#the inspiration is non existent
indestinatus · 1 year
question: does anyone have requests for tiva fics
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filurig · 5 months
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some domesticated Beasts in pareidolia... moar info below
fatfin perch:
the fatfin perch is derived from perca fluviatilis perch, and has been bred to be both larger, fatter and more docile in order to make herding, breeding and keeping them easier for sjörå. sjörå usually section off a section of a lake they inhabit and keep their perch there in order to keep them safe from other predators. and also with the help of their guard pikes...
guard pike:
derived from the northern pike, the guard pike is unmistakeable. selectively bred to be intelligent and loyal, these pikes are kept by sjörå as guarding/herding animals. every sjörå collective usually keeps a fair amount of these pikes in order to ensure the safety of their perch population.
a goat breed which has been bred by tomtar, its a very large animal for a goat and is used by gnomes as mounts and livestock. very robust and several other breeds derived from this one exist which have been adapted for different purposes (such as milk, meat, etc.). its possible that the idea of a "christmas goat" may stem from the tomtar's tendency to travel with these goats.
a domesticated version of a relative of the wild boar, the gloson is both huge and striking in its appearence, fitting for the trolls. their wild equivalent is essentially exctinct and its current population are entirely kept by trolls at this point. used mostly as a guarding animal, but sometimes as livestock - it depends on the region (northern trolls tend to use them as the former, southern as the latter). humans have wrongfully interpreted their mane as "sharp" and able to be used to slice the gloson's target, but this is a misconception - while the gloson has quills, they aren't what is used for this manner of attack. instead, the trolls tend to provide them with sharp back armour if they choose to utilize their gloson for battle.
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dlartistanon · 1 year
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If I could steal you away for one moment
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gen4grl · 2 months
pokemon bw/bw2 is so weird bc for games that are consistently within 98% of fans top 5 i feel like the fandom culture around the games is so small? like i feel that most of the fandom is around n, ingo & emmet and MAYBE colress and that’s it? if your faves aren’t one of them you’re stuck with a 1 or 2 artists on pixiv that make art of your unovan fave and then every other piece of art / fanfic is from 2010-2013…?? where are my bianca and cheren fans? my alder fans? i’ve NEVER see a hugh stan in my life?? like these are MAIN CHARACTERS and i can barely find one crazy stan page dedicated to any of them on twitter? i need to see diehard stans of random ass side characters like fennel or cutis lmaooo
games like swsh are the complete opposite? the fandom culture behind that game is insane! literally every character from leon to sordward & shielbert have diehard fans pumping art out daily like a machine and fics are constantly rolling out. bw fans i need you to up ur GAME, i’ll get started on some fanart or somethin’
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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oops .. my hand slipped .. accidentally drew a boyo ..
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freetobeafcknriot · 9 months
i just need to say that i know in my heart that tanaka and nishinoya would get a pair of magnetic holding hands socks each and wear them whenever they hang out so they can hold hands without actually holding hands. they're just LIKE THAT and i love them for it k bye <3
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gophergal · 5 months
I give you bites of my heart until there is none left for me to eat of- letting you feast on my soul until I starve.
"is it good, friend?" I ask, dread wrapped around my throat like a noose.
"It is bitter," you tell me, face twisted in disgust, "bitter."
Guilt drips into the space where my heart once beat. It fills me to nausea and weaves a gauze to pad the hollow in my chest.
"Sorry," I tell you, "I hoped you would like it, but it was bitter. And it was mine."
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annihilatius · 5 months
Ppl be like "cringe culture is dead! Do whatever you want that makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone!" And then proceed to make fun of autistic people stimming in a way that's not the most stereotypical or common form of stimming simply because "it's weird" even though they could just look away and it wouldn't be a problem anymore
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ante--meridiem · 8 months
Tagged by @cafeleningrad, thanks!
rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Anger - Sleeping at Last New York Torch Song - Amazing Devil Tear Your Eyes - Snow Ghosts Earthbound - The Accidentals Mercury - Sleeping at Last Every You Every Me - Placebo Rylan - The National Illuminated - Hurts Dorian - Agnes Obel Icarus - Bastille Experience - Einaudi Mineshaft II - Dessa
I don't know if I know 12 people to tag but let's try, @fluxoid @felixcosm @theatredelabsurde @sandybrett @abhumanaex0 @bioerin @tunedtostatic @drvaughan @lepertamar @aflyingcontradiction @ilokilok @preciselywibble
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senkuishigaymi · 11 months
I wish I have even an ounce of their spirit!
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yikes-ajax · 26 days
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Finished my first crochet project— a cat hat (I definitely botched it lol)! They are not amused.
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Reasons I think a Final Fantasy VIII Remake could've could be fun:
Addressing the elephant in the room first: yes, they would have to rework the Junction system (since the Junction system is canon to the story). But I don't think there's anything saying that they wouldn't be able to do that all these years later (and that maybe Square has even having thought about it some during said long years). I for sure think they'd be able to find a way to make it better (and less broken for those who get it, and less complicated for those who don't) and something new for this generation, ala FFVIIR's battle system.
Rewrites to the story: this is a thing that would probably have to be a thing that would happen, too, as the story of FFVIII is admittedly not perfect: Most of all to make characters other than Squall and Rinoa more important to the overall story, I think. But seeing just how Square Enix was able to handle character writing in the FFVIIR parts-- and add changes to the story that didn't hurt things (we're not talking about the Whispers or timeline stuff here), but rather enhanced it: like explaining that the Gi created the black materia--I have faith in them.
Now for some things that I, personally, would love to see, that I think could help FFVIII in the modern era, and perhaps the story:
My friend @bluerosesburnblue in defending Rinoa Heartily one time, once described her as a social justice warrior--with all the best intentions--who doesn't exactly know what she's getting into, and gets in over her head. And she's exactly right. If FFVIII were to ever be remade, I'd love to see that sort of direction taken with Rinoa's character, perhaps.
Another elephant in the room, perhaps (but one that I think would be fun/funny. And worth the price of admission... at least for me. I might just be weird). I feel like there would have to be a joke about selfies and Selphie's name. But I don't want them to modernize FFVIII with smart phones like they did FFVII. FFVIII takes place in an era akin to the Cold War, and that's where it should stay. But I've seen many a vintage post labeled something like "a selfie made before selfies were created!" Where a person, back in the day, seemingly did take a kind of selfie with cameras of old. And I think we could do that with FFVIII: the people of that world learn how to take selfies with their cameras, and they become a big hit. And Selphie says something like, "I was 'Selphie' before these 'selfies' ever existed. And I'm the best one that exists, don'chu know?" IDK.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for a Final Fantasy VIII remake, if one were to ever exist.
Feel free to add onto this if you have more:)
Edit: And this one y'all will either love or hate. But I believe it was Kitase who said that if they remade Final Fantasy VIII, they might play with the "Squall is Dead" theory. They wouldn't make it true or anything like that, but probably put some red herrings about it there and pay homage to it. I personally like this idea, think it's fun, and would like to see it if we ever did get said Remake. But I also completely understand why others would hate the idea.
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tolkien-gurl · 2 months
I gained 3 followers today i already feel like a celebrity
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baeshijima · 3 months
someone end me its just barely 1 am and now alL OF A SUDDEN the inspiration for the oc fics hit. 🧍‍♀️
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backpackofposts · 1 year
Similar to how the Minecraft cave spider is slightly smaller than the average spider model, I think glow squids should have a smaller model than the normal squid
#Which makes sense too since a lot of bioluminescent squids are smaller than your traditional/more common squid#and I just think it would be a fun little detail#like the squid having a smaller size would change absolutely none of its mechanics it’s purely aesthetic#like there are so many non-functional that were originally in Minecraft#that I find it funny when Mojang tries to claim they couldn’t add something because it wasn’t practical or realistic#cough cough fireflies cough like dude you made ocelots completely obsolete when making cats a different animal#my beef with Mojang is simple: they haven’t been updating the game they have been revamping and re-branding it#nether update? no fuck no! they added a lot of new Contant but they did not improve upon any pre-existing elements#but what about the zombie Pigman weren’t they updated? no they were replaced by something inspired by them#with a zombie version to calm the crowd.#because if they’re their own species now with their own spawning structures then who the fuck do the nether fortress is belong to!?#The nether update added a lot of things that were inspired off of pre-existing things in the nether but none of them are direct improvements#for example the nether wart forest would you are unable to get nether wart from#The new soul sand valley is interesting but I wish your soul Sand actually looked like it had souls in it like the classic stuff#and I think the new sand could be improved upon if you made it look like there were hands of the souls#because I always thought you walked slowly on soul Sand because the souls were trying to drag you down with them✨#it’s funny how much Minecraft is treated like a Game for all ages because when you really look at it I think it’s actually quite dark#but take what I say with a pinch of salt because I’m just rambling and this post was originally about squids#glow squid#minecraft glow squid#bioluminescent squid#bioluminescent#Minecraft#squid#Minecraft squid#bioluminescence#caves and cliffs#minecraft nether
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i got distracted from writing a revived-jason au jasico fic to write the roadtrip au, and now i’ve gotten distracted from writing both to write a different jasico fic. I still haven’t finished the lukeethan fic. I have an entirely different Kronos!Percy au I also want to write. I’m doing great, guys.
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