#the importance of etiquette and manners paragraph
A day in the life of Sect Leader Wei
Or the one in which Lan Wangji discovers he has a competence kink.
This is very long (3.6k words), but the Yiling Wei sect AU is my guilty pleasure and Wei Ying as a sect leader is *chef's kiss*
Warnings: explicit adult content at the end, but it's tame until that point
In the Lan Rules and Etiquette book, there is an extensive section on temptation - what it is, how it might look like, why it is wrong to give into it, how to resist it. Why it is important for cultivators to be self-restrained, in control of themselves at all times, impervious to vice, to earthly pleasures. How dangerous it can be to be allow oneself to give into the whims of the flesh.
Lan Wangji can't be bothered to remember any of it anymore - all those long paragraphs warning against overindulging seem worlds away to him now, especially since he married Wei Ying.
No - since he married sect leader Wei. Lan Wangji can finally understand why Wei Ying likes calling him "Hanguang-Jun" so much - there is a certain playfulness about using each other's titles, flirtatious and suggestive, a play on authority and how fun it can be when used for... various marital activities.
Of course, Lan Wangji loves Wei Ying for Wei Ying - for his silly antics, for his good heart, for his sometimes ridiculous sense of humor, for his righteousness, for his courage, for his wit, for his beauty, for his kindness, for his everything. To him, Wei Ying is the love of his life, his soulmate and his husband - but for so many others, he is their sect leader, their beacon of hope, their teacher, their example, but also the fearsome Yiling Patriarch.
It is always a treat to see Wei Ying fit into the sect leader role so easily - he's intelligent, a natural problem-solver, with a propensity for fairness and strong morals, so people often send in requests for audiences or letters asking for aid in various issues.
The Yiling Wei sect never turns down anyone in trouble, which makes the volume of work immense - however, unlike the many sect leaders that Lan Wangji knows of, Wei Ying is fantastic at delegating tasks and sharing the burden fairly among all his disciples before he assigns the lion's share of the work for himself. He takes advantage of his late night sleeping habits to respond to letters and read various documents until well past midnight, and he sleeps in late in the morning to make up for it.
Ever since Lan Wangji married in, he also helps out, although Wei Ying insists he shouldn't bother too much with such things and just "enjoy the cushy sect leader's wife life, Lan Zhan!". Never one for lazing about, Lan Wangji deals with night hunt reports, finances, teaching and whatever else Wei Ying's mumbling about in his sleep most - and so, things run smoothly and everyone is happy.
Sometimes, though, Lan Wangji finds himself a bit too entranced with the manner in which his husband behaves as a sect leader. Today is one of those days.
They're in one of Wei Ying's offices, a spacious room with large windows and tall cabinets, a round table in the center and precisely seven chairs around it. Wei Ying is filtering through some official letters, marking down those that require help first, while Lan Wangji is sifting through some recent night hunt reports.
Wei Ying sighs. "A discussion conference is coming up next month and I can't wait to tear into those pompous assholes again. Look at all these people - hundreds of their loved ones have died in hauntings and fierce corpse attacks and nobody's doing anything about them!"
"I have talked to brother about this, the Lan sect has also been trying to galvanize more support for remote villages, but it appears that the other sects have... other priorities."
Wei Ying rolls his eyes. "Of course they do. But then they complain that Yiling Wei is taking all their prey and invading their hunting territories."
He looks over the letters again before he folds them in two and stands up, putting his outer robe on and fixing his guan. Red and black, the sect colors, fit him very well, and the silk of his clothing glimmers in the sunlight. Lan Wangji is temporarily hypnotized by his husband's beauty.
"I'm going to assign some night hunts. Come with me?"
As they leave the room, Wangji slings a casual arm around his husband's waist, and his heart flutters at the way Wei Ying leans into his touch.
The disciples await in orderly rows as sect leader Wei assigns them into groups and hands them details about their tasks. Though Lan Wangji is still learning their names and skill levels, Wei Ying appears to know them by heart, and creates balanced teams able to offer the help that people so desperately need.
It isn't a lengthy process - Wei Ying is decisive and efficient - though Lan Wangji still finds himself watching his husband, enraptured. The leadership position fits him well - he believes in people and in their potential, and they also trust in his decisions without question.
Once there are no more letters in Wei Ying's hand and the disciples have arranged themselves according to his instructions, he glances over them all not unlike a proud parent, and speaks:
"I have faith in all of you, that you will do your best and fulfill your duties in a way that befits you as individuals, as people, but also you as disciples of the Yiling Wei sect. I know that each and every one of you is capable of greatness, and that you will go out there and prove yourselves to the rest of the world as well. Make sure you have all the tools you need, and never be afraid to ask for help . I'm waiting for good news from you all. Good luck!"
The disciples salute, respectful and resolute. Lan Wangji's chest fills with so much love and pride and admiration for his husband that he is afraid it might burst.
There are three audiences scheduled for the day. Wei Ying takes his seat in the center of the large guest hall, Lan Wangji sits on his right, Wen Qing and Wen Ning on his left.
The first person to enter is a man, middle aged, and obviously very angry. He's pacing so quickly towards the four figures in the room that he looks almost comical - but his eyebrows are knit together, furious, and he doesn't even bow.
"What kind of help are you even offering?!" the man bellows, and the atmosphere in the room seems to lose several degrees temperature. "Is this some kind of joke?! What kind of sect is this?! Your useless disciples-"
Wei Ying cuts in, cold, the little smile he wore now replaced with a stern expression. "Watch your words. I will not have you insult my disciples in my own home. Air your grievances respectfully, or get out."
The man sputters for a moment, before his anger returns, and he slams down a talisman onto the table. "Do you take me for a fool?! I know this is no talisman! I've never seen one like it before and it did nothing! Everyone I've asked around said it's a counterfeit.
"Indeed, it is." Wei Ying responds, simple and short. It carries a bit of a derisive tone to it. Lan Wangji finds it strangely... erotic.
"So then you admit-"
Wei Ying interrupts again, and smiles at the man's visible offense. "That is not a talisman drawn by anybody in this sect, or affiliated with it."
"How can you be so sure?!"
Wei Ying leans back in his seat, very confident and very disrespectful, casually placing a hand on Lan Wangji's knee as he continues. "I am sure because that is not a talisman we would ever use. It's not the same quality of paper, ink or penmanship, and..." Wei Ying flicks a hand and draws the characters off the talisman on a piece of paper "...it's a caricature of the word moron with extra brush strokes."
The man turns red. "This is- then- the person who gave it to me said they were from the Yiling Wei sect! Somebody here is lying!"
"And you think I'd need to lie over such a thing?" Wei Ying laughs, a sexy little chuckle that has Lan Wangji take a deep breath. "Listen, do you think that, if I were to want to con you, you would ever find out?"
The man looks like he'd rather the ground swallow him alive.
"I don't expect you to apologize or anything like that. You may go."
The man just about sprints to the door.
"And one more thing."
The way he freezes in his tracks is so funny that Wen Qing has to hide her laugh in her sleeve. Lan Wangji forces himself not to snicker. Wei Ying almost breaks character himself, but manages to maintain the cold and scary aura still.
"The Yiling Wei sect doesn't sell talismans like loquats, in the market, for anyone to buy. Reflect on why you've been given this in the first place."
The man rushes out the door before he can hear the howling laughter from the inside.
The next visitor is a young woman who resolutely refuses to look anyone in the eye and whose cheeks are so red one might think she painted them on. She bows very deeply and her hands are clutching at her dress as she speaks.
"U-Um... I-I-I was sent here with a request..."
"You have no reason to be scared." Wei Ying begins, his voice warm and kind, "Nobody here will hurt you or judge you in any way. I am not quick to anger either, and I genuinely want to help. What's your name?"
"...um... it's Liang Yue..."
"Okay, nice to meet you, Liang Yue. Now, what can I help you with?"
She takes a long, deep breath and says, quickly, "My brother is a cutsleeve and he wants a baby with his husband but they can't have one so they heard demonic cultivation can get men pregnant so they sent me to ask you to please help!"
She hides her face in her hands. "I'm sorry! I told them that's ridiculous!"
Wei Ying blinks twice, looks at Lan Zhan, looks at Wen Qing, and it takes him three more seconds before he bursts into laughter.
"Where did you even hear such a ridiculous thing?" he asks, trying to suppress his reaction so he doesn't further embarrass the girl.
"My brother said he heard you talking to Hanguang-Jun in the markets one day about how you birthed a child yourself..."
"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I can't fulfill your request. It's not possible yet, but trust me, if it was, this place would be full of little ones right now!"
The servant brings Wen Qing the bottle right at that moment and she forgoes the cup, drinking straight from the bottle. Lan Wangji almost wants to do the same.
Wei Ying takes on a more serious stance, and speaks again.
"Liang Yue. Tell your brother that, although I cannot defy the laws of nature just yet, there are more than enough orphans in the streets looking for loving homes that he and his spouse can adopt. You don't need to birth a child to be a parent, love knows no blood ties."
The girl nods enthusiastically, bows and books it out the room.
"Hm, maybe I should begin working on something like that..."
Lan Wangji flags a servant for wine.
--- the porn starts here ---
The day finally comes to an end. After dinner, Wei Ying and his husband retreat to their bedroom, and, as Lan Wangji picks up a book to read before bed, Wei Ying looks over some documents at the small desk, his nearly translucent underrobe hiding very little of his body. His legs are crossed, thighs bare as the material has ridden up, revealing fading bitemarks all over the soft flesh. They catch Lan Wangji's attention immediately.
Still, he tries to be patient. Wei Ying has been complaining about some draft trade treaty he has to read and amend in several days, and it's paramount that he ensures everything is in order before he signs it. However, he has been working so hard today - and he deserves to relax, even if it is just a bit before bed.
Lan Zhan gets a very interesting idea.
A few weeks ago, he took the junior disciples out in town for a practice night hunt, and, on the way back, he came across a foreign merchant selling massage oils and teaching people techniques to release muscle tension and stress using them. Of course, Lan Zhan could only think of his husband and how beneficial something like this could be for him - and now he has the perfect pretext to finally put his knowledge into good use.
He walks up behind Wei Ying, who acknowledges him with a small, questioning hum, and seems to be none the wiser when Lan Zhan gathers his long hair to a side and places his hands on his shoulders.
"Sect leader Wei has been working very hard today." he begins, smiling to himself when he feels Wei Ying tense a bit under his fingertips. He moves them slowly, "This husband would like to offer him some reprieve from the day's work."
"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying protests, around a moan. "You know I need to finish this..."
"I also know you need to take a well-deserved break. There is plenty of time for work tomorrow."
And he slides his hands down from Wei Ying's shoulders to his chest, leaning over him to nibble at his ear. "I have bought massage oils. Would sect leader Wei allow me to use them on him?"
Lan Wangji pinches at one of Wei Ying's nipples, and he gasps in response. "you really like to call me that, don't you?"
"Mn. It is a hard-earned title. And I only wish to offer sect leader Wei the respect he deserves."
Wei Ying sighs and places the documents down. "I never had a fighting chance, did I?"
"None at all."
Wei Ying lays on his back, watching his husband curiously. He's lining up several bottles of perfumed oil, each with instructions on them, and he's placing them on a small tray alongside some other ointments and... lube.
Wei Ying clicks his tongue, "Hanguang-Jun, I doubt your intentions towards me are as pure as you pretend they are."
Lan Zhan takes off his forehead ribbon. "I would be disappointed if sect leader Wei believed my intentions to be pure."
Wei Ying laughs and lifts his hands above his head. "Would you blame me? Nobody would believe me if I told you how much of a beast you are in bed."
Lan Zhan dutifully ties his husband's wrists together and then to the bed's headboard. "Nobody but you would ever see me this way."
"I must savor in the privilege, then."
Lan Zhan picks up one of the bottles and opens Wei Ying's robes enough to have access to his chest. "This is lavender oil."
He pours it straight from the bottle onto Wei Ying's chest, who hisses at the contact. The liquid slides over the expanse of his skin, into the crevices of his ribs and muscles.
"Too bad, I would have liked sandalwood more." he teases, delighting into the way Lan Zhan's eyes seemed to grow several shades darker with desire.
"I will use that on your back."
And before Wei Ying can reply, he feels the smooth glide of Lan Zhan's long, deft fingers over his skin, gentle and deliberate. He gasps at the feeling, even more so when more pressure is applied and Lan Zhan's thumbs go over his nipples again.
"You're good at this..."
Lan Zhan doesn't reply, instead gliding his hands upwards, over Wei Ying's clavicles, then meeting around his neck. His eyes become glassy and unfocused the moment he feels pressure on his carotids, his lips falling open around a moan.
Nothing else happens. Lan Zhan lets his palms slide back down the same way they came, and Wei Ying almost whines with it - but then his robe falls open, and any protest dies into a shiver as his husband's fingers skillfully massage over his navel, drawing together into his V-line... but never going lower. The fragrance of the oil becomes almost intoxicating, and the way Lan Zhan seems to nail all his sweet spots without actually doing anything substantial to him has Wei Ying groan in frustration.
"Ah... honestly, Hanguang-Jun, you're just going to keep teasing me?"
"Sect leader Wei must learn patience."
And he works a few knots off Wei Ying's right thigh, deliberately letting his fingers brush at the juncture between Wei Ying's leg and torso. He squeezes at the meat of his inner thighs, mimicking some sort of massage pattern, and Wei Ying is so hard it hurts.
But Lan Zhan has spent the whole day watching his husband be sexy and authoritative, so said husband can resist some teasing now in return.
"I don't want to be patient." Wei Ying complains as Lan Zhan moves to his other thigh and completely ignores what's in-between. "I want to be fucked."
"Do you now?" there is an amused lilt in Lan Zhan's voice that's so hot but so impossibly infuriating. "I thought you wanted to finish your work?"
Wei Ying's reply is lost in a helpless moan when Lan Zhan finally takes pity on him and strokes him once, slow and languid.
"Being indecisive is not good for a sect leader."
"And being mean is not good for a sect leader's spouse!"
Lan Zhan smiles into the kiss he plants on Wei Ying's lips. He's so cute and so sexy and so perfect - and he struggles against his restraints as Lan Zhan kisses him senseless, their tongues entangling. It's a bit funny how much he asks to be tied up but how much he complains about it when it happens.
"I want - let me touch you." he begs, breathless, with kiss bruised lips - and he's so convincing, but Lan Zhan is too much of a Lan to be easily swayed.
"No. I haven't finished massaging you."
"I don't think there's any part of me you haven't-"
Lan Zhan latches onto Wei Ying's neck, and he can almost hear the smirk in his voice. "I haven't massaged you inside yet."
"Since - since when do you talk like this? I thought I was supposed to be the shameless one!"
Lan Zhan doesn't answer, reaching for the lube vial instead. "You've taught me well."
"I created a monster is what I did! Now you're here saying such - oh!"
Lan Zhan huffed a small laugh, slowly working a finger inside his husband as he bit at his chest.
"Lan Zhan, don't be mean! Haven't you teased me enough?"
"What do you mean no?! Didn't you - oh, oh my God!"
A second finger always got Wei Ying to be quiet - well, kind of. Lan Zhan laughed a bit again, but before he could be chastised again, he set a quick rhythm, working his husband open. He very easily found a particular spot that had Wei Ying scream and yank onto the forehead ribbon enough for the bedframe to creak in protest - and he swiftly withdrew his fingers.
Wei Ying glared at him, horny and scandalized. "Are you having fun torturing me?"
"Yes, very much."
"I want to have fun too, so whenever the hell you're ready to stick it in me-"
The moment Lan Zhan slid his cock in to the hilt, Wei Ying pulled on his restraints so hard the headboard broke.
"I told you we'd need a metal one." he breathily spoke, "Now untie me."
"Lan Zhan!"
But Lan Zhan decided to pin Wei Ying's tied wrists down himself, and he'd had enough of playing around himself as well - so, he set a quick, punishing rhythm, growing far too impatient for anything else. Being manhandled like that had Wei Ying scream and moan with renewed ecstasy, his hips canting up to meet his husband's.
"Didn't you- ah- say something about - fuck - patience?"
"Didn't you say you wanted to get fucked?"
He did say that. He'd remember it too if his brain wouldn't be dissolving into the pleasure his husband is giving him. He wants to say something in response but he feels too overwhelmingly good to be able to string sentences together, and all he manages between moans is a desperate "Kiss me."
Lan Zhan happily obliges and then Wei Ying's legs wrap around him and it's becoming increasingly difficult to control himself. Their lips separate only because it's getting too hard to breathe, and when their eyes lock, they both know they're too far gone to prolong this much longer.
Wei Ying comes first, arching off the bed with a silent scream, eyes rolling in the back of his head before fluttering closed. He's shaking through it, chasing his breath, little whimpers leaving his lips as his body struggles with the onslaught of pleasure.
The display has Lan Zhan follow suit, barely holding himself up on his forearms. Wei Ying's caressing his face and his hair through it, praising him, and they both slowly return to the world in each other's arms.
It is only as they share a small, sweet kiss that they suddenly realize that the bed is much more slippery than it should be, and it smells a bit too much of lavender.
"Did we spill the oil?"
"We also broke the bed..."
"How am I going to explain this to our carpenter?" Wei Ying whines, hiding into Lan Zhan's chest. "He's definitely going to ask how it happened again!"
"He probably knows, Wei Ying."
"That's even worse!"
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borneo08 · 6 months
How to Craft Effective Business Letters: A Guide to Business Letter Samples
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Business letter examples are pre-written templates that provide guidance on how to structure and write professional business letters. They are essential for maintaining clear, concise, and professional communication in business settings. Whether it's a letter of inquiry, a sales pitch, or a formal complaint, these sample letters provide a solid foundation, saving time and ensuring industry-standard formatting. Join us as we delve into the world of business letter samples, exploring their benefits, historical significance, and best practices.
Business Letter Samples
Business letter samples serve as essential tools in professional communication, providing guidance on various aspects crucial for effective correspondence. - Structure - Format - Tone - Language - Layout - Content - Purpose - Audience - Etiquette These aspects are interconnected. Structure and format ensure clarity and organization, while tone, language, and layout convey the intended message effectively. Content, purpose, and audience determine the letter's substance and direction, and etiquette ensures professionalism and respect. By considering these aspects, business letter samples help professionals create impactful and appropriate correspondence that meets the demands of various business situations. Structure Structure is the backbone of effective business letter samples, providing a clear and organized framework for conveying information. A well-structured letter guides the reader through the content, making it easy to understand and respond to. - Salutation The salutation sets the tone for the letter and indicates the recipient's level of familiarity. It should be specific, using the recipient's name and title, and should match the formality of the letter. - Introduction The introduction introduces the purpose of the letter and provides any necessary background information. It should be brief and to the point, and should grab the reader's attention. - Body The body of the letter contains the main content and should be organized into distinct paragraphs. Each paragraph should cover a single topic or point, and should be supported by evidence or examples. - Closing The closing wraps up the letter and restates the purpose of the letter. It should be brief and polite, and should leave a positive impression on the reader. By following these structural guidelines, business letter samples ensure that letters are clear, concise, and persuasive. They provide a framework for effective communication, helping professionals achieve their desired outcomes. Format The format of a business letter sample serves as a roadmap for presenting its content in a visually appealing and organized manner. It encompasses various aspects, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of the letter. - Layout The layout determines the visual structure of the letter, including margins, font size and style, line spacing, and the placement of elements such as the letterhead, date, and signature. - Font The choice of font conveys the tone and formality of the letter. Sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica are common for professional correspondence, while serif fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia lend a more traditional feel. - Color Color can be used sparingly to highlight important information or create a visual hierarchy. However, it's crucial to maintain professionalism and avoid overwhelming the reader. - Graphics In certain cases, it may be appropriate to include graphics such as charts, graphs, or images to support the content. However, these should be used judiciously and in a way that enhances the reader's understanding. By adhering to these formatting principles, business letter samples ensure that letters are visually appealing, easy to read, and impactful. They provide a standardized framework for professional communication, helping businesses project a cohesive and professional image. Tone In the world of business communication, tone plays a critical role in crafting effective business letter samples. Tone refers to the emotional undercurrent conveyed through the written word, shaping the reader's perception and response. The tone of a business letter sample should align with the purpose and audience of the letter. A formal letter to a prospective client, for example, would adopt a professional and respectful tone, while a letter to a colleague might employ a more informal and friendly tone. An inappropriate tone can undermine the message and damage the sender's credibility. Real-life examples illustrate the impact of tone in business letter samples. A letter requesting a payment overdue might adopt a firm but polite tone, emphasizing the importance of timely payments while maintaining a cooperative relationship. Conversely, a letter expressing gratitude for a client's business could use a warm and appreciative tone, fostering goodwill and strengthening the business connection. Understanding the connection between tone and business letter samples empowers professionals to communicate effectively and achieve their desired outcomes. By carefully considering the tone of their letters, they can convey the right message, build rapport, and establish a positive and professional image for their organization. Language Language plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of business letter samples. The choice of words, grammar, and sentence structure conveys the sender's message, establishes the tone, and shapes the reader's perception. Precise and appropriate language ensures clarity, professionalism, and persuasiveness. Real-life examples showcase the impact of language in business letter samples. A carefully crafted sales letter uses persuasive language to highlight product benefits and motivate the reader to take action. In contrast, a diplomatic complaint letter employs measured and respectful language to address concerns without damaging the business relationship. Understanding the connection between language and business letter samples empowers professionals to communicate effectively and achieve their desired outcomes. By selecting the right words and crafting clear and concise sentences, they can convey their message with impact, build rapport, and establish a positive professional image. Layout Within the framework of business letter samples, layout plays a pivotal role in shaping the visual presentation and functionality of these essential communication tools. It encompasses various aspects related to the physical arrangement of the letter's content, each contributing to its overall effectiveness and impact. - Margins Margins define the white space surrounding the text, creating a visually balanced and organized appearance. Proper margin settings ensure readability and prevent a cluttered look. - Alignment Alignment refers to the horizontal positioning of text within the margins. Left-aligned text is common for business letters, providing a clean and professional look. Centered or justified alignment can be used sparingly for emphasis or special purposes. - Font and Typography The choice of font and typography, including font size, style, and color, conveys the tone and formality of the letter. Legible fonts and appropriate font sizes enhance readability and visual appeal. - Spacing Spacing includes line spacing, paragraph spacing, and white space between elements. Proper spacing improves readability, prevents visual clutter, and guides the reader's eye through the content. By carefully considering these layout aspects, business letter samples ensure visual clarity, professional presentation, and a positive reader experience. They provide a standardized framework for effective communication, helping businesses project a cohesive and professional image. Content Content lies at the heart of effective business letter samples, serving as the substance that conveys the sender's message, purpose, and call to action. It encompasses various aspects, each contributing to the letter's overall impact and effectiveness. - Message and Purpose The message and purpose of a business letter sample form its core, defining the intent and desired outcome of the communication. It could be a request, proposal, complaint, or any other form of business correspondence. - Structure and Organization The structure and organization of the letter's content ensure clarity, coherence, and ease of reading. Well-organized letters present information in a logical flow, using headings, paragraphs, and bullet points as necessary. - Tone and Language The tone and language used in a business letter sample reflect the sender's professionalism, courtesy, and intent. Formal language and polite salutations are common, while persuasive techniques may be employed in sales letters or requests for action. - Call to Action Many business letter samples include a call to action, inviting the reader to take a specific step, such as placing an order, scheduling a meeting, or providing feedback. Clear and compelling calls to action drive desired responses and outcomes. By considering these content-related aspects, business letter samples empower professionals to craft impactful and effective letters that achieve their desired goals. They provide a framework for clear communication, positive relationships, and successful business outcomes. Purpose The purpose of a business letter sample is to provide a ready-made template that can be used to create professional and effective business letters. Business letter samples serve as a guide for writing letters that are clear, concise, and persuasive, and that conform to the conventions of business communication. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including: - Inquiry To request information or clarification on a specific matter. - Proposal To put forward a plan or suggestion for consideration. - Complaint To express dissatisfaction or concern about a product or service. - Order To place an order for goods or services. By providing a structured framework and examples of effective language, business letter samples help professionals to write letters that are clear, concise, and persuasive. They can save time and ensure that letters are written in a professional and appropriate manner. Audience Audience plays a critical role in shaping the content and tone of business letter samples. Identifying and tailoring the letter to the specific audience ensures that the message is received and interpreted effectively. The audience for a business letter sample can vary widely depending on the purpose and context of the letter. It could be a potential customer, a client, a colleague, a vendor, or a regulatory body. Understanding the audience's needs, expectations, and level of familiarity with the subject matter is essential for crafting a letter that resonates with them. For example, a sales letter targeting potential customers would employ persuasive language and highlight the product's benefits. In contrast, a letter to a regulatory body would adopt a more formal tone and provide detailed information to demonstrate compliance. By considering the audience's demographics, industry knowledge, and communication preferences, business letter samples empower professionals to write letters that are relevant, persuasive, and tailored to the intended recipient. This understanding enhances communication effectiveness, builds stronger relationships, and ultimately drives desired outcomes. Etiquette In the realm of business communication, etiquette serves as a cornerstone of effective business letter samples, guiding professionals in adhering to socially accepted norms and expectations. It encompasses various aspects, each contributing to the professionalism, clarity, and impact of business letters. - Appropriate Language and Tone Business letters should employ polite, respectful, and professional language, avoiding slang, jargon, or overly casual expressions. The tone should align with the purpose and audience of the letter, balancing formality with approachability. - Clear and Concise Content Letters should convey their message in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Avoid rambling or unnecessary details, and use headings, bullet points, or white space to enhance readability. - Proper Formatting and Presentation Adhere to established business letter formatting standards, including appropriate margins, font size and style, and layout. A visually appealing and well-presented letter reflects professionalism and attention to detail. - Proofreading and Accuracy Thoroughly proofread letters before sending to ensure accuracy in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Errors can undermine the credibility and impact of the message. By incorporating these etiquette guidelines into business letter samples, professionals can effectively communicate their messages, build positive relationships, and maintain a professional image in business correspondence. Frequently Asked Questions About Business Letter Samples This FAQ section addresses common questions and clarifies aspects of business letter samples to enhance understanding and effective usage. Question 1: What are business letter samples? Business letter samples are pre-written templates that provide guidance on how to structure and write professional business letters, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and adherence to business communication norms. Question 2: What are the benefits of using business letter samples? They save time, provide a structured framework, ensure professional formatting, enhance clarity and persuasiveness, and help maintain a consistent brand image. Question 3: What types of business letters can I write using these samples? Business letter samples cover a wide range, including inquiry letters, proposals, complaints, orders, and thank-you letters, among others. Question 4: How do I choose the right business letter sample for my needs? Consider the purpose of your letter, the target audience, and the desired tone to select the most appropriate sample. Question 5: What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing business letters? Errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting, inappropriate tone or language, lack of clarity and organization, and failing to proofread carefully should be avoided. Question 6: Can I customize business letter samples to fit my specific requirements? Yes, samples are meant to be adapted and personalized to match your unique message, style, and branding. Question 7: Where can I find high-quality business letter samples? Numerous online resources and professional writing platforms provide access to a wide range of business letter samples. These FAQs provide a foundation for understanding and effectively utilizing business letter samples. They highlight the benefits, common types, selection criteria, and potential pitfalls to avoid. As we delve deeper into the topic, we will explore best practices, industry-specific considerations, and advanced techniques for crafting impactful business letters. Transition to the next section: Now that we have covered the basics of business letter samples and addressed frequently asked questions, let's explore some best practices and industry-specific considerations for writing effective business letters. Tips for Writing Effective Business Letters Using Samples Incorporating business letter samples into your writing process can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of your business correspondence. Here are five detailed tips to guide you: Tip 1: Choose the right sample for your purpose. Consider the type of letter you need to write, the audience you're targeting, and the desired tone. Tip 2: Customize the sample to fit your specific needs. While samples provide a framework, don't hesitate to adapt them to match your unique message and style. Tip 3: Pay attention to formatting and presentation. Use appropriate fonts, margins, and white space to create a visually appealing and professional-looking letter. Tip 4: Proofread carefully before sending. Check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. A well-proofread letter reflects attention to detail and professionalism. Read the full article
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sinceraindia · 9 months
5 Basic Technology Skills Every Employee Must Have
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Whether you are a journalist, an entrepreneur or an architect, there are certain basic technology skills that every employee needs to be familiar with. Basic technology skills are a hit not just with recruiters, but also a necessity as per industry standards. Also, spending some time to acquire these tech skills can take you a long way in terms of being self-sufficient. What are some of the must have technology skills? Read on to know!
EmailingWhile many of you would think this barely belongs in this list, because it goes without saying for one to be familiar with this skill. However, it is not enough to just know how to email. Knowing basic email etiquette, and how to structure emails is an equally important aspect. Paying attention to the font style, font size, subject line, how you greet and sign off, and even spacing of the paragraphs – these are some of the skills you need to apply while using  email. These little things do go on to make a big impact. Read here for the basics for writing a professional email.
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Presentation SkillsOnce again, regardless of which sector you work in, knowing how to create visually compelling presentations is a skill that will take you a long way. Moreover, all employers look for this skill as an expected pre-requisite in the skill set of potential employees. While pitching an idea or during discussions, you can create compelling presentations with basic tools to get your point across in an impactful and effective manner. Many online platforms offer basic courses that you can master in as little time as 4 weeks! Check platforms like Coursera for courses that might interest you.
Key-board ShortcutsKnowing small tech hacks can indeed boost your productivity to a great extent. It is a worthwhile effort to learn the basic shortcuts for actions like copying, pasting, switching tabs, and so on, for the device you use to work on. To learn the short cuts for Apple, click here. To learn the short cuts for Windows, click here.
Social Media AwarenessBeing aware of, and having a presence on social media is a sought after trait by most companies. In fact, many recruiters go through the social media profiles of prospective candidates before shortlisting them for a role. How you use social media can have a profound effect on your career – for the better or for the worse. Knowing how to use platforms like LinkedIn is crucial and can give you leverage in terms of your reach. Just being social media savvy is not enough, it is also important to know the social mistakes you cannot afford to make as a professional. Want to know more? Read here.
Many competent professionals still may prefer manual functioning to technology, however, without basic tech skills, one might end up missing out on opportunities. Indeed, a lot of times it is also inertia to learn or adapt to what seems difficult at first. But as most of us know from experience, it is simply a bridge that must be crossed and you will realize that acquiring skills is only a way of being more productive and doing more!
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arasakas-ronin · 2 years
Hanako: Writing advice and analysis
You might have seen some of this stuff in the Saburo analysis post, but this one has a different emphasis, so feel free to check out the full details under the cut!
Caution: Long.
TL;DR: Writing Hanako
Think “scion of the 1%,” then make it Japanese.
Hanako has little authority and people don’t do what she says. For that reason, she doesn’t order people around, but she almost always gets what she wants by other means than direct confrontation. A masterful social engineer, she’s described as “sweet and intelligent” [1] and generally talks to people on eye level.
She doesn’t use a single contraction in her English sentences that I’ve been able to spot.
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Note: Since I still don’t understand Japanese (and it’s starting to be a running gag between me and Google Advertising), I’ve run everything regarding the translations past wingdeer. A million thanks :)
Hanako is generally nice to everyone and avoids confrontation.
While Yorinobu stood up to his father and eventually rebelled, Hanako decided to simply outlive him — she plays a long game.
By 2020, she has an Aikido skill of 6, which is probably equivalent to rokudan.
She maintains full eye contact with V, which is Not Polite by Japanese standards.
She does the same during the conversation with Takemura in the Arasaka Jungle. I assume that’s intended and not an oversight by the devs. For further thought on that, see Hanako and Takemura
She’s perfectly capable of adjusting her style of communication to the recipient:
During Total Immortal after the Arasaka board meeting, she orders a full sweep of the tower, being exactly as polite as appropriate. She calls Hellman “Anders”, which by standards of corpo etiquette is incredibly familiar (you wouldn’t call your spouse by their first name in a business context). By contrast, when talking to Kusama, she completely disregards any politeness and doesn’t waste a single word.
For further thought on this, see the corresponding sections below.
Prequisite: 本音 (honne) and 建前 (tatemae)
To understand Hanako, it’s important to get those two terms straightened out, since they’re absolutely elemental. I’ll just copy the paragraph over from the Saburo page:
In Japanese (business) culture, there is a strong divide between the public face (tatemae) and the private, true feelings (honne).[4] Most prominently, this is displayed by Hanako, whose honne we see exactly once (on the dashi float, when she thinks she’s alone). As a high-context culture, using the correct version of politeness (and the omission of which) is extremely telling and can change the entire meaning of a conversation — think tone tags.
In addition, the Japanese language has 4 levels of grammar-indicated tone tags: informal, formal, respectful, and humble [5]. (This is a gross oversimplification, but for the scope of this, it will do.) The details don’t really matter, but it’s worth noticing that Hanako always sticks to the level you’d expect her to, much unlike Saburo and Takemura.
So, who is Hanako?
Hanako fits the role of the noble daughter (“porcelain cunt”) to the hilt. Her poker face is so good that she’ll probably have her tatemae up if you wake her at 3AM with a nuke. She’s a (Japanese) trope, she knows it, and she plays that role to her maximum advantage. That way, she can smoothly sail along in Saburo’s shadow.
However, she also knows exactly when she can break out of the cliché, for example by maintaining eye contact or speaking informally with V. I’d not be surprised if she would behave rather differently around Saburo.
She loves her father and her brother, which puts her at the center of a conflict that she never wanted to be in. The rulebooks describe her as a recluse who would much rather focus on her Netrunning projects than be involved with corporate politics.
Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that she is the one to get V into “Secure your Soul”:
V: (Still got options?) What're you talkin' about? Trusted you all once already. You let me down. Takemura: You may join the “Secure Your Soul” program. Hanako Arasaka has agreed to it.
Childhood and youth
After her mother died due to complications in childbirth, Hanako grew up secluded in the Arasaka Family Compound near Tōkyō. Her father was already 80 when he had her, and he never married again (it seems like the next-best thing to a love match), but he never held it against her.
Her closest friend and confidant was her brother Yorinobu, who is 4 years older than her. Her second-closest friend is the head of security Shintaro Takayama, who treated her like his own daughter and told her stories of old Japan. If he had to guard Saburo and couldn’t take watch over her in person, he’d send his second-in-command, the “young weapons expert” Katsuo Iwashima. He was secretly in love with her, but no further details are given — other than that he had good reasons to keep the fact for himself.
Other than those and her beloved father, no childhood relations are mentioned. We see her interacting with a few people in Cyberpunk 2077, those are listed below.
Hanako and Saburo
Saburo kept the “apple of his eye” as safe as he could; even as a grown woman she only left the Arasaka Family Compound once a month under heavy guard. Part of that was a genuine desire to protect her from the world outside, but he also wanted to keep her unsullied by the Arasaka World Domination Plans (the sharing of which made Yorinobu run away from home).
By 2020, Hanako was under the impression that Saburo wanted to marry her off to secure a corpo alliance. She liked that as much as his well-meaning constraint (which is to say “not”), but she never said anything. Instead, she avoided the confrontation and swore to live an independent life once he was gone. (As for why she broke that vow, see at the end of the section).
That’s not saying she stayed locked up in her box, quite the opposite, but she broke out right under Saburo’s nose in a way that he never even noticed: by becoming a Netrunner. (Keep in mind that the Datakrash happened in either 2020 or 2022, so she would’ve had access to an un-fractured Net and be able to go wherever she wanted!)
In my opinion, that’s a key quality of Hanako’s: she doesn’t do confrontations (for the one notable exception, the board meeting, see below). Instead of standing up to someone and hashing it out, she finds a different way to get what she wants — and they either never notice or think it was their idea all along. Not only does everyone involved save face (which I can’t stress enough as being important in Japanese (corpo) culture), it also makes her look like a pawn (or possibly queen? Knight?) on the board rather than a player of the game.
She speaks respectfully to Saburo (e.g. addressing him as お父様 ‘otosama’ rather than お父さん ‘otosan’).
Speaking of which:
If I wanted to, I could wipe [Night City] off the map in under ten minutes. I shared this thought with Hanako - she thinks I shouldn't do that. I usually defer to her opinion. But if the Relic somehow fell into the wrong hands, maybe it would be better to bury it among the ashes of NC? Until we talk to Y, I will hold off on a firm decision. Saburo, 2077, in his diary [3]
(emphasis mine)
Hanako and Kei
The son of either Saburo’s first or second wife, Kei was 19 years older than Hanako. Being the firstborn son, designated heir and even temporary CEO of Arasaka (with Saburo as the Shadow CEO in best adherence to tradition), he “doted on her”, yet she found him “cold and threatening”. Apparently, he wasn’t very good with people!
Assumption: While Hanako calls Yorinobu “niisan” instead of “oniisan” (emitting the respectful o- prefix), I don’t think she'd have done that with Kei. End Assumption
Hanako and Yorinobu
Yorinobu is 4 years older than her and grew up in the same secluded estate; however, instead of being confined to the premises, he didn’t even have a personal bodyguard assigned. He made use of that to hang out with the wrong crowd, including the fellow corpo prince Kenji Hashiro (you can forget the name), with whom he founded the Iron Lotus (a trial run for the Steel Dragons).
At the age of 21, he graduated from the university of Todai (Japan’s #1). Saburo chose that night to divulge Arasaka’s secret plans of world domination to his last surviving son. In the same night, Yorinobu quietly slipped away without even making a scene, founded a bosozoku gang and tried to destroy the corporation.
During that time, he kept in touch with Hanako by meeting once a month on the Net. He had sworn an oath to rescue her from their father. (Which he never told her — one of his key problems, see “Why does she get Saburo back”.)
Saburo’s good son (Kei) died to end the Corpo War (at least that’s the official story), and the younger one ran around Tōkyō, trying to destroy Arasaka. I can’t even imagine how much face he must’ve lost. In my (admittedly limited) understanding, the only acceptable option would’ve been to have Yorinobu killed, but for some reason he didn’t.
For some reason:
Takemura: Arasaka-sama was a strong and disciplined man. The strongest man I have ever known. And yet, at a critical moment, he showed a weakness. V: For Yorinobu. Takemura: For his daughter. When Yorinobu formed his band of hounds, declared war on his own family, Arasaka-sama could have crushed him with one word. Yet he did not. For he did not wish his daughter to suffer. When Yorinobu returned, his tail between his legs, she persuaded her father to give him a second chance. Do you understand? Hanako-sama saved Yorinobu from the consequences of his deeds. 2077 (Gimme Danger)
Saburo rather incurred a major loss of face than making his baby girl sad. And Hanako, who knows what the corporation meant to him and how badly Yorinobu fucked up, found that perfectly acceptable — so much that when he showed up at Kei’s funeral, she talked her father into accepting him back into the family’s fold.
I’m stressing this point because it shows how much she loves them both, which is the core of her dilemma: without this, the ending makes no sense. But we also see how much she controls Saburo! Killing Yorinobu would have been the reasonable (kinda) and honourable (by his standards) thing to do, yet she talked him out of it. And the second time, he doesn’t take her with him. I can only assume it is because he knew that she’d talk him out of it again, and didn’t want to give her the opportunity.
And the end — oh, the end.
By the time Hanako arrives, Yorinobu is done for, has even failed at killing himself. He has fucked up worse than ever before, he must know what’s coming for him. And she hugs him for comfort and then gently admonishes him: “Not in front of strangers” — reminding him that he still has face to lose, even though he’s done for.
I believe that she stayed with him right until the lights went out, and I also believe that she lied to him: that she told him she’d fix it, and that everything would be alright again by the time he woke up. And that they both knew she was lying.
But that’s just me.
Hanako speaks informally with Yorinobu, which confirms the close personal relationship described in the sourcebooks (she calls him “niisan” instead of “oniisan”, omitting the respectful o- prefix. The subtitles kind of capture that as “Yori”).
Relationships outside the core family:
Hanako and Oda
We have extremely little data here. We know that
Oda would literally die for her (which is only appropriate, and he should feel honoured for the opportunity #justCorpoSamuraiThings)
He (properly) addresses her as Hanako-sama in front of the other soldiers (anything else would have been Bad), but in the conversation with Takemura and V in Down On The Street, he never says her name. Of course you can basically hear the capital S in ‘she’ every time he says it.
He has absolutely no second thoughts at making decisions for her (as evident by refusing to convey Takemura’s message)
Let’s be honest, all we have here is headcanon fodder and/or reflections on Hanako as a person.
One thing that strikes me as relevant is how she and the men react to each other she walks out of the lift in Arasaka Jungle:
Takemura bows to her in keirei
Oda doesn’t even nod — highly disrespectful
She reacts pretty much just like Oda, acting as if the two of them had been there all along.
Takemura is clearly Saburo-socialized, and they’re both traditional as foretold. Of course he bows to his boss after a whole ten minutes of separation. Oda, by contrast, spends his time around Hanako, so he’s clearly acting the way she prefers it. That’s pretty likely ain’t nobody got time for this, see the sections Hellman & Kusama below.
Here’s some more thought about Oda:
Despite his stupid hair (and his attitude), he is her bodyguard. According to the dev stream [2], Takemura (with full chrome) is a little bit deadlier, but Hanako is the second most important person in all of Arasaka: back in 2020, she was escorted by the same guy as Saburo, unless they both were out at the same time.
If Saburo and Takemura had picked her bodyguard, it would be someone with a top knot and a stick up his ass, period.
From that, I conclude that Hanako was involved in the final selection. Maybe they showed her the ten best candidates and she took the one who looked the least traditional, or something like that.
Hanako and Takemura
Where everyone’s favourite corpo dog is concerned, Hanako can do nothing wrong except for loving Yorinobu. He always calls her Hanako-sama, even when he just speaks about her and not to her. That in itself is expected and wouldn’t be remarkable — except for his one Freudian Slip in Tom’s Diner (“Saburo-san”). If you ask the right questions, he’ll criticise her pretty harshly during the conversation at the Yakitori booth. He’s not in a good place, emotion-wise: remember that he’s grieving Saburo and all the guilt that comes with not having protected him. Hanako is the perfect scapegoat for him here: he could externalise a large part of his guilt to her, because if she hadn’t protected Yorinobu, he couldn’t have murdered his father and everything would be well. It’s worth noticing that he does not do that. Even during that conversation, he never omits the respectful -sama!
For the duty/obligation/honour aspect of their relationship and the nature of his revenge, check this post.
He’s never not respectful towards her, and one could argue that he displays even more respect towards her than he does towards Saburo (he looks amused when Saburo accuses Barreto of having no balls, but while Hanako speaks, he stands next to her and glares. Granted, Hanako needs his support a lot more than Saburo does, but I thought it would be worth mentioning).
We see four interactions in total, all of them during Total Immortal. During the first three, he assumes (incorrectly) that she’s the head of the corporation (it’s his job to protect that person, as Yorinobu so kindly reminded him), but the third one is after V tells him that Saburo is still around, and his behaviour towards her does not change a bit.
In short, Takemura respects the shit out of her.
First interaction: in the AV on the way to Arasaka Tower. I consider that a private conversation, as Takemura sure doesn’t bother to keep his tatemae up. I assume no one is concerned about losing face in front of Hellman.
Takemura: (to Hellman) Watch your tone, or it is you who will find it hard to walk. Hanako: Enough.
She’s speaking firmly, but not sharply, and he simply shuts it. He doesn’t show any emotional reaction at having been told to STFU by his boss — no lowering his gaze, no puppy eyes. One theory is that neither Hellman nor V are important (or Japanese) enough that he’s concerned about face, another is that he’s her bad cop here. Either way, Hanako used to spend a lot of time with Saburo, so we can assume that the two of them are very familiar with each other. Imho, it shows here.
Second: When the party splits up
Hanako: Takemura. Gather your force. (He nods) Every loyal soldier must stand ready. Takemura: We shall await your signal. (leaves)
Again he’s informal: he bows his head to acknowledge her words, but not his waist. Again he obeys without hesitation.
Third: In the Arasaka Jungle, after Hanako has pulled Saburo’s engram (and also told V that her father had forbidden her to tell anyone — I hear “and could you please inform Takemura”, but that’s interpretation.)
He bows to Hanako in Keirei with his hands clasped in front of his waist, showing her the maximum formality and respect a CEO deserves.
Hanako: (to Takemura) Is it just these? Takemura: The rest are in position, ready to do as instructed. These are the most effective by much. And loyal. Hanako: To me, or to my money? Takemura: I would say it's twenty percent to eighty, Hanako-sama. (he opens his stance and nods his head) Hanako: Very well. It will have to do. [She walks ahead, everyone falls in line.] Hanako: Now come.
During the conversation, the two of them maintain full eye contact. Following Japanese business etiquette, that would be rude or even threatening. Yet it’s clearly coming from her, and he doesn’t seem to mind. At the contrary, they’re even joking here:
Hanako: To me, or to my money? Takemura: I would say it's twenty percent to eighty, Hanako-sama.
(Just add water.) (Please note that neither of the guys who scan as “Takemura Loyalist” seem to find that in any way offensive. Maybe they’re samurai-for-hire or something, I have no idea. But while Takemura can occasionally be as blunt as a brick to the face, Hanako knows the social rulebook by heart, so no one here loses face and all this is A-OK.)
Finally, interaction #4. By now, Takemura knows that Saburo isn’t dead and has even heard him speak.
Takemura: Hanako-sama, I can be of assistance. Hanako: So be it. Hanako: But [Yorinobu] is not to be harmed. You are to capture him, nothing more.
After the “So be it,” she talks to V again without missing a beat — seamlessly skipping to the dialogue line she has when he isn’t there.
At this point, directly after the battle, Hanako is getting over her shock by assuming control of the situation, and Takemura offers both support and tactical advice. She doesn’t hesitate even a second. I see a relationship of mutual trust and respect between the two of them.
More interesting here is Oda’s reaction, imho:
Oda: I will cover her. Go! Takemura-san, V - I wish you the best of luck.
As if “covering her” wasn’t literally his job. Like, his, and not Takemura’s? I don’t know what to make of that. Maybe he’s just trying to reassure his friend.
Interestingly enough, on the space station he gives V conflicting information, depending on how they query him about Hanako:
V: Hanako Arasaka promised to save my life. Takemura: It is the reason she sent me here - to discuss the alternative.
And the (entitled) corpo option:
V: Who asked you? Who wanted you to talk to me? Hanako? Takemura: She has forgotten you already. They called from here, from the clinic.
It’s not dishonourable to lie when you protect your boss or her reputation, by the way — the opposite.
Headcanon I think that she likes Takemura because he reminds her of this guy, but I have no evidence other than “they’re both traditionalists” and “Takemura-san has enough grey hair to be a father figure”. Headcanon over
At the Dashi float, we see the grand two opportunities where she does not completely control herself: the one time when she believes herself unobserved and lets tatemae slip (“For Father”), and the second time immediately after when Takemura surprises her.
That is another thing worth analysing.
As he walks up to her, she is sitting. He gives her such a jumpscare that she bolts from the chair, and despite his submissive stance, she draws her shoulders up and is tense. But before he has even finished his request, she rests her hand on the chair in front of her, the other hand on her hip, standing tall again.
The conversation will end with her trying to run past him, but she isn’t looking around. Instead, she’s turning her head towards the (disabled) turret, which is enough to catch Takemura’s attention; he looks there as well before pleading with her:
Takemura: ハナコ様、無礼を働きたくありません。しかし... (Hanako-sama, please. Don't make me do this…)
Then, she bolts. I don’t think she expected to get away. What was she up to? She did neither of
Turn the turret against him (presumably because V had it disabled?)
Activate her tracker (she does that later, in the hideout, or the Arasaka troops would have been faster)
Set off a distress (phone) call
At this point, I can only conclude that she doesn’t make a rational decision, but trusts Takemura more than Yorinobu.
Hanako and everyone else
In her interactions with V, she treats them as an equal despite them not using a single honorific and even — potentially — being rude. While she always maintains her composure and tatemae never slips, at Embers, she displays honne:
V: No wish to? Or no permission? You bein' a woman. Hanako: I decide my own fate. As should you. when V asks her about sexism
A Westerner would have used that tone for “bitch, please”
Hanako: Are you well? V: Yeah, i-it's just, uh… After V said “Gotta think about it”
She leans forward here, and her tone of voice is concerned, other than if they told her “Don’t like what I’m hearin’”.
She maintains a Western level of eye contact, rather than looking at shoulders or collarbones, and appears comfortable with that.
The Arasaka Board
Okay, now this one is a handful. Hanako does her best, puts on a marvellous show (what with putting Takemura in that white suit, top-shelf symbolism), and they still walk right over her. Let’s go over this in a bit of detail.
The way she walks in there, in that simple white dress, is absolutely brilliant. She provides an optical counterpoint to both the environment and everyone else’s outfit, she stands out. Symbolically, white is the colour of rebirth (that’s her), but can also mean death (that’s Takemura’s part, nicely accented with the sash in akabeni red). She has everyone’s attention, absolutely dominates the room with how the two of them circle the table and assume position at the head. She doesn’t sit down and join the board, she remains standing. A power play, a brilliant move, perfectly executed, Takemura glaring death like the Grim Reaper.
… and they just ignore it.
The. Fucking. Balls.
I’m a big fan of Mr. Condescending “Hanako, I believe you owe us an explanation.” It costs him his chair, and V is fine shooing him away. (If they do not, Hanako has to snap at him “Are you deaf?!”, even going so far as to raise her voice, which costs her major points.)
Number 1 antagonist is Barreto on the far side of the table (the guy in the red shirt who likes to hear himself talk). He sounds nervous as fuck, but he’s the one pushing back the most. That’s probably the reason why Oda casually saunters over to stand behind him — but they’re all so civilised that the threat was just lost on them.
She doesn’t address anyone in particular, not even Barreto (who’s antagonistic enough to invite it). That makes her look aloof, which is an excellent choice imo — there were no points to gain by entering a mud wrestling contest with a pig; you get mud all over you, and the pig likes it.
Hanako invites V to testify, which they do. Takemura pitches in. Everyone there knows him, everyone there knows he wouldn’t lie about that sort of thing.
Nobody gives a fuck.
It’s a brilliant display of collective gaslighting. Fortunately, Saburo’s living spectre shows up, and the rest is history.
Let’s start over and take a look at the tactical.
Hanako walks straight towards the table, flanked by Takemura in white and Oda in black. She and Takemura then proceed to circle around it, and interestingly enough, the people who have her behind their backs are a lot more nervous. (Maybe he just took the balls-of-steel-side of the table? Who knows, not me.)
Oda remains close to the entrance. Unlike his boss and his sensei and the disposable assets, he’s in black, wearing full field gear. Where Takemura is the fist in the glove, he’s… just the fist, I guess, with brass knuckles. Thanks to his chrome, he could probably kill them all before they have time to complain (Michiko is bound to be faster, but she’s completely outmatched, despite her stiletto heels). His outfit is a deliberate statement on part of Hanako, and he’s set up to contrast her and Takemura.
Unfortunately, everyone is too thick to notice, but that’s okay. It was beautiful and I appreciated the fuck out of it.
In either way — during the whole time in the jungle, Oda completely and automatically defers to Takemura, who completely and automatically defers to Hanako.
When the shooting starts, I would have expected Takemura (given that he’s closest) to physically shield Hanako (the way he did in his hideout), but he doesn’t. Neither does Oda — they both draw iron and run off to kill people. Meanwhile, Hanako calmly slips under the table. That makes her look extremely professional, but at this point, all it would’ve needed is one gonk in a stealth suit, and the guys would never even have noticed before it was too late. (I wonder if that is how she dies if you don’t choose the Devil ending).
It’s worth noting that she has a problem with authority: if nobody backs her up, people walk right over her. Even her own bodyguard takes the decision whether or not she wants to talk to V away from her. (She doesn’t want to talk to V, she’s still trying not to know at that point, but I doubt Oda was certain of that.)
The Goons
We see her addressing two subordinates in Japanese.
The first is the guy who drags her off to Yorinobu’s estate. He treats her maximally disrespectful, even goes so far as to interrupt her while she speaks!
Hanako: すぐに済むわ。 (We will finish soon.)
She’s a tad dismissive here, although still polite.
The second goon is the Kiji operator she talks to after the board meeting, ordering the sweep of the tower. Here, she’s not dismissive, just polite.
Hanako: 始めなさい (Yes. You may begin.) Hanako: 建物全体よ (The entire building.) Hanako: 兄の部下が 人残らず降伏するまでよ (Not until every last one of my brother's men has surrendered.) Hanako: 報告を待ってるわ (I expect a full report.)
It’s worth noticing that even after the carnage she was just exposed to, she keeps up her professional courtesy, addressing the bean at the end of the line with the correct level of formality from the CEO’s daughter to an employee of the corp.
Anders Hellman is a paragon of manners (by his standard) as long as Takemura is around. If you don’t bring him (because you let him die, you monster), the suit is snapping at V as if Hanako wasn’t even in the room, undermining her authority.
However, she takes that with the patience of a saint, almost as if it wasn’t personal — even puts her foot down when Takemura threatens him. The way she treats him is firm but kind, as if he was the idiot cousin or something like that. She even calls him by his first name:
Hanako: I am in the bedroom in the central part of the building. Anders, you get the AV. But first, we must… neutralize the four guards. 2077, Last Caress
In a purely Japanese corpo context, I can’t even begin to tell you how unprofessional that is. Even if she’d treat him as the gaijin mascot, she’d be supposed to add -san.
He seems to respect her enough to wait for her OK before getting more champagne, but not enough to actually display manners (which might just be because he’s a genius). Clearly, she doesn’t expect it of him. Directly after boarding the AV, her voice even sounds as if she was somewhat fond of him.
Speaking of genius, let’s look at another. (Hanako sure keeps them close…)
We have a grand four lines of dialogue to look at: while V wakes up at the orbital station, the woman is on the phone with her boss.
Prof. Kusama: The neural impulses have been rerouted to the neural processor. A temporary measure. Hanako: When can I expect a full report? Prof. Kusama: I will send it by the end of this week. Hanako: My congratulations again on your success. Goodbye.
She wastes absolutely zero words on politeness here, and is communicating exclusively on the factual level. Perhaps not by coincidence, that’s exactly the way Kusama herself talks to V.
There’s a good chance that the scientist is on the autism spectrum. Either way, she’s most certainly brilliant, or she wouldn’t have the job she has.
We see Hanako talking to two leading specialists in their fields, both of whom have probably IQs of over 3000. And she handles both of them with maximum efficiency, ditching tradition and etiquette.
My theory is that as a brilliant Netrunner (and a highly accomplished social engineer), she’s used to hanging out with the galaxy brains, and knows that nobody got time for manners. As with V, she talks to them on their level, without being stuck up about position.
Headcanon: I think Hanako cultivates the nerds in the ranks of Arasaka, that she has her own “court” of eccentrics, who happen to be highly capable specialists with no stake in the politics game. It seems like something she’d do. End Headcanon
Why does she get Saburo back?
As stated above, she’d sworn to have her own life after Saburo was dead, so… why does she do the opposite?
I’ve read a lot of theories disregarding her agency, including that she’s brainwashed by Saburo. While the official artbook describes her as having “power without agency”, I think that’s limited to the political: on a personal level, she seems to have all her rubber ducks lined up by an algorithm. If V asks her if she experiences discrimination for being a woman, she firmly tells them off:
“I decide my own fate. As should you.” Hanako, 2077 (Nocturne OP55N1)
But she’s making her most impactful decision on wrong assumptions, and that’s a tragedy worthy of Kabuki, as confirmed during the Takemura quest devstream [2].
As I’ve long theorised, they confirmed that Yorinobu never wanted Hanako to get hurt. Yes, he kept her in the dark about his murder of Saburo, but he presumably did that because he know how much she loved the guy. Generally, he did his best to keep her out of the line of fire.
Unfortunately, the way to hell is paved with good intentions, and… he forgot to tell her.
That leads to her completely misunderstanding what happens at the parade. Let’s be honest, he comes across fishy as fuck, but she was safe all along. If not for Takemura, she’d have been safe and sound. Instead, she ends up in the middle of a firefight (they’re shooting at him, not at her, but he’s at that time shielding her with his body). By the time Adam Smasher carries her to safety, she has understandably arrived at a wrong conclusion:
“We received warning during the parade - security protocols were violated. The first doubts sprouted then. They grew yet greater in your hideout, when my brother's assault group arrived not to rescue, but to kill.” Hanako, 2077 (Nocturne OP55N1)
Remember, she grew up so sheltered that she got out once a month under heavy escort. I absolutely believe that she was never in a firefight before, probably never even encountered first-hand violence before (outside of a dojo, that is, the aikido skill has to come from somewhere). That first exposure of any upper/middle class bean is usually close to traumatic, even if it’s not your own beloved sibling trying to have you killed! (Meanwhile, picture V and Takemura laughing in Streetkid…)
Suddenly, Hanako’s sheltered world has become very, very exposed, and very lonely: whom can she even trust? Corpo politics can be deadly at the best of times! Sure, she’d had the luxury of keeping her hands clean because of her beloved father — because the CEO personally shielded her. But now he’s dead, and the new guy in the office, her brother, whom she also loves, is trying to kill her.
At that point, she has heard V’s testimony and Takemura’s plea. Given that he was Saburo’s second shadow, she’s bound to know him well, so she has reason to believe him. (I think that’s why she didn’t want to talk to him — she didn’t want to hear what he had to say.) Forced to confront a truth that she would rather have avoided, she turns to the only place where she can find help: Mikoshi and her father’s engram.
Hanako: Though earlier... soon after you abducted me… I sought his counsel. V: Uh, whose? Hanako: Father's. 2077 (Total Immortal)
We even know what he told her (arguably, it’s not true, but I can see how he’d come to that conclusion. Being murdered and then hearing that he almost got your baby girl isn’t gonna make you like your useless gangster son any better):
“My father was right about my brother. He never cared for us.” Hanako, 2077 (Nocturne OP55N1)
At this point, she has all the aces up her designer sleeve. Theoretically, she could still side with her brother: she’s a Netrunner, Saburo is a piece of code. She’d sworn to be free of him, and Yorinobu had sworn to save her. Unfortunately, he neglected to tell her that.
Then, the board meeting happens, and Yorinobu tries to kill her again. Let’s look at her reaction. While she has her game face on, her voice sort of gives her away, the way her sentences are trailing off:
Hanako: Elite squads...? He sought to... (She picks up Saburo's speaker phone.) V: "Neutralize" us. Hanako: (pondering that for a moment) I did not believe he would go to such lengths. 2077 (Total Immortal)
This is the second the dice are cast. The woman who never saw violence is standing next to a pool of blood, and if her beloved brother would’ve had his way, she’d have become part of it.
What she’s not considering is that she wasn’t supposed to be at the board meeting. But then, at this point, I can’t blame her.
So why doesn’t she become CEO?
Given that she’s an intelligent woman with agency, who is in the position to do whatever she wants (even flushing Saburo’s engram and running away to start a new life in Africa where it’s civilised), I think she doesn’t want to.
On top of that, Hanako has never been groomed for a leadership position:
“I was brought to be the heart of the family. It is time for the Arasakas to listen to their heart. It will bring justice.” Hanako, 2077 (Nocturne OP55N1)
And then, remember this:
V: Did what we had to. Hanako: This is why I have remained outside, uninvolved. So as not to have to make decisions such as these. Yet now… Hanako: I believe a war has just begun. 2077, Last Caress
She’s managed to see more than seventy years in the world of Cyberpunk without getting her hands bloody. Right up to the moment V frees her, and she doesn’t even sound remotely okay with the change. The CEO of Arasaka — even if she’d don a white hat and dedicate the corp to a force of good — is someone who has no clean hands.
Besides, I think she’s already running the show. I only have Saburo’s diary [3] to go by, but “I usually defer to her opinion” sounds like he did what she said — although Saburo will probably have a good laugh at the idea.
[1] Corpbook 1  [2] Takemura dev stream [3] Saburo’s diary [4] honne and tatemae [5] Japanese honorific speech
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mcmoth · 3 years
Dream SMP fandom etiquette
So. This post is probably too little, too late, considering the fandom and the issues I'm about to talk about have existed for so long now, and a lot of the people who need to hear this probably aren't on tumblr anyways, but I just wanted to dedicate a quick post to talk about fandom etiquette. Mostly pertaining to discourse, and interactions with people outside of our circle. These are just going to be my own personal thoughts, of course, but I felt it could be good to bring some of this to attention. So without further introduction:
Where to (not) talk about discourse:
Don't go into other streamer's vods to only focus about a different character. If you want to analyse, for example, c!Techno, do it in Techno's stream. Don't go into unrelated streams, like Tommy's, Tubbo's etc. to do it, even if they were a part of the event in question. This is, of course, with the exception if the character in question didn't stream their own pov. But otherwise, stay in your own space. This is to prevent cluttering a streamer's comments about unrelated discussion. To give further example: Tubbo's vod comments should primarily focus on Tubbo's character. Not Tommy's, Ranboo's, Techno's or whoever else's.
Don't start discourse in the comments of animatics. Seriously, stop that. Animatics aren't discussion boards. The comments are there to analyse and appreciate the video presented, not argue. It's especially rude if you pick a small detail, that wasn't even the focus of the animatic, or even a completely unrelated issue to rant out your frustrations about. To give examples: starting disc discourse in an animatic of Tommy talking to Wilbur, or rambling about how tragic Techno's character is in an animatic focused on clingy duo, etc.
This applies to fan songs as well.
Video essays are the exception to these rules. I think it's safe to say they're the place to bring your hot takes, if you really feel so inclined to argue in youtube comment sections (Though I'd personally advise to still keep the topic relevant).
Keep negativity out of fanfic comments. This isn't nearly as big of an issue as the last points, but I've seen it happen a couple times, so I'm deciding to mention it. Fanfics are written for fun. Even if you disagree with the characterisation or something else, unless the author is clear in accepting critique, keep criticism to yourself. And definitely don't rant about how you dislike a character unrelated to the fanfic. Sharing your thoughts on the fanfic itself is of course fine and welcomed, but when it turns from discussing the author's story to talking about how you dislike a character in canon, that's when it crosses a line. Example: comment talking about what you don't like about c!Tommy on a Bench Trio fanfiction.
When commenting on art, keep the feedback positive. Even if you dislike any presented character, keep that to yourself. Example: Don't say things like "I hate x character, but this art is good". You might think the author would feel honoured, but it's actually just hurtful.
How to deal with discourse:
This is gonna be a shorter section, because I think we all chose to do it in different ways, and that's valid. Also, it's just that I, myself, am still learning how to do this well, but I thought it could be good to try to lay it out anyways.
Try to scroll past takes you disagree with instead of arguing if you don't think you'd be able to keep your cool. Noone likes a random person yelling at them through a screen, and if you rant, you'll get an equally frustrated reply back, and noone will be happy. Either explain your point in a calm manner, or scroll past/ unfollow/block.
On the keeping cool thing, remember to just step away. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before proceeding. To minimize the frustration you feel on a daily basis, filter tags, block people, avoid videos and youtube comment sections that you know will upset you, and leave certain internet spaces if you find yourself unable to escape negativity even with all those steps. Remember: in the end, it's all a game played by friends, a story, and your enjoyment of it lies in what you take from it. Abandon what makes you unhappy. Marie Kondo your fandom experience.
Also, here's your reminder, to whom this is relevant, to take care of yourself. Hydrate, eat, sleep, clean up, get fresh air, remember the things outside of all this. There's plenty to do outside of this fandom, and what you can do here can wait. There is no pressure, or obligation. Not for the content you create, not for the discussions you bring, not for responding to discourse, not for anything. Fandom is meant purely for fun, so take care <3
Interacting with people outside of the fandom:
This is something that I've seen a bit of talk about, and I thought I'd drop in my own thoughts on this as well. No matter the differences, we're all just trying to vibe, and I think these are important things to keep in mind to leave both sides better off:
Don't interact with hate posts. Just don't. You don't want to see them, they don't want to see you. Even if your response is lighthearted, their animosity is not. They will feel frustrated regardless, and the grudge will only grow. And if they're being agressive, calm discussion most likely won't happen even if you're being polite. Just leave it, please.
Correct misinformation calmly. I completely get how it can be frustrating to see blatant lies and all, but with our reputation, people will not listen if you're being antagonistic. Provide sources, explain, and leave it at that.
Don't be hateful, send death threats, or assume privilege or whatever else. That's stepping into the same shoes of the people you hate. Misunderstandings go both ways, and the fact of the matter is, I think most people who dislike DSMP, even the ones who are agressive about it, don't have their stance rooted in maliciousness. To expand on why the situation became what it is today, taken from a discussion on discord:
I think it's just a combination of Dream growing so insanely quickly + how internet spaces have changed over the years. When ccs like jackstepticeye or pewdiepie etc. grew popular, activism wasn't as prevalent and held to such importance. Now it's thankfully more talked about, but that also leads to Dream being more scrutinized in comparision. Add twitter trends and the general prevalence of the fandom, and you've got everyone feeling tired and frustrated and paranoid. People also tend not to fact check stuff, especially when it comes to celebrities and stuff they're not really interested in, so rumors spread fast.
And actually, I think there's absolutely valid reasons to be made uncomfortable by Dream SMP, either in it's creators, content or fandom, and there is, of course, stuff to criticise in general. The problem is the hate and misinformation and overexposure, but we are not going to solve any of that by being aggressive in return.
(This is, by the way, not talking about more serious cases. Like doxxing, or leaving gore images in hashtags, or similar instances. That's a whole different complicated issue that I don't feel qualified to tackle.)
And finally, don't overwhelm outsiders who merely mention the Dream SMP. Don't send asks asking them to watch it, don't write paragraphs explaining the lore, don't confuse them with inside jokes, just... Don't jump on people like that. Unless they're explicitly clear in wanting interaction and getting into the fandom, that kind of thing will just drive them away. This is in no way exclusive to the Dream SMP fandom, pretty much every fandom has people enthiastic to have more people involved, but since there are so unbelievably many of us, it's especially easy to go overboard with this stuff. Just... be polite, and don't pressure anyone. Be nice, please.
So.... ya! This would be it for this one, I think. Sorry that it's kinda long, thank you if you read it at all. Hope y'all have pleasant days ^^
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Persian/Farsi slang
Here are some polite and common slang terms:
Oskol (puffin): idiot, fool, silly person, confused person.
Oskol kardan (making someone oskol): making someone look like a fool (this is usually light hearted, like if someone wastes your time by telling you it will be your turn soon and you end up waiting for 2 hours or tells you long paragraphs of information only to follow it up with never-mind I was wrong).
Oskol shodam (I became oskol): used in the same way as oskol kardan only used about yourself instead of the person who made you oskol, can also be used to mean you wasted your own time, made yourself look stupid.
Sare kar gozashtan (putting someone to work): similar to Oskol kardan but more if someone purposefully tries to make you look stupid or fool you waste your time (like if they stand you up or give you meaningless work to do so you don’t bother them). This and oskol kardan are usually interchangeable.
Kar az Kar gozashte (work has gone past work): Things are passed the point of being fixable, consequences are now unpreventable.
Atish biyare mareke (person who brings fire into the war): person who fuels drama.
Tokhmeh shekastan (poping seeds): gossiping.
Sabzi pak kardan (cleaning herbs): gossiping.
Bikhiyal (no thoughts): don’t think about it, let it go.
Sabok (light): it means you lack the weight of both your brain and your dignity.
Haji (literally means person whose gone on pilgrimage to Macca, in a more formal setting it’s used as a form of respect): it’s used like mate/bro and it’s also used ironically (you use a respectful term to say that you’re actually not respectable/you’re an idiot). This is a type of slang that’s considered a bit low class because it was first used like this by Jaahel bazaris. The normal use is still there as well and it’s also used as a respectful way of addressing an older man in an informal setting like corner-store workers. Haaj agha is a more formal/respectful way of saying the genuine version of it.
Aamu (not exactly uncle but it comes from the word Amu which means uncle): Something like mate/bruv/bro.  
Pichundan (to twist): getting out of doing something/going somewhere, tricking someone, standing someone up, purposefully trying to not include someone in something by not telling them, lying to them or refusing to give a straight answer. Beating around the bush in order to stop someone from finding something out.
Be rokh keshidan (dragging on someone’s face): bragging in an “I’m better than you” way. Flaunting in a condescending way.
Be ru ovordan (bringing something in front of someones face): When someone does something wrong and you don’t ignore it and let them know that you noticed. Usually when someone has wronged you but can also be used for other types of mistakes like if they keep missing deadlines or something. 
Por ru (full of face): Someone who thinks they have more rights than others/are more important than others. Someone disrespectful and self-important.
Ru kam kardan (lessening someone’s face): humbling someone.
Mennat gozashtan: When someone holds something over your head. When someone does something nice but then they keep bringing it up and acting like you owe them.
Chatrbaaz (parachuter): someone who actively looks for free stuff.
Tablo (billboard, a big picture): really obvious.
Khaali bandi (tying empty): to lie or bluff.
Del tu del nabud (no heart in heart): being restless, anxious or excited (like when you’re really missing someone or being really excited to buy the latest thing that you’ve been looking forward to).
Gaav (cow): someone who pays no attention to basic etiquette in a way that inconveniences others like walking in the middle of the side way slowly and not letting people pass or driving terribly.
Khar (donkey): idiot (this can be offensive unlike oskol which is a more light version).
Olagh (donkey): a more severe way of calling someone an idiot (for when you’re really mad and don’t care about manners anymore).
Sag (dog): it means rabid, someone who has anger issues and is constantly snapping at people or someone who is perpetually in a bad mood, frowning and rude.
Nafahm (non-understanding): someone who doesn’t understand human language (in an insulting way, not in a literal sense, so don’t call someone who genuinely has trouble with language this).
Javgir shodan (the atmosphere has caught them): getting carried away, overdoing something because you’re too into it.
Khaz (the literal meaning is fur): lame, embarrassing or cringy.
Palang (leopard): Either a very fake type of beauty that’s kind of scary to some and attractive to others or a very specific type of look that’s mostly rooted in instagram trends (lipstick sticking out of the lines or overdone botox, badly dyed blond hair, wearing leopard prints, fake tan, lots of plastic surgery and overdone and headache inducing cologne, I know this description sounds insulting but palang is more of a descriptor and some use it as and insult while others just use it to describe someone’s aesthetic).
Ba namak (salty): funny/lovable.
Keshesh nadaram (I have no more pull): I don’t have the energy for this or I’m really exhausted and can’t go on/continue anymore. 
Keshesh nade (don’t drag it): don’t take so long, don’t drag it on and finish it.
Fes fes: talking your time in an annoying way.
Darideh (brazen/impudent, literally means torn): Someone who attacks everyone over the most minor things or for no reason at all and is rude and disrespectful to everyone, including those who do not deserve disrespect.
Zer nazan/chert nagu (don’t say zer): don’t say nonsense or shut up.
Tu ruhet (in your soul): it can be insulting or playful. It doesn’t mean this but the only english expression I could think of that’s used in the same way is “you’re an idiot”. It’s something we say when someone does or says something silly in an endearing way (the playful type) or when they mess up and it’s not endearing (the angry type).
Faazet chie (what is your state): what exactly are you trying to achieve? or what’s your problem? (it’s a question that people usually ask when they’re angry, it usually implies that you have a nefarious purpose or there’s something wrong with you).
Sar be saram nazar (don’t put a head over my head): don’t play with me (like a prank or something like that but can also be when someone is annoying you with something unimportant while you’re trying to get work done, this is light and often sounds a bit annoyed and a bit desperate).
Ru asaabam naro (don’t step on my nerves): don’t annoy me.
Asaab nadaram (I have no nerves): I have no patience or tolerance. I will snap at you if you annoy me.
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senlinyu · 5 years
Thank you so much for sharing all that you have about the writing process! How important is promotion of your work across different platforms? Is it important at all?
Sorry. I’ve been sitting on this ask for a while... but we were just having a discussion on the Dramione Fanfiction Server about promotion and I realised I should get to writing all this out.
This is sort of a follow up on my post about doing weekly updates and writing my fics in full prior to publishing them. Find it here.
Caveat, these are my personal observations only. I’ve been involved in the fandom for a little over 2 years, and at least tried most of the fandom platforms to some extent and followed a lot of discussions among writers and readers.
This is basically a rundown of things that I wish someone had told me about promotion when I started. It’s also an info dump, I’m sorry. You don’t need to do all these things, or any of these things. But if you’re trying to figure stuff out, this is what I’ve noticed. A lot of this is based on my experiences and the experiences I’ve heard from other writers.
• The first step you’ll take in promotion is publishing your fic: The most active platforms for fic are archiveofourown.org (Ao3) and fanfiction.net (FFN). There’s also wattpad, but my experience there is limited, so I won’t comment on it. Older fandoms are still hanging out on FFN, but a lot of people are finally migrating to Ao3.
I cross-post most of my fic, with the exception of very sexually explicit content. FFN hasn’t enforced their content restrictions in years, but they have cracked down in the past and deleted fic without warning, and if you’re reported and they decide you violate their terms it’s extremely difficult to dispute based on everything I’ve heard from fandom olds.
Title: It’s ideal to find a title that doesn’t already have seventy fics attached to it for your fandom/ship. But there are a finite number of titles, this may not always work. However, if there’s a super popular fic already with that title, it may be advisable to choose something else because people will get confused about which fic it is and the other fic will tend to show up first in a google search.
If you choose a long title (more than five words), or a title with multiple words in a foreign language, people will have a harder time remembering it. One of my favorite fics has a long Latin quote for its title that isn’t a super common phrase. I cannot ever remember except that it starts with an ”a.” I have to refind it every time I want to rec it by googling one of the author’s other fics and then sorting through her listed works. Avoid this if possible.
Summary: Don’t say things like “story’s better. I suck at summaries.” If you can’t figure out what to put in the summary, put in an excerpt that you feel captures the tone and spirit of the story.
Smut sells. On ao3, a not overly-explicit excerpt of a scene will often garner more hits than anything else. Although I wouldn't promote a fic in that manner if there’s actually minimal smut in the story.
Rating: On FFN it’s unfortunately better to be safe than sorry. People will sometimes complain if T rated fics even allude to the existence of sex. But M ratings will create the expection of some level of smut. If you’re writing a M rated fic without sexual content, it can be a good idea to have an author’s note at the very beginning explaining what the rating is and isn’t for. (Many people never ever read author’s notes, but at least then it’s not on you anymore.)
Tagging: On Ao3, good tagging can make or break a fic. The balance is between under-tagging and over-tagging. Dramione is relatively chill about tags because a lot of readers are from FFN where there are no tags. However, newer readers, especially those coming over from other fandoms, can be very particular about tagging and complain in the comments if your tagging it insufficient or misleading.
Fandom etiquette dictates: use the archive warnings and always tag triggers. Even if it’s a plot twist. People who really care about not having plot elements spoiled can hide additional tags from their browsing. The main archive warnings are: graphic violence, character death, rape, underage. If you include any of those things without an archive warning or tags, people will not be inclined to trust you.
I know that’s not how published books are, but it’s a question of which hills you want to die on. I strongly discourage dying on this hill when you’re first starting out.
Additional tags. There’s a very tricky balance between over-tagging and under-tagging. People don’t like tag walls, but they do want some information. Tag the story’s main tropes: enemies to lovers, mutual pining, miscommunication, coworkers, Veela, etc. Tag the triggers. (A word of advice, if you’re writing a fic with rape/non-con that occurs but isn’t committed between the main pairing, specify that in your tags, e.g. ‘attempted sexual assault, not by Draco’ ) Tag kinks, especially if they’re not garden variety. Very, very few readers are going to be pleased to have a kink sprung on them, one person’s kink can be another person’s squick. People who want your fic may not find it if you haven’t tagged it, and people who don’t want that kink will not be pleased about tripping on it.
Don’t over-tag. If “explicit sexual content” is tagged, most people will assume the general explicit sex spectrum. Unless there’s a particularly heavy focus there’s no need to list every single basic aspect of sex in your tags: “vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, humping, groping, oral sex, breast worship, etc etc”. Nor should you tag every single character or subpairing who happens to appear unless they’re a significant element of the plot.
Promotion on other platforms:
Dramione and HP is an older fandom. The Hermione-centric parts of fandom are primarily here on Tumblr and on Facebook in the form of private groups, some that are ship specific and others that are slightly more general. Reddit is fairly inactive for dramione, and the HP subreddit is not particularly fond of dramione.
Dramione is beginning to establish itself on discord, but it's still a gradual process.
Some writers join the FB groups with their IRL accounts, but its a growing trend to create fandom pseuds for FB groups, which is what I do. Some Facebook groups require that new members privately provide the admins with a form of ID for age/identity verification. Whether or not you're comfortable/willing to out your pseud in that way is a matter of personal discretion.
Most groups do not require this... but it’s something to be aware of.
Tumblr: Posting about story updates on Tumblr is one the the best things to do for promotion beyond the basics of posting your fic. Since it’s a public platform unlike FB, it’s one of the most visible ways to boost your story and let people know about updates.
Cover art/aesthetics for your fic are a great way to catch attention. If you’re like me and very bad at making aesthetics and covers the @dark-arts-society-fbhp is a group specializing in covers and manips. If you’re not a member on FB, the admins say that writers can submit requests via the tumblr asks and they will be shared to the group. Send them:
Other info:
Post a fic update on tumblr with cover art, links, and an excerpt of the chapter. Personally the fics that catch my attention have excerpts that are at least a couple paragraphs long.
You want to include enough content to pique reader curiosity and demonstrate your writing style. It makes you less an unknown to readers looking for something new. Every update is an opportunity to catch the attention of new readers and each new excerpt can do that.
A couple don’ts:
Don’t just keep reblogging the same post, adding a link to the latest chapter. Reblogs don’t show up in the tumblr tags. Make a new post for each chapter update and use the fandom tags every time. The first five tags you use are what can show up in tags, everything after the first five should just be for your tumblr’s personal organization.
Do not include triggering content in your excerpt. It’s rude and a way to get unfollowed or blocked.
Don’t use too many links on your update posts. If there are too many links, tumblr won’t have the post to show up in the tags. I’m not sure what the cut-off is because tumblr is an illogical beast. 2-3 links seems to be fine. Link to FFN and AO3 and nothing else.
Don’t use your tumblr solely as a personal house organ. If no one is interacting with your posts, tumblr is less likely to decide you’re a real blog and let your posts show up in the tags. Connect to other fandom blogs by reblogging and liking their content. I generally don't follow tumblrs that blog solely about their own content, because I'd just subscribe to the story or the writer. Reblog art, reblog aesthetics, reblog fandom memes, reblog drabbles, reblog updates from fics you’re following, etc.
However, even if you do all that, tumblr’s algorithm is a mysterious and illogical creature. Sometimes posts need to have a certain number of likes and reblogs to show up in the “Dramione” tag, although the algorithm is inconsistent there are many exceptions, but as a general rule this seems to be the case.
In my most recent Dramione update post, the post in question never showed up in the recent ”Dramione” tags, despite fairly high engagement. I have no idea why. That’s all the more reason to create a new post for every update, because tumblr will just randomly screw you over at times. 😑
If you write dramione, one of the best forms of exposure is by getting your fic updates reblogged by @dramioneasks, they have a very large following on Tumblr, and regularly go through recent posts under the dramione tag and reblog the story updates that show up there. A lot of writers have noticed a dramatic difference in engagement if their updates get reblogged by DramioneAsks.
Another way to promote your writing more generally is by accepting prompts and/or posting ficlets solely on Tumblr. Those will usually get more reblogs and likes than a story update will. In my observation, ficlets tend to do best when they’re between .5k to 2k words (longer than that and people will complain about huge walls of text in their feed.) DramioneAsks will also reblog those.
The other main platform for the Dramione fandom is FB. It’s the place that a lot of the fests and comps are hosted and where a lot of writers will begin forming some fandom relationships. People will post recs for stories they like, and ask for recs with certain tropes, etc. You can also post story updates there.
However, it’s also a lot of individual ponds because the groups are all closed, and there’s only partial overlap between them in terms of membership. Different groups have different cultures and fic preferences and you only tend to start figuring them out after being there for a while.
They also all have different rules and policies about things, such as requiring members to provide identifying information to mods, file-sharing, fic update promotion etc. So you have to make sure you check the rules and keep track of which group requires what.
But it’s very active and the place where you’ll encounter more discussions of fics, start getting to know people more, and have more one on one interactions. It’s best to start in just one or two and then slowly branch out from there if you choose. I’d recommend starting in groups specific to your ship, or if you write rare-pairs, to join rare-pair oriented groups.
I’m currently a member of more than 25 groups, but I’m active in less than five of them.
Again, this is not intended to be a to-do list. You don’t need to do all of this, or any of it. It’s more a rundown of different elements and factors that can make a difference in my experience and observations.
The thing with fic promotion is that fics sometimes have a tipping point. My fic Manacled crept along with limited engagement for a long time (like more than 30 chapters) and then hit a point where I got a bunch of people who started it leaving comments saying “I’ve seen the updates for this so many times, I finally decide to click,” or “I started this but didn’t think it was for me, but then I saw some of the excerpts for later chapters and they made me curious so I jumped back in again.”
There are some readers who will check out everything regardless of stats, but particularly in Dramione where you have a lot of fics and authors, people are less likely to click every fic they see. You can build recognition through engagement with fandom and visibility.
My very first work-in-progress multichap got a lot more attention after I posted a one-shot that allowed readers to check out my writing in a “lower commitment” context. It wasn’t even a very popular one-shot, but it gave people a chance to read a completed work of mine without requiring the investment that a 90k word WIP did. Once they decided they liked my writing style and characterizations they decided to check out my other works.
Anyway. This ended up incredibly long. 🤦🏻‍♀️
If you read this and have a different opinion or feel like I’ve left anything out, feel free to chime in. Or if you disagree. I am happy to reblog additional and differing perspectives as long as the tone stays civil. 😊
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areyoumyfather101 · 5 years
Dimension 20 Chat Etiquette...
It's time we had a chat. All my interactions with other Dimension 20 fans have been great and we chatted about opinions respectfully. But that was back when the first season of Fantasy High was coming out and when The Unsleeping City started. So I haven't been present in the community in a hot minute. Now there are more people in our community (yay), but it has allowed some toxic people to join. Because of this, today we're going over Dimension 20 etiquette. Examples used are from last week's stream.
I've noticed a spiral when there was a person who kept calling Gorgug "trash" because the whole Zelda incident. Then they started to call Fig's mom a "whore." (Let's make this clear, she is a cheater. But we don't need to be throwing names like that around.) No matter how much you disagree with a character's decision, you do not start insulting them in the chat. Some things are a flaw to a person's character because they can't be perfect. Secondly, you never insult someone's character that they have created in Dungeons and Dragons. Which I will talk about in the next paragraph.
Our latest stream:
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It is highly disrespectful to insult a player's character. This is a character that they have created, connected with, and they have submerged themselves within that character. If you insult someone's character in a campaign, you might as well insult them. It's totally different if you're playing a villain, but it hurts hearing people degrade your character. Mostly because a small part of the character represents the player. You understand why your character acts the way they do, but it's frustrating when people decide to just taunt your hard work.
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You are able to dislike a character, but if it comes to the point that you feel the need to just abuse what someone has created... Then just don't do it. Some things don't need to be said. Especially if it's rude.
Also, I would like to go back to what I said previously about how characters somewhat represent the player. When people started talking about disliking Adaine, they started throwing Siobhan under the bus. They insulted her gaming style and started making rude remarks about her. It's a spiral that doesn't need to go any futher. Don't insult her character nor her.
Just like what midnightfox452 said.
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I think the main thing that rubs people the wrong way is how aggressively Adaine says things. But remember to keep in mind who her parents are. They are judgemental, careless, and unsympathetic beings. That kind of influenced Adaine's character, I think. She forgets sometimes that she doesn't have to have that cold mask when she speaks to people. She always had to use that fierce attitude for her parents to pay attention to what she had to say.
Now here's the correct way to disagree without being mean:
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Chat Etiquette Rules:
Be respectful towards both players and their characters
Don't insult players or their characters
Be nice to others in chat
This is very important because Twitch, unlike YouTube, doesn't allow you to block people so you don't have to see any toxic comments they make in a livestream. We just have to continue streams in a respectful manner and conduct ourselves accordingly. If you have an opinion to make, don't start insulting people. Politely disagree, use constructive criticism, and move on. If you don't like a certain person or the way they play a character then just don't watch Dimension 20. It's that simple. Or watch it just as you would on Dropout... Don't say anything at all. This has been the use of the Chat Etiquette spell.
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One Year ago we lost Rush Limbaugh. I never 100% agreed with everything Rush said and no one is perfect and I’m sure he made many mistakes throughout his 70 years on this earth. Many said he had talent on loan from God. However the way the main stream media reacted and the crap they reported on him and claimed it “news” was disgusting.
Some director from Syracuse University (I’m sure he has no agenda) stated that Limbaugh “would just say what he wanted”. Should people say whatever they want to say? No not necessarily but the 1st amendment should be very important. Does that fact that “tens of millions of listeners” wanted to hear what Rush had to say mean anything? Should tens of millions of people be written off, deemed none “intellectuals” and bigots?
It takes them 15 paragraphs, almost halfway through the article, to talk about his child hood and family. NBC had to get all their hate our first. This article also criticizes Rush for talking about Covid 19 and pushing “conspiracy theories” most of which now are no longer theories but accepted and proven by the science.
The final quote is the sickest of all. I would encourage Tech Feminist Brianna Wu to treat others as she would like to be treated.
Direct quotes:
This is like a sub title to the actual article:
The Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree outraged critics with his long history of sexist, homophobic and racist remarks.
Robert Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University, compared him to the rise of Trump, saying, "he would strip out the usual manners — and he would just say what he wanted."
"He wasn’t the first to do that kind of right-wing ideological commentary on the radio, but part of the appeal is also part of what used to get him in trouble, he would just go out there and say stuff no matter how outrageous it might be,” he said.
For the tens of millions of listeners who followed Limbaugh's show, though, it's a medal earned for delivering right-wing ideoloy a voice absent elsewhere in pop culture.
(Rush stated) "Those are attempts to discredit me among people who don’t listen to me. But the media didn’t make me and they can’t break me."
His big break would come in 1984, when he landed a job as an on-air host at Sacramento’s KFBK, taking over the slot vacated by shock jock Morton Downey Jr. Limbaugh became a local hit.
The Federal Communications Commission, following the Reagan administration's priorities of cutting back government and promoting free speech, ended the long-standing requirement for television and radio stations to devote an equal amount of time to each side of a political issue.
"There's no question he saved the AM dial, which couldn't compete with the music on FM, "Harrison said.
The radio host's words earned him a reputation as a racist, sexist and homophobe over the years for comments on a wide variety of public figures including Chelsea Clinton, President Barack Obama, NFL players and many others.
Noted tech feminist Brianna Wu said common etiquette to withhold harsh words about the deceased shouldn't apply to Limbaugh.
"The more I think about it, the more I think my instinct to not be publicly happy about Limbaugh’s death was wrong," wrote Wu, a target of the Gamergate harassment campaign. "Some men are monsters — and the world is safer with them gone. We owe this man nothing." Limbaugh's legacy will be the bitter political culture that now sickens America, according to David Axelrod, a key advisor in the Obama White House.
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likhon1971 · 3 years
" Etiquette and Manners " Paragraph
” Etiquette and Manners ” Paragraph
” Etiquette and Manners ” Paragraph is now available on My Educations in BD com website. Man is a social being. So following social code of behavior is important for living in the society. These are called social behavior. We describe our social behaviors with two terms – etiquette and manners. The word ‘etiquette’ is derived from a French word. It means the rules of correct behaviour in society.…
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learning-of-abu · 3 years
All you needs to knew about email etiquette!
What is email etiquette?
Email etiquette means the principles that guide our behavior when sending and receiving emails. This code of conduct includes guidelines regarding appropriate language, spelling, grammar, and manners. The proper etiquette depends on whom you are emailing.
1. Write a clear subject line
As many of us are constantly buried in our inboxes, the subject line can have a significant impact on whether your email gets opened or not.
To adhere to email etiquette aim for a clear and short subject line that describes what your email is about in a couple of words or a concise sentence. Use identifiers such as "proposal" and "application" that immediately tell the recipient explicitly what to expect from your email.
2. Start with a professional greeting
The best way to greet a person in an email always depends on your relationship with them and the subject matter.
3. Don't forget to introduce yourself
You shouldn't ever assume that the recipient knows who you are. Especially if you contact someone you don't know for the first time, it's part of email etiquette to start your email's body with a brief introduction.
4. Keep it short
As an average office worker receives well over 100 emails a day, no one has time to read lengthy messages. you should be upfront about your email's purpose by stating it in the very beginning.
5. Refrain from humor
Without the right tone and expression to accompany them, even the most hilarious punchlines can land miles away from their target. It's not even about the risk of being misunderstood – what you find funny is not necessarily funny to the recipient.
6. Structure the email properly
A professional email should include a subject line, greeting, body, sign-off, and signature. You should always separate these parts with paragraph breaks to make your message easily digestible. In case you feel the risk of information overload, consider using bullet point or numbered lists to bring more structure to your writing, break up wordy sections.
7. Watch your tone
It's not just what you say but how you say it.
Be intentional with your word choices and always consider how the recipient might interpret them. As you can't rely on facial expressions and intonation to deliver the message, make an extra effort to come across as positive.
8. Be aware of cultural differences
Miscommunication can easily happen due to cultural differences.
The risk is even greater in written words as there's no body language to accompany the message. That's why you should try to familiarize yourself with the recipient's culture when you are emailing someone abroad.
9. Be mindful with attachments
One of the most important email etiquette rules regarding attachments is that you shouldn't attach large files to your emails. The best way to send, for example, a presentation or video is to upload the file to a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox and provide the recipient with a link that allows them to access it.
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bambamramfan · 8 years
@jadagul linked this post on the Vampire's Castle by Mark Fisher that was half "thorough description of how fear and status intertwine to defang political movements" and half "very specific kvetching about a particular time and place that is neither useful nor appealing."
So I’m going to excerpt the one out of two paragraphs I found useful, and encourage people to read them as a coherent post in itself.
Inside the Vampires’ Castle
The first configuration is what I came to call the Vampires’ Castle. The Vampires’ Castle specialises in propagating guilt. It is driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic-pedant’s desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster’s desire to be one of the in-crowd. The danger in attacking the Vampires’ Castle is that it can look as if – and it will do everything it can to reinforce this thought – that one is also attacking the struggles against racism, sexism, heterosexism. But, far from being the only legitimate expression of such struggles, the Vampires’ Castle is best understood as a bourgeois-liberal perversion and appropriation of the energy of these movements. The Vampires’ Castle was born the moment when the struggle not to be defined by identitarian categories became the quest to have ‘identities’ recognised by a bourgeois big Other.
The privilege I certainly enjoy as a white male consists in part in my not being aware of my ethnicity and my gender, and it is a sobering and revelatory experience to occasionally be made aware of these blind-spots. But, rather than seeking a world in which everyone achieves freedom from identitarian classification, the Vampires’ Castle seeks to corral people back into identi-camps, where they are forever defined in the terms set by dominant power, crippled by self-consciousness and isolated by a logic of solipsism which insists that we cannot understand one another unless we belong to the same identity group.
I’ve noticed a fascinating magical inversion projection-disavowal mechanism whereby the sheer mention of class is now automatically treated as if that means one is trying to downgrade the importance of race and gender. In fact, the exact opposite is the case, as the Vampires’ Castle uses an ultimately liberal understanding of race and gender to obfuscate class.  In all of the absurd and traumatic twitterstorms about privilege earlier this year it was noticeable that the discussion of class privilege was entirely absent.  The task, as ever, remains the articulation of class, gender and race  – but the founding move of the Vampires’ Castle is the dis-articulation of class from other categories.
The problem that the Vampires’ Castle was set up to solve is this: how do you hold immense wealth and power while also appearing as a victim, marginal and oppositional? The solution was already there – in the Christian Church. So the VC has recourse to all the infernal strategies, dark pathologies and psychological torture instruments Christianity invented, and which Nietzsche described in The Genealogy of Morals. This priesthood of bad conscience, this nest of pious guilt-mongers, is exactly what Nietzsche predicted when he said that something worse than Christianity was already on the way. Now, here it is …
The Vampires’ Castle feeds on the energy and anxieties and vulnerabilities of young students, but most of all it lives by converting the suffering of particular groups – the more ‘marginal’ the better – into academic capital. The most lauded figures in the Vampires’ Castle are those who have spotted a new market in suffering – those who can find a group more oppressed and subjugated than any previously exploited will find themselves promoted through the ranks very quickly.
The first law of the Vampires’ Castle is: individualise and privatise everything. While in theory it claims to be in favour of structural critique, in practice it never focuses on anything except individual behaviour. Some of these working class types are not terribly well brought up, and can be very rude at times. Remember: condemning individuals is always more important than paying attention to impersonal structures. The actual ruling class propagates ideologies of individualism, while tending to act as a class. (Many of what we call ‘conspiracies’ are the ruling class showing class solidarity.) The VC, as dupe-servants of the ruling class, does the opposite: it pays lip service to ‘solidarity’ and ‘collectivity’, while always acting as if the individualist categories imposed by power really hold. Because they are petit-bourgeois to the core, the members of the Vampires’ Castle are intensely competitive, but this is repressed in the passive aggressive manner typical of the bourgeoisie. What holds them together is not solidarity, but mutual fear – the fear that they will be the next one to be outed, exposed, condemned.
The second law of the Vampires’ Castle is: make thought and action appear very, very difficult. There must be no lightness, and certainly no humour. Humour isn’t serious, by definition, right? Thought is hard work, for people with posh voices and furrowed brows. Where there is confidence, introduce scepticism. Say: don’t be hasty, we have to think more deeply about this. Remember: having convictions is oppressive, and might lead to gulags.
The third law of the Vampires’ Castle is: propagate as much guilt as you can. The more guilt the better. People must feel bad: it is a sign that they understand the gravity of things. It’s OK to be class-privileged if you feel guilty about privilege and make others in a subordinate class position to you feel guilty too. You do some good works for the poor, too, right?
The fourth law of the Vampires’ Castle is: essentialize. While fluidity of identity, pluarity and multiplicity are always claimed on behalf of the VC members – partly to cover up their own invariably wealthy, privileged or bourgeois-assimilationist background – the enemy is always to be essentialized. Since the desires animating the VC are in large part priests’ desires to excommunicate and condemn, there has to be a strong distinction between Good and Evil, with the latter essentialized. Notice the tactics. X has made a remark/ has behaved in a particular way – these remarks/ this behaviour might be construed as transphobic/ sexist etc. So far, OK. But it’s the next move which is the kicker. X then becomes defined as a transphobe/ sexist etc. Their whole identity becomes defined by one ill-judged remark or behavioural slip. Once the VC has mustered its witch-hunt, the victim (often from a working class background, and not schooled in the passive aggressive etiquette of the bourgeoisie) can reliably be goaded into losing their temper, further securing their position as pariah/ latest to be consumed in feeding frenzy.
It’s not surprising, then, that so many neo-anarchists come across as depressed. This depression is no doubt reinforced by the anxieties of postgraduate life, since, like the Vampires’ Castle, neo-anarchism has its natural home in universities, and is usually propagated by those studying for postgraduate qualifications, or those who have recently graduated from such study.
What is to be done?
Why have these two configurations come to the fore?  The first reason is that they have been allowed to prosper by capital because they serve its interests. Capital subdued the organised working class by decomposing class consciousness, viciously subjugating trade unions while seducing ‘hard working families’ into identifying with their own narrowly defined interests instead of the interests of the wider class; but why would capital be concerned about a ‘left’ that replaces class politics with a moralising individualism, and that, far from building solidarity, spreads fear and insecurity?
The second reason is what Jodi Dean has called communicative capitalism. It might have been possible to ignore the Vampires’ Castle and the neo-anarchists if it weren’t for capitalist cyberspace. The VC’s pious moralising has been a feature of a certain ‘left’ for many years – but, if one wasn’t a member of this particular church, its sermons could be avoided. Social media means that this is no longer the case, and there is little protection from the  psychic pathologies propagated by these discourses.
So what can we do now? First of all, it is imperative to reject identitarianism, and to recognise that there are no identities, only desires, interests and identifications. Part of the importance of the British Cultural Studies project – as revealed so powerfully and so movingly in John Akomfrah’s installation The Unfinished Conversation (currently in Tate Britain) and his film The Stuart Hall Project – was to have resisted identitarian essentialism. Instead of freezing people into chains of already-existing equivalences, the point was to treat any articulation as provisional and plastic. New articulations can always be created. No-one is essentially anything. Sadly, the right act on this insight more effectively than the left does.  The bourgeois-identitarian left knows how to propagate guilt and conduct a witch hunt, but it doesn’t know how to make converts. But that, after all, is not the point. The aim is not to popularise a leftist position, or to win people over to it, but to remain in a position of elite superiority, but now with class superiority redoubled by moral superiority too. ‘How dare you talk – it’s we who speak for those who suffer!’
But the rejection of identitarianism can only be achieved by the re-assertion of class. A left that does not have class at its core can only be a liberal pressure group.
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san-bika · 8 years
Old Habits Die Hard - Lance-Voltron fic
Bring on the Langst ficlets!! Many plot bunnies were had over the holidays.
***Trigger Warning - EDNOS; disordered eating in general***
****This is a paid comission, meaning someone asked for me to write this, worked with me while writing it, and paid me for it. Please see the notes regarding this fic below from the person who requested it.****
NOTA BENE - I, figandmelon, appreciate the concern for my health but the italicized text below is not mine, as I wrote above, but is the sweet girl’s who commissioned the story. She had written a rough outline and gave a me a few paragraphs to start with. I don’t have food issues and this story is not meant to promote or romanticize disordered eating. I have written a follow-up story to this to prevent any idea that this is a good thing or that I approve this. That story was not commissioned by the girl but I felt I needed to write it. Also see the unedited text below - I had fixed the grammar but my patron has asked me to revise it to what she actually wrote! Sorry!
I am working out some food issues. Please dont take this as any kind of endorsment of disordered eating.
Food is delicious, Good, important, and healthy. Food is one of the necissities of life and it is amazing how many ways food is prepared tasty healthy, inventive good for the environment, etc. Food makes us strong and can heal us and is tied to our all culture and heritage and family.
If you start to feel diffrently about food or struggle wth eating, get help as soon as you can and avoid a long &dangerous road.
Please know this isn’t realy a headcanon I have for Lance. I see him feeling like this, yes. But I had these feelings when I was a kid and my last years in school when I had no money to buy food and just ate whatever we threw out at work. This is my way of letting go of that. Thanks.
Rating: T - disordered eating, anxiety
Pairings: Klance (ish)
Length: 1585 words
Tags: angst, disordered eating, OCD, anxiety
Lance glanced down at a large bowl of space gelatin, blocky and trembling from the movements around the table.
It wasn’t ideal given its green coloring or gel consistency. It tasted vaguely like a sweet chicken broth, off-putting but you got over it. It wasn’t tostones or yuca or black beans and rice but you played the hand you were dealt. Lance knew that all too well.
For all of its drawbacks, the goo sure was plentiful. It was dispensed from hoses, for quiznak’s sake. And it doubled as a hydration source.
Food was a spartan necessity for Alteans; their pleasures tended to indulge their senses of touch (shape shifting in micro and macro ways was both a talent and physically enjoyable, which Lance occasionally liked to daydream about…alone if you catch the drift) and superior sight (apparently double pupils and triple retinas and lenses gave them something like super mega HD vision and millions of colors to delight in) rather than taste. Allura and Coran usually ate the goo quickly and with oh-so-perfect manners.
Everyone was eating and chatting. He lifted the spoon and licked it but felt his throat seize before dropping it into the bowl. This wasn’t going to work. And if that was the case Lance was going to do what he did best. Make a scene.
“Princess, aren’t you feeling tired?”
Allura looked up at Lance’s raised voice interrupting her quiet interlude with Shiro. “No Lance,” she said slowly, “are you? I thought the training session had an appropriate difficulty level. Perhaps you-”
“Well you should be cuz you’ve been running through my mind all day.” Finger guns. Wink. Lecherous smile. Ugh, he was the worst.
The silence was actually painful and the brunette felt all kinds of first and secondhand embarrassment for himself. But it was worth it not to worry the others needlessly.
“LANCE, why?!”
“Really, why though?”
“Come on buddy, you’re still on this?”
Allura was speechless but the twitch in her eye spoke volumes. Coran looked torn between laughing at the pun (he loved puns, dad jokes, basically anything that would make the average person or alien groan) and shaking his finger at the disrespect.
Pidge stood up with her bowl and laptop balanced in some unholy manner, her nose curled in disgust. “Well.. I’m off to my room. If I stay here for another of Lance’s pick up fails, I’ll lose my appetite and I’m a growing teen.” She hurried off still muttering. So quick to judge, Pidge?
Lance felt the red flush of shame creep up his neck. But if this was going to work, he’d need to go all in.
“Aww come on guys! I can’t be the only who sees that Allura and I are soulmates. I mean she’s like my catnip! Uhh, lion nip?”
A chorus of groans and complaints was his response. Allura was aghast, forming words without speaking, clearly ready to unleash fury on the unfortunate paladin.
But with perfect timing Coran escorted her away, clearing their perfectly clean bowls and sending an apologetic half-smile to the blue paladin. “This way, Allura, some space will do us all a world of good so we can come back and practice our flight drills in excellent form tomorrow. Space will clear our heads, isn’t that right Lance?”
The pilot wanted to laugh at the redhead’s twitching mustache but couldn’t. He just summoned an awkward smile/grimace and turned to see how well his plan was working.
Keith had started in on his second bowl of goop, eating so quickly that Lance had to look away before his stomach turned. Guess that desert shack didn’t have an etiquette book after all.
Hunk had scooted off to start dishes in the kitchen. He didn’t handle conflict too well. Man, Lance would have to do something really nice for him to make up for this ridiculousness. Maybe he could work with Pidge to set up some solo interspace video chat time with his alien rock girlfriend….
Shiro was already gone. Huh. He must actually have a crush on Allura and truly not be able to hear even the lamest of pick-up lines meant for her with any modicum of dignity. Or he must have wanted to kill Lance for the sheer audacity of hitting on the last known survivor of her species while aware it was an unrequited crush.
Yeah, Lance didn’t feel great about that either but he didn’t exactly want to tell the other Paladins that he couldn’t eat sometimes.
After Keith had downed the last of his food, he pushed his chair back and strode off with that permanent aggression to clean his bowl.
Lance noticed the faint eye roll and scoff as he walked past him and added that to all the other chips on the shoulder. Well, he was sitting with his spoon up and mouth open like some elementary school kid. He tried to adopt a more effortlessly cool pose but the hothead had crossed the room already and had his back to him.
That went well. Lance McClain, ruiner of dinner parties and cargo pilot extraordinaire.
He wilted a little as he felt the exertion of the day’s exercises. He hadn’t managed much that morning either. He needed to eat but he just… couldn’t.
Every time he lifted that spoon, he wondered if Javier had eaten dinner yet. Or if he’d gone to bed after drinking a cup of water so the little ones, Yany and cousin Carlito could. If Uncle Jorge had found a workplace that would hire him despite his disability. If Mama was taking care of herself.
Had Elisa managed to find a summer job to help Mama stretch her stamps? Were the food pantries any good this summer? Pidge and Hunk had figured out that it was sometime in July, Lance couldn’t remember. All he knew was his siblings didn’t get supplemental meals from school in July. In summer, they were on their own.
He lifted the spoon again but his growling stomach started roiling with nausea. He lowered the spoon. Of course he could have food whenever he wanted. Of course it would be like that.
Despite being the shittiest person in his family, he had found a nice cushy place where food was so plentiful, it wasn’t even a thought. People could complain about it. And even if he hadn’t found Blue, if he had been at the Garrison, he would have had three perfectly rationed, calculated, and healthy if tasteless meals plus snacks whenever he wanted.
Getting into the Garrison had been a promise. He would make it out and provide for his whole family. Even those teasing cousins who gave him a hard time about how tall and lanky he was.
They all had sacrificed enough that his absence was a loss. Mama and Papa had needed to work so hard just to pay for the testing. Now that he had effectively dropped out, all his studying and scholarships, all of his family’s money, stretched so thin with so many needs, it was all for nothing.
If he at least had dropped out and gone home, he could work. He could contribute. He could make Javier and Mama eat at least. Here his destiny was to save the world or die trying but at his family’s expense.
Always at his family’s expense.
Lance slammed the table with his closed fist, willing his frustration and other more painful things to dry up. He swallowed to prevent the nausea from making him sicker but feelings of bitterness and shame drew more tears out of him.
He dropped his head over the full, jiggling bowl. Twisting his hair between his fingers, he imagined it with cartoon eyes and a smile but it didn’t help.
He was a Paladin of Voltron. He needed to be strong to defeat Zarkon and help his family. He needed to eat.
Lance lifted the spoon from the table. He choked down a bite and clamped long brown fingers over his wide mouth. He managed to keep it down but it was a close thing.
Rather than better, he felt worse, like he had run a marathon without water. His throat burned as if the space goo was stuck in it. A headache came on around his temples. His eyes watered.
Had Mama even eaten today? Would she? Could she? Was there even food in the house?
Lance rose quickly. Thick emotion warped the air around him and he swallowed hard against his sadness. He threw the space goo in a trash receptacle and left the bowl on the table. It was a dick move but would throw off any suspicions for now. And Hunk, bless his sweet angelic nature, wouldn’t hold it against him.
Normally he would share his food with the mice but they were too damn chummy with Allura and if they told her that he skipped a whole meal, he’d definitely be questioned.
And at this point he wasn’t sure what would help him, if anything even could.
He loped off towards Blue in a haze, one hand firmly clenched around his mouth and the other around his aching stomach. He missed his mother terribly and his lion was the closest thing to her. Just sitting next to her was all he wanted.
Lance didn’t see Keith walk out from the kitchen doorway and pick up his bowl. The red paladin’s face was neutral but his keen eyes were lit with worry and disbelief.
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nehaad785-blog · 4 years
Sharing a table? Do it right!
We have all, at least once in our lives found ourselves judging people lacking basic “table manners”, as we call them. People who are noisy, have a tendency to talk while eating, or hog like there’s no tomorrow, do a wonderful job at blotching their images. Sharing a table with someone can tell you so much about them.
 Dining etiquettes are extremely underrated. Most of us are thorough with the basics - not talking with a stuffed mouth, maintaining an erect posture, not spilling food around… Apart from these fundamentals is a whole list of more precise practices that help you set the right impression on a boss, colleague, or acquaintance at a formal dinner table. The trends have changed in such a fashion that there are interviews over coffee, meetings at breakfast, frequent dinners with the bosses. You don’t want to be stuck on the table not knowing how to act and ending up in nervousness that hampers your confidence.
 Speaking of etiquette, it might occur to us that it has gotten everything to do with how one should eat neatly or be appropriately seated. Although, there are other folds to it that we are often unaware of. Speaking of table etiquettes, you are expected to take care of your conduct, know your serving skills right (to avoid a mess), be able to use the various cutlery with each having its purpose, and of course, keeping in mind how you talk to those seated among you and those who are at your service. Under these guidelines come the minute practices.
 Most of your first reactions to table manners are “Ah! That’s easy, what could be so difficult about it!”, and after reading the above paragraph well that might start to change. There is a couple of aspects to take care of if you think about it. Considering this newfound requirement, a new profession has come into existence. There are now experts, specialists, and professionals conducting courses and equipping the masses who aspire to conquer the corporate world, with this remarkable skillset.
 Initially, it might require a lot of consciousness and care, although, with time and enough practice it becomes a part of you. Once that has been achieved, you are already a more confident person with an attractive personality. Every meeting, every interview, every formal get-together, putting out the best of you comes so naturally, that everyone you are seated amongst is already enthralled and that itself is leverage to the quality content that you have to offer. When you lack these basics, you might not realize that despite having the best strategy to multiply sales or ideas to introduce a new product line, it acts as a huge barricade between you and your success.
 Much more important than you thought right? Introduced by the Europeans, dining etiquette became a major “image-creating” factor, hence the popularity that dining etiquette training has gained all these years. Besides formal family dinners or for maintaining status, people seeking jobs or promotions and desiring to climb up their corporate ladder have started considering this a need.
 In India, our strength is our population but at the same time, it has become the primary cause of the tremendous competition we encounter. With an increased demand for mastering table etiquettes, the number of professionals for the same has increased such that, finding a table etiquette trainer in Mumbai is easier than finding a parking spot. Nothing is stopping you, with the services so easily available, go get yourself enrolled for a course and set the perfect impression and blow their minds away.
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the-starchariot · 5 years
Nouns / phrases: Visitation, invitation, social life, conviviality, regalement, cultivation of friendship(s). Gifts, generosity. Affability, pleasantries, cordiality. Etiquette, good manners, polite platitudes. Appreciation, recognition, thankfulness. Congratulate, reward. Compliments, admiration, flirt. Flattery, honeyed words, bootlicking. Decoration, design. Perfume, jewellery, make-up, new hair style. Prettiness, (conventional) beauty. Embellishment, hyperbole. Window dressing, euphemism, glorification. Traditionally also: happiness, creativity and art, sex.   Activities: To visit, invite, socialise. To cultivate friendship(s). To give a present, regale. To act courteously. To thank, show appreciation, congratulate, reward. To compliment, admire, flirt. To flatter, suck up to someone. To decorate, design. To make oneself look/smell nice (to dress up; style one's hair). To embellish, elaborate, exaggerate. To glorify, sugarcoat. Attributes: Invited; on a visit. Convivial, sociable. Given as a gift, generous. Appreciative, pleased. Affable, pleasant, cordial. Well-mannered, according to etiquette, courteous. Admirable, commendable. Flattering, flirtatious, ingratiating. Decorated, conventionally pretty, fragrant, melodious. Well-dressed, tarted up. Embellished, hyperbolic. Glorified, euphemistic. As a person: Person with the above attributes. A welcome visitor, a good hostess or host. Peacock. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon. Bootlicker. As advice: Be nice/more sociable! Visit/invite! Watch your manners! Show appreciation! Tend to your appearance! Negatively: Don't exaggerate / stop sugarcoating! Don't be vain!   Time factor *) : When etiquette allows; or when it pleases. When in good company. On a visit.
About the meaning: The Bouquet is one of the cards where I depart at least slightly from traditional approaches. I don't see happiness per se in the Bouquet but only the joy we feel when someone pleases (treats) us. I don't see art or creativity in the Bouquet (only design), nor sex, because I find those better represented by the Lily. My interpretation of the Bouquet is directly derived from why and when we give (or receive) a bouquet of flowers, or why we pick flowers for ourselves and put them in our home. Visitation and invitation / social life: One of the most common situations in which we give or receive flowers is when we visit someone, or when someone visits us. This is why the Bouquet to me represents both visitations and invitations, and, more general, a person's social life. The Bouquet speaks to me of being sociable, or convivial, of cultivating friendships. In some cases the Bouquet represents all these as given facts. But often it seems to suggest to be more sociable, to take better care of our friendships. Gifts / generosity / regalement: Because we are usually given flowers as a small present the Bouquet can be interpreted as gifts, and, possibly, as generosity. Along this line the Bouquet can suggest that someone is treated to something, being pleased, regaled. In relationship readings, for example, it can often be taken as the advice to show our appreciation to our partner (or child, or parent, or friend!) by giving them something which makes them happy. This something needn't be a material thing. Often, what our loved ones want most is to spend quality time with us! In less intimate contexts, and/or when personal gifts are not appropriate or not feasible I still have found it quite productive to interpret the Bouquet as the general hint that giving and/or receiving in some other form is relevant to the situation, that generosity is called for. Etiquette / pleasantries / affability: Continuing from the last paragraph, when we give flowers, e.g. to a host, we might do this mostly or even entirely because we are fond of the receiver and would like to please them. We might give someone flowers out of genuine cordiality. But it is also a fact that presenting something, like flowers, is in many contexts considered etiquette. Thus, the Bouquet to me represents not just affability, wholehearted pleasantries, but also etiquette, good manners, politeness. And I feel that in neither of these cases does the Bouquet say much about the graceful person's sincerity. Their pleasantries might be authentic, the politeness be born from honest respect for the other person. But the Bouquet just as well can also hint at meaningless pleasantries, at automated (even grudging) politeness. In other words, the Bouquet doesn't necessarily say that someone treats us pleasantly and politely because they actually like us. It could also say that they are just going through the motions - for example to not hurt us, because it's expected, or, to personally benefit from appearing courteous. Appreciation / compliments / flattery: I wrote above that flowers are sometimes given to someone to express fondness. That's a very important meaning of the Bouquet for me: appreciation, acknowledgement, and, from the receiver's perspective, thankfulness. The Bouquet can stand for recognition we receive or give, for congratulations. In some cases the Bouquet suggests a reward for something, very rarely, even an award. From the perspective of the receiver, the Bouquet might suggest that a "thank you" is in order. From a slightly different angle the Bouquet can also stand for compliments and admiration, and for flirts. Furthermore, because compliments aren't necessarily honest, and because there's sometimes an ulterior motivation behind paying them, the Bouquet also translates to flattery, honeyed words, adulation, bootlicking. The Bouquet sometimes is a warning that someone is just sucking up to us. Decoration / embellishment / hyperbole: Sometimes we use flowers to make our home look nicer, more colourful, more alive. This is why I think it is very appropriate to interpret the Bouquet as decoration, any kind of (interior) design, and subsequently also as any type of bodily embellishment - like perfume, nice cloths, jewellery, make-up, a new hair-do etc. In some cases the Bouquet can suggest that we are too concerned about our appearance, or vain. But first and foremost it stands for anything which pleases the eye, smells nice, sounds pleasant etc. The Bouquet stands for prettiness, (conventional) beauty. If you translate decoration and embellishment into interpersonal and linguistic contexts the Bouquet can suggest window dressing, euphemisms, and glorifications, as well as any type of (especially positive) elaboration, hyperbole, and exaggerations.
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About the Image: My Bouquet is excessive, and very colourful, and obvious. You can't overlook it - it is being held out right to you, thrust into your face over the card's frame. None of the more contained designs I tried first were as able to convey how much the Bouquet has to do with social interactions. For the same reason I also ended up including a smiling face behind the flowers. It is only the lower part of the person's face which is visible. The smile is beautiful; you might be tempted to automatically interpret it as honest, too. But did you know that we can know an authentic smile from a fake one by looking at the smiling person's eyes? While the mouth part of a smile will look the same in both genuine and fake smiles, only the first creates those lovely little crinkles in the corners of the smiling person's eyes. By painting only the mouth part of a smile I left it open whether the affability the card represents has any depth or is just superficial, whether the praise it can stand for is motivated by true admiration or is just flattery, or whether (if the person in the image represents the receiver of the Bouquet) they are genuinely pleased about their gift or just pretending to be.
Bouquet-Rider Visitor (who's invited themselves?); a welcome change (or news); to invite change; social intrusiveness or presumptuousness. Greatly exaggerated or embellished news. Intrusive design or fragrance, flashy outfit. Overwhelming beauty. Something changes one's beauty standards. Obtrusive compliments or flirting. Bouquet-Clover A chance to visit / be visited / be more sociable. Circle of friends in which nothing serious is ever spoken about. Don't take compliments you are getting too seriously. To have some fun with decorating / a makeover. To dabble in interior or fashion design. Light-hearted flattery or flirts. To not take the cultivation of friendships serious(ly enough). A welcome opportunity. Bouquet-Ship To be welcome(d) were you go. To welcome a foreigner; a stranger. A welcome journey/change. To re-decorate. To be not very committed to one's friends. Change your ways - you need to be more friendly, praise others more! To go visit someone new; to embark on the venture of broadening one's social circle. To explore new social circles. To leave one's social circle. To leave behind the need to look pretty and look for something better. A farewell party; a farewell gift. To give (or receive) praise for making a change. Exaggeration of an adventure. Admiration of adventurousness. Bouquet-House Gratitude or admiration for family(members). Interior design; to make one's home nicer. A family member who always tries to be nice to the others. The attempt to make family life more pleasant Family gatherings; to reconnect with family members. Familiar flattery; to be used to compliments or admiration. Elaborate rules or plans; to overdo it with planning. Traditional beauty standards. To plan a visit. Rules which apply when visiting/receiving guests. Home visit. Visit of the family or a family member. To be comfortable socializing. To have very set taste. Rules regarding the showing of gratitude. Bouquet-Tree Compliments about our appearance; flattery about physical characteristics. Attempts at making our body look/smell/feel more beautiful. Exaggerated decoration of one's body. Or: Natural beauty. Natural decorations - e.g. flowers, living plants, the use of natural materials etc. Very stable and strong circle of friends. To find grounding in one's social circle. Gratitude for health; gratitude to one's ancestors. Gifts which are very usable, down-to-earth; pragmatic gifts. To be nice for pragmatic reasons. Bouquet-Clouds Fake compliments. Someone is being nice but has a hidden agenda. Confusion about how you should react to niceness / compliments / flattery. Insecurity in social situations. To misunderstand someone's pleasantries. To not know how to express gratitude or admiration. To be conceited in regard to one's attractiveness. Bouquet-Snake The use of flattery to  get something, to manipulate somebody. To be happy and proud of your own achievements. To crave (loving) attention, admiration, or a more active social life. To be very adept in social settings. To put a lot of effort into looking nice. Bouquet-Coffin End of pleasantries. Loss of comfort, beauty, or social circle. To suppress one's social abilities/needs. To not allow oneself to make oneself more pretty/attractive. To let go of the illusion that everything/everyone is nice. Bouquet-Bouquet*) Very pretty, very pleasant, very elaborate. To flatter someone's looks; compliments regarding someone's good manners. Someone for whom beauty is everything. To bring a gift when visiting. To exaggerate one's social life. Bouquet-Scythe Unexpected visitor or invitation. To put an end to flattery. to reap praise for effort / hard work you've put in. Or: to be nice to people just because you want something from them. Bouquet-Whip To behave in such a friendly and non-confrontational way that others think they can be mean to us. To exploit someone's goodnaturedness. To react with kindness to aggression. To alleviate guilt or shame. Attempts at appeasement. Gestures of reconciliation. To gloss over / sugarcoat / whitewash something which is quite horrible in reality. Bouquet-Birds Chat and gossip in our social circle. Worries about a visit or an invitation. (Noisy/chaotic) party or gathering. To be full of happy but chaotic thoughts. Someone is so admiring that it annoys the admirer. Attempts to be pretty for or nice to everybody in all kinds of ways. Fluctuating views on what is beautiful. Pretty platitudes. Bouquet-Child To be nice to or reconnect with a child, young person or childhood friend, maybe give them a present. (Birthday) party for a young person. Pretty child. To welcome a child. To be grateful for a child. To praise a young, inexperienced person. To take the first steps towards improving something. To take the first step towards another person. Naivety when we are just being flattered. Guileless friendliness. To meet friends for games. Bouquet-Fox Flattery and social visits for selfish purposes; to be nice to others for one's own gain. Distrust of compliments; to not trust someone's kindness. Be cautious of being too generous! Friendliness as self-defence. One's identity is dependent on one's looks. To have one's own beauty standards. Commendable caution. Caution in regard to a visit(or); to be cautious of who one welcomes in. To do something nice for oneself; self-praise. Bouquet-Bear Invest in your friendships now so they'll be strong when times are more difficult (or to prevent them from falling apart). Looking nice, making a good impression, is so important to you that it dominates your life. Influential social circle. An interfering visitor. Someone tries to influence who someone else make friends with. To visit or invite a (grand)parent. To flatter, try to win over, or even bribe, someone who is in a position of power. Powerful flattery; to be easily overpowered by flattery. Bouquet-Stars The longing for fulfilling, friendly contact with other people. To reach out to others with the hope of getting friendliness in return. Wishful thinking we were more attractive, or our situation was nicer, etc. Illusions about our looks. High hopes concerning a social situation. A type of spirituality in which aesthetics play a big role. To aspire to beauty. To trust someone's friendliness. Bouquet-Stork A slow transformation towards being more sociable, less isolated. Being nice to someone can transform them. The longing for a richer social life. A transition for which we receive praise. A returning visitor; to revisit a place we once visited before. What we consider beautiful is transforming. To transform something (or one's own body) by decorating, embellishing, enhancing it. To exaggerate or glorify a longing. Repetitive compliments. To try again in the hope that maybe this time our gifts / compliments / flirt will get better reception. To feel pulled towards that which is pretty, or towards people who flatter us. Bouquet-Dog Show your appreciation to your friend(s) or employee(s) more! Visit a friend or invite them. Someone really needs to know you love them / are proud of them. Someone dependent on approval. Unconditional admiration. Admiration from a friend. Someone totally adores you (possibly not in an entirely healthy way). To make oneself look pretty to please others. Bouquet-Tower A conflict between wanting to retreat and wanting to (or feeling one should) be more sociable. A social recluse. Let people in! To get admiration for one's achievements. To turn down an invitation. To refuse entry to someone who would like to come in. To not accept a gift. Praiseworthy leadership. To flatter, kiss the ass of, or even bribe, a person in power. Bouquet-Garden To meet someone in public - to go to a restaurant or cafe etc. together with one or several friends. To present a friendly face on the outside even when we don't feel friendly. A culture of welcome. Commonly accepted standards of beauty. To want to be pretty to others. To have a very large circle of friends. Facebook type of friendship. Lobbying, marketing, PR, advertising. Bouquet-Mountain Social phobia (to freeze in social situations). Difficulties with making or accepting compliments or with giving or accepting gifts. It's going to take a long time until you and someone else (or a group of people) will come to accept/like each other. It's difficult to make friends with a person, idea or situation. Exaggerated problems. A greatly embellished tale of conquest/victory. Praiseworthy patience. Friendly silence. Tackling social dealings/gatherings. Bouquet-Crossroad To choose that which is more pleasant. To receive appreciation or praise for a choice we make. To think about the reward of a certain (difficult) decision. Difficulties to choose because all the options are similarly nice. Bouquet-Mice False compliments, someone is kissing ass. False friendliness. Something which used to be nice is slowly being corrupted, getting stale, becoming foul. Lack of social life. A conflict between having very little and wanting to be generous. To ruin something nice. To spoil things for others. An unwholesome concern with aesthetics. Bouquet-Heart A very loving, very affectionate, friendship. The love for one's friends. A kind gesture, a compassionate act. To humbly ask someone's forgiveness, or to generously offer someone forgiveness. To flatter someone, to be nice to someone, in order to win their love or forgiveness. To have one's heart in social life. Infatuation with someone because of their beauty; to give our heart to someone just because they are nice to us. "Love" which is conditional on the other person giving presents (or time, or admiration). Flirtatiousness. To dress up for a lover (or, to attract someone new). Bouquet-Ring Social connections, social ties, social commitment. To be bound together by friendship. A promise to visit someone more often. Shared taste, shared aesthetics. Connections/affiliations which make us look good. Cohesion through being nice to each other. To exaggerate commonalities. Glorified relationship. Bouquet-Book To share knowledge; to be invited in on a secret. Praise of knowledge, praise of one's study efforts. To study interior design or other trainings which have to do with beauty, design, fashion. Facts or knowledge about beauty/design/fashion. The truth behind the flattery. To categorise something as compliments, pretty, pleasant, flattery etc. Bouquet-Letter Letter of congratulation; to pay compliments; flattery. To invite or to get invited. To let someone know they are welcome. To express gratitude/appreciation. Communication in one's circle of friends - possibly communication on Facebook if it's not public to all. To mince one's words; to say something in a roundabout way; to beat around the bush. To express oneself only in nice ways other people appreciate (whether this fulfils one's own needs or not). Styling which expresses something, which is supposed to deliver some information (e.g. about one's availability, or class). Bouquet-Man (a) Man who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Man who is affable, well-mannered. Man who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Man who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Handsome man; groomed man. A peacock. Man who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a host. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a man; to flatter or flirt with a man or men in general. To visit a man; give a present to a man. Bouquet-Woman (a) Woman who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Woman who is affable, well-mannered. Woman who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Woman who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Pretty woman; groomed woman. A peacock. Woman who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a hostess. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a woman; to flatter or flirt with a woman or women in general. To visit a woman; give a present to a woman.   Bouquet-Man (b) Man who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Man who is affable, well-mannered. Man who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Man who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Handsome man; groomed man. A peacock. Man who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a host. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a man; to flatter or flirt with a man or men in general. To visit a man; give a present to a man. Bouquet-Woman (b) Woman who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Woman who is affable, well-mannered. Woman who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Woman who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Pretty woman; groomed woman. A peacock. Woman who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a hostess. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a woman; to flatter or flirt with a woman or women in general. To visit a woman; give a present to a woman.   Bouquet-(Sensual)Lily To go to a private view or theatre with others; to make music with others; artist group. Praise for someone's artistic accomplishments. Positive art reviews. Harmonious (interior) design; physical embellishments or verbal niceties with the goal of creating harmony. To give someone a sexy love letter / to get given a love letter. Thankfulness for the comfort and pleasures one can enjoy. Intense thankfulness. A very generous lover. Invitation to have sex; welcome sexual advances. Swinger party. Honest compliments or (possibly manipulative) flattery regarding sex. Bouquet-(Virtuous)Lily Any virtue relevant in order to have friendly, harmonious, close relationships with other people: willingness to compromise, loving kindness, righteousness, compassion, altruism, generosity etc. To treat others well. Honest compliments; honest feedback. Presents with no strings attached; to give gifts not to get something in return but to make the other person happy. To behave virtuously in order to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels happy and safe. Bouquet-Sun Party, celebration, congratulation, joyful gatherings. Superficial friendliness. Celebration of friendship; to find joy in cultivating friendships. Warm compliments, positive feedback. Great praise or appreciation. Pretty only on the surface. To please somebody. Making other people happy makes you happy, too! Bouquet-Moon   Profound gratitude; very sincere compliments. Emotional visit; emotional compliments. Recognition causes deep emotions. To visit someone who is sad. Someone visits when all we want is to rest. To rest from social situations. Social phobias. A beautiful night. Exaggerated emotionality; to exaggerate a fear/need. Bouquet-Key To open one's door to others. To accept compliments and praise. Welcome attention; a welcome visitor. To let beauty into one's life. Means to appear beautiful to others. Exaggerated welcome. Inclusive standards of beauty. The key to a healthy social life. To think that if you want to succeed you have to flatter others. Someone gets what they want by flattery or bribery - or, by being nice to others, in an honest way. An imminent visit or social situation. Bouquet-Fish To be very generous, to give away gifts or money. To receive a lot of flattery because people want your money (or other things of worth they feel you could give them). To view friendship as currency; to be friendly out of calculation (to gain something). Bribes (not necessarily financial in nature). Bouquet-Anchor Focus on aesthetics. Stable circle of friends. To find safety in social niceties. To stick with pleasantries. To be confined/restricted by having to be nice. Pleasant status quo. Nice, pleasant stop or break. To welcome a break. To make a stay / residence pleasant. Bouquet-Cross Social life or some aspect of it (e.g. a visit) feels like a burden. Friendliness, and/or being likeable, is our foremost duty. To be friendly on principle. To see it as our task to make things nice for others. The burden of always having to to please others. Generosity is a duty. Fateful visit. To compliment someone's dutifulness. Gratitude for someone's shouldering a burden / taking responsibility. To make someone's suffering easier for them; to help them forget their pain for a while by doing something nice. To present a pretty facade even when one is suffering inside.
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motel6god-blog · 5 years
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