#the interdimentional mall
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They're besties don't worry (last post I forgot Michael's flower)
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Random shit about the employees plus eveline (I have to put the others in a separate post)
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kindredoctobers · 1 year
late but happy national coming out day to robin buckley. she literally came out to her coworker while on hard drugs after being tortured by russians in a mall under attack by an interdimentional flesh monster. i aspire to be like robin buckley 🩷🤍🧡
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chemical-x-ask-blog · 2 years
*hops out of interdimentional portal with a computer* *Gives computer with the Mall Scene from S5 pulled up on YT to the girls* Can you watch this please? And one more thing *Gives a trash-can to Buttercup* Just in case *disappears*
Ah jeez I think I'm gonna-
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Each of us have our own unique styles, Bubbles, and to disregard this by making us all dress this way would be detrimental to our comfort. That sort of wear is much too casual for my tastes and much too preppy for Buttercup's. Whoever designed these outfits for us had no regard for our personalities and tastes. This has to be a joke.
Oh, hey, for once me and Bloss agree on something-
It was nice when we all had matching outfits as kids,, it was fun,, but its alright if you guys don't want to :'D
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Hey, thanks. Are you gonna want this back or... oh, you've already disappeared.
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item obtained! bin of Buttercup's vomit!
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xandraspalace · 3 years
Unwrap the Gift
----- Unwrap the Gift || A Rai Galilei [NIJISANJI ID] Birthday Fiction
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Summary :  You are the only gift he want. He can’t help but want you to himself. As long as you are by his side, he will never ask for anything else and more.
WC : 1760 Words.
Warning : Grammar errors, spicy but not to the point of something suggestive and heavy “MDI”, WMMAP References, MLQC References (Kiro - Unwrap the Gift Date & Gavin - Perilous Date), etc. 
Story Notes : This fiction is written in 2nd person POV and gender-neutral as the pronouns. So both male and female can enjoy this fiction, have fun!
A/N : UWAHHH CONGRAITULATIONS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAI!!! I thought I'd be late giving you a gift, but luckily I was able to finish it today. Happy birthday, Rai. May the good be brought closer to you and the bad be kept away from you. Wish you all the best! Fyi : DATANYA KE HAPUS JADI RASANYA AGAK BEDA ASDFGHJKL!
     "HI, Captain!" you greeted the captain of the 42 Division Interdimentional Police.
     "Hello, there! Searching for Rai?” you nodded. “His shift will be finished in... ten seconds? There he is!”
     “Rai!” you waved your hand, trying to catch his attention.
     Hearing your voice, Rai immediately changed his tired of works expression with a sweet smile. "You didn’t wait so long, right?" Rai asked as he approached you, making sure you didn't wait for too long. You could only shake your head, reassuring him that you've just arrived.
     “Birthday date, hm?” the Captain asked mischievely.
     “Not a date! It’s just a simple dinner!” you corrected him. "Besides, I'm sure Rai is tired from work, so we choose to celebrate his birthday at home!"
     “Uh-oh, don’t forget to use pro—”
     "Captain, no!" Rai gave his captain a disappointed—but—not—surprised look. His hand already held the gun and pointed it at the man in front of him.
     “Woah, Officer. That’s a dangerous thing to toy with,” the captain laughed awkwardly.
     Rai sighed and put the gun back in its holster. "I don't want to get into a case for putting my own superior in jail."
     “Horny jail if I may add,” you giggled. "Let's go. It’s about the time we booked.”
     "Oh, right. Lemme do a check-out absent first." Rai pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and did his check-out absence.
     “Thanks for your hard work today, Officer Galilei. Happy birthday to you, too. Wishing you a good evening." the headquarters receptionist also added a birthday wishing to Rai before he said goodbye and left.
     After arriving at the restaurant where you had dinner with Rai, the officer immediately took off his jacket and leaned back in his chair. He brushed his hair, looking exhausted.
     “I haven't got a present for you because I don't know if there's anything you want. I meant to take you to the mall to find something you want, but you look exhausted. So, what should I do?" your confessed your confusion.
     "You don't have to buy me anything," he said while waiting for their menus to arrive. “But if you want to take a little walk at the mall, I can still accompany you. Worry not about me."
     After dinner, you and Rai took a walk to the mall since it's just a couple block from the restaurant. You both were laughing at some cheesy jokes, accompany your steps in the silence of the night. The playground that you and Rai passed was indeed very quiet because it was already night.
     However, Rai's smile immediately faded when he sensed someone's presence. Rai immediately pulled your hand, not letting it go. He observed the area from the corner of his eyes.
     “What is it, Rai?” you asked.
     "Someone who shouldn't be here following us," he answered it coldly yet his hand felt so warm around your wrist.
     Right before you were about to take a look, Rai pulled you with him in a hasty steps. “Keep walking and don’t look back!” he whispered firmly to you.
     Soon, you heard another steps behind you. “R-Rai,” you visibly panicked.
     “See the alley over there?” Rai pointed a deserted alley with his chin. “Go through there, then turn right. Wait for me there.”
     “What about you?”
     A reassuring smile painted across his lips. “Oh, Inmates. You’re talking to an officer of Interdimentional Police here.”
     You did what he asked you. You looked back once just to see that Rai was already surrounded by five to six people.
     “Hey, Officer Rai. Fancy meeting you here, eh?” one of them greeted him. “I hope you didn’t forget what you have done to us in the past.”
     "Oh, don't worry. You have come all the way from another dimension, so I will treat you as a very special guest. Perhaps, the old precinct would be good for us to talk, no?” Rai's smile never wavered in the slightest.
     “Stop poking your nose where it don’t belong! Or your fair lass/lad would be on the line,” the man looked at the alley where you left.
     Right at that moment, Rai's smile disappeared completely. "Come again?" he asked coldly and sharply. "How dare you to interfere my birthday date with my significant other?!" after saying that, Rai threw his punches at the five men, showing his brutal side.
     You can sense that everything were getting chaotic. You kept thinking how foolish you were. Rai wouldn’t has been in this situation if the both of you go home in the first place.
     After finishing the men, Rai tapped the communication device tucked to his ear. “Officer RG, Code Agent 08F4F2 reporting from the field.”
     “Rai, what’s wrong?” the captain from the other end of the call sounded worried when he heard Rai's panting breath.
     After sending the address of the incident and reporting it, Rai disconnects the call and looks for you.
     “Inmates, you still there? Did you hurt?” Rai observed you, making sure there are no injuries on your body.
     The tears you’d been trying to hold back finally broke through. “What kind of idiot are you?! You’re seriously injured yet you still worried about me?!” you scolded him.
     “Don’t worry, it’s not even my blood. Let’s go back home, I’m a bit tired. We also can celebrate my birthday there, no?”
     You nodded. “Alright, let’s go.”
∘◦ ✂ ————–✂ ◦∘
     Once Rai sat on his couch and took off his shirt, you let out a dramatic gasp. “You said you weren’t injured. What’s this on your arm?! Hospital! Now!”
     “This is just a scratch, nothing serious.” Rai tried to calm you down.
     “Jist i scritch, your rear!” you mocked, sneering at him.
     “Well, it’s not life-threatening, so it’s not serious.” you just gave him a disinterested look and pout. Rai looked at you back and pout to you, too. “Patch me up?” he asked.
     “Hmph!” you turned your face away from him.
     “Oh c’mon, Inmates. Don’t be mad and help me out, pretty please?”
     Rai used his cute card again, you can’t stay mad at him for a good reason. And it was because of his cute yet cool face. “Ugh, fine!”
     You got the first aid kit and helped him out. “Ouch! Missy/Mister, a little gentler please?” he winched in pain, whining with his majestic celestine eyes.
     After patching him up, your half melting heart tried its best to ignore the officer. But then again, he looked at you with his pretty eyes. “Inmates, don’t be mad, please?”
     You snorted in annoyance and stood up from the couch. "Huh, where are you going?!" Rai panicked, afraid you're really angry to him. “I’m sorry! It won’t happen again!”
     But before long, you came back with a huge box with colorful ribbons. In your arms, not only the box, there is also a couple can of cola. A smile beamed on Rai’s face as you put the box and cans on the table. “What is that? I thought you haven't bought a present for me.”
     “I haven’t. This is the cheesecake I've been making since you left for headquarter this morning. I can only give this to you for now," you said while lighting a few candles.
     “Aww, you’re so sweet,” Rai sang in a really sweet voice.
     You lifted the cake from the box and handed it to Rai. "Happy birthday, Rai. Now make a wish!"
     Rai closed his eyes, praying his wish inside his heart. Once he showed you his azure eyes, he blowed the candles, clapping in excitement.
     After cutting the cake and opening a few cans of cola, Rai patted his full stomach. "The cheesecake is delicious. Thank you, Inmates!" you could only give him a thin smile, thanking him in silence for the compliment.
     However, something caught Rai's attention. He looked at the ribbons that previously decorated the cake box. Before long, a mischievous smile touched his lips. Rai took the ribbon and pulled your wrist. “Hey—” you shrieked.
     Rai slowly wrapped the ribbon around your wrists. To your surprise, you stayed still, letting him have his way. After that, Rai nodded to himself. “That should do it!”
     Rai pulled your arms, letting it touch his cheeks. You could feel his warmth. He planted a long kiss on your palm. “You don't need to buy me anything. You’re the best gift I ever got,” he whispered, showing you his love and gentleness. Your cheeks heated up while your heart melted in his warmth.
     Feeling the romantic tension between the two of you, you were at loss for what to do. But suddenly, something caught your attention. You couldn’t help but extended your hand to brush his hair. You noticed the pink color of the tips of his hair was getting longer and darker. “The pink color is getting longer,” you mumbled.
     “It means I’m getting older,” Rai chuckled.
     Your pretty eyes and his ethereal ones interlocked. You found yourself out of breath. His eyes looked deep into you, gripping your hand tighter. You tried to back down but he’s stronger than you to plan you down in one place. “Rai,” you whispered.
     “I’m not done unwrapping my birthday gift yet,” Rai whispered to you with his deep and husky voice.
     “Gift?” you asked in confusion.
     Rai laughed lightly. “You will present yourself to me,” he lifted the end of the ribbon that binds your hands, pulling you close. “And since you are my gift, I’m going to take it slow and unwrap you bit by bit.”
     You couldn’t handle his sweet yet mischieve words. Rai had no intention to stop, biting the end of the ribbon. The corner of his lips lifted into a smirk. You bit your lips, licking the taste of the cola and cheese from before yet all you feel is sweetness from his gentle gaze.
     “Time to open my gift,” he claimed, slowly unwrapping the ribbon around your hands. As soon as you were free, Rai immediately pulled you into his arms. He took a while longer to keep you for his own.
     “Rai,” you called for him.
     “You are also a precious gift not only to me, but to every single creature in every dimentions. To all of us, you are someone very precious and special. Thank you for being born into this world, Rai,” you lifted his bangs and pressed your lips gently against his forehead.
     Rai smiled sweetly and gently. “Thank you for being by my side too, Inmates…” he thanked you softly. “Today is the best birthday I ever had.” ----- [FIN]
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Unwrap the Gift A Fiction by Author Xandra September, 2021
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Alone, Bored and Mischievous~
Words- 2034
Fandom- Rick and Morty
Focus Characters- you, Jerry, Rick
Summary- You were bored in the house and in the house bored, everyone else was out apart from Jerry so you decided to hang out with your favourite dad.
You were bored as fuck. You wondered around the house, unsure if what to do. Everyone seemed to be doing their own things; summer had gone to the mall with Beth- your adopted mother- Jerry was reading a newspaper in his 'man cave', Morty was out and you had no clue where Rick had gone so you assumed the two were on an adventure.
You wandered around the house aimlessly. Usually you'd go out with friends or have plans but everyone else had plan today with family or dates or other shit. So you were left alone.
You looked at the couch, sitting down and wondering if you should watch some interdimentional tv, you turned the tv on and grabbed a remote, sitting on the couch.
You were wearing some pretty lazy stuff although it was hot out. It wasn't burning but it was definitely hot enough, you wore an over sized baby blue t-shirt with a little bee on the breast saying 'bee-kind' and some casual black leggings with no socks or shoes. Your hair was down and partly messy, thought you had brushed it prior.
You flicked through a variety of shows, ranging from cartoons to 4th Dimensional shit. But nothing grabbed your interest, you mostly just wanted to do something, not just sit around. You looked at the nintendo, perhaps you could play some games? But the idea quickly faded as you just weren't interested in it right now.
You got up and turned off the TV, putting the remote back. You even thought about eating, but you were just bored so there was no point.
You then decided to go nose around the house, no one was hone so it couldn't hurt right? You'd already nosed around in the main areas so you decided to go to Rick's room.
Ah what a genius you are.
Fucking nutcase.
Anyways you slopped off to his room, you wandered down the downstairs hall behind the stairs and quickly found the old farts room. You peeked inside, no one around, you looked around to make sure no one was around either, Jerry would have been to busy to notice anyway.
You stepped into the room and looked around, a messy bed, messy floors, his notes covered his walls, boxes were stacked upon each other filled with whatever Rick collected, his draws were slightly open and random clothing and paper falling down and more. You looked over the mans bed, questioning how he could sleep on a bed so low and so unsteady.
Even this bored you, you really had nothing catching your interest, even mischief was killing you.
You left the room, though before you did, you left a little surprise for Rick under his bed.
You left and trotted down the halls, finding your way to Jerry's man cave. Maybe you could hang out with him, he was like your dad after all.
You entered the room to see him sitting on a recliner chair watching some show about you had no clue, nor did you take any interest.
"Hey J" you rhyme, smiling at him. Jerry paused the show quickly and sat up smiling too. He waved pathetically but appreciated the nickname. You usually did this anyway, and he had a nickname for you too.
"Hey Mischief" he said, one of the best nicknames he'd come up with in a while, though he'd been calling you it for years. You usually caused mischief in the family, earning you the appropriate title.
You wandered over to Jerry, standing next to the recliner and looking at the TV. "What cha watching?"
"Nothing, what cha doing?" Jerry asked, brushing off his show. You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"I'm just hanging out with my favourite dad"
Jerry's face went sick and tears filled his eyes at the thought.
"Awwww y/n!" Jerry got up and pulled you into a hug making you laugh, you swatted him away, pulling out of it.
"Alright sap king" you laughed, Jerry just rolled his eyes.
"Anyway what are really up too?" Jerry asked, knowing your mischievous ways. You shrugged with a slight smirk, you really wanted to cause some mischief right now.
"Uh-huh... okay-" Jerry eyes you but the two of you left to go to the kitchen to grab a drink. You chatted about some strange things and then about a job for Jerry.
"Yeah I found this job application" you explained, leaning over the kitchen's side as he got you both a drunk from the sink.
"No way really?!" He asked excitedly. "What about?"
"Its nothing fancy, just a couple of ads" you shrugged as if it was nothing, taking the water Jerry had poured out for you.
"Thank you y/n! Thank you thank you thank you!" Jerry jumped with joy as the two of you headed into the living room to watch TV. And seeing a way to cause mischief you jumped over the couch and slid right under where Jerry was about to sit.
Then when he went to sit next to you you just laid across the whole couch.
"Jerry I'm trying to watch TV!" You whined, pointing at the black screen. Jerry loomed at the TV to see if you actually were, but obviously you weren't, just pulling his leg. You burst out laughing and he mocked you.
"Ha ha! Very funny. Now move" he ordered, though it was in his own pathetic Jerry way.
"Nah, I'm quite comfortable here" you explained, placing the drink on the table and stretching out with your arms under your head like when someone was sunbathing.
"Oh really now?" Jerry asked, putting his drink down too. A slight teasing in his voice.
"Mhm! You should try this out- oh wait" you laughed in mockery, only joking around as not to hurt his feelings. But quickly your laughter turned slient as he fluttered his hands over your open armpits. Your eyes opened wide and you stared st the Jerry looking down at you, glaring at him.
You had closed your armpits now, looking a little silly on the couch having lost your confidence. Jerry noticed this and smirked, smiling as though he had no clue what was going on.
"Is everything okay?" He taunted. He was a dumbass, a pain in the ass, pathetic, but a great dad for the most part. He knew in every way to embarrass his kids and loved to do it together it was on purpose or just his pathetic ways.
You glared at him, staying in the same position.
The smirk on his face only grew as he acted more and more stupid. He reached his hand down and squeezed your belly, making you jerk and almost fall off the sofa though you didnt due to him being there.
"Jeherry. Jerry dont" you ordered, though it partly sounded like pleading, your hidden laughter mixing with your words. Jerry only answered with a little squeeze in the centre of your belly making a dumb smile break through on your mouth before you quickly got rid of it.
"What's wong y/n?" Jerry teased in a babys voice. You always hated when he did that, making you giggle even more but trying to act tough you tried your hardest not to laugh.
"N-nothing. Move ya big ball sack!" You told him, pushing him out of your face, holding back giggles. You always sounded like such a baby when you giggled, especially nervously. Not like the strong independent wOmAn you are on missions who can fight and comprehend almost anything.
"Hehey! Watch it" Jerry laughed as he was pushed backwards. You chuckled as he fell backwards a little bit but stay stood up over you. He had a wide smirk on his mouth and you were doubting whether or not you should have caused mischief in the first place.
"Y/n?" He asked, stepping closer sl you couldn't run.
"W-what?" You stuttered, a bit nervous now.
"I have a question"
"I don't think I wanna hear it-" you muttered slightly, looking for a way of escapism.
"Please! Just one tiny little question." He begged as he crouched down, trying to hide his smirk. You never minded when Jerry tickled you, you didn't hate being tickled either, you actually enjoyed the memories but you hated the taunting, the taughtig was terrible. You'd go all ready and squeal, unable to talk from being flustered so much.
But you knew there was no escape from this.
"Jerrryyyyy" you begged silently.
You sighed, looking down in defeat.
"What Jerry!" You whined, pooking up into his eyes. Though it was a horrible mistake, full of mischief and taunting, a large smirk on his face.
His hands darted to your sides as he threw you back.
"Are you ticklish?" He knew the answer, darting his hands up your sides making you squeal suddenly and then giggle like a child as you were slammed into the couch. You desperately pushed at his hands as your face turned a light pink.
"Jeheherry! Nohoho" you giggled, pushing and wiggling out of his grip. He grabbed you though and threw you onto the couch slightly, you were a great fighter, slippery and incredible but you were light as a feather no matter what. Even Jerry could swoop you up for a quick moment.
He stood over you as his hands squeezed and dances over the skin, slowly making their way up your ribs making you kick out as you tried to hide tour laughter, clamming your mouth shut so no one would hear, though no one was home and everyone knew except Rick.
"MmMHMm!" You muffled and tried to compel your laughter, wiggling as Jerry straddled you between his legs, dancing his fingers up your ribs. Weak bitch in fighting but tickle fights? It was such a Jerry thing.
He even fir a quick moment brought a hand to your neck, light tickles causing you to tuck in as he brought it back down to your side and ribs. You pushed and pulled at his wrists but nothing worked. You were dying behind a clenched smile.
Jerry skillfully shot his hands into your armpits making you squeal extremely loud, almost rolling off the couch with giggly screeching laughter. It wasn't even your worst spot, you were just surprised.
You rolled off the couch and ran to the kitchen, standing over the counter so Jerry couldn't get you easily, and good thing too, you both heard a voice call out if everything was alright in there and Rick stood outside the garage door with his casual light blue shirt on and pants having working on something in the garage this whole time.
You turned around for a split second to see if Rick was actually there, Jerry detracted too. You quickly span around though and pointed a finger from him to Rick.
"HE CAN NEVER FIND OUT!" You yelled particularly loud, a slight bit out of breath from the attack. Your face was bright red by now and your hair a bit messy. Jerry was smiling wide and laughing at your reaction. Rick just gave it a weird ass look.
"What uurrp-" Rick questioned before being interrupted by his own burp. You only snapped your neck to look at him so he could see your bright red and flustered face.
"What the-"
"She's really-" you snapped your head and glared at Jerry, screaming.
"SHUT UP JERRY!" You really never minded the tickles, but once more, having to watch someone let out your secret of being tickled? It only meant the other person would tickle you more. It was human. And embarrassing.
You didnt care if Rick knew, but you really did. You didnt wanna seem weak, or babish. You didn't want him to know you actually enjoyed the tournament, not that anyone did know. Still.
"FUCK YOU ALL" You yelled, walking out of the room, bright and flustered.
Rick gave you a look and then Jerry, Jerry put up a hand to talk.
"She's really-" he whispered slightly but you leaned back into the room and yelled at him to shut up.
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bonesgadh · 5 years
Okay so I think I’ve figured out a way in which Hopper can still be alive.
I think lots of us, if not most of us were left with the idea Hopper wasn’t killed in the blast. Mainly because Hopper is a character we all love and he is a fan favorite, but also because of that cryptic “No. Not the american” line the russian soldier says in the epilogue of 3x08.
I’ve spent the last twelve hours thinking of how a “Hopper is alive” scenario could work within the narrative of the show, and I think I finally have the answer.
But first, some evidence that could sustain our claim that Hopper survived:
The first scene from 3x01 features a russian experiment gone wrong, an experiment we are meant to believe is intented to open a gate to the upside down. When the machine explodes all the nearby workers‘ bodies transform into burnt flesh. The blast from 3x08 is technically bigger and at the moment of the explosion we see four scientists desintegrate, but they didn’t show what exactly happened to Hopper. I guess you could say the Duffers thought it would be too traumatic to show him burst into a thousand pieces but I find it interesting the camera focused not once but twice in the spot Hopper was standing before the blast.
I see certain similarities between Eleven’s “sacrifice” from 1x08 and Hopper’s actions from 3x08. They both knew what they had to do to ensure the rest would survive, they weren’t afraid to die to save others and their “deaths” were tragic because they were witnessed by people who loved them (Mike, Lucas and Dustin in Eleven’s case, Joyce in Hopper’s) and they couldn’t do anything to save them. The ending of 1x08 made it seem as if Eleven was gone—which was the Duffers’ original idea—but they still chose to leave things open-ended just in case, in the form of Hopper leaving the Eggos in the forest. When Eleven “sacrificed” herself to kill the demogorgon in 1x08 they showed her vanish, but it turns out she only teleported to the upside down.
There are reasons to believe they are aiming to do the same thing with Hopper. He apparently dies in the blast but there’s a blink-and-you-miss-it moment that hints at the possibility he may be in Russia instead.
But in case he survived, how did Hopper end up in the other side of the world?
Here’s the possible explanation:
Hopper travelled through the upside down and onto Russia.
It sounds crazy but hear me out.
There have been lots of references to espionage in Stranger Things, Eleven herself was used to spy on russian officials. What if the russians found out about the gate she opened and the upside down, and they wanted to use it to their advantage?
What if the russians weren’t trying to open a gate to the upside down, but what they intended was to create some sort of portal to travel to the US through interdimentional travel?
In the context of the Cold War this could work like a charm for them. They could send weapons, men and equipment into the US without danger and without being noticed.
The first scene from 3x01 is set in Russia, where the original machine is being built and tested. However the machine Joyce destroys is in Hawkins, which makes me believe the one in Russia is only one end of the road, and the one in Hawkins is the other end. Like point A to point B.
Now, during season 3 there were many references to Back to the Future. They showed many scenes from the first movie and the poster can be seen in the background on at least a couple of occasions, and the mall’s parking lot remembles the one in which Marty went back in time. 
In case you haven’t seen the trilogy, in the final minutes of the second film ‘Doc’ Brown is riding the DeLorean in a storm and he gets hit by a lighting bolt, and he is accidentally sent to 1885. In the third and final movie of the saga Marty goes back in time to rescue ‘Doc’ and to take him back to 1985.
The lights that emanate from the mysterious machine that opens the gate look very similar to lighting bolts, and to the flux capacitor in the DeLorean as well. In fact, when they hit those poor workers in 3x01 it seems as if they are being hit by lighting.
What if the blast sent Hopper into the upside down through the gate and, because it is a portal, he ends up in Russia instead of in the upside down? And what if season 4 finds El and the gang trying to bring him back through that same portal, just like Marty tries to do with ‘Doc’ in BTTF3?
Also there’s another possible hint at this being true: Dustin’s transmisor.
Dustin brags about his transmitor being able to receive and transmit signals from and through long distances, which is proved twice in the season. What if “Cerebro” is a metaphor of what is happening beyond ground? The portal is able to link point A to point B, just like Dustin’s transmisor.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that “Cerebro” is located at the highest point of Hawkins, while the portal the russians are trying to build is located underneath. That’s a very blunt contrast.
I know this all sounds crazy and maybe I’m just grasping at straws, but I believe Hopper is alive and I will continue to do so until proven wrong.
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Everyone else meeting ethan: what the fuck is he???
Michael: holy shit ethan fucking winters
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Context for this drawing is that micheal was bored and Mike was trying to nap but Mike woke up =3
Edit: I forgot some marks on micheal but I'm too lazy to fix it
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Little scenario I thought of:
Micheal: "hey guys just had to escape the police sorry"
Vanessa: "really? In the fucking gay Jesus shirt?"
Micheal: "I'll have you know this shirt is endorsed by Jesus Christ himself"
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Hey guys here's another fun fact bc I have neglected telling my silly facts
Jack was technically in the void for only a month but to him it felt like years so when blackjack finally found a way to bring him to everyone else he was a bit fucked up and a result of that is him constantly needing to touch someone to assure himself that everything around him is real (it doesn't work sometimes but it's the best he has)
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I'm gonna start drawing things for this blog before I have the refs done bc school is kicking my ass (I have no motivation to do most things) and the refs take forever
Also mike can see what type of media they're in so he can see the endless white void that they'll be in alot
Edit: I forgot Jack's dog ears pretend they're there
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I had the idea of Michael just casually playing re8 on his break and ethan or Karl walk in and see him playing Ian are extremely confused for a bit until Michael explains they're a game for most of the people in the mall cut to Michael playing while either of them watch him play and giving him tips
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When Mike first joined the mall employees:
Elizabeth: he's totally gay I can just feel it
Michael: dude he looks straight idk how you could think that
Elizabeth: it's in his eyes man
After the mangle weed trio got together:
[Insert Michael and Mike making out in a random closet]
Elizabeth walking in: god dammit you two
Michael: I never got to experience a high school romance let me act like a stupid teenager
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I'm aware it's 4 am but I just remembered I had a "the interdimentional mall employees as vines" sitting around so here
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