside of Akita when they welcomed into their novitiate Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa, who was then 42 years old and a convert from Buddhism. When she entered on May 12, 1973, Agnes was totally and incurably deaf, however she was blessed with various mystical favors; soon this convent would become so well known that their little chapel would attract pilgrims from around the world.
The first miraculous event at Akita occurred on June 12, 1973, only a month after the entrance of Sr. Agnes:A brilliant light shone forth from the Tabernacle. This happened several times and was often accompanied by something resembling smoke which hung around the altar. During one of these illuminations Sr. Agnes saw ". . . a multitude of beings similar to Angels who surrounded the altar in adoration before the Host." Bishop Ito was staying at the convent to conduct a week of devotions. Sr. Agnes confided to him the circumstances of this vision, as well as all the events and apparitions that followed. Bishop Ito and the convent's spiritual director, Rev. Teiji Yasuda, were witnesses to many of the events.
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Seitai Hoshikai Convent, Akita Japan
Sr. Agnes was also favored with visitations of her guardian Angel. Asked to describe the Angel, Sr. Agnes replied: "a round face, an expression of sweetness . . . a person covered with a shining whiteness like snow . . ." The guardian Angel confided various messages to the sister and often prayed with her, in addition to guiding and advising her.
On the evening of June 28, 1973, Sr. Agnes discovered on the palm of her left hand a cross-shaped wound that was exceedingly painful. On July 5, 1973, a small opening appeared in the center from which blood began to flow. Later, the pain would ease during most of the week except for Thursday nights and all day Friday, when the pain became almost unbearable.
Then on July 6 the guardian Angel appeared, telling Sr. Agnes: ". . . The wounds of Mary are much deeper and more sorrowful than yours. Let us go to pray together in the chapel." After entering the chapel the Angel disappeared. Sr. Agnes then turned to the statue of Mary situated on the right side of the altar.
The statue, which is approximately three feet tall had been carved from the hard wood of the Judea tree: it is a figure of Our Lady standing before a cross, her arms at her side with the palms of her hands facing forward. Beneath her feet is a globe representing the world.
When Sr. Agnes approached the statue, she said, "I suddenly felt that the wooden statue came to life and was about to speak to me . . . She was bathed in a brilliant light . . . and at the same moment a voice of indescribable beauty struck my totally deaf ears." Our Lady told her: ". . . Your deafness will be healed . . ." She then recited with Sr. Agnes the community prayer that had been composed by Bishop Ito. At the words "Jesus present in the Eucharist," Mary instructed, "From now on, you will add TRULY." Together with the Angel who again appeared, the three voices recited a consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, TRULY present in the Holy Eucharist. Before disappearing, Our Lady asked that Sr. Agnes "pray very much for the Pope, bishops and priests . . ."
The next morning, when the sisters assembled for the recitation of Lauds, they found blood on the right hand of the statue and two lines which crossed, in the middle of which was an opening from which the blood flowed. The wound matched that on the hand of Sr. Agnes except that, since the statue's hand was smaller, its wound was smaller. It bled on the Fridays of July during the year 1973, as did the wound on the hand of Sr. Agnes.
One of the sisters wrote: "It seemed to be truly cut into flesh. The edge of the cross had the aspect of human flesh and one even saw the grain of the skin like a fingerprint. I said to myself at that moment that the wound was real . . ."
Of special noteworthiness, the drops of blood ran the length of the statue's hand, which was open and pointing downward, yet the drops never fell from the hand.
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Sr. Agnes Sasagawa
The wound on the hand of Sr. Agnes appeared on Thursday, June 28. As predicted by the guardian Angel, the wound disappeared on Friday, July 27 without leaving a trace.
The second message of Our Lady came on August 3, 1973, a First Friday, when the heavenly voice from the statue warned:
". . . Many men in this world afflict the Lord . . . In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind . . . I have prevented the coming of calamities by offering Him the sufferings of the Son on the Cross, His Precious Blood and beloved souls who console Him forming a cohort of victim souls. Prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices can soften the Father's anger . . . know that you must be fastened to the Cross with three nails. These three nails are poverty, chastity and obedience. Of the three, obedience is the foundation . . . When Sr. Agnes was professed, she pronounced these three vows. Although the wound on the hand of Sr. Agnes disappeared on July 27, the wound on the hand of the statue remained until its disappearance on September 29. At that time the statue emitted a bright light. The wound had remained for three months.
While wounds in the hands of the statue bled, Bishop Ito advises that, contrary to some reports, ". ..the statue did not sweat blood or weep blood at any time."
On the evening office of September 29, 1973, the whole community saw a brilliant light coming from the statue. Almost immediately the entire body of the statue became covered with a moisture resembling perspiration. Sr. Agnes' guardian Angel told her, "Mary is even sadder than when she shed blood. Dry the perspiration."
The sisters used cotton balls to collect the moisture. Following Our Lady's message, the dazzling light that had surrounded the statue gradually disappeared.
Toward the end of May, 1974, another phenomenon occurred. While the statue's garment and the hair retained the look of natural wood, the face, hands and feet became distinguished by a dark, reddish-brown tint. Eight years later, when the sculptor came to see the statue, he could not hide his surprise that only the visible parts of Our Lady's body had changed color, and that the face itself had changed expression.
Then on January 4, 1975, to the amazement of the community and Fr. Yasuda, the statue of the Virgin began to weep and did so three times that day. Also witnessing these tears, in addition to the sisters, were Bishop Ito and a number of people who had joined the nuns for a New Year's retreat. In the 10 years following, scientific studies excluded any explanation other than the supernatural.
the tears collected on the inside edge of the eyes flowed down the cheeks, collected at the edge of the garment near the throat, rolled down the folds of the garment and fell upon the globe under Our Lady's feet.
Fr. Yasuda recorded in his book, The Tears and Message of Mary, that the statue:
. . . had completely dried out during the years since it was made and little cracks had begun to appear. It is already miraculous if water would flow from such material, but it is still more prodigious that a liquid sightly salty, of the nature of true human tears, should have flowed precisely from the eyes."
Eventually, Bishop Ito arranged for Professor Sagisaka, M.D., a non-Christian specialist in forensic medicine, to make a rigorous scientific examination of the three fluids, although the Bishop did not reveal their source. The results were: "The matter adhering on the gauze is human blood. The sweat and the tears absorbed in the two pieces of cotton are of human origin." The blood was found to belong to group B and the sweat and tears to group AB. Sr. Agnes belongs to group B.
Bishop Ito was advised by the Apostolic Nuncio to seek the assistance of the Archbishop of Tokyo in creating a commission of canonical inquiry. Unfortunately, the Inquisitor who was not Catholic was named president of this group. Without any of the members visiting the convent to conduct a personal inquiry, the commission rendered an unfavorable verdict.
Unwilling to accept a negative verdict to the events he himself had witnessed, Bishop Ito asked the advice in Rome of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as well as the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. He was then advised to form another commission to study the events from the beginning. This commission rendered a favorable verdict regarding the supernatural aspects of the events.
The tears of December 8, 1979 were filmed by a televiion crew at 11 o'clock in the evening, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and was shown on television to 12 million people throughout Japan. It is now shown by the nuns at the convent and was shown during news broadcasts throughout the world.
The sculptor of the statue, Saburo Wakasa, a non-Catholic and a citizen of Akita, was asked his reaction to the occurrences relating to the statue. He answered:
The statue of Mary was my first work connected with Christianity. Of my various statues, it is only with the statue of Mary at Yuzawadai that mysterious events occurred . . . I sculptured the whole statue of Mary, globe, and the Cross from the same piece of wood, so there are no joints . . . The wood from which I carved the statue of Mary was very dry and rather hard . . .
When questioned as to whether he regards as a "miracle" the reported shedding of tears from the statue of Mary, he replied, "It is a mystery."
Another examination of the fluids was conducted by Dr. Sagisaka of the Department of Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Akita. The results were given on November 30, 1981 and revealed that:
"The object examined has adhering to it human liquids which belong to the blood group O." Since the first analysis revealed that the blood belonged to group B and the sweat and tears to group AB, it has been established that the fluids belong to three different blood groups.
It is a medical fact that the blood, tears and sweat of an individual all belong to the same blood group. One fluid cannot differ in type from the other fluids of the same body. Since Sr. Agnes belonged to group B she could not have "ejected and transferred" blood or fluids belonging to group AB or O. The theory of the Inquisitor that Sr. Agnes exercised had ectoplasmic power wass thereby refuted.
On the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows [September 15], the statue cried for the last time. Two weeks later, Sr. Agnes' guardian Angel presented a large Bible surrounded with a brilliant light. The open Bible revealed the reference, Genesis 3:15. The Angel explained that the passage had a relationship with the tears of Mary and then continued.
 . . . sin came into the world by a woman and it is also by a woman that salvation came to the world . . .
The lachrymations number 101, and they took place at irregular intervals from January 4, 1975 until September 15, 1981. The first 1 is Eve, the second, Our Lady and the 0 represents the eternal Holy Trinity.
According to the records kept by the sisters, the number of persons witnessing the tears went unrecorded on five occasions. However, all the other times they were witnessed by no fewer than ten persons, and other lachrymations were witnessed by various numbers of people, sometimes as many as 46, 55 and, for the last lachrymation, 65 people. Some of the witnesses were non-Christians and some were prominent Buddhists, including the mayor of the city.
 On October 13, the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, 1973, Sr. Agnes heard the beautiful voice speaking from the statue once more: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres, churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the devil will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon would be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer any pardon for them."
She continued, "As I told you, if people do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Flood, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests."
The statue wept for the last time on September 15, Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Sr. Agnes was totally and incurably deaf when she entered the community, having lost her hearing on March 16, 1973. Sister was able to speak, and understood spoken messages by lip reading. As predicted by her guardian Angel, she temporarily regained her hearing on October 13, 1974. Deafness returned on March 7, 1975. Her hearing was permanently restored on May 30, 1982, as predicted by Our Lady during the first message of July 6, 1973. Both healings occurred instantaneously during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Sr. Agnes is today in sound health, except for the rheumatism that has affected her hands.
A canonical law regarding the judgment of a Marian apparition was issued in 1978. According to a Vatican official: ". . . the authority to hand down a conclusion regarding the authenticity of any Marian apparition is given canonically to the ordinary (the bishop) of the local diocese where the apparition took place . . ."
In his pastoral letter dated April 22, 1984, Bishop John Ito, the Ordinary of the Diocese of Niigata, wrote that having been given directives in this regard, "I authorize throughout the entire diocese of which I am charged, the veneration of the Holy Mother of Akita." The Bishop noted that the events are only a matter of private revelation, and are not points of doctrine. The Bishop also mentioned in his pastoral letter that he had known Sr. Agnes Sasagawa for 10 years. "She is a woman sound in spirit, frank and without problems; she has always impressed me as a balanced person. Consequently the messages she says that she has received did not appear to me to be in any way the result of imagination or hallucination."
Four years later, on June 20, 1988, during Bishop lto's visit to Rome, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith approved the contents of the pastoral letter.
 Bishop Ito's official recognitions of the occurrences and the Madonna's messages were reported in the October, 1988 issue of the magazine 30 Days. In the August 1990 issue, Cardinal Ratzinger is quoted as saying that "there are no objections to the conclusion of the pastoral letter." Cardinal Ratzinger has invited the Bishop to continue to inform him about the pilgrimages and conversions.
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latestinbollywood · 2 years
Priscilla Presley Wiki, Biography, Age, Parents, Husband, Children, Net Worth & More
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In this article, we shall discuss Priscilla Presley's Wiki, Biography, Age, Parents, Husband, Children, Net Worth & More...
Who Is Priscilla Presley?
Priscilla Presley is a successful businesswoman and actress from the United States. She is well-known to be the former wife of Elvis Persley, an American singer, and actor who died due to heart disease. She is also the co-founder and former chairwoman of a company of her former husband named "Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE)". She is in news recently as she revealed a few secrets about her former husband on his 45th death anniversary on 16th August 2022, revealing that he wanted to do more serious films rather than beach movies.
Priscilla Presley Wiki, Biography (DOB, Profession, Religion)
Presley was born on 24th May 1945 in New York City, United States. She is a businesswoman and an actress by profession. She is known to have been a part of the Naked Gun franchise alongside actor Leslie Nielsen and is also known to have portrayed the role of Jenna Wade in the television show "Dallas" which aired from 1978 to 1991. She is a follower of Christianity.
Priscilla Presley Wiki, Age, Biography (Marital Status, Husband)
Full Name Priscilla Ann Wanger Also Known As Priscilla Wanger, Priscilla Beaulieu, Priscilla Beaulieu Presley Date Of Birth 24th May 1945 Place Of Birth New York City, United States Age( As Of 2022) 77 years old Hometown New York City, United States Profession Businesswoman, Actress Religion Christianity Sun / Zodiac Sign Gemini Nationality American Ethnicity Not Known Education Immaculate Conception High School Marital Status Divorced Ex-Husband's Name Elvis Presley Children Lisa Marie Presley, Navarone Garibaldi
Priscilla Presley Age (Zodiac Sign, Education)
Presley is currently 77 years old as of 2022. Her zodiac sign is Gemini. She was often moving from one place to another during her childhood because of her father's job and postings. She studied at Immaculate Conception High School in Tennessee and graduated from there in 1963.  Priscilla Presley's Parents, Siblings Presley was born to Frederick Wanger (father) and Anna Lilian Iversen (mother) when her mother was only 19 years old. Her father was a pilot in the US Navy and died in a plane crash when she was only six months old. Later, her mother remarried Paul Beaulieu, who was a US Air Force officer. She has half-siblings named Donald born in 1949, Michelle born in 1954, Jeffrey born in 1959, and Thomas and Timothy born in 1962 as twins. Father Frederick Wanger (US Navy Pilot) Step-Father Paul Beaulieu (US Air Force Officer) Mother Anna Lilian Iversen Half-Siblings Donald, Michelle, Jeffrey, Thomas, and Timothy
Priscilla Presley Husband, Relationships, Children
Presley was married to American actor and singer Elvis Presley. They met for the first time in September 1959 when Presley was only 14 years old and Elvis was in US Army. They started living together in Graceland after she graduated from high school. Later, when Elvis moved to Hollywood, she stayed alone in Memphis. Later, they got married in May 1967 in Las Vegas and had a daughter named Lisa Marie born in February 1968. However, both of them were found engaged in romantic relationships with others during their marriage. Presley had a romantic relationship with her karate trainer Mike Stone, while Elvis was in an on-and-off relationship with his co-actors and other women. They finally separated in February 1972 and got divorced in October 1973. After her divorce from her husband, she had been in several relationships, the longest being with Marco Antonio Gracia. They lived together for over 22 years from 1984 to 2006. Their son was born in March 1987 named Navarone Garibaldi. 
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Priscilla Presley With Her Husband Elvis Presley And Daughter
Priscilla Presley Career
Presley made her debut on television as a co-host of a program in 1980, after which she acted in several television shows and films since 1983 including "Love is Forever", "Dallas", "Naked Gun" franchise, "Tales From the Crypt", "Spin City", "Wedding at Graceland", etc. She began her career as a businesswoman in 1973 by setting up a cloth boutique in Los Angeles named "Bis & Beau" with her stylist friend named Olivia Bis, where they made celebrity clients like Julie Christie, Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand, etc. The business was closed down in 1976. After her former husband's death in 1977, his father made Presley the successor of his estate, so in 1979, after his father died, she took up the charge of Graceland. She hired a CEO to turn the place into a tourist spot after which, she became the chairwoman and the president of Elvis Presley Enterprises. Under her guidance, the company had a worth of over $100 million. In 1988, she launched a successful range of perfumes to be sold on Home Shopping Network. In 2006, she also launched her bed linens. She also became a film, music, and series producer. She has produced an animated fictional series based on the life of Elvis Presley named "Agent King".
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Priscilla Presley With Her Daughter And Granddaughter
Priscilla Presley Height, Weight
Presley is 5 feet and 4 inches tall which means, she is over 163 cm high and weighs over 56 kg. Priscilla Presley Nationality, Ethnicity Presley's nationality is American and her ethnicity is mixed (Scots-Irish and English).
Priscilla Presley's Net Worth
Presley has been an active businesswoman and actress, so her net worth, as of 2022, is estimated to be over $50 million.
Priscilla Presley Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
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Priscilla Presley Facts
- Presley is an American businesswoman and an actress. - She was born on 24th May 1945 in New York City, United States. - She is the wife of former actor and singer Elvis Presley. - She is currently 77 years old as of 2022. - She has two children, a daughter named Lisa Marie Presley, and a son named Navarone Garibaldi. Frequently Asked Questions About Priscilla Presley: Q1. Who is Priscilla Presley? Ans: Presley is an American businesswoman and an actress. She is also the co-founder and former chairwoman of a company of her former husband named "Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE)". Q2. What is Priscilla Presley's age? Ans: Presley's age as of 2022 is 77 years old. Q3. Who is Priscilla Presley's husband? Ans: Presley is not married as of now, she is divorced from her late former husband Elvis Presley. Q4. What is the net worth of Priscilla Presley? Ans: Presley's net worth is expected to be over $50 million. Q5. What is Priscilla Presley's nationality? Ans: Presley's nationality is American. Also Read: Jeremy Paxman Illness  Read the full article
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