#sofia babbles
indestinatus · 2 years
I noticed there are a lot of people here for the tiva fics? What do you think about doing a prompt challenge???
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I found myself rewatching some Sofia the First again and I have no idea what was the purpose of having her mispronounce Cedric's name for the whole season one, but it's still hilarious that then she just. Stops as soon as season 2 rolls around. No explanation given whatsoever for anything. We're just as confused as he is. 10/10 great writing
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soft-and-exhausted · 2 years
fancast for a potential remake of Goncharov (1973)
i know the original is perfect, but if they did a remake (in true 2020s fashion) it could be EVEN FRUITIER?? so I’m totally here for it! 
here’s my fancast 
Oscar Isaac as Goncharov!!
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Andrew Garfield as Andrey 
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Charlize Theron as Katya 
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Mila Kunis as Sofia 
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Jeff Goldblum as Joseph “Ice Pick Joe” Morelli  
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 Michael Sheen as Valery
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(obviously the remake should have as many cameos as possible)
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literally every outfit of queen miranda's pops the fuck off and they didnt have to do that but im so glad they did
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ellatoone7 · 6 months
❄︎ Night off ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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Tía Mapí and Ingrid to the rescue
When Mapí and Ingrid suggested a sleepover, you thought that it meant you and Alexia would be staying over too but they insisted that you and Alexia get some much-needed alone time. Alexia didn’t even hesitate to accept as she thought of all the things, she could finally do to you in an empty house. The walls haven’t heard her name being screamed in a while and she doesn’t want them to get used to that.
Alexia had gotten a few new things recently as a gift for herself that she has desperately wanted to use on you, but she didn’t just miss making love to you, she missed spending quality time with just you. A phone call was made, and she now had a reservation at your favourite restaurant. Emilia had been bouncing off the walls as soon as she found out she got to spend some time with her friends Sofia and Carlos. 
“You have your toothbrush?” Valentina nodded as she swung of her Mami’s arm. “I go to sleepover with Carl!” Alexia chuckled as she swung her up and caught her with ease tickling her belly as she squirmed in her arms. Emilia shuffled out of her room with her Barcelona backpack wrapped around her back. “Vamos!” She shouted as she legged it for the door, she was yanked back by her bag as Alexia turned her around. “Todavía tenemos tres horas hasta que tengamos que irnos Emilia.” The little blonde groaned loudly as she slumped on the ground, “I will wait.” Alexia stared down in amusement as she ruffled her hair.
Isabella was excited too, she loved Ingrid and because she was the oldest, she got to stay up later than the rest and watch a movie with her Tia’s. “Mama where is my charger for my iPad.” You held it over your shoulder as you were cooking, “Gracias.” Isabella left a kiss to your cheek before running off to do God know what. 
“Mm, smells good mi amor.” Alexia sigh as she walks in. Val is hanging onto her back as her little arms slightly choke her mother. Strong arms encircled your waist as she pressed her sturdy body against yours. Val giggled as she watched her mamí kiss your cheek, you giggled too before turning in your wife’s embrace to be greeted with two near identical smiles. 
Val was the absolute perfect mix of the two of you, she had your blonde hair and Alexia’s hazel eyes and smile. As she grew into her personality it was clear that she picked up aspects of both you and your wife which only further delighted the both of you. Whereas Emilia was a carbon copy of you and Isabella was the carbon copy of Alexia.
“How are the two cutest girls standing in my kitchen right now?” You cooed as you pinched both of their cheeks and like mother and daughter a bright blush graced both of their tanned freckly faces. “Don’t let Meels and Bella here you bebita.” Alexia whispered as she playfully bounced the little girl on her back, “Debemos ser los favoritos de mamá. ¿No crees princesa?” Val placed her finger over her Mami’s lips as she giggled loudly. You couldn’t resist to leave a kiss to her chubby cheek as she patted her Mami’s shoulder in sympathy. Alexia was pouting from the lack of affection before you too took pity on her a pressed a kiss to her cheek. 
Val frowned, “Kiss?” You cocked your head in curiosity, chancing a glance at your wife who mirrored your expression. “Why Mami didn’t get her special kiss?” The little girl babbled as she stared at her two parents, “Special kiss?” Alexia asked as she tried to figure out what her little girl was trying to tell her. “Sí, Emilia says Mami gets special kisses on the lips otherwise she will die.” Val’s eyes widened as she came to her own realisation, “No! Mami die? Quick Mama!” 
You were absolutely blindsided at the number of emotions that your daughter just expressed but she was on the verge of a meltdown and your wife was trying to hide her laugh. Before it got out of hand you quickly partook in your favourite activity and left a sweet kiss against your wife’s familiar lips. Alexia, as always, looked happily dazed as she chased your lips. You hold her in place by her chin as you turn to smile at your now very smiley daughter, ‘Bien?” Val nodded as she rested her chin against her shoulder. “Mami won’t die if she doesn’t get her special kiss, she’ll just get upset.” Val nods in understanding but you can tell it went through one ear and straight out the other. 
True to your words, Alexia was pouting heavily as she tried to push her lips towards you. You give in and kiss her until she’s satisfied, Val still has a happy smile stretching her little face once again identical to her mothers who is still sporting her cheeky grin. “Vale, stop distracting me and go get into trouble somewhere else.’ You laugh gently as they send each other sneaky smirks and with one last kiss for both of them which were happily reciprocated, and they scampered off. 
After you had rounded your family for lunch and watched each of them inhale their pasta, another thing they got from their hound of a mother and ask for seconds immediately you were finally in the car. Alexia was trying to wipe some sauce of Emilia’s face much to her disgruntlement, “Vamos, just one more wipe prometto.” Emilia huffs but let’s her quickly clean her face as she pushes her hand off. You on the other hand struggled with getting a squirmy Valentina into her seat so you can fasten her seatbelt. 
Finally, after a swift kick to the jaw and a wrestle to tie her seatbelt, you were on the road. Alexia’s hand was waiting for you as you quickly interlock your fingers, like clockwork she raised it to leave the softest of kisses to the back of your hand. There was a mixed reaction in the back of the car as Isabella groaned playfully, Emilia shielded her eyes and Val giggled. You bit your lip to stifle your laugh and you didn’t even need to look over to know your wife was the exact same.
Mapí and Ingrid were only delighted to welcome their extra guests as were the children as Valentina and Carlos both screamed excitedly at the sight of each other. “You two are insane, you know that?” Ingrid laughed loudly as she hugged you tightly, “I believe the words you are looking for are ‘thank you’” You glanced over at your wife who was holding Sofia like a little baby and placing kisses all over her face. An hour passed as you helped your girls settle in for the night before you decided to make your move. “Girls, we’re leaving!” You shouted and instantly there was herd of footsteps before they came into sight. Isabella hugged you tightly and promised to look after her sisters before making her Mami promise to play football with her when they got home tomorrow. 
Alexia picked Val up and placed kisses all over her face, “Do you have Senor Fluffy?” Val gasped in horror as she shook her head at your question, you were just about to resign to the fact you would have to drove home and get him when Alexia being the greatest mother she is pulled your daughters beloved stuffed rabbit from her back pocket. “Mr. Fluffy!” She reached out and snatched her stuffy to cuddle it close to her face. “Did you think he would let me leave without him? He’s been just as excited to come.” You smiled softly as her eyes lit up, forever infatuated with how her mother could communicate with her stuffy. “Gracias mucho Mamí. I love you.” 
You watch you wife melt as she tucks her daughters face into her neck. Deciding to give them their moment you step away to say goodbye to Emilia. “Mama, I promise I won’t have too much fun without you.” The blonde whispered as if she just confessed to a murder. “Darling, promise me you’ll have all the fun tonight.” Emilia hesitated always wanting to make sure you were okay. Emilia had imprinted on you and was like your partner in crime. Just like your wife she was extremely protective over you. 
Alexia walked over to say her goodbye while also catching the tail end of the adorable conversation. “Who will you have fun with?” She asked with her famous puppy eyes that neither you nor Alexia were immune too. “I will be with Mami all night, she’ll make sure I have fun.” Emilia lit up as if remembering that you were going to be with Alexia, “You love Mami!” You laughed as she held her hand out for your wife who was positively beaming at her little family. “Mami, promise me you’ll make sure Mama has fun.” Alexia took her request very seriously as she placed her hand on her heart and got down on one knee. “Te juro que me aseguraré de que mamá se divierta al máximo sin ti. Será difícil, pero me esforzaré.” Emilia seemed pleased with her commitment and the stern face quickly softened as she placed her forehead against Alexia’s. ‘Te amo Mami.” Alexia kissed her nose gently, ‘Te amo mucho mi princesa.” 
After the goodbyes were said and thanks given you and Alexia were back in her cupra. You already missed their little faces, but you knew they were going to have the time of their lives with your best friend’s. It also helped to have your wife who you got very little alone time with next to you. That was also obviously on the forefront of Alexia’s mind as she wasted no time connecting your lips frantically. Gone was the sweet and gentle Ale as she immediately tugged at your hair and slipping her tongue in your mouth. You moaned into her, longing to be closer to her now that you were free from any interruptions. 
Large hands hoisted your body over the middle console as she settled you in her lap, legs either side of hers. The kiss only grew more heated until whines were falling from your lips, and you were two seconds away from grinding pathetically in her lap. Alexia didn’t let up an inch as the minute you pulled away her lips were attached to your neck wanting to mark you as fast as she possibly could. It took everything in you to gently coax her away from her trance as she she stared up breathlessly at you. Pupils dilated and lips swollen, you wondered how you could go so long with just quickies and really quiet fits of passion in the middle of the night.
Her cold fingers were a stark contrast to your hot skin as she drew patterns up and down your bare back. “I’ll miss the girls, but god do I need this.” Your words were practically moaned out as you kissed her soundly again, slightly nipping at her lips to convey your need for her. Alexia could barely breath let alone respond as she leans her head back against the head rest. You laugh gently at her dishevelled form before deciding that it was now a good time to put an unfortunate stop to these activities until you were in a more respectable place. “Do you think it’s too late to ask them to keep the girls for the weekend?’ You slap her chest playfully as she chuckles at her own joke, pulling you closer so your body is flush against hers. 
Before you knew it, you were throwing on your best dress as it neared seven. When you made it home after many detours and impromptu make out sessions and one very close call where Alexia nearly had you in her backseat, you and Alexia relished in the very rare silence. As much as Alexia wanted to have you properly naked in bed so she could have her way with you, she also just missed being in your presence, so she quickly grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, and had you cuddled up against her on the couch while watching whatever shitty reality show she pretended to hate.
Alexia threw on her best casual suit that matched your dress and was now watching you add the finishing touches to your makeup. She loved just watching you doing mundane things, absolutely mesmerised at anything you did. You reached for her wanting her to be as close to you as possible, her hand fit in yours perfectly like they always did. She brushed her lip across your shoulder blade as her arms winded around your waist, pulling you back into her. 
Alexia swayed you both softly, a smile that was firmly reserved for you laying contently on her face. “Eres tan bella mi Vida.” Another kiss to the crook of your neck this time was delicately placed to confirm her words. It always baffled you that the woman behind you could still make you fall in love with her more and more every single day even though you had been together for you whole life. 
You pressed a kiss of your own to her jaw as you craned your neck to meet her pretty eyes. “I love you. More than anything in this whole world.” Alexia held you tighter meeting you halfway and placing the most loving of kisses against your awaiting lips. “Vamos mi amor, taxi is outside.” You sighed happily, grabbing your bag and then your wife’s hand as she led you towards the car. 
You had decided not to drive based on the fact that you were both a little bit wine drunk and had plans on having a few more glasses at dinner. Alexia was only delighted to not be driving as it allowed her to wrap an arm around your shoulder and whisper the most mind-numbing sweet things into your ear along with controlled and tamed kisses here and there. The usual booth in the corner of the restaurant was waiting the two of you as she helped you into your seat. Alexia’s arms wrapped around your shoulder again as you leaned into her firm shoulder, giggling at how you still couldn’t properly read the menu. 
Nevertheless, you didn’t even need to look at the menu as Alexia ordered for you, a kind smile on her face, something that always made your heart flutter was how kind your wife was even though it was just basic manner you knew you were extremely lucky. You fell into your own little bubble as you drunkenly giggled at every little comment both of you were making.
“So, we are free for the night. What do you want to do?” Her freckles were extremely prominent in the light as she placed her chin on her hand, leaning against the table. “There is a lot of things I want you to do tonight.” You whisper softly, gently biting at her earlobe as she inhaled deeply. “No te preocupes cariño, tengo muchas cosas planeadas para cuando te lleve a la cama.” Her words rolled off her tongue as they always did when she spoke in her native tongue, and it made you want her impossibly more. 
“Other than that, do you have anything else in mind?” Ever the pleaser Alexia wanted to do something fun with you, making sure she truly doesn’t waste a second. “Let’s go to the beach.” You quip making her smile brightly, so many of your dates had ended up on the beach always leading to great memories. In fact, the first time you ever talked about having kids was at the beach. You had just moved in together, finally being able to permanently move to Spain and start your life with your soulmate. You were both twenty-one, once again slightly tipsy as you lay on her chest. 
“Have you ever thought about having kids?” You slowly asked, not for even one second fearing her answer as you cuddle closer to her. You could practically hear her thoughts, perks of being best friends since you could even talk. “Four maybe five.” She replied so casually as if she hadn’t been thinking about it since she first kissed you. “All girls not that it would matter but knowing the Putellas it will be girls.” You laugh softly as she nods at her long line of women in her family. “You obviously haven’t thought about it at all,” You teased as she quietly groaned, pushing you onto your back as she props herself up on one arm, “Next you’ll be telling me you have their names picked out too.” It was a joke until you saw her cheeky grin and realised that she did in fact have names ready. 
Every time you go the beach you think of that moment yet now you have those girls, already secretly planning on having a fourth after each birthday passes. Your food arriving did little to break your bubble as Alexia held out her fork immediately feeding you the first bite. Like you always did in their restaurant you both hounded down your food until you nearly felt sick from how much you ate. You finished off your glass of wine while also declining the offer of desert as Alexia claimed to go to the bathroom like she did every time she wanted to secretly pay the bill. You had stopped trying to fight her on it as it genuinely ruins her night. Alexia adored spoiling you and she had plenty of money to do so not that you didn’t, you were doing quite well for yourself. 
You both stumbled out of the restaurant laughing as Alexia trips over herself. As always, the gravitating pull that has always surrounded you and Alexia worked it’s magic as Alexia wrapped her strong arm around your waist and hugged you into her chest as you walked to the beach. “Can we facetime our girls tonight before they go to bed?” You asked as you stared up at her with your signature puppy eyes and Alexia couldn’t believe how alike you and Emilia were as if she wasn’t the image of Isabella. “I already gave Mapi a time mi amor.” Alexia playfully scoffed as it she couldn’t believe you would’ve thought anything else. 
Your hand traced over her built chest as you make the last turn for the beach. You find a nice spot as Alexia quickly takes off her jacket and lays it out for you to sit on. For as long as you’ve known her, she has always been the most chivalrous person in the whole word. She would be the first to hold the door open, pull out you chair and offer her hand, give you her jacket or jumper whenever so much as a chill ran up your spine. She was so atuned to your emotions you hardly had to communicate at all. 
Just like always Alexia lay down on her back, inviting you to cuddle up to her as you eagerly do so. A kiss pressed to your temple had you closing your eyes as your hand found her heartbeat. “I have a crazy idea.” Alexia sat up still holding you close, you shot her a curious look as she softly unzips your dress. You rolled your eyes amusedly, “Having sex on the beach? Yeah, like we’ve never done that before.” You husk as you make no move to stop her, all you get in response is her charming smile. You figured you’d make yourself useful as your fingers nimbly undo the buttons of her shirt.
Normally by know Alexia would have you at the brink of an orgasm but she hasn’t even made a move to kiss you. You put it down to the fascination she had with undressing you, as her eyes roamed over every inch of new skin revealed. Finally, she places a soft kiss on your neck before she’s suddenly standing, ridding herself of her the rest of her clothes until she’s standing in front of you fully bare. 
Getting the hint, you think she’s trying to send you, you get on your knees and let your nails sink into the back of her thighs as she laughs softly, “Vamos, idiota.” She pulls you up and helps you take your panties off before you too are fully naked and suddenly, she’s pulling you towards the ocean. You didn’t even hesitate to follow her, laughing like a teenager as she doesn’t even think before diving straight in. You were a little more apprehensive in your approach but as your wife resurfaced with a mischievous smile you knew you’d be under water in the matter of seconds. Her arms wrapped around you, and you were underwater immediately, laughing loudly as you resurfaced and wiped the salt from your eyes so you could softly slap her strong shoulder. 
Alexia didn’t think you could get more beautiful, but she was always proven wrong especially with how the moon reflects in your gorgeous eyes and your breath-taking smile as you threw your head back with laughter. Alexia waded over to where you were floating, “Hola.” She teased as she placed her hand on your bare hip and effortlessly hoisted you up as you instinctively wrapped your legs around her. You knocked your forehead against hers, your face was sore from smiling as you kiss her nose. Alexia’s hands trailed down your lower back until she left a teasing squeeze to your ass and left them there.
“This night was perfect. Thank you.” You whisper as you kiss her lazily, arms slithering around her neck as you card your fingers through your wet hair. “Eres perfecto, Te quiero mucho.” Alexia just had her magic ways of making you feel eternally young. Maybe because the two of you had always been in love and it just grew the more you did but you felt safe and so incredibly loved by the mother of your children and your wife. 
Her hazel eyes bared into your soul and the air was knocked out of your lungs until all you could do was convey the bleeding, life altering, urgent need for the former athlete. Nothing else was on your mind, you could barely think but you finally were able to mutter the one thing you wanted most in the world at that moment. “Take me home baby.” Alexia’s smile could in fact get wider as she started out of the water, holding you up the whole way as she kissed you feverishly. 
Only breaking away to whisper, “Cualquier cosa por ti mi alma.”
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chelbea-art · 8 months
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Why yes Princess Sofia of course I'd peel an orange and separate the pieces for you to enjoy while you do your alchemy homework in my workshop with me babbling in the backround
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cameronspecial · 10 months
The Lies She Tells Herself
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  HARD SMUT, Cheating, and Almost Getting Caught Cheating.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe won't let go of Y/N even though he has Sofia.
A/N: Part 2 of The Lies You Tell The Other Woman,
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Rafe towers over her and his arms wrap around her thighs below her ass. He picks her up, bringing her lips to his as he walks them to his room. He shuts his bedroom door with a slam and the turn of the lock. He throws her on the bed, hovering on top of her with one elbow on the bed and the other gripping her cheek. His tongue enters her mouth, gaining dominance against her. With his warmth consuming her, she forgets the anger of why she came here. Her legs wrap against him and grinds her clothed pussy against his crotch. His hands find her waist to push them down, “No, no, no. You aren’t in charge here, Bunny. You tried to leave me and that’s not allowed, so you are going to take what I give you or you don’t get to come at all.” He lets go over her again and stands up. His hands going to remove his belt so that he can wrap them around her wrist. Her hands are kept tight together above her head. He gets back on top of her and kisses her neck. He nibbles at the skin to mark it, telling the world that she is his. His hips press against her front and grind into her. 
She begs him to do something. “Please, Rafe. Give me something.” He takes off his pants and underwear, doing the same for her. She knows he won’t check to see if she is wet enough for him, so she prays that she is aroused enough for what is about to come next. He lines his dick with her vagina and shoves it in until he reaches his hilt. “Is this what you want, Bunny? You want my dick even though you know I belong to someone else,” Rafe teases, moving his hips at an ungodly pace. Y/N whines at his words, shaking her head. Rafe’s hand wraps around her neck, “Don’t lie to me. I know this is what you want. Because I may be with Sofia, but I own you.” She keeps babbling to herself as he thrusts inside of her. “You are so cock drunk, right now. It’s cute.”
“Rafe, are you home?” a soft voice calls out from somewhere downstairs. Rafe freezes as he tries to figure out who it is. Y/N’s eyes widen as she realizes who is in the house. Rafe starts to move inside of her again, “Yeah, Sof. I’m in my room.” Y/N can’t believe what he is about to do. She can hear Sofia’s footsteps mix in with the sound of their skin slapping. Y/N watches as the locked door handle jiggles, but Rafe hitting her G-spot has her eyes rolling. “Rafe, the door won’t open. Are you ready to go?” Sofia questions, trying the door again. Y/N doesn’t know how he keeps a straight face when he responds within another girl, “Yeah, almost. Just head to the car. I’ll be down in a second. I have to finish something.” He doesn’t bat an eye as he continues to do what he is doing, listening to the receding footsteps of his girlfriend after she replies with an okay. Y/N turns to him, “What the fuck was that for?”
 “I told you. You are mine and I get to do what I want to do with what’s mine. Now, shut up. I have somewhere to be.” 
She doesn’t think he could go any faster, but he does. It’s like he is in his own personal race, pursuing his high. She feels him twitch inside of her and it isn’t long before he comes undone inside of her. He gets up off of her, going to his dresser to get another belt. All she can do is watch, grinding her thighs together to try to bring herself over the edge. He walks back over to her and belts her already-tied hands to his bedframe. He gets up from the bed with satisfaction. He hands her her phone. “If you want to cum, then you’ll be here when I get back, Bunny. Just remember. You are mine until I tell you it’s over.” With that, he leaves her by herself in his room with a choice. She could use her phone to call someone to get her or she could stay and get what she’s always needed from a man in a relationship. The only man who could ever make her feel good. Rafe started dating Sofia after they started dating, so Y/N was his first. That means she isn’t the other woman. That means she has every right to wait for him to get back from his date with his girlfriend on his bed. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia
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kissitbttr · 9 months
omg can i ask for reader and miguel’s baby turning 1, and they celebrate the birthday, like how kylie jenner did for her precious babygirl stormi🥹 like miguel getting his precious daughter large toys, lots of performers, large bouncy houses, blasting spanish music, and cutting the cake, i really hope u see this ask🥹🥹
side note: ur like my fav tumblr fanfic writer rn, you’re so gorgeous and i hope you have a good day🩷🩷
my note: i am?? *gasps* you're so sweet!! i am so honored my lovieeee!! thank you so much🥺
one thing. she has only asked miguel for one thing and he just dismissed her like that!
the two of them had previously discussed in matters of their baby girl's upcoming birthday, and she had told--no-- threatened him to keep things simple and baby-proof,
guess, she should've known that he was prone to never really listen
"you are so. dead, o'hara" she grumbles, scanning over the party decorations in their backyard. the twenty-ish big pink presents put neatly in the corner, a princess castle bouncy house, a DJ deck, and food catering?
there are already people stopping by and busying themselves at the party, she finds a couple familiar faces like peter, jess, even the kids gwen and miles.
he puts his hands up in defense, staring at her with a playful smile. "I know I know I went a little bit overboard--"
"a little?!"
"but querida, come on" he snakes his hands around her waist, tugging her closer but her eyes aren't even on him. "it's our baby girl's first birthday-- I had to give her all"
"what would a baby need a DJ deck for anyway?" she asks with a frown,
''we can set it aside and use it for a band.. i already have two ready for the party"
her jaw drops open. "a band?!"
''ay okay stop with the dramatic expressions, princesa" he chuckles, kissing her forehead.
shaking her head, she replies "you already got her two barbie houses, a pink range rover for kids, brand new stuffed animals that look like they escaped from the damn zoo, Disneyland tickets and a cinderella's carriage baby crib... you spoil her too much"
he shrugs, "like i told you... she's my baby"
"and how much have you spent for all of that, hm?"
he envelopes her hands between his, kissing the knuckles to ease her. "don't worry about that. got too much money in my bank account and I will use it to spoil the fuck out of both of you."
a light smile spreads across her face. "she wouldn't even remember half of this miggy, you know that?"
"we'll record it and everything" he shrugs, looking around the party feeling proud of his work. "I want her to have the best birthday ever. not just this but the next one and the next one and the next"
she can't help but feel her heart soften. he is so full of love every time he talks about their baby, an ultimate girl dad.
"i can't imagine what you will do for her quinceanera"
he winces at that, head shaking at the thought. "don't remind me. i want our baby girl to stay little forever"
she chuckles at that, standing on her tippy toes to kiss his chin. "what an amazing father you are, my love"
his cheeks warm at the compliment, glancing down at her to give her a grateful smile. one that speaks how glad he is to have her by his side, to call her his, to hear those words coming from her lips.
the sound of a precious giggle distracts them both, craning their heads toward the source of the sound and seeing jess holding their baby girl in her arms. dressed in a pretty pink dress with tiara on top
y/n reaches out to make grabby hands at jess. "hello pretty girl! gimme gimme" picking sofia from jess's grip, earning a cute giggle from her,
"she couldn't stop pulling at peter's hair-- your baby's got quite a grip" she mentions before walking away with a smile,
miguel snorts at that, silently patting himself on the back for what his baby had done,
cradling her closer to her chest, y/n fakes a gasp. "eso hizo, no es asi? uncle peter probably deserved it"
sofia babbles more, clapping her chubby hands at the two of them. miguel chuckles at the baby's cute antics and the way his wife talks in a baby voice,
a lucky bastard he is,
"daddy did this all for you, mamas-- aren't you happy? yeah?" she coos once more, bringing sofia closer to Miguel,
''come here pretty girl" miguel's hands move to grab her tiny body, picking her from his wife's grip. a sigh of contentment escapes from his lips. "my little princess... aren't you the prettiest baby I have ever seen, hm? you got that from your mami"
y/n eyes the interaction between the two of them, her finger moves to sofia's hand which she grips it.
"she is so fluffy.. we have a chunky baby"
miguel frowns, feigning a fake offensive look. "you calling our baby fat, mi amor?"
rolling your eyes, you scoff at him. "she's cute like this... i like it..." she gives a loud smooch on her baby's cheek making her giggle more,
miguel bobs sofia lightly in his embrace, inhaling the scent of her shampoo while keeping his eyes on y/n.
none of this was ever planned. miguel had no clue that being married and having a baby would be on his bucket list. if someone would've told him four years ago that he would eventually settle down and have a family, he would tell that person to fuck off and how crazy that idea sounds. because marriage wasn't his thing,
but now? he would kill the entire universe for his girls
"what are you thinking, papi?" she asks, head tilting in curiosity when his eyes won't move away from her,
he stays silent for a moment, pressing his cheek against sofia's head as she toys with the collar of his shirt,
"vamos a tener a otro bebe" [let's have another baby]
i hope this is okay!! xx
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witch-and-writer · 8 months
Ek passe tu babbu, ek passe hai jag saara
-You on one side, my beloved, the entire world on another-
[About Ch-3 of Something is Wrong with A-Zhan!]
Remember the morally grey Wei Wuxian tag? Yeah, that line at the top is what I meant by that. I don’t think Wei Wuxian would ever be morally grey, he’s the most morally upright character I have ever come across, but just for this fic, as long as it’s Lan Wangji vs the world, Wei Wuxian would always choose Lan Wangji, even if it conflicts with his moral and principles. Putting it simply, Wei Wuxian would condemn murder and harming the innocents, but if it’s Lan Wangji committing these crimes, he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to condemn him, instead, he’ll come up with possible justifications for Lan Wangji and defend him.
I hope I was able to capture an inkling, an essence of this in the chapter.
Also, is anyone surprised that no Lan elders except Lan Qiren are furious at Lan Wangji's wantonness? I just think that after the whole Qingheng-jun fiasco, they will think Lan Wangji much more tame, especially since Wei Wuxian, unlike the Madam Lan in my head, doesn't seem too bothered by their second heir's behavior. Maybe they are even turning a blind eye to this because of how much they love Wei Wuxian and his genius.
My thought process behind their thought process is that- since Wei Wuxian is a once in a lifetime genius and he is here (in cloud recesses) because of Lan Wangji and he is staying because of his obvious love for their second heir, and they know this. They can see this. So, just for the sake of keeping Wei Wuxian in their sect as their prized disciple who is famous all around for his no-less-than-miraculous inventions, they all collectively decide to overlook Lan Wangji's shameless behaviour that is definitely not befitting of someone holding the title of the Second Jade of GusuLan.
Of course, no one added Lan Qiren to the group chat and that's why he's still bitter about his nephew's changed behaviour.
Mini Theater:-
*lwj acting shameless, holding wwx by the waist and kissing him publicly* Lan Elders: I can't see, I'm blind~ blind~ Lan Qiren, who was not added to the chat and thus was not informed that they have to ignore all this: *qi-deviates* Lan Xichen, who now has to deal with his dramatic uncle: Wangji, if you could just get a room, I would be grateful. You know uncle can't handle this much pda. Lan Wangji: *too busy sucking wwx's soul out through his mouth to hear, further sending his dramatic but weak-hearted single uncle into a qi-deviation* Lan Xichen: ... I love you, didi, but I feel like I should not. When did you become such a menace?!
I don't even know why I'm babbling, but I am and I refuse to suffer through the on-goings of my mind alone, so here we are~
Sofia out~
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indestinatus · 1 year
just finished crooked kingdom and that last pekka rollins chapter always makes me go CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER
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Personally I think the best role that Amber plays in the show is when she's just oblivious to any magical intrigue Sofia is roped into and is just confused/unaware the whole time
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jamesbetch · 3 months
The Return Of Time
Lucerys ran down the crumbling walls of Hogwarts while holding a tight grip on his wand.
He had just killed Nagini, the last horcrux.
The sword of Gryffindor appeared out of the Sorting Hat right before she was able to kill Ron and Hermione.
Everyone had already run away towards the Great Hall, Harry and Voldemort now battling it out.
He looked down at the pocket watch he tightly held on with left his land. A few hours ago when they were in the Room of Requirement looking for the diadem, he found an old pocket watch. It called his attention for some reason, as if it were calling to him to pick it up.
He grabbed and placed it in his pocket before Goyle set the room on fire.
He stops running before looking up at his surroundings. He was in a random hallway for some reason. He was so focused on looking at the pocket watch in his hand that he didn’t realize that he was running farther away from the Great Hall, where everyone else was at.
He tensed up at the sound of a chill laugh and several voices. Rounding the corner was none other than Bellatrix Lestrange with two other death eaters he didn’t recognize.
“Little baby Black. Did you get lost?” Bellatrix teasingly asks after the shocked gasp that she let out.
Luke immediately raises his wand, readying himself to fight them. Before he is able to spit out a spell, all three of them send a curse his way. He tightened his grip on the pocket watch, preparing himself for the pain before he passes out.
Bellatrix and the two death eaters stare in shock at the sight in front of them. Or rather, at the lack of sight of the Black boy.
“You bloody idiots! What did you do!”
Luke wakes up with a jolt. He feels as though he were falling through an endless tunnel, bright blue and purple lights surrounding him.
He falls with a hard slam on the concrete floor before looking up and taking in his surroundings. He was standing outside of 12 Grimmauld Place, where he lived for the first 11 years of his life.
He sees Dumbledore, who was accompanied by Professor McGonagall, walk towards the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place before knocking. In his arms, he held a small figure covered in a light blue blanket that had the initials ‘L.R.B.’ sewed in the corner.
“Professor!” He calls out but neither of them turn around. “Professor?”
Before he can call out to them again, the front door is open. Kreacher stands there while looking at them with a snarl in his face.
“Kreacher!” He hears a voice call out.
Soon, Kreacher is joined by a woman who looked to be in her early fifties. He immediately recognized her as his grandmother, Walburga Black.
“Albus. Minerva.” She curtly says while looking at them with disdain.
“I’m sure you already know why we are here.” Dumbledore calmly states. “This is your grandson, Lucerys Regulus Black.”
They could all see how her sneer immediately faded as she looked down at the baby boy. His wife grey eyes that he inherited from his father stared back her in amazement before he started giggling. His chubby arms reached out towards her, begging for her to carry him.
“You are his grandmother. If you won’t take care of him, he will be sent to live with Sofia’s siblings.” Dumbledore adds.
“You want to send him to live with squibs?” She asks in disgust. “Absolutely not! They are demon spawn. He will live with me, I shall raise him.”
Walburga grabbed a hold of the giggling baby, causing him to loudly squeal in excitement. He babbles as he places his chubby hands on her cheeks. She stares back at him, feeling her throat tighten and her eyes start to glisten with tears.
She immediately composes herself, as if remembering that people were standing in front of her.
“I will raise him.” She says before slamming the door shut.
Luke feels himself being pulled back into that portal before he appears in 12 Grimmauld Place again. This time he stood in the kitchen.
He watched several memories happen right in front of him. Walburga feeding him as he sat in his high chair, his crawling towards her before standing up and taking his first steps, her teaching him how to read and write, playing with Kreacher, losing his first tooth, being told stories of his dad and uncle from when they were kids and being read bed time stories before being tucked into bed.
He wasn’t allowed to go outside, really. If she had to buy anything or run any errands, she would send Kreacher or leave him in charge of Luke while she was gone.
For an entire decade, no one in the wizarding world saw, knew or heard of the Black boy.
They knew he was put in the care of Walburga Black but that was it. Many assumed he would be tortured, abused and neglected, as that was what had happened with Sirius and Regulus, but that was far from the truth.
Walburga cared for him and loved him. He was her only grandson and she would protect him. That same night that he arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place, Walburga promised herself that she would be different this time. She wouldn’t raise him like how she raised Sirius and Regulus. She wouldn’t standby and watch anyone hurt him like how she did with her boys.
No, every mistake she committed with Sirius and Regulus, she fixed with him. After all, he was all she had left. Sirius was in Azkaban, for something she felt to be untrue, and Regulus was dead. Her only daughter-in-law laid in a coma for almost an entire year after what happened and when she did wake up, she was deemed mentally insane.
Most people were shocked to see an old and stern looking, Walburga Black standing in Platform 9 3/4 while an excited and hyper young boy bounced up and down beside her.
They were even more caught off guard when she took the young boy in her embrace while kissing his face. The boy reciprocating the love his grandmother was showing him.
He was unaware of her illness and how that would be the last time he would ever be held by his stern but sweet grandma, Wally.
As the months passed he grew more and more excited for Christmas break but his excitement quickly diminished. In late November, he was called to Dumbledore’s office where he received the news that his grandmother had passed away.
He watched as his eleven year old self sobbed in McGonagall’s arms. The older witch holding a tight grip on the young boy, with a look of pity on her face.
He had been excused to be able to attend her funeral. He didn’t want to go at first but relented after Professor McGonagall reassured him that she would accompany him. The young boy stood with tears streaming down his face as he watched the casket be lowered into the ground, the older witch had her hands placed on his shoulders comfortingly.
During Christmas break, he stayed at Hogwarts with Harry and Ron. In his mind, he figured he would go and live with Kreacher in 12 Grimmauld Place. But as the summer break approached, he realized he had guessed wrong.
He had been forced to live with his aunt, Meralda, and his uncle, Robert Jr. They lived together in a house he later found out belonged to his grandparents. After their death, they inherited the house they grew up in and they just never moved out.
Both of them were single, unmarried and childless. But they were both bitter as if they had gone through five marriages and divorces and had twenty kids each.
They were kind enough to let him sleep in the room that used to belong to his mum when she was growing up. Though it was completely vacant, apart from a twin sized bed and an empty dresser, he still felt comforted and at peace. Almost as if he could feel his mum’s warm embrace holding him in her arms.
He saw himself when he started second year. When the chamber of secrets was opened, all of the attacks, trying to figure out what was attacking the students, and finally when he, along with Harry and Ron, entered the chamber with Lockhart to save Ginny.
He saw everything that happened when the school year ended and he was sent back to live with his aunt and uncle. How they would starve him, force to clean and cook, hit him when he committed small and simple mistakes and all the words they would yell at him with strong hatred.
He learned to keep his mouth shut about his mum and dad, quickly realizing that their names or them being mentioned immediately pissed them off which would result in him getting beat.
During all the years he lived with his grandma, Wally, she never mentioned why his mum and dad weren’t around. He didn’t know anything that happened. Sure, he knew that he was one of the two kids that could have become ‘the chosen one’ and what happened with the Potter’s on Halloween in 1981 but he didn’t know what happened to his family.
Every time he would ask his grandma, she would change the conversation or just plainly tell him not to ask about that. The only time she would speak of them would be when she would tell him stories of his dad growing up and when he was at Hogwarts or stories of his mum when she was friends with his uncle and a few after she started dating his dad.
He didn’t know that his dad was in Azkaban, much less that he was there for a crime he didn’t commit. Or how his mum was in St. Mungo’s after being tortured into insanity by his dad’s cousin.
It wasn’t until third year when the truth started to unravel for the young boy.
He had immediately connected with Professor Lupin, someone he soon found out that was friends with his parents when they attended Hogwarts. During that time, it felt like his only friend was his Professor.
Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly ditched him when they found out that his dad was Sirius Black.
At first, Harry was a bit bothered that Sirius was his father but reassured him that he wasn’t his dad and he didn’t hate him. But that quickly changed after Sirius tried breaking into Gryffindor tower.
The trio immediately pointed fingers at Luke, not hesitating to ditch the young boy. They would glare at him, talk behind his back and even speak ill of him. But they weren’t the only ones.
Everyone in Hogwarts hated Luke. They all picked on him because he was Sirius’ son, therefore he had to be responsible for helping him trying to break into the castle.
The only person he could really talk to was Professor Lupin, who was always there for him when he would break down and cry. He would offer comforting words before offering chocolate to him. The same chocolate his mum would always have, as he told him.
They were small heart shaped chocolates that were covered in a red tin foil. She always said that that was her favorite chocolate and was one she always ate since she was a small child. She loved those chocolates so much that she always carried them with her, so that whenever someone was sad, angry, hungry, or moody, she would give them a chocolate.
Professor Lupin soon found out that he had never once visited his mum because his grandma never let him out and because his aunt and uncle would rather die than step foot in St. Mungo’s. So, as a surprise, he took Luke to St. Mungo’s during christmas break to visit his mum for the first time.
He could see how terrified he was. How his hands shook as he slowly walked alongside Lupin down the white and empty halls of St. Mungo’s. They continued walking before stopping in front of a light brown door.
Remus, unbeknownst to Luke, was incredibly familiar with this door and the hallways. Of course he was familiar with the route, he had probably walked that route over a million times whenever he visited his dear friend over the twelve years that she’s been in there.
Luke watched his thirteen year old self stand completely still as he looked at his mum for the first time in twelve years through the window. The blinds were open causing him to be able to see his mum as sat on a fluffy chair while knitting what looked to be a blanket.
She had dark brown hair that reached her hips and front bangs, just like how her hair was in all the pictures he’s been showed of her when she was in Hogwarts. She had a slight furrow in her eyebrows as her dark brown eyes concentrated on the task she was doing.
He watches Remus comfort his younger self, reassuring to take his time while agreeing to stay with him.
His hand reaches out and knocks on the wooden door before opening it. He slowly walks into the room, Remus following him in before closing the door, while staring at his mum.
She places her things down while slowly standing up and walking towards him. Her hands close to her chest as if she was nearing a wild animal. She stares at him with her eyes wide in wonder and her mouth slightly agape, as if she was trying to process what was happening.
“Luke.” She softly says while placing her right hand on his cheek.
Remus stares in shock after hearing her talk. He had warned Luke that she wouldn’t speak as she hadn’t said a single word since Halloween of 1981. But finally after twelve years, she spoke.
She breaks out into a wide smile before giggling, “Luke.” She repeats.
“You know who I am?” He asks with his voice cracking as tears stream down his face.
She nods, “Luke.”
She looks around the room, as if trying to find something to help her say what she wants to say before ultimately giving up. She points to her stomach, eagerly.
“Stomach?” Luke asks in confusion causing her to shake her head.
She continues to point to her stomach before moving her hand in a curve. She grows a bit frustrated as the young boy continues to look at her in confusion before moving her arms in a rocking motion. She points to her stomach, moves her hand in a curve and rocks her arms before Remus finally guesses.
She excitedly nods while pointing at Remus, as if trying to say that that is what she wanted to say, before she speaks up again.
“Baby.” She excitedly says while pointing towards herself.
“You?” Luke asks as she points to herself before she shakes her head again. “Me? Mine? My?”
She excitedly giggles while clapping and nodding her head, slightly jumping up and down.
“My baby.” She says with a wide smile. “Luke.”
The young boy stares at the excited woman in shock before bursting into tears and tightly hugging her. His shoulders shook as he hid his face in his mum’s neck as he continued to sob.
His sobs growing as his mum wrapped her arms around his shoulders and softly ran her fingers through his hair.
“My baby, Luke.” She continuously says. “My baby. Luke. My baby, Luke. My Luke.”
She kept a wide smile on her face as she hugged her son while softly swaying them from side to side.
After he’s able to calm down, she eagerly and excitedly pulls out a huge cardboard box from a small closet in the room. She opens the box and pulls everything out while excitedly showing him.
There was sweaters with a big ‘L’ at front, blankets with the initials ‘L.R.B.’, beanies with a small ‘L’ sewed on, scarves with the same ‘L’ sewed on and crocheted plush toys of a black dog.
Just like how there was sweaters, blankets, beanies and scarves with his initials, there was also with a ‘S’ and ‘S.O.B.’ initials on them.
Tears were streaming down his face as he watched his younger self with his mum, who was now probably confused and terrified while being all alone in 12 Grimmauld Place.
The scene changes as his third year continues. He sees as the three teenagers run after Ron after saying their goodbyes to Buckbeak. They run into the Whomping Willow after him, after almost being killed by the bloody tree.
They walk up the old and creaking stairs before walking into the room where Ron was in, laying in the bed while holding Scabbers in his hands.
“He’s an animagus!” He faintly hears Ron yell out.
The three teenagers face the door after it’s slammed shut, showing Sirius Black standing there. Luke faced his father, who had long matted hair and dirty, ripped clothes that showed his emaciated body.
“If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too.” Hermione says while standing in front of Harry after shoving Luke away from them.
His father stares back at him with the same grey eyes. Tears gather in the older man’s eyes as he looks at his son for the first time in twelve years.
“My boy.” He whispers before Harry lunges at him and throws to the ground while chocking him.
Sirius chuckles as Harry points his wand at him. “Are you going to kill me, Harry?”
Before anyone can say a word, the door is slammed open. Professor Lupin barging in before yelling out a quick ‘Expelliarmus!’ causing Harry’s wand to go flying.
Luke watches his father and Remus reunite, before Hermione stares yelling at them and his younger self. Exposing Remus of being a werewolf and accusing Luke of helping his father with trying to kill Harry.
“Wait!” Remus calls out to Sirius.
“I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!”
“Very well. Kill him.” Remus states while handing him his wand. “But wait one more minute. They have the right to know why.”
“I know why. You betrayed my parents. You’re the reason they’re dead.”
“No, Harry, it wasn’t him. Somebody did betray your parents but it was somebody who until quite recently I believe to be dead.”
“Who was it than?”
“Peter Pettigrew!” Sirius yells out.
Professor Snape barges into the room, Remus and Sirius bickering back and forth with him before Harry blasts him into the bed. They grab Scabbers from Ron’s hands and send several spells it’s way before it finally turns into an old, ugly, short man with a huge bald spot.
“Remus. Sirius. My old friends!” Peter calls out before trying to escape.
He looks around the room before making eye contact with Luke and walking up to him.
“Luke, you look so much like your father. And your uncle, Regulus. Your mum and uncle wouldn’t want Sirius to become a murderer.” He desperately says.
“Get away from my son, you filthy rat!” Sirius yells while pushing Peter away from Luke. “How dare you speak to Luke! You’re the reason he grew up without his father!”
“You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn’t you? And you framed Sirius!” Remus yells out while pointing his wand at Peter.
They continue yelling back and forth, trying to kill Peter before all conversation ceases once Harry says that they’ll give Peter to the dementors.
The four teenagers are sat by the Whomping Willow, checking up on Ron’s injury.
“I’m sorry for accusing you and for everything i’ve done this year.” Harry says while staring in remorse towards Luke.
“It’s ok. I know you thought that my dad was the reason you lost your parents, I would’ve probably reacted the same if I was in your position.” His younger self replies while shrugging.
“I’m sorry too.” Hermione says.
“Yeah, me too.” Ron adds.
“It’s alright. I understand.” He says while smiling at them.
“You should go.” Ron says while nodding towards Sirius.
“No, Harry should. He just found out that he’s not responsible for his parents dea-“
“He’s your dad, Luke.” Harry says. “Go.”
Luke stands to the side as he watches his thirteen year old self walk up to his father, him following. He feels his eyes start to water as he watches himself with his dad, who he lost two years ago.
“I’m sorry, Luke. I’m sorry for not being there for you and your mum. I would understand if you didn’t want anything to do with me-“
“Are you mental? You’re my dad.” Luke says after cutting him off. “Besides your the only one I have left, really.”
“What do you mean?” Sirius asks while staring at him confused.
“Well, Grandma Wally passed away in my first year and mum’s in St. Mungo’s. I barely met her a couple of months ago. And no offense to mum, but her siblings are awful.”
“Sofia is in St. Mungo’s? What do you mean? And Grandma Wally - what are you talking about? Her siblings. How do you know them?”
“Do you not know?” Luke asks. “After what happened, I was sent to live with Grandma Wally- Walburga. She passed away right before Christmas break in my first year.”
“You were sent to live with my mother?” Sirius asks incredulously. “Who sent you to live with her?”
“Yes, Dumbledore.”
“Why weren’t you living with your mum? Why is she in St. Mungo’s? You said you barely met her a couple of months ago-“ Sirius asks while looking terrified.
“You don’t know?” Luke slowly asks.
“Know what?” Sirius basically yells back, desperate to know what happened to his wife while he was incarcerated.
“After you left that night, I’m guessing to go after Peter, death eaters found mum’s location. It was four of them, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan and Barty Jr. They tortured her into insanity.” Luke softly says.
He watches his father stagger backwards as his eyes fill up with tears, disbelief written all over his face.
“No, no. That’s not possible. She was safe.” He says while shaking his head, looking everywhere except at him.
“What happened? What happened to her?” He desperately asks while holding Luke’s face in his hands. “What happened when I was gone?”
“Remus told me that she was in a coma for months, almost an entire year to be exact. I was sent to live with Grandma and she passed away during my first year in November. After first year ended, I was sent to live with my mum’s siblings, Meralda and Robert.”
“What happened afterwards?” Sirius asks, desperate to know everything.
“Well, Grandma never spoke about what happened to you or mum. I didn’t know that you were in Azkaban and that she was in St. Mungo’s. Every time I asked Meralda and Robert, they would get mad and never said anything. It wasn’t until this year that I found out that you were in Azkaban and you escaped. Professor Lupin spoke to me about you and mum, he was the one who told me where mum was. And he took me to visit her during Christmas break.”
“All this time, she’s been in St. Mungo’s?” Sirius asks, his voice cracking and tears streaming down his face.
“Luke!” Hermione and Harry yell.
The father and son turn to look at them, only to find Remus staring at the full moon.
Seventeen year old Luke watches his younger self help his friends. He watches Remus, in the werewolf form, run into the woods.
After watching them use the time turner Hermione had and help his dad escape, the scene changes.
He watches himself finish his third year and start summer break. Before he is picked up by the Weasley’s to attend the Quidditch World Cup.
His fourth year starts with the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. He slightly winces as he stares at Cedric Diggory sitting in the Hufflepuff table with his friends.
The names are chosen, Harry being picked as well. The tasks begin and watches them all with a pit in his stomach, knowing what would happen to the Diggory boy but being unable to do anything about it.
During the first week of summer break before his fifth year begins, he receives a letter from Dumbledore informing him that he had to speak to him urgently.
He watches himself as he sits in Dumbledore’s office, the older wizard just having finished informing the young boy of the attack on St. Mungo’s. Explaining how death eaters swarmed the hospital, no doubt trying to kidnap his mother.
He sees himself relax when he’s informed that she was unharmed and they were unsuccessful in kidnapping her as there were several auror’s already there who happened to be visiting an injured coworker.
He arrives at 12 Grimmauld Place through floo after his conversation with Dumbledore ends. He had all of his belongings with him already as Dumbledore mentioned him to do so in the letter. As he steps out the fire place, the first thing he sees is Kreacher dusting a painting.
“Kreacher!” Luke excitedly calls out at the sight of the house elf.
“Master Lucerys.” He replies while bowing. “Kreacher is pleased to see Master Lucerys.”
“I’m very pleased to see you too, Kreacher. I’m sure you have time to play tea time with me, just like old times.” He finishes with a laugh as he fondly remembers them, more like Kreacher being forced to, playing together.
“Of course, Kreacher would be honored to play with Master Lucerys.”
He turns to look at his dad standing by the doorway with a bright smile on his face.
“Dad!” Luke excitedly exclaims before tightly hugging him.
“Do you know what happened to Mum? Or where she is? Dumbledore wouldn’t tell me where she was-“ Luke rapidly asks his dad, desperate to find out where his sweet mum was and if she was safe.
“Luke.” A soft voice calls out causing a fond smile to form on older Luke’s face.
“Mum.” He says in relief at the sight of his, unharmed, mother.
“My Luke.” She says while hugging him, unaware of the pair of eyes watching them fondly.
“Are you okay? Dumbledore told me about the attack, but he said that you were alright. Are you going to be staying here from now on or are you going back to St. Mungo’s?” Luke rapidly asks every question.
His expression lightly falters at the sight of unawareness on his mum’s face. Even though he had just asked her so many questions, something most people would reply to, his mother looked as though he hadn’t said a single word. As though none of the words he said were processed in her mind, something that happened quite often whenever he, or anyone else, spoke to her.
She was sort of like that saying ‘In through one ear and out the other’, the only difference was that the words never even make in through one ear, much less go out the other.
It didn’t matter who it was. Anyone could be speaking to her but she, for the most part, never replied.
She was always in a sort of daze.
As if her mind was somewhere far, far away from here.
Though many wizards and witches have tried legilimency on her to see what she was thinking when she would dissociate, they never discovered anything. It was always blank. Absolutely no thoughts were being processed or thought about in her mind.
Sirius, at the sight of his upset son, immediately intercepted into the conversation.
“She’s alright. Nothing happened to her, they weren’t even able to reach the section in which she was in.” He states while wrapping his arms around the shoulders of his son and his wife.
Both of them stare at Sofia as she keeps the same small smile that always seems to be on her face. Her warm but vacant eyes looking around the room while her small and frail fingers play with her wedding ring, one she never took of.
“She’s staying with us now.” Sirius softly says while fondly staring at his oblivious wife.
“She is? She’s not going back to St. Mungo’s?” Luke asks.
“No, I didn’t want her there after what happened.”
“But how were you able to get her discharged from St. Mungo’s? Isn’t she supposed to be there at all times?”
“Dumbledore helped.” Sirius replies with a wide smile. “I don’t really know what he did or how he did it, but she’s staying with us now.”
The scene cuts to one he constantly thought about no matter how hard he tried not to. It wasn’t long before his fifth year would start, the Weasley’s, Hermione and Harry were all at Grimmauld Place already.
Fred and George, in the midst of pulling a prank, accidentally lost his mum’s wedding ring. She was constantly playing with it, twirling it around her finger as if it was the only thing that was helping her keep the last bit of her sanity.
No one really knew how it happened or what happened exactly, all anyone knew was that her ring was nowhere to be found and she was losing it.
He watched as Mrs. Weasley immediately urged all the kids back to their rooms, making sure they were locked inside.
Back then when it happened, he couldn’t see his mum as they were all locked into a room by Mrs. Weasley but he could hear her. Her loud and chilling screams causing her voice to crack at times. He remembered feeling terrified, he knew she wasn’t injured but it sounded as though she was being tortured. His mind quickly making him think that that was how she sounded when she was tortured into insanity.
Now it was so much worse.
He could see her.
And he could see her mental breakdown.
She was screaming bloody mary as tears streamed down her face and sob broke through her chest. She pulled at her hair and scratched down her face.
Sirius kept on trying to calm her down, talking to her in a soft manner while grabbing her hands so that she wouldn’t hurt herself. He desperately told her that everything was fine, they would find the ring. But he made the mistake of saying that he would get her a new ring.
She pushed him away from her, throwing things, kicking things and pushing things off of their places.
The other adults present watch in pity at sight of the young woman. Remus, specifically, had tears streaming his face as he tried to help Sirius.
Both men, who had tears streaming their faces, grabbed a hold of the woman causing her to trash around, desperate to be freed. She kicked, scratched, punched, and even attempted to bite them.
All of the adults, including the twins, had already tried to accio the ring but it didn’t appear. Every ring in the house appeared, except for her wedding ring.
Mrs. Weasley bursts in through the door while carrying two potions. One being a sleeping draught and the other was a calming drought.
He watches as she forces the liquid down his mother’s throat while Sirius and Remus hold her down.
Soon enough his mother is knocked out in his father’s arms. They all excuse themselves, leaving his mum and dad alone on the living room floor.
His dad holds her while softly brushing her hair back and away from her face before he breaks out in sobs. He feels tears cascading down his face at the sight of his broken and crying father.
His shoulders shake as deep sobs break through his chest. He starts rocking her body back and forth while whispering broken “I’m sorry”s over and over again.
The scene cuts to one he isn’t present in.
His mum sat in the bathtub with her legs bent towards her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She blankly stares straight ahead, no doubt not processing the fact that his dad was sitting next to her.
His dad is sat on the side of the tub, his left hand running through his mum’s wet hair while his right hand slowly pours water out of a cup onto her hair, washing away the remaining soap.
The scene cuts to a bit later. His mum now sat on his dad’s bed, his dad walking in through the bathroom door while carrying a brush and hair ties.
His mum sat crisscross, with her back facing his dad, while playing with a small black dog plush toy that sat on her lap. She was softly humming as his dad softly ran the brush through her hair. He watches him part her hair before braiding it in two braids, not forgetting to fix her front bangs.
He fixes her on the bed to lay her down before covering her with her blanket and softly kissing her forehead. He goes to walk away before she grabs onto his wrist. She looks at him questionably, as if trying to figure out the words to say before softly uttering a single word.
The scene continuously changes as it displays the beginning of his fifth year. Dealing with Umbridge, creating the D.A., practicing in the Room of Requirement, Mr. Weasley getting attacked and detentions.
Before it cuts to Christmas break.
He gifted his mum a few candles, something he knew helped her calm down, and lots of yarn for her to knit, something he knew she greatly enjoyed. He gifted his dad several records that he thought he would enjoy, knowing that he loved listening to music.
His mum gifted him and his matching plush toys. They were both black dogs, though Sirius’ was bigger, as if demonstrating that he was the dad, while Luke’s was smaller, as if demonstrating that he was the baby.
Even though Sofia didn’t really understand any of the words they spoke to her, she brightly smiled as she knew they liked their gifts if their wide smiles were anything to go off of.
Luke remembered how happy he felt. He didn’t care that his mum wasn’t sane or that his dad was a fugitive. He was just happy to have them both, to be the family he always imagined them to be.
He watched his younger self as he loudly laughed while sitting next to his mum, completely unaware of how drastically things would change.
The scenes continue, displaying the rest of his fifth year for him before displaying the scene he dreaded the most.
Tears immediately prick his eyes, knowing he’s going to be forced to witness this all over again.
Everyone was throwing spells everywhere. Aurors gathering the children, protecting them from the death eaters.
Sirius, Luke and Harry were standing together.
Next to the veil.
All three of them sending spells towards the death eaters they were dueling before his dad pushes himself in front of him, blocking him from the killing curse Bellatrix had sent his way.
He stands completely frozen, watching his father fall into the veil before disappearing.
He watches as Harry attempts to run after his dad before being grabbed by Remus. Harry runs after Bellatrix shortly after. Luke completely unaware of everything that was happening to him.
Finally reacting, he attempts to run straight into the veil before being grabbed by Remus. He pulls him away as he screams, tears streaming down his face as loud sobs break through his chest.
The scene changes as tears continue to stream down his face. They were in St. Mungo’s. It was right after what happened in the Department of Mysteries.
He sat in a chair in a random long, white hallway. The bright light illuminated him - his eyes swollen and red, blood running down his face, dirt and grim covering him and his shaking hands that laid on his lap.
He was completely unaware to the fact that his friends sat right beside him in a similar condition.
He finally looked up as he faintly heard loud voices. Rushing from down the hallway was Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, followed by a dazed and confused Sofia Black.
They immediately begin talking to their kids and making sure everyone else was alright, all while Luke just stared at his mum.
His poor mum who looked around at everyone, confused as to what was happening and where they were. Unable to understand anything they’re saying, she continues looking around for the man she’s grown to enjoy the company of. The man she remembers to be named, Sirius. The man with the dark brown hair and grey eyes, who had several tattoos covering his body.
Unable to find him, she finds her baby.
“Sirius?” She softly asks him.
Her baby breaks into loud sobs before he runs towards her, tightly hugging her while hiding his face in her neck. Confused, she tightly wraps her arms around him.
She looks around at the other kids and adults who were staring at them. She can see a few kids crying while the adults had sorrowful looks on their faces.
Finally a ginger haired woman, who was the one dragging her with them, walks up to her and says something thought Sofia is unable to understand what she said so she just continues to look at them confused.
She wasn’t able to understand what she said. But Luke who was watching his younger self cry in his mother’s arms could.
“Sirius is gone, sweetheart.”
The scene continues to change.
It displaying moments like when he refused to get out of bed so his mum, albeit a bit confused as to why he wouldn’t leave his bed and where Sirius had gone to and when he would return, joined him in bed. Tightly hugging him to her chest as a few tears slowly streamed down his face.
Or when his mum made him food, with the help of Kreacher, after struggling to figure out what to say to get him to understand what she meant. It was safe to say that Kreacher made all of the food while his mum stood there holding onto a spoon the entire time, but it was the thought that counts.
It showed his entire sixth year.
Meeting Professor Slughorn, who constantly praised his mother, Snape becoming their D.A.D.A. Professor, figuring out what was happening with Draco, being curious of who was the ‘Half-Blood Prince’, finding out about the horcruxes, Dumbledore dying, Snape being a death eater and killing Dumbledore, and coming to the decision that they wouldn’t return for their seventh year.
Spending his entire summer with his mum before he goes on the run, going through the Battle of the Seven Potters, attending Bill and Fleur’s wedding, leaving his mum behind to fond the horcruxes with Harry, Ron and Hermione, finding the locket and destroying it, finding the cup, almost dying a million times before arriving at Hogwarts through the secret tunnel.
He watches it all.
Ron and Hermione destroying the cup. Harry finding the diadem, which was destroyed in the fiendfyre that was cast by Goyle. Harry being ‘killed’ by Voldemort with the killing curse. And him killing nagini with the sword of Gryffindor.
The last thing he sees is the same thing he last remembers seeing, Bellatrix along with two death eaters by her side, each casting spells at him.
He feels himself being pulled back into the tunnel, like he originally felt and every time a scene would change. The bright light blue and purple lights surrounding him as his body warps as if he were apparating.
Finally his body fell on the hard concrete floor. He loudly groans in pain as he sits up, instantly recognizing the hallway as the same hallway where he encountered Bellatrix and the other death eaters.
He was confused as to what was going on. Why did he just witness his entire life story? Why weren’t the walls of the castle crumbling? Why is it bright out when it was barely going to be morning?
He walks down the hallway with a limp while tightly holding on to his wand with his right hand. He pauses as he realizes the pocket watch was nowhere to be found.
Before he can continue walking down the hallway, a body slams into him causing him to stagger backwards.
“Oh, Merlin! I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” A voice quickly says before abruptly stopping.
“Holy shit.” Another voice calls out.
“Godric.” She says in disbelief. “Are you alright?”
He stares back in shock. Standing in front of him was his mum. Not only had she just said several sentences, something he’s never heard her say, but she looked much younger. Almost as if she was at student at Hogwarts.
He looks to the side before his eyes widen. His uncle Regulus Black, who has been dead for almost two decades, was standing in front of him. Staring at him with what looked to be concern and confusion.
“Are you alright?” She softly repeats.
“Uh- Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” He starts. “I just- I might sound a bit crazy but what year is it?”
“What year is it? Did you hit your head?” Regulus asks.
“Reggie.” Sofia sternly says while looking back at him. “It’s 1975. September 2, 1975.”
“1975?” Luke asks incredulously. “Holy shit.”
“Um- Why don’t we go to the Hospital Wing? You’re injured and-“
“No! No. Is Dumbledore al-“ He cuts himself off, remembering he can’t say that. If it is 1975, than Dumbledore is definitely alive. “Is Dumbledore here?”
“Yeah. He should be in his office.” She replies while looking confused at the young boy. “Would you like for us to take you to him?”
“Yes, that would be greatly appreciated.” He hastily nods as they stare at him in concern, his face getting paler by the second.
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awmancreeper · 1 year
♡Lonely Boy Will Stay Lonely?. EPILOGUE
--❣︎ StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
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Thank you for reading<3 and special thanks to those who comments, (yk who you are B)) y’all really make my day🤧. Also keep a look out cuz I’ll be posting random babbles n stuff Love y’all,
MWAH( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ ~ Ali♡︎
Taglist: @txtbrainrot @azinwo @mackjestic @mangobee @ggggghost @adajoemaya @kainkhemistry @suzirumas @amareoverall @owotalks @justemalove @kaisdefender @aloverga @myahwritesss @justiceya @loopycorn1123 @amara-mars @samvagejkflxhrt @iraa567 @liinori @reinahwanggg @bangchansbae @heyitssarah63 @txtmetonight @lilyidk03 @roseidol @heymickyy @sofia-rom @beoms-sugar @ndriixx @myknifeyourlife @jackass1123 @fanfangying1304 @jenofairy (CLOSED)
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alwritey-aphrodite · 3 months
For the summer blurbs… 15 with Santi (bonus if it is I’ll be Back Again Santi) pretty please 💜
I missed these guys 🥹🥹
2024 Summer Blurbs
There was a delicate balance to summer vacation, to spending time with your kids and making sure they had the best break possible while also making sure you got your well deserved vacation. Having two kids, and one of them a baby who’s just turned one, makes finding that balance even harder. Luckily for you, you had a flexible group of friends and daughters who loved to spend time with their uncles.
“It feels wrong to have this many babies around an open flame,” Benny quips as he adds more logs to the bonfire, keeping a well-trained eye on Inez and Maria as they run through your yard. You and Santiago are capable parents, and you know Frankie and Sofia are too, but having extra eyes and extra hands never hurts anyone, especially when it means you’re able to relax with Augustine in your arms, knowing that the fire and Inez and Toby are well taken care of.
“We want s’mores!” Maria comes running over to her dad, breathless and grinning, while Inez makes her way over to you and Santi.
“Hm?” Frankie asks with an eyebrow raised in question, and Maria is quick to fix her mistake.
“Can we please make s’mores?” She asks with a hopeful smile, her little chest still rising and falling rapidly as she calms down.
The girls both cheer when Santi stands to retrieve the supplies you’d stocked up on earlier. As soon as he’s standing, Inez slips into his vacated seat, turning to you with an evil little grin. He rolls his eyes when he turns back around, but Inez knows how to lay on the charm, smiling up at her dad as innocently as possible.
“Can you make one for me?” She asks, knowing full well that it’s practically impossible for Santi to ever say no to her. Even though he sighs, he does so while spearing a marshmallow and setting out a graham cracker and a square of chocolate. Even though she’s much too little to actually enjoy the fire or the treats, Auggie is having the time of her life, babbling and cooing for anyone who will listen, excited to be the center of attention as the Millers argue over who gets to hold her when you decide to take a break from cuddles.
Luckily for Will, you hand Augustine off to him to pull Inez’s hair back from her face, feeling much too happy to want to deal with the prospect of cleaning melted marshmallow out of her hair. Auggie cooes happily, smiling a gummy baby smile that makes your heart sore. Once Santiago successfully transferred the perfectly golden marshmallow from the stick to the prepared graham cracker and Inez is happily munching away, smearing her face with crumbs and chocolate, Santi reaches back into the bag and sets about toasting another marshmallow.
The complaint dies on your lips when you see how happy Inez is, and it’s summertime, so you might as well let her indulge in a few treats before sending her and Auggie off to bed. To your surprise, though, that second perfect s’more isn’t for Inez or even Santi, but it’s for you, placed into your hand with a wink from your husband, who quickly turns his attention to cleaning your daughter’s face.
You can’t remember the last time you had a s’more, but you don’t think it’s ever tasted this good.
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katenewmanwrites · 3 months
Tag Game: Writing Pattern
Thank you to @tildeathiwillwrite for the open tag
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagging @the-golden-comet @jev-urisk @pippinoftheshire open tag
My last ten first lines -
Racing Hearts - Chapter Nine -
Finally, he pulls the car into the building's parking garage, guiding the car into his spot.
Midnight at The Cave -
The trendy rooftop bar is crowded, the air thick with the scent of perfume and cologne.
Night of the Fireflies -
As the last rays of the setting sun paint the treetops in hues of red and gold, we set up camp in a small clearing by a babbling stream.
Racing Hearts - Chapter Eight -
A winding road leads us up a hill, and the city lights slowly fade into the distance.
Racing Hearts - Chapter Seven -
When we arrive back at the penthouse, Finn is sitting in an armchair, flipping through a folder with an intense expression on his face.
Racing Hearts - Chapter Six -
Sofia leads the way to her car, a sleek and well-maintained SUV.
The Hidden Room -
PJ and Aisha were on their usual stroll through the University grounds, debating about their latest paranormal investigation, when they stumbled upon a small, hidden door buried beneath a heap of dead leaves.
Racing Hearts - Chapter Five -
When I wake up, the sun is streaming through the window, bathing the room in warm light.
Late Night Sparks - Part Two -
I can't help but notice the warmth in Kai's eyes as he brushes against my shoulder as we both enter the elevator.
Racing Hearts - Chapter Four -
The car comes to a stop shaking me awake, and I hear the click of the automatic locks disengaging.
Does anyone see a pattern?
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roberrtphilip · 6 months
I feel like Robert is the kind of dad who doesn't do baby talk very well, so when he talks to his babies, he just. talks to them the way he does with everyone else. like, when Morgan was a baby, he'd pick her up from daycare and, while he was making her dinner, he'd just go on and on about the cases he's working on. and maybe he'd talk about how frustrating the clients are, or how annoying his coworkers can be. and any time Morgan would babble in response, Robert would nod, and be like, "right? isn't it just ridiculous?? I'm glad someone else agrees with me, cause the idiots I work with certainly never do 🙄"
and with Sofia, I headcanon she's a very loud, vocal baby as opposed to Morgan, who was always quiet, so when he's rambling to her, she'll ramble just as much back, and maybe slam her hands down, and he's just like, " !!!!!!!!! she gets it !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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