#the lines they gave to each member suit them sooo well
seokmashu · 11 months
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taeslovehandles · 4 years
The commercial - Shortstory
It had been quite a while since Seokjin was able to enjoy his games freely. Play long into the night while trying to win against Yoongi and Jimin that had picked up Teamfight Tactics because of him.
The lockdown was annoying, mostly because the members couldn't see their fans at all, but it also meant more freetime. All the members were finally able to pick up hobbies and activities they hadn't been able to do with their fully packed schedules.
It was great and most of the group actually spend time with their families or meeting friends. Seokjin however played games. A lot of them. All day and all night. He had ordered takeout and drank lots of soda. Taehyung and Jungkook often came by to eat and play together and sometimes Hoseok would visit with cupcakes and new receipts for his Hyung to try.
The year went by quickly and with it came changes. Heavy changes. Sitting all day without exercising and constantly stuffing your face had it's toll. And it was showing.
-Knock Knock-
Nothing. Seokjin didn't hear ithe knock. He was too panicked finding jeans that still fit him.
A shirt landed on Namjoons face.
"Hyung what are you doing in here?!"
"Joonie...Joonie I'm having some issues okay? Look." He pulled his way too tight shirt up to reveal a proud and sagging belly with wide and thick love handles. But the most prominent feature was his wide bubblebutt. It was massive.
"This is a bigger problem that a simple 'Oh' Joonie. These were my fat jeans Joonie. My fat jeans won't go over my thighs!"
That was a problem. But Namjoon couldn't shake the thought away how unbelievably hot his Hyung looked like that. To his demise his reddened cheeks couldn't either.
"Uhm... That is an issue but... I actually came here to ask if you read the group chat for the new schedule?"
"No. As you may have noticed I got bigger problems right now." Massive problems.
Namjoon bit his lips. "Well..."
"What is it?" Seokjin tried once more to get his tight shirt over his belly. It didn't even cover half of it. Good god he really let himself go.
Namjoon rubbed the back of his head. "Well the news you're about to hear won't be good ones then."
"Just tell me already. It can't be worse than this." He gestured to his body as he slightly jumped up and down. Everything jiggled. God Namjoon was glad he was wearing wide sweatpants and a hoodie to cover his erection.
"Well. The company accepted a new agency and we are having a shooting tomorrow for a commercial clip."
"Oh." Now it was Seokjin that said it. His eyes widened as his brain slowly realized what that meant. "Oh my fucking god. This is..."
"Terribly bad. Shit. What am I supposed to do now Joonie!?" Seokjin truly panicked now. He had nothing to wear. How was he even. Fuck.
"They told us to wear suits for the shooting. That's all I know." Namjoons red cheeks were still pronounced on his face. He only eyed Seokjins rare like five times.
"Oh god. I can't wear my suit though?"
"Well-" And Namjoon hated himself for suggesting something that was obvious but he was literally drooling over Seokjins wide ass. "Maybe your suit still fits? You should try it. The fabric is more stretchy. You didn't gain that much." He did. Seokjin looked like a version that ate Seokjin. Each asscheek as big as one curled up Seokjin. No way was the man gonna fit in his old suit. But Namjoon couldn't help himself. He needed to see this.
"No I haven't tried them on yet. Let's see." Rummaging through his closet, Seokjin pulled his black suit out and held it over his body. "And you really think -that- still fits in there?" He grabbed part of his jiggly big butt.
"It might be a bit tight but it should fit." Why was Namjoon like that. It wouldn't fit. Not in a million years.
"Alright then let's try it. Nothing to lose."
A disaster. It had been a disaster. Not only did Seokjin rip the button of his pants but also ripped his entire shirt open at the seams. And if that hadn't been bad enough the poor man also ended up splitting his pants in the process of hunching over to pick up the popped button from the ground, presenting Namjoon with his wonderful underwear. An underwear that had also been too small revealing a big asscrack. Great.
"What am I supposed to do now Joonie?" Seokjins eyes looked teary. He was about to burst into tears.
"Hey shh. It's okay. I know a shop that basically lives off of situations like this."
"People getting too fat for their suits?"
Namjoon pinched Seokjins nose. "No dummy. People that need a custom tailord suit within 24h. I'll call them and we buy you a new one for tomorrow okay?"
Rubbing his nose Seokjin looked hopeful now. "Okay...Thank you Jonnie. You are a life saver."
The suit had been made with ease and Seokjin looked presentable for the shooting the next day. Namjoon had been nice enough to inform the other members about their Hyungs 'weight struggles' and asked them to be scincere as well as to not mention it around him or stare too much.
But it was hard not to stare. The man that entered the shooting was huge. Seokjin had really packed on the pounds this past year. So much that his butt had touched the door frame on both sides slightly. The members did not mentioned his weight gain nor did they stare. At least not when Seokjin was looking.
"Hey guys. Sooo does anyone know what this shooting is for? What commercial are we filming?" Seokjin asks curious but also a bit embarrassed. No one had said anything about his new figure yet. He was glad they didn't but he still felt out of place.
"Hyundai is revealing their new S Class and we will be the new ambassadors for them. It's a huge deal apparently." Yoongi answers.
"Oh. Okay. Cars. No that's. That's cool." Seokjin was starting to sweat. He hadn't sat in a car for a year and didn't know if he would even fit in one anymore.
"Do you know if we-"
"Alright guys. Please come over here and stand infront of the car. I want three of you sitting down and the other four standing around it please." The director yells from across the room.
Standing. Seokjin would definitely stand. He scooted next to Namjoon on the left side of the car to slightly lean against it. Somehow look cooler.
The director looked at them and took some test shots before directing them for multiple different shots. Some with everyone walking toward the camera. Some with units of two to three and Seokjin really thought he would be able to finish this without getting into any uncomfortable situations. He thought that too soon.
"Alright. I will be taking action unit shots now. I want Mr.Kim and Mr.Park for this one please. Just stand next to the car for now please."
Seokjin did as he was told until the director kept rubbing his beard. "Mhmm actually. Can Mr.Kim please sit inside the car and get out after Mr.Park says his line?"
"Sure." Oh god Oh god Oh god no why please. At first Seokjin kept calm. He opened the door and sat inside. Or more so let his heft pull him into the tiny seat. His belly was in the way and he couldn't close the door because of it but the director seemed to like the casual look of Seokjin only sitting halfway in it with his legs outside.
Jimin said his line and then it was over. Seokjin tried to get up and out of the seat but his butt wouldn't budge. He tried again. Nothing.
Jimin whispered. "What are you doing. Get up?"
"I can't." Seokjin whispered back. "I'm stuck." Oh this was a nightmare. How in the world was Seokjin supposed to get out of this with his pride in tact?
"Cut." The director glanced at Seokjin when he spoke more firmly. "Mr.Kim is there a problem?"
"Oh uhm. No. It's just." He laughed akwardly. "You see. I really like this car and I was thinking maybe I could just keep sitting in it for this tape?"
The director cocked his brow as he obviously looked the man up and down.
"I agree!" Jimin came to his rescue. "Wouldn't it be a more dynamic shot if Seokjin keeps sitting and me walking toward him as I say my line? That way the car would be more in the focus." Jimin you smart son of a bitch. Seokjin truly loved his members.
"Mhmm. Alright let's try it!" The director sat back on his chair and Jimin winked at Seokjin before leaving to get ready for his walking scene.
It was a blast. The scene looked good and right after Jimins and Seokjins shot they switched to another car color with Namjoon and Hoseok. This gave everyone else time to figure out how to get Seokjin out of that damn car.
"Wait don't pull on my suit! It's gonna rip!"
"Hyung we need to grab you somewhere though. " Taehyung pouts.
"Yah. Less talking more pushing." Yoongi had climbed onto the front seat and was pushing into Seokjins butt to somehow get him free.
"This isn't working." Jimin states.
"It would work if you'd help me push or pull him." Yoongi was out of breath. But not giving up.
God Seokjin just wanted to disappear into the ground and never come back out again. His members hands were everywhere on him. Squishing his fat without succeeding in getting him out. He had never felt so embarrassed.
It took them 15 minutes until they finally managed to pull him out of the car seat. Unfortunately Seokjin had somehow managed to press one side of his butt against the steering wheel and the hall was filled with a loud honk.
Whoever had been busy and not staring at the members did now. And Seokjin was standing there with his jacket open and a ridden up shirt that revealed his jiggly lover belly as well as wide hips poking out of his pants.
He stood there and laughed akwardly. He had to diet. He'd start tomorrow. Or maybe in a few days.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Trouble in Paradise
(Pt. 1)
Tom Holland x reader x Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: Some Language 
A/N: So here is part 1 of my Tom Holland mini series for my 100 followers celebration weekend! I wrote this a while ago and wasn’t too sure about it, but I hope you like it! If you enjoy reading, like, reblog, comment, or even follow! Happy Reading <3<3<3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Y/N looked at the beautiful ocean that laid before her as she soaked in the sun and the sound of the waves. She loved the smell of the Hawaiian air. She really could not believe that she was in this beautiful place right now. Maybe taking her best friend up on his offer to her to go with his family and some friends on a Hawaiian vacation as a break wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Paddy called to her as he ran across the sand, “Come quick! Tom said that he has a surprise for us! But, will you help me find Harrison first?”
Y/N smiled at the young red head, who was about the same age as her little brother, “Of course! What do you think he’s got for us?” She stood up from the sand and reached for the young boy’s hand.
“I don’t know…but, it’s Tom and we’re on vacation, so it should be a good one, right?”
Y/N laughed along as they trekked down the beach to find Y/N’s other best friend, Harrison. They didn’t have to go far, he was in and out of the water with his boogie board, catching the waves that he could.
“HAZ! Come on out! Paddy says that Tom has a surprise for us all!” Y/N called out, hands cupped to her mouth.
As she watched her friend swim towards shore, Y/N’s mind wandered to what Tom’s surprise could possibly be. He had already surprised everyone with this wonderful trip, put together an entire itinerary, and reserved the most beautiful resort house that Y/N had ever seen. A few years prior, she could not have ever imagined going on a trip like this, but after befriending Tom and Harrison during her study abroad in England, life was a whirlwind.
“Here’s your towel, you water monkey,” Y/N giggled as she threw Harrison his towel.
“Thanks, kid!” Harrison beamed.
“Oh, knock it off! I’m literally less than a year younger than you! Don’t give me that!” Since she’d met the two boys, the majority of the jokes were about how she was a year younger than them and couldn’t even drink when she went home after her study abroad year.
Since their house was on the beach, the walk inside was not long at all, but Y/N already missed being on the beach.
“Tom! Why did you make me leave the cute girls I was talking to?” Harry asked as he sat on the couch, grumpily.
“Well guys…I was super excited to share this trip with everyone closest to me…”
Y/N’s heart leapt a little in her chest. As cliché as it is, she had fallen for the curly haired, brown eyed boy over their years of friendship. It was really his fault though. The moment she went back to the U.S. for school, he was checking up on her every day. He would text her good morning (even though he was hours ahead), he would facetime her when she was super stressed about her exams and papers, and he had even surprised her at school a few times. It was as if he was begging for her to fall in love.
Waiting for Tom’s big announcement, Y/N sat down next to Harry while Harrison flopped on the other side.
“…sooo, I decided to convince someone else special to me to join us!”
“Could it be Zendaya joining us?” Y/N hoped.
“Babe, come on out!”
As a girl Y/N had never seen before stepped out of the hallway, Y/N felt herself sink into the couch cushions even more. Even though she had never told Tom about her feelings, she had always hoped that he felt the same way. Hell, when she was drunk at 1 AM U.S.A. time, Tom would still answer her texts and facetimes, she kinda thought that he would’ve figured it out by this point.
Y/N felt Harrison glance over at her, he wasn’t as blind as Tom was.
“Hi everyone,” the girl smiled.
“Oh, hi Jamie!” Paddy exclaimed, breaking the silence.
“Hi Paddy! Hi Sam and Harry,” she said. Her high pitched voice getting higher with each hello. It made Y/N nauseous.  
Apparently everyone else had heard of Jamie before, but Y/N guessed that this is what she gets for not living in London still.
“Y/N,” Tom said, snapping her out of her head, “this is Jamie, my girlfriend. Jamie, this is Y/N, one of my best friends!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Jamie smiled holding out her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too!” Y/N said, quickly putting on a smile and taking the girl’s hand as nicely as possible, but as soon as the attention was off her, she managed to sink back into the background.
Nikki and Dom came out to greet Tom’s girlfriend as well, that gave Y/N the chance to sneak back off to the beach.
“Hey! Y/N! Wait up!” Harrison called.
Y/N didn’t want to slow down at the moment, she didn’t know what she was feeling and knew that if Haz talked to her, she would let all of the things that she didn’t want to feel out.
“Y/N/N! Common!”
Y/N could feel the tears building up and was not ready to let them shed. Luckily, she had her bathing suit on, so she just ripped off her cover-up and ran into the water. Not until she was through the wave breaking point did Y/N realize that Harrison was still calling after her. But once she turned around, she then realized that Haz was actually swimming after her.
“Haz, go back inside. You’re going to cause a scene running after me!”
“Don’t be silly, darling. They are too wrapped up in each other to notice that the two non-family members are missing,” he said trying to diffuse the situation. “Now, wipe those tears off of your face.”
“What tears? This is just the salt water!” Y/N lied, giggling a little bit in the process.
“Well do you wanna talk about the water streaming down your face?”
“No,” Y/N said stubbornly.
“Want me to say the reasons I think there is water on your face and why you ran out of there while you just nod your head because I am right?”
“Then, I think that you have water on your face, water that isn’t tears, because you felt blindsided by Tom bringing a girl to Hawaii after we’ve already been here for a few days, especially since you didn’t even know that there was a girl to begin with. Not to mention that you still have feelings for him even though you’ve told me time and time again that you don’t and that even if you did, you were over them by now?”
Y/N didn’t want to admit that her other best friend was spot on, so she just ducked under water, her safe haven.
“Y/N! Common love. I’ll be here with you for the rest of the time. We can avoid them as much as possible too!”
“Don’t you think everyone will find that suspicious?” Y/N tilted her head.
“Well, I think us sitting here in the water while I hold you is looking even more suspicious. Hello everybody!” Harrison lifted his arm up to wave to those on the shore.
Y/N could feel the blush coming up to her face as she timidly waved. Following Harrison towards the Holland family and, well, Jamie, felt even more embarrassing.
“What are you two doing out there?” Sam laughed as the sand reappeared under Y/N’s feet.
“I had dared Y/N earlier that she couldn’t go further than me in the water, but when she started to struggle, I had to obviously save her…”
“HEY!” Y/N protested, “I do not have issues swimming in the water!”
“You two were looking pretty cozy,” Nikki winked, “Haz, I’ve always wanted for you to find a nice girl and I liked Y/N from the day I met her.”
“Oh, no, no, no, Mrs. Holland, that’s not what was happening!” Y/N protested.
“What? Am I that repulsive?” Harrison jokingly scoffed.
“No. It’s not that either. Uhh, ummm, yeah. I just couldn’t stay out of the water for too long! That’s why we’re here right?” Y/N tried to buy herself some time.
“That’s a great point!” Tom brought up, obviously oblivious to the entire situation. “Jamie? Is your swimsuit nearby? As you can see, everyone has been in the ocean already this morning! Let’s go, babe!”
Y/N watched as Tom led Jamie back towards the beach house, Dom and Nikki following behind, leaving just Y/N, Harrison, the twins, and Paddy on the beach.
“So, is there something that you two really want to tell us?” Harry teased.
“No! Really guys!” Y/N tried to interject, but that wasn’t before she heard Paddy say a little something.
“Harrison, I’ve always seen the way you look at Y/N, but I didn’t know she liked you back!”
“Pads, who said anything about me liking Y/N? Huh?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I feel like I hear whispers about it all the time, but everyone stops talking whenever I come into the room and ask if she’s coming to visit and that’s why you’re all talking about her!”
Y/N had nothing to say to that, but just looked over at Harrison, who moved quickly to put a hand over Paddy’s mouth.
“Paddy…shut it!” Sam tried to mumble, but Y/N could obviously hear him.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you for a minute again?”
“Uh, huh…” Y/N managed to get out as Harrison took her hand and led her away from the other Holland boys.
“Haz? What was that about?” Y/N asked as Haz sat down beneath a palm tree.
“I can explain. I think… Paddy doesn’t really know what he’s talking out. He’s just a kid. Ya know?”
“Haz?” Y/N asked giving him her wide, E/C eyes.
“Okay, okay, okay. Maybe while you’ve been pining over Tom, I sort of started pining over you…but I realized a while ago that I’d much rather be your friend and be supportive of you completely instead of making myself crazy over the fact that you like Tom more than me…”
“I am so sorry, Haz! I must’ve been so insensitive to you. I feel horribly…”
“No, don’t. It’s really okay! I couldn’t tell you how I felt, so I decided to get over it instead of holding onto it…” Haz trailed off.
Y/N followed his eye line to see Tom and Jamie walking hand-in-hand over to them. She sat back further into the crook of the palm tree as if that would keep the couple from coming over.
“Hey guys! What are you doing over here?”
“Paddy was just talking about stuff that he didn’t actually know, so I had to explain it. I’ll tell you later,” Haz said, waving it off. He did manage to look at Y/N, who sent him an apologetic yet thankful simile back.
“Okay! Well, Jamie and I were just wondering if you wanted to play some two-on-two volleyball! And let me tell you a secret, Jamie is an EXCELLENT player!”
“Great! Now it’s going to be ‘us’ and ‘we’ and ‘the two of us’ for the rest of the trip!” Y/N thought to herself. “Sure!” she found herself saying and then regretting instantly. However, as she stood up, she felt a competitive fire start up inside her and was ready to show her athletic ability off, well hopefully…
“Oh my god! Tom! I am soooo sorry!” Y/N continuously said as the four entered the beach house to get ice for Tom’s split lip.
Y/N had spiked a ball, heading right for Jamie, that Tom got in front of and let’s just say, the ball definitely won.
“It’s really okay, Y/N! Honestly, I didn’t know that you could put that much power behind a ball! It was awesome!” Tom laughed, holding the cloth covered ice to his lip.
“Yeah Y/N/N, who knew someone so short and young was able to hit that hard!” Haz joked, narrowing his eyes at Y/N, knowing of the internal fire that she had.
“Babe, are you okay? Let me take a look at it,” Jamie tried to reach down to fuss over Tom’s busted lip.
“No, no, no. I’m fine! I can handle a busted lip. Plus, I’ll have to come up with a great story. Can’t have people thinking that I am able to get beaten up by a girl!” Tom laughed, still holding the ice to his lip. “It’s a good thing that I blocked that, this could’ve been you, Jamie!”
Y/N bit her lip thinking about how bad that would’ve looked. She wasn’t purposefully trying to hit anyone…The ball just somehow took all of her competitiveness after her and Harrison almost started to fall behind. Not to mention, anytime they would score a point, Tom and Jamie would hang all over each other and even start kissing, so who can really blame Y/N for getting a tad bit angry? That’s gross to look at all the time.
“Why don’t you two head off and I can stay here and take care of this baby,” Jamie cooed as she went to pull Tom up towards his and Harrison’s shared room.
“Oh, Y/N! By the way, is it okay if Jamie shares your room? Since the rest are boys and I already have Haz as my roommate, I figured she could just crash with you!”
“Oh, umm, yeah. That’s fine. I don’t mind,” Y/N said, feeling a little caught off guard.
“We’ll leave you two now,” Haz quickly jumped in, pulling Y/N away before she could say anything she would regret. “Let’s go swimming for a bit, maybe boogie boarding?”
Haz led Y/N back out to the warm sand. They walked past the rest of the Holland family and towards the activities counter of the resort.
“You going to be okay?” Haz asked softly. “We can go learn how to hula, swim with dolphins, or even learn to surf! I could even offer to Tom to let Jamie stay in with him and I’ll stay with you. We’ve all had sleepovers before…Primarily in your super tiny dorm room, so it wouldn’t be weird.”
“Haz,” Y/N said sternly, “You don’t have to do anything for me. I will be fine. I can handle myself. You don’t have to protect me.” With that, Y/N tried to walk away from Haz while holding her composure.
“Y/N! Common!”
She did not want to listen. She wanted to be as far away from that resort house as she possibly could be. She did not want to stop for the boy running after. She did not want to hear anymore cutsie giggling from Tom and Jamie. And most of all, she did NOT want to feel her heart break into a million pieces, so she had to get away from there.
“Hello, I’d like to take a boat tour around the island. When we got here, they said that those were offered?” Y/N asked the concierge, holding the tears back.
“Yes, ma’am. We have one leaving in the next 15 minutes. Does that work for you?” the lady at the desk asked.
“That is perfect. Thank you. How many other people are on this tour?”
“There are about 8 others signed-up now. After you, we only have one more spot.”
“I’ll take that spot!” Harrison said slapping his hands onto the counter.
“Alright, sir. You have been added. The both of you can head through those doors, to the left, and down the path. Enjoy your boat tour,” the lady smiled as she handed Harrison and Y/N their tickets to get on the boat.
Y/N took one ticket and quickly went in the direction the lady pointed out. Harrison quickly grabbed the other ticket and went to catch up to the girl that didn’t want him around.
“Y/N! Wait up!”
“Haz! I told you not to bother!”
Harrison finally had Y/N in his reach and turned her around to face him. He could see the tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. “Love, why are you trying to hide this all from me. You know that I know and can tell exactly what you are feeling. Just let me help. Please?”
Harrison stood there and prayed that the girl he knew he would never stop loving would just let him in. He knew she would never return his feelings, but he couldn’t bear seeing her so sad.
“Haz. Have you ever watched someone that has been so important to you for what seems like most of your life just not even look at you the way that you look at them, but never wanted to feel to begin with?”
Y/N at that moment had completely forgotten about Haz saying he used to have feelings for her and was really just rambling what had been going on in her mind.
“Haz, I figured that by going on this trip, I would be spending so much time with him and I’d finally have the courage to tell him how I feel…how I’ve been feeling…”
She couldn’t hold them back anymore. The tears just started to silently roll down her cheeks.
“Common Haz. We are going to miss this boat.”
Y/N pulled out of Harrison’s grip, wiped her tears, and started walking again. Harrison on the other hand had to stand for a minute as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Why couldn’t she move on from this boy? How could Haz let him have this kind of power over her?
“Haz? Are you coming?” Y/N called softly. As much as she had begged him to leave her alone, she really was happy that he was still being a best friend and being there for her.
“Yeah, I’m coming, love,” Harrison said as he jogged to close the gap.
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taejeonie · 4 years
taehee in america!!
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— i can’t find a gif from one of their interviews :// also the events aren’t in sequence,,whatever i remember watching will appear here so if i missed something, u guys can tell me!!
okay so taehee’s like
like most of the tweets were ‘american air changed taehee’
like in korea she’s chill, semi-shy but still chaotic
but in america it’s that but x82848, minus the shy part it’s like gone now
and she’s more interactive with czennies so that’s probably why (*^_^*)
like in one of their interviews someone asked, “okay, so i have a question from tumblr...do you know tumblr”
“yes i know tumblr ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
and she loved doing rpd with them it’s so cute
she kept hyping them up and dancing in the sidelines
but when cherry bomb comes on
she was like: this is my song. must. dance.
and she was center for the nananananana part so it was p e r f e c t
when they did flinch she was paired with doyoung
james was trying to talk to them but they were mODELLING
let them do their work james
“oh i see how it is now”
her eyes flinched a bit when the fruit came out but they didn’t notice....hopefully
anyways youngtae won
speaking of interviews
awkward faces. disgusted faces. bored faces. fake smile faces.
‘oh shit did they just say that?’ faces.
“so how’s it like being the only girl in the group?”
in her head she’s like: stfu i didn’t go to america for this ಠ╭╮ಠ
but outside she’s like: hahahaha looks like i gotta answer this ∩^ω^∩ gotta pay rent u know?
the genius interview oh god markhee was a MESS
they kept pinching each other when they had to explain the s t e a m y parts of the song so johnny did it for them
in the end they just gave up on explaining so she said “you don’t have to take the lyrics word by word, line by line. you can take it however you want and the feelings aren’t just limited to a significant other. it’s just love between two people and that could be a friend, a partner-“
inside they’re like “good job, taehee. good job,” until she says
“-your mom.”
and when they were teaching cherry bomb she couldn’t keep her mouth shut
“okay so you spread your legs like this” - johnny
“that’s when you feel the air coming in” - mark
and when doyoung thought it couldn’t get any worse
“oh, really? i don’t” - taehee
and yuta, taeyong, johnny, and mark just try to hold their laughter
doyoung @ the rest: just smile and wave boys, smile and wave
also stayzens got crumbs of (han) jisung and taehee’s friendship when they were guessing the dance based on the silhouette
when the choreo for ‘get cool’ showed she immediately answered
she scared everyone with her excitement but that’s okay bc they got a point
“that was fast,” the host told her
*proudly* “yeah i’m friends with one of them”
taehee stans were served
she wore dresses to award shows bUT THERE WAS A TIME SHE WORE A SUIT
everyone died
she looked amazing hot spectacular show stopping
“hey guys! welcome back to my channel ( ◠‿◠ ) so today we would be going toOoOoOo miAMIIIII *fake sound effects* um so like we’re going to buy some stuff for the beach coz like it’s really hot hahahaha but that’s because i’m here *slowly pulls shades down*”
“why do you talk like that”
“just let me be, mark. let me be.”
but she went back to taehee mode so it’s aight
“taeyong oppa broke his slippers and the sand’s really hot so i don’t know how he survives.”
she gets caught anyways
and hyuck drags her to the deep deep deep part
but she knows how to swim :>>
she came back to shore to dry off,,,so she watched the surfers with jungwoo while the others are having fun
“waahh, that’s so cool. did you see that?”
“my dad taught me how to surf back in australia”
“really? :OO”
“yeah but that was when i was still younger. i think i forgot now.”
“woah” jungwoo’s amazed by this girl
so when she was asked to do flirty
she got shy, that was the shyest moment of her life but you gotta do what you gotta do
*starts twirling a piece of hair on her finger* “hey,,,,” *winks*
then she starts playing with her hair more aggressively until she had to stop and fix her hair bc the manager told her to
producer: is that how you flirt?
taehee: i don’t flirt. *confidently* people flirt with me ;))).
johnny, off-screen: excuses! this is why we don’t let her out
her and johnny just kept giving commentary on poor mark it’s hilarious
*mark raises his eyebrow*
“you’re so flirty”
“damn, that eyebrow tho. i’m swayed.”
taehee kept eating ice cream
like everytime the camera pans to her she’s just eating ice cream
when they watched alicia key performing ‘if i ain’t got you’
she was star struck
markhee: Aw sHIT
when she rapped “knet knet talk talk” she blew up the whole bird app
she was feeling herself everytime they performed it was sexc
american air really is different
concerts omg don’t get me started
johnny started shaking his booty as a joke but then there’s taehee on the side of the stage lowkey twerking
you know how bp were feeling themselves during their cons?
well taehee is just like that and czennies wERE SO LOUD
her ‘baby don’t like it’ fit .....
it was different from the boys’ since she’s wearing like a dress like damn what if she sLIPPED
she was wearing a blindfold too
her performance is still flawless tho i mean it’s taehee come on
and when they performed ‘superhuman’
istg that markhee part everyone flipped
they were so close (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡
like i swear they could feel their breaths on each other’s faces
but it’s what the czennies want and you gotta give it to them even if the management said nO
markhee stans were fed this season they kept hanging out with each other
they rode that horse carriage thing together
they ate donuts together
they shopped together
they messed up their korean and english at some point together
best friend goals
taehee was so excited for the dodgers game she was so adorable in the jersey
she was more than glad to be the first pitch and list off the names of the players to the members
jungwoo and hyuck trapped her so they could get on kiss cam
she was struggling
but that’s okay bc she still gets to see the dodgers play
brooklyn boys
the title’s still boys the producers are like whatever just name it brooklyn boys
after they ate they went shopping right
taehee was in the ‘don’t forget your tools’ team
taeyong mom johnny dad jungwoo child mark child taehee child
“i wanted to be the cousin!!”
“.....taehee child”
#markheebesties we love it
markhee separated from the group for a while to buy ingredients to make cocktails for the older members + staff
“you know how?”
“yeah, my dad taught me.”
“your dad is so cool.”
“i know right- *immediately* mom, i still love youuu <3333”
“we’re both minors and we’re the ones getting alcohol”
“mark, we’re in america. we’re not minors anymore.”
but later on they don’t drink alcohol to respect their korean culture :>>
when jungwoo wanted to get the pie thingy and taeyong won’t let him it was comical
mark’s like that youngest good kid
jungwoo’s like the middle kid who wanted to bUY SOMETHING BUT THEY WONT LET HIM
and taehee’s the eldest bad influence kid
*whispering* “just hide it. yeah, hide it in there. then just put it out when they’re paying for it*
mark’s just laughing off cam they were so serious
anyways they’re cooking and taehee made the guac :p
she kept on laughing at markwoo it’s cute
but she kept on eating the other group’s pasta
“hey! why do you keep eating our food?”
they complimented her on her guac since she doesn’t cook that much
but she’s a great cook she learned from taeyong!!! and her dad
when they were playing beer pong the maknae line was sOOO HYPED
and hyuck’s just looking at them weirdly like wtf hahaha markhee tingz i guess
she acted like a ring girl every time they switch to the next round
“wAIT LET ME WALK” *catwalks from side a to side b*
while they were karaoke-ing she made the cocktails and mark watched her
she kept doing tricks with the cups to make mark laugh
she let the staff taste it and they were amazed she’s such an angel i swear
“this one’s for you!!!!”
“is it good?”
“oh i should add more of this? okay, hold on”
and then the older hyungs came and were amazed
doyoung doesn’t even drink but she managed to get him to have a taste
when they were all going to sleep, she chose the bed at the very end
she used mark’s arm as a pillow
they all kinda...didn’t shower...
jk they still smell great ig
“mark you stink”
“shut up”
and then they fell asleep but the others caught them
“mark and taehee are asleep”
“really?” *laughs*
“i’m not asleep i’m just closing my eyes”
“okay but taehee’s already snoring”
*sleepily* “i DONT SNORE!!!”
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Group B Finals ft a plot twist (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi everyone! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of The Masked Singer. So, this week, we are back to Group B with yet another wildcard and it is the last time we are gonna see the groups on their own since after Group A’s final, we got the Super Eight (yup, it’s 8 this time... much better still than last season’s format). Anyways, let’s get into it (this is gonna be super repetitive from last week guess wise but I am gonna try to keep it interesting and fresh for you guys, don’t you worry):
Alright, so usually I would save the wildcard for the end as like a surprise, but since the wildcard got eliminated, let’s introduce (and say goodbye to at the same time) to the:
Bulldog!! 🐶
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Commentary: Ok, he sang Candy Girl by New Edition (which is really funny and ironic for a whole other thing, I’ll explain in a moment I swear) and um how do I say this nicely?... he’s a great dancer, but the singing is, what Randy Jackson would say, “a no from me dawg.” (Get it? Dawg.. bc the bullDOG... oh ok I will stop now). Anyways, yeah no, he was not good, I kind of expected this to happen honestly, so I am not surprised nor disappointed by any means. However, the person under this mask kinda did surprise me lol... even tho I kind of saw this coming.
He was revealed to be, in the biggest plot twist of the century, no voting, just Neicy Nash picking it:
Nick Cannon, our very own host and Ken’s “daddy*”
*which is ironic because he legit just announced he was gonna have another baby
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Ok, ok, did I get this right on my own? Nope, but Twitter helped me out so thank you Twitter. I did officially guess him before he was unmasked (but that’s because I had no other guesses sooo can I really count this a win? Hmmm... TBD... you guys let me know). Anyways, BOOM PLOT TWIST BABY, he’s back! Just in case you guys didn’t know (I don’t really talk about the judges or the host here because I watch for the contestants not for them and it would make this already long blog longer and we don’t want that): Nick had COVID so he couldn’t host the first few episodes of the show, but now he’s better and BOOM he’s the host again... Neicy Nash was taking over for him and now he’s back! So yeah this was just a transition for him to be back on the show, but like imma be honest: he might have been married to Mariah Carey but he don’t got any pipes like her, but he’s a good host so he should stick to that.
Anyways, NEXTTTT, let’s talk about the remaining 4 (which are legit the same freaking ones from last week):
1. Black Swan 🖤🦢
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Commentary: So she sang Whitney Houston's How Will I Know and I swear she gets better and better each week like she murdered this song, it was absolutely amazing, my favorite performance of the night hands down. I really love Black Swan, she has one of the best voices on the show and I think either her or Robopine could win the entire season tbh.
I think this has to be (tripling down/final answer/insert buzzer sound here):
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10-10-10= She has appeared on multiple singing competition shows (she did a lot of those shows as a kid), she was on America’s Most Talented Kids and was a guest judge on celebrity X Factor
Montana= get this... if you are around my age, this will surprise you. Did you guys know that Jojo was the original person that the producers of Hannah Montana wanted to play Hannah but she turned it down because she wanted to focus on her music
In her physical clue, she talks about a female singer who passed away at a young age that she was friends with= she was referring to fellow R&B singer Aaliyah
2. Crab 🦀
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Commentary: He sang Give it to Me Baby by Rick James and it was a very strong performance, it almost took me aback the song choice. I didn’t expect him to go that hard in the beginning, the hip thrusts were a bit uncomfortable for me and he can’t dance for shit (I am sure it’s because he’s a bit older, not faulting him by any means), but it was really strong vocally speaking. He did actually loose his breathe and started hyperventilating under the mask and had to take a break to cool down (literally, because he was burning up under there), which honestly I hope he’s ok, I am not sure if he’s gonna last that long because of that hyperventilating (remember Mickey Rourke?), but tbh it would have been so unfair for him to go because he did an amazing job and I enjoyed his performance. He got soul.... crab’s got soul.
This has got to be (doubling down, like omg even the picture matches w the body type and everything, I am onto something here):
Bobby Brown
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Mom kept him in the straight and narrow and taught him how to cook= well, he has spoke about how his mother has gotten him away from the gangs and trouble around his neighborhood and into cooking (he even has a food line, hence the Mac and cheese), which also made him take up singing and thus his band New Edition (remember how I said Nick singing Candygirl by New Edition was ironic? Well this is why... because crab is Bobby Brown aka one of the members.... also Black Swan sang his ex wife’s song so yeah this can’t get any more ironic) was formed
Big Ben= Initals, BB aka Bobby Brown and also he had a show in 2005 called Being Bobby Brown and one of the episodes “Bobby Does London” he goes to London
Ribs= he has a line of BBQ sauces and seasonings called Bobby Brown Foods
3. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: This time, he went a bit softer with the song choice which I feel compliments his voice better, with 7 Years by Lukas Graham, which made Jenny, who apparently hasn’t listened to this song before (wtf Jenny, this song was all over the radio in like 2017 and you are like a radio host hun), cry. I mean it was really amazing and ballads actually suit him a lot more than super upbeat songs like last week’s Andy Grammar song and I really enjoyed it, I’ve heard that song a million times so no I didn’t cry but I still loved it. I do think Piglet will go super far, my guess is he will make it to semifinals.
I am a 100%, tripling down sure that this is:
Nick Lachey
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Genie Lamp= He did a cover of Aladdin’s A Whole New World with his ex Jessica Simpson on Disney Mania 3
The “spider” who made him a family man= referring to Vanessa Lachey, it was supposed to be this whole Charlotte’s Web thing not really referring anything specific about her that she’s a spider, she could have been another pig for all we care
Dog Tags= in the physical clue, there are 3 dog tags, which he has been seen wearing (you can Google those pics) and they represent his 3 kids which his wife gave him before they had their third kid, Phoenix (btw there’s a P on the bottom dog tag shown)
4. Chameleon
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Commentary: Ok so he rapped again but this time the song was Hip Hop by Dead Prez (which I have felt like I have heard but I have no idea where) and I usually hate rappers on this show, but like he’s legit. What I mean by that is like he’s an actual rapper (well Bow Wow was too... but Bow Wow only went as far as he did because of his dancing, Chameleon is just pure rap talent) and his flow is insane. I am not a rap fan whatsoever but I can appreciate good rapping and that was good rapping, actually it was great rapping. Sure, he’s the weakest link of the four but he’s also the coolest one could argue.
Mark my words, this is as I said the last 2 types, again tripling down:
Wiz Khalifa
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His little Chameleon/lizard= he has an 8 year old son named Sebastian (he also says Cam in the package which is his real name... by him I mean Wiz.... his real name is Cameron)
Martial Arts= the dude likes Martial Arts and has been trained in it and Jiu Jitsu, he has mentioned it in interviews, has been spotted training in gyms, it’s no secret at this point that he likes that stuff
Hot wings= he has a wings place called HotBox by Wiz and he was also on Hot Ones (for those unfamiliar, it’s a YouTube show where celebs eat 10 super spicy chicken wings while answering questions) idk if that counts but I am also gonna say it
So that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter because I do live tweet the show, it’s the same username as here @photolover82 and I do some of these in video form on Tik Tok too if you wanna follow, it’s photolover820 (close enough lol). So yeah, see you guys in the next one! Byeeee! 👋🏼👋🏼
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smarmaladey · 4 years
The Bad Touch - (1/3)
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Chapter 1 - “you and me”
Rating: 🇪
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Relationship(s):  🐞♡🚺
Words: 4032
Ao3 Link
(For content warnings and additional notes, click read more.)
The recessive vampire genes in Giorno's blood haven't been sitting too well with him lately. AKA, your boss is in heat. Oh god. Oh fuck. 
content warnings: rape/non-con elements, ooc (probably), AU (probably)
4:00 PM.
The first incident.
Seriously? In your three years working in espionage, this was the most tedious assignment you’d ever gone with? Retrieving a couple godforsaken papers from some insignificant rival group?
Whatever. It was done.
The fruits of your labor were safely tucked in the inside of your coat, ready to be delivered to the big man himself.
You could never fully understand why your boss always made you deliver crap straight to him. Maybe it was a trust thing?
During the span of your near two-year “career” under Passione, you’d managed to be slung up the ranks by the combination of your competence, ability, and tendency to work alone. This meant getting strangely close with the head of the whole shebang, normally taking your assignments straight from the man.
You never really made a big deal out of this. Giovanna was far from a super-secretive man, nor was he cold like one might expect from a goddamn mob boss. Hell , If the lowest, newest, meekest member of a scummy group did one thing that pleased him, he’d probably invite them to dinner at the most prestigious establishment in Rome. Or at least that’s what he came across as to you.
It was kind of sketchy.
But you didn’t really care, nor did you have any right to criticize the guy.
Dwelling on those thoughts wasn’t your style. All you had to do today was: Deliver the file, leave the office, get home, and finally, watch your shows. Simple.
After somehow making your way through his large estate to his office all by yourself, something was a little off.
The door was closed all the way.
You cracked it open a little bit, the too-loud creaking making you uneasy.
“Ah,” his voice was much too quiet, and almost...frantic. “Who’s this?”
How the hell am I supposed to respond to that? “Uhm, me?” You took the liberty of letting yourself in, slightly put off by how dim the room was. Facing you was the back of a leather chair.
Giovanna was looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of his office, curtains pulled half-open, casting soft afternoon light into the room. “...I’m guessing you have the documents?”
“Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t…” Muttering under your breath, you took the black folder from your coat.
He turned around when he heard your footsteps (because of course he could), being illuminated by the yellow-er light from the ceiling lamp.
The files were gently set down on his desk, and you caught him looking up at your face.
Something you’d been noticing for the past few months, (actually, you were pretty sure it began around his eighteenth birthday) he’d been... adorning himself more than usual…? As if he wasn’t already grandiose enough, he’d been wearing makeup quite a lot more than you were used to.
Giovanna smiled up at you, and successfully got you to avert your gaze. His lips were glossed with a very lovely fuchsia, but what really caught your eye were his cloud-white, glittering teeth. And you had no clue why. Something was off about his teeth, besides the fact that, like the rest of him, they were grossly perfect.
He was clad in a classic; magenta suit with numerous full-golden brooches. (Those ones were new, given to him by a “friend of the organization” apparently, and you had no idea why you knew this) Glancing at his hands on the folder, his nails, manicured into rounded points and painted white, contrasted with the signature black leather of your favorite binder.
Strange. His door was completely shut, as if nobody had seen him for the entire day. Why was he still dressed up…?
Swallowing nothing, you took a step back.
“Let’s see…” Your boss’s voice was still quiet, as he carefully tugged the manila files out and placed them on his desk. “Ah, bravo! These are exactly what we’ve been looking for!”
Before you knew it, he had snatched your hand and was shaking it with both of his. The nails digging into your wrist made you cringe.
”Thank you, Sir...thank you…” You tried with all your being not to sound confused or ungrateful, especially with those...intense turquoise eyes glaring up into your soul.
“I expected nothing less of this, perfect job!” His hands lingered for too long before he dropped to start reading the documents again.
You mumbled something, turned around, and began to leave. Yet, just as your hand was on the tacky flower-themed doorknob, he stopped you.
“Wait,” the jump from his chair was audible. “I, ahem, I never dismissed you.” There was a small giggle in his voice, and you weren’t buying it.
“Awh, but Don Giovanna~~! ♡ I’ve had such a long, looong day, and my poor body’s so, sooo tired! Please let me go home, haven’t I done such a good job already~? ♡ There’s a new X-Files episode premiering tonight, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world~!”
That’s what you could’ve said in an ideal world.  
“Right.” In that world, he’d let you leave right away, “am I needed for anything else, Giovanna?” And then you’d go to your quiet, expensive beach house and get an amazing night’s sleep.
He shuffled in his seat a bit. “Yes, why don’t you hang up your coat?” He spoke without looking at you, scanning the files in front of him. “You must be hot in this room, I know I’ve been all day…”
You nodded once. “I think the air conditioning here might be broken…” your boss’s words mostly flew over your head. “I’ve just been feeling so overheated lately. I even keep the door shut now just so the cool air doesn’t leave this room…” You nodded again. “Do you think I should get a fan?” Again.
When you fully took off your heavy coat, you flinched.
Holy shit, it’s freezing.
With your bare arms exposed, you finally processed how cold it was in the room. No sooner did the temperature register with the rest of your body.
The coat rack, like a lot in the room, was floral themed. The decoration of the entire office was pretty on point, but when you walked back across the room again, something new grabbed your attention.
On the ceiling, the round lamp that hung down had a new look. The paper lampshade had a sort of “Classical Asian Art” look to it, like Japanese “Ukiyo-e” or whatever it was called. Neat.
“Nice lamp.” You said, breaking the silence. Giovanna glanced at you, and you pointed up at the ceiling. “It looks nice.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Sitting across from him, you felt somewhat trapped. Just a little, though. It was just...quiet, with him reading papers and you...not.
This guy…
Your heart jumped when he shut the folder in front of your face. “Could you do me a favor, please?” Giovanna pointed somewhere behind you, at one of the many bookshelves lining the walls. “There should be a…” He cleared his throat, something he had been doing a lot during this meeting. “...a sort of history book on the Holy Roman Empire over there...”
Not bothering to say anything else, you got up. He gave you clarification and you were happy to get a little farther from him.
The books were all similar-looking with hard-to-read spines. It honestly felt like they were all sorted by color rather than title, and perfectly lined up with one another. How can one man manage to be so perfectly organized?
“Sir, which shelf is it?” You weren’t answered, as Giovanna had to clear his throat again. “...are you alright? Have you been ill these past few days?”
He waved at you not to worry. “I should be fine, I’ve just been so thirsty lately…”
“It’s so strange, my throat is constantly dry…”
“That so? Would you like me to get some water?” You offered, still facing the bookshelf.
Once more, he cleared his throat. “No, that’s not necessary. Don’t worry about me too much…”
Everything seemed to stop awkwardly.
“It’s probably on the fourth shelf down, the title should be obvious…”
And like that, you found it.
“Grazie, grazie!” Giovanna almost cooed to you when you handed him the leatherback book. When he took it from you, his nails hit your fingertips, but you were distracted by seeing his teeth again. Still, you couldn’t tell what was up.
“Yeah, right…” You sat back down across from him, as he almost immediately started looking through the pages. “So why do you need the history book again…?”
He slid a document to you and pointed at some random word. “Well, it seems like in these records, they refer to--” Out. Everything else he said went through one ear, out the other.
“--and in this, this is a--”
“--which leads me to this one, which I have…”
When he trailed off, it went quiet again.
“This. I’ve seen this quote before!” He was pointing at the bottom of one of the first documents you snatched.
You were about to respond with another “oh really?” before he pointed out at another bookshelf, this time much closer to the desk.
“It’s smaller, but it’s right over there, I’m pretty sure.” Again, the books were all sorted by size and color, so you couldn’t tell anything from each other. He must’ve taken off the sleeves, too, because some didn’t even have a title on the spine.
You really wanted to snarl something at him. “Where am I looking again?”
Giovanna tried to clarify the location again, but it wasn’t working with you. Just get up yourself, asshole.
And he did! For the first time you’d seen that day, he rose from his chair and stared at the same row of books you were. Maybe the same exact book you were looking at. He must’ve, why else would he be standing so close?
“I could’ve sworn I put it around here…” You could hear his breathing. Stepping away, you watched him stand stiff and stare at all the books.
Your eyes were beginning to hurt. It’d been so long since you’d slept, all you needed was to go. “Enough, what’s the title of the book?” You were careful not to groan or scoff before or after you spoke.
Giovanna touched his chin with his index, looking, frankly, gorgeous from a profile shot. “It was called...ah, Invitation to a Beheading? Something like that?”
Something clicked in your head so fast you could’ve sworn you heard a ring.
“Ohhh! I’m pretty sure I remember my mom reading that book!” A quick memory of the book’s appearance flashed in your head, that matched something you had seen on another shelf earlier perfectly. “It’d be over here-”
Now, what happened next needs to be analyzed, because you were 99.9% sure this single moment was the straw on the camel’s back. The action that began the downfall. The great whore to your Babylon.
All you did was turn around, turn around right next to him, so you could head to another bookshelf.
The thing was, you weren’t paying attention to how you were moving your arms, only focused on the stupid goddamn book. Innocently, your arm swung and, as a result, your hand just brushed against his --Giovanna’s, your boss’s-- upper thigh...area. The back of it. You know, that area, the one between the tailbone and the leg, that one.
To put it bluntly, you touched his ass.
Both you two froze in that moment, you could tell. Maybe time stopped.
You looked back around, to make sure you had heard that right.
"I'm sorry…?"
"Ah...you're such a little tease, aren't you…?"
Blood in your veins went cold when you saw the pure, unadulterated salacity in his eyes.
Your fight-or-flight instinct kicked in, and you tried to look to the side, or even turn around, but it was much too late. Giovanna had promptly moved to you, caged your face with his hands and turned you up to look at him.
The eye contact was brief, his gaze drilling into yours, before he forced you into a kiss.  
A shock went down your spine and made you stiffen. Almost instantly, you tasted the strange (and revoltingly pleasant) flavor of his lip gloss, and grew hyper-aware of not only the shape of his mouth, but the contrast of his body heat against yours.
Eyes widened, you uttered out a shocked, muffled noise that only seemed to make his ever-growing body temperature even warmer.
You tried to push against him, but he just grunted and tugged your body against his. Squishing your eyes shut, you tried pushing and palming at his chest, which only made him hold on tighter.
Eventually he detached for air, a thin string of saliva connecting the two of you appearing only briefly. Giovanna's green eyes were absolutely hazed over, a vibrant pink dyeing his usually white face.
A million words were dashing through your head --why? what? who? how? me? you?-- but your brain was incapable of stringing together anything coherent.
It wouldn't have mattered if it had been, though, because almost as soon as the golden boy had pulled away, he pulled in once more.
This time, he took advantage of your pried open mouth to invade you near completely. In the midst, your tongue ended up brushing against one of his teeth--one of his canines.
Sharp. Too sharp.
With that, it was cut short by you successfully jerking away. While he didn't let you go, Giovanna withdrew again, wiping off his smeared lip gloss with the back of his hand.
"Sir! I--" Idiotically, you had assumed it was over, but surely enough, your wrists had gotten snatched.
Next thing you knew, the side of your face had been pushed up against the nearest vertical surface, with Giovanna mewing your body with his own.
"Gh…no..." Your voice had gotten higher, weaker too, "Sir...ah, Don Giovanna, please...I don't understand...why, what is this…?"
"You 'don't understand'? Really now?"  
You trembled at how close his voice had become, now so close to your ear that you could hear his tongue detaching from the roof of his mouth. “Sir, I--”
“Ah,” he breathed out a small laugh, “don’t try and play coy with me, cara, you knew exactly what you were doing…”
Giovanna had noticed how you reacted to his voice, so he decided to drag his tongue along the shell of your ear, before kissing it directly. Again, you let out a weak noise as warmth shocked your body.
Trying to get away from his voice, you turned forward and pressed your forehead against the shelf, perhaps in an attempt to squeeze yourself between the books and escape.
"Oh, when you tried to leave me earlier," he was beginning to sound almost whiney with how breathy his voice was becoming, clutching your shoulder and hand with an iron grip. "I swear, if you left, I would've…"
He never finished that statement, too distracted by trailing his hand from your shoulder, down your torso, all the way to the bottom of your high-waisted shorts.
"These...ah, did you really expect to come in here, wearing these, and be able to get away~?"
Even with your panic-blinded brain, you knew you had worn these (admittedly, skimpy) pants around him plenty of times before. He never had any problems until now…
"Giovanna, this is- ah!"
Your words were choked back when he had slipped his hand beneath the waistband of your pants. Underwear too, as he wasted little time trying to force his hand between your closed thighs.
His hand had no trouble finding that little rift in your flesh, middle finger delving between and pressing against the sensitive little nub inside.
In a near instant, your legs went from straight to bent, beginning to tremble. You cursed yourself for near literally becoming putty in his hands, but your brain was still fried and unable to think straight.
With a charming, pleased hum, he swirled his finger around, generating more embarrassing sounds from you. He kept his chest firm on your back, making sure you couldn't wriggle away from his grasp.
Giovanna slid his finger lower and curled it, his digit entering your body with a very slight pinch. You yelped again, hyper-aware of the quiet, very muffled squelching sound made.
"Oh, it's so wet here…" he tittered, sending even more polarizing feelings coursing through your veins.
"N-no...not there, you can't…" The softness of his hand, the smoothness of his nail, invading your warm insides made you feel extremely weak, like your body could cave in at any second. Your feet began to slide back on the hardwood floor, so Giovanna took extra care securing his lower body against yours as well.
Tragically, you tried rocking against his hand, begging for relief. That stopped when you realized you could feel his hard-on through the material of his satin clothing.
He decided he'd had enough of whatever this was, extracting his hand from your clothing and backing up a tad. After lapping his finger clean, he took a second to "compose" himself.
"I apologize, I know this isn't the most comfortable place for us, at the moment…" you were gently hugged from behind, him nuzzling into the top of your head a bit.
You wanted to take the opportunity to break away from him, but before you could even realize he had hastily lifted you up. The bright light made you reflexively shut your eyes, but it didn't stop you from trying to wiggle out of his hold.
Giovanna brought you to his large, cushioned chair, sitting himself down and maneuvering your limbs just so you were straddling him. He tried to hug you again, but you pushed yourself away, hands at his chest.
"Sir…please, we have to stop." A tiny, nagging part of your brain knew this wouldn't reason with him, so you added on, "...not now. Not here, at least…"
His engaged expression turned into a soft, content smile.
Holy fuck, did I actually get him to listen? Will I actually get away with my dignity after all?
You nearly smiled at the seemingly good sign.
But instead of letting you go, he spun the chair around, grabbing your wrists.
Actually, it wasn't him grabbing you. Not exactly.
Ghostly white-gold hands faded in, pulling your arms away from each other, as he pushed your torso away, tugged your shins so they dropped from the chair and onto the floor, and secured your pelvis against his.
In the end, the position you had been forced into was both uncomfortable and humiliating, with G • E restraining your arms, the edge of the desk pressing into the small or your back, and to top it all off, your boss firmly holding your groins together.
It made you want to cry, so you did. Just a little bit, though.
"Ah, please don't worry! I don't plan on having briefings with anybody else, so let's not worry about…"
He completely trailed off, losing his train of thought as he looked over your body in silence. It stayed like this for a couple seconds, with him not exactly sure what to do next, and you refusing to look at anything.
Eventually, he leaned forward a bit, reached to the bottom of your top. You glared at his hand as it grabbed onto the hem, and in a single motion, yanked it over your chest. The cold air enveloped your now exposed breasts made your muscles jerk inward, giving the desk a little shake.
In the tense moment, he kind of just stared for a few seconds, eyes round and doe-ish, face very flushed.
He doesn't know what he's doing. And he doesn't even care.
Wetness dotting his yellow lashes, he suddenly wrapped his arms around your torso, nudging up into the crook of your neck and drawing in your scent. You would've wondered why he looked like he was crying, but your mind was occupied with the embarrassment that came with knowing how sweaty you were. Not like he cared.
Giovanna pressed a couple pecks to the bottom of your jaw, before lowering and quickly licking up the side of your neck. He pulled back about a centimeter, and you watched in suspense as  his eyes trailed down to your chest.
He traced a very faint vein with the tip of his nail, one embedded in your breast, until he reached your nipple, erected by the cold air. He took it between the tips of his fingers, rolling it gently.
The muscles in your chest tensed as he cupped your tit with one hand, and slid the other down your body again.
While groping you, he had his lips ghosting the area around your collarbone, wanting to feel every small detail of your skin. His breath felt like it was getting hotter every second, and you were sure that the stuttering little snivels coming out of your mouth were only making things worse.
With a little roll of his chair, Giovanna pushed his groin up against yours, the slight friction made on your vital spot just enough to make you squirm.
His hands really had no right to feel as wonderful as they did, smooth and supple, incredibly warm, and glazed with a sheer bit of sweat. It felt like they were made for your body, as it accepted his touch completely, whether he was groping you or continuing to explore your insides with his digits.
You continued to try and fight back, be it very weakly, by wiggling your lower body best you could. What made you completely give up the quarrel was Giovanna leaning down and taking one of your stiff teats in his mouth. The sudden feeling made you reflexively cave in your chest, as your elbows finally touched the cool wood of his desk. In the back of your hazed mind, you took note of how G • E loosened his hold.
He put more pressure on your body, eyebrows knit, like he was savoring the taste of your skin. As he grew rougher, you felt his sharp canines poke at your supple flesh, and you jerked again.
Giovanna responded by slipping another digit inside, pushing you back a tad more while staying latched on your chest.
Too much. It's all too much.
With seemingly nothing else to do, you let your head drop back. Then, you saw an opportunity.
The lamp.
See, while you had been tangled up in getting restrained by your Boss's Stand, you somehow forgot one critical fact; that you had one too.
The key to escaping this Freudian Nightmare was, quite literally, glaring you in the face.
And all you needed was just another little push…
As if on cue, your arms slid back about a half-centimeter more, and you grabbed the opportunity with an iron grip.
In an actual blink, Giovanna's ceiling lamp imploded, causing the room to go dark. The minor vacuum caused was enough to make the desk shake, and you slide across and onto the floor ahead.
Despite landing awkwardly on your shoulders, you hastily got on your ass, tugged down your shirt, and rose to your feet.
The relief you felt when you finally reached the door was indescribable, yet you still found yourself glancing back.
Pulverized glass was still falling through the air, what once remained of the most interesting part of the room now glittering with sunset light. Giovanna, on the other hand, had rolled his chair back a bit, adorably rubbing his eyes.
Hit one!
The beat of your heart was racing, yet…
"Giorno, I'm sorry!"
Hit two!
You had no time to dwell on your apology, though, as you rushed out the door.
Hit three! Triple fuckup combo!
You leapt off the mezzanine to the ground floor, and made a dash to the exit.
The cool air of the night came to rightfully claim you. That night, while running across the Italian countryside, you felt rather different.
Needless to say, you missed that night's episode of X-Files.
n: thanks to aaron for making the title cards for me, he’s a great skunk man!  I said i was gonna do it, and here i am.  Hopefully this means i’ll be able to start using tumblr a bit more frequently... Or maybe it won’t, who knows? I’ll post the second chapter here tomorrow, and as for the last one...it’s coming, don’t fret :D
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celestialmark · 5 years
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okk guys so as most of you know i got to attend nct 127’s concert in london on the 7th and here’s my in depth experience and impressions of each members as promised :)
TAEIL: is an angel. he’s precious honestly. he’s just like how he is in nct videos. he has a really peculiar sense of humour which makes him even funnier and his gestures and facial expressions are exactly what you see in videos. his vocals are top notch wowza. his high notes are exceptional in bridges like chain, simon says, firetruck! what i remember the most about him is the part where he was asked to do something sexy and cute at the same time and this man licked his hand and did the peace sign after :)) said his iconic line “fans are our energy, we are always thankful and we love you.” love love loved him!!
TAEYONG: exudes leader energies all the way. honestly, the concert just really proved why all the members hold him in such high regard. his stage presence is so alluring and his voice is so clear and an exact replica of how we hear him in their songs. his dancing is oh my god absolutely dazzling and so smooth no wonder he’s a centre. he looks so good in blue hair his visuals are no joke + he spoke english a lot and did so well in communicating with the fans it was great. also his aegyo comes out in random bursts when you least expect it. it’s such a complete 360 contrast when he performs cos he’s so charismatic onstage but when he’s talking to fans, he’s a lil baby :( 100% precious. would definitely keep in my pocket.
JOHNNY: really really playful and dorky. johnny stays true to all the descriptions we’ve all read of him; funny and absolutely kind hearted. during their ments, he’s mostly the one who asks fans to get involved in their songs, i.e. doing the crowd wave or swinging the lightstick a certain type of way to correlate with their songs. he’s also very deep! one time, he talked about how open he felt within himself because he saw us being so open to cheering for them and hyping them up. also how could we forget— he clowned doyoung again and imitated his dance from masked singer and the crowd went balistic :))) also need to give him more credit for his singing as well as his dancing!! some fans in the crowd needed assistance since they didn’t feel too well and johnny openly asked for security and pointed out who needed help + voice slightly higher in pitch when talking.
YUTA: a crowd favourite! (he bias wrecked me the entire night). really really knows what the fans want and he delivered it so well in their songs. his smile is literally blinding and he had so much energy the whole night! his dancing is oof so so so fluid and the way he hit his high notes screamed effortless to me. you could literally see his passion burning as he performed onstage— intense and powerful. red hair suits him so much. his gestures during their songs were all captured so well by the cameras i’m pretty sure he stole everyone’s hearts that night. also his english is sooo sooo good. we stan this man.
DOYOUNG: another bias wrecker of mine. he’s beautiful onstage his eyes were literally shining i kid you not, so much so, i thought he was crying but really, they just had sparkles in them. his vocals, let me tell you, made all the hairs in my skin stand. he accentuated a lot of his notes and combine that with his emotions (esp, back 2 u— rip) really makes you think wow what a powerful talented man. i literally caught myself with my mouth open because i was so drawn to him. g o r g e o u s sweet man!!
JAEHYUN: wow this man. wow. absolutely ethereal in real life. his skin is so smooth and milky you could literally still see it miles away. his expressions were breathtaking, from his smiling, to smirking, to staring into your soul, you name it, he’ll just take your breath away. i’m convinced that man has no bones because his waves and his dancing were so fluid. the wigs were snatched with his vocals— so so good at maintaining his low notes and even better at reaching them notes so so high (timeless and no longer jdgsgsga). when he talks, his voice is actually a little higher pitched than what we expect it to be from videos and whatnot. will really steal your heart literally any day just by standing there looking all perfect.
JUNGWOO: precious precious precious. you know the way our baby gets nervous very easily? he said that he was nervous at the beginning but he felt so much better after seeing the lighsticks :(( his voice really really stands out when he sings, it just has that distinct sound that catches your attention. his smile is actually so pretty and cute! also his english was really good he had so much phrases and words up his sleeve and he spoke so well and without any effort. also dancing was phenomenal, very fluid and well delivered. we really gotta appreciate how he learned all of 127’s choreographies in such a short amount of time and dancing it all with so much ease!! we love love love :((
MARK: ok here we go. the first thing that caught my attention when mark spoke was his voice. it’s actually a tiny bit slightly higher pitched than what we hear from videos or their songs like jaehyun and johnny. but when i watched the videos i took, he sounds the exact same as other videos so i’m confused? regardless, mark proves he’s absolutely fully capable. he looked marvelous onstage and so comfortable there he literally does belong up there. he was so dynamic from his singing, rapping and dancing. he speaks really fast and i feel like his brain has no brakes so sometimes his words get jumbled around or he says the same thing twice in one sentence but it only makes him so much more endearing :( totally fell in love with him way more than i already have HAHAHA.
HAECHAN: oh my god this man. haechan’s voice is like honey okay, very very smooth and definitely one that you can distinguish right away. also watching him made me realise how not only should we praise him for his vocals, but also for his dancing. THIS BOY CAN DANCE. and may i add very very effortless too? he makes dancing look soooo easy and his footwork?? we should really consider putting him in the centre more and adding him to the dance line :(( his interaction with johnny are the most precious!! his skin glows it really really does he’s so beautiful :(
NCT127: overall, a team with really really good teamwork and unity. their choreographies were executed so well there’s so much hard work and late hours of practice evident in it. they all compliment each other really well, and for the members we don’t hear much from in their recorded songs, got other members’ lines or shared with them. THEY EAT CDS FOR BREAKFAST. they really outsold themselves— they make it all look so easy. all of the boys couldn’t stop thanking us and kept emphasising how it was their first time in europe and how it was all because of us that their visit to london was possible. they also kept reminding us to have a good time with them but on top of that, to mind ourselves and to be careful. all of their english was so so so good, they really did study so hard, they only needed the translator once. they’re very open with their gratitude to their fans and you could feel how thankful they really were :(( we tried to sing them a happy birthday but we weren’t in sync so jaehyun stopped us and counted us in so we could all sing together :)) honestly the sweetest souls ever!
pretty sure i repeated a lot of words and adjectives and i hope this gave you a good idea of the boys!! please do feel free to ask me anything if i’ve missed out on some things!!
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mendesbadrepuation · 5 years
Assistant *Series Part Two Crushing
Second part to this new series. I am terrible at descriptions and what to say here. So how about I just shut up and you read? Let’s hit lol :))
fair warning I did a little time jump....my apologies I don’t typically like to do that...but I did...yikes
first part is here
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My body twirls around in all directions as my name is being shouted in every way. It’s been about 4 months with the Mendes crew and I have loved every moment of it. Yes it’s been sooo wild and crazy but it’s been the greatest experience. Shawn and I have grown so close together over the past 4 months that I really have gotten to know him as an individual. 
I’ve become a counselor, a doctor, a friend, a best friend, and so much more. I’ve literally learned the ups and downs of this whole process as an assistant. 
“Y/n.” The one voice I was totally immune to hearing and the one that I could make out from anywhere. 
“Shawn.” I reply as I’m straightening out one of his shirts to wear tonight. Shawn has been out and about with the press as well as doing some interviews before his big award show that was tonight. 
“What do you think I should do?” Shawn asks about his new crush. He’s not mentioned any names but he seems pretty intent on her. 
“Listen sugar if it was me I would not hesitate. It’s always worth the try and you just never know what could happen unless you do it!” I talk to him. Right now I was like the counselor and mom all at once. 
“But that’s so scary. What if I get rejected?” Shawn leans against the table that was directly behind me and takes a drink of his coffee. 
“Shawn.” I set the iron down and turn around so I can face him. “First off,” I scan my eyes up and down his toned body. “Look at you. Shawn not only do I say this as your assistant but as a girl with good taste. You’re like smokin hot.” Shawn opens his mouth to protest but I place my finger tip on the edge of his lips. “Assistant talking.” He makes a sassy look and I continue. “Two, you’re not only like smokin hot. But you’re the sweetest most down to earth guy ever. Your personality is always the first for most girls to notice.” I take a breath and Shawn’s cheeks were turning red. I’ve learned so many traits that he carries. 
“Three. Honey it’s her lost if she rejects you.” I snap my fingers all sassy and turn my attention back to his shirt. “Lord knows I wouldn’t.” I mumble under my breath. 
“What was that?” Shawn perks up from against the table. My head turns to look at him. 
“What?” I play it cool and look at him confused. Shawn squints his eyes together and that’s when he licks his lips as he stares into my eyes. Mother heifer this boy. I would be lying straight through my teeth if there hasn’t been moments in these past 4 months where I totally day dreamed about us. How could you not? 
But I kept myself in line and knew things were suppose to be professional between the two of us. There was moments where he had me wrapped around his fingers and I would have spilled all the beans if people hadn’t interrupted the moments. 
Two weeks ago.... 
“Shawn if you’re that concerned about your quote on quote moves then just practice them on someone.” I explain kindly to him. It was one of those moments where Shawn and I were talking in his dressing room about nonsense. I came in with the intent to ask him about a interview but completely forgot when I walked in on him shirtless. Wow that train of thought wrecked and exploded all in a matter of 2 seconds. 
“No way that’s so embarrassing.” He replies and I simply roll my eyes. “Hey men don’t always have to make the first move ya know!” Shawn says boldly. 
“What’s that suppose to mean? I’ve made first moves way before the guy ever thought about it.” I stand up for myself. 
“Yeah right. It was probably just a typical flirty text.” I was standing behind Shawn at this point while he was sitting on the couch. 
I scoff at his statement. “When a girl makes a move...” I trail off as my lips were centimeters away from his ear. “We strategize. Cause you see. All men have this one weak point.” My lips were brushing against his ear now and Shawn was frozen as I whispered softly in his ear. My hands go down to his shoulders slowly. “All it takes is one thing and it leaves them wanting more. It leaves them curious.” My fingers seductively unbuttoned his shirt and I trace one finger down the middle of his chest then back up. 
“Shawn!” A staff member enters the room and I slowly let my fingers leave his skin. I raise up and there was a huge smirk on my face. Shawn was so caught up and his brain forgot how to put words together. 
“Y-yes. Yes.” He clears his throat and I confidently walk out of the room. I catch Shawn’s attention and wink. I was gone in a second but as soon as I rounded the corner I had to catch my breath. I was speechless after touching his skin like that. My heart was pounding when I saw him bite his lip to control himself. 
I would have done anything to continue and kiss his skin. Just one touch. 
Of course there has been more little moments before that but that’s been the closet to where I thought it could lead to something. 
“You know Y/n. You can always come to me for advice too. I’m a great listener.” Shawn randomly adds and my heart flutters at his words. Just showing that you care like that means the most to me. 
“That means a lot to me Shawn. I’m glad we’ve grown close and created this bond.” I finally finished his shirt and when I turn around Shawn was already stripping out of his previous plain shirt. My eyes probably lingered too long but I didn’t mind. 
“Enjoying the view.” Shawn smirks and I help him put the nicely flattened shirt on. 
“Mmm a little too much.” I flirt back just a little and I can notice him stand off from just that comment. “Don’t get nervous. I won’t seduce you or anything.” My fingers start to button up his shirt. Every piece and part of me wanted to stop. I wanted it left open so I can see him like this. His skin was hot and it’s all my mind could think about. 
“You couldn’t seduce me even if you wanted to.” Shawn says confidently. 
“Is that a challenge?” There was a sassy look that went across my face. I’ve been with Shawn for 4 months and in that time I’ve learned all the things that can make him tick. 
“Let’s make a deal. If you seduce me by the end of the night I’ll buy you those bracelets you’ve been wanting. But if you don’t then you have to come with me back to my home for my family dinner.” My face scrunches up all puzzled. How did he know I’ve been wanting those bracelets? And why on earth would he want me to go with him to his family dinner? 
“I never back down from a challenge.” I speak before I process anymore things. I was so competitive that I couldn’t resist. 
“Good luck.” Shawn replies with a huge smirk on his face. 
“Thanks.” I smile and turn around strutting my way out of the room. I left Shawn to get himself ready for the night. Now it was my turn to get ready and I knew the perfect outfit. Shawn was having me go with him and publicly announce me as his assistant. Many people knew but now I was going to be under the eyes of the public for sure. Shawn told me everything that would happen and all the consequences that came with it. I was just a lousy assistant. How much more can people get from that? 
I hear a knock at my hotel door and I took a deep breath. I make sure all my bags are packed up since we were leaving from the award show. The staff was always in charge of making sure my bags went where we do. But I always made sure to pack it up because they’ve already been known to miss some things. 
“Y/n. Are you ready?” I can hear Andrew from the other side of the door. It didn’t hit me now that I was nervous about this. Some stylists that helped me get ready had left about 10 minutes ago. It gave me some time to myself to collect everything. Including my head. 
“Yes. You can come in.” Andrew pushes down on the handle and the door opens slowly. He had a very warm and calming smile placed on his face. It helped relax me and I nicely return the smile. 
“You look beautiful.” Andrew says and my cheeks turn slightly red. 
“Thank you.” I grab my small hand bag and Andrew holds his hand out for me to take. We walk down the hall to Shawn’s room. I watch people exiting quickly and a few of his buddies come out as well. I greet them with hellos and each of them complimenting me with such nice things. My face was so heated up from it. 
“Shawn. Y/n is ready.” Andrew speaks in a soft tone. We all knew how stressful these events could be so soft voices helped the environment be more stable. 
As I walked I felt the breeze of cold air go through the slit in my dress. The stylists picked out this dress for its revealing but very sexy qualities that it brought out in my body type. The navy was a color I never really liked on me but it looked good. The lace gave the dress a little flirty side along with the slit on my right leg. My sparkly silver heels were much taller than what I’m ever use to but I made sure to practice in them. 
I watch as Shawn turns the corner of his room. His hands were fiddling with the buttons on his suit as he continued walking. His head tilts up and then his eyes meet my figure. One inch at a time Shawn’s eyes scanned me from head to toe. I felt a few insecurities come loose but I quickly tuck them away. My mind goes back to our bet and I quickly bite my lip. I couldn’t deny how handsome he looked and how the way he looked at me was not a friendly look. 
I had something he didn’t. He was already falling for my trap and the night hadn’t even begun. 
For a moment it’s like he forgot to walk as he stared at me. Andrew was smirking very smug as he noticed our reactions. I watch Shawn run his hand through his chocolate locks. Something so simple but so sexy it still made me weak at the knees. 
“Ready for some action, handsome?” I ask as Shawn got close enough to me he was arms lengths away. 
“Yes ma’am.” Shawn’s voice was lower than usual. He was trying to hold something back. Shawn holds his hand out for me and I gladly take it. We walk down outside to the large Tahoe waiting in the parking garage for us. Shawn helps me in to the back and makes sure I’m all good before he hops in. I thank him multiple times. The repetition was caused from the nerves. 
On the ride there Shawn locks our hands together like a dead bolt. I didn’t mind it gave me some comfort as my nerves were starting to build up. I could feel my hands starting to sweat. 
“I’m sorry. I’m getting a little nervous.” My voice came out shaky and Shawn takes notice. In this moment neither of us were focused on that bet. This was about to get serious for the both of us. If I make one wrong move then I’m in the public’s eye in a negative way for a very long time. Neither of us wanted that. 
“Look at me.” Shawn says as he grabs both of my hands. I turn my body just a little so I can almost face him. 
“I’m going to be by your side the whole time. I will never leave you alone. I’ve got your back always Y/n. Just follow my lead and trust in me. It’s my turn to take care of you.” Shawn soothingly rubs my hands with his thumbs. I look at him and he’s got such a calming smile on his face. 
“Some how I’m sure I’ll have to take care of you anyways.” A small chuckle escapes Shawn’s throat and that causes me to giggle. Both of our heads leaned over to where our faces were inches apart. 
“It’s time you two.” Andrew says from the front seat. Shawn and I didn’t break our gaze. Shawn leans in first and then I slowly lean in as well. My lips were burning to be upon his but I do the one thing that would drive him crazy for the rest of the night. 
“Good luck.” I whisper against his ear and plant a sweet kiss on his earlobe. I watch Shawn crane his neck to the side to control himself. 
The doors open to the car and I hear all the screaming people. Cameras were flashing in every direction and my mind went completely blank. Shawn gets out first and helps me out. We both place cute smiles across our faces as we walk through the red carpet. 
We stop at spots to get our pictures taken. At one Shawn takes my hand. His other hand wraps around my waist. “Remember. Trust me.” He whispers close so only I can hear him through all the screaming people. My stomach does a dip as he spins me around and immediately a bright smile is planted on to my face. It made me so giggly and Shawn’s eyes lit up from my reaction. 
I knew why he done it and it sent a bolt to my heart. He cares so much about me and he wanted me to have fun. He was just trying to calm my nerves down. He’s such a great guy. 
We continue walking until we get stopped by an interviewer. Shawn places his hand gently on my waist as he interviewer asks questions. Shawn was confident and smooth as he spoke. He talks about his tours and his music in general. Then the attention gets turned to me. 
“So Y/n we have heard a lot about you in the last few months. What is it like being an assistant to Shawn Mendes?” 
That’s an easy one Y/n. Push those nerves down and speak like a lady. “It’s been such an amazing experience. I love everyone involved in the Mendes crew and I have had so much fun with this goofball.” I gently poke Shawn’s stomach as a cute gesture. Shawn looks at me and his smirk breaks into a sweet smile. 
“She has surely been a great help for the whole team. We are so glad to have her and I am for sure lucky. She gets me my tea and coffee which is a big one for me.” The interviewer laughs and we both smile. 
“Well we can’t wait to watch you perform tonight Shawn. Good luck and I hope both of you enjoy the show tonight!” We thank the interviewer and make our way inside. 
Shawn was the last to be performing so we had a long night ahead of us. We walk to our seats and I don’t even realize that I’m actually in the spotlight until I notice that Taylor Swift is sitting right next to me. My eyes shut for a moment to collect my inner fan girl from breaking out of the cage. 
“You okay?” Shawn places his hand on my arm and I nod my head. 
“I kinda forgot that we’re at an award show so I  wasn’t prepared to be sitting next to freakin Taylor Swift.” 
Shawn bursts out laughing and he stands to go greet Taylor. “Hey Taylor!” 
“Shawn! Hey bud!” She greets back with an open smile. 
“This is Y/n. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about her.” Shawn gestures towards me and I smile brightly as Taylor reaches over giving me a hug. 
Lord please make sure I don't make a fool out of myself.
Finally it was Shawn’s time to perform. Me and him make our way to the backstage to get him prepared. I run around doing my usual check ups for everyone. It was harder in the dress I was in but I totally made it work while even looking good. 
“Y/n!” I hear Shawn call and I set my clipboard down to go find him. I approach his dressing room and call his name back. When I feel a pair of hands on my waist I got immediate butterflies. It’s been like that all night with Shawn. But I was even more surprised when Shawn pushed me against the wall. 
“Shawn.” I sigh out a whisper at his sudden actions. 
“You win.” Shawn says darkly with his lips inches away from the skin on my neck. I swallow the lump in my throat and I could feel the pressure building inside of me. 
“What was that?” I manage to say and his brown eyes look at me. My legs went weak as he licks his lips. 
“You win the bet. I can’t take it anymore.” Shawn pulls my waist against his body in a quick move. His lips are crashed onto mine and I move my lips back. My hand went into his beautifully soft curls. 
Shawn Mendes oh how I’ve craved this moment. It’s the other way around. You win. 
I felt his fingers trace down my leg with the slit and he grabs under my knee. I pull my leg up and he holds on to it. I could feel the chills multiplying as he traces his fingers on my thigh. Our lips never detached from each other. We both put all our passion into that moment and my head was absolutely spinning. 
“Shawn you’re on!” Someone shouts and we both jump apart from each other. He takes me by the waist again and I hold myself steady. I was weak now so weak from his touch. 
“This isn’t over.” He kisses me again and I just melt into him. When he lets go I felt a pit of emptiness in my stomach. My brain was slowly processing what had just happened. 
I don’t think you’re suppose to kiss your assistant like that... 
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years
Hallucinate - Matt Murdock x Powered! Reader Part 2
Series Summary: When members of a criminal organization start flooding precincts all over New York, turning themselves in, Daredevil must investigate to see what new player has them running for the hills.
Chapter Summary: Matt recounts last night’s events at the dock to Foggy and Karen, only for a familiar presence to interrupt him.
Word Count: 1969
Warnings: none!
Author’s note: Drunk Matt is a fucking trip, I love him
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“Did... did she try to jedi mind trick you?”
That earned a swift jab at the ribs, causing Foggy to whine in pain and send a playful glare Karen’s way. 
“Fog this is serious...” Karen sighed, looking back at Matt who was nursing a glass of cheap whiskey. “You don't think she... got into your head, do you?”
Matt shrugged, his fingers nervously tapping against his glass at the thought. If she had, she would know Daredevil’s true identity. If was was trouble, which it certainly seemed like it so far, she could use it against him.
“I don't know... She drained me, I know that much. But I don't know if she actually got in my head... I mean... I didn’t feel anything.” Matt said, keeping his voice low so the other bar patrons wouldn’t catch wind of what he was saying.
Karen slowly nodded, glancing down at her own drink as she tried to think of a proper response.
“Well, if she did then our best hope is that she’s just trying to take down a couple baddies here in Hell’s Kitchen. From what you said was happening at the docks she’s trying to stop those guys from doing harm.” Foggy said, trying to ease his friend’s worries.
“Yeah but... is she doing it without killing anyone? Or is she going the Castle route?... No offense, Karen.” 
Matt could tell the comment would have set Karen off had she been on her fifth drink. Luckily she was only at drink number two, still enough to earn a scoff from her. 
“Let’s try to think about something else... it’s Friday night, let's enjoy it.” Foggy interjected, feeling the tension beginning to rise.
For the next hour the three kept the alcohol flowing, the conversation drifting off to something lighter and not anxiety inducing. 
Matt, feeling the first buzz he had in months, stopped mid drink when he heard the clunk of a familiar pair of boots. Slightly disoriented from the alcohol, he struggled to focus his hearing past the music and the laughter around him.
Once he heard the door to Josie’s open, he was finally able to focus on that heartbeat. The one he had heard at the docks. He choked on his drink, earning worried looks from his friends and a couple other patrons. 
He felt the woman glance his eye, her eyes looking him up and down before she turned her attention back to the bar.
“It’s her... jedi...” Matt coughed, hearing Foggy and Karen both whip their heads in her direction. “Not all at once, what the hell is wrong with you guys...”
“When you point out a jedi I have to look, Matty...” Foggy grumbled, struggling to keep himself from looking back at the bar.
“Matt...” Karen slurred, struggling to sober up, “if she did....jedi you... she woulda left, or headed our way...”
Matt continued to focus on her, trying to confirm it was really her and not the alcohol in his system. He could still smell the docks on her.
He slowly stood up, ignoring his friends as they began asking him to sit back down and leave it be. He staggered over to the bar, pretending to trip over his own feet as he gripped onto the empty spot of the bar beside her.
“Woahhhh, sir, you okay?” she asked. Her voice was different. Softer.
Matt slowly nodded, chuckling softly as he stood up straighter and brushed his hair back, a classic Matt move. “Yeah... Yeah sorry, guess I overestimated how well I knew this bar.”
He heard her chuckle and shift in her seat to turn towards him. “Well you need an escort back to your seat?”
Matt gave her a lopsided smile, slowly sitting in the stool beside her. “Actually uhh... this is a little awkward, my friend over there told me I should talk to the pretty woman who just walked into the bar... you are her, right? I have no way of really knowing.”
He felt the heat rise to her cheeks, his smile growing as she giggled and looked in Foggy’s direction. “Well, if he did mean me I’m flattered.”
“Well in that case, lemme get you a drink.” He offered. He heard her nod, heat flooded to her cheeks again before she gave him verbal confirmation. 
Once Josie brought the woman her drink, Matt took the opportunity to introduce himself. “Oh damn, I almost forgot. Name’s Matt Murdock.”
“Love the alliteration.” she smiled, sipping at her drink.
“Thanks, picked it myself.” he snickered, earning a laugh from her.
“Well, I’m (Y/n) (L/n). Not as nice as Matt Murdock but I get by.”
Matt shook his head slightly, leaning in closer to her. “Still got a nice ring to it... hey how bout you join me and my friends. Not to toot our own horns but we’re pretty good company.”
Lucky for Matt, (Y/n) accepted the invitation and lead him to the table, sitting between him and Foggy.
Matt introduced the three to each other, knowing Karen and Foggy were too nervous to do it themselves. He silently prayed that they would play along and help her loosen up a bit.
A couple drinks later and she was cracking up at one of Foggy’s over the top stories involving Matt and their college years.
“This city was ours! Two lone wolves, out on the prowl, howling at the moon looming over Hell’s Kitchen. This city was, and is, still lucky to have us.” Foggy boasted, snickering as Karen nudged him and rolled her eyes.
“Karen doesn’t get it, she’s not from here.” Matt said, giving Karen a look that told her to play along.
“Really?” (Y/n) asked, smiling at Karen as she swirled her drink in her glass.
“Yeah... I just needed a change of scenery, and boy did I get what I bargained for. What about you, (Y/n)? What brought you to Hell’s Kitchen?” Karen asked.
Matt felt (Y/n) tense slightly beside him. Not enough alcohol to get that out of her.
“What’s a place like you doing in a girl like this, Ms. (L/n)?” he teased, internally cheering as she smiled and relaxed.
“Well, I was a photo journalist. I’m doing more freelance work... figured New York was the place to come to since some new dude in a mask shows up, what? Like every three days?” she explained. 
Her heartbeat was irregular, but that didn’t keep Matt from knowing she was lying. But of course, he couldn’t tell her that outright.
“Sooo, you’re here for Daredevil?” Foggy asked, smirking slightly as he glanced between Matt and (Y/n).
“I mean... it would be pretty cool to get his picture. But I’d settle for anything that could make me a quick buck.” (Y/n) said, punctuating her statement by shooting the last of her drink.
“Well, Karen here has had her fair share of run ins with him, maybe you will too.” Foggy responded, becoming a bit too lost in the illusion.
(Y/n) smiled slightly, glancing between the three of them. “Like I said, anything interesting... Yall are lawyers, right?”
Foggy and Matt nodded. Now they were getting somewhere.
“Is there anything... weird going on? That I could get photos of. I’m trying to build up a resume here in New York, get a full time job and all that. If there’s any tips you can legally give me, I’d really appreciate it.”
Hook. Line. And Sinker. 
“How about we exchange phone numbers and this be a little ‘help me to help you’ situation. You see something, you tell me, I see something, I tell you. Deal?” Matt smiled, holding his hand out for her. He could feel her heart beat quicken for a moment before she took his hand and shook it like she meant it.
The two exchanged numbers, and the next hour or two passed by smoothly. Karen and Foggy eventually left the two alone. Once Matt felt it was time to leave, he asked (Y/n) to walk with him.
“Are you usually this forward with pretty girls at bars, Mr. Murdock?” she asked, fiddling with the zipper of her jacket as the two made their way through the streets of Hell’s Kitchen.
“Not usually,” he shrugged, “I mean, Foggy will always say otherwise, but don’t believe him. He’s always over exaggerated those kinds of things.”
She chuckled, biting her lip as she looked him over. “I dunno, you sound like a real ladies man to me.”
Matt shrugged, smiling slightly as he gave her arm a light squeeze, “Now who’s being forward?”
The two exchanged their goodbyes once they reached Matt’s apartment. He pretended to fumble with his keys as she walked off, instead focusing on the direction she was walking in.
Once he got into his apartment he quickly changed into his Daredevil suit, the alcohol that was still in his system caused him to trip over himself a couple times. Once he was suited up, he headed back to the docks, hoping she would be back there patrolling the area. 
He tried to convince himself he had done enough recon work for one night, that he earned a good night’s sleep. But a part of him knew he couldn’t sleep well until Daredevil could speak to (Y/n) without any goons interrupting them. 
It felt like an eternity passed before she showed up. There was that heart beat again. He turned towards her, remaining crouched at the edge of the roof as she levitated beside him.
“I thought I asked you to stay out of my way.” she stated simply, her voice as coarse as the first time they met. 
“You said you were a fan, figured you’d want some one on one time.” he replied, making his voice deeper as well.
The two remained silent, studying each other, before (Y/n) decided to speak up. “The only reason I haven’t reached into that head of yours and forced you to stay away is because I know how much good you do for this city... I got no right to go prying around in your head, seeing your private things.”
Matt gave her a slight nod, “I appreciate that...” he paused. “But I can’t let you run around my city and kill people you should be brought to justice, real justice.”
“Who said I was killing people?” she scoffed, turning away from him to face the docks. “I just want one man... one asshole out of all the rest, dead and in the ground...but you already knew that, huh?”
He stayed silent, so she continued. “But you have no idea who he is... why I want him... that’s why you’re here, right?”
“You’re half right... I got a source, one who might know where ‘Blum’ is hiding...” He pulled a flip phone out from one of the various pockets on his suit, holding it out for her. “I can help you find this guy, bring him and his lackeys to justice...”
(Y/n) looked back at him, trying to swipe the phone out of his hand only for him to whip it out of her reach at the last second.
She huffed.
“We do this the right way, or we don’t do it at all... I give you the information you need, help you take these guys down, and you don’t kill anyone. Help me to help you.” Matt explained, slowly holding the phone before her once more.
(Y/n) took it from him, snorting when she saw his phone number, under ‘DD’ was already in it. “Damn, and it’s only our second date. I’m flattered.”
“Don’t lose it... I’ll call you the second I get something.” With that, Matt turned and casually made his way to the opposite end of the roof, feeling her eyes burning into him the whole way. 
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klockworkau · 5 years
Vicarious (Bang Chan)
Soulmate AU pt 1
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You are now Kang Minho. And you’re writhing on the floor.
Which made sense; Hyunjin did just elbow Chan in the liver. Your synched up grunts of pain boom through the concert venue’s speakers; it’s enough for everyone else to freeze. Music continues to play as the background to their little comedy of everyone pausing mid-dance or falling out of the chorus jump to check on both of them. Woojin flubs the landing, stomping on Seungmin’s foot. They’re both on the ground and Changbin trips over the latter’s arm trying to get to you. Chan is rolling on the ground with a half grimace and half grin.
Glad to see he finds this funny, cause you don’t.
“Fuck! Dude, I know you’re excited but damn!” You say from stage left once you’re done gasping for breath. Your strained voice echoes throughout the empty venue. You’re leaning on an equipment box you’d fallen on when Hyunjin knocked the wind out of you. “Is this because Chan ate the last maki off the plate the other night? Cause if so, you didn’t have drag me into it!” You double over and curse.
Jisung, one of the few still on his feet, gets to you first. “Hyung are you alright?! You need anything?” He tries to help you up but you wave him off, finding your balance after a few minutes and stumbling through several tries. You’ve always had better pain tolerance than Chan and it shows. He’s still on the ground, arms around his abdomen while you’re trudging across half the stage to get to him. Your hearts though, beat at the same slowed pace.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry!” Hyunjin is blubbering at this point. His head whips back and forth between you and Chan, apologising over and over.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s fine, it was an accident anyway,” you say though most of you nerves have been set aflame. You kneel next to Chris pulling him up to sit. “You good, loser?” You didn’t really need to ask, considering the dull pain in your abdomen spikes up and Chris’ expression smoothens out.
He frowns, “You don’t have to-“
“Too late,” you grin at him through the shock that stole what little breath you have from your lungs. It’s a good thing your legs give out again because you drop before. Chan can touch you. He puts a hand on his chest and winces, trying to reach for you again but you stop him with a hand. “Hey, you’ve got more practice to do, I’m done with my set already.”
It’s not a total lie.
You are done with your soundcheck and rehearsal for the Klockwork Royal Ball (1), but your group and other label mates had planned to go again after all the other groups and artists were done with their sets. Jihyeon would’ve called on all of you once Victon was done, two acts after Stray Kids. Looks like that isn’t happening for you. Even if she didn’t want to admit concern, she would never let you perform knowing you got hurt prior to. Damn stubborn leader. Chan is no better, being as stubborn as she can be. “Okay,” he says, knowing he doesn’t have to like it but can’t do anything to change your mind. “But we’re getting you an ice pack or something backstage, ok? Please?”
“Sure, sure.” You nod, standing and offering him a hand up. Hyunjin helps you pull Chan to his feet and he’s still apologizing. “Dude, chill out! It’ll be a bruise, at worst. The only thing you have to do, is get better at that move.”
That one is a lie.
You don’t tell Hyunjin because you don’t need him crying out of guilt but he knew how to hit. It was a beautiful liver shot really, hit the vagus nerve just right. You can tell from how your legs gave out, blood and heart rate slowed, and breath stalled. Both you and Chan are lucky it wasn’t a hard hit, just a precise one. Hyunjin bows his head but it can’t hide how pink the tips of his ears are. “I really didn’t mean to, I’m-“ he shut his mouth. Good, he knows he should stop it already. “I’m just...nervous.”
“You’ve been chosen to be one of the groups to open Rookies Day,” you laugh; it hurts to laugh but you do. They need some reassurance. “You guys haven’t even debuted and you earned that honor. If you weren’t jittery as hell, I’d call you stupid or Felix.”
Felix turns his head at the mention of his name. “What?”
You pat him on the shoulder. “How about this? Just get better at it for me, yeah?” You smile at him and he looks up, a small one of his own, creeping into his lips.
“Okay, Null sunb- I mean Minho hyung,” he says, taking a step back as Chan puts an arm around your waist and leads you backstage.
You really don’t need the help, the pain is already subsiding. Then again someone should put some ointment on the bruise you knows is blossoming on your abdomen. So, you let him support you and he’s smiling for some reason, smirking to himself like he knows something you don’t. “The last time you had that smile on your face, we locked two people in a closet together,” You accuse, feeling a sliver of his amusement, and some suspicion of your own.
“It’s just...” He glances back over their shoulders. “They like you, they took to you so fast, it’s like they’ve-
You nod, “Known me for as long as they’ve known you,” you say with smile, despite the pain. “It’s kinda implied. Some theories say, we’re halves of a whole, others say we’re one.” You shrug, even though it had surprised you how fast Chan’s little group of misfits warmed up to you as well. It’s only been a week and a half since you and Chan found each other and you’ve spent almost every day of that week having with him and his group. A night ago you learned their Hellevator choreo. The first two days before that you spent so long in the studio with Chan and the other 2/3rds of 3racha you were called by every member of Krownus, even Jihyeon (2). 28 hours passed like nothing.
“It’s good you like em too.”
You scoff, “Your little pack of strays? Are you kidding?”
“Nah, you can’t pull that tough shit, Null” He teases, grinning as he guides you to the medic’s room backstage. “You like them. I can feel it.”
Damned soul bond, not letting you hide a thing from him.
The day after the Royal Ball, you’re scrolling through SNS feeds for people’s opinion on the concert. Chan sits across from you, half listening to you read comments aloud and half focused on writing lyrics while both of you share a pair of airpods. You don’t notice but you’re bobbing your head to the beat of this new unreleased 3racha song.
Around you the Devil’s Den cafe is as busy as ever, more so that it’s just after lunch time. Students, office workers and fans alike are in and out of the door and the servers and baristas are red blurs. They’re calm in the face of their rush hour, mahogany aprons and white shirts spotless, and customer service smile still intact. They navigate their way around the people and tables with such grace and skill it makes you wonder how the hell you didn’t gain the same poise from working here in your years interning for Jihyeon. Then again, you were only ever on duty here as punishment for the stupid shit you pulled.
“Check it out,” you steal Chan’s attention away from his lyrics, clearing your throat. “Omona! Stray Kids were amazing at rookie’s day!” you squeal pitching up your voice to the point where it annoyed even you. “Bangchan-oppa was sooo cool, I just wanted to die!”
Chan laughs, throwing a wad of napkins at you. “Please, never do that again.”
“And deprive the world of my spot on impressions?” You shake your head, expression grave. “I have a duty in life Chanstopher Bang-“
“Chanstopher Ban-“
You silence him with a hand, exclaiming, “A duty Chanstopher!” before putting that same hand on your chest. “To make this dark world a brighter place with my humor...and outstanding personality.”
“Don’t forget, your incredible humility and modesty.” Chan rolls his eyes, closing his lyrics notebook. He stretches his arms back over his head, joints popping and straining. You do the same, you body relaxed in the wake of sitting in the same place and position for a few hours. To be honest, the only reason you two left Chan’s studio is because SKZ’s manager accused him of becoming a hermit.
You’re already packed up, your own lyrics notebook and laptop put away in a backpack, you just wait on Chan who heads to the restroom first. “Should we get a drink for the road?”
“In that line?” He gestures to the busy counter.
You rolls your eyes, pulling out your phone and sending a quick text. “Don’t worry about it,” You tell him, handing him back his other air pod and putting your hat back on. “I’m Klockwork (3) and the Kingdom (4) looks out for it’s Kings (5).”
Which is to say, you’re going to abuse your status as a fellow label mate to get your friend behind the counter to rush your order.
“Two cold brews for the dumb looking guy in the-“
You snatch one of drinks away with a click of your tongue. “And what have I done to deserve such slander, Dani?” The corners of your mouth twitch trying to maintain the feigned disappointment.
“Wore a neon green cap for one thing,” Dani says, wrinkling her nose in distaste, though amusement shines in her eyes. “Minho you look like you should be directing traffic at night.” She hold out the second drink for him. When he takes it she turns her back and goes on making other customer’s orders. You never noticed before, but Dani keeps her hair in a low ponytail more often than anything else. It suits her: like her it’s nothing too complicated or fancy but it’s nice, pretty even. You shake your head. It’s a weird line of thought, one you’ve never considered before.
Adjusting the cap in question on your head, you have to admit the colors jars even you. Then again: “Didn’t you give me this?”
“Well yeah,” she turns back, holding some guys white chocolate mocha. “But I gave it away because it’s an eyesore. I didn’t think you were actually gonna wear it.”
She’s cute when she’s mocking you.
She is?
Something in your chest makes itself known then, an odd kind of warmth. It’s not from the coffee, nor the insulation your hoodie provides you with. You stare at the back of her head for a while until she turns and looks at you too. You shy away, which is not normal. What the hell is going on?
“You alright there Minho?”
Her concern for you is sweet. She’s sweet. What?
You shake your head. “Uh yeah. Fine.”
“Is there something on my face?” Dani, asks as she serves another drink but lets the other person behind the counter, an actual worker, call out the customer.
You can feel your gut churning, nerves building up. “No, nothing,” You say, voice even and calm. You feel fine but also not. You’re...jittery but it’s faint, like an aftereffect. This is not normal. Teasing back and forth with Dani is. Insulting her and accepting her insults is. Writing and composing with her at the original Devil’s Den (6), the studio, is. And nothing about that is any different from this.
“Are you sure?” She raises a brow at you, “Because your friend by the bathroom is looking at me weird too.”
You whirl around, eyes finding Chan. His hands are fidgeting at his sides, wiping them on his pants. He swallows, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face even though it’s air conditioned in the cafe. He’s looking towards the counter but not back at you. You follow his line of sight.
“Oh shit.”
Rebloooog. Like or whateva ❣
Glossary (1) Klockwork Royal Ball: The label’s concert like an SM or JYP tour that also features other artists.
(2) Jihyeon: Nam Jihyeon; stage name “Sin”; the leader of Minho’s group Krownus and owner of Devil’s Den
(3) Klockwork: Minho’s label
(4) Kingdom: What the label’s fans are called; likened to JYP Nation.
(5) Kings: Artists from the label Klockwork
(6) Devil’s Den: The name of Sin’s (Nam Jihyeon’s) studio and her cafe where her interns and trainees are sent as punishment or just as a part time job opportunity. (Either way they get paid)
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pikemoreno · 6 years
Secrets and Stories Part 3
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: attempted sexual assault, mention of a gun, some violence, sooo much fluff
A/N: the last part!!! yayyy! hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it
Part 1 | Part 2
A nervous, excited energy seemed to permeate the neighborhoods. High-school kids all across town could be found pacing in their rooms— the girls doing and re-doing their hair, the boys fumbling nervously with the ties around their necks. It was Winter Formal, not the most important night of the year for Midtown’s students by any means—Prom and Homecoming took that spot— but still a night to be your best, nonetheless. You and Peter were each in your rooms, three miles apart, each feeling as though you were more nervous than anyone in the history of winter formals had ever been.
His mind was racing. What if he embarrassed himself— again? What if he tried to kiss you and you rejected him? What if you thought he was a bad dancer and never wanted to be seen with him again? What if you already knew he had a crush on you and only said you’d go with him out of pity? What if he accidentally let it slip that it was him in that Spiderman suit that day?  Or what if it was a perfect night? He gulped, sincerely hoping for the last one.
Your mind was racing. What if you embarrassed yourself— again? What if he tries to kiss you and you freeze? What if you try to kiss him and it makes him uncomfortable? What if you trip on these damn heels in the middle of everyone? What if he knew you liked him and asked you to go with him as a joke? You shook that out of your head. Peter wasn’t that kind of person.
Then there was a knock. You could see your eyes widen in the mirror as you finished touching up your makeup.
“Don’t answer, don’t answer, don’t answer,” you yelled to your family, running to the front door as quickly as you could in heels and quieting down as you put your hand on the doorknob. Deep breath. You opened the door, forcing a calm appearance, to reveal Peter Parker and, dang, he cleaned up nice. There was just a moment of extended silence as you both stood, mutually in awe of each other all dressed up. Peter panicked when he realized he was staring and quickly broke the silence.
“You look really nice,” he stammered out.
“Thanks. So do you… Really good.” His face lit up with pride. It was then that you heard shuffling in the other room and you knew what was coming— a lot of gushing and pictures. You couldn’t subject Peter to that quite yet. You stepped past the front door to join him outside and quickly shut the door behind you, leaving Peter with a very confused look on his face. Before he could ask, you shook your head, uttering a “Just trust me” as you grabbed his hand and walked away from your house. You didn’t think twice about the action, but it brought a blush to his cheeks.
Midtown’s gymnasium was rather cheesily decorated. Glitter and sequin doused paper snowflakes and streamers hung overhead, balloon arches of blue and white welcomed visitors, and the “melted snowman” punch, while a cute— though slightly childish— idea, it now ironically reeked of several different types of alcohol.
The music choices were rather mediocre as well, you found. The songs flipped between top 40 radio and overly emotional slow dance songs with a very corny Christmas song thrown in every now and then. It made you cringe, leaving you and Peter left yourselves side-lined from the dance floor, talking and having a laugh at the outrageous dance moves of some of your more intoxicated classmates. Another slow dance came on. It wasn’t terrible, you thought, one of the better songs that’d been played so far. Peter stood up and held his hand outstretched for you, you glanced up at him
“Shall we? It’s kind of why we’re here after all.” You joyfully nodded, taking his hand and letting him take you onto the dance floor. He gave you a small spin as you joined in with the couples that were already dancing, sending you into a fit of giggles. You watched him look around at everyone who was already dancing, trying to figure out what he was supposed to be doing and, when he finally fell into rhythm, he turned back to see you fondly shaking your head at him.
“What?” he asked, looking down a bit, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“Nothing,” you consoled, “It was just cute.” He let his head dip down a bit further in his flustered state before looking back up at you, the brightest of grins on both of your faces.
There was a comfortable silence as you swayed to the music, content to be near each other, enjoying each other’s company. Ned was throwing Peter thumbs-up’s and winking over your shoulder. He responded with a look that said “knock it off before I crack up and screw this whole thing up” which made Ned end his fun and go saunter off to get a drink.
After that ordeal, Peter spoke up again with a huff of a laugh, “Can you believe this started because I knocked you over?”
“Please don’t remind me,” you laughed, “I’m still so mad at myself for being so awkward…” You tacked on the ending after a moment of debating, “… in front of the guy I like.”
“I’m a bit awkward too, if you haven’t noticed. I embarrass myself all the time,” he started, but then it clicked. “Hang on. You— You liked me?” he spluttered out in disbelief.
You started to respond, but it was then that he saw it over your shoulder: one of your female classmates being quickly taken out of the room. It definitely did not appear to Peter to be in any way consensual, the tipsy, giggling girl was harshly dragged out of the gym and down the hall by her boyfriend, who had been known for… That sort of thing in the past. Peter glanced to everyone else in the room, hoping someone else would’ve noticed— anyone who wasn’t having a moment with their crush. But they didn’t and he couldn’t let it slide. He dropped his hands from your waist, with an “I’m sorry” and “I’ll be right back” and raced out of the room, stripping off the black suit and white button up to reveal the red and blue suit underneath once he was out of sight. Ned would’ve yelled at him if he had known, but he had decided to keep his Spiderman garb on underneath his formal clothing, hoping to find the courage to tell you it was him with The Bands that day and to thank you for what you did for him. Ned would’ve once again reminded him that the “People Who Know Peter’s Secret” club was closed to new members, but he couldn’t deny the suit was coming in handy now. The footsteps ahead of him sped up once the captor realized he was being followed and Peter willed his feet to keep up as they rounded the corner and high-tailed it outside.
Meanwhile, you found yourself alone on the dance floor, watching as the boy you just confessed your feelings to ran out, completely unexplained. But it didn’t take long for you to leave your sulking on the dance floor and go after him, following the sound of shoes tapping against tile and… Clothes strewn across the hall? You picked them up as you dashed outside, searching for movement.
The girl in the attempted rapist’s arms was starting to come out of her tipsy state and was getting more and more panicked as she was half-dragged through the parking lot; she began crying out for help.
“I got you, I got you,” Peter yelled back as he chased after them, shooting webs left and right in an attempt to hit the gross boy. As the boy made it to his car, one of the webs hit their mark, sticking his right hand to the car door. He lost his grip on the girl and she fell to the ground. She started to sink into hysterics as she crawled away to safety. Peter ran over to her to check on her, not noticing the boy’s left-hand fumbling in his pocket.
The next thing he heard was a cry of, “Look out.” Your voice. The next sound was a loud bang. A gunshot. Then it was metal hitting concrete and metal hitting bone soon after. Peter looked up slowly, not sure he wanted to see the outcome, but he was surprised to find you with the boy’s gun in your hand, him knocked out beside you. He ran to you.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, but you almost weren’t,” you replied, panting. “Go ahead and go inside Olivia. I’ll find you, ok?” The shaking girl didn’t have to be asked twice; she nodded and bolted inside. You watched her re-enter the gymnasium and then turned back to Peter.
“(Y/N) (L/N), saving my life again,” Peter shook his head.
“Peter Parker, needing his life saved again. Aren’t you supposed to be a superhero or something?”
“How did you know— I mean, you must be mistaken I’m not— I—” he took the mask off, revealing eyes that looked rather defeated, mouth turned up in a half smile. He gave a weak “Surprise.”
“Hardly,” you giggled, “You’re terrible at keeping secrets.”
“How did you know?”
“Would you like an example or a list?”
“Oh no,” he groaned, but you continued.
“First, it was the voice. You really ought to change your voice while you’re in the suit. There was also those,” you pointed at the pile of discarded clothing on the ground. He laughed. “And that smile.” You brought a hand to his cheek. His laughter subsided, and he looked nothing short of awestruck. “I would know that smile anywhere— across the chem lab, down the hall, almost hidden under a Spiderman suit. I’ve thought it was the nicest smile I’ve ever seen for quite a while,” your thumb brushed against his skin, dangerously close to his lips.
That was all the confidence boost he needed. He leaned in and kissed you quickly, hardly even giving you time to kiss him back.
“Is that it?” you asked, bringing your other hand up to his face as well. It was your turn to initiate the kiss and, unlike the first one, this one lingered. It was sweet and so long awaited, it made your head spin. You eventually pulled away as a couple of smiley messes. It was right about then that Peter remembered that you were in a parking lot next to an unconscious rapist while a dance ensued inside.
“Shall we call the police and then maybe try to enjoy the dance without me running off this time?”
“Sounds like plan. Though you might not want to go back in like that,” you replied, stepping past the captor to toss Peter his clothes. You couldn’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye as you called the police to tell them to pick up the attempted rapist. He ran his hands through his hair, fluffing it up from where it had been pressed down under the mask and then beginning on his clothes. You couldn’t quite believe this was your life now: saving Spiderman, going to dances with Peter Parker. He caught you watching him as you hung up the phone and he couldn’t help but let his mind wander as yours was. How did he get so lucky as to have someone like you in his corner— whether he was Spiderman or Peter Parker.
As he adjusted his suit jacket on his shoulders, he held out his hand for you and you happily took it. Police sirens could be heard in the distance as the two of you strolled back toward the gym, discussing his double life— with you giving him input on how he could keep it that way.
“No more secrets,” he told himself, completely relieved.
“This is going to be a good story,” you thought, incredibly excited for the future with the boy next to you.
Marvel Taglist: @petxrparks @pbnjparker @asphalt-cocktail @littlecrazyfangirl-98 @peachesandparker @il-rose @farfromjustordinary @starkravingparker @darlintom @hazhasmycoffee
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ongnable · 7 years
Okay I think I need your help! I started following Wanna One few weeks ago and I don't know what to watch to know them better! (I discovered them after being forced by my friend to watch Master Key 😂) so yeah I went around YouTube but if you can direct me to "worthy" content I'll be glad! ((especially with Ong cause it was kinda love at first sight 💕)) thanks and love your blog ✨✨✨
Ong being loved is honestly such a mood
I’ll put everything in order so it’s easy to go through, and list mainly the OT11 stuff + links to eng sub! ^^
Burn It Up
Beautiful (Movie ver.)this is not the full version which is almost 15 minutes long (and i’m still salty about the unequal screen-time); to fully understand the story - watch the ’prologue’ too!
Beautiful (Perf. ver.)
I Promise You (I.P.U.)a personal favourite; it’s honestly such a blessing for soft stans!
Shows (2017-8)
Broduce –is definitely more than ‘worthy’ since we not only got to meet W1 in their pre-debut states, but also a bunch of talented boys/men. I think that the main reason our ‘core’ fandom is so strongly bound is mainly because of PD101 and how well you get to know them since it’s filmed over such a long period. you can only fall deeper in love, and appreciate their hard work more and more each time you (re-)watch broduce~
Mnet Present –this was kind of an ‘intro to W1′ type of thing from Mnet before unveiling Energetic, but it’s kinda precious how you can tell that the boys were still a little awkward with some of the others they didn’t perform with during broduce and how being in W1 still hasn’t really hit them since it was filmed before they started promotions. not a must-watch but it’s lovely to look back on.
Wanna One Go S1 –season 1 only has 2 episodes, but it quenched the thirst for content before they’re debut! XD if you’ve seen the legendary ongniel date gifs, this is where it’s from!! the boys were paired with their ‘main ships’ from back in Broduce. This is also where we were first introduced to the legend that is Sungwoon’s grandpa!
Return of Superman! 194-195 –not OT11, but i love boys that play well with kids, so it can’t be helped XD be prepared to melt into a puddle of goo watching the kids play with mom-Jisung, the uncles, and big bro-Jihoonie~
Weekly Idol 315-316 –gave birth a myriad of inside jokes (including the X-thigh dance which brought out all the Nu’est W x W1 broduce feels). Daehwi also cemented his status as a girl group dance machine whilst the boys were just their normal meme-worthy selves
Happy Together (510-512) (521-522) (531-?)–this wasn’t OT11, but there are sooo many moments from HT (Minhyun’s text-hwang status and Ongniel making headlines for their ‘couple drama’? yaaaas)
Wanna City –Mnet knows that variety shows are very much where W1 belong, so of course between Wanna One Go S1 and S2 we get a lil something special XD Hyung vs. Maknae line interactions are always hilarious, and Ong’s losing streak from Master Key basically begun here X’D If there’s one cut to watch from this it’s ‘Annyeong Cleopatra’! 
Wanna One Go S2 –the one true mecca of W1-variety. the ‘must-watch’! if theres one thing on the list to watch it’s W1 Go S2!! Most of the gifs/moment videos you’ll see floating around will be from this~
Amigo TV –just the boys being their normal memey-selves with a lot of food involved!! (Dan was busy with It’s Dangerous Outside of the Blankets while this was filmed - which is also a must-watch for soft-Dan)
Outrageous Roommates –only ongnielhwan, but since you like Ong I’m rec-ing this!!!! Justice League team interactions are my fav and when you put the ultimate comedic trio of W1 together with other hilarious people (aka. Yook joongwan from Rose Motel); it’s just a great ‘feel good’ show to watch after a long day!
Other OT11 shows:I Can See Your Voice (OT11) // SNL (personally not a fan of SNL, i just get loads of second-hand embarrassment from their skits >
A few other recent shows with Ong:K-RUSH // Radio Star // Hello Counselor
Comeback-shows (+ debut)
1x1=1 (To Be One) Premier Showcon –a legendary debut showcase~ they debuted in Gocheok Sky Dome which is a first! they made history just by debuting
1-1=0 (Nothing Without You) Comeback Show –basically we watch the boys eat at the beginning, do a hidden camera and then we appreciate all the hard work they put into filming Beautiful even though so many of them got so little screen-time T^T
0+1=1 (I Promise You) Comeback Show –another bts of m/v filming as all comeback shows require~ W1 also prepared an event for fans (even tho Ong was Mc-ing and unable to attend the same time as others); which was super super sweet. Also- Wanna One karaoke + more Sungwoon’s adorable grandpa! XD
Other Performances
A Summer Story x Nayanahonestly speaking I’m not the biggest fan of this mix, but it’s OT11 and they looked really cute and the summery outfits suited them well since it was reminiscent of their 1x1 album Pink ver. outfits ~
Jaehwan’s Immortal Song Perfs (20170930) (20171118) –I have a weak spot for rocker!Jaehwan so I personally like the November perf more, but Mnet likes promoting ballad!Jaehwan >
“Comes And Goes” - Terius (aka. Hwang Minhyun) –woop, the mask fooled no one, naver blew up as soon as this ep (and the ep before) aired cuz everyone knew if was Minhyun X’D it’s even funnier because Daniel was on the panel!
La Dolce Vita –is a recent cover they did on Sugarman 2, and to me it is definitely worth watching if for nothing but them saying ‘señorita’
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park-j1m1n-bts · 7 years
Top 50 - 11 Songs of 2017
Ok so I did this last year and I really enjoyed doing it and looking back this year at all the songs I listened to in the past! So here goes :)
As always, I love my boy groups/male singers so just a little disclaimer because this list will definitely show that trend! 
This is such an interesting song and the chorus really caught me off guard (in a good way) deffo one of my faves from the boys’ new album.
This song really surprised me! I'm not someone who enjoys ‘cute’ songs and when I first heard this I didn't like it but my god it is so catchy!! I found myself humming along to it aaaalll the time. Therefore I had to add it to this list. 
I love brave girls, they are so sexy yet so fresh at the same time! I loved this song straightaway and the dance with the stools is so different but it is just great!
I liiiive for the performance unit! (Dino is my bias sooo ;) ) The bridge of this song is brilliant, the higher pitch of it is such a contrast to the rest of the song, I just can’t get enough of it!!!
Although it still had an element of cuteness, this darker concept was so unexpected of the Victon boys! It really suited them!
This is such a chill summer vibe song!! Added to my driving playlist straightaway!
What a beautifully talented and kind man, may he now rest in peace. This song was breath taking and his vocals as well as taeyeon’s are truly magical and I hope this song gets even more recognition!
43. NCT 127 - GOOD THING
What a tune!!!! I'm surprised this song is only number 43 because I had this on repeat all day when the album was released! You just can’t help but move to it!
I think this song is a bit of a love/hate song - I love it! Myteen are a rookie boy group and this is their debut song and I have heard a lot of negative comments about it but the bridge and the chorus are so flipping catchy, you’ll deffo be singing it after hearing it!
Woah I did not expect this from G-Dragon! I’ll be honest, personally I'm not a massive fan of g-dragon’s rapping style but his voice!!?? damn it gave me chills! This is a super beautiful song.
I love love love taeyang’s voice and paired with this song.... just wow. I think it was produced really well, how the first verse was very stripped back but then at the chorus the clap of the beat came in. It just really made his voice stand out 
Such a summer song with a very addictive tune “u-who who u- who who” ahhh so cute I love it 
Yaaasss slay girl! such an empowering song and I love the mix between cute and fierce 
Halo are super underrated! I can’t understand why though because this song is super catchy! Please check them out, you won't regret it!
This song is freaking amazing! especially Woojin’s breakdown at the end of the song! His voice is so deep I love it 
This concept was brilliant!! I couldn’t believe it was CLC but those girls pulled it off so well! what a great comeback
34. B.I.G. - 123
Another really underrated boy group! This is such an upbeat and happy song! super duper catchy!!!
I love this song so much! I really wanted to put it higher but there was just too many good songs last year! The first line just grabs you “you’re not a daydreamer” looooove!!
Pure talent! solo, each boy is amazing but when they sing together for the chorus.... woah just gives me shivers!
I never follow these sort of survival shows however listening to this song I became hooked, especially on Park Doha ....but where did he go? like most of the members of unit black went into In2it but not Doha?? anyway this song aaaahhh its great!!! needs way more recognition
woah. This band has become my new favourite (sorry cnblue I still love you) As a debut song, Sorry was amazing! their talent is no joke
2017 was clearly the year for boy groups! so many debuted and 80% of them I swear made it to my top 50 its just amazing! I love becoming obsessed with new groups! this song blew up when it came out, everyone was just so shocked that the boys produced the song and choreo themselves! 
28. B.A.P. - WAKE ME UP
I love when B.A.P do this darker concept, I think it really suits them! The message it portrays is really important and this with the great song made it a great comeback for the boys.
Now i’ll be honest Up10tion songs can be hit or miss with me so when they came back with this song I was sceptical but my god I LOVE it soooo much! the contrast between the high voices of the singers and the deep voices of the rappers is really great
I only discovered microdot recently whilst on Spotify and I instantly downloaded his whole album! it was really difficult not to put like every song on here! This one I love because I really like when songs have a softer chorus but then rap verses. 
Hotshot ma boyyyysss! I cant explain just how long I waited for this comeback! and they did not disappoint! It was a shame Sungwoon wasn't involved but he is doing great in wanna one so congrats to him :)
I only put in two songs from the album so I think I did well! I don’t know if this is cheating though because this song is in English but I just had to add it!! it brings such a cool vibe
23. EXO - POWER 
Honestly it took me a while to get into this song.... but the more I heard it the more the tune got stuck in my head! I love the beat and the performance is soo great
I love Block B’s vibes! They never go suit and follow other groups concepts and I think that's great! this song is a prime example, its just so different and distinguishable. I can’t help but dance alone to it 
What a brilliant song!! correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they had a win with this song? .... whaaaaat?!? I don’t understand! they need more recognition
20. SF9 - EASY LOVE 
My favourite sf9 song!!! I love it when the rappers come in each time, the beat just changes! waaaa its just great
Deffo my fave kard song by farrrrr! J.Seph shook the world when he started singing! my boy DID THAT!! such a feel good summer song! 
18. BTS -DNA
yes, I know what you’re thinking “has an Army really just put BTS’s comeback song 18th on her list” but trust me guys I tried really hard to do this list objectively and not just put BTS’s whole album right at the top. Don't get me wrong though DNA was AMAZING I remember hearing it for the first time and I ran around my uni flat screaming and getting everyone to come listen to this BOP. They smash it every time.
I love this mans voice! All his songs just grab me, you can’t help but just sway to this beautiful song!!! please please listen to it!!!! 
When my baby came in straight away with his beautiful voice I legit fell of my chair! I love how this song starts of so calm and this the well known sound of the chain smokers comes in and then..... suga singing like tf!? yessss come thruuuu with the vocals ugh I love him.
I’ve been seriously loving Pentagon recently! and I really wanted to put this song higher on my list but as you will see later on wayyyy tooo many good songs I just couldn’t. Their vocals (and visuals *cough*) are no joke! please stan them
Sooo hard not to put all their songs on here! 2017 was their year!! so many good songs, they are always so catchy and just wake me up
13. BTS - GO GO 
What a fun song oh my god! only BTS could make the performance of Go Go cool! I love how much fun they seem to have singing this song.
Now, real talk! if this song does not hype you up and get you moving then there is something seriously wrong with you! I listen to this to help me get up in the morning, when I'm exercising or whenever I feeling blughhhh. only ikon could pull of this concept
I don't think I will ever get bored of this song! everything about I just love and I'm am kinda sad it just missed my top 10 but like I said I didn't want my top 10 to be boring and for BTS to dominate the whole list! nevertheless a brilliant brilliant song
so there is my top kpop songs 50 though to 11. I will do my top 10 in a separate post because otherwise it will be way too long and boring! I hope you guys enjoy and check out any you haven't listened to... you wont regret it 
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ask-third-circle · 6 years
CHAPTER 2 (1600w)
Storby left Ella smiling pleasantly under the temperature-balancing breeze of the supermarket air conditioning. He had wanted to walk around the shop with her, but once she felt the  cooling air from above, she stopped in her tracks and refused to answer to his quiet "cmon", only repeatedly announcing "sooo loooveeelyyy". So he left her to her joy. The two of them were the only ones in the shop. No customers and no visible staff. Only the murmur of adult contemporary pop music whispering out of crackly speakers. The desolation was understandable, because the place closed in 45 minutes and it was a Sunday. It was also understandable because the town itself was closed. The two teens had only seen one other person in the twenty minutes it took to walk to the supermarket. The route included a walk through the so-called high street, but it every shop was scabbed over with metal shutters. The lone person was the only moving object they saw. Not even plastic bags ventured this far out of the city. There was nothing here that could be ruined by litter. Storby inwardly cursed the town and clung harder to his determination to one day flee to a 24-hour city where the lights are always on and nothing ever closes. Storby had placed the single loaf of bread at the very end of the conveyer belt, and even his lazy stroll to the payment end of the counter was enough to overtake the loaf. The teen lifted his eyes up from the ground to give a non-committal 'hey' to the cashier. But then he saw a certain person emerge from behind the counter like sped up footage of plants growing, and a nasty taste in his mouth prevented him from speaking. "h," said Storby. "Hello." said DEXTER, smiling as he pronounced every letter and punctuation mark of the word as well as every syllable. Storby looked over at the distant conveyer belt and tried to psychically urge the bread to crawl faster, so this would be over quickly. DEXTER answered by picking up the bread ready to scan. Storby wondered if him thinking "cmon bread" and DEXTER touching the bread were connected somehow. It was an odd coincidence. He hoped they were not connected. In reality, they were. Storby looked behind him and swept up the entire shop in his field of vision, asking, "Isn't there anyone else who can serve me?" The only other visible person was Ella, who was now flicking through a magazine after having left the doorway where she had been stressing the automatic doors with her presence. DEXTER turned the loaf upside down, revealing the barcode to the scanner. There was a beep from the machine. "But we've already come so far," DEXTER muttered, eyebrows raised. "You can't quit now!" "I can." Insisted Storby. "Undo the sale and let me start over with a new staff member." "I'll have to call the supervisor?" DEXTER said in that voice you do where you raise your voice at the end like it's a question? When it's really just a statement? "Then call the supervisor." Storby growled, with the strain of having to force the energy of an exclaimation mark into a sentence with a full stop. The shop assistant went up on tiptoes and cupped his hands over his mouth to project his voice. "DEXTER," he called. Storby was incredibly unnerved. "That's right," DEXTER said, with a triumphant smirk. "I am the founder of MARKETSUPER, the area manager, the store manager, the assistant manager, supervisor, shelf stacker, cashier, cleaner and the work experience kid. I'm so proud of myself for getting so far in life." Storby placed a pound coin on the counter and backed away slowly, maintaining eye contact and speaking in a quiet, low voice. "Keep the change." He turned to find out where Ella was only when he felt he was out of reach of a sudden lunge. He looked back just one more time, and the shop assistant was still there, attempting to make a card table out of three ten pence coins. Storby muttered,  "What a weirdo." in the direction of Ella, but silence was the reply. He turned his head to look at her, and when he did he found that she was holding the magazine from earlier at arm's length, closer to Storby. "Look." Ella squealed. On the cover - no - gracing the cover with their divine presence - were the members of Stuck Nowhere, their beloved band. Ella's eyes shone with delight. "They finally did an interview!" Storby remained safe behind Ella as they bought the magazine together. He kept DEXTER in his field of vision at all times. The two of them left the shop with their noses in the magazine. Storby was holding it with one hand, the other was around Ella's waist at her request. Ella held the other end of the magazine, and they held it open together, and they walked slowly to the train station, squinting at the article in the dim light cast by the street lamps.
Musick: Your lyrics are poetic and full of hidden meaning. Where do you get your ideas from? Q-T: Not this rubbish again. This is why we didn't do interviews for so long. Our lyrics are just words, ya know? It's about the sound, the noise, not the literal words. We don't have that kind of intention. We're not writing anthems you can quote all over the margins of your school books. Kids are only going to get in trouble if they scribble (INSERT RUDE QUOTE HERE) all over the place.
Ella all of a sudden felt betrayed. For so long, she had looked for guidance on how to live and thrive, and now it was revealed the main songwriter of the banc wasn't using her craft to create deep and layered messages to her fans? Impossible! Since the very beginning, Ella knew there had to be some connection between her and Q-T, some soul mate thing. Otherwise, how else was she able to make strings of words that made complete sense to Ella, the way no other music could? The teen concluded that the interview must have been fake. The band was putting on a show to seperate the real fans from the posers. Storby interrupted her thoughts, muttering "That was amazing", a conclusion that marked his end of the article. When she saw him look at her, Ella put on a smile. "Yeah - I can almost hear their voices. It's like we're really in the room with them." By now, they had meandered into the desolate train station and had stood reading near the brick entrance. A train of one carriage crawled slowly into the station, its light illuminating the rails in front and behind it, and the moss growing oer the other two rails. Ella went to take a step, but found that the magazine was stuck in her boyfriend's grip. The two looked at each other blankly. The train stopped and a bell indicated that the doors could be opened now. Storby whispered, "Who's keeping the mag?" The door in front of Ella opened after she pressed the button. No other doors opened and no one came out of the train. It was probably as empty as the station. The bell signalled the doors were about to close. The urgency revived Ella's excitement. "I'll take the magazine, and you can take this." She leant forward on her tip toes and, eyes closed, gave Storby a kiss. On his mouth. He was so surprised he let go of the magazine, and Ella slipped away just as the doors were closing. She turned and waved through the window, but he was staring off into space. This delighted Ella and she danced to her seat. With a jolt, the train began to move at a person's walking speed, and strolled down the rails. Its light spread across the platform, and then the wasteland, and finally lit up the inside of the tunnel as it passed under the rolling hills of the countryside. Storby stood quite still for this whole time. When he snaped back to reality, he saw that the train was gone.
This is the sequence of events of that night, by the minute: 22:32 A single figure holding a loaf of bread leaves the train station, moving slowly as if pushed only by the gentle wind, singing some chorus about love over and over again, sometimes with chuckling between lines. 01:26 A cat enters the station through a hole in the fence, jumps down onto the tracks and sniffs the ground. There are no cameras at the station so it is seen by no one but the moon. Therefore the cat evaded the £200 fine for trespassing on the rails. 05:13 The first train of Monday morning comes in from the east. One man dressed in a suit, with a briefcase in one hand and a homemade coffee in the other, gets on. He wants to read the free paper presented at most train stations, but he will have to wait until he gets to the city to find it. The train leaves and goes west. 07:38   Two figures, a tall one and a short one, enter the station and wait on the platform. These are siblings. The male turns and looks back through the archway seperating the station from the road, and peers up the empty street. The impending arrival of the train spurs him to ask his little sister, "Do you reckon Storby's coming at all?"
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Little Miss (Drama) Queen
The cut call for the scene had been two minutes ago, and yet the trio remained in their seats as the crew began dismantling the wires and cord around them. Her coffee tasted like shit - cold after all the time they had been shooting, but even before that the milk was not treated correctly and the beans had been against the heat too long. And it doesn’t have the chocolate kiss to melt through, Shada thought with a sigh. Her brother’s favorite place really did make the best coffee.
“Well that was a load of crap,” The dark haired girl beside her said, sipping from her own drink and pulling a face Shada completely agreed with. “This is the worst script ever, right Bells?”
“So so true.” The girl at the other end of the table, her own hair filled with lighter blonde highlights since the producers thought too many brunettes would confuse the viewers. Bela Talbot - though Belle Swift for the show - simply clicked her fingers off to the side waiting for her PA to show up. “Why do we have to say that drivel and they can’t even give us good food and drinks? I’m fairly certain I pulled the most hideous face over that poppy seed muffin that’s completely ‘out of character’.”
All three girls laughed at the air quotes from Bela, and quickly placed orders with her assistant for some nicer lattes from the Starbucks down the street. Shada knew that it wouldn’t have the kisses still, but was better than the swill before her.
“Oh come on, it can’t be as ‘out of character’ as Ruby eye fucking that waiter the whole time. Didn’t they say you were getting engaged or something?”
“I was, but the fan reaction to that asshole was thankfully completely negative.” Ruby grinned back, rolling her eyes. The introduction of the Englishman into the cast last season as a rich Lord something-or-other from Yorkshire had shaken up the close knit friendship between the actors. Ruby - known as Ruby Cortez to appeal to the hispanic viewers, though Shada found it hilariously Hollywood to try to pass off a slightly tanned Italian girl as Spanish - had been the unfortunate one given the plot line with him. The fact the actor was definitely more interested in the males on set didn’t deter the writers and executives. The lack of chemistry saved them all from having to go to England for a lavish falsified wedding at least. “Now I get to go back to my ‘man eater’ persona.”
“Your coffees..”
Shada smiled thankfully at her own assistant who had brought over the drinks, the fellow student in his college classes had jumped at the opportunity to make some money and connections in the industry. Kevin Tran had been in many of the same classes as her for production and artisty, but she always thought his acting was lacklustre. Much better as a PA, the girl thought as he turned around for the girl’s to have their privacy.
“I guess that means they’ll be giving one of us a romantic interest in the next few days then, god I hope he’s cute!” Shada quipped, sighing happily at the thought of a tall, tanned man with strong arms and a wicked smile.
Bela rolled her eyes across the table at her, sipping at her drink with more care to avoid spilling than the other two upon their designer outfits for the scene. “Well you can’t get any worse than Crowley!” She tilted her head thoughtfully for a moment before adding, “Maybe they’ll give that plot line to Anna or Lilith.”
“Maybe it’ll be a bad boy to shake things up.”
“I hope they go for the Uptown Girl plot - like a waiter-”
“Or a mechanic-”
“Or a bartender slash musician!”
All three girls shared a laugh, trading careers back and forth until the camera crew had finally cleared out and their assistants and the director approached them about leaving. Bobby Singer was a great director, very smooth and friendly - like a giant teddy bear, Shada had thought after their first meeting - but liked to run on time and not indulge the cast’s demanding and slow movements some days.
“Ladies, thank you. Hair and make up next to hand in your wardrobe and get the right clothes for the paparazzi stalking this evening. You’re to be seen going to Heat later tonight, your guys know when, and Ruby, sweetheart, if you could appear to be upset on your entrance but get snapped kissing someone inside that would be perfect.” His gruff voice and the pained expression at having to provide such direction made all three girls smile. Bobby had been a staple of the reality-tv circuit, being one of the creators and directors behind the Love Boat and The Bachelor, but it was obvious he hated every second of the falsehood. “Now, I’ve got to get home and help my wife with our grandson, so you girls behave yourselves and don’t break character in public.”
Shada smiled after the older man as he left with the rest of the crew and each of the three headed towards their own trailers with their assistants. It was so decadent having her own trailer, with her own name on the door and her own bathroom and lounge area. It was everything she’d dreamed of as a little girl.
Kevin closed the door behind them and began to rifle through his phone with a weary sigh. “You’re supposed to go to the club at ten-fifteen, and they said to wear that outfit over there. If you want, I sweet talked Rachel into letting you wear those lower heels if you wanted as you’re not supposed to leave until after two.” He waved a hand towards her allocated outfit and appeared to brace himself for her loud squeal.
“They’re letting me wear Alexander McQueen!!” Her pitch hadn’t often gotten that high, and the gorgeous ensemble made her giggle. A glance at the low boots, covered in studs and shining below it next to the ridiculously high and strappy heels made her turn about to hug Kevin tightly. “I can’t believe they’re letting me wear McQueen, Kev!”
“Not just tonight either, they said to add it to your home-collection.” His cheeks flushed as he patted her on the back.
The home-collection was what they were calling the clothes all the cast could be spotted out around the city in. Contractual agreement required all cast members to have their wardrobes fully restocked and changed over regularly. Given the following of the show, where once they’d been able to get away with whatever was in their wardrobe to begin with, now they were being given set pieces to use at specific times, or any time. And while Shada loved her assigned style for the show, she knew not all the girls liked the same stringent requirements.
Shada giggled again, squeezing her friend’s arm once more before releasing him. “Well, I was supposed to go meet my brother at his girlfriend’s after filming this afternoon - so I better not wear it there.” She sighed forlornly as Kevin nodded and packed the dress away into a suit bag. “But I cannot wait. Can..can I wear the boots out though?”
“I can’t see why not.” The other shrugged, holding the bag over his shoulder as the other switched shoes before they left together. Kevin would take her dress back to her apartment - another perk of the show, though the inside did not match the outside of the building at all and Shada missed her old one terribly - and Shada headed off towards the bakery with a hop in her studded booted step.
The brunette arrived shortly after to find her brother missing and an almighty noise coming from the back of the bakery. The regular customers paid it no mind, and the friendly yet creepy barista seemed to be laughing it off to the unnerved new clientele. Shada slipped in unnoticed and made her way to a spare seat beside the cute, green eyed regular she always made sure to flirt with when she could. She always found the chair opposite him would be empty, unless his giant brother was sitting in it on quiet hours.
“Hey Shada. How’s life going?” Dean looked up from his papers for a moment when she sat down before turning his attention back to the work before him, asking the question offhandedly. If Shada didn’t know better, she’d think he wasn’t interested in her. But I do, he’s sooo playing hard to get with me. The girl smiled at her thought, shuffling in her seat so her best side was to him and her best features on display.
Shrugging a shoulder nonchalantly, Shada smiled sweetly and brushed her hair back behind her ear with a giggle. “Oh you know, work is fabulous, cameras love me, and I get to wear a beautiful dress tonight.” She saw his gaze flick up to her for a second before looking down again. “I’m sure it’ll look absolutely amazing. Anyone at Heat tonight will get to see just how much so...”
She fluttered her eyes again at him until she heard a cough beside their table. Turning, Shada barely concealed an eyeroll at the strange haired barista setting down a warm, perfectly made latte with two chocolate kisses in front of her. He was looking at her the way she’d been trying to get Dean to, and the girl let out a huff of disappointment as she slumped back in her chair.
“At Heat tonight, huh? All alone, chickadee, or is this one of the camera ops?” Ash asked with a smile, the edges twisted a little further down than they had been two seconds ago. The same cockiness that Shada wanted to slap out of his tone was there though. “Ya know, I do the work for most of the guys behind the bar there. I could show you around, maybe those VIP places you girls always seem to like, maybe you show me around your VIP places if you know what I mean..”
Shada groaned, rolling her eyes again as the tattoo artist and barista laughed at her reaction. He gave a shrug and a “suit yourself, princess” before he headed out the back to check on all the commotion. She found herself smiling despite herself at the lewd flirting as she popped the two chocolates into her drink and focused back on the man across from her whose shoulders were shaking in concealed laughter.
“You sure you don’t want to take him up on that, Shada? Not many girls get such a, uh...”
“Friendly offer?” She suggested, smirking back at Dean and sipping at her drink for a moment. “We already get those areas booked now. Something about the crowd can look but can’t hear. Means we can stay out of character more so long as we dress the part.”
“I don’t know how you do it.” The other responded, folding his paperwork away into a file and looking between it and her thoughtfully. Dean seemed to pause before extrapolating. “I don’t know how you can always be on when you need to. I mean, I have trouble enough putting these papers away after work-”
“Ergo why you’re always here with them!”
“Exactly! But I can put them away, where as you have to dress a certain way, and go to certain places and I’m betting if they knew you were here they’d make sure you had one of those oversized hats and sunglasses hiding that pretty face.” Dean finished, waving a hand about himself with a sigh.
“You think my face is pretty!” Shada chirped back at him, smile growing wider on her face as she reached out a hand to brush his for a second. It worked every time, and if the color on his cheeks was any indication it still worked now. “Well you know, you could come down tonight and see how it is.. Maybe you’d understand to see a bit of it.”
There was a thoughtful look on his face before Dean reached for her phone sitting face up on the table. “What’s the passcode?” Shada quirked an eye at him, before rattling it off and saying she’d change it right after. Dean tapped away at the screen for a few moments before pressing the side button and handing it back with a grin. “There. You tell me when you get there, and I’ll come see what it’s all about - your weird unreal life. And maybe how that dress looks, since it’s supposedly so amazing.”
Shada smirked a little and fluttered her eyes as they always scripted for her to at those sorts of lines on the show, sipping from her drink again as the man across from her packed up his belongings and waved goodbye. Tonight would be interesting, and hopefully if she was spotted with him the producers wouldn’t be too angry. He looks like he came out of an ad campaign anyway, not like they’ve found any hotter men yet.
As she finished her coffee and ducked her head into the kitchen to say goodbye to Jo and Ash (though the latter being out of his being there, than of her seeking him out) with a promise for them to tell her brother she’d been around, the dark haired girl left with a spring in her step still. And not just from the caffeine and sugar, which she realised as she turned up the steps of the picturesque apartment building she’d been assigned to that she never paid for her drink. She shrugged the thought off and set about readying herself for the evening.
Showering until her fingers turned pruney, shaving all the areas necessary for her outfit that evening and washing her hair until it would shine. The make up and hair artist came around and did their work, laughter between herself and the flamboyant man filling the time. Kevin arrived at just before ten, as she had donned her outfit and he’d brought an extra leather jacket to cover her with the cooler night temperature. Shada would usually have a glass of champagne before before a night out, but she already felt giddy and fluttery.
The typical camera crowd, originally they had been paid by the show but as they entered the third season on air the paid gave way to the real, was around the entryway of the club when Shada arrived to find Bela outside flirting with the bouncer. The uptake of camera action as Shada herself entered - the black lace dress floating about her bare legs as she stalked into the building with only the few necessary poses before the paparazzi. It was possibly her favourite outfit ever, and the cold night air hitting her skin through the lace all over cleared her mind and stomach of the butterflies she’d started to feel. Kevin was right to get her the jacket and suggest the boots.
Making her way through the club to the private booth set aside from the girls and two of their camera crew, Shada found the floating feeling returning as Ruby handed her a cocktail and drew her over to the other girls. Anna and Lilith were already seated, dressed in tight cocktail dresses that showed off their “angelic and devilish” contrasts as Rachel, the wardrobe mistress, would say. While the pair were thick and thieves in real life, when the cameras would turn to them or they would be prompted the fighting would start. If only Lilith and that asshole from season one hadn’t been caught making out by that pap, Shada thought with a sigh taking her spot beside the blonde haired girl, then maybe the pair could have remained friends on the show.
“Nice dress, Shada, couldn’t find a tea towel big enough to cover you instead?” The quip from the redhead got an eye roll from her, arms crossed under her chest despite herself. They’d never gotten along after Shada got to have the better wardrobe in the pilot - and Shada thought it wasn’t her fault that she got to be the seductive type while the loosest of them all had to portray a good Catholic girl! “Maybe next time you could just come naked!”
“Oh harsh, Anna!” Lilith giggled along with her friend, waving a hand about before diverting both of their attentions to each other and the floor. At least when the cameras weren’t trying to capture some falsified drama they could be mostly civil.
Turning towards Ruby, Shada found herself flushing as she caught sight of Dean talking to her work friend with a frown upon his face at the barrier. Hurrying over, Shada grabbed his arm, a little overly friendly but given the glares happening she was sure that her friend was about to punch him and ruin her chances of a night flirt otherwise.
“Hey Dean, so glad you could make it! Was I right or was I right about my dress? Did you need a drink? Hey Ruby, could you get us some drinks? You’re so lovely!” Shada speed talked, fluffing out her skirt with one hand, fluttering her lashes just so and waving her other hand behind the man’s back at her friend pleadingly.
As the other dark haired girl departed with a low growl, Shada grinned like a cheshire cat at getting the other’s full attention. His eyes really are quite green,  she thought to herself, swishing her hips too and fro a little under his gaze. The dress made her feel invincible and irresistible.
Dean shrugged a shoulder, lips tugged up into a cheeky grin in return. “You weren’t wrong, Shada, that does look great on you.” He ran his free hand through his hair as he looked past her shoulder, smile disappearing. “You, uh, didn’t mention it would be cameras inside too.”
The lens was focused completely upon the pair of them when Shada glanced behind her, the dark haired camera man giving her an overly innocent grin to the side of it. Gabriel was always pranking the girls, or catching them in their worst angles, or ensuring that he caught any embarrassing moments on camera for all of them but Ruby. He was the best camera man though, and was much more friendly than the others.
“Didn’t I?” Shada frowned slightly, looking back at him. “I must have forgotten. Or maybe I’ve gotten used to them..”
“Probably that.” Dean chuckled, though she thought it didn’t seem to hold the normal humour to it. He rubbed a hand over his face as Ruby returned and shoved a drink in his hand with a scowl; and Shada sighed thankfully when the camera focused in on the other girl and turned to follow her.
Sipping at her drink and trying to distract the hot guy at her arm away from his concerns about the cameras, Shada found herself pressing up against his side and stroking her hand along his arm. “They don’t often bother using much of this stuff, it’s not like we’re on script right now-” She turned to glance towards the other women to find them behaving as they would between takes. “Or else Anna and Lilith would be shouting and on opposite sides right now.”
He didn’t appear to believe her and Shada felt her anger rising up each time she noticed him staring at the other girls and the cameras rather than at her despite her very best flirting throughout the evening. She had to restrain herself from stamping her foot as she bit back a huff and fluffed her hair every so often as they talked to past midnight.
“Look, Shada..” The words came out with an almost pitying look on his face, green eyes softened and voice gentle as if he was trying to be as kind as possible. “I shouldn’t have come out tonight, and I don’t... I don’t get your.. your special type of world and I think you should talk to guys who do.” Dean smiled gently at her, and Shada felt her face scrunching up into the scowl that would always make her brother stop what he was trying to say and placate her. It didn’t seem to work on him though. “You do look lovely tonight.”
It just wasn’t fair. She looked gorgeous, they had free drinks and a private section of the club to themselves, there were her friends to talk and laugh with, and he had obviously wanted to see her tonight. But all she gets is a kiss on the cheek and a wink as he left early? It was so unfair.
She spent the rest of the night beside Ruby, sipping on whatever cocktail they were supposed to be promoting and ensuring that her lipstick was always flawless. Her friend tried her talking about some guy that had been on two episodes ago, the cute waiter plant that had been seen for the audience to have given her his number, but Shada couldn’t keep straight if this was a scene or a real conversation. That the other dark haired girl kept adjusting herself in her seat and whispering to the bemused camera man didn’t help with figuring out where that line was.
But she still looked gorgeous, and her dress was still amazing, so she found herself not caring as the drinks wore on. And the two girls left, along with the requested kissing shot from her friend with a random stranger before the pair of girls headed back to Ruby’s flat for the night.
The next morning Shada felt numb as she moved through the steps of the morning. The other girl’s apartment was well known to her after the year of working together (it was strange to think that within a year they had gone from a pilot episode to starting their third season) and was always stocked with the same beauty routine items that she needed for a morning. Towel drying her hair and looking over her dress from the night before, Shada smiled knowing her brother would flush and stammer about her not being covered up enough for brunch.
“You know, you should put some skinny jeans under that - it’d look gorgeous, Shae!” Ruby’s head popped around the corner of the door before she entered completely, starting her own morning routine. It had once made Shada blush to see the other woman strip off and walk about the place nude in front of others, but now it was simply expected. The other shouted over the running water as she got ready, “I’ve got a really cute grey-demin pair out on the bed for you to check it out.”
The other was right, it did look nice. And with the leather jacket Kevin had picked up, Shada was prepared for the day and donning an oversized pair of sunglasses before the other girl was out of the shower. With an agreement to see the other on set that afternoon, she was out the door and on the way to her brother’s favourite brunch spot to meet him and his baker.
“Aunty Shayday!”
Grinning widely, Shada grabbed up the young boy as soon as she arrived, his happy shout getting a laugh from her. She wasn’t really his aunt, but the little boy was so precious to her over the last year, and he was wearing the cute designer outfit she picked out for him in Season 2 when Lilith had her “pregnancy scare” arc and the girls went fake-shopping for her character development. Tapping him upon the nose as she hugged him tightly, Shada babbled back at him for a few minutes.
“Hey sis..” As the pair sat down again, Billy fitted into his booster seat beside his mom, Jack greeted her with a kiss to the cheek and a quick hug. “How’d last night go?”
That wiped the smile off her face, palms spreading the dress out on her lap as she pulled into place. Jack looked so earnestly interested and happy for her that she wasn’t sure how to say that their friend had ditched out on her. Maybe she shouldn’t have babbled about how handsome she thought Dean was on New Years to her brother.
Before Shada could answer, the other woman at the table spoke up. “Sweetie, could you go order for us while I get Billy situated?” With a kiss to the head her brother left, and Jo smiled across at the her understandingly. “That bad, huh?”
“Yeah, he uh, didn’t realise that they always have a camera on us in filming season.” Shada huffed, rolling her eyes as she smiled back forlornly. “He was so weird. Why are all guys so weird about it? Even Jack freezes up like a weirdo!”
“It’s a weird situation, Shada,” Jo shrugged in response, scooping a spoonful of the froth off of her coffee and handing the spoon to Billy to enjoy. He simply got the chocolate powder on his nose with a smile. “Not everyone is up to handling the cameras and spotlights.”
“But you’re always completely normal! You don’t even blink an eye about it!”
The blonde laughed at that, shaking her head. When the producers found out that Shada knew their main directors daughter it had made sense to use her shop on the odd occasion. But only on Sundays when the bakery was closed, and they brought in a fake crew of staffers for the scenes aside from the perky baker. Her store had even seen an increase in turn over after being heavily featured in the first season due to the free location charge. (Jo had joked the charge was really Bobby and her mom taking care of Billy more now that she was dating.)
“True, but unlike the guys I grew up being a random extra in the background, being around them is second nature for me so long as it’s not focused on my face!” The blonde woman laughed, handing the little boy another spoon of froth. “You can’t expect people not used to the attention to be comfortable the first time.”
“He didn’t even stay until midnight, and the cameras were on the other girls for the most part.” Shada pouted, bouncing her heels childishly against the chair legs as her brother returned. The coffee placed in front of her didn’t have her kisses. “Oh well, his loss - I’m hot!”
Jack coughed and spluttered on his own sip of coffee, his eyes watering as he endeavoured not to look across at her; though Jo and then Billy laughed at her statement.
“Right on, Shada, his loss, you’re hot.”
The conversation and morning flowed on from there, with Jack and Shada talking as always about his trying to get her to finish her university courses - “Even just the intensive classes during filming breaks!” - and Jo and Shada discussing the next due filming at the bakery in a few weeks time - “It’s supposed to be a big blow out episode for my birthday!” “But your birthday was two months ago!” “The fans don’t know that.” - or just general talk about a new show all three were obsessed with. Billy would occasionally contribute his own thoughts, babbling over the adults about something from his kindergarten lessons or that Ellen had taught him that week.
After they’d finished their meals, Shada hugged the group goodbye inside away from the two friendly photographers outside, she headed towards the set for that day with a renewed smile upon her face. Thank god I can still walk places without getting some...Kardashian level insanity! Though as she thought it, she couldn’t help but imagine being so famous and fabulous and fashionable like that group.
Kevin was bustling about her trailer at their base location and seemed to check his phone every three seconds as Shada arrived. He followed her into the trailer like a lost puppy, and Shada slumped back onto her couch with a sigh. They were supposed to be doing a scene at some art gallery that evening, and she was supposed to be acting as a wing-woman for Bela in a contrived “meet cute” with the new love interest.
“What did you do last night?” Kevin seemed to be frantic, and he slammed and locked the trailer door behind him shutting out the outside noise. “There’s photos every where of you and some guy - you weren’t supposed to be talking to any guys yet this season!”
“Oh it doesn’t matter anyways, he doesn’t like the cameras.” Shada waved her hand half heartedly, throwing the forearm over her eyes. She didn’t want to talk about this again. “If the producers and stuff are bothering you about it, tell them he’s just a friend of mine.” She turned her head a second to look at Kevin, about to add more when there was a banging on the trailer door.
The flustered man flapped his hand for a second, before composing himself like he would before entering the stage in their plays and performances for college. He opened the door with a scowl, though it dropped away at their director brushing past him with a grunt.
“It’s nothing! I swear, we’re just friends!”
Bobby appeared to stop for a moment, before he lifted his cap and rubbed a hand across the top of his head. “Well it better be. Don’t go messing with Dean if you’re not serious, missy.”
That caught her off guard for a moment before remembering the strange connection between that whole group. Of course he cared more about that asshole’s feelings than hers. She was just a cast member, while he was family. Just peachy, bad little Shada toying with his friend’s son. Urgh. Shada sat up with a scowl, her voice growing haughty as she stared their director down. “As if I could be serious about such a smug asshole. No need to get your panties in a twist, it was simply a friendly drink and I have no interest in pursuing him further.” She stuck her nose up a little at the grumble from the older man as she flopped back onto her couch. “Please leave, I need to focus on just how to be the very best female friend a girl could ever have. As always, simply a friend!”
She didn’t bother to acknowledge the concerned look she got from both men, waiting until the older left with a barked remark about getting ready soon for them to roll out to the ‘gallery opening’.
It was quiet in the trailer for the next ten minutes as Kevin locked the door again and sat down on the other chair, tapping away on his phone again and letting her be the one to speak again. That was why she loved having him for an assistant, he let her wallow in her theatrics as long as she wanted.
Finally Shada moved to get ready, the beautiful lilac dress was just right for her feelings at that moment. Normally she loved to be the centre of attention, but inevitably Bela would be in something big and fabulous and Shada had had enough of the attention today. Kevin got up without being asked to do up the thin silver straps that were supposed to be wrapped up around her calf to just below her knee, and the styling team were let in soon enough for a sleek pony tail and demure make up.
As she caught a glance of herself on the way out of the trailer to their rides, Shada couldn’t help think that she looked like the type of girl that was “just friends” and not worth the trouble of cameras - beautiful, sweet but just not enough.
The rest of the night was a blur of general talk, scripted flirtation from her friend with some blond guy with a weird accent, and her scripted pumping up of Bela’s feelings. It was just like any other scene, and while it was fun to spend time with her friends and look so nice as everyone commented, Shada was called out more often than usual for not picking up her cue or pulled aside to be asked if she was sick. Sick, that’s a laugh, she thought after the third time, plastering a fake smile on her face and reciting her usual “I’m fine”, no, I’m just living in my special kind of world. She didn’t get asked again after that, and the crew cheered when the night was over with a final, overly romanticised kiss on the hand between her friend and the new guy.
Shada was in a funk for the next two weeks, pouting between takes and generally sour to those around her. She’d lashed out at Kevin when he’d not organised her driver for the weekend, she’d stormed off set when told to sit on the opposite side of the table to normal, and she’d hung up on Ruby when she tried to tell her about some ‘new guy’ or other. All she really wanted to do was stay at her old apartment, swan around in her favourite dresses and eat take out on the couch.
It was early, far too early for the crew to have even arrived to start, on the Sunday that Shada arrived at the bakery for that days scenes. The lights were off, but she found the door unlocked and could already smell coffee and something that smelt distinctly like her favourite cinnamon buns baking somewhere within. She pushed her way inside quietly and made her way through the metal swinging doors separating the front from the back, looking forward to talking with the other woman before having to turn back into the fake-Shada.
Jo was already working hard. Even though the store wouldn’t be open for the public, the baker always took advantage of these shooting days to work on new creations or get ahead on her elements for the rest of the week. The days that she’d work on something with white chocolate or berries were Shada’s favourites. Today didn’t smell like the case - more maple and bacon.
“No not like that!” The blonde shouted abruptly, smacking the other person in the kitchen on the back of the hand with her spoon. “God, I wish Bobby would send actual trained professionals in here and not just... What even do you do?”
“A what?”
“Whose a what?”
Jo and the stranger jerked in surprise at Shada, before the blonde woman laughed and waved her over. “Early as always! Hey Shada, Billy was askin’ when you’d be coming over for Disney night again.”
A genuine smile graced her face as Shada came to sit atop the clear work bench nearby the pair. It wasn’t a moment before a plate with two pancakes and a berry sauce were popped beside her.
“Ian, can you go get us some coffees? At least you don’t fucking suck at that.” Jo shooed the dark haired man off with a laugh as she turned back around to face Shada. “Your brother was askin’ when you’d be over again. Somehow he’s gotten it into his head that you’re upset about somethin’.” There was a speculative look on her face as she raised a brow. “So’s Bobby and Kevin...”
Stuffing as much food into her mouth as possible, miming an inability to talk, Shada tried to duck the question with a laugh. What could she possibly be upset about? She had a glorious life, an awesome brother and his new little family, a great job doing something she loved, and got to wear beautiful clothes every day. Waving her hand as she swallowed, the dark haired girl raised a brow in return. “They’re all worriers. I’m totally good, just haven’t liked the lack of storyline for me so far this season while the others are having some good ones.”
“Understandable.” The baker hummed, turning back to her work and appearing to be focused on it as Shada finished her breakfast with a happy smile. “I’m sure something will come along for you soon enough - and if not, I could always drop a suggestion to Bobby.”
“Please don’t!” She begged, hating the idea of asking any sort of favor like that or to abuse the connection there. That the older man did try to ensure only her most flattering side was shot at all times and the lighting was always slightly better aimed for her than the others was already nepotistic enough for her. “I don’t need you fighting my battles, I am a grown up, I can handle myself!” The kick of her heel against the cupboard below her was supposed to underline her point, but only seemed to come across childishly.
Before either could add anything else, the strange man was back and placing two coffees beside the women with a grin. “Anything else, Jo?” The baker rattled off instructions, finally turning away from the other girl and focusing upon what they had been working on before. Some kind of bacon cupcake it looked like to Shada as she picked up her own coffee.
Staring down at the saucer though, she found herself smiling against her will. Set on the teaspoon and against the cup, getting warm and slightly melting already were the two little foil wrapped chocolates. Looking thoughtfully across at the dark haired man, she thought to herself. Finally someone else had given her her kisses.
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